#so the pizza hermit
motheyes · 2 years
also wanna say i’m very proud of myself for sticking with this and doing job stuff even tho it can be very hard
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Hi Mouse! Could you pretty please write some general romantic headcanons for the bachelors. No in particular just stuff like how they romance the farmer and what they do as a couple. Thanks!
Sure thing, dear anon! Thanks for your ask, enjoy some headcanons!🫰💕
Some romantic SDV bachelors x Farmer headcanons:
Letters. Many, many love letters, and not just any love letters. Every letter must be perfect, every word must convey the love that Elliott feels for Farmer. Even the paper must be of high quality and pleasant to the touch. There's a whole ritual involved, because it's for Farmer, after all.
Elliott loves to take Farmer for a walk on the sandy shore just as much as he loves to sit with them in the Saloon with a bottle of wine. Still prefers the walks more, though, as they are alone together and without any noise other than the sounds of the sea waves and seagulls singing.
One of their special pastimes together is leaving seashells in the sand. Yes, that's right, not collecting them, but spreading them out so the hermit crabs can find a home and not use plastic cups for that. Farmer and Elliott sign the shells and take a photo as another crab has found a shell. It's very sweet, really.
There probably isn't a day that goes by that Elliott doesn't tell Farmer that they are the love of his life. Of course, Farmer knows this and loves just as much, but Elliott just adores his partner. He likes to back up his words of adoration with lots of gifts too: some small but nice things that are sure to please Farmer.
Given Sam's love for music and his excellent skill in playing the guitar, Farmer will hear many serenades dedicated to them. And it's not just guitar music, it's also a whole song that Sam will sing with his beautiful voice. Just like in the novel, honestly.
Tickle war! The perfect excuse for Sammy to fool around with Farmer and hear their beautiful, ringing laughter. Especially when his partner is sad or moody for whatever reason. A grumpy Farmer in his sight? The heck, Illegal for him! So Sam will take matters into his own hands and cheer up Farmer. He won't be mean about it (maybe~).
Generally, Sam is all for any kind of time with his partner, but probably his favourite is just lying on the grass on a summer afternoon with Farmer and looking at the clouds. Pointing a finger at the sky and convincing Farmer that that cloud looks exactly like a pizza, and feigning offence when Farmer laughs at him because he "sees pizza everywhere". Just a lazy day together, away from problems and things to do.
Physical attention is integral when it comes to expressing Sam's love for Farmer: holding hands, hugs (a lot) and kisses on the cheek and lips (even more). He's a fan of PDA and is ready to talk non-stop about how much he loves Farmer, wrapping them up in a tight embrace.
Maybe for some people sitting near a fireplace is not considered too special, but even here Harvey managed to create a truly magical and cosy atmosphere. Warm firelight, hot aromatic coffee, comfortable plaid and a lot of pleasant conversations about past moments and plans for the future. Especially when snow is falling outside the window/thunderstorm is raging.
The doctor has already got so good at cooking dinner that Gus has to take him on as an assistant. And some pretty elaborate dishes that are usually served in restaurants. So one of Harvey's love signs is to spoil his partner with a tasty and, importantly, healthy dinner almost every night. (Gus jokingly says that soon the Farmer's will stop visiting Saloon altogether because they have their own skilful chef.)
Likes to make surprises for Farmer. Surprise gift, surprise date - surprises everywhere! There is nothing more satisfying for Harvey than to see his lover's face go from surprise to delight and then tender love when they looked at Harvey again.
Well, where's a romantic time - and without dancing? Robin and Demetrius now have to move aside because there's another lovely couple on the dance floor. Nothing chaotic (especially after a few glasses of fancy vine), but as soon as light jazz plays in the Saloon, Harvey asks his partner for a slow dance. The doctor is still a little shy about dancing among strangers, but Farmer's soft gaze was enough to make all insecurity go away.
Sebastian will show Farmer all his favourite places with fantastic views. And it's not limited to views of the big metropolis with its neon signs and billboards. Sebby will take Farmer for a ride to, for example, a small clearing near Stardew Valley, where they can both enjoy a beautiful view of the stars without all that light from the houses.
He and his partner also like to visit places they've never been to on his motorbike. Just without thinking, Sebastian and Farmer will go to some random cafe that is rumoured to serve delicious coffee, or to a rare comic book shop in Zuzu City. Leaving the jungle of the metropolis and returning to the more wooded area of Pelican Town.... Heh, and earlier Sebby wanted to escape the small town, but instead found the love of his life.
He enjoys listening to anything Farmer tells him, whether it's a spoiler for a new release of a science fiction film, a new character in their DnD game, or stories about the cows and rabbits on the farm. Honestly, he is willing to listen to Farmer 24 hours a day, and he never gets bored of it.
Romantic frog hunting! Well, "hunt" refers to Sebastian and Farmer walking near the ponds with a camera to look for frogs and toads to take photos. Later, they return home to photoshop the photos and get pictures of the cutest frogs. And memes. Seriously, the toad with eyes - lasers that destroys JojaMart was hilarious that the local emo and Farmer laughed for half a day.
It's safe to say that one of Alex's love languages is to constantly ask the Farmer if they need help. Not that he's being so intrusive, no. It's just that the athlete believes that Farmer's problem is now his problem too, and wants to show that they can always count on him if they need anything because he loves them.
Alex loves his date with Farmer at the beach. And he doesn't care too much whether the couple is playing volleyball, swimming in the sea or lounging on a beach rug in the bright sunshine - beach dates are the best! It's even better when access to Ginger Island is open and they can go to the beach every season. Farmer is happy - and that's what matters. The main thing - stock up on plenty of sun cream, otherwise the date will end on a not very pleasant note.
At first Alex didn't do it on purpose, but seeing that his partner would sometimes steal his jumpers and jackets and put them on themself, he started leaving his clothes out in plain sight. It's hard to explain, but he likes to see his beloved Farmer in his clothes, even if it means he's unlikely to see his favourite jumper again.
Although the athlete usually shows simple, one can even say - standard, signs of attention, such as flowers, chocolates, walks in the forest, etc, but he tries to make every day special. Farmer sees their partner's efforts, his love and care, and therefore assures Alex that he is not banal, but a very romantic partner. Real gold (envy silently!).
One day Shane saw a tandem bike on TV and thought: heck, why not? He'd like to try something new. It would be both a good ride to burn some calories and a nice time with Farmer. Even his favourite chicken Charlie could sit in a cosy bike basket. Farmer liked the idea too, so Pelican Town will often see these two lovebirds riding their bike (and hear Shane complain that his legs are killing him now).
Amusingly, what would normally be considered just a work, Shane sees as bonding with his partner. Especially taking care of the chickens and making winter preparations like jam and pickled peppers. The constant talking and bantering between these two..... It's so special and beautiful for Shane.
Shane is not at all shy of strangers when it comes to physically expressing his love for Farmer. Hugs and kisses - Shane loves Farmer's attention and showering them with the same attention and love. Lewis, shut up, you're generally afraid to show your relationship with you-know-who. Ha ha, Sam, very funny, expect chilli powder in your lunch. No one dares spoil his moment, got it?
The chicken man also doesn't mind having a game night with Farmer to take their mind off work for a bit. All the delicious (and not too healthy) snacks, drinks, a big screen TV and their favourite video game - in Shane's opinion, not a bad pastime either (which can turn into an even better thing~).
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mouse-of-dimitrescu · 10 months
𝟷𝟸 𝙳𝙰𝚈𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝙼𝚄𝚃𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂𝚂 🎄 #𝟺 𝙻𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚊 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚜 𝚇 𝙵𝚎𝚖 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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Not Alone ( nsfw )
WARNINGS: shapeshifting dick, unedited writing, nervous reader, fluff, basically sex I think we all know what happens there. Tell me if I need to add anything
The end of the year had finally arrived. The majority of the students were packing to return home for Christmas. As a teacher, you practically lived at Nevermore so you were going to stay at the school. Little did you know that Larissa would be staying at Nevermore too.
At the end of every year, Larissa wishes the students a good holiday during a small gathering in the quad and that's where you walked to. Students were filtering into the quad and sitting on the tables, all impatient to go home. Larissa walked up to the microphone and smiled brightly. She rambled on about Nevermore's history, the year that has passed and the great achievements. She wished the students a merry Christmas. You watched her, you failed to pay attention to what she was saying but you secretly admired her from the table you were sitting on. The way she conducted herself, those smiles and winks that she cast around the room and the way she stood with one foot in front of the other — it was the little things that really got your heart beating abnormally fast — even her intricate updo hairstyle made you melt. Because it was Larissa and no one else.
She seemed to be speaking for hours — either that or the world was moving in slow motion. Larissa and the assembly of students and teachers began to clap as a congratulations for the year complete. You clapped too, absentmindedly following the actions of everyone else. Larissa dismissed everyone and watched as everyone walked away, all hustling out of the Nevermore halls to enjoy their much needed vacation.
You walked away too, deciding to go upstairs to your teacher's chambers. You shut the door and slumped down on the edge of your bed. Later that evening, you ordered pizza for yourself and walked downstairs to retrieve it at the main gate. Your footsteps echoed throughout the hollow halls. Larissa, who was also in her own chambers, heard your footsteps and got a bit of a fright. She exited her chambers and watched as you entered your own chambers. You were completely oblivious of her presence.
Larissa decided that the polite thing to do was greet you and make you aware that she was there too. Maybe then you both wouldn't have to spend Christmas alone. Larissa knocked on your door and you jumped.
" Who is it?" You called a bit nervously.
" It's me, dear." You heard the all too familiar Mary Poppins voice call back. You smiled slightly and rushed to open the door.
" Larissa, uh, hey. What are you doing here?" You asked.
Larissa chuckled. " I live here just like you." She tilted her head, slightly amused.
" Oh, right." You facepalmed. " I bought pizza, if you want we can share it? I can order more of course, because well, we'll still be hungry but—" you realised that you had been rambling.
" That sounds lovely, dear." Larissa interrupted with a small light laugh. Your eyes lit up and you smiled, stepping aside and welcoming her into your dorm.
" Please make yourself at home." You said awkwardly, gesturing to the sofa by the large bookshelf. Larissa approached the sofa and happily sat down, crossing one leg over the other.
You quickly ordered another pizza and looked over to Larissa. " Um, hot chocolate?" You smiled, knowing that it was her favourite.
Larissa smiled. " Yes please, darling. Thank you." She replied, eventually gazing around your living quarters and taking everything in.
You quickly went over to your kitchen and made hot chocolate for the both of you. You couldn't deny that you were nervous to have Larissa in your company. You didn't know how to act. What to say. And when you did say something you felt like total idiot and wanted to die in a hole like a stupid little hermit.
You brought the hot chocolate to Larissa. She took it from you and wrapped her cold fingers around the cup, savouring the wamth and soaking it up.
You sat beside Larissa and sipped your hot chocolate too.
" How has the year treated you?" Larissa asked, trying to strike up a conversation.
" Brilliantly. And...you?" You looked to Larissa, admiring how the curve of her lips heightened at your words.
" It was a good year for Nevermore. I must admit." She sipped her hot chocolate and looked over at you. " What's up with you and Coach Vlad?" Larissa asked, raising her eyebrow in a teasing manner.
You looked at Larissa and quickly looked down. " I-i-um, nothing. We're just good friends." You explained awfully to quickly.
" Are you sure?" Larissa chuckled slightly.
" Yeah, I mean, I'm gay. So..." You shrugged, finding it odd to come out to Larissa. You knew she would accept you, she is all about diversity and acceptance for everyone. You just didn't want her to think that you were hitting on her. You liked Larissa a bit too much for your own good. But you couldn't find the confidence to actually confront her about your feelings. Besides, she was your boss. And probably taken and too good for you.
Larissa raised her eyebrows and smiled. " Now, that's something I didn't expect. But I see it now. And do you have a lover? A lovely creature like you cannot be single." Larissa smiled.
You blushed and shook your head. " N-no, I don't have anyone." You avoided eye contact with Larissa and stared down into your oh-so-interesting half full cup.
" I'm surprised, dear. I don't have anyone either. " Larissa placed her empty cup down on the table and leant back slightly in her chair.
" You don't? " You looked at Larissa.
" No. I haven't had time for relationships as the principal. I've been thinking of changing that slightly." Larissa gave you a small smile and she looked out the window to see the pizza man approaching the building.
" The second pizza is here." She got up and walked out of the room to collect it.
Those few moments of solitude allowed you to gather yourself and wipe the sweat off your palms. Larissa drove you crazy. The way she looked at you. Even the way she said " pizza " got you giggling like a silly schoolgirl.
Larissa returned with the pizza and you both began eating. She glanced at you occasionally and smiled softly. After a while, you mustered up the courage to speak.
" I-I I think you should find someone. I mean...it's not fun being alone on Christmas." You said, taking a small bite out of your pizza.
" No it's not. Well...it looks like you and I are going to be together this Christmas. Doesn't it?" She wiped her lips with a napkin, the gossamer material stained red from her lipstick. She smiled slightly at you.
" Yes. Yes we are." You nodded and drew your eyes away from Larissa, which was extremely difficult.
" Dear, what's wrong?" Larissa frowned slightly, her voice tinted with concern. She put her pizza box aside and scooted closer to you, placing a comforting hand on your knee.
" Nothing." You have Larissa a small smile.
" Nothing? Don't lie to me, darling. I can see right through you. " Larissa said softly, a small knowing smile playing on her lips.
You quickly looked at Larissa. If she could see right through you then she knew about your feelings for her which, at this terrifying stage would be better left unconfronted.
" Right through me?" You asked, your voice so quiet, almost a whisper.
Larissa chuckled. " Yes, dear. The way you looked at me during my small speech today...was quite surprising. I knew you weren't listening. Too distracted by what's in that pretty head of yours. Mm?" Larissa lifted your chin up by her index finger and gazed directly into your eyes.
" N-no, I mean. Listen, I'm really sorry." You shut your eyes and pulled your head away from Larissas grasp.
" I like it when you look at me like that. It makes me want to destroy you." Larissa whispered, your eyes widened and you looked at Larissa quickly.
" What?" You blurted out.
Larissa laughed slightly. " Darling, I like you too. Very much." She caressed your cheek and jawline.
" C-can I kiss you?" You asked nervously, not believing this moment could ever exist.
" Of course you can, sweetheart." Larissa smiled and searched your eyes. You smiled nervously and pulled Larissa in for a soft kiss. Your lips matched the rhythm of hers and you found yourself in a strange, devoted labyrinth of unexpected and contradicting emotions.
Larissa deepened the kiss, pulling you closer to her body by your waist. You joined in her actions by holding onto her shoulder and caressing her cheek. When you both pulled away from the kiss.
" Was that okay?" You asked, searching Larissa's eyes for any sign of approval.
Larissa pecked you gently on your lips once again and placed a strand of hair behind your ear. " That was beautiful." She pulled you in for a warm hug. Your bodies warming up against each other.
" You're very lovely." You said, not entirely knowing what to say. Larissa let out a small laugh at your words and squeezed you tightly.
" Thank you sweetheart. I could say the same thing about you."
You spent a long time with Larissa, getting to know her over the past week. As expected she was a real charmer. She spoke to you and treated you as though you were the last person on earth. You did the same. Larissa's stories and voice and the way she said things was the first and last thing you wished to hear every day, but when one evening arrived and Larissa was snuggled close to you in bed, watching a movie, you found a strengthening desire to hear something more intimate.
You didn't know how to go about it but it looked like you didn't have to make the first move. Larissa's hand, that was on your back, holding you against her, now travelled down to your ass. She squeezed it gently and kissed your cheek. You blushed furiously and looked up at her.
" Do you like this, sweetheart?" She asked, almost teasingly as she ran her hand up and down your thigh.
You quickly nodded and smiled slightly. " Do...you want to—"
" More than anything, dear." Larissa kissed you gently and flipped you so you lay properly on your back. You looked up at Larissa and she leant down to kiss you again.
" I need you." You whispered softly, running your thumb along Larissas cheek.
Larissa smiled slightly took off her nightgown. Luckily, the room was warmed up from the heat of the fireplace so there was only a small chill that coursed through Larissas veins. You gazed down at her body, which was cloaked in silk pajamas, your eyes widened when you saw a bulge in her pants and you looked up at her, with a gulp.
" May I, darling?" She asked, tugging playfully at the waistband of your pajama pants. You nodded nervously but you were extremely excited at the same time. Larissa chuckled and removed your pants and underwear, flinging them elsewhere in the room. She removed her own pants but left her underwear on — her cock straining against her knickers.
" You...have a —" you tried to say the words but they got caught in your throat.
" I'm a shapeshifter. Are you okay with this?" Larissa asked, her tone turning from seductive to one edged with concern.
You nodded. " Yes. Yes I'm okay. Are you?"
" Yes sweetheart. That's good, because you're making me so hard. Do you mind wetting it up for me? " She asked, lying down. You immediately sat up and pulled at her underwear, her cock sprung free and you threw her underwear to the side.
" Can I?" You asked. Larissa nodded and brought her hand to your hair. You leant down and took her cock in your mouth, licking the precum off the tip, making Larissa shut her eyes and shiver.
" Take it all, sweetheart." Larissa ordered softly. You immediately obeyed, taking Larissas cock in your mouth and wetting it up for her. She moaned and spread her legs out more so you could have a better time kneeling between them. You chocked on her cock and that vibrating sensation made Larissa more eager to be inside of you.
" Can I cum down your throat, baby?" Larissa asked desperately, after a few more minutes. You nodded, unable to speak, you ran your tong along the length of your cock as you swallowed it, tracing her veins. You made eye contact with Larissa which made her moans grow louder, she came with a spasm and a soft cry, you felt her cum spurt down your throat, and you swallowed eagerly, slowing down your pace with your mouth before pulling away, you kissed the tip of her cock and she smiled breathlessley, looking down at you.
" Was that okay?" You asked, growing wetter and wetter by the second.
" You did so well for me, darling. Come here." Larissa smiled ajd pulled you to straddle her lap. You gulped because Larissa was already growing hard again, her cock poking your thigh gently.
" Can I take it?" You asked, your breath hitching when Larissa began to slowly unbutton your shirt, revealing your chest to her. She punched both of your nipples and rolled them between her fingers, making you squirm on top of her. She smiled and eventually brought a hand down to your wet cunt, running two digits up your folds, collecting your arousal. She sucked on her fingers and nodded.
" Go ahead, sweetheart. You taste so good for me. So wet." She helped align her cock with your glistening pussy and you felt the tip of the cock enter you. You groaned slightly at the stretched and inched yourself down her cock.
" God, Larissa, fuck." You breathed out. " You're so big." You whimpered.
" You're doing so well, darling. So good for me. Take it all." She said, you grasped Larissas hands, her fingers entertwining with yours.
You moaned as you entered her entirely, her whole cock in your cunt, twitching against your walls.
" Well done darling. Move when you're ready." Larissa squeezed your hands gently.
After a few moments of letting your body adjust, you began to move your hips back and forth, eventually lifting your body up and down on Larissa's cock. You moaned and Larissa bucked her hips up, instinctively trying to speed up your movements.
" Oh! Larissa..." You cried out, feeling the tip of her cock hit that sweet spot inside if you.
Desperate for more, you began moving faster, squeezing Larissa's hands tighter and tighter, you shut your eyes and let the feeling of your lover inside of you consume you entirely.
" Fuck, baby." Larissa moaned, your cheeks burned and you opened your eyes slightly to see that Larissa's cheeks had turned red. Her eyes were shut slightly and her body bucked up against you. She lifted her hips and thrusted inside of you, assisted by your rapid movements.
" Rissa, I'm going to cum." You moaned out.
" Me too." Larissa opened her eyes to look at you.
" Cum inside me. Please." You begged, your legs weakening by the urgent intensity of the moment.
At that, you felt Larissa come inside of you, her thick liquid coating your walls and the feeling sending you off the edge. You cried Larissa's name, her hands quickly supported your almost-failing body, she held onto you and rode out her high as you rode out your own.
When you both eventually began to calm down, Larissa helped you up and you felt her cock slip out of you, her cum seemed to be triclking out of you too, Larissa smiled and got up, carrying you to the bathroom where she cleaned you up. She cleaned you and herself up and patted the sweat off your face with a cloth.
" You did so well. Are you okay?" She asked, caressing your cheek.
You smiled contently and kissed Larissa's hand. " Yes. Are you?"
Larissa nodded and smiled, helping you into your pajamas and skipping on her clothes too. She brought you to the bed and left you there until coming back with two glasses of water.
" Here we are, sweetheart." Larissa sat down beside you and handed you your water.
You both took sips of your waters and larissa placed the cups down on the bedside table. She came to hold you gently against her chest and she ran her fingers through your hair in a comforting manner.
" Tired?" She asked.
" A little."
" Maybe we should have an early night, mm?" Larissa pulled the covers over the both of you and kissed your cheek. You nodded and smiled up at her.
" Goodnight." You kissed Larissa gently.
Larissa smiled down at you. " Goodnight, darling."
I wrote some horny shit, i apologise. Requests are open, i can do more kinky stuff idk????
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ayamari-no-goshi · 3 months
For reasons that I might not be able to explain, during a conversation @precarious-hermit has decided that Red Hood employees the following for his criminal empire. Mind you - this is for an AU! where Under the Red Hood never happens and the rest of the Bats are so confused as to what's going on. And Jason's living his best life not being discovered by them
Hoarders - Hoarders on speed dial to help hide various illegal things from the batfam. Jason knows some of them from the local knitting club
the teenage fanfic writer who has prophetic dreams and writes them in her fics. Jason has become her beta and will willing read through Batman/Two-Face fics in order to figure out what's going down next month
animal control - "RELEASE THE HEROIN RACCOONS!" Animal control has trained some of the local wildlife to help find and destroy certain illegal substances.
the MLM which specializes in essential oils - one of the oils is actually something of an antidote for Joker gas. Jason makes sure it's well stocked and tries to make sure no one who's gotten wrapped up in the MLM loses everything
The middle school army of online trolls that he pays a total of $120/month per kid.
The pizza place that delivers code via pepperoni pizza. Good news! For vegetarians and vegans, they'll work with mushrooms
cosplayers! (I added this one) - he enlists cosplayers to not only help with making armor but will also occasionally hire them as body doubles if the situation is not dangerous
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belovedgamers · 5 days
Whatever spell Jimmy put on the hermits is getting stronger lately. Someone stop him
(IMPULSE builds along to the prompt: “a really cute tree working as a waiter serving pizza”.)
Impulse: Okay, okay, a tree. We’ve got a tree. It’s a cute tree! Not just any tree.
Impulse: Okay, so this is the tree, right? Am I right? Is this a tree, right? That’s a tree! How do you make it a cute tree?
Impulse: (through dubious noises) I… Uh… Ah… (sighs) Make it look like Jimmy? I’m not saying Jimmy’s cute! Okay? (defeated) I’m just going to make it look like Jimmy. I don’t know!
Impulse: NO! Let’s not go people cute! I didn’t say that. Cut that out, Grian, I never said that. There’s no… There’s no cuteness here. Pizza, though.
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orangeocelotmartyn · 20 days
Skizz talks to how bossy he is
Skizz: DireKestrel with the one hundred bitties said, "in the Hermitcraft 10 podcast, Impulse said you'd be a leader. The way the other hermits gather around you is proof he was right." Well that's--I-okay, thank you for that. I don't nec--I-I--thank you. I don't necessarily know if there's any truth to that, I think, I think we just enjoy each other's company, very much. You know what I mean? And I'm just, I just--I've been trying, actually, since every single life, like, series? I end up getting into this role, and I'm like, 'god,' when I watch my episodes back, I'm like, 'I'm so friggen bossy.' And I'm just, and I just wanna move (starts laughing) away from that so bad. I don't wanna be bossy! I don't wanna be pushy. The only place I wanna be a leader anymore is when it comes to...what it is to build people up and put people in positions to build other up. That, I really do enjoy that. I like getting people to explore...new depths of their own soul, and what it is to be outwardly focused on others, uh, and find the areas in others, uhm, to help lift them, yeah?
Skizz: Oh my god, you're right SpotSix, straight up, guys, '"Get your bows out, kill Pizza." Name it.' That was-that was actually the first season. That was the first season. Uh, and I remember I-I talked about it when we had Martyn on the podcast, what I loved about it is, that was the moment I realized Martyn and I are-are one and the same in many ways? Cause I said, I said, "Get your bows out, kill Pizza." And Martyn goes, Martyn's response was to go, he said, he just, hears the command? And he's all (emulates Martyn laughing, then his voice gets suddenly serious) "I'm down." (back to normal voice, filled with laughter) It was so funny, man. Oh, god, that was so good. So good! I wanna go back and watch all those, we should have a watch party together.
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munsonthings86 · 6 months
hello, can I request a Steve Harrington fic where r working too hard for school and has been pulling all nighters frequently to keep track. R ends up being too tired and falling a little sick and not leaving the house except for when she has to go to school and her friends notice, Steve notices. Steve comes over, tries to help her and something along those lines. You can write it however you want, you can change it up if you want. Thank you :)
thank you for the request! tweaked it just a tiny bit, hope you enjoy :)
contains: cursing, fluff, overworked reader, soft!steve harrington, forgotten date, 1.0k words
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School. Study. "Sleep". It was an endless, mind-numbing cycle that you were convinced was spiraling you into borderline madness. The condition of your bedroom was identical to how your brain had been feeling for the past week: cluttered and chaotic. With empty coffee cups littering your small floral desk, and your blush duvet covering more of the carpeted floor than your actual bed, you could hardly even recognize the room anymore.
The dirty laundry strewn across your floor would often trip you when you walked, but the assignments that you were practically drowning in made it impossible to shift your focus onto tidying the place.
You'd become a hermit; only leaving the comfort of your home to go to school and occasionally, the library, on the days that your room felt like more of a prison than a place of rest. Robin and Nancy, along with your boyfriend Steve, were certain you were avoiding them like the plague. They'd beg you to hangout with them, even bribing you by offering to treat you to lunch at the local diner, but the only thing you could say in return was a dry, "maybe later".
You didn't mean to be cold to them, but you were laser-focused on your agenda, determined to work first and play later. It's what led you to where you were now: head buried in your third textbook of the night, butt aching from being sat on your wooden chair for far too long.
On a Friday night of all.
From your window, you heard people, around your age you assumed, parading the streets and laughing loudly– enjoying their simple, young lives. Something you wished you could be doing too. But your work wasn't going to do itself.
You were color-coding the notes on your flashcard when three knocks sounded at your door, to which you mumbled a soft, "Come in," that even you barely heard. Your mother walked in, a mess of flour and an assortment of seasonings splotched on her apron from cooking dinner. "Honey, Steve's here," she smiled softly, though it was evident on her face that she was biting back the urge to tell you to clean your room, bless her.
The yellow highlighter you had was soon forgotten as your eyebrows furrowed, wondering what Steve was doing here. He usually called first.
Steve gave her a sweet grin when he passed her, leaving the door slightly cracked open, per your mothers request. In his hands he held a large box of pizza and a bouquet of pink roses; looking as dashing as ever with a crewneck and blue jeans adorning his body, with his hair being the perfect kind of messy.
You can't help but smile when you see him.
"Well, this is a rare sighting," he laughed, referring to you, "Should probably get this on camera." He kicked his white sneakers off where your own shoes were piled at, setting the pizza box down on your dresser.
"Very funny," you deadpanned, arms crossed on top of your chest. "What're you doing here?"
Steve approached you, something like a frown weighing on his lips. He taps the bouquet against his chest a couple times when he gently reminds you, "It's Friday."
You almost want to reach into your own body to catch your heart when you feel it completely sink. Friday's were you and Steve's designated date nights, never missing one since the two of you began dating a couple months ago. With the way you'd been so stressed and busy lately, it had completely slipped your mind. Suddenly, you felt incredibly guilty.
"Fuck," your head fell into your hands as you rubbed at your tired eyes, harshly. Your words were muffled when you continued, "I'm sorry, I'm the worst."
Steve shook his head almost instantly, gently resting the flowers down on the desk next to you. "Hey, c'mon," he started, moving your hands from your face, standing you up in front of him. "It's okay, I know you've been busy lately."
He rubbed at your shoulders tenderly and the warm touch melted you. It was the first time you truly relaxed that whole week. "You're not mad?" You asked the question in a hushed tone, looking up at him with glittering eyes that were a bit red, your nose a similar hue. You must've been getting sick. His poor baby.
"Not even a little," he gazed at you with heated, sincere brown eyes and you couldn't will yourself to look at anything else. He kissed your forehead, and it's a bit salty with sweat, but he doesn't mind. "Just worried, is all," he murmured, adjusting the pendant on your necklace that had somehow found its way onto your back.
"Can I help at all?" He nodded at the books on your table.
"Steve, no offense but it's AP Calc," you smiled, lightly scratching at his scalp when your arms found their way around his neck. You laughed when his eyebrows raised as if he was startled, slightly shaking his head. "Christ," he says through clenched teeth, though he doubles down on his offer, "well, then I guess I'm learning AP Calc today. No biggie," he shrugs, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
"You don't have to do that, Stevie," you spoke against his lips, admiring how unbelievably sweet your boyfriend was. You knew how much he hated school, especially math, so you were more than grateful that he was willing to put himself through quite literal torture, just to make your night a bit easier. "But I want to," he kissed your nose. "Dinner first though, 'cause I know you skipped out on lunch."
Squinting your eyes, you released your hold on him. Sometimes it scared you how well he knew you. "How-?"
"I have eyes everywhere, love," he answered your question before you could even get it out. You rolled your eyes, a smile playing at your lips, already knowing that his "eyes" in question were just Robin and Nancy looking out for you.
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💌 1 new message from jojo: writing this while procrastinating on like ten assignments was so funny lol. comments and reblogs are always appreciated! inbox is open!
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twiixr4kidz · 7 months
PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE ANYTHHING FOR YOUNG NEIL!!🙈🙈🙈😁😁😁 maybe like boyfriend headcanons :3!!
YESYESYES i love young neil he's so severely underrated
young neil bf headcanons!!
he's the silliest goose you ever will meet
most of your date nights will consist of either playing video games or watching movies
he doesn't mind if you wanna do something else though!! if you wanna go out for like, pizza or something, he's totally onboard
he infodumps to you about the legend of zelda and there is nothing you can do to get out of it
he gets a little nervous in public sometimes (he's kind of a hermit) so he clings to your side like a little kid
he's either holding your hand so tight his knuckles turn white or he's fidgeting with the bottom of your shirts
neil isn't necessarily shy though
if a creep is trying to get in your pants, he will literally start a fight wherever you are
he also talks a lot since he feels so comfortable around you so he'll probably just ramble about silly things that pop into his head
i hc him as a total stoner (sorry not sorry xD) and i can imagine he'd always invite you to shmoke with him if you were feeling up for it
and if you're not, he won't force you at all
one thing about neil is that he is very easily entertained
if you want to get him into your favorite show, just put it on and he'll eat it up
he LOVES. LOVES LOVES LOVESSSSSSS when you borrow his close
you're sleeping over at his place and you forget to bring pajamas?? whatever, he has an extra hoodie for you to wear
his eyes won't leave you for the rest of the night
he's not the biggest cuddler at first but when he realizes you like it, it begins to grow on him
sometimes neil will sneak up behind you and he'll stick his freezing cold hands up your shirt just to scare the shit out of you
he thinks it's hilarious
he loves you so much, but he also loves getting on your nerves
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enpr-ss · 6 months
Hermitcraft charity stream 2022 Highlights:
- 25k goal being broken by the Australians even before the event started, and the jokes about ending the stream there and seeing them next year
- Getting Martyn to do the donation readouts is GENIUS. He makes it actually entertaining to listen to!
- Martyn listening to Ren the most lol
- The bell bringing back Techno money bell memories
- Basalt Assault being broken by too much boomification (as predicted by Bdubs)
- Doc falling into Dunk Tank in the final winner-take-all round
- All the goofy skins (especially Grian’s cursed skins) and IRL costumes (Pearl’s old man mask, and Tango’s millions of hats)
- Every time Etho is confused about his fanbase
- Grian finishing backwards because “it’s the only way he can see” with his built-in rear view mirror
- Pearl getting to keep her horse from Horse Course!
- “Coming in not least but last” - Bdubs
- Scar actually doing so well on all the games actually?! I didn’t realize he was second on Horse Course
- “While we were on our pee-pee break for the weak bladder people” - Doc
- Etho’s elytra glitching, with Cleo and Grian hitting him around
- Racers stealing other boats. Tango and Cub winning the race by a mile through switching drivers at the bubblevator
- Jevin fell down the powdered snow section LOL!
- Iskall fixing the Hermit Incentives redstone by just moving the dispenser and the button
- The speed at which Doc’s diamonds DISAPPEARED and then all the subsequent mocking just as a 5k soon came through
- Ren: “Nothing will calm your nerves more than Grian’s gong”
Grian: screaming “LALALALALAAAAAL” as he smashes the gong repeatedly (twice)
- Bdubs being spleefed by Tango (VIA PREINSTALLED REDSTONE) into a hole and Doc not caring because he doesn’t have any diamonds. And then Etho punching Tango into the same hole.
- Grian: “I need everyone to take a really nice deep breath in through the nose-”
Everyone: *exaggerated gasps and choking noises*
Grian: “We’re doing that again because everyone FAILED at breathing”
Doc’s panicked breathing and getting TNT to blow everyone up
Scar: “Can I get another dong real quick?”
Grian: “With a g, yes you can.”
- Scar made Panda Resue (lol) in ONE NIGHT?!?! But with no pandas lol
- Doc on strike until he gets his diamonds back
- Bucket rush more entertaining than expected and Scar absolutely killing it
- Hermits interpreting the 350k goal as returning Doc’s diamonds (THEN GRIAN RESTEALING THEM AND SETTING 400K AS THE GOAL FOR THE RETURN LOL)
- All the lore that I’m getting it discover as a new fan!!!
- How the hermits are perfectly quiet whenever another is explaining game rules or when Martyn is reading out donos.
- Impulse being absolutely on the ball with all the drumrolls
- Etho and his pvp player head + item collection mechanics
- Scar absolutely bowspamming yellow team, and Red Team continuing to kill for the spawn mechanics lol. ALMOST WINNING BY 1 POINT!!!
- Martyn with the stellar Battle Bane commentary!
- Scar donating on behalf on those who cannot donate, and apparently this is a common thing with him??? Amazing.
- The carts will have hermitcraft plaques!!
- Glasgow family’s 1k dono: Donated in memory of Technoblade.
- All the smooth backend operations by fans and others! Nothing broken amazingly.
- Doc still asking about the diamonds and Martyn announcing that he had them in a plot twist and logging out
- Only 1 week of prep??!! Insane
- $425k raised!!!! Incredible!!!!!
- Bro when Ren and Tango said Joe’s beard had legos and pinballs in it THEY WERE NOT JOKING. Omg. I genuinely thought the mechanical part was like part of his microphone set up. A SIX DOLLAR HUNTING KNIFE?!???? FROM THE GROCERY OUTLET??? WITH BRASS KNUCKLES??? FOR PIZZA???? This is my first time watching a Joe stream. is he always like this. His transparent facecam overlay is also cool; I like it better than the usual corner ones. HE ACTUALLY WENT WITH THE CRAYOLA SCISSORS??? No mirror only OBS??? His concern with accidentally hurting himself is not being able to talk and violating TOS LOL. HES GOING TO FILTER OUT THE BLOOD SO THAT TWITCH DOESNT BAN HIM. He’s doing it in the worst way possible as a commitment to the bit. He’s so hostile to capitalism it’s great. All after an 8 hour driver from Chicago. MUMBO COSPLAY LOL
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blueishspace · 1 month
Third Life but with divine domains...
Part 2: Session 1 & 2.
Link: Explanation and Rules
Session 1
The first session is pretty much the same, just people hanging out. Maybe a bit more of playing with abilities like in most origins server.
Joel probably ropes Jeremysm into it somehow, by the end of the session the lore is that the belief from the cult made him a god or something.
Most people wouldn't settle in the desert when one of their abilities require dirt...but Scar isn't most people, he still comes up with the sand monopoly idea and then invites Grian.
Scott doesn't settle in the flower valley as It's hardly a cold biome meaning he doesn't meet Jimmy there... however ironically enough he probably still meets Jimmy and teams up because Jimmy would venture into the forest which is quite literally inbetween the flower valley and the mountains... If they do this then there is a zone around BigB's future base where there is both snow and forest meaning we could see a BigB-Jimmy-Scott team.
"Don't be a dog, be a God!" Tagline has a different meaning when the players are gods doesn't it?
Impulse, Tango, Etho, Bdubs, and Cleo gifting Grian an offering chest also has a different meaning huh.
Grian leads a creeper to Scar, Scar powers don't protect from creepers so hus first death remains the same. "Knowledge isn't Wisdom" is going to be considered important in this alternative fandom.
Also Skizzle still does die to an enderman...rip.
Session 1 is basically the same for everything else sooo...
Let's consider Skins
Grian doesn't change his, that I'm sure... And Joel, Jimmy and Scott probably use a variation of the X-life cult skins... BigB also doesn't change his. The Hermits definitely change their skins somehow though... I can't imagine how. Maybe Cleo would go for a dress like in Witchcraft? BdoubleO goes gold like when he becomes a sun god in Empires? I want to believe the Scitties survive the apotheosis... Well that's a phrase that exists now... Now, back to important stuff.
Session 2
Let's just say it now, if something isn't explicitely said then it isn't majorly changed
BigB doesn't invest in diamond armor as his powers makes leather armor just as good.
Alliances remain mostly unchanged for now as Scott and Jimmy are a special case because of their powers.
BdoubleO still falls to his death as he is not boosted during the night and he was too busy building to use any abilities...
The Pizza stuff still happens though the general pettyness of everyone involved in that mess makes more sense with them being divinities... Just look at greek and norse and egyptian mythology.
Now... I have to admit that I'll need help for these ones... after all who better then the fandom to help Imagine what an alternative fandom would be like right? Also if anyone knows my Slay The Watcher Au you'll know comments make me happy.
Next part
First part
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dinsdjrn · 1 year
gone, from austin | j. miller | part two
brothers best friend!pre-outbreak!joel x f!reader
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summary: Joel Miller: the one that got away; right person, wrong time. Now you’re back in Austin and it hurts just as bad, as if you’d never left five years ago. [w.c. 2.4k]
warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, no use of y/n, light angst, Sarah is alive and well, f!reader, smoking, depression, brief mentions of a mental breakdown, implied cheating (not joel), ex-lovers to lovers, eventual smut, slow burn, lmk if i missed anything <3
💌 a/n: FINALLY a part two? who am i?? anyways not sure how i feel about this story... but i know how i want it to end so ill keep going for that. lmk your thoughts <3
previous part | next part | masterlist
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Part two | May 2002
You were a work of art, that’s the hardest part.
It had been three weeks since you had gotten home. You had become more than a bit of a hermit, looking and applying for jobs. You made yourself sparse in the house, you understood everything your brother did was an open invitation to you, but it was easier to disappear. It also gave you time to process, when you left Toronto it was a whirlwind, but now it was a dulling ache. Friends had reached out, wondering where you went, if you were okay. You gave them enough information so they wouldn’t worry, but not enough to come looking for you.
It was Friday morning, just like any other morning, you were searching through medical journals and websites looking for job postings. Search, apply, wait, and wait some more. It wasn’t very thrilling, but it was something to do to keep your head above water.
The alarm on your phone had begun ringing, 10 am, you reached into your desk drawer and took your meds. They filled a hole in your head you hadn’t known was there until you had a small breakdown two years ago. It was something only a few people in your life knew about, it wasn’t something you ever really wanted out there. There was almost a shamefulness to it, no one in Austin knew, and then one person in Toronto who knew about it was no longer welcome in your life. So you move on, continue as you have and hope that your ticket out comes sooner rather than later. 
A soft knock came at your door. 
“Come in!” You said, closing the desk drawer quickly. 
“Hey! Someone is at the door for you,” Kelsey popped her head in and smiled. 
You looked down at your Dell Med School t-shirt and Roots sweatpants and laughed lightly. 
“Is it anyone important?” You asked embarrassed gesturing to your pajama centered clothing choices. 
“I am sure they won’t even notice.”
You sighed and stood up, you lightly stretched and made your way downstairs. Just as the entryway came into view there was Sarah and Joel, Sarah with her backpack on and Joel shifting uncomfortably looking at the floor. 
“Hey guys,” you said, smiling at them. 
“Hey!” Sarah smiled. 
“What’s up? Shouldn’t you be at school already?” You questioned. 
“I had a dentist appointment this morning. We just came back to the house to grab my bag, but I wanted to see if you were around tonight,” She swayed, clearly hoping you’d say yes.
“I’m uh-, not sure,” You looked at Joel for guidance but he wasn’t paying any attention to you his sole focus was on Sarah. 
“I just really wanted to have that sleepover you promised! My dad is going out tonight and suggested it would be a good time for us to hang out and -“
“But only if you are available and want to,” Joel interrupted.
“Oh, yeah! That sounds like it could be fun. Why don’t I come over around 5ish and we can order some pizza?” You smiled at her. 
It would be much more comfortable without Joel there, you had felt like you were walking on eggshells when he would pop over to have a beer with Jake or help Kelsey fix things around the house. 
Joel nodded. 
“Alright baby girl, time to get you to school,” he began shuffling Sarah out the door. 
“See you tonight!” Sarah called over her shoulder. 
You waved at her in response and when the door clicked closed you pinched the bridge of your nose. 
“You know, she really did miss having you around,” Kels leaned against the doorway behind you. 
“I know,” You sighed, “I just don’t know what I’m getting myself into.”
“What do you mean? You’ve known her since she was just a little kid. You’re not getting yourself into anything except maybe forgiving yourself for hurting her.” Kelsey said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“You don’t fucking get it! This isn’t a permanent solution. I can’t stay, I don’t belong here anymore! I don’t want to get her hopes up that I might by hanging out with her and letting things go back to the way they were. That will just hurt her again.” You snapped, a pang of annoyance in your chest.
“You being here and ignoring her, it hurts them both. You can talk a big game about how you don’t belong here, but this is your home, your family. I don’t know what happened between you and Joel, but it is clear he still cares about you. Is staying really the worst thing? At least thinking about it?” 
“They are not my family, you and Jake absolutely are. And you’re right, maybe this was home once, but it’s not anymore. All that’s left is a permanent scar of what could have been. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” You turned to walk up the stairs. 
Kelsey came and put her hand over yours on the railing. 
“Look I’m sorry if I overstepped. I only want to see you happy,” Her voice was soft and apologetic. 
You just nodded in response and made your way back up the stairs, once in your room you made your way to the bed and cried into your pillow. You knew the love for Austin was there, it had always been there, but so was the hurt. The pain would always be there too, it painted your soul in blues and grays. That’s the hardest part, how beautifully life painted your anguish here. 
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The day came and went quickly, and you felt unprepared for your sleepover with Sarah. You knew it would be nice to hang out, do face masks and watch a few movies, but your anxiety was palpable. You were worried it would feel like grasping at a life you could’ve had, but were strictly denied. 
You made your way next door around five and before you could even knock the door had swung open and Sarah was pulling you inside. 
“You’re here! Finally, I’ve been thinking about what we could do tonight all day. Dad said he would call a few pizzas in, we went to CVS after school too! I got nail polish, face masks, and some weird snacks,” Sarah spoke excitedly. 
It gave you a bit of whiplash, barely able to even get in a few “Alrights” or “Sounds Fun”’s in. 
“Woah, woah, Sarah slow down,” Joel said as you made your way into their living room. 
He was sitting on the couch in a black t-shirt and Levis, his hair was wet and the messy ways were pushed off his forehead. He was still so devilishly handsome, he never tried too hard with his looks, but that didn’t mean he didn’t look good; it arguably made him more attractive. 
“A’right, I’m going to get outta here,” He put his hands on his lap and made his way to stand, “Tommy is gonna be here any second.” 
“Dad, did you remember to order pizza?” Sarah asked with a hint of annoyance. 
“Oh shit,” he felt his pockets pulling out his phone, “I’ll call on the way over to the bar.”
“Don’t worry about it, Joel. I’ll get it,” You smiled softly at him, pulling out your own phone. 
“Y’sure?” He asked. 
“Yes, yes, she’s sure, now, go have fun. We have a very important girls night to get started on.” Sarah shooed her father toward the door.
Joel just laughed and rolled his eyes, you shrugged in response. 
As soon as you heard the door shut Sarah came rushing back to the living room. 
“Sorry, he’s a mess,” Sarah laughed.
“I can see that nothing has changed,” You laughed with her. 
You both fell into a comfortable conversation, it was nice to see Sarah so happy. She was completely different then when you had left, yet somehow exactly the same. 
The night was spent watching cheesy rom-coms, doing face masks and nails, and eventually Sarah had fallen asleep in her pajamas on the couch. It was nearly one in the morning, you placed a blanket over her small frame and began quietly tidying the living room. 
The night had warmed your heart in a way you weren’t sure you’d be able to feel again. Sarah was such a light in your life for so long, and now she was turning into this beautiful and kind teenager. You had talked all about her school, Joel and Tommy’s shenanigans, and what’s been happening around Austin. She didn’t push you though, you had talked about Toronto and being away from home without delving into any fresh wounds.
 It was nice, it felt good to know when you left it wasn’t your last memory of Sarah. You worried for years it had been and you’d have to watch her grow through the lens of your brother, but here she was in the flesh. 
You sighed, putting the leftover pizza in the fridge and pouring any extra soda from your glasses down the drain. You went and checked on Sarah after you had finished cleaning up to make sure she was still sleeping. She hadn’t even stirred, so you took this as the best opportunity to step outside and have a smoke. 
It wasn’t something you were proud of, but was something that you would normally only do after particularly stressful days. Today would classify as one, you didn’t like fighting with Kels. That, plus the anxiety of coming to the Miller’s and not knowing what to expect, warranted a need to de-stress. 
You made your way into the backyard, only closing the screen door in case Sarah woke up, and placed a cigarette between your lips. Just as you were searching through your bag for a light a voice startled you. 
“Hey, I didn’t know you smoked?” Joel. 
Fuck, you knew he probably wouldn’t have been much later, but it felt pathetic to be sneaking a cigarette on his back porch. 
“Not often, but you’d be surprised how common it is in healthcare.” You said finding the lighter and lighting the end. 
He looked at you for a moment, and you realized maybe he didn’t want you smoking on his back porch. 
“Oh, shit sorry, you okay if I-“ 
“Oh, yeah, I don’t really care,” he hurried before you could finish your question.
“Cool,” you said. 
The silence grew uncomfortable between you two. 
“I, uh, didn’t mean to startle y’a there,” Joel said. 
“I just saw the light on and wondered if you were out here.” 
“And here I was…”
“Here you were,” He shifted, “You always loved it back here. Sitting looking up at the stars after Sarah went to bed.”
“Yeah, I think I missed the stars the most while I was in Toronto,” you sighed. 
“I always thought they’d’ve had more stars up there,” he looked up at the sky. 
You had finished about half of the cigarette and put it out, it wasn’t doing anything for you at the moment except make you want to shower. 
“Not in the city, it was like a shitty, colder, New York,” You laughed. 
Joel chuckled at your comment. He came closer to you and leaned on the railing of the deck with you. It felt almost suffocating, he was so close to you and it felt so intimate. 
“Y’know, we’re really happy you’re here,” He said quietly. 
“Joel, don’t…” you warned. 
“I mean it, Sarah never stopped asking about you. She missed you, this girl's night made her whole year.” 
“Joel, please,” you whispered, tears welling in your eyes. You already carried so much guilt for leaving Sarah with nothing but a goodbye. You knew he was trying to comfort you but he was crushing your soul with guilt instead. 
“I’m sorry darlin’ I just… always asked myself what if things were different. Where we would be, how would Sarah be different if you had stayed,” 
His words ignited a fire within you, one that burned in anger and resentment. Who was he to ask what if, when he gave no choice in whether or not you had a chance at finding out. 
“We could talk about maybes and what ifs until we’re blue in the face, it doesn’t turn back time. Doesn’t change anything between us. You made a choice, Joel, and so you don’t get the what if’s,” You snapped. 
He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. 
“I’m allowed to wonder,” He retorted. “You weren’t the only one hurt, y’know?”
“Well guess what, I wasn’t the one that wanted out when things got a little bit complicated.”
“Wanted out? You think I wanted out?! Fucking Christ, I didn’t want to hold you back. I have no choice but to stay in Austin, letting you go meant that you wouldn’t be tied down here!” His voice was quiet, but he was clearly irritated.
“I didn’t need you to let me go, I’m very capable of making my own choices. And if I had chosen to stay I needed you to tell me everything would be okay.” 
You weren’t speaking in a hushed tone like he was. You were frustrated, angry, he had completely backtracked on your breakup. Tears stung your eyes, you were frustrated and confused. 
“I’m done talking about this, Joel,” You said, wiping the tears away from your eyes. “You said your piece five years ago, and nothing is going to change that.”
You turned to head back inside, now that he was here you’d be able to walk back over to Jake’s and go to sleep. Make an attempt at forgetting this conversation ever happened and pretend your night ended with you and Sarah asleep on the couch. 
Joel grabbed your wrist before you got too far. 
“Please, just let me explain.” He pleaded. 
You pulled your wrist from his grip and left as promptly as you came. 
Your chest was tight and it was as if you could feel your heart shattering all over again into a million little pieces. The ghost of his love haunted you for years. He was still the same man you fell in love with, that much was certain. In that, it also meant, he was still the same man who broke your heart. 
And that was a risk you were not willing to take. 
To spiral out, to try and float, to see a friend, to see a ghost.
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tags: @thetriumphantpanda @fruit-frogs @wand-erer5 @missgurrl @casa-boiardi @harriedandharassed @undrthelights @wishyoudaskme @reader-without-a-story @morning-star-joy @tightjeansjavi & once again sorry if i missed anyone or lmk if youd like to be on the taglist xo.
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stiffyck · 6 months
Hello Stiff,
I have been a long time fan of your art. I followed you a while back when I first saw your art pop up on my dashboard. Your art was always wonderful to me, and you had such interesting and new ideas for your Scar designs. I mean, four ears? That was so cool! And who doesn't love a good trans Scar?
Recently, there's been a change in your art that I (along with several others) have noticed. It's something you often point out as a "good" thing, but frankly, it's quite hurtful. You've been drawing Scar with a very large nose, and good on you! You're very right in saying that the hermit and traffic communities have a tendency to not draw more marginalized or "uncommon" body types. We love seeing more diverse bodies and features in art! I myself have a bigger nose and have longed for people with my features to be shown in media.
I say this with the utmost kindness and respect for your art, as a longtime fan: The way you draw Scar's nose is like a caricature. I don't understand, whenever I see your art pop up onto my dashboard, how you cannot see it. As an artist, I assume you know more about correct proportions and such than I, but this just feels (and I hate to use such strong language here) absurd. Drawing large noses is a great thing, but this feels like something I would see in an old, racist cartoon.
And it's just Scar, as well! You draw everyone else wonderfully, but you give Scar such a disproportionately large nose! At this point, it feels like you're patting yourself on the back for drawing racist caricatures. I have never seen people be drawn like this otherwise. Please, look at images of people with larger noses. Look at their proportions. Compare this to your art. You will see the difference!
I say this not as someone who wants to bring you down, but as a fan who is concerned about the way your art has been going. I'm a little surprised you haven't had people point this out to you before, frankly. I hope you take this not as something meant to insult you, but as something meant to educate and bring to light something that you may have overlooked in the name of doing something good.
Please take time to think on this and reflect. While I'd appreciate a response, one isn't necessary, as long as you do something to change. Apologies for sending this on anonymous, but I don't wish to possibly put myself under attack for saying something I truly believe in.
I hope you have a wonderful day.
I feel like some of the art I drew could come off as a caricature but the most recent one with pizza genuinely just looks like a cartoony drawing to me? Like this just looks like a character I'd see in a cartoon? I can see why some of my other pieces may have come off as a caricature even tho that was not my intention.
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Obviously I don't want to make something hurtful or racist in nature so I'm genuinely sorry if anything I drew came off that way.
I'm not gonna be drawing his nose this way anymore and I'll probably lay off from posting art for now
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viscerax · 1 year
Good Days
It was one of the good days. Alex was in a good mood, the weather didn't ruin filming, nobody was fighting or arguing. It was one of the few times Jay would sit back and smile because he felt lucky. Lucky that all these people were his friends and that he wasn't going to spend college a lonely hermit. Lucky that Alex had basically adopted him under his wing and introduced him to a few other people and now Jay had a pretty sturdy friend group.
Everybody decided to go for drinks after filming, except Brian and Alex were the only one who could legally buy alcohol, so while those two were out, Jay, Tim, Sarah, Jessica, and Seth were all in charge of getting pizza delivered to Alex's flat.
After a bit of light-hearted argument over toppings, and many profuse apologies to the poor employee taking their scrambled order, the group finally settled down and waited paitently for Alex's and Brian's return. Jay sat next to Tim, leaving a very safe amount of distance between their knees that looked far too awkward to not be intentional. Sarah and Jessica definitely exchanged a look that meant they knew. Anyone with eyes could see the obvious pining from a mile away. Except for Tim, apparently.
Alex and Brian returned shortly after with far too much beer than necessary. It was a good night.
As Jay lays on top of the hotel comforter, staring at the dusty and yellowish ceiling, he can't recall if it was the amount he drank or some outside force that makes that night such a blur. Whether it was the alcohol or the operator that made him not even remember Tim being there at all.
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Yessssss im gonna try and do marbletober i can't promise ill get every prompt done also it might (just might) be a mixture of writing and my shitty art if I feel like it, also I can't promise I'll get every prompt done but I will TRY!!!!!!!
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the-sky-doge · 6 months
More desert duo head-cannons because they make me feral!
Grian looks to be avian and behaves like one and so Scar learned what sertin behaviours mean though didn't tell anyone until it was needed.
When Scar won Secret life he couldn't take being hit even in a friendly gesture so the hermits helped, no fighting till everyone could.
Scar has a tone of feathers from Grian, he knows what it means so he reciprocates in a Vex way though Grian hasn't caught on though Scar can wait.
When Scar knows Grians watching him he makes sure to be a tad more careful to ease the avian.
Grian often leaves food for Scar but refuses to take the countability for it.
Grian forgets to take care of himself a lot so Scar will randomly appear and pamper Grian for a whole day then leave.
Scar has a tiny replica of pizza the lama on his bed, it's a tiny plushy given to him by Grian as a kind of wining present.
Most of the hermits think they're dating though the few that know that there not joke about it a lot!
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dinnerbug · 6 months
An introduction
(Because I just noticed I haven't done one)
If you can't be bothered to read see highlighted sections for shortened but still understandable information
My name(s): Dinnerbug!
Both just bug or dinner work too if you want to shorten it down, and I'm also very open to Nicknames :D
My pronouns: It's (very) complicated
But to put it short for convenience, pretty much anything but xenopronouns work for me. Though I am quite fond of the sets she/him, he/they, they/it, and e/em/eir specifically
Things I think people should know about me:
I don't care who, what or where you are, I don't care what you believe. As long as what you like, believe, identify as or do doesn't harm anyone (harm anyone innocent that is) then you do you. I'm sick of people bullying eachother over nothing and I've worked on myself to break that mindset of 'I don't like that so it's bad'. To put it short, I'm a very accepting person and I'm only judgemental towards assholes (edited to add this because I feel it's important and I forgot it when I first made this post)
Interacting with people online like this is very much me going outside of my comfort zone, I am very anxious and I have very little self-confidence. If you interact with me in any way, be it a message, comment or ask and I don't reply, I'm probably just drowning in anxiety trying to figure out what to reply with. So if something like that happens I'm so sorry if I respond late, it just takes me time and it is not your fault. Also sometimes I start writing weirdly formally and I have no idea how I developed that habit
Miscellaneous facts: This is gonna be long
I tend to ramble a lot in posts like this I am so so sorry lmao (moved up for convenience)
I am autistic
I am british
I am asexual
I am non-binary
I have aphantasia (it sucks)
I love LORE
My favourite kind of fanfics are the kind where all my relatable favourite characters go through severe emotional turmoil and/or get hit into a wall with great force.
I can ride a bike
My favourite games are Minecraft and Portal 2
I love puzzles
I have an amazingly terrible sleep schedule. I will often be awake until 4am and asleep until 3pm, or often I won't sleep at all
I hope to learn to draw so I can interact with my favourite fandoms better and perhaps even make some friends
My hair is (was* will re-dye it soon) dyed
My favourite colour is black (boring I know)
My favourite word is No
My favourite foods are pizza, pasta, cheese and coconut
I'm very detail oriented
I don't tend to ship characters much
I'm so terrible at introductions that I have to mimic other people's ones and they still end up bad
I am very paranoid
One of my most common nightmare themes are zombie apocalypses, usually triggered by seeing zombie related content online within the past 2 days
Characters with fully black eyes (as in the whole eyeball) make me very uncomfortable and I always avoid eye contact with them
I am also very scared of the dark
Fandoms I'm in and actively interact with: If any fandoms I list here are stereotyped negatively I promise I'm a nice, chill person and I just want to enjoy things peacefully (list may change over time)
(my favourite hermits: Grian and Mumbo)
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles
(my favourite characters: Leo and Donnie)
Takin' over the asylum (I AM SO NOT NORMAL ABOUT THIS SHOW)
(my favourite character: CAMPBELL BAIN <3 )
Sonic the hedgehog
(my favourite characters: Shadow, Sonic and Rouge)
Doctor who
(my favourite character (so far): The Doctor)
(my favourite characters: Lloyd, Garmadon and Zane)
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MatPat Egos with Sick!Reader
In honor of me being extremely sick right now
The Detective: - Absolutely no working yourself. You’re stuck in bed until he deems you healthy enough to leave - This also means he’s cooking for you most of the time. Specifically soup, because then he can feed it to you like the sweetheart he is 💛 - He also keeps tissues on hand, beside you, specifically, so you can reach for them whenever you need them
MadPat: - Kind of a germaphobe sometimes, but only around people who are sick, because he doesn’t want to get sick too - Buuut… for you, he makes an exception. He’ll keep you on a medicine schedule, depending on what you’re sick with, and bring home pizza from the pizzeria - Maybe stay out of the pizzeria for a while though… can’t have customers getting sick too.
Mack: (Crewmate, head engineer, dictator) - Crewmate Mack is also a sweetheart, very similarly to The Detective. He gets soup from the kitchens (even if he has to pull a couple strings) - He also tries his best to finish all of his tasks as quickly as possible so he can spend as much time with you as he can - Unlike crewmate Mack, the head engineer is a little less… soft. He keeps you from being scheduled for any of the difficult tasks, and even keeps you from having to do any work at all if he can, but that’s about it - When he gets a break from work, he’s with you. He pretends to be displeased with needing to take care of you, but in reality, he loves it, because it makes him feel important - Dictator Mack gets extremely possessive. You’re not allowed to leave his side even once, no exceptions - He’s getting the colony’s best doctors to check on you, even if you assure him that you’re okay. He just doesn’t want to take any risks - When it is proven you are, in fact, fine, and just sick, he’s very, very firm about getting you back to health as soon as possible. Meaning he’s strict about you taking the medicine the doctors recommend for you
The Hermit: - He’s not familiar with illness. Living on the island has increased his immune system drastically, so he’s basically immune to being sick - At first he’s convinced you ate something poisonous on the island, but when you explain to him you’re just sick and it’s not poison, he’s a little bit calmer - He’s determined to keep you inside, though. So you’re basically stuck in bed-rest for a while
WarfPat: - He’s honestly the most cool with it. If you’re not like… throwing up sick or anything really serious, he won’t really treat you any differently - Though, one thing that is different, he won’t let you on his talk show until you’re feeling better. Just in case - If he’s feeling really nice, he might get you a small gift to help you feel better, like flowers or a box of chocolates. But if you ask about it, he will deny it until the end of time
DarkPat: - He’s never been sick— he can’t get sick— so he doesn’t exactly understand what you’re going through - He does, however, see that you’re struggling. - He hates when you’re sick. He gets temperamental around everyone but you because he is stressed. You’re hurting, and there’s nothing he can do to help you - He brings you your favorite food and watches your favorite show (even if he thinks it’s just a little bit stupid)
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