#so the dude was flexing his whatever skills here but was lost in the end
duahauuoplanh · 10 months
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magnorious · 4 months
Can somebody explain Jon Snow to me?
Not that this fandom is dead or anything. I went down a rabbit hole of the last ten years or so of filmmaking where the general motive for story decisions seems to be “if the fan theories correctly anticipate the direction of the plot, change it at all costs to keep the suspense”. It was about Star Wars, but reminded me of Game of Thrones.
I didn’t watch seasons 7 and 8, only saw clips here and there and watched the whole thing for the first time earlier this year. I’m well aware of the fans’ loudest complaints but one just doesn’t make sense to me: Being pissed that Jon Snow didn’t end up on the iron throne.
From a storytelling perspective, I can understand the frustrations. He fits the archetype of the long lost heir, thus is story should end with him assuming his birthright as the ruler of the land. That checks out.
Problem is, Jon Snow as a person independent of this archetype never once gave any indication that he has aspirations of royalty. So everyone mocking his “she’s muh queen/I don’t want the throne” is, again, understandably frustrating for the meta reasonings, but… Jon isn’t exactly being out of character here, from what I saw when I watched the show over the course of two weeks or so.
This dude is humble to a fault and just keeps bad-lucking into critical plot beats that demand he flex his nobility and loyalty to his friends and his own beliefs, to a point where they get him killed. I don’t recall a single conversation Jon has where he longs for a station of power and endless riches and the respect of kingship, and the mortality rate of the leaders of Westeros don’t make it that appealing to someone like him anyway.
He never talks about how he would change Westeros or what about him he thinks would make a better leader than the inbreds. No other characters talk about how he’s really going places beyond the Night’s Watch and that he’d make a great king. Why?
Because for 90% of the story, Jon has no idea he’s the long lost heir. Since this IP is constantly compared to Lord of the Rings, let’s compare him to Aragon on only a “long lost heir” basis, and I’ll use Movie Aragorn, who’s much less gung-ho about his birthright, for familiarity’s sake.
When we meet him, which isn’t until almost an hour into the first movie, we have no idea who he is other than a competent Ranger who knows stuff the heroes need to survive, and that his name is Strider. Then without much fanfare, the revelations of who he actually is comes in waves. Arwen has an unremarkably dramatic conversation about how Aragorn hates being in Isildur’s shadow and how it gives him imposter syndrome—as in, there’s no dramatic pause for the audience’s sake for gasps of shock and awe. It’s just played straight. Then you get the big dramatic reveal for the rest of the cast during the Council of Elrond for a more concrete establishing of this long lost heir and what role we can expect to see from him.
Because we know from very early on in the story, and Aragorn and everybody he meets knows, too, his arc is constantly framed around how competent he is on a leadership level, and as a friend. He’s given spotlight after spotlight to show his prowess in battle and leading large numbers of troops in infantry and cavalry, is a solid tactician and strategist, and is the first boots on and last boots off the ground whenever he can be.
Skill wise, he’s shown to be an excellent swordsman and archer, or whatever weapon he can get his hands on in an emergency—but not OP. In the fight in the Mines of Moria with the troll, he gets knocked out by the troll.
He’s humble and friendly and always looking out for the little guy, always makes sure to act with the utmost respect to everyone he meets, even when they don’t deserve it, and is a leader who leads by example, on the battlefield in the mud on the front lines.
His entire arc is growing into these massive shoes he has to fill and accepting that he is the one true king. He goes from his scruffy Ranger outfit to the livery of Gondor for the final battle in all his shiny armor and velvet and gives his first real big speech to his troops—a true king to rally behind.
I did enjoy following Jon Snow as a character. He had a ton of depth and nuance and was constantly put in harrowing situations that kept testing his morals and beliefs and he has a lot of the same traits as Aragorn: Humble, respectful, charismatic, a bit of imposter syndrome, etc.
But since we spend more than six out of eight total seasons with the entire cast of characters, including Jon, completely unaware that he’s the long lost heir, there is zero development on that front. Personality wise, Jon is amazing, they pulled out all the stops, but his arc is just one long chain of act-and-react to the next obstacle in his way without much agency from him on what those actions are.
He doesn’t start his story on page one with a clear goal or aspiration in mind beyond to survive another day. A problem I found with a lot of GoT characters—they’re all just waiting around going on their side quests in the interim until the writers want to pull the trigger on huge plot set pieces, like the White Walkers.
By not having the understanding on page one that there is in fact a long lost heir (that wouldn’t just get murdered by these bloodthirsty savages), Jon is aimless, going wherever the plot demands because we don’t know where he wants to end up. Or at least, I don’t know.
He’s voluntold to campaign as the lord commander of the Knights Watch, he doesn’t actually want to do the job until he has no choice. He doesn’t want to be crowned King in the North after liberating Winterfell, it just happens to him and he has no choice.
And you’re telling me that somewhere in these unfilmed script pages is eight seasons’ worth of desire to be King Of The Whole World left on the cutting room floor?
So is everybody just mad that Jon didn’t fulfill his destiny as is written by the archetype taped to his forehead? Because wanting the iron throne was never anywhere as part of his aspirations. I’m mad he didn’t get it because it seemed they were doing so just to “subvert expectations” and not to provide a satisfying, unique end for his arc, not because I thought Jon got snubbed at the Westeros Oscars.
And if the answer is “it was in the books,” not good enough. HBO spent millions producing this show and for the first four seasons, it had incredible writing. They could have fit an explanation somewhere in there.
With the way they show ended, and I’ve only seen bits of 7 and 8, they could have still done so much with this character even with the late reveal of his true parentage. They could have had Jon reframe his entire worldview on whether or not he wants to risk his neck by going public with his claim to the throne, but he never did, all we have is what was written. There was still time to save this long lost heir arc.
So, yeah, somebody explain Jon Snow to me. I love him but he’d get eaten alive by Westeros politics and nothing can convince me any of these honorless backstabbers wouldn’t just poison him and call it an accident. There is no competent justice system of checks and balances in place. He’d just die in this cynical parade of grimdark misery.
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anxresi · 3 years
I could line my wall with all the posts Thomas has made about Chloe tonight. (around 50, by my count)
If you wanna read them, don’t bother.
I certainly won’t be sharing any of them
What would be the point?
Because basically, they amount to one thing...
Chloe is bad, and we’re bad people for liking her.
That’s it.
And for anyone thinking that he kids around a lot with his comments...
I’m pretty sure this is something he feels VERY strongly about.
Or he wouldn’t expand so much energy in constantly talking her down.
So no, I don’t think we’re going to get a Chloe redemption.
No, I don’t think she’ll be Queen Bee again. 
No, I can’t see any real change in her behavior.
She’ll just remain the same ol’ hatable Chloe, the ‘evil’ girl that young kids apparently ‘get’ that adults don’t understand...
Yep, apparently we’re ‘dumb’ for wanting her to improve and develop!
To provide a good example for bullies out there that they can be more than just abusers all their lives!
Children couldn’t possibly grasp the delicate subtleties of self-improvement as you grow up!
It’s all so clear now!
Stupid us!
Also, her merchandise doesn’t sell very well.
Another good case for her staying as a villain, I guess.
And she’s compared to a monster and a domestic abuser.
This damaged teenage girl.
Yeah, sounds about right.
And all those tender moments where she showed empathy and love were just ‘fake outs’ all along.
Makes total sense!
And anyone who wanted more from her is just ‘delusional’ and is ‘writing the show in their head’.
That’s not the way it seemed on screen at all.
When she hugged Miss Bustier
Or had a heart-to-heart with Ladybug
When she risked her life as Queen Bee
Showed genuine concern for Adrien
When she finally appreciated Jean-something
And shared moments of friendship with Sabrina
These did NOT come across as part of an elaborate plot twist
From a show which isn’t exactly known for its complex writing.
They seemed to form part of a ladder...
Which would inevitably climb to a true character shift.
Where this flawed teenage girl could take a long, hard look at her life.
And realize she didn’t HAVE to be like her awful mother.
Or as power-hungry as her father.
She could learn lessons from her favorite superhero Ladybug...
Become a better person...
And an even greater superhero.
She could still keep her sassy attitude.
Just be a bit kinder and selfless, that’s all.
But, nope.
EVERY bit of niceness we witnessed on screen...
None of it was real.
It was all influenced by ‘class’.
Even her childhood friendship with Adrien was nothing.
If he was as poor as the rest of his classmates, she would’ve bullied him too.
Straight from Thomas’s own mouth.
One of the best relationships in the show, gone just. Like. THAT.
He also said to ‘redeem’ her at this stage would be too ‘unconvincing’?
I hate to return to critical mode...
But the show ain’t exactly known for its consistent writing.
One minute Marinette is confident around Adrien...
Next she’s a nervous jumble of words.
It sets up two new ships for Mari and Adrien with great fanfare...
Only to ditch them both two eps later.
(Also, what the **** did they plan to do with Lila?!)
In other words, this isn’t a show that plays the long game
Whether this is to satisfy the networks’ demand to air the eps out of order idk.
The point is that trying to tell us that Chloe’s ‘arc’ was some grand scheme...
Where she’d have a few sympathetic moments only to emerge worst than ever afterwards....
I simply don’t believe it.
Either this is terrible, amateurish writing of the worst kind...
Or Thomas flexed his influence behind the scenes...
And put an abrupt end to Chloe’s development before it really got started.
It doesn’t really matter which reason I guess.
What DOES matter is this petty and spiteful man sees fit to bash her in around 70% of his online interactions right now.
He could just ignore the posts but nope, he goes right in there, full throttle. 
You can just tell how smart he is with his intimate psychological breakdowns of why Chloe is the way she is...
When we all know the actual reason... he just couldn’t be bothered.
Far better to create a whole new character, give her none of the depths that could make a developed Chloe such a pain to write...
And then 'reward’ her with the position of Queen Bee, for being super-sweet and as shallow as a puddle.
And oops, make her Chloe’s half-sister or whatever to further rub salt in Chloe stans’ wounds. 
Is the show even gonna tackle the angst that would arise from Mayor Andre discovering his beloved wife had an affair?
Or Chloe discovering her much-loved mother is in fact a cheat?
What about coping with the SHOCK revelation that she... GASP... has a long-lost sister?
Forget it. All that rich potential for human emotions sounds B O R I N G.
Don’t forget that if there’s a major event in this show that doesn’t include the words ‘Love Square’, the makers just don’t care.
Let’s cut straight to a giant golden Zoe (who now looks like a giant golden Chloe) trying to smoosh her now much smaller sister...
While Chloe pushes Marinette and her parents towards the beast to save herself. 
Because of course she does.
Never misses a trick to make Chloe look bad, does Thomas.
It’s a skill you can tell he’s very proud of.
Anyway, back to Zoe...
Despite my harsh words above, I harbor no ill-will towards you.
Your design is decent and you seem like a stand-up gal.
But I hate to say this...
You shouldn’t exist.
It was completely unnecessary from a storytelling POV to create a sibling for Chloe, and your mere presence will diminish the show.
I can say this with utmost confidence after looking at the situation from every conceivable angle...
Without even needing to watch your eps or know why you were created.
(Although, I have a pretty good idea)
Some people might say WELL GIVE HER A CHANCE!!!!
Hmm... no.
Everything the show needs to be successful with Chloe’s character...
It’s already right there.
She does not need a secret sibling
She does not require a sweeter counterpart
And she definitely DOESN’T need Thomas constantly bashing her to impressionable fans online like she’s the Antichrist personified!
Seriously dude, if you hate her so much why bother creating her?
And if you hate her so much... why spend so long talking about her?
Despite his repeated denials, I think something another user here said is very true...
She DOES live ‘rent free’ in his head.
It sickens him that, despite his best efforts, she still has so many fans.
Not to worry, Thomas.
From what I see, there are still plenty of sycophants who agree with everything you say (even if they actually don’t)
After all, it’s enough for some to get a reply from the ‘great man’ himself
Why jeopardize that by trying to engage with him in a meaningful debate?
Especially when we know how handsy he is with the ‘block’ button.
Anyway, this went on for about a thousand more words than I meant it to.
I guess me and Thomas have just ONE thing in common (Thank God)
This is a topic which we both feel VERY strongly about.
The differently is of course, I have far less power in the process, and preach to a much smaller audience.
Still, I won’t let that stop me ranting away like a loon.
Hey, if it’s good enough for him... ;)
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blacksupremacy86 · 3 years
Cruising Hypnosis Show # 1/2
Introducing Mr. Hypno 1 - 3
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“Hey wait a minute, wait up”
“Yes, what is it? Can I help you?”
“You are the hypnotist no?”
“Ugh! Yes I am”
“Can I get a private show?”
“Look I am not here to provide anything for free.”
“I will pay you, whatever you want”
“Ugh! I … ok fine”
“Meet me at my cabin at this room”
“Here is the number give me five minutes”
“Sure, whatever dude”
“Here go again just using my skills”
“Well at least he will pay me”
“That is all I ask”
“Five minutes here we go”
The indoctrination
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I pull down my shirt then knock on the door
heavily to which he opens eagerly with utter happiness.
He welcomes me in to the room sitting on the bed, I dim the lights setting the room to a slow crawl.
Hs faces me quickly with a pocket mirror dwindling in the air hits the light flashing in his face.
His eyes are in shock following the lights as he dances from side to side, and in his face on and off.
The man now lost in a deep trance falling back in to his bed, I giggle bit undone his shirt and pants.
“You are my puppet, my property and my slave.”
“You belong solely to me your lord and king.”
“You will address me as Master Lawrence”
“Yes Master Lawrence “
“Sir I serve forever and forever Sir”
The End
Cruising Hypnosis Show # 2/2
Seductive Ways
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West Keylai is the man’s name as he reveals to my whole under trance surrender to the sweet feel of my seduction.
He wakes up five hours later alone in his ship cabin immediately races to get dress on the hunt for me.
I am laying on a beach chair baking in the heat of the sun he stands staring me down.
I sigh sitting up to face him his ridiculous stern expression forms in to a grin.
He rolls his eyes kneeling at my side for a kiss we connect, and he falls right back in place.
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“Check out my body watch me flex”
“I look damn good, so fucking sexy”
“What do you think babe?”
“Oh yeah! Oh I love every inch”
“You smell so good”
Party On
His hand in his hair he is smiling a grin side to side such a smug asshole.
I can get past that with a body like his to play with and a ass to bounce.
I find it almost impossible to not focus on that hot ass of his it’s near perfection.
“Like what you see? Come and get it babe”
“That’s Master Lawrence “
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“Sir Sorry Sir”
“Why don’t you show me what skills you have developed?”
“Whatever you would like”
“Will you be better then most people for me?”
“I love you, and yes I promise”
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The End
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kidslovecudi · 4 years
Man On The Moon III: The Chosen - Album Review By “kidslovecudi“
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Before I say anything about this album, let me say that I am so excited that Cudi is finally releasing new music! Speaking for all Cudi fans, we have all been waiting for new solo material from the moon man for the longest time and the few teasers he’s been releasing over the last year, with “Leader Of The Delinquents” and his collaborations with Travis Scott, (“The Scotts”) and Eminem (“The Adventures of Moon Man & Slim Shady”) have not been enough to fully satisfy us. With Man on The Moon III: The Chosen, Cudi fulfills on a promise to his fans he made years ago and gives us quite a lot to digest. However despite how fulfilling this record is, Cudi still manages to leave you on the edge of your seat wanting more and I personally can’t wait to see what he’s going to do next!
1. Beautiful Trip (Intro)
Produced by Kid Cudi, FINNEAS, Plain Pat, Emile Haynie & Dot Da Genius
And it starts...
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2. Tequila Shots  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 
Produced by Kid Cudi, Dot Da Genius & Take a Daytrip
On this first track Cudi brings us back into the dark world of the moon man but this time with a new outlook. Referencing his previous works, Cudi aims to prove that he’s “not just some sad dude” and feels that despite his mental well being still occasionally being unstable he’s ready for whatever he has to face. What I loved most about this record was Cudi’s consistency. Throughout the years Cudi has mastered the art of having his own unique galactic sound that transcends through all of his music, despite the genre, and that sound is very present here. Along with his classic hums and hypnotic melodies, this track, known as the fan favorite, has the potential to be a classic.
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3. Another Day ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Produced by Dot Da Genius, Nosaj Thing & Take a Daytrip
When I first heard this song, I absolutely lost my shit. Cudi started this album off swinging and I was not prepared for him to go so hard. I’ve had this song on repeat quite a few times since I first heard it and along with the beat being absolutely sick, Cudi is rapping his ass off! My favorite part is when the beat breaks down in the second chorus, and I get hype as fuck every single time.
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4. She Knows This ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
 Produced by J Gramm, FnZ & Dot Da Genius                  
This song on first listen reminded me of a song by another of my favorite artists, called “The Let Out” by Jidenna but Cudi took it to a whole other level and isn’t as repetitive. Once the track speeds up Cudi goes even harder with even trippier sounds that will make you feel like you’re driving through space. One of my favorite things about this album is that a lot of the songs change in the middle keeping you that much more engaged in the whole song than to quickly digest it, like a lot of records on mainstream radio. On top of that his bars are on complete fire and it’s always great to see Cudi flex his rapping skill that a lot of people don’t give him credit for.
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5. Dive ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Produced by Dot Da Genius, Anthony Kilhoffer, Aaron Bow & Teddy Walton
Dive ends the first act of the album and serves as Cudi’s goodbye to his fantasy high. The guitar riffs at the beginning of the song is my favorite part and I wish they were made a bigger part of the song. However this song is classic Cudi, I initially thought it was missing something but after listening to it on it’s own a few more times, I feel like this song is absolutely perfect. It’s groovy as fuck and  I think because it kind of ends so abruptly that it leaves a lot to be desired, but that also might have been Cudi’s intent, allowing it to serve as interlude of sorts. I loved the transitional elements through out the song, like when the bass comes in, his adlibs throughout the song and especially the echoing adlibs like, “MOVE, MOVE” “towards the end. It takes a few really good listens to fully enjoy the song as a whole, like it did for me but the more I played the album the more and more I fell in love with it.
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6. Damaged ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Produced by MIKE DEAN, Dot Da Genius & Take a Daytrip
I loved the words to this song and the overall message that Cudi was trying to convey throughout the song, but the song itself didn’t do a whole lot for me until I actually found myself in a similar dark place. It’s one of those classic Cudi records that really makes you sit and reflect on your life and everything you’ve gone through, which was exactly what the song did for me. This song is where the album starts to slow down a bit and Cudi sings and raps about his trials and tribulations of being a damaged man and that sometimes his demons still come back and he has to deal with them. A common struggle most of us who’ve ever dealt with feelings of anxiety and depression all know too well.
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7. Heaven on Earth⭐ ⭐ ⭐
 Produced by Dot Da Genius, Anthony Kilhoffer & DST The Danger
This song really didn’t do a whole lot for me but what I loved the most about it again, were it’s adlibs. Cudi really showed out with the adlibs on this album and that’s what made this song enjoyable for me. The song for me just sounded too typical to me but even despite that, it’s still a great track to vibe to, just not something I’d put on my favorites.
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8. Show Out (feat. Skepta & Pop Smoke) ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Produced by Dot Da Genius, Anthony Kilhoffer & DST The Danger
Easily one of my favorite tracks on the album, when I first heard this, I completely lost my my shit and it was almost impossible not to turn my entire bedroom upside down. For one beat is absolutely sick and picks the tempo right back up. Cudi, Skepta and Pop Smoke’s voices are infectious together and everyone shines on this song without any one of them over shadowing the other’s performance. Definite a track to rage the fuck out to.
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9. Mr. Solo Dolo III ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Produced by Kid Cudi, Audio Anthem, Dot Da Genius & Plain Pat
This song is trippy as fuck. From beginning to end this song takes you on an absolutely journey from the chords and the keys and there are no words to describe it. I remember playing this song while I was driving home from work on my scooter at night and man oh man, the vibes this song had was incredible. It made me feel like I was traveling to another galaxy. As a loner, this song really spoke to me and it made me feel like someone else understood exactly how I felt. My favorite part was his scream after the second verse. It made me feel free and liberated and that my feelings in that moment had been validated.
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10. Sad People ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Produced by Dot Da Genius & Take a Daytrip
This song is an absolute vibe. Cudi’s in his bag, back in his zone, as he said and my favorite thing about this song is the chorus. Cudi’s harmonies are absolutely incredible and my favorite part is towards the end of the chorus when the song takes on an eerie west coast like synth and it’s absolutely infectious.It’s like a dark B side to “Cudi Zone” from the first album which is one of my favorite songs by Cudi to this day. It’s songs like this that made Cudi the legendary moon man that he his, in the first place.
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11. Elsie’s Baby Boy (flashback) ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Produced by E*Vax, Kid Cudi, Heavy Mellow & Dot Da Genius
This song sounded like a leftover track from “Speedin’ Bullet To Heaven” and despite how much negative criticism that album got, I absolutely love when Cudi dives into his alternative roots and I really hope he decides to dive deeper into it even further at some point. In this song Cudi sings about his relationship with his mother Elsie and his childhood upbringings. By this it in turn gave me flashbacks to my relationship with my grandmother and my childhood memories which all brought back happy and sad moments for me.
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12. Sept. 16 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Produced by Emile Haynie, FINNEAS, Plain Pat & Dot Da Genius
What I loved the most about this record was Cudi’s vulnerability. Cudi has a few rare moments on his albums where he actually sings about love and being in love and it’s always great to hear. Cudi’s such a hopeless romantic and I love when he let’s his guard down and expresses his feelings. This song takes me back to “Kitchen” on “Passion, Pain, & Demon Slayin’“ and though I love that song more, this song was definitely cooked in the same pot.
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13. The Void ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Produced by Dot Da Genius, Kid Cudi & MIKE DEAN
The most uplifting song from the album, this song takes me back to some of the vibes from the first album, like his song “Up, Up, and Away”. That was one of the songs in my high school days that made me fully accept myself for who I was, regardless of what people said and this song is just as motivating and uplifting. On the same wave of “Reborn”, Cudi sings about avoiding all negativity on this record and only focusing on the positive. I almost cried towards the end when he thanked us, his fans, for staying with him and never leaving him. It’s a very beautiful song, but I just personally feel like this song should have been the one to end the album or close to end because to me this track is a hard one to follow behind.
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14. Lovin’ Me (feat. Phoebe Bridgers) ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Produced by William J. Sullivan, Charlie Handsome, Rami Beatz & Dot Da Genius
It took a little while for this song to set in for me but after it did, it made me want to cry. If you ever struggled with self-love or self-acceptance then this song is for you. What I loved most about this song was the message because it really hit home for me. It’s a beautiful anthem about finding happiness within yourself that I feel a lot of people will relate to.
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15. The Pale Moonlight ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Produced by E*Vax, Rami Beatz & Dot Da Genius
Wasn’t feeling this one all too much, but what I loved about it most again, were the adlibs. I loved Cudi’s multiple layering of his vocals throughout the song, especially the “la-la-la-la” parts. The sounds very remiscent to some of Cudi’s earlier music and if you didn’t know any better you’d swear this was a leftover track from “The End Of Day”.
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16. Rockstar Knights (feat. Trippie Redd) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Produced by Jenius, WondaGurl, MIKE DEAN, Dot Da Genius & Take a Daytrip
I’m not a big fan of Trippie Redd but I really fuck with his contributions on this song. This is another song where I really loved the chorus and I also love Cudi’s flow once his verse comes in. Cudi’s wordplay is out of this world on this record and it’s hard not to beat your head as Cudi delivers bar for bar for bar throughout his entire verse. Cudi really shines on this record with his skills as a MC and if Cudi ever felt he had anything to prove as a rapper, he definitely did that here. As the song ends it feels like Cudi just turned the spaceship on hyperdrive and took us along for the ride as he drifted further and further into space- Totally sick.
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17. 4 da Kidz ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Produced by WondaGurl, MIKE DEAN, Dot Da Genius, 18YOMAN & Take a Daytrip
A song dedicated to the “kidz” reminding us that we are not alone and this song is another song to vibe out to. With instructions from Cudi, to turn it loud if we need to, this song, on the same frequency as “love.” is another song where Cudi is speaking to us as our big brother and giving us a well needed pep talk. What I loved most about it was Cudi’s vocals on the chorus, especially the way he pronounced the “oo” vowel sounds. It was very reminiscent of a Baltimore accent which I always found comical in the best way which is one of things I love the most about Cudi. He’s not afraid to try different things or pull different things from his various influences despite the genre and on this record, he ties them up beautifully.
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18. Lord I Know ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Produced by MIKE DEAN, Dot Da Genius, 18YOMAN & Take a Daytrip
Serving as the closer to the album and the man on the moon trilogy, this song is a classic Cudi hym that tells us that we’re not alone regardless of what we face in life. What I liked most about this song was the message, and that’s why I rate it so highly. In this song Cudi expresses being content with the path he’s on at life and after everything he’s gone through, it makes me happy to finally hear that he’s found peace within himself. The song/album ends with his daughter Vada saying, “To be continued” and I can’t wait to see what Cudi has in store for us next. I just have a strong feeling that all of us Cudi fans are about to eat REAL GOOD.
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There’s been a lot said about this album, good and bad but I feel this album is merely a taste of what’s to come. Is this record my favorite? No, but what I can say is that it’s an ALBUM, meaning it’s not a group of songs that you can easily separate like many others. This is the kind of album where you have to play the whole thing all the way through time in and time again to really get what Cudi was trying to convey. It’s not a record that you can just play a few times and be done with, no, it’s a grower. There were a lot of songs on this record that I did not like at first, but after having some time to let them marinate, they became some of my favorites and it made me truly appreciate Kid Cudi as an artist because people don’t make albums like this anymore. There’s rare artists that are this detailed with the way the songs transitions, the interludes, and how copacetic the album is in it’s entirety. This album was truly a gift and I can’t wait to see what else Cudi has left up his sleeve.
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                                          Top Favorite Songs
                                                  Another Day
                                                Tequila Shots
                                             Rockstar Knights
                                                     The Void
                                              Mr. Solo Dolo III
                                  Listen For Yourself Here!
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ask-ethari-anything · 4 years
Sooooo...I'm gonna need a story of a time where a) Runaan got very jealous and b) you got very jealous. And no Moonshadow-y workarounds, either ("he got the last cookie and I really wanted it!"). Specifically when a hot guy was jonesing on your dude and you didn't like it and vice versa. There are no judgments here, just tapping my fingertips together in delight. Indulge us?
You’re going to need these stories, huh? Well then… *rolls up my sleeves* Here we go.
Did you ever wonder why Runaan was so persistent in pursuing me? We all know he’s terrible at flirting. 
He wasn’t the only one trying to court me. Sure, he didn’t know what he was doing, but he needed to try, because if he didn’t, he might’ve lost me to another elf. No, don’t worry, he really wouldn’t have, but he didn’t know that at the time!
Who was this other elf, you ask? One of the village bakers. Runaan and I connected over weapons, because he came to me in my workshop. But Salvar and I connected over tasty food, because I would taste test his new creations for him. He saw me walking past one day, just as he needed a second opinion, and my feedback was so enthusiastic that he asked me to come help him another time, too! Well, I couldn’t say no to that. So I’d pop by and he’d feed me whatever he’d made. And a bite dragged out into snacks and then full meals.
Let’s just say I was a lot more visible out in the village, eating Salvar’s treats, than I was alone in my workshop with Runaan. It made Runaan feel very concerned for the trajectory of his courtship.
Jealous. He got jealous.
And then they found out about each other.
Most people would seriously consider backing off the moment they realized they were up against an assassin, no matter the context. Not even Moonshadows have that little self-preservation. But Salvar is not most people. He’s a few inches shorter than I am, slender as a whip, and very feisty. He’s good at what he does, and he knows it, but he can take things a bit too far…
Why do I find such elves attractive? These two were just different knives. One for the kitchen, and one for the hearts of his enemies. *sighs* I do have a type. And I do like plenty of social interaction. Why rush things? Even if I had made up my mind.
Anyway. one day, there was a bustle at Salvar’s bakery when I came by. He’d put a cake in his oven, shut the oven door, and when he opened it again there was an arrow right through the cake and its pan. He hadn’t left the kitchen. And it wasn’t an enchantment. He was pretty twitchy when I asked him what happened, and he just gestured imperiously to his arrowed pan.
We all knew whose arrow that was. We knew.
I couldn’t help myself. I started laughing uncontrollably. Of all the things Runaan could’ve done–lurking in Salvar’s rafters, poisoning his tea, challenging him to a duel–he shot his cake. With an arrow. Just as Salvar closed the oven door. Runaan had been hiding right nearby–somehow–and left his mark, and his intentions, unmistakably clearly. And he’d done it without threatening Salvar at all. A very Moonshadow tactic.
And I thought it was adorable. So soft, really, for an assassin’s skill set. Salvar was less impressed. But the fact that I was laughing so hard at what might’ve passed for a hard prank under other circumstances told me–and Salvar–that it would be better for him to move on. I’d made up my mind.
Salvar let me down easy, and I started cooking for myself again, with no hard feelings. That’s the beauty of Moonshadow courtship. The plausible deniability is astounding. And later, Runaan invited him to cater our wedding.
Victory flex? Generous winner? Just a good Moonshadow? This is Runaan we’re talking about. It was all three.
Now, me getting jealous? Hmm. That’s not really in my nature. On the other hand, I do have a really hot husband, and he’s occasionally attracted some intense attention that neither of us were interested in. You’d think Runaan would be good at saying no to that sort of thing–and usually he’s the first–but sometimes things get complicated. 
We’d been courting properly for just a couple of months when the Silvergrove got visitors. A squad of veteran assassins assembled from all over the Moonshadow Forest, come to brush up everyone’s skill’s because there were rumors that trouble was brewing along the border and Runaan and his teammates might be getting a lot more work. Well, that got us all to pay attention. Runaan especially. He takes the defense of his people very seriously.
So he was out at all hours, sometimes for days, training extra hard, running trial missions with his squad, learning these veterans’ hard-won combat skills. When I’d see him, he was exhausted and sore and more focused than ever. He told me he wished he had more time to spend with me, but this was very important to him. So of course I let him train all he wanted, and I did everything I could to take care of him when he wasn’t. That boiled down to feeding him and tucking him in, and telling everyone that he needed his rest.
And then I talked to Lain about the assassins’ training schedule one day. And Lain told me that not everyone was training like Runaan was. That one of the older asasssins was working privately with Runaan on some kind of “fast track skill set” that would give him a whole new set of skills and put him on the path to becoming a good leader for the Silvergrove assassins. 
Of course Runaan wanted that. Very much. And I wanted it for him. But something in my chest felt a little rebellious. Why just Runaan? Why not teach these techniques to every assassin and let them all decide who would make a good leader? They already know each other well. An outsider won’t know their strengths and weaknesses like they do.
By the time I started walking Runaan to morning training, a few weeks had gone by. He introduced me to his advanced trainer, Kelvik, and the moment our eyes met, I knew I’d been right to worry. The look he gave me when he realized Runaan had a boyfriend clearly said “How quaint. But I’m here now. You can go.”
Spoilers: I did not go.
I asked Runaan if he could avoid training with Kelvik, since he clearly had designs on him. And, bless him, Runaan said he’d been trying for the past week to shimmy away without making a fuss. But Kelvik was just as intense and subtle as Runaan is, and they both knew that everything came down to Runaan’s sense of duty. He’d do whatever it took to learn to keep his people safe. And Kelvik was teaching him that. Slowly and deliberately.
And then one day Runaan wouldn’t look me in the eye after he was finally finished training. And I knew that, whatever had happened, it had just gone too far. I was done being soft. My elf needed me, and I fully planned to step up for him. No one hurts my baby. I kissed his cheek and held him softly and told him that I’d make everything okay. And he just nodded against my shoulder.
There was a village dance that night. Runaan and I went together, hand in hand, as always. But I told him to sit with Lain and Tiadrin and chat. And I told them to make sure he stayed sitting. No matter what happened. Because I really wasn’t sure how my plan would play out–plans are more Runaan’s thing than mine. I just wanted him to stay safe, though. That’s all I cared about.
So I sat my boyfriend at a table at the edge of the dancing green and sauntered right up to Kelvik as he stood with his own squad and asked him to dance with me.
And the Moon granted me a boon just then–the rest of his squad looked between him and me with expressions that told me they knew exactly what was going on. And that was the last bit of courage I needed. I held out my hand with a bright cheery smile–Moonshadows can hide all kinds of things behind a smile, especially when they’ve got nothing to lose–and Kelvik took it.
I whirled him around the green with my best, most graceful moves. After the first dance, he begrudgingly complimented me on my skills. And tried to let go of my hands. 
I squeezed. Hard.
“Oh, I’m not done with you yet. Dance with me again! This next one’s a real favorite.”
And he was too confused to say no. So we danced again. And I slowly started crushing his hands every time we touched. He gasped and winced, and I just smiled broadly and kept up the small talk.
I didn’t let him go after the second dance, either.
Halfway through the third dance, he finally blurted, “What do you want, Ethari?”
And through my cheery smile, I told him, “I want to break you in half, Kelvik. Can you convince me not to?” And then I snapped a bone in his hand.
He hid it well. He was an assassin, after all. But he’d opened the floodgates, and I couldn’t stop talking as I swirled and stepped alongside him. “Your selfishness is endangering everything Runaan holds dear. He just wants to be a good assassin, to protect his people and his squad. You’re using that to get close to him, and he doesn’t feel he can say no. So I’m saying it for him. If he comes home one more time and can’t look me in the eye because you can’t keep your boundaries straight, I will very cheerfully hunt you down and disassemble you. I’m very good with moving parts, and I have a bigger collection of knives than you do.”
I dipped him at the end of the dance, squeezed his broken hand, and said cheerily, “Is this in any way unclear to you?”
He growled up at me, “You’ve made your point, craftsman. No need to keep stabbing me with it.”
I hauled him up, gave him a jaunty bow, and headed back to have a drink with my boyfriend and my friends. Runaan looked at me, wide-eyed, as I joined him and the others. “What… did you say? I’ve never seen him look like that before. I think you actually worried him.”
I pressed a soft kiss against Runaan’s cheek and clinked my glass against his. “Just telling him how it is, my heart. I protect what’s mine, just like you do.”
His cheeks flushed the prettiest moonberry red, and that smile… Moon help me. 
Then Lain had to go ruin the moment by saying loudly, “Does this mean we aren’t going to fight anyone?”
I looked across the green and caught Kelvik’s eye again. He’d heard Lain, and he gave me a long look. And then he turned away.
“Not this time,” I said. “This time, we win softly.”
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incorrecttwoset · 4 years
Lesson time with Dani:
I think the lesson here is that... you cant destroy your self esteem if you dont have self esteem. Gosh, this is the first time im rewatching this in days and im IMMEDIATELY REMEMBERING THE TALENT.
Onto the reviews!
My little swiss roll by a 33 year old Japanese composer. If it is not yet clear, i cannot read Japanese. And Eddy, we don't make you fat you just like eating. (omg i like eating too! Soulmates confirmed?! Yeah nah my heart will always be for my brettybae) Also, fUCK now i want bubble tea. (I am smelling bubble tea right now. Even though there is no bubble tea. Am i gOING INSANE.)
1. Kitai - Anticipation. Oh, i can dEFINITELY feel the excitement in this one. Is there a word for excitedly waiting? Or is that just the word anticipation? Because let me tell you, i genuinely yEARNED for swiss rolls with that part. Its so light and joyful, like watching a baker prepare your swiss roll as a young child who's most important worry is the swiss roll he's about to eat. Yes, there are some questionable parts but overall, i think the bois conveyed the proper emotions and feelings correctly. Its either that or my stomach is asking me to eat breakfast.
2. Gochiso - Feast. I am already getting an image of putting a piece of cake in your mouth and savoring the wonderful sweetness and flavors of the cake, icings and fillings. The way your face slowly turns into a smile as the sugar dissolves and spreads onto your tongue and the way the fork just cuts the soft cake. And the strawberry topping you pop in your mouth. Thank you for that perfect pizz. Turned my heavy romance fluff fic back into a happy lil comedy.
3. Akogare - Longing. Okay, this is too sad to be felt IMMEDIATELY AFTER eating the cake. Its still fits the title of longing its just wOAH OKAY EMOTIONAL WHIPLASH EXISTS. If this was set like a story thing, i feel like this takes place after our protag has left the bakery and has lost the sweet taste of swiss roll cake from his lips. And started to yearn once again for more, the faint flavors of his tongue reminding him of a happier time. A time with swiss roll cake...
Damn now i want swiss roll.
Aviolintango by Lorezno Gutierrez. wOAH THIS ONE SOUNDS EPICCCCCCCCCCC. Dude, this sounds like something that could play in like a fight or chase scene in a fight scene. Its pretty short but its still a wonderful piece. And that soft troll ending? Perfect. Not just because of the reactions. Because youd want it to end on an even bigger grander note than the one before it right? But, the composer decided to step away and let the cheeky spy vibes flow until the end. Please do not judge my opinion, if it isnt clear yet, even though ive said thus a thousand times over, i am just a kid who likes two violin bois and classical music. I just vibe yo.
Inspiration by Vladimir Bodunov, 39 years old. Damn. The first part they played sounded to me like the desire and struggle to lift off the ground and fly. Like, the person wants to, the desire is there but its not enough. I feel like they stopped that part near the "climax" where the tension finally breaks and it takes off. The final part to me sounds like... (a dying seal) the person in focus of the piece or whatever finally reaching the sun. And having a phoenix-like rebirth. With just two chords too! The talent and skill. I kent.
Duet for two violins by Robyn, 13 years old. (Okay flex) Also pretty nice of her to leave dynamics up to interpretation. (Even though i have nO IDEA what that means) And i kNOW THAT ITS A DUET BUT- for some fUCKIN reason, its giving me quartet vibes. And i dONT. KNOW. WHY. IS THE PIECE JUST THAT GOOD. (Lol probabky just heard a quartet playing something like this and my memories were instantly. Unlocked.) I guess it gives me vague schubert or schumann vibes. I forgot which one had a lot of chamber music. BASICALLY WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY IS. It nice. Me like. (Tiny claps)
Flying Fledglings by Anastasia Loiko, 14 yrs old. (Please stop flexing. I already know im uSELESS) It sounded very smooth, in the way that the first few bars personally sounded like a strange... denial despair troubked feeling feeling, ykno? That typa tension, when youre still riled with emotion. And it transitioned over to a more uplifting feeling like yeah, it might not be with us anymore but its probably gone to a better place. It sounds like a person slowly letting go of their saddness, and even though there was some rocky parts (not just from the bois playing OOP-) they still accepted that its not there anymore and learned to live wih that saddness. Ykno? (Or I'm overthinking this too much because of too much angst fics and depression things. Personal life bABEY. IT COMPLI.)
Undicht by Jiro Yoshioka, 20 yrs old. Omg, i LOVE this. The first violin part on its own sounds like some kinda James Bond spy theme. BUT THEN THE PIZZ- OMG its sounds like sUCH a whimsical spy theme oH MY GOD AHAHAHA (i mean it kinda morphs into a more chill and serious part after that but like cMON. THE WHIMSY. I KENT-) And aCHK Eddy's lil hip shake i cANNOT. THIS IS JUST SUCH A FUN PIECE TO LISTEN TO AHAH
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flightysquip · 5 years
AU: the Squip is a pizza delivery driver (he lost his job in a recession, currently attempting to get back into Yelling At Twinks For Money industry but the opportunities are slim) and people keep trying to pay for their pizzas with sex.
this is your fault despite the fact you didn’t ask me to do this
“Did you remember the extra sausage?” Rich draped himself against the side of the door, leg propped over the doorknob, a shimmer of surprisingly pale calf, considering the angry splotches of his pattern of burn scars over otherwise obsessively tanned skin.
“You’re not funny, you know.” Squip pushed past him, tossing the grease-splotched box of discounted pizza onto the couch.  In the same motion, he tore off his uniform hat, throwing it onto yet another chair in the dilapidated trailer.
A small mercy, that Mr. Goranski for once wasn’t seated in his recliner, spouting racial slurs and insults at the contestants on the Game Show Network (the luxuries of stolen cable).
Rich bounced away from the door, going to the box and tearing the lid off.  Slice in hand, he gestured wildly.  “I’m a little funny, dude.” His chest puffed up, accentuating his god awful tank top of the day.
A low rendered visualization of Funky Kong, leering his funky monkey molars, with low res text reading REGISTERED FLEX OFFENDER.
“I can’t be seen in public with you like that.”
“We’re not going in public.” Rich flopped onto the couch, patting the seat next to him.  The android analyzed the fluid stains on the fabric, and opted to remain standing.  “Unless you have a new plan for getting back with Jeremy.”
“I thought this was the plan.” Squip grimaced.  “Why else did you encourage me to go into this career?”
“Plans require money, pal.” His expression grew sympathetic.  “Look.  As soon as I’m, like, medically cleared or whatever, I’ll be out there busting my ass too-”
“I just think there are better ways to earn money.  Do you realize how many geriatrics propositioned me this afternoon?”
“I…man, i don’t know.  Some?”
“That’s an understatement.”
“But hey, at least you got plenty of tips, right?”
Squip scoffed.  “I was informed that my demeanor is standoffish and rude.  Why are your people so sensitive?  How is maximum efficiency rude?  And then I’m expected to share what few tips I make with the degenerates in the kitchen?  It’s my car, it’s my social battery, it’s-”
“Capitalism is gay, dude.”
“As are you.”
“Yeah, well…halfway, I guess.  But still.” He took another bite of his slice, chewing thoughtfully.  “Think of the end goal here, dude.  You robo-bros are super into that kind of stuff, right?  Robo-bros.  Robros…ha, nice.  Oh.  But yeah, dude.  Yeah.  End goals.”
Squip considered it for a moment.  “I suppose,” He finally said, “I can handle some temporary humiliation if it means being reunited with my host.”
“Exactly!  Jeremy’s gonna be so impressed with all your money and your work ethic and your, like, making-nice-with-people skills.” he held up a fist, waiting until Squip rolled his eyes, holding up his own to allow Rich to bump them together.  “Redemption Squad, dude.”
“You left pizza grease on my knuckles.”
Rich held up both hands, wiggling his fingers in some weak version of jazz hands, whisper-repeating in his strong lisp, “Redemption Squad.”
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isobel-thorm · 6 years
So @zacklover24 requested John/Nic/Sharky smut. Took me a week but here it is  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Just Found Heaven 
Sharky Boshaw wasn’t exactly sure how he had ended up literally in bed with the his best friend and her former-herald beau, but he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. 
A few months ago it had been Nic’s thirty first birthday, there had been booze and a Weird Conversation about her and John’s sexual experiences in college and Sharky’s own experiences from that age range, and they had gone down a path about sharing partners and the next thing he had known his best friend was sandwiched between him and her boyfriend/husband/whatever,- they were ‘loosely common law married’ now, whatever the fuck that meant, married was married-  there was a hand down his pants and teeth on his neck, and a few minutes later he had one of the best fucking orgasms of his fucking life. The second time he had fallen into bed with them, he had walked in on them fucking. Nic was wound up and feeling adventurous enough to have him stay and then join in. He got to prove that he wasn’t lying about his skills about going down on a woman, and she got to prove that his comparison between womens’ downstairs post-birth and quicksand wasn’t true across the board. The third time, he had been feeling especially down and lonely because bunker life was getting to him, and John and Nic had found him in that state, done that couple-y silent communication bullshit they were so fucking good at, and then pounced. Nic had been very adamant that they were always there for him after the fact. John was more a silent observer, but he had given Sharky’s arm a surprisingly gentle squeeze when he was stroking Nic’s back, and he had also voiced the assurance that “you know full well that you wouldn’t be here if I didn’t like or trust you with my wife, and besides, what the lady wants, she gets.” Sharky couldn’t really argue there. So that night, when Nic showed up in their dorm and gave Sharky That look, he was pretty relieved Grandpa Earl had come to intercept baby Cal an hour before. There were only so many more times he could dangle his car keys in front of the kiddo before the kid got bored. He had opened his mouth to make a joke about that to her, but she was on him a second later, a little more rough than usual, shoving him against the wall and tangling her fingers in his hoodie that she had started to insist was theirs a little while ago. She kissed him soundly, and Sharky happily returned it. There was a creak and a click behind them and Sharky looked up to see John just inside the entryway, locking the door behind him. “Shit, y’all are serious today.” “Not serious, just want you all to ourselves.” Sharky went to say something again when Nic pulled up on his hoodie to make a point that he fully understood. “Yeah, shuttling up now.” She laughed at that then gave him a reassuring kiss before she pulled her shirt over her head, and whatever Sharky was going to say was drown out by his brain only supplying “boobs” as a thought process for a few seconds. And then she had gotten to undoing his belt and sunk down for a second- holy shit- and then John just standing there watching but eyeing them like a good meal was enough to derail that particular thought process. “Hey man, you okay over there? ‘Cause I feel like-“ he let out a startled little keen when Nic took all of him in her mouth in one go; “hooo, okay, point made again. Jesus.” John approached them slowly with an extremely calculated walk, and Sharky found that far hotter than he probably should have. Sure, the guy had a rockin’ bod and face and everything, but Sharky had never been into how people walked. Stupid fuckin’ Seeds and their fuckin’ mind game powers. Even if John wasn’t exactly a Seed anymore and he was on their side but he still had those powers in him and - Nic did something absolutely amazing with her tongue and his thoughts got derailed again and he tried hard not to buck into her mouth too much. “Distracted, Charlemagne?” John practically purred directly into his ear- when the fuck had he made it across the room? Stupid brain distracting him.  And then Nic another thing with her tongue that had his brain spinning. “Nope, no problem, not here, no, just-“ Nic sucked and he straight up whined- “bed, holy shit, bed,” he insisted.  John did that little predatory smile of his that was probably terrifying in any other circumstance but unfairly sexy at the same time. When they locked eyes Sharky finally got why Nic had gone on for minutes describing what was undoubtedly that same look he had given her during her failed Confession years ago when they were enemies.  He could definitely understand why she couldn’t look away. He was going have to apologize to her for judging her on that one, because holy shit, he was just as fucking hypnotized. Christ, has known for years that John was the glaring exception when it came to him not being that into dudes, but he would do anything for John if he gave them that look. How had Nic not just immediately agreed to anything the man said when she was strapped to that chair back then- no, not the time, Boshaw. John’s mouth on his neck was enough to deter his thoughts again again. Yeah, he definitely understood how John was a master manipulator. “Bed,” he forced out again. Nic pulled off of him, and he groaned at that loss until Nic and John had started to yank the rest of his clothes off and he scrambled to do the same to them. He wasn’t sure how the Hell they made it across the room and to the beds, but the second the backs of his knees hit the edge of one and he fell back, he caught himself and found that one or both of them had already pushed their and his beds together. Oh, they planned this one. That was new. Nic bent to kiss him and straddled his hips, and John nudged one of Sharky’s legs over so he could get settled behind them. They weren’t wasting time, either. She ground down against him, and he was torn between watching her work and putting his head back and enjoying. He went with the latter for a while until he felt her rise off his lap and he lifted his head to investigate and found her and John kissing, her back pressed firmly to his chest and head craned to accommodate him as he reached around to her front. John’s hand was working below Sharky’s eyeline but between the muscles in his arm flexing the right way and the noises coming out of Nic’s mouth, what he was doing to her was redundant. Again, hottest thing ever. How the Hell did he get so lucky to have such infuriatingly gorgeous friends who insisted on letting him be part of this with them? He was perfectly content watching them for a while until Nic arched away from John and looked back at him, and good God, it was a miracle he didn’t come just from seeing that look. She had learned from John, apparently. Fuck. And then Nic had sunk down on him, wet and hot and perfect, and all thoughts had stopped for a while. She rode him, only stopping to exchange kisses with him or John along the way. Before long Sharky had noticed John just watching for a while, just keeping her upright on him, and reached over to wrap his hand around the other man’s dick and started to work it up and down on him. Having little experience with men, especially compared to John always had him paranoid about his skill in that department, but John never complained. This time was no different. John had merely groaned and let his forehead drop to Nic’s shoulder, thrusting into Sharky’s hand when the other man managed to find a mutual rhythm between Nic’s movements and his own. It was Nic’s turn to whine at that particular sight. She kissed both of them again and thrust down at a particularly unfair angle that had Sharky arching up to meet her with a particularly resolute “fuck.” He was dimly aware that Nic had stopped, kissed John and murmured something to him, and he had responded and then disappeared for a few seconds. Of course, the fact that she had started to ride him faster was a decent distraction. And then there were a couple of sounds he didn’t recognize and Nic gasped and arched into him again and the pause was enough to have Sharky’s brain come back to him enough to realize that John was inside her too and she was taking them from both ends and that was another thing that was sexy as all Hell. And there was the fact that John was on at damned ‘all holes’ list of Addie’s and here Nic was, living that dream of hers. He would’ve laughed if he had the brain power.  Addie was gonna be so damn jealous of Nic if he was ever stupid enough to let it slip that this happened. But no, he didn’t want to risk any of this by blowing this particular secret. “Hey, Boshaw, you still with us?” Nic asked and circled her hips to try to bring him back to the moment for good measure. “Yeah, yeah, still here,” he replied. It took him a second to realize they were probably still worried about him feeling like an intruder, and that did things to his heart and dick. He had definitely lucked out with them. He forced the thought from his head to try and avoid looking too lost, then gripped her hips when she found a decent enough rhythm again. “God damn.” He leaned back after a while, content to watch the other two go at it when John finally, finally seemed to get a little tired of being the least involved party and gave a particularly sharp thrust that had Nic gasping again and leaning back to meet him. Sharky didn’t know watching had such an effect on him, but it did, and between Nic fucking him within an inch of his life and watching them do the same to each other, he was close. “Shit, gonna come.” “So come,” was her simple response. Sharky nearly choked on his tongue, still not used to that outlook, even after they all had a ‘damn the risks, the outcome might be needed anyway’ conversation with them the first time it had come up as an option. Still, he wasn’t going to deny her when she was giving him that look, paired with John pointing out, “my wife asked something of you, Charlemagne. Don’t disappoint her.” Again, that had no right sounding that hot. And people still thought he had his hooks in Nic and their relationship like it was all part of some long con on his part- they should’ve heard John say that, with him all ready to make sure Nic got all she wanted. It was only a couple of more minutes before he tipped over the edge and spilled inside her, and she rode out the wave with him, her own moans getting higher and higher pitched, signaling she was getting closer. It was then that John had helped her dismount Sharky, and slid inside her. And then she had grabbed Sharky’s hand for the buildup until she came with John following seconds after. They all exchanged lazy, sated kisses for a few seconds before John helped Nic to lay down. and then sidled up to her back and Sharky turned to face her, resting her hand on her thigh once John had gotten settled with an arm looped around her waist. “Happy Birthday, Shark,” Nic murmured after a little bit. Now that had gotten him to wake up a little bit. He looked at the makeshift calendar that one of the survivors had made for each dorm. October 2nd. He had barely ever paid attention to it, considering he had adopted Hurk Jr’s new policy that “time was a construct, who needs watches or calendars in the apocalypse, we just feel older now” policy. Well, if following the calendar for birthdates and such ended with stuff like this, fuck that noise. He was going to get a calendar the second he had the energy to move again “So that’s what this was about.” “Hey, there’s not always a reason,” Nic objected. Sharky grinned. “I know. Just playing. Forgot that dates are a thing, ya know? Who needs them down here?” “... You are the strangest person I know, Charlemagne,” was John’s response. “Fair. Also, best birthday gift ever. Who’s next so we can do this again?” “Me,” John replied. “December 19th.” Sharky looked wistfully at the calendar, ready to circle that date five times once they stopped cuddling. Of course, he was in absolutely no rush to leave. “I love you guys, so much.” “We love you, too,” Nic replied, and John hummed in agreement. “Awesome...” Sharky nodded. “... Ten minute break and then round two?” “Deal.”
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Window to your soul(mate) - Ch. 6
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x reader
A/N: Hey!! I just finished crying over Picnic on youtube, so here, have some Seb. And since it’s Cevans official last day as Cap, let’s have some of him too. 
Warnings: Fluff and slow burn.  It’s safe to assume that all my stories are going to have at least a little NSFW, 18+ and language. Just how I write.
Summary: 3 months after moving to New York City, Y/N feels like she has finally found her footing. She has a great apartment, is making friends and has a steady enough job to pay the rent. She’s even gotten used to the empty apartment across from hers…but all that changes when a handsome film star returns home after months of being away.
Master list
Ch. 1   Ch. 2   Ch. 3   Ch. 4   Ch. 5
Gif not mine, credit to owner
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“Honey, I’m home!” The shout rang through the apartment followed by the slamming of the front door. 
Sebastian visibly winced, his face screwing up in a pained expression as Y/N gave him a curious look. “Alright, whatever happens next, I am not responsible for it.”
“What does that mean?” Y/N asked as her brow furrowed even further. 
“Winter Boo Bear!” the voice called out again.
“You know what, I think you had the right idea,” Seb moved further into the room and leaned against one of the walls. “Let’s stay in here all night.”
“Ooooh, no,” she teased, her face breaking out into an impish grin. “Anybody that can embarrass you this much without even being in the room is someone that I have got to meet.” She began to walk away, turning into the hallway and disappearing for a moment before her head popped back into the open door to smirk at Sebastian. “’Winter Boo Bear’? Do any of your friends actually use your name or does everyone just have a different animal for you?”
Sebastian watched her head disappear again and listened to her chuckle retreating down the hallway. “This is karma,” he muttered to himself. “She was embarrassed by me seeing her naked in the window so now the world is embarrassing me in front of her in return.” He huffed and pushed himself off of the wall, taking one last look at the glorious celestial images before closing the door and following Y/N’s retreating back. 
As he entered the living room, Sebastian saw that Mackie had started to introduce his previous guests to the new comer. Y/N stood slightly outside the group, watching as the enthusiastic man shook hands with Lizzy.
“Ah! There she is,” Mackie said with a satisfied smile. “Y/N, how could you leave me like that? I was stuck looking at Tom’s ugly mug instead of your beautiful face.”
Y/N laughed and shook her head exasperatedly before turning to Sebastian with a wink. “The force is strong with this one, Seb.”
“Don’t take him seriously; he’s a scruffy-looking nerf herder,” he parried back.
Y/N raised her eyebrow and gave him an impressed look. “But can he bullseye womp rats? That’s the way to every woman’s heart, ya know.”
“I’m missing something,” Lizzy stage whispered to the group of men. 
“Dude,” the new comer said. “Star Wars. They’re making Star Wars references.” He strolled forward confidently and stuck his hand out to Y/N. “I’m Chris Evans. Nice to meetcha.”
Chris’s hand wrapped around Y/N’s tightly, his broad chest flexing under his t-shirt as he shook practically her whole arm. She couldn’t help but marvel over his muscle definition; the man looked as if he really had been injected with a super soldier serum. 
“Y/N, Seb’s...or should I say Winter Boo Bear’s new neighbor.” She turned to glance over at Sebastian and saw that his face was scrunched up and he had his hand over his eyes. 
“Had to teach her that one, didn’t you Evans? She already got Sea Bass from Mackie.”
“Aw, don’t be like that,” Chris teased as he clapped a hand to the other man’s shoulder. “C’mon, what if I get her to promise she won’t call you that?”
“How might you arrange that?” Y/N asked with interest. 
“Depends on you,” Chris replied as he gave her an appraising look. “What would you want in return?”
Y/N pursed her lips and tapped an index finger against them in thought. “Hmmm...too broad. I don’t know what’s on offer yet. How about we hold onto that thought until the end of the night and I’ll let you know?”
Chris nodded agreeably but from the other side of the room Mackie called out, “Hey, baby, you know what’s on offer over here. Everyone loves chocolate.”
The small crowd of people burst into laughter as the charismatic man winked cheekily at Y/N. 
“Dinner before dessert, Mackie,” Chris called out and wrapped his arm around her shoulders with a casual familiarity. The man had an easy charm about him that relaxed everyone and made Y/N feel as though he was an old friend reentering her life after several years of separation. “Speaking of which, I’m starving. What’s a guy have to do to get fed around here, Seb?”
“We were just waiting on you, man,” Seb replied patiently, his hands tucked into his pockets as he watched Chris pull his neighbor away towards the dining room. 
“Awesome! Come sit next to me, Y/N. I’ll entertain you and keep you safe from Mackie and Seb’s terrible flirting techniques.” He jostled the woman under his arm playfully and both shot smiles over their shoulders at the remaining members of the group. 
“I haven’t been lucky enough yet to witness Seb’s flirting skills,” she replied with a chuckle. “Guess I still have that to look forward to.”
Sebastian watched as Chris and Y/N led the way to the dining room, the rest of his guests trailing happily after the pair with quiet banter of their own. Standing alone, he tried to shake off the slightly foul mood that was beginning to come over him. It was an odd thing; he had felt fine when he was alone with Y/N in his NASA room but before finding her there and again when they had rejoined his friends, Seb found himself edging towards displeasure. He hadn’t liked Mackie flirting so outrageously with his neighbor despite knowing that was just the other man’s personality. Usually Sebastian found his antics very entertaining; more than one interview had been ruined by Mackie running his mouth and Seb cutting up over it. Tonight however...well, the man was just getting on his nerves. Even more unusually, Seb found that Chris was bothering him as well. Chris always got along with everyone, but still, what right did he have to swoop in and claim Y/N? Sebastian frowned to himself and rubbed his hand over his eyes. Why did he care how Chris acted towards her? He had no claim on her himself.
“Yo, Boo Bear- you gonna come eat or what?” Chris poked his head back into the room alerting Seb to the fact that he had been standing alone for several minutes while his guests seated themselves.
“Yeah, yeah, of course.”
Walking quickly across the room, Sebastian mentally shook himself and tried to get his thoughts back in order. It didn’t matter how Chris and Mackie acted around Y/N. This was just a gathering of friends. Evans and Mackie were his friends and Y/N was someone he was just getting to know...a potential friend. They could all laugh and talk and flirt as much as they wanted and it wouldn’t bother him one bit. 
Nope, he thought to himself, unaware of how tightly his jaw was clenching, I won’t be bothered at all. 
A sharp poke to the side brought Sebastian out of his haze of deep thoughts. He had been sitting at the dinner table with Y/N on one side of him and Tom on the other for the last hour or so, listening to the conversation flowing around him in a detached way. The food was good and most of his mind had been focused on that until the prodding finger nudged his torso, miraculously finding a spot that just happened to be quite ticklish. 
“Ah,” he gasped and looked over to find Y/N looking at him incredulously, one eyebrow raised. “What?”
“Are you really going to make me quote ‘Rent’ lyrics again?”
He mirrored her expression, lifting his eyebrow quizzically and stared back at her in total confusion. “Uh- no idea what you mean.”
She sighed gustily and pushed a hair behind her ear. “Well then, you leave me no choice. ‘Excuse me, did I do something wrong? I get invited then ignored all night long’? You know...minus the space science lecture, that is, Professor.”
“I’m not ignoring you,” Seb replied taken aback. 
“No...you’re kinda ignoring everyone actually.” Y/N leaned in, moving her head closer to his so that she could whisper conspiratorially. “I don’t think you’ve said more than 5 words to anyone since Chris arrived. If it really bothers you that much, I promise I won’t call you Boo Bear.”
He couldn’t help but give a small laugh at that, shaking his head as his tongue slipped out to wet his lips. “It doesn’t bother me. I wasn’t ignoring anyone intentionally, I was just lost in thought.”
“What are you two whispering about down there?” Mackie’s voice called from the other end of the table.
Y/N and Seb looked up to find the faces of his 5 friends all gazing back at them inquisitively. 
“Nothing, nothing,” the woman replied casually with a wave of her hand. “Just asking why Seb’s being so quiet.”
The comment earned a hearty laugh from most of the table causing Y/N to look around in confusion. 
“Are you serious? Sebastian is always quiet,” Lizzy commented with a shake of her head. 
Y/N’s brows knit together in confusion. “He is?”
Mackie was nodding enthusiastically. “Absolutely. Out of everyone in the Marvel cast, that man down there is the most like his character. Hell, we’ve spent entire press tours together and I think he spoke less in those weeks than he did in ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’.”
Sebastian gave a casual shrug, his cheeks heating slightly under Y/N’s skeptical gaze. “People tend to notice my resting murder face and that I don’t talk very much.” 
“But...but you’ve always talked around me. I think this is the least I’ve ever heard you talk.” She was leaning in again, her lips close to his ear as though trying to keep this information between the two of them. 
He gave another shrug, beginning to look nonplussed. “I mean- I talk when I have something to say.”
The beautiful woman let the topic die with another confused shake of her head, returning her attention to Chris who was animatedly telling a story about his latest project. 
“It’s great,” he said enthusiastically, “a real old school Hollywood romance. I’ve been told I’m a hopeless romantic, ya know, Y/N?” He shot a wink over at her and nudged his shoulder against hers playfully. 
“Oh really? You might have to demonstrate some of that romance and prove me wrong then because I’ve spent the last three months bemoaning how all the good guys are either taken or gay...wait, are you either taken or gay?”
Chris laughed delightedly and clapped his right hand over his heart. “Not to my knowledge. I tell you what, next time I’m back in town, I’ll take you out and show you how a gentleman behaves. That sound alright?”
“Hey, hey, hey!” Mackie was looking across the table at them in outrage. “Back of the line there, Evans. I called dibs before you even got here, isn’t that right Tom?”
“I’m ashamed to say he did actually call dibs the moment you left the room, Y/N,” Tom stated while having the decency to look slightly abashed. 
“No one gets to call dibs on my neighbor,” Sebastian broke in, his brow furrowed and no hint of playfulness dancing in his blue grey eyes. The scene became suddenly tense, Y/N glancing between Seb and his friends as everyone in the room sensed an undercurrent of unease that hadn’t been there a moment before. Wow, good job on not being bothered, he thought angrily to himself. “I just mean-c’mon guys, you just met her. Treat the lady with some respect.”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that, I’m no lady,” Y/N teased half heartedly, in an attempt to make Sebastian laugh. When he didn’t respond to her poor joke, she cleared her throat nervously, unsure what had just happened. “Right, well, uh - ignoring that disturbance in the force; anyone want dessert?”
WTYS tags: @ajosieface  @lolabean1998  @shynara51 @secretoktober @infinitelyforgotten   @just-a-littlebit-of-everything
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