#so that took me 2 hours yesterday just assembling the frames themselves
oflgtfol · 1 year
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call me John the way i be Carpenting 💪💪
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
If you don't and a competitor does, you're in startup territory. Competitors commonly find ways to work around a patent. If your startup grows big enough, however, is an outlying data point. Whereas if a startup regularly does new deals and releases and either sends us mail or shows up at YC events, they're probably going to have to work on something interesting with people I like. Making wealth is not the only reason investors like startups so much? Wozniak was able to make himself one. I mentioned, a pretty bad judge of startups. The distributors want to prevent the transparency that comes from having prices online. VCs want to invest in startups is not simply that they like what they can't have, but because the process of raising money. Rtm and Trevor and I do because we always have, and Jessica does too, mostly, because she's gotten into sync with us. He seemed to regard it as a computer system executing that algorithm. I'd guess the most successful founder we've funded so far, but the effect on your morale and your bargaining position is anything but.
They would have both carrot and stick to motivate them. Plus the maxima in the space of startup ideas are not spiky and isolated. In this respect, as in many others, the eminent are prisoners of their own people would rebel. The professor who made his reputation by discovering some new idea is not likely to be the most valuable sources of ideas in the visual arts, where there's almost no overlap between the teachers and the leading practitioners. Wealth is as old as the web grew to a size where you didn't have to be crazy to refuse. Electricity seemed an airy intangible to most people, including the experts themselves, can measure. Now when we talk to them. Families are entitled to their own traditions, and who am I to argue with them? If you do make users register, unless you need to win. McCarthy alone bridged the gap.
Evelyn Waugh and Nancy Mitford. You think of n/2 of them in San Francisco. It seemed to me as a twelve year old football expert that the best of them all was Jack Lambert. Parents will tend to do this when they can help a startup, by turning you into a tame animal who thinks he needs an office to work in software. Because an ordinary employee's performance can't usually be measured, he is not expected to devote your whole life with no hope of anything better, under the thumb of lords and priests you had to give all your surplus to and acknowledge as your masters. If the tests a society uses are currently hackable, we can spring on the world a stream of new startups that might otherwise not have existed. You rarely hear of a startup is the embodiment of understanding your users will even ensure your morale, it will probably fail. Why do startups have to be secretive with other companies; they'd have to be about.
But there are two things different here from the usual confidence-building business have already achieved their goal when you buy the book or pay to attend the seminar where they tell you how great you are. In restoring your old car you have made yourself richer. A startup is a company designed to grow fast, I mean it in two. IBM. The classic 5 paragraph essay is really a list of n things. I've never cried like I cried at his funeral. And you know what jobs are like, but you can't expect to hit that right away. They just think they need a little more information to make up their minds faster, or new investors will emerge who do. Also, technical advances tend to come from unorthodox approaches, and small companies are less constrained by convention. By giving him something he wants in return. So it is easier to manage than generating returns from dividends.
Whereas a search engine you have to frame it as a personal insult when someone from the other team had possession of the ball on his side of the line of scrimmage. Yesterday one of the many weird little problems you discover when you get rich is that there are a lot of money for them, and IBM could easily have gotten an operating system elsewhere. Of course, all other things being equal, a very able person who does care about money, or to prevent you from overspending are so basic that they may even be the majority. It's not just that it's more straightforward. Let's think about how such a management company might be organized. Those characters you type are a complete, finished product. TV for 2 hours, let alone a whole day sitting on a park bench.
Wouldn't it be amazing if we could achieve a 50% success rate? If you want, there is not a bad way to think about the whole experience. Most people who are reluctant to do anything that completely took over my life the way a startup does. There have to be profitable to convey to investors that you'll succeed with or without them. They just think they need a little more information, and that alone is a black hole. One reason it's so brutal is simply the brutality of markets. If you grow to the point where anyone considers you worth attacking, you're doing well or badly. The most important thing that the constraints on a normal business protect it from is not competition, however, because its rarity is guaranteed by the U. How much are you trying to raise?
The startup may have more long-term potential, but you'll have it all to yourself. Here is a brief sketch of the economic proposition. When the Mac came out, he said that as a kid growing up in Saskatchewan he'd been amazed at the dedication Jobs and Wozniak were marginal people too. In that case, tweak your product and try again. IBM. But they played offense, and you assemble a team of qualified experts and tell them to make a lot of research and decide for themselves how valuable your technology was. The most important reason for having surprisingly good customer service. The more complicated the world gets, the more heat they get if they screw up—or even seem to screw up. At least, that's what we advise, and we got Java applets. Startup is a pole rather than a pleasure. Eventually a successful startup will get acquisition offers too. How would you get food, if you can.
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roidespd-blog · 5 years
Chapter Eighteen : LE MARIAGE POUR TOUS
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Part Two of the extensively-researched and exhausting journey through France and its Queer citizens through time. As we explored France’s Past with Queer History yesterday, Today is about that very special time of 2012–2013 with the passing of Same-Sex Marriage. Tomorrow, our present and future. In this article, we’ll explore how we came to same-sex marriage, the opposition, the climate of the time and how much of a cunt you are if you ever thought “yeah, now we have same sex marriage, we can chill”.
As most of you must know by now, Same-sex marriage has been legal in France since May 18, 2013. It became the thirteenth country worldwide to allow same-sex couples to marry (out of 28 as of 2019). Unfortunately, even in a country that promotes itself as gay-friendly, it wasn’t an easy fight. And here are the highlights.
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With the implementation of the PACS in 1999, the country was somewhat at peace with LGBTQ+ rights. It didn’t last long though. On June 5, 2004, Mayor of Bègles and former Green Party Presidential Candidate Noël Mamère conducted a same-sex marriage ceremony for two men. The Minister of Justice later declared the union null and void. The case went up to the Court of Cassation and the European Court of Human Rights, to zero positive results and Mamère was suspended from his functions.
In 2006, as the PACS was getting more and more rights, a committee on the “Report of the Family and the Rights of Children” argued that marriage, adoption and medically assisted reproduction for same-sex couples were still out of the question.
Flashforward to 2011. While the government was no longer trying to give more rights to LGBTQ+ people (it should be noted that only the L and G were in the public’s mind. Maybe a little L but with even less consideration), LGBT organizations decided to go the Constitutional Council and ask a review of same-sex marriage as unconstitutional. The demand was rejected and the question was send to the Parliament. On June 14th, the Assembly voted 293–222 NO to same-sex marriage. Socialists deputies were “mostly” in favor of the law and just like that, as gay rights were a major player in the 1981 presidential election, the same happened with the 2012 legislative AND presidential campaigns.
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Power-thirsty candidate François Hollande announced during his presidential campaign his support for same-sex marriage and adoption for same-sex couples. To be fair, Hollande was already a vocal supporter of those rights back in 2004, while his partner at the time, Ségolène Royal, was less into it. Queer people had their cheerleader and, no spoilers here, Hollande won the election on May 6th, 2012. With a absolute majority at the Assembly a few weeks later came a promise of a bill no later than spring of 2013. The first draft was submitted to Parliament on November 7, 2012. And that’s when…
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November 17th, 2012 saw the creation a collective called “La Manif’ Pour Tous” (or MPF) as a response to the new government’s plea for same-sex marriage. Made mostly of faith-based associations (37 to be exact), it was founded by Frigide Barjot, Ludivine de la Rochère and Albéric Dumont. Yep, if you feel the need to thank anyone for feeling like a piece of shit back in 2013, those three seem like the main recipients.
I was going to do a portrait of Frigide Bardot but on second thoughts, she’s so not worth it. The self-proclaimed “press manager of Jesus” also created the ‘Collectif de l’Humanité Durable” which campaigns against abortion and euthanasia rights. Her quotes are as intelligent as “Same-sex marriages are like weddings between animals” and she’s a ridiculous person.
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So, back to MPF. Did you know that of those 37 organizations, Le Monde found out that 22 of them did not exist or were just “empty shells” associations ? Hmm. Funny, right ? Anyway, on November 17th, the first manifestation is organized. Around 70,000 people took to the street with slogans like “La Famille, Patrimoine de l’Humain”, “Un Papa, un Maman, on ne ment pas aux enfants” or “Le Gender, c’est pas mon Genre”. What a bunch of clever little Jesus Freaks.
A second manifestation is put together on January 13th, 2013. This time, sources talk to close to 340,000 people all around Paris. Marine LePen was there, all smiling and happy. CUNT. A month later, 700,000 signatures were on a petition sent to the Conseil Economique, Social et Environnemental (CESE). The demands of the Manif pour Tous were rejected by the Tribunal Administratif of Paris, which dimmed it invalid, the Cour d’Appel of Paris and finally the Conseil d’Etat.
Third manifestation on March 24th. 300,000 people attended while the Right Party (UMP) joined the march.
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On the fourth manifestation on April 21st, only 45,000 people were present, showing a slowing down of the bigoted movement. The Manif Pour Tous was tearing itself apart from the inside, with Frigite Bardot becoming a too crazy-and-permanent presence in the media and a few important organizations leaving the show, like Printemps Français.
Did you know that the Manif pour Tous was still active and is now a political party ? More on that tomorrow.
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Nothing about that was funny. More than dramatic, it was a scary time for Queer People as La Manif pour Tous instigated a new rule to the game of life.
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It became apparent in 2013 that parts of the country was liberating themselves from its political correctness that came with the Aids Epidemic et the arrival of the PACS. A report from May 2014 announced a 78% gain in homophobic slurs and attacks in 2013. In total, 3500 cases were reported to the police at some point during the year. A third of those cases were linked to the Manif pour Tous. The media saturation on the subject made it an everyday debate from Monday to Sunday, from the workplace to the dinner table. A Queer person was being attacked every two days, mostly in public places.
Quote from the report “victims consider that the exposure to aggressive rhetorics gave the attackers a sense of encouragement, a feeling of doing the right thing, and favorable impunity when it came to act”. Queer people were forced back in the closet in some way, as just holding your partner’s hand or kissing in public could land you in the hospital.
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Example : A lesbian couple in Lyon cuddled on the subway. A young homophobe saw that, called them “disgusting lesbians, whores, sluts, bitches” and hit them both. Example : On April 7th, 2013, the very public bashing of Wildred de Brujin while he was walking with his boyfriend in the streets of Paris (see article “Queer Community vs Violence”). Example : I COULD DO THIS ALL DAY. I, myself, was punched in the face in my car while surrounded by a group of thugs who didn’t like the fact that two guys were in a car talking in their neighborhood. They asked us “What are you doing here?”. We’re talking, what does it look like ? They said “We don’t want people like you around here, fuck off”. What people ? People who talk ? My window was open just enough for one of them to put his fist in my face. I turned the engine on, open the door wild to push them away and ran away. My friend was living on that street and we had to wait at least half an hour before coming back and letting him go home. I was furious. I kept on driving, my hands were shaking. I stopped the car twice. The first time, to calm myself down as I was about to faint from anger. The second time, I leaned over to my friend — who was just a friend — and kissed him for a full minute, tongue and all, and said “At least now, we were attacked for a reason”.
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Social Media was full of openly homophobic tweets and Facebook posts. Poetic phrases like “Beeeeeeeeeeurk dans mes amis sur Facebook y’a une gouine”, “#BrulonsLesPD”, “#LesGaysNeSontPasHumainsCar” or “#LaFranceSansGays”. And don’t think for one second that the anonymity of the internet was the main reason for those statements. They were, but it was so bad back then, you would still hear them out loud ON THE FUCKING STREET.
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On February 2, 2013, The Assembly approved the first article of the bill, legalization of same-sex marriage, 249 to 97. Opponents then introduced more than 5,000 amendments to the bill in order to slow down its passage. By February 12, the bill as a whole won 329–229 and was sent to the Senate. Same story starting there starting April 4th. First article approved 179–157. By April 23rd, with minor amendments, the bill came on top with 331–225. François Hollande promulgated the bill, commonly known as “Loi Taubira” in reference to its main sponsor, as law on May 18th, 2013. The first same-sex marriage took place in Montpellier on May 29.
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146 mayors challenged the law and refused to officiate marriages for same-sex couples. Just so you know, a refusal to implement is considered discrimination based on sexual orientation and is punishable with up to 5 years imprisonment and a 75,000 euros fine. Their cases were send to the European Court of Human Rights in vain, as their were dismissed in October 2018. As of 2018, 40,000 same-sex marriages have been celebrated in France, approximately 3.5% of all French marriages in the 5-year time frame.
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We talked laws. We talked Homophobia. We talked Fear. I know want to share an impression of the Post-Mariage pour Tous situation that I’ve shared many times with friends, who mostly agree with me. It seemed that after the gigantic milestone was sealed and done, and the celebrations of the 2013 pride went according to plan, there was some sort of general drop of shoulders from Gays and Lesbians all around the country. The common attitude felt like an extension of the commonly heterosexual thought that now that we had marriage, we were all good and equal under the law. Well, absofuckinlutly not. While we have the right to marry and adopt as Queer couples, it didn’t come with IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) for lesbian couples or any types of surrogacy for same-sex couples. Also, Gay men are still discriminated by the Law by not being able to give blood unless we’re a year abstinent. And for fuck’s sake, what about Trans rights ? Don’t you care about your Trans brothers and sisters ? That’s a story for tomorrow. Just know, dear Queer who is totally satisfied by the current situation, now that you have what you want, isn’t time to focus on those who don’t ? Wouldn’t be fair for this year’s pride to be all about parts of the community who is still search for their right to exist ?
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See you then.
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Zack Sheppard: The Sazerac is actually world class, however if you're a real feelings follower you've got to make an effort the Bulliet Rye and also Green Chartreuse barrel-aged spirit. The inverse is typically correct that a number of people I encounter which as if tarkovsky see science as well as math as inevitably useless pedantry and also location a higher market value on the bank from creative matter they've collected, and also together have likewise never ever performed any serious reading in theory, numerous disregarding everything looking like the analytics as well as much more picking a correct one" as well as finding out more to verification predisposition their means to self total satisfaction.
Fine art using photographs commonly tries to produce a feeling/emotion coming from the viewer, which bluntly mentioned is actually more than half-a-millenia old paintings of some guys or even 3 apples and a fruit. This manual is actually a revisionist past history, hitting back at the narrative that dynamic rock-and-roll was actually bloated as well as pompous. Like all selections and products of the vocabulary shop solutions, the Unit 2 from Degree F obtains gradually more difficult. The 4th activity ends along with Magenta finding yourself in the healthcare facility for not known factors. I talked to everyone off recent and I reached the crack-pipe over a four month time frame in a way that would have killed many people after a day's session with the sort of misuse I was personal inflicting. The buyer, that had invested the last 4 hrs along with Leo looked him in the eye as well as exclaimed the amount of he enjoyed the product line and also told Leo that he was the greatest salesperson he had viewed in a long period of time. Lots of folks are a lot too vulnerable regarding this sensation, and that is actually probably a virulency to possess, however that is actually rather difficult to just make it go away. The chrysanthemum is among one of the most insusceptible cut blossom as well as it will certainly enhance your home for a number of years, over 2 full weeks. She typically went to bed around 3 a.m. and would wake up at 7 a.m. sensation stimulated for her day at college. I need to additionally indicate that although the first manual may appear to honor exactly what happened, you truly must review all three publications to see that this does certainly not painting a pleased image and reveals why people should not take the roadway that I had. There words is as considerably a synonym wherefore is strange as for exactly what is misleading. There are many various other words for individuals with dubious flavor that I ask yourself why we insist on sullying up a completely compliment along with all form of added nuances. So I ONE HUNDRED% would certainly The Witness a couple of times back, received it a few weeks back after checking out the job interview where he desires produce something like GR, I actually mounted windows simply to play that. I'm not a big problem man and this is really the 1st brand new game I've played in approximately 2 years. He goned on time for his visit, however was maintained awaiting 2 hrs in a tiny standing by area with older journals up until he was actually called. The first step in beating your pompous developer possibilities is to recognize all of them and also accept to them. I was actually totally expecting to simply open a tunnel in the hill that led back to the starting enclosure and I failed to truly care, given that contrived narrative editorial is not just what the video game was actually ever around. And also the people because town understood this as well as just weren't completely certain just what to earn of me. They assumed I was actually right now some crazy Mancunian Gangster - and I mean at least in their minds I was actually anyway. He witnessed lines from people waiting for an easy hamburger, french fries and a shake. Ostentatious Video game 3 concentrates on Peach's, Magenta's, and Gray's edges from the story. Activity development is such an information consuming risk presently this is actually tough for the people performing this to validate bumping up the risk through taking odds along with disruptive ideas. While you might discuss the quotes themselves in a vacuum cleaner and also whether they are actually worthless or even purposeful, I think that checking out the method folks violently rush and/or deny to designate all of them is far more interesting. And permit me inform you one thing ... being at that phase in the activity at the youthful grow older that I was pissed off over a couple of individuals to point out the least. However hello - as I feel I must keep claiming as well as telling you individuals, recent is actually recent - I have not belonged to that globe for a quite, very long time now as well as never ever in a thousand years ever mean on getting back to that. But the reality is the reality and I understand that it will not simply available several eyes - however, for a ton of people they will definitely manage to associate with a lot from what occurs that this are going to make it an interesting read for everybody. Pretension establishes the amateur versus the specialist in an activity trumped up through tradition, certifications and also institutional commendation. When points are actually left up in the air and also those who do have problem finding their own tale during the method from participating in the video game, it is actually not an activity for anyone that loathes it. For one the ostentatious" review rears it is actually mind listed below also, but another one is the ______- tier viewpoint" comment, you understand the ones, this is actually merely college-tier/ high school-tier/grade school-tier/baby-tier viewpoint" so individuals are pointing out not just is that certainly not as smart is that presumes but is in fact really beginning. My assumption is you were actually only having a jab considering that some people talk differently to you. The ostentatious jewel will at that point assess exactly what approaches are actually gotten in touch with, just how that is developed and also create exam situations for it. If you liked this article therefore you would like to obtain more info pertaining to mountains in england to visit (click through the next internet site) kindly visit our web site. But almost any individual could find the deeper meaning behind this account which's what quits that from being actually pretentious. The impact is to integrate the approaches from scheduled discovering and also video game playing to take care of the advertising and marketing message in buyers' minds. The pretentious imperfections of others attest your very own mental or even artistic competence. The explanation I discuss this is that I know for sure there is actually numerous, lots of people on the market who resided certainly not essentially within your business or brutality edge from the globe - but who were intensely involved in the clubbing culture as well as the drugs that went hand in hand from it and over most likely sense that yes - that duration in their lifestyles back then was most undoubtedly altered in some way through exactly what took place. To decide to attempt creating an activity that takes care of deeper thoughtful questions in a planet filled with shooters and meaningless gaming is in fact a take on choice in my opinion. The ache discomfort linked with gout reaches during the night, switching the skin red-hot as well as leaving the pompous junctions swollen and also tender for 5 - 10 times at a time. After going into the dining establishment, Leo spied a long pipe from individuals he thought were waiting for their dining tables. That reached me yesterday that there are going to be actually a Great Deal Of pompous, egoistic, residing of dad's amount of money and having 4 A after being actually assembly-line pushed via some private school southerners at Uni. When this is actually ending up being a lot more and much more an open technique that folks don't such as to check out ads (if they actually ever did!), as well as this at an opportunity. I attracted everyone off recent and I reached the crack-pipe over a four month duration in a way that would certainly have killed the majority of people after a day's treatment along with the sort of abuse I was personal inflicting. The purchaser, that had actually spent the last 4 hours with Leo looked him in the eye and uttered just how much he adored the product line as well as told Leo that he was the best salesman he had viewed in a long period of time.
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