#so that leads me to believe he was grading everyone's papers like shit bc they were firsties and he could get away with it. so rude
disengaged · 2 years
(hi hello it's saintviscera from the main cause i'm dealing with shadowbanning problems 🙄) but THANK U i'm glad i'm not the only one so i don't feel stupid saying that the grading felt kinda wack!!! tbh as much as i Do want to contest it ... its worth very little in the grand scheme of things anyway so idk if it's worth the trouble LOL
@saintviscera cast out into the shadow realm .... wtf .........
i respect ur right to do whatever the hell you want in this situation but tbh if it were me (obsessive, certified freak, etc) i'd be so indignant. esp cuz like ??? even if smth is only worth 5-10%, at the end of the sem it can still be the difference between one letter grade and the next
like personally i'll own it if i've done a shit job on an assignment, but i barely ever do that, & i KNOW i'm a competent student, so. yknow. on principle i just don't think a TA should have the authority to do that to someone
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hyperfixationtimego · 4 years
Alright we’re trying this angst thing again
Diamond Brothers Angst because I said so
Both Daiya and Mondo have huge self esteem issues bc of the crash
Both think stuff along the lines of what the fuck I could have prevented that
Neither Daiya nor Mondo can sleep very well because when they hear vehicles driving past and the occasional screeching tires they’re back at the scene of the accident
They hear a semi truck rumbling past? Suddenly neither of the brothers remember how to move or breathe properly
They both survived the crash but they were both injured severely bc fuck dude that was a truck that hit them
The Crazy Diamonds witnessed the whole thing and they were Worried™️
And we all know how the Owadas hate being vulnerable
Neither of the brothers could actively ride their motorcycles for a long time after the crash because they couldn’t handle it emotionally
They played off their mental recovery time as time in the hospital
Daiya made Mondo promise not to get back on his motorcycle, much less the road, until he was 100% sure that he was prepared to handle it because what if there’s another freak accident that neither of them have control over
Mondo made Daiya promise the exact same thing because He Cares™️
Mondo has reoccurring nightmares about the crash and often sees Daiya dead in those nightmares
The gang shows up in the nightmares too and they’ve all been hit and it’s all Mondo’s fault and he couldn’t be a good leader because he wasn’t strong enough and why couldn’t he just be more like his brother god fucking dammit
Sometimes he sees Taka or Chihiro in place of Daiya and the Diamonds and that Absolutely Terrifies Him™️
Daiya has reoccurring thoughts about hijacking a truck to hit the driver who hurt him and his little brother
He wants them to feel all the same pain and more that they put the Diamond Brothers through
Daiya has breakdowns over this because even if he is a gang leader, he would not go that far
cue the Am I A Bad Person Complex™️
Mondo does not let himself stim
He doesn’t think it’s manly and it definitely doesn’t fit the Tough Guy™️ act
This leads to worsened focus and next thing you know he and Daiya are having a yelling match at home because if Mondo’s grades drop any lower he’ll be expelled soon and Daiya just wants the best for his brother but nothing works out the way it was planned
One time Mondo received a popsicle stick and paper heart from Taka
He was extremely happy
When he got back to his dorm he was that happy that he was shaking and then oh shit
Mondo broke it
He snapped the popsicle sticks in half
the note that Taka wrote,, it got ripped in the process
Mondo full on sobbed over this for an hour at the least
He broke something that Taka— not just his bf, but his best friend— had worked so hard on to make just for him and he fucking broke it like a shit for brains idiot
Mondo is terrified of hurting his friends
Because what if he forgets to take his adhd meds one day and his emotional dysregulation is all fucked up and he has an outburst again and actually hurts his friends
Or what if he takes 2+ doses by accident and focuses too hard and is left staring at one (1) spot and everyone hates him and what if they think he’s a creep
Mondo hates going out of his dorm at night because what if someone else is out and they have a flashlight and now they’re pointing it at him and it’s bright and those are headlights and that’s
that’s his brother
on the ground
not moving
Mondo will start shaking and he’ll break down hyperventilating or freeze on the spot
Either way, he hates being vulnerable
Whaddaya think? :D was that enough angst?
also can you tell that i kin Daiya on the dl bc i too got hit by a moving vehicle to save my young mer sibling from being hit /lh but also srs lmfo
HEY TINK??? HEY TINK????????
GodDAMN make me cry over this shit oKAY-
also sorry this took ✨forever✨ I had to gather my Thoughts™️ and my brain did not want to work today 😌
also before we get into my things, tw for trauma (obviously), unhealthy coping mechanisms, underage smoking/drug relapse/smoking as a crutch, and suicidal ideation (passive, but still there)
First of all, y e a h oh my god?? There is literally so much internalized guilt for both of them,,,,,like they rlly do have episodes sometimes where they just. Play over the events of what lead up to the crash in their heads and fixate on what they could have done differently,,,,,even though in the moment they both did their best? Like “well, I shouldn’t have taken us down this street” or “if I had acted quicker, maybe it wouldn’t have happened” and.....yeah those thoughts really fuck with them, y’know?
and 100% that unexpected/overwhelming vehicle noises and/or presences are nearly debilitating. Honestly, I imagine that Mondo can’t go hang out with Leon and Taka or whoever else if said people are hanging out in Kaz’s workshop. Owada’s only ever been in there once and immediately had to leave when he heard Kazuichi starting an engine he was working on. Not to mention being surrounded by a shit ton of vehicles, even if they were idle, had kept him on-edge the entire thirty seconds he was able to handle it.
They both deal with a lot of phantom pain, as well. Like something triggers them and suddenly, even if they’re able to remain in the moment and keep conscious of their surroundings, they somehow feel every ache, every twinge of pain, every breaking bone, or bruised patch of skin that they felt on that day. It’s a lot more prominent in Daiya than it is with Mondo, but they do both experience it!
And neither one lets the other know when they’re feeling like shit or having an episode because 😌 Daiya. wants to be strong. for his little brother. and Mondo. sees his brother basically functioning like a typical person. and figures that there’s something wrong with him. because he can’t get over what happened.
Takemichi is absolute shit with Emotions and being vulnerable or getting people to open up to him, but he’s like..........internally these bitches are Not Okay what the fuck am I supposed to do about it???? So he kind of...tries to hint to both of them that he’s worried? Without making it obvious or embarrassing them, but he’s like.......fuck these assholes.......making me be the one to make them realize they need help goddamnit........
And michi exhibiting a change in behavior is pretty 👀 because. it’s michi I mean he’s not just gonna change the way he talks in front of u for nothing, u know? So both Daiya and Mondo are actually able to pick up on it, although their reactions differ pretty greatly.
Like Daiya’s first thought is “wow, he’s worried, that’s really sweet of him. Better convince him everything’s okay.”
Meanwhile Mondo’s is “wow, he’s worried. my stupid emotional turmoil is that obvious. he must think I’m some sorta fuckin idiot for not being able to get over it. or selfish. or both. yeah, probably both.”
Also I think Daiya’s pretty perceptive in general? Like he can Tell™️ that something’s going on with his brother, but........yeah emotional conversations....vulnerability......that’s rlly neither of their strong suits. + he also figures that if it were something mondo were really really really having trouble with, he would come talk to him!
And so Daiya has absolutely no concept of just how Not Good his brother is doing right now hbbvvvv
So he settles for being like “I’m just gonna stay strong and act like the memories and intrusive thoughts aren’t affecting me in any way because I want to be a good role model” (which. is not healthy obv)
oh g o d the nightmares
they are so horrible and vivid and concentrated at times that Mondo simply.....refuses to sleep. He’s exhausted, both mentally and physically, and yet he can’t bring himself to close his eyes because he knows what he’ll see if he does.
And of course it affects him to the point that his friends start to become worried. Like Taka notices a stark increase in tardiness or general absences, and, after an initial assumption that it was simply Mondo choosing not to care about his academics again, realized that there was probably a lot more going on than he realized. He really, really wanted to bring it up and let his boyfriend know that he’ll always be there for him no matter what, but he couldn’t quite figure out how to articulate it properly. The farthest he gets is with the question, “is everything okay?”
And as much as Mondo wants to respond to him by saying that no, in fact, everything is not okay, everything sucks and everything hurts and he’s tired and he hates himself and sometimes he wishes that the crash had killed him, but that’s selfish so he should shut up- he just.....can’t bring himself to open himself up like that. Yes, he and Ishi are dating, so logically he should be able to tell him all this, but.....it’s so much. It’s too much. Too much to think, too much to feel, let alone try to explain. So he shuts himself up with a quick, curt, “Yeah.”
And....Taka knows he’s lying. He’s not sure how he knows, but he does. And it hurts to see someone he loves so much in such a state of anguish, and basically be unable to do anything about it because....how is he supposed to respond? What is he supposed to say? Navigating everyday interaction is difficult enough without having to improv something that could affect his partner’s mental health indefinitely. So....he does his best. Which isn’t enough, really, but it’s something.
“You can tell me anything.”
Mondo wants to believe him.
Another side of that same coin is Mondo skipping class a lot more than is typical for him. It’s almost always with Leon, but he’s also begun slipping away on his own, occasionally, as well, now.
And....y’know, at first, Leon thought it was super rad that Owada and he were skipping more! Like it used to be that Kuwata would offer for them to miss the next class, and Mondo’s usual answer would be ‘not today,’ and then Leon would keep bugging him about it until Mondo either gave in or told him to fuck off.
But....there’s just something about how it went from Leon being constantly shut down, to being told yes around the first few times the idea was brought up, to how, suddenly, Kuwata wasn’t even the one asking, anymore. It’s....depressing? Uncomfortable?
There’s also the fact that hanging out while they’re cutting just....isn’t as fun as it used to be? Leon’ll crack jokes or come up with stupid dares, and Mondo’s responses will be noncommittal at best. And Leon’s had enough experience with sleep deprivation to know it in his friends when he sees it.
He’s never been put in this situation before - usually it’s kuwata having some sort of stupid episode and usually it’s owada who’ll tell him to chill the fuck out and think rationally about things, but....Mondo acts a lot different when he’s upset than Leon does. He smokes more. Cuts himself off from everyone. Doesn’t engage with anything.
It’s different with people like Toko, or Makoto, or Kaz, because Leon knows what they need. He knows whether or not they need vulnerability, or a physical presence, or tough love, or tactile grounding, or a willing ear or shoulder to cry on, but with Mondo......he just isn’t sure.
So Leon doesn’t comment.
Chihiro’s probably the one to get him to open up about it ngl.
y e a h Daiya intrusive thoughts?????? fuck yeah???? absolutely??????
god yeah I rlly feel him on that ngl hbhdbdbdbbb
god okay it SUCKS because????? he doesn’t judge his friends for stimming????? Like he sees his friends fidgeting or repeating phrases or rocking back and forth and he’s like???? Hell yeah you go u funky kid ilysm
But when it comes to himself????? he’s like if I do anything aside from stay perfectly still, I’m weird and bad and a failure so I simply Will Not
he’s wrong but it doesn’t change the fact that he feels that way ❤️
hhhvhvvdd I’m also a slut for daiya doing his best as a makeshift parental figure,,,,,,,like fuck dude okay,,,,,,as an older sibling who also loves and cares about their younger sibs but often finds emotionally connecting with them to be difficult,,,,,,,,,mood??? And having all of that amplified by rlly being his younger bro's only support in his home life,,,,,,,like ok mr. owada go off
he feels a lot of pressure to get it right and make sure that Mondo's doing okay, so the grades really worry him. but, of course, grades are a touchy subject with mondo regardless, so as u said it devolves into arguments and yelling and a lot of defensiveness!!
and god okay,,,,,,,the heart rlly got me,,,,,,,like that hurt. it rlly hurt man okay damn
honestly??? I think that might be the thing that gets him to break. like that might be his final straw.
because when they meet up again, Ishi asks him about it and whether or not he liked it. And Mondo just.
He’s shaking and he’s crying and there’s snot running down his nose and this is so ugly and so not manly but he can’t stop. he can’t stop. Because there is this sweet, gentle, kind, sweet, beautiful, darling, sweet man before him who did something so nice for him, something he didn’t deserve, and he destroyed it.
Like he destroys everything.
And so when Taka panics and asks him what’s wrong (yes Ishi gets worried that he did something bad and yes ishi also gets worried that his boyfriend didn’t like the present because hdbdvdvd kin 💛) owada just. spills everything. and he doesn’t even begin with the gift??? he starts with apologies upon apologies, many of them incoherent, and many of them with Mondo not even certain what he’s apologizing for, just that he knows he needs to
and ofc Taka is like o-o because wow ok
but after his initial shock, and after Mondo has thoroughly cried himself out and explained everything he could stand to explain at that point in time, Taka just......holds him. And strokes his face, brushing away the tears that have not yet dried, simply offering his body as a weight, as something for Mondo to ground himself with. And it works.
And Taka insists that Mondo has nothing to apologize for, only that he wishes Mondo would have told him what was going on sooner. Because he wants to help. And hearing that just gets Owada’s waterworks going all over again, but he’s still got Ishi there with him. He hasn’t scared him off.
And it’s more than enough.
and UGH yeah????? yes absolutely absolutely okay okay so,,,,,,,,mondo comorbid adhd/depression/anxiety
like sir 🤝
got me fucked up smh
honestly he’s probably not diagnosed with the depression or anxiety, either, until something like the incident with ishi prompts him to realize oh wow I’m not okay actually
so yes he 100% does???
he constantly has all of these what if situations swirling around in his brain about what might happen if he fucks up, or does something that he doesn’t qualify as fucking up in the moment, but leads to something awful or painful or harmful for someone else, and he’s just??????? g o d
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Hey mom! I’m stressed at 1am, any advice? I’m having trouble in school via studying sometimes it feels like we’re going from 0 to 100. And I need better study habits, do you have any advice? Bc sometimes it feels like I’m so afraid of failure that if I do study to my full potential (sounds weird) I feel like I loose the excuse of saying oh I got a bad score bc I goofed off. Like if I actually do all my effort to study and do bad, then is there something wrong with me??
(A/N: this answer is so long I almost feel ashamed to post it. I’m very sorry everyone. Anyway, if you’re looking for the concrete tips they’re at the end :) )
Hey :)
This doesn’t sound weird at all because I’m the exact same way. This way of thinking is actually more common than you’d think, and is often a part of the cognitive profile of perfectionism (btw, perfectionism isn’t that apt a name but I digress. Also, this way of thinking doesn’t mean you’re a perfectionist.). Anyway, I know a bunch of people who’ve experienced this, and the common factor isn’t fear of failure, but rather what it is you think you’re failing at. For example, I once told my therapist that I was super stressed over a bunch of stuff and I also had a paper I had to get done, and he asked me what would happen if I didn’t turn it in on time and I was like “academically? nothing. mentally? I wouldn’t be me anymore.” And that’s the stitch.
The people I know who struggle with this are often (though not exclusively) girls, and often people who’re pretty smart. They spent their childhood being told over and over that they were gifted, intelligent, and good at school. And back then, that was easy to live up to. They danced through the first few years of school without any issue, and enjoyed it a lot. They did their homework, understood stuff, and were usually “good kids”.
Now, we’re always growing and re-shaping our sense of self, but the foundations are lain when we’re children. So, when people around you keep identifying you as a smart/good student, then we start identifying ourselves like that too. Especially if it is being reinforced by your actual achievements. And then, suddenly, getting good grades isn’t about doing well or working hard, it’s about identity. It’s about who you are at your core. Thus, the stakes become infinitely higher. If you fail at a math test that you really studied for, then that means that you don’t have what it takes, and that means you are no longer yourself- the intelligent kid who’s good at school. A test might not be that anxiety-inducing, but losing your whole sense of self is. So, in that case procastination makes a lot of sense, because as long as you don’t fail while doing your best then you never put your identity on the line.
(This also applies if failing at school has become synonymous with being a failure, i.e. if you’ve been taught that doing well academically is the only way to be a successful/useful person in society, or if academic success has merged with the idea of a happy future so it feels like failing autmatically leads to an unhappy life. Essentially, mental structures that lead to a misconception of the stakes involved in a single exam/paper/task.)
That said, I do have some more practical things to say here. First off, sometimes we’re in a situation where we can’t do our best and that’s okay. I’ve failed exams, tests, papers, you name it and I still have my degree in the end. It’s never the end all of things.
Now, my own biggest freak out like this came when I started uni. My first paper I went completely insane and procrastinated like crazy, and I failed. And then the though crept in “what if I can’t do this? What if this is it. I can’t handle higher education, even if I try my hardest?” The anxiety was... big bad and mad.
I should say for this next part that my therapist once told me that I have a strangely aggressive approach to handling anxiety. Moving on. I sat down and said to myself “what is worse, to try my hardest and fail or half-ass it and never be able to live the life I want?” Since the answer was pretty obvious, I got to it. I had about 5 weeks until the next exam, and I sat down and planned every single hour until then. I studied for that damn test like I’ve never studied before, and whenever I felt anxious I would tell it to FUCK OFF and focus on the task I had planned. I didn’t allow myself to think beyond that first planning session, I just did what was next on the agenda. What am I supposed to do right now? read these 10 pages? Ok.
I’ve had two exams during my studies where I failed (the second due to the situation I was in) and ended up in this spiral. And here’s the funny thing: I have a small number of courses in uni where I got a higher grade. They include 1) courses that I found extremly interesting and 2) those two courses.
Okay! I know this is already so fucking long but I want to give you some actual tips too. Number one is obviously to plan. Take a whole day, sit down and plan the next month. Consider all your assignments, when they’re due, what you need to do to study, how long that’ll take and when that is done most efficiently. Plan everything in your calendar. Give yourself enough time for each task that you can do it even if you’re not super super focused. Do not study outside these hours. When you’re done for the day you’re done for the day. This way, there’s a clear, reachable end to each study session and you don’t feel as compelled to postpone tasks. When you sit down to study, don’t worry about the other stuff you have to do, or other subjects that you haven’t done yet. They’re all in the plan, all you have to do is what is in front of you. As long as you keep doing that you’ll make it. (If the plan goes to shit for some reason, take a day to plan a make a new one. It happens).
Some things to consider:
Different subjects are best studied in different ways. I used to set aside 15-30 minutes every day in high school for Italian, where I’d sit down and read the chapter we were working on out loud. I didn’t even focus that hard, I just did it every day- the chapter and the glossary. I STILL remember some sentences from that book. Math is best done in longer stretches, but not too long. 1-2 hours preferably. Think about how YOU work. Do you best read a textbook in one go or in increments? Do you learn better in a coffee-shop or your room? Silence? Music? This can also change depending on your subject. Plan accordingly.
For reading, time your reading speed for the book. Read a page at normal speed and clock it, then multiply that by the pages you need to read to see how much time you’ll have to plan for. Round up to give yourself room for spacing out.
Plan for breaks. Think about your normal need for it, but the uni standard is 15 minutes for every 45, making an even hour. Find a break activity that’s has a specific end, for example making some more tea/coffee and snacks and doing some stretches, or maybe playing one race in mario kart. Avoid things that you can get stuck doing beyond the alotted break time.
Buffers. For every five hours or so, plan one hour of buffer time. This is time that you can use if something takes longer than expected. If you do everything as planned, this is surprise free time! :D If you have a long study session, plan 30 minute buffers every two or three hours to be used for extra breaks and to keep panic at bay. Buffers will save your life.
Make a chart with different tasks and have little boxes that you get to fill in with fun colours when you’re done. If you have to read 100 pages, do a bar with ten boxes, that way you can see your progress visually.
Plan for days/evenings that are free. Plan what you’re going to do those days, like “movie night with X”, “play videogames and eat cupcakes”, “take a long bath and read a good book”. That way, you use your free time well and can use those days and evenings as incentive.
Prioritize your work. If you have too much to do, make a list of what’s most to least important and focus on doing the important stuff first. This includes studying tasks. What’s more important, reading that text for the third time or really understanding integrals?
Drink lots of water and eat sugar. It’s brain food. I usually bake before an intense week. That way when I feel myself going down I can go get a cupcake instead of taking time to make something to eat, or worse- try to soldier through which never works.
I hope this helped a little at least :) Good Luck! I believe in you! 💙💜
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asterekmess · 4 years
S3A - E4
Alrighty, here we go. Maybe I’ll get a little less fired up this time.
Be Kind, Read More’s (I’m bad at puns or jokes.)
So, I get that they’re trying to amp up Scott becoming an Alpha or whatever, but I just really hate the concept of dogs needing to know “who the alpha is.” It’s a really harmful myth that leads to a lot of frustration for owners and a lot of fear for their dogs. I actually recommend anyone with a dog, or thinking of getting a dog to look at this video to understand how huge a myth that whole Dominance thing is. He explains it better than I ever could. That also doesn’t work in the show, since we know that all werewolves have sway over dogs. Derek does it like a fucking pro in S1 (Yeah, he scares the dogs, but it’s entirely controlled. The dog didn’t freak until he wanted it to.)
Woooow, Scott actually working at his job? That’s new!
Deaton, mistletoe is poisonous to anyone. Wtf are you on about “to the dog, and you too.” literally everyone is poisoned by mistletoe.
Is this a reference to a movie or something? IT’s so fucking creepy and gross, him sticking his hand under the dumpster and getting bit. And what’s with the whispering??? JENNIFER did you bite someone? WTF? Also, he literally can’t get any closer, dumbass. He’s on his knees right up against the dumpster.
I hate this woman. This show I think has a lot of issues with actual foreshadowing and making villains appear earlier in the show. Like, they knew Jennifer was going to be the villain. So what was all this extra shit? All the random clips of her grading papers and getting spooked walking down the halls of the school. She’s literally committing murder every single night and is far scarier than even werewolves, even without the extra powers. Showing us this stuff directly contradicts her being the villain. I can’t tell if they thought we as an audience were too smart and we’d figure out she was the villain, so they had to cover their tracks extra hard bc we all know that plot twists should only ever happen when it makes no sense, or if they thought we were too dumb to notice that they didn’t put any effort into her character until she starts being actively creepy.
I hate this. I hate all of it. I’m disgusted and nauseous just fucking watching this, knowing that Derek isn’t fucking choosing to do any of this. He’s literally under a spell that’s making him worry about her, because she wants an Alpha guard dog.
I’m also gonna point out that since the show hadn’t told us that Derek was being controlled yet, they were trying to show Derek being interested in Jennifer and trying to make Jennifer someone Derek would be interested in. In order to do that, they made her jumpy, suspicious, anxious, and over-talkative. And crazy smart. With brown hair. Just saying.
The Crucible? Dude, you started the class on The Heart of Darkness literally last Wednesday. Chapters 1-3 weren’t due till last Friday. Why can’t this show fucking make up its mind?
Aannnnd here we go. Love watching Scott laugh about something that he knows Stiles is absolutely terrified by, seeing as Heather DIED. God, if you want Scott to look funny, can you not make him make jokes about something that’s getting people killed and traumatizing his best friend? Jesus.
I...I feel the need to point out that Stiles jumped exactly the same way Jennifer did like two seconds ago....just saying.
Honestly, I like that this Danny did this, not just to fuck with Stiles (in a non-sexy way) but also to try and subtly point out that he can hear them talking about virgin sacrifices. Maybe keep it down boys?
As much as I hate this shaky camera, slow-mo to fast-mo stuff, it’s still so much better than the CGI/Green Screen. Just, so much.
Boys, stop sticking your tongues out while running, you’re gonna bite them off and that shit doesn’t grow back. Also, I wanna give Isaac props here for managing to keep up with Alphas. Speedy Boi. AND, did you notice the look on his face before he ran after them? TOTALLY different from the look on his face before he attacked Cora in the woods. Not play time, kill time.
Those are...those are also not wolf sounds. At least I know Cora wasn’t a sexist thing? Seriously, wolves sound terrifying enough on their own, no need to add in the lion--wait didn’t I read that they don’t use lions roars most of the time, they use tigers instead? Whatever. NO need for the cat noises. I get it for the actual roaring stuff, but the snarls can be wolfy, can’t they?
How long did they have to stand there waiting for the cops to arrive? THe whole class is just standing around in a crowd? You know, I’d believe it, honestly I don’t think Finstock would think to make them go back to the school. He’s not great at the adulting thing.
How--How did Kyle’s girlfriend know? She’s not on the track team, is she?
I hate this whole “He’s got a point” thing. Stiles admitted that he agreed the Alphas were connected somehow but his reasoning is perfectly sound. Are you seriously telling me that Scott didn’t talk to Deaton about this? We can assume he did, because it’s Scott and he tells Deaton Everything. But that means Deaton DIDN’T tell him what he knew, openly lying to him. And none of that should matter anyway, because Stiles is Scott’s best friend. It is not too much to ask for him to just believe Stiles. In fact, it’s pretty fucking basic friendship stuff.
ALSO I hate that Isaac appears to give zero fucks about Erica. “They killed that kid, they killed the girl that saved me” But no mention of Erica? Or of how they imprisoned erica and boyd for four months? No mention of his own pack members? Seriously?
Hi cora. Hi derek. I really really wish you were going to be a reprieve from the bullshit of the rest of the episode so far, but instead you’re going to break my heart by refusing to give me even the slightest hint at Derek and Cora giving any kind of fucks about each other and finding out that the sibling they thought was dead is not dead. Nothing. We get absolutely Nothing. I don’t even get to see where the FUCK Cora got the exercise clothes from? Did they go shopping? did they go find her bag of clothes that got left in a building somewhere when she was taken? Huh? SOMETHING?
I’m just so...disappointed, and it’s definitely not directed at Derek.
Also, Derek, your alarm sucks ass if it only tells you that someone’s at your place once they’re outside the door.
I’m gonna be honest, Derek does need to work on his ranged combat. He’s all about the up close and personal, our boy needs a quarterstaff or something. Maybe a bat?
Sup duke? I hate your guts.
Sup Harris? I hate your guts too.
I don’t--I don’t even wanna talk about this scene with the twins. I just...what the absolute fuck? Those kids need so much therapy. I just feel ill. Also stop with the making werewolves masochists for some reason! Stop it! It’s boring and dumb!
I literally refuse to believe any of that had plot relevance. I think the twins are just being assholes for the fun of it. That is so convoluted in so many ways.
Other than the really really overdone British villain trope thing, I literally have nothing to say about this scene. Other than, you know, the part where Derek outright refuses to kill his pack even with a fucking PIPE through his CHEST, yet somehow we’re meant to believe that he wanted to kill them on the full moon even when he had no proof that they’d hurt anyone? Love that logic. Yah. Uh huh. Side note: why do I even like this show? Side Side note: It’s cus’ Derek and Stiles and Cora and Isaac and Boyd and Erica and Lydia are all fucking awesome. Honestly, Allison too. And Danny. And Jackson. And Kira when she comes in. Even Malia has potential
Isaac, honey, you have claustrophobia and that’s a legitimate medical concern that Harris would need to make adjustments for.
HI BOYD. I MISSED YOU SO MUCH OH MY GOD. Thanks for stabbing me in the heart with that friend comment. My everything hurts now. I love you. Also, bye, cus’ you don’t come back for the entire rest of the episode. awesome.
Is it even remotely okay for the school to make students handle chemicals and fuck with the janitor’s stuff/do custodial work? Like, detention is detention and the school/Harris has no business using the students for free labor.
Fucking pathetic. I hate this stupid Alpha command thing. I hate this whole plotline and no I’m NOT going to stop complaining about it any time soon. It’s stupid as fuck.
Stiles how do you expect Lydia to know about this shit when no one fucking talks to her except you??? SEE? YOU SEE? THAT is how you use humor in a tense situation!
Lydia, Stiles is human.
Please stop with the sexual tension, it’s pissing me off. Allison fired over a dozen arrows into Erica and Boyd, then help her grandfather kidnap and torture them and sliced Isaac to ribbons. I’m not done being mad at her, and Isaac Damn Well shouldn’t be either.
Okay WHAT? Since when is English the last class of the day? It was their first class an episode ago! What the fuck are you talking about? and WHY are you writing “Great Expectations” on the board!!???? Even if The Crucible was for a different class you’re STILL ON HEART OF DARKNESS.
I just-I get that they’re teenagers, but that’s seriously the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen and even though Allison’s still pretty high on my shit list at the mo, she’s way too smart not to know that this is stupid as fuck. Just because the Alphas are being stupid doesn’t mean you PISS THEM OFF. Nothing you just did HELPED at ALL. You didn’t Hinder them or Weaken them or ANYTHING. You just played a stupid ass prank???
So...Stiles has a free period in the last period of the day? When no one else does? Yet somehow he’s in all their classes AND we SAW him AND LYDIA in Scott and Allison’s English class? ALSO the twins are Miraculously now in the English class as well, even though they weren’t there on the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL??? WHat the FUCK This is a show about HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS and you can’t be fucked to actually get their stupid fucking Schedule right? The same with the full moon. The two things that should always be consistent are the FULL MOONS for the WEREWOLVES and the SCHOOL SCHEDULE for the STUDENTS. You spend hours of episode planning time on making outfits and references to horror movies, but you can’t get A SIMPLE FUCKING TIMELINE right?
I know Stiles hasn’t talked to Deaton all that much so far in the show, but this is a really weirdly long introduction to him asking Deaton for info, when I honestly expected him to just push in and say, “HEY, so how about those human sacrifices, huh? You keeping something from us again?”
I hate them cutting up these scenes so much. Derek’s effectively been pinned to the ground for an entire school day at this point.
Actually, this little speech of Duke’s is where I got a huge headcanon for the show about how truly monstrous Duke and the rest of the Alphas are. He says he didn’t know that killing your own Beta adds their power to yours. But, shouldn’t that be like a really well known thing in this werewolf world of horrific murders and “Rite of passage, into his pack” mentality that the show seems insistent on showing us? Instead, I think that Duke is actually like he says he is. The Demon Wolf. He’s a fucking demon and all werewolves know it, because he and his pack are disgusting and twisted enough to kill their own pack. I firmly believe, beyond all reason because fuck this show, that Alphas have a biological imperative to protect their pack, to keep them safe and happy and provide for them. That the reason no Alphas really knew about what happens when you kill your own Beta is because no one ever would. It’s the most taboo, horrific thing a werewolf can do, harming their own pack. Their own family.
I love Derek’s line so much. “You’re a fanatic.” Like. Yes. Completely shutting him down. That was so good.
Also, Duke. you literally just said “You’ll get to know me.” and now you’re mad because “Know me? You’ve never seen anything like me.” I wish someone would just pick him up by the scruff and toss him out a window.
What’s with the sudden lightning? and why is the thunder happening at the same time?
I have literally had the fifteen minute rule held over my head so many times. We once got locked outside our orchestra room for fifteen-minutes and one of the secretaries from the front office had to let us in, and then they had to send us a sub teacher because ours was sick but even though she called in, they’d hadn’t bothered to call the sub yet. the fifteen minute rule doesn’t exist, and I wish so fucking badly that it did. PLUS. I thought School was OVER????
Stiles, you should know better. The Celts were accused of human sacrifice by the Romans, who were trying to demonize them and take over their land. (which is pointless, since the Romans participated in tons of human sacrifice, even if they didn’t explicitly call it that. Anybody heard of the fucking Colosseum?) Plus, there isn’t any actual evidence that isn’t from extremely biased Latin texts that indicates the Celts performing human sacrifices as religious rites. You’re right though, cus’ the show does pull a lot from the concept of Celtic Druids. It just does it horrifically badly and completely misconstrues them by using the modern myth of the druids rather than the historical reality of them. I was a classics major, with an obsession on Druidic practices. Fight me about it.
Thank you Stiles, for calling Deaton out. Also, what does Deaton mean ten years? He was the Hale emissary six years ago. Jesus christ, this isn’t hard.
I hate to say it, but that is correct, Deaton. Druids were philosphers and scholars. That’s because Druid was a SOCIAL CLASS not a JOB. They didn’t believe they were “keeping the world in balance’ but they believed the world was MADE UP of balances. The Celts didn’t believe in letting people die for the sake of “maintaining the balance.” Their social structure was based on equality between the sexes and community ownership (a bit like socialism, it’s actually why the Romans hated them so much, they represented the exact opposite of Roman Ideals of hierarchy and private ownership with the male head of family in charge) But I digress. My bad.
Cue the dropbox ad
So what’s with the chanting? There wasn’t chanting when Heather was taken? Or Emily? Is the method of abduction supposed to be different for every group?
Ooooh, Dell school computers. Did they lose their Mac contract?
Oh Look! It’s the consequences of your actions!
They have so much time to react and do something to keep the boys from merging while they’re busy taking their dumb shirts off.
For the record, Druid is not the gaelic word for “wise oak”. It’s generally accepted to mean “oaken knowledge” or, less literally, “the one whose knowledge is great” (since oak was considered to signify greatness). But those are just semantics and I’m not as bothered by it. I’m MORE bothered by the use of the word “Darach” which does NOT mean Dark oak. “ach” is an Irish suffix meaning “Belonging to” and Darach is an NAME, as in like Emily or Janice, it’s a Name not a title. One that means “belonging to the oak” (actually, it’s masculine, so it would mean “Son of oak”). Scottish Gaelic and Irish are still real languages and you mistranslating things and taking words from their already incredibly oppressed and abused culture is really fucking annoying. So, uh. yeah. Listen, this is one of my few areas where I know anything so I had to complain about it. I get that it’s just a show. I really do. But it’s my post, so meh. Also, you bet your ass I have opinions on the concept of a Nemeton as well. But that’s not for now.
I find it kinda hilarious that none of the names on those papers had last names. Tom. Terry. Tim P. almost has a last name.
and now we break my fucking heart. Actually, first I wanna give this show some props for once. The music they use for this season is very drum based, very repetitive, and it really helps with the ritualistic vibe they seem to be going for. The chanting, etc. I worry about what they pulled that stuff from, cus’ if it’s from actual religions that’s fucking dicey, but the atmosphere is good.
NOW we break my fucking heart. Fucking fuck. It hurts, especially knowing that Isaac already had one flashback today. And then they have to go and add anger to my turmoil by having him go to SCOTT. Fuck scott. I fucking hate this.
Bye Harris. No, wait, I have questions. So Harris helped Jennifer somehow. By...what, helping her fake her identity? Was he her reference for getting the job at the school? Or did he help her with the killings, by finding her students/teachers who fit the bill? When he says “They’ll figure you out” is he talking about the cops or the wolves? Does he know about the supernatural? If he does, does that mean that he knew who Kate was when she found him in that bar? Bye Harris.
Last Thoughts: I’ll give this episode props. It had sunlight in it. Uh...I honestly can’t think of anything else I enjoyed. This shit, this shit is why people write fanfiction. These mistakes with the timeline and the schedule and the character’s whose personalities flip back and forth at random? The refusal to acknowledge trauma and deal with it appropriately? I honestly don’t even know how to feel about the show selling this Derek/Jennifer romance to us and then revealing at the end that he was under a literal spell the whole time. That he had sex with her while under the influence of her magic. That these oh so brief moments where we actually get to see Derek smiling and joking and see a hint at his personality and his intelligence and maybe even his past, they’re all forced on him. It’s all a trick. He has sex with her while he’s incapable of giving consent. It’s fucking rape, shown on-screen. And the show portrayed this as romantic, for the sake of their stupid fucking plot twist. We were encouraged to like this relationship because we didn’t know he was being Controlled. Ugh. Bleh. Plus there’s the whole thing where once again Stiles is being ignored and Lydia has no clue what’s going on, and Deaton is hiding things from everyone and Boyd is barely a character. And Allison’s behavior is never dealt with, and Scott is just...Scott. This is why I make changes.
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ethospathoslogan · 6 years
okay so this is definitely me self-projecting but i haven’t been able to stop thinking about roman and logan as “””competing””” english teachers. like, i know it’s common to have logan as a science teacher and roman as the drama/choir teacher!!! which i love!!! but i also think the two would make great english teachers
they both teach 9th grade english, roman also teaches 10th grade english, and logan teaches 12th grade ap english literature
logan’s favorite books in his curriculum are the great gatsby and the lord of the flies. honestly, though, he gets frustrated teaching them because the curriculum and ap test make him hammer out “the green light is symbolic for what” and “who does simon represent” so much that his students can’t have fun with the books. so, after the ap exam, he hosts a game of “survivor” amongst his 12th graders where they all compete in teams and take on various challenges (scavenger hunt/jeopardy/riddles/etc) and, as students are “eliminated,” the final surviving student wins five points to their overall average and also logan buys them a lunch of their choosing
(my old high school did that but we didn’t do it in ap lit and im still sad abt that)
roman’s favorite thing to teach is anything shakespeare. he’s a sucker for romeo & juliet but he also loves twelfth night to no end. he casts his students as the characters and does his best to get them involved and interested in what they’re reading. when students are nervous about being seen as weird or dumb for getting into the plays, he’s like, “so what! have fun! who cares what others think!” also, at the completion of the plays, he shows the ‘90s r&j (yeah the one with leo) and she’s the man (im reading twelfth night now for college and i was amazed to find out that she’s the man is deadass twelfth night)
their classrooms are next to each other and every student of theirs Knows that shit is gonna go down each class period
like when both of their freshman classes were doing romeo & juliet and roman’s mercutio was absent the day he was supposed to do the queen mab monologue??? roman took over and. oh boy. logan had to shut his door bc “dammit roman you’re being too loud and my students are only on scene two of act one, you’re spoiling everything”
when roman teaches catcher in the rye to his 10th graders, roman makes so many slights at logan. “oh yeah, mr. sanders, what a phony, amiright, kids? don’t worry, i won’t tell him you agreed”
this makes his students think that he hates logan. when a student finally steps up and asks roman, roman’s like, “wait what? mr. sanders is my best friend. my ride or die. he bought me coffee this morning.”
during his seniors’ free periods, they typically come to logan’s class to have him proofread their college essays and other papers. roman typically waltses in (because, i must repeat, their classes are next to each other) and gets all nostalgic because he had a lot of logan’s seniors as former students.
“oh, valerie, terrence, leo! i had all of you and it felt like so long ago and-” “mr. prince, please, i am trying to read their essays.”
everyone expects logan to be the hard-ass and roman to be the super easy going teacher. this results in a lot of students being, at first, terrified of logan and ready to take advantage of roman.
and then they learn that logan is the teacher most likely to throw random bagel/pizza parties (he believes that it’s positive reinforcement) and roman is notorious for pop quizzes when his students don’t read (most of them end up not being counted, he just needs to put his foot down occasionally)
both of them are well respected teachers and their students typically come to both of them to talk about things. students like logan’s honesty and how he tries to realisitically assist his students in things going on in their lives. with roman, they like his optimism and how he encourages all his students to pursue their dreams.
(true story based on something that happened to my old english teacher) bet you thought that, because roman is an english teacher, he has no connection to theater, right? well, you thought wrong!!! roman is also the director of the school’s plays and musicals. during musical season, roman rallies some of his leads and ensemble members and crashes logan’s freshmen class with a performance. logan is shooting daggers at roman from his desk. the freshmen are entertained and also slightly terrified. roman is having the time of his life. the musical opens the next night.
to get revenge, logan sticky-notes roman’s entire classroom. roman’s desk, students’ desks, the bookcases, even the walls. every single thing in and on roman’s desk has been sticky-noted. no one ever finds out how logan had the time to do it in one night, nor where he got all the sticky notes from.
when roman found his classroom, he actually dropped his coffee. he waited in line at starbucks for ten minutes. he is going to kill logan.
anyone who has logan as a teacher is told that they need to try to get roman, and vice versa. students of both teachers can never choose a favorite.
they both go to graduation, even though roman hasn’t had many of those students for years. they both are extremely emotional.
logan is definitely the type of teacher to be like “in this classroom, we’re professional. you cannot have my twitter or my instagram or anything because i am your teacher and you are my student. and- oh, wait, you’re graduating right? oh shit then here take my number, here’s my snapchat and my twitter handle, retweet my pinned tweet.”
it is through this that logan’s graduating seniors discover that roman and logan have been engaged for eight months.
(patton, the 12th grade ap calculus and 9th grade geometry teacher, is logan’s best man. virgil who is either the art teacher or a history teacher i haven’t decided yet is roman’s.)
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javis-beretta · 6 years
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before (1)
this is part one of my first series, based off the movie w/ the same title which is so stupid and cheesy, i love it. i’m gonna continue this anyway (because i’m having a good time writing it) but pls send me an ask or a message if ya like it bc i crave validation. enjoy! <3
((also this has some swears and i don’t like writing abt girls fighting, so i’m changing that part of the plot thx))
part 2 / part 3 / part 4
It wasn’t that you fell in love easily, the opposite was actually true. You just had a lot of fuzzy feelings, fairly often, and those feelings were pretty easy to misinterpret as love. That’s how it had been with Race Higgins, back in grade six, when everyone still called him Tony and he was your first kiss in a game of spin the bottle. That’s how it had been with Romeo Cortes, when he danced with you at your first ever school dance in grade nine. That’s how it had been with Jack Kelly, who had been your first best friend, your cute neighbour and your sister’s first boyfriend.
(Well, Kath wasn’t your sister, not exactly. Her parents, Mr and Mrs Pulitzer had taken you in when your mom had passed and, when Mrs Pulitzer joined her, Katherine’s dad had become a father to you both. So, she wasn’t your sister, not by blood, but she was your family in every way that mattered.)
One thing your mother had taught you, long ago, before you’d been old enough to understand what she meant, was that there were few better ways to understand yourself than writing. She filled books with pages and pages of how she felt when she met your dad, and how she felt when he wasn’t around anymore, and how her heart soared with love for you.
So, whenever you heart felt a little too full, you let your feelings overflow onto pages. After you kissed Race, in the middle of a game of spin the bottle at your first real boy-girl party, you wrote him a letter explaining how much it meant to you. After Romeo saw you standing alone at your first Homecoming and took your hand to lead you in a sweet, short slow dance, you wrote him a letter about how good it felt to not be alone, and to have him by your side. After Katherine told you that she was dating Jack, when you felt your heart sink as you smiled and gave her a hug, you wrote him a letter about how much you wished he’d chosen you, or even seen you as an option.
The letters were only ever for your eyes, for you to understand what your heart wanted, at those moments. Race was dating Spot, your second (and ex) best friend; Romeo was gay, and the entire school knew that he’d been pining after Darcy for forever and Jack was cute and creative and kind, but Katherine was the closest person to your heart and you would never ever hurt her by dating him, even after they broke up when she left for college. The letters were all hypotheticals. They were impossible fantasies and you liked it that way.
Until, on the third day of your junior year, when it all came crashing down.
Race walked up to you, dressed in the same jeans and bomber jacket kind of style that he (and most of his track team friends) had been rocking since the start of high school. He made it work, but that was no secret. Everyone who had ever been in your school hallways knew that Race Higgins was cute. It was one of those things. The sun rose every morning, the moon controlled the tides, Race Higgins was cute. It was an easy and simple fact. Another easy and simple fact was that Spot, Race’s boyfriend, had stopped liking you pretty much as soon as high school had began. You weren’t sure why, but you didn’t mind too terribly. You had people in your corner, like Katherine and Davey, so Spot could dislike you if he wanted to. Still, he probably wouldn’t have been too happy to see Race coming to talk to you with a serious look in his eyes, looking as though he was seeking you out.
He found you sitting outside school, with your laptop open on your lap. You were working on your English assignment as you waited for the bus.
“Hey, Y/N. Can I, uh, talked to you for a second?”
You were surprised, but you pulled out an earphone and motioned for Race to sit down next to you.
“Listen, as much as I appreciate the thought, Spot and I, like, just broke up so I don’t think that we could…”
He trailed off, looking at you expectantly.
“No offense, but what are you talking about, Race?”
He laughed, sounding a little uneasy and reached into his pocket, pulling out a piece of paper in a vaguely familiar envelope.
“This letter is, like, really sweet and from what I can remember that kiss was pretty hot, given that we were twelve, but, I just don’t think we should date.”
Suddenly, you felt a wave of nausea wash over you. Oh, no. No, no, no, no. He could not have gotten the letter. How could he have gotten the letter? It was locked away in a box at the top of the closest in your room and there was no way he could have it. But, he did. And, if he had gotten his, that meant that… Oh, motherfucking, no.
You looked up and saw Jack, heading out of the school building and making a beeline for you. No, no, no. So, before you could think, you panicked and did the only thing that would stop Jack from talking to you. You grabbed the collar of Race’s jacket and pulled him towards you. Letting your laptop drop onto the grass below you, you screwed your eyes shut, and kissed him. After a moment, he sunk into you and you opened your eyes for a second to see Jack, in your peripheral vision, hesitating and turning back. In your head you thanked Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
You pulled away from Race and both of you were gasping a little.
“Uh, okay, that was a little better than the kiss we had when we were twelve, but, um, respectfully, what the fuck just happened?”
Race sounded as confused as you felt, and just then, the school bus pulled in.
“Shit, I-I’m so sorry about that, but, uh, I have to go. Thank you!”
You grabbed your laptop, stuffed it in your bag and ran to the bus, sinking down into the first seat you found. You glanced out of the window and saw Race, still clutching the letter tightly in his hands, looking well-kissed, with wide pupils and swollen lips and more than a little bewildered.
“Fuck,” you said under your breath.
“You can say that again, sister.”
You glanced to your right and, there, sitting next to you in all his glory, was Romeo Cortes.
“Hi,” you said feebly, with an even weaker wave.
“Hey. You okay? You kind of look like you just got rejected from the college of your dreams.”
“Ha. Something like that. I definitely have the same ‘my life is officially over’ feeling.”
He gave a low whistle and spoke softly.
“So, I, uh, got your letter.”
For the third time that day, you felt ready to chug a cup of lighter fluid. You didn’t reply.
“I’m really flattered, and Homecoming really was fun, but, um, you know I’m gay, right?”
You covered your warm face with your hands.
“I know, of course I do,” the words came out a little muffled, so you pulled your hands away and continued. “I wrote that letter ages ago. Those are the feelings of past me, not current me, I swear. I am so so sorry.”
Romeo nudged your shoulder with his and shrugged.
“Hey, it’s all good. I’m used to being irresistible.”
You let out a little helpless laugh and he grinned, kindly.
“There we go. So, you can smile! You look like you need someone to talk to. Wanna tell me about your day?”
You looked at him and the words came spilling out. You explained the letters, and Jack and your consensually ambiguous kiss with Race and the pit of helplessness you felt at the bottom of your stomach.
“Wow,” was all he said, at first. What more could he say?
“Well, first of all, homeboy kissed back, so I wouldn’t worry about the consent there. Secondly, you need to talk to your sister before her ex-boyfriend does. And then, you need to talk to him. And Race. Basically, you’ve got a lot of talking to do.”
“Can’t I just sink into a hole and die instead?”
“While that sounds like a great option, I’d be gutted if my favourite dance partner disappeared.”
He gave you a smile, and you felt a little bit better. If Romeo believed your story, maybe the others would too.
The bus pulled up to your stop and you got up to leave. Romeo was right, you needed to call Kath, as soon as you could.
As you walked from the bus stop to your house, you saw someone standing on your porch. He was wearing paint-stained jeans, a dark blue shirt, murderously hot combat boots and a badass leather jacket. Jack Kelly. Of fucking course. Shit. You turned and ran, as fast as your legs would carry you.
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I've thought about how Luke's life would be if his mother never tried to be the Oracle. I believe his life would be nearly normal,because children of Hermes aren't exactly monster magnets(I believe he faced more monsters with the girls in that short time than in those years before. A daughter of Zeus. Enough said.),and he'd be handsome,athletic,popular... But ADHD and dyslexia would take a considerable toll. His family seems to be well off,so perhaps he'd have a good school,but the US education
Cont. Nor a terrible mother. May would be a bit too self-centered and reckless, commit a healthy amount of mistakes, but would try her best.
hello, hello!
sorry it’s been a while since i got this, been busy with training for my job this next academic year and accidentally starting discourse lmao
i whole-heartedly agree that his life would’ve been drastically different if his mother hadn’t tried to take on the oracle
i’m not sure how normal it would’ve been, since may clearly knew she’d found hermes, and that camp half-blood existed by the time luke was born
so, i could see him going to school during the fall, like a lot of the campers do, and then attending camp during the summer
which, i suppose is pretty normal for a half-blood, all things considered lol
he would definitely be more popular and all the more handsome, most definitely athletic bc i imagine he’d probably still be really good with a sword. not sure how his school life would look since his whole character in the pjo series is entirely based off the fact that he grew up in an abusive home, grew up hating his father, and then had all that other shit happen to him with thalia getting turned into a tree, and his failed quest, and hating his father even more
but i imagine, he’d be much like may (and, i mean, hermes)--eccentric, outgoing, extroverted, and mischievous. so i think, bearing that in mind, he’d probably be almost as magnetic, if not more, than percy honestly
i imagine, even though may is kinda selfish, he’d have a similar upbringing as percy did. maybe with a little less unconditional love from his mother. but he wouldn’t run away. it’s hard to say how much he’d hate his father in this au.
i could see resentment toward him build up a little, if like may keeps making mistakes, and luke asks for his father to come help out a little, but he never does. but i don’t see it being so deep-seated as in canon. since, in this au, i imagine she’s not abusive anymore
i could also see him getting kicked out of school a lot, both for his adhd and dyslexia (which leads to bad grades and stuff), and also his mischievous nature (he probably steals things and pulls pranks on the other students that the administrators don’t like)
i could see him being one of those funny posts abt kids selling stuff at school, like the kid who sold students a paper towel for like a $1 or smth, and along with it they got a free panini. or that one story of a kid who bought a bunch of those sparkly gel bears and made bank selling those back at like 4x the price. you know shit like that
anyway, i could see him being in sports in school (adding to the athleticism part, lol went off on a tangent)--like volleyball or soccor or smth, maybe track and field, based on his build
i think he’s this weird mix between jason and percy
bc like, he’s got the looks of jason--all american. but since he’s a son of hermes, he’s got this trouble-maker streak, like percy (i mean, percy isn’t a trouble-maker per se, but i know ppl describe him as having that vibe before you meet him and realize he’s a sweetheart)
i think may would definitely make a lot of mistakes--she’s very eccentric and a little selfish, but i do think she loves her son (not enough to, like, not try taking on the oracle in canon lol, but that, again, communicates her selfishness)
that would also mean, he doesn’t meet thalia or annabeth, and so wouldn’t have to go through all that trauma (poor annabeth, though). which would also mean, he’s not destined to host kronos yay :D
i do think he’d still care a lot abt what happens to thalia, and maybe even take annabeth under his wing--as a younger sister (she probably still develops a crush, even if they weren’t on the run together), just bc that’s how i see luke. like, he did all he did in canon-pjo for demigods. it was misguided and he was being manipulated by a titan, but ultimately, he wanted a better life and future for demigods
so i do think he’d want the same in this au. i don’t think his anger or hatred would be so strong, again, since he didn’t know thalia or annabeth personally until they got to camp. so kronos wouldn’t have a lot of power over him. i don’t think he would join kronos when/if the titan found someone else’s negative thoughts to feed off of just bc luke originally joined kronos bc kronos promised luke that once the gods were dead, demigods would have free rein
in this au, i think he’d be more wise to kronos’s lies and realize that after the gods die, kronos would take over the world and kill basically everyone. so even though he may understand what this other demigod who has taken up kronos’s call is doing, he would stay on the side of the gods (by default). he knows stopping kronos would tangentially help demigods
also, i think bc of his family life, and growing up pretty normally, he wouldn’t be dying to have hermes give him a quest. idk if this true, but this is how i interpret it: i think in canon-pjo he really wanted that quest mostly bc of his past experiences with may and hermes never answering his prayers, being on the run, and then what happened with thalia
bc that’s all different in this au, i don’t think he’d be so adamant that hermes issue him a quest, and therefore, wouldn’t end up with the scar he has in canon
that’s all i’ve really got for now. i still got stuff to unpack, and i’m mentally preparing myself for the semester to start (so i’m mentally drained XP)
i’m kinda all over the place with this post, too bc this is more stream of consciousness than anything else XD
but this is a really interesting au to think abt, so if you’d like headcanons, feel free to ask!
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satyr-syd · 7 years
Sero isn’t bothered when Kayama-sensei assigns Bakugou as his partner for a project. Actually, he’s kind of glad. Bakugou is one of his friends, and it doesn’t hurt that in terms of academics, Bakugou is third in their class - definitely the kind of person he wants on his team.
Bakugou doesn’t seem the feel the same. In fact, Sero’s pretty sure he hates group projects. The way he furiously muttered, “I hate group projects,” when Kayama-sensei announced the project kind of gave it away.
They had met at the library after school to talk about the project. Sero already had ideas for topics - the project was a five minute presentation on the societal changes between the second and third quirk generations - but Bakugou shut him down before he could offer a suggestion.
“I’ll have this done by the deadline,” Bakugou says. “So you can leave now.”
Sero pauses from pulling his notebook out of his backpack. “Wait. What?”
Bakugou rolls his eyes. “What the fuck do you think? I’m going to do it myself, obviously.”
Sero is suddenly having second thoughts about having Bakugou as a partner. He knows Bakugou doesn't work well with others, but this seems excessive. “Dude. Hero work is all about collaboration.”
“This isn’t fucking hero work, is it? I can do this better all myself,” Bakugou says. “I’ll put together the presentation. And present it. You can stand there and...change the slides or something.”
Sero isn’t one to get in the way. When the top students like Bakugou or Todoroki or Midoriya went head on in a fight, Sero was more than happy to let them take the lead. He couldn't do anything when villains attacked during the school trip. He hadn't done anything to help Bakugou when he was captured. Even at the sports festival, Sero had let Bakugou make all their decisions, only chipping in when he was needed to pull Bakugou back onto their shoulders.
But in the end, everything had worked itself out, without Sero's active participation. He wasn't needed.
Hero work was one thing - unpredictable, dangerous, and best left to the strongest players. But this was classwork. And Sero felt guilty putting this whole project on Bakugou.
“I can’t just do nothing, man, I want to contribute something,” he says.
Bakugou slams his hands on the table. “I told you, I’ll do it.”
Sero doesn’t even flinch. He’s not intimidated by Bakugou’s aggressive tendencies. “I feel kind of useless, though,” he complains.
“I don’t give a shit,” Bakugou says. “I will do this and I will get us a perfect score, can’t you be satisfied with that?”
Sero bets this was how group projects were for Bakugou in middle school. He would be the super bossy one who took control of the project, and the everyone else would just be happy they could slack off. And hey, Sero was man enough to admit he was sometimes that guy. But that was before - now he’s at U.A. He has to get serious and earn his own grades. “Not if I don’t deserve it,” Sero tells him.
Bakugou groans, reaching into his backpack. “If I give you something to do, will you shut up?”
Sero smirks. “For 8000 dollars, I will stop.”
“The shit does that mean?”
“Just...give me something to do.”
He waits patiently while Bakugou pulls a paper out and shoves it at him. It’s the list of sample topics Kayama gave them. “Pick one.”
Sero glances at the list. Most of the topics seemed pretty boring, and Sero doesn’t even know what most of them are. But he notices that some of them are circled - maybe the ones Bakugou was considering? He picks the most interesting one of those. “How about Quirk Marriages?”
“Fine.” Bakugou snatches the paper back, and starts packing it into his bag. “There. You contributed.”
Just like that, his satisfaction disappears. Poof. Like Thirteen sucked it up and it disappeared into nothing. “Wait - that’s it?”
“Duh, that’s it,” Bakugou says, throwing on his backpack. “I can handle the rest, Soy Sauce Face.”
Sero rolls his eyes at the nickname. “Look, I know you think I’m stupid - and hey, I might be, in comparison to you - but that doesn’t mean I can’t be useful.” Even as the words leave Sero's mouth, he doesn't quite believe them. Was he useful during the end of term exam? Was he useful during the USJ attack?
“How many times do I have to say it to get it through your thick fucking skull?” Bakugou says at a near shout. “I. Don’t. Need. Your. Help!”
By the time the librarian comes to quiet them down with her voice silencing quirk, Bakugou’s long gone, leaving Sero alone, no closer to being useful than before.
To group: bakugou’s harem
snape (snail tape) do u guys ever feel useless
reeeeeed riot. *yum* Yes Wait bro are you feeling useless Because even though youre entitled to your feelings And I get how easy it is to feel like that
its always wednesday did someone call you useless????
reeeeeed riot. *yum* But i think youre really valuable!!!
its always wednesday tell me who ill fite them
reeeeeed riot. *yum* Ashido why must we resort to violence
lightnin mcmeme bro ur lyin if u thikn u wouldnt fight an army for seros honor
reeeeeed riot. *yum* … True
snape (snail tape) i have...the graetest frends
lightnin mcmeme we kno
its always wednesday obvi
reeeeeed riot. *yum* But hey bro are you doing okay?
snape (snail tape) yeah its just u guys have done so much cool shit this year and i have not and i kinda feel like guilty about it? but also like...whatever bc u all can do anything w/o me  
lightnin mcmeme mkay 1st thing: u couldve sent that as 1 text
snape (snail tape) why? does this annoy you?
lightnin mcmeme bruh
reeeeeed riot. *yum* Sero Hanta listen to me right now you are a very valuable human and a great asset to this class. Just because you havent had the chance shown your strengths like everyone else doesnt mean you dont have them or arent useful
its always wednesday what he said! u did amaaaaaazing in the sports festival!
lightnin mcmeme and u passed the hero license exam which even splodey didnt pass
its always wednesday and ur definitely the best at mobility we wouldnt have stood a chance in the cavalry battle w/o u!
reeeeeed riot. *yum* Youre like the tape that holds us together
lightnin mcmeme ur *literaly* the tape that holds us together
its always wednesday plus u came up w all our screen names !! which are cool af!!!!
snape (snail tape) thenks guys that means a lot im feeling a lot better now
reeeeeed riot. *yum* Yay!
its always wednesday yay!!!!!!
lightnin mcmeme glad ur feelin better dude!! but also y did u write thanks like that
snape (snail tape) why did u just double text like that
lightnin mcmeme ....touche
Sero is used to taking the sidelines, but this time will be different. Energized by the support from his friends, Sero vows to prove to Bakugou - and himself - that he’s useful.
He tries to do a bit of research for the project on his own. There’s an article on some online magazine that gives a general history of quirk marriages, from the first quirk marriage to the protests against them. Proud of his find, and much more informed than before, Sero pulls out his phone.
snape (snail tape) hey. found a cool article bout qrk marriage [link]
The Boy Who Cussed I read that shit already
Shit. Of course he had. It was practically the first thing that popped up when he searched  “quirk marriage.”
Sero tries to think of something to say back that won’t make him seem stupid when he sees that Bakugou’s typing something else.
The Boy Who Cussed But if you actually want to be useful Find out the causes leading up to the first quirk marriage protest
Never before has Sero been so excited to do school work. (He probably never would be again.) But getting Bakugou to trust part of their workload to him feels like a victory.
snape (snail tape) yeah np!
When Sero explains to their friends how their project is coming, Ashido claps him on the back. “You like, out-stubborned Bakuboy, which is basically unheard of,” she says. “You’re a force to be reckoned with, Cellophane!”
Sero preens at her praise. He didn’t think of himself as a stubborn guy, but he was persistent when he needed to be.
That wasn’t entirely true, though. Ever since he told his friends how he was feeling on the group chat, he’d been thinking about his place at U.A. Mostly, how he wasn’t persistent about pursuing a spot in the spotlight next to U.A.’s strongest. He had shrugged off his loss at the sports festival. He was the only one who failed the end of term test whose team had beat their hero opponent. He was content to sit back while his friends stormed on ahead of him, blaming his poor results on his less-powerful quirk rather than his relaxed attitude.
That wasn’t any different than sitting back and letting Bakugou do all this work on their project. Ashido called him stubborn, but a truly stubborn person wouldn’t be content with second place. Sure, he felt useless, but he wasn’t doing anything about it. If he really wanted to do better for himself, he’d have to make a bigger effort. Ashido called him stubborn, but a truly stubborn person wouldn’t be content with second place.
snape (snail tape) dude u should come to my dorm we can work on the project together
From The Boy Who Cussed no
snape (snail tape) come on man itll be fun
The Boy Who Cussed This isn’t supposed to be fun, assfuck
snape (snail tape) we can MAKE it fun
The Boy Who Cussed NO
snape (snail tape) what do you have against fun bakugou do u even know what fun is
snape (snail tape) r u allergic to fun ill stop if u come over
Bakugou doesn’t reply. Sero hears stomping. Suddenly his door slams open.
Bakugou is absolutely fuming. Smoke is literally coming from his palms. Sero silently counts this as another victory.
He storms into Sero’s room, slamming the door behind him and dropping his stuff on the ground. “I hope you’re fucking happy,” he growls.
“I’m positively joyous.”
Sero looks over the back of his chair, watching Bakugou work.
“So. How’s it coming?” Sero asks. “Were the sources I found useful?”
Without looking up, Bakugou lists off his evaluation. “The first source wasn’t credible. You can’t just cite some rando’s blog.” Sero’s heart plummets. “The second one would have been good - but it was the wrong time period. The third was beyond biased.” He pauses before continuing on. “The last one was...suitable.”
Sero gulps. Next to his past few victories, this is definitely a loss. He’s only proven Bakugou right by giving him these shitty sources.
This is why he usually let the others take the spotlight - they knew what they were doing. They were smart, they were reliable. Maybe Bakugou was right. Maybe he could do this better alone. Maybe Sero really was useless.
“Why the fuck do you want to help so bad anyway?” Bakugou speaks so quietly, Sero almost doesn’t hear him. He’s not even sure if he was supposed to hear him.
Sero decides to answer his question anyway.
“I don’t want to mooch off your work. I want to earn my own grade - it’s not fair to either of us if I don’t do any work,” he explains. “It’s like when you’re fighting, and someone doesn’t even try to fight against you. Even if you win, it doesn’t feel like a win, you know?”
Bakugou looks back at him with a near unreadable expression on his face. Sero isn’t sure whether he’s hit a nerve or struck a chord in him. Maybe both.
Suddenly Bakugou gets up and shoves his papers into his bag. Sero leans back in his chair and holds back a sigh. Fuck. I went to far. Now he’d be back at square one.
“I’m going to send you a list of sources.”
Sero looks up. Bakugou’s still standing by the open door.
“Take notes on them, then give them to me,” he demands.
Sero lights up. “Yeah, sure!”
Bakugou leaves, but Sero’s feeling more confident than before. He just needs to be stubborn like Bakugou. He’ll kept trying until he gets this right.
They meet in the library next week.
Bakugou is, to put it lightly, frustrated.
Sero thought the project was going well. Bakugou actually read over his notes and constructed a summary from it. They had the slides planned out and everything - but Bakugou still wasn’t satisfied.
“This isn’t good enough!” Bakugou says, throwing down his notes. “This is just generic, dumb facts. If we want to beat everyone else we need to do more.”
“I don’t think this is about beating the others.” Sero didn’t miss how he said “we” this time, instead of “I.” Another victory.
Bakugou ignores him. “We need to make a claim. Show how quirk marriage had a lasting effect.”
“It’s not like quirk marriage is dead,” Sero comments. Bakugou looks at him weird, so he tries to explain himself. “You say it like it’s a thing of the past, but people still do it, even if it’s not super common. My neighbor is the result of a quirk marriage. And she’s not even like, thirty.”
Bakugou’s eyes go wide, and his lips twitch. “That’s perfect,” Bakugou says, nearly jumping out of his seat. “Get an interview with her. We can put a video on the slides.”
Sero grins. “I can ask, sure!”
Bakugou leans back in his chair, kicking his legs up on the desk. “Top that, Ponytail girl.”
snape (snail tape) is this u? [link]
A few days later, they sit in front of Bakugou’s laptop, looking at the draft of their final presentation.
At the moment, the slides have a black backdrop with bright orange text in some hardcore font that’s incredibly hard to read. Sero notes that the colors match his costume. Each slide looks the same - blocks of information in bullet points, too hard to read.  
“Hey, Bakugou do you take constructive criticism?” Sero asks.
"It fucking sucks."
Bakugou swivels around in his seat, snarling. “The fuck do mean? It looks fucking cool.”
Considering Bakugou’s parents worked in the fashion industry, Sero would have thought Bakugou would have an eye for design. These slides proved that assumption wrong. “Yeah, maybe, but like...could we make it readable?”
Bakugou narrows his eyes. “You don’t think it’s readable?” he asks accusingly.
Sero throws up his arms. “I’m just calling it as I see it, dude.” Knowing that this is an area where Bakugou falls short, Sero makes this an opportunity for himself. He’s not an artist by any means, but he’s sure he can do better than this. “How about you can write the presentation, and I’ll design the slides.”
Bakugou glares at him for a moment, no doubt questioning whether he can trust Sero with this task.
“Relax. It’ll be fine,” Sero reassures him. “I promise I’ll put a lot of effort into it - and you can look over it when I’m done, so you can make sure it’s up to your standards.”
“Fucking fine,” Bakugou relents.
Sero is more than satisfied with the end result. One - because it was a bombass presentation, two - because Bakugou couldn’t have done this without Sero’s help, and three - because they got full marks from Kayama-sensei. She even complimented them on the sleek design of their presentation.
“Put it here, Bakugou!” Sero holds up his hand.
With a grin closer to a smirk, Bakugou slams his palm against Sero’s. His high five is just as explosive as his...well, explosions. That’s going to leave a mark.
Shaking out his wrist, Sero says, “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
Bakugou rolls his eyes. But Sero's silently proud of Bakugou for giving up some of his agency. He knows Bakugou likes to do things himself, and he bets Bakugou had just as hard a time sharing group work as Sero had trying to feel useful.
“You should have shown what you’re capable of earlier, Soy Sauce Face,” Bakugou says. “What the fuck have you been holding back for?”
Sero can hear Kirishima’s voice in his head saying So manly!
Bakugou’s words hit Sero like a punch. In middle school, Sero was described as plain. Plain face, plain clothes, plain personality. He thought going to U.A. would change all of that, and it did, at first. But Sero saw himself quickly falling behind ever since the sports festival. Against Bakugou and Kaminari’s flashy quirks or Ashido’s magnetic personality or Kirishima’s sheer resilience, Sero was once again the plain person in the pack. The useless one.
Sero is beginning to realize that this is his own fault. He can see how hard his classmates work - he just needs to up his game.
Bakugou’s right - what is he holding back for? He’s capable of so much more if he doesn’t play follower to the leaders of the pack. Sero can keep up with them - this project proved it.
“I’m not holding back,” Sero tells him. “I’m just warming up!”
Bakugou smirks. “Better catch up quick.”
“Trust me, I’m just getting started.”
ao3 | based on this hc | more like this
pst there’s a tiny deleted scene on ao3 in the notes if youre interested
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karlsjjr · 7 years
An Angry Post by Karly: Facebook Style
Maymesters are nice. But so overwhelmingly stressful, i'm not sure if it's worth it. Ive never gotten a C on a paper in college until this class lol, so now i'm scrambling to do everything on top of worrying about every possible thing i can do to make my papers perfect. Environmental Studies is cool and honestly something everyone should take, but omg if you want only facts and no feedback from my own personal knowledge and gained knowlege from your class then why can't i just make you intense statistical data charts and graphs? and since when is presenting new ideas redundant? Also can subjective grading in conceptual courses PLEASE be something adressed at colleges. It's like asking me what is the best BEST of best answers. Its like saying, "All of these are right, but you can only choose one. And depending on where my beliefs go and if we agree, it's correct". I've noticed at UNG the ridiculous amount of sucking up from students to teachers for grades and its actually working. I obviously care about my GPA, but its so strange to me that "teacher pets" are still a thing. I should probably be making a rate my professor review instead of posting this to fb as if it's gonna get me anywhere. I'm also too shy to even argue about a grade bc i hate confrontation so much, but honestly im just feeling spicy over this C yaaaaaaaaaaaa. I'll also probably delete this later. Either way ENST 2030 has me f't up :-) This is why math classes will be what leads me to my degree. (if i survive). aka You cant subjectify the means of correctness in math. i guess you could, but if a teacher tells me 2+2=5 that shit is going straight to the Dean. it sucks because classes that are conceptual are usually interesting. but I'm not paying for school to hear you talk off topic constantly because you chose to get a PhD and become a teacher just to show off (no, i'm not saying all are like this, i've had amazing teachers with PhDs) it's just ironic that you get a teacher with a PhD who chooses to teach Ecology so you're all excited cause you're like "they gonna educate me on some shiiiiiit" but instead they shoot up expectations as if their course is taken because it actually contributes to an important area of a major. No, i took Ecology because it was an option for a core requirement. the rest of your class took it either for the same reason or because they figured it'd help their GPA, considering it was listed as a seminar and seemed fun. And the strange old man in the back took it literally because he's in school to just learn and was actually interested in your class before ever getting there. I totally repspect that guy btw for being in school. Anyhow, always check Rate your Professor people, idc if they got a rating of 5/5 every time if the word subjective pops up once don't even risk it. Hey i may also just suck at environmental studies (...how? it's all facts and concepts). Rant over, im sorry. Like i said i'll probably delete this and my teacher is a very good guy, I just do not understand his grading and how he expects perfect organization skills when he cannot even give precise directions bc he himself is unorganized. Seriously no offense to any teachers on here, and if you are a teacher i appreciate you alot. I love school and especially college but the only thing hindering my love for it is stuff like grading based on disagreement over a topic. If you teach a course that you feel strongly about, but is susceptible to having others in the room that entirely disagree about certain beliefs or concepts, even techniques please keep an open mind. just bc Sally doesn't believe that the earth was made by God, it doesn't mean she agrees that Climate change is real. (which is fucking idiotic but i'm trying to make a point). Atleast listen to the argument, Sally could be right about God. Who knows, but that right there is a good conversation in a college classroom that SHOULDNT BE GRADED ON. The End.
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