#so that aspect of otoko oidon was based on a true story exaggerated for comedy lol
mikurulucky · 4 months
Tochiro hyperfocuses like a goddamned champ. I wonder how many times he forgot to eat while he was tinkering with stuff or building the Arcadia. How many times did Emeraldas and Harlock end up giving him food thinking "Yo, you forgot to eat lunch a few hours ago, so I brought you this".
The times he feels he NEEDS to do something and stubbornly sticks to that thing, whether it's fixing the ship when he needs to rest after an injury or it's driving through a disease/cancer causing wormhole to fix Emeraldas's ship, or wandering off to a random western town to find his people in Gun Frontier despite Harlock and Shinunora telling him "Bro, you're gonna get yourself killed!"... it's numerous.
He's like my black cat endlessly looking for his toy mouse because it's his favorite. If he's got something he needs or wants to do, he's dead set on it until it's done. I imagine in the case of tinkering, that might've lead to moments where he ended up staying up all night only realizing he did so after randomly looking at the clock and realizing "Oh shit, I've been tinkering with this machine for literal HOURS!! O_O" and going to bed at like the crack of dawn. I know I've done that many times lol.
I wonder if that's part of the reason he rarely bathes in some timelines lol. The other part maybe being executive dysfunction or a negative association with past bathing incidents like someone forcing him to bathe and being too rough with him.
(I do suspect that that, the lack of motivation, and the fact there's only like ONE bathing area in the boarding house could be why Nobotta hardly bathes unless he's made to bathe, and the landlady's attempts to make him bathe probably only exacerbates that issue long term. As for his unwillingness to wash his boxers... idk maybe that was to save money, like forgoing a trip to the laundromat in favor of buying food?... or more boxers??? As if that's cheaper somehow??? Idk, I liken Nobotta's endless buying of boxers to my doordash addiction thanks to having less energy to cook half the time lol. And the mushrooms seem to be the result of rain leaking into his closet, as moisture DOES lead to the development of mold and other fungi after a while, and you DON'T want that. Nobotta's just lucky the mushrooms that grow on his boxers are actually edible inky cap mushrooms and not something poisonous (yes, I do believe they're supposed to be based on the inky cap mushrooms Leiji found growing on one of his clothing once and fed to, iirc, the creator of Ashita no Joe?). Eating those mushrooms is still kinda cursed tho lol.)
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