#so that I’ll have recs for anyone who asks 😆
whenthegoldrays · 22 days
i've been meaning to ask: do you have any recs for kdramas available on amazon prime? other than marry my husband i haven't found a ton of the ones you've mentioned available on there :((
Hey honey! I’m so sorry for leaving this ask for so long 🫣 I kept thinking “I’m gonna find some for her soon” and then wouldn’t do it akajdh 💀
To be honest, I personally haven’t watched any kdramas on Prime besides MMH, but there are a couple that I’m a bit familiar with because my parents or friends have seen them, so here’s a few recs I pulled together for you 😉
My First Love (2018). This is on the shorter side, just 10 episodes. It’s about Kang Shinwoo, a high school teacher who has a chance to reunite with Jisoo, his first love from high school, only to hear that she’s died in a car accident. Then he’s transported back to high school, but as his own adult self, and tries to play cupid for his teenage self and Jisoo. I didn’t watch the first episode of this myself, I think I joined my parents about halfway through episode 2. It was pretty interesting, bittersweet but funny and cute.
My ID is Gangnam Beauty (2018). My mom watched this without me, but I think it was a cute one! It’s about a girl who’s been bullied for being ugly her whole life, so she gets plastic surgery in order to completely start over at college. And then she has her little romance with Cha Eun-woo’s character 🥰
Mischievous Kiss (2013). This is actually a jdrama, a remake of the 2010 kdrama Playful Kiss, but I’m only familiar with the Japanese version because my best friend was super into it a few years ago. (You know how I am about twinkle melon? That’s how she was about Mischievous Kiss 😆). This is an “oh my god, they were roommates!” story between two high school, and later university, students. (Unfortunately, season 2 isn’t included with Prime, only season 1.)
Secret Zoo (2020). I nearly forgot about this one!! This is a movie about a lawyer who’s assigned to bring business back to a zoo his firm has acquired. The only problem is, they have no animals, so they do the only thing they can and dress up as animals themselves. I just about died laughing with this movie, it’s a great mood lifter.
This is not a kdrama, but I just found out this beautiful movie is on Prime now and I’m going to take this chance to mention it: Running for Grace (2018). It’s a romance between a doctor’s ward and plantation owner’s daughter in 1920s Hawaii. It’s been a few years since I last watched it, but the grip it had on my heart 😩😩 10/10 recommend
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bluemallow-log · 2 months
✍️ fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
Omg!! Hi hi hi! Thank you for the ask (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Ok so here goes my favourite five fics that I’ve written (in no particular order):
1. Celestial Bodies (Series)
This series consisted of two fics titles: UPRIGHT MOON and REVERSED STAR but I’m going to count them together. I really love writing this fic because it gave me the opportunity to: (1) explore Yachi’s character as an adult; (2) explore Tsukki’s character as an adult; and (3) show the readers about why I think the relationship between Tsukki and Yachi would work very well if they got together.
The Tsukiyachi fandom is very small (especially when compared to other ships in Haikyuu) but that did not deter me from writing almost 60k words of fic for them. As a matter of fact, my love for them grew tenfold after I finished writing this fic ❤️✨
2. Of War and Theatrical Play
This fic was originally inspired by the SNK S4 soundtrack (Memory Lane). Somehow when I listened to that soundtrack, I thought of a scenario about: “what if Levi and Hange met during a war?”
Then, as someone who loves learning about history, I decided to set the stage during WW2. Then as I did my research, I found that people actually refer to the war arena as “theatre”. It was such an interesting term, and so I kinda made it the main theme of this fic.
It took me quite a long time to finish the fic but afterwards, it felt so great! I really love how the story turned out in the end. I feel so proud of myself because I really pushed myself out of my comfort zone in order to write this 🫶🏼
3. Bunny Slippers
This is my first-ever tsukiyachi fic. I wasn't sure anyone would read it but I wrote it anyway because I simply love writing their dynamics 🥰
I really enjoyed putting a lot of subtle romantic elements in the story. I think the idea behind this fic is how your space will slowly be influenced by your partner as your relationship progresses.
I had a lot of fun writing this (:
Also, without this fic, the Celestial Bodies series would not exist
4. Tales from the Ackerman Estate
This fic literally raised me as a writer. I learned a lot of things from writing this fic
I never would’ve thought I would write a long-ass fic but here I am. 200k words and still counting 😳
At first I thought no one would read it because afaik not many people enjoy historical genre. But clearly I was wrong. I’m so glad people seem to like this fic 💕
I really love working on this fic because I feel I have this place where I can share my passion for history and for psychoanalyzing these characters 😆❤️
5. Don’t You?
If I can offer you some advice, please do not read this fic‼️ I had only my phone notes app and my love for levihan when I published this fic HAHAHA
This fic was not beta-read AND IT WAS NOT PROOF-READ. I’m PRETTY sure this fic was written with bad grammar and poor spelling (I don’t even want to read this fic to check because I’m too embarrassed).
But still, I have a special place in my heart for this fic because this is legit THE first fic that I’ve ever published.
Despite how hard I cringe at the writing, I do recall the happiness and joy that I felt when I wrote this fic. I can still remember the thrill and the nerve when I decided to publish it. I also remember the excitement that I felt when I received my first-ever comment. That’s precisely why I’ll never delete or edit it.
It’s my time capsule. I look at this fic as a proof that I am brave and as a sign that I have come a long way. I keep them with love as it is the one that started my journey, and I’m very grateful that it exist 🥰
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thelivebookproject · 4 years
Talking Books With @resident-book-nerd!
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[What is this and how can I participate?]
Important note: I haven’t changed or edited any of the answers. I’ve only formatted the book titles so they were clearer, but nothing else. Because I’m incapable of shutting up, my comments are between brackets and in italics, so you can distinguish them clearly.
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[Image description: a square titled “Know the blogger”. Name & pronouns: Kayla, she/her; country: United States; three adjectives to describe her: goofy, loyal & hardworking /end]
1. What do you eat/drink when you read?
That’s a great question with multiple answers!! ☺️ It definitely depends on what I’m reading, for sure. I’m currently getting my Bachelor’s in History and Creative Writing, which involves a lot of academic-type reading, so when I do reading like that I love to eat anything sugary like MnM’s, mini Oreos, sour patch kids, Fruit Snacks or hot chocolate! When I’m reading fun books I still love to drink hot chocolate, but if I’m not drinking that I’ll probably eat Combos, goldfish, Cheez-its, Saltines, or Wheat Thins! 😆 Oh, and sweet iced tea is a must, always 😂
[This is definitely detailed! I personally eat nothing (I either eat or I read, not both at the same time), and sometimes I drink water but not really often. I like to read and do nothing else, I’m single-minded like that hahaha]
2. Last book series you read obsessively? 
The last book series I read obsessively is actually the series I’m reading right now! It’s a duology by Evelyn Skye- The Crown’s Game and The Crown’s Fate. They’ve been sitting in my TBR for a while and I thought I’d give The Crown’s Game a shot a couple weeks ago, not really anticipating that I would like it as much as I did, but it was stunning! I just got my hands on the second one and I am absolutely loving it ☺️ The series has Russian history and magic and romance and well thought out plot lines that actually made me gasp out loud!! It’s a combination of all these things I love to read and learn about at once and it’s great 😆
[*notes down series* This interview project of mine is being really bad for my TBR... So many recs, so many books I’ve never heard about!]
3. Do you impulse-buy or do you plan everything ahead?
I definitely impulse buy/impulse check out from the library! What I want to read really depends on my mood, so if I plan everything out then odds are I likely won’t want to read what I’ve planned for myself/bought for myself 😂 However, when I do impulse buy or check out books, they’ll sit around for months or years until I get to them eventually or until they’re due 😂
4. Who is your go-to person for recommendations?
I actually don’t really have a go-to person for book recommendations! I usually just poke around on goodreads (I’m always looking for more people to friend/follow on goodreads!) and tumblr. I will ask either my local librarian or my supervisor at the library I work at in college if I really am stumped though!
5. How do you diversify your readings?
I try to diversify what I read in a lot of different ways! In terms of genre, I stay in my lane so to speak because I know what I like and don’t like (aka I don’t really read paranormal, thriller-y, dystopian type of books), but I love the classics, YA books, contemporary stuff, or any type of fantasy or history/historical fiction book, so when I’m choosing a book to read I try not to read too many of the same genre in a row at once. (For instance I’m reading a historical fantasy book right now and listening to a YA contemporary book, and the book I read before these was another contemporary type YA book, so yes technically I’m reading two YA contemporaries in a row but I’m also reading the fantasy book so I can switch it up when I want to ☺️) 
In terms of reading diverse books, I love reading as many LGBTQ+ books I can get my hands on because I love reading about love (Lordy, I really am mushy don’t tell anyone haha)!! I’m also really big of reading female authors and, of course, I love reading books with characters of all different ethnicities/cultures/races! I also love reading books that take place in all sorts of different places/time periods ☺️ I can’t really follow reading challenges or things like that very well (because I have a weird thing that prevents me from reading a book if I’m under pressure/if I feel like it’s assigned reading or something like that I’m just weird haha), so I just read whatever I’m feeling like at the given moment!
Free space!
Like I said before, I love seeing what everyone else is reading so don’t be a stranger on goodreads or tumblr! Message me, send me an ask, come talk to me about anything!! Seriously, books, TV, movies, literary theories, any sort of historical topic, how your day was, things you think I should read or watch, anything! I always love talking to new people and making new friends 😆 I love the booklr community so much and I’m excited that I’m finally getting more involved! ☺️
You can follow her at @resident-book-nerd and on her Goodreads.
Thank you, Kayla! This was really fun.
Next interview: Saturday, 20th of February
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fatenumberfor · 2 years
@brinigi replied to your post “if anyone lives in nyc I’m accepting recs for...”
Depends what kinda stuff you were already planning on seeing/when you're going/what areas you'll be in (manhattan, queen, brooklyn)
oh yea good point lol. the last time I was in nyc (march 2020) I walked extensively in chinatown, jackson heights, and flushing, so I’m good with those areas
the only things I have planned so far are cix’s concert (theater district) and mofad (north east corner of central park). I’m happy with recs in harlem and anywhere in manhattan, but i’m also considering exploring brooklyn :0
@wabisaba replied to your post “ninabina38 replied to your post “if anyone lives...”:
omg the cloisters are SO COOL +1 to that idea
​ooh since it’s sarah-approved I’ll definitely go! do U have recs for me :3c
@ninabina38 replied to your post “ninabina38 replied to your post “if anyone lives...”:
Drunk Shakespeare isn’t about following the story. It’s 😆 an experience. All the stage actors get drunk and attempt to follow the story. Theres audience participation too but I think that’s changed since Covid. Some of the shows have just one or two actor get drunk and the sober cast have to play along with the drunk member’s version of the plays. But there are plenty of other plays if you’re interested. Off broadway is always my rec but also if you don’t want to break the bank.
​It’s also small and quaint so you don’t have to squint to see the stage. The stage is in the middle and there’s only 4 or 3 rows circling the stage. If you want to. XD I don’t wanna sound like I’m pushing you.
Adrienne’s pizza is also a really good place to eat. It has a rooftop bar too. It’s not the typical ny slice kinda pizza. Walking the high line is really beautiful too. Having a little lunch there on a bench.
you’re not being pushy at all! I’m the one who asked hahaha i love hearing about experiences that people recommend highly so i appreciate your detailing your recs 😊
oh I’ve heard of adrienne’s pizza! and I didn’t have time to go to the high line the last time I was in nyc so i’m definitely doing it this time!!
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