#so sorry to disappoint anon but i hope the story of the guy who joined my server was humorous
cassyapper · 1 year
If I'm being nosey, 5? Don't have to name names obviously but I DO wanna know if you've got any JoJocord horror stories
ask game
5. worst discord server and why
FORTUNATELY i dont really dip into discord servers much cause it's just not a form of communication i'm super interested in so i dont have any horror stories <3 but i have heard terrors of how the [redacted] discord got overrun by the worst kind of jojo fans but that was a secondhand story so idk how true it is or the details of it. regardless im just glad i havent experienced anything like that <3
i will say tho i have my own discord server and as such it's both the best and worst jojo discord i know and one time this person joined, never introduced themselves, started various arguments about capitalism, part 6's quality, the ethics of pokemon (LMAO?), and misgendered someone (it's unknown if that was intentional or not), and then when i kicked them, they went out of their way to comment on one of my fics to have the last word 😭 now THAT was insane but still inspires a chuckle seven months later
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earth4angels · 10 days
so i want to talk about some few things that hurt my feelings a lot and i can be over dramatic or what not. but this is my blog and i want to be able to log in and feel good. this is a long post im sorry.
; when i made this blog i made it with an intention to just be a regular fan blog, i didn’t want to write, ive been a writer when i was in high school and i loved it and i loved making stories about edward cullen bc he was my first character to write about. but anyways i began writing again bc i wanted to get back in it again — i wrote about jacaerys in secret until i grew guts to publicly post.
now with that out the way, my writing won’t be for everyone and i accept that, that’s the life of a writer. however, to tell me and flood my box with “i thought you were different,” “you’re changing” i’m a girl who simply loves writing silly imaginative stories on my free time and i don’t get paid for it. i work full time, have a gallery im preparing for and with one or two hours i have of free time i get to writing. please stop flooding my box with mean msgs of “you lie, you take too much time. stop saying you’ll post and then don’t” guys i have a life, and stuff happens, i do this MYSELF. i edit, i come up with inspiration, i decorate my borders, dividers to match the vibe of the story, i beta read, i write — this is all me. i’m sorry i take forever to upload, i only want to provide the best stories and show my good writing skills.
the group chat, the anons: the group chat i made it FOR A SAFE SPACE. everyone on there is my moot and i add people who asked me to join kindly, and yes majority of us are writers but some aren’t, and frankly speaking— we became a friend group, with now 20 members, i can run to them and gossip and they do the same. whoever the anon is spreading negativity on my box or my moots i do not know who it is, i simply said i knew who it was to SPOOK them, to call them out their shit. please stop asking whose in it or if i know whose anon etc.. if you want to join just ask — i have to know you however.
in box terms, i’ve turned it off again.
what is it with you guys harassing me? calling me a rapist apologist? what the fuck? calling me a bitch too? where and why is the reason? if you want to say something to me and if i’ve done something wrong MSG ME. say your shit to me off anon. i’m so sick of the negativity.. this is my blog, and i won’t allow you guys to offend me or talk bad about my moots.
i am not leaving writing bc i want to post all my stuff i have planned, god there’s so many things i want to share with you all. jacaerys vanilla smut, to love, cosmic dancer, benji.. cregan who ive been secretly writing about… there’s so much i want to show you but how do i post and be happy coming on here when all i get is “i feel disappointed in you, im unfollowing, i thought you were different?”
treat others with kindness, i don’t know when ill be back on again but, i hope you guys have a beautiful day.
xxx nattie.
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ryuichirou · 7 months
Replies! About the LiliMal comic + a lot of other stuff.
Anonymous asked:
Waittttt may I ask whose butts are featured in your latest LiliMal comic because there's a certain cake standing out from the rest~
Ahhh I’m sorry to disappoint, but I didn’t have anyone specific in mind when I drew this sufhsui BUT. I’m pretty sure Lilia does this to everyone (well other than Malleus), at least playfully (some of his slaps are not as neutral in nature 👀 )…
But damn you’re right, that cake is huge. I can’t think of anyone this big other than Jack but there’s no tail :( HmmMMMmmm
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Lilia hitting Malleus' butt literally awoke a fever of fanfic writing, so thanks for that boo!
Also, I feel like Lilia would try to find out all who thought touching Malleus was a smart idea and probably kill them either from jealousy, loyalty, or straight him being possessive and does it cause "He was mine. He will always be mine"
You’re welcome! I hope Malleus gets buttslapped more often… he deserves it lol
Lilia’s case is interesting, because on the one hand, he does want Malleus to have more connections, relationships, all this stuff, but he really is more possessive than even he himself realises, not to mention super protective. So I can picture him going after people with an excuse of them overstepping, but in actuality because he’s way too used to thinking that he is the only one who is allowed to treat Malleus this way.
Anonymous asked:
Nope! I’m just very slow + I have been busy lately, so I had to prioritize asks with shorter replies… but you’ll get your replies too, Anon! Here is one, but the other one will have to wait, since it’s a hc ask, and it’s more time consuming for me to wrote them…
Anonymous asked:
thoughts on the popular theory Jade ate his siblings? do you think any other Leeches existed, or if they did, if he had anything to do with their death?
So about this! We actually talked about it about a year ago here and there, and even though we mentioned it briefly, we still like this theory a lot. Katsu and I pretty much consider it canon lol Of course while keeping in mind that it was only implied and the circumstances around their siblings’ death might have been different yada yada you know what I mean.
So yeah, other Leeches absolutely existed, Jade and Floyd are the only ones who survived and it only happened because they joined forces. And we all know that Jade and Floyd both are quite hungry, so the scenario in which they hunted every single sibling down and ate them to grow stronger just feels correct, horribly morbid and super fun at the same time.
I don’t know, it’s just a very amusing thing to think about when you look at them doing regular college boy things. Especially Jade, since he likes acting all polite and proper. He’s out there doing his vice-housewarden things, talking to his classmates, managing finances for the Halloween event, and you look at him and think “this guy munched down his siblings when he was little” lol
It’s almost like they’re from a completely different and a much more cruel world…
Anonymous asked:
You've probably been asked before but, have vil and Ortho ever made a sex tape? If so who initiated and if not what made them think against it/do you think Ortho ever secretly filmed sessions for himself?
I don’t think Vil would want to have a sex tape even if it’s for a personal use; he’s probably heard so many stories about leaks and ruined reputations. He grew up surrounded by paparazzi and all kinds of nosy vultures, so he is very careful and secretive (and a bit paranoid) about his private live. So he probably treats every time he has sex as “once in a lifetime performance for his lover only”.
Which is ironic because Ortho really loves recording everything he sees and does. He loves rewatching, revisiting and analyzing (and doing other stuff if it’s sex tape we’re talking about hehe), so he’ll absolutely ask Vil to record everything or at least take some pictures or audio recordings, and he’ll be bummed out when Vil refuses. Vil is usually very doting and he allows him to do so many things, but this is something he is stubbornly against.
But if Vil doesn’t know about it, there is no harm, right? Ortho knows how to put cameras and sound-recording devices in a way he would never notice…
And if it’s the robot!Ortho we’re talking about, he doesn’t even need any extra devices: he records everything directly to his memory.
Anonymous asked:
I think everyone wants to bite Idia’s thighs tbh
Facts. And it’s funny, because Idia doesn’t even have much to bite there…
Anonymous asked:
Do you think Idia is touch-starved? I personally think that but I’m interested to know your thoughts
I think he is starved to the point of not wanting anything anymore, so he’s touch-died-of-hunger-years-ago. So it’s not like he is actively suffering, buuuut if someone was to get physical with him, his body would suddenly remember that being touched by someone actually feels very good, so he’ll get overwhelmed in a good way. He is very sensitive….
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fandomlit · 4 years
sunshine (percy jackson x reader)
requested by anon “Hey, just found you today! I was wondering if you might do a Percy x reader? Something fluffy and the reader is an artsy, music loving, child of Apollo? Percy sees her and suddenly has a new found interest in pottery or drawing or something. His friends (the seven + Nico, Will, and Reyna) notice he’s spending a lot of time at the arts center and call him out/convince him to ask her out. That kind of seems like a lot so no pressure but thank you anyway!”
summary the seven and friends are sick and tired of seeing you and percy tiptoe around your feelings, and decide to push you two together the best they can.
a/n this is super long and im not sorry in the least,, keep those requests coming y’all !!!
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gif cred belongs to @pydiasterek​
“has anyone seen percy?” hazel asked, walking up to her friends with frank trailing behind her. “he said we’d be able to spar after lunch, but he didn’t even come to lunch.”
“probably at the arts center,” annabeth said, smirking to herself as she flipped the page of her book.
“arts center?” hazel repeated, furrowing her brow. “since when has percy been interested in the arts?”
“since he caught sight of y/n l/n,” jason snickered, his friends joining his chuckles.
“who’s that?” frank asked.
“apollo girl,” leo said, wiggling his eyebrows as the two romans joined their friends under the tree were lounging under. “she’s super talented. percy walked by the arts center and legitimately did a double-take when he saw her. i didn’t know people actually did that.”
“are they dating?” hazel asked innocently.
“of course not,” reyna said, not looking up from where she was shining her sword. 
“well, why not?” hazel asked, looking around at her friends.
they all looked around, no one seeming to have an answer.
“maybe we should help them,” piper suggested. they all looked to the aphrodite child, who began to smirk. “you know, push ‘em together a bit. couldn’t hurt.”
and that’s how it started.
“hey, percy!” jason called out. the sea demigod had just entered the arena. jason waved his friend over to him. “you up for some sparring?”
“sure thing!” percy called back, heading toward him. as he approached, he caught sight of you spinning a spear near where jason was waiting. he watched you swing toward leo, who immediately whimpered and cowered. you giggled.
“ready?” jason asked. percy’s gaze snapped back to him.
“yeah,” he said, nodding. they both got into their stances before charging at each other. as they sparred, percy glanced back every now and again to watch you and leo fight, you easily overpowering the hephaestus child. one of those times percy glanced over his shoulder, jason took the opportunity to catch him off guard, making percy stumble as he countered and fall back. but before he could hit the ground, something hard dug into his back.
he opened his eyes to see you standing over him with a smirk. “well, hello, water boy,” you said, shaking your head. percy offered you a sheepish smile. he realized it was the butt of your spear digging into his back, holding him up.
“uh... hi,” he breathed. you giggled, pushing your spear forward to held stand him up straight. he turned to you with an embarrassed smile as you leaned against your weapon. “good catch.”
“thanks,” you hummed. “maybe you should stick to swimming, water boy.”
“maybe you should stick to singing, sunshine,” percy retorted, crossing his arms. you let out a scoff, followed by a laugh.
“sunshine?” you repeated. “now that’s just lazy.”
“and water boy isn’t?” he retorted. jason and leo shared looks as you two continued to tease each other, slowly moving away to leave you two alone. they weren’t surprised when they found out nothing ended up happening.
the next day, annabeth invited you to join them around the campfire after dinner, hoping to at least get you and percy to realize the other’s feelings. when you arrived, they all greeted you warmly.
“who invited you, sunshine?” percy joked as you took the seat next to him on one of the seating logs surrounding the fire.
“someone who doesn’t think of such lazy nicknames, merman,” you tutted, shaking your head. he scoffed as you winked at annabeth. 
you all talked for the longest while, telling stories and jokes and enjoying each other’s company. while you two may have not noticed, the rest of the group noticed that you and percy had gravitated closer together during the time you two sat around the fire, your thighs almost pressed completely together after just an hour.
“im gonna call it a night,” will yawned, standing and stretching. nico had slung his jacket over the boy’s shoulders a while ago. 
“that’s my cue, too,” nico sighed, standing after his boyfriend. will grabbed his hand with a smile before turning and pointing at you.
“don’t get back too late, missy,” he teased, winking at you.
“i know the rules, william,” you scoffed teasingly. he chuckled and the couple waved goodnight to the rest of the group. reyna, hazel, frank, and piper followed soon after. that left annabeth, jason, percy, and you around the fire.
“you’re not tired yet, water boy?” you hummed, looking over at percy.
“no,” he shrugged, looking down at you. “are you?”
you shrugged in return, stifling a yawn. “i won’t go to bed until you do.”
“that’s not a good rule to live by,” percy laughed.
“why not?” you grinned, quirking an eyebrow.
“well, you know how im great at a lot of things?”
“you are?”
“i am,” he confirmed in a soft tone that made you giggle. he grinned down at you. “but uh, the one thing im not very good at is sleeping.”
you hummed. “that’s tragic. maybe you should just sleep.”
“you know, i didn’t think of that.”
“i figured as much,” you tsked. neither of you noticed that annabeth and jason had snuck off, leaving you two to flirt and tease alone. the only evident product of success from that night was seeing you return percy’s sweatshirt the next morning. they took that as a small victory.
the kicker was when you were all playing a game of paranoia in jason’s cabin. you were all sat around in a circle on the cleared out floor when piper had sneakily proposed the game. you were all for it. to make sure they could manipulate the game to go their way, the group had separated you and percy. you rested your head in leo’s lap and draped your legs across jason. annabeth caught percy’s stare when you had first looked into leo’s eyes and grinned as you settled in.
“i’ll start,” piper proposed. she leaned over to whisper in nico’s ear. the boy considered, looking around the circle as piper leaned back with a smile.
“annabeth,” he answered. “for sure.” said girl flipped the coin she held. they all watched it land on heads.
“the question was ‘who do you think would get away with murder’,” piper snickered.
“yeah, that’s about right.”
“i believe it.”
“honestly, she probably has already.” you all turned to the athena child in question. she shrugged easily.
“that’s a woman’s secret,” was all she said, making you all laugh. the game continued on and more laughs were shared. then, it was time for annabeth to whisper to percy.
“lay it on me,” percy sighed as annabeth leaned over, making you all chuckle. percy bit his lip as annabeth leaned away with a not-so-secretive smirk. he kept his gaze trained on the floor in front of him as he considered. he turned to annabeth and asked, “why is this so hard?” you all chuckled as she shrugged.
“gotta answer, though.”
he sighed, still not looking up as he answered, “y/n.”
you blinked in surprise as your friends erupted in whistles. you watched annabeth flip the coin and your heart dropped as it landed on tails.
“damn,” you muttered. they all laughed and you joined. “i really wanted to know!”
the game continued on until it was leo’s turn to whisper to you. you sat up so he could whisper quietly in your ear.
you shivered as he leaned away. “sorry, i got chills.” you laid back down as you considered and they laughed. you smiled to yourself before answering, “will.”
leo nodded. “flip.” the coin landed on heads.
“i asked who the hottest guy in the room was,” leo grinned.
“sun child vibes!” you exclaimed, throwing up peace signs as will cheered. “no? no one? okay.” you leaned forward to whisper to will as they laughed. percy couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. 
the circle went around again, and when it was back to percy, he braced himself for a similar question to the one he received last time. he sighed as he leaned away from annabeth.
“i gotta go with y/n again,” he said, shaking his head.
“i didn’t know we were playing favorites,” jason scoffed, making you all laugh.
“what can i say, sparky?” you sighed dramatically. “you’ve been replaced.” jason placed an offended hand on his heart as you turned to annabeth. “flip, please.”
percy wanted to walk into the ocean when the coin landed on heads, making the circle ‘oo’ and laugh. “uh, i was asked who the prettiest girl in the room was.” he scratched the back of his neck and blushed. you opted to blush as well instead of saying anything as the group burst into ‘aww’s and leo started cheering.
after another few rounds, you all decided to call it a night before dionysus or some other unfathomable thing came to break up your makeshift party.
“can i walk you to your cabin?” you turned to see percy standing with his hands in his pockets.
you gave him a smile. “sure thing, barnacle boy.” he rolled his eyes at the nickname as you two walked out of the zeus cabin.
after a minute of silence, you broke, “so, you think im pretty?” he blushed.
“i was hoping you wouldn’t remember that.”
“who do you think i am?”
you both laughed as he scratched the back of his neck. “well, yeah, i guess. beautiful is a better word for it, though.” you smiled as you both stopped before the steps of the apollo cabin. you knew will was probably watching from the window, but you didn’t care. you only cared about the demigod in front of you at that moment.
“wanna know the question i answered you for?” you hummed. he nodded. you smiled, looking into his sea green eyes as you recited, “‘who would you kiss out of everyone here?’”
his eyebrows shot up, as did his heart rate. “really?” you nodded with your usual easy smile. he looked away from your prying eyes for a second to nod and absorb the exciting information. he looked back down at you and started, “can i-”
“please,” you answered with a laugh, eyes closed as you cut him off. he smiled and leaned down slowly to press his lips to yours gently. he pulled away after a moment. your eyes met his and nothing was said before he leaned down again, this time his hands settling on your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck. 
the kiss was more intense this time, both of you spilling all of the thoughts and feelings and tension you had held in since you first met onto the other’s lips. and it was nothing short of euphoric. 
but not euphoric enough to drown out the cheers of your friends from all around you two.
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
the other guy : j.w
brief summary: during a night out with the vlog squad, you run into your ex- sebastian stan. he asks you on a date which you accept, but unbeknowst to you, jeff is worried he might’ve lost his chance with you
word count: 1.9k requested: yess by the sweetest anon! i adored this concept when i received it so i’m excited for you to all read! warnings: angst, but a semi fluffy ending
* masterlistin’ / masterlistin’ 2.0
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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“So why this place exactly?” Jeff speaks up as you all climb out from the Uber, his hand hovering over your back as you wander into the restaurant, admiring the interior.
David sighs before turning around, just as you reach the table. “We never go out for nice food, and I wanted to celebrate.” David shrugs his shoulder, receiving a raised eyebrow from you.
“And what are we celebrating?” You chime in, just as Jeff pulls out a chair for you and you smile up at him with appreciation.
“Seriously?” David huffs, looking at everyone as you all wear the same look of confusion. “It’s my YouTube anniversary.” He states and a resounding sound of remembrance crosses the group.
“That’s today?” Carly whistles, causing you to chuckle as a menu is placed in front of you.
“Just think, how much has happened since you started, Dave.” Natalie jokes, wearing pride clearly in her smile as David pats her arm before returning his attention to the menu in front of him.
It’s true though, so much has happened since David started vlogging. All the friends he’s made along the way, the stories, pranks, experiments, celebrity appearances, surprises, gifts- all of it couldn’t be possible without him.
“What’s been one of your favourite videos to film?” Jeff questions, leaning his elbows on the table beside you.
Rubbing his hands together, David ponders momentarily. “I mean I’ve got a couple- like the elephant's toothpaste one was insane.” He laughs, remembering how quick everyone was to take cover and the clean up process after it.
“That was mad.” You mutter under your breath, but Jeff catches it and nods in agreement remembering how quick he was to shelter you from the fumes and keep out of harm's way.
“What other videos?” Corinna pitches in, looking over to Todd who can’t help but smile smugly.
Yet, David looks over to you and Jeff instead. “When I spied on Y/n’s date with her ex.” David splutters a laugh as you roll your eyes, unaware of Jeff clenching his jaw at the memory of that video.
“You mean the ex?” Zane questions, only for David to simply nod and silence falls over all of you.
“Look it was funny, it’s not a big deal you guys.” You try to brush it off, but Erin scoffs.
“Not a big deal?” She blurts out. “Y/n, he’s a fucking movie star!” Erin tries to keep her voice down as the soft piano plays throughout the restaurant, and you can feel the heat rising through you.
“Yeah, but we only dated for like seven months.” You try to shrug it off, but everyone's focus seems to shift to behind you. “What?” You ask before slowly turning your head to see the man in question sitting at a table across the room.
“This is fate,” Erin calls out, and you nervously laugh before turning back around to face your friends, Jeff remaining silent the entire time. “You gotta talk to him.”
You scoff playfully. “Why would I talk to him? We broke up.” You remind her, and Jeff feels his heart still holding onto a thread, hoping it might last before breaking entirely.
“But you ended on good terms, right?” Natalie leans in across the table, having a direct view of your ex behind you. “He’s looking your way, Y/n.” She looks down, seeing him rise from his chair and walk over toward you.
And at that moment, Jeff can feel the last of the strings holding his heart up break. He sits beside you, watching another man flirt and toy with your emotions. 
“Seb, hi.” You breathlessly smile up at him before rising to your feet to hug him. Jeff can’t help but see the way he holds you tightly, wishing it were him.
“I, I didn’t know you were in the area. If I did, I’d,” Sebastian stumbles over his words, something you secretly loved.
“It’s alright, how’ve you been?” You ask him, moving away from your friends for a moment as the pair of you wander outside for a more private conversation.
Everyone at the table is shocked, except Jeff who is writhing. 
“I can’t actually believe he is here.” David speaks up, a half laugh leaving his lips as he takes his camera out, filming the interaction of you and your ex outside. 
“Give her some privacy, Dave.” Heath motions for David to lower his camera, and once it’s out of sight, Jeff excuses himself to use the bathroom. 
Once out of sight, Jeff leans against the counter, looking at his reflection. He can see a vain poking through his forehead, his fists still tightly clenched as his heart remains in shattered pieces. 
“’Cuse me, sorry.” A voice rises, and Jeff turns to see it’s Sebastian wearing a small smile. 
Trying his best not to glare, Jeff exits the bathroom to see you’re back at the table. As Jeff sits down, you smile to him happily. “You okay?” You ask him quietly, only for Jeff to curtly nod and act as if nothing happened. 
“Like, what does she even see in him?” Jeff huffs as David, Natalie, Zane and Carly are sitting around at David’s, trying to edit. 
Carly looks over to Natalie who shrugs a shoulder. 
“Besides the fact, he’s a talented actor, handsome, genuine, funny, sweet, did I mention attractive?” Carly lists off, and Jeff simply throws a cushion at her causing Carly to squeal. “You asked.” She mutters. 
“He’s an old guy!” Jeff adds, sighing heavily as Natalie merely quirks an eyebrow. 
“Jeff, the guys a few years older than you.” Natalie comments, but Jeff shrugs it off, muttering under his breath how it still counts.
“Look, you should’ve just said something sooner, there’s still time.” David speaks up, trying to bring some hope to his friend. 
Jeff half-heartedly nods. “I suppose. Fuck, I’m never like this about girls.” Jeff admits, running his fingers through his hair as he hides his face in his hands. 
Natalie rises to her feet at the sound of the front door opening, and the clicking of heels across the wooden floor. 
“Holy shit!” Zane whistles and Jeff quickly darts his head to the direction of the front door. 
Trying his best to stop his jaw from dropping, Jeff watches as you shyly smile to everyone. You look truly beautiful, more so than normal. In all the time Jeff has known you, he’s never seen you in a dress, not like this one. 
It fits you perfectly, flowing from the waist. The deep navy compliments your skin, bringing out the colour in your eyes as it stops above your ankles, revealing the black heels. 
“Sorry to interrupt. Nat has a handbag for me to borrow.” You wave past everyone, following Natalie through to her room. 
And then it dawns on him. You have a date. 
“Guess I was too late.” Jeff mutters, knowing you’re out of earshot and sinks back into the sofa, disappointment etched in his face as Carly tries her best to hide her excitement for you, and sympathy for Jeff. 
“Who knows, maybe it’ll be a terrible date and you’ll still have a shot.” David tries to reassure his friend, but the solemn expression only solidifies as you happily walk past everyone, almost bouncing with excitement. 
“Yeah,” Jeff mutters once the front door closes, picturing you now with him, seeing that bright smile and your laughter for another man. “like that’ll happen.” 
“Sebastian is a nice guy, Jeff. Be thankful he isn’t some scumbag.” Natalie sighs as she walks back from the front door after seeing you off to the Uber Sebastian sent for you. 
“I guess.” Jeff rubs his face in his hands once more before rising to his feet. “I’ll see you guys later, I’m going to go train with Todd.” 
Without another word being said, Jeff leaves his friends unable to change his mind. 
“-it was so sweet, he had a bouquet of sunflowers for me, we walked around the city and ugh, it was lovely.” You can’t help but ramble on as all the girls listen intently, Zane included in this as you giggle at memories of the previous night. 
Corinna happily sighs as she collapses back into the sofa, Carl resting on her lap. “He sounds so dreamy, god.” 
“He’s a genuine kinda guy.” You shrug your shoulder, pausing as you hear Jeff and Todd walk into the house. Yet, despite the events of the last twenty-four hours, Sebastian didn’t make your heartstrings tug like Jeff did. “Hey boys,” You call out, waving to them both. 
Todd smiles, but Jeff avoids looking over at you and sits down in silence, leaving Todd to carry their conversation on. 
“So, how’d it end?” Carly questions as you try to return to the vibrant mood you were in moments ago.
Jeff zones out from his conversation with Todd, listening in closely to you and only you. 
“Well, he asked me to join him for lunch tomorrow before he flies back to New York.” You tell them nonchalantly, watching as Zane rolls his eyes. 
“Course he did.” Jeff mutters, scoffing quietly. 
“Sorry?” You turn around with a slight glare, focusing on Jeff whilst Todd’s eyes widen. “Care to pitch in?” You raise an eyebrow, only for Jeff to simply shake his head. 
“Not at all, seems you got your Prince, Princess.” His words come off harsher than intended, and Jeff can feel regret weighing on his shoulders as your smile disappears. 
The girls look over at Todd and they all stand up, making excuses to leave the room as the pair of you remain silent.
“What is your problem, Jeff?” You ask him, now that you’re alone you’ve got nothing to hide from him. 
Jeff leans forward, resting his arms against his thighs as he focuses on you. “Nothing, why?” He continues to toy with you, feeling he has nothing to lose at this point since he’s already lost you. 
“So why are you acting like a dick all of a sudden?” You retort, but Jeff chuckles quietly. “Are you, are you jealous?” 
And that clearly catches a nerve as Jeff straightens up. “You think I’m jealous? Jealous of some guy you’re dating?” His words become louder with each remark. 
“Clearly you are, you weren’t like this when I used to date him!” You’re now yelling back. “What’s the problem, Jeff? You’re supposed to be my friend.” You rise to your feet, looking down at him as his eyes trained on the floor. 
A small scoff leaves your lips as you try to walk past him, only to feel his hand gripping your wrist.
“I don’t want to just be your friend, Y/n.” Jeff finally speaks up, his eyes rising from the floor to look up at you. “I only realised when last summer, after you guys broke up.” He explains. “And I’m a fucking idiot for not saying something sooner, and I’ve missed my chance for good. So, I’m sorry.” 
“What makes you think that?” You question, sitting down beside him as Jeff takes his hand away from your wrist, holding it in his other hand. 
Jeff sadly laughs under his breath. “You trying to hurt me more, Princess?” He looks up and watches as you shake your head.
“Jeff, Sebastian is a friend. Last night only solidified that for me.” You tell him, reaching out for his hand. 
Looking down, Jeff watches as you intertwine your fingers with his. “Am I just a friend, Y/n?” The words are barely audible over the sound of his heart beating in his chest rapidly. 
“You’ll always be more to me than that, Jeff.” You whisper before shuffling closer, resting your head against his shoulder. “I think it’ll just take some time to figure out what that truly is.” 
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topconfessions · 2 years
About Ri, I feel like he’s a very mixed person. To start off I’ll admit I’m a fan a VVIP I won’t do the ‘I’m not a fan but’ because it’s disingenuous. But reading so much about him I’ve heard stories of how generous he was and friendly he even gave like $4000 to a trainee randomly because he thought he looked like he was struggling financially. To me he doesn’t actually seem like a bad guy like he had some nice qualities which is why I wonder how the hell he got so mixed up in this (I know he’s not an innocent angel but this has been puzzling me for so long). Look I agree with you even if he is mostly innocent he is officially a criminal. We can’t deny that. However, in court there were 32 witnesses that denied his involvement they even said police twisted their accounts to make him look guilty. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if he was involved in some prostitution especially using it for himself (it’s so common in the industry anyway) but I’m sure we can all agree he is nowhere near as bad at JJY etc and he has 100% been a scapegoat. There were literally edited chats to make it look like he was in molka (this is confirmed) and I think you’d have to be blind to say the situation doesn’t seem fishy. I feel so mad at him though like why did you do this Seungri, he just threw everything away. I think he got carried away with being this Gatsby figure and now he has taken the biggest fall and he’s going to live with this the rest of his life. In Korea he’s like the most hated man I don’t believe he’ll be able to have a normal life there and he can’t just travel to other countries with a criminal record. I pray he will heal and try to be a better man but I am so disappointed. Still I am very confused about this so I wanted to ask you something (I hope you will be able to solve my concerns), I read through the archives you did mention you thought it might have been a humiliation ritual? Now I’m kind of into conspiracies too but I would like to ask what is a humiliation ritual (you mentioned it for top too so I am super curious). Sorry if it’s a dumb question I just am really interested! And thank you for always being balanced and having reason.
it is basically when a celebrity has to either agree to or sometimes they do not know it's coming, a public scandal or something happening to them that will chip at their reputation for a period of time if not years and this shows their dedication. other times it's a punishment. In the real world hard work, dedication and sacrifice is what gets celebs ahead but many have done gay for pay, casting couch, and sold out in other ways aside from the hard work.
but yeah, I've always believed he was a genuinely good guy who unfortunately got caught up in that mess. I can't offer my opinion it cause I'm not here like that in general to argue with all of these kids and immature anons who want to talk in circles about every little thing. All I can say is he had nothing else going for himself in bigbang and BIGBANG were NOT the brotherly image to him and they stuck closer to each other than him so he had to pave a way for himself and work 5x harder at succeeding at things they didn't and be more social so he could have his own gigs. Along the way like one of the members said, he stopped fucking with them like that and stayed to himself outside of work only hanging with his own people which is fine.
I just believe personally in my own opinion....he should not have joined big bang. He was good for the set up, the fit musically and the overall conception but him being out of place (I do not care what any of you say, respectfully, no matter how many good times he had with the OT4 he was that out of place member. we can't deny that, he was the lesser out of all of them. it's just a fact...) Didn't he have to really beg and prove himself to get in? To me, I believe if you have to do that for anything in life when there is a great opposition against you and you know you don't fit the mold and chemistry of the other members on sight, you need to go elsewhere. Sure it worked for him and he grew with them all, but it was originally suppose to be the troublemaker guy Hyuna used to perform with.
He was just that member that just shouldn't been there. Not because he was intruding or he didn't have right to be but he shouldn't have been there cause it wasn't the true group for him and set up. This does not negate his bond up till the scandal with the group. It's not to say the members didn't or don't love him, it's just not for him. This is a prime example of what happens when someone is pushed into a dynamic that wasn't fit for them on paper or socially.
DARA wasn't fit for 2ne1 either but it worked cause they NEEDED her more than she needed them even though mentally and emotionally her self esteem proved otherwise, and she felt less talented than the others. She joined to be an ACTRESS and not a performer but had no choice other than take the contract and be an idol or go elsewhere. She was better suited for SM and a girls generation aesthetic. It worked for Dara and not Seungri cause she had no odds to fight against, she had no opposition and was welcomed with open arms and the girls genuinely got along with her better than the group did. If Dara started acting up or going down the wrong path, I can't see the girls throwing her under the bus or allowing it to be known publicly to fans through varieties and toliet humor that she's a hot mess.
That never sat right with me on TOP and Tae behavior. GD wasn't always perfect either, but he is the only out of the group who has Ri's feelings and well being in mind. Dara was needed and her personality was easy to get used to, also she supplemented things that were lacking like Ri did by working harder than the other members with fanservice and promotions. She also was very content and I don't mean it with disrespect to her cause I adore Dara, but she was too comfortable with just having enough and Ri is a very ambitious person who strives for a lot professionally. Ri could have sat there and "Ate his food" as the girls say and just been okay with being a member, that wasn't enough especially when he KNEW upfront the public viewed him as dead weight. I notice that most (not all) idols don't build each other up. The ones who grow close like family or are duo's like TVXQ changmin & yunho do but the rest stay close like best friends but that's it, you can't lean on them for physical help. it's very every man for themselves in my opinion.
So that is all there is to it just from my POV. This shouldn't be taken as some overview or fact, this is just how I see the entire situation.
He was such a great talent and I never noticed it much until towards the end near MADE when it became clear that the group was going to dial back the promotions and activity. Also it's a shame cause I remember the huge rally for him when it was a conspiracy that everyone was highkey against him and he wasn't being treated fairly for having equal promotion tools and outreach like the others did.
I actually followed more so than the others up until burning sun occurred. I literally followed GD, TOP, TAE and Ri but I always would find myself going to Ri's insta more and feeling pleased by his posts. I really wanted to visit his ramen shop too. It's all a shame really. I just personally feel deep down if they were american artists here and had that BTS affect back in the day? Ri would be a star holding his own equally with TOP and GD if not further than them and Being the RM of the group. And I do feel some of them would be in deep trouble like him if they were stars here. There is a reason they didn't push to get here aside from being comfortable in Korea. Remember that.
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Better Late Than Never
Characters: Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff
Word Count: 2.4k 
Warnings: angst, fluff at the end, reunion
Request by anon: Hi there!! Just curious, would you ever make a one shot to the avengers reunion for your story pick a side?
Summary: After years apart from your dad, you come face to face with him. Will he hate you for leaving? Will he resent you even more? Or will he accept you back into his life?
sam’s wings for @star-spangled-bingo
tears of joy for @foundfamilybingo
Part One
Author’s Note: If you have any requests, please send them in! This is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
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You’re good at your job, but you’re not that good. You take after your father--working on things building big projects, and always innovating new ideas. You’re not as good as he is, but you try to do your best. Sam managed to break his wings, so you tried fixing it on your own. He gave you enough time to come up with a plan and execute it, but as soon as that time was up, he needed to move on to someone slightly better than you.
After all, you have the Captain America serum in your body, so you’re more useful out in the field than behind a welding mask. Sam needed an expert to fix his wings, and you were slightly offended that it wasn’t going to be you. All he said is that he found someone to do the job, but he never said who. Even Steve, Wanda, and Natasha were very quiet about it, but you kind of brushed it off.
“Give me another chance, okay? I think I can fix it,” you beg Sam as you follow him around the Quinjet.
“Major, you’ve done enough,” he laughs.
“My name is Y/N,” you pout.
“You’re just below Cap. You’re Major.”
“Fine, but you need to give me another chance. I have a better understanding of it now!”
You don’t take no for an answer and head over to his wings that are on the table in the middle of the jet. You whip off the blanket that is covering them only to have him drag it back on.
“I said no. I found a guy.”
“Y/N, I love you, but you’re a crappy welder and an even more crappy engineer.”
“Language,” you gasp teasingly, and he rolls his eyes slightly.
“We’re approaching our destination,” Natasha calls from the driver’s seat.
“Where are we going?” you ask and bounce to the window.
“Y/N, wait--”
Steve’s warning is cut off when you reach the window. The clouds clear to reveal the new Avengers facility that your dad had built in upstate New York. Your blood runs cold and you freeze in your spot at the thought of running into him. It’s been three years since you two last saw each other--after he made no moe to contact you. The last thing you heard from him was him accusing you of picking Steve’s side because you were “fucking” him.
He’s never made any effort to call you after you left with Steve.
“Y/N, we were going to tell you, but he’s the only one who can fix this,” Steve whispers.
You hear him, but your brain doesn’t register the words that are coming out of his mouth. All you can think about was the fight that happened at the airport in Germany. When you got in line with Steve and his team, your dad gave you the coldest look you’ve ever seen. He was so angry at you for not picking his side that he didn’t care why you did it or what you believed in. All he saw was betrayal, and all you saw was hatred and disappointment.
When the fight started, he tried his best not to fight you because even though he was mad, he didn’t know if he could hurt you. Then, the unthinkable happened. Steve and Bucky were racing to the jet to get to the place where the other winter soldiers were when you stood between them and your dad. He didn’t want to hurt you, but he couldn’t let them get away.
He ended up hurting you in more ways than just physical. Physically, you only had a bruised stomach and some cuts on your face. However, emotionally, there was a gaping hole left in your chest. Your dad saw the damage he did to you and he just left without another word or a glance in your direction. He just took off, and that was the last time you ever saw him.
The months rolled by, and you thought he was going to call you, but he never did. Those months turned to years, and you lost all hope of seeing your dad. It crossed your mind that you should be the one to go after him, but he hurt you a lot more than you hurt him. You couldn’t put yourself through that embarrassment and torture of seeing how you made him disappointed by coming back.
So, you never did.
Fighting with Steve made you happy--at least, that’s what you tell yourself. In reality, it provided you with a distraction long enough to keep thoughts of your dad out of your mind. Then, when the distraction subsided, Steve had already found another case to be on. It’s been a few years, and you’ve been everything related to misery. You miss him so much, but he clearly doesn’t miss you. So, seeing his new Avengers facility brought all those unwanted feelings back to the surface--the ones you tried so hard burying.
“You know, you could have told me,” you sigh and look away from the window.
“I didn’t know how.”
Steve thought about calling Tony plenty of times just to kick his ass into being with you, but he always thought twice about it. You were at a point in your life where you were almost at the peak of getting over it, so he couldn’t possibly let you bring all those feelings back into the light. You were just so sad and you cried almost every night for a long time because all you needed was your dad. He couldn’t give you the comfort you needed, and because there was a small possibility that Tony would reject you once again, he just couldn’t make that call. It breaks his heart to see you so sad.
When Sam’s wings broke, and no one in his group could fix them, he knew that it was time to go see Tony once again. There was no way you would be staying on your own, and he couldn’t think of a good enough reason to keep you away, so you joined them without a hint of where you were going. Ever since the big fight happened, they’ve all been looking at you like you’re going to explode at any given moment. They’ve been hovering to catch you despite you telling them that you’re okay.
But you’re not okay.
How can you just worry everyone like that when there is no fixing it? There is nothing they can do, so why bother them with it in the first place? Everything you’ve ever mashed down inside you started to inflate the minute the Quinjet landed. As soon as the doors opened, you became frozen where you stood. Natasha and Sam left the bird first with his wings in hand, leaving you, Steve, and Wanda left inside.
“I can take away your fear if you want me to,” Wanda whispers.
“No, it’s okay,” you whisper back. “Go on, I’ll be there in a minute.”
All you see is pity on her face, but she leaves your side nonetheless.
“Are you sure you can do this? You don’t have to go in there,” Steve supports.
“I do. He left, not me. I shouldn’t be scared to walk in there, he should be scared that I’m here. Does he know I’m coming?”
“No, I didn’t tell him. I was afraid he would say no to fixing Sam’s wings. Listen, he sounded pretty miserable on the phone. I think he’ll be happy to see you.”
“He was so mad at me,” you remember your last conversation that actually mattered, “like he couldn’t fathom the thought that I would pick your side over his. I just did what I thought was right—I still think that. He always taught me to stand up for what I believe in, and I did just that. I’m just scared he’ll hate me all over again. I don’t think I’ll survive that again.”
“Then stay in here. We’ll be in and out. I promise.”
“I’m sorry,” you sigh sadly.
You look down at the ground just as two tears left your eyes. Steve looks at you, and he just cups your chin with two fingers and lifts your head so you’re staring at him. He wipes the tears away with his thumbs as gently as he can.
“Don’t be. You’re not ready. That’s okay. I have to go inside now, but I promise we will be back before you know it.”
He leans down and kisses you tenderly, keeping it short. The feel of his lips on yours help keep you grounded, and you hold onto that comfort even when he pulls away from you. You keep your eyes closed for a few more minutes as if it would shield you from the fear. If you can’t see your dad’s place, then you’re not really there. However, just as soon as you open them, you miss the comfort from Steve immediately.
Why should you be the one who fears this place? It should be your dad that fears you coming here. He was the one who broke things off with you, so why do you feel like it’s your fault? You’re his daughter, and he is supposed to treat you as such. You’re not one of his friends that pissed him off--he doesn’t get to cut you out of his life like you mean nothing. You’re his fucking daughter; he is supposed to love you no matter what. It’s what a parent does for their children. Yeah, they are supposed to make you mad and get on your nerves, but you don’t get to cut them out of your life like that.
Why should you just stand here while everyone else gets to be inside? Maybe seeing your dad’s new place is giving you the courage you never had. It’s giving you a sense of what’s right and wrong in this situation. Fuck this, you’re not going to wait out here like some scared little girl afraid she is going to get grounded by her dad. You’re an adult, so he can’t punish you anymore--not like this.
You leave the Quinjet and head inside the place, impressed how it turned out. Your dad is an arrogant ass sometimes, but he sure doesn’t know how to build a beautiful building. Jarvis is no longer with your dad, so he had a new system put in place: Friday. The only thing different about her is that she has an Irish accent while Jarvis had a British one. Since your face is known on every server that your dad has, Friday doesn’t announce your presence. Jarvis did that with strangers, and you think that it’s the same thing with Friday.
This place is huge on the inside as much as it is on the outside, but you don’t have any trouble going where you need to go. The main room is close to the entrance of the place, so just as soon as you enter, you hear everyone’s voice come from the room. Despite being angry and pissed at your dad for treating you this way, there is something inside of you--no matter how small--that tells you he is going to hate you when he sees you.
You freeze right before you can turn the corner. The doors are open, so you can hear everything clearly, but you’re completely out of sight. Will he stare at you with disgust and disappointment? Will he yell? Throw you out? Tell you that he never wants to see you again?
“Thanks for doing this, Tony,” Steve says as Sam hands over his wings to the billionaire.
“First time you called in, what, years, and this is what you asked me?” Tony says and glances at Steve.
He noticed immediately that you weren't in the room.
“Is it safe to come home yet?”
“Then, yes, it’s what I asked you to do.”
“Where is she?” your dad asks as he inspects the wings.
“Do you care?”
“Do I care? Of course I fucking care, Rogers. How can you ask that?” your dad hisses.
“You haven’t called in, what, years?” Steve throws that comment back in your dad’s face.
“Is she at least here?”
“I’m not going to answer that. What needs to be done is fixing these wings so we can be on our way.”
Tony looks at everyone’s faces and knows immediately what they are saying. You are here, probably on the Quinjet that just flew in, and there is a reason why you’re not coming in. He really fucked up big time. All Tony has ever done for the past few years is regret yelling at you in the first place. All he wants now is his daughter, and you can’t even come inside.
“I’m right here,” you say and reveal yourself.
Hearing your dad ask those questions pushed the doubt to the back of your mind and brought back the courage. Every single person turned to look at you, but you’re only looking at your dad. He seems frozen where he stands, unable to do anything but just look at you. You’re really here no thanks to him. He grips Sam’s wings tightly in his hands, wincing when one of the parts dig into his palm. Feeling that pain brings him back to reality.
He sets the wings on the table right in front of him before marching over to you. You honestly think he is going to yell at you or do something mean, but instead, he just brings you into a tight hug. Your arms immediately wrap around his neck, and you find yourself sinking into his body.
“I missed you so fucing much,” your dad says emotionally.
“I’m so sorry,” you cry into his neck.
He pulls away and makes sure you’re staring into his eyes when he speaks.
“No, you don’t get to be sorry. I’m the one who should be sorry. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have yelled at you or made you feel like what you did was wrong. I’m the one who fucked up. You’re my daughter, and I shouldn’t have ever let you go.”
He brings you back into a hug, and you squeeze him tightly to remind yourself that this is really happening. You look at Steve from over your dad’s shoulder, and he smiles proudly because this is the moment he has been waiting for. This is the moment that should have happened years ago. Well, better late than never is what everyone always says.
You and your dad have grown separately, but it’s time you grow together. You’ve lost precious years without him, and you’re not going to waste another over something stupid like last time.
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idyllicstarker · 4 years
If you do prompts can you write a jealous tony bc he sees peter kiss mj’s cheek at a avengers party and gets all possessive bc peter is his.
Not my best work but I hope you still enjoy!! There may be a few errors because my google docs was playing with me. Since it’s anon, I’m not sure who to contact to apolgise for not giving the prompt justice, so I’ll just do it here. I’m sorry, but as always, thank you for the request <3
Warnings: Implied Stucky, mention of the term exhibitionism, mention of harrasment but no details, just use of the term
If there was one thing Tony had learnt about his boy, it was that Christmas was an important time for him. It held no real significance other than it being a holiday (he wasn’t exactly religious) but Peter was adamant that Christmas was “the best time of the year” and he just wanted to share that with the others.
The Christmas Party was proposed totally on a whim. Tony was at an age where that sort of stuff just didn’t appeal to him. But to his much younger boyfriend, parties were fun, and exciting - of course they were, Peter wouldn’t be the one waking up with a raging headache and feeling like death.
When Tony expressed his doubts on the whole thing, Peter pouted and gave him the eyes and suddenly Tony was funding a party he wasn’t even sure he wanted to go to himself. He reached a point of certainty when he realised he much preferred his domestic life with Peter as they decorated the compound with trees and fairy lights and cute little reindeer statues. But of course he’d still go, he didn’t want to disappoint Peter, and he also didn’t want to be seen as the old man avenger, especially when everyone else already said they’d already be there. So despite much rather wanting to be in bed with Peter, he got dressed and put on a smile. He didn’t have much of a choice anyway, it was in his home.
Aside from the avengers, Peter had invited both Ned and Mj, and of course May. But after an hour or so, Tony noticed she had disappeared - come to think of it, so had Happy.
Tony shook his head, choosing not to worry about it too much, as his eyes scanned over the room. They’d turned from cheesy Christmas top hits, to some more chill music, as Vance Joy played in the background. His gaze settled on Peter. He was sitting on the couch, one arm strung across the back, where Mj was sitting, and Ned to his other side. Two chairs in front of them were occupied, one by Sam and the other by Steve and Bucky who Tony remembered struggled to both sit on the chair, but pride meant neither was letting up, so Bucky just ended up on Steve’s lap. Peter had a plastic cup in his hand (he was trying to make this as authentic to high school parties as possible because in his words: “you guys are old and I want to remind you of what it’s like to be young again”) but he didn’t seem too drunk, so Tony knew it was probably just soda. Adorable!
He watched as Peter’s lips parted probably to let out his angelic laugh. It all lined up with the slight crinkle of his nose, and that lopsided expression as one flushed cheek raised slightly higher than the other. His head tipped back just slightly and after a second, it bowed forward. He presumed Sam was telling the trio a story, because all three laughed, but of course the only one he wished to witness was the masterpiece in his line of vision.
Peter seemed to perk up, and Tony’s own lips twitched into a smile, pushing himself off the bar so he could approach and join in on the conversation. But his face dropped after a second, and his movements faltered.
Peter had seemed to captivate the conversation, his hand gesturing wildly in such a way that Tony feared for the drink in his cup. It wasn’t hard to get lost in the angelic sound of the boy’s voice, he knew that all too well. He watched as his conversation partners leant closer in an attempt to hear him better. Some more laughs. And then Peter gestured towards Mj, a cheeky grin on his lips before he leant forward and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
Tony imagined the soft lips pressing against her skin, he thought so hard about it, he very almost tasted it on his own lips.
He didn’t want to know what the conversation was about, he didn’t want to know why the kiss was given, playful or not, all he knew was that he didn’t like it. If he was more aware of himself he may have been able to stop the throaty growl he produced. Tony didn’t like to think he was a jealous man, but everybody knew he was.
In a moment he was beside the couch, looking down on Peter with what can only be described as a possessive growl. “Any room for me there baby?”, he asked, his tone low. It wasn’t necessarily aggressive, but if someone didn’t know Tony they may say it seemed angry. But Peter recognised it well. His sweet gaze flickered over the slight tenseness in Tony’s jaw, and the darkened look in his eyes, and with a soft sigh, he allowed a gentle smile to form on his lips. “There’s always room for you”, he responded.
Slowly Peter rose, wiggling his jean-clad hips lightly to the music as he waited for Tony to sit down. He was desperately clutching at some kind of sweet innocence to avoid Tony from getting too jealous. And the only way to do that was through the art of seduction. Of course, everybody here knew of their relationship, it would have been much too hard to keep it from them, but that wasn’t Peter’s problem. It was the fact that he was sure they were going to see much more than they wanted to if he didn’t calm him down.
Tony called it asserting dominance, Peter called it exhibitionism.
Tony gave Mj a snide look as he walked around to sit in the place Peter had just vacated. “I just thought I’d make an appearance, I missed this little one too much”, he hummed, gesturing to Peter who sighed softly in response.
Catching Steve's eyes Peter pouted slightly at the playful look in his own. They were both thankful for the fact that Steve, or any of the other avengers for that matter, had never found themselves at the end of Tony’s jealousy and possessiveness over Peter. But they had witnessed it when some people on trips got too close and touchy with Peter.
With the gracefulness of a doe, Peter plopped down on Tony’s lap, sitting across his knees and draping his arms around his neck. “I missed you too”, he whispered softly, nuzzling their noses together in an overly cute display of affection. Across from them, Sam began to gag, and once again, the masterpiece of a laugh was on display.
“Why don't you finish your story Peter?”, Steve asked and Peter’s head whipped around to look at him with a heated glare. Of course Steve knew what he was doing, and that’s why he was doing it. But Tony raised an eyebrow, gently patting Peter’s thigh. “Oh yes sweetheart, don’t let me stop you. I’m sure I’ll love to hear it.”
Peter bit down on his tongue. Clearing his throat he shook his head and pressed a gentle kiss to Tony’s cheek. “You know, I don’t think I quite remember what I was talking about… but hey, Bucky, why don’t you-”
He was cut off by Ned shifting in his seat, “Oh sure you do, you were telling us about that time with Mj, when you pretended to be her boyfriend so the guy at the library would stop harassing her.”
Tony felt Peter let out a shaky breath as he relaxed his body against the man’s chest. A small hand came to grip his shirt, as he nuzzled his head into his shoulder. “Oh really?”, Tony questioned, the grip on Peter’s waist he had tightening possessively, “And what exactly did pretending entail?”, he asked. Above Peter’s ear, the grinding of his teeth echoed and Peter frowned slightly.
“Nothing. I just held her hand and kissed her cheek. The guy got all worked up and started swearing and Mj shouted at him to ‘watch his profanity’”, at the last part Peter put on a high-pitched voice to mimic hers’s and the group began to laugh. Well, everyone but Tony did.
“Yeah, I actually, I don’t feel so good. Tony can you come to the bathroom with me”, he asked, blinking up at him innocently. His cheeks were flushed red and they both knew it was a lie, but still Tony huffed and nodded. Of course, not before he grabbed Peter’s face and bought him into a deep kiss - when they were done Peter’s lips were swollen and he was left breathless as he stood and grabbed Tony’s hand to lead him from the room.
“Tony~”, he whined, as he led them to the elevator with a small pout on his lips. As the door closed he got onto his tip toes and smushed their faces together with wide eyes. “Don’t be a meanie”, he begged.
“Oh I’m the meanie?”, Tony questioned. “I’m the meanie when you’re the one going around kissing people’s cheeks and flaunting it in my face that you can get someone your own age.”
With a heavy sigh, Peter bounced back off his feet, and frowned. “It was a friendly kiss, it meant nothing. You seriously can’t be jealous of me kissing my best friend?”, he asked quietly.
At Tony’s silence, Peter got all the answers he needed. “I love you Tony, and only you. Do I have to remind you of this anytime I get too close with one of my friends?”, he asked, smiling up at him. He wasn’t mad. He knew Tony was insecure, especially about the age difference. So although it may get annoying at times, he always just wanted to try his hardest to reassure Tony that he wasn’t going anywhere.
“No…”, Tony pouted, stepping dangerously close into childish territory and Peter giggled sweetly.
“If you want, we can ditch the party, and we can go upstairs, and you can get all the kisses and all the cuddles, because i’m your actual boyfriend and I love you more than anyone else. Forever and always”, he offered, tugging on Tony’s shirt gently in an attempt to try and get him out of his mood.
Tony sighed, and moved to press a kiss to Peter’s head. “If we can take a bath too, and you wash my hair, I think I might even apologize to Mj”, he muttered. Peter smiled and again the masterpiece of a laugh display surfaced before he nodded.
“Deal”, he hummed, pressing a quick kiss to his lips as the elevator opened up on the penthouse, before he dragged Tony over to the bathroom.
Tag list: @itsmexavie @icandoakickflip
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zodiyack · 5 years
Close, But Not Quite Correct
Requested by anon: Hey do ya write for Peaky Blinders? If yes could you do a reader x Tommy !platonic one where the reader is really tough but at the same time quite laid back and everyone just assumes they are dating and they are shocked when she intruduces her love interest to Tommy at a family dinner or so?
Pairing(s): Thomas Shelby x reader platonic!, Michael Gray x reader
Warnings: Swearing, slight angst, fluff, alcohol, probably a tad bit ooc Michael
Note: So I apologize if you didn’t want the love interest to be anyone Tommy knew, I just didn’t really know who to put, my apologies, I can always rewrite it!
Also now that I think about it- I can’t tell if you meant where she has a crush on Tommy or if she has a different love interest and I’m so sorry if this is not what you had in mind aaaa!
Note numero tres: I got carried away and I apologize. Hope you enjoy
Final Note: I don’t even know wth that ending is. Okok bye enjoy the story lmfao
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taglist: (it isn’t Tommy x reader, but I’ll still tag ya @captivatedbycillianmurphy and @stydia-4-ever​)
masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
Y/n and Tommy had been friends for a very long time. They had similar personalities and traits, some people had said that they were like female and male versions of each other. But the thing that was argued about the most, was if they were a couple. Everyone wondered it! Even the Shelby family! Ada and John made a bet that they were, and Polly and Arthur did as well. Making bets with the same goal wasn’t possible, but that’s not what the bet was about.
Their bets were about who would introduce it first. Would Y/n announce that they were engaged or that she was pregnant and Tommy was the father? Or would Tommy reintroduce her as his lover? Maybe they’d walk in on them kissing? Who knew, the bet was just on who would come out and say it already.
People felt like the tension was there. It was strong and obvious to them. They claimed that the two flirted quite a lot. However, in reality, there was nothing there. The “tension” and “flirting” was just the brotherly and sisterly bond they shared. It wasn’t even flirting, more of teasing and mocking in a fun way. The tension wasn’t romantic, it was them wiggling in their seats as they resisted the urge to jump and laugh at one another.
Tommy and Y/n were aware of the assumptions, and it had gotten old fast. Just as Tommy was, she was tough and hard to break. Alas, there was one very large difference. She was more laid back than he was. Tommy was cautious, always ready to move or attack, while Y/n was comfortable and quiet until she felt anything that would make her feel otherwise.
Best friends...but with a few secrets. Tommy was single, free, and didn’t really mind it at all. Y/n on the other hand, was seeing someone. She didn’t tell Tommy, which normally would make him concerned, but he brushed it off when she said she would introduce him to the entire household sometime.
That’s when the idea hit Tommy. Electrocuting him just as lighting would a lightning-rod. If him and his family hosted a dinner party and invited Y/n, while hyping up the family to meet said boyfriend, she couldn’t say no. It would disappoint them as well as make them lose faith of ever meeting him. Plus she owed Tommy some favors.
He reached over and set the paper on his desk, scribbling names of the people to invite. Arthur, John, Finn, Ada, Pol, Michael, Y/n and Y/n’s secret boyfriend. It was perfect. The list was complete and he was already thinking of what to have for dinner. Would the kitchen staff be able to cook anything that Y/n’s lover could eat? He didn’t know that yet, so he still had to ask if there was anything.
There they sat. Curled up on the sofa and watching the fire calmly. As subtle as possible, Tommy brought up the topic. “Say, Y/n, if your lover-boy were to eat with us...is he allergic or incapable of eating anything?”
“Incapable?” She laughed, “You make him sound like a two year old. And no, I believe he isn’t. Why?”
He kept it in mind. “No reason. Thank you, um, enjoy your book or whatever it is you were doing.”
He rushed out of the room and back to his office. The list was still on his desk where he left it the previous day and a sigh of relief left his mouth. Tommy sat down and wrote the new information down. Next was dinner ideas. What sounded tasty? Nothing came to mind, so Tommy went to the next person he could for advice.
“Yes Tom?”
Her eyes never left her book, but Thomas knew she was listening. “If we were to eat a special meal as a family...what do you think it should be?” That caught her attention. And just enough to make her head snap up to look at him.
“We’re eating dinner as a family?”
“I didn’t say that. Just-” he sighed. It was just now coming to mind that he didn’t think of what to do or say if anyone got suspicious. He needed to think, and fast. “Uhm, I just need to know what kind of food we would all enjoy.”
Ada squinted at her brother but nodded and went along with whatever it was that he was doing. “Alright. How about...soup? Soup and roast? I’m not sure Tom, but good luck.” Just as quick as she was too look up, she looked back down and continued reading her book.
Tommy thought for a second and nodded before walking back to his office and writing dinner ideas. The last three things were needed and they didn’t require anyone’s assistance. One, dress code if there is one in mind. Two, making the invitations. And three, giving the invitations.
He finished, no dress code needed, and got ready to try and sneak the invitations to each person. The first one was for Ada, so he walked past the room she was in and saw that her book was open but she wasn’t in sight. Tom took the chance and set an invitation in the center of the book, closing it now that the paper worked as a bookmark.
Next, was John, Finn, and Arthur. Tommy learned his brother’s schedule for that day, so he knew that John was currently with Arthur elsewhere. He set three invitations, one labeled John, one labeled Finn, and one labeled Arthur, on the desk where their stuff was placed.
Not quite last, but before it, was Aunt Polly and Michael. He walked over and leaned his head through the door way, seeing his aunt reading. She noticed his presence and raised an eyebrow. “Tommy?”
“Ah, hello Pol.” She gave him a kind smile before returning to her book. She didn’t notice Tommy setting the papers near the door. He excused himself from the room and they said their quick goodbyes. Tom knew Polly would give Michael his, so it wasn’t that big of a fuss.
Finally, it was time for Y/n and whomever this unknown male was. Tommy had gotten away with a subtle question once, but he wasn’t sure he could get away with this one. He walked into the room but quickly moved back out to the hall and against the wall when he heard Y/n giggle and a kissing noise. Just as he thought he got away, Y/n and the male heard his footsteps attempting to make it out the door in time.
“Shit! Hurry, go out the other door!” She recollected herself as her boyfriend ran out the opposite door of the room. Her hair was every which way until she smoothed it down and breathed in. “Uh- uhm...come in!”
“Y/n! Was uh someone in here with you?”
“N-nope. No. Nada. Negative... Hey Tommy?”
“What are those papers?”
Tom looked down at the papers in his hand. The invitations. “Um...nothing! Just work. Have you...by chance...seen Michael?”
Her eyes widened and her face turned red. Thomas didn’t know why, but he kept it in mind. It was possibly that it could be a sign or a valuable piece of information. He brushed it off, for her sake and for his curiosity’s sake.
“W-what? M-M-Michael? Noooo.”
“Alright then. If you don’t mind, I’ll be setting these here,” he walked over to the sofa and set them on it just as he said he was. “Don’t look at them...okay?” It was the master plan in his mind. Since when did she agree to not look or touch something he specifically told her not to. She nodded and he walked out the door, satisfied with his work.
. . .
Dinner was served, the guests were now arriving. Polly and Ada sat down at the table first, Pol already sipping away at her beverage. Next was John, Finn and Arthur, both John and Arthur joining Polly on the alcohol train. Michael walked in, his hair messed up and his collar positioned to cover his neck, just like it had been the past few days.
Finally, Y/n walked over to the table and sat next to Michael and Tommy. They began to eat. Everyone, except for Tommy, thought Y/n or Tommy was about to introduce their relationship. Pol was determined to win her bet against Arthur. So when no one spoke up, she decided she’d had enough.
“Alright you two. Time to fess up. Tommy put this all together to tell us that you guys are seeing each other, didn’t he?”
Y/n, Tommy, and Michael choked on their food and drinks. Tommy hit his chest a few times and shook his head quickly. Y/n knew she had to speak up and soon because once Tommy announced the reason, which she caught onto rather quickly, non one would allow her to get away without answering.
“Close,” She wiped her mouth with a cloth, “but not quite.”
The entire table, minus a gaze averting Michael, turned to her. Tommy raised an eyebrow and started naming names jokingly, each person that was named and present shaking their head. “So when is he getting here? Or is he already here? John? Arthur? F- no that’s just nooo...um... that boy you met at the Garrison? The other boy? Who is it then?”
“I’m seeing Michael.”
“Michael? What Michael? Our Michael? That’s very funny Y/n.” John chuckled, but stopped after Thomas gave him a serious look.
“Are you being serious, Y/n? I’d like it if you answered what John inquired because I am quite curious. So, Y/n, who-”
“Tom.” A new voice entered. Everyone’s heads turned to the direction it came from. Michael fucking Gray. “She’s seeing me. I’m seeing her.”
Newfound silence filled the room. Tension, undecided whether it was good or bad, snuck in with it’s silent friend. Y/n’s eyes darted from her best friend to her now public lover. She was sure of it now. Thomas was staring daggers right into Michael’s soul. If looks could kill, Michael would be more than just dead.
“Thomas. Don’t.”
“Stay out of it Ada.” He stood up and walked to the other side of Y/n, staring Michael down more intense than he was only a second ago. “You mean to tell me, Gray, that you’re romantically involved with my best friend, with the person who means the world to me, with the person I would give my life for? I need you to answer me honestly. Are you prepared for this question?”
Michael didn’t answer. Instead, he gulped and widened his eyes. If he didn’t already fear Tommy, he sure did now.
“I asked you a question, god dammit! You answer me or I’ll make you answer me!” Everyone, really everyone, either gasped or flinched. It was known. Tom didn’t yell like that unless he was very very very serious. Pol would’ve normally stepped in to defend her son, but she too was curious and somewhat hesitant now that Thomas was red as a tomato.
“Do you love her?”
“Do you love her!!?”
Y/n’s hand thrusted itself into Michael’s. Now even she was scared for him.
“Yes! Yes I do! I love her with all my heart!”
“Would you die for her? Or rather, protect her with your life?”
“Yes! Yes to both of those!”
“Would you ever lie to her or have an affair?”
“No!” He was squeezing Y/n’s hand. His hand was sweaty, and also red from how tightly he was gripping hers.
She took it as the last straw. Seeing both of her boys fight pained her to an extreme measure. Knowing that it was because of her, even a little bit, pained her just the same. “Enough! Thomas! Michael! I am in love with Michael, he has made it clear that he is in love with me! He is kind, listening, caring, loving, protective, and overall and amazing man. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. And I love you Tom, you’re my best friend and you always have been, so please. Don’t let him and I being involved change our or your relationship.”
She finished her sentence, plopping back down and sighing loudly before digging into her food. The rest of the family, not including Michael or Thomas, slowly eased back into eating their food. They still felt the tension, so it was a very quiet dinner.
A smile formed onto Y/n’s face when she felt Michael’s hand rub her back. She leaned into his arm and thanked him. After she finished scolding the boys, she sat back down with teary eyes and Michael was the first to notice.
Thomas froze. The sight in front of him, Michael comforting Y/n as she sobbed silently into his shoulder...it all clicked into place. Her nervousness, Michael’s collars, the giggling and freak out when Thomas was trying to deliver the invitations. She was head over heals for Michael.
He sat back in his seat beside Y/n. His arm rested above Michael’s, rubbing her back as well. Y/n turned and faced Tommy with red puffy eyes that made his heart ache. He really hurt her that badly? She spoke up, and what she said shocked Tommy greatly. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry Y/n/n, I should be the one who’s sorry.”
“Y-you’re not mad?”
“Close, but not quite.” He repeated her answer from Polly’s previous question.
Y/n opened her mouth to speak but closed it and squinted. Visibly in thought, he murmured to herself. “What do you mean?”
“I’m not mad, I’m more...protective. Ya know? If he hurts you...don’t think that just because he’s my cousin I won’t shoot him dead.”
“Like hell you will!” The table burst into laughter due to Polly’s comment. Michael and Thomas this time as well. Y/n smiled genuinely. She was proud of her work. While Tommy was chuckling and distracted, she turned her head to him and tackled him in a hug.
“Thank you Tom-Tom.”
“Of course Y/n/n. I just want you to be happy, safe and loved.”
She let her smile drop and an eyebrow raise. “You’re still gonna beat him up a bit, aren’t you?” The question was more of an observation. A very accurate observation.
“You are one-hundred percent correct. Now finish your food and enjoy some family time.”
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miss-tc-nova · 3 years
In The Moment - Neku Sakuraba x Reader
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Not gonna lie, this one was hard. Between hectic life, writer’s block, and abandoning my first idea, I really struggled coming up with something good and I’m still not 100% on this one but it is long overdue. Thank you, anon, for patiently waiting for me and thank you for bringing me back to a fandom/game that I truly love. 
              Today is proving to be simply perfect. After mulling over ideas for weeks, going through all the necessary channels, and hours of tedious prep, I’m going to start my final art project today.
              Stepping back, I take one last look at the two-story building that will serve as my canvas. With my paint all prepped, the rarely-used road blocked off, my favorite music blasting in my ears, and perfect weather, I begin hurling balloons at the blank wall. It takes only a few balloons before I’m entirely engrossed in my own little world of music and art. The stone wall is already livelier with a handful of pink, blue, green, and yellow splats.
              In my own little paradise, I bounce towards my bucket of ammo. Another balloon rolls in my hand while my groove has consumed me. I turn back to my canvas, launching the paint.
              My heart stops. The balloon soars through the air in what feels like painful slow motion, inching ever closer towards its unsuspecting victim. It’s like a horror scene watching the projectile make contact with his face, molding against it before the rubber skin breaks. A wave of pink paint bursts forward, crashing down on the poor boy before the actual impact takes him to the ground.
              Hand to my mouth, I gape at the casualty before my senses snap back to me. Ripping my headphones out and snatching up a towel, I rush towards him.
              “Oh my god, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?!”
              Sitting up, he pulls down his headphones and rubs the paint from his eye. “What the hell?” He looks down at the smear across his hand. “What happened?”
              I push the towel into his hand. “You kinda got caught in the crossfire.”
              His orange brows scrunch together. “Crossfire?”
              “Yeah. I’m working on an art project and you walked right in the middle of it.” My hand waves to the dripping wall.
              More in awe than anger—which I found surprising—he stands up to look at my work. “An art project? Isn’t it illegal to tag buildings like this?”
              “One, it’s not a tag, it’s a project. Two, this building is scheduled for demolition, so I got permission from the city; that’s why I blocked the road off. Didn’t you notice?”
              We look back at the “road closed” signs.
              “Oh…No...” he mutters.
              “Hmm, maybe I should’ve put some on the sidewalks.”
              My gaze turns back on my victim. Beneath the neon color sprayed across the side of his head is a wild flay of orange hair and fair skin. His cloudy-sky eyes are outstanding, somehow lending themselves to the bright interest despite how soothingly cool they appear. I’d be clearly amiss if I didn’t admit that he’s cute.
              “Sorry for getting in the way.”
              He’s looking at me, and by the time I realize it, I feel my skin alight at the thought he caught me staring into his eyes.
              “I’m sorry you’re…pink,” I reply. “I might be able to save your headphones but I don’t think your shirt’s gonna make it.”
              He tugs at his shirt, a corner of his lips pulling back in disappointment. “At least it wasn’t my favorite, I guess.”
              There’s something strange about this guy, like he doesn’t quite know how normal people react; most people would be upset after being covered in paint and having their clothes ruined, regardless of whether or not it was their fault. However, next to this unusual naivety is the light of someone completely open, someone out to actually see the world for what it is. This is someone I want to understand, to aspire to be like.
              The words leave my mouth before I can even think about them.
              “Do you wanna join me?” I’m an idiot.
              The idiocy continues when I jam a thumb towards my buckets of supplies. “You’re already covered in paint. Why don’t you join me? It’ll be fun.” I pull this innocent kid towards the paint station, reaching into the bucket to plop an orb into his hand. “Here.”
              He glances between me, the balloon, and the wall. “Are you sure? I might ruin your project.”
              I grin. “You can’t ruin arbitration that easily. Besides, the whole point of this part is to just make a mess. So go on, throw it.”
              He shrugs and tosses the balloon against the stone where it breaks.
              “There you go!” I pick up another balloon, flinging it across the road.
              School projects aren’t traditionally fun, but I was having a blast with this school project from the start; with the guy—who introduced himself as Neku—helping me out, this might be the most fun I’ve ever had in my life. He genuinely puts his heart into simply throwing balloons, like a bubbling stream of inspiration, spurring my inspiration and turning this project on its head.
              My hand meets the bottom of the bucket—an empty bucket. “Damn. All out of balloons.”
              Neku looks up at the dripping wall. “Yeah, but I’m pretty sure there’s at least three layers of paint here. Might’ve been overkill.”
              “I had to make sure there was enough to cover every brick. Better too much than not enough in this case,” I say, starting to pick up scraps of scattered rubber.
              He helps me collect the garbage. “So is this all there is to this project? Hurl paint at walls?”
              “No, this is the background set up. Later, I’m gonna get some spray paint and do the more tedious work later.”
              “What was even the point of this project?”
              “Well, it’s an art project so…a good grade, first off. Second…” I pause to really think about how to word it. “I guess I really wanted to capture the spontaneity of life. That every moment can be a bright and colorful splat.” Neku chuckles, bringing out a more bashful side. “I guess that makes it pretty obvious who my role model is, huh? But I try to remind myself every day: Enjoy every moment-”
              “-with all you’ve got.” Neku finishes my sentence with an all-knowing grin.
              Even if the embarrassment burns between my shoulders, I can’t help laughing. “Is it too obvious where my inspiration came from?”
              “If it’s any consolation, I’m sure CAT would approve of your methods.”
              “That actually makes me really happy.” I look back at the mess I hope to turn into something incredible. “CAT’s art that got me through some tough times; I’d love to be able to inspire people someday the same way CAT’s art inspired me.”
              My brain short circuits. For a split-second while, I attempt to process what just happened, all I can feel is buzzing just beneath the skin. A hand reaches up to brush the spot he’d grazed but the fingers come away with pink paint. Neku, on the other hand, stands there, avoiding eye contact, a different shade of pink peeking out from beneath the paint across his face.
              “What-…” I can’t even come up with the words to finish my question.
              His face still blushing, he gives me a warm smile. “Just living in the moment.”
              The buzz surges into my chest, crashing against my heart with a wave of happiness. Building up my courage, I follow his lead.
              “Would your moment object if we maybe extended it by a couple hours?” A brow arches in question. “Tomorrow, six o’clock? Maybe with less paint?”
              When he understands, he shrugs. “Less, more, I’m sure it’ll be fun either way.”
              “Great.” Lifting my phone, I snap a picture of the paint-riddled kid.
              “What was that for?”
              “Your picture for my contacts,” I reply. “I assume you’ll be giving me your number, right?”
              He smirks. “Nah, I’ll just walk down the street and wait to get pelted with more paint balloons.”
              “So you’re gonna ignore more traffic signs?”
              The simper is marred with a laugh. “Worked the first time.”
              I shove my phone into his hands. “Don’t push your luck, buddy. You already got the date.”
              We swap numbers and clean up the rest of the remnants scattered about. I’m sure he can tell how reluctant I am to say goodbye, but we inevitably do and part ways. Once I’m sure he’s around the corner and out of sight, I literally jump for joy like a child on Christmas.
              My entire plan for the afternoon was to work on my project—taking into account both prep and clean up. I had absolutely nothing else in the books for today. Never in a million years would I have guessed that, in the midst of my work, an artsy accident would end up with a spontaneous date. I know my adopted motto says to enjoy the present, but tomorrow just cannot come fast enough.
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babyybitchhh · 3 years
Alrighty, then. This post has been a long time coming so lets get right into it.
After much deliberation, I've decided not to push the self destruct button. I thought about it. Oh, when I say I was SO damn close to deleting this entire blog and all my fics right along with it. I'm frustrated and angry with myself, and I can't exactly say I'm doing well atm, but I know when things start to get better I'll want to write again, in earnest, and then I'd have to start over from scratch. Egg all over my face. Clown shit. We don't know her.
BUT. I think its clear to any and all that this is not working. It's just not. I expect too much of myself, for starters. And when it feels like others expect a certain level of performance from me that I just can't nail consistently due to my own ineptitude, my brain powers off. Is it some kind of executive dysfunction? Is it a fear of failing? A fear of success? Plain old anxiety? Who knows! I certainly don't. Whatever it is, it's hanging over my head like a guillotine. I'm beyond stressed and barely staying afloat irl, but then when I turn towards what should be a fun and therapeutic outlet all I see are expectations.
"When will you post the next chapter" on works that I WANT to finish but yet fear putting out a subpar product for and disappointing people.
"Will you write a follow up piece" for works that I WANT to expand on but don't know how to in a way that will make everyone else happy, let alone myself.
"Are you working on my request" for WIPs I have partially drafted and yet no way of knowing if that person - or anyone! - will even enjoy it.
I honestly feel guilty working on my own ideas instead of the multiple prompts in my inbox. I'm pretty sure that's part of my malfunction with my Ogun fic and others like it that are close to being done but remain unfinished simply because I'm thinking about what everyone else wants. It'd be one thing if I could just churn out content without a second thought but I can't. Like, it genuinely upsets me thinking that people are stuck in limbo waiting because I'm too chicken shit to just go with the flow instead of obsessing over every single line of text to the point of nausea, all for the sake of putting out "quality" content. I feel bad. I want to enjoy the writing process again, just like I did when I first got back into it with OsoSan. I shouldn't have started taking requests if I wasn't going to deliver, I know, and I sincerely apologize for my lack of foresight but it is what it is. I can't change the past. But what I CAN do is start fresh. So, long story short, there are going to be some changes coming to this blog.
A total revamp. I'm going to do an overhaul on the whole thing so don't be surprised when it starts to look different. I'm going to work primarily on navigation and organization, and try to tidy up a bit.
I'm turning off anon. Both because people looking to have a go with writers aren't so brave when that's no longer an option and also because I want to get as far away from those expectations as possible. I wont be reading or responding to comments on AO3 anymore for that same reason. I love you guys, and you're more than welcome to talk to me in DM's if you're more comfortable that way, but the long list of asks wanting to know wtf I'm doing in my spare time if not writing this or that is doing more harm than good.
I'm getting rid of the requests page and also purging any that I haven't already started working on - hopefully once I get into a better groove I'll actually be able to finish them, because I genuinely would like to. I really am sorry to everyone who's been waiting for their request to be fulfilled but I'm clearly not talented or confident enough to juggle my own ideas with someone else's. Maybe at some point in the future, when I'm a better writer, I'll start taking them again and we can all be happy.
And finally, I'm going to start experimenting with my writing method. As in, you're probably going to see shorter, less obsessively curated pieces popping up on my page that may not always be sexual in nature. I just really need to buckle down and work on this - all of it - and I'm determined to improve my skills even if it kills me. I have the urge to write every single day but it's hard when I'm the way I am and I've backed myself into a corner like this. I need to learn how to stop overthinking everything and just DO it. I know my productivity would increase and, with it, so would the overall quality of my work so I'm going to be focusing on different areas that need improvement. Not everything I put out will be good but that's part of the process, right? Right.
I totally understand if I lose followers for any of the above reasons, or even just personal ones, so don't hesitate to do so if you feel like you can't jive with this blog anymore. I appreciate you taking the time to read all this and I hope you understand my reasons for needing to do a reset on this page. This is exactly why I didn't want to start taking commissions and I would once again like to apologize to anyone I've let down.
P.S. I've had this distinct feeling that certain people in the writing community are not happy with me for a while now and although I'm not entirely sure what I've done wrong, I would still like to issue a formal apology for any toes I might have stepped on. That was never my intention. I can't claim to be a saint by any stretch of the imagination, but I have no ill will towards anyone. If its about the patreon I subscribed to and then left a month later, it had nothing to do with the author in question. I just belatedly realized I had more money coming out of my account than I could handle at the time and yes that weighs heavy on my shoulders. If its about the way I suddenly disappear in private chats, that's also something that shouldn't be taken personally. I genuinely have a hard time keeping up conversations with people, and I feel like a bother more often than not. If it's about the discords I join and then never participate in, see the above. If its about the way I fangirl or enthusiastically support some writers but not others, I never meant any harm by it. I just can't conceivably read everything that comes across my dash and, yes, my favorites are prioritized. Either way, whatever the grievances may be, anon will remain on until I start the revamp process some time tomorrow night so if whoever wants to air out their problems go for it. I probably wont post them but I will read them and try to learn from them, so have at it.
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jawabear · 4 years
Worthy (”Catfish” x Reader)
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A/N: Hi! This was another request. I feel like it took me too long to write thins, and even still its not my best work. I struggled a little bit in writing this but I finally finished it. So, I hope you like it Anon and I hope it is what you had in mind. Hope you enjoy. Sorry for any mistakes.
Genre: Angst, fluff
Warnings: fem!reader, Frankie is sad, he wants love, I love you, Santiago being weird, Pedro Pascal comes with his own warning
Summary: Frankie loves someone, someone who loves him but he denies himself the love of another, but what happens when he can’t? 
Splashing water over his face, he placed his razor down onto the side of his sink. He ran his hands over his face a few times, trying to encourage the cool water to sink into his skin, to make him feel a little more refreshed. He then lifted his head and looked into to the mirror, both hands taking hold of the sink.
Frankie hated what he saw looking back at him. Even though he had cleaned up the scruff along his jaw, it didn’t hide the fact of who he believed himself to be. A murderer. Even though he was a soldier and killing kind of came along with that title, he still killed those people, innocent or not, they were dead. He wondered if everyone felt this way after leaving the army. If everyone grew to hate themselves or if it was just him being pathetic.
It had been almost two years since he had pulled out from active duty, and just a few months since he had got his pilots license revoked for a fucking drug bust. He wasn’t angry with himself, he was disappointed. Disappointed had he let this happened, that he let himself walk so easily down this dark path he was on, slowly falling in a downward spiral to hell. He had given up on trying to fight it, he was now to just let things play out how they would, it was his fault he was in this mess so why should he try to stop it?
His phone buzzed from beside him which pulled him from his dark thoughts. He looked and saw it was ringing. She was calling him. He saw her name and he saw her contact picture, immediately being taken back to when the picture was taken.
It was Christmas a few years ago. Frankie was hesitant about going to Santiago’s Christmas party, they always ended...strangely. And as time went on, more and more people were invited, big crowds were something Frankie wasn’t good with. But he decided to go anyway, if it came to it, he could leave early, or he could spend his night with her.
All he had done was awkwardly stand in the kitchen, nursing a warming beer while other guests would come in and out grabbing drinks or food. One of the guys would come in and talk to him but ultimately, they had better things to do. He was ready to cal it a night when she appeared in the kitchen.
She gave him a gentle smiled and came and stood beside him “why are you in here alone Frankie?” She asked him as she poured herself a drink.
“Everyone else seems busy” he said quietly with a shrug.
“I’m not busy” she said, she took the bar stool beside him.
The two just sat there for nearly the entire night just laughing and talking with each other. And he was falling more and more in love with her.
At some point, for some reason, he lifted his head to look above him and sighed, but his face was blazing with heat “Has that been there the entire time?” He said, pointing to the mistletoe hanging above them. She just laughed at it.
“Santiago is a weirdo” she giggled, “but,” she leaned forwards and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. If his face was bright red before, it defiantly was now. “I like to follow tradition”
And of course Santiago, the weirdo, was watching the whole thing and capture the moment she kissed him on his phone, sending him the picture with the caption “you’re in deep dude”
He lifted his phone to his ear “Hello?” He said.
“Hey Frankie, you free for drinks?” Her voice sounded just as sweet on the phone.
“Uh, Yeah. I’ll meet you at the bar in...” he checked his watch “ten minuets?”
“Perfect,” he could hear her smiling “I’ll see you then Frankie” the line then went dead and he pulled the phone away from his ear, his heart skipping beats in the thought of seeing her again.
Frankie placed his phone back down and grabbed a towel to wipe his face clean of the water. He took one last look at himself in the mirror before leaving the bathroom to put some clothes on before heading down to the bar.
It was a quiet little place. He and the guys used to go there almost every night in their college days. Some of their most life changing moments had happened in that bar. It was where they all met to tell each other they were going to join the army, where they all shared their last drink before going into active duty, where Tom had met his ex wife Molly, and more importantly for Frankie, where they had first met (Y/N).
He walked into the bar and he could here the quiet chatter of people and the hum of distant music. It didn’t take him long to find her, she was sat in the usual spot. Anyone who came to this bar was a regular, so everyone seemed to have their designated seats. He noticed that she had already got a drink for herself and him. He slipped into the chair opposite her and pulled her attention from her phone. She immediately gave him a bright smile and placed her phone face down.
“Hey” she said to him.
“Hi, thanks for the drink” he said as he lifted it to his lips, letting the cool liquid slide down his throat.
“You’re welcome” she nodded.
“You okay?” He asked when he set his drink back down onto the table.
“Yeah” she nodded “I’m good, just thought I’d drag you out for a couple drinks. You’ve been quiet recently. Are you okay?”
No. He should’ve just told her. He should’ve told her how it was.
“Yeah..I’m-I’m okay”
“Frankie” she said “come on, tell me”
“I think I’m just tired is all, haven’t been sleeping to well recently”
She nodded, believing his lie for now. Of course she knew he was lying. She was good at reading people and Frankie was an open book. He may have believed he was hiding his feelings from the others, but he couldn’t pull the sheet over her eyes. She knew him. And she knew he wasn’t okay. But she knew better then to ask him about it, the last time he did ask him to talk to her, he lost it completely. It was like he was back on the field again, he wasn’t himself. He was angry, he was frustrated. He wasn’t the sweet, kind, caring man she knew and it scared her.
But she didn’t let that sway her feelings for him. She still liked him, loved him. She knew he was damaged, they all were, all veterans were. But that made her love him more, he understood the value of life more because he had seen the world at its worst. His fear of loosing the ones closest to him meant he was always ready to protect them, he would keep her safe, keep her close to ensure she was okay. And she would keep him safe. She always had. She would be there if he needed to forget. She was there helping him get clean even if he didn’t release it. She was no,ding his hand every step of the way to his redemption.
As they continued to talk, he became more chipper, making her laugh and laughing himself. This was the Frankie she knew best. She was happy seeing him smile. Making jokes about Santiago and telling embarrassing stories of the guys for their time in the army. And of course, just being with her was enough to make him happy.
The bar tender, Shannon, strode over to their table and place an ice cold beer in front of Frankie. “Here you go” she gave him a sweet smile.
“I didn’t-“ he was about to argue that he hadn’t asked for another.
“It’s on the house Frankie” she said sweetly, she winked at him and sauntered off back behind the bar, purposely swaying her hips in a teasing manner, clearly trying to rile him up, but thankfully, it didn’t work.
(Y/N) took an angry sip of her drink, he was still looking at Shannon when she did this so her anger didn’t come across to him. She hated how that girl was always trying to get in his pants. Always. Giving him looks from the bar, leaning further down when putting his drink on the table, giving him a good look at her chest. (Y/N) hated that she went after Frankie. Why not Benny? Or Santiago? Or Will? Why Frankie, why her Frankie?
Frankie cleared his throat and took a sip of his fresh drink. “You know,” (Y/N) began, hiding her anger “it’s pretty clear that she likes you” her voice strained. She felt sick saying those words. If he was really oblivious to Shannon’s flirting, he was defiantly oblivious to hers. (Y/N) wasn’t good with feelings so her flirting was a lot more subtle then Shannon’s so there was no way he would notice.
“She does?” He asked her. Idiot.
(Y/N) let out a stiff laugh and rolled her eyes “Yeah!” She said “you seriously haven’t noticed? All her flirting? The giving you free drinks? getting close to you? The “subtle” touches to your arm?”
“I...I don’t tend to take much notice of girls I’m not interested in...”
Her heart clenched in her chest. He didn’t take notice of girls he’s not interested in? Then he clearly wasn’t interested in (Y/N). He hadn’t picked up on her flirting, he hadn’t picked up on her feelings for him, he hadn’t taken much notice of it all. He wasn’t interested in her. She felt defeated.
“Then you should tell her that” she said “because, quite frankly, her attempts at getting you to like her, are kind of upsetting” She felt a little bit happy that he didn’t like Shannon but she was hurt that he didn’t like her.
After they had finished up at the bar, he offered to drive her home. She didn’t live too far from the bar so she usually just walked there, but he wasn’t going to let her walk him when one) it was dark and two) he could give her a lift.
She accepted his offer and the drive back to hers was unusually quiet. He could sense something was now off about her but he didn’t know what, and he wasn’t good and comforting people. He was used to being the one being comforted, you would think that all the times she had been there for him, he would’ve picked up a thing or two but evidently not. So they both say awkwardly silent in his car, thankfully the journey was short.
They pulled up to her house and she opened the door but stopped. “Do you want to come in?” She asked, slight hope in her voice.
“Sure” he nodded, he stopped his car engine and they both slipped out of his car making their way towards her small home, he made sure to lock his car.
They entered her house and he followed her into the kitchen. She went straight to the sink and poured her self a glass of water quickly chugging it down and putting the glass in the sink.
“Are you okay?” He finally asked her as he fiddled nervously with his fingers. She turned to face him and stepped towards him, “you...you seemed to change after Shannon gave me a drink...it’s-it’s not like you...”
She just looked at him. He became more nervous. Perhaps he shouldn’t have said anything. He felt like he only made it worse now. Maybe he should’ve just left her alone, he shouldn’t have agreed to come inside her house. But he would feel guilty if he could’ve been there for her when she needed him and he wasn’t.
She grabbed hold of his shirt, his body stiffened at this. But his eyes went wide when she pulled him against her, smashing her lips to his.
Her lips were so warm against his. What he always dreamed they would be. He wanted, desperately, to sink into the kiss. To submit to his heart and kiss her back with all the love he had for her, but his mind wouldn’t allow him to. He knew if he submitted to his feelings then he would be pulling her down his dark path with him. He couldn’t do that do her, he could destroy her spirit because he was destroying himself.
“(Y/N)” he muttered against her lips as he raised his hands to her shoulders trying to push her away but she gripped hold of his shirt tighter, pressing herself further against him “(Y/N), (Y/N) stop” he said, forcefully pushing her off him. “Stop” He said again “we...we can’t do this”
“Why?” She whimpered, a sudden sadness washing over her face “Why Frankie? Is it because you’re not interested in me?”
He froze for a minute, just getting lost in her. Getting lost in her eyes. In the memory of her lips. Thinking over what had just happened. Confused as to what she was doing, what she meant.
“Frankie...I like you. I really like you. I love you. And I want you. I want to be with you. You’re so amazing...you’re so sweet and kind-“
“I’m not” he quickly cut her off “I’m not...don’t...don’t say that”
“But it’s true” she argued
“No it isn’t” he said a little louder then he intended too “You don’t deserve me (Y/N). You deserve someone better. Someone who can make you happy. Not me. I’m...I’m a fucking mess”
“You’re not Frankie, you-“
“Open your eyes (Y/N)!” He yelled at her making her stumble backwards “I’m a fucking mess! I can’t look at myself with out wanting to smash every mirror on earth! I can’t sleep at night because all I see is the people I’ve killed! All I do is drink away my problems hoping one day it will all be over! And I got my fucking pilots licence taken away because of a fucking drug bust! Because I was so fucking done with everything I turned to that shit to make me happy! I fucking love you (Y/N)! But I’m not letting myself have you. I’m bad for you. I’ll drag you down with me. I’m not going to do that. I can’t ruin you because I’m so fucked up. You deserve someone better. Someone who is like you. Someone who can take care of you. You’re better off without me”
She watched as a few tears slipped from his eyes. She wished he had expressed this to her sooner. She wished he had let down his walls sooner so she could see how he was really hurting. Why he was hurting. If he did, perhaps she would’ve told him about her feelings sooner. So that way she could’ve been there to comfort him at night, or to hold him in the day, to kiss him ever minute and to love him every second.
She took a step towards him and lifted his head so his eyes once again met hers. “No one is perfect Frankie” she told him gently “but you are about as close as anyone can be. You’ve messed up in your life but you know you have. You know how badly you have. And even though you blame yourself relentlessly for it, you’ve learnt from it. You may not think it but you’re trying to get better. You’re clean now from drugs. You’re getting better. And I don’t care what you’ve done, I know what you’ve done. I was there. You’ve never been alone, I’ve been beside you the whole time. And I’m not going to leave you. And I don’t want to be without you. No one can care for me like you can. No one knows the value of love and affection like you. No one knows how to make me feel happy like you do. You are the one I want. I don’t want anyone else...I want to love you forever”
His forehead fell against hers and he rose his hands to press against her cheeks “I love you Frankie...I don’t care if you don’t want me to. I do love you. I’ll scream it from the rooftops if I have to. I’ll do whatever it takes for you to believe me, for you to accept it. Because I’m not going to let you carry on like this thinking you’re alone when you’re not”
“(Y/N)...” he whispered slowly, “love me..” he begged softly “please...love me forever. Hold me forever. Kiss me forever. But don’t let me destroy you..”
“You won’t Frankie” she shook her head to him “you won’t”
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momoh-chiin · 5 years
Steven Universe x Female Reader - Angst Prompt!
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Well I was really going to sleep since it’s 12:15 AM as we speak- buT I saw this in my DM’s and WELP here we are!! Even after everything, I have a soft spot for Steven- he went through too much?? I cri Anyways anon, order up!!
Female!Reader + “I don’t know who you are anymore.”
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 You started dating Steven at fifteen. You knew him since you were thirteen. You got along with his family and friends. You were there helping with little Homeschool since the very beginning. And no matter what, you both always had a little time for each other; it didn’t matter if it was in person, with texts or calling.  Steven was someone affectionate, and you loved it! At first he was shy, he couldn’t grab your hand without melting! But he soon warmed up to you.  You knew that he had a lot of problems because of his mom. You helped him every time you could! Cuddling his problems and insecurities away, kissing him everywhere until he had this big goofy smile and a little blush. You also gave him space if he needed it; sometimes he needed to talk to the gems or Greg, and that was cool!  However, things started to go down after the whole Spinel thing. While he tried to act normal, you could feel him being tenser and stressed out.  He had less and less time to spend with you, wouldn’t talk not only with you, but to anyone at all, he didn’t even send you a little text of “good morning” or “good night” like he always did!  To say you were worried was an understatement. Where did that goofy and cute boy go? Why wouldn’t he let you help him? One day, you were hanging around with the gems. You needed to clear your head and think about anything besides Steven and how to help someone who didn’t want to be helped. Maybe space was everything he needed? After insisting so much, you decided you didn’t want to push the teen. And after all, he would just leave you on seen, so you really didn’t have a choice. —So, we were there! Pearl did her jazz moves, Garnet did her… Garnet thing, and I was awesome, so we formed Alexandrite! — Amethyst was saying, a huge grin on her face. You both were drinking some hot chocolate, while Garnet and Pearl were just listening, small smiles on their faces. You have heard the same story over and over, but it was just better every time.  Things went smoothly, until you all heard the door opening. An obviously stressed Steven could be seen. You, along the gems, couldn’t help but tense up.  The gems knew you two weren’t really on the best conditions, mostly Steven’s fault, so they couldn’t help but feel like they were busted doing something behind his back, even if it was something as normal like hanging with his girlfriend.  You lowered your gaze to the cup on your hands, even if you felt Steven stare on you. You didn’t know if you should greet him or not. You also didn’t notice your hands starting to shake. Could you really be that nervous around your kinda boyfriend? Were you even dating at this point? —…You are all late — Steven said after a while, a deadpan on his face. The gems couldn’t help but tilt their heads in confusion. Steven just sighed, exasperation could be heard —. You guys were supossed to go to Little Homeschool to help me with some errands, like, an hour ago.  If the air was tense before, just imagine now. —Oh! We are really sorry, Steven! We just got carried away with (Y/N) here, why don’t you join us? — Pearl said, a nervous smile on her face. —Yeah, man! We also haven’t seen you with (N/N) around these days! Or, weeks! — Her chuckle was empty and tense —. And we haven’t hang out in days!  Steven groaned, with a now annoyed expression. —We could hang out more if you just take your job seriously! Really? Leave me hanging for a whole hour just to hang out with (Y/N)? — He exclaimed angrily. —At least they do hang with me… —You murmured, hurt heard on your voice. Sadly, not only the gems could hear you. —…What was that?  You turned your gaze to Steven, his expression unreadable, stoic, very weird with him. Before any of the gems could interfere, you spoke again. —At least they don’t leave me hanging for weeks, Steven! — You now yelled, while standing up and making your way to him, tears about to fall —. They talk to me! They listen to me! They spend time with me! Things that you haven’t done for at least three fucking weeks, Steven Universe! — Venom could be heard in your voice. And you didn’t care, you have had enough! Why could Steven be all distant and cold with you, and you should wait for him to just say something as simple as “hi” to you? —What do you mean by that?! Can’t you see I’m awfully busy?! — He yelled back, startling everyone in the room. You didn’t turn back, though. —You’ve been busy since the day we met, Universe! — Steven flinched; he knew that if you were fighting and used his last name, you were truly mad —. And even then, you had time for everyone, even me, to hang out! And you had a fucking war behind your back, mind you! —That was then, and now is now! — He barked — I have to help all this gems to find a purpose for themselves! I have to teach the diamonds to behave! I have to-! —How about you stop thinking about everyone else and start thinking about you, Universe?! — You interrupted, tears now falling freely down your cheeks —. You need help! What your mother did was fucked up, yes, I’m aware! But how do you expect people to understand if you just push everyone away!  Both of you yelled to each other back and forth. Despite their whole experience with wars and fighting, the gems couldn’t find enough courage to step between you both. —That’s enough! — Steven screamed his lungs out, and now you noticed he was a bright pink. You didn’t remember that power. —. It’s not my fault you are so pushy and annoying! That you can’t understand that I can’t be around you all the time! I have to mend every single thing my mom did wrong! How can you be so awful?! — The last thing he said came out as a roar, making you fly behind you back because of you being so close to him. Luckily, Garnet grabbed you before you could get hurt.  Steven saw around; the broken floor, some chairs and the table of the living room now broken and away from him. But most importantly, he saw you hugging Garnet tightly, fear evident in your eyes as you were shaking strongly. Amethyst and Pearl were on both of your sides, in a defensive pose. Your (h/l) (h/c) was all over the place, and even then he could see your tears running violently from your eyes to the floor or anywhere they could land.  Gasping, he turned to his old self, regret evident in his whole body. He tried to get closer to you, but you just clenched harder to Garnet, while the gems took an even more defensive pose. —(Y/N)!! I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean anything I’ve said! I didn’t mean to hurt you! Please forgive me- —We’re over. A cold silence surrounded the atmosphere. —…What? — Steven asked, eyes full of surprise, hoping he just misheard whatever you had said. —We’re done for, Universe. I’ve been nothing but, but patient and nice! I’ve waited for you, not knowing if you would come back! — You muttered weakly but lowly enough so everyone could hear —. I’ve been blaming myself because I couldn’t help you, but this isn’t my fault, Universe! No matter how hard I try, if you don’t want my help, I can’t do much about it! Silence filled the room. You could see Steven’s tears starting to fall down, but you wouldn’t budge. Enough was enough. —(Y-Y/N)! I- —I… I don’t know who you are anymore, Steven. You aren’t the Steven Universe I fell in love with… — You choked with your words as you started to cry harder —. I hope you can get the help you need… But I can’t handle this anymore…  The gems decided to step up then. Made their way with you to the warp pad, deciding to take you somewhere you could relax and clear your mind. Before setting off, the gems just sent a disappointed look at Steven and with that, they left.  Now all alone, Steven fell on his knees, crying loudly. Not only were all of his friends leaving, now you also left him.
 And he could only blame himself for that.
WOWIE HAHA ANGST SURE IS HARD HAHA- ;; 7 ;; I wanted this to end nicely, but a thing led to another and, welp!~ I hope you all enjoyed your tears! ♥ If you want me to do a second part (fluff, I hope-) just let me know, my requests are open!
See you soon! ♥
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themadlostgirl · 5 years
My Lost Boy
*DONE! Last request so I can finally post my new story! WOO! Never thought I’d get here.*
Prompt: An old crush of Y/N’s comes to the island and Peter may be a tad jealous of the new guy
Requested by: anon
Warnings: language
“Darling,” Peter sighed, “You need to wake up.”
“No I don’t.” I mumbled as I pressed myself further into Peter’s warm solid body.
“Can you let me go then? I have things to get done today.”
“No you don’t. You’re in charge, you don’t need to do anything.”
“Stay. Cozy. Sleepy. Warm.”
“You are impossible in the morning.” Peter gave up trying to get out of our tent and laid back down next to me. “Happy?”
“Mmhm.” I smiled as I nuzzled closer. “You like this better than dealing with Lost Boys. I know you do.”
“That’s because none of them are as pretty as you.”
“So you’re saying that if they were as pretty as me then--”
“Get up!” he tore the blanket off, “If you can be sarcastic than you can also be awake.”
“Are you assuming that I cannot be sarcastic in my sleep?” I finally sat up and cleared the sleep from my eyes. I reached over and ruffled Peter’s bed head. “I have many talents that you don’t know about.”
“I know,” he pulled me closer for a quick kiss, “You’re not that spineless jellyfish that landed here months ago. Whatever happened to that girl?”
“She got to be herself.” I kissed him again, “And I like this version much better.”
“So do I.” We started making out but were interrupted by the boys outside causing a big ruckus. With a sigh and promise to resume this make out session later Peter and I got dressed and headed out to see what was going on.
“What are you idiots shouting about?” I asked the boys.
“Oh I’m sorry,” Felix smirked at Peter and I, “Did we interrupt your morning?”
“Yes.” Peter said.
“A new boy has arrived.” Felix shrugged, “The boys are having fun putting him through the ringer.”
“Ooh, I wanna join!” I skipped off to have fun with the others.
I came upon the boys and jumped into the action as the boys good naturally harassed the new guy with a game of ducking. Basic premise, one or more people have a long stick and take swings at someone in which they have to duck to avoid getting whacked. It was more or less initiation on the island and a game I was very bad at when I first came here.
The boy in the middle seemed to be doing well avoiding the strikes until I stepped up. “Duck!” I shouted playfully before landing a blow right across his shoulder blades. He dropped to the ground and the boys laughed as the new kid squirmed on the ground.
Then he looked up and I froze.
“Hey,” he stretched as he stood up again, “Do I know you?”
“You don’t remember me?”
“I think I would remember you,” He looked me up and down, “Is there a chance that I met you before?”
“It’s me. Y/N.” His expression didn’t change, “We grew up in the same town.”
“We were neighbors.”
“No, we lived right next to each other.”
“Are you sure it was me?”
“Yep.” I had the urge to hit him again, “And you are part of the reason I now live here. Guess I should say thanks since it got me out of that hole in the ground I called home. Goodbye, Erik.”
I walked away and cursed my rotten luck. The boy I had a crush on since I was a child is now on the island. All that time I had been pining, hoping and waiting for the day he would notice me, and it turns out he can’t even remember me. It’s not like we never interacted. We weren’t close but I would have thought he’d at least recognize me in some capacity.
It’s probably for the best he doesn’t remember.
“Back already?” Peter saw me approach, “Such a serious face too. Did the new boy hurt your feelings?”
“No. I just know him. We were neighbors before I lived here.” I slipped into the hammock Peter was laying on, “We practically grew up together and he didn’t remember me.”
“How could anyone forget someone like you?” he kissed my cheek. “Is that why you are in such a grumpy mood?”
“I’m not grumpy. A little annoyed but not grumpy.”
“What’s wrong?”
“You don’t want to know.”
“Y/N, talk to me. Did this boy hurt you? If so I’ll skewer him right now.”
“No. Nothing like that.” I might as well get this over with, “Just remember that you asked me to tell you and that none of this applies now.”
“You’re making me nervous.”
“The new boy, Erik, I may have had a crush on him before I came here. I thought he was cute and would watch him and the other boys play football. I was so nervous around him though that I could never tell him how I felt. One day it dawned on me that he didn’t care about me the way I cared about him if he even knew I existed at all. It broke my heart and I threw that crushed dream onto the mess of disappointment that was my life.”
Peter had gone still. Unnaturally still.
“Peter?” I poked his face, “Were you listening?”
“Yes.” his one eye was twitching just a smidge, “I was listening, intently.”
“What’s this?” I smirked and tried to see his pouting face closer, “Are you jealous?”
“Jealous of what? Some idiot that you used to find attractive? What’s there to be jealous about?”
“Awe, it’s kinda cute,” I pinched his cheek, “There’s no need to be jealous.”
“I’m not jealous!” he snapped but the mad blush on his cheeks said otherwise.
“If you say so. It doesn’t even matter. I already told you he doesn’t remember me. He’s basically a stranger at this point.”
“Mm,” Peter got up and started to walk off.
“So dramatic.” I rolled my eyes and continued to swing in the hammock. Maybe I should build an actual swing. Some good strong vines or some rope and a plank of wood and I’d be good to go.
I went into the jungle and started gathering what I needed. Vines and wood were easy to come by and finally it was time to tie it all to a tree.
“Hey there,” Erik saw me wandering around the jungle. “Whatcha got there?”
“Vines and a plank of wood.”
“Making a swing.” I shrugged and continued my search for a decent place to put it.
“Need a hand?”
“I can manage on my own. Thanks though.”
“Are you mad because I don’t remember you?”
“I don’t care that you don’t remember me, Erik. It was a long time ago. Just forget I had said anything.”
“Can’t. Since you brought it up it’s only been nagging at me.”
I found a good spot and started to climb the tree to tie off the vines. “You climb pretty well for a girl.”
“Gods above why did I ever like you?” I muttered to myself. How is climbing a tree exclusive to boys? Answer? It isn’t.
“You like me?”
“How did--” I groaned, “No! I don’t like you. Not anymore.”
“Oh my god,” he rushed up the tree next to me, “I remember you! It just hit me! You were that dirty little girl that lived in that tiny shack beside my house. I’d catch you staring at me all the time and you’d leave wildflowers on my bedroom window. I thought you were too quiet and weird to pay attention to so I tried to ignore you in hopes that you would leave me alone.”
“Wow. You’re an actual asshole.” I shoved him away from me, “A girl has a crush on you so your idea of dealing with it is to blatantly ignore her?”
“You have to admit it was pretty annoying.”
“No, Erik, you are annoying.” I tied off the other vine before sliding it down to the ground again.
“You don’t need to get so mad.” He climbed down after me, “I mean, look at you now. You’re so wild and brazen. I didn’t think the girl that couldn’t articulate a sentence without stammering around me would ever call me an asshole. It’s refreshing.”
“Joy of joys.” I wormed the vines through the holes in the plank I made. “Will you leave me alone now? I’d like to work in peace.”
“Let me do that for you.”
“No! Go away!” I snapped at him. “I can make a swing by myself just fine.”
“Got some bite to you now.” He leaned in closer, “What else about you has changed?”
A force sent Erik hurtling back across the ground like a tumbleweed in the wind. I looked behind me and saw Peter standing there.
“Hi,” I jumped up, “What are you doing here?”
“Passing by and...well…”
“You were spying on me to make sure Erik didn’t try anything because you’re a jealous boy, weren’t you?”
“Idiot.” he pinched my nose playfully.
“Your idiot.” I wrapped my arms around his neck, “Do you like my swing?”
“Excuse me!” Erik was up again. “Who in the hell are you?”
“Ugh,” I rolled my eyes, “Peter, this is the new kid, Erik. Erik, this is Peter Pan. He’s the ruler of the island.”
“And Y/N’s lover so if you would kindly stop drooling all over her that would be much obliged.” Peter held me closer as if to emphasize his point.
“I knew you were jealous!” I laughed, “Your first word to the new kid is calling me your lover? How territorial of you.”
“Territorial?” he grinned in a way that made my stomach flip. “You wanna see territorial?”
“Peter, don’t you--” And it was too late. I was pinned to the nearest tree with Peter ravishing my mouth and molding himself against me in the span of two seconds.
This really wasn’t fair. I wanted to continue our make-out from this morning but I was hoping to not have an audience.
If it didn’t feel so nice I may have found a shred of embarrassment but in the moment all I could do was kiss him back. When Peter pulled away I was breathless and dazed and Erik was nowhere in sight.
“I think he got the point.” Peter looked back at me, “He won’t be bothering you again.”
“Maybe I should let him.” I pulled Peter back in, “If I can get a kiss like that out of jealousy he may just be worth hanging around.”
“Har har har, you are hilarious,” he left a kiss on my forehead, “He’s an idiot that didn’t understand what he could have had until it was too late. Lucky for me though, I knew what I had all along.”
“And it is a good thing you did. I like you a lot more than I ever liked him.” I may have called out the sappy line if it didn’t make me feel so unabashedly happy at the same time. My Lost Boy.
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aperrywilliams · 4 years
Hot Genius (Spencer Reid x Maxine Brenner)
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(Not my gif!)
Masterlist - Requests
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Maxine Brenner.
Request: I'm anon cause I'm shy but a quick fic where Prentiss asks Spencer and Max to act as bait for a serial killer that attacks newlyweds or married couples however you write it will be perfect.
Summary: Spencer is not very happy at Emily's suggestion that Max help them catch a serial killer. But despite his apprehensions, he has no choice.
Word Count: 3040.
Warnings: Some curses. Suggestive sex talk. Fluff.
A/N: This is my first formal request. Thank you Anon for suggest a Spencer-Max fic. I hope you’ll like it. I’ll take the boldness to tag @andiebeaword​  and @dreatine​ since it’s a maxcer fic.
"Thanks for bringing me today. With the failure in the subway it would have taken me a long time to arrive,” I said when we had reached our destination.
"Let's say you were lucky that today was my day off," Max replied as I opened the car door in the FBI parking lot.
"I know. Don't you want to go up for a while? Penelope will surely be happy to see you considering that you have not seen each other in several weeks.” Max thought for a few seconds about my proposal.
"Yes. It's not a bad idea. You could offer me a good coffee too. The one in this morning was a disappoint, I must say,” she replied, looking at me with disapproving eyes.
“Hey! The online order has taken longer than I expected. It was the only type of coffee in home this morning." I tried to defend myself, but without much success.
"I'm amazed at how imprudent are you Dr. Reid with such important thing.” Max shook her head, continuing in her disapproving tone.
"I'm sure you're going to torture me all week for this, am I right?". I answered before giving a defeated sigh.
"Of course I’ll do," she said, laughing.
"Okay. I deserve it"
When we crossed the glass doors of the BAU the first person who saw us arrive was Penelope. She couldn’t hide her happiness from seeing Max. Since we started dating, the two became quite close, even Max had joined more than one of the BAU girls' nights. I must confess it made me nervous at first, but the girls adore Max so I relax easy with that.
"Is not the great Max who deigns to appear in these places?". Penelope exclaimed from the other side of the bullpen .
"Hey Penelope. I think you are overstating a little…” Max replied to Garcia's questioning.
"Of course I’m not overstating. We have not heard from you in centuries! Besides, Boy Wonder is not one of those who talks a lot, so every time we ask him about you he only answers 'She is fine…’” Garcia complained.
"I have a very chatty boyfriend as you can see ..." Max replied laughing and winking at me.
"Ok, ok. Let's take advantage of the fact that you are here and we go to my Batcave to talk for a while”. Garcia was unable to finish speaking and was already pulling my girlfriend down the hall to her office. Max looked me muttering a 'sorry'. I just shrugged with a farewell wave.
I hadn't noticed Prentiss was outside her office staring at the scene that had just occurred.
"I see Penelope kidnapped your girlfriend." I turned to look at her and with a grimace drawn on my face I replied.
"Yep . So it seems"
"Well. Since you're here, shall we meet in the conference room? I need to discuss a case with you."
Luke, Rossi, Matt, Prentiss and I were in the conference room. Emily started talking about one of the cases that was torturing the DC police in recent days. We had worked on the profile just the day before, but apparently the police's efforts to locate the unsub were not being very effective.
“Given this context, we agreed with the police that in order to attract the unsub we need a newly-married couple in the club. It is the only way to get him out of his hiding place,” said Prentiss.
"Okay. But... ¿are we sure the unsub hunt there?" Rossi asked.
“When reviewing victimology yesterday the only crossing point was that club," said Luke.
"Wouldn't it be enough to stand guard and wait?" I asked hoping that the profile delivered the day before was enough to locate him.
"I think we would be making a mistake if we let the local police try to do that on their own . We know that the unsub is very methodical. You have to be subtle with him and the local police is anything but that from what we have seen” Prentiss replied.
"Well. So, will we have to do it? Who?” Luke asked.
“Until half an hour ago I had no idea about that. But now I know. Spencer and Max will do it” . Prentiss spoke as if she was talking about what she had for breakfast in the morning.
"Wait… what? Max?, me?... No. No way. Forget it!"
Prentiss was crazy if she thought I was going to accept something like that. Already this covert operation seemed like a bad idea to me, worse if I had to involve my girlfriend, who was not an FBI agent by the way.
"Spencer, please. We don't have many options and we have to act quickly.” Prentiss pleaded.
No options?, there is a whole building full of agents ...
“But Emily, it's dangerous. We all saw the photos of what this guy does to his victims. There has to be another way." I tried to reason with her.
“That is why you’ll be there with her and us monitoring the situation all the time. It’s the only chance to do this quickly and prevent more victims."
Great. The argument of the victims. Don't get me wrong, I’m fully aware of the importance of this work. But the risk was doubled if we added a civilian - my girlfriend by the way - to the equation.
"Why can't it be another couple? Luke with Tara, or Matt with JJ?”
“JJ is sick from Henry's flu. Tara is conducting interviews for the Georgia case.” Prentiss replied.
I could see the disapproving look of Luke, Matt and David on me. Sure, the antihero in the story was me now, refusing Emily's brilliant idea.
"What about you?" I asked as a last resort.
“Are you kidding?, I'm not for that kind of mission anymore. Also I’m not the target type of the unsub and someone has to supervise the operation,” Prentiss defended herself.
"Max won’t to do it...". That was more a thought to me than something I wanted to say out loud.
"We haven't asked her," said Emily.
At that precise moment, Max entered the conference room, accompanying Penelope.
"What is it I won’t want to do?" Max asked curiously.
"Great ..." was the only thing I could say under my breath. Knowing Max during this time I already knew what will be her response. Independent my opinion or all the protests I might have.
"Max. We have to talk about something…” Prentiss said inviting her to sit in one of the chairs in the room.
That was how that night with Max we were outside the club where we hoped to locate the unsub. Our cover was to pretend to be a newly married couple having a good time in that busy place.
I was reluctant to enter yet. Max could feel my hesitancy and took my hand squeezing it to look at her.
"Spencer... I know very well I’m not an FBI agent and I have neither the training nor the experience for this. But I'm just trying to help."
"I know. I know. I'm not mad at you for that. I'm rather... concerned. What if I can't protect you? What if I fail?”. It was a fear more than founded. There were so many things that could go wrong.
"Don’t think about that. You are good at your job and there is also a team behind supporting you right now. I promise not to do anything stupid that could put us at risk.” I let out a sigh.
"Yes, okay, okay. Let’s go to catch this bastard". I said , trying rather encourage me to myself. Max smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck.
“Furthermore, it’s not necessary that we should pretend much. Although these rings are fake, the kisses and embraces that we can give ourselves in there do not have to be," she said playfully. So she rose to his feet and caught my lips with hers. God, how I love those kisses!. I didn't want to be in that club at the time. I would have preferred to be in her place!.
"This will make it difficult to concentrate me..." . She started to laugh without letting me go. I caught her lips with mine again. When we parted, we hold hands and entered to the club. Just then, the audio in our headphones started working. Prentiss will be the one giving the instructions this night.
"Alright guys. Go ahead. Let's do this and let's do it fast. The first thing you have to do is go to the bar and order a drink. From there start a conversation and try to scan the place discretely"
The first obstacle was precisely finding a place in the bar. The club was crowded with people. How is it possible that so many people enjoy places like this? it was very hot, people sweating and the floor was a combination of germs and residues of perhaps what other things. Max did a good job finding a spot to access to the bar. Once there, I gestured to the barman to give us two drinks. We leaned against the bar counter and began to 'talk' as we slowly sip our drinks.
"What do we have to look at?" Max asked. I leaned down to speak into her ear so I wouldn't have to scream. The music was very loud.
“If our profile is correct, it is a white man between 30 and 40, with strong features. Tall. Semi-formal dress. He should be alone, but he should be confident. Hardly nervous. Very observant. He would have to be looking all over the place looking for his new victims. You have to look at those who watch couples either on the dance floor or here at the bar.” Max gave a loud laugh that at first shocked me, then she came over to speak in my ear.
"So I guess we should attract his attention, right?... I didn't laugh out loud because I found it funny, by the way..." she told me.
"Clever girl!" Prentiss chirped over our headphones. "Well lovebirds, while you look at your surroundings, take advantage of playing around a bit.”
The statement made me blush. Max gave a nervous laugh. I leaned closer and hugged Max around the waist as I rested my head on her shoulder. She raised her head a little to kiss me. Besides pressing her against my body, I didn't know much to do. I mean, I could think of millions of things to do... but not in a public place, if you know what I mean...
"Spencer, it wouldn't be a bad idea for you to kiss my neck so we can have a better view of the opposite side..." Max suggested.
"Are you sure ... ?"
"Yes... why not? ... not that we haven't done this before..." Max replied.
"I know, I’m sorry. I'm a little nervous."
It was true. I was nervous. I was with my girlfriend in a club and I need to pretend something I would love to be doing in private. How the hell is something like that controlled? Anyway, I took Max's suggestion and started kissing her neck slowly while my eyes scanned the place. She let out some giggles because of the tickle while she also was looking around.
"Spencer, near the bathrooms I see a suspicious man looking at us, red shirt, black tie and black jeans..." Max whispered in my ear.
"I see another one looking at us from behind the dance floor, black dress pants, white shirt and black jacket...". I replied.
“We have to clear doubts before any movement. Raise your bet guys,” Prentiss instructed. What the hell did that mean?...
Without warning, Max tugged at my hair so I had to look at her and then tugged at my tie and pulled me into one of the most passionate kisses I got in a long time. Just to make it even more believable - I thought – she raised slightly one of her legs and began stroking one of mine. I couldn't help but freeze for a few seconds. Max noticed my nervousness at her bold move.
"Hey hot genius, just think like we're on the couch of your place..." Max said as she started to kiss my jaw. The moment those words came out of her mouth we heard chuckles from the earpiece. I could only to dig my head into Max's neck trying to hide my embarrassment.
"Sorry, I forgot they can hear us..." Max apologized, also blushing.
"Don’t worry about us... you continue to do your own thing... at least what can be done in public... remember our mission." Prentiss replied trying to maintain her composure.
“Ok… the man who was on the other side of the dance floor came closer to us, now he is leaning against one of the walls that gives the back exit. The one who was near the toilets, in a red shirt, went with a woman to dance,” I said after identifying the unsubs.
"What do you think Reid, is he our unsub?" Prentiss asked.
"I'm almost sure. He is looking very eagerly at our hands and rings… and he fits the profile”.
"Perfect. We started phase 2 now,” instructed Emily. I took Max's hand and we walked to the back exit, making sure to stop for a few minutes near the unsub so he could get a closer look of us and hear us. With my hands I took Max's cheeks and after giving her a burning kiss I began to speak.
“Baby, I’m so happy I had married you. Now you are mine and nobody else, always remember that... only mine, understood?". Saying that was part of the character. The unsub hunted couples where the man showed possessive traits in the relationship and was what he sought to annul by killing them first in front of their partners.
"I know baby. I’m yours and nobody else's. Show me right now that I belong to you and only you”. Max replied as she put her arms around my neck and we kissed again. Convinced that the unsub had heard us, we began to move towards the back door without break our embrace.
As we stepped outside, the cold in the alley hit us. It was true that the club was burning inside and not only because of the large number of people on it.
I cornered Max to one of the walls, allowing her to have a view of the door so she could to notify me when the unsub left the club. Only two minutes passed and the unsub went out into the alley. Max's warning signal to me was a sultry "Oh, Spencer... baby." I took her by the waist again, pretending a fiery make out session in that dark alley.
"Is it time for the arrest?" I asked without detaching myself from Max.
"Not yet Reid. We have to wait for him to try to attack you before we can do something,” Prentiss replied.
"Great..." I muttered under my breath .
"Spencer... he is approaching very fast..." Max said quickly.
"Is he armed?..." I asked.
"He has a kni…". Max couldn't finish the sentence when I felt an arm pull me to turn violently.
"Leave her alone!" the unsub yelled waving a knife to threaten me.
“Hey! Hey! ... what's going on ?, what's your problem man...?” I said faking confusion.
“She is not yours! You don't deserve her. You are like all the bastards inside this fucking club. You don't really love her,” he shouted frantically. I had my eyes fixed on the knife while trying to get Max out of his sight with my body and arms.
"Take it easy man... nobody has to get hurt..." I tried to reason with him.
"Of course it is, and you will be the first!". My eyes and mind were so focused on the knife he was waving with one of his hands that I didn't notice his other hand that struck my face with a punch that knocked me to the floor.
Stunned I tried to get up quickly when I saw the unsub begin to approach Max. But I was dizzy, I couldn't find stability. Fortunately before he could touch her, Luke appeared out of nowhere and leaped him, knocking him to the floor. Matt appeared behind Luke to help him in the arrest and lead him to the police car. Prentiss approached Max to see how she was doing. I was still on the floor.
"If anyone cares, the bastard punched me in the face..." I complained as I put one of the palms of my hands on my now more sore face.
Max quickly approached to see how I was doing. Prentiss held out a hand to help me up.
"Let me see that face..." Max said as she saw what would be a big bruise in a few hours.
"Don't complain Reid, you will survive," Prentiss joked.
"This was not in the script," I protested. Emily nodded.
"Yes I know. The two of you did a good job, by the way. Max, you keep me surprising. Congratulations" Prentiss said smiling.
"Thank you Emily…" Max replied and then turned her eyes to me, examining if she found any other wound on my face.
"Spencer, like a reward for you good job in this case, tomorrow you have the day off..."
"How generous Emily…" I replied ironically.
"That's how I am. You know that. Well maybe that gives you enough time to finish what you started in there… right hot genius?” Prentiss sentenced, laughing and patting me on the back before leaving the place. With Max we both flushed like tomatoes.
"Sorry..." Max muttered.
"It's okay. Although you can be sure that even the director of the FBI will know about this tomorrow"
"So... what if let's put it into practice so they can speak with reason?, don´t you think?..." Max suggested winking at me and intertwining our hands to start our way home.
“Yeah, you’re right. I have no reason to protest for such excellent suggestion” I said with a eager smirk.
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kpopchangedme · 5 years
Two Sheep Staring at Stars | Mark Tuan [M]
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Years ago, you couldn’t believe a man like Mark could really be your Soulmate. This morning, it’s his turn to find out, and he can’t believe you wasted all this time.
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Protagonists: Mark Tuan & You
Word Count: 3.7k
Genre: NSFW - University - Friends - Soulmates - [Drabble 2k]
Prompts: “You heard me. Take it off.” + “Don’t you know how to knock?” 
Requested by: Anon
GOT7 | M.list
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“What about you, Cece?” Your best friend rolled back her eyes at the boy’s intrusive question. His back was turned on you, but even from the entrance of the empty pub, you could hear him loud and clear. You walked over to their table, eager to meet her new classmates. Cece was nervous about starting her Engineering major, knowing she’d have to deal with a majority of male classmates. That’s why she had invited you to their first outing, but now that you were here, she looked quite at ease. It might’ve been the first week of University, but Cece always was the best at making friends after all.
“Of course not.” The entire table chuckled at her obvious reply. “You think I’d be out drinking with you in the afternoon if I’d found Her?” She smiled as soon as she spotted you and waved, scooting closer to another stranger so you could sit next to her.
“Her?” The man repeated in surprise, and you almost ran to the bench.
Hopefully, none of her new classmates were bigots.
“Cece likes women.” You enlightened, sitting and shrugging away your Fall coat and light scarf. Everyone turned like one at your unexpected entrance. You didn’t raise your head to meet their curious gazes.
“I’m gay.” She confirmed, immediately wrapping her hand around your shoulder. “Super super gay.”
“Is this your… Girlfriend?” The following question forced you to assess the man across you. The curious guy blinked, unbothered by whatever he read in your eyes. He was also the one who had asked her if she had met her Soulmate. Charming, you decide, enough for you to forgive his rudeness. He had dark wavy hair and soft brown eyes, quite built too. The other young man to his left unsubtly elbowed him, probably ashamed by his lack of manners.
Cece laughed, “Me and her?!” You joined in. As if. The single most stupid thing one could assume about you two, although men always thought this. Or rather they hoped, in many sick cases. “We’re just friends.” She enlightened, hugging you tighter. You had known each other whole life; your moms were best friends, and that basically made you spiritual sisters. “Y/n plays for the other team.”
“Oh,” the built man grinned, leaning above the table. The beer in his glass tilted dangerously, and it occurred to you they might already be drunk. You came as soon as you could after your Introduction to Greek Architecture class, but still, they had been there for a while. “Ever seen something like this?” He turned his head to the side, pulling his hair aside to expose a weirdly shaped pink birthmark behind his ear. After a heartbeat, you shook your head, offering a contrite smile. You had never seen a Soulmark like that.
Cece was pouring you a welcoming beer, purposefully ignoring this whole thing. Living in a world where everyone is bearing a mark that irrevocably ties them with their Soulmate can disinterest you real quick of the urgency of the Search.
You had heard of people like this guy, using the beginning of University to find their significant other amongst their new acquaintances. It made a lot of sense, an opportunity. Every pair that isn’t an abnormality usually has a link, a common interest that unifies them. Immediately after your reply, the man pouted, disappointed, and turned to his friend. You hadn’t even had time to properly greet anyone at the table yet. 
“Jackson!” The other guy protested, but he was already pulling down his shirt. A mark right under the man’s collarbone got exposed.
It was small as a dollar, and it contrasted with his immaculate skin by its bluish colour. A peculiar Soulmark, completed with three tiny dots on top. You blinked; it only was visible for half a second before the man freed himself, highly embarrassed. It was enough. You felt warm, stuffy. Glancing at Cece in shock, you realized she missed it, busy posting a story on her Instagram instead. The guys were distracted too, drunkenly bickering over ‘boundaries’, a concept the one named Jackson apparently often didn’t get.
Meanwhile, you were as breathless as someone who’d just received an uppercut in the stomach. Surely you were overreacting. You only saw that man’s mark for a fleeting moment. “Yours is so pretty, y/n.” Cece had once said when you were only six or seven years old, getting ready to take a bath. “No,” you had protested, staring at your bare skin in the mirror, “it’s like a dirty ink stain!” You always hated your Soulmark. Most people’s marks were colourful and gorgeous, often smaller. Cece’s was on her left boob, a peachy complex heart shape one. Some unlucky people had to bear them publicly, on arms, neck or even faces. Yours was dark and ugly, but at least it was easy to conceal. 
“So?” Jackson turned back to you, hopeful. He wasn’t ready to give up yet apparently. “What about Mark’s?”
Mark. Was that really it, the way you’d meet Him? You hadn’t even got to have a proper look at his Soulmark. You weren’t sure. You weren’t ready.
“I…” Gaping, you turned to that guy, Mark, who didn’t even meet your eyes, clearly sulking. He was unarguably beautiful, even with his messy hair and face flushed by alcohol. His traits were striking, eyes a perfect stretched moon crescent, nose long and narrow, heart-shaped lips… No way, that man was way out of your league. The Soulmate bound wouldn’t be that mismatched. You were as dull and common as it gets. “… Sorry.” You managed, and Jackson’s face fell, disappointed.
“Sorry.” Mark echoed, meaning for his friend’s behaviour. “Mark Tuan, East Asian Studies. I’ve been stuck with Jackson since kindergarten, please don’t mind him.” He met your gaze for a fleeting second, only long enough to nod and for your heart to skip a beat. You couldn’t tell if he was ever slightly rude or just shy.
“Y/n,” Cece interjected, in your stance, unaware of what that guy almost was for a second. “Classical studies, been stuck with me since the womb.”
Forcing a laugh, you rolled your eyes. “You aren’t that bad, Ce!”
And just like that. The moment passed.
Gathering all your hair with your free hand, you bend to spit your mouthful of toothpaste in the sink. Your Hair. Your second mission this morning, doing something with it is getting harder and harder. You’re growing it, and it’s been a pain in the ass. Your phone chimes in repetition, and you barely glance at it before rolling your eyes. Mark is supposed to pick you up in ten, but as usual, he’s early.
Mark: I’m here. [6:48]
Jackson: RISE AND SHINE TUAN! Where are you? I’m glad you are coming but you are wayyyyyyy too early. Doors open at 7:30. [6:48]
Jackson: I can’t see you? I’m outside the building! Where are you??? [6:48]
Mark: I’m at y/n’s place. We’re going together. [6:48]
Why would he write in the group chat when he knows Jackson has to be up already. The man won’t stop texting once he’s started. You’re sure Jinyoung is still in bed, at whoever’s he ended up with last night, cursing because his phone won’t stop vibrating.
Today is Sunday and it’s not even 7am; basically the weekend’ dawn.
Ignoring the texts that keep coming in, you finish your hair and hurry to put on base makeup. You might have agreed to attend Cece and Jackson’s robot presentation, but you don’t intend to look like a zombie there. That’s another downer about living in a world and knowing your Soulmate is somewhere out there. You might end up running into Him at an inconvenient moment, and even though it shouldn’t matter, you don’t want to look like shit. Your mom met your dad at the beach, and even after 35 years, she never shuts up about the ridiculous sunburn she had that day. Like he would’ve noticed, (he did, but obviously didn’t give a shit).
You’re busy blending a little bit of concealer under your eyes when the door to your studio opens. There’s no warning at all, just the sound of the knob turning. You probably forgot to lock it after you got your mail earlier. Jerking to face the intruder, you squeal in terror, ready to stab him with your concealer’ brush. It’s not a stranger though. In the doorframe, Mark seems as startled as you, staring you up and down with eyes wide in shock.
“Shit, Mark, you scared me!” Fuming, you walk over to hit him, but he barely flinches. “Don’t you know how to knock?!”
“I-I texted you I was coming up…” He looks away guiltily. “Lock your door if you don’t want people to walk in on you half-naked…” Shit. You’re only wearing your very see-through white cami dress. Highly embarrassed, you turn your back on him to rummage in the first drawer you find for something decent. The mortification of your exposure makes you forget to be mad. “Your neighbour, the cat enthusiast, let me in… The one who dresses like a hobo.” Your friend steps in and shuts the door as you put jeans on, probably wanting to preserve your intimacy from the rest of the corridor. 
“Jaebeom.” You reply mechanically, he is convinced you and Mark are hooking up despite you denying it many times. Still, he shouldn’t have let him in like that. It’s against the apartment complex’s policy, and he could get in trouble. Shaking your head, you throw a gray shirt over your inappropriate attire. “I think he has like… Five freaking cats now. Jaebeom’s more than an enthusiast if he were a woman everyone would call him crazy. Don’t you think it’s sexist in a way?” Carefully, you slide off your nightdress from under your clothes, staying covered. Behind you, Mark is oddly silent for someone that is usually very opinionated. You glance over your shoulder. He’s still standing in the doorway, looking like he has seen a ghost. “What? It’s never too early in the morning. Patriarchy isn’t gonna fuck itself, Tuan.”
This seems to shake him, and he steps forward with a strange urgency. “Take it off.” His jaw, that was dangling open, clenches.
You did not expect that reaction. “W-What?” It is now you that is completely shaken. Is Mark making a move? What should you do, reject him? He’s come a long way from that shy guy you met at the pub if because he’s seen a little skin he… Holy shit… You hadn’t thought about the mark on your back in years. You are not one of those who freak out at the idea of the Soulmate Bound.
“You heard me, take it off.” Mark stares at you, expression unreadable.
You force out a chuckle to ease the tension in the tiny one-bedroom apartment. Rolling up your shirt, you obey, exposing the darker spot in the middle of your back, it’s on your ribs to the right; your embarassing Soulmark. A sheep staring at stars, that’s how Cece always described it when you were kids.
He breathes out in disbelief, “Is… Is that yours?” His fingertips graze your mark, and it’s like an electric shock.
Tensing, you stare intently at the wall in front of you. “Obviously.” Releasing your shirt, eager to hide it, you snort. “Ugly, right?” Somehow you feel bad when you meet his accusatory glare like you’ve committed some sort of unforgivable sin. Oh.
“It’s mine.” He announces, clearly out of it.
“Mark.” You shake your head from side to side. He needs to get it. You need to clarify that giant misunderstanding. “There is absolutely no way. Our Soulmarks are just similar.” 
His face twists, “Are you shitting me? I can’t tell if you are serious right now.” In a heartbeat, Mark shrugs off his sweater, exposing his chest and toned abs. You focus your attention on the spot right under his collarbone; a bluish cloud shape with three dots… Despite the fact you all went together to the beach last spring break, you haven’t seen his birthmark since the first night you met. Your eyes narrow on it, trying to remember every detail. It’s true, it looks an awful lot like yours. It’s like… There’s something caught in your throat, and you can barely breathe. “You saw mine. That night.” When Mark goes on, you fawn your face, unable to stop your mind from running crazy scenarios. This can’t be. “Why didn’t you say anything? Is it because you hate the idea of being with me that much? I can’t believe I’ve been fee…” He catches himself just in time, throwing both hands to the ceiling.
“Mark, we’re gonna be late to the convention…”  Running a hand in your already messed up hair, you state this like a formality. Over with it! He’s acting insane. That’s not right. It cannot be. You’re someone that always avoids everything, confronting you on that can’t do any good. He should’ve known this. “Jackson and Cece’s presentation is–” When you attempt to walk away, Mark in on you in no time. He catches and spins you in his arms before you can protest.
“I don’t give a shit about their fucking robot.” His whisper makes you shiver treacherously. In your back, your Soulmark is throbbing, like it has a life of its own. Mark’s hand slides inside your shirt, creeping up your skin until it finds it. Maybe he’s right; maybe you really are a match. None of you needs to see to know he’s touching the right spot. In a daze, you press your fingertips on his. Mark’s skin is burning, and you can feel his heart beating almost like it’s your own.
“Shit.” You curse lowly, overwhelmed.
It’s clear he isn’t doing much better, and he presses you into him as though his life depends on it. Is that It? Mark leans in, nose brushing yours and breath fawning your lips. You seem unable to stay anchored in reality, and your response is impulsive, automatic. Cupping his face with your palms, you pull Mark into you. He finds your mouth even with both eyes closed, but stops there; hovering millimetres over a fine line that you are bound to cross.
“Is that It?” You dare aloud against his lips and feel them curl into a smile.
“If that’s not it… I think I’ll die when I meet Her…”
You both know the answer when you finally kiss though. You should’ve done it years ago. Should’ve jumped him on that very first night. 
“Fuck,” you are seeing stars, “you’re my Soulmate.”
Mark groans in reply, it’s instinctive, it’s animalistic, it’s carnal, and it ends you. Whatever string of sanity holding you back breaks. It has been mere seconds and you know you’ll be his forever. Mark halts the kiss to press his mouth on your throat as you throw your head back. He reaches to lift your shirt, unable to refrain from it. He wants to feel you all over his chest, skin to skin. It joins his sweater on the ground. You are far from protesting, already you are backing up to your bed, in the middle of the room. You aren’t sure who pushed or pull when you fall on it, chest to chest. You’re a messy mass of skin and bones, but it works, it fits.
You were made for this.
Heat courses through your veins, setting everything afire every time Mark’s tongue grazes a new spot. It’s obscene how much you crave each other, both feeling like breaking with every kiss. One. Your heart explodes. Two. More. Three. You lose your mind. Four. Never stop. Five…
Obviously, there’s no slowing this down, you’ve passed the point of no return. Your jeans are taken care of in under two minutes. Mark’s pants? You blink and they are gone. It’s a miracle, every hindrance to you touching each other disappears, it’s magical. You only realize you’re fully naked when he naturally falls between your legs. Mark rolls forward and you curl in delight. He pants kisses more and more inconsistent. He rubs himself between your legs again, burying his face in your neck. In all the years you’ve known each other, you never imagined you’d end up like this. You spread your thighs wider, allowing Mark to run his cock on your slit. When he brushes your clit, you curse, throwing your head back on the mattress. 
“M-Mark,” your voice is husky, and he raises his head to observe you, “now.” 
“Now?” He repeats, astounded, completely lost. You nod, fighting back many shivers. “But–”
“Now, or…” Your words turn to a gasp when he rolls his hips again, making you see all the stars of the milky way behind your shut eyelids. Now. You reach between your legs, aligning him to your entrance. In your palm, his cock is already wet from your juices. You’ve never been this turned on, your skin is tingling everywhere. “I-I can’t.”
Mark smiles, dropping to peck your lips. “Take our time another time?” You nod in a hurry and he chuckles, pressing you into the mattress. His tip enters your core languidly. “Okay, but only because you want me too much…” Mark finally agrees a little bit too smug for your usual taste.
Right now, you don’t find it in yourself to care. All your attention is on your bodies merging slowly. You stretch deliciously around his length as he sinks in. Despite what you requested, Mark is still taking his time. You give in to your impatience, reaching for his hips. Guiding him to you, you pull until he’s completely inside, pressed against your body. It’s amazing.
Mark is inside you, throbbing. You both lay there for a few heartbeats, revelling in this overwhelming sensation of proximity. Never has intimacy felt that great in the history of the world. You’re sure of it. You want to express this to him, and you lack the words, but one silent exchange seems enough for him to get everything. After a moment, Mark pulls away slightly to better slam back in, and you squeal in glee. Oh, shit. He’s done taking his time. He finds a rhythm quickly, hips meeting yours roughly. You raise your pelvis to help, body bouncing on the mattress with every thrust. It is loud, your apartment fills with filthy moans, sounds, and the creaking of your bed.
“I…” Mark grunts, brows sweaty from the strain. You reach for the headboard to push against him, you want more. “I w-won’t…”
Knowing what he means, you slide your calves up against his ribs, letting him hit a better angle. It’s deeper and rougher. If he won’t last long that’s fine. You couldn’t bear this tempo much longer either. He raises on his hands to allow you to raise your knees even higher on your chest. Your pelvis is now perfectly curved. When he slams in this time, he reaches that spot you wanted him too. 
“Oh f-fuck,” you gasp and your legs begin to shake, “M-Mark…” You cry when he hits it again, fervour renewed by your vocal reaction. “Shit shit shit.” 
Curses fall of your mouth, mixed with an incessant flow of praises. It’s so incredible you’re not there anymore, lost for good, away with the fairies. Mark doesn’t falter once he’s found what goes for you. He manages to stay in control long enough for you to break. You come so hard you stop making sounds altogether, almost going blind at the high of it. When you slowly return to your body, Mark is also done. His hips lag, and he empties himself inside you with triumphant last thrusts. 
Both of you are completely spent. Shattered, Mark falls next to you, sweaty and breath unstable. It takes a few minutes for you to muster enough will to move, but when you do, he’s pleased to welcome you on his chest. A sheep stargazing, you see it now. On him, your mark is way cuter somehow.
“Was it…” Mark trails off, after a while, hesitating. “Did you…” 
Your index tracing his Soulmark stills. Is he serious? You don’t get much more vocal than that. Besides, you can still feel the remnants of your orgasm down in the soles of your damned feet. It was crazy strong. 
You hesitate too before remembering Mark is also your friend. You can be honest with him. “Like a Tsunami,” you confess, “I’m deceased.”
Mark laughs proudly, pulling you closer. “Ha, me too…” He seems to ponder on something for a minute, letting a comfortable silence fall behind you. “I guess Jackson can shut up about us now. He wanted me to date you, even without our marks matching. He couldn’t–” 
“Oh. Shit.”
“What?” Mark frowns, confused by your interruption. “He’s just like that, you know? He cares, and he wanted me to be happy, even if it wasn’t with my Soulmate. But clearly, you’re It.”
“Jackson.” You repeat like a fatality, but still, he doesn’t seem to get it. “Cece. Their presentation.” 
“Holy shit!” Mark suddenly stands, probing around the room to gather his clothes. “We’re so late! They’ve been working on this for a year!” You can’t help but laugh, unable to be stressed when you’re in post-coital delight. As soon as you’re next to him, Mark pulls you into him for a back hug. He wraps his arms around you, kissing your elbow before whispering in your ear: “I bet you won’t laugh when they send Terminator to exterminate us.” This doesn’t tone down your amusement at all. “Ok, now… More clothes, less fun!”
“Take our time another time?” You ask, quoting him back as you pick up your underwear.
Mark snorts, “I have all the time in the world now that I have found you…”
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GOT7 | M.list
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