#so so special for me you wouldn't get it i want to say but I can't because you guys are getting it
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accioprocrastination · 1 day ago
The Deployment
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x reader
A/n: This is sort of a continuation to His Girls but can be read alone
Summary: girl dad Jake gets deployed - the family drop him off at the airport
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You wake the kids up at the crack of dawn to take Jake to the airport.
Ivy is happily singing along to the god-awful kids radio playing throughout the car and Abbie looks crestfallen - silently staring out of the car window.
It's hard to feel the full weight of Jake's deployment with the current musical soundtrack. You smirk as baby shark comes on and sing along with Ivy at the top of your lungs; hoping that it'll irritate Abbie and Jake enough to snap them out of their respective silences.
Abs is old enough now to realise that her dad's job is dangerous. She won't tell either of you but she hasn't relaxed since the day she learned that. Every time she says goodbye to him she's internally worrying that's the last time they'll ever speak.
Jake watches your eldest nervously fidget from the reflection in the side mirror. He feels sick at the thought of having to go today. He took the instructor post so he wouldn't have to be away from you guys again, but he didn't think about leaving for special assignments. This is a painful reminder of the lack of control he has in his job.
When you're out of the car you all stick together for as long as physically possible before you have to separate.
Jake bends down and hugs Ivy first. He whispers something in her ear that makes her burst into a fit of giggles.
He turns his attention to Abbie next who looks cool as a cucumber. The only thing giving away the fact that she's not okay with this is the fact that she's still twitching her foot.
You watch as they hug each other tightly and Jake kisses her head as a goodbye.
"Please don't go." Abbie whispers loud enough for you both to hear. You watch as tears fill her eyes wishing you could make everything go back to normal for her.
Jake gives you a pained look, eyes glassy with emotion as he's stopped speechless for the first time in a long time.
"Abs he has to go baby." You say to her wiping her face to stop the tears that have started falling.
"He'll be back before you even know he's really gone." you promise her - it's a lie considering neither of you know how long this deployment will be.
Jake hugs you last. "I can't go if Abs keeps crying like that." He whispers shakily - not wanting to leave you guys.
"She loves you. I'll calm her down in the car." you assure him rubbing his cheek with the pad of your thumb .
He squeezes you tightly and you suck in a breath knowing this is the last time you'll see him indefinitely.
"I love you." he says before giving you a barely there small peck on the lips. God forbid Abbie screams 'no PDA' through an airport if he was to do anything more than that.
"I love you too." You say into his shoulder as he pulls you into another quick hug.
"Call me the second you can." you instruct him, not letting go of his hand before he agrees.
He nods then squeezes your hand as a silent goodbye before giving the family another once over and stepping backwards.
"Take care of each other while I'm gone." He says voice cracking as he looks at Abbie - silently telling her to quit with the teenage angst.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 3 days ago
hi! Who do you think was the most special person for Sirius? I love your analysis
James. No question.
Okay, now more seriously: Hi, thank you so much!
But yeah, it was James and later Harry, but Harry was never James in Sirius' eyes. I think I talked about it a bit in various posts in the past but I low-key think one-sided Prongsfoot (as in Sirius was in love with James) is canon. There isn't like, much textual evidence, it's mostly a vibe thing, so I consider it a canon-based headcanon more than a proper theory, but I think there's something there if you want to read into it.
I kind of wanted to make a post about it for a while, so this ask is as good an excuse as any:
So, I want to start by saying James and Sirius are not normal about each other. Their friendship is kind of insane and it's mutual. There's a reason in PoA whenever someone talks about them they forget Remus and Peter and just talk about James and Sirius and how inseparable they are:
“You say you remember him at Hogwarts, Rosmerta,” murmured Professor McGonagall. “Do you remember who his best friend was?” “Naturally,” said Madam Rosmerta, with a small laugh. “Never saw one without the other, did you? The number of times I had them in here — ooh, they used to make me laugh. Quite the double act, Sirius Black and James Potter!”
Their names are on the same breath for all their teachers & Rosmerta. So much so, that they had to place them in separate detentions. Not that it helped because these two found a way to not be separate for even a second:
This is a two-way mirror. I’ve got the other. If you need to speak to me, just say my name into it; you’ll appear in my mirror and I’ll be able to talk in yours. James and I used to use them when we were in separate detentions.
They literally couldn't spend an hour apart from each other when in school. I completely understand why you "never saw one without the other".
Every photo they took, they took so they were flush next to each other at the center of the Mauraders:
With a leap of pleasure, Harry recognized his father; his untidy black hair stuck up at the back like Harry’s, and he too wore glasses. Beside him was Sirius, carelessly handsome, his slightly arrogant face so much younger and happier than Harry had ever seen it alive. To Sirius’s right stood Pettigrew, more than a head shorter, plump and watery-eyed, flushed with pleasure at his inclusion in this coolest of gangs, with the much-admired rebels that James and Sirius had been. On James’s left was Lupin
He was the best man in James and Lily's wedding, right there next to James the whole wedding:
He stopped on a picture of his parents’ wedding day. There was his father waving up at him, beaming, the untidy black hair Harry had inherited standing up in all directions. There was his mother, alight with happiness, arm in arm with his dad. And there ... that must be him. Their best man ... Harry had never given him a thought before.
Sirius was Harry's godfather and as I mentioned here, it appears Sirius lived with James and Lily when they were married before they went into hiding. JKR stated Sirius & Lily were living on James' inheritance — not Remus who couldn't get a job, not Peter who didn't get an inheritance from Uncle Alphard — Sirius.
When Sirius had enough of his family at 16, he went to James. It's always James for him. He probably felt he was able to leave his family because he knew he could go to James.
Sirius' plan with the Secret Keeper switch was that everyone would think he was the Secret Keeper so they'd torture and kill him and he wouldn't be able to tell them anything. His plan was to die for James, Lily, and Harry. Sirius didn't think he'd survive the first war if Voldemort really wanted to get to the Potters and it was worth it for him. Because James, Lily, and Harry would be safe, and he expects everyone else to do so too:
“You don’t understand!” whined Pettigrew. “He would have killed me, Sirius!” “THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED!” roared Black. “DIED RATHER THAN BETRAY YOUR FRIENDS, AS WE WOULD HAVE DONE FOR YOU!”
Lily was well aware of how codependent James and Sirius were:
James is getting a bit frustrated shut up here, he tries not to show it but I can tell—also Dumbledore’s still got his Invisibility Cloak, so no chance of little excursions. If you could visit, it would cheer him up so much.
She knows that Sirius can talk James into things she can't. She knows how inseparable these two are and how important it is to Sirius to be on Harry's birthday, as she comforts him about it in her letter. I think Lily was more consciously aware of the insanity that was James and Sirius than either James or Sirius. I mean, it speaks volumes that Lily feels the need to write Sirius to talk sense into her husband becouse she knows it would work and that Sirius would do it. Because I'm sure the moment Sirius saw this letter he made the time to come over because it was for James. And Sirius would die for James in a heartbeat, without a second thought. Becouse, yes, it is how his loyalty works, but there aren't many people Sirius Black is loyal to to that degree. Even though he says he'd die for Peter, I don't think he'd do it as quickly and as readily as he would for James or Harry (after all, he makes fun of Peter in SWM in a way he'd never dare to when it comes to James).
When Sirius talks about James in the books, there is so much reverence. The same reverence Snape has for Lily and more. James is on a pedestal on which he can do no wrong in Sirius' mind — and it might've been that way when James was alive too, if perhaps to a lesser degree.
“He kept messing up his hair,” said Harry in a pained voice. Sirius and Lupin laughed. “I’d forgotten he used to do that,” said Sirius affectionately.
When talking to Harry about James' negative traits and behavior with in OotP, Sirius is incapable of seeing James in a negative light. While Lily disliked James' cruelty (I think she was fine with the arrogance somewhat, contrary to what she says), Sirius loved James' cruelty becouse it was James. (Sirius is probably also a crueler person than Lily, but that's a different matter). But Sirius isn't willing to see any faults in James' behavior or traits. James is a good person and his best friend and he knows, objectively, that James did bad things, but he would rather call it being an "idiot teenager" than what it was. Like, this fandom talks a lot about Snape putting Lily on a pedestal, but what about Sirius with James?
James could murder someone in cold blood in front of Sirius for no reason and Sirius would start making excuses for him on why he was actually right to do so. ("no auror, see, this was actually completely justified and the right thing to do!")
“Look, Harry,” said Sirius placatingly, “James and Snape hated each other from the moment they set eyes on each other, it was just one of those things, you can understand that, can’t you? I think James was everything Snape wanted to be — he was popular, he was good at Quidditch, good at pretty much everything.
(I love that while excusing the bullying he sings James' praises, I can just hear the 'good-looking' he isn't saying out loud)
And even when he confesses they were berks for what they did, he spreads the blame on all of them:
“I’m not proud of it,” said Sirius quickly. [...] “If we were sometimes arrogant little berks, you mean,” said Sirius. [...] “Well . . . I thought he was a bit of an idiot.” [Harry] “Of course he was a bit of an idiot!” said Sirius bracingly. “We were all idiots! Well — not Moony so much,” he said fairly, looking at Lupin, but Lupin shook his head.
Sirius doesn't blame James without blaming all of them. And, he continued to justify James as he said it. (I'll add Remus is doing just as much to defend James and excuse all of his behavior, so it's not just Sirius)
“She didn’t know too much about it, to tell you the truth,” said Sirius. “I mean, James didn’t take Snape on dates with her and jinx him in front of her, did he?”
I wanted to note this above quote because it's interesting to me. Yes, it's Sirius not minding James' behavior again, but I find it interesting that James didn't reform completely and hides it from Lily, but not from Sirius — never from Sirius. Kind of goes with how in the letter Lily mentions how James is trying to act strong in front of her, but he probably wouldn't in front of Sirius. Their friendship was just the most important connection to both of them. James keeps secrets from Lily, the love of his life, but not from his best mate Sirius who lives with them.
(Also the "took Snape on dates with Lily" made me think James had Sirius hide nearby on at least one date with Lily to help him out and Lily, obviously, caught them. Either as Padfoot for moral support or sitting in the bushes with the two-way mirror as James holds his under the table at Madam Puddifoot's)
Sirius outright says himself James was the most important person to him:
Sirius frowned at Harry, who was still looking unconvinced. “Look,” he said, “your father was the best friend I ever had, and he was a good person. A lot of people are idiots at the age of fifteen. He grew out of it.”
I also think Sirius had zero experience pre-Azkaban, contrary to some fanon. I mean:
With another shock of excitement, Harry saw Sirius give James the thumbs-up. Sirius was lounging in his chair at his ease, tilting it back on two legs. He was very good-looking; his dark hair fell into his eyes with a sort of casual elegance neither James’s nor Harry’s could ever have achieved, and a girl sitting behind him was eyeing him hopefully, though he didn’t seem to have noticed. 
Harry instantly notes how hot Sirius is and how he is getting girls' attention, and yet, Sirius only has eyes for James. He doesn't notice the girl (or any other) because he's looking at James. This is practically text at this point (mostly joking, but also, not really).
And Sirius' fixation on James started from day one, from the moment these two met:
“Who wants to be in Slytherin? I think I’d leave, wouldn’t you?” James asked the boy lounging on the seats opposite him, and with a jolt, Harry realized that it was Sirius. Sirius did not smile. “My whole family have been in Slytherin,” he said. “Blimey,” said James, “and I thought you seemed all right!” Sirius grinned. “Maybe I’ll break the tradition. Where are you heading, if you’ve got the choice?”
Sirius and James just met, the train barely even moved out of the station, and Sirius was upset at the possibility James wouldn't like him now because of his family history in Slytherin. It's the opposite reaction Harry had to Draco about the "wrong sort of wizard" where Harry would rather be disliked by an arrogant berk, Sirius wanted James to like him. Sirius wants James to like him so much that when James says he thought Sirius was "all right", Sirius jumps at the opportunity to prove why James should like him because he won't be a Slytherin like the rest of his family.
I low-key think this conversation affected Sirius' sorting. I think that, loath as he is to admit it, Sirius has some Slytherin characteristics, he has the cunning, the arrogance, and try as he might, he is still, so clearly, a rich pureblood from the House of Black. And he acts it. I think he was a borderline sorting and the hat took his preference. I can see young Sirius going "not Slytheirn" the same way Harry did (I like the mirroring). I think he considered that before, I think Sirius' started drifting from his family before, but I think James' words really cemented it to him.
and, just look how Sirius is with Harry. Listen, I'm the first person to jump to Sirius' defense when anyone claims he sees Harry as a James replacement — he doesn't. But Sirius' devotion to Harry (which is insane, I mean, he lived in a cave and ate rats for months, he returned to his family home which he both loathes and misses becouse it'll help the Order keep Harry safe) is an extension of his devotion to James. Sirius would do anything for Harry becouse he'll do anything for James. He sees Harry as his own person, I don't think he treats him the way he treated James at all, but his love for Harry and loyalty to him is tied to his love for James. James is the initial connecting tissue.
This post was a bit more of a rambly one than a proper essay, but I think the point comes across.
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mrsshabana · 1 day ago
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮 :・゚✧
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𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬!𝐆𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲
Happy Birthday @matsukaah !! I know you really like my mantis au Gyutaro so I decided to write this for your birthday. I know it's small but I hope you like it and I hope you have an amazing birthday!! ♡
(This is from an au I made a long time ago where Gyutaro is a mantis hybrid, like a cryptid type creature)
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The mantis boy was smart, but you never expected him to understand the concept of a birthday.
He was so feral and untouched by society that it just seemed like something he wouldn't grasp. But no, you were wrong.
Someone must have taught him about it, maybe his sister? Or perhaps he put two and two together when he saw the festivities taking place in your home.
He was kept a secret, of course, so he just watched from outside. His spectacular eyesight came in handy as he sat in a tree, watching you from the open windows in your home. Saw how people came inside, gave you gifts, sang a song around a birthday cake before digging in. He didn't quite understand why but he knew it must have been some special occasion revolving around you.
So that night, just as you were about to go outside, you heard heavy knocks at your back door.
When you open it, you're surprised to see the 7-foot tall mantis standing there with an assortment of items in his hands.
"Oh! Hello Gyutaro, I was just about to come out to see you," you smile sweetly, happy to see him as you always are.
He pushes past you, coming into your home even though you were prepared to go out.
"Erm, we can go outside-" he cuts you off with a hiss. He's never been inside your home before, but he doesn't seem to dislike it.
Even though there are plenty of chairs around, he sits on the floor. Not giving you an option, he grabs your wrist and pulls you to the floor too.
Stumbling over yourself as he pulls you down, you land in his lap. Eliciting a happy chirp from him, his mandibles twitching curiously as he sniffs your hair. You smell different today.
"Gyu, ngh-" you groan as you struggle to get out of his grasp. He holds you on his lap like he doesn't want you to leave, but eventually he lets go.
The expression on his face is shy and timid, totally different than his usual attitude, as he hands you the assortment of items he brought with him.
"What's this?" you ask.
"F-For you... gift," he mumbles.
You gladly accept the items. A bundle of wildflowers, a few shiny stones, and some fresh fruit he must've picked from the forest.
It's a simple gift, sure. But the fact that he, a wild animal, went out of his way to do something so thoughtful means the world to you. Not only that, but in a way he was trying to understand you better. You and your human ways, which seem so foreign to him. A deadly creature that was raised in the wilderness. Some would say, a monster.
"Thank you, Gyutaro," you say with tears in your eyes, "This... this means so much to me.
He smiles, a crooked grin that rarely appeared on his face before he met you. "Happy? Good, yes?" He strings together a sentence with the few words that he knows.
"Yes, I'm very happy!" You lunge towards him and hug him tight. Trying to hold back your tears.
He doesn't understand at first, but he likes it when you're close to him like this, so it's not long before he embraces you as well.
"Me happy, you happy," he chirps, nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
Even though they were simple, these gifts from Gyutaro made your day. They mean more to you than all of the gifts you received today combined.
Your sweet monster boy made an effort to celebrate this human thing that he has no concept of. And he did it all for you on your special day. But how could he not? You are his favorite human after all.
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"Tai, you ate her face" Scene Analysis
Requested by @subaerial-dweller !! (50 follower special)
(Bit of a retelling of the scene + character and shot analysis, and how this incorporates into Van's previous + future motifs and arc.)
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As the scene opens, the first thing we see is Natalie sitting out in the cold, and Tai leaning on a pole nearby. Natalie is staring dead at Jackie, clearly just...contemplating and processing what the fuck happened. Understandable. Something interesting to note is that at this point, Van isn't outside with them. In fact, it isn't until Tai starts screaming "What happened to Jackie!!" that Van opens the door to the cabin. Unclear on whether she was making her way outside anyways, but either way, it takes her a second to get outside. She immediately runs up to Tai, repeating "its okay, its okay-" which I think is important, because clearly, its not okay. Van most likely would have followed Tai outside but the fact that she didn't? Says a lot, because it means Van couldn't stand to look at Jackie's....remains, until she had to. But as we know with Van and her "medieval knight qualities" (I am never living that phrase down-) she's putting all of that aside because right now, Tai is the most important thing.
Interesting to note, when Van starts talking to Tai, for a second she's just overwhelmed and seems a little....mad almost.
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like look at her face, girl is slightly annoyed, maybe a little firm
But she looks back at Tai and suddenly it clicks with her that oh, this isn't Tai freaking out at her. (You could even say this is a reaction to what her mother may have acted like while drunk...and then she realises this isn't like that.) And then there is a noticeable switch to just....concern. Tai is having possibly the only proportionate reaction to the situation, compared to most of the other Yellowjackets who seem incredibly dissociated. And that, to her, is likely weird, both because Van is very emotionally detached from the situation herself, and because nobody else is having that kind of reaction. Tai is genuinely lost with the situation and as we know, Van's reaction to that kind of thing is to start trying to get to the bottom of it. (Something we see a LOT of with other Tai)
Tai then comes back with a very frazzled "I wouldn't do that." which obviously, knowing how everyone reacts to Coach Scott, they seem to take a lot of offense towards. So Van obviously retaliates "What are you talking about? You were sitting right next to me!" which I think is likely a "Hey, Dude. You aren't better than us. Don't be the only disgusted one, you did the same." but also a check-in because again, why would Tai be reacting like this?
Tai goes to throw up, storming past Van, who just stands there. Because again, to her? This probably feels a little like Tai is being high and mighty about this (girl, where are you getting these "morals" from).
So Van ducks down next to Tai, and again, her face says...a lot here.
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She's definitely a little baseline annoyed, but also seems to be bargaining. What is going on with Tai? She doesn't know. But again, as she sees Tai's panic, she flicks back over to confusion and concern. She wants to help Tai, of course. Anyone would. But this is also....horribly complicated. Van seems to be very set in her beliefs and while the whole show seems to be a testament to how morals can change, Van is quite firm in what she believes. (Unless, of course, someone she cares about like Tai, comes above it.) This situation is obviously one in which they all compromised their morals, and is a solid "point of no return" for the girls (Travis included).
This is also the point where Van starts to pull the pieces into place. She's realising that this may or may not tie into whatever's been going on with Tai's sleepwalking. But obviously, she wants to confirm that which follows up with her asking "You really don't remember?" which Tai never verbally answers but Van can already tell its written on her face. And then of course, the line of the whole scene comes in "Tai, you ate her face." Van's tone here really interests me because she is not putting it very lightly. There's a little hesitance but a lot of it reads to me as just....when you tell someone something that seems like it should be inherently obvious. She says it almost as if "Tai, look, its snowing." With a little more care in her words but there is definitely a tone of "C'mon, you know this, right?" (tho i kinda suck at reading tones irl so take this with a grain of salt)
I have said this in previous analysis, but to restate it, Van has a character trait of trust. Specifically, lack of trust. She doesn't trust Tai. Something we know is an intentional character trait because Liv has outright said that's how they perceived her and acted to show that in Van's characterisation. So for Van this isn't just, "Tai isn't taking my word for this." its also likely a "Tai doesn't trust me." Van's insecurity of not trusting people very likely manifested from being unable to trust her mother, likely due to her alcoholism. And another thing that basically everyone has said or learnt about trust, is that its a two way street. If Tai can't trust her then...what are the odds she can trust Tai? She loves Tai, and with any relationship you want your partner to trust you. And right now, Tai isn't, something that is likely shattering for Van, considering how much she puts Tai's needs above hers as her priority.
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"You ate her face." These words trigger what seems to be the memories of the incident, paired with a flicker of some of the shots. Another interesting thing to note here, none of the parts Tai remembers include anything about the banquet. To the rest of the Yellowjackets, this was fun, almost. A huge meal that they hadn't had in months. But when Tai remembers this? Its nothing but the raw, horrible memories of committing literal fucking cannibalism. So obviously, like any one would upon realising they cannibalised their dead friend and don't remember it, Tai goes to throw up.
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It can't really be shown in a photo, but Van doesn't get up immediately. She hangs back for a second, clearly just...processing what the fuck just happened. With the Van mindreading powers I totally have, I can guess tell you, that she's likely going over the situation. Tai's sleepwalking has evolved. She can seem fully awake and alive and just like her own Tai, and she wouldn't even know. How much of what she's seen in the past was this other Tai? Can she trust her? Can she help Tai? Can she save Tai? Van's bargaining with what this means for her, and what it means for them together. Which is definitely something we see tying into how Van acts when she knows other Tai is in control. She wants to help Tai, and make sure she's safe. Because again, she'd likely get possessed in Tai's place if she had the chance. It isn't until a few seconds later that Van gets up, places a hand on Tai's back as she screams, and the scene changes to the intro.
In summary, this scene tells us a lot about Van's character in a short amount of time. And a lot about how the other Yellowjacket's have taken this whole cannibalism deal. For Van, this whole situation ties a lot into both her fear of not being trusted (ironic for someone who refuses to trust herself) and her desire to protect Tai at all costs. Obviously, this changes their relationship significantly. But Tai promised her when they differed on the whole spiritual/psyche standpoint that they were okay. That whatever happened they were going through this, together. Something that was also backed up by the "I love you" scene in 02x01. Van's fully committed to Tai at this point, and for her, this is the beginning of her being set on saving her, no matter the cost for herself.
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kenyummy · 2 days ago
꒰ ⍣'ˎ˗ conspiracies ✰ jaime reyes ꒱
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✰ SYNPOSIS : jaime just really wants you to think he's cool. in both forms. too bad you're a raging conspiracy theorist.
inspired by this post so thank you for making my mind spiral insert heart emoji. i love xolo (as everyone who knows me both online and irl knows) and i love jaime so this was just a treat
also this is highkey movie jaime coded but yj him works too tbh
!!! LIVA DNI !!!
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It was a regular Monday morning when you first met Blue Beetle.
Your life was as normal as could be, and you were perfectly content living your life out like this. Growing up fine. Leaving school fine. Entering college and trying to find a real, lasting job fine.
Today was a regular old day in your regular old life. Nothing special, really. Just on your way to work at your local coffee shop—mostly to pay off your crippling student loans—in an admittedly nice (and safe) neighbourhood.
Which is why you weren't expecting this. In such a dramatic fashion—a random in a ski-mask comes by and tugs your tote bag off your shoulder, and starts running. The tote bag with your expensive ass phone, and those authentically beautiful earrings you'd gotten as a gift for your 18th inside—so of course you take running in your scuffed and ragged sneakers.
"Wh—hey! Come back here!" You yell out as people on the sidewalk rush to the side from the random pushing their way through. They may be covered by a good ten layers—but by god were they fast. No way you could catch up to them.
But you'd be damned if you didn't try. Too bad you didn't join track in high school—you have a feeling it really would've helped right now.
You consider yelling out that you have a barista's salary and you doubt there'd be much of worth inside, but you're stopped before you do.
The random thief in question is not on the ground anymore. In fact—he's three feet up in the air and dangling upside down, screaming. The ski mask falls off and you see it's actually one of your regulars in your shop.
Your eyes widen, then narrow into a hard glare "Dan?! What the hell, man?!" His eyes look anywhere but at you. He knows he's never going to get his double-caffeinated espresso ever again.
But then, you look at exactly what is holding him from that unfortunate angle. A superhero... you think. Black and blue suit—tendril-like things behind him, one holding up your thief. Blasters underneath his feet that seem to allow him to levitate so high. Pure white eyes and no mouth in sight.
"Why don't you give the lady back her bag, huh?" His voice—while it's partially distorted, he seems rather giddy. Maybe he's a new hero. You were sure as hell Batman wouldn't be running around here.
The bag drops to the ground as soon as he says it, and you rush to collect your things. People around crowd in awe at the heroic act, but all you can think about is how grateful you are that you hadn't lost your phone. Thank god for Block Blast.
You look up—Dan falls to the ground with a grunt while the hero lands gracefully on his feet, hands on his hips—you can practically feel the self-satisfaction radiating off him. He looks to you. "Are you alright, ahem—ma'am?"
Did he just make his voice deeper?
You nod, and spare him a smile. "Yes, thanks to you. I can't tell you how grateful I am that I won't be late for work now."
The hero seems rather confused, "Wait, what—"
"Thank you!" You call out as you take off, running. You had fifteen minutes until your shift started and no way you'd miss it and in turn miss an hour of pay. The hero seems to try and call out to you—but the crowd around him doesn't let him move an inch—and it's like clockwork when a camera and microphone get shoved in his face like he's nothing but a trashy celebrity.
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"And, Blue Beetle—how is it that you came to this civilian's aid so fast?"
"I guess I just have a sixth-sense for saving people in need."
You grab the television remote and switch the TV off before you roll your eyes back into your skull. Jaime—your friend and currently the only person at the stand with you—seems less than pleased you did so.
"Hey! What's with you?"
You make a face. "Sixth-sense for saving people? Seriously? Even you have to admit, it's pretty stupid."
"Didn't you say that you were the one he saved this morning? And that's why you weren't late for your shift?"
Resting your elbows on the glass stand, you call for your lazy-ass co-worker (currently on his phone in the back) to take over the cash register when a customer comes in.
You continue to talk away with Jaime, who's shining a glass. "Just because I'm thankful he saved me doesn't mean he's exempt from my well-deserved critique. He sounds like a less-inspiring Superman right now."
Jaime laughs, muttering something under his breath before turning back up to look at you. "That's just mean, chica. I think he's pretty cool, no?"
He places the glass on the table near the blender—while you huff indignantly, leaning backwards. "You've always been like this with superheroes, and so have I. Some things will never change, Jaime. Just like the fact we're both in crippling debt at this dead-end job."
"But... you don't even think he is a little cool... at all? I mean—the costume's pretty sick." He stands over you, arms crossed and smiling.
You pause, thinking. "... Alright, fine. Yeah, the costume looks cool. But I think his head's too big for his body. ...Hey, he kinda reminds me of you."
"... You don't say?"
"I do say," you affirm, smiling at his scoff. "Time to get back to the shop, Reyes. You can uplift any bugs you want after our shift is done."
You press your finger to his nose and move him back, bouncing out of the back room as he watches your retreating figure—deep in thought.
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You thought that would be the end of it. Maybe, in a few months or so—you'd get into trouble and a hero would come and save you like in the movies. Maybe even in a few weeks or so. Depending on how unlucky you were.
Well, it seems Lady Luck has a hate boner for you, because this was just getting ridiculous.
On Tuesday, all your stuff was thrown high into a tree and only a being with flight could reach it. The day after that, somebody was about to trip in front of your bus—saved at the nick of time by a blue hero.
Thursday, you were almost hit by a bus this time—swerving on the road like it were drunken, only for the two parts of a now disconnected bus to fall beside you, and a beetle in front of you with a smile.
On the last day of a regular school week—you nearly tripped with several large coffees on your tray—and it doesn't take a genius to figure out why your shirt was not littered with stains and why you still had a job. You don't even know where he came from.
Saturday, a pipe broke and boiling water was about to spray you in the middle of the street. Before it even touched you, a holographic blue shield formed around you and saved you from the embarrassment of a see-through shirt.
On Sunday—you were sick of this. An hour into your shift—somebody rushes in with a bat and shatters the glass casing of your displayed pasteries, stuffing them all into their mouth (how did they even do that...?) and taking off.
Before you could even react—or anyone could, for that matter—Blue Beetle was already there, in the doorframe with a tut and a shaking head. You almost lose your mind as a crowd surrounds him with a tied-up thief beside his feet.
You practically collapse when you get back home, in your dingy little apartment. You lay down like a starfish on your bed and think back to everything that had happened to you the past week.
Robbery. Sabotage (you think). Near-death experiences, twice. Plain and simple clumsiness. Probably sabotage again. And more robbery.
This was very not normal. You've come to this conclusion. Whatever supernatural entity wanted you gone was very aggressive about it. You couldn't possibly imagine what you did to piss somebody off this bad.
Maybe they just didn't like your caramel frappuccino. (You don't think it met health standards, anyway).
But what's even more abnormal than that—Blue Beetle is just always there. Every single time. Without fail—as soon as a problem arises, he just ever so conveniently shows up and saves the day like a true hero.
You practically groan into your pillow.
It's like you haven't had one normal day since he showed up. Since he first saved you. It doesn't help that Jaime insists he's a totally awesome hero just doing his job—saving civilians.
No... he's not just saving you... he's practically always there. A hero can be good. But never that good. He doesn't have super speed, nor (from what you can tell) a literal sense for danger (as you watched a building collapse on him on live TV).
There's no tangible way for him to be constantly saving you, in all different areas of the city, in no particular order.
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You enter your workplace, determined. This Monday morning you found yourself being mugged in an alleyway you didn't even know existed until today.
Take a wild guess who showed up as the gun pressed to your temple.
You discard your tote and shrug off your coat with snowflakes dribbled all over. You can't believe it had just started snowing today of all day—perhaps the universe sensed your imminent realisation and decided to try and hinder you.
Too bad, the universe could take its pity dick out of your mouth—because you didn't need it.
Today you and Jaime didn't have an overlapping shift together. His finished as soon as yours' started, actually—watching him slip on a thick jacket and greet you with a smile. "Hey, [name], what's—"
You stomp towards him—looking very mildly threatening in your green apron. You point at him, digging your nail into his chest. "You. me. Back of the shop. Now."
His eyes widen as you grab his collar and practically drag him through the cooking areas—co-workers laughing as they holler, "Jaime's gonna get some!"
Yeah, he's getting some alright.
Some conspiracy theories.
You practically shove him into a wall when you kick the back door shut.
"Jaime—I've known you since high school. Didn't really like you then—but we ended up in the same course at the same college and now we're bonded for life. You're my dude, my bro, my hermano—that's why I'm telling you this." You speak, deadly seriously. You're staring up at him with murder in your eyes.
"... Wait, you didn't like me in high school?" He deflates.
"Not important. What is important is that I need to tell you this—because I feel like I'm going crazy." You grab onto his shoulders and glare into his eyes. "I think Blue Beetle is stalking me."
A few seconds. Almost nervous silence. You don't break a sweat, but Jaime seems to be perspiring like he'd just run a marathon—eyes looking anywhere but at you. "... Why do you think so...?"
"Every single time I'm in trouble, he's always there in the blink of an eye! I mean—it's more than saving me, it's every single time. This week has literally been the worst week of my life, and he's always there. The minute somebody takes something from the cafe on my shift—boom, he's in the doorframe before I can blink. Bus about to ram straight into me? He slices that motherfucker in half."
Jaime sweats even more now. "He probably does that with everyone."
"But he doesn't! Yesterday I saw somebody robbing a convenience store in broad daylight—and the police were already there before he even showed up! And you know how long the police like to take their sweet time." You shake his shoulders back and forth. "Jaime, I swear to god—I'm not crazy. He is freaking stalking me. I don't know why, or what for, but—"
An uncomfortable laugh escapes his lips as he pushes you back, lightly, so you're not practically squishing your nose against his. "[name], I'm pretty sure you're overthinking this. That's crazy—I mean, Blue Beetle is a superhero, why would he stalk—"
"I don't know!" You practically explode before he can finish, pacing back and forth with your chin cradled and your eyes narrowed into a glare at the ground. "Maybe he thinks I'm his Lois Lane or something—maybe that's how Superman got the girl and this newbie thinks he can replicate that with me. Argh! Maybe he thinks I'm going to become a villain?! Maybe he's from the future where I already am a villain, and my first step to villainy was getting mugged in an alleyway! You can never tell with these time travellers."
Jaime steadies you with a hand on your shoulder, sighing deeply—as if he's conflicted on saying something, "Look, [name]... I think... you've gotten the wrong idea. I didn't want to tell you this, but—"
Something dings. Your phone starts buzzing in your pocket and you gasp. "Shit! My shift is starting! I'll catch you up on my theory if anything else happens—tell me whatever it is later!"
You run back into the shop like your life depends on it—and Jaime's left standing there in the snow, dejected and thoroughly disenchanted.
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Tuesday morning. Everything really hurts.
The sun shines directly into your eyes the moment you awake, and have to reel back from the heavenly brightness. You have no shift today—which means, as far as you're concerned, you're free to go do whatever you'd like.
You decide to stay in bed as long as possible.
Wrapped up in cosy white sheets and limps sprawled and messy over your frame—it takes only a few hours for you to get tired of laying around and get up to actually do something.
You rummage through your closet. Yesterday was your hair-wash day, so you'd be damned if you didn't go out and show off your fresh hair. Maybe you should go and see Jaime and his family. It's been a while since you had some of his abuela's cooking.
Yeah. That'd be nice. No trouble, no weird situations, and certainly no superheroes. Just you, your friend, and his sweet family.
You pick out a cute coat and even cuter flared leggings—grabbing your phone and mints (you never know) and your keys. You walk out the door with your head held high and hope in your bones.
You should've known better. Lady Luck wasn't about to let you run around without being completely miserable—no way. Maybe this time was your fault—dividing away from the main street and going through a shortcut that was devoid of people and rather thick with heavy snow.
It was you and your uggs against the world—stomping through heavy white and snuggling closer into your scarf as snowflakes flutter into your freshly washed hair. Dammit.
Humming a little song to yourself—you don't let this get you down. You're too excited to eat some really good authentic food. No way you're going to be a Debby Downer in their lovely home!
There's a shift in the roof in front of you. It creaks a little—and you instinctively look up. Your eyes widen in panic, and your feet are so buried in the snow you can hardly move—a large pile of white fluff that would be enough to bury you alive is about to do exactly that.
It tumbles, starts to fall and you're about to accept the status of a human snowwoman—when a figure dives in front of you and a blue bubble forms around your figure.
You open your eyes, cracking the lids and peering ever so slightly. It's not cold. It's not even fluffy. You don't feel anything different—but you do see a sheepish blue and black figure, all too familiar, trapped within this same bubble.
You could see red right now. "Are you... Are you serious?!"
You expect him to jolt back, to be surprised—but he doesn't visibly seem to be. He stands there, hand behind the back of his neck and eyes focused on the snow that falls over his bubble like it were miles more interesting than you.
You barely notice it, however—as you finally decide to confront him about your little theory. "Are you stalking me?!"
Blue Beetle gasps. You've even shocked yourself a little bit. You didn't expect to be so blunt about it—but whatever gets the job done.
"Wh—stalking you?! Are you serious?! Why would I... stalk you...?" His tone starts to grow suspiciously more like a question as he nears the end of his quip—you narrow your eyes even further and press your finger accusingly into his chest plate.
"You literally show up every single time I'm in the mildest situations of danger! The moment I trip, the moment my things are stuck—the moment a freakin' bus is about to ram into me, you're always there! Are you just following me around, waiting for the next thing to happen?"
"I thought youd be more grateful! I'm saving you from danger, aren't I?" He sasses. You sneer.
"Of course I'm grateful, but tripping and falling with coffee in my hand isn't really dangerous, in my books." You cross your arms, staring up at him and his pure white eyes. "Now, if you don't have a good explanation for this, I swear on my life I will—"
You don't really have a threat on what you can do to an actual superhero—so you're kind of glad (hidden underneath all the initial shock) that he does something that steals the voice from your throat.
With one swoop—his mask is ripped off his face—a head of curly hair spills out from underneath and a face is revealed to be one you recognise so vividly.
You step back a little, eyes and mouth wide open, "... Jaime? You're the Blue Beetle...? What the hell... when did this even happen...? Why are you a freaking superhero now?! Why didn't you tell me?!"
"I'll answer everything later, I promise. I just..." He averts his gaze, lips pressed tightly together. "I... I wasn't stalking you, chica. I... I just didn't want anything to happen to you, so... I just happened to go around your usual routes while patrolling the city."
For a moment, you pause—and all the embarrassment hits you at once, like a freight train. You ranted to Blue Beetle about... Blue Beetle stalking you. What a life. But you don't let it show, you can't let him know your weakness right now. You're supposed to be the accusatory one here.
"So... you were stalking me, Reyes?" You lift a brow. "And you did come barging into my shop and lifted me into your arms before I could trip and lose my job."
That particular moment seems to make him flush and he turns his head to the side, "I... I just... you know..." Trailing off, it falls quiet.
A few moments of awkward silence make him speak up again. "I... wanted you to think I was... cool... and I didn't want you to lose your job... cause then that'd mean I wouldn't see you every day... and I'd really gotten used to it, you know? I swear. That was it."
You could almost laugh in his face. But you're a really good friend, so you don't. "... You know, that's such a you thing to do, Jaime. Idiot. I can't believe you let me think I had a super-powered creep following me around." A smile crawls onto your face, and it's almost so infectious it latches onto him.
His lips turn upwards, "Come on... don't embarrass me, chica. Is it wrong for a guy to want a girl to think both he and his alter-ego are cool?"
"You can't have 'em all." You shake your head, then turn around to look at the snow piled over the force field. "How are we gonna get out? I was heading over to your house, to start with."
"Ah... seriously?" He seems starstruck and almost dopey—but shakes his head quickly and reaches his hand out. The mask reconstructs over his face just as he grins, pearly white peeking out. "Come on, hermosa."
A few seconds later—you're being carried in his arms as he bursts out of the snow—hovering in the sky as you cling on for dear life. "Ho... Holyyyy shit! How do you do this?!"
Everything is so small under you, and you feel motion sick just looking at the top of snowy buildings. He laughs like he finds your fright amusing. "Don't worry, you're not going anywhere."
You pause, eyes focused on your hands for a second,d before you look up at him and his pure white eyes. "... Yeah I know. You did take care of me for a whole week... even if I didn't know it was you. I... never got to thank you for that, did I?"
His tone is light—amused, "Yeah. You were too busy ranting to me about your conspiracy theory."
Your cheeks burn and you slap his arm—knowing he probably didn't even feel it. "Shut up. I was right, wasn't I? Anyways, I'll thank you now. For the whole week.
You lean up and press a chaste kiss to his masked cheek—face feeling hot beneath your touch and you squeeze your eyes closed like you can't bear to look at him. "Thank you... thank you for being there, even if I didn't want you to."
He's stunned into silence for a few moments. Then, he speaks—shakily. "... Y... Yeah. Of course. A... Anything for you."
You smile, softly, "Good. Then how about we go back to your house and I can finally eat some of your abuela's cooking, then?"
"Sounds like a plan, hermosa." He grips you tighter in his hold. "And after that... I could fly you home...?" His voice trails off, expecting you to answer his half-question.
You laugh a little and nod, smiling. Arms wrapped around his shoulder tighter when you speak, "If that's the only thing you wanna do, Reyes."
Another moment of silence. Then, he hisses, seemingly flustered and angry, "Khaji—shut up!"
You give him a confused look, but he quickly speaks, "No—no, that's... I'm talking to my scarab..." Another confused glance. "I'll explain it all to you later, I promise."
"Whatever you say, beetle. Now hurry up."
He blasts off to your command and you bury your face in his chest as you rip through the snowy clouds.
Perhaps your co-workers were right, and Jaime really did get some that day.
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doppel-doodles · 2 days ago
Thoughts and feelings on Poppy: Small analysis.
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Didn't think I would make another one of these anytime soon buuuuut looks like my brain had different plans, so let's dicuss the knock-off Chucky shall we?
While by no means her biggest fan I feel like Poppy actions deserve a bit more civil discussion than hate. (That's not to say that you shouldn't hate on her. You should, it's hilarious.)
While not a good person by any stretch of the imagination, I genuinely think Poppy kinda has a point with her ambition to blow everything up.
Like- rationally that is the objectively the better choice to bury everything because be for real with me: These toys are not safe and neither is the world outside the factory.
There is a higher chance of them being locked up for research or being shot on sight than there is of anyone actually trying to integrate them into society, and even if someone did there is also a very likely scenario of any stress Inducing situation causing a toy to feel threatened and go into fight mode, which how you get a dead guy on the floor.
And even if they lived in hiding instead, exactly how different would that be from living in the factory? Now instead having to worry about murder toys they also have stuff like: weather,wild animals and of course humans-
So an ideal solution would be to bury it all, let the victims finally rest in peace, make these horrors public and never repeat this mistake again.
Of course there is the fact that these are not objects or mindless monsters, they are all still people with very real human emotions and thoughts who have shown themselves to be capable of being peaceful when feeling safe.
But even in an ideal world I doubt that there wouldn't be any incidents considering that anyone currently alive in the factory is or was at one point a murderer.
Where Poppy lost me is the part where she made it abundantly clear that SHE would get to live, not because it was a necessary step, no,no she just didn't wanna die. If YOU make the decision to sink the ship then you better be ready to go down with it captain.
She is part of this, a part of the horrors. They will live on with her just like they would with ANY other living toy she does not get a pass just because she is tall enough to be kicked around like a football, if Bobby bearhug overhere was able to maul me to death then so can she-
It's honestly just a dick move on her part and a massive "fuck you" to everyone else as it implies that she somehow is special or deserves to live more instead of them when she is no different than the others, but their sacrifice insures her survival.
That is why we side with Doey outside the game.
A point people tend to brush aside is that she isn't just looking out for her own survival, the plan is that we,kissy and poppy are going to rescue the orphans sleeping in the factory but like, how do we know they are actually alive?
Even if we take Poppy at her word(which we shouldn’t as she is an unreliable narrator) that they weren't killed during the hour of joy and actually were put into a coma, that was years ago.
Once you think about the likelihood of that still being the case you start to see all the holes in that statement.
You tell me a bunch of children put into a medically induced coma for YEARS are still alive and well under the care of an insane monster in a factory that's falling apart?
If that's the case I want the prototype as my actual doctor he probably has already found a way to keep me young and healthy forever.
If 2+2=4
Stay with me here.
Then I ain't gotta be a genius to know this shit don't add up-
Like Poppy is also not dumb, I think she would’ve at least considered that possibility right?
Or maybe she didn’t.
Because she didn’t want to consider that scenario.
Poppy is a very flawed character: A coward,selfish and very headstrong in her plans. She’ll figure out how to get her way whether you like it or not and she tends to not pay the feelings of others not much mind, focusing on the bigger picture.
But she is far from the worst person here, she is a victim in all of this but that doesn’t mean she is incapable of being bad either.
Those flaws mentioned above as well as her fear to get locked up again or worse drive a lot of her actions in game and clearly she has ulterior motives.
I find her fascinating, similar to kevin she is not the perfect victim so I get the vibe that the fandom is way harsher to judge her.
People also don't simp for her like they do for the doctor and completely disregard all of his actions but I digress-
Anyway thanks for joining me fellas that's all I'm gonna say for now.
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barbara gordon + her disability, anger, fear, grief, dedication, revenge, closure, and moving on
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"everyone talks about 'closure' now. when tragedy strikes they say you need 'closure'. what a crock. i wanted revenge. swear you won't tell anybody... part of me still does. i remember that night every time i answer the door. and i think about what was taken from me." from birds of prey (1999) issue 8
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"a lot of the time it's like you batguys want me to hold on to the past because you can't get over it. i understand-- i have. i have a new life now. one i like -- one that fulfills me. it's not the same one i had before, but its good. maybe even better." from birds of prey (1999) issue 8
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"do you understand how humiliating, how demeaning that is?! my life has no importance save in relation to you!" & "oh, yes, i heard about that. i heard how you two stood there, laughing over some private joker. tell me -- was it me?" from the batman chronicles (1995) #5
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"i've lost so much. i've lost everything i thought i was. who am i now? how do i go on?" "you have lost nothing that matters. you have everything you need." from the batman chronicles (1995) #5
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"a little over a year has passed since my life ended, since i died and was reborn." & "i'm me--more me than i have ever been. my life is my own. i embrace it, and the light with a deep continuing joy." from the batman chronicles (1995) #5
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"there is hardly a crime fighter on the planet who has not come to rely on her skills and dedication. over time, she has become more to batman than a trusted ally or dependable resource. she is an inspiration to him:" from gotham knights (2001) #6
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"but there was some i knew would soldier on. some who could stare adversity, grief, death in the face and, if not quite laugh, evolve and continue fighting the good fight. barbara gordon was one of those people" from bruce wayne: the road home (2010)
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"what? you're not impressed?" "i wouldn't expect anything less from you" from bruce wayne: the road home (2010)
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"not bad... for a cripple" from nightwing (1996) #87
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"don't you dare! not one word about the past!" from nightwing (1996) #87
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"that anger is really i know know anymore. every day." from batgirl (2009) #1
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"i know what you must be going through. how angry you are. just know you don't always have to be" from batgirl (2009) #2
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"i mean, what kind of stupid superhero rolls around in a wheelchair?" from batgirl (2009) #4
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"bruce. dick. they'll always be a part of my life... but i owe it to myself to start looking forward...regardless of how painful that can sometimes be" from batgirl (2009) #7
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"once upon a time, cormorant killed me. i've been dying ever since. but i've never let it stop me. never." from batgirl special (1988)
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"who do i save -- him or myself? there's no choice. i can't let anyone take a life i can save!" from batgirl special (1988)
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"i shot a defenseless girl" from the killing joke (1988)
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"i mean, whos leading the JLA these days?" "batman." "superman." "martian manhunter." "owacle." from titans (1999) #1
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"i really do run this city. they have eyes everywhere, they're listening to everything we say. i know that technique. i invented that damn technique. the reason i couldn't go with you to fight in the rocks to the north...? it's because im barbara freaking gordon. also known as oracle. and i started fighting them ten minutes ago." from convergence: nightwing/oracle (2015) #1
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"you are defeated." "...lady. do i look defeated to you?" from convergence: nightwing/oracle (2015) #2
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justcallmemrslupin · 2 days ago
My problem with the Marauders fandom
I usually say that ATYD was the worst thing that ever happened to Potterheads ("Harry Potter" fandom) and specially to Lupin Lovers (Remus Lupin fans). I don't actually think it is the worst, but you know what I mean. And it's not just ATYD, but most of Marauders fanfiction (well, they're mostly ATYD fanfics, to be honest).
It really disturbs me, because that's NOT Remus Lupin at all:
Lyall Lupin being an abusive father and Remus being raised in an orphanage or whatever that was? No!! Absolutely not! Lyall and Hope were loveable parents, who did everything they could for their son. They became outcasts because of his lycanthropy, and that's the reason behind Remus putting people at arm's length and feeling unworthy of love. He knew what would become of anyone who was too attached to a werewolf.
Remus being assertive and exploding at his friends. Uh... Nope. He was a boy who'd never had friends. Having friends had always been his biggest dream. So, he didn't agree with many of the things they did, but he cut them an awful lot of slack because he didn't want do lose them. It was the only time when he felt happy before "Prisoner of Azkaban" - when he had friends. Dumbledore made him prefect so that he would control them, which he didn't! He even remained friends with Sirius after he used him as a weapon against Snape! (Well, maybe he wouldn't remain friends with him if it didn't mean losing James and Peter's friendship too, but that's just a theory.)
‌Remus being a walking time bomb before the full moon. Remus? Really? Remus Lupin, the most self-controlled of all "Harry Potter" characters?! The guy always tamed his human form because he couldn't tame his wolf form. The moon only affected him when it was actually full.
‌The whole Wolfstar thing... Okay, I admit I don't like non-canon ships in general, except when one of them is an OC (most people hate OCs, but I love them, I read most anything Remus/OC - and write it). And as a woman, I mostly have no interest in Slash (M/M) - I do love Grindelore, but that's because it's Canon and their story fascinates me.
But my problem with Wolfstar is more than just a personal inability to like non-canon pairings. It's the fact that I can't get pass the fact that Sirius never cared much for Remus. He was his friend, sure, but he didn't act as a person in love, not for a second:
1. He wished for a full moon when he was bored. Of course Remus answered "darkly". He felt bad for him wishing it. And he suggested that he studied with him, but Sirius dismissed him.
2. The so-called prank (the biggest problem of them all): okay, I can't even begin to say how problematic this is even for a friendship, but for a couple... It would be extremely toxic, don't you think? Do you really think that a teenager in love would reveal his love interest's biggest secret to their worst enemy? And that was the least of it. He didn't care about what would become of Remus had he attacked Snape. The least that could happen would him being expelled (and knowing how society felt about werewolves, probably Remus would end up being executed). Of couse Sirius didn't think of it. But he definitely would if he was in love with him. It was something really cruel to do with a friend, but with a boyfriend... I don't even have the words to describe how toxic it would be to use your significant other as a weapon and expose their biggest secret.
3. He didn't leave him anything in his will. Anything. Even knowing that he was living in extreme poverty because of Umbridge's law against werewolves working. Sirius knew about that. It was Sirius himself who told Harry about it - and Harry was mad, because Lupin looked more ragged than ever. Now, I can understand that Sirius would forget about his friend - it's bad? It is, but it's on character. -, but about a lover? Never! Sirius was too intense for that. He loved James with all his heart and would do anything for him. But nor for Remus. Oh, by the way, James helped Remus financially when he couldn't work after finishing Hogwarts. Yep. He did it. Sirius didn't even leave him anything in his freaking will!
4. They didn't trust each other. They were supposed to be friends, but Sirius literally told James not to trust Lupin and to trust Pettigrew instead. Again, would he do that if he was in love with Remus?
- Sirius was always much closer to James than to Remus. They are always described as always being together (even by the teachers and Madam Rosmerta. Not once is Remus mentioned.) and Harry had the impression that he was the only person who could make James change his mind;
- Dumbledore referred to Harry as the person Sirius loved the most. Harry. Not Remus. Harry.
- Sirius was the walking stereotype of the "bad boys" from the 80's/90's: long hair. motorcycle, ignoring the girls who were swooning for him, posters of girls in bikini in his bedroom (even when he grew up and Remus was actually a guest in his house), arrogant, popular, reckless... Totally "alpha male" and "heterotop" vibes.
- It's stated in Lupin's biography on the official "Harry Potter" website that he had never fallen in love before falling for Tonks.
- It's also said there that Sirius "always got the women".
But it's not just Remus. They made everyone act off-character: they made Sirius feminine, James soft and Peter a sweet boy who was forced to betray his friends. Not to mention poor Lyall Lupin and even Dumbledore. And what's with the obsession about making everyone queer? It was the 70's, for Merlin's sake! Not the 2020's!
My biggest problem is not the fanfiction per se. Fanfiction exists to make fans happy, I also read and write them. The problem is the fandom, trying to shove it down everyone's throat, pretending it's canon and even spreading fake news about the actors who played Sirius and Lupin, being aggressive to anyone who doesn't agree with them, and saying things like: "Lupin and Tonks had a lavender marriage" (yeah, because in lavender marriages one gets depressed over the other's rejection, leaves her newborn baby and runs into a war because she couldn't stand not knowing if her husband was dead, or - this is awesome - an unplanned pregnancy! LOL), "Tonks morphed into Sirius" (really? She never morphed into a man in the books, the furthest she went was disguising herself as an old lady, do you really think she even could morph into a man?), or - this is my favorite - "J. K. Rowling accidentally wrote them as a couple"! LOL This is hilarious. How can anyone "accidentally" write something?
And then, there are the people who choose to ignore canon. Okay, that's a valid option. Just don't go around saying that you like "Harry Potter". You don't. Your fanfics are about ATYD, not "Harry Potter" at all, because those characters are NOT from "Harry Potter", they only share the same names.
I could go on forever about this. But I won't I can't afford a lawyer. :P
The thing is: Marauders fanfiction is not "Harry Potter" fanfiction anymore, it's ATYD fanfiction. Only the names are the same, but those characters are definitely not from "Harry Potter", they're just all OCs.
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lususnatura · 9 months ago
blamore having to wear things like back-less shirts / lower - cut tops and just items of clothing that will allow him SOME sort of free range of movement for his tail in general + will actually not constrict his rib cage may just make him a fashion icon y'all... sorry, i don't make the rules ( nah i'm just joking around with you guys LOL... mostly )
#IT WAS PROBABLY NOTHING BUT IT FELT LIKE THE WORLD: musings.#MAN IS BOUND TO LIE ABOUT HIMSELF: headcanons.#and he also wears cut-off shirts that may have like. rips in them or netting in the front of them due to the fact that one of the-#downsides of his transformation that is more like a minor inconvenience than anything is that he can no longer wear a lot of-#materials and so he kinddd of has to either make his own clothes or get a special tailor to make them for him? so yeahhh BUT he can also-#wear like loose clothing if he wants to completely cover up his rib cage for some reason. though no matter what he HAS to have some sort of#free range of movement for his tail bc it gets very irritated and stiff if it's like stuck in one position for too long / bound in some way#so that's why he has a habit of wearing partial / cut-off shirts and stuff bc he values comfort a LOT + this may have some implications-#behind it if/whenever he's imprisoned because you already know most people are NOT going to risk him having even partial rein-#over it's tail so they would make it so that he can't move it and wouldn't give a shit if it was uncomfy / eventually painful for him.#though blamore would CERTAINLY care and at least try to lash out at whoever's keeping him locked up (which coulddd theoretically be-#arkham since they do have special containment cells for those like Killer Croc and Man-Bat) but they would really have to limit his movemen#because trust me when i say if you allow it to still practice it's bone-manipulation then he is going to be planning each and EVERY-#person's decimation who put him there so... yeah. that's lovely ain't it y'all JSJSJ LMAO but again being compassionate towards patients-#/ inmates in arkham is something that DESPERATELY needs to be practiced though it's certainly missing most of the time from-#the place unfortunately.
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turtlemagnum · 8 months ago
one of my favorite parts of strategy games like chess and advance wars is that feeling when you haven't quite won yet but the enemy has no real options so it feels like you're just sloowly wrapping around them like a snake. when all your enemy has is their king and you've managed to turn 3 of your pawns into queens, and all you've gotta do is get in juust the right position, and in the meantime all they can do is squirm. god, that's such a wonderful feeling. nothing quite like it
#incidentally i don't like it when versions of chess insist on enforcing a stalemate rule#honestly to a certain extent i feel like if your enemy has nothing but a king and you've got more than one queen that should just be an#automatic win. like exodia except instead of the individual pieces being useless they're all the most powerful monster card in the game#i think the favorite card i had as a kid was my five headed dragon. thought that shit was so cool. 5000 in both attack and defense???#it seemed unbeatable to my little kid brain. also it was a dragon. of course i loved it#i never learned how to Actually play yugioh of course. just what rules my stupid kid reading comprehension could understand#im pretty sure a monster has to be in play for you to be able to sacrifice it. i didn't know that so i filled my deck with nothing but#really strong monsters and i'd just sacrifice some directly from my hand to summon what i wanted#i stole a lot of yugioh cards as a kid from target. i'm comfortable saying this online because the statute of limitations has absolutely ru#out by now. i looked it up.#i remember for the first time i stole a box set that had exodia. i remember on my way home so i could open it... i genuinely felt like ther#was something mystical in that box. something ancient. there was something really special about that to my kid brain#i'd later steal quite a few more because i got the bright idea to fill a deck with nothing but exodia cards. i figured i'd always have a#first draw win. took me until actually trying to play it that i realized i'd often just get 5 left arms which obviously wouldn't work#so i took that deck and added some actual monsters to “hold me off”. it was pretty much just a normal deck with too much space taken up by#essentially useless cards. i don't think i ever actually won by drawing exodia naturally. what a shame#side note but i still get a bit anxious every time i go to that target. i haven't in years and i can basically guarantee they wouldn't#recognize Grown Ass Adult me as “that kid who stole a lot of yugioh cards”. it's been almost a decade if memory serves#i've grown a lot since then. both physically and metaphorically#i digress
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tardis--dreams · 7 months ago
Alright maybe my coworkers don't Actually hate me after all~
#me since Friday: omg you made it weird they all resent you now#my colleagues today: have you prepared for your appointment? [giving me 100 tips on how to get through it]#'actually you should start as an editor right away it would be unfair to make you do a traineeship'#wait you support that? i thought you hated me because I'd be useless for you because i couldn't help you as I do now anymore??#(i didn't say the 'i thought you hate me' part lol. i just said 'oh but wouldn't it be to your disadvantage?' and no. apparently not#whoops#also when i had the conversation with the boss he was leaning very much towards the traineeship#but also said 'well but [name] said a traineeship wouldn't be necessary for you because you already are so familiar with everything#and we also offer the additional trainings to our editors so hmmm'#like what? she actually told you that? (even my other two coworkers were like 'oh she told HIM directly??' like. i'm soft)#so yeah let's see where this gets me. if i actually get an Actual job there it will be much more stressful because I'll have fixed#working hours. but it would also be nice to stop being primarily a student. that's like. the main thing.#also when i was on the train with coworker 1 (I'll give them numbers now lol) he told me coworker 2 said she liked working with me#and coworker 3 was excited to hear i was coming to the office when he told her. like ???#ok enough of this#i just feel a bit better now that i know I didn't actually break their trust or whatever and they don't hate me lol#(also coworker 3 seemed really excited when we were talking about the trainings (like. special courses. usually during the weekend) I'd have#to do because she wants to do them too and 'we can do that together then!!! that would be great!!'#void screams#work stuff
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silverselfshippingchaos · 10 months ago
one day I'll be able to tell what I feel towards certain characters LMAAAOOO
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nthflower · 2 years ago
Scott Summers being popular and everybody defending him when someone tells he is boring, and everybody getting him and understanding how he is autistic actually and fucked up, and loser and baby boy and messed up etc. Etc. in a exactly right way and how people see and comment his relationships in a right way makes me both happy but also also like I thought he was my guy I thought only I knew him :(
Stop getting him or even getting him better than me :(
Wish I could say you can not have what we have but I can't you guys shouldn't have what we have whyyy :(
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dbphantom · 2 years ago
Do you think these 4 people know that at this point I've pack bonded with them and would kill and die for them if they asked
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#Every day I refresh my tabs and every day I scream internally#Right now I'm betting on us either getting a trailer for the new episodes or a movie/game with It as the main draw OR#Or we are getting a first look at the new opening#I don't know what else could be a special announcement because I would think premiering an episode early would be a mess schedule-wise#So a trailer for a movie/game/the next few episodes would make sense#But also the new opening has been in the works for months at this point. So this would be the perfect time to show it#Cruddy rambles#I'm trying to maintain my expectations to 'I will be disappointed if I expect the best scenario'#But also being realistic in what this special announcement is and what they're gonna show#I really think it will be a trailer or the new opening. I think that'd be perfect while not showing the full episode it'd still build hype#And just show people what they're there to see and what they're promoting (G5)#Like come on don't tell me we wouldn't all lose our minds over a teaser trailer featuring G5 showing us it fully animated for the first time#Because in Film Red we just got static G5 Luffy. Which was dope BUT I want to see how he's gonna move.#And even if it isn't relating to the upcoming episodes seeing a game/movie get announced with G5 as the main draw would be so fucking hype#I loved film red don't get me wrong but I think they're gonna announce another movie soon#And what perfect time to do it!! G5 is gonna be in the anime soon so a whole movie based on rubberhose antics would be so fucking fun#And hey I'm in the minority here but I do love the one piece games despite them being super simplistic#And I would kill for a game where you can play as Nika. I would KILL FOR IT#I will say tho my worst fear is what G5 will have CGI components#They've been using them a LOT in Wano and it's so obvious every time and well 🤢 they don't look good...#It's too smooth and obvious and sure that *could* lend to the whole unnatural rubberman vibe Nika gives off but like...#You have a whole genre of non-CGI animation to be inspired by!!!! If they forgo rubberhose and make it even partly CG I *will* cry
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sunni-stuff · 5 months ago
Everything changed when that pregnancy test read positive.
The day you fumbled into his office, bearing what you thought to be bad news, John's excited face threw you for a loop.
Wasn't he supposed to be upset? Tell you that he didn't want to have a kid with someone he didn't fully care about? Why was he crying? Why did he embrace you so tenderly?
"I'll be there for both of you, Dovie," Price reassures in the nook of your neck, arms caging you against his chest.
Take care of both of you.
"M-Mr. Price, with all due respect—"
Price cuts off your protests. He leads you out of his office. His large hand grips your waist more possessively. "Go rest your feet up in the lounge; I'll take care of everything." His lips press to the crown of your head, ushering you away gently at the reception entrance.
You were supposed to have one fun night, not to be locked in for the rest of your lives.
Your days of working at a desk were replaced with John's house. It was far from the bustling base you had grown used to. The space was warm and homey. Bits of memorabilia were scattered about. Medals adorned the walls, and old photos sat on the shelves.
John said you only have one job now: making yourself at home.
There was so much space that you didn't know where to start or even how to start! It's not like there was a plan for having your boss's child! So much was happening so fast it left you overwhelmed, sitting on his couch with nervous hands. "Mr. Price, I'm really not sure about all this; I mean... what we did was a big mistake, right?"
From upstairs, you hear John laugh. He's been up there all morning, fixing the nursery for your child. He wanted to create a special room for them, saying that his kid deserves nothing but the best. Heavy footsteps announce his presence as he closes the distance between you. Calloused fingers grip your chin, forcing you to look into his ocean eyes. "You don't want this?"
His touch has you melting, words dying on your lips as you get lost in those eyes. God, why did he look at you that way? Churning like laundry, your gut writhes. A violent spin cycle grips your innards, knotting and wrenching them mercilessly. "I never—I never said that; I just think we're taking things too fast, don't you?" The half-hearted mumble escapes your lips, unconvincing even to yourself.
John's expression shifts; his eyebrow raises in slight scrutiny. "If you believed that, you wouldn't be here."
He's right.
"I do-"
He cuts in swiftly, voice firm. "You don't."
John's grasp tightens on your chin. He leans in, eyes intense. Your heart races. His lips brush yours. The kiss—chaste yet electric. A moment suspended in time. Emotions flood through you both, unspoken but palpable. "You have me. Whatever you want is yours, all you have to do is say the word."
John waits, poised for your word. His eyes betray a craving—silent, deep, and raw.
He belongs to you. He's all yours.
Your lips purse in a line, lip caught between your teeth.
Anything you want?
"I don't like the color of the nursey..."
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
❥ I wasn't originally gonna do a part 2 but... I really like this one, next fic will be longer, possibly fluff and smut maybe who knows ❥
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iiiiiiis-things · 7 months ago
idk just thinking about how you burst into your home damn near slamming the door shut, only for toji to stop it with the large palm of his hand before he smoothly walks in behind you. you're on 10 right now, stomping and shouting around the house (while your husband follows like a lost puppy) until you make your way to the kitchen yelling something about how it was "totally unnecessary to punch him" honestly toji didn't even know what the hell you were going on about, i mean he wasn't even listening. he silently convinced himself that it wasn't his fault- no it was definitely yours that he couldn't focus on the sweetness of your voice. i mean he just couldn't stop himself from trailing his eyes down to your ass, sinfully watching from his stance at the doorway as it jiggled with each hard step you took. "you can't keep doing this shit man-" your words go in one ear and out the other, again wasn't his fault, he can't help but think about is how fucking sexy you look right now. lace tussled into a slight mess, lip gloss smeared across your puffy lips because of how much you opened your fat ass mouth out of anger, and that dress ? oh that dress is what gotten you in the situation in the first place, the way it hugged your frame perfectly, mapping out each of your curves in all the right ways. had you not wore it like he told you to he wouldn't have had to beat his boss ass for staring at you a little to long. lashes that had been ripped off are still in his car, sitting prettily right on his dashboard, he couldn't care less in fact he was glad you took em off ecstatic even, toji loved to see you natural, toji thought you were so god damn fine
"what ?"
...did he say that out loud ?
"nothin'" he muffled out "are you even listening? see this the shit i'm talking about-"
toji wanted nothing more than to bend you over the kitchen island and shut your big ass mouth with each deep stroke he gave you, dick hitting deep in that gummy area that always turned you into mush whenever he found it, but alas he didn't, he knew you were angry, just didn't know why. aren't you glad he protected you from the preying eyes of his boss ? did it cost him his job ? maybe.. but it doesn't matter because it was all for you, his lovely wife. "here asshole" toji finally snapped out of his head when he felt you shove something against his chest before walking off. noodles ... you made him-
"a cup of noodles ?" he questioned following you out the kitchen "you didn't eat at the party." the scar on his pretty lips decided to rise. oh how sweet you were, even after being so pissed at his possessiveness you still cared enough to make sure he ate before the night was over but there was still one problem.. "you didn't either" "i'm not hungry." once you reach the bottom of the stairs he stops dead in his tracks "baby- where you going ?" "to bed." no hug ? no kiss goodnight ? no invite ? oh he fucked up.
smut! under the cut (18+)
"now do you forgive me?" voice comes muffled from beneath you as you ride out your nth climax of the night your husband had been sucking and licking into you for hours drawing out orgasm after orgasm. and shit were you ovulating? because you just can't get enough. "fuck" you roll you head back in pleasure riding the sweet sensation of his nose repeatedly brushing against your clit
"i asked you a question mama" you moan loudly at the combination of the nickname and his tongue thrusting in and out of you hitting that special spot each time. "y-yes baby" you grind down to match the rhythm of his tongue as he begins to play with the fat of your ass tugging and gripping tightly, encouraging you to move your hips faster "'m sorry baby, so so sorry" his lips wrap around your rednend clit while he stuffs two fingers into you. at this point you were so overstimulated but you just couldn't stop riding his face even if the world was ending. bringing a hand to his hair you push it back unveiling those gorgeous green eyes. toji looks up making eye contact with you, you begin feeling the tension that was building up about to finally burst (again) "i didn't mean to upset you" he wraps his fore arms around your things getting you to grind down even harder against his perfectly fat nose "i-it's okay toj- fuck you're so deep" "i just don't like when other boys stare at you" he couldn't even bring himself to call his boss a man. a man would never violate a women's privacy like that, basically eye fucking her while she's out with her man. you felt everything, every touch, and god you were so hot, moans were leaving your mouth left and right as you felt him continue sucking, his fingers thrusting into you so desperately as if they were asking for forgiveness too.
this was gonna be a longggg night .
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