#so sick of all or nothing no nuance posts disparaging cars or framing them as isolating from the community
unmaskingdisability · 5 months
Cars are a form of mobility aid! Your solarpunk future has to include space for people who still need cars.
Who need to arrive to a parking spot right outside the building ,and not have an alternative of walking a mile if that One Spot is full. Who need safe places to decompress or change medical equipment, who are immunocompromised and risk major health complications from the wrong crowded bus. Who get so overstimulated/in pain/exhausted walking around town that they can't attend the actual event otherwise. Who need space for their medical equipment/backup mobility aids/service dog.
We absolutely need a world where Public transit and walkable cities are the default! And!! There has to be room for disabled people and our needs in your revolution!
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