#so she may have to get used to chewby all over again when that happens
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two-calicos-in-a-trenchcoat ยท 2 years ago
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A sleepy harley on this lovely caturday
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two-calicos-in-a-trenchcoat ยท 2 years ago
Im gonna talk about good things happening in my life and maybe counteract the spirals
Im almost done with all the drawings in my book. Only 7 left!!!! One of the ones I finished last night (lowbush blueberry) turned out AMAZING. I'm happy with how the line art looks even tho its not perfectly smooth because WHY DOES IT NEED TO BE. It doesn't make it look BAD.
I just got some gum Arabic yesterday so I can make watercolor binder to make watercolors out of an eyeshadow pallette. If this goes well I may start asking all my female relatives to give me their expired eyeshadow so I can make paint out of it because I am a dragon when it comes to hoarding watercolors and youre telling me I could MAKE MY OWN????
Harley is currently curled up against my feet
I have fruit by the foot and goldfish crackers because in elementary school me and my friends would make "candy sushi" by taking goldfish crackers and rolling them in fruit by the foot and sometimes I get a craving for it.
Got a new book yesterday
Almost out of the crappy bagels so I can get better ones lol
My new comforter is soft and is a very pretty dark green (and theres plants on it!!!!!)
Got a box of oil paints for Christmas and ive never thought about using oil paints before (they take a long time to dry and I have little patience) but im still kinda excited to try them
Im rewatching buzzfeed unsolved cuz Ryan and Shane never fail to make me laugh
In 2016 me and my parents went on a road trip to Wisconsin and Michigan and layla and mercedes stayed with my grandparents. Layla stole one of their cats toy mice while they were there and my grandpa packed it in her suitcase before we came to pick her up. Harley apparently found it last night cuz this morning it was on her scratch box.
Theres an apple crumble downstairs
The weird shadow on the ceiling ended up being the reflection coming from the metal of my ceiling light instead of water damage
Chewbys full body excited wiggles whenever she sees me
Harley has gotten over her fear of the springy ball toy i got her last week and was playing with it earlier
Harley is pretty amenable to every treat I've ever gotten her but the fake chocolates (theyre made out of beef fat) I got her seem to be her favorites because she gets SO excited for them
The cheap ssd i got works really well and gta runs really well on my laptop
I discovered tumblr has an archive on desktop and found a bunch of posts about mercedes and layla from 2020 that I forgot about
Got a picture of a hawk a couple weeks ago
My friends getting their own apartment next month and its in a complex im familiar with cuz one of our other friends lived there AND we'll get to hang out more often again cuz we won't be confined to either of our tiny bedrooms at our parents houses anymore
I need to stop looking in the notes of posts that are almost guaranteed to be overrun by terfs
Brain going in spirals again
Probably gonna take a break from tumblr except to post drawing updates for a bit
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