#so she may have had a bit of a crush on him in khi too
I wonder what Riku and Kairi’s relationship is like, going off of what we know of them. We’ve seen a little about it, but not a lot.
They’re both adventurous and want to see other worlds, though Kairi in a more grounded way. She wants to always be able to come home... And since Kairi helped alert Riku to the existence of other worlds, he really appreciated her for this.
And I guess this is getting into some headcanon category... but since Kairi’s a pure light and Riku has some darkness in him, I could see them butting heads a few times and having some misunderstandings... but then always working it out and getting on the same page and having something wonderful there. Like, I’m reminded of a fanfiction a friend wrote where Kairi’s essentially The Little Mermaid and Sora’s Prince Eric (though in this version, most mermaids drown and eat people). And when Kairi saves Sora in this AU, Riku thinks she must be trying to kill him and he then tries to kill her. But she quickly lets him know that’s not the case and they become friends. And on the reverse, I could see a situation like this in an AU: Kairi - “Riku, you know I can be as sassy as the next girl. But telling everyone this teacher is a bitch is a little-” Riku - “Kairi, she said the Holocaust didn’t happen.” Kairi - “...You’re right. She’s a bitch.” IDK. But speaking of, I feel these two would be social justice fighters together.
And I get the sense that they really see each other, you know? I think they idolize Sora, and he idolizes them, but they really see who the other is.
They both canonically like to have fun at Sora’s expense and to tease him a lot.
I also imagine that, for whatever reason, they somewhat play off how much the other means to them... but when things get serious (KHII), they’ll of course show it. Basing that off of how Kairi seems to punch Riku in the arm in KHII at 41:46 - 41:50 here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX57itgJqhU&list=PL5bkYBlFL9xe9dk4RJgwUuLIDf8fFUkvn&index=24&t=2780s.
They both definitely believe in each other...
They’re both protective of each other. We see Riku protecting Kairi quite a lot, and she wants to learn to fight so he and Sora won’t be the only ones getting hurt.
I think that Riku believes in Kairi’s ability to fight, and is okay with her doing so, probably before Sora. He, like his manga self, might also think Kairi’s the strongest of the three of them, for all the emotional turmoil she’s had to endure.
And in the KHII manga, Kairi tells Riku to not be such a sourpuss when he’s being negative about something (though the official translation tone that line down some), and I could see the two of them having conversations like that. IDK.
They both also want to protect Sora, etc.
Feel free to add things here, if you guys want.
Edit: I think they’re both pretty forgiving of each other, too.
Edit 2: They’re both also sassy butts. The entire Destiny Trio can be, really.
And both of them are pretty active. They want to fight... but even before that, they lived on this island--and loved to go to this athletic/play part--so, yeah: both active.
And when they were kids, at least, Sora, Riku, and Kairi all loved to draw on the cave walls. And there’s that one drawing where Riku is fighting this dragon to protect Kairi, while Sora’s hanging back and shielding her. LOL. They probably played games like that.
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tranthuyduong · 4 years
Okay here comes the truth. 
Gần đây, mình đọc một nghiên cứu về cuộc sống unhealthy của những người cô độc khi không có ai / không có nhiều người ở xung quanh để nhắc nhở họ giữ sức khỏe và đưa ra lựa chọn sáng suốt. Thêm việc xem how i met your mother, the intervention, back ground rules, reminding each other to keep boundaries... mình nhận ra nhiều điều về cuộc sống của mình.
Bắt đầu từ trí. Thực ra không khó để mình “can thiệp” vào cuộc sống trí theo hướng tích cực, ít nhất ở những mặt liên quan trực tiếp đến mình và ngôi nhà 2 ce đang sinh hoạt. Mình thậm chí đã chứng kiến tận mắt chị ngọc, người hoàn toàn xa lạ (trong đánh giá về độ thân thiết với trí), chuẩn bị bữa ăn đơn giản thịnh soạn ấm áp, thành công kéo trí xuống nhà, ăn uống, kể chuyện, cười đùa. Không gượng gạo, không căng thẳng, không đề cập những chủ đề riêng tư khó xử... Ấy là bữa ăn vui vẻ, sáng sủa, đầy đủ nhất 2 đứa mình có với bạn bè. 
Một đứa không có chính kiến riêng, dễ bắt chước và học theo người khác như mình rất dễ để làm như chị ngọc và thay đổi cách ứng xử với Trí. Nhưng điều gì cản trở mình đến thế? Tại sao nhất quyết không làm hộ Trí điều gì, không rủ Trí ăn uống nếu Trí không dọn, không hỏi thăm xem trí đang thế nào? Ở cùng nhà nhưng mình have no clue việc trí ăn gì, ngủ mấy giờ, định làm gì với cuộc đời nó. Cảm giác như thể mình đang trừng phạt, thay vì thực sự cố giữ kỷ luật để giúp đỡ trí.
Một phần mình phải thừa nhận, mình còn chạnh lòng cho những tủi hờn mình chịu đựng hồi nhỏ. Ce sinh đôi, kết nối với nhau 1 cách đặc biệt, tới c2 vẫn quàng vai bá cổ, cọ má và gối lên đùi nhau... 2 đứa cùng trân trọng cái giá trị gia đình mà mẹ dạy, cho đến khi từng người lần lượt phá vỡ nó. 
Trí luôn là đứa trẻ được yêu mến hơn. Do 2 đứa luôn kể nhau nghe mọi chuyện nên mình vẫn cảm thấy được thuộc về và không thực sự có vấn đề gì với việc đấy. Nhưng mình nhớ như in hồi cấp 1, lần đầu mình cảm thấy bị bỏ rơi và phản bội. Hồi đó phổ biến trò vẽ bậy lên bảng phấn rồi nhanh chóng xóa dấu vết khi thầy cô vào. Mình thấy khoái chí và tham gia cùng đám bạn cùng lớp mà mình không thân thiết lắm. Thế rồi “còi báo động” vang, chúng nó lần lượt xóa đi và cùng nhau ra sức ngăn cản mình làm điều tương tự. Đứa trẻ như mình cảm thấy bất công, tuyệt vọng và end up khóc òa nức nở. Tụi nó quay lại xóa giùm và xin lỗi mình rồi chạy đi gọi trí tới dỗ. Và trí xuất hiện, thong dong ăn gói bim bim, nhìn thẳng vào mình bảo “kệ nó” rồi ngúng nguẩy bỏ đi cùng 2 bạn gái xinh đẹp. Lần đầu tiên mình hiểu, ai cũng có thể quay lưng lại với mình. 
Mình của ngày ấy vẫn cố ghi điểm với mẹ bằng cách sống theo kỳ vọng của mẹ aka nghe theo mọi lời khuyên răn. Yeah I was in charged for trying to live up to her expectations. Thế nên, mỗi khi trí gặp chuyện trên lớp, tụi nó auto gọi mình và mình luôn chạy ngay tới chăm sóc.
Tới c2, những trò đùa nghịch láo nháo của trí ngày càng nhiều và mình không còn tham gia cùng như 1 người đồng hành nữa. Những trò bẫy giáo viên bằng bom thối và trêu trọc làm khó họ.. mà mọi người thường tự hào mỗi khi kể lại, đối với mình của lúc ấy không khác gì những trò ích kỉ ngu ngốc vô kỉ luật mà mình không bao giờ muốn động vào. Thế là bắt đầu 2 cuộc sống riêng. Trí ở ngoài, khám phá thế giới thú vị và sinh động, also a little bit crazy của nó; mình thu lại trong thế giới nhỏ bé an toàn với những người bạn có kỷ luật, also a bit boring của mình. Ấy là khi mình nhận thấy, bạn mình tới nhà thì sẽ trêu đùa trò chuyện cùng Trí. Bạn trí tới nhà thì completely ignored mình và trí không mảy may quan tâm cuộc sống của mình. It has always been that way, he talks non-stop about his messy life and I’m all ears, listening. Never once he asked “how is thing going on in your life?”
C3 thì khác trường. Mình đậu trường điểm thăng long, trí vào nguyện vọng 2, hai bà trưng. Cuộc sống trí dần đi xuống, bắt đầu hút thuốc, đi đêm, uống rượu, nhiều khi về nhà say xỉn nôn ọe. Mình luôn là người dọn dẹp hậu trường. (Ùi không nhớ hồi đó mẹ làm thế nào, ko biết có bắt trí tự dọn; ko biết việc mình dọn có là cản trở mẹ kỷ luật trí giống như bố mẹ đang cản trở mình lúc này.) Tới lúc này mình vẫn tỏ ra chăm chút. Vẫn bỏ bạn lại ở rạp phim chiếu dở để phi về vì cuộc gọi cầu cứu mental breakdown của trí. 
Wow life is rough. I finally told him.
This is quite out of the blue but i have meant to say this for a long time so i just go ahead and send it to u. 
Growing up, I believe in sibling bonding, which mamma has taught us through her magnificent brotherhood stories. I tried to live up to that expectation, also trying to strengthen my own belief by forcing myself to be on your side no matter who u are or what you done. 
I'm in charged for trying to please you even if it means i have to put away my feelings. We all learn from mother's mistake, if you chose the unselfish love, you're always the one to blamed because you did it yourself. Means you can't blame the other for not taking you seriously and treat you the way you wanted. I have no right to blame you for my hurt. And i don't intend to. 
 Sure I did terrible things to you. I hope that i have said sorry sincerely and some how heal up the hurt i created. 
I just want you to know that after all these years, trying nonstop to live up to that belief, I'm pretty much dammaged and the scars don't fade out easily. And this is a kind of way to actually speaking about what i have gone through that involved you, in order to really open up and let it go for the good sake. 
I've never forgot that day in primary school. I was crying over a stupid event that i considerd as a discrimination from out classmates towards me. We were all drawing on the board and trying to clean it when the teacher was coming over. All of the sudden, they gathered together and prenvent me from doing it because i'm not one of the gang. I cried my eyes out feeling rejected, unfair and sad. Watching me burst into tears for a long time, they finally erase the board, told me to stop crying and reached you for help. You standing there, eating your snack, gave me one look and told them to "kệ nó". With 2 other girls, you leave me crying all by myself. You didn't cover me. 
When we got to the secondary school, thing wasn't quite good with me at first. I didn't make friends easily like the way you did. Then comes the time when the class decided to meet at a friend's house to make a present for our teacher. I was hoping to join them and make some friends so I asked if you know where the meeting was. You said no to me as it was a secret deal between the group and leave me hanging around alone at home. Sure it would be awkward for you to ask the gang to let me join but i believed that's what i would do as i had always invited you to those plans I had with my friends. 
And that time when our 2 best friend got together as a couple, while i had crush on one of them. The girl was with me the whole time, watching my feelings towards the boy raised up day by day and lied to me about her new boyfriend. Mostly because she didn't want to hurt me. Still, i was drowning in betrayed feeling and overeacting. You was the one who got on their boat and humiliated me. You guys asked me to come to the end of the lane, made me watch them kissing and laughed out loud when i left with tears filling my face. You turned your back on me. 
That whole 4 years, I had felt like i'm all alone fighting the socialize war because you were too busy having fun in your delightful world. 
Seperated in high school did make us a bit more muture. Although there were still bad mouthing, war fighting... we had treat each other with better intenttion. U were in a bad state of life with all the drinking outting night. There I was, cleaned up your messy vomitting and listened to you when you had a mental breakdown. 
Here we are, a few years in college, moved out and stay away from the tense of parent. Other might say you reachs the worst state in life. And I am, kind of still, trying to be on board with you. But there was one time when the truth finally hit me. I was always look down on myself, always let everything be easy on you. Too much to the point that you kind of take me for granted and treat me with not much respect and love as i think i deserve. I realize I'm the only one who will and ever will be in charged of protecting myself. And I started to make it a little less easier on you. Day by day it gets harder and harder. 
I can't help asking myself, why i'm i the only one who stay loyal with the brotherhood after all the back turning i got from you? Why am I the only one who ask and listen to your life while i'm rarely asked in returned? Why am I the only one try to keep u company whenever u want to go for food while mostly mine were turned down? Why should i trust u and treat u kindly as before after times i was left behind watching u choosing the outside world? (again, this is my emotions speaking. i hope u don't focus on its level of right) 
These resentments has dancing inside me for a long time. And i guess i simply got exhausted from trying to cover up my true feelings, which is silly. So here's my effort to tell u to that caring, loving, trusting, being ur company... is a selfmade choice. And it's not a right that u're born with. It's a privilege u have to earn. 
U've been better. U've treat me with more respect and i'm melt for that. But i'm sure there needs to be more effort from u if u want us to be that kind of good bro we used to be. I'm gonna take a rest for a while. Hopefully I can see some progress. Start by seeing u finish the chore on time. I'm out here trying to deal with my life problems. It would be nice if u can help me a little bit cos it's kind of a mental drowning going back to a dirty messy house. 
When things gets better, hopefully u still let me be a part of your life and help u out as u always do.
Again, i'm sorry for letting these resentments take over me and treat you unkind and roughly. From now on I'll try to fix it. Pls excuse me if time to time i still behave that way.
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kimmysfandomblog · 7 years
M, U, W, X for the meme ?
Thanks Serahne!!! ( ´・‿-)~♡ It got kinda long, so it’s below the cut!
From here: https://kimmysfandomblog.tumblr.com/post/168549846227/gehayi-a-ships-that-you-currently-like-a-lot
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
I did this one so for another friend: Kaede!!! She’s optimistic, but not in an unrealistic way (if that makes sense) and she’s got this charisma that helps you open up and believe you can do anything! At the same time, she’s super real and won’t push once she realizes she may be causing more harm than help (but will continue to look for other ways to help instead)
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
If I get another one of these, I’ll go for female characters!
Hajime Hinata
I’m sure no one is surprised by this… Hajime is just my all time favorite Danganronpa character! He’s the most relateable DR protagonist to date (I liked Kaede, too, but we didn’t get nearly enough time with her >:( )! His struggles to become someone he, and society, can be proud of, and realizing the truth that 1) He was not an Ultimate like he believed he had to be and 2) What he did to himself in order to be proud of himself (and ultimately failed to work the way he thought it would, made me feel so much empathy with him! He’s really loyal to those he cares about while still being critical when they do honestly strange things, and in the end, he was able to accept his faults and will dedicate his life to atoning for sins he committed as a result of his desire to become more than he was (though he was already incredible as he was :( ) He’s a character with ambition who isn’t villainized, and is instead someone we can sympathize with because he also isn’t the overly-optimistic type. I don’t know if there’s many characters like him out there, but even if there were, I wonder if I’d love the quite as much ^^; He’s not the conventional definition of “cute” or “handsome,” but I never cared much bout that anyways hahaha. Gosh, I love him so much!!! XD
Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 
I started with the manga of KHII instead of with the KHI game because I just picked up a random book from the manga shelf when I was 12 and it looked interesting. Roxas was funny, brave, loyal, supportive, but also a very relateable character! And though his story was short, he had such a great impact that by the time Sora came on, I wanted to spend more time with him :( I played through 358/2 Days, and well, I have a few complaints concerning a certain trope that we’ll get to, and this Roxas was understandably a different guy, but at the same time, I like how he parallels to Sora! He’s similar in some ways, but has a shorter fuse, is not nearly so optimistic, and he lets things get to him easier than Sora (especially concerning friends). He was probably my first crush, but it’s been so long that having a crush on him is a little… yeah XD
Zack Fair from FFVII: Crisis Core
Usually, I don’t really like the protagonists with hero syndrome (where the character is super optimistic, claims to be the hero that will save everyone, etc etc), but Zack made me change my mind! He was written in a way where he was just loveable! He has such charisma and acts kinda naively, but he at the same time never sees others as his side-kick/below him. He had such great character development, and been through so much, yet his priority was never himself or his goal, but for other people! He fails, and it’s devastating. He cries in grief for his dear friend and mentor, takes time to recover, and becomes stronger. He doesn’t follow Shinra as blindly as he once did, and even though it would have been better for him to lay low and maybe find Aerith, he goes to stop Genesis first and put Cloud’s needs before his own. The ending we knew would happen was all the more tragic having gotten to know his character :( Gosh, I love Zack!
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
Any time that a loved one (usually girls) dies for the protagonist to make the protagonist stronger, I either feel indifferent to (and not care much for the loved one), or I hate a LOT. I think a good part of it is that I can’t relate to romance much. Another part of it is when either the loved one was actually a much better character and deserved to not get reduced to a sacrifice (DR2, 3, and V3 kinda fall for this… not that I even noticed DR2 was doing it lol), or that the protag could have developed as a character another way. Like, with V3, Kaede was the better protag. She made mistakes even though she was confident, and that was interesting, and if SC could have done something more with that throughout the game, I’d say this would have been a great story. We end up with Shuichi, who I like, but I don’t love him (shrugs). In KH 358/2 Days, Roxas’s best female friend gets made just to die at the end to make you cry. Didn’t like that one bit, and it added a love interest to Roxas that was not needed to push him into abandoning the Organization :/ It’s different if the love interest was one who we know for a much longer time, or the protagonist has not just met the character within a short period of time and falls in love immediately (or appears to have fallen in love).
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Ahh, don’t know if you can call it a trope, but anything to do with the fantasy-type of genre (like medieval era with magic and quests). I don’t really know why I like it so much??? I just do lol. Not even going to pretend a lot of my love for Himiko comes from her claiming to be a mage and her little references to the genre ^^; It’s almost a guilty pleasure, lol. We… don’t have a lot of this??? In DR??? I’ve read one Koma/Nami fic by magioftheseas (it’s more platonic than romantic though hahaha) where Nanami is like an overpowered fighter, and Komaeda is a mage that can’t control his magic well (and seemingly otherwise normal). But other than that… not much more? Maybe I just haven’t looked at AO3 or FF.Net properly for any Koma/Hina ones that are good.
Ok, I lied, I just remember one really good one called The Weeping Wisteria by penpea, although there wasn’t any magic in it (I think?), but it still had that same medieval kind of setting! And the “Despair” kind of works like magic the way it was written, hahaha.
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I think growing up Sora might have thought Riku and Kairi were into one another, even though he himself had a crush on Kairi. He was secretly mopey about it, I'm sure. And though I think Riku might have had a crush on Kairi in the first game, I still think he intended to provoke Sora to jealousy so that he would confess his feelings towards her. I also think it's possible she might have been mildly interested in Riku in that way, but she already knew her feelings for Sora were stronger.
I definitely think Sora thought Kairi was going to choose Riku over him in KHI. People like Tidus were telling him how Kairi could “always count on Riku”, as he tried to indicate that Sora was weak in comparison. And you get that moment on the paopu tree--where Riku is complimenting Kairi and trying to flirt with her--that Sora is actually rolling his eyes at. So you can tell he’s jealous. And I think you’re supposed to get the scene where he draws himself giving Kairi a paopu after Riku initiates the “If I win, I get to share the paopu fruit with Kairi” race: a race that the developers wanted you to lose. And even though Riku says it’s a joke in the end--and doesn’t try to share the paopu with Kairi--I think Sora is imagining he has no chance with Kairi. And if the only way he can ever express his love for her is on these cave walls, then so be it.
I also for sure think Riku had a crush on Kairi in KHI. But as much as I’d like to believe he was trying to get Sora to confess his feelings for her, by giving him the paopu and telling him to try it or what have you... I don’t really believe so, sadly. Riku was way too selfish at the time, and was so jealous of Sora and wanted to belittle him in any way that he could. If he could have taken Kairi from Sora at the time, he would’ve happily done so.
...I’ve always felt that Kairi had a crush on Riku at first, too. And there’s not much basis for this one (since a lot of my belief for this sprang from me accidentally taking Kairi’s “so you noticed!” line to Riku out of context when I was young) and it’s moreso headcanon... but I see it. 
Because I think the narrative was really trying to do an underdog story with Sora. So at first, I think they at least wanted to give the illusion that Kairi could’ve chosen Riku over Sora and was somewhat into Riku. 
But I feel her demeanor changes--with her obviously starting to care more about Sora, and maybe even rib him a bit less--after she’s been in his heart and he’s protected her there (she may have even been able to see how much he loved her there? IDK.) and after his sacrifice for her. I think all of this is what maybe made her fall in love with him... 
And the fact that Riku was going about things the wrong way. Like, I’m sure that Kairi truly appreciated that Riku was doing so much in trying to save her... but he was hurting innocent people to do so. And as Sora says in the novel, innocent people having to be hurt to bring Kairi back, just would have made her sad.
Edit: But while I’m saying I think Kairi might have had a slight crush on Riku--and that at the beginning, the narrative might have tried to make the player feel she’d choose him--I think even then she always preferred Sora and probably had a crush on him, too. And later, after all the stuff Sora did for her, it became love.
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