#so rich fuckwads finally pay
helluvadrummer · 3 years
Friday night.
The evening came sooner than Matt thought, and he kept trying to keep himself from saying ‘fuck this’ and avoiding the dinner like the plague, lest it come at the cost of more harassment from his ex-friend. Luke was rich, after all... he could fuck with Matt’s personal life if he really wanted to. That being said, he knew something worse might end up going down during this evening at the steakhouse the fucker had invited him out to.
Luke was always one for dramatics. After all, he hung the suspect in his father’s murder on telephone wire outside of Matt’s apartment complex all those years ago. If he’d called him out here just to make a fool out of him in front of a restaurant of people, Matt wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest.
That being said, Luke hadn’t seen him in years. Perhaps if he knew just how strong he’d gotten, his tune would change.
Taking a look around the restaurant, he went to the front desk, and spoke to the receptionist.
“Excuse me, I’m here to see a Lukas Wagner. He had a reservation for two, I believe?”
The receptionist nodded, and led him over to the Luke’s table in the back, where the other imp waited. Seeing Luke again was a sight to behold. The man wasn’t much larger than he was when they were kids, but then again, the two of them were more lean than muscular. He knew that the white suit and black undershirt he was wearing hid away the strength he was packing.
Luke raised an eyebrow and smirked when he saw Matt. Something about the pictures that his informant from VoxCo gave him didn’t do him justice. He looked... more mature than Luke remembered. Taller perhaps?
It made the man’s curiosity run wild.
“There you are. I was wondering when you were gonna show up. I had to wait an extra 15 minutes for you. I see you’ve learned the meaning of being ‘fashionably late’. Heck, you even showed up in a suit. Guess you’re smarter than I thought.”
“Can you speak for one damn evening without the backhanded compliments? Sheesh, it’s like you’re the same person from Junior Year.”
“Oh? Did I hurt your feelings, little man? Just shut up, and dig into your steak. I’m sure you must be quite hungry.”
“Ugh. Fine.”
The two ate in complete silence for a solid 5 minutes, taking their time to chew each bite thoroughly, and drink down their wine sip by agonizingly slow sip. The tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. Only after what felt like an eternity did Luke finally speak up.
“How long you lived in Pentagram City, Matty?”
“... 3 years.”
“You must know where everything is by now. You should show me around sometime, maybe we could go out and indulge in some-- OH! That’s right, you’re broke. You’ve been broke ever since you skipped town. What’s wrong? Your morals and principles not paying the rent? Why can’t you swallow you pride and get a real job, instead of leeching from the underbelly of society?”
“That’s fucking rich, coming from a privileged little fuck like you. I bet you played good little boy after that murder just so you could inherit daddy’s money properly. I bet the old man is spinning in his grave right now.”
“... You really had to stoop that low, and bring my dead father into this, you asshole?”
In one swift motion, Luke got up from his chair, and flipped the table to his right, grabbing the attention of every demon in the restaurant, and forcing Matt to recoil up and out of his own. There was an unholy fury in the other imp’s eyes, and Matt knew he had struck a nerve.
Luke wound up his fist, and went for a knockout punch. This same punch was what knocked Matt flat on his ass when they were teenagers, the night his friend went to seek revenge for his father’s death... the night they stopped being friends. After a bit of winding up, he swung, his fist connecting with the left side of Matt’s face...
... but the momentum stopped.
For the first time, Luke had a look of surprise and confusion as the momentum behind his fist had all but petered away when it made contact with his former friend’s face. Matt shut his eyes hard, and grit his teeth, but as hard as the punch felt... it wasn’t as bad as he’d expected.
All that extra work on his body actually meant something in the end, and he was silently thanking his past self for taking the time.
“... What the fuck...? Why are... WHY ARE YOU STILL STANDING?!”
Matt looked back at Luke with that same unholy fury... and knocked him to the ground with a retaliating blow.
“I’m not... the same scrawny little spit fuck you remember. I came to this city, and learned real fast that this place is so much more brutal than our old hometown was, even more so if you’ve got no roof over your head. I’ve spent the last 3 years surviving on my own, with hardly any help. I have only a few other friends in this hellhole, and all of them are just as well off as I am. You’re the one who’s gone soft. Now who’s self-righteous and self-serving?”
He then walked over to the wine bottle that had been knocked over after Luke flipped the table, and grabbed it after he noticed there was still a bit of wine left in it. How fortuitous. Matt then slammed down the contents, and set it aside right next to the man, who was still reeling from the force of that punch.
“Thanks for the steak, I guess. Now, do me a favor, and leave me the fuck alone.”
And with that, Matt turned, and walked right out of the restaurant, ignoring the banter that came from the undoubtedly pissed off staff. Luckily, they were more pissed at Luke for the damage he caused, so thankfully he’d have his hands full with that for a little while.
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davidmseth-blog · 7 years
Hell Day
Woke up early, after waking up a dozen times at night. dead tired, but got up anyways. Packed and prepared tent for long spell away from it, for about 1.5 hours. 2 hour hard bike ride to town, bike loaded down insanely, up steep hill for the first 45 minutes. Got to town, biked to library, charged up for 20 minutes. Biked to Housing Center for 20 minutes. Waited 1.5 hours, as they were busy as hell helping tons of devastated homeless people. Interviewed and filled out paperwork 45 minutes. biked to restaurant and ate for half hour. bussed to port Townsend for 2 hours, with 45 minute layover. got bungee cord, money from bank for camping. biked 40 minutes to be state park at 9pm at night... And the fuckers closed it at dusk. No campers allowed after dusk... which I swear to god was allowed just a month ago. WTF??? So then I'm stuck with decision of what to do. Not tired at all, but could camp illegally in the woods. don't want to risk it, either. Fuckers will destroy you if they catch you, and the cops and rangers are intent on doing so in this area. So I decide to stay up all goddamn night. it'll be 11 fucking hours before the park opens. bike back 40 minutes. stay at fuckwad McDonald's for 1.5 hours, killing time as productively as possible, until they close. then head on over to Safeway, the only place open 24 hours... and am there 5 increasingly hellish hours, back killing me, deliriously agonizingly tired. then bike back to state park for 40 minutes... and realize I still have 3 hours to kill. So I head off into he forest, get out my pad and bag, and rest fitfully for 2 hours in the forest, worried rangers or nazi cops might get me and go insane. idiotic asinine situation. illegal to sleep anywhere, no shelters around, hundreds of acres of forest, all illegal to stay in, while assholes give you no sane option, unless you're rich and can afford $100 for a motel room for 1/2 of one day. so I stay in the forest anyways for a couple hours. get up, pack, Steeg back out of the forest, bike 10 minutes, where I'm now waiting out of sight for nazi rangers to open up at 8 a.m.... 7:51 right now... I will show up at 8:10... leaving in like 9 minutes. then I will pay fuckwad fee to stay on patch of dirt in the park, set up camp for half an hour, and finally get some fucking sleep... I hope... OMFG. OMFG OMFG OMFG. Oh Fuck. The campground is CLOSED FOR THE SEASON. The website said they would close October 15... but the sign here says they're closing early this season, and already closed ten days ago. omfg. So I biked back to town 40 minutes. freaking out entire time. finally decide to bus back to Port Angeles, and stay at the hostel there. 7 hours later, finally got to the hostel. beyond dead tired and delirious. Got a few hours of shitty sleep in loud ass hostel... now 7:30 PM and feeling wasted. Hope I recover in a day or two.
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