#so precious and cutie my luffy
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strawhatwife · 2 months ago
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luffysscraps · 1 year ago
Pet Names One Piece Men Call You;
Ft; Luffy.Zoro.Sanji.Ace.Law.Kid.Shanks
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-(He’s a simple guy, he’s not very romantic day to day and, his list isnt very long but he loves you a lot.)
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-“Clumsy girl!“
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-“Mon amour~”
-“Sweetie pie~”
-“Sugar plum!~”
-“Honey bunny~!”
-(God he’s so cheesy. Expect to hear a lot of long winded cute nicknames yelled through streets.)
-“Where are you My sweet strawberry, plump, honey drenched, snuggle bug, cutie patootie!”
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-“Big mouth~”
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-“Little girl.”
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•Eustass Kid
-“Dumb baby.”
-“Little worm.”
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-“Cutie pie!”
-“Cum dump!”
-“Love bug!”
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physics-of-one-piece · 10 days ago
Part 8 of Punk Hazard Dub watch party
Dub Law’s cry of pain as Vergo squeezes his heart again - goddamn it! 😭😭
Wait, what. Monet did hear about Luffy & Law’s alliance? What. HOW? They were up on a MOUNTAIN
Oho, Law’s little smile and “heh”
“So your clever secretary saved your hide, huh?” Oh my god, Law is so snarky I love him
“I didn’t expect someone so smart to work for such a dumbass.” HAHAHAAAH I love Dub Law
“Undone by your own powers, huh? That is some record-breaking stupidity.” Wait till you hear about Gear 4 that leaves Luffy without Haki for 10 FULL MINUTES GIVING THE ENEMY A CHANCE TO KILL HIM. I think I lost HAIR during that entire thing.
“Yeah, he’s not listening to a word you say.” Dub Monet is hilarious.
“Man, that is one big frog.” Dub Luffy never fails to chill me out
Woah, an apple turned into a devil fruit.
“Run! For your life! AAAAAAA!” Dub Zoro, Brook & Sanji 🤣🤣🤣🤣
“If you fall behind, we’ll have to leave you! Slow down and you’re as good as dead!” Yeah I love Dub Zoro’s voice
Brook crying 🤣🤣
“Run faster than the damn wind!” Zoro 🤣🤣
Hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣 their shrieks hahaha
“Holy crap! We can run on the damn thing if we catch it!” I love Dub Zoro so much bcs he also swears
The way they zoomed after the dragon AHAHAHAHA
Luffy watching Zoro & the gang run 🤣🤣
“Wait, that means he’s not gonna give me his legs 😟 Hey, wait! That’s not the problem right now, Robin!” Hahahaha Luffy
Aww, Luffy yelling at them to run faster. They are running faster, Luffy 🤣🤣
I need to take a pic, wait.
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Look how they run 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Uh-oh, he’s putting Luffy & the gang outside, too
Oh, Law must have thrown it. Also, Law talking through notes… like Cora (breaks down and cries) 😭😭 yes I know it’s normal but still!
I would have paid big bucks to have Vice Admiral Rosi & Warlord Law vs Vergo. BIG BIG BUCKS.
“Hmmm. So… how are we getting out of this jam?” I fckn love Dub Luffy
“I’m not gonna let a small detail like that hold us back now, Straw Hat.” Dub Law 🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉😍😍
“Just don’t screw it up again.” 🤣🤣
“Time for the counter attack.” Ready when you are, Law! I love Dub Law so much his is my fav dub voice
“Heh. Right!”
I love Dub Luffy & Dub Law
Poor Killer having to babysit these guys
I love Dub Law
Oh, Law wants a smokescreen
“Yohoo! Free at last!”
“You’re still in a cage, you moron.”
Sth sth themes of a cage sth sth and how Luffy is still free even when in a cage sth sth
“You’re at my mercy. What should I do, huh?” That’s kinda hot, dub Law
God, I adore dub Law UGH I LOVE HIS VOICE
I would give Dub Law whatever he wants, tbh
“Yahoo!” Dub Luffy is so precious, cutie patootie
“Hey, Traffy!” That is so cute, omg that nickname is so cute.
Law growling all annoyed at Luffy. You’ll get used to it, Law.
“Boobies! 🤩” I love Dub Sanji.
“If you don’t shut up I’ll give ya something to really bleed about!” Zoro 🤣
Law’s Room never gets old to watch.
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Idk about you but this team-up was so good to watch.
“Hehehe! This is gonna be awesome!” I agree with Luffy
Kin’emon & Zoro about to slash
The cut was great. Absolutely epic. BUT THAT WAS THE ONLY THING BLOCKING THE POISON 😭😭😭
The fact Luffy calls the impending fight a party, how can you not love Luffy?
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one-idea · 1 year ago
HIII it's me again :D glad to hear you're doing well!! I hope life is being kind to you <3
of course, take your time to get to this part of the story!! I hope you end up liking sabo as well !! and get ready for the heartbreak of marineford... no really, get a few tissues because there are gonna be tears
coming back to the au, your ideas continue to amaze me, I swear I had this exact expression of shock 😲 reading everything, ITS SO GOOD !!! it's very in character for whitebeard to want to take responsability of blackbeard's actions and appear to help luffy, and of course shanks is going to help his boy (also, don't wanna spoil too much, but he gets there late for reasons and IMAGINE him seeing he failed to protect the sweet boy he was confident would become the new king of the pirates, that he passed his precious hat to... he'd be blaming himself so hard and I'm here for it!)
now that's pretty much what happens in canon, but throw in the revolutionary army in the mix?? PERFECTION !!! of course Dragon would want to save his son, so it'd make sense for him to send some people to help, and who better than the boy he trained himself, sabo? there's no way that could go wrong, right ^^ (it's going to go terribly!)
the idea of sabo meeting with his brothers but not recognizing them... acting like strangers... then gaining back his memories... being right there seeing with his own eyes when it all goes down and not being able to do anything about it, to save his little brother (who he's just starting to remember is his little brother at all)... and worse, thinking he lost BOTH of them at once, right when he got his memory of them back... I'm going insane just thinking about it !!! the guilt this boy feels in canon is already off the charts, imagine in this scenario in which he was THERE and still it didn't change a thing and his baby brother died right in front of him??? he's gonna be consumed by it, probably won't feel worthy of daring to show his face to ace after everything and trying to isolate himself to wallow on his guilt and self-hatred... we love emotionally unstable blorbos in this house!! god help koala and olivia who will have to deal with this mess. and then sabo and ace will have no choice but to meet in dressrosa and that's! gonna be fun! not for them... but for us it will!
THE KOBYFICATION OF DEUCE. YOUR BRAIN IS HUGE!!!! THIS IS GENIUS!!! deuce running his anti marine propaganda newspaper is so important to me... him joining the revolutionary army... it's everything I could ever ask for... and the acedeuce beloveds... with the added bonus of that awkward moment when your coworker/boss is your crush's brother AND your crush's mother figure is also your coworker and hears you gush about him
isuka mention !!! she's such a cutie, glad to see she's here too !! also her taking the role of ace's marine rival is just perfect
sorry I got way too excited with this but your au is just way too amazing <3 thank you once more for sharing your ideas!!
I’m so sorry I took so long to respond to this.
I’m very afraid of getting to Marineford. My mental health can’t deal with the stress at the moment.
But yes you get it. Sabo and Ace working together to save Luffy without realizing it.
Like Ace just wants to get Luffy out of Impel down and this masked loser is slowing him down. How dare he!
Meanwhile Sabo has the biggest headache (particularly from his memories trying to resurface) because Ace is the most reckless person to ever live. He’s going to get them caught! Stop attacking everyone!
These two just can’t work together because Ace is in panic mode and this person who is only here to save Luffy because Dragon sent him can’t possibly understand the stress Ace is under. How important Luffy is.
Sabo (at the time) doesn’t get it. He needs to get his bosses son out of here. He gets that his adopted older brother is emotional but just calm down and think!
Later Sabo, with all of his memories will look back at this time and wonder. If I had let Ace rush it. If we were both fighting desperately for our little brother, could we have gotten to Luffy in time?
Even later when the meet at Dressrosa and Ace puts together just who the Masked loser in impel down was. When he realizes it was Sabo who “slowed him down” (kept him alive!) he has no idea how to feel. Enraged (why didn’t Sabo care about Luffy) confused (this couldn’t be their brother) desperate (one of his brothers is here, he’s not alone) upset (where was Sabo the past two years? Past 12? Ace needed him! Luffy needed them!) and fury (Luffy will never get to be with both his big brothers every again. He died think Sabo was gone)
Needless to say Ace has a lot of BIG feelings the day Sabo walks back into his life.
Back to Deuce!
I love him so much. His anti-marine paper is so important to me to. Like his dream is to be a writer. Let him write. Let him tell the world exactly what the Marines and pirates do. Let him tell the world about liberated countries and the injustices of the world government.
People say he’s afraid to show his face and that’s why he wears a mask and uses a fake name. But Deuce has never been more himself. He’s never been truer to himself than when he goes by the name Ace gave him.
He tells everyone how amazing the reverse strawhats are. And you best believe when Ace’s lineage gets out he’s writing about not only Ace’s character (how he saves people because he wants to, how no man should be judged by who their father is) but he’s doing his research on the original pirate king and just destroying all the lies the world government circulated about him. The public conscious changes. Roger’s wasn’t a horrible person, in fact he helped a lot of people. And even if he wasn’t should they really hold a son accountable for his father?
(This is after Luffy’s death and you best believe Deuce dragged the Marines for filth over that. The public knows Luffy as a 16 almost 17 year old who never left his home island. Sure he was a bit wild but everyone liked him. He never hurt anyone. And yet the government killed him because of what his father, who he never met, had done. Deuce ran them over the coals. He couldn’t stop what happened at Marineford. The revs wouldn’t even let him go to fight (he was to important by then) but he’s not going to have the last picture Ace has of his little brother be the one the papers ran with Luffy dying in Ace’s arms. Every piece he writes about Luffy he tries to find an old photo from Dawn island or Dragon’s surveillance to attach to the article. It drives home that he was just a boy, while also giving Ace new picture of his precious brother to cherish.
Speaking of Acedeuce. Deuce suffers those two years Nico Olive is there. It’s already awkward enough that Sabo, who has heard him talk about how down bad he is for Ace for two years, turns out to be Ace’s brother. But Nico Olivia? He never knows peace.
On one hand it’s nice. She helps him write his pieces about Luffy. (Ace told a lot of stories during their 3 years together) in exchange she gets a nice copy of every picture they find of Luffy and Ace from Dragon’s surveillance (he definitely had people watching over his boy) she collects them to give to Ace when they reunite.
On the other hand, she is relentless. Constantly teasing Deuce about his crush. (She’s met him before. In the early days of his paper before he was recruited by the Revs.) constantly asking when he was going to ask her captain out? When the wedding would be? Should he be joining the crew once they were official?
Deuce thinks she’s just teasing him. And he could live with it, if she didn’t make it sound like Ace wanted him to. (Baby is in hard core denial that his feelings could be returned)
Nico Olivia does not see herself as cruel. She is asking honest questions. To her (and the crew) Ace’s crush on Deuce was obvious. The question was never Ace’s feelings but Deuce’s though Olivia knew from the way Deuce wrote about Ace that he must have feelings for her captain, it was nice to have it confirmed by the other Revs. (Koala makes fun of Deuces crush at all times, especially now that it makes Sabo squirm because that’s HIS big brother they are talking about!) to Olivia she can’t see why the two boys wouldn’t get together. (After Ace has had time to grieve and process his loss of course)
Her captain deserves good things. He early lets himself want, believing he does not deserve the goodness of the world. Olivia violently disagrees. She wants her boy happy. And Deuce is a great young man who would make her boy happy. Sure she might be a little pushy, but she’s not getting any younger. Excuse her for wanting to see her kids get married before she dies. (She’s not dying anytime soon, but she will use guilt to her advantage if it will make these two knuckle heads get it together sooner rather than later)
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years ago
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1081 goes in about the direction I expected. We have all these break weeks with Golden Week (!) coming up and I kind of like having these big goofy hype chapters of the outside world. We really are getting some cool info on Blackbeard, Shanks, Garp & Admirals all rocking the stage. And here we go with one of those titles that immediately grab you. Just gonna say it too, how nicely would that prop up the omnipresent line of Blackbeard mirroring Luffy’s journey if we saw ��Tenth Person” for anyone soon?
I’m guessing once we’re on a regular schedule we’ll be back to the lab again...but would not be surprised to see time has leapt forward a little. Remember the little napkin outline for a Kishotenketsu plot. We could start by seeing the big incident resolved before launching into a long flashback. We could see what looks like a truly dire outcome before doing the same. Or we could just advance to a night on the island with the situation devolved, knowing that a big incident is to come soon. Part 3, or ten, should be jarring and tonally different. 
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Okay fuck no. I know this chapter’s got at least one mutual all ready to take a trip to Japan for all the wrong reasons. Load up the buggy, get me grandpappy’s scattergun, we gotta correct a sitiation here consarnit. Do not mess with Hibari. Especially right when she’s being a cutie patootie. What is the big first takeaway the second we see this? It is now almost certainly Lafitte & Katarina Devon making their way to Egghead. That pair will be all about subterfuge so I’m heckin giddy. Kujaku being amazing makes up for the threat to my beautiful little lark (oh shit, that’s actually relevant to the Art NUE Kikuhime thing) and Prince Grus being fussy is pretty damn funny. The fight is cool, not much to say, but I do like we’re seeing this kind of flashback again. SWORD continues to endear me and that’s after spending fifteen years referring to Koby as “That little wiener kid.” Now with the star of the chapter:
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Man is this scene hard to read. See, I could interpret it either way and both seem valid. Either Aokiji or Blackbeard is showing off a real knack for oratory skills. Kuzan being a SWORD guy through and through schmoozing to get in like Drake did for Kaido would probably act about like he would here. Or it could be Blackbeard showing off this hurdle to being a captain. I adore the little flair of him striking this Yakuza pose and showing respect. I can believe all four capabilities; either is putting on an act, neither are sincere, or both are. But it’s kinda like Law mirroring Brook’s recruitment with Jean Bart or Blackbeard doing the same echoing Jinbei in Impel Down. There’s a better way to say it, a better timing. Is that really all it was for Kuzan? Their conversation is right, he just sorta happened to fit in because he does have the right personality. Maybe something about Garp made his loyalties waver along the way or maybe Blackbeard just caught the right moment to poach a star looking for a new role.
But then of course, we have the tragedy. I wasn’t even a huge fan of the guy in particular but this one stung.
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The Polar Tang was one of the best ships and I love me some Big Bad Jean Bart. Sulong Bepo coming in clutch with what I’m guessing was a Rumble Ball was cool as hell. Though Chopper...that was highly unethical medical practice dude. It’s okay since you’re cute and I guess a pirate doesn’t report to an ethics board so it’s okay.
Still, it reinforces how I felt about Kidd. This is the classic Kabuki virtue cause-and-effect. Big picture, this is why the Straw Hats trained for two years. But it also pertains to how they learned the lessons of Wano. Kidd potentially never really had to, there’s a nice overlap of Killer and Wano themes. Particularly some that line up nicely with precious flower Okiku. If he just learned to listen to that voice more he’d have been better off. If he’d just been less aggressive about going after everything in front of him he’d have been better off. Law? He’s more of the neutral step. He didn’t do anything wrong, but he didn’t make much of an active effort to take in Wano like Luffy did. He only just now started to gravitate towards understanding the big picture while Luffy’s had Robin on that since Sky Island. This one straight-up involves Kiku because Act 1 beats you over the head with it.
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This is still my favorite one. But there are quite a few panels I could use. It’s the promise to Tama and it always caught my eye how beautifully Law & Kiku frame Luffy. You have the nice light/dark contrast immediately following Bakura Town. Both even have it a little internally with Kiku’s dark hair and Law’s hat. The way they’re carrying their swords even helps out. It’s all around this moment too, they’re acting a bit like the angel & devil on Luffy’s shoulders. 
Really excited to see where the next leg of this arc heads.
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theatregaymer · 2 years ago
Ten more guys who deserve to laugh!
My last list of this kind was just overall characters who get little to no love in the tickle scene! This time I wanted to focus on more side characters from content that might be well known but hardly ever get attention themselves! In no particular order of course! I also have numerous other characters from anime/cartoons/games/manhwa that are criminally lacking in the tickling content arena, but I might just do another list later down the line. For now here they are! 1. Rock Lee - Naruto Shippuuden/Boruto
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First and foremost, this precious bean gets constant hate just cause of his hair and eyebrows. I honestly think his arc and character are glorious and he deserves so much more attention than he gets!  He likes to train, so why not get him some endurance training and tickle that no doubt muscular body he has?
2. Aoyama Yuga - Boku no Hero Academia
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Another character with a deep story hidden beneath being overly gaudy and comedic. This guy is absolutely adorable and shouldn’t be shunned from all the ticklish fun! Plus just imagine him trying to beg for mercy with a broken mix of languages!
3. Lee Jianliang/Henry Wong - Digimon Tamers (Season 3)
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Most times I’ve seen Digimon tickles it’s usually from the OG group, or season 2/4. Season 3 had tickle scenes but it was focused on the digimon themselves rather than the tamers. I think the normally serious and cautious Henry could do with some ticklish fun to relax a bit more and just enjoy life.
4. Sabo - One Piece
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How much do I even need to say? If you’re at all in the know on One Piece, Luffy is focus number one. Sabo though is definitely overlooked imo and should be allowed to laugh a bit more what with all the responsibility he has.
5. Goshiki Tsutomu - Haikyuu
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A classic example of a character who loves being praised since he got to high school and realized he was no longer “gifted” but simply met the standard. He deserves to be reminded just how special he is and should be laughing while it happens, such a cutie!
6. Hitsugaya Toshiro - Bleach
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Not a lot of people think of Bleach for tickles, but when they do I hardly see Toshiro mentioned. He appears young but is well over 100 years old. He’s so uptight with his duties as a captain, he should arrange a little vacation and get a full tickly massage to relax.
7. Minami Kenjiro - Yuri on Ice
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He gets introduced and instantly caught my heart. This precious youngster is so obviously the “creative one” in his family. He gets so often skipped over though in favor of the shows more obvious pairs, I wish he just got some more recognition.
8. Rivalz Cardemonde - Code Geass
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I can’t make a list and not include my favorite anime I guess. Rivalz is low on the totem pole but definitely is the perfect sort of “bro friend” material to deserve tickling in his own right. I can see him getting some tickles as payment for someone like Lelouch helping with repairs to his motorbike.
9. Hayner - Kingdom Hearts
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With Kingdom Hearts it’s always Sora, Riku and Roxas. Hayner is like perfect tickle bait though! Tall athletic bro bestie who should absolutely be tickled as a way to raise money or something! 
10. Thoma - Genshin Impact
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It honestly took me a bit to think of a character from Genshin that isn’t already often talked about either in tickling or in general. To me though it seems like so many people forget about Thoma and how utterly perfect this man is. Seriously though he’s the perfect roommate! And a tickle fight is obviously perfect for bonding with him too!
I wanted to keep it to a single guy per series, or there would be more from Naruto, Haikyuu and BNHA especially!   If you have some others you think are underrated, let me know in replies!  Hell I might even have some headcanons for one of your favorites!
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bunni-bino · 4 years ago
In that case, I’ll ask to my hearts content 😃 Law, Zoro, Marco, Sabo, Ace, Mihawk with a stick in the mud s/o. They are hard working and devoted towards their goals but they never take time off to enjoy the little things in life. How do our boys get their partners to relax and have fun? That there is more than “all work and no play” when they’re out at sea.
Law, Zoro, Marco, Sabo, Ace + Mihawk, With A Serious S/O
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a/n: oh boy, I guess I should have expected this lol but no worries. This was actually rather cute and I enjoyed making it. :) 🥰
apologies if these seem short! Mihawk is such a good characterrrr but he’s so hard to write ;-;
;-; I wasn’t very creative with this, this time 😞
Summary : these boys with a serious, strict and stern significant other who’s a stick in a mud. All work and no fun at all.
Ace is all about the fun. He’s always enjoying himself and acting on impulse, unless it’s time to get serious. He knows when to be focused and though he still acts on impulse, he gets the job done.
So, seeing you ignoring and rejecting his requests to join him on pranking Marco and Thatch, gets him pouty and sullen. How could you reject such a cutie like him? Just to work of all things?
He’ll be grumpy and pout all day, making the crew wonder if something happen before seeing Ace’s lingering stare over at your room, which they soon understood.
He’ll be grumpy and pout all day, making the crew wonder if something happen before seeing Ace’s lingering stare over at your room, which they soon understood.
“Come on, don’t be such a stick-in-the-mud, [Name]! You hardly ever have any fun.”
If you still reject him, He’ll start to tease you and become a bit more flirty, as he wraps his arms around you one day and leans into your more, with his chin pressed onto your shoulder.
“If you don’t join me in my pranks, I have a better idea to get you to relax and have some fun, if you’re interested?~”
Sabo literally does whatever he wants, but he’ll get the job done for sure. This man is a child at heart so he’s always enjoying himself and having fun despite being so overworked and busy.
So when he decides to postpone his mission for a quick bit, since it wasn’t too important, he’ll go find something to entertain and enjoy himself with, but you’re quick to stop him.
You’re lecturing and pulling him back to get going on the mission, which makes Sabo pout at you for not just joining in. You’ve been working nonstop and won’t ever let him or yourself have any fun, and that’s about to change.
“Come on, just join me already! It’s not too important, so it’ll be fine if we postpone the mission until later.”
He’ll keep whining and complaining like a little child until he forced himself away from you and jumps away at a distance. Before you could even yell or scold him, Sabo is already behind you and grasping your hand and giving you his signature grin.
“Hey, [Name], let’s explore a bit before we go, it’ll be fun!”
Like Mihawk, this man is too busy to be playing games. He’s like you, he doesn’t have time to fool around and relax, he had paperwork and there’s always going to be trouble anyways.
However, there are few rare times where he’s actually enjoying himself, whether it’s enjoying a small secret comic book on his own, precious, or when he’s out with Penguin and Bepo on some island and relaxing under a tree while the three enjoy themselves on the field.
Today was one of those days, where he decided to have an easy day after a large chaotic mess. He was just leaning against a tree and reading a book, listening to the cheers and laughter of his crewmates.
You were at a distance away from them, having brought your paperwork to finish and sitting on the grass to do it. You didn’t having a fun/relaxing day was necessary. You thought it was a waste of time, really. If you had free time, why not work, right? Get everything done, you’re just going to get more work later on anyways.
Despite Bepo and Penguin’s protests and persuasions for you to join them, you still rejected their offer and continued working. Law, who was listening, obviously noticed how much you were working, so he decided to stop it.
Within seconds, you were now under the shade of a tree and your paperwork nowhere in sight. You suddenly felt yourself get pulled down to Law’s shoulder and was leaning onto him.
“Get some sleep, [Name]-ya. I’ll wake you up when we go, forget about your paperwork.”
Sure, Marco works himself to the bone often, being overworked with paperwork. It’s to be expected of the first division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, but at least Marco knows how to ease up and let loose every once in a while.
So when you’re busy endless days and nights of just working and not partaking in any of the fun, Marco’s not having that.
Literally, it seems as if you work more than him! You’re always in the room and hardly go out for some air, unless you have to speak with one of the division commanders or Whitebeard himself.
“Not enjoying the party, [Name]-yoi? You’re such a hard-worker. But come on, you should relax and enjoy yourself for a bit-yoi.”
He’ll have Thatch whip up some more dishes for the crew and have you sit in the middle of the party and start eating with Ace. He’s standing beside you and watching you have fun under his watch.
“I’ll take care of some of your work, so just enjoy yourself already-yoi.”
Honestly, Mihawk is the exact same. He has no time nor does he really appreciate having fun. He considers it such a childish feature.
But having Shanks as a close friend, he does end up easing up particular days, where he’s more relaxed and actually enjoying himself.
His idea of fun, is either enjoying a good book and some wine, or simply killing time and boredom by stopping by Shanks in the New World.
However, when he sees you, all serious and devoted to your work, he’s a little impressed and respectful of you. You at least know not to good around and to get the job done. But after a while, he notices you haven’t been relaxed at all for days. You’re always keeping your guard up and doing work, with tensed muscles.
That’s his thing, and he’s used to seeing many others just relaxing, he does it himself. So when he sees you not relaxing, he just sighs at you.
“That’s good that you’re focusing on your work, [Name]. However, you relax every once in a while. I don’t need you to pass out on me.”
If he has to, he’ll force you to drop whatever you’re doing and pull you to sit with him and hands you one of his books and a glass of wine to enjoy with him. He may even pull you to sit on his lap.
“Now sit and read. I don’t want to hear any complaints from you.”
If Zoro isn’t training, he’s sleeping. If the crew is on some wild adventure and there’s going to be trouble, the kind of trouble where he can fight, he’s going to enjoy himself. Especially if Luffy decides to have a feast to celebrate afterwards.
Zoro’s pretty observant, so of course he’s going to see you always working hard and getting the task done with ease and quickly, you were determined.
However, he also noticed how much you would back out of enjoying yourself on the ship. At least he and Robin always did yet you always chose not to. He noticed, but never said a thing, since he just chose to ignore it and either enjoy himself, train or sleep. But he had enough.
So, before you could even walk away from this party, which you thought was pointless since Luffy practically had a banquet every other week anyways, Zoro was already pulling you away before you could go.
“Oi, where do you think you’re going?”
Zoro would have his arm around your waist tightly and force you into his lap with a jug of sake in his hand and the giant feast in front of you both, a giant grin on his face.
“Come on, Miss/Mister No-Fun, enjoy this day at least once, alright? Have some food before Luffy eats it all.”
A/N : hey, hope you enjoyed! :D I rather liked this! 🥰 hope it was what you expected too! :) if not, let me know.
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softrozene · 4 years ago
Masterlist 2021
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Masterlist 2020 | Ao3 Link
As the title says, this is all my One Piece works- One Shots, Scenarios, and Headcanons from this year!
* (most if not all of these one piece cover images before 2022 are marked with my old url @/dreamingrouge.)
Headcanons/Scenarios usually have 2-3 characters in it while the Character list focuses on that character!
*If a work doesn’t specify a gender the reader is Gender Neutral/Non-Binary!
Started January 1, 2021
Finished December 31, 2021
ASL Reacting to a Celestial Dragon Wanting Their S/O: Fluff/Comedy headcanons. Ace, Sabo, and Luffy react to a Celestial Dragon who points at their significant other and announcing they want to marry them only for their significant other to immediately say “oh ew” and leaves.
ASL Reacting to Female Significant Other’s Late Period: Fluff/Comedy headcanons. Reader’s period is late so of course, she decides to joke about being pregnant. Ace, Sabo, Luffy, and how they react to this.
Happy Accidents Headcanons: Zoro, Luffy, Sanji (Bonus Ace and Law) x Female Reader. An embarrassing accident for Reader but a happy accident for the people crushing on her: She has been accidentally seen naked | Comedy/Slightly Suggestive Headcanons
Helping Insecure Girlfriend: Fluff/Comfort Headcanons. Ace, Law, and Zoro want to help their insecure girlfriend after she keeps getting reoccurring nightmares from her past abusive relationship.
Monster Trio Comfort Holiday Hcs: Monster trio is worried about reader (their partner) wanting their space during a holiday.
Monster Trio Reacting to Mute Significant Other: Fluff headcanons. How the monster trio would react to being in love with a mute crewmember.
One Piece Characters Reacting to Reader’s Braces Headcanons: extremely self-indulgent and rushed headcanons. One Piece Characters (Straw Hats, Law, Marco, Ace, and Thatch) x Reader (Gender-Neutral/Nonbinary).
Romantic Headcanons for Smoker and Tashigi: Romance Headcanons. How would Smoker and Tashigi “be in a long-term relationship despite their dangerous work and the hierarchy problem?”
Seducing Headcanons: Ace, Luffy, Sabo x Female Reader. How would Reader’s boyfriend try and seduce her? | Fluff/ Suggestive Headcanons
Size Kink n s f w Headcanons: N s f w/Spicy headcanons. Kid, Killer, and Heat reacting to their Significant Other having a size kink.
Something Loving Headcanons: Aokiji, Law, Sanji x Taller Female Reader. Reader does not really do romantic gestures a lot for her partner, but when she does, it always leaves a smile on their faces. | Fluff Headcanons
Totally Worth It: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Law x Reader (Gender-Neutral/Nonbinary). Reader smacks her partner’s butt for the best reaction. It was totally worth it. | Fluff/Comedy Scenarios + Bonus Headcanons
(Portgas D.) Ace:
With You: Ace x Reader (Gender-Neutral/Nonbinary). Ace needs to check on his partner after he notices a change in their behavior. He is so glad he does so, and he reminds them how he is with them, always. | Comfort and Fluff One Shot
Bon Clay:
Bon Clay and His S/O: Bon Clay x Reader (Gender-Neutral/Nonbinary). General headcanons on how Bon Clay is with his partners. | Fluff and n s f w headcanons.
Cuties: Chopper x Female Reader (PLATONIC). The friendship between Chopper and (Name) is so wholesome. It makes the whole crew smile when they search for them. | Fluff One Shot
Donquixote Doflamingo:
Too Long: Doflamingo x Female Reader. When he sees her… Doflamingo realizes just how long it has been. Too long in his eyes but… She looks as perfect as the day he first saw her. | Fluff Scenario 
Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinante:
Corazon Reacting to Average Sized S/O Wearing his Coat: Fluff Headcanons and n s f w/spicy headcanons. How would Corazon react to seeing his precious significant other in his coat.
Eustass Kid:
Kid and His Submissive Partner: Eustass Kid x Reader (Gender-Neutral/Nonbinary). How Kid acts with his submissive partner who likes bondage play and has a kink for biting. | N S F W / Spicy headcanons.
Holiday Grief: Marco x Reader (Gender-Neutral/nonbinary), former ace x reader. Reader feels the weight of the grief come to attack her as they and a few others get ready for the holidays. Marco is there to comfort and grieve those they have lost.
Rob Lucci:  
Rob Lucci and his Powerful Wife Headcanons: How Rob Lucci would be with a powerful wife + when she gets jealous and ignores him. Fluff (?) Headcanons
Roronoa Zoro:
Come Here... Please: Roronoa Zoro x Female Reader. Zoro is exhausted and getting extremely grumpy because he wants his girlfriend to be his pillow… But of course, she is being difficult. All he wants is the comfort of her while he naps. | Fluff Scenario
Trafalgar Law:
Law’s Female S/O with Jolly Roger Tattoo: Law x Female Reader. N S F W headcanons on Law and what he thinks of his girlfriend’s sweet tattoo- Especially the Jolly Roger on her. 
Sacrifice: Fluff/Angst one-shot. Law’s daughter shows symptoms of having Amber Lead Poising and he is willing to sacrifice anything to help her.
Stars and Dreams: Soulmate/Magic Au. Fluff one-shot. Law and Female Reader are soulmates but the only way of finding each other is through their dreams where they take their shape in the form of a star. They only know each other’s voices but as soon as they physically touch outside of their dream- The star they are in the dream turns into their physical normal form.
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cherryblossom-chopper · 5 years ago
This might be odd but what about a scenario with a she/her reader where she really likes nami but is scared bc she isn’t sure nami swings that way, and tries to confide in the monster trio for help? Thank you so much in advance if you do this this angel I love your blog sm!!
Hi yeah I literally just realized I fucked up what you asked for..... I wrote it as Nami asking the boys for advice. I’m gonna post the fic I finished her. BUT I will redo it and make you a new one. Promise!
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1,227
Monstrous Advice
Nami bit her nail and watched (Name) as she flipped to the next page of her novel. Nami couldn’t help but stare. (Name) just looked too precious as she lost herself in her book, and Nami felt a blush flare upon her cheek as (Name) smiled down at her book.
“Are you feeling alright, Nami?” Robin asked with a coy smile on her cheeks, “You look like you have a fever.”
Nami glared at Robin before hissing between her teeth, “Shut up, Robin. You’re not helping.” Nami’s gaze flashed towards (Name) to make sure she didn’t hear what Robin had said.
The archeologist could help but grin even wider, “If I’m no help, maybe you could ask Sanji. He’s quite the casanova.”
Nami stared at the strawberry sitting at the bottom of her glass. “Fine. If it’s only to get you to stop talking about it,” Nami muttered, “Want me to get you a drink?”
“No thanks,” Robin grinned wider at Nami, “Hey, (Name), want Nami to serve you anything?” Robin attempted to dull her smirk while looking at their book worm.
(Name)’s head jerked up and she looked startled. “Huh? What?” (Name) blushed and fumbled with her book, “I’m sorry, I was lost in my story.”
“I’m just going to get a refill from Sanji,” Nami said too quickly, “Do you want one?” Nami shot a quick but stern glance down at Robin.
(Name) smiled brightly and sat up, “Yes! Can I have one with pineapple? Please, Nami?”
The redhead turned on her heels and gripped her glass. “Yeah, sure,” Nami chirped over her shoulder before hurrying away. She bit her lip and felt her face get red, because damn, (Name) was too cute. Her body carried her towards the galley as she lost herself in thoughts. She wandered into the kitchen and set her glass down on the counter.
“You okay, Nami?” Luffy watched her with a concerned expression, “You look kinda mad.”
Nami blinked and refocused herself. Looking around the kitchen, she mentally cursed herself, seeing that Zoro and Luffy were also lounging around Sanji’s galley. “I’m fine, I wanted to get a refill. Oh, and (Name) asked for a drink too,” Nami tried to physically rub the blush off her cheeks.
“Of course, Nami dear,” Sanji chimed, flashing a bright smile and snatched up Nami’s cup from the counter.
“(Name) said she wanted pineapple,” Nami murmured, “Not strawberry.” She sat leaned against the countertop next to Luffy.
“Pineapple, huh?” Sanji smiled, “That’s not a problem at all. Anything for you lovely ladies.”
Zoro snorted and glanced at Luffy. “Lovely certainly doesn’t fit Nami.” Zoro teased, grinning as he nudged Nami with his elbow.
Luffy didn’t even try to stifle his laughter as Sanji’s head jerked up with an irritated expression. “One more mean thing about my Nami, and you’ll get my foot up to your ass,” Sanji hissed through gritted teeth.
Nami stared down at the floor and murmured, “Zoro’s right, (Name) is lovely.” A little smile tugged on her lips, and she felt a warm feeling in her chest.
The mean all locked eyes on Nami before glancing at each other. Upon realizing what she had said, Nami gasped and slapped her hand over her mouth.
A smile popped up on Luffy’s face, and he sauntered over to Nami. “Don’t look so embarrassed, Nami,” he beamed “(Name)’s a total cutie, everyone thinks so.”
Nami couldn’t look at her captain and was melting out of sheer embarrassment. “You don’t get it, Lu,” Nami mumbled, “I don’t just think she’s cute. Looking at her makes me feel so flustered and happy at the same time.”
Zoro smirked and took a long sip of his drink, “Are you going to tell her you’re in love with her?”
“How am I supposed to do that?” Nami sputtered as she started pacing around the kitchen, “I can barely look at her these days, much less tell her how I feel.”
The boys smiled at each other. “Listen up, Nami,” Luffy grabbed her by the shoulders, “We’re gonna help you.”
“I don’t think these fools can help you Nami,” Sanji bragged while he chopped up pieces of pineapple, “Even though you’re going to steal (Name) from me, I’ll help you out.”
Nami glanced over her shoulder at Sanji. “Like what?” Nami quirked her brow at the chef as he prepared (Name)’s drink.
“It’s easy, Nami darling,” Sanji started washing his hands “(Name)’s always got her nose stuck in a book, right? So you’ve got to write her some kind of love story or romantic poem.”
“But that’s boring!” Luffy pouted, “Besides, Nami’s not great at that word stuff.” Luffy took a moment to think. Luffy ran his fingers through his hair, “What about snacks? Nah, (Name) doesn’t deserve just any snacks.”
“Challenge her to a duel,” Zoro suggested, “You challenge her to duel, and if she doesn’t win, she has to go on a date with you.” He grinned and seemed pretty proud of himself.
“(Name) wouldn’t like you Neanderthal. She’s a delicate flower!” Sanji barked and was ready to put Zoro back in his imaginary place.
“She’s not so delicate that she can’t hold her own,” Zoro countered “(Name)’s a beast win she wants to be.”
“A beast?” Luffy mumbled out loud before grabbing ahold of Nami again, “Wait! Get her a pet! A little animal that has noted with it, that you confess your feelings on.”
The three of them continued to spitball ideas at Nami until she felt too overwhelmed. “Listen, guys,” Nami grit her teeth, “I appreciate the help, but maybe I should just tell her. It’s plain and simple.”
“Are you sure, Nami?” Sanji asked, bringing a tray of drinks over to her. One glass was a strawberry slush, and the other was a pineapple slush.
Nami let out a breath and took the frozen glasses, “Yeah, thanks, guys.”
Zoro ruffled Nami’s hair a little bit and smiled, “You got this Nami. Go get ‘er.”
“You got this, Nami,” Luffy pushed her towards the door, “Get going!”
Nami walked back out to deck to try to confess all of her feelings to (Name) with two fruit slushies in her hands.
Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji all crept outside after Nami. The three of them were more than interested to see how well their advice went over. The boys watched their friends while holding a collective breath.
“Hey, (Name),” Nami handed the other woman the glass, “I need to talk to you.”
The bookworm set aside her novel and took the glass. “What’s up? Are you okay?” she asked in a worried voice.
“So I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I talked to some of the guys, and they said I should tell you how I feel,” Nami glanced away while blushing darkly, “I have feelings for you. I like you so much, you’re so beautiful and funny. You’re a goddess and make me feel so flustered that I feel like I can’t even talk to you.”
Nami would’ve kept going and stumbling over her words, had (Name) didn’t abruptly jump to her feet. (Name) flung her arms around Nami. “Do you really mean that?” (Name) murmured, with tears in her eyes.
“Yeah,” Nami held (Name), “Every word of it.”
(Name) beamed up at the navigator, “I really like you too.”
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gildedmuse · 5 years ago
And now, the even cuter sequel to...
Top Ten Cutest Kids In One Piece
Part II | Part I
7. Nami
Nami has a bit of an unfair advantage in that we see her through our her cute growth. I mean look at this. She a cute baby:
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[Before you can fully laugh in the face of death you must first learn to smile at it. Smile and lure death in by pretending to be it's friend.]
She a cute kiddie:
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[Pictured: Nami, right before her One Piece required tragic backstory kicks in.]
She even somehow a cute kid as a fully grown adult:
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I mean, look at her pigtails! That's right, sweetie, one day you'll grow up to be a big, strong navigator!
Although, I have to say that part of what makes actual kid Nami so adorable is her precious little smile. For some unknowable reason (Arlong, having her mother killed in front of her, carrying the stress of her entire town's welfare on her shoulders before the age of ten, growing up way too soon, finding herself stranded in a rowboat with a smile ball of sunshine idiot and a frowny faced SWORD idiot) Nami doesn't seem to smile so much anymore (being one of the only rational people on a ship full of suicidal stupid children or perverts, constantly being placed in peril by said children, being one of the few people on the ship with an actual responsible that if she s fails at means they could easily all wind up dead... Really, it's a complete mystery). Certainly,it doesn't have that same quality of innocence and unrestrained joy.
Basically, Nami has a Luffy smile as a kid and she totally rocks it.
6. Baby 5 & Derringer
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This is a baby Baby 5 babying a baby Derringer.
I mean, honestly? What else do you need?
5. Killer "Murder Machine" Killer
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[I just want to say how hard it is finding pictures of Killer as a kid. We hat do you search? "Killer Child"? "Kid Killer"? "One Piece Killer Kid"? Also, sadly, "One Piece Killer as Kid" does not return a bunch of pictures of Killer and Kid clothing swaps. You disappoint me, internet.]
Okay, so I only learned about this cutie after I decided to make this list and let me say - HOW FUCKING CUTE IS THIS MURDER CRAZED LITTLE PIRATE ANGEL!? He is SO cute. Look at his fluffy blonde hair! Ah, I'll bet he was such a sensative little gentlemen, too, you know? Everything about him says, "I will call you ma'am, share all my toys, and def cry every time Bambi's mother dies even though I've seen it like THIS many times."
I'll bet Kid (who gets second place shouts outs for also being a adorable little tyke but has slightly less pinchable cheeks than my boy here) got him in sooo much trouble. Can't you just imagine baby Killer following Kid around on the playground.
"But Kid, we're not suppose to... The adults said so."
"Come on, Killer, it'll be so much fun."
"Mmm.. I don't know... it sounds dangerous (and scary)."
"Killer, don't you want to be my first mate when I become pirate king?"
"Of course, Kid! More than anything!"
"Well, pirates don't go around listening to adults or not doing something just because it's scary, do they?"
".... No, I guess not. No, they won't be very good pirates if they did."
"And you and me, we're going to be the best pirates EVER, aren't we?"
*Nods Eagerly*
"Well then....?"
"... Okay, but just this ONE time, okay Kid? Than can we please go make sand castles like I wanted to?"
"Yep! Right after, we'll make awesome pirate sandcastles! I promise!"
And that is how so many fires got started.
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[I have no reason for posting this except I just love it so much.]
Worst generation? More like cutest generation amiright?
4. Donquixote Rosinante (Corazon)
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Maybe I should have combined this one with Killer. They have a lot of the same things going for them. They're rocking the same fluffy blonde hair, they both have cheeks you want to kiss and pinch at the same time, and, yeah, of course Rosinante cried whenever Bambi's mother died. Though, to be fair, that wasn't just when he was a kid.
He definitely had to leave the room during that part when Law, Baby 5 an Derringer were watching it (for the record: Baby 5 would bite her lip and tried to act unaffected, Derringer would laugh and then start pouting about the lack of blood, while Law... Law would just stared down the TV while thinking on the inevitability of death and how it eventually comes for all living things.)
Also like Killer, the soft and adorable Corazon has a much more badass (but in a cute way) bestie/brother who should have maybe made the list of they didn't insist on standing so close to someone else who is just So. Fucking. Cute.
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[Though Doffy tots rocks those sweetass sunglasses.]
The one thing really seperating them, besides the incredibly different circumstances of their births placing them in opposite economic and social spheres entirely at random is this Straight Outta Mariejois top hair curl.
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Ack, this kid is just too fucking cute.
And yet still not top three level of cuteness.
So who do you think the final cute? Who are the top three cutest little babies in the world of One Piece? Stick around for that, runners up, and.... I don't wanna say a Loser List but, yeah, that.
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strawhatwife · 2 months ago
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i think he likes to sit criss-cross applesauce idk guys.......
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firefistlaw · 8 years ago
Ship #2 🌺
This is the second ship/match up! I hope you’re not mad that it took so long, please enjoy it and be happy; you got Snooji! Thank you for playing in the “special special”!! @musicmarble
Your partner is Snooji Sanji!
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When Sanji first announced his love for you, no one was surprised, but when he started to ignore other woman and only cared for you, they knew, he got serious. He falls for your energy and for the love you have for your friends. When he first met you, he wanted nothing more than to be called one of your friends, but after some time, he wanted, no, needed more of you. He is a sucker for your voice and whenever you ask him if  he’s hungy, his heart jumps in excitement. He doesn’t care at all that you might not suit the “girly person” society has build, he is only interested in you and your personality, the rest doesn’t matter. For him, you’re the most beautiful person he has laid his eyes on, even if you say that you’re imperfect and that you have flaws, your him you’re a masterpiece. He makes sure you know your real worth, even if he has to tell you every night. Also, when he found out about your past, he realised that you both have more in common than you think. Without noticing, he found the perfect match for him and he is not ready to let you leave all too fast.
Your best friend is Chopper!
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Sweet, precious and maybe a little dork; here are two perfect best friends. You and Chopper click the first second you meet each other and are not able to be without each other for too long. You both get high on each others’ spirit and never fail to make everyone else feel happy, that’s just how you both work. He is a doctor too, so he will try to help you whenever you feel a bit pain from your injury, he will notice if you’re acting different than unsual and will make sure to make you feel better. Also, if stupid Snooji ever hurts your feelings, this little cutie will beat his ass for you, believe me. Sometimes you both sit around for hours and talk about anything, sometimes you play pranks on the others and snicker behind books.
Your bounty is 80 Thousand Berry!
First, you’re a part of the strawhat crew, so let’s put some berry on your head. Second, you’re the partner of Sanji, so let’s put some more berry on your head. Third, that one time, in middle of a fight, you accidentaly kicked someone so hard, they went unconscious for a few hours, which made everyone wonder… how the hell did you do that? You don’t know, they don’t know… lets put some more berry on your mysterious head.
Your secret admirer is Usopp!
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He hates himself for the way he feels, he feels so so bad! Sanji is one of his family, his brother and yet, he crushes on his partner… It was the way you laughed, the way you adapted to your friends and the way you cared so deeply for them, that he couldn’t stop himself and fell for you. You were something different in his eyes; a treasure that didn’t know it’s worth and he was swept away from it. When you went up to him and asked him if he could teach you to become a sniper, his heart stopped in his chest. You just turned more perfect by the second, but he couldn’t act on his feelings. He decides that his friendship with Sanji was more important than his feelings, so he leaves you alone. After some time, he feels himself losing his interest in you and he’s glad. But deep down, he still has a sweet spot for his brothers partner.
Worst enemy is Enel!
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You both, you barely know each other, but from the short moment you saw each other, a horrible and deep enemyship was born. You hate this guy with everything you can think of and he? He thinks it’s fun, so he hates you back. Sanji and Chopper had to pull you back in skypia, so you wouldn’t run into your death, but you were harder to calm down than expected. It was the way he talked, the way he wanted so much attention and the way he treated others that made you hate him. When Luffy beat his ass, you were glad, bu still to this day; every time you hear his name, you just get grumpy. You both had some other kinds of sparks..
Who comes and saves you if you’re in danger: Jinbei! (Jinbae)
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Look at this Jinbae, he will fight everyone for you! He will get all of his friends/fighters to save you, not only because you’re in the strawhat crew, nah, because you both are good friends as well. He loves the way you talk about the ocean and he will not let someone hurt you, not now and not later.
Who is secretly trying to catch you and get your bounty: Big Mom! (Spoiler)
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SPOILER WARNING! When she found out that you were in a relationship with Sanji, she knew, she had to get you in her hands. There could be only one person who can have Sanji and in her eyes; it couldn’t be you. So, to everyone’s surprise, the yonko wants you. You, the 80 thousand berry person. To say that you’re shocked is not enough to explain what goes through your head.
Kitchen concert - a little drabble
Soft sounds of Sanji cutting vegetables surround your figure leaning against the kitchen counter, making you sigh in content. Today had been a quiet day, dark clouds were shielding the bright sunlight away, making everyone either hide in their rooms or relax in the kitchen. You didn’t mind though, it was nice to relax like this from time to time.
You glance at your boyfriend moving the knife faster than you ever could and lean your head back, sighing another time.
“Are you okay, my love?” The sounds of the knife turn quieter. You look at the blonde haired man and see him staring at you in amusement. “Are you so bored?”
“No…” You mumble and shift from one foot to another. “I’m just a bit tired.”
Sanji nods, turns back to his work and is about to start again, when he stops another time. “Y/N, come here.”
“Hm?” You frown and stay where you are, not knowing what he wants.
“Come here for a second, I promise, I won’t bite.” He says and winks. “Not now.”
You feel yourself blushing and slowly walk up to him, avoiding his eyes. You hear him mumble something about you being cute and then, he stands behind you, arms wrapped around your body. “What-”
“I’m scared you will fall asleep, so I’d rather have you here in my arms.” He whispers into your hair and softly pecks your cheek. You purse your lips, trying to hide the smile that tries to escape.
You stay in his warm arms for a few minutes and stare at him cutting food, still surprised at how good he actually is. Neither of you say something, both enjoying the company, when suddenly, you start to hum quietly, still shy.
Your boyfriend stops his actions- you stop. He turns his head towards you and smiles. “Ah, don’t be shy. You sound so nice, don’t hide it!” But you’re still too embarrassed, which makes Sanji sigh.
“Okay then.” He says and kisses your cheek again, making you turn your head to the side, laughing quietly. You lean back against his body and after a few seconds, Sanji starts to hum himself, quiet at first, but grows louder with every second that passes. You take another glance at him and bite your lip, slowly joining him.
You grow more and more comfortable and after a few more seconds, you start to sing quietly. Sanji makes sure to sing along, even tries to sing the instruments, which makes you laugh.
Suddenly, the door opens and a skeleton comes inside. “Is this a concert? Yohohoho, let me join!”
“I want too!” The sweet voice of your best friend echoes through the kitchen and then he appears in front of your eyes; Chopper.
You smile and turn around, about to walk to your friends, when Sanji steals a kiss from your lips, making Chopper giggle loudly. Your cheeks turn deep red, but Sanji just winks. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself.”
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ann-theia-blog · 8 years ago
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Luffy being tamed by Law :D (I just wanna draw something for my self-indulgence)
Welp, I was at the school’s camp when it’s Luffy’s birthday so..(yeah, I’m being late again) 
HAPPY BIRTH DAY to my precious little cutie cinnamon roll !!
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omelettedufromage-24601 · 8 years ago
Been tagged!
Thank you again for tagging me @yuvaart! I love those :D
- (Nick)name: Omu, Cookie Parker, Juju and others I obviously forgot
- Zodiac sign: Leo
- Height: 1m71! :D
- Orientation: Until proved otherwise, heteromantic/heterosexual and possibly demi-sexual
- Ethnicity: French, a bit Belgian too from my grandmother, and I have some Spanish ancestors apparently c:
- Favorite fruit: Raspberries or apricot :3
- Favorite season: I always get excited at Spring, but I really like Autumn and Summer too.
- Favorite book series: Arg. I think that'd be the Ants' Trilogy by Bernard Werber, or a childhood one like Christopher Paolini's Trilogy about Eragon, or the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins... I don’t know ;-;
- Favorite flower: I don't have any, but I have a particular interest in daffodils because of the way they look I guess? I don't know I just like them. Lilies are cute too and mimosa is beautiful.
- Favorite scent: Chocolate :D Or the smell of the sea/ocean.
- Favorite color: Blue
- Coffee, tea or cocoa: Cocoa ;^;
- Cats or dogs: Both! I really love cats – especially since I have Moon now (she's turning 1 this month my baby cutie pie) – but I'm pretty sure if I had a dog I would love it as much as my cat. Dogs are so adorables.
- Average sleeping hours: I need to sleep 8h – 9h is perfect –, but I sleep 6h, (or maybe 5, maybe 7) lately for no reason and that's horrible save me
- Favorite fictional characters: I’m gonna say right now
In the comics: PETER PARKER (I will never stop loving him) I really love this boy alright. Sam Alexander (Nova), Miles Morales because I believe he's also an incredible Spider-Man and I can't wait to see an adaptation of his character!
Mangas: Monkey D. Luffy, Portgas D. Ace and a lot of characters in this manga (really too many to count but assume all the Straw Hats are in it), Eijirou Kirishima, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako... because they're precious and a lot of other characters in BnHA (except Mineta lmao)
Books: Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games), D'Artagnan (The Three Musketeers), and okay, Athos, Porthos and Aramis alright, they're really something... xD
- Number of blankets you sleep with: In summer one light blanket but it always end up on the floor xD Otherwise three maybe more because I'm weak
- Dream Trip: TOO MANY COUNTRIES my first was Japan, but I have others now, like Ireland, Canada, Greece, New Zealand, Hungary and Russia? Top 7 :')
- Blog created: Oh boy, 4 years ago... with @dimancheetoile and @castorlovescourgette with the name “omelettedufromage-221b”
Tagging now: my two dear friends I tagged above, @petite-neko (what did you think I’m a curse), @wolfliorchi, @miss-littlegiant @lululawlawlu @blueflamebird @trashmel @dididdou @prossima-nebulosa and @hanihana~
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strawhatwife · 2 months ago
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strawhatwife · 5 months ago
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