#so please tell me if my sentences are complete and utter bs
certifiedcoffeeaddict · 7 months
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link to the weird little girls post
i spelled toritsuka's name right on first try (!!) but had to google his name to check if i really did get it right (...)
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iamtaekooked · 7 years
BTS Reaction- s/o assuming they cant carry them
Anon asked: I am in love with your reactions so much. Can you pretty please write one for me? Situation is their s/o is a bit heavy or thinks they are so they assume the members aren't strong enough to carry them? Thank you in advance ❤️
A/N: Heya anon. Sure thing! Also guys I have tons of reaction requests and I am sort of not going by order. I am doing ones I find inspiration for first! Just saying. Anyway enjoy reading :))))
Jin would be shocked to hear you say that because to him something like that wouldnt even matter but he also would be shocked because it would undermine his strength
Jin was shocked when he heard that you didnt think he could carry you or pick you up. “You saying that is seriously undermining my strength babe” he looked a you in disbelief. “I need to prove you wrong now” he bent down with his back to you. “Hop on” he said. As you did so he couldnt help but laugh and shake his head. “Arent you a silly one. I don’t know what made you think you are heavy because I can carry you like this for a good hour or so without getting tired” he tightened his hold under your knees. 
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I dont think Yoongi would really care that you made such an assumption. In fact if anything you wouldn’t really get much of a reaction out of him except for utter disbelief on his part
“Can we talk about something that is actually important or substantial y/n?” he sighed in disbelief. “This is important”. He turned towards you and as calmly as he could he spoke. “ Our relationship, my love for you isnt dependent on such trivial bs okay?” he cupped your cheeks. “Say yes” he squished your cheeks. When you didnt he squished your cheeks harder until you did say yes. “Good” he kissed both of your cheeks before pulling you into him and resuming the movie again. 
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He would probably just laugh and try his best to make you believe otherwise because he wouldn't want you to think of yourself in a negative way even if it was indirect
“What?? You are crazy” Hoseok laughed when you told him you didn’t think he could pick you up. “Its true” you told him. “ If you think that because you think you weigh a lot, then you are dead wrong” he playfully scolded. “I am though” you mumbled. “Listen to me” he cupped your cheeks. “You are beautiful” and with each word he kissed your lips. “If you don’t believe me then fine” his hands suddenly enclosed around your waist as he picked you up. “STOP” you laughed. “See? I can carry you easily. So stop worrying your pretty brain over stupid things” he tightly squeezed you before letting you go.
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Since he is such a practical and realistic guy so he wouldn’t really understand why you thought so, but at the same time he would do anything to validate such a trivial concern of yours.
Namjoon really couldn't believe you. “Seriously babe? out of all the things in the world you could possibly assume you think of something as trivial as this?” he rolled his eyes, going back to writing his lyrics. “Well then prove me wrong” you crossed your arms over your chest standing determinedly in front of him. “No. I am not going to encourage such negativity in you. Your weight means nothing to me, whether you weigh 20 pounds or 200 I couldn't care less” he smiled up at you, almost making you cry. 
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His ego is going to be hurt. He won’t even let you complete the sentence because he wouldn't want you to think of him as weak. 
His index finger landed on your lips to silence you. “Don't you ever think I am not strong enough” you felt his hand slide behind your shoulder while the other slid under your knee. “At least not you” he then picked you up and carried you all the way to the bedroom upstairs, climbing 2 sets of stairs without huffing or puffing and without wobbling. His eyes stayed trained on you the whole time. “You will trip” you said looking at him. “ I won't because you are feather light for me baby”
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Tae wouldn't do anything most likely. He’ll probably just tell you not to worry about something like that because neither are you heavy and nor is he that weak
“I don't look like it, but trust me I could very easily carry you” he smiled at you as you shook your head at him. “ I am heavy and you aren't Jeongguk” you smirked at him. He sighed. “ Why does it matter so much? I still love you for you. I’ll always love you” he wrapped his arms around your waist , gently squeezing “ Its not that it matters. Its just a fact” “Okay fine” he then proceeded to lift you up and spun you around about 3 times before setting you back down. “ Will you be able to sleep now babe?” he let go of you as you stared at him in shock. 
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Jeongguk would be so shocked to hear that you didn't think he could carry you. He would think of it as a challenge and carry you just to prove how wrong you were
“Jeon can never carry me. Yes he can carry the other members but I am probably heavier than they are” you sighed into the phone while talking to your friend. Suddenly your feet were lifted up off the ground causing the phone to drop on the floor. “Jeon!” you shrieked as his face came into view.  “Put me down I am heavy” you kicked the air with your legs. He dumped you on the couch and proceeded to lay on top of you. “I am hurt sweetheart. You seriously thought I couldn't pick you up?” he feigned being hurt. “If I can carry Jin hyung, you weigh nothing. Even if you weigh as much as him, I’ll always be able to pick you up” he kissed your nose and rolled off you. 
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shxt-real · 8 years
The Real Housewives Of Atlanta | Season 9 Episode 12
Starting the episode off with Kenya and Pheadra in a camping store because apparently the ladies are going on a "Glamping" tip, whatever that means. And im still not sure why Kenya and Pheadra are still pretending to like each other but what i do know is that Pheadra needs to STOP telling Porsha's business to Kenya. Along with Kenya acting like she never did anything to Porsha to cause her to act the way she does towards her. This season literally started off with Kenya insulting Porsha's FLAWLESS natural face. During this scene we get a cut scene to Porsha in her anger management appointment, Now when he was talking to her he used the word "Bully". I don't think that these women are bullying Porsha i think that they just wanna make sure that she's 100% good and not popping off on anyone at any giving moment but like i said before every action has a reaction and the only person that really seems to be questioning Porsha is Kenya who has provoked he on multiple occasions.
Next Scene, we have Cynthia and Matt....
Can somebody please explain this scene to me, Yes You are older and somewhat wiser but Ma'am you're going through a D I V O R C E! Who relationship you trying to fix. Cynthia is one of my faves but i think that this is one she should have sat out just because o her situation. While Matt did admit to smashing Kenya's windows "CLAP CLAP BRAVO" He's still saying that he loves Kenya and wants to Marry her. This is where i throw down my red flag, if you have something going on within yourself you shouldn't be taking that out on someone you claim to love an damaging their property like Kenya said in a previous episode you keep apologizing for breaking things but its not always gonna be glass it might be "Kenya i'm sorry for beating your ass." i don't really think that this conversation helped at all but we'll see where this goes because we now know that Kenya and Matt aren't together and he has a new girlfriend so...
We have Kandi throwing Shamea a surprise all white engagement party, i personally think that Porsha should have been throwing this event since Shamea is her best friend but that's just me. Now apparently everyone that was invite got the ALL WHITE memo but the women with the Peaches, because they came in there in whatever they wanted to wear and Kandi just looking at them with that face like "you hoes knew the theme." AND WHO INVITED MARLO?! Still trying to wrap my head around when her and Sheree became so close but that a palm tree for another day. Porsha not attending the event to me was complete and utter BS she had her best friend sitting up there crying when she should have been enjoying her party. Nobody should have gotten in the middle of you being there for your friend of 19+ years, its very heartbreaking that she let Kandi prevent her from being there. Now here comes Miss Messy Boots, Sheree telling Shamea that Porsha didn't defend her when Pheadra called her all types of Husband F***ers. Yes Porsha should have spoken up on that subject but for Sheree to bring that up at her ENGAGEMENT party was tasteless as hell.
Miss Twirl,done pulled up to Cynthia's lake house with her dogs. Friends or not I feel like its extremely nasty to have your dogs revealing themselves all over someones yard without permission with permission all that. And then Kenya hadn't even rang the doorbell to let Cynthia know she was outside Cynthia saw the puppies from her window just dropping loads.
Here's where this scene gets S T U P I D
Cynthia brings out her note pad with her notes she had taken when she spoke to Matt earlier in the episode, She explains to Kenya what Matt had to say about their relationship and before Cynthia can finish her sentence Kenya starts throwing a tantrum. Just overreacting like the Drama Queen she is. Cynthia listen to me this is a SIGN to get out of this "Friendship"
We Finally see Porsha and She's at Shamea's house. Shamea has every right to be upset with Porsha and she was right when she told her that what she and Kandi had going on shouldn't have prevented her from coming to celebrate her. She even told her as much as she doesn't like Pheadra she would have been there to support her if Pheadra through Porsha an event. Shamea also bought up what Sheree said about how Porsha didn't defend her at lunch. Porsha was really sitting there with a blank face like she didnt recall what happened but she knows she swiveled her straw in her drink and act like Pheadra wasn't outta line
Its the day of the "Glamping" Trip
Still a stupid name but then again this is RHOA, There's two meet up spots. Sheree's House and Kenya's house. THEY LIVE DOWN THE STREET FROM ONE ANOTHER. Why couldn't there have been just one meet up spot? Anyway, Cynthia arrives at Kenya's house she brings up the argument that took place at her house. We switch over to Sheree's house and a car pulls into her driveway... WHY IS MARLO HERE AGAIN?! She doesn't have a peach i just don't see a reason for her to be there but that's just me if you like it i love it honey. While Marlo isn't dressed for a camping trip she does look good I'll give her that. We switch back over to Kenya's house and Pheadra arrives. Fishy but that's actually none of my business. Porsha and her Sister, Lauren arrives at Sheree's house. You see this back and forth you can just image how the editing went it was too much. Porsha pulls Sheree to the side, she asks her about the whole Shamea thing and Sheree lets her know look we told Pheadra what Shamea said its only right that i told her what Pheadra said.... M E S S Y. For once i agree with Sheree, everyone needs to stop talking about each other behind their backs or she shouldn't have to be Eye Witness News and report back to everyone. We're back at Kenya's house now and Kenya shows up with her friend Hazel, trying to figure out where the plus ones came from but you know that's how these women work. Pheadra throws some shade that we'll get into in the next episode because it'll make more sense.
Bus arrives at Kenya's House everyone packs into the bus, Porsha, Lauren and Sheree almost got caught being nosy while they were skipping down to Kenya's house. again still don't understand why there was two pick up spots. The Bus gets to Sheree's house the remaining ladies pack in the bus. Pheadra let the ladies know the agenda for the night, the bus is full of S H A D E hunty. Cynthia asks why Lauren was in attendance and Porsha pulls out a doctors note from her Anger Management Coach, Pheadra reads the letter and it basically says that he recommends that she had a support system with her on the trip so in case somebody does pop off on her she has someone to talk to and keep her calm. Everyone jumps on Porsha....
This episode honestly gave me a headache i think that Kenya needs to worry about herself and them spray painted cameras at her house and leave Porsha alone before she drag her again. Cynthia needs to end things with Kenya. Kandi is doing fine. Pheadra might have hands coming towards her next week but we don't know yet. Sheree needs to mind her business and stop being a reporter and Leave Marlo at home...
That's it for this episode of Real Housewives of ATL
Lysha Maurice Out
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