#so pardon me if I annoy you all with my ramblings about her XD
clumsyraccoon · 1 year
Aaaaalso, inspired by re-watching the trailer and prompted by @/mew-ya tweet: I think my choice (at least regarding the facial features) for Ayla would be a mixture between Alexandra Shipp (face shape wise) and Zendaya (because her eyes and the way she look at you are just perfect).
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lady-elowen · 7 years
Meeting Robbie Daymond at Anime Boston 2017!
Meeting Robbie Daymond was so gosh darn special to me, I’m here trying to write out all of the highlights of meeting him. Unfortunately I wasn’t aware of the panel he had the day before, and I had some photo things to do that evening, so I missed that. ;v; ANYWHO, pardon the potentially scattered things, I’m tingling thinking about it. Annnd I’ll have some photos to go along with this story in a separate post. With that, here goes!!
The minute I was told Robbie was having a signing at Anime Boston, I couldn’t wait for the weeks to go by. I began preparing a piece of art for his autograph(which got finished the Saturday of AB RIP). From the moment the travel to Boston began, my excitement practically amplified by the hour. I feel I annoyed(or at least amused :’D) a few of my room-mates at some point because I couldn’t shut up about it.
Soon enough, Sunday morning came, and was ready in my casual Gentiana for my Sunday cosplay. I got into line around 10 A.M. by myself, but Kaylee(@aqua-stone) and Griffin(@omgsheep) found me later for moral support(thanks for coming with meee guys! <3). I was there, my finished art in hand as well as Griffin’s Persona 5 art book because we weren’t sure he’d be there on time for the signing due to hotel checkout stuff. I was of the very last few who got a ticket guaranteed his autograph, so I was really just relieved I got there in time, regardless of the line and wait, which didn’t feel long at all. Everyone there was so fun, I do regret being as a quiet as I was for most of the wait, but toward the end there were some amusing conversations! I remembered the origami flowers I was handing out to Promptos that weekend and pulled a blue one out of my bag. At some point I tried to place it on my head for shits and giggles. It was dumb, but Kaylee laughed at least. xD
My friends and I then waited in the room next to where Robbie was, and Griffin kept asking me if I was okay as the line out the door got shorter. Of course, being the over-excited pile of nerves I was, answered “I don’t know!” every friggin’ time, purely out of instinct because I couldn’t think of anything else to say(I was just glad people laughed about it wheee).
Finally I got to the waiting room exit and handed my ticket to the staff managing the convention, my friends behind me. Around the corner I went, and there he was! Hilarious and sunny with everyone in front of me, as anticipated! Seeing him there made me happy enough, and it wasn’t even my turn yet! Everyone was laughing and smiling, even when Kaylee and Griffin moved to the wall just to watch. It felt great just being in line with such cool people! Anything I was planning to say went out the window because I forgot what composure was(like I had any to begin with geezhus).
At the moment the person in front of me collected their things and walked off, I finally came face-to-face with him. Heart palpitating rapidly, I gave him a “hello!” as I shifted over, to which he tried to match my hello back to me, then proceeded to laugh and say something close to “wow, that’s the loudest hello I’ve gotten all day so far!” Kaylee and Griffin were dying behind me, and that exchange alone calmed me down a lot as I laughed super hard at his remark, and we continued with the signing. After setting down my art and Griffin’s book, I pulled out a blue origami flower that read “for a sunbeam” on the bottom and handed it to him. He asked me if he got to keep it, to which I gladly answered yes, and he tried to put the flower on his head too(his hair is super rad thoooo)!! I was internally screaming.
On went the signing part of my encounter, and my art was first. Robbie asked if it was a print or copy of something, since there were other who bought prints in the artist’s alley to get signed. I told him it wasn’t, and he was amazed and asked “you made this?” I rambled for a second about how I worked on it over the weekend and he replied “this is beautiful!” Something like that, I was swooning over the compliment. I gave him my name, and as he started to write, the sharpie he had died on him, and he chucked it to the other long end of the table and signed with a fresh one. As he was doing so, I looked behind me to my friends and told them my hands started tingling and wouldn’t stop.
Griffin’s P5 art book was next, and I opened the book to the page he bookmarked with paper, the character Robbie voices, and he began to sign at the bottom-right corner of the page. I tried to spell out Griffin’s name for him, until Griffin came in from behind and said he didn’t need his name in the autograph. BUT there was already “to” and what could’ve been 3/4ths of an “L” on the page! We all laughed and finally settled on writing “to that guy” on the page with no argument whatsoever.
The signing was all set, and I asked for a picture with him before the three of us left. Happily agreeing, Robbie got up from his chair behind the table to stand by me (hue ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ). He put an arm around my shoulder after saying “get in here!” or something similar. THEN. What I remember best because I really was not expecting it and I suck at this kind of thing. He caught me off guard with “wow, you’re really soft!” and “and you smell nice!” I totally forgot Kaylee sprayed me with perfume before I left the room, I was just glad I didn’t smell like butt. My response to him was probably like “whoah really?” but I often forget half the garbage I say in spontaneous moments like that. I did a Gentiana pose with Robbie, and Griffin took the pictures. Pretty sure Kaylee said something about how poised I was, and my excuse was because I gotta be Gentiana, and we all joked a little about her. I thanked him multiple times after handing the kind lady there money for the photo.
So we all said our goodbyes, and as I was walking back down the hall, as well as the rest of Sunday, I had so much energy! It was the perfect end to my first Anime Boston, and I’m so happy to have gone and seen so many people!
This con was perfect, and I’ll never forget all of the wonderful memories made for as long as I live. Thank you for everyone who said hello and took pictures, and another gigantic thank you to Robbie Daymond for bringing so much joy to the community!~
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