huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
Hunter laughed. “Fair enough.” He smiled out at the group of people around them. “Why don’t you start with your pick of the drunks then.”
Bombfire Games || Hunter & Theo
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huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
Hunter raised an eyebrow, noticing her tensing. His sympathetic side quickly rising to the surface, but remained beneath the surface due to his limited knowledge of her. Hunter nodded slowly as she spoke. Getting slightly wary as she seamed to fill with anger. He gave her a small grin in return. “I have yet to see that, but I suppose I will.” He laughed and let his smile grow as to lighten the mood just a bit more. 
Hogwarts Bombfire •Open•
“Well,” Anne said, visibly tensing. “There was a…traumatic event. My parents died. I swore revenge on the people responsible and whenever I think about it, I get stupidly brave.” Anne’s eyes flashed with anger, then quickly subsided. “Also,” Anne gave a smile, trying to lighten the mood. “I’ve been told I’m very cocky.”
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huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
Hunter smirked and stepped on the stairs as it reached the platform. “oh no you don’t, You better tell me.” He raised an eyebrow over at her. “Or maybe if you don’t I’ll just go ask your brother, I’m sure he knows.” He chuckled, knowing how much she hated it when he threatened to go to his brother. 
Hunter feigned being hit in the chest. “You wound me.” he mocked a pained expression and looked her in the eyes. Chuckling lightly he continued, “If you won’t accept my offer, there must be someone else then. Is there something you are keeping from me my friend?”
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huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
Hunter smirked and because his accent up the stairs. Three steps up he realized he hadn't recognized the girl on the stairs. Turning around he walked back down the steps to stand in front of her. Grinning he spoke, “Names Hunter, and you?”
Bella doesn’t spend much focus on the Surroundings .But as a male voice appears behind her . She turned her head at the male ‘‘ Ähm hey Sorry ‘‘ She said quickly and goes to the side . Her brown hair fall in her face lightly when she looked down at her book again . She doesn’t now this guy and doesn’t want to bother him or anything . The Ravenclaw doesn’t pay much attention on the guy .  She probably should go down from the stairs at first .
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huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
Hunter laughed. “Sure, you keep telling yourself she was difficult.” He looked at the captain of the Ravenclaw team and was greeted with a nod. “I don’t mind if everyone here is up for that.” 
Bombfire Games || Hunter & Theo
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huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
Hunter feigned being hit in the chest. “You wound me.” he mocked a pained expression and looked her in the eyes. Chuckling lightly he continued, “If you won’t accept my offer, there must be someone else then. Is there something you are keeping from me my friend?”
“Well with you wielding the bat, then I suppose it does.” She spoke as she tapped a finger on her chin. She tensed her lower body to balance herself as the staircase began to move. “I appreciate the offer,” She begins with a endearing grin, “but I’m going to have to turn it down.” She feigns an overdone pout. Besides Octavia was beginning to feel like a knight in shining armor for Caroline. Why need one when you could be one?
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huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
“What makes you think you would’ve been a Gryffindor?” Hunter asked eye brow raised and smirked playing across his lips.
Hogwarts Bombfire •Open•
“Gryffindor then. I have a feeling that I would have been a Gryffindor if I wasn’t a Ravenclaw.” Anne said, thinking about the few things that made her brave. “Definitely Ravenclaw though.” Anne smiled.
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huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
“Even if there weren’t ‘House Obligations’ she wouldn’t go for you. Hunter scoffed at the thought of one of his closest friends getting anywhere near this guy for anything but to punch him in the face. Which, if he was remembering correctly has happened before. With a smirk nodded at the Hufflepuff captain on the other side of the circle and the captain next to him. “Come on ‘Captain’ pick some teams.”
Bombfire Games || Hunter & Theo
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huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
“I don’t see what’s so wrong with a broom and a bat. does just as much damage.” Hunter smirked down at her as he leaned against the other side of the railing as the stair case moved. “I’d gladly be your knight in shining armor.” He teased with a wink. 
“Will do.” She replied with a grin. Though admittedly she wasn’t intending on punching Theo in the first place but with his ignorant remarks her first couldn’t help itself. Octavia followed suit as Hunter steps onto the staircase, letting her hands fall to her sides. She leaned against the railing and eyed him before chortling. “Well aren’t you a knight in shining armor? Except instead of a stead you’ve got your broom and instead of a sword you have a bat.” She placed a hand on her chest, pretending to swoon. 
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huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
“Oh please, She’d go for Jax before she went for you.” Hunter chuckled. noticing that the arguing was coming to an escalated manner. “Why not let the two team captains in the circle make teams?” He said loud enough to catch everyones attention. He raised an eyebrow at the crowd that now looked at him. 
Bombfire Games || Hunter & Theo
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huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
Hunter burst out laughing as she pulled her hand away. “I bet it was, next time tell me when you plan on doing something like that. I’d love to see the look on his face.” seeing the stair case stop in the right place he stepped up onto it. he quickly ran a hand through his hair to get the pieces that had fallen again back out of his face. “I was prepared to go attack something for you.” He smirked down at her again.
“Aren’t you thoughtful?” She replied, scoffing at the smirk she was so accustomed to seeing. Octavia pressed her lips together, looking away when Hunter mentioned asking Caroline for help. She knew Caroline would be a great help but she was almost embarrassed to ask for it. She took pride in being able to do things well and on her own, yet she knew she should swallow her pride because at this point she’d never pass the class. “I’ll talk to her about it over dinner.” She turned her head back to face him, a tight smile on her face. When he stopped to look at her hand, she looked at the ceiling innocently. “Lets say Theo’s going to be having a very sore jaw the next few days.” She pulled her hand away from his and gave him a reassuring smile. “Trust me,” She rolls her wrist around, “it was worth it.” 
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huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
“Sure.” Hunter said with a roll of his eyes. “That’s why my good friend Octavia is totally head over heels for you.” He spoke sarcasm dripping from every word he spoke. Hunter and Octavia were very good friends, thanks to the quidditch team. He knew all about the relationship She had with Theo, and it was not one made of a liking for one another. 
Bombfire Games || Hunter & Theo
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huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
Hunter nodded.“In all honesty it doesn’t really matter what team I get, half of these people are so drunk they wouldn’t be able to play well anyways.” He chuckled at the thought. “He’s probably off enjoying himself with one of the girls you couldn’t get.” Hunter smirked and looked away from the shorter boy towards the group of people who were still arguing. 
Bombfire Games || Hunter & Theo
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huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
Hunter smirked. “No problem. Wouldn’t want you to miss dinner.” He chuckled lightly. “Get caroline to help you, she’s helped me since fourth year, I’m not failing anymore.” He shrugged and stopped in front of the moving staircase as they waited for the right one to appear. He looked at her and followed her gaze to her hand clasped in his. Noticing something odd he opened his hand to look at what he saw. “Who the hell did this too you?” His brows were creased in anger and worry for his good friend.
She wasn’t short but with him being taller than she was and having longer legs, she was practically dragged up the stairs. “By the way, thanks for getting me out of that conversation.” She indicated with her free hand to the stairs as they walked away from it. “Honestly, besides struggling to keep up in potions?” She chuckled but honestly it did tick her off that her potions normally bubbled down to a gunky brown mixture most of the time. She took a quick glance at the hand that was clasped in his, she couldn’t see her knuckles but she knew they were slightly bruised. She had Theo’s jaw to thank for that. 
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huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
Hunter sighed, his hoping was apparently all in vain. “Well, by looking at the groups here, I’d take Raven, Kira, Jasper and Stefan.” He pointed towards the four players only one of which being on his team, Kira. “Why do you want to know?”
Bombfire Games || Hunter & Theo
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huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
Bombfire Games || Hunter & Theo
Hunter grabbed his broom and ran towards the group of students who were about to start the quidditch scrimmage for the night. He hadn’t had much to drink a glass or two, but he had enough to get the adrenaline pumping harder in his veins. Looking around at the people in the circle he recognized almost everyone, a few people here and there, his brother unfortunately wasn’t there. probably off with some girl. His gaze finally reached the person standing next to him and he internally groaned. Of all people he’d chosen to stand next to, it had to be Theo Raeken. Choosing to ignore the fact he began listening to the group argue about what team is which, hoping that Theo wouldn’t think to speak to him.
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huntjthorel-blog · 8 years
Hunter smirked as she grabbed his hand. Leading her up the stairs, he indeed did take them in the direction of their common room, seeing as they both really needed a shower, and in all honesty food. “So Blake, Whats new with you?”
His statement was fairly true and she returned his look with a grin. She couldn’t help but chortle as she pictured the twins zipping through the skies in their last practice. “I think I’m going to stand here.” She spoke with a glint in her eyes as she extended her hand to take his. “Lead the way Thorel.” She gestured with her head towards the direction of the common room, assuming they’d go in that direction. She also didn’t think much of holding his hand, though of course some immature first year would probably make a snide comment about it. 
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