#so of course i would pronounce it as a glide there! 🙄
coquelicoq · 1 year
good news and bad news. the good news is i recently realized i've been pronouncing the letter 'a' wrong in most french words. this is good news because it means that i can now tell the difference between the french [a] sound and the 'a' sound in my native language that is closest to [a] ([æ]), which i guess i was unable to do before, or at least i was unable to tell that i was making the wrong sound. can't fix something you don't know is broken. but now i know!
the bad news is i recently realized i've been pronouncing '-ti-' followed by a vowel as [tj] in many french words where it should actually be [sj]. this is bad news because what the fuck, obviously, of course it is, get with the program brother!!
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