#so now he’s extremely self conscious about his aggression and how he reacts to things
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kiddokori · 4 months ago
the beauty of no home is that, as a reader, eunyung is soo funny and silly and entertaining to watch that you end up rooting for him a lot and really enjoying when hes around. but as a human being you see him leave his trash out in shared spaces for so long it attracts bugs and go holy shit what the hell. this guy sucks fuck this guy. which i think is exactly what knowing him in real life would be like
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enbyleighlines · 8 months ago
More miscellaneous Ike/Soren/Ranulf thoughts bc the thoughts keep comin’ and they don’t stop comin’:
Ranulf starts calling making out “having a smooch sesh”. It happened once as a joke, with Ranulf asking Ike if he “wanted to have a little smooch sesh before dinner”, and Soren was so hilariously affronted (“Do you have to call it that?”) that Ranulf just kept doing it. In fact, Ranulf likes to make up a variety of slang for making out (and for other bedroom activities) and he judges their effectiveness by how poorly Soren reacts to them.
Ike’s sense of humor can basically be summed up as “dad jokes.” The dumber and more obvious the punchline, the more it tickles his funny bone. Puns are especially a hit for him. With this knowledge, Ranulf puts a lot of effort into making Ike laugh. No one else has been able to make him laugh as hard. That being said, Ike isn’t immune to Soren’s dry, deadpan humor. It’s far less likely to get a deep-belly laugh out of him, but it can get him to crack a smile or even chuckle, which is probably for the best, because even seeing that (and knowing that he’s responsible) is enough to get Soren’s heart racing.
Due to the circumstances of his horrific upbringing, Soren is both touch-starved and touch-averse, at least in the beginning of the relationship. While he constantly craves physical affection from Ike, he also fears being seen as “too needy”. Soren also avoids initiating contact. It takes a while for him to overcome the mental barriers that keep him from fully appreciating Ike’s embraces, rather than instinctively shying away from them. Ranulf, on the other hand, is very touchy-feely. After seeing the way Ranulf practically hangs off of Ike’s arm most of the time, Soren stops feeling so self-conscious about his own wants and desires. Ike, who is not ordinarily someone who craves physical affection, is surprised by how much he misses it when he’s separated from his lovers for too long.
Ike likes it when his lovers are a little bit mean, especially when they’re being a little bit mean for a good cause. For example, he loves watching Soren haggle with vendors for better prices, or the way he gives his opinion without softening it, telling Ike exactly how he feels. And while Ranulf is generally amicable and cheerful, he’s not always happy-go-lucky. When he’s upset, Ranulf is absolutely able to show his metaphorical claws. Most of the time, this takes the form of extreme passive aggression, the level of which would make Southern women proud. Now, Ike is no stranger to being a little bit mean for a good cause, especially when it comes to correcting an injustice, but sometimes, he just likes to take a step back and watch Soren and Ranulf handle things. They are very, very good at it, and Ike loves how confidently competent they are.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years ago
I’m not sure what type you come across to me as, but I feel more sure I’m a 6, because I started reading the influx of all these people “questioning your type” before I knew why and felt pissed off on your behalf.
Ha, ha. To be honest, ten years ago this would have sent me on a self-doubting spiral as I aggressively questioned, and re-questioned, and analyzed myself to see if they were somehow right and I was wrong because I overlooked something -- but now I am settled enough and confident of my 6-ness to catch myself before that starts and shut it down. There's still a little tendency to go !?!?!?!, but I funnel it into a sense of interested "Oh, why do you say that?" Since I really am curious as to how people frame their perceptions about me.
I think if just coming across you randomly for the first time, I would assume 9 fix somewhere because your response to conflict or unpleasant people seems to be more “okay :) some people are like that.” (There is a critical voice which jumps out every so often, but it strikes me more as Fi being able to do so in the background than wanting to directly take people on like an 8 or 1 fix.)
Yeah. I have... a lot of chill. 6 becomes anxious, and immediately I think "calm down and think about this before you react." I had a 9 friend stay with me for a few days before the pandemic, and she said she loved being at my house with me because "it was all so calming and pleasant. You have a soothing presence." I rarely lose my temper in any significant way. Even when things disappoint me, I shrug.
But the explanatory nature of your writing does feel head type dominant to me.
Yeah. It's "buzzy."
I was more surprised when you identified with 2 fix because I experience them as warmer and less competency-driven, and you may be one of the more status-aware and practically ambitious Ne-doms I know. So 369 6 core seems right to me.
I lean that direction as well, just because of my to-do lists and focus on competency. I'm also... extremely aware of how things look and almost painfully conscious of other people humiliating themselves on social media. Like, one of the first things I think is, "Don't they know how bad this makes them look??" I think I come across a certain way online because I am adopting a persona. "Professionals" don't get heated, don't start fights with other typist blogs, don't trash-talk other typist blogs, etc. Then there's the problem of not being able to locate my feelings and feeling "empty." Which is... fun.
Not sure about wings - I think 7 is right, but Ne-dom can affect that a lot. I think I’d have to talk to you in real life and assess whether I feel like you’re diving into optimism or realism more often.
I'm pretty sure of 6w7, because I bounce back from pessimism fast and get angry at other people for being negative (I came here to have a good time, and don't want to talk about all the crap happening in the world right now! No. Sad. Things!!). I caught myself re-framing for positivity the other day about the Queen's death -- I was sad about it, and immediately thought of something nice to cheer myself up. ;)
Sp/so for instincts seems plausible, but mainly because there isn’t evidence against it.
A while back I shared a post about stacking and writing style, and the sp/so was the most straightforward and easiest to read. A couple of weeks ago, I had someone come up to me in a store who knew who I was and said he liked my stuff because it was so straightforward and simple to read. It cracked me up, especially since he went on to say his niece writes stuff that is hard to read "... Dune meets Tolkien." And I thought, "well, she's an so/sp. Their stuff requires concentration!"
Also not 100% sure about MBTI type. I don’t think I’d assume ENFP coming across you for the first time - probably ISFJ or INFP. But I don’t think you’re mistyped, either. It’s just hard to get those impressions right online (many of my extroverted friends seem more introverted when writing.)
Yeah, it's hard to tell by online impressions, but thank you for not assuming me to be an ESFJ. I can't be a judging dominant -- there's no openness to them, it's all being ruled by first impressions and initial feelings, and I am more "well, we don't know enough to form solid assumptions, so tell me more." I have a militantly open-minded stance (I WILL consider all perspectives before making any harsh judgments and I WILL assume the best of everyone!) that is quite idealistic and unwilling to commit to premature judgments. Many years ago on PerC when I first started learning MBTI, a user said if you tell someone they are mistyped and they are a perceiving dominant, they will go "huh, that's interesting -- why do you say that?" because they are genuinely curious as to what formed this impression. So I would have to be ISJ or ENP.
It's funny how all the information I collect about myself is full of contradictions (which just goes to show you why you should never allow anyone else the final word on your identity/type). When I typed ISFJ, I had people telling me I had such obvious Ne, I must reconsider ENP. I had Fe users telling me I was "so mean about Fe, you must be a Fi!" Some Fi users accuse me of being too Fe. Some people think I am ESFJ, others say ISFJ, and some say INFP or ENTP.
You just can't please everyone. ;)
I do give off Fe vibes, which I assume come from being a social type, but it also be triple attachment, as you suggest. Hyper attentiveness to other people, their reactions, etc., but also a refusal to do anything I don't want to do, and a tendency toward blunt self-absorption. I've always been "kind," but it took me years to realize that not everyone wants to hear me prattle on constantly about my interests.
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fallout-snippets · 4 years ago
Fallout 4 companions (+Rhys, Haylen, Sturges, the faction leaders, and the nuka-gang leaders) react to Sole riding in on a horse, and ordering them not to go near it, and when/if the companions disregard this order (maybe they only met Sole just recently and haven’t learned that Sole only gives orders for the sake of other people’s safety), they end up getting kicked/bitten/crushed between the horse’s butt and a wall, and Sole informs them that this is exactly why they told them to stay back?
Cait reacts just as quickly as the horse and quickly jumps back before its hooves connect. She still falls backwards and yells. Gets huffy with Sole and thinks they should’ve told her it was an aggressive animal that attacks just by being approached.
Codsworth raises one of his arms and shouts “Why, you!” at the horse, quickly hurrying off to find a mirror of some kind so he can see if his chassi got dented. Apologizes to Sole for not listening to them but hates the horse.
Curie is completely dazed and in shock, staying on the ground for a moment to collect herself. Thinks the horse is magnificent and patiently asks Sole for instructions on how to properly conduct herself around it.
Danse is 100% embarrassed and hopes no one but Sole saw it and that Sole has the good heart never to mention it again. He very cordially apologizes and never approaches the horse again, even when Sole says it’s okay.
Deacon knows about horses and how scared they are for its size and it’s only really by pure accident and aligning of stars that the horse backs into him ass first. Jokes it off, asks if Sole trained it to do that. Makes sure never to end up behind it again.
Dogmeat tries to greet the new, large and funny-looking dog but quickly ducks away from its stomping hooves and hides. Only when Sole introduces them to each other slowly and properly do they begin to get along.
Hancock is humble and knows it’s his own fault for not listening. No hard feelings. Lets Sole know he’s sorry for ignoring their command and that he’ll be more careful from now on. Also makes sure the horse knows it wont happen again or there’ll be a big potluck where everyone’s invited.
MacCready pretends it didn’t happen. He gets up, dusts himself off and makes sure Sole knows he’ll listen to them from now on but if this never gets mentioned it again it’ll be too soon. Keeps a good distance from the horse.
Nick can only blame himself, he remembers horses from before and how easily spooked they are. Has some experience with them and ends up making friends with the animal, despite their rocky start. Doesn’t apologize for not listening but takes responsibility for his own actions.
Piper, like Danse, is extremely embarrassed. Like Cait, she also confronts Sole saying how they could’ve warned her the horse was dangerous. Eventually calms down and enjoys riding along with Sole across the wasteland, takes some care of it herself.
Preston praises Sole for having such control over an animal that large and aggressive. Apologizes for not listening and takes time to learn how to approach and care for the horse himself so it’s not a burden Sole has to carry alone.
Strong is about to kick the horse right back when Sole screams at him to stand down. Gets scolded for not listening but thinks it’s bullshit. Bides his time for his revenge on the four legged motherfucker who got away with attacking him.
X6-88 would never disregard a direct order but somehow he ends up behind it and the hind legs connect with his chest and force him flying backwards. Acts like it was just a tumble and not a straight kick in his rib cage. Has him out of breath and sore for days but his composure never falters. Sole did tell him not to approach and he is the only one to blame.
Ada, like Strong, wants revenge but stands down when Sole tells her to calm down. She still spends a lot of time fantasizing about ways to hurt the horse right back.
Longfellow loves animals and feels kinda self-conscious that the horse didn’t immediately take to him, even if horses are almost mythical and unknown in his time. Doesn’t know not to scare horses and he ends up getting thrown around a bit before he gets the hang of it. Knows Sole means business when they say something but eh, you gotta try yourself forward sometimes.
Gage already didn’t trust the thing and this only makes it worse. Tries from time to time to convince Sole to just dump the thing somewhere or for them to cook and eat it. Thinks that even if Sole warned him not to get close that the horse is an unnecessary addition to the party.
Rhys gets mad at the horse, probably out of embarrassment. Agitates it enough that someone has to calm down the horse and someone else has to calm down Rhys. Calls it “yet another wasteland abomination”.
Haylen is also furiously embarrassed (brotherhood peeps got a lot of pride to hurt) but is more apologetic. Asks for information on how to approach it to save face but plans on never going near it again.
Sturges tries to be as gentle as possible but if the horse reacts by biting him after he approaches slowly and with his hands outstretched towards it in good faith then it’s not a friend he plans to make. Doesn’t dislike the horse, it’s just an animal that reacted like an animal, but keeps a deliberate distance. Will still make sure it’s taken proper care of if he has to, no animal has to suffer just because it has instincts.
Father somehow manages to turn it into a lesson about how mankind and the surface world has dwindled into disrepair. Doesn’t take accountability for his own actions, thinks the horse is a lesser animal and shouldn’t be allowed to react that way.
Maxson knows how to be diplomatic and manages to smooth over the fact that he ignored Soles order. Studies the horse to see if it can be utilized for the Brotherhoods benefit but eventually scraps the idea. Definitely romanticizes the old war image of war generals riding into battle on a horse with a bayonet raised high but the cost and the cons outweigh the pros. Like X6-88 he never lets it show that his ribs are severely bruised. 
Desdemona just sighs and throws her hands in the air. Yeah, okay. That’s a horse. It doesn’t have to be her problem, she has enough as it is.
Mason definitely tries to mount the horse in some kind of alpha display but immediately gets tossed off a good few metres. Would try more times before getting violent to show the horse who’s boss but Sole probably sets him in his place, either by scolding him or threatening him. Considers the horse a personal challenge.
Nisha plans a slow death for the animal that reeks of shit and dust. Will absolutely kill the horse if it’s left unattended and pretend it was either not her or an accident. Doesn’t care that she was warned, things like that just don’t go by unretaliated.
Mags doesn’t want to go near it all since it’s such a filthy animal but when Sole tells her not to she gets curious. Considers it a lesson learned and to not take Soles word lightly.
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rosebagbyastrology · 4 years ago
🔮 Weekly Astrological Forecast 🔮
Astrology Forecast for the week of 11/9 — 11/15
These are the major planetary transits and aspects of the week. My interpretations are general run-downs of the energies present. **All times mentioned are Eastern US Time**
Monday, November 9th
🤱🏻 Ceres moves into Pisces
Ceres, the Great Mother asteroid, will be moving out of Aquarius and into Pisces, shifting us from air to water, from intellect to emotions. Ceres in Pisces is the ultimate unconditional loving mother archetype. She sacrifices herself for others, and her altruism, care, empathy and depth of love radiate in her truest form and highest vibration. The shadow side of Ceres in Pisces can have a victim-complex or try to always be a martyr or savior, and can confuse enabling and codependence with unconditional love. In order to love others with the nurturing love of Ceres, you must first have love for the self, which can be achieved by expressing clear and healthy boundaries.
Monday, November 9th
✂️ Venus in Libra opposite Mars Rx in Aries
Around 11AM, Venus in Libra will oppose retrograde Mars in Aries. Venus aspecting Mars has been a signature of this Mars Rx. She squared Mars just before his Rx on 9/9 and now opposes him just before he goes direct. This creates tension between Yin and Yang, masculine and feminine. Venus in Libra is a rational lover, but her shadow side can become codependent. Mars in Aries is assertive, raw and primal, and his shadow side can become too aggressive, selfish and combative. Dualities, polarities, power imbalances and personal differences in your relationships may be brought to the surface now. These may be make or break. With Mars making tense aspects to Venus, this energy could arouse the need to cut ties or end certain relationships/leave certain situations that are no longer working.
Monday, November 9th
💭 Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune Rx in Pisces
This peaceful trine will occur around noon, aligning the Sun, our conscious self and ego, with Neptune, the planet of spirituality and idealism. This influence is dreamy, floaty, romantic and creative. Give yourself space to breathe, to be, to meditate. Pay attention to your intuition and emotions.
Tuesday, November 10th
🦂 Mercury moves into Scorpio
Near 5PM, Mercury will move from Libra to Scorpio, shifting the mind and intellect from air to water, from logical thought to feeling emotions, from conscious to unconscious. Mercury in Scorpio is deep and penetrating, always wanting to get to the bottom of things. This is a great influence for shadow work, research, study, therapy, and deep, meaningful conversations with others. Watch out for intense negative emotions surfacing such as jealousy, possessiveness or power/control dynamic imbalances in your relationships.
Thursday, November 12th
🔱 Jupiter and Pallas Athena conjunct in Capricorn
Around 2PM, Jupiter conjoins Pallas Athena at 22’50°, followed by Pluto conjoining Pallas at 22’41°, linking the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction happening later today with the asteroid Goddess of War, politics, intelligence and wisdom. Pallas and Jupiter together is revealing the “bigger picture” at play. Together, they can magnify patriarchal thought, power and control dynamics in your relationships, and revealing things in the political and social environment. Imagine this aspect as a veil being lifted and something being revealed.
Thursday, November 12th
‼️ Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
This is the third and final Jupiter-Pluto conjunction of 2020. Jupiter is like a trigger planet, and when it conjoins with another planet, it takes that influence up a few notches. From today until the 17th, Jupiter with Pluto will be amplifying the Pluto-Eris square, for the third and final time in 2020.
**Many astrologers do not talk about Eris, as she is a new body discovered in 2005. But historically, new bodies are associated with what was unfolding in the world and the collective upon their discovery, so her role as a disruptor is clearly seen in what is happening on the planet right now. At the best, Jupiter brings light to the darkness of Pluto, and he can bring opportunities for massive transformation, evolution and rebirth. But Jupiter can also magnify the shadow side of Pluto; a ruthless desire for power and control, behind the scenes domination, subversive manipulation and jealous, vengeful energy. Pluto is deep and extreme, while Jupiter is adding more fuel to the already hot and heavy Saturn-Pluto-Eris fire. This is a great time for shamanic journeys, shadow work, and diving into the depths of being. But what you find when you dive might be dark and intense. The whole world is going through a dark time right now. People are being forced to stay home more, be alone with less distractions, and alone with their emotions and deepest, darkest feelings. Your greatest asset right now will be your ability to embrace the shadows, confront and face your fears and anxieties, and really take the time to do inner work on yourself. Pay attention to what’s going on around you. The truth can set you free, but it might piss you off or hurt you first. These things need to be felt and dealt with.
Friday, November 13th
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 Neptune Rx in Pisces trine Juno in Scorpio
Just before noon, retrograde Neptune will form a gentle trine with Juno, the marriage asteroid, in Scorpio. Neptune-Juno together can elevate our hearts to a space of higher love and romanticism. This is a positive influence for mystical relationships, existing ones or new ones forming that could be past life connections. Be aware of this idealistic influence and don’t put others on a pedestal. Instead, use this energy for meditation, connecting with your higher self and deepening your healthy relationships with others.
Friday, November 13th
⚠️ Mars stations Direct in Aries
Around 7:30PM, Mars in Aries will finally station direct at 15’13°, completing the retrograde cycle that began on 9/9. Mars is the will, the warrior and drive within us, and he is now direct in the sign he rules, so his power is full throttle. He may tend to be overly Yang/masculine energy, expressing aggression, anger, rage, dominance and violence at his most negative state. Mars has triggered the Pluto-Eris square twice already, one more occurring 12/22. Pluto and Eris have been exposing behind-the-scenes power dynamics. With Mars turning direct, aggression and action-oriented energy is dominant, so be careful with your words, actions and ego today.
Saturday, November 14th
🤝 Venus in Libra trine North Node in Gemini
Early morning around 8AM, Venus in her ruling sign of Libra will trine the lunar mean North Node in Gemini. Destined and fated events may occur in your relationships and partnerships. Beauty, balance and harmony are in focus. Both bodies in Air signs are focused on communication, collaboration and seeking the truth. Pay attention to your relationships and find balance today.
Saturday, November 14th
🔍 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto-Jupiter in Capricorn
The Sun in Scorpio will sextile Pluto at 3PM, and Jupiter at 11PM, both in Capricorn. The sextile with Pluto enhances this double-down energy, allowing us to get focused on making change happen in our lives. It brings us out of our victim mentalities and allows us to embrace our inner power. The sextile with Jupiter is amazing for opening up and expanding our minds, and accessing the depths of our shadows and secrets.
Sunday, November 15th
🌑 New Moon exact in Scorpio
The New Moon at 23’18° Scorpio will be exact shortly after midnight, commencing a new lunar cycle that will be focused on the depths, mysteries and shadows. This is a time to DIVE DEEP and bring hidden things to light. This New Moon is sextile Jupiter-Pluto, which amplifies the transformational capacity of this lunation. The Moon will make a tense aspect with Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Chaos, bringing in some sudden and unexpected energy that could be ungrounding or destabilizing, but also liberating and revealing if we choose to use the information that comes to light wisely.
Sunday, November 15th
🗯 Mercury in Scorpio quincunx Chiron Rx in Aries
At 4:30AM, Mercury in Scorpio quincunx Chiron Rx in Aries creates tension between the mind and intellect and the wounded healer planetoid. Both bodies are in Mars-ruled signs, which can make for intense, conflict-oriented or aggressive conversations and exchanges. The potential for healing or overcoming these aggressive tendencies is possible if you bring consciousness to your words and actions and how it will affect others. Avoid being petty, spiteful or unnecessarily stirring up drama. Also don’t over-react or make any impulsive decisions under this influence.
Sunday, November 15th
💢 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
This transit creates tension between the Goddess of Love and the Lord of the Underworld. Venus-Pluto can be highly sexual, passionate and intense, but it is very potent. This square can bring up all kinds of shadows, from possessiveness and jealousy, to power and control imbalances, or to other forms of toxicity.
Since Venus moved into Libra she has been hit with several tense transits with Chiron, Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune and Eris. The surface facade of relationships is really being tested. Is the foundation of your relationship steady enough to handle the turbulence? Relationships that are solid and grounded will be showing their strength right now. Balance between the self and the other is key. This is not a time to be selfish or to be too giving.
Sunday, November 15th
📰 Pallas Athena in Capricorn square Eris Rx in Aries
Pallas Athena, the Wisdom and Warrior Goddess, will square retrograde Eris, Goddess of Chaos and Discord, around 7PM. Something big might come up politically. Something is going on behind the scenes. Pallas is working to magnify what needs to be seen, while Eris is pulling back the curtain to reveal the shadows beneath. Pallas also triggers the Pluto-Eris square this week (11/12-11/15) while Jupiter triggers Pluto-Pallas (11/12). Something is developing politically.
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nahte123456 · 5 years ago
Miraculous Pokémon idea.
So a fic idea I have no plans on doing, I don’t really expect anyone to read this but if you do tell me!
In this world Pokémon are mysterious beings that sometimes appear near people in Pokeballs for no discernable reason, Pokémon do not appear outside of being partnered with a human. No human can have more then 6 Pokémon, but it’s rare to get to this point as many people do not even have 1.
The Pokémon represent there partner in some way and you can only have 1 type per person. So a hotheaded person will get only Fire types, while a crafty person will get Dark types. In addition how the Pokémon act also represents them as well, if the Pokémon is cruel then the person is as well.
In addition to normal Pokémon though there are 3 special types of Pokémon. Legendaries, who are absurdly strong, Mega’s who have a stone on there bodies when they appear which if the trainer is talented can evolve to an even stronger form, and Z-users who have are a rare color and can use powerful Z-moves that take an hour to recharge.
Dynamax and Gigamax are area exclusive to only small parts of the UK and central South America, so they may be mentioned but would never be important.
Paris is currently a place of extreme interest due to an unusually high amount of people having 6 Pokémon, and/or some form of the 3 rarer types of Pokémon.
However Paris is being attacked by Akumatization, in which if a Human Partner feels negative emotions the Pokémon can be instantly and strongly turned into a Shadow Pokémon, Shadow Pokémon have increased aggression, increased power, ignore enemy types resistances, and have a special Z-move called Evilization. To stop an Akumatized Pokémon they must be knocked out in which they will revert to normal, however this reversion causes an explosive backlash called Akumatization Retaliation. The only known people related to this phenomenon are Hawk Moth, a terrorist with unclear goals, and an ally that uses Psychic types.
Marinette has Fairy Pokémon and is special in that she has not just 6 Pokémon, but has a Z-user, a Mega, and a Legendary. The first person since Cynthia over 200 years ago to have this, however because of how special it is she keeps both her Mega and her Legendary secret. Her Pokémon are Clefable, Alcremie, Shiinotic, Z-Ribombee, Mega-Gardevoir, and Xerneas. Xerneas has the unique ability where if it knocks out an Akumatized Pokémon they do not cause an Akumatization Retaliation. Afterwards Mega-Gardevoir uses her Psychic powers to shape Xerneas’ powers to restore life to restore damaged terrain, however the limits to this restoration is unknown and untrustworthy. Because of this she uses both her Mega and Legendary to combat the Akumatizartion.
Adrien has Dark Pokémon, with both a Mega and a Legendary, although he also keeps his Legendary a secret because he fears his Father trying to use it. His Pokémon are Crawdaunt, Mandibuzz, Grimmsnarl, Hydreigon, Mega-Absol, and Yveltal. He helps Xerneas as he views Xerneas and Yveltal as partners, and has a strong interest in meeting Xerneas’ human.
Gabriel is known to only have a very protective and powerful Banette and a calm Mismagius. However he is secretly the criminal Hawk Moth, with 6 powerful Ghost Pokémon all under Akumatization with a secret means to keep them loyal, uniquely despite being Akumatized and still being able to use Evilization his Gengar can still Mega. His Pokémon are Banette, Misamgius, Dusknoir, Decidueye, Chandelure, and Mega-Gengar.
Nathalie was only known to have a Mega-Alakazam but in secret she helped Gabriel’s illegal endeavors with her other 5 Psychic types, Reuniclus, Gallade, Gothitel, Grumpig, and Sigilyth all Akumatized. It is unknown why her Alakazam is not Akumatized like Gabriel’s Gengar.
Alya has Grass Types and a Z-Pokémon. Her Pokémon are Roselia, Bellosome, Shiftry, Tsareena, Eldegoss, and Z-Sceptile. She wants to be a reporter and uses her Grass Pokémon to help her manage time.
Nino has Water Types and a Mega. His Pokémon make a nice Rain team in Pelipper, Politoad,  Quagsire, Kabutops, Ludicolo, and Mega-Swampert. He loves music and often uses Ludicolo’s dance with his music to add to the impact.
Chloe has Bug Types and has the rare 2 Mega Pokémon, she can’t use both at once but between the two she has huge power. Her Pokémon are Volcarona, Pinsir, Galvantula, Vespiquen, Mega-Beedrill, and Mega-Scizor. 
Sabrina has Fire Types and a Z-move, however she finds herself unable to use the Z-move for unknown reasons for the first 15 years of her life. Her Pokémon are Rapidash, Salazzle, Centiskorch, Typhlosion, Pyroar, and Z-Arcanine.
Juleka has Poison Types but no special Pokémon. Her Pokémon are Drapion, Toxicroak, Arbok, Crobat, Dragalge, and Toxtricity.
Luka has Dragon Types with a Mega and is well on his way to being a Dragon Master. His Pokémon are Flygon, Haxorus, Noivern, Turtonator, Hakamo-o, and Shelgon with a Mega-Salamence crystal.
Kagami has Steel Types and a Mega. Her Pokemon are 2 Bisharp(one offensive one defensive), an Aegislash, an Aggron, Lucario, and Mega-Metagross.
Lila has 3 Dark Types with no special Pokémon. They are Sableye, Spiritomb, and Zoroark.
Penny has Ice Pokémon with no special Pokémon. Her Pokémon are Ice-Ninetails, Avalugg, Lapras, Frosmos, Froslass, and Abomasnow.
Jagged is THE Dragon Master, with both Legendaries and a Mega. His Dragons are Duraladon, Dragonite, Garchomp, Goodra, Latias, and Mega-Latios
Some plot points
Chloe was incredibly powerful with her 2 Mega’s and her Father’s influence she rarely uses strategy able to brute force just about anything. However despite having 6 Pokémon to Marinette’s 4 and 2 Mega’s with a type advantage she’s never been able to beat the Bluenette, which causes her enormous jealousy. Marinette was simply to smart, to quick to plan, for Chloe’s brute force to win.
Sabrina was extremely self-conscious of her inability to have her Arcanine use it’s Z-move for most of her life. This is why she idolizes Chloe who was able to Mega-Evolve her Pokémon at the extremely young age of 5(Beedrill) and 6(Scizor).
Sabine has a Hitmontop and Tom has a Torkoal, both know all 6 of Marinette’s Pokémon along with her interference in the Akumatized Pokémon. They worry for her but know Marinette may never forgive them if they stop her from helping people.
Nathalie prioritizes Gabriel’s happiness above all else, to the complete exclusion of her own happiness or morality.
Lila wants to be Adrien’s girlfriend, thinking they’d make the perfect Dark Type duo, to which he has no interest in. However she despises Marinette as on her first day her Spiritomb was sneaking around when Marinette’s Alcremy found it and knocked it out in 1 move. She is now afraid of confronting Marinette in any fasion but despises her for that.
Jagged played around all the time, but when he got serious he has only lost 3 times in the last decade.
1)To Penny in a 4-v-4 double battle without his Lati’s, despite leaving behind his best Mons and the type disadvantage he took down 3 of hers and her Avalugg, the last Pokémon standing, collapsed seconds after the victor had been declared.
2)To Marinette, he found out who she was and challenged her to a full 6-v-6 match to determine if she has the strength to fight on. She won however all but her Xerneas had been knocked out and Xerneas could neither move or attack, just stand there panting. After losing ina  full out fight Jagged treated Marinette as an equal and despite the just-over 20 year age difference the two are close friends.
3)To Hawk Moth. He had tracked Hawk Moth down and challenged him to a battle, but Hawk moth used his pride against him to make it a traditional 6-v-6 battle, with his Akumatized Gengar sweeping both Lati’s and Garchomp, before losing to Goodra, however Akumzatization Retaliation dropped Goodra as well. Hawk moth then sent out all 5 of his remaining Mons to Jagged’s 2 despite this and the Realtiation’s he was able to knock out all but the very injured Mismagius and the mostly OK Decidueye. Hawk moth decided he needed to kill Jagged rather then any of his normal Akuma tricks, only to be cut off as a massive flare engulfed his Decidueye and even ate it’s Relatiation, a blue blur knocked out Mismagius and threw her away before her Retaliation hurt anyone, a yellow streak saved Jagged and his Dragons, and a massive wave of poison nearly engulfed Hawk Moth before Sigilyth saved him. Sabrina had used her Fire-Z for the first time to overwhelming results, Chloe’s Mega-Beedrill had saved everyone, Luka’s Shelgon evolved not Salamence to take out the Mismagius, and Juleka’s Toxtricity had tried to drown Hawk Moth in a Sludge Wave. Xerneas and Gardevoir got there soon after but they had finally found there restoriation’s limits, parts of the block was still demolished and Latias was in a coma with no one knowing when, or even if, she’d wake again.
Jagged was grateful and took on the 4 as his apprentices/helpers, although Juleka asked to work with Penny instead which was granted.
Sabrina’s confidence had a major boost along with her battle capabilities.
Chloe reacted badly to this sending Sabrina crying, but regreted it, found her later, and had a good cry herself. The two’s relationship is better then ever, possible romantic.
Kagami is around with a crush on Adrien but she despises his father and refuses to give the man any leverage over her or anymore leverage over Adrien so she refrains from presueing him.
Marinette has a crush on Adrien.
Adrien doesn’t have a crush although he is very interested in Xerneas’ partner because he has a strong belief in destiny.
Nino and Alya are interested in each other but dance around it for a bit because teenagers.
Juleka and Rose are dating steadily since they first found out dating was a thing, much to everyone’s shock that 2 teens seem in a happy long term relationship.
Luka has a crush on Marinette which he is open about, but he doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable so he merely told her and flirts, willing to stop if she asks him to or date her if she shows any interest. She has not asked him to stop.
Kagami supports Luka’s crush, Juleka is bemused as is Penny, Marinette is a blushing mess, Chloe supports it if only to get Marinette away from Adrien, and Rose and Jagged are VERY enthusiastic about the whole thing.
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kayokos-villain-imagines · 5 years ago
Charcoal grey with they eight Expandables?
Charcoal Gray = What kind of yandere are they?
//Very, very vanilla because I’m used to writing fluff//
//In this, you’re a loose associate with the Shie Hassaikai, like what Giran is to the LoV//
//No, I don’t know why there’s flowers//
Prompt list
The first few times you two meet, it seems like he hates you. In reality, he really likes you, but won’t admit it to himself. You make him feel things, and he hates that at first. At first.
When he decides to embrace his attraction to you rather than ignore it, it’s like a switch flip. He goes from avoiding you to following you everywhere you go.
Has a mindset of “if she didn’t like me, she wouldn’t make me like her”, which can be an issue if you actually aren’t interested in him.
The more you try to get away, the more he insists that you stay and won’t take no for an answer. He’s used to people avoiding him because of his quirk, and he’s not letting that happen with you.
Speaking of his quirk, he detests the thought of using it on you because “couples should trust each other”.
Because of this, he’ll tell you absolutely everything about his day, including his honest, unfiltered opinions. The only problem with this is that he expects you to do the same, but also won’t accept negative feedback. Even without his quirk, he’ll know if you’re lying, and will be very upset about it.
If you do manage to somehow be happy with your situation, or become the world’s most convincing liar, he’ll be extremely pleased and sort of act more like a normal boyfriend, buying you gifts, making you food, etc.
But it’s hard to pay too much attention to these changes when he’s still never confessed his love, and keeps you locked up at the base.
Despite all this, if you really wanted to get away, it wouldn’t be that hard, since Nemoto himself isn’t that hard to overpower.
At first, he probably just admires you from afar. He’s really good at self-control, so no one really suspects anything.
In fact, the only reason he’d transition from this to yandere would be if he realized how dangerous your life was. Even then, he’d calmly suggest the idea of moving in with them before he considered anything drastic. If you turn him down, he’ll seem to respect your wishes, but will now be hyper-vigilant to any danger you put yourself in. He will keep himself up at night worrying about you.
If you wake up one morning and find yourself locked in a room at the Shie Hassaikai hideout, it’s because everyone else got fed up with his worrying.
He feels bad about this, but sees it as necessary for your safety.
Very patient. You can scream and kick all you like, and he’ll just sit beside you and wait for you to calm down.
If you accept your new role as Tengai’s s/o, he’ll eventually trust you enough to let you move freely around the base, so it seems less like a hostage situation and more like a “romantic partners who moved in together” thing.
Honestly, I don’t feel like he himself would be the one to incarcerate his so. He probably didn’t think this would end up being more than a temporary crush.
Most likely, Overhaul decided to keep you with them for an unrelated reason.
Since Sakaki is likely to have drunkenly flirted with you before, you’d probably gravitate towards him.
He’d take this as you showing interest in him, and become more protective of you.
Even if you get used to being stuck with the group, he’ll still cling to you and expect you to act just as interested as you were when you began your permanent stay.
It seems that the more you try to distance yourself from him, the closer he gets.
If you tell him up front to leave you alone, he’ll start going through rapid mood swings. 
From depressed to frustrated to angry and back again until you agree to be his.
His mood swings affect everyone around him, so the rest of the Shie Hassaikai will force you to comply.
Pretty much checks all the boxes of a stereotypical yandere hunk
You really don’t have a chance to get out of this situation. Rappa is stronger than you, and he’s not just going to let you go.
Before he locks you up, he’ll kill who he sees as competition, regardless of how close you are to them.
When he locks you up, he’ll pretty much use you as a giant teddy bear. You sit on his lap while he nuzzles your neck most of the time he’s with you. You can’t really struggle against him.
You’re probably expecting me to talk about him wanting to fight you or something.
At first, he’s very physically aggressive with you, especially if you’re not doing what he wants. If you’re not obedient to him, he’s going to get mad, and might hurt you as a result. There’s a specific incident where he gets carried away and you end up needing medical attention. After that, you don’t rebel against him anymore, and he’s disappointed to see your spunk dissipate.
As this behavior continues and you don’t go back to the way you used to be, he’ll kind of realize that he went too far.
Rappa really does care about you, so he’s slightly gentler with you from there on out. By slightly, I mean that he still gets physical with you, he’s just abnormally mindful of his actions. Never uses his quirk on you, but will definitely use his strength to restrain you and keep you in line.
Very similar to Rappa, but more flirty when you two first meet.
To be clear, not cute flirty, aggressive flirty You know he’s not just being friendly, and you know he’ll flip if you start a relationship with anyone else.
Because you’re not dating anyone else, he assumes you’re into him, and any yelling, screaming, kicking, is just playing hard to get.
If you start a relationship with someone else anyways, he will flip, kill your partner, and lock you up.
Not as ‘affectionate’ as Rappa, but if you put up a fight at any time, he’ll sap your energy and lay with you to force you to get used to him.
Honestly, there’s really not much more to say about him, other than if the scenario from Rappa’s headcanons (he hurts you too much and you need medical attention) ever occurred with him, he would blame you for resisting him and double down on discipline.
((These headcanons might overlap a lot with the Setsuno general relationship hcs I’m working on))
Like Nemoto, he didn’t want to get a crush on you. Unlike Nemoto, he doesn’t blame you so much as he blames himself. In fact, he doesn’t really blame you for anything. You can do no wrong in his eyes, and that scares him.
Doesn’t think he deserves something so perfect, and yet he can’t live without you. Dealing with this is a constant internal battle.
Will make sure you can’t leave him before he shares his feelings. When he confesses his love to you, he doesn’t want ‘no’ to be an option.
Is now permanently attached to you at all times, but he still needs you to want him there. If Setsuno sees you talking to another guy, no matter how platonic it is, his behavior will only get worse. He’d never physically hurt you, but being with him can be mentally and emotionally demanding, and you can’t really back out of it.
Brings you gifts and will have a breakdown if you don’t react the way he hopes you will. Same thing with cuddles. He’ll lay down on top of you and expects you to dote on him and tell him how much you love him.
The more he’s with you, the more he comes to care for you and worry that he isn’t enough. This exaggerates all of the behaviors listed above and makes your relationship that much more exhausting on your part.
With time and loyalty, he’ll calm down a bit, but still can’t handle you going anywhere without him.
A sweet, protective yandere, like Tengai. He knows you can take care of yourself, but there’s just so many dangers of the world, and there’s no way you can defend yourself against all of them. At first, he comforts himself with the fact that he can protect you in dangerous situations, but you’re not always around him.
This is what makes him lock you up. There’s no way he could handle you getting hurt, so the best way to prevent that is to keep you with him all the time.
If you’re upset about the situation, he’ll just be confused. You’re safe now, you don’t have to worry about anything anymore, why are you in distress over this?
Doesn’t know how to handle your onslaught of emotion. Just… leaves you alone for a while. Comes back with food.
Most likely, you’ll get so lonely that you’ll behave so he spends time with you. He doesn’t really hold a conversation well, but he enjoys your presence enough to try.
If you ask him for something, he’ll get it for you. Anything so you won’t be upset with him. Just don’t expect him to let you go.
Also probably won’t let you talk to many other people. If you’re insistent enough on other company, he’ll be a little self-conscious, but might let you become acquainted with Setsuno and Tabe. ‘Might’ because he’s kind of afraid they might accidentally scare you.
A mix of the insecure, awkward, and protective types. He’s not confident you’ll ever fall in love with him, doesn’t even know where to begin with courting you, but he wants to make sure you’re safe.
He’d only lock you up (with the help of his friends) after you get seriously hurt, and worry him. He feels bad about restricting your freedom, he really does, but it’s the only way he can ensure your safety.
Will cuddle you a lot as a frequent apology for your situation.
Brings you gifts, stolen items, and  l o t s  of food. Assumes you’re also always hungry, so you get way too much food. Gets way too concerned if you’re not eating all of it.
Really doesn’t expect anything from you. he’ll be happy enough if you settle into the new situation, but will be surprisingly understanding if you don’t.
Definitely introduces you to his friends. The only time he’s anywhere close to upset with you is getting defensive if you’re scared of them, but he’d never actually hurt you.
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thelittlehansy · 5 years ago
Narcissism in the Westregraad family part 1
If Hans is several times called a sociopath/psychopath ( i had make a post about it on my blog explaining that hans dont represent with accuracy sociopath/psychopath behavior)  i also saw him be qualified to be a narcissist and having narcissistic personality disorder a lot of times. and i m not gonna lie this is my reaction about people assuming hans has NPD
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First because i have an history with that disorder my parents who are psychiatrist talk a lot with me about it at a period where i think i had a friend who was one.But mainly because we label very easily person with the term “narcissist” There is this trend in my country  to accuse ex-boyfriend who are manipulative and are product of toxic masculinity  to be narcissist. when NPD is a true disorder , a psychiatrist illness along with anti social personality disorder and it’s so annoying when people think they can say if someone is narcissist based on what they thing the disorder is when we need true psychiatrist to diagnose it.
I took what a website (helpguide.org) said about narcissist personality disorder symptoms and the explanation and not a silly website  “ wants to knows if you ex is one”
since hans is a fictional character and therefore do not exist  in real life took informations about the disorder and makes them apply to Hans personality is the closest  thing we have to say if he is one or not.
So does hans have narcissist personality disorder ?
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first i want to say this is more difficult to say if hans is one that with psychopath/sociopath symptoms because there are way more difficult to catch and less obvious and we can easily become parano ( i say that based on personal experience )  thats why also we need to look at all hans relationship to people not only at his relationship with his ex girlfriend.
Grandiose sense of self-importance
Grandiosity is the defining characteristic of narcissism. More than just arrogance or vanity, grandiosity is an unrealistic sense of superiority. Narcissists believe they are unique or “special” and can only be understood by other special people. What’s more, they are too good for anything average or ordinary. They only want to associate and be associated with other high-status people, places, and things.
based on the movie : we don’t know.  Hans want to be king but we don’t knows why we can say that hans want to be the hero of arendelle because he feel grandiose but this is only an assumption he could also feel useless and that’s why he want so much to be king and a hero. we can add also that Hans is not bothers by the idea of being associated with arendelle citizens. the movie never contradict the scene where he show concern for arendelle citizens and wants to take her of the peasant.
  other information we have from a frozen heart : Hans feel useless as the 13th son of King he think he is useless , worthless a throwaway He feel we will never be needed. Hans feels inferior to his older brothers. It seems Hans wants attention only of basic people ? Nothing is say about him believing he think only special person can understand him. We only knows he wants the attention of his family.
complementary information : there is the argument that Narc have low self esteem yes but they are not conscious and aware like how hans is aware about his low self esteem. Hans dont compensate his low self esteem. also “ Recent research discounts the earlier theory and now indicates that if you are suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, you likely also have high self-esteem – both on the surface and below the surface.” source : Psyc
Narcissists also believe that they’re better than everyone else and expect recognition as such—even when they’ve done nothing to earn it. They will often exaggerate or outright lie about their achievements and talents. And when they talk about work or relationships, all you’ll hear is how much they contribute, how great they are, and how lucky the people in their lives are to have them. They are the undisputed star and everyone else is at best a bit player.
based only on the movie : we dont knows. again the only thing we have  is “ i m gonna be the hero of arendelle”  but saying hans think he is better than everyone because of that is to me too way much interpretation. it also contradict what it say previously Hans dont expect recognition without doing nothing. For him he need to do something and act like a hero to have arendelle respect.
complementary information on a frozen heart : Hans doesn’t except recognition without doing nothing. Hans believe he had to earn recognition. We know that he think he can be a good king but nothing about great exaggerate his achievement or talent,Also His father told him “ dont disappoint me…again” and he respond “ i wont” he knows he need to prove himself to have approval of his father. That’s what drive him to go in arendelle “ prove them wrong”Having to earn people affection is  definitely one of hans goal
.Lives in a fantasy world that supports their delusions of grandeur Since reality doesn’t support their grandiose view of themselves, narcissists live in a fantasy world propped up by distortion, self-deception, and magical thinking. They spin self-glorifying fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, attractiveness, and ideal love that make them feel special and in control. These fantasies protect them from feelings of inner emptiness and shame, so facts and opinions that contradict them are ignored or rationalized away. Anything that threatens to burst the fantasy bubble is met with extreme defensiveness and even rage, so those around the narcissist learn to tread carefully around their denial of reality
.Based on the movie : we doesn’t knows.anything of that to me its making wayyy to much assumption about hans personality that were never show in the movie. we have maybe one moment : the duke of weselton criticized him when he give the cloaks hans is calm and say the princess has give her orders.he became aggressive when the duke criticized anna ( his key to the throne) not him. he is calm when this is about him. Hans is aggressive at the end when anna say to him he  is not match for elsa. so we just dont know since Hans show different behavior. again they never told us why hans wants to be king he wants to be hero can be because he did live in a fantasy world but also because he dont live in a fantasy world and finally has his moment to shine.
others information on a  frozen heart :  somewhere we are in hans head ! so what told us ? in the beginning of a frozen heart hans has dream : only’s son of his father he told him how proud he is of him and this is time for him to give him his kingdom. then he stop and told himself : “ this is never gonna happened and he needs to stop making fantasy and dream about thing that never gonna happened his father hates him and needs to dealt with that. Hans doesn’t believe in his fantasy. He is not living in his fantasy. Then hans doesn’t react to thing that threaten his fantasy bubble by extreme defensiveness. on the contrary he is resigned to be a throwaway and worthless.  
Needs constant praise and admirationA narcissist’s sense of superiority is like a balloon that gradually loses air without a steady stream of applause and recognition to keep it inflated. The occasional compliment is not enough. Narcissists need constant food for their ego, so they surround themselves with people who are willing to cater to their obsessive craving for affirmation. These relationships are very one-sided. It’s all about what the admirer can do for the narcissist, never the other way around. And if there is ever an interruption or diminishment in the admirer’s attention and praise, the narcissist treats it as a betrayal
.based on the movie : hans come from a family that ignore him and make him feel invisible. we can also say based on his relationship with anna for Hans its all about anna , please her , do what she wants , it is not one side  because he wants to be king. arendelle , its all about him making them love him. lets also added it say Hans is a social chameleon. hans definitely has no problem making effort to win people heart. it is not one side. with Hans this is all about how he can please people to have what he wants. so we doesn’t exactly  know but some element contradict that behavior
.based on a frozen heart : He doesn’t seems to show his behavior again since what he feels as a young adult in his mind is inferiority not superiority. He wants legitimate compliment not exaggerate compliment he want to have respect and he was going to deal with the fact that his father hates him arendelle was an idea from his brothers lars , hans , him was going to  go to the brotherhood once his father say it.. so Hans can live without praise and admiration. Hans wants all the times to have his father proud of him have his respect trust , the king on the other hand humiliate hans and abuse him and doesn’t even respect him. The relationship between hans and his father is one side on hans part.
Sense of entitlement Because they consider themselves special, narcissists expect favorable treatment as their due. They truly believe that whatever they want, they should get. They also expect the people around them to automatically comply with their every wish and whim. That is their only value. If you don’t anticipate and meet their every need, then you’re useless. And if you have the nerve to defy their will or “selfishly” ask for something in return, prepare yourself for aggression, outrage, or the cold shoulder.
Based on the movie : dont know. all of that are too much interpretation. hans can feel special but also not special , he can think be a king is his right , but he can also want to be king for others reasons. so we just dont know. also again hans dont expect the people around him  to automatically comply with his every wish and whim.
with the information on a frozen heart : Hans has a plan : going to elsa coronation in order to marry her. His reaction , he need to show his father than he can trust him and be responsible. He passed 3 years of his life doing that. Prove himself he is capable to have his trust. in the book it reveal hans dont feel special , he dont expect people to give him a favorable treatment since he is little hans was show that he need to prove himself and that it is never enough. Hans show a opposite behavior he has to prove himself to the whole world , arendelle , his father, his brothers. everything with him is earned and deserve. he needs to work hard 
Exploits others without guilt or shame Narcissists never develop the ability to identify with the feelings of others—to put themselves in other people’s shoes. In other words, they lack empathy. In many ways, they view the people in their lives as objects—there to serve their needs. As a consequence, they don’t think twice about taking advantage of others to achieve their own ends. Sometimes this interpersonal exploitation is malicious, but often it is simply oblivious. Narcissists simply don’t think about how their behavior affects others. And if you point it out, they still won’t truly get it. The only thing they understand is their own needs.
based on the movie : hans do exploit others he exploit anna  !  but he exploit others in order to achieve a plan he makes and prepare.  we dont know how he view people in his life. and if hans exploit others when he doesn’t have a plan in mind and view them as object. the fact that he exploit anna is not enough to say he has the symptoms. also “ the only thing they understand is their own needs” is very uncertain since hans did not exploit arendelle citizens and show to be concern about their needs.
with a frozen heart : Hans did exploit others he exploit anna and elsa for his plan in arendelle and also hide his intention to his father in order to get what he wants. to the coronation. But he doesn’t do it without shame/guilt/empathy since After propose to help his father he show regret ans say to himself what i got myself into. Hans say that anna would be happy to insult him so he knows he has done something bad and can put himself in people’s shoes. He also say how he has never be a murderer. , He show also for a very short time empathy for the the queen who has lost her sister. so he  has a conscience.We also knows hans doesn’t take people as object he show empathy for , his mother , ignore on her birthday ,  his sister in law also ignored by his brother , his horse maybe also , he has a normal relationship with his brothers lars.if he definitely is able to exploit others for his selfish interest but not in the same way narcissist exploit people.  he dont take people as object in his life
.Frequently demeans, intimidates, bullies, or belittles others 
Narcissists feel threatened whenever they encounter someone who appears to have something they lack—especially those who are confident and popular. They’re also threatened by people who don’t kowtow to them or who challenge them in any way. Their defense mechanism is contempt. The only way to neutralize the threat and prop up their own sagging ego is to put those people down. They may do it in a patronizing or dismissive way as if to demonstrate how little the other person means to them. Or they may go on the attack with insults, name-calling, bullying, and threats to force the other person back into line.
based on the movie : we dont know. i read hans bully anna and elsa and act like a bullier ? i dont really get it on the contrary hans is social chameleon he earn the trust of everyone and at the end didn’t bully anna he abandon her ! he definitely intimidate anna  but  the part “frequently” lack we just doesn’t knows.
based on the book : this one is interesting ! because hans do try some time to intimates people to have what he wants and even wants to thank his brothers but he also hates to do that at others part and prefer to be sweet to people , smart and not violent.  he did it with oaken the duke of weselton men  even mock him because of that. hans also say a lot of time that he is not violent he on the contrary try to please people to have what he wants. he offered the man a territory in his kingdom to have them on his side.we also learn that hans is victim of  severe bullying  he hate intimidates people , refuse to fight back dont want to act like his brothers and hates his brothers and how they treat him his brothers frequently dreams, intimidates , bullies , or belittle him.  so if Hans did show at some part tried to intimidates the dignitaries or anna at the end this is not a part of the personality on his everyday life. he used two or three time intimidation as a tool to have what he wants
.conclusion  ; i think we can say based only on the movie :  say Hans  has  narcissist personality disorder is a based on a lot assumption about  his character ,  there is even small some things he did  than contradict some NPD behavior.with the additional information disney give us : hans doesn’t have the disorder he doesn’t have any symptoms. he exploit others but this is because he is an opportunist. there is also vulnerability narcissism who is not grandiose but Hans dont show the symptoms   at all of narcissist. so grandiose or vulnerable this is not really the question. let’s also said that everyone has a level of narcissism because it is a spectrum and apparently too much narcissism is not necessarily a bad thing ( yeah read that somewhere)
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yuichiroswife · 6 years ago
CHARACTER STUDY: Mikaela Shindō - Hyakuya, aka The Lonely Soldier
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—    BASICS.
▸     IS  YOUR  MUSE  TALL      /       SHORT       /      AVERAGE?     Mikaela, as a now immortal vampire, is a teen that’s about average height, considering he can no longer grow taller — additionally, he appears slightly taller due to his boots.
▸      ARE  THEY  OKAY  WITH  THEIR  HEIGHT?            Mikaela does not care about his height. To him height is nothing but a way to compare others differences, much like people do with one’s weight, as well.
▸      WHAT’S  THEIR  HAIR  LIKE?            Curly. A bit fluffy, with light waves near the ends. His hair is also very soft, as well as thin, thus why his hair tends to bounce so easily, or even appear to be blown around easily. Mikaela’s hair is a sunshine blond, and becomes a very pale blond (almost kinda white-ish) when nearing the roots of his hair/scalp. His ahoge is also this pale blond color, too.
▸     DO  THEY  SPEND  A  LOT  OF  TIME  ON  THEIR  HAIR       /      GROOMING?          Mikaela does spend quite a bit of time on his hair, not only because he wants it to look presentable when he’s out and about, but also to make sure it doesn’t serve as an issue on the battlefield.
▸      DOES  YOUR  MUSE  CARE  ABOUT  THEIR  APPEARANCE      /      WHAT  OTHERS  THINK?        He doesn’t openly care about his appearance, to be honest. Though he does have a very big concern for it on the inside (mainly due to his whole idea of being a monster, causing him to not want to look like one too). He may not seem like he cares about another’s opinion, but he is very self-conscious about himself so he’s always trying his best to meet expectations.
▸      INDOORS  OR  OUTDOORS? Mikaela prefers to be outdoors due to loving nature, but is often found indoors. ▸      RAIN  OR  SUNSHINE? Rain. ▸      FOREST  OR  BEACH? Mikaela has a love for the beach. While he does have an equal sized interest in the forest as he does the beach, the beach has just been a place of interest since childhood.. ▸      PRECIOUS  METALS  OR  GEMS? Gems are his thing, not because of they’re worth but because of how much beauty they hold. ▸      FLOWERS  OR  PERFUMES? Mikaela prefers flowers. While he does enjoy a nice smelling perfume once in a while (via his mother), he would much rather be amongst the flowers and smell a more natural fragrance.
▸      PERSONALITY  OR  APPEARANCE? Personality. ▸     BEING  ALONE  OR  BEING  IN  A  CROWD? Mikaela would much rather be amongst his loved ones, but is more or less seen alone. ▸     ORDER  OR  ANARCHY? It depends, he can go with either. ▸      PAINFUL  TRUTHS  OR  WHITE  LIES? Painful truths, along with some white lies. ▸      SCIENCE    OR    MAGIC? Depends. Mikaela has liked magic ever since he was a child, but he also enjoys science. ▸      PEACE  OR  CONFLICT? Mikaela prefers peace over conflict. ▸      NIGHT  OR  DAY? Night. ▸      DUSK  OR  DAWN? Dusk. ▸      WARMTH  OR  COLD? This depends, warmth is before becoming a vampire while cold is after becoming a vampire. ▸      MANY  ACQUAINTANCES  OR  A  FEW  CLOSE  FRIENDS? Mikaela prefers a few close friends. Otherwise he doesn’t really want to be around anyone. ▸     READING  OR  PLAYING  A  GAME? Reading, it’s educational, and it also helps to distract him from how cruel the world can be.
▸      WHAT  ARE  SOME  OF  YOUR  MUSE’S  BAD  HABITS?             Mikaela tends to blame himself for things very often, whether the outcomes of such events were his fault or not. Much like he did with the Hyakuya orphans, he believes that he is the one who got the children killed, due to not being smart enough to see Ferid’s trap. Additionally, Mikaela also has a lot of self-hatred, which is also fueled by the death of the Hyakuya orphans (along with the fact that he is now the very monster that killed his family).
▸      HAS  YOUR  MUSE  LOST  ANYONE  CLOSE  TO  THEM?      HOW  HAS  IT    AFFECTED  THEM?            Yes, Mikaela has lost many of the Hyakuya orphans. This tragic event has drastically affected Mikaela, so much so that he has grown to hate himself immensely; and blame himself for everything that happened that day, along with the fact that he made Yuu suffer through witnessing their deaths as well, which only made things worse. Mikaela has also developed paranoia because of this, along with a strong fear of making friends (mainly because he doesn’t want to see them die again) followed by a very cold exterior (of which he uses to protect himself, from vampires, and humans that may try to use him).
▸      WHAT  ARE  SOME  FOND  MEMORIES  YOUR  MUSE  HAS?               Believe it or not, some of his fond memories are from his childhood — not only from his time in the Hyakuya orphanage, but also when he was with his parents before they went insane.
▸     IS  IT  EASY  FOR  YOUR  MUSE  TO  KILL?             It is extremely easy for Mikaela to kill someone, especially if it’s for someone he loves.Otherwise he has a little bit of trouble doing so, an example of this being the time he killed Aiko Aihara. The reason it’s difficult for him to kill, is due to his lingering humanity (along with his desire to be human, and not a monster), that he clings onto.
▸      WHAT’S  IT  LIKE  WHEN  YOUR  MUSE  BREAKS  DOWN?              When Mikaela breaks down he does exactly that. He breaks to the deepest part of his core, and when this happens, Mikaela will either become absolutely hysterical or extremely enraged. There would be an endless stream of tears, and aggressive behavior, followed by a less sophisticated way of speaking, and might even attempt to do something dangerous, depending on the situation. To be honest, it all depends on what’s happening. He has different reactions to different things (such as a death) so the outcome varies. It ranges pretty vastly.
▸      IS  YOUR  MUSE  CAPABLE  OF  TRUSTING  SOMEONE  WITH  THEIR  LIFE?          Yes, but he can only do this with a very select bunch of people that he knows.
▸      WHAT’S  YOUR  MUSE  LIKE  WHEN  THEY’RE  IN  LOVE?             In the very beginning of a situation like this, Mikaela would be hesitant. He would be very unsure how to react, and even scared, due to never being in love before. He might even distance himself a bit, only because he’s afraid of hurting the other. Eventually, he would become very shy and bashful around said person, doing his very best to make small conversation with them. Though once he gains more confidence, he be more bold, and even daring. He would make sure to hold their hand wherever they went, give them affection, and try to boost their spirits, if that is possible. Mikaela would also be extremely protective, not because he doesn’t trust his lover, but because he doesn’t want to lose them.
TAGGED BY: @zuckarr
TAGGING TIME!: @noxallusia and anyone else who sees this if y’all wanna steal it.
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misha-has-a-wormstache · 6 years ago
Serious Talk (Please Read)
I meant to post this earlier but I didn’t get the chance to even use my laptop until now (typing is hard on my phone). Even though I don’t usually talk about things that are too personal (unless I feel comfortable), I want to talk about three things that have been going on lately. One is a reblog from yesterday (that is something I’m super self-conscious about irl), my regression and something I’ve been going through.
I’ll talk about them in order since the first thing I mentioned isn’t that serious. The reblog I’m talking about is a user box that says ‘This user has motor tics’. It’s not that serious, but if you know me irl then you’ve seen how self-conscious I get when my tics are pointed out to me. Motor tics are physical twitches (like a head jerking to the side (which is actually really painful if it goes on for too long)) and they’re involuntary. Recently I went to a neurologist to find out what they were and we don’t know exactly what it is but they said that they were in fact motor tics. (I don’t remember why I wanted to talk about this)
The second thing I wanted to talk about is a bit more serious though, depending on what you see as more serious. My regression. If you’ve seen my posts lately you would see that I’ve reblogged quite a few things dealing with cglre (which stands for ‘caregiver little regression’, a completely sfw age regression). I’ve been becoming more comfortable with my regression lately, but that’s not what I wanted to talk about. In case you haven’t seen my other posts that have talked about this, I’ll briefly explain something. I’ve been extremely careful and cautious about my regression and who I talk to about it and who I know irl follows my Tumblr. This is because of how my family reacted to it. I’m scared that if I slip that somebody is going to barge in my room and snap at me about it. I’ve also been very stressed, depressed ans anxious lately (and, well, since around the beginning of summer this year) and I feel that has affected it a lot as well. I’ve had to constantly be serious and working hard. Whenever I felt Little (and sometimes I still do this), I’d force myself to stay big and not regress. If I did feel small while talking to somebody here then I’d usually apologize because I was stuck in a state of being half-regressed or I’d completely hide that I was feeling small in the slightest. This place has actually become my emotional support hellsite though because it’s helped me become more comfortable with it myself and my friends on here have helped a lot with that (I’m not going to name anyone in particular because I don’t know if any of them want me to). 
The last thing I want to talk about is what’s been bugging me lately and I’m actually upset with myself that this has been bugging me. Maybe three or four years ago, I lost my cat. We got him before my parents’ divorce and he was originally my mother’s. When she left, she gave him to me. His name was Billy and was probably the sweetest cat that I’ve ever met. He never hissed or scratched at anyone no matter how rotten of a child I was. He had a gum disease for as long as I can remember, so his mouth was super sensitive to any touch and I was one of the few people he let pet anywhere near his mouth. I was almost near being over his death until my sibling asked if we had buried him in our old backyard (we said yes). I wanted to burst into tears. For a month, he was lost and nobody could find him and we were starting to think that he was dead. After that month, I found him in a place where I could tell that even in his last moments, he was thinking of me. I told my parents that I had found him and... unfortunately my siblings were in the area so there was no way for us to do bury him or have him cremated. We ended up throwing out his body. The same cat who stuck by me throughout the night when I was sick, who refused to act aggressive towards me at all and that I was given the duty of taking care of. 
A few days ago, the night after I had finally been able to regress and be Little without too much nervousness, I had a bad dream. It wasn’t to the point of being a nightmare. During the entire thing, people were trying to convince me to leave a hospital room. I never really got too much of a look at the person in the bed, but I knew already who it was. My grandmother (or as I called her, Nana). Earlier this year, March 11th, that same grandmother passed away. Until that dream, I had almost gotten done grieving her death. I didn’t talk to her much and I never got to see her much either. About a week before she passed, I had gotten the news that she was terminally ill with a disease that caused her a lot of pain. During that week I had been given the chance to call and talk to her before she passed. I didn’t and I regret it every time I think about it. I was at the mall when I was told she was very close to death. That’s when I called. I had talked to her, but that was all. I wish so much that I could’ve gotten to talk with her again. I went to her wake and funeral. I couldn’t go anywhere near the casket without bursting into tears (I tried multiple times to go up and talk). During the wake, I had probably cried the most and I wasn’t even able to get out a word when we were talking about things we thought of when we thought of her. I don’t remember half of the funeral (can you guess why?). She wanted so much to talk to me before she died and I hadn’t called. 
I just felt it was important to talk about these things.
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weightlossfitness2 · 5 years ago
How to Get That Elusive Spark
The first gymnasium I skilled at seemed like a set from a 80’s motion film. From the surface, it seemed like an previous stone mill. Every member was given a key to get in and practice no matter time of day or night time you wished. At the doorway, there was a desk with a boombox, CD instances, and a clipboard to register with the date and time.
  The gymnasium barely had gentle, and the ground seemed like an previous, soiled storage. The dumbbell rack was a mixture of previous cement dumbells, a few of them damaged or rusted, going as much as nearly 2 hundred kilos. There had been machines for bodybuilding untouched since these motion motion pictures had been launched. Toward the again, on the bottom flooring, there was a metallic spiral staircase that introduced you upstairs to the boxing space. It was a full flooring with each kind of punching bag, pads and gloves, and a full-sized ring with bloodstains on the canvas.
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    That gymnasium was the place I acquired heavy into weights. My father had launched me to gentle lifting in our basement as a younger child, however it wasn’t till I began boxing at that gymnasium that I began making an attempt to construct muscle and energy. It’s the place I first maxed out on a barbell elevate. That was nearly twenty years in the past. I’ve since maxed out many lifts in numerous gyms and at many kinds of barbell competitions since then, each small and huge.
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    The Wall We All Run Into
Walls in coaching are the imaginary boundaries we create and pit ourselves towards that maintain us from our potential and goal.
  We aren’t discussing what retains us from doing the work, however as a substitute what retains us from pushing to the restrict of our energy capability. These partitions can present up in a contest, or throughout a coaching session the place you deliberate to elevate to a brand new max. It makes little distinction.
  The wall is made up of delicate influences that restrain our effort. You maxed out. You mentioned aloud—and you recognize you would elevate a extra substantial weight—however you didn’t present them you would. What occurred?
  Why Do We Limit Ourselves?
There are instances the place, from a physiological standpoint, you’re completely ready to succeed in a brand new max.
  You’ve bodily peaked.
Nutrition is correct, and so is sleep.
You’re recovering as you need to and doing all of the issues to help that.
The coaching program was nicely designed and correctly deliberate.
Training went as deliberate, and each session was carried out precisely proper.
You lifted the meant weights throughout all periods, and also you felt recovered and able to go between each coaching day.
  And but on the competitors or deliberate max out, you didn’t elevate the burden you had calculated you’ll.
  Physically you had been ready. There’s nothing extra you would do. You failed, as a substitute, due to a limiting mindset, or a mentally limiting settlement, that you just’ve made with your self to borrow phrasing from the writer, Don Miguel Ruiz.
    To deliver your fullest out there bodily capacities beneath aware management, it’s worthwhile to be taught to attach, but in addition deliver your psychological and emotional states beneath command. This isn’t straightforward, particularly not at first. It’s arduous to not get carried away by feelings or caught in a psychological whirlwind and let it management you rather than utilizing the vitality of it towards a singular effort.
  This literal integration is key for a lot of to discover a place during which they will legitimately see the restrict of their energy that they’ve developed of their on-going coaching. They can acknowledge the successes this coaching has projected their maxes to be.
  Feel, But Don’t Be Controlled
This diploma of arousal required to push to our actual restrict isn’t simply physiological or psychological in high quality however can be emotional. All of this suggestions must be harmonized to supply a robust, singular effort.
  Barbell practices appeal to totally different character varieties. It can attract those that are wild, outwardly, passionate folks. But it additionally appeals to extra calculated, analytical varieties who deal with coaching as merely process-oriented.
  But to achieve success in energy sports activities or progress within the barbell, even essentially the most methodical brains have to be taught to make use of a kind of inner warmth to push their limits. The outwardly calm lifters who’re profitable could not present it, however they’ve this spark and aggression inside them. Sometimes retaining all of it inside quite than letting it out in a loud public show could be extra helpful for that character kind.
  Ed Coan, arguably the most effective powerlifter of all time, seemed chilly, calm, and calculated on the platform. But when requested about it, he mentioned that each time he lifted, there was a storm raging in his head. He known as it his managed aggression.
  Don’t Slide Too Far
There’s undoubtedly a tipping level the place you cross a threshold and attain a degree of overstimulation. It’s an excessive amount of to make use of and as a substitute turns into ineffective, nearly hysterical vitality.
  When I used to be competing in powerlifting in my early twenties, I lifted at a meet held within the faculty weight room the place I labored as a energy coach. It was my residence turf, and I wished to point out up. I labored myself right into a frenzy proper earlier than the competitors and took extreme quantities of caffeine as a result of it was the one means I knew attempt to push myself again then.
  I felt fairly respectable warming up, however as I used to be about to step out for my opening try, I turned means too jittery and overexcited, nearly to the purpose the place I felt agitated. My vitality degree and pleasure had been by way of the roof, however none of it helpful.
  I bombed out at that competitors; I believe it was my first time doing that. I couldn’t focus, couldn’t harness any aggression, couldn’t grow to be conscious, current, and fixated on this single process. It was an impotent depth.
  It by no means reached a peak however as a substitute simply stayed as a low hum. I had a lot vitality left over after the competitors, that I instantly put myself by way of a dumbbell exercise to repair what I assumed was the explanation I failed. But wanting again, I in all probability simply did it to punish myself.
  There’s a balancing act you flirt with when integrating the physique and spirit. You have to discover ways to work your self proper as much as that pink line with out going over it.
  An Interconnection
Harnessing the vitality it’s worthwhile to carry out your finest doesn’t finish with studying rein in your ideas and management your emotions.
  There’s an nearly esoteric peace to reaching the specified state the place you hit a groove, and practically any weight placed on the bar for the day could be lifted. While there are particular strategies we will focus on, the exploration inward is profoundly private and can take a unprecedented effort to determine your specific triggers.
If you’re all for studying a sensible information into perceive and observe visualizing, I extremely advocate the guide Mind Gym. It’s the one useful resource I’ve come throughout that offers you workable, real looking strategies to enhance bodily efficiency by way of creativeness.
  My largest takeaway from the guide was how imaginative your visualization must be. The writer directs athletes to first recall their finest efficiency up to now. Think of the next components of that have:
  How you felt.
What you would scent.
What had been the shapes and colours of every thing round you?
Can you bear in mind how the barbell felt in your hand or in your again?
Can you bear in mind the standard of your mind-set?
What was the feeling of being so engrossed in your effort that you just instinctively reacted bodily?
  After you create a vivid image out of your reminiscence, the writer recommends taking not solely the visible but in addition the emotions and mind-set and spirit and apply it to think about a future competitors whenever you wish to carry out nicely.
  The concept is to take the identical emotional state you simply recalled out of your reminiscence and picture your self on this future, taking with you an identical spirit. With this sense, envision how issues will really feel, look, and scent. Then see your self conducting what you goal for, each by way of your individual eyes and the gaze of a 3rd individual.
  Definite Belief
I exploit such a visualization and see the potential profit in it, but it surely by no means actually suited my specific temperament. What all the time did enhance my efficiency was a particular perception. This is totally different from a standard perception, and it’s very summary in high quality. It’s a manifestation of the fact you wish to occur. It’s an assumption it would come true and recalling it towards your residing current.
  Much of the idea you can carry out on the highest degree comes from the arrogance of previous success. If you’ve had success, you’ll be able to recreate it, and naturally, observe in competitors or in maxing out makes you higher at it. Still, some appear to have a proclivity towards self-belief, even when inexperienced within the observe. And some appear to by no means actually get it, regardless of constant coaching and expertise.
  Those who by no means handle to muster perception have limiting beliefs from an important developmental interval of their youth. They presumably had optimistic, wholesome encouragement withheld by their mother and father and different adults. They might have grown up by no means realizing that it’s attainable to alter the bodily actuality round them by way of their centered efforts. But I’m not an skilled to discuss this.
  The perception I’m referring to, although, is just not about squashing or ignoring all doubt. I do know this was by no means the case for me. Even the most effective opponents will admit that at the least a few of the time, they’ve fractional doubts throughout low factors in coaching and even at moments throughout competitors. It’s not about eliminating all doubts; it is about accepting them as part of the entire and making room for them.
  Accept and Make Room
This is one thing that I used to be in a position to take into my meditation observe to make me a extra introspective individual, which then I, in flip, might suggestions into how I approached my lifting.
  Negative, distracting ideas come up. Constricting and shutting them off places limits in your development and capability to remain aware. We all have to be taught to see the worry, doubt, and pessimism. Then we have to perceive that these are solely emotions and ideas, and never essentially a part of you and never all of who you might be. Just as a result of we now have an concept, doesn’t imply that thought is us.
  Believe it or not, the story of Buddha’s enlightenment speaks to how essential it’s to see the limiting beliefs that maintain us from reaching our bodily targets. I am speaking concerning the story right here, not faith—and it’s all a narrative.
  The story goes that when Siddhartha (the Buddha) sat all the way down to meditate and he was on the point of really reaching his enlighted state, the god of all issues awful man, Mara, got here at him, tempted him, after which despatched demons to assault him. But none of it harmed Siddhartha, and he reached his enlightenment.
  After the Buddha went on to show others, Mara would nonetheless present up occasionally, and the Buddha would see him. The Buddha’s assistants would develop afraid and overwhelmed that Mara had proven up. But the Buddha would acknowledge his presence and even name out to say: I see you, Mara. And because the story goes, the Buddha additionally invited him to take a seat and have tea with him.
  And that’s it—that’s the intangible high quality we want after we got down to push our limits. We see the doubt, the worry, and the rock we now have to push up the mountain, after which we settle for it for what it’s. We acknowledge that it’s there and simply part of every thing, a part of the entire.
  But we will have the presence of thoughts to know that we don’t have to act in a different way. We don’t have to suppose these random ideas that seem are a part of us; they’re simply there. And we will make area for these ideas and emotions and nonetheless act decisively towards our purpose.
  If you want extra confidence behind you for these massive moments the place you max out your squat and really feel such as you lack the instruments, try our free information on the rules of squatting. It’s a free video that may enable you to construct a extra stable basis for your self.
  Jesse competes within the sport of Olympic weightlifting, and he was additionally previously a aggressive powerlifter. He was featured in important energy and health publications. You can learn extra of his work on his web site.
The post How to Get That Elusive Spark appeared first on Weight Loss Fitness.
from Weight Loss Fitness https://weightlossfitnesss.info/how-to-get-that-elusive-spark-2/
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