#so now I'm on a pair of legs number 10. I'm so bad at this
mutimatuti · 24 days
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today's warmup has been: me trying to remember how faces work
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dix0nvix3n · 4 months
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𖤓°⋆ Chapter 1 °⋆𖤓
⋆☀︎。Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader  ⋆☀︎。Media: The Walking Dead; No Apocalypse & Alternate Universe ⋆☀︎。Pronouns: She/Her  ⋆☀︎。 Warning: Smoking (Cigarettes), One mention of weed, Talk of a bad past relationship. (That's it I think?) ⋆☀︎。 Word Count: 2.5k
⋆☀︎。 Author's Note: It's finally here... the beginning of my magnum opus. Even though I only have this one chapter out, there hasn't been a single day since I came up with the idea for the fic where I didn't think about it at least once. I just wanna thank all the people who let me infodump about it; y'all are true soldiers, cause I can really ramble on. Special thanks to @sinkdownbeneath for helping me write the intro because I was completely stuck for months with almost nothing to show, and being the person who let me yap the most, he can account for me pretty much talking about it every day for the past five months. So, anyway, I guess I hope y'all like my first finished something that wasn't just a blurb. Last night I only had a little over 200 words at 10 PM something, and now it's 7:44 AM with 2.5k words as I write this... I don't know what got into me, but anyway, enjoy!
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June 1st, 1992
Daryl finds himself propped up against a tree, catching his breath. The cool summer air around him makes his chest ache with every breath he takes. He had been running, hearing the twigs snap and the leaves crunch beneath his feet as he darted past every tree, trying to evade potential capture from a party that had him jumping out a window when the cops showed up due to a noise complaint.
He spent much of his life within the comfort of the woodland, underneath the thick canopy of leaves and branches, the first roof he ever felt safe under.
He gasped for air, his legs exhausted and his lungs overworked, adrenaline still pulsing through him as he slid down the rough bark of a tree, pulling his legs up to his chest.
He's close to the road, hearing a solitary car cruise past. He can tell it's late from the stars that peek through the leaves that loom above him in the thick black sky, but he spots his glimmer of hope, which seems to be the soft light of a gas station just a bit beyond the road's traffic barrier closest to him.
With a deep inhale, Daryl knew he had to walk to the gas station and reluctantly call for a ride in a phone booth.
After fully catching his breath, he pulled himself off the ground and began walking towards the gas station, already dreading the thought of the phone call.
Reaching the gas station, he saw two cars; one belonged to the lone worker at the cash register inside, and the other belonged to a woman smoking a cigarette at the side of the building. The woman did a quick wave at him, which he found to be a little odd just because most people at this time of night aren't too friendly, but he gave a polite wave back anyway. 
Finally getting up to the phone booth, Daryl looked down at his watch, which read 1:00 AM, causing him to let out a deep sigh, realizing how late it was and how much of an inconvenience it would be for someone to come and pick him up. 
He stepped inside the phone booth, staring at the phone for a minute before popping in the quarters he luckily grabbed from the living room floor of the party. If he hadn't grabbed them, he'd be completely fucked and have to figure out his way back to his apartment.
After dialing the number he knew would pick up, the phone rang just a few times before a tired and clearly just woken up by a phone at one in the morning voice picked up.
"Hey, Mr. H... Could ya pick me up?"
"Thanks. 'm sorry about this; kinda just started walking and didn't stop. Ended up at some party, and now I don' know where I am."
"Yeah. Place is called Peachy Speed, never seen another gas station called this; it must be family-owned or somethin' and the closest road sign says it's on Navel Street. You know where I'm at?"
"Okay, cool. See ya in a bit. Sorry again."
After hanging up, Daryl stepped out of the phone booth with his head held down, letting out a deep exhale and running a hand through his hair until he heard a pair of feet shuffling up to him.
He looked up to see who it was, and it was you, the woman who waved at him.
"Need one?" You held out an open pack of Marlboro Reds, with only one cigarette missing from the pack.
"Oh. Yeah. Thanks." His thoughts stuttered for a moment because he was caught up in the fact that you came over to him. You're really pretty, and now Daryl feels like a nervous schoolboy trying to ask a girl to the prom just because of a simple gesture.
He grabbed a cigarette out of the box and reached to pull his lighter out of his pocket, only not to feel it, and checked the other pocket to have the same luck. "Shit."
You let out a small chuckle. "Need a light too?” You pulled a lighter out of your pocket and handed it over to him.
He nodded his thanks and popped the cig in his mouth before lifting the black bic with a spiderweb seemingly hand-painted on up to the end of the stick. Flicking the flame to life, he took a long inhale and handed you back the lighter, as he really took a moment to take in the sight of you. 
You were in a black tank top tucked into a pair of black ripped jean shorts. Under the pair of jean shorts were fishnets with an intricate pattern of moons and stars, and you had on a pair of slightly battered-up Doc Martens. 
As he exhaled the first plume of smoke into the night sky, he saw your kind smile, which sent a rush of warmth through his face. Your lips had a simple gloss on them, but your eyes were a different story, painted with smokey eyeshadow, sharp graphic eyeliner, and two rounds of mascara on each set of your top lashes. He also noticed the simple yet pretty titanium stud on the left side of your nose and two helix rings on both your ears.
He thought you were gorgeous, his heartbeat a slightly faster pace than what it normally rested at.
"Rough night?" You asked as you lit up a cigarette for yourself, letting out a slight gag at the taste and smell that you weren't used to, which caused Daryl to let out a small chuckle.
"Sorta. More of just hated the fact I had to call and wake someone up to come and get me. First time smokin'?" He said before he took another drag.
"How'd you know?" You said sarcastically as your face contorted in disgust a bit at the taste building up in your mouth and throat after each puff.
"Maybe try a different brand. You'll find one ya like." A small smile graced his lips as he butted off the ash at the end and took another drag. 
"Nah. Think I'm quitting after this one. I'll just stick to weed."
He let out a chuckle. "May I ask, why'd ya even start?"
You let out a small groan, running your hand through your hair in slight embarrassment. "I finally left my shitty boyfriend once and for all. I finally realized he'd never like me for the real me. I constantly had to put on this mask around him, and I finally found out that it was impossible to fix him and the fact he didn't actually like me. I know it sounds weird, but I guess my thought process was that my epiphany about him would stick with me after smoking one like a character in a movie or something." You let out a laugh. "Stupid, right?" 
He snubbed out the end of the cigarette, as it was almost a roach at this point. "Nah, it ain't stupid. A lot of my best thoughts come after smokin' one, cleared my head more times than I can count. You deserve one after the bullshit he put you through, I think. Hope the prick is havin' a shit night after realizin' he's lost you cause ya seem awesome to me so far."
You felt warmth begin to rise in your cheeks at his words. "Thanks. I know I deserve better. I'm just pissed; it took me so long to realize it. So, anyway, what's your name? I can't believe I haven't asked yet."
"Name's Daryl; what's yours?"
You had a few good puffs left of your cig but decided to snub yours out as well since you didn't like it anyway. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Daryl. My name is (Y/N). Do you wanna come sit with me at my spot against the wall? My most likely melted slushy is calling my name to get this taste out of my mouth." 
"Yeah, I can. Might be a bit till my ride gets here, so I might as well sit down." He started walking to your spot, and you followed in tow. 
When you got back to your spot, you looked down at your slushy on the ground. The dark purple concoction of blue raspberry and cherry slushy combo was completely melted. "Goddammit." You didn't fully care though; you paid for that slushy, because you were stubborn it meant you were going to have all of what you paid for, so you drank down the rest of the sugary liquid with a satisfied sigh. It was luckily still cold, at least, and it was just what you needed to get the taste of the cigarette out of your mouth.
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As time passed, you and Daryl talked about whatever came to mind as you doodled some intricate pattern on the front of the pack of the Marlboro Reds with a sharpie, ultimately moving to the back when you ran out of room. You found out that he works as a mechanic for motorcycles and cars at a nearby auto body shop, that he rides a motorcycle that he built himself a few years ago, that he loves to hunt on occasion, specifically with a crossbow, and that he ran from the cops at a house party tonight.
You knew your short time with Daryl was up when you saw a 1987 Ford Sierra MK2 pull into a parking spot at the gas station, and Daryl stood up, doing a quick stretch. The man in the car smiled and made a small wave at you, and you did the same back.
"It was nice meetin' ya, (Y/N). I'd talk more, but I don't wanna keep him up any longer." He said as he gestured a hand towards the man who came to pick him up. 
"It was nice meeting you too. Thanks for talking to me, Daryl." You pulled the pack of cigarettes from your pocket and held them out to him. "Take these. You need them more than me. Plus, I just quit." You grinned at him as he took the box from you. 
"Holy shit, thank you." He smiled back as he placed the box in his own pocket and slowly started walking backward towards the car. "Hope ya have a good night and that Nick the dick has a shit one. 
You let out a laugh at the nickname Daryl gave your ex-boyfriend and waved him goodbye with a "You too." You leaned your head back against the wall, staring up at the night sky as your eyes finally began to feel tired, knowing you should head back to your friend's apartment soon and try and get some sleep before your nine AM shift. 
Once Daryl got in the car, he let out a quiet sigh as he looked out the window at you, wishing he dared to ask for your number. You were the first good conversation he'd had in a while, and his schoolboy-like crush on you kept growing the whole time you talked.
"So, who's that?" The man said as he shifted the car into gear, Daryl noticing the grin on his face.
"A girl that started talkin' to me after our call. Name's (Y/N)." He pulled the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, mindlessly tracing the pattern of doodles you did.
"You ask for her number? The car was now beginning to be backed out of its parking spot.
"Nah. Mind if I smoke?" Daryl shook the pack and began looking for one of the lighters he left in the glove compartment a few weeks ago. 
The man shook his head with a slight sigh and said, "Go ahead." He wasn't shaking his head over Daryl wanting to smoke, but over the fact he wouldn't ask for your number when he obviously liked you, but he knew he couldn't push him; he understood Daryl's nature.
Daryl looked back out the window at you, opening it as he blew out the first cloud of smoke. He then looked back down in his lap where the box lay, flipping it over to the back to see what you had drawn there as well. His breath hitched as he saw it. On the back was your phone number, and above it said, "Call me" with a smiley face. 
The tips of Daryl's ears were beet red, and he tried to hold back his face from turning the same color. He looked back out the window at you to see you grinning at him this time, to which he smiled and waved goodbye to you as the car pulled out of the lot. In Daryl's twenty-three years of life, he could say that this night was one of his best.
"Daryl, why'd you call me Mr. H again? Son, you've known me for five years; how many times do I gotta remind you to call me by my name? It's Dale for you."
Daryl let out a small cloud of smoke this time, wanting to savor this one on the peaceful ride back. "I'll tell ya again, it happens when I'm nervous; didn't wanna wake you up, s'all, and you still are my boss after all."
"Daryl, you're like a son to me, and I told you to never be nervous if you need help, and that includes coming and picking you up in the middle of the night if needed. I'm here for you." Dale placed his right hand on Daryl's shoulder, keeping his left on the wheel as he squeezed his shoulder lightly before returning it to the steering wheel.
"Now, it's not Mr. H or Mr. Horvath, son. It's Dale."
Daryl rolled his eyes playfully. "Yes, sir," he joked, letting out a chuckle.
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It was the next day around 10:30 PM when Daryl picked up the phone on his nightstand and finally called the number you gave him, nervously wrapping the cord around his finger. The phone only rang twice before the other end picked up, "Hey, is this (Y/N)?" 
The inner teenage girl in your brain screamed in excitement, so happy that he finally called. "Omg, Daryl! I was wondering when you were gonna call me. I've been waiting since I got off my shift."
"Didn't know if you worked a mornin' shift or got off at night, and I didn't wanna leave too many voicemails on your friend's phone."
"Yeah, I worked a morning shift at the diner today. I got off at five. Morning shifts are the fucking worst." You're lying on your stomach on the couch, playfully curling the phone's cord around your finger and kicking your feet back and forth in the air.
You and Daryl talked for an hour, mainly talking about the shitty customers you dealt with today, sounding especially frustrated about the woman who yelled at you just because the diner was out of unsweet tea that you couldn't do anything about because the place was also out of tea bags to make more. What did she want you to do? Just up and leave your job and go buy the tea bags, your fucking self?
"Even though I don't want to, I gotta go to bed 'cause I have another morning shift tomorrow. I get off at five, so call me around six-thirty, okay?" 
"I get off at five too. Works for me. Goodnight, (Y/N)."
"Goodnight to you too, Daryl."
The call ended, and you both looked up at your respective ceilings, smiling as warmth bloomed through your faces. You both slept well that night, falling asleep to the thought of calling each other tomorrow.
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⋆☀︎。 Extra author's note: Here's what Dale would look like in 1992, I took Dale's age of 64 from the show since the apocalypse started in 2010 so he'd be 46 in 1992. I think this picture of Jeffrey Demunn is from when he was 43 maybe? I can't remember but that's close enough to 46 and even if he isn't 43 in the image he fits the look of someone in their mid-forties. Just imagine him without the cowboy hat, okay? There's not a lot of pictures of him when he was younger.
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⋆☀︎。 Taglist: @mrdixon , @yevmarie , and @shadowcitrine
⋆☀︎。 Divider creds: @ saradika, go check her account out! She has some very cute dividers!
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finelinevogue · 1 year
family will get you through
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summary - you go through a life changing operation but you have a strong family to get you through it
warnings: brain tumour, anxiety, self deprecation, swearing, kissing n fluff, hopeful ending, i wrote this 2 years ago so it’s not up to my usual writing standards unfortunately :(
word count: +6.8 k
pairing: husband/dad!harry x reader
Everything was occurring like normal. You were making the kids lunches for school as usual. You were cleaning the breakfast away as usual. Harry was on his last day of tour. Yet, somehow, within 24 hours, your life was going to be turned upside down.
For the worst.
During the hoovering of the carpet you heard your phone ring. After spending 10 seconds to find the bloody thing you finally picked up.
During the hoovering of the carpet you heard your phone ring. After spending 10 seconds to find the bloody thing you finally picked up.
"Hello?" You asked, not recognising the number.
"Hi there. Is this Y/N Styles speaking?" The male voice asked, on the end of the line.
"Yes it is." You answer.
"Hiya Y/N. It's Dr Hughes here." He introduced himself, but it didn't comfort you any more knowing who was on the other side of the phone. Your doctor never calls you unless it's bad news. The last time they called, it was because Sofia might have had suspected appendicitis. She didn't, but still the doctors remained the bearers of bad news.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, Dr Hughes?" You asked politely, with a hint of sarcasm dripping in your tone.
"Unfortunately I bring bad news, again, Mrs Styles." He began, making you gulp down your worries unsuccessfully. "The tests that we ran on you, a while back, came back and unfortunately there is a problem." Your heart relaxed slightly that there was nothing wrong with your children or your husband.
"Okay." You urged him to carry on, disliking all the tip-toeing sounds the problem.
"Mrs Styles, there is no easy way of me telling you this." Dr Hughes took a deep breath before announcing the news. "You have a brain tumour, Y/N."
Luckily you were stood by the sofa and were able to collapse on that, when your legs gave way, otherwise you'd have landed on the floor. You covered your hand over you mouth to muffle any noises that threatened to escape, as you were in pure shock.
"It's not an overly large tumour and it will be able to be removed, with quick and efficient surgery, which we can offer, but we needed confirmation that you are willing to go through with this first." Your head was spinning and you couldn't tell up from down for a minute. It took a few calls of your name, from Dr Hughes, to pull you back.
"Um... Sorry. Is there any chance I can come talk to you in person?" You sniffled, but cleared your throat to try and stay strong over the phone.
"I'm free all tomorrow morning, Mrs Styles. Please feel free to drop in at any time." He kindly offered.
"Thank you." You said.
"I'm sorry, Mrs Styles, but if we act quickly you'll be alright. I guarantee it." He assured you and with you final goodbye you hung up the phone.
With him no longer listening to you over the phone you were able to break down in tears. You never thought something like this would be happening to you, but yet here you were. With a brain tumour, no less.
Your cry's were starting to hurt your chest from how heavy they were. You couldn't calm yourself down and all you wanted right now was Harry. Harry... What would he think about all this? Would he leave you? You hated that your brain went straight to that question but that was the hard hitting reality of the situation.
You tapped on Harrys number and called him, hoping he wasn't too busy. He always told you, whenever you needed him, no matter what time, he'll always be there. But would he still want to be there when he finds out his wife has a brain tumour?
After two rings he picks up.
"Hi love, everything okay? You're lucky I was up otherwise I would've been asleep!" The soothing tones of his voice calming you down.
"Shit, H, i'm so sorry." You sobbed loudly down the phone, not being able to bravely hold it in anymore.
"Hey, hey. It's fine Y/N/N. No need to cry over it love." He coos, not fully understanding why you were having a full breakdown over potentially waking him up.
"No. No i-it's not that H." You lean on your knees and cup your hand over your temples to soothe some of the pain, from the headache that was forming.
"Okay then. What's wrong baby? You can tell me, it's alright." His voice slightly trembling, hating the sound of you heavily crying without him there to comfort you.
If you did ever cry like this either Harry was right beside you, hugging you like there's no tomorrow, or you'd get through it by yourself - if he was away. You felt selfish dumping your problems on him when he wasn't right there to comfort you through it. Today was even worse, though. Today was Harrys last concert for the Love on Tour, tour, in L.A. Not only did he have a duty to preform to his adoring fans, he was also thousands of miles away. He wouldn't be able to do anything, other than offer some calming words, but somehow, this time, you didn't see how that was going to be enough.
"I got a call from Dr Hughes." You began and taking a deep breath before continuing, only imagining where Harry's head was at with those words. "H, i'm so sorry. He - uh - he told me I have a brain tumour. He said, with surgery, it can be removed but I need to act quick. I-i'm going to see him tomorrow, but I just needed to tell you."
You expected Harry to cut in at some point, but there was only silence. He was only ever quiet when he was shocked or had nothing left to say, and it terrified you that he was feeling that way.
"Harry?" You trembled out, wondering if he was even still there.
You heard him clear his throat before talking. "Um, yeah okay."
You were taken aback by how little words he was using. You couldn't work out whether you'd rather have had him say nothing at all. Your heart strings started to break a little at the thought that he was, most likely, thinking of different ways to divorce you and so forth. His life was too precious for him to be left with a damaged wife. God knows what you'll be like after surgery, and Harry didn't need to be stuck with looking after you when he should be touring with his adoring fans.
"Sorry, H." You murmured before hanging up, knowing he wouldn't have anything to say back. You regretted not wishing him look for his last concert date tonight, but it wasn't at the forefront of mind right now. You knew he would smash it anyways - he always did.
What if that had been your last goodbye?
You placed your phone on the coffee table and hysterically cried to yourself.
A few hours later and you had called your parents over, after telling them, to pick the kids up from school - seeing as you were too emotionally unstable to be doing so. It made you feel like such a disappointment not being able to be strong enough to pick up your children, but you were worried you wouldn't be able to focus when driving - and you wouldn't put your children in danger.
Your parents had arrived as quickly as they could and spent hours reassuring you that you'd be okay, and that Harry loved you too much to ever say goodbye. You had a hard time believing them though, considering Harry had said all of two words to you - none of which implied that he still loved you and was going to be there for you through it all.
It was times like this when all you wanted, and needed, was your Harry, but unfortunately that just couldn't be the case. If Harry were to leave you, you wouldn't know what to do. You have kids and you always promised Harry that none of your kids would be raised from a broken home - you just couldn't put them through that. Yet, now, it seems inevitable.
After the kids had got back from school and had dinner, which you sat around for but didn't have anything, you and your children had cuddled up to watch some Netflix. Your parents had gone home, telling you that you just needed some time alone with your children. They never questioned what was wrong, but they could tell something was up. It took watching 5 episodes of The Big Bang Theory until your children were all on the verge of sleep, and so you'd shuffled them all along to bed.
"Mummy?" Sofia asked as you turned off her main light and turned on her bed light. You walked over to her single-bed, that was decorated in princesses and flowers, and sat down next to her.
"Yes sweetheart?" You answered. Sofia had been quiet all evening, but you just assumed she had been tired.
"I missed you picking me up today." She told you with her sad eyes. You brushed her hair off her face and behind her ear.
"I know. I missed you too, but mummy had some news today that wasn't very nice and so I didn't want to upset you with me being upset." You told her, not feeling like you had to hide anything from your children.
"Are you going to be okay?" She asked sincerely, with a little wobble of her rosy lips to signify she was worried about you. You hated that your children had to check on you, and yet your husband hadn't, but you also appreciated it greatly.
You thought about how to answer her question, because it was hard to answer. Of course you were going to face complications and re-percussions, later in time, after surgery, but you also would if you didn't have surgery. It was just whether or not something went wrong in surgery, or it actually turned out the surgery was no longer viable. You wanted to tell her so badly that everything would be okay, but you also couldn't lie to her.
"Mummy's going to be just fine." You turn your head to see your gorgeous husband standing in the doorway, looking like he'd been crying due to the red puffy eyes. They were probably similar to yours, however you'd tried to hide yours from your children.
As soon as you made eye contact with Harry the tears fell freely down your face. There was no stopping them either. Emotions were flying all over the place, but the one that stood out the most was relief. You thought you'd have a runaway husband but instead he was right here. He'd flown all the way from L.A. just to see you. You had no idea what was happening with the tour but you couldn't think of anything other than the man stood in the hallway.
"Daddy!" Sofia screamed, like she'd just gained 100 pounds of energy, and jumped out of her bed to run to her dad. Her little legs could only make her run so fast but when she got there Harry was ready to scoop her up in his warm embrace.
"Ohhh I missed you, my love." Harry pressed light kisses all over her face and Sofia started squirming in his grasp, giggling as Harry continued to attack her.
"Did someone say dad is here?" You heard Will day from down the hall, but you'd buried your face in your hands, in disbelief and shock, to truly acknowledge what was going on.
You listened to the sounds of them reuniting and getting bombarded by kisses from Harry, until it got a bit too overwhelming. Harry was actually here and that was something you thought would be a distant dream, and hearing him play with your children was such a joyous thing to hear. You decided that you needed a minute away, and to yourself.
"Excuse me." You announce softly, working your way past the pile of people that were now on the floor. You wanted to laugh at how your children had tackled Harry down to the ground, but your tears prevented you from feeling that way.
You walked to your bedroom, and outside onto the small terrace that was attached to it. It let you have a stunning view of the city in the distant, but you could also had the pleasure of having the rolling hills, and stunning fields of gold, in the foreground. You shut the sliding door over, trying to get the atmosphere as quiet at possible. You rested your elbows on the stone railing and placed your hands on your forehead, before continuing your hardened sobs. Ever since the dreaded phone call this morning, you don't think you've had a second, after it, where there hasn't been a teardrop on your skin.
After 5 minutes, give or take, you heard the sliding doors open. You didn't need to turn and look to see who it was to know who it was - his comforting presence alone telling you.
You turned around quickly to see he had been stood infinitely close behind you, probably apprehensive about touching or comforting you. The way you immediately brought your arms around him, to give him a hug, took him by surprise, but within seconds he was embracing you back and tighter than ever. You buried your face in his chest as the tears continued, but he didn't seem to mind at all.
After a minute or two, hugging in comfortable silence, you tilted your head up and looked from his eyes to his gorgeous lips. He noticed you looking and started to lean himself down slowly, still being wary of how you were feeling towards him. You couldn't take being away from him any longer, and so cupped the back of his neck to bring him down faster.
The feeling of his lips on yours made you feel invincible. You forgot about all yours worries when he was pressed close against you. It was as if nothing else mattered, but only you two. He made you forget that he had been a jerk on the phone. He made you forget that you had a bloody brain tumour. He made you forget every small detail you'd been worrying over for the past 14 hours or so. Even though it only lasted for a minute; he made you forget.
The sound of smacking lips detaching one another allowed you to breathe again. He was good at making you feel breathless and savouring every minute moment he had with you. You both stared in to each others eyes and let them talk to one other. You could tell by his emerald, doe, eyes that he was unimaginably sorry, and he could tell from yours that you forgave him no questions asked.
"I thought you'd left me." You honestly let him know.
"Never, baby. I promised i'd always be there for you, and some fucking tumour, isn't going to change that." You loved that Harry could find the light in a situation like this. It's one of his charming qualities that never ceases to amaze you.
"I have th—"
"Daddy?" You hear from behind you both. You see Sofia standing there, in her cute lilac polka-dot onesie, looking at Harry with adoring eyes. She hasn't seen him in a month or so, and so seeing him, earlier than expected too, has turned her into a little sheep to follow Harry - wanting to spend every spare minute with him.
"Sof." Harry sighed, reluctantly detaching himself from around you. "I told you, sweetheart, that I need to make sure mummy's okay for a bit, alright?" He reminded her, his words filling your heart with so much love and happiness you thought it might burst.
"But daddyyy..." She whines, stomping her foot delicately on the floor.
"No Sof. It's not fair on mummy is it?" He crouched down to her level to caress her soft cheeks.
"H, it's alright. I'm alright. Go and see to her, and the boys too if they want you. I can wait."
Harry stands back up, after seeing how his daughters expression changes to a much more excited one. He walks over to you and cups both your cheeks with his large, veiny, hands.
"You're so annoying, you know that right?" Harry teases you, probably frustrated that your intimate moment, that could've turned into something more intimate, had been interrupted. He gives you a quick kiss on the lips and you pushed him along to go sort out his children.
An hour and a half later you and Harry were sat in the bath together. You were layed back against his chest and his arms, along with yours, were resting on top of your stomach. Your legs were interwoven and your head was back against Harrys shoulder, his cheek to the top of your head. You'd argue that this is more intimate that anything else - to be so desperately close to one another, and yet still hold back from all pleasurable interactions. Sure, the moments leading up to you both needing the bath had been beautiful and raw, sending all kinds of sensations flying through your body, but this was something special.
If you could freeze time, this is where you'd like to be frozen.
"Will you get angry at me if I apologise again?" Harry asked, nodding his cheek further into your hair - which apparently smelt like 'heaven' according to Harry.
"Most likely." You chuckled, knowing that you wouldn't but you'd become irate about it. You'd lost count of the amount of times that Harry had apologised to you this evening, but he said he couldn't ever put a number on how many times he should apologise because it would be too big. He vowed to use the rest of his life to show how he'll love you till the end of your time, and prove he never intended to leave you. You thought he'd proved himself enough over the past few hours he's been back, but you weren't going to stop him from showering you in more love.
"Sorry." Harry buries his head in your shoulder to hide away from your pretend wrath.
You move around in the warm, soapy bath water until you're straddling his legs. The bath water sloshed around as you moved, but luckily you were agile enough to not let any spill overboard. Harry couldn't take his eyes off your mesmerising body, and you had to tilt his chin up for him to lose contact with your chest and gain contact with your orbs.
"You're the worst." You tease him for apologising to you, again, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your chest up against his - hissing at the cold contact against your boobs.
"Don't I know it." He rolls his eyes and gives you a smirk, holding on to your back tighter.
"But I couldn't love you any less." You tell him, kissing his lips quickly but enough to send butterflies through your body.
"Hmm. Well that could be a compliment, depending on how much you love me already?" He asked, pointing out the flaw in your nonsense.
You thought for a minute before answering. "I love you more than you love me." You slyly smirk, knowing how badly he hates comparing your love. He's such a sore loser and finds it bruising to his ego when you say you love him more than he does you. He belly laughs at your statement, not being able to control himself.
"Not only did you just deflate my ego, and boost your narcissism, but it's cute that you actually believe what you said." Harry starts of lightheartedly but you can tell he became more serious towards the end.
"But I—"
"I don't think so Mrs Styles." He brings you even closer, which you thought was impossible.
"I love you H."
"I love you... even more." Harry returns, and you drop your head, giggling, on to his shoulder from giving up with him.
2 months later and surgery had been successful.
The day of the surgery you'd never felt more nervous for anything. The nerves you felt that day even beat your pre-wedding nerves. It was such an intense and overwhelming feeling, and none of it would have been possible if it weren't for Harry being there for you the whole time. Your children were all superstars too. They continuously showered you in love, and although it was Harry buying the gifts, they treated to you flowers whenever you were down. Whether it was a bunch of roses, a bouquet of different flowers or a single sunflower to plant in the garden, it always managed to cheer you up.
You had surgery a couple of days ago and you were still in and out of sleep, not having spoken a word yet. The morphine dosage that they gave you, along with all the other concoctions of medicine they gave you, had been really strong. The doctor had explained to you, after surgery, how you might not come around, properly, until a few days after surgery. No doubt Harry stayed by your side through all of it.
Lying subconscious in bed allowed you to think a lot. It terrified you as to how you were going to be after surgery and how dependent you were going to have to be on other people for a while. Apparently your legs and arms become really weak, because you brain has been out of action and a small proportion has been attacked by a tumour, and that scared you. You didn't want your children to see you helpless - what kind of example would that set to them? You probably would have to be fed for a small amount of time, and either use crutches or maybe a wheelchair, and you, being the strong and independent woman you are, hated that.
Today was different. You could feel it.
You woke up, from your light slumber, with a heavy presence on your hand. If you hadn't become so accustomed to the feel of Harrys hand you probably wouldn't have known what it was, but you'd recognise that soft, bony, feel anywhere.
You open your eyes slowly, letting your eyes adjust to the light in their own time. You noticed you were in your own private room, something that they had very limited numbers of in hospitals here, and it was no doubt due to Harrys constant nagging and persistency that you were here. Looking to your right you confirmed that it was Harry holding your hand. He was slouched in a chair, facing your direction, sleeping, but holding your hand nevertheless. It took another second to realise Sofia was asleep in his lap, looking like the princess she was. There was another few chairs in the corner of the room and you realised your sons were all sat on them. Thomas and Eric resting their heads on each other and Will sat with his hood pulled up over his face.
It was beyond comforting to know your family was still here and waiting patiently for you.
You softly ran your finger over Harrys hand, trying to cause a disturbance. You'd attempted to voice your actions but nothing came out, due to your throat being so dry. You noticed a cup of water next to your bedside table and decided to help yourself. You turned the best you could, with Harry still holding on to your hand, and then moved your arm to the water. It was hard, really hard, but you managed to do it. You held the plastic cup as firmly as you could, with your trembling fingers, and sat up a bit further to take a sip. You managed a few sips before your fingers gave way and you dropped the plastic cup to the floor, spilling the rest of the water on the floor.
The noise wasn't loud but obviously loud enough to wake people up. Everyone except Harry - whom didn't wake up for anyone. He could sleep through an earthquake if he tried.
"Mum!" "Mummy!" A chorus of your children's voices echoed throughout the room, eventually waking Harry up in the process. Thomas and Eric came over to stand next to your bedside, taking your hand in both of theirs. Will rested on the end of the bed, giving you a soft smile which you returned. Sofia jumped across from Harrys lap on to your bed and engulfed you in a hug.
"Umph." You let out the noise when she jumped on you, still feeling a little sensitive all over your body.
"Hey, hey. Sof. You need to be careful with mummy, alright?" Harry comes and removes her slightly off of you, so you don't have to carry as much weight.
"Sorry mummy." Sofia apologises, going to sit next to you, her little legs dangling off the bed and miles from the floor. You gave her a small smile to signify you were okay and that you didn't need her apology. Harry stood nearby her in case she fell.
"How are you mum?" Will asked. Even though Will acted like he was too cool to get involved, you knew that he did honestly care and his question warmed your heart that he was taking an interest.
"A bit achey, not going to lie. I also find it really hard to move my legs and arms, but that was to be expected." You try and say with a strong and brave voice, but you didn't even convince yourself that it was.
"Will, buddy?" Harry asks, catching Will's attention. "Could you maybe take Sofia and the boys to the vending machine?" He hands over a handful of loose change. "Just get some crisps or chocolate for yourselves, please?"
Will obviously understood that his dad was asking for a couple of minutes alone with you.
"Sure. Cmon Sof." Will cheerily spoke, holding out his hand for her. Harry helped her off the bed, and Thomas and Eric both squeezed your hand to show they were here for you. Once they all left, Sofia rambling on about her favourite chocolate bar, Harry came and sat down by you.
He wrapped both his large hands in your smaller, and frailer, one. He leant down to plant a long-lasting kiss to your forehead, the sparks remaining even after he'd moved away. He then rested his forehead lightly on yours, looking in to your eyes the best he could from this angle. You had a feeling he just wanted to be as close to you as possible. You'd be lying if you said you didn't want the same thing.
"I missed you." Harry whispered against your face, your lips ghosting each other.
"You've been here the whole time, H." You  remind him.
"But it wasn't the same. Not being able to see these beautiful, dreamy, eyes. Not being able to annoy you whenever I want. Not being able to cuddle up next to you in bed every night. Not being able to hear your angelic laugh." He stops to look down at your lips. "And not being able to kiss these pretty things." He nudged his nose against yours.
"Well nothing's stopping you now." You smirk.
Harry lets out a small chuckle before rushing down to meet your lips with his. It was as if it was the first time he was getting to do it. He was so excited and you could feel the happiness radiate off him as his lips moulded against yours. You had to pull away to catch your breath.
"Yeah. Definitely missed that." Harry stated, making you chuckle.
You tried to move your hands up to cup his cheek but it was difficult to raise it past a certain point, your muscles being too weak to allow it. You sadly sighed to yourself and flopped your arm back on the bed beside you, closing your eyes in disappointment.
A second later you feel Harrys hand lifting your arm. You open your eyes to glance at him and he's reading your facial expressions to make sure what he's doing isn't hurting you in any way.
"Together." Harry firmly tells you, finally resting your palm against his cheek. He leans against it and you can feel the warmth radiating off his skin. Harry makes sure to hold your hand in place so you aren't doing all the hard-work.
"Sorry." You look at him through your sad eyes.
"For what, darling?" Harry looks deep in to your eyes, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.
"For all this." Your nod your head down to your body, referring to how you were semi-immobile. "I know it's not what you signed up for, but—"
"But I love you no matter what." Harry finishes your sentence for you, not wanting to hear your criticise yourself any more than you already had. "This isn't your fault, baby. You know that. I know that. Everyone knows that. We're going to get through this. You're not alone. That, I can promise you."
His words brought as tears to your eye but Harry manages to kiss it away, leaving him with salty lips, before it can truly fall.
2 weeks later, you were out of the hospital now and back home. It was been very overwhelming the last couple of weeks.
You still were unable to walk properly without the support of crutches, or a wheelchair and sometimes Harry. It was a blessing in disguise that your children were still at school, because it meant that you were able to have a lot of time to yourself, and with Harry, without constant interruptions or fussing over you.
Your children had been brilliant. They helped around the house when necessary, and every weekend, when they didn't have school, they delivered you breakfast in bed. Sofia made your cards, that had messages inside that were all spelt wrong, and drew family portraits for you. Sometimes you'd end up with a blue face and green hair, but you didn't love it any less.
As for Harry. Well he was just another level of amazing. He cleaned around the house, even when you insisted you could. He was very firm and layed out the ground rules early on. You weren't to move without his assistance and it had to be with good reason. I.e. apparently getting yourself a glass of water isn't good enough. He picked up the kids from school and dropped them off, sometimes you'd come along if your medication hadn't made you too drowsy. He did allow you to help cook dinner, what with stirring the pan, to let you feel like you were doing something, but he didn't want to overwork you.
Harry and yourself were currently out in the park, and it was very amusing.
You were in your comfy clothes, whilst Harry was in his running gear. He was running laps of a swimming-pool-sized pond, whilst you were walking indescribably slow with your crutches to assist you. Every time he jogged past you he would joke about how you were 'catching him up', but that was far from the truth. You'd barely gone around half of the pond, whereas Harry had done four laps of it, so far. You found the whole thing hilarious.
Harry was catching up to you again and you attempted to go a bit faster to make it seem like you were racing him.
"Oh I see. You're trying to get away from me now, huh?" Harry shouts from behind you. You laughed to yourself as you continue to place the crutches out in front of you before moving yourself forwards. "I don't think so.." Harrys voice becoming more apparent now, from obviously being able to move faster than you.
You suddenly feel his arms wrap around yours and he twirls you around in the air.
"I've got you. I won." He attacks your neck with kisses, probably leaving a mark or two. Acting like this with him makes it look like you were still falling in love with each other, not being married and have four kids already. You wouldn't want it any other way though.
"You only win because you're a sore loser." You tease him as he places you back down on the floor.
"Shut up." He mumbles.
You go down to pick up your crutches, which you'd accidentally let go of, but are stopped by Harry.
"It's alright love i've got them." Harry tells you, knowing how hard it is for you to bend over and multitask by picking something up.
"No. It's okay. I want to try." You shyly tell him, feeling stupid that you're even requesting it. Harry proudly smiles at you before you lean down to pick them up.
Harrys hand ghosts over the small of your back, just on stand-by for support in case you need it. You let out a groan half-way down, not wanting to give up but realising that this was more difficult than anticipated.
"You've got this baby. Keep going." Harry comforted you to carry on, even when he knew you were struggling, because he knows you can do it. The mere thought gives you enough strength to keep going and power through the ache.
With one final push you're able to pick them up and stand back up. Harry slinks his arms around your waist and picks you up so he's carrying you around his torso. Your legs instinctively cross over his back, and your arms find way to his neck.
Without any words Harrys lips press against yours passionately, and you know that he is proud of you.
A year later had come another milestone for you.
You'd successfully managed to drive the kids to school, and back home. Harry had sat in the passenger seat, making sure to help you with the wheel or change of gears, throughout. You were both anxious. You, more about ending up having an accident and Harry more for wanting you to prove to yourself that you could do it. But you did it.
The kids had been over the moon to hear that their mum was driving them to and from school, complaining that their dads jokes were getting too old now. Harry was mildly offended and continued with his jokes as punishment.
You'd forgotten the route and ended up at a pig-farm, upon trying to get to school, but Harry found it funny and it made you relax. Minor-amnesia was a product of the surgery, and it was times when you were trying to drive somewhere that it became an issue. Other times it was actually quite useful. For example when you'd genuinely forgotten someones name, you can blame it on the surgery, or if you were meant to collect something and had forgotten you'd be politely excused.
After having dinner with the kids, which was an Indian takeaway from your favourite, you made sure they all went to bed before spending some time with Harry downstairs. He'd mentioned how he needed to talk to you about some things this evening.
Both of you were snuggled up on the sofa, with you practically lying on top of Harry. Harry had a can of beer in his hand and your glass of water was carefully placed on the floor. You'd been advised not to drink alcohol for a while, just until the migraines settle down.
"H? You alright? You've been very quiet." You asked, as you kept your eyes on the TV where the BBC News was playing. You weren't really watching it, but it was just there to fill the background noise with anything other than silence.
"Um, yeah." He clears his throat. "I've been thinking a lot lately."
"About?" You ask, not exactly being able to read Harrys mind.
"Life. You. Kids. The future.." He answers, but you can sense he his nervous as his heart is beating considerably faster than usual.
"Okay?" You press for him to continue.
"I'm going to give it all up." He just blurts out, catching you if guard and making you stop breathing for a few seconds.
You twist around so you're sat crossed legged over his legs. "W-what do you mean?" You ask, confused over his proposal.
"I mean, I quit. I'm done with that part of my life." He answers as a matter of factly.
You close your eyes and shake your head to try and process what's actually happening right now.
"H? What are you doing?" You ask, flabbergasted. "Music is your life.."
"No, Y/N. You are my life. Those children, sleeping soundly upstairs, are my life. Music is a passion and a relaxation. It is a way to express my emotions when I don't have you around."
"I know, I know. I'll miss the touring and meeting all the amazing fans, but leaving you is just something i'm not willing to do anymore."
A few tears slip down your cheeks when you realise what you're doing.
"This is all my fault." You begin to cry, covering your face with your palms to hide yourself from Harry.
"Hey, Y/N/N, no it's not. You hear me? It's not." Harry tugs your hands away from your face so he can see your beautiful face. "Look at me, darling." He tells you more than asks you.
"Sor—" You start.
"Sshh. I don't want to hear it. I mean, you having surgery is part of the reason, but there are so many other things that are bigger than that. Y/N/N, I love you so so much. More than you could ever believe and I just want to spend the rest of my life with you now. Of course i'll continue to write, produce and publish music, but i'm just not up for touring, like I did, anymore. From now on I want to become the family man. I want to be there every day for our children, no matter what. I need them so much more than they could ever need me."
"But money H..?" You sigh, even though your spirit is so happy from Harrys insight into the future.
"That is not for you to worry about, right now, alright? I've been planning this for a while now and I have things in place and such. I just needed to tell you, because your my other half - my better half - and I felt you deserved to be involved."
It went quiet for a little bit as you let everything Harrys told you, so far, sink in. You'd stopped crying, mainly because Harry wasn't giving your tears a chance to run down your face. You started to smile to yourself at a life where 365 days of a year you can wake up next to your husband.
"What you smiling at, gorgeous?" Harry chuckled, caressing your cheek.
"You." You cheese. "And how I get to be with you for the rest of my days."
"I can't wait to start living the rest of my life with you." Harry softly says, kissing your nose briefly.
Rest of your lives. You could get used to that.
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A Happy Christmas - R.Lupin
Summary - Remus and his wife have a tradition they follow every Christmas Eve, wrap the remainder of their children’s gifts and pull an all-nighter to get some extra alone time together.
Word Count - 821
Warnings - Female Reader, Potter!Reader(No physical description given), use of Y/N, Not sleeping (Let me know if I missed any)
Author's Note - Welcome to day 9 of 25 days of fics! I know that this one is later than usual and I apologize. I'm super sick at the moment with a bad head cold so I'm trying! I hope you enjoy!
Harry Potter Masterlist
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25 days of fics masterlist
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It was Christmas Eve, snow was falling, the fireplace crackling and the children were sleeping. Now Remus never thought he would have a life like this because of his furry little problem but he was happy that he was proven wrong. Y/N Lupin, once Y/N Potter, had been his wife for nearly 10 years, the two of them getting married right after graduating Hogwarts. James was always their biggest advocate and number one supporter no matter what.
They usually spent Christmas together, at James and Lily’s house so the kids could all be together. Being with family was the most important thing to Y/N, she always had someone with her when she was running errands or doing some housework. She was never alone so of course she wanted to spend the holidays surrounded by loved ones. James offered to host because, simply put, his house was bigger and could hold more people easier, thanks to professionally playing quidditch. 
All of the adults in the house were still awake, rushing around to get last minute gifts into the house or wrapped up with pretty paper to be put under the tree and torn open a few hours later. James and Lily had just finished up putting Harry’s things under the tree before calling it a night and going to bed themselves. This left Y/N and Remus alone and awake, wrapping the last of their childrens’ gifts.
They could do it with magic but both of them preferred the muggle way, wrapping the gifts by hand. That's why it usually took them twice as long to get everything wrapped and put away. This was their routine every Christmas Eve: wrap the presents together, put them under the tree and spend some quiet time together, knowing everyone was sound asleep.
As they finished putting the gifts under the tree, they took the time to just hold each other and watch the snow fall outside the window, just enjoying each other’s company. Y/N also never thought that she would have a life like she does now, she never thought that Remus reciprocated her feelings. She never thought she was good enough for him but to him, she was more than enough. She was the love of his life, the one person that he would protect with every fiber of his being. Once the kids came along, he knew that he would never give this life up for anything. He would kill for his family, he would sacrifice himself for his family because he knew that they would do the same.
They watched as the sun began to rise, the birds chirping outside, the footsteps of the kids running down the stairs followed by James and Lily’s lazy ones. When James took notice of his sister and his friend, he smiled sleepily knowing exactly what had occurred. “You two never went to sleep, did you?” He asked the pair.
“No, we stayed up watching the snow. Lost track of time. Happy Christmas James,” His sister responded, smiling right back at her big brother.
“Happy Christmas Y/N.”
“Mummy, daddy, can we open our gifts now?”  The youngest Lupin boy asked innocently as he hugged her leg.
“Go on then, they aren’t going to open themselves,” Remus teased as he ruffled his son's hair. 
With the proper go ahead, the three children tore into their gifts, paper flying all over the place. The parents huddled together, watching the delight in their children’s eyes as they took in all of their new toys and clothes. Little Harry was especially excited to see his very own broom gifted by his aunt Y/N and uncle Moony. This was the life that they wanted to live and enjoyed every second of it.
“Happy Christmas my love,” Remus said quietly to his wife as he handed her a small wrapped box.
“Happy Christmas Remmy,” She replied, handing him his gift. The two of them opened them together as the kids all giggled in the background. Remus had given her a gorgeous necklace that held two interlocking hearts that held their initials. Y/N had given him a new sweater, one he had been eyeing up the last time they went out to the shops together. “There’s something else under the sweater,” She hinted to him.
So he took out the sweater to reveal an ultrasound picture. “You’re kidding? Please tell me this isn’t a joke,” He had a wide smile on his scarred face, excited at the fact that they were bringing another kid into the world.
“It’s not. We’re having another baby!” She exclaimed, James and Lily immediately ending their conversation as they overheard. Remus engulfed his wife into a tight hug, lifting her off of the ground as he laughed happily. 
The whole house was overjoyed with the news, everyone smiling big and giving hugs wherever they could. It was a typical Lupin-Potter Christmas.
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sex-storytime · 1 year
It was finally Friday and I would once again charge forth bravely into the night searching for love or at least a good time; to embark with the boldest intentions and the most optimistic outlook. I wouldn't be so shy this time and I'd get out and meet people and have fun. I'd find love, or at least a lover right? Sure... Well at least I'd have a few beers and watch other more confident guys do just that.
My plan was the same flawless failure I've always employed: hanging out at the local  bar!  I liked to show up early, around 8:30 I guess. Many of the regulars were there early and you could cruise around and exchange greetings before the out-of-towners and once-in-a-whilers showed up and packed the place. Some people might think it was weird that I would go there alone, but I wasn't alone if I knew 10-15 people in the bar (which I usually did). I wasn't like a "Hey NORM!" kind of guy, but I did get "hey," and "yo" (which came with the obligatory 3-part handshake/finger-clasp/fist-punch 'homey' greeting), so that was cool...
I strolled in at my usual time, scanned the bar, and there she was. Whoah. There were times when for whatever inexplicable reason, stunningly beautiful women would bless the bar with their presence. She was a fine example. I could immediately sense the tension around her. At this point, the clientele in the bar was comprised of people in a relationship or hapless dorks like me. For now, her beauty helped radiate an aura of intimidation that kept everyone at a safe distance.
She looked to be about twenty-five. Her skin was porcelain which contrasted the dark waves of raven hair falling down to the middle of her back. She sat neatly cross-legged on the barstool wearing a silky brown number that was low cut in the front, even lower cut in the back, and only went down just a little ways past her hips. She wore sparkling high heels with straps that wrapped halfway up her well-toned calves. She had several large metal bracelets on each arm and her ears were adorned ornate feathered earrings. Freckles covered the tops of her arms, back, and presumably chest and face (I couldn't see that yet). I drank in the sight of her in the spare second I had while I was casually scanning the room. The next second, my eyes fell on her friend.
Ah yes, the ultimate armor: the heavier-set, shorter, but still kind-of-cute best friend. Now I'm no ladies man, but I know the setup. I've seen it plenty of times in this place. It was like watching National Geographic. The antelope must band together to fend off attacks from the pouncing solitary tigers. Now I immediately knew that gorgeous woman was way out of my league, but I relished the opportunity to watch her as well as the drama that was likely to unfold around her.
I bellied up to the bar down the way from her so I could see her face. Yep, she had freckles. She was very pretty though - big eyes. They looked green to me; maybe hazel. Then she smiled at her friend. Wow, nice white teeth - very pretty smile. The edges of her lips formed a cute little crease that betrayed the slightest aging of her skin. She then turned her head my way. Her eyes settled on mine for just a second, and her smile lingered for just a second, before moving on. She saw me. She thought I was worth a look. She did right? Okay, I wasn't really sure.
I mean, who was I kidding? Here I was, a thirty-four year old guy of average height. I still had my dusty blonde straw-like hair, wild as always. I've drunk plenty of beer in my time and had a bit of a gut to show for it. It wasn't too bad though. I hid it well by wearing hemmed button-up shirts and a decent pair of slacks. I dusted myself in Obsession (for men), and I'm sure that helped too. While I've always thought my face was kind of doofy looking I've had girls tell me I was cute in a Simon Pegg kind of way.
It didn't matter though; I wasn't going to try to talk to her. Not now anyway. Maybe, after I've slurped a couple more pints of liquid courage. Maybe, if I could get her attention again. Maybe... But for the time being, I just ordered a beer and made the rounds saying "hi" to my friends and acquaintances.
I ended up sitting with Linda and Gary, an older married couple. They were pretty cool. I just chilled with my beer, listened to the music (which was of the slower tempo, not-ready-to-light-the-dance floor variety), and occasionally stole glances at the pale beauty sitting at the bar across from me, back turned. I hadn't even finished my first beer when her friend suddenly got up, calmly grabbed her purse, and left the bar. I was a little surprised. Surely she was just going to the car to grab something, right? She'd be right back.
I downed the rest of my beer and headed back up to the bar. Maybe I could make eye contact again. Maybe I'd even figure out if her friend was coming back. I stood at the end of the bar and casually stared in her direction, watching her out of the corner of my eye. She seemed very composed, but a little nervous too. The expression on her face was very... business-like. Wow, I maybe she WAS alone. Just then she glanced up and caught my eye again. She lingered this time, for a half second, maybe even a whole second. It was just long enough for me to start getting scared wondering who would break contact first. Her lip starts to curl. She was going to smile at me! And then HE slid in and cut off her view from me.
Cock block! Well, I didn't have any claim, but still... she was going to smile at me! Grrr... Instead she turned her head up and fired off the half-cocked smile at him. Great. I didn't even see him come in. I took a quick look around and realized that the bar was starting to fill up. He must've been a recent arrival. What a classic douche: over 6 foot tall, pink shirt with a popped collar, and a white baseball cap cocked to the side in that schmucky I'm-too-cool-to-wear-clothes-normally fashion. He propped himself up on the bar, scooted right into her personal space, leaned in, and started talking into her ear. I hated him already.
I tried to watch her reaction to him. She seemed mildly (or was it politely?) interested in him. He bought her a drink. It looked like a cranberry and vodka. She daintily sipped it through the two coffee straws parked in the ice. Alas... another fine specimen lost to douchebaggery. I ordered another beer and headed back to my table. By this time, the lights had been turned a little lower, the disco ball was lit up, and the dance music began cranking through the speakers. I really did think that Kanye West Gold Digger song was pretty cool – the first twenty times I heard it.
Linda and Gary got up a couple times to dance. It was always hilarious to see an older couple shaking it to hip hop and modern pop songs. Meanwhile, I kept tracking back to my prized eye-candy for the evening. She was still sitting at the bar. Her friend never came back. The douche was still hanging around too. Clearly, he was trying to monopolize her attention. She seemed polite, but I couldn't really tell if she was enjoying herself or not. It looked like she was still nursing the first drink he bought her.
As was usually the case, the more beer I drank, the faster I drank it. Needing another refill, I sauntered up to the bar. This time I boldly decided to park myself right next to her. As I looked around, I realized that the bar was getting pretty full. The bartender was literally running back and forth behind the bar to fill orders. Okay, it was more like a half-assed jog, but you get my point. Her back was still turned to me because the douche was demanding her attention, carrying on about something – probably the size of the stereo in his rice burner. So I just patiently waited for my turn to order, trying to look cool.
The bartender caught my eye and I raised my empty glass to indicate I wanted another beer. He starts walking over towards the tap when the douche flags him down with some other order. Damn! I got bartender-blocked too! Before I could mope to myself, I realized my luck had just turned. With the frat-boy's attention set on the bartender, the pale beauty I'd been admiring all night finally turned around and noticed me standing there. Those big bright green eyes sized me up and in a heartbeat she fired off that smile again. She'd been saving it!
"Hi," she said sweetly.
"Um, hi," I responded in my best oh-yeah-I'm-cool manner. With her eyes on me, I looked over her shoulder at Pepto-Biff-Tannen and did my best impression of him trying to lean-swagger so hard against the bar while pantomiming the turn of an imaginary cap on my head.. She let out a little giggle and I smiled back, genuinely this time. Taking it further, I hammed it up pretending to flip up a non-existent collar while giving her the wankster "what's up" shrug of my head. She got her hand up to her face just in time to snort as sudden convulsions of silent laughter bounced her body up and down.
She locked eyes with me and then turned her head to take a knowing stare at Yacht-club-dropout who was still oblivious to our impromptu mockery. Her eyes flashed and that smile came firing out again. It was clear a mischievous thought had come to her mind. She pulled the straws out of her drink, gulped the rest of it, and set the glass down on the counter.
"Do you want to dance?" she asked me, looking me straight in the eye almost as if it were a command instead of an entreaty.
I was shocked. Really? She wanted to dance with me? What I really couldn't believe was that the next thought to enter my mind was, 'but I haven't gotten my beer yet.' Like waiting even another second for Preppy-Billy-Zabka to turn back around was advisable. Fortunately, I come to my senses quickly.
"Sure," I replied with an air of faux nonchalance, setting my empty mug down.
I took her hand and lead her out onto the dance floor. Lost Without U by Robin Thicke was playing. Perfect. As we get onto the dance floor, I realized how tall she was. I'm 5'10, and with those heels, she was just a bit taller than me. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck, content to dance close to me. I put my hands on the small of her back and leaned in to smell her hair. Mmm... very floral, perhaps a hint of vanilla. I breathed it in deeply, feeling it stir jittery butterflies in my core. One of her hands slid down my back as she stepped in a bit closer. A trail of goose bumps burrowed its way down my arm.
After about a minute of this pure bliss, she leaned back a bit and smiled, "Sorry about dragging you out here like that. I really needed to get away from that guy."
Yeah, it was a REAL inconvenience to have to dance closely with such an attractive woman. "Sure, no problem," I replied casually.
Reminded of the alpha-jock-archetype, I glanced back over at the bar to see him leaning back watching us, clearly fuming. "Yeah, your man-friend back there doesn't look too happy."
She tilted her head back a bit and rolled her eyes, "Ughh," before stepping back in to dance close again.
We dance for a few moments more. As I watch her expressions, it was clear was scheming about something. Then, as if an epiphany struck, her eyes lit up and she smiled that big, deadly smile at me, "Hey, can I ask you a favor?"
Anything. ANYTHING! I'll do anything for you.
"What?" I ask.
"Would you be my boyfriend?"
"Your boyfriend? Wow, you move fast," I replied almost hoping she really did move that fast.
"No no no silly... You know..." she made air-quotes with her hands in front of my face before wrapping them back around my neck, "a 'boyfriend'. So I don't have to put up with creeps like that guy back there."
Oh... a pretend boyfriend. Got it.
"Oh I see what you mean," I replied pausing, only not to seem too eager, "Sure, I can do that."
I'm all smiles now. Of COURSE I can do that. When the song ended, I lead her back to my table and we sat down with Gary and Linda. I politely flagged down the waitress and ordered the next round of beers and cranberry-vodka.
We talked. I learned that her name was Brandy and recited 'Brandy Brandy Brandy!' a thousand times silently in my head to lock it in. I also learned that she was a receptionist at a local business that sells parts for industrial manufacturing or something like that. She revealed that her friend had to leave because she worked early the next day. Brandy was going to leave too, but it'd been so long since she's been out that she decided to stay. She leaned over and told me she almost regretted the decision because of the pink-narcissus. It turned out that her polite attitude towards him was just that: being polite to some random creepy guy.
I started rattling off some of my euphemisms for guys like him and she snorts again in laughter. "Ha ha!" she giggles, putting her hand on my leg, "Pepto-Biff-Tannen! That's hilarious! He kept going on and on about all the offroading he does, blah blah blah."
I also learned that Brandy was no slouch in the drinking department. It took her nearly an hour to finish her first cranberry and vodka. It only took her another hour to finish the next three. With each drink she became more open and vibrant. She laughed more often. She touched me more often. I didn't know if she was simply maintaining the ruse of us as a couple for onlookers, or if that's simply how she was. Mr-Overcompensates was still prowling around the bar. He'd moved to hitting on other women, but he was still keeping an eye on us.
And then Sexyback came on over the speakers and she DRAGGED me out onto the dance floor. Immediately, Brandy turned around, backed up her tush and started repeatedly slapping it against my pelvis while lifting her hair with both hands and letting it fall onto her shoulders. She was having a great time. More importantly, she was having a great time with ME!
At this point, I just tried to stand there and look cool, maybe swaying a bit to the beat. There was an audience of other men watching her, lust in their eyes. Other couples were on the dance floor, but the spotlight might as well have been on Brandy.
She turned around, placed her hands on my sides and went into a full squat. Perching on those heels with her legs fully folded, she parked her face right in front of my crotch. Now I had sprung wood the moment her rear had slammed into me the first time. It couldn't be helped. I'm sure she knew. How could she not? And now she was taking a good look at her handy work. On her way back up, she nudged my belly with her head, waving her hair all around. I looked down to see a lustful, pouty, open-mouthed look dancing on her face.
It was a very sexy routine. I couldn't tell if she'd practiced it before. Her technique wasn't flawless, but her enthusiasm was excellent. I put my arms around her and pulled her in close for some more intimate dancing. I ran my hand up her neck through her hair and then wrapped it around her head, massaging the lobe of her ear with my thumb. I wrapped my other arm around her and held her close. Our hips worked frantically, trying to grind the beat into each other. My manhood was at full attention and lasciviously pressing itself into her belly. She had to know it was there and seemed to relish focusing her rhythmic bodily contact at that point.
We ground our way lustily through the next song as well. Sometimes we changed position, but we were always rubbing hips. It was like we were having sex... with our clothes on... with an audience. Thanks to Brandy's provocative gyrations, I had a few moments where I wondered if I could 'contain' the excitement boiling in my pants. The dancing was hard work too. Pretty soon we had both built up a steady moisture and were wiping sheen from our brows. She looked much sexier doing so than I did.
When the song ended, we got off the dance floor and she planted a long wet kiss on my cheek. Then she laughed and said, "That was fun."
The musk of her glow had combined well with the scent of her perfume. She smelled intoxicating. It was like she'd been switched on. I imagined that she would smell equally great after making love. Hell, we'd just practically made love in all but the penetration and climax.
As I lead her back to our table, I couldn't help it. I had to blurt it out, "I like you. You're fun."
My sentiment came out completely childish, but she just smiled back and said, "I like you too!"
And so the night went on. She laughed at my corny jokes and when a good song came on, she dragged me back out onto the dance floor for another workout. When the DJ called last-call for alcohol, she was clearly disappointed, "Oh... So soon? But I'm not ready to go home yet!"
As luck would have it, I knew of an after-party that a couple of the bar-regulars held routinely. I was a little leery of suggesting it to her as I knew we would be greatly outnumbered by other guys, but it didn't matter. As soon as I mentioned it she jumped at the idea, "Let's go! Can you drive?"
So we decided to go. I could tell upon arrival that Brandy was not impressed. The house had a very run-down frat feeling to it. She stayed close to my side as we walked into the shabby living room and I exchanged greetings with a few guys I knew. Then we grabbed a couple cans of Icehouse beer (yum-yum! – NOT) and parked it on one of the beat-up couches. She sat on my lap and wrapped an arm around my neck. Based on her trepidation, I wasn't sure if she was really that into me, or just leery of EVERYONE else at the house. There was dance music playing and a few of the girls who showed up were dancing/stumbling around in the living room. Brandy seemed content to stay seated on my lap, rocking a bit to the beat. Of course, her proximity and steady rocking motion guaranteed my perpetual hard-on would last, frustrated to the early morning hours. There was no way she couldn't have noticed, but she never said anything. Instead, she just continued smiling and nuzzling her butt into my lap.
The upbeat energy of dancing and drinking at the club had not carried over successfully to the afterparty and before long, I could see the late hour and the alcohol taking its toll on Brandy. She'd curled her legs up and was resting her head on my shoulders. As much as I enjoyed the cuddle and stroking her long dark hair, my concern for her wellbeing eventually took over.
"Had enough fun for tonight?" I inquire, brushing a strand of hair away from her pretty face.
It wasn't meant to be a loaded question, but I was almost hoping she would say 'Not yet! I'm saving the best for last!' or something to that effect. Instead, she just nods her head and mumbles out an "Mmm hmm."
"Ok," I whispered close into her ear. "Is it okay if we leave your car at the bar for tonight?"
"No car. Took a cab."
"Oh, okay. Well I can drive you home if you want. Where do you live?"
"Aw... can't we go to your house?" she purred, running her finger down my chest.
Suddenly, I had gone from 'boyfriend' to BOYFRIEND. I feel a little guilty because I know she'd had too much to drink, but how can I refuse an offer like that?
She seemed to come alive suddenly and stood up off the couch reaching her hand out to me. Then she spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, "Come on loverboy! Take me home!" which drew immediate ogling "Oooooohhh's" from everyone in the vicinity. A couple of my friends gave me the whistle-wink-thumbs-up routine, knowing that for me to leave the party with a pretty woman on my arm was a rare thing indeed.
So I grabbed her jacket off the couch and hurried her out of the house to a cacophony of catcalls. She giggled the whole way. Once we were in the car, she turned to me, leaned over, and planted a wet kiss on my cheek.
"I had soooo much fun tonight! Thanks!"
"You're welcome," I replied warmly. "I had fun too."
Then her mood quickly turned sad. "I have a confession to make though," she frowned.
Uh oh, here it came. "What's that?" I asked.
She rolled her eyes towards the ceiling and sighed loudly, "I have a boyfriend."
All I could think was, 'What the fuck?'
"You mean other than your current 'boyfriend'?" I ask, referring to myself.
"Yeah, I'm sorry. ...I do. He doesn't like to go out," she sighs again, "I had a great time though."
Me too. I was certainly disappointed, but compared to any other Friday night in my life, this was still a top-tier evening. So I sucked it up and tried to make the best of it.
"Oh... so do you want me to just drive you home then?"
"Um well, he thinks I'm at my girlfriends tonight... Would you mind if I stayed with you?"
"Um..." I stuttered, not sure what to think.
"I'm sorry if I'm putting you out."
"No, it's okay. I don't mind," I replied, trying to hide my confusion. Why had she told me she had a boyfriend and then asked to stay over? Was this her way of politely backing out of any further intimacy?
"Okay, okay... but NOTHING's going to happen," she said while wagging her finger in a no-no pattern, "You understand that right?"
Sure I understood. I had a universal signal I briefly pondered giving her replete with a nice boot out the car door. 'Think about that while you're walking home!' But I couldn't do that. I was a nice guy, and up until this point, I'd had a really fun evening. So I just mentally prepared for the inevitable frustrating end to our evening and replied as politely as I could.
"Yeah, sure. I even have a spare bedroom."
"You do? Perfect! Thank you so much! You're so nice to me..."
Nice? Uh oh. Friend Zone.
The drive home was quiet. She cuddled up and turned away from me in her seat and appeared to be asleep. When we arrived at my house, I had to open the door and help her out of the car.
With her arm around my shoulder and my arm around her waist, I helped her inside and up the stairs. Despite the recent turn of events, I still got goosebumps from feeling her pressed against me and smelling her hair.
"You have a nice... house," she mumbled.
"Thanks," I said as we crested the stairs.
I got her into the spare bedroom where my mother would stay when she came to town. I hadn't washed the sheets yet from Mom's last visit, but at least the bed was made (thanks Mom). I flicked on the light and showed Brandy in.
She looked around and smiled, "This will do nicely."
With that, she shuffled over to the bed, sat down and began undoing the straps of her high heels. I stood in the doorway, ready to offer assistance if she needed it. She didn't. A moment later her shoes were off and she stood up. For the first time tonight, she was shorter than me.
Then she looked at me, smiled, and reached down to grab the hem of her dress. In one quick motion she flipped it up over her hips revealing a lacy blue thong beneath. It was happening so quickly, I didn't even think to turn away. A couple of wiggles later, she had the entire dress up over her head, exposing a cute lacy blue bra lifting up her small, pert breasts. The dress fell to the floor and she immediately set about unfastening her bra. It fell away easily as well.
There Brandy stood before me wearing only a tiny thong. Her demeanor suggested that being nearly naked before me was perfectly normal. She made a big show of stretching as she lifted her arms over her head and yawned, her breasts rising and falling before me. Then winked at me, turned around, wiggled her tush, and began peeling back the covers on my bed.
Then the show was over as quickly as it had begun. She climbed into the bed, pulled up the covers tight, and let out a long sigh.
"Can you turn out the lights?"
"Okay, um... goodnight then."
"Night night!"
Bewildered, I turned off the light, closed the door, and shuffled off to my own bedroom. It was 4 am by this time, but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. Instead, I just laid in bed thinking to myself over and over, 'What the hell? There is a beautiful, nearly-naked woman in my own house yet I'm sleeping alone. What the hell? We danced. We hugged. I smelled her perfume. I played with her hair. She flirted with me the WHOLE time, yet here I am still sleeping alone. WHAT THE HELL?'
My thoughts wandered to her innocent little strip tease, the image of her lithe, fabulous body was burned into my brain. I imagined that instead of turning me away, she had continued to tease me. After undressing, she would lay back on the bed and begin rubbing herself through her panties while tweaking a nipple with her free hand.
"I had so much fun tonight," she would say. "Dancing all night, holding you close. Rubbing up against your hard cock..."
Then I would go to the side of the bed, sit on the edge, and watch her continue to rub herself and talk dirty to me...
"Yes, I know I made you hard... and I liked it. I kept you hard all night, rubbing my ass against you on the dance floor... Sitting on your lap and wiggling against your dick. I could tell it was big too. I liked that."
I would say nothing, instead continuing to watch her hand rub circles on the front of her panties. Maybe I would put a hand on her leg and gently pet her thigh...
"I've been wondering all night how your cock would feel in my pussy. Rubbing and dancing and holding you close... It's made me so wet. Can you see it?"
She would then lift her hand away from her mound, grabbing the top of her thong and pulling it tight against her sex. It was quite evident that her pussy was engorged, soaking through the front of her panties...
My lewd thoughts of Brandy had finally become more than I could stand. I had my hand down in my boxers, gently stroking myself as I fantasized about what would happen next. I was getting pretty into it when I heard a knock at my bedroom door. Brandy's almost child-like voice called out my name tentatively.
Embarrassed, I whipped my hand back out of my boxers and rolled over onto my belly. Like modesty mattered at this point.
"Yes?" I replied.
The door opened slightly, and through the shadows I could make out her sticking her head in.
"It's really cold in there."
Then I remembered that I had closed the vents in the ceiling of the spare bedroom to save on heating costs. "Oh, right... I'm sorry. The vents are closed. I can open them for you." I started to get out of bed but then hesitated when I realized she'd see my tented, wet-spot appointed boxers.
Perhaps she misread my hesitation, but she saved me. "No, that's okay," she said, slipping inside the doorway with her arms folded across her naked chest. "I was actually... I was wondering if I could maybe stay with you?"
A thousand questions ran through my head, but I only needed one answer, "Um, sure."
I saw her figure hurriedly approach in the moonlight as I pulled the covers aside and made room. She climbed in quickly and snuggled up against me. Eager to touch her again, I was surprised by how cold her skin was.
"Brrr..." she shivered.
I wrapped my arms around her and we settled into a spooning position. Once again, her butt was pressed into my crotch. A little chagrined, I wasn't sure what to do or think next. Do I just try to fall asleep with this gorgeous woman in my arms? Do I make a move? Would I be taking advantage of her? What the hell?
"Hmmm..." she purred, "You're warm."
And with that, she went still. Soon, her breathing becomes the measured in and out of a woman comfortably asleep.
I laid still with her in my arms for as long as I could. Though it was probably only minutes, it felt like I had held myself politely still for hours. Eventually, curiosity got the better of me. I slowly began to run my hand down her thigh, lingering on her butt just long enough to caress it and then back down again.
I did this for about two minutes before she sighed and rolled forward onto her tummy. My hand froze, but her breathing stayed calm and measured. So my hand began wandering again, down her thigh and then up over her cute little butt to caress her back. I continued tentatively exploring Brandy's body, savoring the feel of her smooth naked skin.
I heard what I would have described as a contented mumble as I slid my hand back down her back. Her butt wiggled slightly and her legs spread apart. Her skin had quickly gone from cold to warm.
Emboldened, I took extra time caressing her butt on the next pass. I even went so far as to grab a handful and squeeze gently.
I was just about to move on to caressing her thigh when her hand snaked out and slapped mine.
'Uh oh,' I think to myself, 'I'm in trouble now.'
But instead of admonishing me further, her hand moved off of mine and down between the fabric of her panties and the fleshy crevasse of her butt. Grabbing a bunch of material, she yanked her thong upwards, pushing the lips of her sex aside as her wet gusset slid between.
She let out a contented sigh as I watched her, frozen with nervous excitement. After a brief tug, her hand let go, went limp again, and then slowly retreated back under her pillow. I was so surprised I didn't move, unsure of what had just happened. Was that deliberate or was she acting out in her sleep?
I slowly moved the covers aside and looked at her in the moonlight. I could barely make out her lips peeking out of either side of her stretched thong.
I was so entranced by the sight of her sex in the pale light, I simply sat there and stared at it. Moments passed quietly as I gazed upon her, transfixed. As if she had become impatient, her butt started to wiggle again. Snapping back into the moment, I took her gesture as an invitation. I reached my hand back down to caress her butt. My touch was met with a muted sigh of contentment.
Encouraged, I moved from slowly from rubbing her cheeks to slipping my fingers down under her thong, just as she had moments before. This elicited another contented sigh as my fingers immediately felt her wetness. I used my pointer finger to peel aside her thong while my middle finger caressed her sex.
I felt her hips shift as she pressed subtly back against my hand. What sort of game was this we were playing? Was she really asleep and reacting as if in a dream, or was she merely pretending to be asleep as part of some odd ploy to avoid responsibility for whatever was going to happen next? Either way, her body very much wanted me to continue. As I slipped my hand further down into her crotch, I used my fingers to spread her sex. It opened easily: wet, warm, and inviting.
Holding her thong aside with my thumb, I began running my two fingers up and down her labia. She continued subtly gyrating her hips and moaning softly into the pillow as I stroked her pussy and slipped a finger inside. Keeping my right hand working on her sex, I used my free hand to prop myself up onto my knees and straddled myself over her.
My hardon had never subsided, but my need felt more urgent now than it had all night. I fished out my erect penis from the slit in my boxers and began lazily stroking myself as I continued to administer to her wet, increasingly needy crevasse with my now sopping fingers.
I was incredibly turned on by our "unconscious" role play. I wanted to be inside her so badly. Would she allow the game to go that far? Was it what she wanted? At this point, what could it hurt to try and find out? I gently slid my fingers away from her sex, painting a wet trail on her bare as cheeks.
I paused a moment to see what she would do when I stopped playing with her pussy. For a few moments: nothing. Then I heard a muffled whimper as her ass wiggled again. She wanted more.
I sat up a bit more so I could work my boxers over my hips, springing free my engorged prick. I then carefully worked my underwear down past my knees and off. Brandi continued to whine and wiggle her tush almost as if she knew what I was about to do and couldn't wait.
I grabbed my cock and stroked it a couple more times as I squatted back down onto the back of her thighs. I aimed myself at her exposed sex and rested my head just above the entrance to her vagina.
She wiggled her butt again, swirling my cockhead around in her juices. I worked my hips with her gyrations to prevent her from slipping inside her. The thought of teasing her now seemed like a mild form of justice for the way she'd teased me all night. More than that though, I really needed to know for sure that she wanted me inside her. I needed to know I wasn't about to take advantage of a passed out young woman who only seemed to be enjoying my ministrations.
"Tell me you want it," I instructed calmly. "Tell me you want me to fuck you right now."
Silence. Her hips continued to jiggle, coaxing me on. I continued resisting, pulling back if her moist lips got too close to drawing me in.
"Say it...," I commanded now.
This time, her hips stopped moving. There was a long pause...
"Mmmm... Fuck me baby...," she relented in a passionate whisper.
That was all I needed. I relaxed my hips and slid forward slightly. As I did so, my dick finally breached the divide between teasing and fucking as my cockhead slowly eased its way into her. Brandy's hips didn't move, but I heard her exhale a long, contented sigh.
She felt wonderful. Already sloppy wet from our tease-play, her vagina accepted my manhood with a warm, snug embrace. I carefully eased myself forward, savoring every bit of her depth as I slid myself to the hilt. Aside from her sigh, Brandy was silent and motionless. Her body seemed completely relaxed with nary a tight muscle to be seen or felt. I slid myself back out just as slowly, observing the moist sheen she had deposited on my dick.
I started to steady my pace: slowly in, slowly out. I wanted to take my time enjoying the lewd circumstances of our joining. There she was like a ragdoll, letting me pull aside her thong and fuck her all while acting oblivious to everything that was going on. I continued caressing her butt and pulling on her thong as I slid in and out. Despite my best intentions, I began quickening my pace. Her pussy was coating me with her juices and the sight of her ass crack totally exposed was such a turn on, I couldn't help myself.
Before I knew it, I was fucking her properly; thrusting in and out. Though still relaxed, Brandy's breathing had intensified with my strokes. A slight vocalization escaped her lips each time I drove it home almost as if I was pumping life into her. By now I had given up the pretense of "sneaking sex" without "waking" her. My hands were gripping her butt tightly to steady my rhythm. I was breathing heavily. The whole bed was shaking. The headboard was smacking against the wall.
It felt so good. I knew I would not be able to last much longer. Only now did it dawn on me that, since I wasn't wearing protection of any sort, she might not like it if I came inside her. There was no time to make a reasoned analysis of my options, so I settled on breaking my silence again and giving her warning.
"Oh god baby! I'm going to cum soon..."
That elicited an immediate moan as if the anticipation of me fully "violating" her was going to push her over the edge. Her body curled a bit as she tightened her grip on her pillow.
"Fuck me," she whispered. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me..."
I took that as permission to spill my seed inside her and pulled off the throttle a bit. I changed up my quick pumping for longer, deeper thrusts; each one prompting a complimentary "ugh" from Brandy muffled into her pillow. At the precipice of ecstasy, I shoved deep into her one last time, pressing the head of my cock up against her cervix. I tensed my muscles holding off the coming release for as long as I could. A moment later, my orgasm overcame that fickle barrier and exploded ejaculate in deep, forceful bursts against the walls of her sex.
"Ummmm..... cumming!" I warned her, a bit too late.
She was already reacting to the sensation of throbbing head releasing semen. Her hips began bucking more wildly than ever before, trying to milk the last bits of pleasure from my cock.
"Oh God yes! Adam! Yesssss!" she screamed as if waking from her self-imposed stupor.
Adam? My name's not Adam.
I refused to ruin the moment though. Her body started shuddering. I held her quivering ass tight, keeping myself buried deep in her as she rode out wave after wave of orgasm. Eventually the bucking of her hips subsided and her head rolled to the side. No longer muffled by the pillow, she took a deep breath and let out a long contented sigh.
Her eyes were still closed, but I could see the crease of a slight smile on her face. Enjoying the moment, I caressed her body once more. I massaged her butt, rubbed my hands up and down her back, and then down the sides of her thighs. Brandy's only response was goosepimples. Then I slowly drew myself out. She shuddered one last time as the tip of my head left her sex and then she went still again.
Exhausted, I fell back on the bed beside her. I wasn't sure what had just happened, but damn it sure felt great. I just hoped I had read her signals properly. The grin plastered on her face suggested that I had. I wasn't sure who Adam was though. Did she think my name was "Adam"? Was that her boyfriend's name? The questions swirled in my mind for only a moment. As the euphoria of sexual release began to wear off, sleep quickly claimed me.
I woke up the next morning and found her gone from the bed. "Oh crap," I thought to myself, remembering back to the deeds of last night. Had I done something wrong? Where had she gone?
Just then, I heard the toilet flush in my bathroom and I saw her come out. She was now fully dressed and seemed to be in a giddy mood. In her hand, I spied what could only be the wadded, soiled material of her thong.
"Hey there sleepy-head!" she greeted me, sitting on the edge of the bed politely keeping the hand holding her thong out of sight.
"Hey," I reply as nonchalantly as possible.
"Thanks for letting me stay here last night. I really appreciate it."
"Sure, no problem."
"You know, I had the weirdest dream last night," she intoned sarcastically.
"Oh?" I said, playing along.
"Yeah. I dreamt I was having sex with my boyfriend. He was massaging me, toying with my pussy, and then he fucked me REALLY good from behind."
Adam must be her boyfriend then. "Is that so?"
"Mmm-hmm. It was pretty hot. I'm sorry if I got weird or moaned out loud in the night or anything..."
Not sure how to react to that, I just went with: "It's okay. Don't worry about it."
She rolled her eyes. "Anyway... I just wanted to check and make sure we're cool right?"
"Of course. Absolutely."
"Good. It must've been a pretty good dream, because I totally soiled my panties."
On cue, she offered up the evidence dangling her thong by the waistline on one finger in front of me. I could see could see the cloudy soiled gusset clearly in front of me. I said nothing.
Brandy continued, "Clearly I can't take these home with me. What would my boyfriend think if he saw these?"
"So I'll tell you what. Why don't you keep these," she said tossing her panties in my lap, "and we'll keep whatever happened last night strictly between us, ok?"
Who was I to argue with that?
"Sounds like a plan."
"Good. Now you just rest up and I'll get out of your hair. My cab is waiting downstairs."
She had already called a cab. Great. It was a relief to be so summarily untangled from whatever mischief we'd gotten ourselves into last night, but at the same time I was a bit chagrined to know I would likely never see her again.
"You didn't have to do that. I could've..."
"No, it's better this way," she interrupted. "Thank you so much for everything last night... and I do mean EVERYTHING. I had such a good time..."
I heard two distinct, impatient toots of a car horn outside.
"That's my ride!"
She got up, leaned over, and kissed me tenderly on the forehead. She looked me in the eye and gave me another one of her great smiles. Then she spun around, was out the door, and out of my life.
I looked down at my lap to the ragged blue thong. I picked it up and examined my handiwork. The mess wasn't anything a good washing couldn't cure, but I doubted that was the point. This was a memento to do with and savor however I pleased and a reminder of the crazy party girl who let me fuck her in her "sleep". Of course she had been awake the whole time. These panties were a token to let me know everything was okay.
I lifted them up to my nose and smiled.
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starkysa · 9 months
"Newscast, the number of people with mental illnesses in the city is increasing year by year, so please do a regular routine and go out more often to adjust your mood."
People rush past the TVs next to the electric stores, just bouncing from company to company for that little paycheck. Busy is the daily life of the street, change is the calendar day by day, unchanged is the routine of life. Unbeknownst to them, the unknown has long since begun to encroach, cognizable only to children and youth.
Late at night, the original playful streets are replaced by a dark silence. The blonde hangs a sign in front of the store saying "Closed" and then turns around and enters the store, locking the door behind him.
"Let the show begin."
It's May, and although it's not officially summer, the cicadas are squeaking and chirping outside the window with no small amount of penetration. As we approach the days when students are on summer break, everyone is hoping to get a more satisfactory GPA to go back to their parents before the end of the semester.
"Mark! I'm out of carbon pens! When are you going to go to the stationery store to buy some stationery back?" The teenager named Cesar crossed his legs and spun his pen in his chair, a half-written macroeconomics topic spread out on his desk. "Got it, will go later ...... And when are you going to go to the stationery store by yourself? I borrow mine every time." Mark agreed to the other's request with an expressionless face, helplessly turning back to ask the other two what they thought.
"Give a scissors! Otherwise I'm going to be blown out by my design teacher if I don't have scissors to use in design class again."
"Correction tape please."
"Mark you are my big daddy! Good job!"
"Okay, okay, Jonah don't look at me with such an exaggerated expression, can you learn from Adam, look how reserved he is."
"He's fine the way he is now, he won't be happy by the time the Quiz grades come out for the stats class anyway."
"Hey Adam what do you mean! I'm not bad at stats alright, no just, just a few points below you ......"
"Out of 10 lad." Adam snickered at Jonah's silly response as he swiped his phone, then proceeded to deliver the money with Jonah to Mark.Mark stuffed the bills deep into his pocket, "Cesar you ......" "You bought it for yourself, I lent it to you."
So true ...... never mind, just pay for your burnt breakfast ......
This was Mark's last thought before he left the classroom door
"Welcome, what can I get you?" The blonde owner asked Mark, who had just stepped into the stationery, with a smile on his face as he wore a pair of glasses.The stationery store was surprisingly quiet, and although it had actually been open on the street for a while, it still looked as if it had just popped up out of the blue, with that new store renovation kind of paint and formaldehyde smell hitting the air, interspersed with the papier-mâché and metallic smells of the stationery. This store didn't smell very good, that was Mark's first thought when he entered the store. If it wasn't for the fact that the owner of the previous stationery store had passed away for some reason, he wouldn't have come here to buy stationery.
"A carbon pen, an eraser, a refillable correction tape and a pair of safety blunt tip scissors, please."
"Okay oh~ Please wait."
The moment he heard the shopkeeper speak, Mark felt an inexplicable vicious chill, like the physical sensation of falling into an ice cave, and he involuntarily shivered a little, trying to alleviate his mental discomfort and resolved to never come back to this store to buy stationery next time.
"Sorry about that, the store owner himself is rather afraid of the heat, the air conditioning is on low haha, excuse me."
Mark didn't even bother to think about why an ordinary carbon pen was actually selling for 30 dollars before he hurriedly left the place that made him uncomfortable.
"Take care of yourself~ I, for one, am looking forward to you guys~"
Whew... running all the way back to the school Mark breathed a long sigh of relief, silently celebrating the end of his ordeal while delivering the items his friend had asked for. Until this time, Mark didn't realize that he seemed to have been swindled out of a lot of money, but he didn't want to go back to that hellhole and argue with that squint, and after being forced to accept the reality, he cursed as thin as a mosquito's voice:
At the end of the day's program, Mark drove the other three back to the shared B&B with him.
"Mark, I understand the reasoning, but why is this carbon pen of yours so expensive? It can't be something expensive, no fraud, right, or should I return it? It's so expensive." Cesar poured over the 30-knife carbon pen, taking it apart and putting it back together again and again. "Come on Cesar, don't take it apart, if you do, the parts will fall out of the car and you won't even be able to find them." "Like the Ouija board charger you put in the car earlier." "Jonah shut up I finally found it okay?" "Okay, okay, sir, don't be mad, it's just a matter of finding it for 2 hours haha." "...."
Back home, Jonah jumped straight up and pounced on the couch, reached for the gamepad and chips on the coffee table and started a new round of gaming.Mark put the oversized eraser and super expensive carbon pen on the coffee table next to Jonah, then dropped his book bag next to the seal doll, took out his homework and wrong questions and started to think about how to write them.Adam went upstairs to get his correction tape and went to work on his newly swiped paranormal narration. circling the whiteboard.Cesar washed his hands and turned to the kitchen, grabbing cocoa powder and making each of them a cup of hot cocoa.
"Jonah where did you put the scissors?" "Over there" Jonah pointed in the direction of the book bag, "Oh well thanks!" After dropping a couple of marshmallows into his hot cocoa he took the scissors and cut open the unopened package of steak meat. "Oh yo, these scissors are so sharp! No wonder it's so expensive." Shocked, Cesar tried cutting the ribs with the scissors and it was an easy fix as well.
"Hey Jonah, why don't you give me the scissors to use for cutting vegetables, it's really too good!"
"Oh... Huh? Don't you have a special shears in your kitchen, you have to catch me gripping mine, haven't you gripped Mark's stationery enough?"
"It's not like we're going to use it during that time at school anyway."
"OK, remember to put it in my pencil box after use, don't throw it in the kitchen."
"Oh, okay."
After saying that Cesar closed the refrigerator door and forgot the scissors in the refrigerator.
Darkness. Total darkness. I can't see anything. It's like a mist over my eyes.
Where is this place? Wait, when did I get here? Does this place even exist?
Water. There seems to be water on the ground, I can feel wading through it, this water seems to be getting deeper?
Why was I just thinking about moving forward? Was this a dream?
Is this a dream? I should still be in a dream! Otherwise it wouldn't explain the sudden appearance.
Well, that could be kind of interesting.
It's a little interesting.
How long has it been going on and it doesn't feel like it's a good idea to keep going around in circles, can we wake up?
But why, I can't wake up. Damn it! Wake up!!!
That. What's that?
That shadow inside the water that looks like a snake. Eyes! So many eyes! That's not a snake!
Damn it, I can't control my body! Get away from me!
Uh, it's strung up, and it's like it's turning its face around?
Jonah looked over at Adam with a worried look on his face, "Did you have a nightmare? I see you're breathing so hard and in a cold sweat."
"Nothing, just a nightmare."
"Oh, that's good-"
"A... A...Adammmm…"
" OMG behind Uuuuuuuuuuuu!!! "
"What," Adam turned his head and the vertical telson on the serpentine creature's face stared straight at Adam, the distance between them only a finger's width apart.
Venomous fangs pierced the fragile neck, and as the sharp object penetrated deeper, Adam's consciousness was lost in the snake's entanglement of signals.
Adam jerked his head up, looked around and then pressed his throbbing temples.
"Uh uh... I slept in the classroom? Why did these people let me sleep over here after school without telling me? I'm really sorry."
A blast of thunder illuminated the classroom in the darkness, only to see the floor-to-ceiling window with scarlet spray writing:
Lightning illuminated the dark red paint as if it were as bright red as fresh blood, the sky glowed an eerie, highly saturated indigo, and the inside of the classroom was filled with fog. For just a moment, hundreds of eyes just like the snake's surfaced in the air, large and small, staring directly at Adam, who paused for a moment, stumbled, turned, and ran into the ghastly white-lit corridor, the eyes behind him coming at him like a flood.
I don't know how long he had been running, but when he reached the bathroom, Adam gasped for breath, unlocked the door sharply and sat down on the floor. After briefly regaining his energy, he got up and saw his "self" in the mirror and said in his own voice:
"I can't get away."
Then the "self" in the mirror twisted and changed into the snake that crawled out of the mirror and strangled Adam's carotid artery...
"Adam, why do I get the feeling you didn't sleep well?"
"Shut up."
Adam, who had given Jonah a slap, confirmed the touch, judging that it should have been a breath of air upon returning to reality.
"Let's go, we're going to be late, you know the attendance system for studying is kinda strict."
Jonah, while searching for an apple inside the fridge incidentally found the scissors that Cesar had forgotten and after spitting out a comment, he put away the scissors and tossed the apple to Adam.
"Say Jonah."
"Did you see a snake at your feet with four arms full of eyes?"
"Are you out of your mind? Don't scare me! I know you like to study paranormal events, right!"
"Right---" Adam trailed off in a long lazy voice, "I'm scaring you, let's go, drive properly today, no bobbing your head while listening to music. " Adam tapped Jonah on the shoulder and walked behind him, Jonah froze for a moment as he saw Adam kick the air around him, not thinking too much he turned and followed Adam to the garage to get the car started.
"Hey Adam. are you sure you're okay?"
"Really!!! How many times do I have to say it Jonah?!"
"Okay, okay, know you're okay..." Jonah scowled and continued to focus on driving, but Adam's kicking at the air earlier still lingered in the back of his mind. In the spirit of his intuition, which was always spot on, Jonah decided to keep his mouth shut, but still remained skeptical of Adam's behavior.
Adam walked into the classroom as usual, but due to the effects of that dream from last night, he had been in a state of disorientation all morning. He couldn't listen to the lesson and all he could think about was the sinister snake whispering to him.
"I can't get away."
"You can't get away."
"Shut up!!!!!!"
"Adam, what's wrong with you?"
"Nothing... Nothing, Professor, I'm going out."
After saying that Adam pushed away his desk and got up and left the classroom, ignoring the professor's words about the location of the counseling room, and came to the stairway holding his forehead with one hand and bracing himself against the cold wall with the other. With his temples still hurting, Adam felt like he was about to lose his footing, and the scene in front of him began to flicker with black halo shadows. Shaking his heavy head, he pressed his forehead against the wall, hoping that the cold wall would ease his pain.
In a flash, the shadow of the snake wandered past and Adam began to wonder if he was still in reality.
"What?" The sharp pain was suddenly gone, and Adam obediently turned his head to look at the owner of the voice.
"What are you doing here?" Cesar asked to Adam who was leaning against the orange wall.
"Came out to use the restroom, why."
"Nothing, just in time for class to end, join us in the cafeteria?"
After a moment of thought, Adam felt that his head didn't hurt that much for the moment, so he agreed to Cesar's invitation.
Then he stepped short of the stairs.
Cesar was quick to tug on Adam's hood and pull him back.Adam was slightly shocked, but quickly returned to his usual aloof self. After checking left and right to see that there was no Jonah nearby, he tested the floor to see if it was solid.
"I heard from Jonah that you're in bad shape today."
Cesar looked at the strange behavior of the person in front of him and asked Adam with some suspicion, in order to prevent Adam from falling again, his hand didn't even leave Adam's shoulder, Adam was a bit impatient and knocked off Cesar's hand on his shoulder, emphasizing once again that he was fine and then descended the stairs without looking back, Cesar said jokingly:
"It couldn't be the ghost of the literature Mark bought yesterday that scared you into insanity, could it?"
"I didn't, and aren't you going to dinner, what are you standing around for."
Mark laughed at Cesar's theory of the stationery murders, he was so imaginative, stationery could turn into a person, so why not expect your own hand puppet to move, and Cesar just said in a playful tone that he was just making it up, and then turned into a serious look:
"I'm worried about Adam, he's really not in good shape."
"Take him to the hospital."
"He doesn't look like he wants to go to the hospital that way." Jonah came in clutching his books and textbooks and elaborated on Adam's strange behavior this morning. "Or maybe he just didn't sleep well." Cesar opened his book and flipped through a few random pages then closed it again.
Although Mark was in a state of complete disbelief about Cesar's theory, he did see his big rubber seemingly move a few centimeters with no one around.
Mark had a feeling that his beliefs might have taken a turn for the worse.
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rendevousz · 4 years
avengers x teen!fem!reader
summary: you get captured during a mission and the team saves you.
warnings: language, violence, brief misogyny, torture, **NO sexual assault (because as i was proofreading, i only implied most of the torture scenes because i didn't want to write it in graphic detail and i realised the vague wordings might be misinterpreted as sexual assault which IT IS NOT, just clearing it up), and also again, my inability to write good endings
word count: 4589
notes: i just rewatched iron man 2 so that explains justin hammer LMAO also ooc justin hammer because even tho mans evil, he gets extremely um.. cruel here but anyways i hope you enjoy this!!
you were 13 when you first met the avengers and 16 when you officially joined. you grew up as one of HYDRA's experimented children and the team had found you when they raided the base that you were in.
a small, sickly-looking kid you were, sat against your cell wall, hugging your knees. 13 but you could probably pass off as a 10 year old due to how malnourished and miserable you were. burying your head in between your knees, you covered your ears as the loud gunshot noises filled the whole place. the metal door of your cell slamming open against the wall had you whimpering, hands above your head in fear.
every time the door slammed open, guards would come drag you out for more experiments so it was an instinct for you to cower in fear at the sound.
"last room in the west hall, i found a little girl."
you heard nothing because you were covering your ears, preparing yourself to be forcefully dragged by the guards to the experiment room. but it never came.
"hey," a soft voice called. you were violently shaking at this point, breathing heavily as you tried to calm down. "hey, it's okay." the voice called out again and you felt them touch your shoulders.
your head immediately jolted up, flinching away from the stranger's touch. your eyes met a blue pair as you backed away into the corner in fear. "i'm sorry! i'm sorry, i didn't mean to." the man apologised. you slowly looked up at him, observing him. he had on a full black outfit, a quiver of arrows slinging on his shoulder and he was holding onto a bow.
"don't be scared. i'm here to help," he states with his hands out, as if to calm you down. "that's what they all say." you hissed through gritted teeth and a tear-stained face, glaring at him even though that could've been a very wrong move had it been with an actual HYDRA guard.
despite the strange feeling of being safe around this man, you didn't let your guard down. that's exactly what those scientists said seven years ago. trusting kind-looking men got you into this hell you never thought you would ever escape from and you weren't going to make the same mistake again.
"clint," a red-headed female, also in all black, entered through the open door of your cell with her pistol up. at the sight of the weapon, you broke your glare towards the man. your breathing quickened and you went back to your original position before the archer came; body pressed up against your knees and covering your ears with your palms.
"i'm sorry! i'm sorry! i'll come! please don't use that on me again," you whimpered, voice muffled as your face was hidden against your knees. the woman freezes mid-walk, looking at her friend with a bewildered expression.
"nat! put that away!" clint whispered harshly, eyes glaring at the pistol in nat's hands. nat's jaw dropped in realisation, a small gasp leaving her lips as she immediately put away her weapon.
she slowly makes her way to you and clint puts his arm out before she could get closer. he looks at her with a worried expression as he shook his head, as if telling her that she can't get too close to you. nat nods understandingly, crouching down a distance from you.
"hey," she spoke softly. "i promise you that we're not here to hurt you." you kept your face hidden from her, still hugging your legs tightly. nat sighs before sitting down.
"here, let's introduce ourselves. i'm nat and this right here is clint." you hear her speak and when you slowly lifted up your head, you saw the both of them sitting down in front of you, seeming to have made themselves at home in your pathetic cell. "what's your name?"
name? you had never been able to use your name before. you always kept your own name deep in your heart despite no one ever using it, afraid you would forget it if you stopped thinking of it. the only name they ever called you here was 'number five'.
"y/n," you whispered, still doubtful about these people's intentions. you almost burst out crying when you said your name out loud. that was the first time you introduced yourself with your actual name and not the number you were given ever since you were captured.
nat must have noticed this because she immediately spoke up, trying to distract you from your consuming thoughts. "y/n...that's a pretty name for a pretty girl like you. how old are you, y/n?" she asks again.
you contemplated once more but decided it was fine. you knew you were probably going to regret trusting these two strangers but what could be worse than what HYDRA has been doing to you for years?
"13," you muttered, looking down at your lap. you were now timidly seated cross-legged, playing with the tattered hem of your shorts. you heard a small gasp from one of them and looked up to see clint with his jaw dropped.
the two adults were both thinking of the same thing. how could you be 13? you were so small and sickly-looking, they didn't even think you were older than ten, let alone an early teen.
"i know you're scared and you have all the reasons in the world to be, but i promise you, we're here to help. we'll get you out of here, only if you trust us. will you trust us?" nat says. your mind was conflicted. you were either going to finally get out of this hellhole or you were going to be taken somewhere even worse than here. but could anywhere really be worse than here?
you decided to take a leap of faith and trust these two strangers. that decision had to have been the best decision you've ever made in your life.
you were now 18, an official avenger and you had the most amazing family you could've ever asked for. they were a bit on the crazier side but could you really have a normal family when said family consisted of superheroes? but you weren't complaining. you loved these people.
they were the ones who took care of you when you thought you had no one. having been a HYDRA experiment, you had abilities the normal human didn't. said ability being shapeshifting and healing. that's why you became an avenger. your shapeshifting ability was essential during missions where you had to sneak in and you being able to heal others was crucial when medic wasn't able to be there on time.
you pretty much came along to every mission despite the adults saying you don't have to. you knew they were only doing that to protect you from dangers of all those missions but how could you not when you had such abilities? they'd be much better with you helping.
that was why you were here, in bulgaria, fighting alongside the team. well, just steve, nat, clint, bucky and tony.
justin hammer had managed to get his hands on a type of out-of-this-planet weapon that tony was also trying to retrieve, and he had big plans with it. hence why the avengers had to come where hammer had wrecked havoc in; sofia, bulgaria. he had upgraded his robots with the tech used for the stolen weapon.
with evil robots attacking the whole city, it felt like you were living the story that wanda told you of what happened in sokovia before you met the avengers.
an hour passed before all of the robots had finally been taken down and you all knew you had to get to hammer before he activates more robots to distract you guys and uses the weapon for bad things.
"tony, have you located hammer?" steve's voice sounded in your ear through the comms. you had just finished healing the nasty gash on clint's side, nat's cut on her forehead and the bruises all over bucky. you were feeling significantly weaker now, from the amount of healing you did. you stumbled slightly when you walked and bucky immediately held onto your arm. "doll, are you okay?"
"i'm fine, buck. nothing i haven't dealt with before," you told him, gently removing his grip on your arm, walking back to the quinjet.
"no, absolutely not. we are not sending y/n right into a death trap. she's not even strong enough right now, she just finished healing us."
you were all back at the compound now and planning a second attack on justin hammer.
"it's not a death trap, buck. and i know you're worried but she's the only choice we got. y/n, all you gotta do is sneak in as one of his henchmen and provide entrance for us. once we get in, we'll take all his guards down and get that weapon from hammer and we won't have to worry about his world domination plans anymore. it'll be over as soon as it starts and she'll be back safe with us. sound good, y/n/n?"
"yeah, sure." you agreed, already having a person in mind that you were going to change yourself to.
the plan had gone just as steve wanted and they managed to raid justin hammer's building, tony stealing the very item that could've aided in the massacre of millions. justin and his henchmen managed to escape the building before the avengers could catch them.
"well, that was anticlimactic," tony scoffs, already making his way to the quinjet. "but good job, y/n. you saved the day once again."
he expected to hear a laugh from you, like you usually did, being the only one who ever responds to him after missions. but instead he was met with silence. "kid?" still no answer.
"y/n, where are you?" steve panicked, finally realising that you were the only one who hasn't responded in a hot minute. "y/n/n, this isn't funny." he breathed out.
"she's...she's gone."
"well, well, well," a voice spoke right as you woke up from your slumber. you squinted, noticing that you were in some sort of dark room with only one light bulb right above you. "what do we have here?"
a figure walks right in the light and you could barely make out justin hammer's ugly face with how dizzy you felt. "if it isn't the little freak." he states condescendingly, smirking down at your helpless position, both wrists and ankles cuffed onto the metal chair you were sat on. you struggled against the restraints, trying to get free but to no avail.
your breathing quickened, your current vulnerable state reminding you of your later years in HYDRA. they had started off experimenting on you on a metal gurney but as you grew older, you realised that what they were doing to you was bad so you started fighting back. that ended you up on a metal restraint chair instead of the gurney, strapped to the chair with cuffs on your wrists and ankles.
this felt like deja vu. the same panic you felt, the same breathing difficulties, the same amount of effort put into trying to get out of the restraints. "you should know, princess, that that doesn't work." hammer chuckled, a fake pout on his lips as he crouched in front of you, a rough hand on your cheek. you instinctively jerked away from his touch, to which he paid no mind to because he had expected that. he then grabbed your chin harshly, turning your head up towards him. you glared at him.
"you think i didn't know what you did? snuck in as one of my men using your freaky powers? not to mention useless. imagine having powers but not being able to use them to even escape from mere humans," he laughs in your face, harshly letting go of your chin, throwing your head backwards. "you tell me where stark planned to bring the weapon and i'll let you pretty little thing go."
before you could even comprehend, his fist came flying at your face and your head dropped to the side at the impact. your left cheekbone was throbbing and you could already tell you were gonna have a black eye. despite the pain, it wasn't something you weren't used to. you were an avenger, after all. getting decked in the face was practically in the contract.
he grabbed your chin once again, pulling your head upwards to face him. "you're gonna tell me where it is or i'm gonna make you regret it."
you looked up at him with a bored look. he punched you again. and again. and again. until you could taste the blood on your tongue. "think you wanna tell me now, sweetheart?"
"never. not to someone like you."
the man seemed to get a kick out of beating you up because he punched you again in the face. your whole face was pretty much numb now and the metallic taste in your mouth intensified. you smirked at the man before you, chuckling darkly.
"sure, beat up the helpless girl. that's the only way you can beat me, right? when i'm all tied up? what a man,"
his hand was around your throat within a second and he forced you to look him in the eyes again. "sweetheart, you're a girl. tied or not, you're still weak. not even with that useless power of yours."
taking advantage of how close his face was to yours, you gathered as much bloody saliva in your mouth before spitting it in his face.
it was very much the wrong thing to do because after he wiped off his face, he left the room and two men came in, various tools in hand for their fun with you.
"stark! my buddy! how's it going?" justin hammer's face appeared on the screen in the conference room, where the avengers were having a meeting about your possible whereabouts.
"where is she?!" wanda growled, standing up abruptly.
"what ever do you mean?" hammer smirked, feigning innocence. "you know what we mean. where is she?" steve spoke authoritatively, trying to control his anger at the sight of the man's face.
"i'll tell you where your thing is if you tell me where my thing is." he smiled wickedly. this caused wanda to get angrier. "y/n is not a thing! and the weapon was never yours in the first place!" vision held onto her to calm her down and it worked because she sat back down, though still glaring at the screen.
"oh she's not a thing? seems like it to me, though." he smirked and the team frowned, not understanding what he meant until they heard screams and justin's smirk widening at the sound. what a sick bastard. "what are you doing to her?!" bucky screamed, knocking his chair back as he stood up.
"i don't know, you tell me." he chuckles, and the screen changes to the live footage of you in the restraint chair with the two men in the room.
you were no longer fighting back now, just sat limply with your head dropped to the side. the first hour with them, you had been fighting back like you did with justin, despite the restraints, but now entering the second hour, you were too exhausted for anything.
your left eye had been swollen shut, you could barely breathe through your nose, your cheeks were throbbing like hell and your bottom lip was busted. your head was the only thing that moved freely when hit so the men seemed to find satisfaction the most when they punched you in the face. though that didn't stop them from inflicting pain on other parts of you.
"let her go, she's just a kid!" sam exclaimed, his grip on the edge of the table tightening to control his anger. peter and wanda were crying looking at the awful state you were in, clint, tony and bruce were silent in shock, steve and bucky were getting increasingly angry as the abuse continued.
"are you going to tell us where stark is keeping the weapon or have you not gotten enough?" one of the two men was heard asking, pulling your hair back to make you look up at him. you look at with your half-opened right eye, breathing heavily. "my answer's never gonna change no matter how many times you ask."
he scoffs, stepping back before the other man swings a bat right at your stomach. the air was immediately knocked out of your lung. the men laughed as you coughed up blood profusely. this caused wanda to get more hysterical.
"well, looks like she wants more. i'll call back when she's had enough. toodles," he waves his fingers at the camera with a sinister smirk before abruptly ending the call.
the room went silent after the call, save for bucky and sam breathing heavily from the anger they felt. bucky then turned to steve, pain could be seen on his face. "you said she would be safe."
"i–i'm sorry, buck. i didn't know he was gonna take her with him." steve was still frozen in shock, the image of you on the chair now permanently ingrained in his brain. in everyone's brains actually.
"guys, gear up, he's in colorado."
all heads turned towards natasha and she looked back at them with a 'what?' expression. "you were tracking him down the whole time?"
"um, duh? now come on, gotta save our girl."
you awoke to a stinging sensation on your inner forearm. after your bloody coughing fit, they proceeded to beat you up again and you were knocked out then. now you were slowly regaining consciousness but you were starting to prefer being passed out. your whole body was in pain and the fact that you couldn't even move made it even worse.
"oh, lookie here. sleeping beauty is up." you were met once again with justin hammer's ugly face. he was sitting on a chair perpendicular to your left side. you couldn't wait to get out of here so you didn't have to keep seeing his face every time you woke up. your inner forearm was stinging even more now so you looked down at it. you gasped at the sight.
"how'd you like my artwork?" he chuckled at your reaction. there on your arm, obviously carved out with the bloody knife that the asshole was so proudly holding on to, was 'FREAK'. carved out big and bold. on your skin. "pretty fitting, eh? freak? because, you know, that's what you are."
the blood was seeping out through the cuts and it stung even more now that it had been exposed to the air. the asshole moved his chair to your other side. "what should i write on this arm?" he feigns a thinking expression, looking up thoughtfully with his thumb and pointer finger on his chin.
"please, i–i don't know where tony put it. i really don't." you cried, tears now flowing freely down your face without a shame.
he looks at you with amusement. "what is this? are you...are you giving up already? can't take anymore?" he smirks and you sigh, closing your eyes. you just awoke but you were exhausted. so, so exhausted.
he takes out his phone, the smirk now permanent on his ugly face. "stark! kid's finally had enough. wanna tell me where the weapon is now or do you want to find her body at the bottom of the ocean?"
you couldn't even be bothered to react to his statement. the pain all finally registered and you were tired. tired and in excruciating pain.
"kinda busy right now, can you call back later?" you could hear tony's voice sound from justin's phone and the man beside you laughed. "i see you don't care for the girl. what could possibly be more important than saving her?"
"i don't know, you tell me." a voice said from behind you two and before you knew it, hammer was knocked off the chair he was on. you weakly turned your head just in time to see a metal arm force hammer up onto his feet before wrapping around his neck. "don't you fucking touch her again."
"y/n!" you heard wanda's voice as she entered the room with peter. more tears flowed down your face at the sight of them, stinging when they rolled past the cuts on your face but that didn't matter. your family was finally here to save you.
you saw the red mist of wanda's powers surround your cuffs before they clicked open. "oh, bubs, i'm so sorry." she cried, both hands hovering around your face, hesitating to touch you in fear of hurting you. her eyes fell onto the words carved out onto your skin and her mouth fell open before covering it with her hand. "i'm so sorry we couldn't get to you sooner." peter's voice cracked and you could tell he was emotional.
"it's okay," you told them, giving them a small smile, the biggest one you could give in your current state.
tony, sam and steve entered the room to see bucky relentlessly beating up your captor and wanda and peter standing by you as you cried.
"cupcake, we're here now. don't cry, you're safe now." tony came closer and despite knowing that you were because your family was finally here, you couldn't help but let out all the pent up emotions you've kept throughout your time of captivity.
sam had a go at justin once bucky was done and steve had to physically pry them both off of the sick bastard so that nat could cuff him and bring him back to the jet.
"y/n/n, i'm so sorry. if i hadn't–"
"it's okay, stevie." you cut him off. truthfully, you only did so because you knew he was going to giving a long-winded explanation justifying his actions and your headache couldn't bear to hear lengthy sentences. but you also didn't think it was in any way his fault so he didn't deserve to be beating himself up for this. shit happens, anyway.
"let's get you out of here, doll." bucky says, cringing when he sees the blood on the floor of your chair, as well as on your clothes. he quickly reaches to lift you off the chair but stops when you let out an ear-piercing scream of pain. "doll, i'm so sorry! did i hurt you?!" bucky questions in panic.
"y–you didn't, they did. it...it hurts everywhere," you cried, feeling hopeless that you couldn't even bear being carried by someone, let alone get up by yourself. their hearts broke when you said that. you never really cried much in front of them and you were known to withstand pain well because of how much shit HYDRA put you in as well as your powers being healing, meaning you had a higher pain tolerance than most people.
"it's okay, bubs. i got you. let's get you home, alright?" wanda's calming voice broke you out of your breakdown and red mist surrounded your whole body, wanda moving you with her powers. you were thankful of that because it didn't cause any more pain to your body.
maybe hammer was right. maybe you are just a freak with useless powers. wanda floated you into the jet and she set you down on the bed. "y/n, oh my god!" clint cried out once he sees you. you looked much worse than you did on hammer's camera footage during the call an hour ago. "kid, i'm so sorry."
"clint, take the wheel. bruce doesn't have all the resources needed. she needs to be treated ASAP." nat tells her best friend and he nods, taking the wheel and immediately taking off once everyone had boarded.
you were laid on the bed, right eye slightly open as bruce examined you. exhaustion hit you like a truck and before you knew it, you blacked out.
"how is she, doc?"
"pretty banged up but y/n, as i already knew, is a strong girl. lots of internal bleeding, broken bones, bruises and scars but she'll be fine. you can check her file later if you want," doctor cho tells tony outside of your room. "it's fine, can we see her?" he asks on behalf of the whole team standing behind him.
"yeah, of course! she woke up five minutes ago. i'll be off now, call me or my team if you need anything." she bids goodbye and left the group of superheroes.
steve slowly opens the door and there you were in bed, staring up at the ceiling. "hey, y/n/n," he greets sheepishly, feeling as though he had interrupted your alone time of blankly staring at the ceiling. the team trailed in behind him and soon your bed was surrounded by the avengers.
"hi, cupcake."
you looked away from the ceiling and turned your head towards tony. "oh, hey tones." you smile as sam helps you sit up while the rest sat on chairs all around you. "how you feeling, bub?" nat asks, eyes flickering down to the bold scarring of letters on your forearm.
"as okay as i can be." you answered truthfully, pressing your inner forearm closer to your body so the team doesn't see the letters carved onto your skin. you already know what you are, you didn't need the rest thinking so too.
"you're not a freak, bubs."
you look up at wanda. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to read your mind. but they were awfully loud. you're not a freak, y/n. and you're not useless too. that bastard may have carved out that word onto your skin but the scar will fade. it's not permanent. you know why? because that's not what you are." she tells you, taking off her jacket to wrap it around you because you felt self conscious of the scars all over your arms where the team could see.
"yeah, doll. you're an amazing person and your powers help us so much. i mean, you saved millions just helping us get the weapon back from justin hammer. if you hadn't, well, who knows what could've been happening right now?" he places a gentle hand at the side of your head, stroking your hair.
"yeah and who heals us when we get really hurt during missions, huh? i mean, if you hadn't healed that stab wound i got during that mission in new mexico, i probably wouldn't even be here at this moment." clint tells you and you roll your eyes at him. "you're exaggerating."
"i am not!" he laughed and you playfully rolled your eyes once again.
"y/n/n, i'm really sorry for—"
"i don't wanna hear it, stevie."
"no. it's not your fault. shit happens." you brush him off. "lang–"
"you say language to me, i'll blame this shit on you even when it's not your fault. try me, rogers." you glare at the blond super soldier. he raises his arms in surrender, leaning back on his chair as the team laughs.
the team continue to entertain you and you couldn't help but smile at the sight in front of you. these were the people who would drop anything for you and were willing to dropkick any asshole in the face for hurting you. justin hammer never had a chance against your family to begin with.
taglist <3
@amourtentiaa @rqmanoff @abitofeverythinggg
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kaizokuwritings · 3 years
Hey hey! Congrats on your milestone!! 🎉 So I hope I got it right for the event but I would like to request for the second movie Sakazuki and number 10 please? 🙈
Niggy! I'm sorry this took so long. Hope you're enjoying this little writing and doing well <3. 
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𖡼 c.w | fingering, dirty talking, and a bit of ooc. no proofreading either, sorry guys. 
𖡼 word account | 0.9K
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the first thing Sakazuki felt when he woke up was the cold place you had left behind in your bed. his arm was resting on the sheet, and the Chief Admiral would have preferred it to rest on you. he frowned, concerned about where you were. but his face relaxed as the smell of breakfast titillated his nostrils and he remembered that it was your day in the kitchen. 
he got up, threw on a pair of pants and headed for the kitchen. the smell was stronger and more pleasant as he entered the room and he didn't hesitate to follow your curves with his gaze, in silence.  in spite of his usual bad mood, his perpetual tension, sakazuki could not help but appreciate the sweetness of this daily life and the tenderness you showed him, the one that allowed him not to sink a little more every day. 
he ended up approaching you and embracing you from behind while leaving a burning kiss on your neck. you were wearing one of his shirts, much too big for you of course, and he liked to feel you surrounded by something of his. you turned around, and smiled at him. a smile that only you had the secret to, one that could bring him to his knees if you wanted it to. and of course, he preferred not to make that fact obvious. 
he soon kissed you, and he could taste the sweetness of a fruit that your lips had soaked up. A kiss that was supposed to be a good morning kiss turned into a much hotter, much more intense kiss than you expected. the Chief Admiral grunted, and your head began to spin. each kiss you shared lit embers in your belly and you felt every part of your body ignite at his touch. 
his hand went under your thighs and lifted you onto the kitchen table. you felt the tip of a fork bite into your flesh. you winced slightly and your man removed what was on the table with a flick of his hand. "no, wait! you don't have to destroy what i-" he smothered your rebuke with an even more intense kiss, running his hands down the back of his now embarrassing shirt. 
his fingers soon found your bare breasts and a sneer formed on his lips. he wrapped his large hands around your breasts and caressed them tenderly, not hesitating to tickle your nipples. your moans were a pure blessing to his ears and he broke away from your lips only to find the softness of your neck. he kissed your skin, whispering raw words against your flesh, making your epidermis quiver. soon his hands left your breasts, and almost painfully slowly moved down your belly before finding the elastic of your panties. he passed a hand slowly over them, already noticing how wet you were for him. "you're ready for me by now, my love? have you no restraint?" he teased.  
you blushed furiously as you tried to close your thighs on his hand to limit the friction that sakazuki was already beginning to exert on your clothed pussy. you felt your entrance tighten, already impatient to feel him inside you. your companion then passed a hand under your lingerie and groaned as he heard your satisfied moan when one of his fingers came in contact with your clitoris. he gently titillated it, rolling it under his fingers, slowly tracing imaginary circles that made your legs tremble. 
sakazuki finally went down to your entrance and slipped a finger directly into your cunt, letting go of your moans and coming back to your mouth to kiss you. he began to move back and forth slowly, to give you a minimum of time to adjust. then, his movements became more urgent, deeper, and akainu added another finger. soon, your body was trembling under the onslaught of his fingering, causing the table to sway in harmony with sakazuki's movements. he bent his fingers, trying to reach that little spot he knew would be crucial to your orgasm while his thumb returned to your clitoris. 
soon, he found your g-spot, and he could feel under his lips, under his hand how your body was preparing for a tsunami of sensations. your body began to contract around him, and your lower abdomen felt like it was burning. you could feel how the pleasure invaded every part of your body, how it came in waves, making you clutch at the marine as if trying not to sink under the torrents of sensation that threatened to engulf you. dirty noises were rising in the kitchen, enhanced by your moans and sometimes the kisses you were exchanging that came to choke them. your vision blurred then, and you reached the paroxysm of your pleasure.
your body contracted even more violently, your hands clamped down on sakazuki's broad back and he didn't stop his movements, helping your orgasm to prolong. finally, he stopped when you ended up relaxing, and he gently caressed the length of your entrance. you had wet the table and your breakfast was a bit of a washout. but he had still served you a pleasant wake-up call.
TAGLIST: @angeltani + @gwedosuns + @my-one-piece-exeperience + @lolli-ace 
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© 𝐊𝐀𝐈𝐙𝐎𝐊𝐔𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. — all rights reserved. do not repost on any platform.
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minilpark · 2 years
can you do a phoenix fic where rooster helps set up phoenix and fem reader on a date bc he’s the readers bff🫶
now, yall know how i feel about wlw phoenix- i am sCREAMING ROLLING IN MY GRAVE RN AAAA aND WINGMAN ROOSTER FUCK I LOVE TO SEE IT
y/c/s - your callsign
honestly you couldn't tell half the time phoenix talked to you if she was flirting with you or not-
the things she said, the way she said them, and the look she gave you, it would stick in your mind like glue
especially after training, when you were walking back with your wso, phoenix would catch up to you (with bob and rooster not too far behind)
"hey, y/c/s! hot flying back there- that maneuver was great, you should teach me sometime" she says while winking
of course once again, you were a loss for words
"i- ah.."
so, this time, your wso, callsign stryker, stepped in
"yeah she'd love to show you sometime 'nix, let us know when!"
honestly you couldn't thank him enough for stepping in before he headed out
but before nat departed for the locker rooms, rooster caught up and threw an arm around you
"hey, you guys wanna come hang with me at the bar around 8? drink are on me~"
which instantly drew phoenix in
"hell, if you're buying i'm down! you, y/c/s?"
rooster just squeezes your shoulder and you nod slightly
"ah- yeah i'll be there, 'specially if roost here is offering!"
once he hears your confirmation he just slaps your back and runs off
"alright ladies y'all better not be late or deal's off!"
you and nat just laugh slightly and walk off to the locker room to get out of your flight gear and head home
once you hopped out of the shower, you had the problem of picking out an outfit, so you called rooster up for help
what possessed you to call him besides the fact he was your best friend was past you
he didn't have the best style as some would say (more namely, hangman)
but you needed a second opinion so he came as fast as he could
in about five minutes, rooster was flipping through your closet while you were sat cross legged on your bed in your underwear
course it wasn't weird for either of you two because you've been friends for years
anyways, the next second you feel a pair of jeans being tossed at your head along with a cropped white blouse
"alright get changed and change your bra to...this" he said while holding up a black lacy number
the way your eyes widened made him snort
"bradley come on- all the sudden you have fashion skills and you decide to use them like this on me?"
he just shakes his head and tosses the bra at your head
"that was so backhanded i'm almost hurt y/n-"
you just roll your eyes and pull the high waisted jeans on
"alright thank you- now get out and wait downstairs we're gonna be late"
honestly, checking yourself out in the mirror, you looked good
and you felt good too
you were ready, you joined rooster in his bronco and you two arrived at the hard deck with 10 minutes to spare
course as soon as you sat and rooster grabbed a couple beers for you both, phoenix arrives
and your jaw dropped
anyone could say the outfit nat was wearing was a bit plain, but she looked great in anything to you-
once she joined y'all at the table, grabbing a beer on rooster's tab in the process, the three of you caught up on whatever shit has been happening in your lives off base
about a couple minutes in, rooster excused himself while you and nat continued conversation
for once, you didn't feel so nervous around her
probably due to the alcohol you two were consuming-
eventually, the conversation slowed to a stop when you two realised that rooster had actually ditched you two
"that bastard actually left-"
"well its not all bad is it, nat?"
for once, phoenix was the one caught off guard and left blushing
"well, no, we've got free drinks all night and i'm on an unofficial date with you"
you just raise an eyebrow at this statement and lean in closer to her
"well, how about we go on an official date tomorrow after i give you that flight lesson hm?"
you don't know what possessed you to have so much confidence, but phoenix definitely enjoyed seeing you step up
"hm, i'd like that y/c/s"
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jaybird-redhood · 3 years
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wc: 2.2k
pairing: jason todd // gn reader
The first thing you think when you see him for the first time is that he has the cutest smile.
That’s a lie, the first thing you think it that he is so incredibly in shape, and it looks great on him, but the smile thing sounds better in your head.
He's moving into the apartment across from yours a month after you moved into yours. Weird, because the two people in your building closest to your age are 2 and 63, respectively.
You suppose that some wicked twist of fate must’ve brought this upon you for missing your cousin’s birthday party last week, because the guy standing across from you is crazy hot. And looking right at you. And you are in the huge neon Wonder Woman t-shirt that your best friend got for your birthday last year.
Yeah. Karma.
“Nice shirt,” the guy offers, holding in a grin. “You’re really making it work.”
“See you around, neighbor.”
And with a shut of a door and an awfully charismatic smirk he’s gone.
The next time you see him is a week later, and this time- luckily, you think- you’re dressed somewhat put together. You run into him while unlocking your door.
"What's got you in a twist?" he asks.
"Um," you start, "I just. Ugh I have so much to do. Like 3 hours of homework, a lecture tomorrow that I cannot skip, and I'm completely out of bread and eggs and can't even you to the store until, like, Thursday at best."
Once you start rambling you can't seem to stop. You slouch against your door. You're not entirely sure why you're telling a stranger all this, but he seems to be listening, so you suppose that’s a good sign
"I get the feeling," he offers, and you look up at him. "I'm majoring in English Lit and my classes are kind of kicking my ass."
You give him a small smile, "Glad to know someone in this building is struggling as much as I am."
"Jason," he says, and he reaches his hand out to you. "My name."
You shake it and tell him yours.
As you both turn back into your respective apartments you think that he maybe isn't as intimidating as you thought.
The next day goes by with a really boring lecture and another 3 hours of work you need to do.
The ride home from uni isn't that long, but it's long enough for you to contemplate all the ways that your life went wrong after moving to Gotham. And, maybe as payback for thinking mean things about the city, rain that you think should belong to a category 3 hurricane starts to whip around your car 10 minutes into your drive.
Your clothes are dripping water in literal puddles by the time you get back to your apartment.
Groaning, you start fishing for your keys in your purse while walking up the last flight of stairs.
When you get to your door you stop. Right in front of it there’s a grocery bag. Picking it up and looking inside you see a loaf of bread and a small carton of milk.
You pick it up smiling.
“Jason?” you ask, knocking on his door.
No response.
You shrug and turn around. Remember to thank him the next time you run into each other; you think.
That next time doesn’t happen to be that long and thank goodness for you.
“You know, we really need to stop meeting like this,” he says to you.
You’re sitting on the floor outside of your door looking rather pathetic, and he’s giving you the most awful smirk you’ve ever seen. (Not that it looks bad on him though. You seem to think that nothing could really look that bad on him)
“I swear I’m usually more put together than this,” you sigh to him. “You moving here jinxed me!”
“Yeah yeah. You’re locked out, aren’t you?”
You give him your best withering I’m going to kill you stare, but it must not be working because he just laughs even harder at you.
“This is completely not my fault it’s just I lost my second set of keys like right when I moved in and then today when I got home, I accidentally left them in my car, but my second set of car keys is in my apartment so now I can’t get them out, stop laughing at me!”
“God you’re a mess,” Jason says- finally finished laughing at you and maybe taking a bit of pity on how disheveled you look. “You couldn’t call anyone to get you in?”
You shake your head.
“My friend is the only other person with a set, but they’re out of town, and our landlord is being a dick and telling me it’s my fault in the first place, so I need to deal with it. I’ve been sitting out here for like an hour.”
“All I’m hearing is that it is your fault and now you’re just moping about it feeling bad about yourself.”
You tilt your head against the door so hard that it makes you wince a bit.
“Ok fine,” he says crossing his arms.
“Wait right here.”
He goes into his apartment and comes back out with a skinny metal thing you don’t recognize.
You look at him in confusion and he just motions for you to scoot out of the way as he sticks it in your locks and starts to pick it.
You sigh in relief.
“Thank you thank you thank you. For everything. I swear I will get my life together, so you don’t feel like you have to keep cleaning up my messes.
“I don’t mind,” he says with a small smile, “Take your time.”
And with that he opens the door to your apartment and turns back to his.
“By the way, you should really get better locks. That was way too easy.”
You make a note in your head to get that done sometime. As you’re lying on your couch that night, you’re AirDropped a photo on your phone. Saving it up you see it’s a piece of paper with neat handwriting on it: a phone number and a smiley face, Jason’s name at the bottom.
You smile too and add the number to your contacts.
Over the next few weeks, you and Jason start talking more, both over text and through the various times when you run into each other outside your doors.
Each interaction is better than the next, and you soon start to realize that Jason isn’t just some hot guy with no brains. He’s sweet and charismatic, has a whole wall full of bookshelves, could probably quote any classical novel by heart, has incredibly good taste in music, and best (or worst) of all, would make incredible friend material.
It’s just that as you become closer friends, you start to realize that that might not be all you want.
It’s a stupidly cold Friday morning when he texts you, and you’re covered in blankets and wrapped in sweatshirts in your bed. Movie at my place tonight?
You text back your approval and a quick be there at 6 before getting ready for classes.
The day goes by slower than you hoped.
It might be the anticipation of seeing Jason again, or more likely the hours of lectures you have to sit through, but you’re elated when your final class for the day gets let out.
The hours in between are a blur.
A blur which leads to the two of you sitting on his couch watching Romeo and Juliet together, a blanket thrown over your bodies.
You have the obligatory bowl of popcorn resting on your legs, and every few minutes Jason reaches across your lap to take a handful.
The way you’re laying half on top on him is completely deliberate, as to take as much of his body heat as possible. Your landlord had turned off heating 3 weeks prior to ‘save money’ or some other bullshit.
Jason’s not complaining though.
Once your popcorn bowl is finished and your head is in his lap, he runs his fingers through your hair absentmindedly. It might be the nicest feeling you’ve ever felt.
Throughout the movie you exchange snide comments about the plot back and forth. You start trying to say funny things whenever you can just to hear how sweet his laugh sounds to your ears.
By the end of the movie, you’re only slightly in tears, or so you tell yourself.
“Are you crying right now?” Jason asks incredulously, wearing a teasing smile.
“It’s not my fault,” you half say half moan, “Leonardo DiCaprio just has that effect on me.”
He just laughs and pulls you upright until you’re sitting on his lap.
His eyes are a shade of blue green that you’ve never seen before, although you could swear their getting greener by the second.
You watch his gaze drop down to your lips before staring you right in the eyes again.
“Can I kiss you?”
“God yes,” you tell him, and kiss him right back.
The next week is somewhat uneventful, even though you and Jason had been meeting each other almost every night, rotating apartments based on whose house was warmer each particular night.
Tonight is your night, and you’ve been waiting the whole day to show him the film you had rented to watch together.
The walk up to your door is easier than usual, and you have a bounce in your step that’s making you feel even more elated than normal taking out your keys to unlock your apartment.
You open your door and your bag drops. The keys clatter when they hit the hardwood, and the silence that follows is deafening.
“You’re bleeding on my carpet,” is the first thing that comes out of your mouth.
There Jason is, bleeding quite profusely, and using your kitchen counter to keep himself vertical. He’s wearing what looks to be a torn half of a domino mask and an extremely hot leather jacket.
(Not that this was the time for noticing his fashion choices, but you filed that thought away for later.)
What really catches your eye though is the huge red bat symbol on his chest, and the red helmet next to it sitting on your counter.
He shifts a little to the side before stumbling through saying, “Um, so, I know this isn’t ideal and I’m really sorry to put you in this situation, but I seriously do not feel like bleeding out tonight and-”
“Oh my god this is great,” you cut him off with. “I thought you were a hit-man!”
“Wait what.”
“Shit no that’s not what I meant- kind of, hang on we should probably stop you from dying before having this conversation.”
You walk over to him to get a better look at his wounds.
“God Jace, you look like death warmed over.”
He just stares at you.
“You have a bunch of stuff in your bathroom, right?”
At least this elicits a reaction. He grimaces in pain but gives you a nod of his head in conformation.
“Ok I’ll be right back, don’t move.”
He gives you a look that says seriously, where would I go.
3 minutes later you’re back with a needle and thread, and some sterilizing spray.
“This should be fine,” you tell him, “I took a first aid class last year with my friends and passed with flying colors according to the nurse.”
“Just try to keep them tight and neat. I trust you,” he says, and your heart pounds just a little harder.
You respond with a nervous laugh but take a deep breath and start working.
An hour and a half later you’re done.
The combination of pain meds, bandages, and a whole lot of stitches eventually led to you and Jason laying in your bed together, both completely exhausted.
He turns his head to face you.
“Could we maybe go back to the hit-man thing?”
“Oh uh. Well I saw a bunch of shirts covered in blood in your laundry in the bathroom, not to mention all the weirdly specific first-aid you had,” you tell him.
“And also the assorted guns and knives you have hidden all over. I guess I just assumed? But the whole Red Hood thing is so much better,” you reassure him.
“You found all my knives?”
You smile up at him.
“I love that that’s thing you chose to focus on.”
“And you’re really not mad that I didn’t tell you about the whole vigilante thing before?” he asks.
“Jay, I had already resigned myself to life forever with some shady hit-man that also happened to be incredibly good looking. Red Hood is ten times better than that. I’m not going to run away from you just because you’re incredibly intimidating and probably could kill me. I see that as an added bonus,” you say, with as much charm as you can muster without yawning.
“Just. Be careful, ok? I’d hate to make this a routine.”
He responds by pulling you closer to his body.
“I promise,” he whispers into your head. “You really to remember to get better locks by the way, breaking in was still way too easy.”
You let out a small laugh and finally you let yourself give into sleep.
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hwangsies · 3 years
just the two of us
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pairing: idol!lee minho × idol!f reader
warnings: smut as in, masturbation (f), softdom!minho (?), choking, thigh riding, somewhat denied orgasm i guess lol, swearing and bad descriptions of dancing
wc: idk maybe 2k?
enjoy <3
"hi guys, im on my way to the jyp building right now" you speak into the vlogging camera.
"...where i'm meeting stray kids lee know sunbaenim to study a choreography for us to perform at the upcoming awardshow" you smile into the camera, holding a thumbs up as you try to conceal your nervousness.
You know that the vlog isnt going to be released until after the show so you dont have to worry about spoiling anything.
"I'll see you guys later" you wave into the camera before handing it back to your manager who lets you know that you'll be there in about 10 minutes.
The only thing you're worried about is meeting a certain very handsome main dancer you may or may not have been biasing since his debut, which was about six months before your group had theirs.
So naturally, when your group grew big with you as their maindancer, and the organizers of the awardshow suggested that you and minho get together for a collaboration stage, you freaked.
Once you pull up to the jyp building, you can make out dispatch paparazzi and roll your eyes.
Your manager just reminds you to ignore them before getting out and opening the door for you.
Quickly you grab your bag and pull your jackets hood over your head.
They start calling your name but you and your team are quick to be inside of the building.
The nice woman behind the front desk gives your manager acsess cards as you look around to see the young camera woman on your team is already pointing the vlog camera on you so you wave into the camera.
Outside you see a crowd of fans also waving and pointing their phones at you through the large glass windows so you also wave back at them; laughing when one of them sends you a flying kiss, so you send one back.
"lets go y/n" your manager speaks to you, and you nod, waving goodbye to the fans before disappearing from their eyes as you step into an elevator.
Inside the elevator you check yourself out in the large mirror, pulling back your hood and smoothing out your hair.
"how do i look?" You ask your manager at which she grins "you look good, relax"
You sigh and nod, clearing your throat as to avoid a voice crack later.
When the elevator doors open, you see the famous dance practice rooms, that are named after big musicians on each side of the hall.
The door to the Madonna room is open and your manager leads the way.
Once you walk in you see another camera pointed at you, minho is standing in the middle of the room.
He as well has a camera pointed at him, he smiles when you lock eyes and bows.
You bow back when he walks towards you; extending his hand, you shake it.
"I'm Minho, nice to meet you" he smiles, he looks even better in person you think.
He's wearing light makeup but you can see that his skin is smooth underneath and his eyes seem even bigger and spraklier in person.
"Y/n, hi, nice to meet you" you bow again, partly to hide your blushing face.
After a minute of somewhat awkward smalltalk you hand your jacket and bag to your manager and the choreographer positions the two of you.
You had already memorized your part of the dance from the video he sent you and minho (you're assuming), now you just had to practice it together.
He makes you stretch to warm up before starting the music to see how much the two of you know of the dance.
Everything goes smoothly and the choreographer praises the both of you.
"lets go ahead and try the lift, im assuming you didnt practice that yet?" He asks.
"no" minho shakes his head, you do as well.
"okay minho, you hold her here" he takes minhos hand and places it on your waist.
"and on the inner thigh so you can spin her better" he explains, your mind starts running though.
What if he feels your inner thigh fat, or even worse, what if you sweat excessively and he slips and drops you.
Your thoughts get disrupted when minho carefully wraps his arm around you to grap onto your thigh.
"is that okay?" He asks from behind you, the little hairs on your neck rising.
"yea" you nod.
"okay, on my count" the choreographer speaks up "one, two..three and up!"
You tense your body when you feel him lifting you, your arms raise on their own accord, legs stiffening to create an aesthetic sillouette.
"very nice" the choreographer claps after minho lets you back down.
"lets take a break" one of the jyp staff members announces.
"you were great" you feel minhos hand graze your arm, your head whips around.
"oh, thank you" you smile sheepishly "so were you" earning a grin from him.
"thanks" he nods, grabbing a bottle of water before giving you one as well.
"thanks" you say, opening it and taking a few sips.
He watches you for a second before doing the same.
"hey, you guys" a young jyp staff woman comes up to you "we're gonna do a little sit down q&a moment, to give the fans some more interaction alright?" she explains, leading you guys to sitdown on the large sofa in the back of the room.
She moves back behind the cameras "so we're gonna be really casual okay? Im gonna throw in some questions and you just answer them"
You and minho nod, looking at each other before looking back at her.
"okay, so have you ever met before?"
"uh- well" you look at minho, he nods, encouraging you to talk "we've seen eachother at music shows, when we were with our members but we never talked" you say.
Minho nods.
"What did you think when you heard of this collaboration?"
Minho starts "i was excited because i think y/n has great stage presence and is a very talented dancer, so i think i could learn a thing or two from her"
"oh, thank you" you huff, surpressing a giggle as you bow slightly.
"What about you, y/n?"
"Uhm- well i was a little scared to be honest because he's really talented himself" you look over at him, so see he's smiling onto the ground "but also because i've been a fan of his since skz debuted so..."
After coming back to the dorm and your members pressing you for every detail of what it was like to meet him and dance with him, you hop straight in the shower.
The warm water prickles at your face before you turn around, letting it run down your back.
You cant stop thinking about the feeling of his hands on your body, they were so strong and warm.
Or the one part of the chorepgraphy where you grind back into him and feel his muscular thighs flexed against the back of your own.
Not to mention his pretty smile and plump rosy lips, you would bet everything that he's a phenomenal kisser.
Your hand is trailing down your body as you imagine it was his, gently running over your mound before dipping into your folds.
A whimper slips past your lips out of frustration, its been way to long since someone had his way with you.
The idol life doesnt always leave time for that, but you can imagine what it would be like if you let minho have his way with you.
Your fingers start rubbing cirlces into your clit as you imagine him being the one to do it to you; kissing down your neck with his plump lips before toying at your nipples with his tongue.
You feel the way your belly tightens when you tink about how he would talk dirty; you dont know what would turn you on more, him calling you a good girl or a filthy little slut.
Would he let you cum right now or drag it out so your could cum around his cock? Damn you bet he has a gorgeous cock, everything on that man has got to be perfect.
And the way his dancer hips would snap into you would definetly be the thing to push you over the edge.
Your head rolls back and you bite your lip as to not let out a sound when your orgasm finally hits.
Your legs quiver a little when you ride out your high.
It wasnt the most earthshattering orgasm you've ever experienced but it did its job in satisfying you a little.
Clean and dry again, you let yourself fall onto your bed, sighing before you climb underneath your sheets.
Grabbing your phone from your nighstand, you see a message from an unknown number pop up.
unknown number : hey y/n -received at 9:56 pm
unknown number : its minho :) -received at 9:57 pm
Your heart skips a beat when the second one pops up, slowly you slide the message and land in the chat.
Whats a cool way to say hi back? hey?....no
sup? oh hell no
hiii....definetly not.
you: hi :) -sent at 9:58 pm
Good one, y/n.
you: how did you get my number? -sent at 9:58 pm
minho : my manager pulled a few strings lol, how are u? -received at 10:00 pm
you : im fine, a little tired ,hbu? -sent at 10:00 pm
Shit, yea go ahed y/n be the driest texter in the world no biggie, its not like this is lee minho.
minho: aww practice was to hard? lol im feeling fine -received at 10:01 pm
minho: jkjk lol the real reason im texting you is to ask if you want to meet up again -received at 10:02
Excuse me?
minho: yk, to practice but without all the cameras and people -received at 10:02
Okay, y/n calm down, dont answer yet. Dont make him think you're desperate to meet him again even though you are.
you: yea, sure. when are you free? -sent at 10:05
Very chill, nice job.
minho: im actually off the day after tomorrow, hbu? -received at 10:06 pm
you: i can make that work in the evening -sent at 10:06 pm
And there goes not looking desperate.
minho: nice, meet me here around 6 then? -received at 10:08 pm
minho has shared a location
minho: its an old dance studio, i know the owner :) -recieved at 10:08 pm
you: alright, see you then :) -sent at 10:09 pm
minho: good night y/n :) -sent at 10:09 pm
Do you send a good night back?...no, that would be too much...right?
You sigh and drop your phone next to you on your bed, your fists rubbing at your eyes.
There is no way you'll be able to sleep the next two nights.
It has been getting warmer recently, so you are surprised when the weather turns its back on you and suddenly blows icy wind against your face.
And you thought you had chosen wisely when only putting on a hoodie over your shirt.
You check your phone to see that you arrived at minhos sent location, yet there is no dance studio in sight.
Shivering, you turn around to search for signs on doors when you hear the door behind you opening.
"hey, in here" minho grins when you stumble around.
You look up at the building and look down at him.
"hi" you smile, somewhaþ confusedly.
"come in" he holds the door open for you.
"this building looks like its gonna get torn down soon" you say, still shivering a little as you look at minho, who's only sporting grey sweatpants and a black tshirt.
"it is" minho nods, looking around "sadly, i love coming here" he adds before looking back at you.
"still cold?" he asks, approaching you before rubbing over your arms with his hands.
"ye-huh" you interrupt yourself, gulping harshly when his cologne creeps up your nose.
He grins "better?" You nod, forcing a smile "yea, thanks"
An hour later, you are deeply immersed in the dance when you stumble at the same spot again, for the nth time.
"fuck" you aggrevatedly run your hand through your hair, angry at yourself for not getting this turn down the way it should look.
"I'm sorry, im usually not this bad i j-"
"you're not bad y/n" minho giggles, shaking his head "its alright, sometimes a move just doesnt work at first"
You huff out some air "im just nervous" you shake your head "i've never done a stage like this and i dont want to disappoint people"
"its normal to be nervous" minho stops the music before coming up behind you "just dont let it overpower the fun part"
He moves some hair from your shoulder "plus its just the two of us right now, and you cant disappoint me" he smiles softly, heat rushing to your cheeks.
"try positioning your hips..." he places his hands on your hips before gently rotating them to the left "... more like this before turning" he explains ,eyes locking in the mirror.
For a second, the only thing you can hear is your own heartbeat as his hands move up a little and linger on the exposed skin of your waist.
"okay" you breathe "lets try it from the top"
"yea" you nod.
The music starts again and your body takes over for you, you kick and jump and turn.
Minho lifts you like its nothing and before you know it, you do the turn exactly like you're supposed to.
The music stops and your breathing fills the silence before the euphoria of getting every single step down perfectly reaches your brain.
You squeal excitedly and clap before falling into minhos arms.
He stiffens at your touch and you immediately let go "i- i'm sorry- i dont know why-"
Suddenly, he lounges forwards and presses his plush lips against yours.
It takes you a second to register whats happening, but when his hands encase your waist, you sling your arms around his neck to pull him even closer.
An approving moan tears from minhos throat before he backs you up untill you feel the cold mirror pressed against your back.
You part your lips and let his tongue roll against yours , his hands roaming over your body.
Everything his happening so fast you cant track where they're going, first they're at your ass then one of them squeezes at your boob; and now it trails up your neck and wraps itself around it as he kisses down the other side.
You feel like your nerve endings are on fire everywhere his hands and lips wander, your eyes fluttering shut as you moan out his name.
He nips at your collarbone before coming back to your lips "i've wanted to do this since the second i saw you" his hand around your neck tightens protectively and you feel yourself clench.
"me too" you whisper before he crashes his lips to yours again, your hand tightening in his thick brown hair as the other clings to his shoulder.
A firm thigh lodges itself between your legs and you feel brave so you roll your hips into it. The ache thats building up in your clit, getting released a little.
Shamelessly you whimper against his lips.
He sucks your bottom lip inbetween his before breaking the kiss again, looking down at your ministrations.
"dirty girl" he grins, releasing your neck and placing both hands on your hips and helping you grind against his thigh.
Your head falls back against the mirror when the fabric of your cotton thong gets rubbed against your clit in just the right way. An almost pornographic moan leaves your lips, "fuck" you whine, locking eyes with minho again.
"god i wanna do so many bad things to you" he grunts, at which you swear you gushed a little more into your panties.
You see his cock straining through the flattering grey sweat material, your hand wandering towards it but he catches it.
"cum on my thigh and you'll get it" he promises, grinning when another high pitched moan spills from your pretty lips.
A sudden loud ringing makes you flinch, and minhos head whips around before removing himself from you.
"wha-?" you mumble confusedly.
He takes his phone and answers the incoming call.
"Hi, hyung" he speaks, turning around "i went for a run, yea-sorry...yea okay...okay bye" he hangs up.
"Who-?" you attempt to speak but your mind is still fuzzy as he throws his backpack over his shoulder and grabs his sweater before coming back to you.
"My manager" he says, taking your hand "i have to go"
"I'm sorry" he kisses your lips "you want me to take you to your dorm?"
"No- no i dont want you to get in trouble" you shake your head.
"Sure?" He tilts his head.
"Yea, of course, im good" you nod, a smile tugging at your lips because he looks really cute with his messed up hair and puffy lips.
"Here" he gives you his sweater "im sure its colder now"
"you'll get cold though" you hold it up.
"nah, i'm hot blooded" he quips, leaning down to lock lips again.
More lingering this time, you feel you stomach churn with butterflies when he moves to your cheek.
"i'm not finished with you" he whispers into your ear, winking before walking out the door.
a/n: ik im supposed to be writing zephyr but this popped in my head and wrote itself so easily i was like👁👄👁 anyways hope u liked it🥰 not proofread so i just know there are thousands of spelling errors in there😍😍
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yunhofingers-writes · 3 years
The Things We learned (Diary Fantasies) Chap.1
Note♥︎- Hello <3 firstly, i’m hoping everyone gets the photo i’m using for this series. Second, i’ll be putting the diary at the end, so keep that in mind. also keep in mind that the reader (you) wrote what’s in the diary at the end in between the story, okay? I’m so geeked for this story, it’s not even funny. Please give me your thoughts in my ask box, the comments, or the reblogs please. As always my taglist is here if you want to be in there, but if it’s just this specific one, dm me <3 let’s thank @atiny-piratequeen for helping me
Key: The slanted words are the dreams and the bold words are what’s in the diary
Genre♡︎- Fluff, smut
Warnings/Tags♥︎- Nipple play, pet names, degrading names, nothing too bad, and finger sucking.
Pairing: Ateez X F ! reader
Word count♡︎- 2,800+
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❥- “I didn’t even know you like such things, baby.” The faceless man whispered in your ear as he continued to flick your nipples with his pointer fingers. “You’re so naughty.” He licked his lips, bringing them down to wrap them around your left perked nipple. Your whole body felt euphoric, lips letting moans and whimpers slip between them. “I bet you can cum just from me rubbing them right?” He chuckled a little.
“Are you even listening to me?” Yunho snapped his fingers in your face, bringing you out of your daydream. You shook your head to snap out of your thoughts and looked at Yunho.
You’ve been having these weird dreams. They started 4 days ago and you already hate them, well a love-hate relationship with them. They’re helping you learn more things about yourself that you can’t help but to be happy about.
“-and Jongho ate them all '' Yunho finished with a pout. His eyes were doe and his bottom lip poked out. You couldn’t help it, you coo’ed and reached your hand out to pat his head. He groaned and pushed your hand off of him, glaring at you.
You raised your hands up in defeat and apologized.
“I’ll buy you some more.” You reassured him already knowing what he’s whining about. This isn’t his first time crying about Jongho eating all of his chocolate turtles.
The door opened to show the professor. “Good morning class.” He smiled and the class greeted him back.
“turn to page 56 for me, please.”
“Come on Y/N I want more chocolate.” Yunho whined at you and you rolled your eyes and collected your books, turning towards the jumpy man. You let him drag you all the way down the street to the convenience store.
He grabbed his candy plus more and turned towards you with his big puppy eyes. “Can I get a drink too?” You couldn’t resist his puppy eyes. You nodded and he ran over there to get it.
Sometimes you think he’s a kid in a grown man body, same with Mingi. They both know how to take great advantage of you.
You paid and walked out with Yunho following behind you. “What’s the plan for today?” You asked Yunho and he turned towards you and tilted his head.
“We’re supposed to meet up at Yeosang’s house today, remember?” He asked
“Oh yeah!!”
“I’ll call Yeosang to tell him we’re on our way now.” He told you before dialing Yeosang’s number in.
“Why do you always dial our number when you could just scroll through the contact list?” You asked him genuinely confused. He does this all the time.
He shrugged “that’s too much work”
“That’s too much work?!” You raised your eyebrows , puzzled.
He laughed and quickly responded to Yeosang. “Hello” He raised his index finger up, letting you know he’ll be right back.
Your mind wondered as you waited. Who was that man in your daydream? What the fuck was he talking about? What things did he not know you liked? His voice was so deep. The way he touched your body had you feeling some type of way. He had long fingers, you think you have a thing for long fingers. Thinking about it is killing you.
“Yeosang said everyone is waiting for us there.”
You smiled at the information and grabbed his hand, walking to Yeosang’s house. He’s a clingy human. By the eye of anyone who doesn’t know you two like that, they’ll immediately assume that you two are dating.
Yunho likes hugs and cuddles a lot so holding hands isn’t really a big thing for you two. He swung both of your hands together with a big smile.
On the way there, Yunho texted Yeosang,letting him know that you two are close. The moment you both got there the door was open with the screen door closed. You walked in there together, greeting everyone with happy smiles and everyone greeted back. Yunho ran to Mingi and sat next to him with a humongous smile and ruffled his hair. Mingi smacked his hand and laughed loudly at the scream Yunho let out.
You hugged everyone in the kitchen and walked in the living room and hugged Mingi as well. Mingi’s smile grew as he saw you walk in and quickly hugged you back.
“So what are we planning on doing for the day?” Wooyoung asked and you shrugged.
“Don’t you two have classes?” You raised your eyebrow at Mingi and Jongho and they both nodded.’
“Mines is actually later on and Mingi’s is...right now actually.”
Mingi looked away, avoiding your stern look. “Mingi.”
“No, I’ve read ahead, I don't need to go in today. I promise I won't skip anymore.”
“Please don’t make Mingi leave.” Yunho pouted and you rolled your eyes.
“Y’all act like babies.” You looked away with a small smile.
Mingi laughed along with Yunho. You ignored the two giants and sat on the couch next to them and laid down on it.
“I'm going to take a nap.” You told everyone before closing your eyes.
“I bet you like the way my fingers are rubbing your nipples. Such A naughty little doll.” The man whispered in your ear, later gnawing on it.
Your moans grew louder each flick he gave to your sensitive nipples. Your hips bucked up quickly. “G-give me more.”
You were desperate, so desperate. Your body was hot and your mind was clouded.
The man smirked at you and bent down, sticking his tongue out, licking on one of your nippes with his quick tongue. His rhythm switched as his eyes stayed on yours. He went from fast, spit-sloppy licks and sometimes switched to slow licks, sucking on your titty while his tongue continued it’s work on you.
Your back arched so deep you thought you broke it. Your needy hole was clenching around nothing, and your hips swiveled in circles. You needed something inside of you and you knew exactly what you wanted.
“P-please.” You weakly begged. The man’s free hand went up to your mouth. You quickly opened your mouth and he pushed his index finger inside of your mouth only for a quick second. You whined when he pulled his finger out of your mouth. But that whine turned into another loud moan the moment his saliva covered finger rubbed your other nipple.
He lifted up and looked you in your eyes. “Please what? You want my fingers inside of you, doll?” He smirked and nodded quickly.
He lifted up and licked your lips before slowly dragging his hand down to your exposed cunt. You spread your legs further so he could have better access. “Get up, baby.” He whispered in your ear, You raised your eyebrow at him and he repeated it, but louder.
You shot up quickly out of your wet dream again, looking around to find the culprit who had the audacity to wake you.
Your eyes landed on Yeosang. He smirked at you and bit his lip. ‘Shesh, what were you dreamin about, sweetheart?”
Yeosang always flirted with you for some unknown reason. You can’t deny the fact that it sometimes does get to you.
His eyes scanned your body quickly before he looked at you again.
It’s all platonic, You think
“Oh shut it.” You pushed your hand against his mouth and turned around to sit on the couch properly. He laughed and explained himself.
I heard you groaning out something. I came to check on you and you were widely humping my pillow. “ He raised his eyebrow at you and your eyes went wide as your heart dropped.
He spotted your panicked state and ruffled your hair. “Hey, we all have our moments. I’ll pretend like I saw nothing and move on, okay?” He spoke to you softly and you nodded.
“One more question though.”
“Were you dreaming of me at least?” He smirked and you rolled your eyes.
“You wish.”
He shook his head and got up from you. You are never spending a night over here ever again. (lies) Did anyone else hear?
Oh my god.
It’s going to be so awkward now. Why the fuck did that dream just randomly pop up anyway? Where are they even coming from?
You were so frustrated right now. You sat there, thinking about what the fuck just happened for a least 10 minutes, until San walked in there with a small red cup. You snatched it from him and gulped it.
You stuck your tongue out at him and he touched it.
“EW! San !”
“Shouldn’t have stuck it out.”
You got up after purposely stomping on his foot and walked into the kitchen. “What time is it, Hongjoong?”
“It’s 9:00 PM”
Your eyes widened. You only slept for 2 hours?! What the fuck?
“I’m going home.” You told him and he just nodded, continuing on eating everything Yeosang had to offer.
You walked out, noticing that it was getting dark outside. Not even five steps away from the house, you heard footsteps behind you. You turned around and saw Seonghwa jogging to catch up.
“Why didn't you tell me you were leaving, I would have walked you home.”
“Yeah I know, I just didn’t really want to bother you.” You shrugged.
He shook his head and frowned. “No, don’t worry about that. You know I’ll do anything for you.”
You smiled at him. Yeah, you really do love him.
Once you made it home, you quickly ran to your bed and grabbed your diary and a pen.
As you were finishing the book, you heard a knock at your door. You closed your diary and stuffed it inside your dresser drawer, before walking up to the door. You looked in the peephole and saw Yunho standing there. You opened the door, facing a pouty Yunho.
“You left me. We were supposed to have a sleepover, remember?”
You made an ‘O’ face and stepped to the side so he could walk in. “I forgot, I'm so sorry.”
“It’s okay. So what will we be doing?” He flopped on your bed and looked at you.
“Wanna watch a movie?” You suggested and he nodded.
Scary movie.” You both said at the same time and giggled.
“Jinx” You said
“What do I owe?”
“You owe me a...coffee for the morning meet up.”
You turned on Netflix and clicked some random movie that sounded scary.
As the movie went on, you turned towards Yunho, noticing he was half asleep. He yarned and raked his hand through his hair. Your eyes followed his hand, noticing how big it was. His fingers are so long. You continued to eye Yunho’s hand as your mind took you back to your wet dream. The way the man touched your body, the way he pushed his fingers down into your throat. You couldn't help but to think of Yunho’s hands now.
They were so pretty, you couldn’t help it.
What the fuck are you thinking. Yunho’s your friend. Get a grip.
You thought about your friend doing all of the things to you in your dream and you started squirming.
“What’s wrong with you?” He asked, voice a little deeper.
You shuddered and looked at him and nodded.
“You sure? You’ve been staring at my hands for a while.” He chuckled. “Now that I think about it, you’ve been staring at my hands all day.” You looked like a deer caught in headlights.
You were staring at his hands all WHAT?! You didn’t even notice that. How could you not have noticed that?!
“I-I'm just not feeling well.” You blurted out.
You need to learn how to lie better.
Yunho looked like he had a lot to say but instead, he kept it all to himself. He nodded and pulled you down with him. “I'm sleepy anyways and we have to get up early.
You slowly looked over at his hand that was holding your body close to him and looked up at his face.
Take deep breaths.
You counted to 10 and closed your eyes, forcing yourself to sleep.
“You have a thing for my fingers? Do you also have a thing for Mingi’s?, Yeosang’s?, Seonghwa’s? Yunho asked with a sly smile. You looked away, legs crossed at the mention of Seonghwa’s fingers. This didn’t go unnoticed by Yunho at all.
“You do. You’re such a slut, doll.” He chuckled darkly and touched your face.
Your breath hitched.
You woke up quickly in cold sweat.
AW, come on
You got up and slowly got out of Yunho's embrace. You were grumpy and were in need of a shower.
You took a quick shower, put some light makeup on and a baby blue, flower printed dress on. You walked out of the bathroom to see that Yunho was gone. You checked your phone and noticed he had sent a text
See you at the cafe shop.
You grabbed your keys and went out of the house, getting to the small cafe first. You sat and waited for everyone to show up.
You ordered a donut as you waited and decided to just get on your phone. You were so into your phone, you didn’t even notice anyone pulling the seat to sit in it.
“Hey, sorry I’m a little late.” Someone sat right next to you. By the strawberry smell, you could tell this was Seonghwa.
You looked up and smiled. “No worries.” You nervously sat there waiting for the rest to get here with your chocolate donut in your hand.
Everything felt awkward. You had no way to start a conversation, You didn’t know what to say to him.
You breathed out, relieved that the rest walked in. Seonghwa smiled at you and scooted closer to you so they could all fit in the booth.
“Yunho pays for my drink.” You yelled and Yunho groaned.
“Oh yeah, right.” He got back, already knowing what to get.
You took this time to look at Seonghwa’s hands, which were sitting up on the table. His hands look so fucking pretty.
You thought of what yunho in your dreams said to you. “You’re such a slut doll.”
You like that more than you think you do. You love that.
His fingers are way longer than yours and you're sure they can reach way more better spots than your hand.
“Y/N, Your drink.” Yunho half shouted, knocking you out of your tance.
You grabbed it and thanked him.
“Are you okay?” San asked.
“Yeah, you’ve been a bit dazed out.” Wooyoung added on
You shook your head and smiled up at them. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
San gave you a ‘i doubt it’ face and you averted your eyes from him.
You spent some time in the cafe with boys, before they all started getting up one by one. Well, except two of them.
Yeosang and Seonghwa.
“I’ll be right back, I have to use the bathroom.” Yeosang told you both before getting up and leaving.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Seonghwa’s concerned voice ranged through your head and you quickly nodded.
He raised his hand up to feel your forehead to make sure you didn’t have a fever. Your eyes widened at that and you bit your lip. He retreated his hand back and looked at you.
“You sure you're okay?” You quickly nodded, eyes still following his hands.
He followed where you were staring and looked back at you. “Y/N are you looking at my hands?” He asked as he placed them on your thighs, but close to your knees of course.
You held your breath in, looking at his hands. He bit his lip, dark eyes looking at you.…
“I didn’t know you like such things.”
☆*・゜゚・*♡´・ᴗ・`♡*・゜゚・*☆ ☆*・゜゚・*♡´・ᴗ・`♡*・゜゚・*☆ ☆*・゜゚・*♡´・ᴗ・`♡*・゜゚・*☆
Dear Diary
I had a weird dream this morning. It was kind of a wet dream and I've slowly found something new about myself. There’s something the faceless man did to me that made me realize that I really like it. Something about the way he talked in my ear. So dirty, sexual. The whole situation did something to me, but it always cuts off before he actually touches me the way i want and i hate that. THAT REMINDS ME ! I was at Yeo’s and fell asleep today, right? Remember what I said about the wet dreams? I had one there and apparently he woke me up because I was rubbing myself on his pillow. I was so embarrassed.
Back to the things I learned
I want to try these specific things for real.
- Fingers
(Idk they just do something to me..)
- Nipple play
- Pet names
(specifically doll)
- Degrading names
(slut is all i have)
☆*・゜゚・*♡´・ᴗ・`♡*・゜゚・*☆ ☆*・゜゚・*♡´・ᴗ・`♡*・゜゚・*☆ ☆*・゜゚・*♡´・ᴗ・`♡*・゜゚・*☆
To be continued
End note: What you think’s going to happen next? just curious 👁👁
Krusty crew: @serialee @galaxteez @multidreams-and-desires @woowommy @a-soft-hornytiny @yeotlny @lizsvcks @build-a-roleplay @moonxteez @yeosang99 @yunsangoveryonder @twancingyunhoe @seongsangsgf @chvngbxn @ki6hyun @latte-fairytaekwoon @sansbun @little-precious-baby @let-this-be-a-lesson @ateezappreciation @yutasyiddiepiercing2 @empenguin01 @violetwinters
network pings: @8makes1teamnet
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bakugohoex · 4 years
I'm so happy for you! Congrats for 1k! 🥳🥳🥳 I saw there was one fluff prompt left, number 10 I believe. If it's still available could you do it with Porco?
“we were never just friends”
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pairing: porco galliard x female reader
cw: fluff, language, a lot on intimate moments that make me sad that I’m alone
word count: 2700+
a/n: please im sorry that im still working on my 1k event when i have a 2k event going on at the same time, but i wrote this fic in a sprint thing on discord and surprisingly I think i did okay with it.
summary: in which Porco relives moments of his love for you until he finally gets what he had always wanted
1k event masterlist
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist
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Porco didn’t understand the first time he met you would be as children; he saw those tender eyes and that soft sunflower dress, and he couldn’t help but fall in love. Maybe it was a childish dream or some misconception that this was the love that he had so often seen between his parents. But he knew from that very moment seeing you with your hair up in pigtails playing in the sand he had fallen in love.
His eyes stayed focused on you, his shorts showing the grazed knees he had had from sliding along the grass against his mothers will. But the sound of his screams as he ran towards the sandcastle you had made, and the crying as a consequence of the fallen castle made him realise this wasn’t a real way to introduce himself. He looked between those damp tears and the sand that speckled across your chest and knees and he knew this moment would be ingrained into both of your minds for the rest of your life.
He knelt in front of your timid body, eyes tearing up as you looked like you wanted to chuck sand at him. Your mother hadn’t noticed the tears as they were silent, but as Porco brought his hand out, moving his small fingers to touch your cheek he felt the cold tears stream down your face. It wasn’t his fault, or maybe it was, but at the time he felt bad. “I’m sorry.”
You looked up to meet the blonde, his dinosaur t shirt and beige coloured shorts made him look like any other child. You don’t know what got into you too stare at his childish figure. Maybe it was because you were a child yourself but seeing this random child apologise for kicking down your hard work and effort. It brought some relief, “it’s okay.”
He wiped away the tears as he spoke once more, “I’ll help you build another one.”
You nodded in an instant as he grabbed the plastic mould and started digging for sand. Maybe it was the start of a new friendship he didn’t know at the time but here he was lying on his bed reliving those childish memories that he had had with his only love.
It had been years since that incident, a decade even but you still remained close to him, still had him at arm’s length. He was the boy who had spent years pining over you whilst you always just seemed out of his grasp. He stared once more at your text message, once again speaking about your date with Reiner.
All he could do was send good luck for it, what else could he do? You were his best friend, key word being friend and nothing else, nothing more. He could only just wish to see you happy and if it meant with Reiner who was he to suppress your happiness.
He couldn’t help but admire his lock screen, the love and admiration he had for you, maybe it was because of the many years he had spent following you around like a lost puppy, but the way his eyes would almost widen each time you spoke. He looked down through his camera roll, he couldn’t help but relive all these memories he had had with you.
The first time you both went into high school together, the first day that you both had found other friends. Met new people and happened to form your own group, Porco knew everybody knew of his little crush on you. Who wouldn’t, the way you’d both walk to and from school or the way he’d always be on call with you to just talk about anything.
Maybe this was the sign, the push to admit his feelings but he never did. It had been a stupid party; his camera being filled with that night months ago. The night were you both went to Eren’s stupid party, the night where he had found you in the arms of another.
“I hate Eren.” You had muttered to the boy.
He scoffed as his arm rested loosely against your shoulder, “who doesn’t, he put me in a headlock in PE once.”
“And you didn’t fight back, aww I’m proud of you Poc.” He rolled his eyes at the nickname, he hated it, but he knew that from your lips any name of his would sound so pretty. “I heard Reiner’s going though.”
Ever since that stupid Maths class with Reiner you almost seemed infatuated with the boy. Porco hated it and knew he’d have to keep an eye on you for the rest of the night. As you both walked through the doors, already seeing drunk teenagers and couples making out. Porco became jealous, he might have hated the idea of ever having his first kiss with you in a rowdy party. But the way he wasn’t even able to keep you by his side, to show you off to Reiner and the others because you really meant more than the world to him.
Your eyes scoured around the room and in a matter of seconds you faced the brute of a blond, he hated how you left his side. Hated how Reiner beckoned you forward as if you were his, you weren’t you were Porco’s. Porco shook his head as he stared at the two of you before going off to find anybody except the two of you.
He didn’t know what went into his head to drink as much as he had that night. He stared at the photos on his phones, many drunk ones of him falling about but he might not have remembered the night that well. But a memory would forever remain ingrained in his head.
The shift of his weight from the alcohol and the way his eyes landed on you. His sweet childhood friend on Reiner’s lap, his Y/n, the girl with the sundress now draped across Reiner’s lap, hands around his neck as your lips had been attached to his own. The couples Porco had seen, had envied for not being the two of you had all divulged into you and Reiner.
His arms against your waist, your hands tugging at his blond hair, Porco eyes flashed red. He wanted to run up and take you away, grab your arm and leave but he didn’t. He looked at the two of you and left. Walked out of the house, telling Mikasa to let you stay the night and then left, he couldn’t face you, couldn’t walk home with you and see your smudged lipstick, see your dishevelled hair.
Porco’s eyes stayed firm at the multitude of texts that came through, you had sent him voice notes after voice notes about what you were wearing and the plan for the night. Now here he was listening to them and replying half an hour later, you were probably out there, probably with him, kissing him, holding him, loving him.
He chucked his phone to the ground as he stared at the many photos of the two of you and your other friends. Every moment with you always felt like a whole other world, maybe you felt the same way or maybe you didn’t. But he would always keep it hidden, he knew better than to let his emotions fuel his rage. Because in the end all he wanted was for you to be happy and if it meant giving up his own, who cared.
The sound of his doorbell going off made him sign it was probably his mothers friend. He stayed staring at the memories, he could have been out right now. Could be with Zeke or Pieck or anybody but no he was in his bed mopping per usual, his mothers voice boomed through the house as she shouted his name.
“Yeah, yeah I’m coming.” He groaned as he swung his legs off the bed, his eyes straight down the stairs. He didn’t know who it could be, possibly Bertholdt wanting to borrow his switch again or Colt asking for Marcel as well.
He rubbed at his eyes as he was finally met with you. In that pretty dress you only wore for special occasions, those bright eyes that brimmed with tears and that soft smile you tried to put on. His mother left as you moved towards the stairs, both unable to speak as you walked up to his room, the room you had spent countless nights sleeping at. The room where you both spoke of your dreams and aspirations, the room where he had fallen even more in love with you.
You sat on his bed refusing to meet his eye as he leant against his door, “what happened?” His phone remained chucked to the ground, the lock screen of the both of you flashed as the group chat seemed to be buzzing about something. He was about to walk over and check it but your croaky voice stopped him.
“Don’t…please.” He looked at your figure, the way you look vulnerable and almost nimble, he moved to your body, hands against your shoulder as you leant into his own. Tears finally falling freely onto his shirt, “I…I thought he liked me Porco.”
“What did Reiner do?”
The whisper and tension around the room was low but he kept you close by his arms, “we…we were supposed to hang out and when I met up with him he was all over Historia.”
Porco’s eyes flashed in rage, Reiner had no right to do that to you. To his girl and at that moment all he could think about was the hurting you must feel, he may have hated Reiner from the beginning but seeing you with tears from an undeserving man broke him the most. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.”
You both stayed in each other’s arms, his lingering touches and eyes that filled with so much love as he kept a hold of you. His perfect girl that would never be his, “don’t leave me Poc.” It had been a whisper but the way his hand caressed your hair, the illuminating moon cascading through the background as it lit up the room. Every memory and past version of yourself, you looked out seeing the picture of the two of you from years ago, “that was the day I fell in love with you.”
Porco stayed silent, he didn’t think you understood what you had said, pointing at the two of you at the treehouse his father had made for you at 13, but he remembered that day as if it was yesterday.
“I can't believe he actually made it for you both,” you got all giddy as you climbed the ladder, Marcel already up there, you helped Porco up as you looked inside the treehouse.
Porco shrugged as you both looked around the place, the disposable camera your mother had given you around your neck as you stayed firm in your want to take pictures of the world. He watched you take pictures of the different parts of the treehouse, one of Marcel sleeping as he finally showed you what he had brought.
“We can put our names in the tree, make the world know we were here.” Your eyes widened as Porco wrote his initials with a plus underneath and you wrote your own. The way he told you to keep your eyes closed as he engrained around your names a heart, you had always thought it was a friendship heard but wanted it to be a heart of love. A sign of new beginnings of a relationship that could possibly occur. “Now we’re together forever.”
You hugged the boy as the two of you spent the rest of the day in the treehouse, his mother coming and taking the exact picture of the two of you that was now plastered against Porco’s wall.
It was beautiful and you didn’t mean to confess your own truths, Porco stared back at you, his eyes widening as he grabbed your wrist. “Y/n…”
“Forget what I said.” You muttered as you looked back out of the window, more and more memories each one holding moments of how deep your love ran for one another. The first time you both went swimming and Porco helped you into the deep end or the many trips out to the beach where you and Porco would run into the sea.
Childhood friends meant nothing when all you both really wanted to be was lovers. And as his firm grip stayed on you, his eyes filled with wonder and desire looked back at you with lust and love. All he could see was love, a type of love that had only ever been shown for you because he knew there would never be anybody else.
“It’s you, you’re everything I’ve ever wanted, and I hope what I heard was true, I pray it was because Reiner doesn’t deserve you Y/n, I…I need you.” The last part was nothing more than a murmur but as you finally looked into his eyes, his pretty smile and pretty face. He knew you knew; he knew that there was something more than that, “we were never just friends.”
With those final words, reality hit the two of you both were never just friends. He gave you a look, his eyes filled with lust as he looked down at your lips, hands moving to hold onto your waist. His love, his girl in his arms for the first time, “I love…”
You trailed off as his lips met your own, the tears having stopped and your hands cupping his cheeks. His soft full of life cheeks filled with admiration and adoration at the girl that had finally become his, he loved you, he did and now he knew that you loved him.
The kiss was soft, you both stayed in one another’s arms as his soft lips kept at a boundary but as soon as a moan slipped from your mouth his tongue had divulged inside. The heat from the past decade all coming to this one kiss, one look at you and he finally saw his love, the truth behind his sadness.
He had hated seeing you kiss Reiner, he had and now he would put that hatred and replace it with the love he had for you. He put you down onto his bed, his hands around your waist as he kept his mouth on your own. Kissing you with such passion and drive that his parents could probably hear the squeak of the bed.
He looked down at you, having finally let you go, arms to your side as he looked at his love. “I love you.” He knew he was repeating his love, but he wanted you to know, wanted you to never forget that his love knew no bounds that he would forever be yours and hopefully you’d forever be his.
He was about to kiss you once more, but you spoke just as his lips gilded against one another, the hush of it all, the way his breath fanned against your lips. You licked your lips and Porco could almost taste your saliva as he waited to hear your words. Waited to see the woman he loved speak truths about their future with one another, your hands wrapped around his neck making sure to not bring him to another kiss.
Instead to see his eyes widen at the proximity of another, the way he kneeled between your legs, spreading your dress apart, the way his hands stayed firm against your head. An intimate moment for the two souls who had finally become one, “I want you, you…you deserve to know the truth.”
He hesitated but nodded waiting for a reply, he didn’t care if whatever your next words ruined any moment the two of you were about to have. He just wanted to hear you say your wants and needs for him one last time.
“Reiner…he was a distraction…I thought you liked Pieck so…so I let you pursue that.” You whispered, he hated thinking that you thought he liked Pieck, the way you went to Reiner as an alternative when the two of you could have just spoken about your feelings.
But at this moment he didn’t care, he had you in his bed, in his arms and the past meant nothing to him when he knew there was a future for you both. “I’ve loved you since I kicked your sandcastle Y/n and I’ll love you for the years to come”
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itsbenedict · 3 years
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I just finished hosting a 15-person game of Mafia for some friends. One tradition we have for these games is that every death is accompanied by some themed narration, so for my game I opted to spice it up with some art on top. Had to draw it real quick since I didn't know for sure who was going to die next until it happened.
The game's theme was "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", with the hidden subtheme that all the roles (stands) were named after They Might Be Giants (@tmbgareok) songs! A list of their powers, links to songs, and a recap of the game under the cut.
01) Mogis - 「Flo Wheeler」
02) TD260 - 「Working Undercover For The Man」
03) JGH27 - 「Good To Be Alive」
04) Raya - 「Stone Cold Coup D'Etat」
05) KK / Sahrimnir - 「Thinking Machine」
06) Spontaneous Combustion - 「The Statue Got Me High」
07) Leviwulf - 「Push Back The Hands」
08) DarkFalco - 「I Am Alone」
09) Deli064 - 「Doctor Worm」
10) Fedaykin - 「Letterbox」
11) Surge - 「I Am Alone」
12) Wikxen - 「Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head」
13) Minby - 「Where Your Eyes Don't Go」
14) Bel - 「(She Was A) Hotel Detective」
15) SnakeInABox - 「By The Time You Get This」
Bold roles were Jotunheim (Mafia), normal roles were Johnsburg (Town), and italicized roles were third parties. (Jotunheim is the realm of giants from Norse mythology! The mafia were, in fact, giants! And the town's job was to figure out who might be giants! And the two sides were Jo and Jo! JOKES!)
「Flo Wheeler」 was a town role with a power that was pretty dangerous to the user- if anyone happened to be watching or tracking when a kill took place at night, Mogis would look like they'd visited the target that night in addition to whoever actually did. It could potentially be used to catch a mafioso in a lie, but otherwise it was more of an obstacle for the town to overcome- a miller-type role.
♪ You can't do the time, therefore you didn't do the crime ♪
「Working Undercover For The Man」 was a third-party role working for the Speedwagon Foundation to perform a threat assessment. TD could win with the town, but could win and leave early if he could guess all the names or powers of every other stand in the game. He could scan a name every night, to help that along.
♪ Planning midnight raids / On our unsuspecting fans / While the roadies rig / The video surveillance van ♪
「Good To Be Alive」 was a spin on the usual town doctor role- normally, a doctor can target a player and prevent their death if they would die that night. But... JGH couldn't actually prevent deaths- just fake it. The dead would become ghosts, who couldn't vote and couldn't be killed but were still allowed to talk as if they were alive.
♪ Hello leg / such a shaky leg / Just barely more than decoration ♪
「Stone Cold Coup D'Etat」 was a third party with an unusual win condition. They had to recruit a certain number of people to a private side-chat- and then make sure all those people got killed. Plus, she could redirect anything that happened to her at night to her recruits. If the recruits figured out what she was doing and got rid of her, they'd get a boost to their power.
♪ The bark now commands the trees / The queen is overruled by the bees ♪
「Thinking Machine」 was a town role with a mysterious purpose that didn't seem to make much sense at first. Sah would get, every morning, a strange series of numbers and letters of uncertain origin. It was information, somehow, but how to use it?
♪ Tape has brightening arm connect (Wait, that didn't make sense.) / Self-paint lever itching does! (That made even less sense!) ♪
「The Statue Got Me High」 was a mafia power. As the song describes, the victim is enthralled by the monolith and forced to obey its commands, until their eventual death. That is, Spont could recruit a player to the mafia, but they'd die one night later- and if he wasn't careful, he could die and his recruit would flip back.
♪ And now it is your turn (your turn to hear the stone and then your turn to burn) / The stone, it calls to you (you can't refuse to do the things it tells you to) ♪
「Push Back The Hands」 was a passive ability that caused anything that would happen to Levi- a nightkill, an execution, some other power- to be delayed by one day, giving him some time to react. He'd be told who it was that targeted him, so going after him as mafia was risky.
♪ Screeching tires but never a collision / Endless day without a sunset provision ♪
「I Am Alone」 was a weird one. See, DarkFalco, who was mafia, didn't have a stand as such. She was the stand- and she was the stand of Surge, who was town. They were linked together in everything, meaning the mafia had to work to keep Surge alive on top of their own people. She could send messages to Surge at night to mess with him, though.
♪ Before you fire I should inform you / One of us is a double ♪
「Doctor Worm」 had no real special abilities. His ability was to be pretty good at playing the drums, a power that had absolutely no relevance in a game of Mafia.
♪ I'm not a real doctor, but I am a real worm I am an actual worm ♪
「Letterbox」 was a mafia ability that let Fedaykin pick another player, and offer that player a chance to deliver a private message to one other player of their choice. He could see the "secret" communications, though, and once per game he could edit the message before delivering it.
♪ I'll never know what you'll find when you open up your letter box tomorrow ♪
「Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head」 is a classically mafia ability, but in the hands of a town player: the ability to force another player to vote for another. Normally the manipulated person isn't allowed to say what happened, but there was no such restriction here- confusion's no good for the town.
♪ Memo to myself: do the dumb things i gotta do: Touch the puppet head ♪
「Where Your Eyes Don't Go」 let Minby pick someone else to watch him at night. If anyone visited him to target him with an ability, the person he designated would be told the names of those people. A nasty trap for the mafia, as long as Minby doesn't pick a mafioso to share the information with.
♪ Where your eyes don't go, a part of you is hovering / It's a nightmare that you'll never be discovering / You're free to come and go / Or talk like Kurtis Blow / But there's a pair of eyes in back of your head ♪
「(She Was A) Hotel Detective」 was a very powerful town role- Bel was the cop, and could scan another player's alignment at night, plus track or watch them. Except... not directly. She couldn't scan players- she could scan hotel rooms, and if other players didn't check into the hotel at night or give up their room numbers, her information was useless.
Here are the room numbers, in order: Levi (1) Snake (2) JGH (3) TD (4) Spont (5) Sah (6) Deli (7) Fed (8) Minby (9) Falco/Surge (10) Raya (11) Wikxen (12) Mogis (13).
(Oh, and Thinking Machine's codes were actually encoded versions of her results, and Sah would get a weaker version of her power if she ever died.)
♪ She's got her ear to the walls / And she's tappin' the calls / If you've got a secret, boy / Forget about it! ♪
「By The Time You Get This」 imbued its wielder with the incredible powers of... an estate lawyer! Which meant Snake could leave a will behind when he died, naming another player and casting a vote on them from beyond the grave the next day.
♪ By the time you get this note / We'll no longer be alive / But our skulls are smiling still / At the thought of things to come ♪
So! Here's how it all shook out.
Day 1: The first day is always kind of a tossup, since no one has any information yet, and everyone's just trying to verbally stir the pot. Levi soft-claims his role right out the gate, warning town not to try targeting him or else. Mogis is executed, casting a vote on himself to save the town the trouble of dealing with Flo Wheeler.
Night 1: Spont uses the statue to recruit Wikxen, at the same time that Wikxen forces Snake to vote for Levi. So, now the usually-scum power in the hands of town is in the hands of scum for real. Bel scans room 3, and learns that its occupant is innocent. Raya recruits DarkFalco, and accidentally recruits Surge alongside her, to her surprise. JGH tries protecting Levi, to test if his claim was a bluff.
Day 2: Levi tries to push JGH on the basis of having targeted him last night, but everyone agrees to wait and see if Levi actually dies first. Votes circle around Wikxen and Raya for suspicious-seeming defensiveness on Day 1, and ultimately, when it seems like Wikxen's about to be executed, a small group of players flip their votes at the last minute and vote Raya out while she's asleep and can't defend herself. Rude! She was poised to win the game for herself and the town, since she'd convinced Falco that the mafia would benefit somehow if they were all recruited.
Night 2: The mafia kills Minby- and Minby opts to tell have Fed watch him, wasting his power. Lucky for town, though, Bel happens to scan room 8, confirming Fed is mafia since he volunteered his room number. Wikxen's coat contains a furnace where there used to be a guy.
Day 3: Wikxen forced Snake to vote for J, making him look bad- but Sah begins sharing his bizarre results from Thinking Machine, and Bel confirms that they're a log of her detective power. Then she points out that Fed is mafia, and the town falls in line behind the accusation with Sah to confirm.
Night 3: Spont uses the statue to recruit Bel, to keep any more problematic scans from ruining them. Bel, before being recruited, scans room 10, though- and now the town knows there's something funky with Falco and Surge, because Sah gets the results and knows what they mean. Due to their mismatched alignments, though, the encoded version is still misleading, so there's wiggle room. TD scans Spont and learns his role name.
Day 4: Spont concocts a daring scheme. He has Bel lie and claim to have received an incriminating result on him- so that Bel will be caught in said lie when Sah produces his own results. The plan is to frame Bel, who's a dead girl walking anyway, and clear Spont's name going forward. But the town talks themselves into explaining away the contradiction- even when TD reveals Spont's stand name, and Spont denies it outright and claims 「Combustible Head」, a fake vigilante (town nightkiller) role instead, the town explains away that, too. After a few more people claim, TD260 has completed his mission- his correct guess wins him the game and he leaves. Spont cleverly excuses himself by claiming that TD lied about his role to get him to claim his "real" one. Afterwards, the town ends up executing Deli064 instead, for some reason- poor Doctor Worm!
Night 4: The evidence vanishes from Bel's charred and smoking chair- because JGH tries to protect her at the same time the mafia are killing him! Bel is a ghost now, and the town never finds out her alignment.
Day 5: Bel not dying poses a problem for the mafia, because Spont was supposed to prove his own innocence by pretending to kill her! The mafia tries to misdirect by having Bel lie again, claiming to scan room 10 when she actually scanned room 6, Sah. Ultimately, though, the town is able to coordinate behind killing Surge and Falco, which- because they're linked- is a compromise option that both parties are happy with (when perhaps they shouldn't be).
Night 5: Since Bel is technically dead, Spont recruits again, grabbing Sah and removing the threat of scans entirely. If he'd recruited Snake instead, they'd have won on the spot, since only his will-vote prevented them from winning instantly due to outnumbering the town. We move on to a somewhat redundant...
Day 6: It's now down to five players- Spont, Sah, and Bel vs Levi and Snake. The mafia technically outnumber the town, but Bel's vote doesn't count, and Sah's going to burn the next night- so the town can still win by forcing a tie and then using Snake's By The Time You Get This power to place a vote on Spont. But that's if they can figure it out and get on the same page, and... they don't. There's no way there could be three mafia still alive, so the mafia are able to sow total confusion and ultimately get the town all voting for Bel... who's a ghost, and can't vote or be executed, which the town doesn't know because JGH died before he could fully explain. The execution defaults to Snake, and the mafia win the game.
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writer-ish · 3 years
Hello there! 🙂 Could you please do number 10 from the "Touching" prompts, for Mason and the Detective please? 😊 Thanks!!
prompt: spooning at night pairing: mason x detective (grace bennett) word count: 2.4k | rating: T cw: panic attack, mention of trauma (book 1 related) author note: write a prompt less than 2k words challenge? failed. thank you @silma-words for the prompt! hope you like it. ☾☾ touching prompts 
It had started with a light pattering of rain against the window panes.
Light rain is okay. Grace can handle light rain.
She doesn’t love it - especially not at night - but if it’s not torrential, if there’s no lightning or thunder, she can usually force herself to drink some tea, grab a book, and ignore it before falling into a restless sleep.
Light rain is okay.
The problem arises when, halfway through reading the same page for the fifth time, her tea already cold and missing only a sip or two, the rain picks up.
She gets up and pulls her curtains together tightly, but it doesn’t help. Even if she can’t see it, she can still hear it, the heavy slap of rain against the windows, steadily increasing in its ferocity.
Her hands begin to feel clammy and her breathing picks up.
You’re being so stupid, she tells herself, even as she feels deafened by the pounding of her own heart.
This visceral response to thunderstorms - rain, she reminds herself, it's just rain for now - is yet another fun side effect that has lingered since her encounter with Murphy all those months ago.
She tries not to dwell on those moments - the ones where she was certain she was going to die, the ones where she was dying - where the rain pounding on the roof of the warehouse, thunder splitting the sky, was the only discernible sound amidst the chaos.
But at home, alone, with only the rain and a tepid, useless cup of tea to keep her company, it’s difficult to think of anything else.
She paces a bit. Tries to get ready for bed. Lies down on top of the covers, hugging one of her decorative pillows close - the one that has a soft pink fabric designed to look like flower petals all over it, the one Mason hates probably the most - and the entire time the rain beats harder and harder against the few window panes in her small apartment until she feels like the glass might shatter from the force of it.
Her breath is coming in short, quick gasps now and no matter what she does, she can't get her heartrate to slow down. A numbness has begun to spread from her hands upward.
Am I having a heart attack? she wonders, semi-hysterically. Her chest feels tight, painfully so, but she can't tell if it's because of her breathing or not. The scar on her neck tingles sharply and her pulse feels like it might actually burst out from that spot.
At that moment, a clap of thunder reverberates through her walls.
Grace lets out a short scream and the pain in her chest intensifies.
Thunderstorms have been bad for her before, but never this bad.
Oh shit oh fuck, she thinks, it is a fucking heart attack. I'm having a fucking heart attack. Shit shit shit.
Her hands have gone completely cold, the tingling numbness persistent and all-consuming.
She staggers out of bed, black spots flashing in front of her eyes as her breathing worsens, all intakes and almost no exhales, while her sense of dread increases.
I'm going to die, she realizes in dawning horror. I'm going to die here, alone.
The thought is untenable. A collection of faces flashes before her eyes—Tina, her mom, Nate, the rest of Unit Bravo, Mason, Mason, Mason—
She staggers to her nightstand and grabs her phone, pressing the contact for the most recent number she'd called.
He answers on the first ring. “Hey, Gracie, we were just—“
“Nate,” she wheezes out, a sob caught in her throat.
She hears a clatter on the other end, maybe the sound of someone standing up abruptly. There’s a ruckus—voices clamouring.
“Gracie, what’s wrong?” Nate’s voice is urgent, inflected with a ribbon of steel that she barely registers as unusual. “Where are you?”
The voices behind him are getting louder.
“What’s happening?”
“What’s she saying?”
“What the fuck—”
“I’m—home,” she rasps, her heart feeling like it’s about to beat out of her chest. The room is spinning. “I don’t know—what—” What’s happening to me, she completes the thought in her mind, her ability to speak slowly dwindling.
“Something’s wrong with Grace,” she can hear Nate say to whoever he’s with. “I don’t think there's anyone else there, but something has happened—no, Mason, just wait—”
The phone clatters to the ground from Grace's numb fingers and she squeezes her eyes shut tightly as she sinks to the floor. The sound of Nate's voice coming from the receiver feels far away now. She's experiencing an odd sensation, like she's floating above her body, witnessing what's going on down below, and she wonders if that means she's dead.
Minutes pass, and suddenly there's a massive commotion at her front door. She startles, her whole body jerking in horror as she imagines the thunder and lightning from outside entering her home.
A dark figure suddenly appears in her bedroom doorway and swoops towards her and she lets out a pained gasp, her throat unable to emit anything louder than that.
"It's me," the figure says, its voice gruff and familiar, and she's so relieved she almost sobs. "It's me, sweetheart."
She feels herself being lifted up easily, gently, and cradled tight against a recognizable chest. Her heartrate decelerates ever so slightly, though her breathing is still ragged and short.
Mason carries her back to her bed, placing her down gently. His hair and his clothes are wet and the cold feel of his sleeve, the drops of water on her neck and arms, help as she settles.
She briefly registers the way he flings her pillows until each one smacks against the wall in a satisfying thwack of dismissal. When he goes to remove his other hand from her, she grips his arms tighter.
"No—" she wheezes, feeling the tears in her eyes spill over belatedly onto her cheeks.
"Hang on," he responds hoarsely, disentangling himself as he runs his hands over her arms, torso, legs, "I'm just checking you for—"
She shakes her head. "It's not that. I'm—okay." Not injured, she means, though she can't convey that to him because she can't control her breaths.
Her lungs begin to ache with the effort, her body trembling, although the overwhelming sense of dread, the certainty that this was the end, that has faded.
"Hey, hey, hey." He places his hand on her upper chest, his palm large and warm, a steady and comforting presence. "Just breathe."
She shakes her head, gulping air, the tears coming faster now. "Can't… can't."
"Hey." He leans forward looking at her intently and a sense of calm begins to permeate her body, starting from her head and working her way down. Her lungs expand fully for the first time in what feels like hours and she's able to release the entire breath in a motion that's not entirely shaky.
She grips his damp forearm tightly, his hand still resting on her chest as she takes a few other deep breaths. The feeling she had before, the lack of control, the fear, slowly fades until it's just a whisper of discomfort behind her eyes. Even the rain feels distant now; maybe it's passing.
"Is she okay?"
A new voice comes from the doorway, deep and resonant. Grace recognizes it immediately, even in her haze.
“Nate?” she asks, hoarsely.
“Yeah. Nate.” There's something odd in Mason's tone and Grace's eyes snap to his face. He's looking away, his expression indiscernible, but his thumb still strokes the bare skin under her collarbone gently.
Turning to the other agent in the doorway, he says, "She's okay. Tell the others. I got this."
Nate nods briefly, catching Grace's eyes with a warm smile, before turning and leaving the room. She can hear muffled conversation in the other room before the front door opens and then closes again.
She looks back at Mason. "You all came?"
He shrugs. "You called."
Her eyes well up again, her emotions too close to the surface to properly withstand the news that the entirety of Unit Bravo all came rushing to her at the first sign of any trouble.
Mason tsks, bringing his hand up to the base of her neck and applying the barest of pressure before removing it completely.
She closes her eyes and nods, lips quavering only slightly. She brings the heels of her hands up to her eyes and grinds them in, willing the emotions back as she continues to take deep, bracing breaths, in and out.
"What happened?" Mason asks softly after a moment.
Grace, heels of her hands still in her eye sockets, shrugs.
"I'm an idiot?" she offers, voice slightly watery.
He's silent and she can't even see his expression to determine whether or not he agrees.
The silence stretches and she recognizes that he's giving her time to sort through her feelings. Taking a few more deep breaths, she removes her hands from her eyes and looks at him, blinking until he's no longer blurry. He's sitting on the edge of her bed, one hand braced in the soft, quilted duvet, the other resting on his black jeans. His long sleeve tee is the same familiar deep red it usually is, his top buttons undone as though he'd dressed hastily. The crystal he always wears seems to glow with its own preternatural light, coming from within.
"It's the rain," she says finally, softly. "I can't…" She takes a deep breath. "I have a hard time when it's stormy out, ever since everything that happened with Murphy."
Mason stares at her assessingly, eyes narrowed in a grumpy concern that was so characteristic of him she wanted to cry again.
"It's probably rained over a dozen times since then," he says eventually, eyes still narrowed, the silver-grey highlighted by a thin sliver of moonlight peeking in through the blinds she hadn't managed to close all the way.
She nods, understanding what he's getting at. "I…have always found it difficult. But I can manage it by myself, usually." She sighs shakily. "This time was…different."
She shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe the news about the trappers. Maybe just stress, I—"
"No," he interrupts her, waving away her words. "Why do you manage it by yourself?"
"I—" She looks at him in surprise, unable to form an answer. Because I always have? Because I don't know how else to manage things? Because I don't want to bother you, when we haven't even defined what we are. Instead of saying any of that, she simply shrugs.
"Call Nate sooner next time." He gets up and stretches and her eyes are immediately drawn to the band of freckled, umber skin that is revealed as his shirt rides up. "Are you going to be okay?"
"Wait—" She looks at him perplexed. "You're not—staying?" His other words register suddenly. "And why would I call Nate?"
He shrugs, hands in his pockets as he looks down, a dark lock of hair tumbling over his eye.
Understanding dawns slowly. Nate had been the person she'd called when she'd been in the midst of—whatever that was.
She'd called him because he'd been at the top of her call list.
He was at the top of her call list, because earlier that day she'd had a research question and she'd called him to chat for a bit.
Nate is easy to talk to on the phone. Nate is easy to talk to, period.
Her and Mason, on the other hand—
Her and Mason communicate mainly in their silences.
Through touch, through knowing glances, through all the things they don't need to say. A quirk of an eyebrow or a smirk is all it takes sometimes for understanding to pass between them.
Phone calls aren't really in their repertoire. Grace isn't even sure he knows how to text.
She reaches out suddenly, grasping his hand, warm and rough between hers.
"Stay," she says quietly. "I want you here."
Not Nate, she clarifies in a way that she hopes he understands, her lips pressing together apologetically.
He narrows a glance at her, his expression softening almost unwillingly and in small increments.
With a quiet sigh, he allows her to pull him closer. She kneels on the bed and he looks down at her, hands cradling her jaw and his thumbs stroking her cheeks. He draws them over her eyelids, traces the sensitive skin under eyes, passes them gently over her lips.
“No more storms alone, got it?”
She nods. “I promise.” She places her hand over his heart and looks up at him.
He nods as well, briefly, understanding passing through them once more in the silence, as his eyes take in the room before meeting hers again.
"Let's get you to bed, yeah?"
She nods, suddenly feeling how overwhelmingly tired she actually is. Her whole body sags, sapped of whatever frenetic energy was fueling it before. Despite her exhaustion, she still takes note of how he made a bed reference with no innuendo whatsoever. Simply the soft, gruff tone she's come to understand as his concern.
Still, she can't help but joke, if only to ease the awkward-borne tension of their poorly defined relationship: "Sorry if I'm not up for the usual—"
"Shut it." He cuts her off swiftly, pinching her chin with his forefinger and middle finger gently. "I'm not in the mood for your nonsense."
She leans back to look up at him indignantly, only to feel her ire fade away as she sees the teasing smirk on his lips.
"Only sleeping," he confirms. "Come on."
He throws back her covers and she snuggles under, watching as he removes his boots and jeans before joining her.
Immediately, he yanks her towards him, the curve of her back and her bottom fitting perfectly into the concave line of his chest and thighs. She feels the hair on his legs tickling the backs of hers and she tucks her cold feet between his ankles.
He hisses at the feeling and she laughs softly, already yawning. She clutches his hand in hers and brings his arm, wrapped around her stomach, higher up her chest until she's cradling it against her, his knuckles skimming her chin. He smells clean, like soap and fresh tobacco, and it's a smell that is so uniquely Mason she can't help but sigh contentedly.
She feels him kiss the top of her head. "Sleep."
His low command puts her even more at ease as she feels herself sinking deeper into slumber.
The rain still patters against the window, picking up again in its intensity.
She snuggles deeper into Mason's embrace, revelling in the warmth of his skin and the comfort and security of his arms.
The storm doesn't bother her again that night.
☾ feel free to send me a prompt
tags: @utterlyinevitable , @ethansramsey , @otherworldlypresents , @aworldoffandoms , @raleighcarrera , @ejunkiet , @starrystarrytrouble , @terrm9 , @openheartthot , @octobereighth , @campsearchlight , @coldshrugs , @kelseaaa , @homeformyheart , @intothestrawberryjar , @magebastard , @kodysteach (if you don’t want to be tagged for twc, mason x detective, and/or prompts, please let me know!)
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fuckingfuckityfuck · 4 years
A/N : I will never ever forget this gif.It lives on my mind rent free so I decided to write something about it.My first ever complete smut so forgive me if there are a couple of mistakes.Practice makes perfect.
Warning/s : S M U T
Pairing : Professor Negan x reader
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You are running late to your first class of the day get.You wished you had waken up at least 10 minutes earlier so you could've taken a bath.But the odds aren't in your favor today.Of all the days you could be late,why does it had to be today?
Professor Negan isn't someone to toy with.Especially with how serious he takes his class.That is why he's your favorite of them all.Being hot and attractive as hell is just a bonus for you.
You cursed and cursed as you stumble through a crowd of students.God,you wished that time would pause and let you breathe for a moment.Your knees still feel weak even after having a good night sleep.
A few students came out of the bathroom and you hastily come inside.Putting your bag beside the sink,you look at yourself at the mirror.Despite trying to brush your hair earlier while walking,it looked like a bird's nest.It was everywhere.Your cheeks are red from the adrenaline rush.In short,you looked like someone who just had sex.
You grabbed your make-up pouch and applied a thin layer of make-up,trying to look decent and not just some whore who got her brains fucked last night.
You wanted to impress him.You sure did got his attention when you raised your hand and volunteered to do the presentation.But here you are,already 5 minutes late to his class.With one last look,you looked pretty good.You just hoped that the skirt would do the trick.
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You knocked twice,trying to be polite and not wanting to embarrass yourself more by just stepping in.You heard shuffling inside and the door is immediately opened.
Kyla,your best friend,was already looking at you with a confused look.You were never late.And then you saw him by his desk,with a hand on his hip.His hair was neatly combed back,his white shirt hugging his physique so well.Geez,you wanted to pounce on him.
"Rule number one we discussed on our first day was to never ever be late on my class.But you,Miss Y/LN,is breaking that number one rule." He said while pointing his finger at you.You looked down and prayed that this day go fast.
"You happily volunteered for this presentation,and now you're *checks his watch* 15 minutes late?Care to explain why?" He asked.
You looked up and saw his eyes dance with humor and his oh so famous cocky smirk.It made you weak.You can't just tell everyone that you were fucked to your limits last night,you just can't.So you had to make a relevant excuse.
"I was up all night reviewing and studying for the presentation,sir,i swear" You explained and pleaded.
"Why don't you prep your things and everyone will finish their quiz?You'll take yours after this class." He said and before you could even reply,he was already walking towards his desk.
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"God,you are such a mighty fine sight of a woman" He said while looking over your choice of clothing.
You smirked and opened your legs toward your laptop camera,wearing nothing but a red baby doll corset and a matching thong with a suspender belt.You knew you looked good.
"All for you,daddy.I'm your good little girl" You said seductively.
He growled and you saw his hands open the zipper of his pants.
"Fuck yes,doll.You're all mine." He said and went to his hands up and down on his gorgeous length.Suddenly,your throat went dry by the sight of it.A huge girth glistening with a precum,you wanted to lick him dry right there and then.
You grabbed your pink rotating rabbit vibrator and turned it on.Fixing your eyes on him as you put it against your clit,you felt yourself moaning at the delicious vibration on your skin,sending goosebumps all over your body.
"That's my good fucking girl,putting a show for me.Now tell me,how much do you want my big fat cock,doll" He asked and watched you play with yourself.
You closed your eyes at the thought of him fucking you merciless under him,his hands pulling your hair,his lips on your neck.You wanted to feel him stretching you out.You wanted him so bad.
"I want you to fuck me til I'm sore,daddy,I want to feel your cock deep inside me" You moaned out,feeling yourself getting near to the edge.
"And i will,doll.I will take my time savoring every inch of your body.Especially that tight young pussy of yours,I will fucking take my time eating you out with my tongue."
"y-yes daddy I want you to make me cum" you moaned.
"Open your damn eyes and look me in the eye.I want to see you cum" he said and you opened your eyes.You switched the mode of vibration to the maximum.
Your knees are shaking,you can feel yourself tighten inside.You stopped yourself from closing your eyes.
You were both looking at each other.Taking in his every movement,you saw his cock pulsate against his hand and a white streak of cum came out.
"Now,be a good girl and let daddy see you cum" he whispered and you came.
You moaned out his name as you felt yourself shake from your release.
"God,you look so beautiful" He said over the laptop camera.
You rolled your eyes and waved him goodbye.
"Yeah,sure,I look like a pimp,Negan" You said and grab your towel to clean yourself.
"You're my dirty pimp.I wanted to punish you earlier for being late but I saw that tight little skirt."
You laughed.The skirt did worked.
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