girlsofthedcu · 12 days
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@ghxstwrxter -- just gonna leave this here for you.
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girlsofthedcu · 4 months
Open Starter - Dinah Queen || Open to All
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“Hey there, Canary Nation. It’s Memorial Day Weekend and you know what that means....BEACH TRIP!!!! Time to say good-bye to Star City and hello to four days of doing nothing but working on my tan...”
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girlsofthedcu · 5 months
//Every time I see the T-Mobile ad with Jason Momoa, Atlanna just starts shaking her head like wtf dad...
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girlsofthedcu · 5 months
"Mother! I am insulted that you even asked. I always have a plan..." Was it a good plan? Probably not. Did it involve breaking and entering? Most definitely. Along with having her super strong, partially Kryptonian boyfriend smash things. But hey... it was a plan.
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@girlsofthedcu​ sent i don’t start shit, but i can tell you how it ends. (mary to babs)
The older redhead held her daughter’s gaze for a moment, stone faced before she let out a loud groan, dropping her head into her hands. “I don’t know who you take after more, me or your father–and I don’t know which option is worse.” Barbara muttered, “Do you at least have a plan?” 
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girlsofthedcu · 6 months
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real lovers reunited Green Arrow (2023-) #6
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girlsofthedcu · 1 year
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girlsofthedcu · 1 year
Was she? She had taken a pretty hard hit to the ribs...but she was still standing, so...  “I’m good. Any idea how we get out of here?” Cause her powers were pretty much useless. She was a touch psychic. In order to use them...she was going to need to touch the enemy.
So hand to hand combat...that was her main contribution to this fight...
@girlsofthedcu liked my starter call
Oliver grunts as he is kicked in the chest, causing him to stumble backwards and crash into Di, now back to back as they are surrounded. He glances over his shoulder at her. “You doing okay?”
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girlsofthedcu · 1 year
The story sounded fairly normal when she began; a simple date between the girls that shouldn’t have spawned her desire to find an outlet for her feelings. Then she mentioned a guy that tried talking to Sara while she was away and that explained it. Though how Oliver was going to explain that she did, in fact, overreact without making the situation worse.
“You know Sara’s only got eyes for one person,” that seemed like an easy way to begin, “and if he backed off, he absolutely got the message.”
“I know. Which was why I was never worried about Sara.” It was the boy who had been her concern. Which was why it was the boy who ended up in the Glades. 
“Would you have gotten the message...” And think carefully about that answer, Oliver. She DOES know all about your history with Coco’s mom and Di and Ollie’s mom.
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girlsofthedcu · 1 year
"That is a distinct possibility." Aly would never say it out loud (out of affection for her older sister) but she did enjoy Damian's ability to sneak up on her. Not many people could achieve that.
Abandoning her copy of Wuthering Heights -- she could finish it later -- she got up off her bed and followed her sister towards the pull down stairs that led into the attic.
"You think? I'd think most of their really cool stuff would be split between their offices and the Hall of Justice."
"Knowing Damien, he'll meet us up there." Zoe was glad her younger sister had friends her own age, that understood what it was like to live the life they did. But she had never had that when she was growing up.
Also, Damien had a tendency to sneak up on Zoe and scare the crap out of her, usually when she had something priceless and/or breakable in her hands.
"Let's go. Besides the Christmas stuff, I bet Mom and Dad have some cool stuff in the attic."
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girlsofthedcu · 1 year
Aly’s weekends were slightly more calm than the rest of her family’s. Slightly. Still being in school meant that her weekends were spent doing homework, lounging about, or occasionally getting dragged into mischief by Damian and Jon. 
Who...might be coming by? It was hard to tell. While Jon was the call ahead, ring the doorbell, and talk to your parents type, Damian was more...appear at your window and tell you to follow him type. So a good 60% of the time, the boys showed up with no warning at all. 
“Good question...but I don’t normally know the answer to that until one of them is knocking. So...if you want to go up in the attic, I say let’s do it.”
@girlsofthedcu liked for a starter
Weekends off were rare in the Prince-Trevor household. Between Diana and Zoe doing research for upcoming collections, and Steve rushing off because he got called into work. There just wasn't a lot of downtime.
But this weekend, Zoe had nothing to do, and Alyona was home too, so it was an opportunity for sister bonding time. There was really nothing else to do.
"Aly, are the Bat kid or the Kent kid coming over today? If not, we're going to dig around in the attic and see what Mom and Dad have hidden up there."
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girlsofthedcu · 1 year
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so the new barbie trailer…
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girlsofthedcu · 1 year
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girlsofthedcu · 1 year
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“I hope that if alternate universes exist, it will still be you and me in the end. I hope that there will always be an us. In every world, in every story.” — Tina Tran
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girlsofthedcu · 1 year
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girlsofthedcu · 1 year
DinahOllie ❤
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girlsofthedcu · 1 year
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I choose you
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girlsofthedcu · 1 year
That is all.
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