#so now I gotta bullshit even harder while not having a single fucking clue as to what the hell im doing
arsonistman · 2 years
What the fuck is up with my school making us come up with our own assignments
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flightofaqrow · 3 years
too far
qrow + Libra Stirling ( @hvithale​​ ) [ spinoff from kiss with a fist ]
“You really think you’re gonna get James back on the ground by instigating fights? By insulting everything he’s struggled and tried to do all on his own?”
“i insulted nothin’. he’s the one thinkin’ he has any damn clue how i do my job. wants to solve everythin’ with shows of force? bullshit! only thing i’m doin’ here is finally playin’ it his way.”
“How is that any different than what you’re doing?”
“Lib, I just said it wasn’t. sometimes ya gotta meet fire with fire t’let someone burn it off and make ‘em listen.” he shakes his head, pinches his nose. and isn’t that what Libra’s trying to do with him in her own ire?
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Not to support the military or anything but background checks are normal for employment and it sounds like a black bird is just salty he can’t pass one without an old mans help and good word.
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“hey, my records are clear! at least until that whole airship thing.”
never caught, if he works alone.
“So you’re starting a fight with James over a clean record?”
Arms cross and an eyebrow lifts. Doubt written plain as day in her features.
“You’re going too far.”
and his eyes roll while his hands hold out disbelieving at his sides,
“this’s clearly about more'n our backgrounds here, Lib. look, just… trust me. …and keep away.”
“Clearly it’s about how you’re stuck so far up Ozs ass that you can’t see his way of doing things isn’t the only thing in the world.”
She’s not moving, she’s getting tired of seeing these fights over and over and if it’s time to be the bad guy to move past it then so be it.
“Or maybe it’s about how you can’t accept change and need some sort of entitlement to feel remotely good about yourself so you decide you know how to lead things better when you’ve got no experience with leadership?”
aaaand she has no idea. clearly her own shit to work out here too; he doesn’t even follow half the points she’s trying to make, let alone where they come from.
fine fine fine. qrow’s the punching bag today.
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“…what, you wanna be next?”
“Sure come on, I’m in a better place than James to handle this shit right now, it’s not like I’m trying to run a whole kingdom or anything.”
She’s quaking, what’s he gonna do insult her and egg her on too?
“You really think you’re gonna get him back on the ground by instigating fights? By insulting everything he’s struggled and tried to do all on his own?”
Does he think she didn’t already try that?
qrow didn’t attack first then, and he’s not now. frowns at how upset Libra is, and for once he feels like he doesn’t even hold enough pieces to try and put them together. and he can’t even blame the alcohol for his brain not working right.
open palm sweeps across his chest.
“i insulted nothin’. he’s the one thinkin’ he has any damn clue how i do my job.”
he scoffs, “wants to solve everythin’ with shows of force? bullshit! only thing i’m doin’ here is finally playin’ it his way.”
“How is that any different than what you’re doing?”
The stoic mask cracks and her voice goes up for a moment before she reels it back down.
“Do you know how to run a kingdom? A school? An army? And please like you know shit about shows of force. You sat back and teased and taunted like a fucking child until he got fed up enough to strike back.”
Arms cross over her chest and white feathers snap to the side, and the scowl she’s got has probably cut down lesser men.
“James isn’t perfect and Atlas can burn, but he is an ally and a friend. He was just as lost as the rest of us after Beacon and had way more on his plate.”
“Lib, I just said it wasn’t. sometimes ya gotta meet fire with fire t’let someone burn it off and make ‘em listen.”
he shakes his head, pinches his nose. and isn’t that what Libra’s trying to do with him in her own ire?
her look’s sharper than her hunk a metal daggers, but qrow’s not lesser; has seen far nastier faces for far nastier reasons from people with far nastier hearts than hers. taken harder hits than what she doles right now.
she wants to turn away, walk away? then fine. he’s used to it.
but qrow won’t stay quiet. never could keep his mouth shut.
because James is their friend. because he does care.
“I don’t have t’be in charge to know someone who is influences everyone under ‘em. and if he’s lost and scared, then everyone else is gonna be in a panic too. you know what happens then. callin’ him on it ain’t teasing. not my fault he don’t feel like talkin’ out the truth.”
James and qrow go way back, he should know how conversations with qrow go. nothing new except James overreacting.
Everything goes red for a moment and Libra has to close her eyes and look away from him. Calm down, this isn’t about you.
“The truth?” She scoffs, “Gods you two are exactly the same, the truth.” She’s pinching her nose and rubbing at her eyes. Futile, every single thing is futile with them.
“Fine fine you’re right then go off and keep on with your truth, I’m done getting in the way then.” Shouldn’t have bothered in the first place.
Hands come up in a show of surrender in the argument and she doesn’t even try to look back or get a word in behind as she turns on a heel and finds the quickest path away from this whole mess.
She needed a drink.
calm, qrow stays calm. stands tall with arms crossed - frustrated, if only in absorbing what spills over from Libra, in the unsettling tension of another friend all worked up and ready to count him out ripping at familiar pains, fraying his nerves which buzz at him to settle it. he’s frustrated… but grounded in what he knows he has to do. as a friend. as a huntsman.
“yeah, we are in a lotta ways. so, like i said, trust both of us to work it out.”
honestly, she shouldn’t have. none of her business how two men hash it out. but concern does crazy things to people. so does experience.
Libra does turn away, and qrow tilts his head to the ground, frowning deeper, looking smaller. in quiet breath, he expresses the hope he still holds, but never really expects. not anymore.
because that’s his experience. unfolding yet again right now. or rather, falling apart.
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“…we’re all supposed to be in this together.”
he could use a drink too. or three.
follow-up drabble: caring
sequel: atlas admissions
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cdc1345711 · 4 years
The Prime Order: OCS Attack
(A Cloaked Figure was disrupting the Natural Order of the My Hero Universe by killing the League of Villains and after they fixed the disturbance the Prime Order faced the Perpetrator only to find out he was Chip.....Nephew of Sleep Master. After Chip was captured and put in his cell he finally told his Uncle the reason for his capture.....)
Chip:I had a few of my friends teleport you and your little team to our Universe to just kick your Ass"
Sleep Master:You think we're unprepared? Starla defenses"
Starla:On it Grandpa(she heads out)"
SM:(To his nephew)You realize you can't win right Nephew?"
Chip:Maybe...but your Band of Power Cunts never faced an Army bigger than the Cartoon-Force"
(Sleep Master just looks and turns not uttering a single word to Chip as through the hall Starla aka Dream Maker is heading straight for the Control room as she runs into her Teammates and Friends)
Devon:Hey Starla you saw the massive Army outside right?"
Starla:(Looks out the Window and sees them)HOLY MOLY THAT'S A LOTTA OCIES"
Marlon:Zella and Accel are activating the weapons until the shields are up"
Tamyra:Ain't that a little extreme?"
(A loud blast fired shaking their base)
Marlon:Better to be Extreme than sorry"
(Starla makes it to the Control Room and activates the Shields that in seconds cover the whole base)
Starla:Shields up"
(In the War Room)
Sleep Master:So exactly how many are out there?"
Maze:Seems either 100 thousand or a million we don't know"
Repulse:What we do know is it's a lot"
Set Zero:One thing Chip was right...bigger than the CFs"
Void:Least they had morals"
Trevor:Well.....what do we do?"
Starla:Well they're still blasting and beating the shield...no clue how much it can take"
Rachel:We could try reasoning with them?"
(Everyone looks at Rachel)
Zella:Hey can't hurt"
(Outside a holographic image of Sleep Master looks out to the Army of OCs as they cease their Onslaught)
General Mosse:Hold your fire....this is new"
Sleep Master:Creatures of this World I may not know the meaning of this attack or why you follow my Nephew in my Orderless chaos filled Crusade but I will give you this one chance to lay down your Arms and leave...."
Dani:And what about Chip?"
Sleep Master:...Though I admire the dedication my Nephew is too dangerous to be free so he will remain my prisoner.....but as I said I don't know why you follow him...maybe he's your leader...a friend...or the sort but I feel you must owe him nothing for he is the most violent and vulgar being I ever met in my entire life. So I ask you all to please lay down your Arms and leave"
(After silence the OC Army looks to each other and came to a solution......)
Wilfred(Anthro Stomach):LIGHT 'EM UP!!!!!"
(They all bombard their shield harder now)
Marlon:Got a way with words Sleeps"
Accel:They keep this up the shields will be down in an hour.....5 minutes if the generator blows"
(Sleep Master broods in silence thinking of what to do)
SM:We have one hour you say?....time to prepare"
(As they get ready the group sees Chip one last time)
Set Zero:You some really loyal Friends out there"
Chip:Honestly....some are friends some are acquaintances and the rest are just assholes I tolerate(sees Devon looking on him) what you want 4-eyes?"
Devon:I'm sorry it's just....It's hard to believe you're Mr.Seriphos' Nephew...no family resemblance"
Chip:Born through Life Alchemy boy...hence why I look pretty"
Rachel:Okay I call bologna because I watch Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and I know for a fact Life Alchemy can't make life"
Chip:Huge difference Lassie...for one the Elrics tried to bring back a life with a soul...my Father wanted to create a soul using the usual components with a dash of his blood"
Sleep Master:Making you biologically my Nephew"
Chip:Huh King of the Order Cunts is here hazaaah"
SM:Gaw I hate your language...your Father never cussed"
Chip:Well you change when you're on your own and Life is just one giant Shit Sandwich that does nothing but bring you down"
SM:I'm going outside to try to reason with....your people"
Chip:Charles Coburn created them....you think they'll listen to reason?"
SM:At least I know Charles made one being that prefers diplomacy instead of Grit,Attitude with small minds and tiny egos"
Chip:Oh hohohoho they're gonna have fun kicking your Ass"
(Sleep Master Leaves while Starla looks at him and says...)
Starla:I...just want to ask one thing(Chip raises his Eye)did you really know my Dad?"
Chip:Yeah.....spent my childhood...or what was left of it with him as he and your uncle were training.....thought they'd least come to my rescue when......(doesn't finish)"
Starla:You lost your Dad......"
Chip:Hmmm from a fucked up stand point you and me are the same"
Starla:The Same?"
Chip:Except we both met at the crossroads or saw the light or some Bullshit and why you went the right way or kept looking I strayed away and blinked.....and you had your Grandpa while I had little to no friends"
Devon:(Crying)Oh man.....this is some real Anti-Hero Origin story stuff right here...."
(10 minutes later)
Zella:(Inspecting his Gauntlets and feet)Hmm telling by the worn out dark gray and the little rust your gauntlets seemed to be a few hundred years old"
Chip:421 to be precise.....my Dad made them since I was born without hands or feet"
Accel:Yeah gotta ask you call your creator 'Father' because he created you or..."
Chip:He used his own blood to make me(he said aggravated) so he is my biological Father"
Accel:Not sure that's how genetics works"
Chip:.......(To Zella)when I escape I'm kicking your Boyfriend's Ass"
Zella/Accel:I'm/He's NOT MY BOYFRIEND"
(Another loud blast hits the shields as Marlon looks at Chip)
Marlon:Wooo your pals are really hitting us hard they must really want you back?"
Chip:Eh more of a 'Brothers In Arms' type thing"
Marlon:Huh...long time since we last talked....Me You Sleeps and the Boys....."
Chip:Yeah....hey did Nathan really go Bat Shit crazy hating his Dad?"
Marlon:Blamed him for Junior's Death....if we found Set Zero maybe....look not saying I'm against your methods...Hell Lethal Force should be used but what I saw...oof not even Desert Storm was that bloody"
Chip:I have the power to beat the Shit out of Evil Fucks"
Marlon:Yeah yeah heard this schtick before.....(leaves but looks back saying)I know you're going to escape but promise when you do don't hurt the kids....they're good people"
Chip:Unless one becomes an Evil Tyrant I won't lay a finger on them"
Marlon:Thanks Chip...."
(The Prime Order Meets out on the bay doors)
SM:The Hour is up....Dream Maker Marlon and Void will stay behind with the others as Me Repulse Maze Accel and Zella go and fight Set Zero stay behind on standby when we need you"
Set Zero:Right Boss"
Sleep Master:Our main priority is to make sure they don't rescue Chip....do what you must but don't kill them only maim or subdue"
(The Doors open as the 5 launch drop into the battle as more and more adversaries come at them they all 5 stand their ground with Sleep Master knocking them out,Repulse stabbing and cutting himself and transferring his pain to his attackers,Maze mind manipulating them,Accel Accelerating their atoms and Zella uses their defenses to blast them....while trying to not kill them)
SM:Hold our Ground my Order....HOLD"
(In the distance Wilfred looks at the chaos and calls someone)
Wilfred:POs are busy move on to the next phase"
"Roger Wilfred...."
(Inside the Prime Order base a sort of loud slicing sound can be heard as a large circle was made and tossed aside as figures appear out of it with the leader being.....)
Ari:We're in,now then......(To Caroline, Sheriff Star, Ozlo the Ass,Kurtos,Nibbs Copp and Rankendean enter the base)Let's save our Chip"
(To Be Continued)
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