#so nett
ambrosykim · 11 months
i genuinely believe that the only reason shapiro didn't believe grace about clivesdale students being responsible for max's death is bc she's from chicago and not hatchetfield
you just know that if the head of investigation was from hatchetfield, they would have done anything to make sure all of clivesdale was found guilty, even if they didn't do it
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hcnnibal · 8 months
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OC height chart!
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miabrown007 · 9 months
the summer after finishing university in New York, Marinette gets invited to a camping trip with Alya and Nino and his best friend. which, honestly, is for the best. at least she has more time than the four years she's already had to figure out how to reach out to her one-time superhero partner, with whom she fell out of touch after the reveal.
only, it's Adrien Agreste waiting for them on the meeting point, beaming so hard at her that it's blatantly obvious they know each other well. in her panic, what is Marinette supposed to tell Alya and Nino to protect their identites, if not that they used to date?
(fake exes AU x there was only one tent)
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rosykims · 10 months
anyway <3
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mystic-myrtille · 1 year
What do you think was the most pointless plot point in the show?
Couldn’t pick just one so here‘s a list in no particular order:
Rich kid sentimonsters: uninteresting, confusing, stupid
The mari//chat mini arc thing in s5: cute but ultimately just fan service and Mari went back to Adrien either way so yeah
Chloe‘s „arc“ post s3 : she just became annoying and pathetic. If the show gets rebooted one day I hope she gets redeemed just to spite on Astruc
Luka figuring out both identities: leads to brazil nowhere
Marinette‘s dating trauma: super unnecessary, just there to drag thing out further and created more inconsistencies (but also it made me feel validated in shipping Lukanette so at least I got something out of it😂)
Gabriel‘s redemption: … why? (Obviously bc the show just really loves white men who really love their family a lot uwu🥺)
Adrien staying oblivious to all of this: just straight up insulting to his character
Su-Han: he‘s literally just there to yell at Mari and not be her mentor and serves no purpose at all
Magical akuma charms: didn‘t they work just so well?
Jagged the deadbeat dad: the way everyone just went along with it? hello?? THE POTENTIAL FOR ANGST??
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ice-cweam-sod4 · 4 months
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Starting back with making birthday cards we have Terrence ::3 (His broomquet flowers are, cherry blossoms, daisies and morning glorys)
Although I did not have time to really think about what lines he would have I and @twstinginthewind came up with an interview between him and her oc Hiro. Interview is under the post
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It was a bright afternoon on the NRC campus as the golden hour was swiftly approaching. Classes had been over for quite a while and while on any day qualifying races would have been taking place for the first years, today would not be the case as it was Terrence’s birthday.
After the initial celebration began for him at the stroke of midnight with him being awoken roughly by his siblings he was in a calm state for the rest of the day. Unlike other students of the dorm that would use their birthday as the perfect opportunity to get whatever they wanted from the housewarden and the dorm, Terrence was not so keen in partaking in the tradition. 
For him, Terrence’s birthday was always a day where he’d keep to himself and become lost in thought of the events that have occurred in his life.  As for now however he was waiting near the statues of the seven for his interview lost in thought again.
Terrence: It seems you are my interviewer, Hiro is your name yes?
Hiro: Sure is, and a real pleasure to meet ya, Mister Von Schweetz! Wow, that sure is a flashy get-up that you’re wearing; those robes look really cool on ya!
Terrence: *Smiling a bit* Thank you, I think the get up for this year is alright, I’m just content it doesn’t clash too much with my palette. What are the questions you have for me? You can ask them at any time 
Hiro: Oh! Right, right, I keep forgetting that this isn’t exactly a social call, haha! But before anything else, I do wanna make sure that I remember to wish you a very happy birthday! It isn’t often that I get to say that in an official capacity, and I know that sometimes you’re not always easy to get to, so I’m real glad I can tell ya this in person instead of just on Magicam….
Terrence: Thank you, out of all the people who have wished me that today, you sound like one of the few that has been sincere, hopefully it's not all an act.
Hiro: *eyes wide* Gosh, Mister Von Schweetz! I wouldn’t wanna be insincere on your birthday. It needs to be a good day for you, after all, right? But let’s have a little fun, and get to your questions!
Terrence: I only joke (mostly) but yes, let's move on.
Hiro: Allllll righty! Okay, for our first question… assuming unlimited magic and supplies, what’s the one place in the world that you’d fly to, and what do you want to do there?
Terrence: It would have to be the Scalding Sands, despite the weather conditions I would like to go there  and maybe spend a few weeks there taking in the culture.
Hiro: Ooh! I haven’t been there myself, but living in Scarabia this year has definitely given me an appreciation for the culture. The music is top-notch!
Terrence: Yes, when I was younger my mother used to take me to visit her side of the family, if I ever had the chance to return for a bit I would like to get some answers and learn more about her life growing up.
Hiro: That’s a lot like me, if I could get the chance to head back to Port o’Bliss to see my family’s old stomping grounds. Do you still have family you’re close to in the Scalding Sands?
Terrence: I wish I could say yes but unfortunately no, although I was still a child at the time looking back now most of those visits my mother paid to her family were very brief. Normally we would only visit for 10 minutes before we left to see Kalim’s family and spend the rest of our visit there. 
Hiro: At least Kalim and his family are fantastic hosts, so it must have been a good time. Ooh, you could use your visit to reconnect with the family, though! Maybe even spend a whole day, if you wanted. 
Terrence: That is true, but the ball is mostly in my mothers side of the family’s court if I do go.
Hiro: Well, family and vacation aside, we still have some more interview to work through. So let me continue on! What is your best subject here at Night Raven College, and is it your favorite?
Terrence: It goes without saying, its history from a young age the history of the Glace Duchy captivated me however now that I am learning about other nations and even ones that fell a long time ago I have gained a new respect for archivists in Twisted wonderland.
Hiro: Oh, I agree! It feels like every time we learn about someplace new, we’re meeting all of these tremendous personalities and hearing their stories! There’s really nothing else like it.
Terrence: It’s thanks to what we have documented a long time ago that we can even have an identity and also compare when we are progressing and regressing.
Hiro: Do you like the way that our professors present the material? Or do you prefer to do your own research? Maybe go a little more in-depth?
Terrence: I cannot really say much on the seven but I personally believe that professor Trein views the acts of the candy king through caramelized rose coloured glasses. 
Hiro: Caramel roses… what a sticky, sweet kind of view to take!
Terrence: I am not sure if that is also how he approaches the other members of the seven due to their descendants like Leona and Malleus attending this school but personally I rather have a teacher be honest with how they feel about the seven rather than just biting their tongue and singing their praises to high heaven in hopes that their descendants don’t tear up and throw a hissy fit.
Hiro: *snickering* I can’t speak for any Seven in my blood, but I think anyone pouting over ancient history would be pretty amusing. Maybe one day you’ll be that straight-shooting teacher! Which leads me to our last question: What do you see yourself doing in five years?
Terrence: *Terrence’s smile drops* Possibly I might take up my father’s position as Duke. It’s not what I want to do however there are no real options available and with the current state that many of the politicians have placed the Glace Duchy in, I’m unsure if I will even have the legal power to do anything about it.
Hiro: *wincing slightly, he rubs the back of his neck.* Aw gosh, I didn’t wanna hit a bad note with that. If you didn’t have to inherit a title, though, what would you most *want* to do?
Terrence: *Terrence stays silent for a minute* Out of all the things, I would become a diplomat for the Duchy. I know it sounds like I wouldn’t leave but at least in that position I could actually be in a position that did something for the country and be able to make life for the people in the Duchy better.
Hiro: It sounds an awful lot like the folks there mean a lot to you. They’re lucky to have you on their side.
Terrence: It’s more like, I don’t want the current people in power to hurt them on a global scale for the sake of greed and keeping certain secrets hidden from the public.
Hiro: ….
Dang. Well!! It looks like my interview time is just about coming to an end. Do you have any final thoughts before you take your triumphant flight into the sunset?? 
Terrence: Hmm, you plan to go into showbiz, yes?
Hiro: Huh? Oh, yes sir, that is what I’m hoping for! Even just as a character actor, or behind the scenes. I like helping big stories get told.
Terrence: Us cy-beings are fully aware of how the greater public view us, no matter what part of production you take part in, please at least attempt to have non stereotypical roles be cast for cy-being actors. I and many others are getting tired of the disgusting grotesque insectoid trope. Then again I don’t write the scripts. 
Hiro: I gotta say, every cy-being I’ve met from the Duchy has been just as varied and complex as anyone else from anyplace else. I’ll do what I can to help get your stories told, too. Long as you can keep on hoping and dreaming, I’ll hope and dream along with you.
Terrence:*grabbing his broomquet* I will do my best!
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scribblekingdom · 6 months
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Bluebell eyes? No. Bluebell hair.
(Or both. Both is good)
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k-looking-glass-house · 2 months
Hope you're doing well, my friend!! Just wanted to drop a note to say hello and wish you a glorious first day of summer. Now's the time of year to switch to mojitos and margaritas, haha! They're more summery to me.
Anyway I just miss seeing you! Hope all is well, and that you're having a wonderful June! 🧡🧡🧡
OMG Nette~
I wanted to reply to you since a while but life..... How are you? How is your summer?? Lol I never had margaritas but I do know mojito!! (even if I switch rhum with Champagne and add strawberrry......yay Royal Mojito...)
God...Nette.... you are such a gentle and kind soul!!
And I hope the universe know and only fill your life with good things!! Because you deserve it!
Well now it is almost august....I am so late......my dear....I really hope you are doing fine!!
Take care!!!
I mean it!!
Thank you!!!!!
See you soon~
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piracytheorist · 19 days
So remember how I said that someone reposted my ouat out of context video on youtube? They'd set it to private and good on me for checking because it's back on public now. Jeez some people are stupid.
I've asked them twice now, kindly too and with understanding, to take it down, but looks like they just wanna ignore me.
Idek. I'm not like, super upset, but I also don't want them thinking they can just do shit like that. But I also don't want them getting harassed or bullied, so my only thought is they would delete the reposted video if it got a bunch of dislikes. Reporting the video probably won't work because it's probably copyrighted material and I might get in trouble too.
Like idk would y'all be normal and just go to the video, if I gave you the link, and just hit dislike without commenting anything?
UPDATE: LMAO she chickened out after I made another comment asking her to delete it and she made the video private again. I don't think she realizes how youtube works lmao. Anyway. I'll be checking once in a while, to see if she tries to siphon off views again.
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luqlustra · 1 year
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Alternate Prompt: Who is your newest OC?
Currently I have these ladies and only two of them have names right now. [Finding good names is very hard WHEEZE] I decided to just attempt drawing them over the past few days so the quality varies but I will definitely have to draw them more
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ambrosykim · 11 months
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i find it an interesting detail that this is where the thumbnail comes from, specifically the frame where he says "demonized" (from the titular song)
now i've only watched npmd once so idk if there's any like. subtext as to if max was a typical bully in how if he bullied others due to his own background or insecurities or if he was just genuinely just a terrible person, but it seems interesting that starkid chose this specific frame to go on the thumbnail (i get it he does look frightening and cool at once and it conveys the vibe of the musical)
i mean it's obvious that he's a completely deranged person (i think especially after coming back from the dead) but yeah, what i thought was interesting, was that by starkid choosing this specific frame, they're also immediately demonizing him to anyone that stumbles upon the musical, even before starting it so!!!
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hcnnibal · 1 month
do you ever get sad that we all kind of latched onto angel 1 and angel 2 so now you’re sharing that story instead of riley and tan and nette’s or is that like asking you to pick between your children
not at all, nette’s story and the characters in it were written when i was still in middle/high school and alot of the story arcs were stuff… ive already resolved irl… so im glad to be working on a1/a2 stuff
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short-and-ugly · 1 month
urge to write with no idea where to fucking start why do i have so many words????
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tears-of-xion · 1 year
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A redraw of an old drawing I did back in 2019!
Just a cute Marinette, offering up a love letter to her romantic interest (in my mind it’s Adrien...but it could be Chat Noir....or even someone else?)
Please do not use or re-post my artwork without my permission. Thank you!   (reblogs, however, are welcome and appreciated)
I do not own Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, nor it’s characters. All rights to their owners.
Old version from 2019 under the cut:
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the-scarlet-manor · 2 months
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Neta neta neta neta
- AZ
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allesrelativnormall · 4 months
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Sagt mir, dass ich nicht die einzige Person bin, die daran gedacht hat😭
Joshi was giving ✨maulende Fenster nachbar oma✨today
I loved it though
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