#so my nano is partially this and partially some original space pirate shit
deesarrachi · 11 months
last line challenge
Tagged by @desperatepleasures
Rules: show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
He was probably staring a lot more than was polite or acceptable in a community center, but if Suki hadn't stopped him yet, it was because she was staring, too, so at least they were together in that.
Am I writing a Zukka LGBT youth group meet cute based on how my husband met his bestie? Maybe!
I hate tagging people! I feel like I'm intruding! anyway @kitkatsudon @bewareofitalics @nonimaginaryfriend and anyone else, I don't even think I know 35 more people lmaoooooooooo
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