#so much is very waffly and unclear in my attempts to make an impact and i can already see how i want to fix that
radellama · 2 years
If you're still taking asks for the fanfic questions - 1+3+5+15 for Faith
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
Man it's been so long since I wrote this that it's a little hard to remember. I know that what I wanted to do was create my take on The Legend™ of what led to Hylia knighting the original Link + what led to her choice to shed her divinity. It was going to lead right up to the events of Skyward Sword, acting as a full prequel.
Another thing worth mentioning for influence is the himekawa manga- there were some visuals in there that I really wanted to expand upon, but I did try to go through my own route- inspiration not imitation yknow?
The main draw, and unique point, I feel is the way that I'm building the narrative between current events and links memories. I wanted there to be two stories unfolding parallel- I wanted the main stuff with Hylia to be linear (in respect to the games) and links memories to be nonlinear (to give some agency for the viewer to figure stuff out themselves) - so weaving memories in at points where link is unconscious or zoning out was a fun challenge for me as a writer to add context and for readers to rearrange based on how I've linked them
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
It amused him, that his dying thoughts were to a goddess he had long lost his faith to, yet at death's calling it seemed only appropriate.
5: What part was hardest to write?
Sighhhhh as I said it's been so long... I think where I stopped WAS the hardest part- because I hadn't finished forming my plans for the narrative but I had a clear idea of where I wanted to go. So it feels like I burnt my bridge before I even got to it. I really loved what I put down (I wouldn't have posted if I wasn't happy with it) but I think I need to replay ss, plan it better and then restart this fic tbh. My writing has improved since I wrote that as a teen and my author-ial quirks and flairs are much more defined, so I wouldn't need to change much other than tightening it up when I restart.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
How to plan (by doing it wrong)
I had some plans but I was too vague with myself and didn't link plot points in ways I could understand when time had passed. Because of that, when I inevitably got busy with trying to graduate high school and then starting work/adult life, I ran out of steam and found myself unable to access the headspace I needed to jump back in.
Now, I have better planning. My magland story is planned in a similar way to this hylink one, it's the natural evolution of what I wanted to plan when creating a fic like this- and because I've also learnt more about how nitpicky I am (and that in general I'm a busy person) that just by the sheer amount of time it takes me to get chapters out, I'll need better plans for bigger things. That's why I've gone insane with planning my st au, cause I know it'll take forever, and it has.
I really really want to continue this fic, I still think about it often- I just feel guilty that I can't regain the original headspace to continue and therefore had to drop it. Other stuff, mainly my chrono stuff, has a stronger inspiration for me right now, but my chrono stuff wouldn't be half as good if I didn't start with this fic, yknow? Just wait like..5 years lmao. I really do intend to revisit this soon. I just think I need to finish some other fics first and grind that xp lmao
Send me some asks about my fics~
You can read Faith here
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