#so much garashir fanfic
ectogeo-rebubbles · 1 month
Can I have Siskarak fanfic recs, please? I've only read a few (can't remember too well at 3AM; one on the Defiant comes to mind), and I was surprised by how well the vibe worked!
Oh absolutely. 😈 Fair warning that I’m gonna rec a LOT of my own fics bc I’m shameless like that, but also because I’ve written like 25% of the Siskarak fics that exist. 😂 Of course in addition to my little ramblings, please check all the tags and summaries on these and just read the ones that speak to you! 💖 And now, in no particular order:
so, I lied, I cheated by me - My beloved siskarak novella!! 🥰 It’s an In the Pale Moonlight AU where Sisko and Garak fake an affair to explain why they are meeting together secretly all the time now, so that no one will realize it’s actually bc they’re conspiring to bring the Romulans into the war. It’s a VERY cracky premise, and I then treat the implications of that premise with the utmost severity haha. It’s a big clusterfuck of them making each other worse and ruining each other’s lives but I did aim for a hopeful ending for them and for their healthier relationships (siskasidy and garashir). I’m so proud of it, I have some planted some insane character insights into there that I truly can’t figure out other simpler ways to express/convince people of than by writing them into a complicated angsty porny ITPM-but-way-worse fic.
And Scene by Flazéda (peternurphy) - Obsessed with this one. Sisko and Garak have to go undercover at a sex club, and I am just such a sucked for fake relationship scenarios. I’m also never not thinking about the moment in this fic where Sisko muses internally on how spanking Garak’s ass with a paddle is satisfying in the same way as swinging a baseball bat.
Moonlight Still Casts Shadows by Warpcorps @spocksbeanies - This one is SO HOT. It’s post-ITPM and Sisko is continuing to compromise his morals in delicious, sexy ways to accomplish his goals. 😈 (He’s having sex with Garak to keep him happy and working for him.)
Decadence: In His Service by JA Chapman is soooo good and sooo insane and I want to read approximately 10k more words about the messy, messy scenario described. Siskarak is only a secondary ship, the main one shown is Sloan/Sisko. I don’t particularly buy into it as realistic, but this fic ask all kinds of questions and offers NO answers, and I am driven insane by it every day, I do still recommend. XD
Exaltation by @hellostuffedtiger is another good one involving Sloan and it is much closer to canon than the above hahaha. Sisko and Garak have casual sex, then discuss S31 and Sloan and how to protect Bashir.
going up, going down by me - Crackfic to the max, haha! Garak gives Sisko a blowjob in the turbolift and they get caught.
Plausible Deniability by katiemariie is really interesting and reading it helped kick off my interest in the ship! I do have some small quibbles with it bc I don’t really buy that Garak isn’t interested in Bashir or that Siskarak could actually become a sustainable romantic ship, but oh man other than that the dynamic is great here!
Captain’s Whore by @the-last-dillpickle - Garak pettily making sure everyone knows he’s Sisko’s mistress is just so fun and delightful 😂
partners in crime by anonymous - A tasty little post-ITPM PWP where Sisko does a bit of introspection about himself and Garak’s effect on him.
you’re a criminal as long as you’re mine by me - This might be the one on the Defiant you’re thinking of. It’s set during Second Skin. I wanted to write a lower stakes, chiller, flirtier Siskarak dynamic here and I really really like how it turned out 🥰
A few more very short fics by me:
me and the devil walking side by side
lying down with dogs
dirty little secret
never loved nobody fully (alternate Siskarak ending) (there’s also a podfic of this drabble by klb and blackglass and horchatapods… I know at least one of you is on tumblr and I can’t remember which rn)
Not super shippy but def have some fun and somewhat charged Sisko and Garak interactions:
Farce of the Prophets by @cardassiangoodreads - This one involves Garak messing with Sisko a little bit haha. It’s got those fake relationship elements I love so dearly 🥰
Dance of Fools by stuffedtiger - More Siskarak fake relationship stuff 😈 They dance 🥰
redacted by me - Garak and Sisko figuring out how to work together when they are both stationed on Starbase 375 at the beginning of s6.
This was so fun to put together, thanks for this ask, I love gushing about my fave siskarak fics 💖
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tokidokifish · 1 year
it’s just so funny to hear the “garashir is unhealthy” discourse as the big dumb baby i am, who actually doesn’t much care to seek out toxic relationships and balks on reading fanfics that are even tagged with bittersweet ending. i am a vanilla wafer of a fandom girlie and i fuckin LOVE garashir bc i think it’s a genuinely healthy relationship built on mutual respect and affection, and buddy what else do you even NEED??
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vexingvorta · 9 months
I've been in the DS9 fandom, and I've realized that rarepairs don't tend to get much attention, unless it's to prop up a more popular character or ship; so, starting on Sunday, March 10th..
DS9 Rarepair Week, 2024!
Sun. March 10th - Sat. March 16th
Prompt List:
Sun. 10th: First Meeting
Mon. 11th: Love Languages/Affection
Tue. 12th: Alternate Universe
Wed. 13th: Their Future
Thurs. 14th: Loss
Fri. 15th: Courtship
Sat 16th: Free Space
The sky's the limit! Feel free to post art, fanfic, playlists, mood boards, gif sets, and edits; whatever you wish to create to honor your rarepairs and crack ships is allowed and encouraged! The only requirement is that your ship is a rarepair; we don't want more popular ships (sorry kirodo and garashir shippers) clogging up the tags.
Tag your posts with #DS9RarepairWeek for easy viewing! I'm looking forward to seeing all your submissions!
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theonlyfeckuser · 25 days
im sure theres some excellent garashir fanfic out there but as much as i would love to be a monsterfucker, i am not, and we have not decided on a standardised genital model for cardassians so i just get really confused
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sutekinaoneesan · 9 months
DS9 gen Julian Bashir fanfic
I just read a story I really liked! It's gen, novel-length AND all about Julian. It's called The Darkness Within by Mijra on ff.net and the focus is on Julian's (toxic) childhood with a lot of angst and a plot twist I really hadn't seen coming! I've been reading a lot of Garashir stories recently but it was nice to have a non-slash story about Julian once in a while. So much trauma the poor boy is going through. Goes straight to my h/c folder! There seem's to be more from the author. Can't wait to go through her (?) other stories.
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theimaginatrix27 · 1 year
So my brain is mostly Garashir and has been for a week.
And it only just now dropped a bodyswap plot in my lap (probably because it's one of my other favourite tropes). I'm almost sure the only bodyswap Trek episode was the one from TOS, and if there's a fic revolving around Garashir with this premise I would like a link thanks.
But how my brain imagines this roughly going is:
Sometime during canon, probably post Julian being replaced by the Changeling and subsequently retrieved (but please understand this is meant to be a light-hearted incident), there's an incident and Garak and Julian end up in each others' bodies.
And decide they will have to pretend to be each other until they can work out how to fix this, because everyone else on the station has enough to deal with, and they both have excellent memories and have been watching each other do their thing for years, it'll be fine!
Garak can get most of the mannerisms and accent down, but can't be as casual as Julian is to save his life. Also he's not a doctor.
Julian is trying his best, but his impression of Garak is painfully OTT.
Odo's suss on them immediately. Miles freaks out and thinks Julian's been Changelinged again, or something. Possibly culminating in Julian's body getting decked. Julian-in-Garak hears about this, panics, and goes to find Miles and explain.
He finds Dax first, who believes him immediately because it tracks with everything she's been hearing today. They do find Miles but he doesn't believe Julian's story, at least at first.
Garak also breaks character because concussion/the stress of being human/ill-equipped for the situation and not wanting to admit it, and the minute they're in proximity, which Dax helps arrange, the two of them start arguing. Their back-and-forth is unmistakable and Miles finally accepts the story.
Dax gets Kira and Sisko, despite both Julian and Garak's protests. Nerys finds the situation hilarious for some reason. Ben is on three hours of sleep and just looks at them, sighs, and goes, "Explain."
They explain the situation to the best of their abilities and the situation does get resolved, and does end with Garashir sex.
Optionally, the whole thing is orchestrated by the Prophets because they are sick and tired of them not admitting they're into each other. Seriously, the sexual tension is so potent they can feel it on their plane, and time is not linear. (Look I know they don't do that much interference in canon but this is a fanfic and a comedic one at that!) In this version, the plot is resolved by them doing said confession, at which point they snap back into their own bodies.
I don't have details and unless I get them, I'm not writing this, but I had to get it out of my brain 'cause I'm sleepy and didn't want to lose any bits before it was recorded.
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I've just re-read my biggest fanfic achievement in English, my DS9 fan novel, and.... it was so fucking good. I thought it was boring and I've gotten much better since then, but it's still gold. It could use a new polish, because in many ways I have gotten better, but it's gold. And it deserves the sequel I've been promising.
I can't believe I wrote this. It's like the story was already alive somewhere and it just used me to be told through. And there's so much more that needs to be said... too bad there's only maybe a dozen people who care xD.
But reading it again (even just a third, the part after the comment I've recently received after a long time of silence) reminded me of the most important reason why I write: I wanna be the one in awe, having fun reading my own stuff some time later. With luck I'll be old one day and I'll have all these memories to go over again. It's like a time machine for your mind.
The Casualty will need an overhaul, and I'm thinking I'll start with that to get back into the DS9 groove... and then I might have enough motivation to start the sequel again. And I think that this time I won't care about anyone saying it's boring. I can't please everyone. I will aim to please myself... and whoever happens to like what I write will be an added bonus.
There will be more Garak this time around - even Garashir, eventually, in hints - but gawd, let me do it my way. Being force-fed Garashir in every fucking DS9 group was exhausting. So I'll stay away from fans for as long as I'm writing. There's waaayyy too much Garashir without me adding to it, so if it's not up to the fan's standards, whatever - I'm writing this for Damar. He's the reason this huge feat of a novel exists in the first place - and he deserves the spotlight, especially since he doesn't have many fans.
Oh well. It makes sense that very few people are burdened with such impeccable taste 😈
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chitinleg · 9 months
so if someone was theoretically going to write a fic based off of the tags on that one very excellent garashir artwork you did... what would be a suitable villain role and/or scheme for garak to play? i know basically nothing about spy media and even less about james bond. i googled "most homoerotic james bond villain" and that was interesting but not helpful for this scenario... idk i want to really do this justice so i figured i could ask, since you came up with the idea in the first place and i guess that means this is a gift for you? and everyone else who liked that piece? thank you for your time :)
this is SUCH a charming question to receive!!! it's an honor that my art might inspire others to create! that said, here is my advice: i think you should follow your heart, mainly! i say this to everyone about everything but its very true, with writing especially, i think, you might want to write things that are especially interesting to you so that its exciting to keep going with them
personally, i don't watch a lot of spy media, i disliked james bond as a kid and i still dislike him now, so the character archetypes and plots from that wouldn't interest me enough to write a fanfic off of—i could read ds9 fic based off of them easily bc i love the ds9 characters!!! but. i couldn't write like that. therefore, i can't give you useful answers from that canon. i can give you this, but i don't know if it will be helpful: i think i would first start with the question—what about garak excites you? what puts you on the edge of your seat with him? what about julian—what actions do you like to see him take? what decisions of his make you giddy? how do you like to dig into his character? how do you like to dig into garak's? if you write down the answers to your question, it becomes the puzzle of how you can get everything you want out of the fic. the beautiful thing about the holosuite is that anything can happen at all, and while you're telling a spy story, it doesn't have to all be spy tropes. you could, if you wanted, play out a shakespeare play (your favorite shakespeare play, assuming you don't hate them all) as if it were a spy thriller! Sure, what's Twelfth Night as a spy thriller? We already have many characters playing with the fluidity of identity, going by different names, taking on different roles, gaining trust and acting on their own best interests. Just raise the stakes a little. is this insane? i feel insane. is it worth anything? i hope so. my ending point is: i am not so good at writing advice! i'm a much better drawer than a worder, but it's a gift already that you've said my art has motivated your desire to create!!!!!!!!! from there on—don't worry about what i want at all, don't worry about doing my work justice!!! take what excites you about the idea, take what excites you from your own ideas, and build it into something that makes you giddy to work on!!! i believe in you, and you have the world at your fingertips!!!!!!
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nebulouscoffee · 2 years
for the emoji ask: 💖, ✅ + 🧠 (i'm picking kira nerys)
Thank you for the ask! <3
💖 What made you start writing?
In general? Tbh I can't remember a time when I wasn't writing, I was that weird lil kid who had to come up with names + personalities + storylines for everything lol! Fanfic specifically, I started in September 2021- I'd just finished a DS9 rewatch, and my three biggest brain worms were 1. ahh there's no way Sisko would abandon Jake forever right??? ('Don't Mind Us'), 2. ahh we totally could've had S7 with Jadzia and Ezri both!!! ('Who We Are'), and 3. ahh garashir endgame garashir endgame on Cardassia!!! ('Home'). Venn diagram all that with some irl stuff I was trying to process- plus there being some god-tier (and I mean god-tier) garashir fic in the tag at the time, which really inspired me- and I just thought, "yeah why not try sorting out your Thoughts by writing about the space fam? It's not like you're ever gonna post it, right?" ... anyway,
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Ooh... I guess Bashir trying to cure the Jem'Hadar of their dependency on Ketracel-white does show up in my fics a lot! Idk there's just something very compelling to me about someone (particularly a character of colour) genetically engineered for "perfection" who's now constantly policed and stuck being the "model" augment just finally going screw it and helping liberate a race of genetically engineered enemy soldiers- both medically, and helping them regain their agency and reclaim their culture and stuff. I also just simply think it's something Julian would do :)
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
Thanks for picking the LOML! I don't know if there's a favourite (I think about her way too much for that lol), but one that's possibly more unique is, I definitely read Kira as someone with unexamined and internalised caste biases? Given that the Bajorans canonically set aside the D'jarra system less than 50 years prior, I've never quite bought that casteism (something so deeply baked into a society) could be completely gone from Bajor- I mean caste-conscious cultures insidiously segregate people at every level from educational institutions to dining areas; even the way newspapers report lower caste casualties is shockingly different to upper caste ones! Personally I headcanon that the Resistance was probably caste-blind for the most part, but that doesn't mean Kira (whose caste seems to be mid-hierarchy) wasn't both deprived of certain privileges, and allowed certain others she wasn't even aware of- and this in turn informs some of the beliefs she expresses on the show (for example, she couldn't see the Jem'Hadar boy from 'The Abandoned' as capable of transcending his purpose in life, etc). It's a fascinating and totally understandable character flaw imo, and one that Nana Visitor always tackled with such sincerity and empathy- I adore how much Kira grows in this regard <3
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 10 months
for fanfic end of the year asks
16. (you can list them all or give me a count total of the # of stories you wrote this year.)
😈. (My own question). All the ships you wrote this year and the number of times you tagged for each.
Hehehe yaaaay, more questions, thank you! ^_^ (fanfic end of the year asks)
[EDITED on Dec 31, 2023 to account for my insane December writing binge]
16. fic(s) you completed this year
31 fics!!! 7 of those were drabbles (that is, exactly 100 words long, which is what drabble means), 3 of them were written for a challenge that strictly limited the length to 250 words, and the other 21 were one-shots of varying length. I'm grouping them like this because the word count limitations def produces a different style of fic than when I can just write as many words as I need in order to tell the story I want to tell. XD Anyway, I've also included brief notes after each fic title about which fic is which, bc I can never remember my own fic titles so how can I expect you to, lmaooo.
wrapped up in books: the mortifying ordeal & hearts on a shelf (Garashir + books)
your move (Garashir + board games)
With a Bow (Garashir + gift giving)
Presence (Garashir pre-slash + The Wire)
waiting in vain (Sloan POV Garashir)
dirty little secret (ITPM Siskarak)
250-word ficlets
intergrown (Kireiko + the trauma of pregnancy)
all the things she said (Kireiko + cheating)
these sordid kinds of things (Kirawinn + power plays)
the rest of my fics
cover your hand with mine (Garashir fake dating to real dating speedrun)
the next thirty (old married Garashir)
on point like a laser (OMB Garashir)
The Inherent Homoeroticism of Citizenship Paperwork (post-canon Garashir + greencard marriage. by me and @sapphosewrites)
Whisper a Dangerous Secret (Garashir + secrets. also by me and sapphose)
home is wherever I'm with you (Garashir + Garak exile angst + Second Skin)
The Chloe Aka Incidents: nothing to hide & only bought this dress so you could take it off (OMB AU feat. holo!Siskarak and Garashir getting together)
save me from the dark (Garashir + mad scientist Julian bringing Garak back to life + The Wire)
the world will never take my heart (Garashir pre-slash + Julian getting beat up by Jem'Hadar + In Purgatory's Shadow/By Inferno's Light)
uninvited (Sloan vs Garak + Garashir)
sleeping with the enemy (Goran'ashir)
a little less alone (Garak/Odo)
conduit (Kirawinn crack fic + sexual religious ceremonies)
nightmare (Sloanshir + noncon somno)
seat of power (one-sided Disko with Dukat wanting desk sex)
physical (Garashir + infirmary sex)
lose the battle, win the war (Sloanshir + Julian letting Sloan fuck him as part of a plan to bring down s31)
don't rain on my parade (Garashir + OMB + airplane sex + so much cum)
the calm after the storm (Garashir getting together + haircuts + post-IPS/BIL)
expectant (Garashir + pregnancy kink + the episode Cardassians)
😈. (My own question). All the ships you wrote this year and the number of times you tagged for each.
Oooh, I love your question 😈 <3 Here's all the ship tags I used on my fics for the year:
Julian Bashir/Elim Garak (21) Elim Garak/Benjamin Sisko (2) Kira Nerys/Keiko O'Brien (2) Julian Bashir/Luther Sloan (2) Kira Nerys/Winn Adami (2) Dukat/Benjamin Sisko (one-sided) (1) Elim Garak/Odo (1) Julian Bashir/Goran'Agar (1) Elim Garak & Luther Sloan (1) Hippocrates Noah/holo!Elim Garak (1) lowkey unrequited sloanshir (1) (this is the only freeform tag I used this year I'm including, and just because it amuses me ^_^)
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tokidokifish · 1 year
garashir for ship asks!!!
What made you ship it?
i don't know. listen - you may think i'm being oblique. but the fact is i heard about garashir LONG before i ever got into ds9, we're talking YEARS back; i can't even remember who i knew that shipped it, because it was just that long ago. i even tried reading a fanfic, though i can't remember what it was or even where it was, because this might have predated ao3. like even before i got into the show, something about that pairing Appealed To Me. and then, of course, i DID watch the show and Whoo Boy. i mean have you SEEN them interact. i think, honestly, what sealed the deal for me - what got be truly invested - was - well, for one thing, i tend to automatically rebel against relationships that the canon WANTS to happen; even if it's a relationship i end up liking it takes me a while to come around to it bc i'm so burned out on the vibe of "he was a guy, she was a girl, can i make it any more obvious?" that so many het romances get slapped with. i'm always looking for the characters that have the most chemistry (in my opinion) and goddamn call those bitches a science department because they have maybe the most chemistry of any two characters in that show. they challenge each other in the best way! and they just LIKE each other. what a novelty! i've got my fondness for the whole slap-slap-kiss trope, but god do shows and movies rely on it way too much these days, gag. so to have these two characters which, yeah, snip at each other sometimes, but very genuinely enjoy each other's company?? sublime. love it.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
well, i think i got into it a bit with the "they just like each other", but i think i especially like that garak liked julian right from the start. like oh, yeah, garak obviously had ulterior motives for approaching julian at first, but after that he just - continued to seek out his company! i've stated it a lot in my fics but just the fact that garak alone never seemed to find julian irritating when like everyone else on the station did, even if they came around to it - like i'm not one of those people that's like "the character you see yourself most in + the character you're most attracted to is your favorite pairing" bc i think it's bullshit, but as someone who is Very Annoying and is used to driving people away, oh god the idea of being just simply ACCEPTED by someone is like. a fuckin. drug. it's honestly probably the biggest reason i have trouble shipping julian with anyone else, even though i do enjoy his relationship with miles and i especially like writing him and kira becoming close in the later seasons. and, again, the fact that garak and julian do challenge each other, and they reflect one another in such interesting ways - and, of course, they are sooooooo normal about one another even in the context of a show that WASN'T writing them as romantically involved. 's good. 's a good ship.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
certainly it's not unpopular amongst the garashir girlies - but obviously i consider the idea that their relationship is at all "unhealthy" complete bullshit. like i made a whole post about it. genuinely i cannot even understand the mindset - other than, of course, because garak is a "bad man" (also something i disagree with, but whatever) he cannot have healthy relationships. he's "evil", so all of his relationships must be toxic. just lol. lmao, even. i think my most unpopular opinion is that i find it VERY hard to picture them hooking up early in the series and then having a relationship on the side. like it's not a deal-breaker in terms of fics, but just not my cup of tea, yanno? i think there's attraction and affection from the get, but i think PEAK garashir happens after ips/bil, and especially after dbip, when i feel like they'd've truly come to understand one another (as much as they need to, obviously; i think a big part of the garashir relationship is the idea that garak will always have secrets and julian is fine with that (is that why people think it's toxic?)). oh also i think people who shrink the age difference are cowards. they're both grown-ass adults! let them have their 20+ age gap! it's a charm point!
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omgkalyppso · 1 year
Ok i know nothing about star trek but i need to ask. Are the gay people from ds9 you keep reblogging canon. I'm talking about the lizard spy and the twink
No, in the sense that they aren't canon endgame for each other.
DS9 does have star trek's first wlw kiss. And a lot of suggestive lgbt content in the show and in its comic. Like Odo not having a gender / going by any pronouns (which the show nearly never utilizes), the ongoing debate of whether Dax is genderfluid, bigender, trans, or none of those, etc.
Spoilers for the last season of ds9, some vague, some overt:
And the twink: Julian Bashir, the doctor, is saddled with a love interest by the end of the show that can pass as a straight relationship: Ezri Dax. It is largely ignored in fandom since 1999. It is so much less than his relationship with Garak, imo, though I wouldn't be upset with anyone who did enjoy the relationship.
But the source of it is also the point of a lot of controversy, and has to do with the change of actress for Dax because of a labor and pay dispute. The actress from the previous seasons (Jadzia Dax) had apparently made an inquiry about what the men were being paid, and I've heard that she hadn't even yet asked for an increase in pay by the time she was told she would not be returning for the final season.
There's a lot of animosity (or was) in the fandom with Ezri Dax. That actress didn't deserve that, but I don't have to respect this aspect of canon to enjoy her performance, or the rest of the show / conclusion of the story.
I've reblogged a few posts recently where Garak's, the lizard spy's actor is clear about where he stood with regards to his relationship to Julian, and the flirting from start to finish is real / isn't hard to read. There's also that video where he and Julian's actor read / act out a Garashir fanfic that takes place post-canon.
I also prefer Jadzia Dax's relationship with Worf.
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comic-sans-chan · 2 years
hey, um, so I read your fic (idea) about the telepath gene and I can't get it out of my head and I'm writing a fic about it... like, a fanfic of a fanfic. I'm not sure if I'll want to post it (I just began writing Garashir, maybe I'll keep it all to myself anyway). But, just in case I would want to post it one day: would you mind me doing so? since it is actually your idea?
oh, I'd be over the moon!! I originally started writing that post in the hopes that it would inspire someone, and then I just got kind of carried away with it, but there's still so much meat there that I just can't get into myself. I'd love to see what you do with the concept. It's fitting that you say you're new to writing Garashir, too, because that thing I posted was my first foray into writing Garashir as well, so you're in good company. Whether you post or not, you have my support.
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colonel-kira-nerys · 2 years
Sorry for being a bit embarrassing but the OP doesnt allow asks and I can't not be annoying. BUT vis a vis Julian facing discrimination in fic, you (or the OP of that post) might enjoy The Manipulation Of Julian Bashir? It's on ff.net and while it isn't a garashir fic, it's about the fallout of Julian's status coming to light and a very deep take on the legal process following it. The main spotlight is on Julian and Sisko, which was really interesting to me. I don't actually remember how good it was, I read it YEARS ago but I've had it in my bookmarks since so at least back then I enjoyed it haha! Anyways sorry for this. i feel really brave for talking about fanfic without being able to send this on anon
Thanks so much for the recommendation! @comic-sans-chan you may want to check this recommendation out.
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maeselc · 2 years
July 2022 me was like 'I have covid and my personal and professional lives are in tatters, I haven't written fanfic in like 15 years, let me write this one bonkers garashir fic that is in my head, as a coping mechanism, and then I'm probably going to forget all about it and never write anything again'
February 2023 me: everything except the covid got much worse in the meantime but things are tentatively looking up, have 3 active multichapter garashir WIPs and am so DEEPLY fulfilled by writing lizard porn that I literally don't understand how I got through life without it???
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catboyelimgarak · 3 months
With the mirrorverse garashir posted in the prompt list fic, I’m gonna ramble a bit on what I thought could possibly be for them (atleast one way anyways, bc I had a more simple possibility in mind at first). It’s also very inspired by another good fic Ive read along these lines that really fucked me hp emotionally in a good way, I’ll def add the title in tags. But it’s A typical fanfic of drama angst slow burn to good ending.
But like, Gul Garak is able to take Captain Julian as pretty much a bed warmer and Julian intends to escape (gets communication to his crew that he’s still alive) but the selfish tired part of his mind is just “we are living a comfortable life, the sex is great now that you have it and it’s new style, and Garak is such a sad little loser he wouldn’t want you hurt or sent away.” And so he just slowly accepts it all despite knowing it’s also killing him inside and his strength to fight.
And after a while and a fight with Intendant Kira that makes Garak desire even harder to kill her and take control, Garak goes home and realizes the fire in Julian is no more and he’s looking lifeless and listless in every way (especially physically). Always stuck in Garak’s quarters even tho before Julian demanded being let out to atleast walk, Garak doesn’t like this Julian, he liked the rough tussle and fire in Julian as not just a Cardassian arousal thing, but a source of endearment and show that “this is a powerful man with so much inside of him and deserving of respect and following, and I want to do just that for him because he makes me feel alive and proves how strong a person can be” way. Garak has fallen in love and makes it his purpose to get Julian off the station and back with the Resistance (also too he knows only Julian and his crew can kill Intendant Kira so that’s a plus).
So when it finally comes time for the final push, Garak helps Smiley get Julian off station and protects them from the pursuing Intendant and her lackeys. And at the ship Garak tells Julian to go but Julian himself admits he doesn’t want to go, he wants to be with Garak on the station and that they can soothe things with the intendant to get their easy life back. But Garak doesn’t want that for Julian or even himself, he wants Julian safe and Kira dead. Even when Julian finally asks for him to get on the ship and go back with him to the Resistance, Garak declines because it would not work out when he is not only a Cardassian, but is known as Kira’s right hand and lead torturer who killed so many.
So Garak literally shoves Julian inside, Smiley has to grab on to him to keep him from trying to reopen the door and running out, and Garak seals them in and the ship leaves. But of course, for once in life, Gul Garak has the idea of really planning things out even if it’s highly impossible of working out. And in the style of Prime Brilliant Garak, Gul Garak had an extra escape shuttle pod prepared and is barely able to escape in it.
Then time passes, maybe a year or two, things happen, and Julian finds Garak’s shuttle pod and Garak living a scrapper’s life but also horrible wounded from some reason, and he takes Garak in to heal. And soon Garak is residing with Julian in the Resistance, agrees to share info to help their cause, and it’s like before but much better and their a couple and it’s of course not easy or without hatred from outside people, but it’s nice and good as it can get in the Mirror Universe.
Also other different things that could have happened, maybe something a bit in compliance to the show (such as Quark and Rom’s rescue adventure), little ideas like that.
Anyways thanks for reading, always down to answer questions, always down to maybe get off my ass and dabble a bit in this cheesey ass fic
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