#so much as reblogging a link to RAINN or whatever
c0rpseductor · 5 months
every time i stumble on some vocal incest shipper in unrelated tags i become more and more convinced 90% of people don’t actually understand what incest is. like, at all
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I was wondering if you knew anyone or anyplace I could go to talk to someone about r***. I’m still a minor and I can’t do my therapist because she might tell my mom and I kinda feel like both of my parents already know about everything that happened and they might just say I’m crazy. I can remember what happened in faded flashes but I would really like someone to talk to about it, hopefully someone who won’t tell my parents or try to get me to leave my current living situation.
Okay, so I’ve done a little bit of looking, since this isn’t something I know too much about personally. I’ll share what I’ve found, and if anyone who sees this post has more or better information, please, I invite you to reblog and/or share whatever you know.
There is a National Sexual Assault Hotline at the phone number 1-800-656-4673: RAINN.org says this about this hotline; 
The National Sexual Assault Hotline is a safe, confidential service. When you call the hotline, only the first six numbers of the phone number are used to route the call, and your complete phone number is never stored in our system. Most states do have laws that require local staff to contact authorities in certain situations, like if there is a child or vulnerable adult who is in danger.
The RAINN site says that the phone hotline can offer someone to talk you through what happened. The site says that the phone hotline can also offer long term support in your area, although I know that that might not be feasible for you in your situation.
Rape, Incest and Abuse National Network, RAINN.org, offers a The National Sexual Assault Online Hotline. You can enter their chat hotline through their Terms of Service page.
One thing to note, given your situation, is that their terms say this;
During your session, we will not ask for information that would identify you (such as your name or address) and we will not record the chat. However, if you disclose your name and location and are under 18 or if we fear that you are in danger of committing suicide (or otherwise as required by law), we may have to provide information you have given us to the appropriate authorities.
There’s a site/mobile app called 7 Cups that I’ve heard some good things about, both online and and from a friend IRL who has used it. Their site says they;
Free, anonymous and confidential online text chat with trained listeners, online therapists & counselors
I haven’t used it personally, so I don’t know how far the free services go: I do, however, know that they also offer paid services. My IRL friend had a significant bill for the paid services they utilized, so I would advise using caution in making sure to select free services unless you have the funds.
Healthy Place has a Help for Rape Victims, Rape Victims Support page with multiple links for several different types of online rape support.
I hope that you can find what you need through one of these resources, or through any possible information anyone else might share. Anon, please know that I am sending you all of the love, support, and good thoughts that I can. If you’ll accept them, I will also keep you in my prayers. Please be safe, anon, and know that you are loved and cared about.
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