#so maybe not the man to call in a stealth situation
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dork-a-doodle · 2 days ago
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Well if it isn’t Mr Goodtimes himself! The only character (so far) who’s hero name in no way reflects his miraculous lmaooo
His power, Pinpoint, is effectively just the Allay’s basic function? If given an item he can instantly locate others of that item in a certain area. Ex: if you gave him a chocolate bar, he can know where every other chocolate bar in a mile radius is (exact distance not concrete, haven’t made up my mind on that yet). V much one of those powers that needs to be used creatively to be useful.
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He’s also the only character whose day job I have nailed down: he’s a zookeeper! And the Canadian Lynx exhibit, home to the one and only Jellie, is his favorite to work in. He’s also the only one Jellie lets pet her.
Somehow, most of his scars are not from working there.
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And of course as a hero he’s partnered up with many others, but his first and most trusted ally is ConVex, aka Cub. One of the few people who know his identity (and vice versa).
Fun fact: while designing HotGuy I pulled inspo from more modern hero designs, but while designing ConVex I pulled from Silver Age costumes ��� I wanted their costumes to be a contrast and also a reflection of each other, and that was one way I thought to do it, among other things (their “wings” being a personal favorite of mine)
I’ll get to Cub’s ref sheet eventually, tho I can’t promise it’ll be next
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velvetvexations · 2 months ago
hello velvet this is going to be a lot abt hate crimes in abstraction (by which i mean, not about an Actual Hate Crime That Happened) but i wanted to warn u in case that was too much for comfort <3
my partner is stealth transmasc, and when you say this i think a lot of people interpret it as "Passes All The Time, Every Time". of course that's not what "stealth" means (it means low/no disclosure... it's flexible bc it's slang, but "stealth" tends to imply intention, it's something you do on purpose for safety reasons). the misconception is irritating most of the time, but i also think its actively dangerous and contributes directly to the erasure of transmasculine oppression. like, i keep seeing people refuting the statement "being stealth is a hostage situation" with "well im stealth and im not scared of being outed" as if it has anything to do with personal sense of fear. youd think that would be obvious.
we live in a blue dot in deeply red state. the difference between our city and where my partner grew up, in the surrounding area, is stark. contrary to popular belief, this doesnt make us safe. he gets threatened with violence walking home alone, he gets called slurs by people that think theyve clocked him as any number of things. you walk fast and dont look behind you when stuff like that happens. none of my friends have been able to answer me when i ask "did they follow you home? do they know where you live?" transfem friends too! it's almost like we're more alike in experiencing transphobia than we are different. who'd've thought.
im thinking abt this bc we travel via greyhound and the last station we left was very very poorly maintained - arent they all? - and in the mens restroom, every door to every stall had a broken lock. my partner joked abt taking a "risky pee" lol, and if it wasnt for where we were, who we are, and the time we are living in, maybe the little icepick of fear wouldnt have gotten stuck in me and i wouldve laughed.
the thing that irritates me abt this discourse is that this type of white knight, tme-in-bio transmasc (or associate) does not at all seem to recognize the danger inherent to being stealth, to looking sort of like a man if the ppl around you are not violent transphobes looking for a fight. they are so consumed by this idea of trans-male privilege that they dont even recognize the danger they are in. often times i think its bc of their own individual privilege. maybe they live in a more trans-friendly region than i do. maybe theyve never met a transphobe, never been called slurs from a speeding car that almost hit you, maybe theyve never been loudly transvestigated in public. i really, sincerely hope they never do. but they take that and apply it to other transmascs far less fortunate and dont even recognize the erasure they are contributing to. bc everyone knows only transfems get hate crimed! who else ever would?
they think that no one has ever clocked them (how? are you a mindreader?), they think that if they look enough like a cis man, "other" cis men wont hurt them, cis women wont be Able to hurt them. they think thats true of every transmasc thats been a year+ on t. it's juvenile. it's icarian. it's misogyny dressed up as solidarity and chivalry. and it's not even fucking true. the vast majority of Any trans person who is trans in Any number of ways is going to face fear and anxiety and the potential for danger in a bathroom.
thank you for sharing anon <3
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project-sonadow · 1 year ago
Happy Hour drabble 1
Sonic on a stealth mission? Honestly, Shadow didn’t know what Rouge was thinking. She might as well have sent Omega.
“Woah, check that out!”
Shadow mentally prepared himself with a deep sigh, turning towards the voice that was the current source of his woes.
On second thought, maybe he would have preferred Omega in this situation, guns and all.
What Shadow was met with was Sonic standing on the curb at the edge of the property, back facing him with a hand pointing out towards a building on the other side of the parking lot. Shadow stepped forward, joining Sonic on the curb and squinting out at a scuffed red and yellow sign on top of the awning.
“Speedy’s Drive-In Diner.”
Shadow crossed his arms judgmentally. It was exactly the kind of establishment Shadow figured Sonic was intimately familiar with. He could practically smell the chili dogs from here.
”Getting distracted already?” Shadow prodded, the contempt evident in his tone.
How typical of Sonic to start thinking about food of all things in the middle of a mission. He could practically hear his whining already—insisting that they drop everything to go get whatever vile concoction he was craving that day.
But surprisingly, Sonic just shook his head.
“No, look at the servers over there. They’re serving food on roller skates!”
Shadow stared across the parking lot. Sure enough, he could see three servers maneuvering around the tables and cars that surrounded the diner, each of them balancing trays of burgers and fries and precariously placed milkshakes. They moved with an unexpected amount of poise, sailing around the lot and delivering food to waiting customers without spilling drop nor crumb.
Shadow was almost impressed. Almost—and that was certainly something he wasn’t about to admit. Sonic’s entrancement, on the other hand, was plain to see. He let out a long whistle.
“Man, that looks pretty fun!”
“We’re not here to have fun, Arthur,” Shadow snapped, emphasizing the code name as if the other needed a reminder.
“Yeah, yeah, you’d never let me forget that.” Sonic rolled his eyes, arms thrown behind his head dismissively. Even so, the sly look didn’t leave his face, and his grin only seemed to grow as he shot a look at Shadow.
”Say, I think you’d be pretty good at that. Since you already….y’know…”
Sonic pointed down at Shadow’s rocket skates.
Shadow didn’t know whether he wanted to smack Sonic’s head or his own. Regardless, he wasn’t about to entertain him with a proper response.
“I think you should learn to focus.” He scoffed, preparing to walk back towards the repair shop. But before he could take another step, there was the unmistakable sound of quick feet against pavement—not exactly “Sonic-fast,” but fast enough to steal back his attention.
By the time he looked back, Sonic was already halfway across the parking lot.
“I think I’ll take a closer look,” he called back with a wink. “Don’t wait up for me, Lance!”
I’m going to kill him. Shadow thought, fists balled at his sides. And then I’m going to kill Rouge.
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badchoicesworld · 2 years ago
hello there! i just found your blog and i love your writing for hobie, so i’d like to request another thing for him.
would you mind doing something about a transmasc vigilante reader who tags along with hobie on patrols and late night hangouts? hobie and the reader could diy their own costumes together :) maybe reader is black cat, another spiderperson, or whatever you want to come up with. thanks in advance, and i’ll probably request again soon!
hobie brown with a transgender, vigilante reader (ftm)
RAAHH thank you so much :]
i chose for the reader to be another spidersona, probably anarchist and super cool, hope this is okay! let me know if not
warnings: unsafe binding (there’s a warning ahead)
pairing: hobie brown x transmasc!reader
requests: open ! PLEASE
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for you and hobie to get along so well and hang out outside of missions n such, i imagine you’re a spider-man who rejected miguel’s “invitation” to spider society. this is what might have led to you becoming a vigilante who’s occasionally recruited by spider society after some begging- or you’ve just been a vigilante from day one in your dimension.
but ! who’s likely to notice such a person? hobie, obviously. you two become menaces and no one looks forward to being in a room with you. hobie destroys their faith in the constitution while you’re reinforcing everything
during missions, you make a hell of a team ! there’s somehow this real nonchalant feeling to the atmosphere even if you’re punching down baddies
banter, plenty of it back and forth while swinging about and fighting for ur life
probably makes fun of your form or something playfully, makes a comment or two about a punch you’ve thrown “you call tha’ a punch?” “Naaah, nahnahnahnahnah. watch this,” probably does worse let’s be honest, throws the dirties punch known to man but it does the trick
you’re more stealth while hobie’s way more out there, style n all that
hobie dropping in on some operation to take down the big baddies while shredding away at his electric guitar, meanwhile he’s able to see you picking off people from vantage points
whenever you’ve gotta wait about for some patrols or just observe for a night, you two will find some sorta rooftop to perch on top of and patrol from there. but the view kills
you two probably have a sort of routine: completing missions together for the spider society, hobie then tags along for some vigilante work, then you both kick back at his place once the days come to an end
chill night consists of hobie subconsciously strumming at a note occasionally on his guitar while you talk about whatever together
a lot of complaining about the institution, probably how much miguel fucking sucks
depending on ur current situation with transitioning, given that hobie knows, mans is probably the most supportive person you’ll meet
hobie lives in a society that he actively chooses to protect despite being apart of the margin of people that are still severely oppressed to terrible degrees, be it for his race or how he chooses to express himself (in my head, hobie’s also a boy kisser). so i think that he has a certain passion for protecting those minority groups. you, as a trans man, sometimes get the hobie brown special treatment.
let’s you crash at his place whenever you need it, let’s you borrow his clothes n shit if they help you feel more masculine, will give you tips n tricks that either he uses or has heard work great for presenting masculine
does your makeup if you want it, like making your face look more chisel, fake facial hair or brows more blocky- that kinda shit.
if you’re yet to go through the execution process (top surgery), hobie’s ur guy (a terrible terrible influence)
if you have a binder, good for you- hobie is going to find it and customise it for you because he’s hilarious
probably does some like web stitching into it, lil embroidered parts that match his pins or something like “hobie was here” in his clapped handwriting
this isn’t anything new, you two have this little game going on where you just steal and tag each others things for shits and giggles. his best work? punk-ifying your binders with those like spikes he has on his jackets shoulder pads
firm believer in trans men being shirtless in a binder is normalising something that should’ve been from the beginning- probably also marched a free the titties campaign for all body types and identities cause they aren’t inherently sexual and shouldn’t be (if cis men can, why can’t cis women, y’know?)
if he accidentally damages your shit he’ll either fix or replace it, maybe even make something to compensate
or it becomes part of the fit
these lil things have helped personalise your things greatly- there’s nice little details all over that make you both crack smiles
makes sure that throughout missions you’re good if you’re binding, which he honestly just doesn’t dictate. won’t be the type to tell you off for wearing it too long or during missions, it’s not your fault that you’re just doing what makes you feel more like yourself
instead just makes sure that you’re well rested after the missions over and does things for you so you don’t strain
if by some unfortunate twist of fate you don’t have a binder, hobie will probably diy you one. argues that they can be mass produced by corporations, why can’t he make one by hand? just one more win for the anarchists
diy binders are dangerous, especially if they’re not made right. i’d like to think hobie would try his best, but i imagine he doesn’t have access to the right materials
in this case, he probably rips apart his shit trying to find the right elastic cloths for your safety
that, or he makes a makeshift binders just a bit looser than it should be to reduce the risk of hurting you.
absolute worst case scenario ? could honestly fashion something out of webs (i have a spidersona that does this) mans a genius, he’ll figure something out
positive ? binder looks sick since he makes it
(ok ur safe, continue)
if you’ve got top surgery, good for u, hobie will have ur head if you don’t take the appropriate recovery time
if you are involved with spider society, he either takes your missions for you or absolutely terrorises miguel into not giving you any
you think it’s just a subconscious, casual thing that hobie does but he always manages to slip a “lad” “boy” “man” into his sentences whenever speaking to or about you. gender affirmations innit
that being said, hobie views you as a man wholeheartedly
hobie’s into physical touch so probably got an arm slung around your shoulder, tons of playfully nudges whenever he sees fit (often)
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
i also wanna stress rq that the way i portray hobie; he’s so incredibly supportive, hype man, but he’s not this sunshine and rainbows thing i’ve seen some people portray him as
he’s laid back, nonchalant but can get excited (like w the whole “miles my guy” scene where he’s so hype)
thinks/knows he’s hot shit but it doesn’t make him arrogant. man just knows what he’s capable of and gets to be laid back thanks to it
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intoxicated-chan · 10 months ago
𝐎𝐧𝐞 ✠ ❝𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬❞
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(A/n) ➳  I welcome you all to my mini-series. I had planned to make it longer but came to the conclusion to do five chapters but long ones. So please forgive me if chapters take awhile. But enjoy!
Word Count ➳ 1.2k  
Content Warnings ➳ Female reader/Assassin reader, alcohol use, death of a parent, violence, mentions of death, mentions of marriage...
Dreamers Masterlist
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NEW YORK, 1747 
Shay stumbled through the crowded tavern, his sense dulled by alcohol and his grief. He had lost track of time since his father’s death and the storm that claimed he and the crew’s lives. His thoughts were chaotic, swirling around his head, and unable to focus.  
The air reeked of ale. Shay now found himself hunched over a wooden table, nursing a drink. He barely registered the commotion around him, but he could feel the glares from other patrons of the tavern. 
They surrounded him, at the neighboring tables, seemingly drinking. And if Shay thought correctly, it was going to be another tavern fight... He reached for his pocketknife, ready to attack the presence behind him until a voice cut through, sharp and familiar yet distant in his drunken stupor.  
“Shay! What the hell do you think you’re doing?”  
Startled, Shay looked up, squinting to focus his blurry gaze. Though the blur, he saw the silhouette of a man standing in front of him. But his face was blocked by the terrible lighting of the tavern.  
He leaned over and when he couldn’t see him, he tried to stand. But gentle hands steadied him, helping him to his feet with tenderness. It was then that he felt the soft touch of another person, their presence was soothing, unlike his mind. 
“Easy now.” The voice spoke, laced with concern. “You’re in no state to brawl, let alone stand on your feet.” 
Shay blinked, confused, trying to make sense of the situation. And then, like the fog in his mind had lifted, he saw him, Liam, his best friend. He stood in front of him with a mix of frustration and worry.  
“Liam?” Shay muttered, his voice hoarse and filled with confusion. 
“That’s right.” Liam replied sternly. “And if weren’t for (Y/n) here, you’d be lying in a gutter somewhere.” 
Shay's gaze moved, and for the first time, he saw her.  
You, the young girl who had come to his aid. He can see the nervousness in your eyes, watching him and managed to keep him up straight.  
You, (Y/n), Liam’s younger sister. You were the same age as Shay.  
Despite the chaos of his life, despite the pain and the loss, there was another pang in his chest. He was in no state to think about it further but pushed it down.  
Yet one thing became clear, though his suffering alone and in the dark, you had become his lifeline. 
And for that, Shay knew he would be forever grateful.  
"Quickly now!” Hope called out, hands on her hips as she watched a group of assassins scramble around, looking for you specifically. “She’s in the trees! On the ground! Behind you!”  
They scattered across the training grounds, Hope’s eyes followed their every move. She watched with amusement, her laughter echoing through the air as they failed to find your lurking spot.  
You moved like a ghost but graceful, blending into your surroundings as if you were part of them. Your ability to remain unseen was something Hope hadn’t seen before. Maybe as good as Achillies. 
Shay and Liam stood at the sidelines, watching as well. Shay couldn’t hide the happiness that swelled every time he saw you emerge. He exchanged a playful look with Liam, a smirk tugging the corners of his lips.  
“She’s something else, isn’t she?” Liam remarked. “She might be better than all of us in stealth.” 
Shay snorted. “I can count the number of times Chevalier wet himself whenever (Y/n) comes out.” Shay was careful when he said it, making sure Chevalier wasn’t around or else he’d be in another fight. 
“I heard.” Then Liam sighed, it was heavy and solemn. “Achilles shouldn’t have allowed her to join the Brotherhood. I promised my father I’d protect her, keep her safe, I didn’t want her to come. She should be back in the city, married by now, enjoying her life.” 
Shay's brows furrowed. “You know as well as I do that (Y/n) would never be happy with a life like that. She's a fighter, just like you.” 
Liam knew Shay was right. You were young, could barely remember him but he could see how happy he made you.  
When Liam discovered that Achilles was in contact with you, he lost it. Shay attempted to talk him down, noting that you were grown and can take care of yourself. But Liam felt betrayed. He confided in Achilles that his biggest fear was losing you and now you were at risk.  
It took him a couple of days for Liam to calm down. That same day, he found you on the training grounds with Hope and Kesegowaase, you were ginning, just happy to be here. 
Liam promised himself that he’d do whatever he could to keep from harm’s way, even if you were an assassin like him.  
“Wrong! Again!” Hope’s shouting made him focus once again, seeing you jump from a tree and into a pile of leaves. He saw the smile on your face as you fell.  
“Even if she was back at the city, you would approve of no man.” Shay scoffed, shaking his head. 
And how no man was worthy of you. 
And he had a feeling that Liam wouldn’t approve of Shay. 
They were childhood friends, best friends, nothing could tear them apart... Almost nothing. Shay always kept quiet for the years he had met you and when you joined the Brotherhood.  
He would rather die than admit to Liam that he wanted to be with his sister. They were in the middle of looking for the Manuscript, there was no time or room for starting a relationship.  
But he couldn’t stop himself from staring when you’re near, how his smile became bigger whenever he heard your voice, and how he wanted to seek you out every time he returned from a mission. 
You made him want to forget you entirely, you were a distraction to him. Blocking his mind when he tried to fucus, thinking of his future with you when he knew there was a possibility of not having one.  
Yet when he stood on that cliff, Manuscript in hand, his eyes locked with yours for a second. Everything he dreamed of flashed before his eyes.  
You and him on the deck of the Morrigan, it was just the two of you. You were smiling as his crew sang, his arm around your waist to pull you closer, and your soft lips against his.  
You were his dream, and he didn’t want to lose you.  
But it was only a matter of time before you heard what happened in Lisbon. What would you think of him then? Were you going to be disgusted, horrified, angry? He didn’t want to look you in the eye and see his answer. 
Shay engulfed you tightly, he was trembling. Not cause of the cold but because of fear. You were in his arms, demanding answers, wanting to know what the shouting was about but he didn’t what you to know.  
His tears soaked your shoulders as he felt your arms come around him.  
“It’s okay.” He heard you say. “Everything is going to be okay.” Rubbing his back. 
And as he fell over the cliff, feeling the pain of the gunshot running through his body. He remembered you shouting his name and Liam having to hold you back from trying to chase after him.   
Maybe Shay could die in peace, at least he stopped the assassins, even if it was just for a couple days or weeks before they found the Manuscript. His only regret was making you cry, he hated seeing you in pain. 
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission. 
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» » YOU’RE HERE « « ⊰ TWO ⊰
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dykepuffs · 2 months ago
People are talking about "Who Can Participate In Discourse" again and I just don't understand the issue.
Nobody has "The DEFINITIVE XYZ EXPERIENCE" because we all only experience what we have experienced and have only seen what we've seen - it's not like one morning you wake up, realise you're gay, and suddenly get a 2tb download of All Gay Knowledge so in the morning you think "Huh maybe I DO fancy my best friend?" And by evening you know the meaning of lilac-with-two-crimson-stripes in the hanky code as used in West Thursden in the 1990s, the exact words that a woman who loves other women would have called herself in Banda Aceh in the 1930s and what kind of professions she would have likely worked in, and the innermost thoughts of a trans girl twelve years younger than you who speaks only French.
Just... Be honest when you talk About Our Experience. If you know about something from being told on the Internet, say "I saw online", if you know something because it happens to you personally, say "In my experience-"... But likewise, think about what other people say - If you see "Every gay man knows...", you don't need to say "Uh not EVERY!" you can just think to yourself "Hm, if this feels like 'every gay man' to this person, what does that say about their experience with gay men? What kind of gay men do they know? Why is this important, and if it's not something that I also experience, do I want to?"
I see loads of posts that are "about" trans people... then I realise that they mean medically-transitioned-and-passing trans people, or out-and-not-stealth trans people, or out-to-their-friends-but-still-closeted-in-some-situations trans people, or legally-fully-transitioned-but-medically-still-awaiting-surgery trans people, or hiding-their-hormones-from-their-parents trans people, or out-as-gay-only-recently-named-themselves-as-trans-rather-than-a-queen trans people, or came-out-at-11-with-their-parents'-help trans people, or divorced-after-thirty-years-to-finally-transition trans people, or deep-stealth-and-only-their-doctor-knows trans people... And all these people have totally different needs and experiences and crucially aren't possible to place on a hierarchy of "most to least trans" because all of them will have experiences that the others by definition will never have.
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one-of-many-journeys · 2 months ago
Day 55 (1/2)
Sun Furrows Hunting Grounds
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I headed back east to Brin as the sun was rising to deliver his breakfast of Thunderjaw blood. 
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He recounted his clearest vision yet. The Thunderjaw is a young beast, he told me—which I knew already from those who lived in these lands before the Derangement. Unlike the Stalker, it was built to kill us, to kill hunters, built in the back and forth reflection as we used their metal to build our armour, our weapons and our cities, and they observed us. Learnt from us, maybe. They are the metal world’s answer to our call. 
It was Hephaestus he saw, it must have been; its mad ambition to cull machine hunters, reset some sort of balance between flesh and metal. Harmony in the machine song, as the Shamans would say. Should I have told Brin that he was right—would he even understand? I don’t have all the answers either. 
Besides, if I told him about Hephaestus he’d probably ask for its blood next, or at least one of those infectious purple cables to gnaw on. No thanks.
Instead, he turned his attention to the Stormbird—one of the only machines he hadn’t tasted. I wonder what he’d divine in the fluid of a Fireclaw. Again, best not to tell him they exist. Stormbird it is. Maybe later; the more I get out of Brin, the more sense he makes, and the more confused I grow. How does he know these things?
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I rode back to Meridian to deliver my marks to the lodge and news to Ravan.
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I found him sitting outside his house, waiting for news. I started to explain the situation to him, but it turned out that Kindiv and Keadi already had. Given my reputation, I guess they took it as a given that I would return Nasan to them alive. They returned the sword and after explaining their motives, Ravan agreed to donate voluntarily to the cause. I don’t exactly blame them for working in secrecy up until now—I’d wager that most Carja highborns aren’t so willing to part with their shards, especially to help perceived ‘traitors’ in Sunfall. Not only did Ravan agree to donate, but he said he planned to petition his friends as well. 
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Next, I stopped by the lodge to speak to Aidaba, exchanging all fifteen of my marks for a new Ropecaster, blast sling, and war bow. The war bow is nothing special compared to the one I bought with Bluegleam in the Cut, but the other two weapons are perfect additions to my arsenal. Gold plated and everything—not that that matters in a fight, but the metal is sturdy. 
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I took the elevator down to the village to pass the news of Nasan down to Kindiv in the mill. The Shadow Carja were bound to be scrambling after I cleared out their frontline fortress too. Hope this doesn’t disrupt the ceasefire…Maybe I should have thought that through. I doubt they’ll believe that a single, politically-neutral huntress attacked the fortress. Guess it’s Avad’s problem now. 
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Since uncovering terrain data from the Tallneck in the Spearshafts, I realised that the location Sylens marked is up on the ridge on the northern side of the Jewel, in Shadow Carja territory. Makes sense, it just means the road to it is lined with their fortresses and patrols. I decided it would be a better idea to climb the ridge as close to the coordinates as I can get, hopefully bypassing their watchtowers. Also, I just really wanted to climb the ridge.
I still didn’t actually know where I was going, but whether ruin or simple encampment, stealth in greenery was a given need. I changed into something more suitable and picked up a mount across the river, riding out into the Jewel once again.
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The ridge had an almost vertical face the whole way around, but I found a place under a waterfall where the water had worn the surface into steps and easy hand-holds. I wasn’t the first to notice it either—someone had added a climbing path further up. Bad news was the Shadow Carja fortress sitting just shy of the precipice. 
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Not many soldiers manning the fortress, and none saw me coming. Simple to distract the patrolmen with a single thrown stone. Every time. It’s hard to know with Shadow Carja. The soldiers at Unflinching Watch were fine with me passing through, even staying the night, but the ones at the fork Fortress attacked on sight. I guess it depends on how trigger happy their commanders are feeling. 
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Moving through the jungle, it felt dark as night though it was only late afternoon. Dust storms and thick grey fog swept through as I picked up another mount and rode onward to the west. 
Sylens contacted me as I approached the coordinates, but was once again light on the details. He said there was a climbing path further on, and a campsite. So he’s been here before. 
Once at the campsite, Sylens told me to wait for dark. Best chance to catch the Eclipse off their guard, I suppose. I couldn’t see any old ruins around; I figured it must be one of their bases then, with some sort of machine they used to create their Focus network. 
A few hours to wait yet. Time to prepare myself as best I can.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year ago
I know how much you love this man so here you go! Could you do Overwatch Junkrat concept?
YES. HIM! Here's the pure brainrot :) Not entirely edited so I am sorry about spelling errors!
Yandere! Junkrat/Jamison FawkesConcept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Jealousy, Isolation, Violence/Murder, Forced relationship.
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Junkrat is such a chaotic fellow.
Jamison is very passionate and clingy when it comes to you.
There's times the Junker even gets out of hand.
He's a dangerous yandere due to his unpredictability and affinity with destruction.
He can set up traps and even has Roadhog to help him out if he can't obtain you on his own.
I'm on the edge when it comes to his obsession speed.
I want to say overall it's moderate -> fast.
He quickly fixates on you yet also can't quite figure out the feeling at first.
When he sees you/is around you he feels something similar to an adrenaline kick.
It's a similar excitement to heist or trying a new bomb.
He can't quite pin point why he feels this way around you.
Yet eventually he figures it out.
Jamison is certainly one to be overbearing and clingy.
When he realizes he feels fantastic around you he never wants to leave.
Roadhog/Mako no doubt has to hear Jamison ramble dreamily about you.
He can tell his friend/partner in crime is in love even if he doesn't know it.
It's obvious when only praise comes from his mouth about you.
Jamison would follow you around just to recreate the excited feeling inside him.
You may question it but he simply says he admires you.
That or he does it in secret and out of sight.
Junkrat is rather problematic when jealous.
If he doesn't like someone around you, he'll make that known.
He'll groan and grumble around you, often trying to wrap his arms around you.
He'll insert himself into conversations just so the attention is no longer directed away from him.
He'll only be calmer when you're away from others.
In terms of if he'd kill for you... I can see it.
It's easy for him to construct a bomb small enough to kill yet cause minor destruction.
He'd rather their death be flashy and eye-catching though... he can do both.
That or he calls Roadhog for help.
Junkrat can only be sneaky for so long.
Stealth hasn't ever been his strongest skill.
So Jamison will quickly go from 0 to 60 when it comes to his obsession.
Soon he's going to get tired of watching and waiting, much quicker than most yanderes.
Even Roadhog's obsession is slower than Junkrat when it comes to when they'll take action.
Give Junkrat a month or two, he quickly wants you and him to be beside one another.
When he wants you he's rather... flashy with abduction.
If Roadhog doesn't help him, Junkrat would want to use a couple small explosives while abducting you.
He adores any sort of attention.
If Mako helped him then Jamison is much quieter with abduction.
You could probably consider Roadhog supportive of Junkrat's obsession.
If catching you makes Junkrat happy then anything after that isn't his business.
Say this takes place after Jamison does all his heists with Roadhog.
Maybe the two of them have a base of some sorts.
Once Jamison has you he is adamant in keeping you with him and Roadhog.
Roadhog acts like some sort of guard at times.
Meanwhile Jamison gets to work on traps to keep you in.
You'll have a room that's for the most part safe... outside of that is bear traps and similar things.
One step outside and you could get seriously hurt.
You may be scared and isolated, but Jamison is over the moon.
In terms of affection Junkrat is passionate and intense.
He will drag you to a bed and curl around you, arms tightly wrapped around you.
He'd probably be the type to nuzzle into you, be it your neck, chest, hair, etc.
Even when you're no laying down he'll pull you into his lap or hug you while standing.
He seems like if he loved someone he'd be such a love bug.
Which would normally be cute... if not for the situation.
His affectionate and passionate hold on you, along with the kisses he peppers you with, make you uneasy.
He means well when he kisses your lips and mutters ramblings about you.
Yet you're still scared.
Especially with Roadhog... the constant threat of his friend harming you if you don't give in looms over you.
I said this in my Junkenstein concept but Junkrat may also be the type to building gifts for you.
He's skilled in tinkering, he could bend a piece of metal in a certain way to give to you.
He prefers to make bombs... but giving you that is just a horrible idea.
Jamison would definitely ramble about stories and experiences he's had to impress you.
In fact he does a lot of rambling.
He just loves to talk to you and hold you.
He just wants to love you forever and ever.
Jamison overall is incredibly passionate, clingy, overbearing, and unpredictable as a yandere.
He loves you so much and would do anything to have you...
What's wrong with stealing one more treasure, especially if it's the person he loves?
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crisiscutie · 2 years ago
Outlaw Biker AU Thought/Scenario
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(Based on the proposal here and the poll done by @rottenpumpkin13) A rough headcanon outline of how I think a bank heist would go with the five SOLDIER boyos and their darling. Bunch of rambling rubberish under the cut. Read the proposal for context.
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The One Winged Angels MC found themselves in a dire situation when their Club Founder, Rufus, was found guilty of money laundering and other charges, resulting in a severe lack of funds and the MC losing its defense from police interference.
Rufus was sentenced to several years in prison. Who knows if he'd ever be a free man again. At least he didn't sell out the MC.
As a result, Vice President Genesis has successfully talked the morally upright Angeal into conducting a heist on a grand bank in Midgar.
Going on the job with them will be Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth and The Darling. It will be a stealth heist and will be done with the utmost caution to ensure minimal attention, as it has to be done in broad daylight. There shouldn't be too many people at the bank on that specific day, anyway.
During the heist, things were going well at first. Alarms in the bank were secretly disabled before the arrival of the crew.
Darling and Zack worked together to soothe Cloud's worries, since it was his first big score. It's a bit much for a newbie like him, but he's gotta learn one day, right?
The crew was forced to make themselves known when a security guard got snippy with Genesis and got on his nerves. So the stealth heist became a loud one.
Angeal, Genesis and Sephiroth sought the money and jewels from the most secure vaults in the lower levels of the bank, eliminating any resisting guards along the way. Meanwhile, Cloud, Zack and Darling were tasked with controlling the crowd, with Darling acting as the lookout for police.
Things took a turn for the worse when Zack became overly friendly with his captives on one side of the room, and Cloud was increasingly uneasy with even the smallest of movements from his captives on his side.
Meanwhile, some guards fighting three boys in the vaults surrendered to them, but Genesis ends up killing them anyway because they recognized his identity.
He and Angeal argued vehemently, and Sephiroth barely noticed it, as his attention was solely on the mission.
On the ground level, Cloud and Zack became too distracted. Which lead to the hostages calling the cops, who arrived at the scene shortly thereafter.
Angeal, Genesis, and Sephiroth rushed out of the vaults to the sounds of shouting, screaming and clashing weapons, as their younger peers fought off the police.
Upon the darling being shot by a policeman, thus her sustaining a severe injury, the situation became grave for the crew members.
Cloud's rage boiled over when he saw the state of the darling, his thoughts turning to the time Tifa was wounded in a shooting that happened in their village. The other boys soon joined him, their rage contained, but just as menacing.
Zack was able to calm him down and eventually the crew were successful in creating a passageway and escaping.
The score resulted in a success. The darling, although she needed to recover in bed for a while, ended up being fine.
While the darling was recovering, the five boys were especially attentive, constantly checking on her and tending to her needs.
Zack coming by to tell her of all of his dreams and jokes from his runs that day. And he would assist in her physical therapy by having her do squats with him.
Angeal pulling up a chair to her bed, so they can vent to each other; mostly them having good laughs over their woes of having to babysit a club full of hot-blooded idiots.
Genesis and her eagerly watching through several seasons of the LOVELESS tv show based on the play. It's so bad that they hate it but think it's funny to watch it to tear it apart.
Sephiroth coming by to simply hear her voice and get cuddles maybe. Many times, they shared a quiet moment of affection, the only sound being the beating of their hearts.
Cloud showed his face around the darling of the least; He still asks about her and brings her stuff if others can't. He felt a deep pang of shame for not being able to protect her and for almost ruining the score.
Darling would have to ask him to come to her. She would comfort him during their conversations, letting him know it wasn't his fault that she got shot and that his impressive skills had saved her life, actually.
Despite the lingering uncertainty in his mind, Cloud was deeply moved by the darling's tenderness and reassuring words, and he vowed to never stop giving the scores his all.
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You don't mess with anyone in the MC. You especially don't mess with The Darling (for obv reasons) and Cloud (Because he is a precious newbie baby that needs lots of love and reassurance).
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builder051 · 4 months ago
NaNo day 1: There isn't even a den in this apartment!
Chasing Ghosts
Warnings for drug use, badly behaved college students, sickness/gore, very tiny allusion to eating disorders (blink and you'll miss it), mentions of politics, references to war (Operation Iraqi Freedom) and associated violence, strong language, and references to criminals/violent crime
James is used to the walk by now. Every Tuesday when his academic day is finished, he traipses around the University's man-made lake and sculpture garden as he makes his way to student housing. James tries not to seethe with discontent and forces himself to focus on the task at hand. He's being helpful. He's being a good big brother. He is not angry at Tasha for neglecting to submit a mail forwarding request.
James doesn't need to know the apartment number; the pile of damp-looking envelopes and sales ads on the doormat make his destination visible all the way down the block. He wonders for a moment what Tasha's would-be neighbors might think. She's slobbish and self-centered to the point of true oblivion? If James is honest, the description isn't far off. He just happens to love the little turd and can't help his instinct of automatic forgiveness, hence his dedication to clean up the studio and continue the charade that it's inhabited. Tasha's much safer living in James's spare room, but he hates to think of the consequences that will come if a protective service worker comes knocking at Tasha's technical address.
Shaking his head, James scoops up the paper and newsprint. It's mostly grocery store coupons and political flyers destined for the recycling bin. When Tasha eats, it's Steve's home cooking, and in the political realm, her opinion is already clear. She probably doesn't know half the candidates on the ballot, but James has heard her say that she'd rather vote for "the girl" instead of "the troll."
Tucking the junk mail under his prosthetic arm, James fumbles the apartment's key out of his pocket and into the lock. When it doesn't make the telltale click, his brow furrows. Anxiety prickles down his spine. James is sure he locked up after last week's tending. He trusts his paranoia more than his memory. He tries to think of legitimate reasons for the door to be open. Maybe maintenance? Someone to fix the plumbing? But James can't hold onto it as an option. It must be someone unwelcome. An intruder. An ax murderer. A terrorist planting a bomb.
As James tentatively turns the knob and eases the door open, it finally processes that the apartment's just unlocked. There are no signs of a forced entry. The lock doesn't even look picked, but it’s still far from reassuring.
James automatically jumps to worst-case scenario. The break-in must be premeditated. He thinks of careful surveillance and copied keys. Tasha might not notice a stalker. She's vulnerable. And now in desperate need of protection from what could be a serial killer. James just hopes he can head the guy off before he realized where Tasha actually lives.
The door momentarily sticks; the pile of unopened mail that’s made it through the slot over the last week makes crumpling and shredding sounds as James forces it open. So much for stealth. But this situation calls for a soldier, not a sniper. James squares his shoulders, shoves the door inward as far as it can go, and calls out in a clear, if not threatening, tone.
“Sergeant James Barnes, U.S. Army. If anyone’s in here, make yourself known.”
James’s nose is hit with the scent of smoke. Maybe a tinge of something chemical? He wills it not to be a bomb.
A throaty cough comes from deep within the apartment’s interior, along with a soft, “The fuck?”
Is it Tasha? James’s head is filled with white noise, and his hearing aids only increase the volume of the tinnitus. Whomever it is sounds impaired. Bound and gagged?
“Step out where I can see you. Hold your hands above your head.” James goes for his thigh holster, but of course it’s not there. He settles for holding his keys out like a many-bladed knife. The pieces of mail spill from under James’s arm as he brings his prosthetic hand under the other for support.
“Jamie?” A swath of frizzy red curls appears over the arm of the sofa. “Ugh.” Tasha’s pale face comes into view, her pointed chin dug into the upholstery.
James wants to sag with relief. He recognizes the thick smoky odor as cannabis, accompanied by the bitterness of bodily fluids. He can’t lose his nerve yet, though. Tasha still might not be alone.
“Anyone else?” James easily maintains his authoritative tone. “Clear the building.”
“Jamie, seriously, what the fuck?” Tasha’s eyes crinkle around the edges as she squints at him.
“Are you here of your own free will?”
“Yeah…?” Tasha raises an eyebrow. “Shut the door. You’re making it all bright.” She speaks the last sentence with a very familiar whine. As far as proof of identity goes, that’s definitely the ticket.
“Are you here of your own free will? Nobody is forcing you to be here?”
“Uh…no.” Tasha blinks slowly. “Shut the damn door, will you?” Her voice cracks, and Tasha’s head disappears, and she retches painfully.
James dutifully closes the door. A catalogue and a few credit card offers catch at the door jamb and tumble back out to the front stoop, and James suddenly remembers his original mission of sorting and recycling. He’ll get back to it. Tasha’s wellbeing is the priority, and from what he's seen so far, he has a feeling she's south of the mark.
James isn’t comfortable putting his keys away yet, but he folds them int a less threatening fist, which he grips so tightly the metallic points and ridges indent themselves into the pads of his fingers. He takes a breath to steady himself. Threat avoided, James thinks. Mission complete. He can drop his militaristic pretence for recon and rescue. Tasha does better with a more sensitive touch. If only he could be sure his body will behave.
The essence of marijuana becomes stronger as James steps into the apartment's tiny living area. His eyes burn and his head starts to buzz as if he's taking a joint himself. "Hey," he says quietly, stepping out of parade rest and into a more casual stance.
Tasha's bent double; she sits on the couch with her feet on the floor her torso draped down between her knees. She spits into a small bathroom trash bin, then raises bloodshot eyes to meet James's.
"Not feeling that great?" James asks. He kneels and steadies the bin for her.
"Nah." Tasha shakes her head, then squeezes her eyes closed and snuffles. She seems to notice James's vice-like grip on his keys as she uses the sleeve of her t-shirt to wipe her nose. "You, like, gonna stab me or something?" she asks hoarsely. "I'm not doing anything illegal."
James chooses his words carefully. "I was making sure no one was doing something illegal to you."
"By calling a bomb threat?" Tasha slumps back into the couch cushions. "I was tripping really good. Did you want me to start hallucinating desert rats or something? I hate it when the other side is all creepy."
Tasha's not one to respect anything, but James wishes she could see the situation from his side. Well, actually he doesn't; the 19-year-old has enough to deal with without wartime flashbacks to boot. James swallows his annoyance. This time is for helping Tasha after all. Postal pickup, sober friend. Same difference.
"Let me guess." James takes the slightest peek into the bin. "Robatussin and..." He pauses to think. The red fluid is easy enough to read. The green, though... "Bile from the deepest depths?" He greatly doubts Tasha would have blenderized spinach in her system.
"Bingo." Tasha slowly brings her arm around her head and leans toward her horizontal position again. "But your timing sucks. I have at least another hour before the pretty pictures go away, and you will not subject me to a moving vehicle in the meantime."
Seeing as Steve's currently at swim practice, the only available mode of transport is the city bus. James decides not to drop the news.
"You can stay put," he concedes, but he sits back on his knees and straightens his spine. "But we have to talk."
"I promise I'll never, ever do it again." Tasha doesn't bother to open her eyes.
"Hey, you're supposed to listen first."
Tasha puts a hand over her upward-facing ear.
"Stop." James folds Tasha's arm back down to her side, then gently prode her with a thumb between her eyebrows. "Seriously."
"Ok, what." Tasha gives him a glare, but her eyes gloss over almost immediately.
"This place reeks of weed," James states.
"It's a fucking college dorm." Tasha's whine is back. "It was like that before I moved in. Or, well, you know."
James doubts it, but again, he lets Tasha's words fly, leaving no meaning behind. "How often are you coming in here to smoke?"
"I don't know. Once? I guess?" Tasha's voice is thin and watery.
James nudges the bin a bit closer to Tasha's leg. She dry retches a few times, then brings up a trickle of pink-tinged spit once she's well over the trash can.
"I don't believe you," James says in all seriousness. "Are you going to your classes? You're going to flunk out if all you do is hole up and get high." He can't stop himself from going on. "Or is this where you go on Friday nights in your tube tops and high heels? Is there alcohol in here? Do you, like, have people over?"
"God, Jamie." Tasha wraps her arms around her stomach and gulps.
Guilt begins to sicken James's own gut. Is he being too direct? It's always a careful balance to strike; too lax, and she'll ignore him. Too harsh and she'll spite him. James wishes he still had the ability to hear his own tone.
Tasha looks like she's about to cry, but she doesn't. She just vomits again, then cringes. "Cherry," she mumbles. "What is a fucking cherry? Do these people actually eat fruit?" She shoots an accusatory look at a the smashed boxt halfway under the sofa. James recognizes it as the packaging from the Robatussin.
"Tash." James won't stop until he gets some actual answers. "Tell me you're not hosting intoxicated orgies in here."
Tasha takes a long time to spit and wipe her lips on the back of her hand. "If I did that, there'd be no carpet."
It's a valid point. The low-pile beige running wall-to-wall is as clean as its last shampooing. James considers. Tilts his head to the side. "Ok. I'll give you that."
"Gee, thanks."
"But are you cutting class? How often--?"
"You're being kind of an idiot," Tasha says with remarkable patience. "How many days in a row can you hit up without becoming a permanent benzo zombie?"
James struggles to hold the upper hand. They have an unspoken agreement not to talk about James's usage. He's a grown ass adult with his own legal prescription. The fact that Tasha's a grown ass adult as well with her own ID to buy over-the-counter hallucinogens isn't supposed to be in the same league.
James sighs. "Yeah. Fine. I get it."
"Do you now?" Tasha murmurs. She's heading toward unconsciousness again. "If you need somewhere to, you know, convalesce. The door's open."
"Hmm." James finds his keys and rattles them close to Tasha's face. "About that. I expected this place to be empty, but then the door was unlocked."
"So you went into ninja mode?" Tasha laughs, as if James's militaristic behavior was just a party trick.
"That's not actually funny." James's expression goes hard. "I can't stop once that switch turns in my brain. You know that."
"If you've got oxy on you, there's plenty of room." Tasha waves vaguely at the opposite end of the couch."
"You are not making this place into a drug den. It's, what, 400 square feet? There isn't even a den in this apartment." James laughs as well, but it's cold and incredulous.
"Well, I'm going back to lights and colors," Tasha says decidedly. She looks to the bin, then seems to decide she's done evacuating stomach contents. She flops back to lie on her side and lets her eyelids slide shut.
James gives it one last try. "I'd rather you do this at home. It's all legal; I really don't care. Just, safety, you know?"
"Sure." Tasha lets out a deep, peaceful breath. "Or you could just stay here."
There's no hope in moving her now, and James's inner vigilante hasn't completely gone back into hibernation. "I'll stay," he acquiesces. "But just for today." He turns back to the entryway.
"But-" Tasha points again to the couch. "Where are you going?"
James stoops and gathers the mess of mail into two great handfuls. "Entertainment," he says simply, then taps a few envelopes on the top of Tasha's head.
James sits on the couch, crosses one leg over the other, and begins to sort. He peruses the Walgreens mailing, but puts it directly into the discard pile as soon as he sees the perforated coupons offering half-price cold and flu medications.
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thesightstoshowyou · 1 year ago
~ Three, Two, One…. ~
Lochlan (lok-lin) Smith
A Sight’s Slasher OC
“My friends call me ‘Lok.’ You will call me that too.” Dumbly, you nod, quickly stilling when you realize what you’re doing.
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Age: 29
Pronouns: He/him
Location: East Coast
Language: English
Sexuality: Bisexual
Profession: Job-hopper. Whatever pays the bills and funds his “hobby”
Slasher type: Self-aware sadist
Weapon of choice: Anything and everything
Skills: Persuasion, hypnosis, stealth, blending in, silver tongue
(Warnings below: Mentions of violence, suicide, hypnosis, murder, gore, torture, noncon, and supernatural elements)
🕜 Appearance:
Height: 6’0
Weight: ~180lbs
Hair: Copper red, short on the sides, longer on top
Eye color: Green
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Notable traits: His hair and piercing gaze
Body type: Athletic
🕥 Personality:
Lochlan is a chameleon. He will adjust his personality to compliment those with whom he interacts. He can be charming, funny, quiet, boisterous, or whatever you need to feel comfortable. He can blend seamlessly into any group or situation and he always has something clever to say.
Lok knows his name is silly. He doesn’t care. In fact, he kind of likes it. It makes him seem less threatening. Go ahead, crack a joke about it. He’ll laugh with you. You’ll let your guard down. Now, he has a way in.
Lok is much different in private. He’s a condescending bastard with a god complex. He is a true sadist; he never feels more pleasure than when he’s hurting someone. To Lok, people are things to mould and destroy as he chooses.
🕚 Method:
Lok loves to people watch. He’ll search a crowd and single out someone who looks impressionable. The more susceptible you are to hypnotism, the easier it is for him to talk you into a trance.
He’ll follow you for a few days, when he has the time. He’ll learn your schedule, formulate a plan, find an opening.
Next, he’ll put himself in your path. Maybe he stands behind you in line for coffee. “I noticed your pin. I love that band! What’s your favorite song?” Isn’t it a coincidence it’s his favorite song too? And what are the odds he has the exact same coffee order as you?
When Lok speaks, you find yourself almost compelled to listen. When your eyes meet his, your mind becomes just a little fuzzier. You can’t help but relax, letting the sound of his voice fill your head. His words are so calming. What’s that, he wants you to follow him? Yeah, that sounds nice. His car? Yes, you’ll get in. You are feeling pretty sleepy, after all. It will be nice to sit down.
When you wake, you’ll find yourself restrained in a small room. The walls will be littered with tools and other evil implements. You won’t know how or why you’re here.
This is the extent of Lok’s planning.
Now, he can chase whatever ideas come to him in the moment. Should he rip out all your teeth? Break your fingers? Carve away flesh? Dissect you and fuck the wounds? He’ll figure it out as he goes and he’ll do whatever makes you scream the loudest.
However, his favorite past time is playing with your mind.
🕣 Background and Hypnosis:
Lok has always been persuasive, even as a child. It seemed as though—if he concentrated hard enough—he could talk his classmates into doing things they would never normally do. Once, he convinced the kid bullying Lok about his hair to stick his finger in the pencil sharpener and crank the lever.
A year later, at 8 years old, he would convince his mother’s boyfriend to blow his brains out all over the bathroom walls. Technically, this was his first victim, but he wouldn’t kill someone with his own hands until he was 17.
When Lok was 12, his mother took him to a family event downtown. It was some kind of fair organized by the local businesses. Because it was free, they could go, he remembers her saying.
There was a magician. Lok remembers the stupid card trick he’d flubbed. None of the other kids noticed.
Next up was a hypnotist. Lok assumed it would be another fool in a cape, but this man proved him wrong. He was self-assured, smooth, and practiced. When he counted backwards and placed audience volunteers under his spell, Lok’s eyes grew wide in astonishment. The man made them cluck like chickens and pretend to bob for apples! He could make them do whatever he wanted….
Curiosity turned to obsession. Lok spent months at the library, studying different hypnosis techniques and reading testimonials. Hypnotherapy piqued his interest in particular. Imagine what things he could learn from someone in a trance, things he could hold over then once they were lucid.
As Lok grew, so did his skill. Using hypnosis, he could force victims to say and do things no other hypnotist in history could manage. To Lok, this meant he was a prodigy, a genius, far superior to the average man.
But, unknown to even Lok himself, there is an explanation for his unnatural talent.
Lok possess an inkling of supernatural ability. An inhuman ancestor, long ago, passed down abilities through the bloodline. After hundreds of years, only small traces remain. In Lok, this manifests as persuasive skill beyond the realm of natural human ability.
“You’ll like it, when I bring you down. All the way down. But when you come back, I’ll be waiting right here. And I make consciousness hurt.”
(Read my first fic starring Lok here)
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danwhobrowses · 2 years ago
One Piece Chapter 1080 - Initial Thoughts
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And we're back
After last chapter threw more gas into the fire we are back for more One Piece, which means more gas is going to be added to the fire again
Egghead is crazy, but we've yet to have the incident, so what is the boiling point?
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too
A cover request page of Kawamatsu and Hiyori was neat, but I do reiterate I'd like to see a post-Wano cover story
Well we're blueballed from Egghead again and catching up with the Koby situation
Koby's already busted himself out!
And the Cross Guild have a high ranking bounty on him, they seem to rank by stars (stars = treasure chests ~ 100 million), must've been taking notes from Dressrosa
Given how they say Captains are usually 1 Star, I'd guess the Cross Guild know that Koby is a part of SWORD as a Rear Admiral
The...the island just talked???
Did someone steal Pica's fruit or something?
It's Pizarro, and he wants Koby alive
Ah I see, Koby's been freeing the other prisoners (they were called slaves so I guess they were all put to work like Kaido did) in the process
So Pizarro has the Island Island Fruit, it's still concerning that Shiryu is here too, given his stealth proficiency
Vasco Shot is here, with the Glug Glug or Liquor Liquor fruit, which makes him a liquor man - Zoro will feel personally attacked that he never knew such a fruit existed
Vasco wants to burn down the place, but Pizarro reminds him that they just fixed up Rocky Port - still a wild mystery
And Sanjuan Wolf just has the regular Giant Giant Fruit, kinda feel like he and Burgess got the bad hand
As Koby is being chased he's flashed back to when he was brought to Fullalead
Blackbeard wants to make the island a sovereign state recognized by the WG
Teach must be thinking about how Australia came to be, since it too was a country of criminals (due to the British Empire sending their criminals there)
He also reveals he's from SWORD, which brings Aokiji into exposition
SWORD members are like rogues, they both and are not Navy members, they don't have the red tape and so go after the Yonko but in exchange the Navy would also attack them
However, while the WG wouldn't bargain for a SWORD agent, Blackbeard insists that since Koby is a 'hero' they will be more likely to play ball, and he's kinda right
Koby didn't escape alone either, Perona was there with the clutch, releasing him in exchange for freeing Moria
Marines are here! Aw Koby he's flustered by needing to be saved
A big dude is cleaning house, and when he gets beheaded he just gets back up, a clay fruit maybe?
There's also a whip girl who is commanding buildings to move
Like between Doll and this woman I feel like Oda's suppressing some kinks
Our whip girl is Kujaku, granddaughter of Vice Admiral Tsuru, she has the Whip Whip fruit that makes her a 'Taming human'
Koby is cornered, but the gunfire turns to flowers
That's Vegapunk's creation we saw in the cover story!
Hibari for the save, and the sniper rifle
She has the same stocking/jeans combo as proto-Nami
Ah so big cap Prince Grus has the Clay Clay Fruit, making clay golems as a force
They've been manipulating the terrain to pin down the enemies, it's curious though that Pizarro hasn't jumped into action, since he can feel it all
Tashigi went with SWORD to save Koby, good to see her but shame she won't be in Egghead :/
Here comes Garp though
Did...did the Navy copy the Coup de Burst?
Garp exuding All Might energy, a Galaxy Punch wipes out the whole area with Conqueror's Haki
Oda, my dude, my man, my bro, my lord...we just came back from a break what do you mean break next week????
It's been a big month for Conqueror's Haki at least. Now I am curious though how Garp and Shanks' haki compare, because we've had similar feats of strength back to back.
What's concerning right now though is that Blackbeard's main captains didn't get involved; we've got a lot of marines now faced with Blackbeard's captains, Koby's likely gonna have to free Moria in this to maintain his bargain with Perona too. I am concerned, it's the early flex that makes you feel too comfortable. Still, seeing all of SWORD's skills are cool, I kinda hope Tashigi gets a chance to shine if we remain here but I also do worry for her the most because of prior treatment.
We got confirmation on all the BB fruits now, kinda...we know Lafitte has a fruit we just don't know what exactly it is, I'm curious how they'd match against the Straw Hats too, Pizarro's isn't really one you can easily fight, even though he'd make quite a big target. Blackbeard's plan to be a king is interesting too, I mean he's a Yonko right now is he trying to build a pirate empire like Crocodile and Kaido was with Utopia and New Onigashima? Or is this just another one of his 4D Chess plans?
I am more certain now too that Aokiji is the one who rolled up to Egghead, the only one other than him unaccounted for in present time is Lafitte and Devon and they do seem to come in groups. His explanation of SWORD does show that he knew of it, but we still can't rule out that he's a part of it too.
The break after the last break does sting I must admit, but maybe Oda is cooking something big again, we've got so many moving pieces still and with SWORD vs Fullalead added in it's all gonna have to blend together eventually.
The pieces are there, Oda's just gonna connect the dots on his own time.
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getitfrenchship · 1 year ago
Hello, friends! Hope you're all doing well. In fact, I'd like to know what you're all up to so I can reconnect with friends again. What things are you watching/playing/doing now? Any new things in life you'd like to discuss?
Below the cut I'll say what I've been up to!
Just got back from my local con today and while I did spend a lot on game collecting + VA stuff, I'm glad I went. Thankfully I got paid Friday (though that means I'll have to wait to get paid again in 2 weeks) and my financial situation isn't dire. It's kinda like when you go to Disneyland and get caught up in the spectacle of things. Oh yeah, an IRL friend from high school helped me with a lot of the VA stuff since she had a VIP pass & could skip long lines. (On that note FUCK F//UNKO SCALPERS FOR HOGGING LINES AND MAKING ME WAIT 2 HOURS FOR ONE VA AAAAAAAAAA)
Thankfully, no insurance adjuster lady to drive me up the wall this past month at work. A few eh client encounters but overall it's been way more pleasant than it was a few months ago. ...Might still need to figure out vacation time just so I can take a longer break (and maybe find a government job if I'm able to find something so I have guaranteed holidays).
That being said, S//aimon's series is starting to see a spike of discourse and one of the servers I'm in keeps talking about it. It's making me feel bad as a result. Thankfully, none of the people in it are starting the discourse, but they tend to go "getaloadofthisguy" a lot. Along with usual self ship discourse that I see on my dash (that again thankfully neither friends nor I directly participate in), it kinda just drains me.
Seasonal anime I'm watching are Detergent (hopefully one of Shitsui's big scenes will happen next week; they took a break this week), Und//ead Mur//der Far//ce, Hel//ck (though I'm admittedly not really paying attention to this one), Happy Marriage, J J K season 2 (i am not ready for this arc AAAAAAAAA), and Z//om 100. When there isn't a seasonal anime for me to watch at work, there's Sai//ki K (I think watching Bla//ck Lag//oon kinda helped make me more bitter at work, but I'm feeling better now that I'm watching Sai//ki). Oh, I might check out OPLA since I hear it's an actual good adaptation. Aaaand F//ionna and C//ake too! God, I went "kindred spriits" with Simon's episode
Currently I'm playing Se//a of St//ars and I really like how it looks & plays so far! (Of course, I loved Chr//ono Trig//ger, so the gameplay feels right at home). I wooould continue Gh//ost Tri//ck, but I'm at a stealth section and like I expected, I'm looking up a lot of the puzzle solutions online instead of figuring it out for myself. Curse you, time limits!!! (And for Bom//b R//ush, I feel like I need to play with music, but I keep forgetting to bring my wired headphones. Bluetooth is for my phone mainly due to personal preference). I also watched the endings for OT2 and AUGH I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH!!!
Oh, a new manga I found called "Inv//isible Man & his soon to be bride" is cute so far.
someday i will find balam merch. somedaaaay
I might do a separate post showing my current ideas for S/I's/OCs, but hhhh I'm hesitant. Right now I just know for a P3 OC he takes inspiration from "The Stranger"
boy howdy i sure hope bluesky finally makes my account or i can get an invite because i really want tweetor to die. ...though i'd miss posting switch screenshots directly
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codecicle-archive · 2 years ago
SLIME IN THE DRESSES IM HITTING MY HEAD AGAINST THE WALL. BANGING ROCKS TOGETHER LIKE A CAVEMAN. His casolonas (so sorry if i butchered that i am delirious rn) outfit the playboy bunny fucked SO hard he literally served so much cunt and i miss him where did he go. My cringefail beloved little streamer. AND GEGG. GEGG SYMBOLISM. Slime was always torn between if people loved Gegg or hated him, but I think the islanders loved him regardless. (People asking if he needed armor constantly, giving him food, asking if anyone was on to look after him tec) He may have been weird. Goopy. Squishy. And horribly smelly. But he was still an egg AAAAWGAAARA (you can hear me screaming if you listen closely).
Y'all... Y'ALL CODEFLIPPA being so incredibly fucking delusional but I think the code wants to be loved, or the one who is Juanaflippa wants to. The code (IN MY HEADCANON IDK ABOUT OTHERS!!!!)-is a failed egg experiment from the federation and yearn for its original purpose (to be taken care of and to be loved by others) and since everyone hates the codes (obviously) the only way some figure it out to serve it's intended purpose is to take the form of the eggs. Whether they're dead or alive.
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live max reaction ^^
ALSO THE CODEFLIPPA THING!!!!! YOU FUCKIN GET ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im going to be really mentally ill about them one second:
with all of the code eggs we've seen so far, only two of them have been passive while the rest of them have existed only to attack and kill people. the code versions of tallulah, chyanne, trumpet, and tilin all immediately started attacking with no remorse or mercy for anyone involved. they didn't even respond to their own names being called. bobby was a weird exception to this where he was calm and just existed with jaiden and roier for a while until people started to attack him, which is when he ran off and disappeared, EXACTLY LIKE MY FAVORITE LITTLE HUEVO CODEFLIPPA!!
I think while the federation wants to use her as leverage to get charlie to do what they want (kinda shown through all of the birthday gifts being weapons or things to help with stealth) codeflippa doesn't exactly WANT to hurt people. she just wants to be loved. the federation raise eggs in the labs and we know this now after the elq finale stream, so what if the codes are all of the failed eggs that didn't make it through? like the malicious codes are codes they made through other means like normal genetic mutation because they are just. like that. but what if the code eggs are eggs that failed the tests like the parkour that they used for other purposes? they still wanna be eggs they still want to be kids their original purpose was to be a kid and even when the federation sends them on missions like they do with the malicious codes they can't help but get attached and start acting like the huevos the used to be.
i think codeflippa and codebobby could be the malfunctioning or failed codes instead of the normal ones like all the other huevos!! maybe they just wanna find love and a family man is that too much to ask for </3 <- huffing copium. just downing copium by the gallon
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static-sulker · 1 year ago
Tavs as an Origin Character (Pt.2)
ANOTHER ONE. I CAN'T BE STOPPED. From both posting about my baby, as well as making more tavs
This next one is Reef Solrane. Assassin rouge/Great old one Warlock high elf, very chill man but also is very much blind.
also, first one here! Next one here
Reef Solrane is my silly adult man who is my friend. He is a lot more mature and less of a goofster but I do still see him as yippie cat. Like Sniper from team fortress two.
He was raised in Silverymoon and very much not like the happy cheerful place. He's not evil persay but he isn't very chipper. More like a gambler type of good person. Has the best intention He lost his sight early in his life, about 23 years old. He was cocky and persuasive and stole from the wrong traveler, who actually was a very famous and ill-tempered Wizard of the Sword Coast. He ended up getting cursed, loosing as much as he stole. Which was his left eye. Kinda harsh punishment. He then has to live with it for about years at this point. Grew to gain incredibly well hearing and works around his disability. The Wizard, Morden comes in every now and then to see if Reef as "proved himself worthy of seeing whats right." Later on in their life, about 200s maybe, they gain contact with a mystical being from the far realms who wishes to strike a deal. If he gives up his other eye, he'll gain power beyond his own comprehension. Reef was a bit of a hungry guy for power, so he accepted. He gained shaded Pince-nez glasses, that gave him what is practically truesight and enhanced power, with it being a conduit for the godly beings power. He did begin to have highly increased hearing and overall learnt how to know his surroundings far easier in a natural state as well. He then spent his time killing for hire and some petty thievery from his clients.
If he was an origin character, he'd have a pretty strange questline at first. He'd be found in the little beach area right after Shadowheart, searching for his glasses. If you help him, he'll thank you and become able to join your party. When you see them, they'll gain attention to your steps at a pretty quick pace and call to you, asking if your friend or foe. They will have their eyes jammed shut and quickly get up from the floor when you get close. If you ignore them with a failed stealth check or say foe, they'll grow aggressive and try and either attack or look for their glasses depending on your response. If you say you are peaceful and not wish to hurt them, they'll calm down and try and find his glasses. Once he joins you, his questline would be called "The Blinded Thief" and the first part of the quest is to find his glasses. When he does (Stolen by an Absolute member at the goblin camp) He gains access to his warlock spells.
He's a bit hungry for power as he literally is the prime example of "selling an arm and a leg" for the stuff but in this case it's his eyes. It's less of an Astarion hunger of bending people to his will, but more of a type of hunger to make sure he is never in a situation where he can lose more than he has. In this playthrough, I romanced Astarion and I think it's very funny how their dynamic works. Astarion is the type of flirt that uses his form and longing glances and smirks to get people under his command. Reef can't fucking see. So Astarion has to improvise and Reef is completely in the know how that Astarion is not used to it. I also think Reef is a very good example for Astarion of what greed and hunger for power can do to people. They are very epic fail together.
In his epilogue, he actually has three possible endings. The "third eye" ending (He bets more of his body away to get more power, specifically his arm), the "truesight" ending (He finds a way to take control of the being he uses for power and uses it for good) or "Open-eyed" ending (he gains his sight back after proving himself to Morden). In the third eye, it can only be gained by learning in the sorcerous sundries vault that his ancient helper can take more deals if he commits a sacrifice of another body part in his name. It could give the party the strength they need to defeat the brain. If he isn't persauded to not do it or in a situation of the game where he emotionally is better, then he will cut of his arm in the name of the being, gaining an etheral one during combat that does WAYYY more damage. During the epilouge, in this ending he'll already be looking for a way to do more and seems now to be like Astarion in less of a protection type of power but more for the sake of having the power. To gain the truesight ending, you can avoid the vaults information and go through a route where Reef beings a "better person". He'll end up becoming a treasure hunter with the help of his truesight and hearing. he's happier and working around his loss of sight and progressively trying to relax more. If romanced (you can't romance for the third eye, he'll break up the relationship due to his newfound "view of a new future for himself" when he finally cuts his arm off.) He'll be hunting for treasure wherever the two of you go, seeing you as "grounding" or "giving him just enough beauty just through words to make sunsets or starry not matter to blinded eyes.". In the "Open-eyed" route, he finds the book and doesn't do it, realizing he doesn't need the power (either by persuasion by romanced partner/ally, or being a better person and persuaded in a good route several times before the event.) After this , he will gain his sight again. Well, at least his left eye, the right is still gone because of the godly being. In this, he just is a wanderer, seeing the world with literally new eyes. He sees the world and tries to get used to the colors of everything again. If romanced, he travels the world with you and just takes in how beautiful you are <3
He's a bit less tricky to romance than Astarion, but isn't a cake walk. Anything that is overly cautious or maybe a few tricks on people who deserve it are very common. Normally avoiding Jaherias drink is a good example. Kinda like shadowheart.
Voice-lines - approval greetings
Low: ""Stop staring and go on out with it." "What?", "I can hear you fidgeting, out with it." "Yes?", "What is it?"
Neutral: "Hmm?" , "What is it?" , "Oh, hey. Didn't see ya there.", "What can I do ya for?", "Hey there, kid."
Medium: "Just the person I was thinking about." "Can I help you?" "I can hear you, do you needs something?", "Didn't expect to see you around here-well-I suppose hear you." , "Why hello, my trusted companion."
Romanced: "What can I do ya for, Love?", "Ah, theres the voice I know and love." , "Now your a sight for sore-ears? That didn't sound right...", "Hello, Love. Do you need something?
Third Eye: "Oh, it's you. Sorry I was stuck in my own head, can I help you?", "...Ah! Sorry, you surprised me. Yes?", "*muttering to himself on plans idk* I'm preoccupied but I am listening." , "Great god of old, grant me this-Oh, hi. Need something?" , "I'd shake your hand but It's...busy."
Broken up after Third Eye: "Hello, my past sliver of humanity." , "Oh, my little flame, you have returned." , "I sensed you were here, I didn't expect you to speak though." , "You seem awfully cordial with me. I applaud your ability to see my newest perfection."
Truesight: "You look different then I imagine." , "You were saying?" , "Apologies, It's hard to focus with the newly added vision." , "Anything you ask." , "What can I do you for, my trusted companion?"
Truesight, Romance: "You look stunning. Just as I thought." , "My Love! You are truly a sight for sore eyes. Eye, I suppose." , "Yes, Love?" , "Im listening. And seeing. Oh this is going to take awhile to get used to."
Open-eyed: "Oh, hello there!" , "My most trusted companion, and wisest. What can I do you for?" , "Are you alright?" , "Thank you for coming by and helping me. You truly are a good friend."
Open-eyed romance: "My love, thank you for staying to chat. And many other things..." , "What can I do you for, love? I am in your greatest debt after all.." , "The voice of my savior, what can I do you for?"
Misc lines-
"I heard that..." , "Wherever my feet take me." , "Let's get this over with." , "Let's get going, everybody." , "I didn't expect to enjoy a walk like this." , "Let's hope it's not rough terrain..." , "Let's do this professionally, alright?" , "Trained for this." , "Oh, hello there." , "Didn't expect this today..." , "What was that?" , "Walking in a new place is definitely harder than I imagined." , "Now thats a smart idea."
Selected (Combat)
"Taking the shot." , "Now isn't this just terrible for you." , "Ain't you surprised, ha!" , "Fighting is just muscle memory now." , "If I can hear you, it's too late." , "heard that..!" , "let's make this quick." , "You shouldn't have done that." , "By the ways of the old one, You'll be on the floor before ya know it." , "Not the best luck for you." , "Aim for the eyes." , "Oh, sorry mate. You got me on a wrong day. For you." , "Your blood will clean my blades." , "I like where this is going..."
"Thank goodness for truesight." , "Let's hope it's this way." , "Don't bump into a tree please..." , "Keep going." , "A nice jaunt." , "Let's hope for smooth terrain..." , "Keep up everybody! I need eyes ahead." , "Right on time." , "Easy." , "One foot in front of the other..."
Low health
"I need some help over here!" , "HEY! Somebody get over here and heal me!" , "I'd say the light was fading but-hells this is no time for jokes." , "Everything sounds...foggy.." , "That was too close..."
After Short rest
"A little shuteye was nice..." , "Time passed a little too fast." , "Back to the job." , "Welp, time to start moving again."
Character deaths
(Tav) "Oh hell, it can't be you!" , (Durge) "You can't die just yet, you have people to slay!" , (Astarion) "Astarion, don't you bleed out yet, we need you!" , (Gale) "GALE! Not yet, oh hells not yet." OR with low approval on Gale Origin "don't explode don't explode don't explode..." , (Shadowheart) "Stay here Shadowheart, we'll help!" , "KARLACH! You can't die out now!" , (Wyll) "The Blade can't break just yet!" , (Minthara) "You have so much more to do! For better or for worse, you can't die!" , (Halsin) "HALSIN! don't shrivel up now...!" , (Jaheria) "Jaheria! Don't give up yet!" (Minsc) "Minsc can't die! not now!"
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cherryblossomshadow · 2 years ago
#it often feels like parts of the gnc queer community will be like “you're not doing GNC right” #and I'm like “Other people put me here” (tags courtesy of @myfootyrthroat)
If gender is a performance, it is possible and not like, immoral to just be unskilled or bad at performing your gender (quote from above)
Some of them will also be 100% straight too. The same applies, and yes, this is a good thing. Gender roles strangle us all, and hanging so much on what is just stereotypes is not helpful and is directly harmful to all of us. (comment courtesy of @stealth-liberal)
Queer the cis/trans binary (comment courtesy of @zexreborn)
a lot of ppl don't seem to get that trans/queer acceptance means not being special. it means not being able to clock someone cuz like, yeah they've got blue hair and pronouns, but they might just be some chill cis dude. it means the erasure of identifiers as distinctly identifying. and thats a good thing, get with it (comment courtesy of @tornad001)
I can never really articulate why I hate it when people suggest "well maybe you're nonbinary" but this gets at some of it
something something, a narrowing of the accepted ways of being a man/woman, and then you get forced into some stupid third non-category instead (comment courtesy of @brighterflowers)
Thank you for saying this.
The only person who can say if you are trans is you. This means the only person who can tell another person if they’re trans is them! Even if you feel you lack an obstacle to seeing things that they have, there is no situation in which you are the right one to make this call.
Additionally: supporting questioning properly means you celebrate someone completely regardless of their identity. If they land on trans, they’re unique and wonderful in their transness - and if they land on cis, they’re STILL unique and wonderful in their cisness! Their gender is still something to celebrate and love, and it’s still unique to them! We cannot perform the work of liberation without the goal being to love people for exactly who they are, not who anyone else hopes they will be - including us. (comment courtesy of @neophyte-no1)
if a cis dude wants boobs and to still be a cis dude that is 100% his right.
If a cis girl wants a dick and to still be a cis girl that’s 100% her right.
If a cis dude doesn’t want a dick and to still be a cis dude that’s 100% his right.
If a cis girl wants no boobs at all and to still be a cis girl that’s 100% her right.
And so on, and so forth, across any and all things. Yes, even that one.
Total gender anarchy for all. (comment courtesy of @swiftrunnerfelidae)
literally feel like trans ppl loop all the way around to enforcing hegemonic gender roles sometimes #saying that a masculine woman is secretly a trans guy isnt progressive its literally age old misogyny #let people tell you when they are ready if theyre trans but making blanket statements about gnc people being eggs is icky like #wow how progressive you think a cis man who likes the color pink or has long hair or is quiet isnt actually a man #this literally drives me insane (tags courtesy of @ked-r)
actually stop calling people eggs #you can do it after they've come out #but until then you dont know if they're actually trans #and you're potentially just doing more harm by pushing them into an identity they dont identity with (tags courtesy of @tumblersleftboob)
Fully agree, I've met multiple cis lesbians who want mastectomy/top surgery for personal reasons. But go further, what if a confidently cisgender man preferred the idea of himself with a vulva/vagina for whatever personal reason, just didn't feel connected to his penis…. I genuinely can't think of a reason he shouldn't be allowed to make the informed choice to have a vaginoplasty, or the inverse with a cisgender woman and phalloplasty.
We were all born with a body, it is yours, whether it's tattoos or body mods, or genital harmonisation surgeries, you should be able to do what you like with it. (comment courtesy of @garden-of-varda)
Frankly an ideal world is one where the dividing boundaries between trans and cis ceased to exist. Everyone is free to mod their bodies and their personal gender expression however they like, and no one questions it if someone chooses to be something other than what they were born as. You're you, however you choose to express that. (comment courtesy of @yay855)
This is exactly why Finnster ISN'T transphobic, he's a cis straight man who fucks gender conformity hard and he is our FRIEND. He has never once "cosplayed being trans" and he says straight on hes cis het. (comment courtesy of @steviemamaoftheupsidedown-blog)
If your goal is to normalize gender-nonconformity you’re gonna have to accept that some people will fuck with gender as hard as they can while still being unequivocally, 100% cis and that is okay. There’s no egg to crack or callout to write. This is a good thing actually.
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