#so many wips are comin yall
shadowstrangle · 4 years
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thenightowl4l · 3 years
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"Vicky hurry up, We gonna be late!" you yelled at victoria from the living room steading in front of the door.
"Heffa im comin, Dont rush beauty!" victoria yelled back. You and her were heading out to go to Dave & Busters with your other bestfriend Tanaka and Nishonoya, then his other friends, that your also friends with which is, Kenma, and your little Red headed baby Hinata. You were glad Tanaka invited you, you needed to get your mind off of Kuroo. And Dave & busters was the perfect place for you to do so.
" Gurl please, you know you cant fix ugly" you snickered and laughed a little at your own joke.
"Whatever Y/N you just jealous. Anyway.. how I look" she said turning around slowly and posed when she was done.
" its cute girl, you look drop dead gorgeous" you said hyping her up a little.
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"Aww thank you, you look good too, as always Hun" she said smiling showing her pearly white teeth which enhanced her beautiful dark skin. complimenting you about you about your outfit.
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" I try, i try...." you said smiling.
"Aight now lets go...we finna be late waiting all day on you" victoria said while walking out the door giggling to herself.
"Now you know it was you taking all day" you said hurrying to close the door and ran after her laughing , she saw you and she just started running too.
"Lets see who can make it to the car first" you say while jogging slightly acting goofy like kids, then into a sprint after you saw victoria ran ahead of you.
You and Victoria pulled up to Dave & Busters with the music blasting loud in your car, yall were playing "Bestfriend" by saweetie screaming your lungs out. You pull up into a parking space, turned off the car, got out and made your way into the building whilst victoria was right beside you.
You opened the door, payed to get in, and walked toward the arcade area trying to find your friends.
"Yo Y/N over here" you turned around and saw Tanaka and Nishonoya with big smiles on theirs faces waving you over at the dining area. You smiled and waved back, grabbed victoria by the arm so she can follow you.
" Hey You guys" you and victoria said in sinc while sliding into the booth with hinata and nishonoya and victoria slid in on the other side with kenma and Tanaka.
"Hey! Y/N hey Vicky! glad you guys could make it" Hinata said smiling big with his eyes half way closed.
" yea! me too" Nishonoya said excitedly. kenma glanced up from his nintendo swtich and shyly waved at you and you waved back at him.
" AIght now that were all here, whats the plan" victoria spoke up, excited about playing the games. They usually meet up once a month to go to Dave & busters, to have their competition of which group can win the most tickects and whichever group does win, gets 1,000 dollars per person. The price changes every month.
" Okay so, its basically the same but this time we have 1,000$" Tanaka said eagerly.
"Oh and just in case you guys forgot the rules im gonna to tell you again" hinata said grinning.Everyone nodded their head showing that their listening.
number 1: if one group has more tickets than the other then that group automatically wins the money
number 2:NO CHEATING, such as stealing lost cards on the floor or even asking people for it... none of that
Number 3: You have 1hr to finnish not even a minute after or you will be disqualified
Number 4: Have FUN, Let the games begin''
he yelled excitedly jumping slightly in the booth.
"Aight im on Y/N's team" Victoria said
"Yea i am too"
kenma said lowly but audible enough for people to hear. this was your go to team because yall one 2 times in a row already. You liked Kenma because he was good at playing video games and if you didnt understand how to play a certain game he will show you how without making it hard to understand.
"aight cool, So im with Nisho and hinata" Tanaka said looking over at his group. everyone slid out the booth, hinata got out last and stood in front of your group, puffing up his chest trying to stand tall saying
" YOU guys wont win this one, ill make sure of it, ive been practicing" He said with determination in his eyes.
"Hhehe...Whatever you shorty" victoria said laughing looking over at you hitting your arm gently. while wipping a fake tear from under her eye.
You looked at her and started laughing too. Then once you guys were done doing all that laughing, your team and Tanaka's team began playing all the games.
" Kenma...i couldve sworn i thought you was about to break down just because you lost "1" game"
you say laughing a little.
" Yea me too, that look on his face killed me, it was too funny"
victoria said laughing too with a tear in her eye.
" i was shocked thats all, ive never lost a game
he said quietly grinning a little. Its been 1hr and you met Tanaka's group back at the dinning area, To see who had got the most tickets.Earlier Before yall had met up you went to the ticket counter where you slide your card and it tells you how many tickets who had.
Y/N: 500
Kenma: 845
Victoria: 650
So all together you all had 1,995 tickets. You walked to tanaka and you told him how much you all had.
He smiled grimacingly '' Well, Well, Y/N i guess you finally....lost, it was just by one ticket too" your heart dropped, yours eyes widen. You looked over at kenma and it looked like he had a stroke, Victoria was cursing underneath her breathe. Tanaka, Nisho, and Hinata were all jumping up and down happy that they finally took the trio down.
" Yesss i told you Y/N we would win" Hinata shouted
"haha...in your faces" Nisho and Tanaka said together doing a goofy pose, where Tanaka he holding Nisho in the air.
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You were disappointed but at the same time you couldnt help but laugh at them you loved your friends so much they were so fun to be around.
"Congrats you guys" you said in sweet voice, while walking up to them with your hand out to shake each of theirs. Until you got to Hinata holding on to his hand and lightly squeezing it, leaning your head down to his ear whispering intimidating him
"But ill tell you this....Next time we WONT lose...okay!" you said the last part in high pitched voice smiling, while leaning away from him and walking back to your group.
After the competition you guys talked and ate some food, and by this time it was getting late,So you and victoria said your goodbyes to the boys and walked out of the building into the car and drove home.
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