#so many thoughts about hero's love language you have no idea
He isn't an oc but you said canon characters were okay too so can you do 22 and 24 for Hero? thx
Oh absolutely, Anon! We would be happy to answer any of the questions for Hero always! We love talking about him and actually have a lot of headcanons about #24 (his love language) so thank you for asking that! In fitting with the game though, we'll answer these questions in Hero's POV (or at least will try our best to). We hope you'll like what we come up with! Thank you and take care! 💙
(These are post-good ending and have some OMORI spoilers. We also added some game sprites because we thought it would be fun 😁)
HERO Answers:
22. What's the easiest way to flirt with you?
Oh...uh...do people flirt with me? I'd really rather they didn't...
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It's very flattering, but um...honestly I haven't really been interested in any of that ever since Mari...
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But I can still try to answer for you… Mari always said I wasn't very good at picking up her (apparently extremely obvious) signals, so I'm honestly not sure if I'd even recognize that someone was flirting with me. 😅 I was honestly pretty oblivious back then, and I think I still am. Apparently, my friend Brandi tried to flirt with me when Kel, Sunny, and I visited her house on the day before Sunny was supposed to move away, but I didn't notice that either. In that case though, I think that's just Brandi being Brandi haha and we're just good friends so she didn't really mean anything by that.
But in Mari's case...we really did care about each other in that way and were sweethearts so...I really probably should have picked up on her flirting a little bit more. She used to tease me a lot and compliment me. I'm not sure I really realized she was flirting until she was just really direct about it, though, like just flat-out calling me "good looking." She'd wink at me with this bright, teasing smile and get this sort of laughing look in her eyes before she'd just start giggling and I'd blush and get flustered which would just make her giggle even more.
Mari loved to tease to show affection. I think that's something we had in a common because I like to do that too, but in a bit of a dryer, more subtle way than Mari, I think. She was much more playful and giggly about it than I ever was, so it was a little different but still the same kind of thing.
I don't think that's just a romantic thing though. We both teased our siblings and our friends a lot too. I used to tease Kel all the time when we were closer, but...um...I'm not sure we have that kind of relationship anymore so I don't do too much of that these days.
Honestly, I don't think I tease anyone too much these days, not even in a friendly way but especially not in a romantic one. But I suppose I still like that sort of playful teasing as a way to show affection. I guess flirting would fall in that category too...maybe? I'm not sure.
24. What would you consider your main love language?
Definitely Acts of Service. I've always really loved doing things for people and taking care of them. It's one of the reasons I've always loved to cook for my friends and family!
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I try to be mindful of other people's love languages too though, and try to figure out what my family and friends' love languages are so I can try my best to speak it for them.
Kel loves giving people things for instance. He gave me a cookbook just for coming home from college for the summer which was very thoughtful. I try to buy him thoughtful gifts too, and sometimes will pick fun little things up for him "just because," and he seems to really appreciate that.
Sunny's love language is definitely quality time, and now that he has moved to the City, I try to make a point to meet up with him and take him around to lots of my favorite spots around town. He loves going to my favorite coffee shop (probably because it's close to a mattress store haha), but I've taken him to a lot of parks and museums too or sometimes we just hang out at his apartment and watch tv or play games.
Mari's love language was quality time too, I think, but she also really liked physical touch. She was very cuddly--a lot more cuddly than me, I think, but I always tried to be more cuddly and affectionate with her because I knew how much it meant to her.
It's not always easy to receive love in the same way we give it away though. I always feel kind of awkward whenever someone wants to do things for me, even though that's how I would want to show love to them. I guess, I just don't want to be a burden on them or cause them any trouble. I'll admit that I always felt so loved whenever Mari would help me do the dishes though.
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
Love you writing, though i don't have a favorite Alfred's boy is in my current list to reread. I had an idea that i saw about Dick and his taste in partners and Jazz fits the type competent red heads. Anyway my prompt is Dick gathering his exes (Wally, Babs, and Kori) to meet help him woo his current crush Jazz Fenton. From there it could btanch off many different ways like Jazz showing off Wack Fenton shenanigans or maybe like midway he sees one of his brothers making more progress with their crush on Danny. Or adding a twist of a deaged Dani or Danny.
"Don't make it obvious, but she just walked in," Dick whispers to his friends. However, Babs is the only one who actually listens since both Wally and Kori nearly break their necks by how fast they turn around.
A woman with long, fiery hair walks in with an adorable pair of five-year-old twins. She again carries the books the teens had borrowed and makes a beeline for the return box.
Like clockwork, once the books are returned to the metal box, the twins tug her toward the astronomy section, babbling about star facts in perfect sync.
Her hair bounces with each step, swinging behind her like a waterfall made of sunsets.
It was her long smooth hair that had first captured Dick's attention (he has a type sue him) when the small family had first started appearing at Gotham's public library. He had been bringing Babs some lunch that day, hidden behind the counter so Babs' boss wouldn't see him, and had been in prime position to watch one of the twins flout up to reach a book on the top shelf.
He was intrigued by the boy's apparent meta abilities, but what really surprised him was how easily he used his powers. Maybe it was due to his young age or how the woman didn't discourage his powers.
She reminded him to use "Indoor flying" in the same tone he heard parents tell their kids to use their "indoor voice". Metas weren't as rare as people wanted them to be but to see someone so casual about them was.
It was honestly uplifting to see a family so open about it. The little girl with her also seems to be a meta, for not even minutes later, she phases through an aisle instead of walking around, and the woman doesn't even bat an eye.
She only sticks her hand out the aisle to tell the little girl to not walk away from the science fiction section.
Dick hadn't been able to take his eyes off her, even when she made the little girl blow her nose using tissue from her purse or when she had started lecturing the children for running around in a foreign language.
Since then, he has returned to visit Babs every Thursday at two. The woman would bring the twins every week at the same time and even thought Dick had attempted to walk over to her, it seemed as if the universe it self got in the way.
She would get a call. The kids would need the bathroom. She began reading to the children, or they would rush in and out. He didn't want to come off as creepy, so he didn't follow her around, only watching her when she wandered back into sight.
To avoid being a creep, he also refrained from asking Babs any information about her. He wanted to introduce himself to the Libary goddess himself.
He found himself daydreaming of her. Fantastic conversations and dates. Could even picture introducing her to Bruce and the others. It wasn't long before he let it slip about his fast-developing crush to his friends- and exes- who were excited to see the first civilian he's ever been interested in.
Walley and Kori had strong-armed him into bringing them along this week, insisting they could help him speak to her. It's not that Dick couldn't. It's been so long since he genuinely wanted to flirt with a civilian.
He long ago mastered the art of flirting, but it was to make a watered-down version of Brucie Wayne. It was nothing but a mask to keep his second life a secret. He was worried he had gotten too used to dating heroes and would scare her off before they could really be something.
"I said don't make it obvious!" He hisses as Babs chuckles. She is typing away on her laptop, not bothering to raise her eyes as she waves her hand.
"Relax, they aren't even looking at us."
"She's gorgeous!" Kori gasps.
"She's a redhead," Wally observes with a smirk. "Why am I not surprised? Who are the little ones?"
"Her younger siblings," Babs answers, surprising Dick. He had thought she was their mother by the way she behaved. He had been a bit worried she was married or already had a boyfriend, but if she had been a single mother, he would be happy and willing to step in as a father. "The whole family just moved to Gotham. Their parents are opening a new business here I think."
"What kind of business?" he asks, his eyes tracing the way her face lights up with a laugh. He can't hear what the little boy says, but it must have been humorous since she is chuckling for a while with him.
His heart flutters a little. He's never seen a smile so perfect and genuine before.
"Ecto-research and Ecto-defenses," Babs says with a straight face.
"What is that?" Kori asks, leaning on the counter to read over Bab's shoulder. Technically she shouldn't be sitting on the counter like this, nor should Dick or Wally be on the other side with Babs, but her boss was out for the day.
And Bruce owned the building.
"I'm not sure. I've been trying to look into it since Jazz told me about it on Monday." Babs replies, clicking between a webpage titled Fenton Works and Ectobeings. "It's not that they hidden the information, but it's a bit out there. The term ghost appears a lot, so I'm assuming they are ghost hunters and researchers."
"A daughter of ghost hunters.....almost as odd as a son of circus performers." Wally nudges Dick with his elbow, making the other smile, even if he blushes a little when the little girl snaps her gaze at them. "You have a change, Wonder Boy!"
"Please don't call me that. People are going to think I'm associated with Wonder Woman."
"Please, as if Wonder Woman would waste her time on you," Wally laughs, then leans closer. "I bet you could ask her about the family business over dinner."
"That would be a great opener," Kori agrees. "From my personal experience, men become much more attractive if they show interest in my family business."
"Your family business was being royal warlords," Babs tells her, which makes Kori stand up with pride.
"We had a long history of battle!"
Dick opens his mouth to answer, only to have a young voice cut him off. "You're royalty, too?"
In shock, he glances down, not realizing the little girl had sneaked up on them. She blinks large blue eyes at him with an innocent expression that only children this young can make. She is holding a book about the fictional Prince Dorathea and her tales of the Dragon necklace.
It was a new young adult novel by an anonymous author, taking the fantasy genre by storm. Dick should know since he was obsessed with reading the series too.
"I am. Princess Kori, heir to the throne." Kori tells her with a smile. She had never been that worried about her secret identity even though she appeared human right now- she was wearing a glamor necklace that Zatanna had whipped up for her so she could walk around like a regular person. She then winks, "Don't tell the government."
The little girl nods seriously as if she would take the secret to the grave. She's adorable. "I won't. I'm hiding from them too."
"Why's that?"
"I'm a princess." She says, lowering her voice into a stage whisper. Dick's heart melts. "My brother's the king."
"Danielle Fenton, what did I say about wandering around?" The goddess herself demands, striding over to them. Floating behind her is the little boy staring at the adults with wide, gleeful eyes.
Instead of becoming scared of a scolding like most children, Danielle throws a fist into the air. "I shall not be contained!"
The woman snorts. "I'll ground you."
"Let's not be too hasty," Danielle answers quickly as the little boy starts laughing, slowly turning in the air with his laughter. Dick watches, intrigued. It almost seems as if he was lying in an invisible hammock.
The redhead rolls her eyes, turning her gaze to the rest of the adults with an apologetic smile. "Sorry about her."
"No worries, Jazz. Danielle wasn't a bother, but you should listen to your sister and not walk around alone." The last part is directed at the little girl who starts to float upwards. "By the way, these are my friends. Wally, Kori, and Dick."
"Nice to meet you all." Jazz replies, and Dick can only offer her a wave as his tongue seems to have become lead. What is wrong with him?! "I'm Jasmine Fenton but call me Jazz. This is Danny and Danielle. Can we check these books out?"
"Sure. Guys, move out of the way for a bit." As Babs helps her, Wally yanks Dick to the side.
"Dude, are you okay?"
" I think I'm in love."
"Oh no." Says Kori with wide eyes. "We lost him.
None of the three notices the glowing blue eyes of a flouting little boy watching their huddle, nor do they notice the immense power resting behind such a youthful face.
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screeching-bunny · 11 months
Yandere! Slasher Hcs
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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🌟 Yandere! Slasher has been stalking you the minute you moved into his town. Imagine his surprise when he learns that you’ll be attending the same school as him! This must be fate telling him that you’re the one and to get with you quickly! He’s already planning his future with you. From where your wedding will be, how the names of your kids, how many pets the two of you would own. Everything you can think of, he’s already panned it.
🌟 Yandere! Slasher is so socially awkward around you. Whenever you speak to him his knees start shaking and he’s tripping over his words. Just a bundle of nerves and can’t think whenever he’s around you. You probably don’t even notice him or remember him most of the time but whenever you greet him he can basically feel his heart leap out of his chest.
🌟 Yandere! Slasher loves to give you presents and his love language is definitely gift giving. It’s not the normal gift giving though, it’s more of a “Wow look at what my cat gave me” type of gift giving. His “presents” are hit or miss though. They’re either extremely good presents like a stolen gold watch or extremely crappy like a dead bird. It’s very interesting to say the least.
🌟 Yandere! Slasher loves killing people for both the thrill and fun of it. He likes to pick off your friends one by one and watch their faces curl up in fear. Desperately watch you to be isolated from social interaction so that he can observe you without the fear of losing you to someone else. It’s gotten so bad that almost everyone believes that you're the killer since all of your friends end up missing or dead.
🌟 Yandere! Slasher would swoop and clear your name in hopes of looking like a hero in your eyes. When you are eventually cleared from all allegations, he’s the only person that you're actually actively interacting with. Even though he’s gotten closer to you, he still feels all giddy inside and clumsy.
🌟 Yandere! Slasher is the type of person to just steal your trash. Remember that fork you threw away? Well that’s his now. Remember that empty water bottle? It’s his new refillable water bottle. What about that napkin you threw away yesterday? Well, it’s at his house next to his bed. That man will literally be on his hands and knees digging out of the trash to find whatever thing that you threw away.
🌟 Yandere! Slasher is so down bad that he has his own fake mini you plushie that he sleeps with every night. And yes made that plush himself. He literally salivates at the idea of sleeping on a bed with you. Literally wants to be with you so bad. He gets increasingly annoyed whenever he’s not around you or has his sights on you.
🌟 Yandere! Slasher would definitely kidnap or abduct you one day. He’d basically do it in his signature serial killer costume. Yandere! Slasher would prefer it if you had a group with you during this. He just loves the chase and it makes everything so exciting. Loves the idea of you slowly starting to panic as everyone disappears one at a time. It has him jumping for joy.
Things were looking terrible for both you and your group. The murder was still after you relentlessly and wouldn’t give up no matter what. Everything was looking so dim. None of you were able to call the police for some odd reason, it felt like someone was jamming the internet. Nothing was working but a singular phone that could only be used to text messages to a singular unknown phone number. This was your current predicament, trying to strike a deal with a psycho killer for your lives.
Random side character: (trembling) while sending a message “Please let us go we’ll give you anything”
Originally, you all didn't have much hope, but what you all didn't expect the killer to reply so quickly.
Yandere! Slasher: “Anything is fine?”
Random side character: (trembling) “As long as you let us go, we’ll do our best to help you fulfill your wish.”
Yandere! Slasher: “I want the cutie standing over there to be my spouse. Specifically the one that has [describes your appearance]
Everyone : "????"
You: “What the fuck—“
Before anyone could react, the opposite side began to send messages quickly. You couldn’t believe that it was possible for someone to type this proficiently. It was like the other person wasn’t even typing at all. Their typing skills were faster than a normal person talking. If your life weren’t in danger right now you’d be applauding.
Yandere! Slasher: “I am a male, 6’6, and have no bad habits. I have been ranked first academically since I was a child. I was admitted to multiple Ivy League Universities with excellent scores. At present, I have not killed anyone in the last 24 hours. I am very kind. My family is very rich and I can provide you with a happy life. I will do all the housework after marriage. I will do all the laundry, cook, and clean the house. I can hand over all my salary to you. I will never quarrel with you, and I also guarantee that I will only love my spouse in my entire lifetime. This is my photo.”
After this sentence, more than a dozen photos were sent from the opposite side. Different backgrounds, different angles, and different clothes. The only thing the photos had in common was that they were carefully photographed. It was obvious that the photographer was working hard to get his good side.
Yandere! Slasher: “If you don’t like my appearance, I can always get plastic surgery. If it’s my gender you have an issue with, then it's not impossible to become a woman.”
All eyes were on you right now and the only thing you could say at that minute was,
“…. What the hell?”
Pt. 2
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exhaslo · 10 months
Hello exhaslo! I was wondering if you could write something for me🥺
I had this idea in my head for a while. ( Don't mind my English, it's my second language-) Soo can you write about Psycho Miguelx shyreader? I want to see miguel stalk reader, obsessed over reader, steal her clothes or panties for "whatever" purpose.. watching her sleep like a psycho- you know-
Until one point he kidnap and locked her up. Torture her but he still love her like a crazy obsession (dark scene maybe). He would try to be good to her (like try to bath and feed her) but she's just doesn't cooperate and miguel piss off easily.
If you do write it pls tag mee? This is my first ever request in thumbler. (I don't know how this app works) 🕴️
Hello! Hello!! Gotta love me some crazy Miguel. I'd feel like after a while a shy reader would give into the psycho bc they'd be too scared to escape. Maybe like Stockholm Syndrome?
I believe you will already receive a notification since I'm replying to your request, not quite sure how it works either, haha.
Warning: MINORS DNI, Smut, stalking, kidnapping, p in v, Stockholm syndrome, abuse, will try and make this as not concerning as possible, but if you remotely are not comfortable with any of these topics then I highly suggest avoiding
Spiderman is a hero! Spiderman does nothing wrong! Spiderman will help the citizens of Nueva York! Spiderman! Spiderman! Spiderman!
"Silence." Miguel hissed lowly.
It was a quiet night aside from the constant voices that reminded Miguel of his responsibility. The annoyance that he had to burden himself with and live to those standards. So many people treated him like a God. Everyone worshiped him, but none of them were willing to give him what he wanted.
At least, until you came along.
Miguel sat against a building, watching you leave work. It was only a short while ago that you started to work for Alchemax. You were a ray of sunshine in Miguel's life. He had to have you for himself. A beautiful, shy angel who just moved into the city.
His angel.
Miguel had already approached you at work, revealing to be the kind coworker to help you with anything. He wanted to start off well, at least the side that he was going to show you. Afterwards, he was going to find out everything about you as Spiderman.
"She lives so close to me," Miguel whispered, watching you enter a building.
His eyes sparkled as he followed your sweet scent up the floors. Once you stopped and entered your apartment, Miguel nearly groaned at the sight. He watched from the window as you stripped and prepared for a shower. Such a clueless beauty.
"She left her window unlocked for me," He whispered, entering your apartment.
You were humming quietly to yourself as you showered. Such a soft and low voice that should only be for him. Miguel would listen to you forever, but he didn't want you to catch onto him, yet. Grabbing your panties, Miguel inhaled towards you scent, groaning lowly.
"H-H-Hello?! I-Is...Is anyone there?!" You squeaked, turning the water off.
Miguel cussed to himself, quickly fleeing the scene. He stuffed your panties in his pocket and watched as you hesitantly stepped out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel and a bottle of shampoo. How cute. Like that was going to stop him.
"P-Please...I-If anyone is...is there...I-I don't have anything." You cried, shaking in fear.
Miguel resisted a chuckle. You had everything. You were everything. Miguel was going to have you for himself. He just needed to wait for the right time.
"I-It was so scary! I-I really thought someone broke in!" You cried your eyes out at work towards Miguel.
"Don't cry, amor (love)." Miguel whispered, wiping your tears away with his thumb. You sniffed, staring at your wonderful coworker,
"S-Sorry...I...I just...I didn't expect this...I'm new to the city...and...and I just..." You felt your lips quiver as you tried to think, "A-Also, my underwear disappeared...m-maybe my apartment is haunted!"
"I'm sure you just misplaced them," Miguel lied knowing full well that your panties were now covered in his cum, "It could be the stress of moving to a large city. It will take some time to...adapt," He whispered, patting your head.
You rubbed your eyes, smiling brightly towards Miguel. He was just a nice coworker and good looking too. You were happy to have gotten close to him during your stay here. Thanking Miguel again for letting you vent, you pecked his cheek before hurrying off to work.
Miguel just smiled wickedly as he watched your scurry off. Those hips of yours just begging to be grabbed by him. Your soft voice just waiting to cry his name out. Miguel needed more of you. He had to have more of you.
There he was again, outside your window, watching you walk around your place half naked. Oh, how tempting you were. His shy little angel just walking around in nothing but your panties. You were just asking him to go in there and fuck you.
Miguel decided to leave your clothes alone today, for he had something else in plan. He waited for you to fall into a deep slumber before entering the apartment. His eyes sparkled brightly as he saw you clearly in the dark.
"Oh, my lovely (Y/N)," Miguel whispered, stroking your naked body, "I know you must be dreaming of me,"
"Mhm~" You shifted slightly in your sleep.
Miguel hummed quietly as he started to stroke his dick beside your bed. He wanted to touch you, but he was afraid of waking you. Miguel had to be patient. Resisting a moan, Miguel kept pumping his dick to the sight of you sleeping. Oh how he wanted to see you wrapped around him.
"Fuck," Miguel whispered as he cummed over your body.
He sighed softly in relief before cleaning you up. He didn't want you getting anymore scared and locking your windows. Once you were cleaned, Miguel swiped the panties you were wearing and left to finish relieving himself at home.
"I-I don't know what to...to do. I-I've never been asked out before," You whispered, hiding in Miguel's lab.
It had been another week of your panties going missing and you were officially scared. The last two nights you had stayed at a coworker's place, wanting to sleep easy. This made Miguel angry. He couldn't find you and now someone had the nerve to confess to you?
"M-Miguel? A-Are you okay? I...I can come ba-"
"I'm fine, just haven't slept well these past two nights." He told you. You slowly approached him, stroking the bags under his eyes,
"Oh, Miggy. I'm sorry! I-I've been ranting this whole time while y-you're this tired!" You whined softly. Miguel grabbed your hands, kissing them softly,
"Dios Mio (My god), you make me want to steal you away, (Y/N)." Miguel whispered, watching you grow flustered, "Will you let me do that?"
You squeaked, feeling your cheeks grow hot. Honestly, you weren't expecting that from Miguel. Yes, you liked him a lot, but this was straight up flirting. Trying to hide your face from embarrassment, you just smiled, wanting to play along.
"S-Sure," You said sweetly.
You whimpered lowly as you slowly felt yourself come to your senses. You vaguely recalled what happened before you lost consciousness. It was time for you to clock out and you saw Miguel waiting for you. He offered you a ride and then you knocked out.
Rubbing your eyes, you looked around and noticed that you were in an unfamiliar bedroom. Tears started to form as your heart raced in fear. Even your clothes were changed. You were wearing a long night gown.
"M-Miguel...A-Are you there?" You cried softly.
Crawling off the bed, you gasped as you felt something tied to your foot. You whimpered, spotting the cozy chains that held your ankles in place with a long chain connected to the bed.
"(Y/N), you're awake." Miguel hummed as he entered the room with a tray of food, "I brought you dinner."
"M-Miguel...I-I'm scared..."
"Shh, it's okay, baby. I know, but it's all going to be okay now. You did give me permission to take you away after all." He said with a sadistic smirk. You trembled slightly,
"I-I thought...y-you were just...just flirting..." You tried your best not to cry, "M-Miggy, p-please...I'm scared."
"I'm going to take good care of you, (Y/N)"
Miguel placed the tray to the side and crawled onto the bed. He pulled you closer to him and captured your lips into a forceful and deep kiss. You were shaking as you tried to push him away, but he was too strong for you.
You whimpered as Miguel's tongue ravished the inside of your mouth. His hands holding your wrists in place as his body pinned you to the bed. You were terrified. The man you thought who cared for you was a psychopath.
"You taste just as sweet as your panties," Miguel whispered, pulling you onto his lap and grabbed the tray.
"W-Wait...y-you took...h-how?"
"Ah, since you're going to be my wife, I suppose you should know. I'm Spiderman. I've been watching you, making sure no harm came to my beautiful wife,"
Your face turned bright red at the thought. This whole time it was Miguel who snuck into your place and stole your underwear. Now, he had stolen you. Trying to free yourself, you whimpered as Miguel forced you back into his lap. You cried, feeling his bulge press into your ass.
"Don't cry, eat. You need your energy."
"N-No! I want...I want to go home!"
"You are home!" Miguel yelled.
Sighing heavily, Miguel watched as you shook in fear and covered your ears. He moved the tray away and turned you around to face him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head in the crook of your neck. You were crying. Shaking in his arms.
"I won't ever hurt you, (Y/N). I promise to take care of you." He whispered.
It had been a week since you were held hostage by Miguel. Each day he brought more of your stuff to his place, wanting you to feel comfortable. You couldn't forgive him though, but you were too scared to disobey him.
You poked your head out of your room, spotting the front door open. Miguel had placed an ankle bracelet on you, but that couldn't stop you from trying to escape and getting someone to break the device. You just needed to be fast.
Hurrying towards the door, you yelped as you got yanked back. You cried as webs locked your arms behind your back. Miguel approached you, bending you over the living room table,
"Oh, (Y/N), why are you trying to leave?" He asked, pretending to sound hurt.
"M-Miguel...I...I..." You knew better than to lie.
"I'm going to have to give you a punishment."
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you felt Miguel tear your panties off. You begged him to forgive you, but Miguel had already started to grope your ass. You trembled and whimpered as you felt his fingers rub your folds.
"I know you love me, (Y/N), you're just confused right now." Miguel whispered in your ear as he started to pump his fingers into your pussy.
You gasped and whimpered, trying to distract your brain. Miguel's thick fingers were stretching your pussy out, making your body grow hotter with each pump. You cried out a moan as his fingers curled and rubbed your gummy walls.
"See, look how wet you are. Just stop trying to lie to yourself."
"M-Miguel," You whimpered, your face pressed against the table, "I-I'm scared."
"Shh, you'll feel so much better after this. Honestly, it isn't even a punishment, baby."
Miguel chuckled darkly as he pumped his fingers faster into you. Your juices spilling against his fingers and onto the table. You cried, arching you back as you cam against his fingers. Miguel hummed to the sound of your moans and your throbbing pussy.
"Good girl,"
You panted heavily, shaking from your high. You yelped as you felt Miguel grab your hips and something thick poke your hole. You tried to raise your head, but Miguel pushed you back down. He lifted your hips and shoved his dick inside you.
"Ah! M-Miguel! S-Stop!" You cried, taken back from the pain.
Miguel slapped your ass as he pounded your poor cunt. Groans and moans escaped his throat as he finally enjoyed the feeling of his dick inside you. Your tight gummy walls sucking him in so much. The sounds of your bodies slapping against each other. Everything about his moment made him horny.
"Fuck, (Y/N), I've been waiting for this. You feel so fucking good. Your pussy just loves my dick. You're doing so good." He rambled, slapping his hips into yours harsher.
"A-Ah~ M-Mig~ W-Wait...I-I'm d-dizzy~" You moaned out.
"You're doing so well, baby. Just relax for me,"
You whimpered lowly as you felt your mind grow hazy. His dick was thrusting so deep inside you that you swore his tip kissed your cervix. Your body shook and trembled as it grew hotter. Another knot forming as you felt the pain turn into pleasure.
"Mhm~ M-Miggy~" You cried out, feeling your orgasm approaching.
You wanted to hate this. You wanted to, but you couldn't deny that deep down before he kidnaped you, you wanted this. Before Miguel showed his true colors, you liked him a lot. You weren't sure if it was your past emotions and feelings, but you were giving into him.
"Good girl, such a fucking good girl," Miguel groaned as you cam against his dick, "See? Already used to me."
Miguel inhaled to the sound of your moans and sobs. He grunted as he slapped his dick deeper into you, filling your womb. He let out a sigh of relief before removing the webbing from your hands. He flipped you over, enjoying your fucked out expression.
"I'm not done with you, baby. I'm going to show you how much I love you."
It had been a year since Miguel kidnapped you. You weren't sure when, but eventually you gave in to him. Miguel was only trying to protect you after all. You were just being unreasonable. He loved you so much and you finally shared that love.
"M-Miguel, W-Welcome home...I...I made you dinner." You whispered shyly, gripping the bottom of your new night gown he bought you.
"(Y/N), how was my beautiful wife today?" Miguel hummed, taking off his mask and picking you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist,
"I missed you," You whispered, kissing him sweetly, "Miggy, can you stay home tomorrow? I...I'm a little lonely."
"Of course. I know just how to spend the day tomorrow."
Miguel smirked as you cheered, hugging him. He stole your lips in a passionate kiss, enjoying your submissiveness. It took some time, but he was glad that you finally saw what he was trying to do. Miguel knew that you loved him.
You were just too shy to admit it yet.
"Why don't we start tomorrow's plan now?"
You squeaked, covering your face as Miguel tore your panties again. Miguel chuckled lowly as he spent no time abusing your cunt with his dick. He was going to make sure that you weren't lonely anymore. What better way than to impregnate you?
"C'mon baby, tell me what you want." Miguel hummed as he slapped his hips into yours.
"Y-You! M-Miguel, I want you!!"
"That's right. You're mine."
And Miguel was never going to let you go.
Haha, kind of got a little worried with how dark I was going to make this. I hope this met your expectations!!
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Mail Time
“Oh, Legend!” Sky waves the vet down as he comes down the stairs of the inn. “I’ve got the mail! Want to help me sort it out?”
“The mailman again? How does he end up here?” Legend pulls some of the stack from Sky’s arms and frowns at the different scripts. “Hey, are any of these important?”
“Why would I know?”
“Great, let me take these off your hands!” Legend makes a grab for the stack, which Sky yanks away.
“These aren’t yours!”
There’s a glint in the vet’s eyes that promises trouble. “Did you know you can steam open envelope seals? Sure would be a shame if the contents got mixed up…right?”
Well…that’s a pretty harmless prank, actually. Not everyone could read each other's language so there was little chance of sharing information. Sky’s grin is slow, but there. “Want to show me?”
“Mail time!” Sky hands out envelopes based on the names. Legend follows Sky into the room with the other heroes. He and the vet split the stack to mix up. Actually…
“One for you, Legend!”
The vet startles at being handed an envelope, then blanches when he looks at the handwriting. Ah, so he doesn’t want that mixed up in someone else’s? Well, he should have thought of that before pranking the Chain.
For a moment there’s just the quiet rip of seals and shuffle of paper.
“Huh.” Four frowns at the letter he’s holding. “I’ve never heard my Zelda use so many…compliments before.”
Hyrule squints at his paper. “Did I get a bill? Something about rental fees?”
“Well, mine’s from Tetra!” Wind says, which only adds to the confusion.
Warriors makes a choking sound and his face goes bright red.
Legend pounces. “What’s wrong, captain? Why not read your letter aloud?”
“N-no,” comes the strangled reply. “I really don’t think that’s a good idea. I think the mail has been mixed up.”
“Come on, share with us!”
The captain makes a wheezing sound and turns, impossibly, redder. “You asked for it. Uh, someone cover Wind’s ears.”
“Hey!” Wind is ignored as Twilight claps his hands over the sailor’s ears. Time frowns, but doesn’t interfere.
Clearing his throat, Warriors starts reading. “My love, how I long for the carnal delight of your body. I’m so empty without your…sword to spear me.”
Twilight clutches Wind closer, mouth hanging open. Most of the rest of the Chain stare as well. Legend is positively bug-eyed.
“I miss running my hands across your firm buttocks, dipping to that most secret place—”
“Okay!” Time interrupts. “I think that’s enough.”
Warriors waves the paper. “No, no, let me keep reading! Let’s see, ‘My sweet, my Fairy Boy, my Link…”
Dead silence.
As one, everyone’s heads swivel to stare at Time. Sky’s never seen Time turn that shade of red before.
“I think,” he whispers, “that letter is for me.”
“It was Sky’s idea to mix up the mail,” Legend yells, and bolts.
If Sky’s going down, Legend is too. “Get back here you turncoat! Traitor! Villain!” He thuds into the hall wall as he sprints after the vet.
“Sky! Legend!” Time roars.
“Run faster!”
@uniquevoidflowers Thanks for the prompt!
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linkemon · 1 year
Confession headcanons
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
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Other headcanons from this series can be found here.
Part 2 | Part 3 of the confession headcanons.
This part contains: Malleus Draconia, Idia Shroud and Kalim Al-Asim.
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Malleus Draconia
• Malleus' confession of feelings involved a number of obstacles and misunderstandings, although happily resolved.
• He wrote about you many times in letters to his grandmother. And although it made him realize the fragility of relationships with humans, grandma was also very happy knowing that her grandson had experienced such deep love. She really wanted to meet you, even though you didn't know it at the time.
• Draconia's biggest fear and block from telling you how he felt was the fear of loss. In various aspects of it. He was aware that he would certainly outlive you, and from time to time the thought of you returning to the world you came from floated in the back of his mind. In addition, you were his first real friend, not counting the people who were with him every day. Rejection could cost him the entire relationship.
One most ordinary night, he simply realized that the risk was worth trying to tell you how he felt.
• Malleus sprang into action with eager vigour. Unfortunately, these efforts were somewhat misdirected. It took Lilia to clearly explain to him that the customs adopted among fae do not necessarily translate to humans. He was forced to do this, as it were, because after you threw away his family generational necklace, the clouds over Diasomnia were darkening day by day and a disastrous downpour with lightning was brewing.
Meanwhile, you were simply afraid that Grim would destroy such a valuable and expensive gift. You had absolutely no idea of the additional meaning it carried.
• The second attempt was definitely more successful. Malleus gave you the rose seeds he grew in Briar Valley. Planted in Ramshackle, with his magic they turned into a field of red flowers. Combined with the moonlight and the fireflies dancing around you, it created a wonderful atmosphere that you will remember for a long time.
It was then that the fae confessed to you that he had been smitten with you from the very beginning but it was your friendship, so precious to him, that turned into something more. The fact that he knelt down in front of you and promised to give you everything you wanted made you think for a moment that he was going to propose to you. Initially, that's what he planned, but Lilia talked him out of it...
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Idia Shroud
• It's not that Idia didn't know what love was. He had played so many otome games that while he wasn't an expert, he certainly wasn't a noob. However, without Ortho's help, he would not have correctly recognized its signs in real life.
• He started by avoiding you. The rapid heartbeat and red tips of his hair were becoming more and more frequent and it was difficult for him to control them. So he found the best solution he could come up with, which was to lock himself in his room. He avoided you as much as he could all over campus.
• His brother, although he quickly understood through data analysis what was happening to him, did not think it was good to raise the topic too early. Initially, he wanted to give Idia time. Time was clearly running out because the robot, seeing you once again look sadly at the tablet and gave it a wide berth, decided to act. He prepared a series of tests to convince your older brother that you reciprocate his feelings. Of course, Shroud hid under the blanket, mumbled to be left alone. Although he pretended to be uninterested, the speech actually sparked hope in him.
Maybe this time he wasn't a total knight nerd and side hero? Maybe he could play the lead role for once?
• He did what he does best. He designed a program that allowed him to send a request if you wanted to be his girlfriend. At worst, he was going to pretend it was a mistake.
When he saw that instead of checking the tick box, you had come to Ignihyde, he immediately paled. You had to knock on the door, telling him that you wouldn't leave until he explained to you what was actually going on and how this confession related to his constant avoidance of you.
Idia just stuck his head out of the crack, stammered and said that he was like the worst NPC you've ever seen but if you let him have some time, maybe he'll become a main character worthy of you.
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Kalim Al-Asim
• Friendzone should be his middle name. From the beginning of your relationship, he sent you signals that you considered romantic. Until you started spending more time with him around others and you found out that Kalim treated them the same way he treated you. That's when everything started to get confusing for you.
• When you tried to tell him that you liked him very much, he replied that he liked you too. When you said more, he said more, more. And when you said he was more than a friend, he said you were his best friend. He did all this with such a wide smile on his face that you didn't have the heart to explain to him the true meaning of your statements. You knew the sincerity of his words. Few people in the NRC matched him in truthfulness. But it was incredibly frustrating for you.
• Grim knew exactly what was happening, seeing your hearty eyes every time you left the desert dormitory. He calculated in his head how many cans of tuna he would get if you got together with the prefect of Scarabia. This prompted him to not-so-subtly blurt out to Kalim that you were romantically interested in him. In return, he received a promise of a container of fish delicacies.
• The boy was in great shock but in a positive way. He didn't know what to do with all his joy, so he grabbed the first flowers in a vase he had at hand and ran towards the flying carpet. You weren't expecting him at all in the evening, dressed in your pajamas and ready to go to bed. He hugged you so tightly that he almost knocked you over and that was before he even remembered that he hadn't told you why he actually came...
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thethirdtriplet · 11 months
Title: Mentor Tim
So we all know how similar Tim is to Bruce, I feel like as Tim gets older he promises himself not to become like him, in regards to his closed off-ness and anti-social behavior, gets therapy (boy was that something else), matures as a person and learns to take care of himself properly (not everyone has an Alfred lying around y’know).
So older Tim, who does not want to be Batman (who does at this point?), and considers Red Tornado (Aka; the only adult who really cared) his idol, makes an intellectual decision.
To mentor 10+ young vigilantes, that are basically neglected or ignored by their mentors, that he met once on a mission, apparently they’re the new Young Justice members (why do all the unwanted ones end up there, seriously, has everyone learned nothing??).
It’s not that he planned to mentor the young superheroes, but he couldn’t really ignore them when they took to him like little ducklings to water all because he was nice to them.
The were very undertrained and uncoordinated, and in desperate need of guidance, and Tim who has caused or been apart of some of the craziest shit known to man has a lot of knowledge to spare:
Tim: Leo, for the love of god. Put. That. Down. Number one rule of dealing with magical artifacts or magic in general is don’t touch it and run, don’t walk away if it starts to glow.
Tim: Keith, seriously dude, if you need any new equipment, swords, knives, anything at all, just tell me. Y’know what I can set it up with one phone call, hold on.
Tim: Peter, if that jerk at school talks to you like that again I give you my permission to beat his ass, I don’t care what your school or “mentor” have to say, they clearly know nothing about teenagers.
Tim: Of course you can skip training next week for your recital Sofia, and actually, I cancelled training for everyone when they told me they all wanted to go to support you, thanks for inviting me by the way, I can’t wait.
Tim: Oh, you’ve had an argument with your parent, Nick? Hold on just a sec.
Tim: Yeah, I just freed my schedule so we could have the whole day to ourselves, I remember those movies you told me you wanted to marathon, let’s go watch them in the big screen room, bundle ourselves in the softest blankets and eat a sh- heck ton of ice cream, while we talk about it, if you feel like it, of course.
Tim: I noticed how much extensive energy you have even after a full training session, Mateo, so I thought you and I could stay and spar, even after everyone’s done. I’ve brought new training equipment for you to try and researched a few new techniques that correlate with your abilities.
Tim: Don’t worry about not being able to speak, Amara, I know plenty of sign, in many languages, in fact.
Tim: *on a phone call*
Tim: What do you mean you’re in a burning building?
Tim: What do you mean you set it on fire?!
Tim: Send me your location, Amber, I’ll be there in ten, no- five.
And that’s how the hero community noticed how the newly proclaimed Young Justice mentor Red Robin nowadays often had one, if not all, of his ducklings kids students standing proudly next to him.
Tim: Red, I am so sorry for all the years you had to put up with my bullshit.
Tim: I’m basically the only adult- no, person, who cares about them!
Tim: I don’t know how they’ve been alive for so long!
Red Tornado: You are forgiven, Tim, although I must admit, it is quite satisfying that you know of my pain.
Tim, with haunted eyes: You have no idea.
Part 2??
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Take Care
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff
Summary: Everyone tries to warn Wanda what a bad idea it is to fall in love with the big, bad, scary spy.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language.
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When Wanda joined the Avengers she was sure she had just walked herself into some type of military team so strict and uptight that she was half expecting their fancy airplane to land in the middle of the desert surrounded by barbed wire and heavily armed men. They were, after all, the main ones responsible for keeping Earth safe from every type of villain that might come to them. Aliens, humans, and anything in between. Their team, formed by a literal God, a super soldier, a man who could turn himself into a green monster, a man whose big ego could barely fit inside his iron suit, and two humans - who, really, were probably better than all the other four combined - should live and breath for training, follow routines and focus on getting better and better every time.
Wanda realized pretty quickly that she had been wrong - very wrong - about her assumption.
Tony Stark was a kid stuck in a man’s body. He could barely keep a serious conversation with anyone and spent most of his time making jokes and provoking his colleagues. Bruce was one of the gentlest souls Wanda ever met - though, admittedly, she hadn’t met many of those during her lifetime - but he was a bit like an erudite and lived inside a lab. Thor assembled Wanda as that overly excited kid who got dropped at the amusement park with too much money. Steve was probably the only one among all of them who took this “hero” job as seriously as they should, though it was a bit wasted on him since he didn’t need to train to keep his shape and he was almost unmatchable. And Clint, well, Clint had so many dad jokes in his pockets that Wanda was as impressed by it as she was by his archery skills.
Less than a month of living with them and Wanda already realized that the men who were the most powerful and skilled people on Earth were just like every other man - but with powers and skills no one else had.
It did wonderful things for her because, for once, she didn’t walk into a military base camp like she thought she was going to when Steve and Clint convinced her to tag along after Sokovia, but also because the grief after losing Pietro was very consuming and it was good to have people around her who made her laugh or roll her eyes. It was good to feel things other than sorrow. She got closer to Steve more than anyone else since he was the calmest of them - centered and sweet - but, after a rough start when Wanda could barely get out of bed, she managed to form a bond with the entire team.
The point is that Wanda was aware that those people sometimes acted like the teenagers she often saw on the sitcoms she used to watch with her family. That, of course, did not prepare her to find out that, above all of that, their team also seemed to be keen on keeping updates to their comrades' private lives. In other words, they were gossipmongers.
“So…” The first one to bring it up had been Thor, surprisingly so because the God of Thunder was spending less and less time around nowadays. “I noticed you have a thing for the widow.”
Wanda was not at all surprised that the team picked up on the little signs that she might have taken a different liking to Natasha - of all people, really, and her heart had decided to beat a bit faster to the woman who could kill on two hundred and God knows how many different ways. There were spies on the team and most of them could, somehow, hear better than everyone else too. Also, they would never have gotten that far in battling the bad guys if they had been oblivious to things around them.
What did surprise her, however, was that someone decided to point it out. To her face. While they were trying to choose the movie for that night - Tony’s idea because he was insisting they should pretend to be some type of dysfunctional family who had movie nights or something like that.
With her eyes wide and heart beating fast inside her chest, Wanda glanced over her shoulder to make sure they were still alone in the communal area where the largest TV known by man was. She could hear Tony and Clint bickering in the kitchen because they both had different ideas of what the night snack should be, and she knew Steve, Natasha and Sam must still be in the training room, so obviously Bruce was in his lab yet probably talking with Vision. Even so, Wanda didn’t look even a bit relaxed when she looked back at Thor.
“What?” She breathed out and then, because the nerves were eating her inside, she let out an awkward chuckle while shaking her head.
Wanda really thought the tall muscular man would let it go. He didn’t, of course. “No need to lie to me, shorty,” he said with a large smile that would’ve been charming if he wasn’t so damn daunting. Wanda also wanted to point out that everyone next to Thor would be short and that she was taller than most, but he didn’t give her a chance. “I can see the way you stare at her.”
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Wanda opened her mouth to try and come up with something to say but there was nothing her brain could use to get out of that situation. She wasn’t surprised people noticed but she was surprised Thor noticed. Because, if he did, so did everyone else. And, God, it was terrifying to have people knowing the things she felt.
She had a very complicated life until that point - and it still was, honestly - and Wanda learned when she was still a kid inside an orphanage that anything people knew about you could be used to hurt you. When Hydra started to make experiments on her, it became even more evident. Wanda proved it herself when she invaded the minds of the same people she now shared a roof with and used their worst memories and fears against them. And, after going through training with Natasha, Clint and Steve, Wanda could immediately panic thinking someone knew her deepest secrets.
Thor must have seen the panic on her face because his teasing smile turned more soft and he actually lowered his voice a bit - not that it would make such a difference since his timbre was so deep. “Hey, I’m not going to judge. Humans have so many rules and what they think is moral or not is based on things I can’t understand.”
It took Wanda a few seconds to understand what he was talking about. Thor thought she was afraid he would have a problem with Wanda having feelings for a woman when, in reality, she was scared that he knew she had feelings at all. If she wasn’t so tense, Wanda would’ve laughed.
“That’s not what I wanted to talk about, though,” Thor kept talking and Wanda was amazed he had a plan on what he wanted to talk with her about. Thor was not the type of guy who planned those things. Still holding the remote in her hand, Wanda waited for him to continue. “Look, Natasha is… very brave.” He made it sound like that was the most important quality someone could have. “And scary.” Wanda raised her eyebrows in surprise. “I mean, she’s a good woman. Very beautiful too.”
Okay, he didn’t have a plan.
Wanda slowly nodded. “Sure,” she mumbled, unsure what else she could say.
“She’s also not the woman who do dating,” Thor finally declared, suddenly looking proud of himself. “If you want, I’m pretty sure she would be down to sex, but take care, okay?” Wanda felt her face heating up in a way it had never done before and her eyes glued to the TV in front of her with renewed interest. There was no way that conversation was real. “If you do the sex, don’t get attached,” he warned her gently. “You might end up getting hurt. So, maybe, the best idea is to not have sex. Unless you want to.”
Wanda thought she wanted to disappear, maybe be swallowed whole by a portal or something that would take her away. She had magic and she certainly could make it happen if she tried hard enough but Wanda felt so shell-shocked that she couldn’t move. “Thor…”
The God interrupted her, though, which was good because Wanda wasn’t sure what she could even say. “I just mean that having feelings for someone like Natasha can be very tricky. But, if you ever get your heart broken and need someone to talk to, just come to find me. Unless I’m in Asgard, of course.”
Thor then used one of his ridiculously big hands to pat her on the back, a friendly gesture, but Wanda almost got thrown out of the couch because of how strong the man was. Wanda grimaced and moved away a few inches so he couldn’t reach her again if he tried, and she was about to finally snap and tell him to mind his own business when Tony and Clint entered the space with several popcorn bowls.
“Where is everyone else?” Tony asked and, just like that, the conversation was over.
Wanda couldn’t say she had forgotten all about it after it happened because it was hard to forget that Thor, the God of Thunder, decided to give her love advice, but she was sure it would never happen again. Sadly, Wanda didn’t have superspeed like Pietro to run away if it ever did but she could think about a few other things to escape if she had to.
That said, she didn’t expect that conversation to happen with someone else instead on the very next day. And with Tony of all people.
He had called her inside his lab to help him make some tests on his suit - he was trying to make it strong enough to support Wanda’s magic - and then allowed Wanda to use one of the robotic arms to blow one of the training dummies. Wanda had laughed after that, feeling like a kid playing with things she wasn’t supposed to, before telling him she still preferred the red flow that came from her own hand and giving him the suit piece back.
“Yes, not all of us can shoot explosive balls from our palms,” Tony replied with a scoff while pulling away his things.
“No need to be so jealous,” Wanda taunted him. They walked a long way until Wanda felt comfortable enough around the man and it took a little more time to be able to joke around him, but Tony had a place inside her heart as well.
“Jealous, honey?” Tony teased her back, taking a look at her from over his glasses. “I invented a thing that is pretty much the same you can do.”
“Well, yes,” she conceded before turning one of her palms up and letting a small red ball form just above it. “But you have to carry that suit everywhere.”
Tony sighed and didn’t argue back, which made Wanda smile and put her hands back inside her back pockets. She was about to ask him if he needed help with anything else since she had planned on going out with Vision to show him the ducks by the lake when Tony started talking before her.
“So, you wanna do funny business at workspace, huh?” Wanda had no idea what he just said and just kept staring at him with a blank expression on her face. Upon hearing nothing from her, Tony looked up from where he was typing on the computer and rolled his eyes impatiently. “You know, knock boots.” Tony kept looking, Wanda kept staring, and it became clear she was still lost. He sighed and started waving a hand while he came up with other things to say. “Have some horizontal refreshment, get down and dirty, shake the sheets, practice the act of darkness, have some adult naptime, make an assault with a friendly weapon, do the Devil’s dance, feed the kitty, hit a home run, join amorous congress - Steve would like that one - go cave diving.” Wanda felt like the man had just thrown a bunch of words that had no meaning at her and expected the girl to form a sentence. Tony groaned and his head dropped for a moment before he looked up at her again and declared: “Sex, Maximoff. I’m talking about sex.”
Wanda’s eyes widened, her cheeks became as red as the magic that winded around her fingers, and she took a step back out of shock. Yes, that wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have with Tony Stark of all people. In fact, Wanda would rather stay still as he blasted her with his Iron Man suit instead of having that particular conversation.
Though, as usual, it could get much worse.
“Let me tell you this, you could have chosen someone better to want to do the fun thing,” Tony huffed and shook his head, although he looked quite impressed. “That’s some dangerous place you want to hide your hot dog at.” Wanda wondered if anyone had ever passed out for blushing too hard because she felt a second away from doing it. “Well, guess that’s not the best euphemism for you. Let me think for a second.”
“You don’t need to,” Wanda murmured mostly to herself since, obviously, Tony didn’t pay her any mind.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.,” Tony called out and Wanda watched with her eyes still wide as the artificial intelligence came to life to wait for what its creator wanted. “Can you tell me some euphemisms for lesbian sex?”
“Of course, Mister Stark,” the robot replied and Wanda reacted before it could get completely out of hand.
“Okay, I’m out of here.” Wanda turned around to walk to the door, eager to escape and be anywhere other than there.
She still heard F.R.I.D.A.Y. declaring: “Play rock, paper, scissors with only the scissors.”
“Come down, kiddo,” Tony called out after her. “I’m just trying to help!” Wanda opened the door and took a step out, ready to flee - run if she had to. “Romanoff is a very dangerous place to try to get funny, especially if you are totally smitten by her.”
Wanda glared at him in surprise. She wondered if Thor said something or if Tony also couldn’t keep his own business - and she knew the answer to that. “Tony, please, don’t ever talk to me again,” she pleaded because, honestly, she would never recover from the conversation they just had.
Tony laughed, though, and gave her a playful wink. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone that you’re head over heels for our most dangerous, and hot, spy.”
“Bye, Tony.”
“Just saying that, if you want to love her with all your heart and soul, you should know Natasha is all about afternoon delights and nothing else.”
Wanda could only pray no one heard the man’s raised voice while she walked away. Thankfully, Tony didn’t follow her but Wanda didn’t go find Vision right away. She needed a few minutes to get over the fact that another person from their team decided to step out of their way to give Wanda a warning about Natasha Romanoff. Gosh, that was a bit humiliating.
However, Tony hadn’t been the first and wouldn’t be the last either, something that made Wanda want to go back to the rubbles of Sokovia. It felt like a better alternative than having her feelings rubbed into her face like they were public domain.
It was definitely better than having that conversation with Bruce Banner for sure.
“I guess I should give you my condolences,” Bruce said out of nowhere about a week after her weird conversation with Tony.
Half of the team was away on some type of mission, to which Wanda and Bruce hadn’t been needed, and both of them had ended up inside the man’s lab while he worked on something while Wanda read a book. She could’ve gone to the back of the Avengers’ compound where she could sit under a tree and enjoy the breeze, but Bruce was interested in some of the Hydra’s experiments and she decided to tag along with him in case he had any questions she could answer. Bruce and her weren’t that close, though they didn’t have problems with each other.
Wanda looked up from her book with a frown. “For what?” She asked. Pietro had died a while ago and Bruce had said he was sorry about it as soon as they landed after it happened, even going as far as giving her a gentle hug and a sad smile.
Bruce’s dark eyes glanced at her in sympathy, though he didn’t stop mixing whatever he was mixing inside a vial. “For falling in love with Natasha Romanoff,” he explained and, above all, he actually sounded sorry for her. “We should start a club for unrequited love or something.”
Wanda’s eyebrows rose comically as her jaw dropped in surprise. She had seen inside both Natasha’s and Bruce’s heads and she knew that it had happened, however, they never spoke about it and, as far as Wanda knew, they both preferred to pretend it never happened. So, to have the man address the fact that he had feelings for Natasha at some point in time was a bit disturbing. Especially because, yes, Wanda knew about it too and, all people considered, she was the one who tried the hardest to pretend she didn’t.
It was none of her business, to start with, but to think about it made her stomach churn uncomfortably.
And now Bruce Banner wanted to talk with Wanda as if they had both been cursed by some terrible catastrophe.
Which, Wanda supposed, was understandable yet extremely unfair.
“Surprised I know?” Bruce asked with a hint of humor.
“I’m starting to think the entire world has been watching me,” Wanda groaned as she closed her book but her voice was too low for Bruce to hear it.
“I too once looked at Natasha as if we could have a future together, just like you do now,” Bruce kept talking and, despite the harsh words, he didn’t sound like a jerk while saying it. It was probably his gentle nature saving him. “And that’s the problem, you know? Natasha doesn’t think she deserves to have a future, so she won’t even try to build one,” Bruce sighed and looked back at the vial. “We have that in common. Neither of us thinks we can have what Tony found with Pepper, or build something like Clint has.”
Bruce was fine talking about Natasha but he wasn’t comfortable looking at Wanda while he spoke about himself. The girl felt some rush of anger inside her and she bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from saying all the things that ran inside her mind at that moment. She knew Bruce meant well in the end.
“Maybe you’re both too harsh on yourselves,” Wanda pointed out softly.
When Bruce looked at her, it was pretty clear he couldn’t disagree more with what she just said but, maybe to take the spotlight away from him, he nodded. “Perhaps,” he said with a shrug. “I just wanted to warn you. You’re still young and I’m sure one-sided love won’t take you down. Just take care of yourself, okay? Don’t dream too much, keep your feet on the ground.”
It was the most direct way of saying “don’t be in love with Natasha Romanoff” without actually saying it.
Wanda didn’t reply - mostly because that’s not how feelings work, after all - and Bruce dropped the subject right after that. Wanda waited a few more minutes out of respect before excusing herself from his lab, taking her book with her, and that had been it. She would do a lot of things to prevent herself from having that conversation with Bruce again because the last thing she wanted was to hear the man talk about a time when he and Natasha talked about running away together - even if it never happened or if neither of them actually meant it.
The rest of the team returned by the end of the night and Wanda found a seat as far away from Bruce as she could manage when Tony declared they should watch a movie together. Turns out that Wanda realized she would rather hear Tony Stark come up with a thousand different ways to address sex than talk about feelings with Bruce Banner. Who would’ve guessed?
After that, Wanda got a break from the entire “let’s talk about your feelings” thing. Wanda left to join a mission with Steve and Vision, then it was time for Steve to leave with Clint and Natasha for something else. It was some nice good two weeks of not having to talk about how bad she was at hiding her crushes but it didn’t last forever, obviously.
“Hey, Red,” Clint said as soon as he was done eating after returning from his mission. It all went well enough that no one had a bruise or a more serious wound but Clint still had enough adrenaline rushing through his veins that he assured everyone he didn’t want to take a rest like Natasha and Steve wanted to. “You and me, training room. You game?”
It was hard to understand Clint at first when she first met him. Wanda’s first language wasn’t English and it could be hard to keep up when he wasn’t saying all the words. She always thought he would get along with Pietro just fine because of that. As time went by, and the more Wanda had English and accent classes with Natasha, it became easier to follow along, though.
So, she simply nodded and followed him to the training room after changing into something more comfortable. Natasha and Steve had been the ones to give her hand-to-hand combat training when she first joined the team but Wanda now sparred with everyone else since she proved she wouldn’t get herself killed accidentally. Clint was already inside waiting for her and they soon got on the training mattress. Clint wasn’t as good as Natasha but he was still better than Wanda, even more so since she wasn’t allowed to use her powers inside the room, and she quickly started to get her ass kicked.
“You’re still not that good at the whole kicking butt thing,” Clint teased her as he reached out with a hand for her to take it.
She grabbed it and got up with a groan when her muscles protested. “I could throw you across the street with a flick of my finger,” Wanda argued.
Clint simply laughed. “Yeah, right. Come on, try again.”
By the seventh time Wanda landed on the matt, Clint was starting to get tired finally and didn’t try to get her to get up. Wanda lay there, sweaty and out of breath, arms open and staring at the ceiling while cursing herself for never being able to keep up with him. Clint was drinking some water, staring down at her with a smug grin, and Wanda was waiting for him to tease her about it too.
He went to another approach, though. “You know, I thought you would’ve learned more things about it since Natasha was the one teaching you. Thought you would want to impress her or something.”
Wanda groaned because, by now, she knew what was about to happen and she wasn’t thrilled by it. “Not you too,” she complained.
Clint’s smirk told her he had heard her but he didn’t ask any questions about it. “Lemme tell ya,” he paused and pointed at the girl laying on her back, “Natasha would not be impressed.”
Wanda rolled her eyes and grunted as she set down so she wouldn’t feel so damn vulnerable. “You shouldn’t gloat. It’s bad luck.”
The man laughed even harder at that. “Right. Keep that in mind if you ever manage to fulfill your wildest dream to get Natasha to pin you down in a more fun way.”
“I’m not having this conversation with you,” Wanda replied and used one hand to prop herself up. She got to her feet and glared at him. “Do you still want to fight or can I go take a shower?”
“You wish you could share a shower with-”
“Bye, Clint,” Wanda interrupted him so abruptly that he just laughed while she walked away.
Wanda was out of the door before he could say anything else but she had just stepped into the hallway when she walked right against a wall. Well, not a wall, she noticed when she looked up after letting out a small squeak. Steve Rogers.
“Oh, hi, Steve,” she greeted him. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.”
“No problem,” Steve assured her with his sweet smile. “I also wasn’t looking. Are you done training?”
“Yes. Clint is trying to be funny.” Wanda rolled her eyes and heard his deep chuckle. “I thought you were resting.”
“I was but I’m kind of hungry now. Do you want to join me in the kitchen?”
“Yes. You and cap should have a tea party,” Clint said as he walked out of the room as well, not even trying to not hit her with his shoulder.
Wanda frowned and glared at him but the man simply laughed and walked away. Seriously, it was like sharing a house with a bunch of kids.
“I do make some pretty good tea,” Steve commented while giving her a little smile.
And Wanda was hooked.
She went down to the kitchen area with him, happily listening to him tell her about the mission and how it went. Wanda sat on one of the high stools, putting both of her elbows on the kitchen island and her hands clasped together while she watched Steve move around at ease to put some water on the kettle. He then walked to the fridge to find some leftovers he could warm up and Wanda couldn’t help but smile at the scene. A super soldier making some tea and eating old spaghetti.
“How were things while we were gone?” Steve asked after leaning back against the counter so he could eat and look at her at the same time.
“Normal,” Wanda replied, even though nothing had been very normal since the entire team decided to watch her every move because they thought it was so fun to see her little crush on Natasha. “Tony tried to make another movie night and was mad when Bruce fell asleep in the middle of what he called the best movie ever made.”
“Yes, sounds normal.” Steve rolled his eyes although the smile on his lips was fond. “Did you train with someone?”
Wanda shook her head. Ever since her training got less rigid - it happened after Natasha declared she was better in her combat skills enough to hold her own against their usual share of villains and after Steve was confident she could run without having a heart attack - Wanda didn’t go to the training room every day anymore. She liked to run in the mornings because it felt nice to clear her mind for the usual two miles she took and she enjoyed sparring sometimes just to learn some new move she might have missed before, but that was it. She relied a lot on her magic and Wanda was truly fine with it even if she knew Natasha would rather otherwise.
Steve too, though luckily he didn’t give her another long speech about the importance of training. “Well, I’m back now. We could train tomorrow morning.”
Wanda grimaced despite her best tries not to. “Sure,” she replied however because, well, she was a part of the team and people had to trust her. The man seemed amused by that, at least. “Maybe we could do that pair thing again,” Wanda suggested mainly because it was more fun to be paired up with someone while both of you tried to take down the other duo.
“I doubt Clint will be up before noon,” Steve said and finally put the now empty container down on the counter. The water was warm enough by now and he moved to grab two cups from the top cabinet - where Wanda could reach but where Natasha couldn’t, much to her disdain. “You want some too, yes?”
Wanda nodded in agreement. “We could ask Nat and Tony to join us, maybe.” Tony hated those sparring things but Wanda still wanted to make him suffer after making her painfully listen to him talk about sex.
Steve put one of the mugs in front of her, placed his palm on the marble and took a sip of his drink while looking at Wanda with amusement in his eyes. He waited until she drank some of it, watched her small grimace, and then chuckled when he pushed the sugar toward her. Wanda grabbed a cube and dropped it on the hot liquid before taking a spoon to swirl it.
“I once knew someone who put four sugar cubes in her tea,” Steve told her, grabbing her attention again.
Wanda’s eyes moved up when she noticed how much his voice had changed when he said that. Steve’s tone was something between longing and heartache, and his face showed something similar by the way his smile lost all strength. Wanda knew who he was thinking about. She had been inside his head once, she saw the woman’s face, and she felt his sorrow for the life that could have been.
It still took her breath away sometimes because Steve had loved that woman so dearly and then someone decided to transform him into a deadly weapon for the military and he lost it.
Since she didn’t know what to say - and because there was nothing she could come up with that would be truly helpful - Wanda reached out and placed her hand on top of his on the counter, squeezing his fingers tightly. Steve seemed surprised by it but he quickly offered her a small smile and squeezed her hand back.
“Love is a funny thing,” he whispered after a few seconds where he was probably debating with himself if he should keep talking or not. “It can give you the drive to be better, to do better, to fight more, to keep going. But it can also take away all of that,” Steve sighed, looked into her eyes, and tilted his head a little. “It can be a blessing and it can be a curse.”
“I know that,” Wanda replied carefully. “I thought I would never be able to smile again when I lost Pietro.” And there were still days where it was hard, where it was impossible to smile or eat or get out of bed or be reminded that she was still alive and her twin brother wasn’t. But there were days when she would be hit by the sudden wish to live for both of them, to try every milkshake and go to every beach and watch every movie. “I know they’re different situations, but I understand.”
“I know you do,” Steve smiled sadly. “You went through a lot already. More than most people would even be able to take.”
Wanda said nothing because she learned very soon that life wasn’t a competition of who had a more traumatic past, especially when she was part of a team where no one had an easy path to where they currently were. No one there had an easy life.
“Like I said,” Steve kept talking after he realized Wanda wasn’t going to say anything, “love can heal and it can hurt.”
“Steve,” Wanda smiled at him, “if you have something to say, just say it.”
He had the decency to look embarrassed and he averted his eyes for a moment, cheeks flushed and lips curled at the corners. “That was it,” Steve said eventually with a shrug. “That was all I had to say. Love can heal and it can hurt,” he repeated while taking the mug to his mouth again. “We need to be careful about it.”
After saying that, he took a sip of his tea and Wanda copied his movement just to keep herself busy for a while longer. “Thanks for the heads up.”
“It’s not my business, I know,” Steve admitted. “I just worry.”
“That I will break down and screw the team over if Natasha wants nothing to do with me and tells me to shove my feelings somewhere else?” Wanda asked without beating around the bush like Steve was. It was better when people were more direct about it, she decided.
The old man, though, grimaced and pursed his lips. “You’re spending too much time with Tony.”
“You should hear some of the things he said,” Wanda huffed but didn’t explain what she meant.
“I just worry, that’s all,” Steve said. “You went through a lot and… and some people might not be able to know how to deal with it.”
Wanda put her cup down. “That’s what every girl wants to hear, I suppose.”
His eyes went wide open after that. “No, that’s not what I meant. I didn’t mean like-”
“That’s okay, Steve,” she stopped him and slid out of her seat to go wash the mug on the sink.
“Let me.” Steve approached her to stop Wanda from reaching for the soap. He offered her a smile when she glanced up at him.
She could’ve argued if he hadn’t decided to join the large list of people trying to get their noses on her business. Instead, she let him take the sponge and the mug, thanked him for the tea, and left the kitchen. As she walked to the elevator, Wanda couldn’t help but wonder just how easily people could read her. It appeared like everyone living under the same roof as her could read her like an open book. It was very unsettling, to say the least. She wasn’t a spy like Clint or Natasha but Wanda was sure she should be better at keeping things inside if she wanted to join their hero thing club.
Wanda asked the artificial intelligence to take her to her floor and, seconds before, she was walking down the hallway on the floor she shared with Natasha. It was an entire floor just for them since they were the only women on the team but they barely ever used the small kitchen or the living room area. Wanda remembered being new to the team and seeing Natasha walking that corridor all sweaty after a training session, how her mouth felt dry and how her heart beat fast. She wondered if any of the people who had spoken with her before knew about that.
Tony and Clint would never let her live it down, Bruce might try to form some type of connection with her, Thor would probably give her a high five or something, and Steve would blush for days. How any of those men managed to be superheroes was beyond her.
Wanda sighed as she pushed the door open and then closed it behind her after she walked inside the room. She kicked off her shoes out of habit while debating with herself if she should jump into the shower already or rest for a couple of minutes, though that became an easy decision when her eyes landed on the bed. Wanda fluffed her pillow before her hand found a shoulder to gently push against.
She heard an unhappy groan that made her smile before the body on the bed turned around so Wanda was staring at the muscular back. There was a bruise and a small cut there, probably a memoir from the last mission, and she made a mental note to rub some healing ointment later. With another sigh, Wanda slipped under the covers, wrapping her arms around a slim waist and pressing her body against another one in a big spoon position she knew so well. Her nose immediately found the back of a neck between red locks and she took a deep breath in even if she knew there wouldn’t be any perfume to smell - people remember smells, she had been told once, and the goal is to go unnoticed.
“Where were you?”
Wanda smiled at the husky tone caused by drowsiness. “Your friends were either trying to kick my ass or to give me a shovel talk in reverse.” Tony had taught her what ‘shovel talk’ meant when he was telling a story once and Wanda was proud to finally be able to use it in a conversation. There were many American slang she was still learning about.
“Do I want to know?”
“Maybe later, after you had enough rest. You just came back,” Wanda said and then pressed her lips between shoulder blades.
That made Natasha sigh and grab Wanda’s hand that was resting on her stomach. The redhead pulled her closer, impossibly closer. “I’m awake now. Tell me about it.”
Wanda hesitated for a moment because she really wanted the other woman to be able to rest after returning from a mission but she also knew Natasha wouldn’t drop the subject. “Well, it appears that the entire team seems to think I have a crush on you.”
Natasha’s body shook with a chuckle against her. “Where on Earth did they take that idea from?” She joked while pushing herself back against Wanda’s body.
“I guess I’m an open book or something. Everyone has accused me of being in love with you or wanting to sleep with you.”
“They must be insane,” Natasha replied with a smile clear in her voice.
“They think I’m the insane one,” Wanda huffed a laugh and was about to tell the woman to go to sleep again when Natasha started to move. She removed her arm from around the redhead and patiently waited until Natasha turned around to face her, putting a space between them to be able to talk.
“How come?” Natasha wondered. “Please, don’t tell me these people think I’m literally a black widow or something.” She rolled her eyes at that because she could see it happening way too easily.
Wanda laughed. “No, but they do think you’re going to let me down gently. Or not so gently, I suppose. Bruce is pretty sure you’re going to break my heart in a million pieces, Steve thinks I’m too fragile to handle you, and Tony thinks it’s very likely that you would use me for sex and throw me in the gutter.”
Green eyes closed, which made Wanda pout a little because she loved staring at them. “Are any of them wrong?”
There it was. The self-doubting thing returning full force. They had talked about it many times before and Wanda never liked hearing Natasha put herself short. Bruce had made her a bit nauseous but he hadn’t lied about what Natasha thought of herself and her future. Wanda had only a few months to try to make Natasha see that she was allowed to be happy, that she deserved to be happy, that she shouldn’t punish herself for her past, but it was months against a lifetime of beliefs. Wanda knew she still had a long way before her words started making sense to the other woman.
“All of them, actually,” Wanda pointed out. “They didn’t even think you would ever spare me a look.”
“They’re stupid then. You’re a very nice thing to look at,” Natasha teased with a smile and cracked one eye open, which made Wanda chuckle and lean closer to kiss her nose, before she closed it again.
“We agree your friends lack some sense.”
“They’re your friends. For me, they’re coworkers.”
Wanda scoffed loudly at that. “No one believes that. You have a soft spot for them.”
Natasha sighed. “Just because they can’t figure out how to keep themselves alive without me having to save their asses all the fucking time.”
“Well, whatever is the reason,” Wanda said even if she knew Nat wasn’t serious, “they certainly aren’t my friends. They keep telling me to stop looking at you like you hung the stars or something like that. It didn’t make sense when Tony said it.”
“Maybe they tell you that because they’re your friends and because they care,” the redhead commented and opened her eyes again. “They don’t want to see you hurt. They care about you.”
Wanda didn’t have anything to say about that. She was a part of the team for a while now but it felt different to know those people cared for her, that they liked her, that they wanted her around. It was a strange feeling the whole ‘being wanted’ thing. Pietro used to be the only one to make her feel like that and it was hard to feel anything remotely like that ever since he was gone.
“They act like a gossip magazine,” Wanda said instead.
“They do, don’t they?” Natasha chuckled and silence fell around them for a few moments. Wanda was starting to feel sleep wanting to creep in and she knew she had to get up to take a shower before allowing herself to sleep but she felt so comfortable that it was impossible to move. She was about to ask Natasha to roll over again so they could sleep when the woman started talking. “And they think I don’t deserve you. That’s why they keep warning you to stay away.”
“No one warned me to stay away,” Wanda corrected her gently.
“They did and you should.” Natasha bit her bottom lip, looking too much like she was trying not to get emotional at that moment. “I’m broken. All sharp ends and hard edges. You’re soft, you can bruise and bleed.”
“Natasha, with all due respect, I spent the last few weeks hearing our friends try to say how I should or should not feel, sticking their noses in my business and basically saying I was too naive to make my own decisions.” Wanda paused to look deep into Natasha’s eyes. “I won’t hear it from you too. Not after I set there in silence and listened to them talk because they have no idea that you would be laying here in bed waiting for me to join you after you returned from a trip. We agreed not to tell them a thing, I get it, but you can’t agree with them in something like this. Not when you’re living this with me.”
Natasha’s green eyes filled with tears that never fell before she tilted her chin up to kiss Wanda’s forehead. Her lips lingered against her skin for a few seconds until they formed words. “I’m sorry.”
“That’s okay,” Wanda whispered back.
“And I’m sorry we hadn’t told them yet,” the redhead added.
They talked about it before - about safety, about how it was better if no one else knew, about how keeping them under wraps was better so no bad guy could use it against them - and Wanda now had more arguments to validate that decision. It would be great to see their reactions to find out how wrong they had been but it was also good to know they could keep living their lives without having them trying to get a say about everything. They all meant well, she knew that, though it was hard to remember that sometimes.
“It’s for the best,” Wanda declared with a shrug.
“Suppose it is. I mean, they all think I’m one step away from breaking your heart.”
“They only think that because I’m too soft,” Wanda told her when she noticed the slight pain in the woman’s voice again. “It’s me, not you.”
“You need to stop talking with Tony,” Natasha scoffed before she started to turn around again, apparently tired of the conversation.
“You just wait until I tell them that you bring me flowers sometimes,” Wanda teased her as she wrapped her arm around Natasha’s waist one more time.
“Don’t you dare,” the spy argued fervently. “I have a reputation to keep.”
“And you’re doing a great job at that because everyone thinks you would use a flower to poke my eye or something.” Wanda chuckled at the thought. “Oh, they will never believe it when I tell them about you taking care of me after a nightmare.”
“I’m warning you, Maximoff.”
“And that you rub my feet every time you kick my ass at training.”
“I’m starting to feel like kicking your ass right now,” Natasha groaned.
Wanda just smiled. “How violent. Maybe they’re right and I should take care.”
“Yes, I’m dangerous.”
As she said that, Natasha hugged Wanda’s arm between her breasts to kiss the back of her hand and Wanda thought how lucky she was to be sharing a bed with the big, bad, scary spy.
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Hi I’m a big fan of your blog , your a talented writer and I love how write the characters 💗
I was wondering; what do you think the turtles would name their children if their had kids ? (If that’s to many turtles ; maybe 2012 , rise and 2003 version )
I personally like the idea of rise mikey calling one of his kids Ozzy or name them after famous chiefs like Ramsay for an example. Love to hear your thoughts 💗
What Would They Name Their Children? (Headcanons)
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A/N: I’ve decided to split this up into three, as I think that will be easier for me to keep track of. With that being said, the information about these names was some that I found on the internet. Meanings might change depending on culture, language and country. So this time we start with 2003💚
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Warnings: None💚
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Gif by @isitdonproof
Leo would like names that are more traditional, yet with a historical reasoning behind it. Though Leo isn’t superstitious he does understand that giving your child a certain name can have an impact on their life. There he would want to name them after people that history remembered as strong with a lot of power.
For Boys:
Alexander, after Alexander the Great.
Caesar, after Julius Caesar and the many other Roman leaders that would take on the name caesar.
William, both after William Shakespeare and William the Conqueror.
For Girls:
Victoria, after Queen Victoria, the grandmother of Europe.
Elizabeth, both after Queen Elizabeth the I and II.
Catherine, after Catherine the Great.
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Raph would like to give his children names that reminded people of strength and bravery. If his partner is from another country, he would love to give them a name from that culture. However, Raph does like names that are somewhat short. He thinks it looks nice when written down, along with having a certain presence when spoken.
For Boys:
Rex, meaning king in Latin.
Storm, a somewhat common name in Scandinavia meaning what it sounds like - storm.
Lev, meaning “lion” in Russian, and “heart” in Hebrew. Little Lionheart.
For Girls:
Lola, meaning “strong woman” in Spanish.
Carla, meaning “one who is strong” is Teutonic.
Binsa, with a Nepali origin meaning “a woman who is fearless”.
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Donnie is a smart guy that loves history and mythology. Having not just been all over the world but several places in the universe, and having jumped back and forth in time. Donnie will have a great appreciation of old human history and mythology, and would love to name his children after that, especially after a culture that his partner is from. Examples could be:
For Boys:
Atlas, after the famous Titan from Greek mythology, that carried the sky on his shoulders, keeping it from falling upon the earth.
Achilles, after the famous Greek hero.
Amon, after the Egyptian God/Gods.
For Girls:
Freya, after the Norse Goddess of beauty.
Embla, after the first human woman according to Norse mythology.
Bastet, after the Egyptian Goddess of protection and good health.
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Gif by @isitdonproof
Mikey will want to name his children in a way that shows just how much he loved them. And what better way is there to show love for your child, by giving them names that literally mean love, or something just as sweet. Mikey also has a love for “special” names - aka, names that are not very common in his hometown of New York City.
For Boys:
Kaipo, is a Hawaiian unisex name meaning “the sweetheart”.
Caerwyn, meaning “love”, “fair” and “blessed” in Welsh.
Oratilwe, meaning “loved one” in African.
For Girls:
Nayeli, meaning “I love you” in the Native American language, Zapotecs.
Settarra, meaning “beloved” in French.
Maitea, meaning “love” in Spanish.
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seeds-and-sins · 1 year
Light My Fire - Part Two
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Pairing: Ben "Soldier Boy" x F!Reader
Rating: M (Sexual themes, Crude language, Curse words; WARNING!! Mentions of Death/Desire to Die)
Description: Soldier Boy and you don't always get along, but that doesn't mean there isn't something going on. Ben isn't very good at hiding his feelings for you. He isn't good at showing them either.
Part One
"Where the hell is Phoenix?" Soldier Boy finally noticed why there was a gaping hole in the meeting room's atmosphere. With his feet propped up on the edge of the table, he inspected the entirety of his team and found that one member was missing. Stan Edgar straightened with a sigh, an almost performance worthy somberness to his expression as he shrugged.
"Sadly, Phoenix has fallen ill." Soldier Boy gritted his teeth, the anxious energy tripled as he glared around at his team mates, whom were all unable to make eye contact with him.
"Ill?" Soldier Boy spat, "That's impossible. The bitch has an immune system akin to the Berlin Wall."
"That's what we had assumed for many years, but Phoenix is currently bed ridden with a small cold, proving us wrong." Edgar redirected the conversation then, immediately, "She will not be joining us on this mission, but hopefully she will have recovered by the time we get back."
"Bullshit." Ben wasn't falling for it. Phoenix was a goddamned firecracker-You were a firecracker. Although he had never seen it, he was certain that not even the sniffles would keep you from putting on that suit and fighting. Edgar made it seem like it was so normal, nothing to be alarmed over, but Phoenix was in her early fifties and you never got sick. Something wasn't right here. "Has anyone seen her?" He peered around the table, the awkward silence giving him his answer. "Well, that's settled then. Vought sent her on a fuckin' secret mission, and now they're trying to cover it up." He was satisfied with that conclusion, until Edgar cocked his head stoically at him, and said:
"Interesting theory, Soldier Boy, but Phoenix is actually here in the tower right this very moment. Resting. You are welcome to go see for yourself, no secret mission whatsoever." Soldier Boy, as stubborn as he was, went to stand. "I would insist though, that you go find her after the meeting. This is just a small briefing before our trip to Nicaragua." Soldier Boy's jaw tightened and he reluctantly sat back down, kicking his feet back up once more.
For the rest of the meeting, Soldier Boy remained surprisingly quiet, adrift so to speak, attention completely lost to all things around him. Usually, he had a habit of complaining and making quick insults at his teammates, but this time something more intriguing had taken up space in his thoughts. You.
Was he actually worried? He never worried about anything, he was Soldier Boy. But you were not unlike him when it came to your super abilities and the idea that you were sick didn't sit right with him.
Neither of you ever really got along: not having you around for a mission should have made him happy, but it didn't. He appreciated your grit, something that was in short supply these days. He always had appreciated your grit. You were the only idiot on the team stupid enough to call him out and he loved every second of it. You were fierce and compassionate and you were a damn good hero. If anyone asked the right question, he would very openly admit that you were the only other competent little shit in all of Payback-aside from himself, that was. And his countless attempts at getting into your pants? Well, it was sort of a coverup. Because he did like you so much that it almost hurt sometimes not being near you. You turned him down every time, forever and always was your modo, but it didn't put him off in the slightest. He loved it more than he should have.
Not having you around. Impossible. Not happening. He wouldn't allow it. He was the leader of Payback and if he said you were coming, you were coming.
When the meeting finished-small, my ass-he ordered one of the interns to go fetch him a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a bottle of brandy. He chuckled to himself as he watched them sprint away to go complete his order, knowing that if they made him wait any longer than was necessary he would not be pleased.
"You're going to go see her, aren't you?" Crimson Countess popped out from behind him, leaning against the wall beside the meeting room's double doors. Soldier Boy put on his flirtiest expression, propping an arm up beside Countess' head before grinning.
"Why? Are you jealous?" He teased, thinking it would curl those beautiful painted lips of hers. Instead, she rolled her eyes.
"What's the point even?" His eyes narrowed on her.
"What do you mean, sweetcheeks?" He wasn't going to feed any assumptions, if he didn't understand said assumptions to begin with. "You're just being paranoid. You know there is only one girl for me." He winked, caressing her porcelain cheek with the crook of his finger.
"Don't even." She shoved his hand away and he visibly frowned. "You fucked me once and that was it for you. Then you moved on to all these other girls and that's fine. But you don't want to fuck Phoenix, do you?" Her features drawn down in a sullen glare, "You want to be with her." Soldier Boy gulped, cracking his neck and then standing back from his lean on the wall to adjust his vest.
"You don't know what you're talking about."
"Sure, I don't."
"Here!" The breathless intern returned, Soldier Boy faced him with a raised brow.
"What the fuck? That was like five seconds, kid." The intern was bent over, struggling to catch their breath. They held out an open bottle of whiskey and a container of a sloshy, mushy liquid. "Are you shittin' me?" Soldier Boy snatched the container from the intern's hand. "What the fuck is this?"
"My lunch, Sir. Chicken Noodle Soup that my mother made..." He held up the liquor, Soldier Boy winced in disgust at the half empty bottle. "And this, I stole it from the Legend's office." Soldier Boy lifted his chin in thought, his features loosened for a moment and he swayed his head from side to side in consideration.
"Points for effort, fuck nut..." He snatched up the bottle of booze and then lifted his boot, using a small fraction of his strength to tip the intern over to the ground. "But the soup is cold, so you're still pathetic." He shot a look back at a discarded Countess and then carelessly began down the hallway, leaving the Intern groaning and laying flat on the floor.
He had been in Phoenix's penthouse many times, a majority of the time he was uninvited. You had to have your door replaced at least seven times in the past year because he had a penchant for breaking and entering, especially if you weren't alone. He just couldn't help himself. The idea of you being with someone else, when he was more than capable of stopping it, it itched at his skin. He sometimes would stand outside your door for hours, contemplating whether or not to knock. And obviously, why would he knock? He was Soldier Boy. He didn't knock for anyone.
But god, what a stubborn bitch you were...
This time he would knock.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
He heard some shuffling on the other end, a TV being paused, followed by footsteps.
"Yes?" A nasally voice sounded=, he almost couldn't believe that it belonged to you.
"Police. Open up." He smirked, tilting his head as he listened for your response. There was a brief silence, and then:
"Fuck off, Ben."
"Think again, cupcake, I brought you the goods." Another moment of silence, he waited, and then he was done waiting. He dug his shoulder into the edge of the doorframe, his cheek close to it as if he was listening. "God, you must love me breaking down your door."
"Urgh, stop!" You hit the door and he bounced back with a hearty chuckle. "GO. AWAY."
"Do you think that's going to work?" You unlocked the door and swung it open, Soldier Boy instantly recoiled at the sight of you. You were wearing at least three layers of sweatshirts, comically making you look thicker, sweatpants and a pair of fluffy slippers. Your hair was disheveled, dark circles under your eyes, and your skin was sickly looking. His eyebrows furrowed and a certain strictness overtook him.
"What the fuck do you want?"
"Jesus Christ," He hid his concern as quickly as it had dawned on him. "Please tell me you're dying." You slumped into the door, tiredly fluttering your eyes before sniffling.
"You'll be dead in a few seconds if you don't fuck off." There it was, that fire that he loved oh so much.
"Hear me out-"
"I hate hearing you out."
"I know, but this time..." He held up the soup and the bottle. "You might give me a chance."
"Really?" You snorted, crossing your arms as a horrible shiver wracked your body. "This is what you bothered me for."
"Considering that no one else on the team has stopped by, I'd say beggars can't be choosers."
"I didn't beg to be bothered by you, asshole."
"But you thought it, didn't you?" He held the items up again, puckering his lips in an amusing pose. "Come on~" He chirped, "Let me bother you."
"I'll accept the offering, you can leave now." You reached out for them, just to shut him up, except that wasn't enough. He swiped the items back to his chest and feigned an appalled look.
"Oh, please, honey, we're a package deal." You stared at him blankly, before stepping back, about to shut the door. "You close that door, next time I'll break it down." The shift in his tone, from playful to terse, sent a bout of irritation through you. You cracked it back a little, closing your eyes and then with an exhausted exhale, you creaked it open just enough. "Yahtzee." He cheered in a sing song voice, entering your penthouse and then booking it for the couch. You slammed the door and rushed to beat him to it.
"No. Don't you dare. No. No! FUCK!" He splayed himself across the couch, blankets and all, destroying the little nest you had made for yourself. You kicked the edge of the couch, it shifted from your strength and Soldier Boy laughed.
"Ooo, what are we watching?" He sat upright, allowing some space for you to occupy. He placed the bottle and the soup on the coffee table, squinting in thought at the giant Panasonic screen ahead of him. "A porno?" You bonked him on the head as you passed in front of him to curl into the corner of the couch.
"No, dipshit, it's Footloose. VHS." He unlatched his helmet and proceeded to remove it, dropping it alongside the other items on the coffee table.
"Ahhh, who's the guy in that-uh-" He snapped his fingers aggressively, closing in his eyes to scour the farthest reaches of his being. "Steak-Sausage-He's named after some kind of meat, I know it-"
"Bacon..." You couldn't help but laugh. "Kevin Bacon." Soldier Boy smiled boyishly at you, weaving his fingers through his hair and pulling back the bangs that dropped before his eyes.
"Yeah, that Bacon guy. Not bad, I guess. Shitty movie though." You hit his arm with what strength you had.
"Don't fuck this up for me. I've never seen it before."
"Neither have I..." He snorted, "I was too busy getting a blow job in the back row. Ya'know back in my time-"
"Our time." Oh yeah, sometimes he forgot that they were almost the same age. "Back in our time." You shivered again, snatching the blanket that Soldier Boy had pinned to the couch with his ass. He showed you mercy and sat up for you, so that you could bring the fabric up and around your body. His eyes focused on you for a split second before he shook his head away.
"Back in our time, we had good actors. They'd sing and dance and do all sorts of shit. Heck, did I ever tell you about that time I-"
"Ate Audrey Hepburn out in a bathroom stall at the Academy Awards?" You finished dully, Soldier Boy chewed the inside of his cheek.
"What about when I-"
"Fucked Marilyn Monroe in the ass, in the Oval Office?"
"Okay, now-"
"When you jerked off on Lucille Ball?" He clicked his tongue and snapped at you this time:
"You made that last one up."
"Sounds about right though, you mostly only ever contribute your sexual exploits to ninety percent of our conversations, so..." You sniffled, lifting the remote from the end table and shrugging. "Unless you have a legitimate explanation, I don't want to hear it."
"Fuckin' bitch." He muttered under his breath as you pressed play on the remote, rolling the movie. It was silent for a few minutes, nothing but the music and conversation from the big screen, and then you shivered again, your teeth rattling as your body tensed. You cursed under your breath, a wave of annoyance washing over you. "Vogelbaum see you, yet?" Soldier Boy asked, from the corner of your eyes you saw his head tilt toward you. "You don't look so good."
"Why do you care?" You spat at him, shifting to stare in his direction.
"Because you're a member of my team..." You rolled your eyes back to the movie, choosing to ignore what sounded like genuine care in his words. "I mean, if I am allowing you to stay here-"
"Allowing me?" You forced out a boisterous laugh, from the pit of your belly, that slightly hurt. "What are you gonna' do? Force me to go throw myself limply at Marxist Sandanistas?"
"You still got some strength in you, kid. Squeeze my pinky." He followed this by actually holding his pinky out. You rolled your eyes, but proceeded to wrap your pinky around his and squeeze. Strong, but not that strong.
"Ben, I can hardly lift myself up from the ground, it hurts to breath, and this morning I struggled to bring my tea to a steady boil." He flicked his pinky from yours, your hand limply falling to your lap. His eyes scanned you, chest rising and falling with a heavy breath.
"You afraid?"
"No." You confessed, although you continued with, "Heck, the sooner I die, the less I have to look at your ugly mug."
"That's a brat move." He smiled at you, you couldn't help but return it. There was almost an odd way about this moment, as if you were secretly comforting each other, while trying not to comfort each other, while also trying to hate each other. Or at least, this was a much more comfortable moment compared to the usual. "Seriously. Did you get Vogelbaum in here?"
"He came and checked me out, said I was fine."
"That sit right with you?"
"Not, really, but I don't care." You bit your bottom lip, refusing to look at him.
"Why, not?" The music in the background was no longer soothing as it was needling every nerve in Soldier Boy's patience. "(Y/N)?" It was the only warning you were going to get before he destroyed the TV, he decided.
"We don't age." You clicked the button on the remote, the screen zapping into an abyssal black. You propped your head under your fist on the armrest and gazed at Soldier Boy. You hadn't slept for days and your superhuman energy could only run for so long. You were on backup at this point.
"So what..." He crossed his arms, a stern curve to his brow. "I thought woman liked that shit. No wrinkles, or whatever."
"Ben, I'm being serious."
"Me too."
"You're sixty-five years old..."
"Thanks for stating the obvious."
"And you don't look a day over thirty." He breathed, pretending not to understand the implications of what you were suggesting. He knew it already. The both of you did. You weren't the only two heroes that never aged, but it was a given that you didn't age ever and that your kind of hero was few and far between. "I'm fifty-four and look just as young as I did when I was twenty-two, getting that first injection of V."
"What are you even going on about, honey? I think you need some weed, calm ya' down, want me to-"
"Please listen to me for once." Were you crying? Oh boy, Ben thought. He cleared his throat and then sat up taller against the backrest of the couch, directing his eyes to the ceiling. "I don't want to live forever. Time gives life meaning, ya'know? And when you can't feel pain, or you're too strong to give someone normal a really good hug, it starts to get to you." You palmed at your face, willing the tears away. "I want to get married one day, I want to have kids and grow old with someone."
"Pfft, Marriage." Ben mockingly echoed, but he was silenced by your tear stained expression. He had never seen you so broken before.
"I can't believe I'm even talking to you about this..." Your breath wavered with a snicker. "You're the biggest asshole I've ever met. You don't care."
"I've thought about it..." He needed to busy himself with something, so he settled on the whiskey. He tucked in a reach for the bottle, yanking the cork out and going for a chug. The liquid left a pleasant burn behind on his throat and he winced. "Settling down with someone..." He feigned a cough into his fist. "That I care about. That I-" His head tilted back and forth. "That I might even love."
"Countess..." Hearing you say her name made his skin crawl, his fist clenched and he shut his eyes. No. Not Countess, Phoenix. "She loves you."
"She hates me." He plopped back, placing the bottle in between his legs on his crotch. "Only puts up with me because of the money, because of the fame."
"Maybe if you showed some loyalty to her, she wouldn't." His tongue slung around teeth, collecting the residue of the hardy liquid. With his head laid on the puffy pillow of the backrest, he turned it to you.
"I'm a real fuck up, I know it. My father seemed to know it too..." He fiddled with the neck of the bottle. "But I'm still afraid of failing the people I really do care about." You eyed him, not particularly sure what to do with this soft and open moment. "And Countess isn't one of them."
So you push people away.
Your breath hitched, you buried the bottom half of your face under the covers for a brief recoup in your feelings. Your face was still wet and you hate how absolutely freezing it was.
"I don't want you to die..." The admission was heaved out, shaky and choppy and all sort of scrambled, but your entire body tingled at it. "If that wasn't obvious enough." You pulled the blanket over your head, like that was going to help you.
"I don't think it was, Ben. You just told me you wished I was dying, not even a few minutes ago."
"I was joking, come on. Can't take a fuckin' joke?" He yanked at the edge of the blanket, but not hard enough to tug it from you. "What's the problem, anyways? You've got the sniffles, big whoop."
"I'm cold." You lowered the blanket to gaze at him. "I'm never cold."
"Well, you're a naturally hot person. No shame in that." He grinned, winking at you. When you didn't immediately react, as far as he could see-the blanket hiding your smile-he stretched his arm across the couch again. "I know something that can warm you up."
"I'm not going to have sex with you."
"Damn, I like the way you think." He purred, you pretended to gag at him as you settled the blanket in your lap. "But no, just come jump in my furnace for a little bit. I won't touch you." After his offer, he followed with an assertive wave of the hand that was stretch out along the back rest toward you.
"I've seen you butt naked, get your ass over here." You sighed, knowing he wouldn't take 'no' for an answer, he never did. You weakly shuffled across the couch and when you were close enough he dropped his arm, trapping you in his embrace. Your body melted against his and you were instantly incapacitated at the heat that drew from in thick waves. You couldn't help the moan that exited your parted lips. "Careful, you might just tempt me, honey."
"I'll-" Your eyes slid shut as you dropped your cheek to his chest. "I'll burn your dick off if you try anything." His laughter rumbled up through his chest and you felt it with a fond smile. You wished you could smell too, because you were certain he smelled amazing.
"We going to turn the TV back on, or..."
"Why don't we just..." You smacked your lips, bringing a leg over his thigh so that you perfectly curled up to his side. "Let's just stay here for a bit." He didn't promise not to touch you, his palm held the base of your skull and his other hand guided yours to rest flat on his chest.
"I'm okay with that." He allowed his own eyes to slid shut as he took a deep breath. He tucked his nose into your scalp and inhaled, you were too sleepy to stop him. "If you aren't better by the time I get back, I'm going to toss you off the top of the tower."
"Why would you do that?" You snorted, confused more than annoyed by it. You knew how he could be.
"Call it, Soldier Boy's in-home flight training experience." You smiled goofily, thankful that he couldn't see it.
"Oh yeah? Well, if I'm going down, you're going down with me."
"You won't go down though..." There was a lilt of a growl to his words. "Because you'll be brand new by then, right?"
"I hope." You didn't expect him to squeeze you even tighter.
"You will. Promise." You turned your face, your lips to his chest plate as you then looked up into his eyes.
"I promise." He wanted to kiss you so badly then, but he couldn't. He couldn't kiss you. He thought about your conversation, about how you both opened up to each other. He thought about what his father said to him all those years ago... And he didn't want to hurt you. Instead, he cupped your cheek and stared back.
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necrotic-nephilim · 8 days
after seeing the poll about who in the batfam could be Deaf, I am now obsessed with how the masks could affect their sign. If they use their signing space differently when in the vigilante persona or not. Signing is so distinctive to each person that the code switching they do would be interesting to see play out in their ASL. Also thinking about what family signs the family would use to refer to batshit things in their lives. q
(the poll in question) i am deeply fascinated by the mechanics in which Deaf culture could play into the Batfam. bc most of them are wearing masks that would heavily inhibit ASL (given ASL is an expressive language) so i think it's more likely they'd use something akin to Makaton or Military Hand Signals that are not a fully developed language, but a communication aid, with a given set of signs for the typical things that need to be communicated in the field. meanwhile they'd be more likely to use ASL casually. (i'm unsure who all in the Batfam is confirmed to know ASL, but i know at the very least Bruce and Tim are)
i'm also very drawn in by the idea of other firms of assistive communication/tech used aside from just ASL. i personally find it believable that the masks of any of the Batfam could include automatic captioning tech that only they see through the inside of the mask, similar to captioning glasses at movie theatres, if they were Deaf/HoH. also how you would modify the concept of comm links to be more accessible, potentially projecting the message visually through the person's mask or maybe a wrist communicator sort of situation, depending on their personal preference. how the Batfam in general would interact with each other if one or multiple of them were Deaf would be heavily shaped and i think it's so fun. and i *love* the thought of personal signs they'd have to come up with bc well, ASL is hardly equipped for their lifestyle. also fun to consider sign names and if sign names are unique to the person or unique to the mantle. (eg, would the sign name for Robin be specific to which Robin, or just the mantle at large) there's so many little things that would change and i just think it's Neat. most people are approaching the poll from the perspective of their character of choice having hearing loss from vigilante work (which is a super valid way to approach it and i love those headcanons) but personally i find it fun if the deafness is a pre-existing condition and already something the Bat has been dealing with for years and thus approaches vigilantism needing to modify their gear slightly from the standard norm. how they could influence how Bruce trains them, emphasizing other senses. how they'd likely be far more tactical on the field, pressing their hands against something to feel for noise, ergo their gloves may be designed to more easily pick up vibration. (cannot tell you how much i do that irl) whether or not they'd hide it from the larger hero world is also an interesting question. it's all a fun internal struggle as well, internalized ableism and all. so much you could do with it!!
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lostfirefly · 13 days
Your nose is runnin', and your eyes are red, your head is achin', you'd be better in bed
This fic was written to cheer myself up. English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Masterlist is here
Description: Catherine is sick her Buggy Bear is taking care of her.
Warnings: Fun, fluff. Buggy's thoughts will be written in italics.
Words: 2703
Buggy x OC from my “You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me” series.
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots, @hey-august, @yujo-nishimura, @emmiebugz-blog, @mydearlybeloathed , @cyberkittenduck , @buggy-samaaa , @thoraeth
The title is taken from "You've Got a Cold" by 10cc.
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"Don't you think it's cold at home?" Catherine wrapped herself in a plaid. 
"I don't know. It seemed fine." Buggy shrugged, sipping his beer.
"I'll go to pour some tea." Catherine pulled Buggy's sweatshirt over herself and tried to stand up. "Shit, it’s cold."
"Are you ok?" He put the bottle on the table.
"Yeah. My head is a little dizzy." Catherine rubbed her temples
"You look like crap, cotton candy." 
"Thanks, Buggy!" Catherine laughed, narrowing her eyes. "I'm fine. I just need some tea. Are you hungry? I'll bring you chips and sandwiches." Catherine struggled out from under the plaid and began to shiver. "Give me a second." She collapsed back onto the couch. 
Buggy put his hand on her forehead. "You're so hot." 
"Not now, Buggy." She barely slapped his hand. 
"That's not what I'm talking about, Catherine!" He put his hand on her cheek. "You're all hot. You're sick." 
“How can I get sick in Cairo?"
"Need I remind you about the phone call a couple days ago? When you were hanging out with Cabaji's girlfriend, when you were tipsy and swimming in the sea, and then you called me and drunk screaming into the phone, asking me to pick you up from somewhere on the beach." Buggy burst out laughing, "I even remember finding you on the beach, when you were screaming that your clown taxi had come to take you home. And then we had such a go-o-o-od night. Oh, fuck! I love drunk Catherine!"
"It's your bad influence, clown." Catherine punched him in his shoulder. "How many times have I picked you up after drinking parties. But that was a very good evening! Achoo!”
"I’m telling you, you're sick!"
"No, you're just imagining it. I’m fin… Fin.. Fide! Achoo!" Сatherine picked up a napkin and wiped her nose.
"Serously? You've just said fide instead of fine. You're sick." He placed his hand on her forehead again. "You need to go to bed, I'll bring you some tea." 
"No, Buggy. I’m fi— Achoo! Damn!" 
"That's it!" Buggy got up from the sofa, took Catherine in his arms and carried her into the bedroom. 
"What are you doing? Let me go!!" She tried to hit his hands.
"I'm carrying you to the fucking bedroom where you'll spend the next few days."
"You... Let me.. I.. Fuck, I don't even have the strength to argue with you." Catherine went soft in his arms. "Achoo! Oh, my flashy fool. I lo- I lo- Achoo!" Catherine tried to stroke his cheek. "My hero!"
"Honey, don’t get me wrong but please don't touch me." Buggy carried her into the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. "Okay, lie here. I'll bring you some tea and make you some chicken soup." 
"You're so thoughtful!" Catherine watched as he wrapped her in a blanket. "You know, when I was a child and was sick, my mother made me a hot sandwich which I ate with the soup, but it wasn't just any sandwich, it was special, she'd add cheese and different spices to it, and then cut out a funny face. It was delicious. She called it "Healthy Wealthy Magwich". If she were here now, she'd definitely make it. Achoo!" Catherine took some napkins out of the nightstand.
"I can't promise you a sandwich, but I'll make you some soup. That's it, lie down. Here's your fucking stuffed octopus." Buggy handed her the toy and went into the kitchen. "Fuck, I have no idea how to make this fucking soup!" He mumbled to himself.
Buggy was desperately rummaging through the kitchen drawers, searching for anything that could help him prepare a warm, nourishing soup for Catherine. He had never cooked soup before and had no idea where to start, but he knew he had to try. He was really afraid that Catherine's condition might worsen, and Buggy felt a deep sense of responsibility to care for her. He frantically pulled open drawers, scattering utensils and ingredients haphazardly, his brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to piece together some semblance of a plan. 
"Soup.. Soup." Buggy scratched his head. "It should be easy. Soup requires meat, potatoes or vegetables, and seasonings. Right? Right! Fuck! I have little experience with it!"
"Do you need help?"
Buggy heard Catherine's voice behind him.
"What are you doing here?" He rounded his eyes.
"I heard a crash, I thought you were fighting the final boss of your computer game and needed help. I can't let some monster take you aw— aw— achoo! Away from me." Catherine glanced around the kitchen, "Wow! Hurricane Buggy definitely came through here. Let me help you." Catherine wanted to go to the stove, but Buggy stopped her. "Achoo!"
"You need to rest, Catherine!! Go to bed!"
"I'm fine, I'll help you."
"God, woman, why are you so stubborn?!" Buggy rolled his eyes.  
"Learned from y–. A-a-achoo! Fuck! My head almost flew off." Catherine chuckled. "Let me help you!" 
"I can handle it myself, I lived somehow before you! Get out of here!" 
"But I..." 
"But I!" Buggy mimicked her. "You're driving me crazy, Catherine Elizabeth Mitchell!" He threw her over his shoulder, took a cup of tea.
"Wow! Your ass is so pretty!" Catherine giggled as she dangled on him.
"Shut up! You are delirious." Buggy quickly carried her to the bed. "Lie here!"
"I’m telling you, I’m fine!" Catherine tried to get up. “Achoo!!”
"If you try to get up again, I swear I'll tie you to the bed." Buggy paused for a second and his face immediately changed. 
"Why did you go silent?" Catherine saw him begin to smile. "Oh, my God! Did you imagine that? Did you imagine me tied to the bed? My God, you're such a pervert, Buggy."
"I’m not but we should try this, right?" He shook his head. "Stop distracting me, woman! That's it, rest."
Buggy quickly returned to the kitchen.
"Ok! Soup. I have to figure this out, no matter how foreign the process. Cathie-pie needs me now more than ever! Alright! Let's do it in a flashy way!"
Buggy found the recipe and ran his eyes over it. "Okay, chicken, potatoes, spices. Got it." He pulled the chicken out of the fridge and started chopping it up. "Little pieces, little pieces. Easy. Careful. One, two. Fuck!" He looked at the table where his fingers were lying. "Good job, Buggy. The last thing I need is to boil my fingers for my girlfriend." He chuckled. "I'm making soup for my girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. And I see her naked. Damn! Her hands, her voice, her bre—. Fuck! I imagined her tied to the bed. She would be so sexy. I should suggest her to do this." He giggled idiotically. "Focus, Buggy!" He reattached his fingers and kissed his palm. "Praise be to you, chop chop fruit!"
With a renewed sense of purpose, Buggy redoubled his efforts, resolving to create the most soothing, restorative soup he could manage, all for the sake of the woman he cared so deeply about.
Buggy threw all the ingredients into the water and started stirring them. "Sandwich." He started snapping his fingers. "Sandwich. Sandwich. Sandwich. Cathie told me about the sandwich." Buggy scratched his head. "Shit, I don't know how her mom made it. But my cotton candy wants.. She would be happy to eat it. Who could tell me.. Fuck, no! No, no, no, no, no!!" He growled under his breath and started dialing Catherine's sister's number. "That's the last thing I want to do right n–. Hi, Jules!" 
Buggy explained the situation to Jules and listened to another barb from her, barking back a few times. He wrote down the sandwich recipe she had dictated to him and started making it. 
"Wow, you're cooking for my sister." Buggy mimicked Jules. "Yeah, imagine, I'm cooking for your sister. Can you cut bread properly for her? I'm not an idiot, I know how to cut fucking bread for her. Shit! Soup!" He rushed to stir the soup in the pan. "Yeah! Nothing burned."
"Buggy? Is everything okay?" Catherine screamed from the bedroom.
"What? Yeah! Everything is under control! I'll be there in about 10 minutes. I guess. Do you need anything?" 
"No! Just wanted to check how you were doing. Love you!" 
"Ok!" Buggy shouted back. "What kind of answer was this? She said she loves you, and you said okay.. idiot! Bread, cheese, basil and seasonings." Buggy put all the ingredients together and put them in the grill. "See, miss 'you can't take care of my sister' that wasn't so hard. How's the soup?" He opened the lid and looked into the pot. 
"That smells good. God, I'm tired already. Cooking is exhausting. How does Cathie-pie have the energy to make me breakfast every day? Pull yourself together, clown! You're doing this for your cotton candy. She's sick and she's in your bed and waiting for you. She’s in my bed. He-he! This pretty woman is in my bed. Wooohooo! Hm, I wonder how she manages to stay pretty even when she's sick? How lucky you are, right? Did you know when you saw her in the bar that it would turn out this way? Let's not deny that you looked her over head to toe and you knew she was beautiful right away. And let's not deny that it's nice to come home when she's waiting for you. She squeals, jumps on you, kisses and hugs you. She always gets you beer, brings you goodies. She made my… our apartment cozier. It's always warm here now, but those stupid candles all over the house drive me crazy, even though they smell nice. And those plush pillows, and that stupid chair. And that fucking octopus. Hate them. But she loves those things, so bear with it. She loves you. Has anyone ever loved you like that before? Of course not, but she does. And it's weird. Fuck, so many thoughts over one soup?! Shit! Sandwich!!" Buggy opened the grill. "Fuck, that's a little burnt. Oh, Jules would be so happy right now. Oh well, I'm going to cut the face out anyway." 
"Buggy? Are you okay? Do you need help?" Catherine's voice came from the bedroom. 
"I’m fine! I'll be back in 5 minutes. Are you okay? Do you need anything?" 
"Can I ask for more tea, please?" 
"Thank you! I love you!!" 
"Okay!” Buggy shouted back. "Are you serious? Did you really say it again? Bravo, idiot! Why can't you tell her "I love you too"? She's sick and she'd love to hear it. It's so simple. Yeah, it's not that simple. You even took the velvet box to the circus and locked it in a drawer after that fucking Larnie. You sit and look at this box almost every day. What's the point? She'll say no anyway. Or she'll laugh at you and leave you. Eventually, sooner or later, she'll meet someone better, someone who can give her more. What can you give her? A fucking circus? Yeah, you're even afraid to confess to her who you were.. no.. who you really are and the fact you miss the sea and your previous life so much. Let things stay as they are. Accept that some dreams are just not meant to come true. Damn! Sandwich! Now I need to cut out a fucking face.” Buggy carefully began to cut away the burnt edges of the sandwich, turning the piece of bread into a funny face. "Okay. Done." He poured the soup into a large bowl, put the sandwich on a separate plate, covering it with another plate and poured a large mug of tea. Buggy picked up the tray and went into the bedroom. 
"Hello, cotton candy! I'm back!" He chuckled.
"Hello, Dr. Buggy!" Catherine narrowed her eyes, watching Buggy enter the bedroom. 
"Stop mocking me, little shit!" Buggy put the tray on the bed. "Here, your soup, tea and one surprise."
"Surprise? For me? I’m intrigued." Catherine squealed and picked up her plate. 
"Mom's sandwich!" She whispered. "How did you...?" Catherine looked at him with wet eyes. 
"Meh," Buggy shrugged, "I called your sister." 
"Oh my god, Buggy!!” Tears started flowing from her eyes.
"What? W-why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?" He looked at her in confusion.
"Of course no!! You're my best! You know that?" Catherine said in a slightly nasal voice. 
"Come on! It's not such a big deal."
"It's big for me!!" Catherine wiped her tears. "I know you have a strained relationship with Jules, but you called her. I’m so proud of you!"
"Yeah.. Your sister…" Buggy clenched his teeth to keep from saying too much.
"That'so funny. You two are so jealous." Catherine giggled, took his hand and started stroking it with her finger. "Don't worry, Jules is just worried about me. After our parents' death, we started to care about each other even more. That's what mom and dad always taught us. That you have to take care of those you love. So.. And so we were always together, living in the same house and then.. a-a.. and then.. a-a… and then… achoo! Fuck!" Catherine wiped her nose with napkins again. "And then one blue-haired man from the bar took me away from my sister. And he became the love of my life, my best friend and my second closest person in the whole wide world."
"Of course I took you away. You know why?" Buggy crossed his arms, blushing. "Because Buggy the Clown takes back what's his!"
"You took me to the airport, Buggy the Clown! And practically let me go home! I’m not even saying that you wanted to leave me in the desert." Catherine laughed and coughed a lot.
"How are you feeling?" Buggy ran his hand down her face.
"Like a piece of shit, to be honest. But I think I’ll get better soon." 
"I hope so. I don't want you... Well... You know." 
"What? Oh, my little bear, it's just a cold." Catherine started stroking his cheek. "You're not gonna lose me, I promise. Moreover, you take such great care of me. Look! You wrapped me in a blanket, prepared food for me. I promise to get better soon and continue ruining your life." Catherine rubbed her hands. "Okay! Time to eat!!"
Bringing the spoon to her lips, Catherine blew gently to cool the broth, then parted her mouth and allowed the flavorful soup to slide across her tongue. The warmth enveloped her, spreading a soothing sensation through her body, and she could taste the care and concern her boyfriend had poured into his culinary creation. 
"Yummy!!" Catherine took another spoonful. "Chicken, potatoes, herbs. You know, it's a magic soup from my beloved clown. I feel this tasty thing slowly easing my aches and pains, and restoring a sense of wellbeing."
"You're kidding me, right? It's not tasty."
"I can't lie about the food, Buggy. It's delicious." Catherine picked up the sandwich. "It looks like a koala’s face. So cool!" She giggled and took a small bite. "Oh my god, this is mom's sandwich. It's just like she used to make it. Very tasty! Try it!" She broke off a piece of sandwich and handed it to Buggy.
He chewed his piece slowly, nodding. "Yeah! Not bad."
Buggy watched Catherine devour the food, smacking her lips with each spoonful. 
"I'm full. I'll finish it later, don't worry, okay?" She set the tray aside. "Thank you so much, my blue-haired love."
"Ok. Now lie down and rest, hugging that damn octopus. I'll be in the living room, with beer and chips, and sport channel. If you need anything, call me." He kissed her on the head. 
"Okay!" Catherine took his hand. "Thank you, Buggy." 
"What for?" He squeezed her hand slightly. "For food? Any fool can make soup." 
"No. For mom's sandwich. Thank you for mom's sandwich. This means a lot to me." 
“Always for your service, Cathie-pie. Okay, get some rest." Buggy kissed her head again and walked towards the living room. 
"Buggy Bear!" 
"I love you so, so much!" Catherine blew him a kiss.
"Love you too, my cotton candy." Buggy winked at her.
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l-starlight-l · 7 months
The love of a hero
Smoke signals
A/N: so I was reading some of my old post and low-key hated how it was written so I decide to rewrite the whole love of a hero series. Hopefully it’s a little better now!
Description: it’s your first day of work at Arkham asylum and you share a smoke break with a handsome hero
Warning: smoking, cursing, mental hospital
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
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Being one of the most successful Psychiatrists in the country you hadn’t planned on getting fired from your dream job. You had been working at black-gate prison for three years and in one day it all went down the drain. You needed a new scene away from all of the shit that happened so you had decided Gotham was the perfect city to move to and there just so happened to be an open position at Arkham Asylum. You had a good feeling about your new life as soon as you made it off the train. You had friends in the city and it seemed like a place that needed a good fixing up, which was your specialty.
The only condition of the asylum hiring you with your strange record, was you had to start immediately. Which meant as soon as you got into Gotham you were racing to get to the creepy building on the outskirts of the city. When you got there you could tell they were in deep need of staff. A kind older lady met me in the lobby and introduced herself as the head doctor, she gave you a tour of the facility and a list of patients that were yours. The list was very long, it had about sixteen names on it, and you had never had this many patients. You made it your goal of the day to at least introduce yourself to each one of the patients. As you scanned the list some very popular names were on it like, Harvey dent or Pamela Isley. One name in particular caught your eye, Harleen Quinzel, you had known her before she became what she is now. You had went to school together and ended up getting pretty close. You pushed her to the end of the list so you could prepare yourself to see her again after everything that she’s been through.
You had just finished your sixth session of the day with “the scarecrow” and it had shaken you up a little so you thought a brake would help. You looked around for a quiet place where you could get some fresh air. Luckily when you walked out a pair of doors at the back of the building there was a small bench and no one to be seen. You let out a sigh of relief and plopped down on the bench. You rustled for something in your pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. It was a bad habit you had picked up while at black gate but you were cutting down. You only smoked when you were stressed, which seemed to be happening more and more often. Patting your pocket you find nothing, “are you fucking kidding me” slips from your lips as you realize you don’t have a lighter.
You leaned back and close your eyes trying to find some relief before going back to work. There’s soft footsteps that land right in front of you. You lift open one of your eyes and see a very large man in-front of you. You look up at him, he’s wearing a big red helmet. You think for a second, there were a lot of vigilantes in Gotham but which one was this. “Red hood?” You quietly asked confused.
“What are you doing here” he asked but not in an aggressive tone, it was more of a confused tone. He didn’t put right answer you question but you took it as a yes.
“I should be asking you that” you say with a tinge of annoyance in your words, “you’re the big masked man who came out of no where”
You can’t actually tell through the mask but his body language makes it seem like he’s embarrassed. He reaches for his head and takes his helmet off revealing a very handsome face clad in a black domino mask. “Sorry I was just surprised, no one is usually over here” he says softly ruffling His bad helmet hair.
You nod like you agree with him even though you have no idea. You hold up the cigarette in your hand and ask “you got a light”.
He nods and takes out a cigarette of his own, putting it in his mouth and holding the light to it. You get up and touch the tips of the cigarettes together in the flame so they light simultaneously. When you sit down and look back up at him you can see his face is a little flustered. Maybe that was a weird thing to do to a stranger. “So are you a new doctor here?” He asks clearing the awkwardness from his voice.
You nod taking a drag off the cigarette and blowing it out, “it’s my first day” you say with a laugh. You eyes wonder up and down him as you wonder, “and you? Are you one of the “bat-boys” that run around Gotham” you ask doing air quotes with your fingers.
He chuckles, a deep sound that makes your ears hum. A smile grows on your face as you watch him. “I suppose you could call me that. You don’t look like you’re from Gotham?” He questions taking you in.
“I’m not” you say bringing your knees to your chest on the bench and taking another hit of the cigarette, “I just moved to the city, well not yet, after my shift I get to move into my new apartment” you admit.
He smiles and opens his mouth like he’s about to ask something else but his phone rings. He pulls it out of his pocket, he reluctantly steps away to answer it. You can tell he is annoyed with the person on the other side. You watch him with a smile on your lips, you caught yourself being a creep and take another drag and look away. He finishes up on the phone and walks back over, putting out his smoke. “See you around doc” he says with a warm smile and disappears into the shadows. His smile stays with you even when he’s gone, it felt so warm and genuine. You let out the breath you were holding and finish your cigarette. You stand up from the bench and dust yourself off, you need to see him again you decide. You walk back into the building regretting the next few consults you have.
Word count: 1,029 >~<
Tag list: @princessbl0ss0m @mxtokko @atadoddinnit
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exhaslo · 7 months
Corruption Ch11
(Villain!Miguel x F!Hero!Reader)
Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8, Ch9, Ch10
Warning: Minors DNI, mentions of sex, violence, blood, murder, twisted thoughts, experimentation, language, wannabe fluff, established friendship/relationship? SMUT, Fingering, oral (male receiving)
Two Months, Ten Days until D-Day
There were a select few of people in all of Alchemax that were exempt from receiving the Rapture. Those people were the IT department. Those in the IT department had a different reason to stay working for the company.
They learned things that they shouldn't know. They were the ones who had to fix all those horrible machines and computers that helped kill and torture people. Whenever something happened, those in the IT department were always the sacrificial lambs.
If they pissed off the wrong person.
Aaron was one of those people. He knew that Miguel was not fond of him. Some of his coworkers were already distancing themselves from him in fear of them catching Miguel's wrath. Miguel was the son of the CEO of Alchemax. You piss him off, you're dead.
Sitting on his computer, Aaron cursed lowly. It wasn't his fault that Miguel had it out for him. All he wanted was to ask you out. Aaron wanted to free you from Miguel's slimy grasp.
"He needs to pay, but how?"
"Looks like (Y/N) is requesting help again. Her heater died again. What's with her?" One of the IT workers whispered.
Aaron glanced at his screen, seeing your notification popped up. Miguel will defiantly be there if he replied, but this was the only chance for him to see you.
"She's just as bad as Miguel! Helping him all the time! How many coworkers have we lost to Rapture?"
Rapture? Aaron chuckled lowly as he accepted your request. Now that was an idea.
"Miguel, you're going to be late if you stay like this." You sighed softly as he rested his head against your lap.
"I still have time. Let me think."
You pouted slightly, hiding your blush from Miguel. You were sitting on his desk like a trophy, but his head was buried against your lap. It felt so nice, having him give you this affection. You gasped quietly as Miguel's hands gripped your thighs.
"Miguel!" You huffed.
A shiver ran down your spine as you felt his hands stroke your thighs. His hands felt so warm. Trembling as Miguel groped your legs once more, you tried not to think about him pinning you down on his desk. Miguel was always handsy, but he hadn't fucked you yet.
Oh, how your wet dreams got more vivid with each passing day. Miguel's hands always roaming your body as if he was checking you, turned you on so much. You wanted to ask Miguel why he hadn't made a move yet. Why he was waiting so long?
"Alright, it's time for my meeting with my father and the shareholders. I trust that you'll be a good girl and stay here to sort my schedule, hm?"
"Yes, sir," You whispered as Miguel kissed you. Miguel just smirked,
"Hm, I might have to punish you later for calling me 'sir' again." His smile turned wicked, "Don't complain, understood?"
"Yes, Miguel." You replied, feeling trapped in a daze.
As Miguel left, you shivered in delight. Miguel was so cruel to you, but you loved it. You knew that Miguel was twisting your common sense and reason, but you couldn't stop him. Part of you wanted Miguel to taint you.
"I need to work on Miguel's schedule." You hummed.
Miguel was quiet as he approached the elevator. Lately his father had been dragging him to more of these ridiculous meetings. Miguel had better things to be working on. More important things to be working on.
With a heavy roll of his eyes, Miguel scoffed as he arrived on the final floor. These meetings were just preparing him to take over Alchemax. It wasn't like Miguel didn't want to take control, it just wasn't in his interest right now.
"Ah, Miguel. Good of you to arrive on time." Tyler Stone spoke, Miguel's father.
"With how often you have me join, I have unfortunaly gotten into the habit." Miguel spat.
"This is for the best." Tyler hummed, leading Miguel into the board room, "Before the others arrive, I wanted to ask you about your assistant."
"(Y/N)?" Miguel's lazy gaze turned into a glare, "What about her?"
"Couldn't help but notice you spending more time with her. Now, I won't interfere with your love life, son, but her? You and I both know there are better."
"Ha, small thinking for now." Miguel snickered, "Give it time. You'll come around."
Everyone will come around once Miguel becomes an advance human like you.
"I've also noticed your new status in the city. I'm quite impressed with the connections you've made, son. I actually called this meeting for you to announce your new status."
"So they can seal their fate to us? Haha, as if my title is needed for such a simple task."
Of course not. Miguel was only destroying villains for you. He wanted to show his dominance, but it ended up turning into more. Miguel underestimated these villains. They kept coming back. If they weren't killed, they would not stop.
Either way, Miguel was enjoying the fight. He knew this wasn't why you became a hero, but this was a damn good feeling. Miguel enjoyed destroying the lives of others and tormenting other villains. They were nothing compared to him.
Nothing compared to you.
Miguel was enjoying the life of a villain.
"We also need to do something about that Spider-Woman. She's been seen around Alchemax and our warehouses." Tyler spoke.
Miguel resisted a chuckle. How cute of you. Trying to 'save' Miguel and stop the oh so evil Alchemax. This just meant that Miguel had to corrupt you more. He had to teach you a better lesson. Something that would really make you break.
Something that will ease the both of you.
Miguel had been in the meeting for a good while. You were still waiting in Miguel's office since yours was still cold. Twirling around in Miguel's chair, you started to think about your plan again. You were officially starting to bring down Alchemax.
It was a long and hard process, but you had found some good help. You were getting good information to take down Alchemax, now it was just a matter of concrete evidence. That was going to be hard because if you hacked into the system...well...
"Argh, this is annoying." You huffed.
You needed to get information without being spotted. Perhaps you could get someone in IT to cover your tracks. Remembering Aaron, you smiled at the thought. He might be able to help you hide from Alchemax's tight cyber security!
"At least one of us is still entertained." Miguel huffed as he entered his office. You gasped and hurried to him,
"Welcome back! How was your meeting?" You asked. Miguel raised a brow as he stroked your head,
"I need to destress."
"Ah, I'll give you a massage!" You chirped. Miguel just gave smirked,
"I was thinking of more than a simple massage."
Ohhhhh, you felt your panties get damp. Miguel grabbed your hand, leading you to his desk. You could feel your heart nearly leap out of your chest. Was this really happening? No, maybe Miguel just means something else.
"Come here," Miguel chuckled, patting his thigh.
Without hesitation, you sat on Miguel's lap. His hands roaming your body once more as he kissed you. As you made out with Miguel, you could faintly see smoke in the city. Why did there have to be trouble now?
"Will you do me this favor?" Miguel whispered in your ear, his hands reaching his crotch.
"M-Miguel," You gasped.
You were folding hard. Ignoring the city, you unzipped Miguel's pants and let him push your head down. There you were, kneeling before Miguel with his dick hard in front of you. This was something you've only dreamed of.
"S-Sorry in advance if...I'm not good," You apologized.
How cute. You looked so shy and innocent as you kneeled before Miguel. His hand rested against your head, motioning you back towards his dick. You had a job to do and another one to ignore. Miguel smirked since you had made your decision.
Gritting his teeth, Miguel resisted a groan as your tongue licked and swirled around his cock. You were so inexperienced, so innocent, so pure...all because you were waiting for him.
Your hands were holding onto Miguel's thighs as you finally took his dick in your mouth. Ah, how good it felt to have you submit to him. Obeying his every whim and need.
"What a good girl, (Y/N), sloppy, but good." Miguel chuckled lowly.
You whined with his dick in your mouth, sending a vibration up Miguel's spine. How fucking tempting you were. You hummed and started to suck on his dick, giving Miguel pleasure. The warmth of your mouth, sending Miguel into a small frenzy.
This was something that Miguel never cared for. Something that was just in the way of his work. If only he knew how good this would feel having you suck him off. Miguel was going to have to get you on your knees more often.
"Keep sucking, you're doing so good." Miguel groaned as he pushed your head more.
Miguel tried his best to control himself, but he couldn't help it. His hands moved on their own as he moved your head. You were moaning and whining as you sucked against his dick, rubbing your legs in the process.
Tears formed in the corner of your eyes as you felt Miguel's dick hit the back of your throat. Your panties were soaked and you were desperate for some relief of your own.
Feeling Miguel's dick twitch in your mouth, you knew he was close. You stroked faster and sucked harder, wanting to touch yourself. You couldn't breathe. You couldn't think. Miguel gripped your hair and grunted as he pushed you down, causing you to wince and nearly gag.
"Swallow." He demanded.
You shivered at his tone and flinched as you felt him cum in your mouth. Coughing as Miguel removed his dick, you swallowed hard and started to pant. You felt dazed. Air was finally entering your brain as you stared up at Miguel with lust.
"Good girl, now I believe you deserve an award." Miguel chuckled darkly.
Gasping as Miguel placed you on his desk, you whimpered as he took off your panties.
"Someone's been really patient."
"Mhm, I-I have," You whimpered, your cunt clenching to air.
"But, you'll have to be a little more patient. Just until...I know you deserve the ultimate reward."
You let out a small whine, but gasped as you felt Miguel's fingers against your clit. He spread your legs and watched as you twitched and moaned against his touch. Your body felt like it was on fire, but you wanted more.
Moving your hips, you tried to match Miguel's pace, but he held you down. His fingers moving faster against your clit, causing that burning knot to tighten in your gut. You arched your back, feeling your brain fog up again as you cried his name.
"M-Miggy!" You moaned, cumming hard. Miguel chuckled lowly,
"What did I say about that nickname?" He asked.
"S-Sorry-Ah~" You flung your head back as Miguel inserted two fingers inside you, pumping them deeply, "Ah~ M-Miguel~"
"Now you'll have to wait longer,"
Your vision blurred as you focused on his fingers curling and thrusting inside you. They were so big, much better than your toys. If only Miguel would bully you with his dick instead. You would have to behave more in order to get that reward.
"I-I'll behave, Miguel! Ah~ mhm,~ I promise~!"
Music to his ears. You were breaking so easily for him. Miguel, himself, was tempted to fuck you, but he couldn't. Not yet. He couldn't risk you getting pregnant yet without his own genes enhanced.
"Miguel~" You cried, your body arching once more.
"How sensitive." Miguel whispered as you orgasmed, "That will be enough for today. I do expect more of these...personal destress sessions in the future."
"Mhm....Y-Yes, Miguel," You panted, taking a moment to catch your breathe.
Miguel just chuckled in response as he wiped his hand with a napkin. All he could think about was your so called, 'stamina'. How easy were you to cum and fold from his touch. You were so cute twitching from his fingers alone.
Glancing down at your damp panties that laid on the floor, Miguel just hummed as he picked up them and put them in his lab coat pocket. They were going to be used for his tests later.
"Allow me to take you home. It's been quite a day,"
You hummed to Miguel, finally composing yourself. Your head was still dizzy and your gaze blurred. Your body was still aching and desperate for more, but you had to behave. Behave for Miguel so he could reward you later.
Your gaze shifted from the smoke in the city, back to Miguel. You wanted to please him. To do as he said.
"Thank you,"
Oh, how your super hero days were numbered.
Next Chapter
(Still on small hiatus, Final Fantasy is AMAZING!!!!)
@tojishugetiddies @miguelsfavwife @foulsharkheart @club-danger-zone @ivkygirly @jollystrawberrycycle @amber-content @weirdothatwritess @smartyren @mangoslushcrush @nyxzoldyck6 @migueloharastruelove @chaoticlovingdreamer @sukioyakio @killjoy-nightshadow @heyohalie @the-pan-liquid @bokutosprettylittlebimbo @kpopscoups17130000 @pochapo @killerwendigo @barbiecrocs @miss-galaxy-turtle @oscarissac2099 @lazy-idate @lauraolar14 @safixiovi
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Was musing on that "Villain Marinette's mock Gabriel" thing and had a fun thought.
There's actually perfectly good in character reasons why a villainous Marinette would be more dangerous than Gabriel without making him look like a joke. I'll be using my Lady Glasswing as a basis for this:
Gabriel regards & treats Noroo like a blend of animal & tool; there's no respect or mutual communication, he does not engage with Noroo at all unless he as to.
Marinette's relationship with Noroo is more akin to "Oh my wonderful, life changing, power granting wish fairy who comforted me in my lowest moment & gave me a path to saving my parents, I love you!"
It'd take a long time for their relationship to sour & before that, & because Noroo as an empath gets too caught up in their handlers emotional state, the two talk and theorize and otherwise collaborate a lot. As a result she has a really intimate understanding of her powers and limits early on.
Though some of her experiments & ideas, and especially results do eventually get Noroo like:
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Noroo did not know they could do that and would rather not have known thank you!
The other reasons would be fairly straight forward as well:
Lady Glasswing: I suppose its true what they say, necessity is the mother of invention.
Or in other words, Marinette's not living in a fortress manor, with someone else to take care of all her needs, able to just sit around at home all day and is vastly, vastly more limited by her youth.
This forced her to get creative right out the gate, especially as she knew she'd be going up against a fully trained Guardian.
In contrast, Gabriel's plan for 90% of Seasons 1 & 2 was basically "Eventually I'll hit on the right combo of smart, strong & special to win, why hurry?" He tried a few gambits like the tv stunt, spying on Lila, Audrey.
But overall, it wasn't until Heroes Day & then when Nathalie was dying that he really got experimental with it and we saw how quickly he started doing bonkers shit like fusing people together and & orchestrating Chloe's breakdown. He just didn't feel that pressed to do so before hand.
Nothing left to lose:
The above also ties into a big difference in their approaches. Gabriel, regardless of the nature of his care for his son, Nathalie, nominal friends or fashion empire. Is invested in them,. It could be possessive & toxic, or more nuanced, but he has things to lose.
Her parents are dead or comatose, her grandfather wants nothing to do with her & sucks, her grandmother dips out 90% of the time cos she can't handle grief. She can't even speak the same language as the other side of her family who are not in the same country & she feels isolated & alienated from her peers & humanity.
She's very much pinned everything on "Fix my parents through any means necessary & all will be right again" and if she dies trying? Well she doesn't really care about that does she?
So, even ignoring that this pushes her further faster, it also means she's more willing to get stuck into it. Often joining Akuma in battle or using Familiars, pulling go big or go home schemes are her standard. She really only retreated once there were too many heroes around for her presence to be anything but a detriment.
Meanwhile Gabriel even though he had tons of advantages over Ladybug & Chat Noir, especially early on avoids risking himself as much as possible, Only leaving his base when he thinks he's already won or has no choice and as a result simply has less experience or otherwise, zealous drive by comparison.
So yea, end results?
Communicating with one's Kwami is good for growth.
Limits can foster creativity while no limits can inadvertently stifle it.
A disregard for one's self and others, while especially noble, is a good teacher if you survive doing it long enough.
Though I do still like Marinette making a jab at Gabriel-Moth.
Marinette: Limits foster creativity, I mean look at Gabriel's original work compared to the repetitive, sterile dreck he puts out now that he has nothing but time and money.
Gabriel (Seething) What a... Fascinating perspective.
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kitthepurplepotato · 1 year
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My weird roommate, Midoriya Izuku!
Alternative title: Midoriya Izuku’s weekly shenanigans!
Midoriya Izuku x Reader
“So you are telling me that you lost your job and got evicted on the same day?”
Well, yes. You’ve never been a lucky gal and you are also quirkless. Jirou, your pro hero friend decides to help you out of your misery and give you an opportunity to live beside a mysterious man for barely any rent. The mysterious man is ends up to be the pro hero you’ve been obsessed with for ages! After a few days you realize that Izuku Midoriya is an absolute weirdo… in a really adorable way.
Week by week, the reader explores Midoriya’s weird habits and slowly falls in love with all his flaws. (Eww, so cheesy.)
Genre: Comedy, romance (no smut, sorry! Might get a bit suggestive, but that’s it!)
General info and warnings (each chapter will have their own): swear words, blood, injuries, potential other hero ships, tooth rotting fluff and extreme amount of awkwardness. No real angst! Reader is 23, Deku is 25.
Other minor relationships in the story: Kirishima x Bakugou, Denki x Shinsou
16+ for safety!
About the author: English is the potato’s second language, please be kind to the potato.
Check out the potato’s Master List!
UPDATE: The story is now being translated to Vietnamese! Click here to read it! Thank you @izukuslittlekitty 💚
Week 0 - Just go with the flow!
“So you are telling me that you lost your job and got evicted on the same day?”
“Don’t be so dramatic, Jirou. I still have a month to pack my stuff and I wanted to resign anyway. No biggie, really.”
Yeah, no biggie. The bottle of wine in your hand is only for pleasure, not to soothe your broken heart.
You’ve never been the luckiest gal if it comes to… well… anything. First, you were born quirkless, then you ended up helping your family financially for years after the family business went to shit, then right when you were about to be freed from the responsibility as your parents started a new business which actually made money this time, you lost your job and your really cheap apartment. You are not really stressed about the money part as you do have a side hustle; well, if you can call doing Pro Hero fan arts for commission a side hustle; and thanks to your upbringings you always made sure to have some spare money in the bank.
Your main problem is the fact that you just can’t have anything easy. Maybe you do have a quirk after all; one called “Forever Unlucky.” Quite a catchy name, actually, you might make a character based on this in the manga you’re about to draw.
“Bestie, I have an idea. I will sort out all your life problems. Give me one day.” The call cuts off and you are left alone with your thoughts. Oh, well. At least you can start your manga today… Or write a silly fanfiction about Deku being your roommate. You haven’t uploaded anything new to Tumblr in the last few months anyway.
“I’m not going to beg you, but this is a really good opportunity. You should take it. You’re the only one I trust enough to ask. Take that as the biggest compliment of your life.”
Oh well, this is such a lovely opportunity indeed; Move out of your place and move in with a random guy you can’t even check on social media because Jirou is a secretive little shit and doesn’t tell you his name. This person is also a guy, if that wasn’t obvious. There are so many things that can go wrong, it’s actually ridiculous.
“Sounds like this is a really great way to end up in a ditch, Jirou.” You sigh. You know she’s just trying to help you, but this is shady business. What if the guy is a pervert? Or a murderer? Okay, a pro hero like Jirou wouldn’t hang around a murderer but this guy can still be a pervert.
“Y/N, I shouldn’t be telling you this, but the guy is a pro hero. You love pro heroes, right?”
“Well, I do love them, but until Grape Juice is in the business this doesn’t make me feel any better about this.”
Oh, little Mineta. The fact that he’s still alive and rocking is beyond you. The guy had more scandals than rescues in the last few months.
“Y/N.” Jirou tries his best to sound authoritative. “You don’t have a job, you have nowhere to live, your parents live in the middle of nowhere. You also wanted to take time off to make a manga and get rich and famous. I’m giving you an opportunity to basically live in a fancy ass apartment for free and all you have to do is take care of a fucking cat and pay electricity and water. I know it sound like a stupid fanfiction, and to be fair, this is one, but bitch, let yourself be lucky for once. If everything goes to shit, I’ll let you sleep on my sofa until you find a place.” Jirou takes a deep breath after saying all of this without taking a single breath.
“I’m taking your bed. For 3 months.” You negotiate, clearly about to make the riskiest decision of your life.
“Deal.” Jirou answers and your phone beeps. “Call this number for more info. He’s waiting for your call.” The phone cuts off again and you can’t help but freak out.
You really wanted to sleep on this, give it a second thought, make a plan, get your thoughts together but oh well, you really can’t have it easy, can you?
If this would actually be a fanfiction, it would suck balls; there’s nothing but phone calls, jumping from one person to another, and the plot is way too unreal to be believable. What a shame.
The main character is also really lame; she’s a 23 years old who still reads and writes fanfictions and she lives in a fucking bubble where being a mangaka is still a legit dream to have. *
*the one writing this fanfiction is 28, so in case it wasn’t clear, this part was supposed to be a joke.
You sigh and grab your phone to make the last phone call of the day; you’ll definitely turn that shit off for the rest of the day after all this trauma.
“H-hello?” A shy voice comes through the phone.
As a pro hero enthusiast, you are absolutely ashamed of yourself; you have zero idea who the fuck you are talking to.
His voice is comedically high, his stuttering is absolutely adorable, but feels kinda fake; or is it the voice that’s fake?
“Hey man, Jirou gave me your phone number…” You are just about to explain your reasons for calling when the mystery man interrupts you with a high squeak. Is there a hero who’s quirk is being a rubber duck? With your luck, this is Grape Juice. Yeah, it’s definitely him.
“Yes! Y/N!” He squeaks again, this time, in pain. “Sorry, I just got back from patrol. I got hit by a quirk, so excuse my voice.”
Yeah, how original. The mystery man suddenly gets hit by a voice changer quirk right before a really important phone call, so this way the mystery man stays mysterious until the first, dramatic encounter. This smells extremely fishy.
“Let me guess, a random villain called Helium Man?” You ask, clearly not believing a single word. Is this really fucking Grape Juice lying about his voice to clear the suspicion?
“It was a child, actually. He wanted a picture and a hug but his quirk just manifested and he hit me with it by accident. I should be fine in 24 hours.”
Oh, a pro hero with a big heart who loves children and animals and stops in the middle of his patrol to hug a child? Yeah, sounds legit. Well, it really does sound legit, that’s something a hero would do. Fuck.
“Uhm, that’s a really nice story, yes.” You grumble, absolutely sure this is a stupid April fools joke. You can’t stop thinking about Mineta.
“Ahh, sorry to bother you so late at night with my rambling, I tend to ramble a lot actually.” A self deprecating laugh leaves the mysterious man’s mouth, and even with the annoying high voice, it sounds absolutely adorable. Fuck, are actually falling for this prank? “Long story short, I’m barely at home and my cat is really lonely and the flat is way too big for the two of us so I want to have a trustworthy roommate who can take care of the flat and my fluffy little son when I’m away. I’m not in need of money, hence why there is no rent and if it comes to the other bills, if you can’t pay them, that’s fine. I asked my friends to ask around in case someone in their close proximity is in need of a new home and Jirou recommended you. She spoke really highly of you.”
That was a really long short story for the fuck’s sake, but that’s fine. After all the Pro Hero Deku interviews, you are kinda immune to this kind of thing. You try to think about who else is prone to rambling in the hero world, but you honestly can not think of a single person.
“And if I understand this right, I won’t be able to pry any information out of you about your identity until I actually say yes and move in for… safety reasons?” You cut the bullshit for him and get to the main reason of your anxiety. The guy on the other side squeaks again.
“I’m really sorry about that. To tell you the truth, my name is well known in this country and I want to make sure the person moving in with me is not after my fame or my connections.” The guy says, then starts to ramble again. “I mean, there is no problem with someone being a fan of me or anything, it’s not about me feeling like a bigger person and not wanting to mingle with the crowd, I really don’t mind that kind of thing, I just want to make sure the person associated with me on such a personal level isn’t trying to use my name as a stepladder? Ahh, to be honest, these aren’t even my words, these are manager’s, she’s a little bit overprotective, because apparently I’m really naive if it comes to the real world… Ahh, I’m rambling again!” The guy makes another squeaky noise, clearly giving up on landing a good first impression with you. You kinda want to hug him.
“Well, I’m definitely not after your fame and it’s not like you are the number one hero Deku, so don’t worry too much.” You try to sound reassuring to calm the mysterious man down a bit.
“Do you not… like Deku?” He stutters, his anxiety obvious even without seeing his face. Is he also a Deku fan?
“Oh, I do. I really do. But I’m not sure Deku would appreciate me bringing a life sized cardboard cutout of his into his own flat together with my 10 limited edition figurines, then walk out of my room to get a glass of water in my Deku pajamas.”
“You can’t have 10 limited edition figurines, there is only 5 available.” The man giggles, and fuck, he’s adorable.
“Well, I have two of each. One in a box one without it, duh.” You roll your eyes, even though no one can see it.
“Fair play.” The mysterious man replies. At least your obsession won’t be a problem then. “So do you want to give my flat a try? I’m only home one day a week so even if you don’t like me, I won’t be too much of a bother to you.”
Fuck, you can’t say no when he sounds so sure you won’t enjoy his company. You don’t know this man but you want to show him he’s good enough to be your friend. If this is Grape Juice, he’s doing a really good job in deceiving you.
“Yes, I’m in. Please, don’t be a weirdo.”
This might not help with the guy’s anxiety, but for your own safety you decide to not tell this man that he actually made your heart race faster already.
“I can’t guarantee that, but I’ll try my best. See you soon, Y/N! Don’t be a weirdo!” He hangs up, his giggles getting more and more muted as he moves his phone away from his face to turn it off.
So let’s sit down and think about all the new information you got during this phone call.
This mysterious man has a high voice, apparently from a quirk related accident, but he might be lying to get brownie points.
He’s indeed a pro hero and a really well known one, which means he’s probably a UA graduate.
He knows Jirou and by your knowledge you are the only one in her friend group who’s not connected to her old schoolmates in some way, so this person might be an old classmate of hers.
This person knows what to say to make himself be more likeable but that doesn’t really mean much as Grape Juice is also really good at first impressions. His true self usually comes out after a few days, but until that point the guy is smooth as fuck, apparently.
Grape Juice also has a high pitched voice…
You: It’s fucking Mineta isn’t it?!
Jirou: Did you call him?!
You: Yes! He sounds like Grape Juice in those interviews when the interviewer is hot! His voice was also high!
Jirou: I need more information, wait.
Jirou: I can’t believe I’m friends with someone so stupid.
I swear on Denki’s life, it’s not Mineta!
Pack your stuff as soon as possible, the sooner you move in the sooner I can laugh in your face when you realize how fucking wrong you were.
You can’t believe you are doing this. Who in their right mind would move in with someone they know jack shit about?!
Well, apparently that’s you. You might need to get another appointment with your old shrink as something is clearly wrong with you.
“So, this is the building.”
“You are absolutely shitting me, Jirou.”
Today is the day. All your life is in boxes, your new place is a few steps away, your Deku cutout is resting under your arms because you won’t let anyone touch your husband with their filthy hands.
You almost drop the poor guy when you take a look at the area around you; this is the fanciest part of the city, nothing but skyscrapers with massive bulletproof windows; this area is so posh that people come here for sightseeing. You can get a massive mansion anywhere else for the price of one single flat in this part of the city. Only the biggest pro heroes and celebrities can afford this. You are quite sure you read on a gossip site about this area being the one where the top 10 probably resides.
That means, Deku might live close by. Or… he might be your neighbor.
Fuck, you are such a fangirl.
“Close your mouth and let’s go.” Jirou takes your free hand and pulls you into the lobby; yes, there is a massive lobby in the building just like the ones in fancy hotels. There is a fucking Starbucks in there, only for the residents which might sound absolutely ridiculous and a waste of money but seeing the size of the building (and the fact that the people living in it are loaded) they probably make enough money to keep it going without any loss. It might also be really helpful to the residents as going into a busy coffee shop while your face is all over the high street billboards doesn’t sound like the most pleasant feeling at 6AM in the morning.
Jirou waves to the guy sitting behind the lobby desk. The guy’s eyes scans Jirou’s full body; like literally scans it, sounds effects and all, then moves to you. He does the same thing and pushes a button; a massive door opens on the side of the lobby which leads you to a row of elevators.
“Mind to explain what just happened?” You mumble, while Jirou scans her fingerprint and presses the highest numbered button on the wall.
Fingerprints? Really?
“Oh, that’s Josh, he’s from America. He has an X-ray vision. He checks everyone new before letting them into the building, except the actual residents. I’ve been here a lot of times but he doesn’t like me so I get scanned every time since I tried to go up with a knife hidden in my boots that one time. I tried to tell him I left it there by accident, but he didn’t buy it.” Jirou sighs, like it’s a common mistake and to be fair, as a pro hero it probably was, but damn, these people live in another world for sure.
“But most pro heroes have weapons, don’t they?” You ask, really interested to hear more about this as it doesn’t really make sense to you.
“He doesn’t question it if you are in your hero suit, and he doesn’t bother the actual residents, but I was in my casual clothes and he was new back then. Don’t worry, you live here, you’ll be fine once he gets used to you.”
Well, you have a feeling that this Josh guy will be your new reason to feel self-conscious for the next few months. “Oh, also, remind Zuku to put your fingerprint on the system so you can use the elevator…” Jirou suddenly slaps her palms on her mouth.
“Zuku?” That name doesn’t ring a bell. Jirou let’s out a long, relieved breath.
“We are literally about to meet the guy, shut up and see it for yourself.”
That’s fair.
The ride to the 43rd floor is long and excruciating (it was 2 whole minutes!), but eventually the elevator dings in a pleasant voice and the door opens to a hallway with only one massive door.
This is the highest level of the building. And there is only one door.
“Does he live in a fucking massive penthouse?!” You literally shriek. Your little peasant ass can not process this shit. If buying a flat in this area was expensive, a penthouse is basically the price of a full office building. Whoever this guy is, he is loaded.
“It’s not that big actually, half of it is a rooftop garden with a pool and a hot tub, you’ll love it.”
“Oh, I see, so the flat is not a big deal, there is a fucking pool there instead, yeah. No biggie.”
Jirou is just about to give you a snarky reply when the door opens up; green curls poke through the small gap, shy and embarrassed from not being able to keep it in his pants and wait until the two actually knocked.
After a few seconds, he opens his door properly and…
The one standing in front of you is no other than…
“Pro Hero Deku?!”
The green haired hero scratches the back of his head, his self-deprecating laugh even more adorable than the last time; which isn’t really a surprise as back then he had a voice of a gummy bear high on crack.
“Uhm, hi, I’m Midoriya Izuku.” He waves awkwardly and comes over for a hand shake but you are frozen in place. This is not real. This is a fucking prank. No fucking way…”Can I take the cutout? I made some space next to my All Might one, they will be besties!” The greenette laughs awkwardly and slowly takes the cutout from you, looking at you the way you look at a stray, aggressive dog when trying to pet them for the first time.
“His name is Izu-Izu, Y/N’s husband, please treat both of them well.” Jirou says with a straight, but extremely red face and jumps into the elevator, her loud laughter resonating in the walls as the doors close on her.
This is the most awkward moment of your life. This just can’t get worse. You are on the top of the most expensive building in the country, in front of the hero you’re absolutely obsessed with since you first saw him in the UA sports festival. That said hero is now gently holding your fucking cardboard cutout of himself, looking at you warily, probably contemplating if he needs to take you to a hospital.
“Show me my room, I’m too mortified to speak.” You mumble, looking at a dark spot on the fancy marble. “There’s blood on the floor.” You inform the green haired hero like that’s a perfectly normal thing; and to be fair, it probably is in this household; and make your way after the hero.
You really hope the ground swallows you whole and you’ll never need to look into Deku’s eyes ever again.
You: I hope your guitar amp short circuits.
Jirou: Rude.
… Next Part!
Yay, I hope you enjoyed the first part!
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Random fun facts:
- I actually googled the average size of a skyscraper in Tokyo for this ficc and I also googled how long it takes to get to his floor, just to be “realistic.” 😂
- The whole voice changer thing was my boyfriend’s idea! We love a good, supportive boyfriend! 😂
- If you like the style of this story and you fancy some Reader x Bakugou Katsuki, check out my other ficc, Bakugou Katsuki’s daily Shenanigans! These two are basically twins.
See you in the next chapter! Reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated, they keep me going! 💜
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