#so many babies so mannnny
🦇Just some Fruitbats thoughts...🍒
Thinking about how the boys wouldn't be able to keep their hands off of Chrysta while she's pregnant 🙈
🦇Marko is setting stuff on her baby bump when it's big enough. Just to tease her. For example, if she's lying down, he'll put some takeout on her belly while he looks for his chopsticks or fork. Or he sets his funnelcakes on her bump so he can win her a prize from one of the games at the boardwalk.
🍒All of them completely twitterpated during her times when she was still human in pregnancy and going ham on some strawberries and watermelon, staining her blouse and mouth in red juice that looked slightly similar to blood.
🦇David is crazy about her in maternity jeans. He loves them in her just as much as he would on the floor of the cave-
🍒Dwayne offers her massages when her feet hurt and feel swollen, or her back hurts from standing too much.
🦇Those little moments when she has that glow, they're all completely SMITTEN. 🥺
🍒Helping her take showers since she can't reach her back or legs anymore. (Bonus points if while they're crouched or on their knees, they give her belly a kiss AUGH)
🦇Dwayne all over her pretty little stretch marks and extra chub, he thinks her mama body suits her beautifully...
🍒Paul having full blown conversations with her belly for some pillow talk or just spending a night in with his mate. Not talking to her. Her belly. He is going on a rant and feels a kick to his head or hand and be like, "THATS WHAT IM SAYING!"
🦇Marko is trying to make her giggle cause he likes the way her body bounces with her laughter - he just thinks it's darling.
🍒David thinks he is the shit cause he got her pregnant twice. Man is still smug about it to this day.
🦇Dwayne likes singing or humming songs his mother had used to sing him, rocking Chrysta in his arms or later on, covered in a bunch of sleeping baby vampires. 🥺
🍒She's not very tall, and if the boys (mostly Dwayne and Paul) hold stuff she needs over her head, she can't reach it- she can't even hop with the extra weight and how stubby she feels. 😭
🦇But their not as bad as David. At least they give it back to her. No, David will drop it on the floor and watch her struggle to pick it up, just so he can get a good look at her ass. Marko does the same, except he tries to get a peek at her bewbs. 👀
🦇Both David and Dwayne LOVE pregnancy sex, but both for VERY different reasons. 👁👁
🍒Mannnny nights spent trying to convince their girl who is in hysterics that she isn't fat now that she can't fit into her size 3 jeans. 🤦‍♀️
🦇"Can I touch your boobs?" "No." "Can I suck ur titties?" "No." "Can I have some milk?" "No." "Can I touch yo-" "YOU'RE ABOUT TO GET SMACKED WITH THIS PUMP IF YOU KEEP ASKING"
🍒Baordwalk nights don't last long. Cause half the time, she's smelling booze or cigarette smoke and finding the nearest bathroom or trashcan. She cannot STOMACH strong smells - including blood. So, no kisses for the boys until they've cleaned up.
🦇Just touching her when she has hot flashes. They're naturally pretty cold dudes, so they just put a hand on her back or tummy and rub soothing circles till it'd over, or fan her.
🍒She will forever hate Dwayne and Paul for having so much hair and making her go through 9 months of heartburn TWICE/j
... Did give her super cute babies with a bunch of hair, tho.
🦇Omg if they could appear on film, they'd do sooo many stupid/funny maternity photos of her. The only one they have is snapped by Lucy, when she was still human, and doing some laundry at the Emersons, and she could barely fit through the doorway due to her tummy. 🩷
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glimmerglanger · 4 years
sooo do agaptfaa Anakin and Obi-Wan end up having those 8 babies? Do they conceive multiples again after the heat on the ship? Yes, this is a transparent attempt to get more pregnant Obi-Wan fluff from you, especially after the sadness of TCW.
Hi! I just finished reading agaptfaa and I loved it, I'm so happy I found it, as well as the extras you posted here. Could you please write more about what happens next? Do they really have 8 kids? How do Luke and Leia react to having more siblings?
So, I have a few prompts that I want to finish before I begin working on another larger project (....likely warlord!Anakin). I think there are five or so, and I’m starting with these two! Anyway, they might not make it to eight, despite Anakin’s best efforts, but there are going to be SO MANY little Skywalker-Kenobis running around....
It had taken them weeks to notice the pregnancy the first time. But they’d been distracted by the war and denial and, well, none of them had been terribly familiar with what pregnancy did to a Jedi’s signature in the Force.
Everyone on their little colony had a much better idea about that, by the time Anakin brought Obi-Wan back from the grips of Palpatine’s clones. Anakin walked close - closer than usual - as they stepped down the ramp, scanning the area with a little frown, a hand on Obi-Wan’s back, and he didn’t have to say anything about what he sensed.
Obi-Wan remembered, well enough, the exact same behaviors from after Circindia. He had to laugh, just a little, tugging his robes straighter as a few of the workers in the shipyard turned to look at him, gazes narrowing before they flashed him a grin.
“Pleased with yourself?” Obi-Wan asked, later, after they’d made it back to their quarters, Ahsoka doing a double-take when they’d stopped to greet her and get word about what had happened during their little excursion.
“Your Force signature…” she’d said, eyes widening.
And Obi-Wan had said, “Yes, I know.”
“Definitely feeling accomplished,” Anakin said, back in their rooms, the twins checked on, played with, fallen asleep in their beds. He pulled his tunic off in one movement, moving closer, eyes dark with intent as he leaned down, hand brushing across Obi-Wan’s stomach. “You still want this?” he asked, nose brushing Obi-Wan’s, voice low and quiet. “I know, how it happened, it wasn’t--”
“I still want this,” Obi-Wan said, shifting into the kiss, feeling Anakin’s grip tighten, hearing the sweet, pleased sound he made as he guided them across the room, towards their bed, left still in disarray, as though Anakin had leapt from it when Obi-Wan went missing and not returned to it until that moment.
Obi-Wan didn’t expect, somehow, for the twins to notice. He simply hadn’t considered it, but they both watched him, wide-eyed, after they got over their initial wild joy at having both parents returned. Sometimes they reached out, chubby fingers trying to catch at unseen things around his skin. “What are you doing?” he asked Luke, the first time he did it, a look of stubborn concentration on his face.
“Getting sparkles,” Luke said, balancing himself with one hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. He gave up, after a while, running off to cause mayhem somewhere else. Leia persisted longer; she even brought over a jar and attempted to snag the sparkles, whatever it was they were seeing in his Force signature.
Even she gave up, eventually, though with a look in her dark eyes that implied she was merely working on a better plan. 
More mornings than not, Obi-Wan woke to Anakin curled so close, hand pressed to skin, the Force moving between them. Anakin did it in his sleep; it was something Obi-Wan had expected, he’d done the same thing with the twins, sending his sleeping hours weaving layers upon layers of protections over them.
He shifted, one morning, long after their return, drowsy and heavy-limbed, covering Anakin’s hand with his and stretching out his senses, checking on all of their family and the community beyond. Or intending to, anyway.
His attention snagged at something closer, and Anakin stirred immediately, picking up on his delight. “Mm?” Anakin hummed, pressing his face against Obi-Wan’s shoulder as though in a stop-gap against waking all the way, and Obi-Wan smiled helplessly in the dim light of their room.
“There’s a heartbeat,” he said, quietly, and Anakin sat up completely. “Just one,” he added.
Anakin made a little sound, pleased and thick, shifting to rest the side of his head against Obi-Wan’s stomach though there was no way to actually hear it, yet, his hand fanned out, skin so warm and touch impossibly gentle.
The twins were used enough to seeing a pregnancy to understand what was happening as the months sleeted by. They had playmates, now, though they were the oldest. Aayla’s child was only a few months younger; she was ahead of Obi-Wan for her second, Twi’lek reproductive cycles being somewhat shorter.
Still, Obi-Wan was quite far along by the time Leia crawled up beside him, frowned, and said, accusatory, “You have a baby in there.”
Anakin snorted from his other side, where he was attempting to teach Luke how to do something with a pile of droid parts. “I do,” Obi-Wan said. Currently, the baby was attempting to kick out the side of his ribs.
Leia scowled and then flopped sideways, draping herself across him. “Make her come out,” she complained.
“Not for a few more months,” Obi-Wan said, pushing back her dark hair as she narrowed her eyes. “And it might be a boy.”
“No,” Leia rolled off the couch, running off for her room, “I want a sister. Luke’s my brother.”
Luke pushed to his feet, always chasing after her, and shouted, “You don’t get to pick! I get to pick!”
“I’m the oldest,” Leia yelled back, and Obi-Wan dropped his head back against the couch, rubbing his and laughing softly.
“I’ve got them,” Anakin said, standing and dropped a kiss on his forehead.
The baby was a girl, as it turned out, and the birth went well, completely without incident or attacks from ancient creatures left behind by the Sith below the temple, making for a… much different experience from the birth of the twins.
She wailed, upon her entrance to the world, eyes screwed shut and tiny fists waving through the air, while Anakin held her, beaming, all lit up under his skin with fierce joy, laughing as he bounced her and cooed softly into her dark hair.
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starfirette · 4 years
Hi! Could you write some headcanons abt talking to Helena about wanting kids and if she’d want them?? Cause I’ve been thinking abt this for so long and I feel like she’d be conflicted and I need answers!!Thanks!!!
Helena with kids
well, it’d be very conflicting for her for mannnny reasons, the first being her undying need to keep everyone she loves alive. She may be standoffish and even stoic at first, but she’s actually very loving and even affectionate when she’s around her inner circle
it’s very difficult to get past her walls when the relationship first starts. Many times she only has sex partners, very casual non-commited relationships. This has a lot to do with her revenge complex for a while, but once she’s checked off everyone on her hit list, it is sort of a kick in the face when she realizes she is still a young woman, and now has nothing to do but start living her real life with a woman who can handle her stress rage and her traumas
she wouldn’t bring up children unless y’all are married
if you want kids and you’re not her official wife yet, good luck charlie
even AFTER MARRIAGE she is incredibly scared to bring a little tiny person into her family. 
she’s very intimidated by babies and toddlers because they are fragile and could get hurt so easily
once you two have “the talk” she becomes emotional
she had many children in her life when she was young and it happened, especially considering the amount of aunts and uncles 
she isn’t willing to surrogate (she never liked the thought of being pregnant herself; her aunts would just laugh and say “once you meet the right man” BS. well look at her now, aunt sharon, look at her now)
she doesn’t really like the thought of you being a surrogate because she is aware of the tolls a pregnancy can take on someone’s body
if you reallllly wanted to, then she obviously wouldn’t say no 
she’s much more willing to adopt tbh
she’s scared to look at potential kids and their mothers because she really fears attachment.  If the mother pulled out last minute, her heart would be shattered, especially if you ladies had been following the pregnancy for a while 
Helena would probably mention to you she’d rather have an older child. she doesn’t need to have a baby, and this is because she’s too scared. babies are (like I said) tiny, and fragile. their small immune systems and soft bones just freak her out beyond belief. She feels like she’d hurt a baby and would absolutely decline holding anyone’s kid ever
with toddlers, it’s the same. they can run and laugh, yeah, but they can also trip and cry in pain. she would be too paranoid to sleep at night, knowing the kid could easily climb out of their crib and fall down the stairs or whatever
if you really want to raise a kid, from start to finish, she’ll agree. she’ll voice all of her fears though. 
you have to take the time to explain to her she’d be a great mother, to a child of any age
adopting a baby (a real baby) leaves Helena on edge until you two actually bring her home. Helena would sit on the couch for hours, just holding her new daughter and staring at her little face in silence
adopting a little toddler leaves Helena mega nervous. She worries the little boy won’t like her and won’t adjust well. It did take some time, but by the end of the first month, you two are cuddling in bed with your son and watching movies
adopting a child makes Helena soFUCKING SCARED. the kid could just as easily not like her and feel out of place in a new house. she knows the feeling of being scared that way at such a fragile age. she does her best to interact and make her kid feel loved
Helena’s view on kids could change; it really depends a lot on the life you two are living. If you’re happy, she’s happy too. If all you want is lush, exotic resorts then she’s more than willing to provide. If you want to settle down and start a family, she’ll do her best to push past her anxieties and read the “how to parent” books
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homo-sapien-sapien · 4 years
Please come backkk
I know baby, I’m here. One of mannnny messages, truly I am so honored to see how many people have stuck with me being gone for so long. 
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coltwashere · 4 years
Snip Snip, Bitch [March 8, 2019]
Amara moves to pour herself a tall glass of wine, slowly sipping the edge of her glass before topping it off once again, leaning onto the counter as she watches Colt walk into the kitchen, intently focused on his round, juicy, baby phat badonk as he moves to fill the dog food bowl, subtly sliding a few pieces of mail off the counter, savoring the moment as Colt moves to bend to pick them up. "Mmmmmnnnnnhhh!" She hums appreciatively, wrapping an arm around him as he moves past, her hand moving to give his ass a nice honking squeeze, keeping it securely locked. "Damn, you sexy thang. You opening a bakery with all these cakecakecakecakesssss." She purrs, moving to playfully gyrate onto him, giving him a slap with each utterance of the word, a laugh falling from her lips as she hears his own, taking another drink of wine, as she hops onto the counter. "Noooo, seriously though, weirdo. I lovelovelovelovelove you and the lil spawns we've bioengineered together, buuuuut I think it's time we had the Talk." She begins, meeting his gaze, miming a pair of scissors in between sips.
Colt makes his way into the kitchen after sorting through a few e-mails from work, playfully raising his eyebrow as he knows what Amara was doing, putting a bit of extra flair into his downward descent to pick up the mail, before slowly rising up as he sifts though a few pieces of the mail, looking at a flyer from In-N-Out a bit hungrily. A subtle playful smile crosses his usual Resting Bitch Face as he hears Amara's words, moving to take a beer of his own out of the fridge as he cracks it open, taking in what his wife had to say. "But I have so many more video game names, dork, like Zelda, Clementine, Bigby..." He goes on, continuing to rattle off video game characters from some classic titles, along with some indie ones, going on for a bit for extra effect.
Amara gives a nod of her head as she takes in each name, a flit flashing across her lips at some of the more obscure ones in the list, draping her arm over Colt's shoulder. "Right, Right. So, you're coming out of your pocket and dropping the coin on some Kim K esque surrogate then? Because no more of your big headed kids are sliding out of here, okaaaaaaer?" Amara declares, giving a snap of her fingers to enforce her words, "Orrr, I'd be down to see you try sims alien style? We can have as mannnny as you want in that case, bayyyybay. What do you say?"  She offers, playfully bucking her hips forward into him.
A flit of a smile crosses through onto Colt's lips as he hears the mention of the Sims as he draws Amara closer to him. "Just means we need to have more barbecues at ass o clock in our randomly generated swimwear the game assigns us," he offers playfully back. "Though if it's Sims...might as well just autogenerate, save us both the time so we can have more cheese fries and that damn banana bread?" Colt posits back.
"Omigod. Damn. You RIGHT!" Amara shouts out, before thinking it through a flash of excitement rising from her salivating tastebuds, pausing and silently listening out for any rogue baby cries for a few beats, before relaxing back, sliding down off the counter and looking through Postmates to see if they had put her fave bbq spot on yet, giving a sharp arm motion of victory as she takes it in, swiftly moving to order the feast of the lifetime.
"Bless the sims algorithm, right? Makes everyhing so much easier?" He muses with a bit of lightness, peering down at Amara's order. "Get some extra cheese fries for good measure, courtesy of Autogenerate," he reminds, all the shit on there looking really good, it starting to make him hungry, "and extra mac, too."
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thebeautyblender · 6 years
My Journey With Infertility
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Okay, this might not be the happiest of posts, especially coming from me who always keeps it very light & positive with you.  But as I continue this blog and grow into the woman I am, I want to shine light on my stories, my truths and my take on healthy living in the most authentic way I know how.  
About a year ago, Tyler and I made the decision to start trying to have a baby.  We wanted to start the process because we knew it could be a long one.  But, we didn’t know how long that really meant and unfortunately has been long and super frustrating.
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I’m not one to usually write things like this, but I’ve been opening up a ton on Instagram and I seriously think it’s why I started a blog 7 years ago.  It’s my outlet.  It’s my way of getting my feelings out there; hoping that maybe this can help someone in a similar position, to allow you to never feel alone.  That is what THIS is all about: me on Instagram, me on this blog, it’s about forming a community that can help each other with whatever we are going through. 
I went off Birth Control July 4th, 2017, hoping to start to regulate my hormones and my body after being on it for 15 years.  
One month went by, no period.  Two months, three months, four months.... Nada.
The first Doctor I went to wanted to put me straight on Metformin.  Metformin works to lower the amount of sugar in the blood of people with diabetes. It does this by lowering the amount of sugar produced in the liver, and also increasing the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin.  I have never had Diabetes and my insulin levels were normal, so I thought, no not for me.
To be honest, I was ready to take it at the end of 2017, but then literally JANUARY 1st, 2018, I went to take the pill and woke up to my period.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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I thought “Yay, finally my body is back to normal.”  Well 3 months went by after that with no period.  I started to discuss this a bit with friends, family and with my Instagram community, and many and I mean mannnny people started to tell me to try Acupuncture.  Being that I am in the Wellness Industry, I thought it can’t hurt.  At the time I was only 29 and thought that it was a natural way to find a solution.
I went to Acupuncture for about 3 months and I started to not only see a difference but feel a difference.  I have a stressful job...I teach yoga, I have my wellness brand Cuccio Somatology, I take care of 2 dogs, always want to spend as much time with my husband as possible, am a Influencer on social media, I have this blog that I so love... but it catches up with me and stress definitely played a role in this and plays a role overall when it comes to our hormones.  I felt MORE RELAXED after Acupuncture and my period came back.  Not regularly but it was now showing up every 2 months or so.
I still started to get pretty frustrated.  I wanted to do this naturally.  I wanted to be patient, but seeing non-stop babies and pregnant women on social media, really started to get to me.  I swear every time I’d open Facebook or Instagram I would see another pregnant woman or baby born.  I love babies... like LOVE, so I knew this was really starting to get to me.
I went to a new Dr. and he mentioned Clomid.  To be honest, I still wanted to just go the Acupuncture route but after a year of trying with no success or not even knowing when I was ovulating, I deep down knew this might be the next step.  
We started Clomid on my 30th birthday: June 19th, 2018.
This meant ovulation tracking with ultrasounds, Progesterone pills and more.  So fun (and everything I really didn’t want to ever do, let alone, think I ever would have to do).  
This was when the fun and the tears (and the fear) started rolling in.
One day, I went to my new Doctor after taking Clomid to get an ultrasound.  You have to go on a certain day because they want to see if you’re ready to ovulate so they can give you a trigger shot of HCG to help with ovulation.  When I went for my first ultrasound (Day 3), they were ready to give my HCG shot, but I then remembered that my HCG shot wasn’t supposed to be until Day 12-14!!!!!!!  GREAT.  I instantly felt like no one was watching out for me.  Where was my Doctor?  Where was a Doctor?  The woman at the front desk was about to charge my credit card when I said something.  She then looked at me as if she was saying “Oops” and quickly apologized and realized that they almost charged me and gave me a shot at the complete wrong time. Putting even more hormones and things in me that I don’t want!  I asked to speak to a Dr. who then was in the middle of going into a patient and told me he didn’t have time.  GREAT!  I rushed out of the office in tears and called my sister who lucky for me is a OBGYN (in New Jersey, but still so grateful to have her).
Luckily the Doctor called me back and apologized.  This was NOT my Doctor, but is in his practice.  It wasn’t the most ideal situation for a young woman who is already frustrated, scared, anxious... let alone feeling alone, not cared for, not important and like this whole journey NO ONE had the answers.
People will tell me, “Danielle, it’s going to happen when you stop worrying about it.”  Sure, I think.  That would be nice.  But how can I stop worrying when it’s something I want so badly.  
Thank god for Tyler and being so amazing. He has been a great partner through this all, which makes me know he will be the best Dad very soon.
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I am now on Round 2 of Clomid.
We are feeling hopeful and adding Estrogen to the mix this round to help build my uterus and prepare for baby.  
I want you guys to know that this is a journey for me... It’s been a tough one but I do feel strong and hopeful that it’s going to happen very soon.  We won’t give up and will have a little Tyler & Danielle very soon. 
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