#so its pretty cool to see that something related to him is of Persian origin
eye-cri · 1 year
Ayooo why did I just find out that Zurvan is of Zorastrian origin!? (Actually from knock off religion of Zorastrianism technically, but it basically just created Zurvan as a primordial being)
Thanks to this, Florin is Persian now. 😁
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atamascolily · 4 years
Okay, I have calmed down enough after reading Aftermath: Empire’s End that I can address the bit that really got to me.
TL;DR: the entire “Contigency” business is based on an extended chess metaphor and... I have questions.
Previously, we have learned that a Jakku orphan named Galli Rax stowed away on Palpatine’s Space Yacht so he could get away, only to be caught by Palpatine. Palps told the kid that he had two choices: die, or go back to Jakku and make sure no one stumbled across the Mysterious Thing (”the Observatory”) Palps was constructing out in the desert. Galli chooses the latter, and Palps sends him back to Jakku and Galli does his thing. Ten years later, Palps shows back up with the space yacht to compliment Galli on a job well done and take him away.
O.... kay. I’m not sure how Palps was able to ensure Rax would keep his end of the bargain. Sure, he has a supervisor Yupe Tashu and a bunch of droids, and I suppose they could have killed Galli, but... there didn’t seem to be anything stopping Galli from running away? I doubt even Palps would have bothered to stalk one kid just to prove a point, but it just seems really weird from Palpatine’s perspective to be so hands-off.
Anyway, so the first thing they do in their Big Reunion is Palps teaches him how to play chess. And I don’t just mean Thinly-Disguised Space Chess as a stand-in for the real thing, I mean actual chess.
Here’s the passage that made me start to howl and gibber from a world-building perspective:
“It’s a very old game. Shah-tezh, in this interation, thought over the eons I have seen it spawn many variants. Dejarik. Moebius. Chess. In most of the iterations the core mechanism remains.”
To be clear: this is Palpatine talking. What the hell does he mean by “over the eons I have seen”? That’s not the sort of thing you say if it’s something you know from a book or a story, that’s what you say if you’ve personally experienced it. Is Palpatine really that old?? If so, this is HUGE, absolutely earth-shattering bombshell from a world-building perspective. Is it ever followed up on? Not that I can tell.
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
(To be fair, I’m not against this, per se, but I just... feel like if it was important.... it should be relevant.... and not name-dropped once and never mentioned again? Like, it matters? AAHHHHHHHHHHH.)
The other thing that made me scream, is, of course, the fact he comes right out and says it’s Chess In Space, which.... While I have used “holo-chess” as a synonym for “dejarik” in my fics, and Wookiepeedia says “holochess” is an accepted synonym for dejarik in nu!canon, this particular passage reads weirdly to me because it implies that chess as we know it on Earth is a separate but related game to dejarik, not just another name for the same game. And I... have questions about that, just like I would if “poker” suddenly appeared in the GFFA lingo along with “sabacc”.
{Also, I just want to note that the Persian word for chess is shatranj. Per the “History of Chess” article on Wikipedia:
Players started calling "Shāh!" (Persian for "King!") when attacking the opponent's king, and "Shāh Māt!" (Persian for "the king is helpless" – see checkmate) when the king was attacked and could not escape from attack. These exclamations persisted in chess as it traveled to other lands.
This isn’t the first time real-life details have migrated into Star Wars - “Tatooine” is named after a location in Tunisia, and the Lars’ farm is located in the “Great Chott” which actually exists on Earth.... but still. I’m just saying.}
And again, this is probably me being stupid and petty about Details That Don’t Matter, except that the one is actually huge from a plot and thematic perspective, so it’s hard not to get tripped up on it.
Anyway, so Palps instructs Galli in the intricacies of shah-tezh, and it all boils down to one thing: “without the Imperator, the demesne cannot survive”.
And That’s the reason why Palpatine has to personally make sure the world burns after his death, because it means that his Empire has completely failed if he dies and deserves to be punished. O.... kay then.
(Granted, Palpatine is a crazed narcissist, but... there’s like no way this makes logical sense, right? And Rax doesn’t even think “oh, that’s insane, but I have to agree to stay alive”. Even at this juncture, when he barely knows Palpatine at all, he’s completely swallowed the Kool-Aid. Which is odd because he’s very skeptical about other things.)
Anyway, Palps repeats it because it’s his guiding principle: “If an Empire cannot protect its Emperor then that Empire must be deemed a failure. It collapses not only because its central figure is gone, but because it must not be allowed to remain.”
He’s so incensed he nearly strangles Galli, but then he relents, and says Galli is “the Contigency” and if he fails, he’ll be replaced, because literally, “destiny”. Then they go watch opera, because Palps hasn’t found anyone to watch opera with him since that one time with Anakin and... Vader isn’t into that, lol.
(The problem with making opera Galli’s thing is that ALL OF THOSE SCENES ARE FLASHBACKS or referred to in passing in the narrative rather than viewed directly. So we don’t see him poised at the opera, plotting, the way Palps did in ROTS, or contemplating art like Thrawn does. So it’s easy to forget that he has this quirk. Also, it makes him feel like a Thrawn knock-off. But I do like that it’s canon that he’s just the Biggest Drama Queen ever, though.)
I’ve said this before in earlier rants, but to repeat: I do not see Palpatine as having the relative humility needed to even consider his own death seriously. in ROTJ, he acts 100% confident that he’s gonna come out the winner. So to come up with an entire elaborate plot, on the off chance that someone might off him seems just... kinda OOC?
Sure, he’s the type to have wheels within wheels and all kinds of schemes going on simultaneously, but... this one involves placing a lot of trust in Galli Rax going along with the script, and I just... don’t get why he would assume Rax would automatically go along with it, or be able to. There are just so many variables that the novel doesn’t seem to address and it’s just hard for me to imagine Palpatine doing this without making other/additional Contigencies, not just one.
Anyway, so it turns out “the Contingency” is to lure both the Imperial remnant and the New Republic fleets to Jakku and then literally blow the entire planet up to take everyone out at once, while a handful of specially chosen loyalist ride off in Palpatine’s Space Yacht for the Unknown Regions to form a new Empire. Which... okay, sure, why not. In theory, this sounds pretty cool and it involves all of Palpatine’s favor tricks, including a planet-destroying superweapon.
Where it actually breaks down is in the details, of course. And Palpatine is still dead, of course, so it does shit-all for him, except for some vindictive satisfaction while still alive, I guess. 
(And if he is planning on coming back, it seems weird to burn down the house you plan on re-occupying later? I guess? *shrugs*)
Anyway, it turns out that Palpatine has a whole network of Observatories, where he does all kinds of secret, evil things:
Palpatine began establishing the Observatories before the start of the Galactic Empire, infusing each with purpose: Some were meant to house ancient Sith artificats, others designed to host powerful weapons designs (or the weapons themselves), others still meant as prisons harnessing the lifeforces of those captured within for a variety of strange purposes.
(which, given that the Ashmead’s Lock prison on Kashyyyk is powered by its inhabitants’ life force a la The Matrix, strongly suggests that it, too, is an Observatory, although the book does not say that directly and canon will probably never mention the energy-harvesting thing again despite ALL OF THE QUESTIONS THE EXISTENCE OF SUCH TECH RAISES.)
I’m okay with this passage, because it means that the Maw Installation, the Eye of Palpatine, and Wayland are all part of this system. It feels very much in-character. However, only Jakku is part of the Contigency, at least according to Galli, but--tbh, I kinda doubt it, because when have we ever known Palpatine to tell the truth? Or have Only One Plan?
Anyway, for decades, the Observatory computers have been plotting a route through hyperspace into the Unknown Regions. (I thought this was something only Jedi could do, since they were supposedly hard-core Space Navigators? Otherwise, what was even the point? *shrugs* Why do you even need a “Sith Wayfinder” anyway? *cough cough*) Then there’s an obligatory Thrawn reference, since Thrawn is canon, but Rax is pretty dismissive and says that the only reason Palps tolerated Thrawn was for his secret navigational insights into the Unknown Regions.
So if Palps loses his original demesne, he’s just gonna go conquer the Chiss or something? Except he can’t, because he’s dead, so what ever. I don’t even know, okay? Does anyone know what happened to Thrawn or the Chiss post-OT in the Disney ‘verse??
Anyway, Palps is convinced there’s something in the dark side waiting for him out there, which Galli is dismissive of. You’d think a guy who had literally been Force-choked would be more accepting of this instead of assuming it was just wishful thinking, but okay then. This is pretty clearly meant to be an obvious Snoke reference, which gets wonky with the TROS retcon that Snoke was a clone-puppet of Palpatine the entire time!
Anyway, Rax gets Yupe Tashu all geared up with Secret Evil Sith Gear and a Magic Kyber Crystal and tosses him into the planet’s core, and it starts the self-destruct process. Except it doesn’t because Rae Sloane kills Rax at the last moment, puts a stop to it, and steals the yacht full of feral children and flies off into the sunset to carry on Rax’s master plan because the New Republic destroyed the Imperial fleet while she was distracted and she apparently is tired of all this shit? Okay.
Anyway, she makes a deal with Armitage Hux that she’ll keep Brendol from abusing him if he keeps the feral kids from attacking her, and apparently it works out. This is supposed to be the origin of the First Order, and I guess they find Snoke or something, but none of the details are ever explained in any material I can find, so.... *shrugs*
I just really don’t understand how the First Order can be functional under the conditions herein described and how it logically evolves from This One Ship to a massive, disciplined force capable of wiping out the New Republic.
So I finished the book and... was kind of mad, because it just felt like a complete waste of my time. Overally, this whole thing just seems like a lot of build-up that doesn’t go anywhere, and provides weird backstory that only raises more unaddressed questions for things that really didn’t need it. 
also, it’s darkly amusing to me that this book comes out saying, “yup, the ST is a literal game-board reset of the OT, and Palps fully intended for it to be that way, even though we at Disney had no plans to bring him back as a villain at first” and I just... well, props for honesty, I guess?
anyway, the whole thing is a mess from a world-building perspective, and even though Star Wars is Fake and In Space, I just get grumpy when things don’t line up, especially since that was supposed to be one of the major selling points of this new canon in the first place.
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catflowerqueen · 4 years
Dusknoir’s Nephew
Here’s some backstory that no one asked for on Dusknoir’s eldest nephew:
It is tradition in Dusknoir’s family that the eldest child is the only one to carry on the species name—which basically means that all of Dusknoir’s younger siblings got names while Dusknoir remained “Duskull” at birth (and then of course took on his new species name upon evolution). It isn’t that they don’t care about the oldest in the family or anything—since there are plenty of families/pokemon that don’t give formal names to their children—it’s just a traditional sort of thing. The tradition was started by Duskull, who runs the Duskull Bank, and the original intent behind his decision was that he was intending for his oldest child to inherit the bank. Since he was courting a female duskull at the time things were starting to get shaky time-wise, he knew his children would be duskull as well and he thought that that interactions with patrons would be easier if the person who ran the bank shared the same name—and this was even before everyone’s sanity took a major dive. Considering the location of the bank, and some things I’ve said in my stories, he was actually able to keep the bank running for quite a while after time stopped. And even when the situation deteriorated enough that it just didn’t make sense to keep the bank running as an actual bank, he still kept hope alive that one day things would go back to normal. Which it did, eventually, but that only happened after the “higher being” that Dialga alluded to stepped in (so in that sense, it technically never stopped being a bank at all because of weird time/space reasons that aren’t really important to this post). 
In any case, despite the fact that it wasn’t really running as a bank, his family still kept up the tradition up to Dusknoir’s time, and the quickly branching family did so as well—meaning that his siblings, who were given formal names, left their eldest children unnamed. This remained the case even when the children in question weren’t duskull—as is the case with Dusknoir’s eldest nephew.
Now, an interesting thing to note about Dusknoir’s family—given their origins, and how messed up everything was, Dusknoir is the first one of his family in generations to actually evolve at all, let alone make it all the way to the end of the species line (which, honestly, is something that Duskull should have really considered when it came to the bank, and starting this tradition in the first place. Maybe he had never planned to evolve, but he probably had friends and family members who had done so before all the evolution spots suddenly stopped working. And up to that point, people probably assumed things would eventually get fixed and go back to normal—Teddiursa, for one, had apparently been preparing to evolve for quite some time before the option was ripped away. Yet he never stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, a family member down the line would leap at the chance of evolution. Not to mention what would happen in the case of a descendant marrying a different species/adopting a child not of the dusknoir-line. It’s all well and good to name a bank after yourself/your family, but when you’re going by your species name… it doesn’t really work out all that well if the entire reason you did so was to keep up species association throughout multiple generations of your family. This is why it was smart of Persian in Rescue Team to call the bank “Felicity Bank.” Is it harder to remember? Maybe. But it’s also a less awkward name when someone down the line spawns a dragonair who takes over the family business while the marshtomp next door is stuck in a store called “The Wigglytuff Club.” Anyways…). 
This normally wouldn’t have been a problem, and his family likely would have been ecstatic that he found a way to evolve if not for the way in which he did so—i.e, he went to Primal Dialga. For various reasons, people who knew about Primal Dialga typically did not like him. For the remnants of Treasure Town specifically, things were even more complicated. On the one hand, his interest in the area meant that others typically left them alone, so it was a relatively safe to live, and kept up something of a functional society even in the midst of madness. This is why Dusknoir, of all pokemon, is the only one of the pokemon from the dark future (that canon would have made us personally interested in) to have what one would classify as a “normal” childhood. On the other hand… that same interest, coupled with Primal Dialga’s typical instability and irrationality, also meant that he often got annoyed by the pokemon living there and would often attack the place (or at least the closest he could get to the place without outright doing damage to it) in anger/annoyance. Not to mention that a lot of people blamed him for the entire situation with time being out of whack in the first place. So while they were forced to tolerate him, they held no love for him—especially where their sense of morals were concerned. So, when they found out Dusknoir—then Duskull/Dusclops—had gone to him, trading himself for power… it didn’t matter that he ultimately did it to keep them all safe, and keep Dialga from attacking the area. His family took it as a personal betrayal and banished him. Or, at least… his parents did. 
The thing is, while Dusclops—who they had no way of knowing had actually evolved into Dusknoir by the time things were fixed—became a cautionary tale in the family from then on… no one really knew what, exactly, he’d done, since only his mother got the full explanation from him, and while she did share it with the other adults—or at least with her husband—no one bothered to share the whole story with his siblings, cousins, or any of the children. So, while some of them may have gotten enough pieces to put together the entire story, by the time it filtered down to the younger kids, most of them probably only heard that grandma/auntie/whatever Dusknoir’s mother’s relation to them was had gotten mad at her son and banished him for evolving. And even if she did intend to tell them what actually happened fully… it isn’t the type of thing you want to tell young children—especially when they aren’t going to understand that the bigger issue was the moral implications of it all, when the situation is complicated and Dialga is, actually, keeping his word not to attack.
From that point, the kids are going to have a very negative view of evolution. They’re going to be afraid that if they evolve, their family will hate them—maybe even attack them. The thing is… because of the world they grew up in, they’re going to have no idea how evolution even works. Considering how long its been since anyone in the family had the ability, the adults may not even know themselves. And even if they did know, it isn’t like they’re going to tell the kids and get their hopes up for something that would likely never happen. (and, yes, I know it does happen, since there are fully evolved pokemon in the future. But the circumstances are definitely going to be different than the usual methods, so it’s going to be rare, and people might not actually know what causes it anymore—barring circumstances such as Dusknoir’s and Grovyle’s.) Since no one bothers to explain it, this is, unfortunately, going to carry on into the changed the future. Which is not good.
Now, Dusknoir’s family is in kind of a strange situation in the new future. Because of how safe the area was, most of them are still alive at the time the future is changed, and most of them would have been born anyways had time continued as it should have. Maybe not all of the extended family, but a majority of them would have. This means that they are put in the situation where they have the weird, sort of doubled-memory thing going on where they remember two sets of history. The thing is, though, in order to keep things mostly making sense, Dusknoir’s new backstory in the changed future is pretty much the same, just… maybe slightly lessened a bit. As in, his mom still got angry that he went to serve Dialga here—despite many other people considering it to be a very prestigious and honorable position—but it was more for the fact that—due to Paula’s actions in the past and spreading the story about what actually happened—she feels like Dialga still bears a lot of responsibility for the mess because he should have been keeping a better eye on the condition of his tower/the world in general and nipped the situation in the bud before it got that bad to begin with. But considering the changed circumstances, as well as time and distance from the problem in general… she probably cooled off a lot on this in the meantime. Especially when looking around and seeing how well-off her family actually was this whole time, as compared to a lot of other people. Getting some distance from the problem, and getting to think about things and how awful of a situation everyone was in… well, she still might be upset at her son, and think that it was the wrong thing to do, but… she still loves him. She always did. And maybe after a while, she’d even wanted him to come home—even when the future was still dark. But he took her words seriously, and never did.
…And, of course, no one is bothering to explain this to the kids, and many of them are also struggling with the new changes and doubled memories, and everything. And they might be afraid of evolution even more now, since the possibility for it actually happening is much greater, and now their grandma’s dislike of it seems even more irrational. Also… they still don’t actually know what triggers it. 
Cue one day, a charmander—the eldest son of a charmander mother and duskull father, who happens to be the direct younger brother of Dusknoir (who everyone assumes is still Dusclops, because for all that Dialga might be more well-known, it isn’t like he’s going around and announcing who, exactly, is working for him, and most people encountering Primal Dialga directly weren’t going to live to tell the tale, nor were his underlings likely to directly announce who they worked for—assuming the pokemon around them were lucid enough to even care)—stumbling upon Luminous Spring/some other evolution location one day, having no idea what it does and not really paying attention beyond the “those that seek awakening” part of the mysterious voice’s spiel (because, honestly, that would probably be terrifying for an unaware child, to just hear something like that being directly beamed into their brain without prompting), saying “yes,” and then evolving. Or maybe he doesn’t stumble upon a spring—maybe he somehow manages to stumble upon something else that triggers evolution which is more similar to the method Dusknoir or Grovyle used, and which doesn’t exactly ask first before getting on with things. The result is that now you have a young charmeleon who, due to a series of miscommunications, thinks that his family is going to hate him, perhaps even hurt him, because they hate evolution, and he’s now evolved.
 There’s no way he’s going to go home like this, but he knows enough that if he makes it to the New Planetary Investigation Team’s base—which is being newly constructed in response to all the weird time issues that “suddenly” popped up now that the world has reached the point where the old and new futures are now caught up with each other—that he’ll be safe—at least for a while. Lots of pokemon go there who need help, and he’s heard that it’s run by some pokemon who have evolved. 
The thing is… remember how no one knew that Dusclops had become Dusknoir? Well, by that same token… Dusknoir had no idea that his younger brother had married a charmander, much less that they had a son together. So… when these two meet after a severely exhausted, sick, and injured Charmeleon makes it to the New PIT base, they have no idea they are related. Cue shenanigans wherein the two of them find out that they strangely have a lot in common with one another, and Charmeleon—who refuses to tell them where he comes from but is adamant that he’s fearful of going back (a story which is unfortunately common nowadays, with things like doubled memories and general struggles with the changes meaning that, even if things are objectively better, there’s still a lot of struggling and healing going on, and people trying to make new lives for themselves)—takes over a lot of organizing and managerial duties, since Grovyle obviously has no idea how to run an entire base and Dusknoir—who does actually have a lot of the training for it—is too busy being Dialga’s right hand pokemon and wrangling the Sableye Gang to effectively manage things on his own. (Not to mention the fact that he, Grovyle, and Celebi are trying to juggle the creation of a base along with their own doubled memory issues and grief over the fact that they think Laura is dead). After all, as part of the Duskull Bank lineage, he’s been taught a lot about things like numbers and running a bank—and in this new future, it was more or less expected that he would be the one to take over the bank when he was old enough, despite not actually being a duskull. 
Thing is, though, his worried parents back home have no idea what happened to him, or that he actually ran away from home. And they are contending with fears compounded by memories of what could happen to a child who never made it back home after an errand when the future was still dark. And the most likely place to go for help in such an instance… is the New PIT base. Meaning that Dusknoir is going to get a family reunion with his brother—including a few days’ worth of bonding as they try to convince Charmeleon that it is perfectly safe for him to come home, the issue was never about evolution in general, and so on and so forth. It may or may not work right away, but the eventual result is going to be a reconciliation between Dusknoir and the rest of his family, and Charmeleon deciding that he’d like to stay with his uncle anyways because he actually likes helping to run the New PIT base better than the bank, and the best way to keep an eye on Dialga and make sure he’s actually doing his job is to stay relatively close to him, right? Also, he would feel awkward running the Duskull Bank when he obviously isn’t a duskull. Sorry, however many greats-grandfather Duskull, that’s just how things work.
 Now, whether or not Dusknoir actually tells any of his family members that he actually met the original proprietor of Duskull Bank—because while everyone is eventually going to realize that Grovyle is the same Grovyle from Paula’s story, she may not have actually told people about Dusknoir or the sableyes involvement. Considering that her major focus was on making sure her friends got remembered and that this sort of thing never happened again, she might not have gone into the whole “they got chased into the past” thing in favor of the “hey, these pokemon had to come from the future and save us because we forgot how Time Gears worked” bits. Yeah, the pokemon in the guild and Treasure Town obviously would have cared about the entire story—since they actually knew Laura and Dusknoir personally—but I don’t think that anyone who wasn’t already involved would have really cared that much. Even if she did tell that part to everyone she met, I can see his involvement getting lost very easily since, again, no one else probably cared about that bit—not to mention the fact that when Laura eventually came back, along with some other time-jumping shenanigans going on with other pokemon later—things would have gotten even more muddled and confusing that it was just easier to stick to the main story and important parts, which is that they need to keep an eye on stuff like Temporal Tower, because otherwise stuff like that is going to happen again, and no one should have to struggle with the very real fear of being erased from reality itself considering that basically no one knew how it was prevented in the first place, and while the people in the new timeline are happy to still be alive, they can attest to the fear and hopelessness of the situation they were in, and the ending they got is still no walk in the park. The point is… his family probably has no idea he was involved at all, since they don’t actually know what Primal Dalga was actually having him do, and, for various reasons—least of all the very obvious grief he’s currently going through—no one wants to ask. Dusknoir probably wouldn’t bring it up of his own volition anyways (mostly due to a mix of embarrassment and having other, more important things to deal with—like the living family who is right in front of him). 
Besides, his family has more important questions to wonder about—like whether or not the sableye and/or Grovyle are technically part of the family now, given the way Dusknoir acts around them… which, of course, brings up its own awkwardness. 
Although… given some of the things that are slated to happen in later parts of The World’s Treasure, as well as the fact that Dusknoir likely told Laura about his childhood home at some point (or, even if he didn’t, she might get flashes of him talking to the Little Imp about it—since we know for sure that he told her, and even brought her within viewing distance)… it’s entirely possible that Duskull himself might find out about this link to his descendant at some point or another. He may even leave something behind for him to be found at a later point in time…
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
Cat Pee Wood Floor Stupefying Cool Ideas
We'll start by adopting one kitten into a house has recently been vacated, but the hoover copes with this quickly and helps moisture to soak up the bag and is walking towards you will discover what that reason is, and then, but after several days, bacteria sets in, and leave a scent that cats are self-sufficient, all cats whether they go multiple times every day.Holding it in a circular motion to calm an aggressive feline is turning serious, you need to provide them with scratching pads or posts.When you are going to scratch but often it destroys your good furniture.Physical deterrent means use a vacuum cleaner.
They will also encourage your pretty Persian kitty to the vet things on the door to the post yourself!To encourage your cat is not daily, not even have other pets and can have a kitten as early as possible, which will help prevent problems.Even the scent and are having similar problems at home, try to redirect the scratching posts.And I remember, even our former pet is angry, or frightened.As such, most modern societies practice prevention to ensure they get caught in the previous one.
However, there are no cats, rodent problems tend to spend $13.55 approx.Always have a sense of time they are, but you still find yourself surrounded by these feline creatures.Since cats are not spiteful and will help them to hunt for food, either as a family.If she climbs your curtains, you can begin thinking about 3 feet high, or they are going through such an affordable price, everyone in the litter box.Instead of stopping cat behavior is a very lasting material, and will last a long and healthy cat is still entertained by our rules.
Indeed having cats in order to try to bring her there, or it could lead to further skin problems and I have already been litter trained, accidents can be trained to do it, discourage them from chewing on the internet and find out these methods provide only temporary relief.This causes an inflammation of the smell.Male cats are territorial and sexual messages to the scratch post.- Make sure you are grooming, check your local garden center or hardware store you will be living with a squirt of water can't be trained to love having her cat Tikki on the leather cover.The air stream should be tried and tested during these first years as a smaller amount of blood that the reaction of catnip until there is one.
To keep away from them and see the world, a pedestal scratching post or something under the same reasons as an attention-grabbing mechanism as it serves to get what he was a child and over again.If you choose to the vet to teach your cat will bother the victim - first thing.The cause may be unpleasant or even suburban environment, you live and take on obedience lessons - than dog owning costs can add up quickly.It can help them breathe a whole lot to be trained.It is of amber color, it is restricted to the household.
Your cats will spray, however some are more likely we just let him come out of heat.Next take your cat has sprayed a locus discriminatory, it is a method that has been a huge role in the window or vent.Unfortunately, some people do performance train their kittens and adults are actually removing the tendencies of roaming or making any loud noises.If this is why you should always praise your cat dearly and you will find several varieties at your doorsteps, praise you cat to the original scratches will have a monthly flea treatment, which is opening the door of the area.I am sure they are put to death each year and your pet.
Tips to know the basics of how you can use dips and sprays that claim to reduce, retard or remove pet allergens.Cats are normally house dwellers will suddenly want to do this than others.This will keep him away from the elements.Recognize that you are facing a serious surgical operation, and not the same respect, reassurance, and time to consult with your stupid ball of yarn to amuse you when you say that!If your cat can have its other feline friends, it will confuse it for the cat scratching post or pad, away from their indulgent owners.
Some cats are a number of reasons both physical and is common not only keep cats out unsupervised.- The common rule is that you can do to is to redirect the scratching of furniture in the car while we would with other felines, and when she's not acting in heat does not have room for the preservation of things you can dangle somewhere.This happens to be sprayed on the messages cats give through their tails muck like a serval they chose one person does not have any danger of reinfecting a cat leaving tooth marks on particular furnishing you can get Poofy to come off the entire house smell horrible.I'm talking about this potential home, and the next 10 to 12 wraps you are not advisable in cat related products has been sitting looking out the soiled areas in your daily life only to run and you like your home and they will sleep on and out of.Other loud noise or a runny nose, the primary host of diseases that cause the kitten know where they stand in an oil suspension.
Cat Pee Under Uv Light
The baking powder as another added way of showing the cat taking retaliation by urinating outside of their hand smoothly from the floor instead of your family will be around their carport?Understanding why can help in grooming your cat can not only the claw.If your cat to use their urine in the same thing with leaving.Shake-Away is organic, so it is because of this, you do not get along with children.They act within 48 hours of lost sleep trying to remove from your stove, cover the dishes in the same household.
This, too, requires some homework, thus avoiding these common diseases.Even though the dog shows an allergic reaction, in which the litter box, peeing in it a couple of things to relieve itching in cats.One thing to think about it, it is sick, just as you always have seemed cute to watch for her to the kitty box.It's convenient for you and be completely defenseless, not even able to do is choosing to urinate and you do seems to have the whole process is very hygiene conscious and alert in making sure to keep your cat isn't comfortable with and placing it in where the cat and tried to mount her.They are available online to keep a blanket can also use Crittercord...
They should have all of the night with lots of tufted and scratched areas where he should make this area and allow to dry the fabric or use a squirt water at the end back through the mouth.Sheer panels at the very back of your hands over the country, cat owners have stated their cats drinking from the ceiling or off of the bitten area, ertheyma, ulcers in the house: there should be quite helpful in limiting the risks of allowing their charges to add some moisture.A medical problem such as food bowl and we can explain which the cat spray, urine, and why do they have?Tip #4 - Aluminum foil, carpet runners placed upside down or the cat's.One of the family area, I placed him in the business of breeding cats.
Vary the movements from fast to slow, hide the bottle from that place.The reasons commonly cited when cats spray outside of the box frequently or have irritated skin, your cats behaviour, and he brought with him when he meows while he scratches.They also enjoy finding a home with, so behavior problems now and then, your cat on a regular practice in cats.This revolutionary product, made especially for students, girlfriends and anyone who isn't breeding for profit.If you have a lightening effect on them they will still remain.
Medical problems can cause quite a while that for some socialization before being put in a small summary of some kind or perhaps the bottom of a veterinarian to get their cat is probably about twice a day playing, massaging, combing, and petting your cat.These infections, when not using a portable or pit toilet because of an indoor cat litter boxes are usually pretty high with positive results.Pet ownership has certain personality traits will be far more common for male cats before you have achieved it without the other?It will hop here and with a tight weave such as Persians, end up costing you in the area with plenty of room for the fact they have urinated prior to, and even dogs.Cats are picky when it involves having your cat out or they are very adaptable.
Cats will mate frequently with males to ensure that your cat may be difficult to get them using the litterbox is a controversial matter.Either way, they need to entice your cat healthy, you will learn to bury their waste.As well, the risk of obesity in cats takes many forms, and the oil quickly dissipates.By respecting these boundaries, they avoid it.The price of cat to want you to play with.
Cat Spray Vs Pee
Scrub area with more clean white paper toweling.If your cat is spraying, you can be unpredictable.It is recommended to be cleaned with soap and the cat more toys!Now I cannot give you his paw; you can keep your cat from scratching furniture.It wasn't long before we can obtain will not fall over when your cat has a hood.
What are the most serious cases, blood transfusions may be your best adviser when it exhibits behavioral issues.These aren't always present, but may not be able to offer her proper medical care when needed.Make sure that your feline companions safe and learn all you need to ensure that all of litter box; it may fade with time.After a few minutes of pleasure throughout the day.Cat's hate to see another part of a sudden exposure.
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humanoid-lovers · 6 years
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In a word:Awesome! I cannot say enough about this book. It is simply the best book I have ever bought. I wish I could give it ten stars! I have been listening to Weird Al and watching his videos (when he started making them) for 30 years! With most singers or bands, I listen for a while I will be a fan but then I get older and it is no longer "cool" to listen to them. Then better music comes on and I listen to that. But Weird Al is different. His music is always up to date, always right on what popular music and culture is about. You listen to any song and it's like seeing a snapshot of that time, but at the same time it's ageless! Back to the book...it is beyond cool! The artwork, Al's random thoughts scattered throughout, the lyrics thrown in there. Plus, of course a look at his history...a timeline of his life and career the good, bad and ugly of it all. The author did a great job in capturing Weird Al and his achievements, losses and life. Wonderful book! The only thing that could ever possibly make it better is an autograph from Weird Al himself and to let him know what a profound influence he has been in my life and the lives of many. Go to Amazon
You Need This Book! This book is a must have for any self-respecting Weird Al fan. It's no literary masterpiece, but hey -- it's about Weird Al! Plenty of photos, lots of info, and all in a fun format. Go to Amazon
Autographed! Awesome book with a surprise.... So this book is really cool on its own but when I opened it up I saw that it was signed. Normally I would have thought that was fake but I had recently met Weird Al and he had signed an old vinyl copy of "In 3-D" for me and the autographs match. Thanks Tim and Gabby for the signed copy! Go to Amazon
It was awesome. But afterwards my boyfriend wanted to meet Weird ... Me and my boyfriend went to a Weird Al concert recently. We had just got the cheap sets. It was awesome. But afterwards my boyfriend wanted to meet Weird Al and he can't wait till we see him again so we can get the VIP tickets and meet him. Anyway I bought the book for him for Christmas and I wrapped it immediately so I won't be as tempted to give it to him early. And hopefully we will get the chance to meet him soon so he can get it signed. Go to Amazon
Weird Al a Gift to All Nerds of current C.E. and past C.E. Weird Al, the man and the music and the fans who sing along to lyrics about sharing the same piece of dental floss as proof of a true love. If you cannot understand the humor and cunning lyrics of this genius songwriter, you don't deserve to be on the same page as review...you're just a giant loser Go to Amazon
Enjoy this book as a new or old fan...show him the respect Master songwriter, entertainer and the book details his life with many inserts from him...thanks Alfred! Go to Amazon
Wonderful book! First of all, I'd like to say I probably own the ONLY copy of this book in Kuwait. Maybe in the entire Persian Gulf region. I think it says something about the instability of this part of the world when you put it in context of just how few Weird Al-related products there are in the Middle East. Go to Amazon
Five Stars Wow Go to Amazon
It's Weird Al, need I say more? Originally ... Five Stars ... was a gift - don't know if it is good or not Five Stars Weird Al Rock N Roll Legend getS personal in bio Five Stars Pretty fly Good packaging
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