#so its just my headcanons you coulf say XD
saltynsassy31 · 1 year
I promised @mossy-fruit a fanfiction like.....two months ago aND IM STILL WORKING ON IT I PROMISE
It's just....I made it longer than I had hoped for 👉👈
In the mean time, I humbly offer this one-shot I thought of the day I had conceived Orca. Ft. Patch
Theme - comedy
Orca put away his suit back in its rightful place in the lockers, the chatter of his coworkers filling the room as they ate their lunch.
"You heading out so soon, Orca?" One of his teammates asked, raising a brow in confusion.
"Well, that's unusual of you, did you finally find something better to do with your life?" The inkling joked, laughing slightly at himself as Orca simply rolled his eyes.
"I don't always work, ya know."
"Really? Could've fooled me!"
Orca slams his locker shut. "It doesn't matter what you think I do, I'm going out, I have a meeting with someone and I'm not the type to be late. Just don't screw yourself over and hop down a title again, I am not going to demote myself a 5th time this week."
"No promises, captain." His friend said, doing a mock salute at him and putting out his tongue playfully.
Orca gave him a small, playful glare before walking out. "See you guys."
"See ya!"
"Take care!"
"Don't let the small fries bite!"
And with that, he was out. He checked his phone for the coordinates to the location of their meet up, he struggled slightly to pin down exactly where it was but he eventually found it. It was small and a bit of a remote area but that wasn't all too important to him.
Orca pushed through and continued his way over to the front door, knocking on it and waiting for an answer.
"Coming!" A voice in the other side called out. It wasn't long until the door opened to reveal an inkling with short, messy and burnt cyan tentacles, just like one of his coworkers had described him. The door wasn't fully open yet, only half of his face was poking out, a suspicious glare on his face. "May I help you?"
Orca gulped slightly, sure, he'd be able to fight himself out of any danger, but that wasn't really his biggest worry, no, he was actually awful at socialising and he always got nervous around new people, which, as his friends had told him, made him have this awful glare that could scare anyone away and that was the last thing he wanted to do.
So he tried to put his best smile, which didn't seem to have worked as the inkling gave a slightly startled expression, he had been practicing his smile! It can't be that bad. "Hi, I came here because some of my colleagues at grizzco recommended you to me for new weapons?"
That seemed to have gotten his attention. The inkling opened his door a bit further, poking his head out and looking around. "Yeah, you're in the right place, been waiting for ya. Anyone else with you?"
Orca shook his head. "No, just me."
The other nodded and opened the door fully, stepping to the side to let him in. Orca looked around the small workshop curiously. "You can sit over that couch over there while I go get the weapons, I'll he quick."
The octoling nodded, having a tight grasp around the straps of his book bag over his shoulders as he walked to sit down.
The inkling, Patch, if Orca recalls his name correctly, walked off into another room, leaving the other to his thoughts. He was quick to become fidgety, looking around the quiet, empty room, he found himself becoming drowsy, which only made him panic further.
He could feel his heart beat and that wasn't good.
You see, he didn't really have a normal heartbeat, being a playtoy for the people underground, being sanitised had eventually become his fate. Even after removing most of the sanitisation, it had already taken affect on his body in many different ways besides just his appearance. His heart beaing one of them.
He barely had a pulse, he, for the longest time, though he didn't even have one until he had his first panic attack and felt something beat in his chest, which wasn't helpful because the sensation had been foreing to him, but that's besides the point, the pulse wasn't even that strong either, it was just an average pulse but to him his heart was going fast.
He isn't sure how he is even alive, his friends had reported that when he sleeps, he doesn't even have a pulse, he doesn't even breath, they thought he was dead the first, which is concerning. But he tries not to think too much about it, less he were go to the hospital for it.
He shivers at the thought.
It didn't help that he was already a pretty pale octoling and colder than the average octoling or inkling, what made it really worse was that he was a really heavy sleeper and would only wake up to very specific noises that woild kick in his fight or flight senses. In any case, he usually just tries to avoid sleeping around new people, sleepovers being a complete no go.
But he was just so tired. He hadn't had the chance to properly rest for the past couple of days now, or, more accurately, he hadn't let himself have the chance to properly rest, so really, his own fault here.
His eyes could barely stay open and he found himself catching his head from falling over every so often. Well, maybe he could just close his eyes for a little while, right? He won't sleep, just close his eyes as they felt like they were burning and it was becoming increasingly hard to keep them open, his already blurry vision going even more blurry despite him wearing his glasses.
So that's what he did, he leaned his back on the couch and closed his eyes, but he had underestimated how tired he was because as soon as he did he was out like a light.
"Hey, sorry for the wait, I was struggling to find the grizzco weapons since surprisingly not many people request for it." Patch chuckled as he walked back to the main room only to see his customer dead asleep on his couch.
"Huh, guess that job really does a number on someone, huh?" He chuckled to himself, putting the box of weapons over the table in the middle and walking up close to the other. His suspicions of the ocotking's job being exhausting was confirmed by the slight bags under his eyes, making his mask look bigger than it's supposed to.
He felt a little bit bad waking him up but they came here to do buisness, he could sleep afterwards once he was home. "Hey, wakey wakey, I got your weapons." Patch said, shaking his shoulders slightly, ignoring the other's freezing touch.
He didn't budge.
"Hey, dude, wake up. I know you're probably really tired but my workshop is not your bedroom." He shook him again but nothing.
"Hellooooo, anyone in there?" Patch knocked om his head, grabbed both of his shoulders and shook him, but no response.
Now the cold of the other’s skin felt like a burning stove as he felt himself start to panic, letting out a nervous laughter. "H-hey, c'mon now, this isn't funny."
Still nothing.
His mind blocked the fact that the other wasn't even breathing, he probably was just very weakly, some people do that, right? And quickly reached for his wrist, searching for a pulse, nothing, not there, not I'm his neck, placing a ear to his chest just to be sure but nothing.
He quickly stepped back, his hearts lodged in his throat, making it hard for him to breath, his ears ringing with the silence, making it almost unbearable. He found himself yelling just to fill that void. "AAAAAAHH OH MY COD, OH MY COD HE'S DEAD, HOLY FUCK."
He quickly placed a hand over his mouth and stomach, he felt sick like he could puke.
No way, no way that this guy just died, on his couch. "What do I do? What do I do!?" He found himself repeating that like a mantra, walking around in circles.
"Should I call the police? No, no, they'd investigate my workshop too, should I just bury his body? Does he have friends or family? Are they worried he's gone? Oh god, they probably don't even know."
He turned back to the body, still unmoving, he had to cover the evidence.
He ran back to the storage room and grabbed a shovel that he never found use for until now and ran back to the living room
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