#so it's been difficult for me to spend hours sat in front on my laptop but i'm slowly working on it i promise đŸ«¶đŸ»
simonghostrileys · 3 months
update on my tmj treatment
hey everyone! so yesterday i got my guard for tmj and thanks to all the ppl who donated i got the other half left to pay for it covered and paid it yesterday when i got my guard, and it's only been one day wearing it and i can already open my mouth a bit more and the pain has decreased i just can't believe it! thank you so so so much to everyone who's donated, i'm so grateful for all of you and i appreciate all of you so much ❀❀ i'll leave some pics below of my dental guard and one of me using it (surprise face reveal lmao), and unfortunately there's still quite a bit to go for my braces so pls help me either by boosting or donating đŸ™đŸ»â€ïž
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
You've Been Gone So Long, Baby (Chapter Six)《Completed Series》
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: Matt had never let anyone so deep into his life until you. But when everything was going so perfectly, when he didn't think he could possibly be happier, he loses everything he loves in a single second–and he's absolutely powerless to fix it.
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains heavy angst & delayed comfort until the end
Word Count: 2.7k
a/n: Comfort finally arrives for this angsty little fic! You can find the entire chapter list for this series here. Enjoy this one, it was my favorite of this series!
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Year 5  
The conference room felt stuffy this afternoon as Matt sat at the large table with Foggy sitting just opposite him. Both men were on their laptops with papers scattered around themselves, the sounds of Foggy’s typing and occasional irritated sighs hitting Matt’s ears. They’d been working on building a good defense for a difficult case for weeks now, spending hours outside of the normal work day doing so, and it felt like they were barely making any headway. 
Foggy’s hands eventually dropped down onto the table as he threw his head back against his chair. He groaned loudly in annoyance, the sound drawing Matt’s attention from his braille reader.
“We’re not getting anywhere,” Foggy complained.
Matt let out a sigh himself, a hand coming up to run through his already mussed hair. “Maybe we’re coming at this all wrong,” he mused.
“Is there another way to come at it?” Foggy questioned. “Because, Matt, I feel like we’ve tried every possible angle. This just feels hopeless.”
“Okay,” Matt agreed, pulling the glasses off of his face and pinching the bridge of his nose. “Maybe we need a break. We’ve been working on this nonstop for weeks.”
“Yeah, but Matt, the trial starts next week,” Foggy said. “It’s not like we really have the time to just kick our feet up and think about something else right now.”
Sitting back in his chair, Matt ran a hand over his mouth as he thought. He could hear the way Foggy shuffled through the papers beside him and the way he was grinding his teeth. He was stressed about this case.
“What about that thing you found earlier?” Matt suggested. “We sure it's really a deadend? We can’t somehow use it?”
Foggy gave an exaggerated nod. “Absolute deadend,” he assured him. “Deader than dead. I don’t even know how we’re supposed to figure this one out, man. I mean yeah, he’s innocent, but it’s near impossible to find admissible proof that will, you know, prove that.”
“Well there has to be something,” Matt said, shifting in his seat. “Maybe we should order lunch, take a few minutes before we focus back on it. What time is it, anyway?”
“It’s–holy crap, it’s almost two thirty!” Foggy exclaimed. “Jeez, yeah, we should get food. I need a minute to think about something other than this before my head explodes.”
“We wouldn’t want that,” Matt teased him.
Matt heard the sound of Foggy shuffling once again through the pile of papers in front of himself before he picked up his phone. He heard him tapping away against the screen before Foggy finally spoke again.
you feeling that sandwich place again?” Foggy asked. “I could go for a meatball sub. Feels like a meatball sub kind of day.”
Matt chuckled, shrugging his shoulders lightly. “Sounds good to me, Fog,” he answered.
“You want the usual? Or are you feeling like switching things up today?” Foggy asked.
“The usual,” he replied. Matt could feel the look Foggy sent him and he grinned. “I like it, Fog.”
“You know, you should really–”
“Matt?” a distinctly familiar female voice called through the room. “I thought you were working from home today? When did you even come in?”
Matt’s head immediately darted in the direction of what had to be Karen’s unmistakable voice, his lips parting in surprise and confusion. Across the table he heard Foggy’s heart rate increase, his own mouth hanging open in shock.
“ Karen ?” Foggy breathed out.
“Uh, yeah, Fog,” Karen answered. “Why the hell are you both staring at me like that? And when did you change your suit?”
His own heart hammering loudly in his ears, Matt’s head turned to the side, tuning out Foggy and Karen’s conversation for a minute as he listened to the city outside of the building. He heard the confusing chaos steadily growing outside, chaos that sounded so familiar to what he’d heard years ago. Something anxious fluttered in his stomach, his breath coming in shallower as he found himself rising to his feet.
“Fog,” Matt said, hope growing quickly in his chest as he cut into the emotional conversation that he had been beginning to have with Karen, “I think they’re coming back. It sounds like it outside–it sounds like they’re coming back.”
“What is going on ?” Karen begged, frustration evident in her tone.
The screaming and shouting was growing louder from outside the office. Matt began making his way around the conference table, his mouth feeling like it was going dry.
“I’ll explain everything I can, Karen,” Foggy told her in a rush, Matt aware of Foggy’s eyes focused on him as he spoke. “But Matt–you go find her, man! Just be careful out there!”
He didn’t wait any longer. Brushing past Karen as he muttered a quick apology, Matt was rapidly making his way out of their little office and through the brief maze of the building before he was out on the street. He’d left his cane and glasses back in the conference room but he didn’t care. He didn’t need any of that right now because it was clear no one would be paying him any mind with the sheer amount of confusion happening on the streets of Hell’s Kitchen.
Wasting no more time, he took off at a sprint in the direction of his apartment, weaving his way around everyone suddenly clogging the sidewalk as best as he could. But it was slow going, especially as he ran into more people that appeared to drop into existence out of nowhere. It was almost impossible to maneuver around them all. Frustrated, Matt took an abrupt turn down a nearby alley before clambering up the fire escape to the roof. In this very moment, he didn’t remotely care who might look up and spot the man darting from rooftop to rooftop. All he wanted was to find you there sitting on the leather couch like the past five years hadn’t happened. 
◈𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 ◈
Looking down at your hands, your brows furrowed. Where the hell had that glass of water gone that Matt had so adamantly shoved into them only seconds ago? Head raising back up, you turned to look for Matt at the kitchen table, only you did a double take. You sat on the couch, eyes growing wide as your jaw dropped. Where the hell was the television and the stand it was on? 
And then your eyes noticed the blank wall space, your mind reeling. You had just been looking at the framed collage of your wedding photos barely ten minutes ago. Why were they not on the wall? Where the hell were they?
Panicked and confused, your stomach twisting uncomfortably, you turned on the couch. The  kitchen table wasn’t covered in Matt’s mess that had been there moments ago. It was empty. And the kitchen looked messy with cups lining the counter by the sink and a few empty beer bottles scattered along the countertop. Even the jars on the counter you always refilled with snacks were empty. But you’d just restocked them two days ago.
“Matt?” you called out hesitantly.
You didn’t get a response. Frowning, you reached out to the coffee table for your phone, determined to call him, but your hand hovered over the piece of furniture. There wasn’t a single thing on it, not even your phone.
“What the hell is going on?” you whispered.
Pushing yourself up off the couch, you rested a hand on your belly as you made your way over to the bedroom. The sheets were an absolute mess, bunched up all over on Matt’s side of the bed. Your pillow for some reason was vertical in the middle of the bed near Matt’s side. Which was odd, considering you’d made the bed this morning.
Screams made their way up to your ears from the streets below and you jumped, rushing over to the bedroom window. You pressed a hand against the glass, looking down at the street below. There were people everywhere outside, but they were shouting and moving like they were confused. Traffic in the streets appeared to be stopped up, people even abandoning their cars that were still running. Your eyes narrowed as you watched the disorder below in utter confusion.
“What the hell is going on?” you repeated.
The familiar sound of the roof access door flying forcefully open caused you to jump again. Matt was calling your name out frantically as you pushed away from the window and turned.
“I’m in the bedroom,” you called back. “What the hell is going on, Matt? Where were you? Where the hell is the television and our wedding photos? Why is the–”
You stopped the moment Matt appeared in the doorway, the words dying in your throat. His right hand flew out to grip the doorframe as if it was the only thing holding himself up as he let out a shuddering breath. His left hand flew to his mouth a second later, his eyes tightening as they glistened with tears. Your own eyes dropped down to his left hand, noticing the wedding band distinctly missing from his finger. The sight felt like a punch to the gut and you stumbled backwards, both of your hands flying up to your mouth.
“Matty,” you choked out. “Where’s your ring? Where are our wedding photos?”
A strangled sob fell out of Matt as he pushed off of the doorframe and made his way over towards you. Your own eyes were watering as you watched him, mind racing at what was happening. When he reached you, he immediately dropped down to his knees. His hands landed on either side of your baby bump before his forehead came down to rest against it. And then he openly wept. You stood there, hands hovering just above him, unsure of how to react.
“I missed you–” he choked out, “–so goddamn much, baby.”
“Matty,” you begged, tears slipping out of your own eyes, “please tell me what is going on? I’m–I’m so confused. And you’re scaring me.”
He quickly pulled back from you, shaking his head roughly as he rose back up to his feet. “No, baby,” he croaked out. “No, don’t be scared. It’s okay. Everything is okay.”
He drew you into him, holding you tight as he buried his face in your hair. Your own arms wrapped around his waist, tears still slipping out of your eyes.
“You were gone,” he whispered into your hair. “For five years, baby.”
“I–what?” you breathed out. “What do you mean I was gone for five years? I was just sitting on the couch drinking the water you wanted me to drink! You were in the kitchen grabbing pizza. I wasn’t gone!”
You pushed away from Matt, your eyes darting around his tear-stained face and taking in the sight of his red, watery eyes. You noticed some cuts on his face that hadn’t been there minutes ago. A few gray hairs in his stubble you were positive weren’t there before, either. But he didn’t look like he was playing a prank on you–he looked genuinely shocked and overwhelmed that you were here. And the commotion outside was only growing louder.
“Five years ago,” Matt began softly, “something happened. I don’t–don’t really know what, but half of the population just
“What?” you whispered.
“I was grabbing you that pizza,” Matt told you, his hand reaching out before his fingers gently stroked your cheek, “and when I turned around, you were gone. Just gone. Both of you.”
Your jaw dropped as you shook your head in disbelief. “Matty, that just happened,” you told him. 
Fingers still tenderly stroking your cheek, Matt shook his head slowly back at you. “No, baby,” he whispered. “That was five years ago. You’ve been gone for five years.”
You felt like you couldn’t breathe, tears once again burning your eyes. Heart stuttering strangely in your chest, you stepped backwards from Matt. You felt like you were going to be sick. Five years? Five years ?
“Hey, hey, baby, shh, breathe,” Matt soothed as he carefully lowered you to the edge of the bed. “Breathe, okay? Just breathe, it’s going to be okay.”
Drawing in a deep, shaky breath, you glanced back down at his hand. The wedding band was missing. Why was the wedding band missing?
“Hey, relax, sweetheart,” Matt whispered, a hand coming up to rub your back.
“Where’s your ring, Matt?” you asked quickly. “And our photos? If it’s been five years does that mean you–”
“No,” he said firmly, shaking his head vigorously. “No. There’s no one else. I–I tried to go on a date. About six months ago. I couldn’t.”
“And your ring?” you asked.
Matt sent you a sad smile, his hand still rubbing calming circles along your back. 
“I stopped wearing it a few months ago,” he admitted softly. “Because it hurt too much.”
“What does that mean?” you asked nervously, voice quivering. “We’re–we’re not married in your eyes anymore?”
“What? No!” he answered firmly. “God, no. You and our daughter are the only thing I’ve thought about every single day for these past five years, baby. I have wanted nothing more than for this exact moment to happen. But–but after so long I didn’t think it would. And it–it hurt. But I swear to you baby, you’re my wife.” His left hand reached out, landing on your baby bump as his eyes glistened with tears once again. “The mother of my child. I want you. I always want you. Forever.”
Unable to hold yourself back, your hands grasped onto either side of Matt’s face and you threw yourself forward, kissing him hard. His own hands landed on your neck, holding you close as his mouth moved against yours, kissing you exactly like a man who’d lost his wife for five years would. You could feel everything in the way he kissed you, tears falling down his own cheeks as he did.
“I love you,” he whispered earnestly against your lips. “I love you more than anything.” One of his hands dropped down again, resting along your bump. “Both of you.”
“I love you, too, Matty,” you murmured. 
Matt’s face lowered until he was nuzzling into the crook of your neck. Your arms encircled his shoulders, holding him to you. You could feel the tears falling from him and dampening your sweatshirt as you buried your face into his hair. 
“I am never letting you go again,” he promised. “Never again, baby, you hear me? Where you go, I go.”
You couldn’t fight the smile that snuck onto your face at his words. “Matty,” you said softly, “you can’t come with me to the bathroom.”
He huffed out an amused breath, his face still buried against your neck. “Baby,” he began, “I will hold your hand while you take a piss.”
A laugh fell out of you and Matt’s lips pulled into a smile against your skin. Your fingers gently played with the hair at the nape of his neck as you turned, resting your cheek atop his head.
“Absolutely not,” you told him.
“Then I guess,” he began lightly, his mouth still curled into a smile along your neck as he spoke, “I am trying to make you piss your pants.”
You immediately lost it, shoulders shaking roughly as you laughed into his hair. Matt’s arms tightened further around you as he laughed along with you, the warm sound filling the bedroom. 
Eventually the laughter subsided and Matt pulled away from your neck, his sightless gaze fixed on your chin. A tender smile spread across his face, the dimple in his cheek appearing as he focused on you. Despite the uproar outside, despite that Matt had just told you you'd been gone for five years, you felt safe with him right here.
“I missed you so unbelievably much, baby,” he whispered, his voice cracking.
Smiling back at him, one of your hands came up to cradle his cheek, thumb wiping away the tears that were still falling from his eyes. “I’m right here, Matty,” you told him. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Before you could even blink his mouth was back on yours, his large palms cupping both of your cheeks as he kissed you. The two of you stayed like that for a while, both of you occasionally breaking away only long enough to say 'I love you.'
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idyllic-ghost · 1 year
hihi my beeloved and congrats on 2k!!! you deserve all the love and support you've gotten so far and ilysm ♡♡
can i please get a fluffy blurb of yeonjun college au and 6 + 10 from your prompts list please? (yeah i'm not requesting vernon, shocking [though i might if you allow more than one request from the same person]) and ilsym again ^^
a/n: hiii xannieeee! thank you, ily! you can ofc request more than once! i'll be awaiting your vernon request <3
prompts: 6: "You can call me whatever you want" 10: "All I've ever wanted is your attention"
title: not today
pairing: student!yeonjun x student!reader
warnings: strangers to friends to almost lovers ??? food mention
word count: 820
rating: pg
Disclaimer: The scenarios and depictions in my works are fictional and do not represent real-life situations. They do not aim to reflect the complexities of any culture, city, or individual. All characters are entirely fictional, regardless of names or descriptions.
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The soft breeze coming from the open window in the library made you close your eyes for a moment. It had been long since you took a break from looking at the screen, and your eyes stung when your eyelids closed. You rubbed your eyes and sat back in the armchair. When you opened your eyes you were met with the eyes of none other than Choi Yeonjun. His face was right in front of yours, so close that your noses were almost touching. You let out a yelp and went to push his face away from you with your hand. Unsure of how he had managed gotten so close without you noticing, you wondered if maybe you needed a break.
"Ouch- don't touch my glasses with your greasy fingers!" he complained with fake annoyance laced in his tone and a pout sitting adorably on his lips.
"Don't come so close to my face, then!" you retorted.
Yeonjun sighed and sat down in the chair opposite of yours. He didn't look at you, keeping up his facade of irritation. With a sigh, you closed your laptop and put it aside before reaching your hand into your bag. You pulled out a pastry you had bought for him earlier and threw it to him. The plastic rustled as Yeonjun struggled to catch it.
"Do you always have to dress up?" you asked. "You're making me look bad."
You looked between the two of you. While you were wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, Yeonjun was dressed up in a blue button-up, silver earrings reflecting the light of the lamp hanging above you, and his hair was perfectly styled in an effortless way - he was the type of person who would spend hours trying to make his hair look like adorable bedhead.
"I want to look good, is that a crime?" He opened the plastic and started eating the pastry. "But if you want me to dress down then I guess that's what I'll do."
His words reminded you of the first time you met. It was your first, and only, class together. You were paired up for a project, and you were attempting to find your partner. It wasn't difficult, he stood out like a sore thumb with his edgy style - and the fact that he didn't have a partner yet also helped.
"Are you... Wenjun?" You had already forgotten his name, and said the closest thing you could think of.
"No... but you can call me whatever you want," he said with a grin.
His attitude toward you had always stayed the same since then. A sort of "I believe this person can do no wrong" belief mixed with "I'm annoyed as soon as this person speaks" attitude. All of it made you grow fond of him very quickly. It certainly didn't help that he had his charming moments as well.
"Are you even listening to me?" Yeonjun waved his hand in front of your face. "You should be studying, why are you spacing out."
"It's your fault, you know?" you huffed.
Yeonjun mocked your tone and picked up a book from his bag. You watched as he tried to eat while reading. It was probably not allowed to eat in the library, but you would disregard the rules for him any day. Of course, you'd never tell him that. Yeonjun had asked you out before, at the end of your final project together. However, you had rejected him - he didn't seem genuine, but maybe that was your insecurities talking because he ended up sticking around. You didn't even have any classes together anymore, but he still made time for you somehow. During one of these hangouts is when he told you that he had been interested in you since the first time he saw you, and that he could barely focus in some classes. You had always sat in front of him, so you couldn't catch him staring. Nevertheless, he was drunk when he told you this - and prodding about it at a later time led you to a dead end.
The two of you remained friends. Just friends. Very close friends. Friends who would cuddle sometimes, and maybe get drunk together and kiss - but then "forget" about it the next day. You were just having fun, but moments like this made your longing even worse. Tired from studying all day, you just wanted to curl up beside him and let him play with your hair.
"You're staring again," Yeonjun interrupted your thoughts as he looked up from his book, "Not that I mind. You know that all I've ever wanted is your attention."
He was always so honest about it, but anyone else would see this as friends, semi-flirty, banter. You rolled your eyes at him and picked up your computer again. One day you'd probably end up together, but not today.
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for your visual senses ^^^^^
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writteninthegarden · 2 years
Office Visit
Aaron Hotchner x Female Cyber Crimes Agent (formerly White Collar Crimes)
Per usual, 18+ please and thank you :)
A/N: Back at it finally! When work and class both pick up at the same time
Summary: Reader is working hard to adjust to the new role in Cyber Crimes while still juggling the task force work with her new colleague. Unfortunately, that means Reader hasn’t had much time to spend with Aaron lately. He seems to be managing okay
until he isn’t. Aaron pays reader a visit, but reader sees it as a lack of trust. Naturally, that does not go over well.
Word Count: 1459
Warnings/Content: SFW, Jealous Hotch, Trust issues, Some angst, minor language
Aaron: Still at work?
You: Yeah, training sucks
Aaron: I don’t want to write this report I’ve been staring at for an hour. You should come distract me.
You: Wish I could, handsome. I’m stuck with Russell.
Aaron: My sympathy. I’ll let you focus.
You: Love you!
Aaron: I love you too
 Unfortunately, that became a familiar conversation the further you got into this joint task force with Agent Russell. You panicked one night when he commented about you texting.
“I’ll wait ‘til you’re done with your Tinder matching to review the timeline. He sat down and leaned back in one of the rolling conference room chairs.
“Sorry, just sending my another late night at the office text. I’m focused again. We can continue.” Your turned your phone face down on the table.
“Ah, boyfriend giving you crap for it? Or girlfriend? I shouldn’t have assumed.”
“He understands, I think. It’s just tough. Dating in this line of work is already difficult enough.” You shuffled the file folders in front of you, hoping Russell would take that as a hint to get back to the case.
“It definitely sucks. I honestly wish they included that in recruitment. Like an asterisk next to the marital status question that could read ‘don’t worry. The Bureau will take up your time, energy, and youth in lieu of a spouse.’ Your guy have banker’s hours or something ideal like that?”
“Russell, I think you missed your calling to be in HR” you said with a chuckle. “No banker’s hours, thankfully. He’s a lawyer, so he works long hours too.” It wasn’t an outright lie, you thought to yourself. Aaron is a lawyer and works long hours. Those long hours just aren’t spent preparing for court.
“You know, you can call me Tyler. We’re going to be working together for a bit and don’t have to be so formal.”
“Thanks. I never know who prefers what, so I default to last name.”
“Well, just please don’t reverse my name and start calling me Russell Tyler. That was a clerical mess I had to straighten out when I first started.”
“That sucks, Tyler. Now, do you have a timeline for us to review?”
“And she’s done with the small talk. Noted. Okay, where were we?”
Aaron seemed to be handling your limited availability as best as anyone could. At least, you thought he was until he dropped in for an unexpected visit one night
while you were working in Agent Russell’s office. You both looked up from your laptops when there was a knock at the door.
“Come in” Agent Russell told the visitor.
“SSA Russell, I apologize for the intrusion” Aaron spoke. It took everything you had to keep somewhat of a poker face.
Agent Hotchner? How can we help?” You internally chided yourself for almost using his first name.
“Agent Y/L/N. Sorry, I didn’t realize you’d both be working this late. I was just going to drop off what my team found so far.”
Bullshit, you thought.
“Thank you, Agent Hotchner. I know our request probably was a tight time crunch, but you certainly didn’t have to deliver anything in person. I can imagine you’re slammed with other cases.” Agent Russell chimed in with the more professional version of what you were thinking. Why the hell are you here?
“Yes, I second that. I was keeping an eye out for an email from your tech analyst with anything she found.”
“Garcia might still send this over email. She printed a copy for me and I figured I’d drop one off under your door in case it’s helpful.” Aaron stepped forward to hand the inter office envelope to Agent Russell.
“Well, again, thank you very much for the report and extra effort” Russell said as he reached for the envelope. “Partner, what do you say we stop here for tonight? You can get home before closing arguments for a change.”
Aaron looked confused, but didn’t dare ask.
“Works for me. Tyler, I’ll see you tomorrow. Agent Hotchner, thanks again.”
You stopped by your work station to pack up. Thankfully, Aaron sensed better than to come find you there. You intended to ask him what the hell he was thinking, but for that exact reason you also knew you needed to cool down first.
Twenty minutes passed and you felt calm enough to stop by his office.
You knocked on his door. “Still here, huh?”
“Yeah, figured I’d wait to see if you stopped down.” He got up from his desk and made his way over to take you in his arms. “Hi, beautiful. I missed you.”
You kept him at arms length. “Yet, you just saw me. What was that all about?”
“What?” He looked back at you quizzically. “I figured I’d drop off the update.”
” you cocked your eyebrows at him in disbelief.
” he countered with a furrowed brow interrupted by a grin that snuck out.
You moved to sit down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. “Aaron
you’re the Unit Chief for god’s sake. You know that’s odd for you to just hand deliver a report Garcia emailed out.”
“I wear many hats here. I don’t think it’s that odd. I’ve handled the press stuff when JJ’s been on leave.”
“Fine. You know it’s risky for either of us to seek the other out at work. How did you know to come to Tyler’s office?” You looked back at him for an answer.
“I saw you weren’t at your desk and the conference room was empty when I walked by. Process of elimination. Since when is he Tyler?”
You couldn’t help chuckling to yourself.
“What?” Aaron pulled the other chair out from the front of his desk and took a seat near you.
“Since when are you the jealous type, babe?” You couldn’t hide your shit eating grin. The stoic Aaron Hotchner was jealous. Would the wonders never cease?
“Jealous? I am not-” he started, but you cut him off.
“Ohhh, you most certainly are. Aaron, we talked about this. You either trust me or you don’t.”
“Sweetheart, I absolutely trust you. I’m sorry if I made it seem like I didn’t.”
“I mean, what did you expect to find? That prick and I making out? Rolling on the floor? File folders scattered recklessly?”
“No, but now that image will be burned in my mind. You wouldn’t be reckless with your file folders though.”
“I’m not in a laughing place with this right now. You essentially spied on me tonight. Have I ever checked up on you like that?” You crossed your arms in front of you.
“Calling it spying might be a little over the top. You and your partner asked for my help. That’s what I gave you.” His tone grew stern. You really didn’t want to fight tonight. However, he needed to understand the issue here.
“That’s true, but it’s the undertone of distrust that concerns me. Have I ever done anything like that?”
He sighed and shifted in his seat. “No, you haven’t.”
“That’s right. I haven’t. I haven’t despite the times you randomly decided to stop talking to me, the times you’ve shut me out, or the time you had Penelope relay your warm regards to me rather than talking to me directly. Could I have had suspicion? Sure. I didn’t let it get to me because I trust you. Also, I knew that if I stooped to that you’d be bullshit.”
“Maybe” he said with a slight shrug.
“Try definitely. You may think I’m harping on this, but I’ve been in relationships where the trust wasn’t there. It’s never a good scene. I don’t want that to become us.”
“Y/N, I don’t want that either. I’m sorry. In the moment I don’t think I saw it as checking up on you, but I can see your point. I love you. I trust you with every part of my life and that’s something I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be able to feel with someone again.” He reached for your hand. When you gave it to him he gently pulled you closer until you took the hint to stand up. He held his arms out for you to sit on his lap, but you paused in front of him.
“Agent Hotchner, are you finished interfering in my investigation?” You put both hands on your hips.
“Yes, ma’am.” He could teach a master class in how to give pleading puppy dog eyes.
“Good” you replied as you plopped down into his lap. “Just so we’re clear
the only prick I want to make out with is you.”
“Ah” he said as he laughed. Then, he placed a soft kiss to your temple. “Clever, babe.”
Taglist: @itsmytimetoodream @rousethemouse and @hotch-meeeeeuppppp
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dokifluffs · 4 years
This is My Wife | Akaashi Keiji
Pairing: Akaashi X Reader (female)
Genre: college professor, domesitccc, fluffyyy 
Author’s Note: I hope @k-eijiakaashi​ you die reading this out of pure love 
Warnings: Pregnant reader! 
Part 2: I Love You | Akaashi Keiji
Part 3: This is My Child | Akaashi Keiji 
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The house was still and quiet as snow slowly fell outside as the end of the year came closer to its end during this unprecedented pandemic
Akaashi carefully leaned forward, clicking his trackpad in order to let the few students who came to the final zoom call of the year, into the call 
“Hi guys,” he leaned forward to his laptop, turning down the volume his intermediate Japanese literature class created just a bit, cautious about moving around too much to not disturb you
You laid peacefully in his lap as a simple head on his self display on zoom, though his class couldn’t really tell since no one paid no mention or comment 
“Thank you for coming. I know you’ve been staring at your screens all semester, but it’s the end. You’ve made it to the end of this really strange school year,” he congratulated, a small smile spreading on his features as he clapped silently, looking to the exhausted few as they donned comfortable clothes, all in their personal bedrooms or dorms from what he could see
“How did the exam go? Unless you all don’t want to talk about it and we can talk about other things,” he suggested
there was a pause of silence as his students made certain expressions 
“It was actually really hard this year,” one student piped up as others agreed with, adding their own comments, nodding
The low ten of students out of the forty in the call went off about the various passages, describing their confusion and obstacles they faced, how difficult it was to keep their eyes from drying or straining after staring at the screen in a silent room for hours
Akaashi listened to his class, a slight smile on his face as he listened to their remarks while his arm rested on your arm as you laid on your side, facing the back of the couch
He rubbed his thumb over your arm as you slept, glancing to his side to you, adjusting the light, fluffy blanket as it kept your body warm
Over time, he offered suggestions about the passages to his class, offering his words of wisdom on how they could’ve approached it differently or in this way in order to figure out what the message/ what the question(s) were asked of them and only afterwords did any misunderstandings they faced with on the exam were cleared 
His voice was silky smooth and clear, still dressed professionally even at home in casual attire
He wore a tanned beige turtleneck sweater, his sleeves neatly rolled back on his arms while wearing black pants with a belt, his glasses tying the entire look together
Some students even took the class after seeing him once around campus
the conversation shifted to non-academic topics, talks about possible plans or solid plans of what his students were going to do over break surfaced 
“Dr. Akaashi, what’s that on your lap?” A student asked, making everyone look at their screen’s closer to what the student had pointed out
And then they saw it, not really realizing it before
There was a white cushion on his lap with what seemed like a head of some sort on it
“This is my wife,” he adoringly glanced down to you, carefully tucking a strand of hair from your face as you slept soundly 
his students listened in awe at how long you had been there and they didn’t really even notice it until now
but they also listened since he never really spoke about his private life at home, he always had a false background during calls or sat in front of a blank white wall 
“She has a cold but she wanted to be with me during class today despite all the times I wanted to tuck her into bed. She’s fast asleep,” he smiled, his eyes trained on you 
All the girls in the call erupted in awe seeing how affectionate their professor was
They could see so clearly how much he loved you just by seeing how the way he looked at you after a few seconds
“I hope she feels better,” one added
“Is it like a flu cold?” Another asked
“She’s about seven months pregnant so it’s mainly dizziness and chills from morning sickness.”
Another wave of awes, even louder, erupted from the class, making Akaashi break into a smile both from his students but also the fact that you now held his hand in your sleep, right in front of your face
Your short, hot breaths tickling his skin
“Alright, guys, great job this semester, I hope you all enjoyed the class and now have an excellent understanding of intermediate Japanese literature. Good luck to those who have more exams and happy new year and holidays to those who are done.”
“I will end the call here, good bye,” he waved off his class as he ended the final zoom of the year, having the rest of winter break to spend with you, and his soon to be born child
He stayed still where he was for the next couple of hours, combing his fingers through your hair, making sure you were comfortable while he caught up on his novel, looking down to you ever now and then, a tiny part of him wishing you were awake so he could see your eyes
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @osamuonigiri @1-800-wholesome @yamagucci​ @realityisoftendisapointing@plantisnotplant @k-eijiakaashi​ @pink-panda-pancakes​ @differentballooncollection​ @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction​ @euphorihan@turquoiselace​ @macaronnv  @oxmaddy​​ @mrkoala4prsdnt​​ @curiouslilbeast​ @plantisnotplant@therestless101​ @abcdaichi​ @oyasenpai​ @kaaidalupita​ @lovinnoya​ @wisepandaslimeland​ @killuaking​ @bbymilkbread​ @tsumtsumland​ @suunikimchi​
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zsgia · 2 years
ok i thought i was going to write a blurb (to escape from having to do work) but she ended up being a whole IMAGINE and now my brain is fried. i didnt proofread this so ignore the errors pls if there are any
its almost 3am and youre trying to complete a brand book for the company you work for within the next hour because 1. you were exhausted and 2. if you dont get it done, your boss was going to have your head (not really but you cant help catastrophizing sometimes). 
mat had an away game tonight which you couldnt attend or even watch live, not that he minded though. he understood the demands of being the only employee in a start up where you had to juggle different roles. you two havent been together for long but he's been there for you through most, if not all of it. from carrying you to bed whenever he finds you passed out at the dining table and letting you cry in his arms until you calm down after a shitty day at work then proceeding to shower your face with kisses to celebrating even the tiniest achievements. your boss liked the post you designed? he comes home with your favourite takeout and you spend the night watching movies together. he even scribbles little things in your notebook sometimes which you find so endearing. mat's always there for you, just like youre there for him too. it was difficult not to fall in love with him but you were afraid to rush into things so youve kept quiet about your true feelings, a little hesitant to say those three words first. 
the isles had won so mat had a little more energy to stay up on facetime with you. you wouldve been done with your task if not for the last sentence that had to be paraphrased so you came to the conclusion that taking a break and staring at your boyfriends face instead of the forsaken document would be of help. "baby, its late and you have work in a few hours. go to bed soon, yeah? please?" mat pouted and you swore it was the cutest thing ever. "says you. dont you have early practice?" you stuck your tongue out at him that got him chuckling. "i promise i'll sleep right after i figure this out. tell me how your day went." you continued as you sat up, pulling the laptop onto your lap.
even seeing him through the screen made you feel way better than you were. you missed him so much and you couldnt wait until hes back in your arms again (he feels the same way too). you listened as he went on about the game and that the goal he scored was for you which left you feeling a little bad for not tuning in to be honest but all that disappeared when he made a passing comment about what to write for the last bit of your work. "wait, say that again." you frantically typed down whatever mat had said before letting out a sigh of relief. "you literally just saved my life mathew just when i thought i couldnt love you more." it didnt even take a second for you to realize what you just said. your eyes went wide and you quickly slammed your laptop shut. you wouldve thrown it off the bed if it wasnt for your phone ringing: mat was calling. out of all the possible times you couldve told mat that you love him, your brain decided doing it over facetime when hes not physically in front of you was best. you contemplated on answering because what if he thinks youre moving too fast? putting those stupid thoughts aside you tapped on answer and held the phone up to your ear waiting for him to speak. you could literally feel your heart in your throat.
"i love you too, by the way. ive been meaning to tell you for a while now and i had it all planned out i was going to take you out to that place you like when i get back. god i-" he was rambling and you felt yourself falling deeper in love with him. you let out a small giggle, feeling all the anxiety leave your body. "im sorry for ending the call earlier. i wish i told you face to face though." you buried your face into the pillow and groaned in embarrassment. "well, you can tell me again when im back. throw in a a kiss too, maybe ten." rolling your eyes, you could picture the smirk on his face. "you bet i'll do just that, barzal." 
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blu-joons · 3 years
When You Struggle To Write Your Essay ~ Seventeen Reaction
You could feel Seungcheol’s presence beside you as you typed away at your computer, glancing across at him, noticing the warm smile that he wore. “I just watched you switch tabs, you’re terrible at playing this game.”
“The essay is stupid,” you stated, slamming your hands on the desk, “Instagram is much better.”
“It’s also an unproductive way to spend your time,” he reminded you, lifting you out of the chair so that you could sit in his lap. “You’ve worked so hard on this essay, don’t let a bump in the road put you off now.”
You sighed back at him, “first of all, Instagram is a very productive way to spend my time and see what everyone else is up to. Secondly, I’ve spent well over an hour on this essay and haven’t got a damn word to show for it.”
“Like I said, you’ve just hit a bump,” Seungcheol tried to assure you, “but you can’t be so hard on yourself about it. Why don’t you take a break for a while, a proper break, at least get away from your computer?”
“Do you really think that’ll make life easier?” You questioned, smiling as he nodded back at you.
His arms tightened around your waist, “let’s do something to distract your mind, whatever you want to do. I’m sure when you come back to your work, you’ll find your flow once again.”
“Although I’ve just spent an hour on social media, I deserve a break, right?”
A gasp escaped from you as Jeonghan pulled away just as you leaned forwards to press a kiss against his lips. “I told you, no kiss until you get that section of your essay complete,” he teased, moving back away from you.
“Do you really want to play this game with me?” You sighed, sinking down in your chair.
“I told you how this was going to work, you can’t try and cheat your way out of doing your work by trying to kiss me when I’m not paying attention,” Jeonghan reminded you, taking a seat opposite your desk.
Your eyes stared helplessly back across at him, “why are you doing this to me? I thought it was just going to be a joke, I didn’t think you’d actually stop kissing me. How am I supposed to work without a kiss from you?”
“That’s for you to figure out,” he continued to joke, “I know that you can get this done, you’re just beating yourself up about it right now. The section is nearly complete, and then I promise that I am all yours.”
“Are you going to sit there and tease me whilst I write?” You asked, unsurprised to see his head nod.
He settled himself back against the desk chair, “I’m not going to tease, I’m just going to sit here and remind you of the reward that you’ll get once you finally get that part of the essay done.”
“That’s definitely teasing Jeonghan, no way is it a reward.”
The smell of food caught your attention before Joshua even managed to walk into your apartment. “Don’t be getting any ideas,” he warned you, “this is for you only if you’ve finished writing that paragraph, I left you on.”
“It’s all written, I promise, you can come and see for yourself,” you spoke, pointing it out to him.
“See, I told you that you’d be able to do it,” he proudly smiled, relieved to see you’d finally completed the paragraph you’d been stuck on for most of the afternoon. “It’s a good job I went out and got your favourite too.”
Your eyes lit up, silently cursing at yourself for not recognising the smell of the food straight away. “You’re the best, thank you so much. Let me just save what I’ve done and then I’ll be through to join you for dinner.”
“I wouldn’t move too quickly,” Joshua called out to you, “I went out and got dessert too, but you can only have that if you write another paragraph. And don’t even try and argue with me because I know you’re capable.”
“Are you really using food as a weapon to try and bribe me right now?” You asked of him.
With a smug smile, his head nodded back at you, “it’s working, isn’t it? I know the way to your heart, and it’s by nothing else but food, that’s how you’re going to get this essay done.”
“As bad as it is, I definitely think your right on that one.”
When Junhui first began to ask you questions about your essay, you failed to understand what the point was, until slowly answers started to come together. “Write that down, you can use it in section three, can’t you?”
“I think so,” you hummed, writing it down anyway, noticing how big your document was getting.
“What else is there that you need to talk about?” He asked, peering over your shoulder to have a look at the essay brief. “It looks like we’ve managed to get quite a few ideas down for you to write there my love.”
Your head shook at how much was written, “I don’t know who taught you such an incredible skill but thank you for helping me to write almost my entire essay. I really have no idea what I’d do without you Jun.”
“It’s all on you, all I did was ask the questions, and you gave me the answers,” he reminded you, sitting back down on the bed behind you. “Do you want me to stick around whilst you write that into something resembling an essay.”
“It’s up to you, but don’t feel like you have to, you’ve done enough for me,” you assured him.
He shrugged back at you, making himself comfortable. “It’s not like I’ve got anything better to do. I could read over it too if you want when it’s done, make sure that it all makes sense?”
“That would be amazing, you really are the best Junhui.”
Your smile grew as Soonyoung walked over to you, taking a seat at your desk, staring back at you. “I promise I’m not going to do anything; I’m just going to sit here as moral support whilst you carry on with your writing.”
“Do you know how distracting it is just to have your face there?” You laughed, gently pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose.
“Well, when you hit a brick wall or you’re struggling to think about what to write next, you can just look over at me and I can be your inspiration to try and figure out what it is that you want to write,” he assured you.
Your head shook back at him, “I don’t want to look back at my laptop now I get to look at you. I need to find a lot of inspiration for now, so I might just have to stare at you for a little while, as long as you don’t mind?”
“If it helps with your work, then there’s no complaints from me,” Soonyoung chuckled, resting his head into his hand. “Just don’t stare too long, because you might get lost in my eyes or something and forget about your work.”
“That doesn’t sound like such a bad idea,” you teased, moving a little closer towards him.
Soonyoung quickly moved you back, keeping a distance between the two of you. “You’ve got work to do, don’t be getting any ideas. You can have plenty of what you want when your work is done.”
“You’re a horrendous tease, I can’t believe you’d do that to me.”
The moment Wonwoo suggested giving you a helping hand with your essay, you knew it was going to do anything but help you out with your essay. “What even is this thing on? Surely even I can understand what it means.”
“It looks at patterns of migration in variations of native African animals,” you informed him, noticing how quickly his expression dropped.
“Alright, well, with a bit of research I’m sure I can contribute something,” he muttered underneath his breath, quickly doubting how effective his plan seemed to initially be. “Do you have a book or something on it?”
Your head shook, tapping the top of your head. “All the information is stored up here for me to remember, but because you said you’d be such a big help, I’m sure you don’t need a book to research anything, right?”
“Okay, so maybe I underestimated just how difficult your essay would be,” he admitted, sighing across at you, “I know it’s difficult, but you’ve just got to stick at it, I won’t have you give up on all of this now.”
“You’re meant to be the smart one between the two of us, and even you’re confused,” you sighed.
Wonwoo’s head shook, pressing a kiss against the top of your own. “You’re definitely the smart one, there’s no way I could ever do the work that your doing, it’s incredible, really.”
“The offer is still there if you want to write it for me.”
He failed to remember the last time he’d seen you move as he came out from his studio and noticed you still sat in front of your laptop. “Y/N?” He called out, only to be met by silence, walking across to you.
“Sorry,” you muttered as his hand waved in front of your face to try and wake you up. “When did you get out of the studio?”
“I don’t think that matters right now, what matters is waking you up a bit, you’re driving yourself crazy with this essay,” he frowned, pulling your chair away from your desk to give you a bit of room to stretch out.
Your head shook, reaching out to pull yourself back, only for Jihoon to get in the way. “I know that you care Jihoon, but I was only daydreaming for five minutes, we’ve both got work to do, so let’s get on with it, shall we?”
“If you think I’m going to let you go back to doing some work in your current state then you are very much mistaken Y/N.” He established continuing to stare down at you, “I can tell you’ve been daydreaming for a lot longer too.”
“Alright, so maybe I was out of it for a while, but that’s time I need to make up for,” you groaned.
Jihoon continued to shake his head back at you, “when I told you I wasn’t moving, I meant it. For once, I’m not messing around, I’m going to make sure that you look after yourself.”
“I’m too tired to even bother arguing anymore with you.”
As yet another yawn left you, it was the final straw for Seokmin, walking around to your desk and standing in between you and your laptop. “You’ve got two choices, nap with me, or go and have a nap by yourself.”
“Can’t I just decline both of them?” You questioned, trying to peer around his waist so that you could look back at your essay.
“I’m not budging, and these hips are wide,” he smiled, stepping each time you moved. “Y/N, you’re exhausted, and don’t even try to deny it. At least close your eyes for half an hour and then come back to your work.”
Your head tried to shake, but as it did, another yawn escaped, rendering your argument pointless. “I can sleep for days once this essay is submitted Min, but until then, a trip to bed will just have to wait for me.”
“You’re not going to win,” he joked, staring down at you in front of him. “We can either do this the easy way or the hard way, and I’m happy to do either. So, I’ll leave it up to you to decide what you want to do.”
“That depends, what’s the easy way and what’s the hard way?” You challenged back to him.
His head nodded, “I’m guessing you’ve chosen the hard way,” he announced, bending down and wrapping his arms around you before scooping you off of your chair with ease.
“I would’ve still chosen the easy way I’ll have you know.”
A strong pair of arms wrapped around you, instantly drawing you out of the daydream that you found yourself in, staring at your half-written essay. “You’re coming with me for a while before you drive yourself crazy.”
“Mingyu, I need to get this done,” you huffed, trying to pull his arms away from your waist, but he was far too strong to budge.
“What you need to do, is forget about your essay for a while, and then you can go back to it with a clearer head in a bit,” he assured you, pulling you down on top of him as he fell onto the sofa, keeping a hold of you.
Despite your protests, it didn’t take long before you made yourself comfortable cuddled into his side. “I’ve still got plenty of work to do, no matter how much you want to use a break as an excuse to cuddle me.”
“I mean it was part of the reason, but also because I’m worried about you too. Everyone needs to take breaks, even if you think it’s wrong. You’ll go back to your essay and ace it,” he assured you, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“You sound confident for someone that makes it very hard to leave a cuddle,” you joked.
Mingyu’s eyes rolled back at you, “to say you were reluctant to cuddle me, you’ve very quickly changed your tune. I guess cuddling me is never as bad as you think it is.”
“There’s nothing bad ever about cuddling with you.”
Minghao had watched you shut yourself away for far too long when it came to writing your essay, sensing just how unproductive you were getting. “Talk to me about it,” he announced when you stopped writing again.
“What are you on about?” You questioned, jumping slightly at the sound of his voice. “What are we supposed to talk about?”
“Your essay,” he smiled, placing his phone down beside him so that you had his full attention. “It’s supposed to help talking about things, so why don’t you give me some of your ideas and see what you think about them aloud?”
You stared questionably across at him, “are you really telling me that you want to sit here and listen to me talk to you about a subject you have no idea about? Did you even study psychology at school to know things?”
“I haven’t got a clue, but that might help. Explain it to me, and if it’s simple enough for me to understand, then it’s simple enough to go in your essay too, right?” He suggested, noticing the way in which your eyes lit up.
“Do you know, that might not be such a bad idea, I need the practice right now,” you grinned.
His head nodded, moving himself a little closer towards you, “why don’t you go from the beginning in that case, and make sure to write it down. I’m all ears whenever you’re ready.”
“Alright, I hope you’re prepared to pay close attention to me.”
As another sigh echoed out around the room, Seungkwan stood up from his own desk, walking around to you, resting his hands against your shoulders. “How’s it going?” He asked, staring at your empty page.
“Terribly,” you frowned, leaning back to rest against his chest, “do you fancy swapping and writing this for me Kwan?”
“I love you, but not enough to write a three-thousand-word essay,” he smiled, leaning down to press a kiss against the top of your head, “you’ve just got to keep working at it, and eventually it’ll all come together into something beautiful.”
His words were kind, but you were far from convinced. “I’ve stared at this screen for three hours, written one sentence, and then deleted it. It’s like I’m destined to just fail this essay and mess up my grades at the last minute.”
“Well, you won’t get very far with a negative attitude like that,” Seungkwan pointed out to you, “as hard as it is, you’ve just got to remain positive for now and trust in that brain of yours that the work will write itself.”
“My brain feels like it’s never been so useless as it is right now,” you continued to vent.
Seungkwan’s lips pressed against the top of your head, “you’re being too hard on yourself, just relax, and I promise that the work will come to you and you’ll get a great essay written.”
“I don’t know what I’d do without your positivity sometimes.”
Your brows furrowed as soon as you looked around to see your phone no longer on your desk, failing to remember where you’d last put it. “Looking for something?” A voice questioned, as the pieces very quickly came together.
“That’s unfair,” you cried out, unsurprised when you looked around to see Vernon holding onto your phone in his hands.
“You keep getting distracted, but you’re almost at the end, all you’ve got left to write is your conclusion. Let me keep a hold of this,” he propositioned, “and I bet in an hour you can have that essay completed to word count.”
Your eyes rolled, however good of an idea of his it seemed to be. “I was doing just fine with this work before you came over and stole my belongings. I’ve barely even been on my phone that much today you know.”
“Y/N, every time I look up, you’re typing away on your phone,” he chuckled, shaking his head at your protests. “You’ll thank me for doing this in a little while once your essay is complete and you’re not worrying anymore.”
“I’m not just typing, I’m doing research as well,” you tried to protest.
Vernon scoffed back at you, “Twitter is not research, however hard you want to try and convince yourself otherwise. Now, get it written, and then you can scroll through your feeds.”
“You really can be evil sometimes; do you know that?”
It was obvious to Chan that you were beginning to struggle with your essay, you’d barely focused on it for quite some time, finding every distraction possible. “I’ve got a suggestion,” he called out as you picked up your phone again.
“What’s that?” You questioned, looking away from your computer to his figure that was sat across the room.
“I’ll order us takeout for dinner, my treat, if you get two hundred words done in the next hour,” Chan proposed, noticing how quickly your eyes lit up at the mention of food. “But only if you get your work done.”
A loud groan came from you, “I just knew that food would come at a price, it always does with you. Can’t we agree on one hundred, do you know how much effort two hundred words is going to take?”
“I do, but I also know how much better you’ll feel once you get it done,” he proudly smirked, knowing that he was right. “Just get your head done, if food isn’t a good enough goal for you to reach, I don’t know what is.”
“You promise that two hundred is all I need for takeout?” You quizzed.
Chan’s head nodded back at you with a laugh, “I promise, as soon as you add two hundred words to that essay, a menu of your choosing will be ordered for dinner, and all paid for by me.”
“Alright, I guess I better get my head down then.”
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n tommy wilbur and george - the water olympics
part 9 to the great adventures series
warnings: cursing, a suicide joke (the one george made in the vlog)
you were currently sat in your bedroom editing a video for your youtube channel however someone had different plans as you heard your parents talking to someone telling them you were in your room and that they could go straight up
you laughed before getting up placing your laptop on your desk before opening your door letting your friend inside.
“what is it with people randomly showing up where I live”
“ill have you know I asked your parents”
“Pfft yeah okay Tommy sure you did. anyway I’m glad you’re here editing was beginning to make me want to throw my laptop”
“you are honestly so dramatic pass us your laptop I’ll edit for you if you let me stay the night as it’s about to rain”
“you brought a backpack with you...you clearly planned on staying the night anyway but yes it’s a deal”
Tommy laughed before sitting on your bed waiting for you to bring the laptop over and sit next to him keeping him entertained as he edits for you. it was around late afternoon when he finished editing the video and you spent the entire time telling him about your merch plans and getting the sizes and items he’s going to want as you were planning on sending him some when you’ve agreed on a final design and products
“all done I want full credit for editing”
“hey I edited like a whole 3 minutes of the video..fine fine just stop staring at me like that”
the two of you realised it was a little late and neither of you wanted to cook anything so decided to go to a local restaurant. a few hours later you arrived back home it was pretty late now so your parents had gone to bed so you had to keep reminding each other not to yell, once in your room the pair of you collapsed onto your bed, you rolled over to face Tommy
“So why are you actually here huh, what’s going on in that mind of yours”
“I know it’s short notice but tomorrow afternoon would you like to go to this inflatable water course with me will and George”
“I don’t have anything else to do so I’d be more than happy to come with you guys what time do we need to be awake, we may as well set an alarm now in case we fall asleep as I tend to sleep in really late”
“I’ve got it don’t worry about it”
Tommy set an alarm as you logged into Disney plus so you and Tommy could watch tv for a while before deciding on sleeping arrangements, you put on the good dinosaur and instantly regret that decision as you began ranting to Tommy about how the films depressing. soon enough the pair of you fell asleep.
at 9 am Tommy's alarm went off waking the pair of you up
“y/n get up we’re going to a lake”
“Okay okay I’m up”
Tommy went to the bathroom to get ready so you could get ready in your room a few minutes later you both made your way downstairs grabbing a snack you could eat whilst you waited for your taxi to arrive. the pair of you arrived at the lake first, George arrived next and that’s when you noticed Wilbur show up and George beginning to record what’s happening
“Tommy is he wearing a suit?” you tilted your head to the left as Wilbur stepped out of the car
“it worked George”
“Why are you wearing a suit?”
“for the meal”
“we’re not doing the restaurant”
your eyes widened and you tried to hide your laughter as Tommy said he couldn’t change as he only hired three wetsuits, you all made your way to get your wetsuits, Wilbur reluctantly following you all as soon as you all stepped in several people began to stare at you all
“they’re staring at me because I’m wearing a suit”
George laughed before telling him it could also be because your hair was awfully similar to a highlight. you lightly hit his shoulder before rolling your eyes
you laughed as you went away to get changed returning a few moments later
“I’m ready boys oh they gave will a life jacket”
“Why do you sound so disappointed”
“you not a fan of drowning then?”
“no, I’m not!”
Tommy grabbed your hand and ran towards the water before jumping in taking you down with him
soon enough will and George made it onto the inflatable, Tommy tried to film his intro however the fact you and George were jumping in the background made it rather difficult. Tommy ran to Wilbur who pushed him into the water
you made your way across but saw Tommy in the water making you laugh which made you fall in the water too
“well hello again y/n”
“Hello Tommy funny seeing you here”
George managed to help you up whilst Wilbur pretended to help Tommy up before walking away. Tommy just held onto the inflatable whilst looking at you
you reached your hand out and helped him back up onto the inflatable.
you made your way across the bridge Wilbur not far behind you so he could push Tommy off of the bridge into the water, he did but fell with him, you fell over laughing as George went to help Wilbur but ended up falling in himself. you George and Tommy ran to a high point of the course which will wanted you all successfully defended it and even managed to push will into the water. you and George weren’t the best at this course you had fallen three times and George fell twice
“look at them both”
Tommy turned around to see you and George in the water again as the pair of you fell once back on the inflatable you both made your way back to the others however George slipped and grabbed your arm trying to stay up ultimately dragging you down with him
“When is it my turn to be happy”
you all made your way to the canopy without falling, well that was until Tommy decided to lean on it causing it to fall into the water taking Tommy with it
“bye tom”
“he’s stuck save him”
“Nah this is funny”
Wilbur ended up helping him by making it so he could actually climb onto the inflatable
“you’re embarrassing us in front of the lifeguards”
you made your way across the course this time you didn’t fall as much as you did earlier on in the day, Wilbur went to push Tommy into the water again however this time you and George decided to get payback and attempted to side tackle him so he fell into the water
“bye will”
will finally got back onto the inflatable and pulled you aside
“We should form an alliance...I wouldn’t leave you behind”
“When I say meet you there you start running the course I'll make sure you don’t fall”
“understood let’s do this”
you got ready to go as will told Tommy and George that the truces weren’t working and there was only one way to settle it
“meet you there”
you started running across the course you were doing surprisingly well, Wilbur only had to prevent you from falling once and that was because you lost balance over one obstacle
“I've got you! keep going”
eventually, you both turned around to see that Tommy and George finally set off and were making their way to you both
“we’re team weak..strong every day of the week”
you managed to contain your laughter as George fell as soon as Tommy said that
“we’ll be team pussy”
soon enough they caught up you and will went to push Tommy into the water however George snuck up behind you both and pushed you into the water
“ah yes water my good friend we meet again”
will helped you up first then you helped him up will noticed George fell and went to push him in the water whilst you made your way to Tommy
“I call this the leg turrent”
“you plan on doing this forever heh?”
you helped George back up whilst Wilbur tackled Tommy further down the course
“oh Tommy is still on the floor”
“what have you done to him”
you made your way to Tommy with George only to hear Tommy yell about the art of deception followed by a splash and Tommy's laughter. George got up to go get the drinks but fell again then stood up slowly turning to face you all
“that was called comedy.. I'll go get the drinks kills myself”
“the hydration is good”
“ah thanks, George you see I’ve personally been spending the majority of my time in the water”
Tommy ran over to you all then fell into the water making you all laugh followed by Wilbur telling him to complete the line about how many people are and are not subscribed to his vlog channel
“When did George fall into the water”
“How are you guys feeling for a race”
“I’m down”
“right you and George are going to run that way around, y/n and I will run this way and we’ll meet at the nub we fought for”
“winner gets to launch the other of that big floppy thing”
Tommy and George ran off before you two however you and will made it to the nub before the others, mainly because neither of you fell and worked together.
“come across Tommy we will let you have the win if you make it across that”
Tommy ran at the bridge however he fell three quarters over the bridge
“oh fucking hell”
“he tried”
you and will helped Tommy up however George ran over
“George you’re ruining the moment” Wilbur pushed him over the edge into the water
“bye again George”
“let’s go back to the nub”
“I think me and y/n technically won”
Tommy decided to shake hands with will and made you go over to him so he could give you a hug you stood with will filming Tommy for the outro you waved bye to Tommy as he fell a rather long distance into the water, once will stopped recording he pushed you into the water from the same height
once you all dried off and got ready you and Tommy made your way back to yours as it was late you agreed Tommy may as well stay the night again, the pair of you spent the night playing games together and arguing about who won the game you missed spending time with just Tommy and he missed spending time with you so you were both incredibly thankful he decided to come over to yours a few days earlier than expected.
@l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @c1loudee
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chaoticminhos · 4 years
pairing: bang chan x reader
genre: angst, smut
warnings: mentions of past abuse, yelling
word count: 3k
a/n: not proofread, this is a suuuuper old request, and i’m back after like two months of being inactive!!! thank you for waiting around for me đŸ„ș
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you’d never heard him yell like this, not even when you tripped over his computer cords, ripping them all from his laptop and causing him to lose hours of work. he never got this angry, he never raised his voice at you. he knew how much yelling scared you, so why now did he decide he didn’t care? you thought he cared. he seemed like he cared.
you flinched are every single word that came out of your boyfriends mouth, but he was far too focused on his own frustrations to notice. or maybe he simply didn’t care about the tears building in your eyes and the panic tightening in your throat.
“i don’t understand how you could put down a payment that big and not even talk to me about it first, y/n! i mean seriously, we said we were going to wait to see what other places were available, why the fuck would you think it would be okay to drop half of our fucking funding down on a house we haven’t even decided we really want yet?”
“i’m sorry chan, he- the realtor was so insistent and he kept saying it would go fast and you weren’t there to make him stop talking and i just got nervous and-“
“oh?” he threw his hands into the air, “you got nervous? you got nervous so you threw away a shit ton of our money? we can’t get that back, y/n! if we don’t buy the house, we don’t get all that money back to spend on another house!”
“chan i-“
“thanks for making a huge fucking life decision without me, y/n. nice fucking teamwork.”
not only had you never seen him yell like this, you’d most definitely never had him yell like this at you. the pure frustration he was directing towards you sprung up old memories of someone chan promised to keep you safe from, but any loud and angry voice sounded like the one that used to mean panic and lying to doctors.
any glue you had holding you together broke as the same pleading words that had never worked before flew out of your mouth.
“please, i’m really sorry, i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to! i really didn’t, please don’t hurt me, i’m sorry!”
your words became incoherent as you lost control of yourself, the same autopilot routine you’d gotten so used to years ago taking control. you crumpled to the ground, shielding yourself with your arms as you continued to apologize, over and over and over and over. you waited for the pain to come, the arms to rip your hands away from your face and force you to look evil in its eyes, but they never came.
you’d thought they had, but it was just chan placing a hand on your shoulder, trying to steady you and get you to look at him. you immediately flinched away from the touch, shuffling yourself backwards and distancing yourself from the perceived threat.
he reached for you again, but you had the same reaction, not even letting him come into contact with you a second time. upon realizing that physical touch wasn’t the way to bring you back to reality, chan dropped any ounce of anger that had been in his voice just moments before and called to you.
“y/n, baby girl, it’s me, it’s okay. baby, it’s chan. can you look at me?”
you shook your head. you weren’t hearing him.
“baby girl, it’s chan. i’m not him, it’s chan. i’m here for you baby, and i’m so sorry i yelled.”
a few minutes of continuing to coax the calm out of you with his voice took the violent shaking from your body and you finally raised your head to meet his eyes. you still wouldn’t let him get close enough for him to pull you into his arms and keep you there, keep you safe.
“i wouldn’t ever hurt you y/n. i’m not him, okay?he’s not here. he can’t hurt you anymore.”
he inched his way over to you, moving slowly and checking constantly to make sure he wasn’t frightening you with the proximity until he was finally close enough to touch you, but he didn’t. instead, he crouched down in front of you and opened his arms wide.
“princess, do you want to come here? whenever you’re ready, i’m here to hold you and keep you safe, okay?”
he’d expected hesitation, but you jumped immediately into his arms, wrapping your own around his body. you were pressed so tightly against him that he could feel just how fast your heart was racing. it broke his heart to know that it wasn’t butterflies causing your heart to beat so fast for him, but instead it was fear.
“i’m sorry for yelling, i shouldn’t have yelled.”
with every second that your tears soaked into his shirt and your labored breathing began to calm down, chan was replaying the entire fight in his head, cursing himself for ever raising his voice in the first place.
after what felt like hours of chan mentally screaming at himself for scaring you, you finally spoke again. your raspy and shaking voice are what finally brought tears to chan’s own eyes.
“i’m sorry.”
“no.” he said firmly, “you have nothing to apologize for baby, i’m the one who should be on my knees begging for forgiveness. i’m so sorry y/n, i had no right to raise my voice like that.”
you shook your head, face buried in his shoulder, “no, i messed up. now we have to buy the house and you don’t even like it.”
your voice cracked and a fresh wave of sobs threatened to choke out your throat, but chan interrupted them.
“my sweet angel, i could not care less about the house. what matters is that i’m living there with you. if you like the house, if you can imagine starting a family with me there, then i love it.”
a wave of relief flooded through chan when a soft smile broke out on your face.
“i think the yard would be perfect for kids to play in.”
chan rested a hand on your cheek and guided your face close to his, “then it’s a good thing you put down a payment. i’ll ask the realtor about when we can start to move in tomorrow, okay?”
you nodded as he placed a gentle kiss to your lips. the taste of salty tears on your lips only made him want to kiss you more, hold you closer, show you that he loved you more than he could have ever imagined loving someone, if you’d let him.
and you’d decided that you finally would.
“chan,” you pulled away, eyes locked right to his, “do you think were ready for kids?”
he pouted in thought, “i think we’re going to be wonderful parents, sooner or later.”
eyes still locked to his, you spoke.
“can we do sooner?”
you caught him off guard with the question and it took him a moment to process what you were suggesting.
in all the time you’d been together, you’d never slept together. chan knew you were nervous and he wasn’t going to pressure you, no matter how badly he wanted to outline your entire body with kisses and praise.
he’d always known your first time would start with you suggesting it, but now that it was finally happening, he was almost too flustered to act.
he shifted his seating at the simple mention of finally having you, locking his eyes to yours.
“are you sure, princess?”
you nodded, hands fiddling with the collar of his shirt, “i want you.”
that was all it took for chan to capture your lips in his, leaning you back until your back was flat against the ground.
you weren’t a stranger to kissing chan like this or even to the reactions his body had to it. you’d seen him worked up many times because of you, but he always handled it himself.
but he made you feel safe, he made you feel loved. you didn’t even know it was possible to feel so cared for before you’d met chan. he changed your life, he’d helped you through so much. you wanted to help him, too.
you slid a hand from his neck down his chest and to the waistband of his pants. he yelped in surprise, not expecting you to be so forward.
he gripped your hand, guiding it back to his neck with a small laugh.
“the first time we have sex will not be on the floor of this shitty kitchen.”
you laughed back as he stood you up, sweeping you into his arms and easily carrying you to your shared bedroom. you wouldn’t have been able to stop him from picking you up even if you had wanted to, but the thought didn’t scare you. with anyone else, it would have. the feeling of powerlessness would have overwhelmed you, but you trusted chan. he wouldn’t hurt you. he was carrying you to safety, not to fear.
he sat you down on the mattress, taking the time to remove his shirt before crawling on top of you and connecting his lips back to yours.
as much as you loved kissing the man on top of you, you lightly shoved him away, hands sliding down his bare torso as you took him all in. he was gorgeous. the freckles across his chest and his hot skin against your palms made waves of butterflies go through your stomach.
chan let you marvel at him for a moment before leaning down and kissing your neck, speaking warmly into the skin.
“now you’ve seen me. can i see you, angel?”
there wasn’t even a second of hesitation before you were nodding, lifting your arms above your head to allow him to pull off your shirt.
if it has been anyone else asking for you to reveal yourself in your most vulnerable, you would have hesitated. you would have done so much more than hesitate, but it wasn’t someone else. it was chan. there was no reason to hesitate with chan.
his fingers ghosted over your back as he fumbled to unclip your bra, tossing it onto the quickly forming pile of clothes on the ground.
he failed an attempt to hold i’m a groan at the sight of you under him. the noise sent a wave of affection and lust through your body, landing right in your core.
he leaned down and placed another gentle kiss to your lips before trailing his way down your body, landing on your left boob. he swirled his tongue around your nipple before taking it into his mouth, coaxing a soft moan from your lips. he made a sound of approval in response and repeated his action, gaining the same reaction.
god, he’d wanted to take his time with you, but you were making it difficult for him to keep his patience.
continuing his trail of kisses, he found his way to the waistband of your pants, tapping your hip as a signal for you to shift your weight to help him pull them off. you complied, it wasn’t like your patience was holding up much better than his.
you reached for him, trying to get him to the same position you were in, but he pushed your hand away. you let out an annoyed whine and got an amused chuckle in response, which only made your pout grow.
“you’re so eager y/n. you want me bad, don’t you?”
you nodded and his smile grew.
“be patient, baby girl. i don’t want to hurt you.”
your reply was instant, “you won’t hurt me.”
he raised an eyebrow at you, a hint of something other than the pure affection he’d been showing you thus far showing through his eyes.
“i’m not? okay.”
he leaned back on his heels, undoing his belt and jeans. you watched as he pulled himself from his confinements and kept the position like he was on display, letting you take in every inch of him.
you’d never seen a dick up close and personal before, but you were sure that chan was huge. a smirk grew on his face as he watched you turn back on you’re statement.
“still think you’ll handle me fine with no prep?”
too stunned to form a coherent sentence, you just stared at him, raking your eyes over his body.
he shrugged, “i didn’t hear a no.”
you broke from your trance as he went into motion, leaning down close to you and situating himself between your legs.
he paused, raising an eyebrow at you.
“i didn’t know.”
“didn’t know what, angel?”
he knew perfectly well what you were referring to, but he wanted to make you say it.
“didn’t know you were so big.”
both his heart and his cock throbbed at the crude words coming out of your mouth in that innocent little voice of yours.
unable to contain a smile, he leaned down and placed a loving kiss to your temple, keeping his place between your legs as he drug his hand down your body. a small gasp left you when his fingers came in contact with your heat, the pure intensity of having someone touch you for the first time nearly overwhelming you.
you weren’t sure you’d be able to handle much with how intense every touch he gave you already was, but you quickly changed your mind to wanting so much more as he slid a single finger through your folds and into your heat.
the feeling was uncomfortable at first, foreign, but you got used to it quickly. just as you’d adjusted to the feeling, a second finger was being added, stretching you further. you winced slightly at the pain the stretch caused, but the pleasure as chan curled his fingers against your walls easily outweighed it.
it wasn’t long before you were practically begging him for more, insisting that you were ready now, that he had worked you good enough for you to handle him.
he was worried that he hadn’t, that you could use a couple more minutes of prep, but how was he supposed to say no to you when you were begging like that? especially after waiting so long to finally have you in this position, he couldn’t.
it was hard to believe you’d had any initial hesitation with the way you wrapped your legs around his back as he sat lined up at your entrance, partly to tease you and partly to give you one final change to back out before you went any further, but there was no way you were going to back out now.
you had one thing on your mind; the man above you. you wanted him, and nothing could change your mind about this. no amount of nerves or fear could overpower the love and need you felt at the moment.
it took everything out of chan not to ruin you the second he slipped inside your walls. you swallowed him so perfectly, right walls clenching around him as he began a slow pace.
he made the mistake of opening his bliss-closed eyes and looking at the place his cock met your body. he held on to every last ounce of control he had as he watched himself slide in and out of you so perfectly. you were so small, but you still took him like it was what you were made for.
“god, baby, you’re doing so good.” he groaned, tearing his eyes away from your heat and burying his face in the crook of your neck. the mixture of his lips against your neck and his length working inside of you built up a knot in your stomach, and your moans started to sound more like whines. chan noticed, both by your change in tone and the way you were helplessly clenching around him, and brought a hand down to your clit, circling his fingers softly against you. in a wave of pleasure you handy even known was possible, you gripped hard into chan’s shoulders and swore you were seeing stars. chan was lucky you’d talked about having children soon, because he didn’t know if he could have pulled himself out of you if he had needed to. the urge to work you through your climax and let his own go was something he was glad he didn’t have fight against.
yet another foreign feeling touched your senses as chan released inside of you, but you were too far gone in coming down from your high to really even notice. the overstimulation of him still being inside of you wasn’t your main concern as you came back down from the clouds.
you came back to reality as he slipped himself out of you, collecting any cum that came out with him and pressing it back into your hole with his fingers. you lied limp as he found your panties and secured them back over your heat, muttering something about making sure you kept every piece of him safe inside of you.
you barely registered that he’d left the room before he was back, two glasses of water and a plate of fruit in his arms. somewhere along the way his boxers had ended up back on him, just another thing you’d been too stunned to process.
you heard the sound of him setting the glasses and plate on a side table before feeling the bed dip beside you. he chuckled, placing his hand on your cheek and turning you to look at him. your eyelids fluttered and his heart swelled. he helped you into a sitting position and handed you one of the waters, setting the plate of food on the bed beside you and ordering you to eat something.
“you seem dizzy, i don’t want you to pass out.”
you laughed raising an eyebrow, “who’s fault is it that i’m dizzy?”
he put his hands up in defense, “you’re the one who seduced me!”
neither of you could contain your giggles as you popped one last grape into your mouth before handing chan the plate and your glass to set aside. the second his hands were free, you pulled him down to a laying position and yanked the blankets over the two of you, finding a soft pillow in his chest.
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auburnaudry · 3 years
Surprises make everything better! -Brock Boeser
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A/N: This is my favorite writing so far so I hope you like it as much as I do. I actually enjoy writing now so if anyone has any request let me know and I will try my best! Or if you wanna talk about/have questions about any of my writing let me know I would love to chat about it.
Side note: I’m really sorry, I have zero idea how to give credit to the creator of a GIF so if anyone knows how to do that and can help me figure it out that would be much appreciated? Thank ya <3
Summary: Brock canceled your original plans for the summer and you are really upset about it! To make you feel better he sends a surprise to you apartment.
Word count: 1552 words
“Hey bubs” you answered the FaceTime call coming in from your boyfriend. You were sitting on your bed with your laptop open besides you, scrolling through tiktok on your phone before Brock had called.
“Hey, what are you up to?” From the looks of it, Brock was currently in his car driving somewhere.
“I’m suppose to be in class right now but I can’t focus so it’s kinda just playing as background noise at the moment. Whata bout you? Where are you going?” Since your school work is online this semester you find it increasingly difficult to pay attention to your classes and often find yourself FaceTimeing Brock during them.
“Baby your suppose to be paying attention.” He chuckled giving you a look “Anyway, I’m on my way home from practice but I really missed you and wanted to hear your voice” he wasn’t always open about his feelings while you were away at school so hearing him say that made your heart ache a little.
“Awe, I miss you more Brocky. Only a couple more weeks till we get to see each other.” Since the Canucks didn’t find themselves in a playoff spot this season, Brock was going to be done with hockey around the same time your finals were starting.
“Actually baby I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that.” His expression changed from happy to serious. “I actually think I’m gonna head straight to Minnesota when the season ends. It’s way too complicated to figure out what I’m going to do with the dogs and I’m also really sick of all the traveling” you were really caught off guard by his words because just last week he was so excited to come and see you.
The original plan was that Brock was going to fly out to NYC, after his season ended, to finally see you and keep you company during finals week. And after, he was going to help you pack up your apartment and drive with you back to your family’s home in Connecticut. Then you would spend a month hanging out with all your friends and family, before flying back to Minnesota for the rest of the summer to do the same with his loved ones.
“Oh” was all you could manage. You were kinda hurt that he didn’t want to put in the extra effort to come and see you, after not being able to see each other in person for almost 4 months.
“I’m sorry bubs, it’s just a lot, but after your finals you can fly straight out to Minnesota, it’ll only be one extra week” now he was starting to irritate you.
“But I wanted us to have time to spend with my family because we always see yo-.... you know what never mind it’s all good” you were trying your best not to sound bitter and to see his side of things but you just couldn’t. “I actually have to go this class is important and I should probably be paying attention, I’ll call you later.”
“Y/n please don’t go, we should talk about this.” Brock tried
“No it’s fine I’m not upset. I’ll talk to you later.” You tried to convince him.
“Alright, I love you please call me later.” He pleaded
“K bye.” And with that you hung up. It was actually the first time you hung up without saying you loved him back. You obviously still loved him but you were so upset with him, the words just couldn’t come out. Now you felt guilty about it, what if something happened and the last thing you said to him was ‘k bye’. Before you could get lost in your thoughts though, a text came through.
Brockstar đŸ’«:
You didn’t say it back 😔
Y/n/n 🍑:
I love you
Brockstar đŸ’«:
Do you mean it? đŸ€”
Y/n/n 🍑:
More than anything
Brockstar đŸ’«:
Good cause same.
You were happy he noticed and wasn’t afraid to say something to you about it. It made you feel like your love was wanted and needed. But even with that, you were still very upset with him.
Y/n/n 🍑:
Have a safe flight buddy, I love you 💕
Brockstar đŸ’«:
Call me buddy one more time...
Y/n/n 🍑:
Or what?... buddy
Brockstar đŸ’«:
😐 you are impossible
Love you I’ll text you when I land... Good luck on your final today your gonna crush it I know you got big brains
Y/n/n 🍑:
Thanks buddy
Brockstar đŸ’«:
Uggggg 🙄
Today Brock was flying back to Minnesota and you were starting you rigorous final schedule. Although you were still a little sad that he wasn’t coming to see you, you understood that he just wanted to get home after the season, so you were trying not to hold it against him too much.
You continued on with your day, continuing to prepare for your final that started at 1:00pm. You were definitely ready to get it over with. This one was the toughest of your finals and you were glad it was your first.
1:00pm came faster than expected and before you knew it your were starting your final. It was actually going a lot better than expected and you were on track to finish an hour early, not taking up the full 4 hours.
When you finally finished, you took a giant breathe of relief. You sat down on your couch and thought about what you wanted to eat for dinner that night, you had skipped lunch so you were starving.
You were soon pulled from your thoughts by a knocking on your apartment door. You went to look through the peep hole and saw a man walking away. You waited until he was most of the way down your hall to open the door and peek out. There was a beautiful edible arrangement sitting on the ground with a note attached.
You quickly picked it up and brought it into your apartment, closing the door behind you. You placed it on your kitchen island and took your phone out to take a picture before digging in. You grab the note first and read it out loud to yourself.
I’m sorry I’m the worst boyfriend on planet earth, so I hope this makes up for it or at least makes you feel a little better. I know it’s your favorite so if you don’t feel better, than I know I really messed up this time.
Hopefully still the love of your life,
Y/n/n 🍑:
You will obviously always be the love of my life no matter what you do.... thanks babe it actually did make me feel better
Brockstar đŸ’«:
Shit it came already? I didn’t want it to get there till after your final! I’m sorry if you were interrupted😬
Y/n/n 🍑:
I finished my final an hour early! It came at the perfect time.
Brockstar đŸ’«:
Ok good 😅
Y/n/n 🍑:
Thanks bubs I love you 💕
Brockstar đŸ’«:
Love you too
You started to pick at the basket but had to stop yourself so you wouldn’t over eat before dinner. While trying to figure out what you were in the mood for you heard another knock at your door.
You rolled your eyes because this was the second time you were interrupted while trying to figure out what you were going to eat for dinner. Before you got to the door the person knocked again so you forewent looking out the peephole and just swung the door opened, slightly agitated but the impatience of whoever was at your door.
When the door fully opened you were met with Brock standing in front of you with all his luggage and holding your favorite flowers.
“Hi!” He smiled as the words left his mouth. You automatically started sobbing because you were so happy to see him. You put your arms around his neck locking him into a hug, accidentally smushing the flowers a little in the process.
“What are you doing here?” You cried into his neck.
“You didn’t actually think I would fuck up our entire summer plans did you?” He chuckled as he placed the flowers on top of his suit case so he could properly hug you back.
“Uggggg why would you do that to me? I was so sad.” You said still gripping him as hard as you could, afraid to let go.
“I’m sorry baby, I thought a surprise would be more fun.” You giggled into his neck.
“Yeah so much fun” you said sarcastically “I’m just glad you’re here.” You said pulling away to give him a kiss.
“Me too” after pecking his lips another time, you helped him bring his bags inside. You didn’t have plans for the night but you were starving so he suggested getting takeout and bringing it back to the apartment.
You agreed because you were drained from your exam and weren’t in the mood to dress up and go out. You also wanted to spend as much time in Brocks arms as humanly possible and being in the privacy of your apartment would allow for that.
You spent the rest of your night between the sheets making up for the 4 months you lost. You still couldn’t believe that he was actually with you in your apartment but you cherished every moment of it.
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partywithgyu · 3 years
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Work keeping them away from their S/O.
//Gender neutral.//
//Mentions of a sprained ankle and stress.//
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Choi Yeonjun. 
You knew, Yeonjun loved you. He had told you that so many times. You loved him too. There was something else that you two gave a lot of attention to; your careers. Well, that's how things can be in this world. However, Yeonjun was kept more occupied than you. Having time to spend with him, but him being busy often led to disappointment. Yeonjun knew that. 
On this very night, he waited outside your apartment for you. The lift opened to reveal your drunk self, holding onto your bestie. The other two smiled at each other. "Thanks for dropping me," you sang to your bestie who just chuckled. "Your turn to be the designated driver next time." "Ay. Ay. Captain." 
"You should have told me you were coming," you whined as you looked for the apartment key in your bag. "I wanted to surprise you, babe. I missed you," he said as he watched you hand him the key. Your lips curved into a small child like smile. "Open it for me." He clicked his tongue, taking the key from your hand. "I told you I missed you. Tell me you missed me too," he complained making you chuckle. "I wanna pee. Open the door!" "First tell me you missed me." "I miss you a lot all the time. Now open." 
Well, he was kind enough to open the door after. The two then stuck to the night routine before laying on the bed. It was after days that you were laying beside him. It felt nice. You didn't enjoy laying by yourself all alone. Especially on nights when sleep deserted you. That's when you felt the loneliest. He noticed the way you had shifted so close to him. There was a small smile on your face as he wrapped his arm around you. "So cozy. I haven't been sleeping well for the past few days," you said to him. "Why?," he asked in a soft tone. His lips curved to a small frown. "I don't know. Have you been sleeping well?" 
"Not really. I was busy. That's not important," he said. "You know what's more important than that?," he added. You were laying with your eyes shut, all ready to doze off. He watched your mouth open to answer his question. "Your career."
He was silent. He didn't like listening to that. It hurt him to hear those words but that's how things had been. Guilt overtook him. He felt guilty about letting you feel like you weren't the important thing he was talking about. He felt guilty about not making enough time. Perhaps, he had not been reminding you about his love for you enough. He had to. Placing a kiss on your forehead, he promised himself to spend the next day, that he had as an off, with you. He would prioritize you and remind you that you still meant a lot to him. 
Choi Soobin. 
He was away quite often he knew. His work kept him busy. He still tried to always be a reliable person to you. He was someone you could trust and always ask for help. He thought he was doing a good job until he came to know of the secret you were hiding. More like, a sprained ankle. 
It was a bright day at work and everything seemed to be going well. As time consuming as it was, his work didn't always seem a burden. He enjoyed it. And then he got to know in a conversation with his mother, during his break time. She mentioned running into you. Unfortunately for you, she didn't forget to mention the cast you were wearing on your leg. "Cast?" he had asked his mom. You had sprained your ankle. To prevent any more damage to your ligament you had to wear it. However, did you have to stress Soobin? "You didn't know?" He was confused. You hadn't mentioned it to him. He was your boyfriend after all. So, he called you immediately. 
"Love, are you wearing a cast?" 
"Um? Yeah." The hesitation in your voice was painfully clear. You had very clearly been hiding it from him. He didn't like that. 
"What do you mean by yeah? What happened? How did you get hurt?" 
"Bin. It's not that bad. I fell down that's all. It'll be off in a few days. It's just a bad sprain. Don't worry about it." 
"Don't worry about it? Why wouldn't you tell me that? Why did I hear it from someone else? Tell me." He was angry. This was a rare occurrence. He wasn't the kind to get so irritated and talk like that. In this situation, you knew you were to be blamed. However, you did have your own reasons. 
"You're busy and I didn't want to add to your stress." 
"I am never too busy for you."
"You are. Let's admit it, okay? I am not saying you have to pick between me or your career. I know it's how it is but it's difficult for me too. So, don't yell." 
You were right, he knew. It's not like he could leave the building and head to meet you after getting to know about the injury. You were the one who got injured after all. It took him a few seconds to realize that he might have overreacted. 
"I am sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I just got a little worried. I want to take care of you, you know?" 
"It's fine." "Really?" "Yeah. I said, it's fine," you said to him softly. You couldn't stay mad at him. Especially after listening to those sweet words. You wished he was around you more often. You really missed him. 
"You sound a little sad," he said softly. 
"I miss you a lot," you confessed. The shift in your tone made his heart sink. He couldn't bear listening to you be that sad. "I miss you too. I think there are chances that we have a late schedule tomorrow. I'll come over to your house then, okay?" 
"Yes please." Just the thought of getting to meet him again made you so happy. He smiled on hearing the excitement in your tone. "I have to go now. Break is over. Take care, okay? Love you," he said to you. " "Okay." "And?" "I love you too." 
Later that night, you opened the door to your boyfriend who brought with him snacks and ice-cream. 
Choi Beomgyu. 
Beomgyu had been busy with interviews. Along with the other boys, he spent hours sitting in front of the camera, filming. Then, he had to shoot for To Do. Then, he had to learn Japanese. Then, it was time for a songwriting session. 
As he sat in the studio thinking of a concept to write about, he thought of you. Work wasn't as bad. He still wished he was with you. It would be nice if he could spend at least a small amount of time with you. He wanted to. Yet, he didn't really know if he could tell you those words directly. He knew staying away from each other for such a long time could be tough for you too. 
He started writing. The words came to him so easily. The feeling had lingered for a while. It was while writing that he found himself asking why had you not left him yet. He gulped as he stared at those words. Did you deserve to adjust that much? Was he selfish for wanting you to stay? 
Even the others boys could tell there was something on his mind as they packed up to leave, past midnight. As soon as they reached home, he pulled out his phone to dial your number. Lucky for him, you hadn't fallen asleep yet. "Hey sweetie," you said to him. A smile took over his face when he heard you call him that. "Hi love. Why aren't you asleep?" "I was finishing some work. And then got busy going through memes on instagram." He clicked his tongue. "You will remain short if you don't sleep early." 
Seated on his bed, he engaged in the conversation. "I don't think I can grow any taller," you said. He sighed. "Kids nowadays," he commented. "Shut up, you grandpa." He chuckled. A yawn escaped your mouth. He could hear it over the phone. "Isn't it annoying?," he asked you. "What is?" "We don't spend a lot of time together," he said to you. He felt nervous about highlighting the fact to you. 
"It is slightly. It would be more annoying if you were in a field you didn't like. It would be more annoying, if I would act like a fool and give up on you just like that. We're not like couples straight out of a movie but it's fine. We're us. And this is how things are."
As always, he found comfort in your assurance. "You're my soulmate."
Kang Taehyun. 
Taehyun and you both knew that his job could keep him away for sometime. That didn't mean that he wouldn't try to be the best boyfriend to you. He would be a  rather responsible one. Even if he wasn't in town, he would remember to text you whenever he was free. He could always tell how your day was going. 
So, on this particular day as you replied to his text with one word replies, he could tell you weren't in the best mood. Even when he was in another city, he could tell you were trying to act like you were okay, he could tell. "I'll be back," he said to Kai who was laying on the bed next to his. He headed out of the room to the pool side. It was after a few days that they had free time. He planned on calling you anyway. 
"Hey," he said to you over the phone. "Hi," you said in a tone not so light. To him it sounded like you were pretending to be cheerful when you were tired. "Are you okay?," he asked. "No. I am Y/N." He clicked his tongue on listening to the dad joke. "You're an idiot. That's what you are," he said. "Hey! Do you wanna fight or something?," you asked playfully. "Sure. Don't challenge me babe." 
A small laugh, he heard. "Seriously, are you fine?" "I wouldn't say I am not fine," you said to him. You were sitting in a chair, before a table. On the table was a laptop, books, papers, so much work for you to get done. "I am a little stressed. I have so much work to get done with," you let him know. He sighed. He knew you used to stay as busy as him. If anything, you were as likely to over work as much as he was. It was something he didn't really like. He knew what it felt like though. 
"Do you leave the house? Have you been going for walks?," he asked you. The cold night breeze surrounded him as he looked at the beautiful view of the blue pool under the night sky. "You're not here. I don't like going for walks unless it's with you." "I know I am a very fun person. I still think you should exercise a little at least," he said. "I don't feel like leaving the house. Maybe, I'll exercise at home. It's just I have so much work to get done with. I don't feel like getting physically tired, you know?" 
"Baby, take breaks." It was a command more than a suggestion. "I don't--" "You have to. You'll get burnt out otherwise." "I don't have anything to do." "Don't worry about that," he assured you. "It's late now. Keep your phone aside and sleep, okay?" "I-" "Okay?" "Okay." "Good. Sweet dreams love." "You too. Goodnight Tae." 
The next day, in the evening, you got delivered a package. It was from Tae. That's what the label on top said. The package was filled with a few coloring books and water coloring pens. It left you surprised by how considerate he was. It was the perfect way to fill your break time. It was heartwarming how caring he was. Even when he was away, he managed to take care of you. 
Huening Kai. 
Kai felt bad. He really did. He didn't mean to forget your birthday. He just happened to have been so busy keeping track of tasks that he forgot to keep track of the date. You spent the day feeling sad. There was some hope, you tried to have. Even a text was enough to make you less sad. He didn't even text you. 
The next day when he realized that he had forgotten about your birthday, he rushed to your house as soon as he left work. With him he carried a bag of chocolate. You sighed as you opened the door for him. You hadn't been replying to his texts, for him to realize that he had done something wrong. Honestly, it wasn't the best feeling. So, you didn't put efforts into pretending like you weren't disappointed. 
"I am so sorry," he said as he watched your expression. "It was a mistake. I totally forgot about it." He didn't like the way you silently watched him. You didn't look like you were going to accept his apology this quickly. "That's the least you can do. You're away all the time, Kai. We barely meet and now you're forgetting about important days," you went on. "I won't forget about you, if that's where you're leading," he said softly. That's where you were leading. You just shut your lips because you didn't know what to say to that. 
"Please let me in?," he said to you. He had been standing outside all this time. You opened the door. You did feel silly getting mad over the fact that he forgot your birthday. You knew, it wasn't on purpose. It didn't feel nice to be forgotten though. "Just to be clear, do you forgive me?," he asked. You didn't say anything. "Come on. We're meeting after so many days, don't give me the silent treatment," he whined. He then held up a paper bag. "Look, I made these while filming today. You'll like it," he said as he held it up. You were a little curious. Also, you had been missing him. So, you gave in. 
"What is it?," you asked. He held back his laugh as he handed it to you. You looked in the bag to see cutely wrapped chocolates. You kept the box of chocolate pavé on the table while Kai took off his shoes. "Can you stay over?," you asked him. He wished he could. As he watched you look at him hoping he could, he felt even worse about it. "Sorry. I have an early schedule tomorrow but next week-" "You'll try to find time. You always say that. Take your chocolates and leave." 
"Don't say that," he said as he headed to the washroom to wash his hands. "I have two days off next week," he said. Well, that sounded good to you. "Really?" "Yes," he sang as he walked out with his wet hands. "Don't be sad. Here have some pavé," he said as he held up the box with his hands that were still wet. He pulled open the cover. Somehow the box slipped. It fell on the floor. The chocolate pavé too was on the floor. "Huening Kai, I swear to God." 
To head to my masterlist click here.
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tellmealovestory · 4 years
Summary: Planning for the wedding has begun with choosing a color palette. 
Notes: Also posted on my ao3. Part of Something More
I know that it’s been awhile since I’ve last posted and even longer since I’ve updated this and for that I am so sorry. The past few months have been rough and I’ve been struggling to write anything, but I’m trying which is what counts I guess. 
I haven’t forgotten about Something New - there’s for sure one more part, possibly two, but for now here’s something and again I am so sorry for how long it’s been taking me to get these posted. 
Warnings: Surprisingly none - unless you count idiots in love falling more in love.
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"Black and yellow?"
"Purple, orange and black?"
"Red, white and blue?"
"Bucky, no!" Laughing at his suggestions you playfully shoved his shoulder as he shot you a grin full of mischief. “Besides, I think those are more Steve's colors."
“You opposed to pastels?" His grin only widened when you wrinkled your nose in distaste. "Red and pink?"
“Red and pink isn't the worst idea you've had," you mused, a thought working its way into your mind as you eyed the mess that surrounded you.
“Sweetheart-,” he started, but you silenced him with a look.
Reaching for a bridal magazine, one of many that laid scattered across the floor of the living room where you were both currently seated you flipped through it while Bucky continued to rattle off suggestions. Frowning, you pushed it aside before grabbing another one. Finding what you were looking for you showed him a spread with dark reds and pinks and a gold that had the barest hint of a shimmer. It was for a Valentine’s Day wedding and while you weren’t getting married on that date you still thought it was pretty.
One look at his face told he wasn’t impressed.
"Neons would be better,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders, his fingers flicking a brightly colored post it note that was sticking out from the magazine.
"Please tell me you're joking."
And this time he was the first to laugh, the richness of his voice filling up the room and drowning out the sitcom dialogue that drifted from the television a few feet in front of you.
He made it difficult at times like these to get and stay annoyed at him, but nevertheless you made an attempt with a glare shot in his direction. It was useless though when he was looking at you like that. All bright blue eyes shining with a love that still managed to steal your breath anytime he glanced at you. Laugh lines around his mouth and before you had a chance to warn him that he was seconds away from not having any say in your wedding colors he was tilting his body towards yours, lips landing on the side of your head. An innocent kiss, but it sent your heart spiraling.
Almost as much as when he murmured against your skin with breath that was warm and smelled of the chocolate ice cream you’d been sharing, “Alright, show me what you were thinking.”
Waking up your sleeping laptop that rested on the coffee table you expertly navigated the rabbit hole of Pinterest. Scrolling past boards you had created for flowers and centerpiece ideas, dresses and cakes you found the one titled colors.
A sea of palettes stared back at you; turquoises, magentas, oranges and yellows. Mints and whites. Pastel purples and soft pinks, creams and pale blues that screamed romantic. Greens and blushes. Purple and grays.
And finally, towards the bottom of the board a mix of navy blues, grays and burgundy. Burnt oranges and peaches. Sunflower yellows and dusty blues.
A  collection of colors that reminded you of him.
“Something like this I thought.” Chewing on your lower lip you glanced from Bucky to the screen and back again. Anticipation thrummed through your veins as you waited for him to say something.
“It’s a lot of blues.”
“You look good in blue.”
“All the burgundy?”
“You also look really good in burgundy.”
“You really picking colors based on how I look in them?”
“No,” you scoffed with a quick roll of your eyes that he saw right through. “Okay, fine, but it’s not the only reason.”
“You gonna share those other reasons?” He asked, leaning forward to take a closer look.
"Um... I... like those colors?" Even to your own ears the words rang false. "And they're a better choice than the random ones you were shouting out." There another reason added to your list.
"Y/N," Bucky said, amusement dripped from his voice and he bit back a smile as he pushed the laptop towards the middle of the coffee table.
For a moment the only sound in the apartment was that of a commercial advertising pizza.
Turning to you he cradled your face in his hands. "You know no ones gonna be looking at me," he said softly, the pad of his thumb brushed across your cheekbone. "They're all gonna be looking at you and how beautiful you are."
"I haven't found something to wear yet."
"Doesn't matter, sweetheart."
Biting your lip your eyes danced between his and you couldn't help asking, "What if I get a really poofy dress and I end up looking like a cupcake again?"
It was a struggle for Bucky not to laugh at the mention of a cupcake. A million memories ago, but he could still remember that night. Your fathers wedding to his new, younger bride, the hideous pink dress she had made you to wear, the endless teasing you had endured from him, the new nickname he had bestowed upon you before you banned him from ever calling you that again. In his mind it didn't matter if when your wedding came you wore a dress that made you look like a cupcake, drenched in pink that looked as if it came from a jumbo sized bottle of pepto-bismol you'd still be beautiful in his eyes.
Dipping his head down he brushed his lips against yours in a kiss sweeter than any cupcake he had ever tasted.
"Doesn't matter," he whispered again, his mouth moving over yours slowly. "You’re still gonna be the most beautiful person in the room, cupcake."
It was hard to kiss him back when your lips were curling up into a smile, a laugh bubbling to the surface followed by a rush of memories at the mention of cupcake. He hadn’t called you that in years and though you still hated it you didn’t have it in you right now to tell him to shove it.
“Is that your way of telling me you hate my choices?” You asked, breathless from the feeling of his lips against yours. “No,” he laughed, stealing another kiss. “It’s my way of saying you should really give my suggestions another chance.”
“I’m kidding!”
Another kiss, this one to your forehead as the commercial ended and the sitcom returned. Turning your attentions back to the screen at the same time you rested your head on his shoulder, eyes scanning through the options again, his for the second time and yours for what felt like the hundredth since first compiling the list.
“I really do like these colors. Especially this one,” you said, bringing up a palette with dusty and navy blues, marigold and a hint of dark green.
No matter how many options you had looked at you kept going back to it. It was pretty and it was an added bonus that he looked in most of those colors.
“That the one you want?”
Biting your lip you switched back to your second choice. Navy blue, maroon and gray. More colors he looked good in, more colors that you had been drawn to, but in your heart you knew which one you wanted.
“Yeah, but what do you think?”
“I like it,” he said.
“You agreed to that awfully quick.” Your tone was light and you couldn’t help asking, “Are you only saying that cause you’re tired of looking?”
“No. ‘M saying it cause you like it.” His eyes darted down to the shiny engagement ring that sat pretty on your ring finger. Lifting his gaze up he continued, “And cause I don’t care about the colors.”
No sooner did the words leave his mouth and he was left scrambling to explain when he saw your widened eyes.
ïżœïżœïżœSweetheart.” His hand slid along your cheek. “Whatever colors you choose are gonna be fine, but I’m not gonna be paying attention to them. Our friends and family might, but the only thing I’m gonna be paying attention to is you and how I’m finally marrying the woman of my dreams.”
His words sunk in amid the closing credits of a sitcom and as tears welled in your eyes and your laptop drifted off to sleep the only words you could manage were a breathless, “Oh, Bucky.”
You had never thought planning your wedding would be so emotional.
You kissed him softly, savoring the way his lips moved against yours in a practiced ease that still made your stomach fill with butterflies. Just as he was about to deepen the kiss you pulled back with a start and a flurry of questions.
“Wait, if you don’t care about this why did we spend two hours looking and why did you offer such awful suggestions?”
Bucky swallowed, his cheeks flushing deep pink. “You asked me to,” he said simply, before adding on as his cheeks turned even darker, “Maybe I wanted to make you laugh a bit.”
Mission accomplished.
Parting your lips to speak he beat you to it saying, “I also wanted to spend time with you and I know how much planning this means to you.”
It felt as if your heart was going to burst right out of your chest. You didn’t know anyone who would willingly want to spend that much time going over colors, debating between two shades that were nearly identical when they could have been doing something they enjoyed.
Searching for the words to tell him all of that you came up empty, settling with a simple, but true, "I love you, Bucky."
Which you followed up with another sweet kiss, once again marveling at how lucky you were to be marrying him.
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bostongirl13 · 4 years
Piano, Thanksgiving and heart attack
A/N: I wrote this with the intention of continuing this story ➡ New Dodger photo  , but it can safely be treated as a one shot.
Summary: I think the title explains it all 💙
Warnings: age gap, Scott and Chris are assholes, swearing, mistakes
Words: 1,5k +
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You growled in frustration not being able to remember a single word and what was in the linguistic pragmatics tasks.
"Stupid subject" you muttered, throwing your pencil across the room and letting it hit the wall. Dodger, who was lying on the couch behind you and keeping you company, raised his ears to the sound.
You've been sitting in the living room with your back against the sofa for a good five hours because your lecturer thought up an exam the day before the long weekend. Because, of course, speech acts, language functions, the theory of speech acts, and the communicative intention are so damn important that they can't wait until next week.
"Fuck" you cursed under your breath and rubbed your tired eyes. You felt your head starting to ache. And tears fall from my eyes from staring at the laptop screen for a long time. You needed a break, but you knew that if you do it, there is no chance that you will go back to studying. Being stubborn and hard to give in by nature, you took a deep breath and started reading the definitions and tasks once again.
Chris, of course, knew how difficult and hard this item was for you, so he was always as quiet as possible, occasionally bringing you a bowl of fruit, coffee, or tea, and ordered take-out food. He was loved. Even though you didn't thank him and just nodded your head, or just said nothing and paid him no attention, he knew you appreciated his help anyway. But seeing you sitting another hour in front of the computer with red eyes and tired, broke his heart. He couldn't watch his love work to death, and he knew that if he asked you to take a break, you wouldn't. So he came up with an idea, the implementation of which would make you leave your studies.
So he went to the piano standing against the wall and after a few minutes of choosing what he wanted to play, he put his fingers on the keys and caused the first notes to come out of the instrument.
You stretched and flipped through the notes page when you heard like music fills the air without effort, the sound rushing in and around every person in the room. You smiled and closed your eyes, leaning your head against the couch behind you. You listened to the melodies played by your boyfriend, feeling it sweep your whole body. The best thing about music was that it gave you strength and motivation. The variety of music in the universe is so diverse that there is something for everyone to enjoy. Music doesn't worry about anything; that’s the beauty of music.
You turned to Dodger and stroked his head.
"Dad is probably giving us a sign that there is enough study for today"
Dodger licked your face. “Okay, okay, that's it. Come on "you got up and stretched again. The dog jumped off the couch and followed you into the room where Chris was playing.
Chris was sitting in sweatpants and a navy blue sweater. His long fingers moved over the keyboard of the instrument, pressing the keys in the correct order so that the emerging notes formed a melody.
You walked up to him and hugged him from behind. "Thank you," you whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek.
"I'm glad you finally got away from studying. Do you like what I play?
"Very" you sat down next to him and put your head on his shoulder "Can you play any more?" you asked.
Chris kissed your head and started playing again.
Now sitting close to him and the instrument, you could hear and feel the musician much more clearly than before. Dodger lay down on his bed near you and listened too. Your eyes immediately felt heavy. You closed them, but you tried to stay awake. He had time, music surrounded the space him. You had to admit that of the many talents Chris had, this one was one of your favorites.
"I think it's time to sleep, Princess" you nodded and you let him rise you from chair. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, holding tight. "I guess I should start talking to you Koala" he laughed and you pressed your face against the hollow of his neck.
After a warm shower and putting on something to sleep, you both cuddled into each other, or rather you into Chris not allowing a minimum of a gap between your bodies. Even though you had an important exam tomorrow, you felt calm and knew that you would do well tomorrow.
Quick update: there was no exam because it turned out that the lecturer did not have time to prepare the questions. You were relieved, but you were also furious because you could spend this time with your beloved men. However, you will not turn back the time, and what was now mattered. 
You sat snuggled up to Chris on the couch in his mom's living room and watched as two pupies and Dodger attacked Scott on the floor. You tried not to laugh because you knew the video would end up on Instagram, but you really couldn't help but see this scene. Even Stella giggled and watched the whole thing happen. You put your cheek to Chris's shoulder when he finished recording.
"All right?" he whispered to you, seeing your eyes freeze at one point, you were thinking something
"Yes. I'm just happy. Thank you for taking me with you to your mother's Thanksgiving. Maybe I shouldn't, but I feel like I'm surrounded by my family."
"How could I not take you with me," he said in an offended tone. The invitation was obvious to him and he saw no other scenario for the day. "Honey, you shouldn't feel bad about being comfortable with my family. On the contrary, I'm glad you feel that way. It means a lot to me. And I can assure you that they also treat you like a family member." he kissed you on the lips to which you heard "ugh!" and laughed seeing Stelle covering her eyes.
 Later that same day
You, Chris, Scott, and Dodger came back to Chris's house. All the way you couldn't stop laughing at the guys whining about eating too much.
As soon as you entered the house, the three men took their place on the couch in front of the TV. You rolled your eyes and being a good girlfriend, you went to the fridge for a beer.
"What have I done to deserve you," Chris said, taking a cold bottle of amber drink from you.
"Don't get used to it too much" you kissed him, "I'm going to take a shower" you add and disappeared down the hall.
"Don't you dare to let her go," said Scott, being sure you couldn't hear "If you do, I’m gonna kick your American ass." he took a sip.
"Funny." Chris laughed, "Don't worry, I'm not going to let her go."
Getting more comfortable after showering, you put on leggings and Chris's hoodie. Completely unaware that a trap awaits you as soon as you exit the master bedroom. 
You've been moving around Chris's house by heart. So instead of looking straight ahead, you looked at the phone. Chris and Scott were standing behind the wall so that you couldn't see them and both of them, with video recording, waiting for you. After a while, they heard your footsteps and they both looked at each other. Chris showed three fingers as he counted. 3... 2 ... 1 ...
"Y / N !!!" they both shouted giving you a heart attack.
"Aaaaaaaaaa ... !!!" you screamed, terrified, and you jumped up and you slipped and fell. Chris grabbed you at the last minute and pulled you close. "Are you crazy ?!" you snarled.
Your heart was beating dangerously fast in your chest, your breathing couldn't slow down. Both guys were laughing when you thought you were having a heart attack.
"I'm sorry, Princess, but you were the only one I hadn't scared off yet." 
"Be careful I don't scare you, you asshole," you threatened by hitting him on the chest. "How old are you? 5?"
"Oh, don't say you haven't got used to our childish behavior yet." Scott smiled at which you rolled your eyes. 
"Sorry," Chris repeated and kissed the top of your head.
"You guys are so cute," commented Scott.
"That goes for you, Scott too. You both are on my blacklist," you narrowed your eyes.
Chris hugged you tighter, feeling your heart beating fast. You hugged him, cuddling up to him and trying to calm down.
About an hour later you managed to play on them and scare them. In both cases you recorded everything and with a smile on your face, pleased with yourself, sent them the video, which they both later uploaded to Instagram. 
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seraphdarlimg · 4 years
wish I were (pt4)
  harry calls reader drunk to pick him up, later on finding him sat at her piano and playing a little song
‘heather’ by conan gray WARNINGS - ANGST, swearing, fluff WORD COUNT - 4,418
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   Just fine is how I was feeling. I was lucky enough to be able to get started straight away with a new song to work on from a different artist. Practicing new instruments and talking to new clients have been what I've thrown myself into for the past 3 weeks.
Though drowning myself into work has kept me busy and given me excuses to ignore the hundreds of calls and texts from Harry, it felt like months had pass instead of only one. I seem to forget more about them and only remember the look on his face when I turn my back on him and left. Instead of memorizing chords and words, my brain can only comprehend the words we said and the last time I felt his touch or embrace. When I want to remind myself of what he did, the moment on the balcony is the first thing that comes to my mind and I curse myself for it.
I missed him, of course I did. As I sit in front of my laptop with an opened tab on a recording program, I am instead met with another creator's block and thinking about Harry again. Two points of thought that I hate being stuck in at the moment. The empty bags and containers of snacks and my dinner surround me and I'm wrapped in a blanket while a sad playlist is playing on spotify. It was a depressing sight.
But I can only image the state that Harry's in. After everything, I still miss and care about him, wondering if he's excited about the album release tomorrow or if he's hydrated and taking the fact that I've chose to walk out of his life better than I am. It's pathetic really, but it's part of it and I can only hope to learn to live without him through time. If that is something I can even think of doing in the first place.
He hasn't called or text throughout the whole day though. I didn't want it to bother me but it did, even if it was time away that I'm asking for. I glanced at the black screen of my phone, pressing the button to turn it on. 12:23 AM and no notifications.
'i do love you, i'm sorry' one day ago. This is a good sign. This should be a good sign.
I sighed, forcing myself to turn away from my phone and focus on finishing this piece. The instrumentals are there and the rhythm is set, but coming up with lyrics prove to be difficult when I feel physically and emotionally drained.
It was late anyways. I would of been asleep by now to get ready for tomorrow, but it was most likely made clear I wouldn't be celebrating with the gang. I told Jeff the excuse that I had a meeting up north for the valid reason, even though everyone already knows what happened between the two best friends. A lunch with Sara and Mitch a week ago started off normal and pleasant as always, but had ended with Mitch bringing up Harry and me leaving abruptly.
"He's a mess. Hasn't left his house and has been ignoring everyone all week. We don't know what really happened between you two, but it's obvious that you haven't been the same as well."
The mention was enough to irk me. "Can we not right now?"
"Look even though we care about you, it's still non of our business to get involved. But it's still our jobs to see that when someone we care about is bothered by something, we make sure they are aware of it. Both of you aren't happy and should simply talk about it."
"It's not that simple Sara, he's too stubborn."
"It doesn't have to be now, but eventually. You yourself know that what you two have is way too special to just walk away from."
"Yeah well what if it's not? What if it's just not what everyone expects it to be? That even if we somehow make it work throughout everything, he's just going to run off to someone else again who'll just be better in so many ways."
"He's not the type of person to do that and you know it."
"I thought I did."
With my head rested on my hand, I feel my eyes droop. The instrumental of the song played on repeat on the program as I try to come up with words. Heartbreak and insecurities are the only topics that come to mind with the upbeat sound. I close my eyes for bit, letting the first stage of sleep take it's toll while my brain works overtime producing lines of rhymes.
But my ringtone drives me out of it. I only force my eyes open when I pick up my phone and answer the call, not thinking of who could be the only possible human being to call me at this hour. I sighed, pausing the recording and saving it. "Hello?"
"Hiiiii love! Karl told me I should call someone because I've had too much apparently. Can you please tell him that I'm a grown man that can handle my alcohol?" Shit.
"Harry- wait hold on, you're drunk now? Don't you have... who are you with?" My voice was tired and already raspy. It took longer than needed to process what was actually happening.
"Oh just all by my lonesome self at first... imagined you here a few times but I know that wasn't true, but Karl the bartender is here now!" His voice was muffled and almost drowned out by the sound of a pub. His words were slurred and I can only rub my temples at the situation he's already put me in.
"Why did you call me for this."
"Well my phone's dead and you're the number I memorized." He said softly after hearing my tone. I shouldn't, but he's drunk and alone.
"I'll call Mitch-"
"Only want you. Please?" I can imagine him pouting and I was too tired to argue with him.
"I can't do this right now..."  
"Bubs, my head is starting to hurt and everyone is not being nice. Except Karl, Karl is a nice dude."
Maybe if I wasn't overworked and sleep deprived at the moment, I would of been in the righter state of mind. But the other half of me that worried about his state took the opportunity to see him once again.
"Where are you, Harry?"
It was easy to find a drunk Harry Styles at a pub. A small local one that we've been too once or twice in the past, enjoying each other's company over a glass after studio hours. And there he was again, sat at the stools we'd sit on and wallowing to Karl the bartender.
"Hey." I placed a hand on his shoulder after making my way through the small crowd that gathered around him that's been listening into his conversation. His eyes light up when he turns around and sees me, while I take in how disheveled he looks. His curls are messy and his bloodshot baggy eyes tells me he's been crying for a while.
"You're here." He mutters softly after he takes a moment to register that it's actually me. I only give him a small nod in confirmation, feeling that heart ache as he pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry." I hear when he nuzzles into my neck, most likely apologizing when he sees how tired and unwell i am as he does.
"It's okay, come on let's get you home." I managed to let out, pulling away, guiding him out of his seat and away from the bar. "Oh okay, bye Karl! Keep the change." I send the bartender a grateful smile to which he returns with a pity look on his face.
"Just hold my hand Harry okay?" I tell him when I remember how clingy he gets when intoxicated. He doesn't hesitate to do so as we make our way through the crowd and out of the building.
I managed to get him in the passenger's seat without much interaction, now in the driver's seat and cursing at myself when I realized I didn't have enough gas to take him to his house. I didn't have the energy to go to the gas station this late.
"Are you crying..." He asks, pouting when I placed my face in my hands, taking deep breaths. "Please don't be sad, love." I shook my head, counting in my head as I felt Harry lean over and watch me.
"How many did you have?" I asked when I built up the will not to cry and turned on the ignition.
"Didn't bother counting, didn't matter." I kept my eyes in front of me as I drove while I felt his still on me.
"I would beg to differ. Shouldn't be my responsibility anyways." I quickly countered, noting the sharp tone in my voice and the frown I could imagine on his face.
"I'm sorry...I really wanted to see you."
"Hmm, and getting wasted and being an inconvenience is the way to get my attention." There was a second of silence and I glanced at him to check if he was still conscious, only to see that frown and his head hung in shame. My eyes trailed to the pearl necklace tucked into his sweater, as well as a yellow ribbon tied where it clasps together.
The grip I had on the wheel loosened but I sighed as I hated how guilty I felt after, aware how difficult it was to be mad when he was hurt. "That was harsh..."
"Nooo, I deserve it. I really do because I was mean to you and I don't ever want to be mean to you. Because it hurts me too ya know? More than it did when you walked away...I'm sorry that I hurt you."
I didn't say anything after that, spending the rest of the car ride back to my place in silence.
"You don't have to be rich, to be my giiirl. You don't have to be cool to rule my wooorld..."
My annoyance conflicted with the flutters my heart was feeling as Harry was softly singing all the way from my car to my sofa, hand held and clinging to my side the whole time. He plopped down, immediately taking a pillow. "Ain't no particular sign, I'm more compatible wiiith- hey you have that record right? Can you put it on pretty please?"
"It's 2AM, I'm not putting on a record right now." I took off my shoes and coat, graciously doing the same for him when he pouts and rests his head back on the couch. "Aw, you used to not care about that before. Is it because of your neighbors terrible taste of music to blast so late at night?"
"What?" I rubbed my eyes, standing up and going to the kitchen. I couldn't hear his mumbled response, but I returned with a glass of water to see him humming with his eyes closed. He cuddled the pillow close to him and I rolled my eyes, almost laughing at how he was tapping his foot along with the song he was playing in his head.
"Here..." He holds his hand out expectantly and I gave it to him. He takes a drink while I place his coat over the coffee table and go to get him an extra pillow and blanket.
"Oh everything hurts." He whines as I place the pillow down on the end of the couch. "My heart mostly, but that's so cheesy of me isn't it? Yours probably hurts more m' sorry...wish I could take it away."
It wasn't just his naĂŻve words that had my eyes start welling up with tears, but it was also the realization of how he can easily break me down. I couldn't last a whole month without being there when he needs someone, when I was the one who wanted to leave. It was also probably the realization that I had grabbed the same blanket we used to set that little picnic in the studio.
"Wish I didn't cause it in the first place." He added, which led to me sitting down on the chair next to the couch, holding onto the blanket a little longer as delirium was starting to set in.
"I don't think we should have this conversation now, Harry... this is so unfair." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.
"It is, but I'm scared I won't get another chance." My silence gave him the answer he was already aware of.
"What exactly do you want another chance of Harry, enlighten me." I closed my eyes for a minute, only to open them to see Harry looking at me in a different way. It's different, but I've noticed it before.
"Loving you." He's hesitant with his next words, most likely having sobered up a little. "I hadn't seen Heather for a few days after you left, told her later on about what happened. Took your advice though, talked to her and everything. It just wouldn't work out in the end...couldn't see myself with her in the future."
"But now you do with me?" I softly muttered, holding myself back from reaching out to him. He only nods, having that guilty look on his face because he's fully aware he doesn't deserve it. My droopy eyes are glued to his and that damn pearl necklace, too many thoughts in my head to come up with one whole response.
"Should of just called Mitch. You're an idiot for giving yourself a hangover on your release day." I finally said after a moment of silence.
"Hmm? Oh that, no that's not happening." He says casually, playing with the embroidery on the pillow he was hugging.
"What do you mean?"
"I've postponed the album thingy indefinitely or something."
"Aren't you finished with it?"
"I mean it's got 12 songs and everything but I don't know if it's really finished, I don't know." He shrugs and I'm almost annoyed by how calm nonchalant he is about it.
"You never know things Harry."
"And I hate it, I knooow! I don't know why I can't just figure it out and I hate that I'm hurting you because of it." He frowns, rubbing his eyes. "But I do know now that I love you. Really love you. Maybe if I figured that out sooner, you wouldn't hate me bubs."
I fiddle with my fingers, given up on trying to collect all my thoughts together a long time ago as I can only allow myself to take in his words and listen. He was right, in any other situation where I wasn't tired and delirious, I probably wouldn't even be in the same room as him. So here I was again, allowing myself to hurt in order to make sure he's taken care of.
Maybe it's what I deserve though. He left Heather because of me. I caved into myself at the though that I ruined the relationship of two people who loved each other simply because I didn't get the memo. She is everything in his eyes, he's proven that, so why didn't I just leave them be?
"Ugh, you probably hate me calling you that now but you know I won't stop cause you are my bubs! Like how I'm you're H. Oh... well, you stopped calling me that so...maybe not anymore but I want to be. Can I be your H again please, I miss that too." My thoughts were cut off  when he continued, finding him now lying down with his eyes closed.
"Maybe one day." I reassured him hesitantly. We would of stayed friends, we wouldn't of had to fall apart, if I had just left him alone.
"Was a weird nickname anyways, just a letter." He mumbles as I stood up, laying the blanket over him while he still holds onto the pillow.
"You sort of gave it to yourself though, get some sleep Harry."  I managed to get out, facing away from him to hide the tear that fell. He should be trying to fix his relationship with her and not me.
"Yeah, but you just started calling me it and I fell in love with it." I take one more look at him before I shut my door, seeing his face nuzzled into the pillow and the glint of a small smile on his face as he drifts off to sleep.
8:23. I slept around 2 and woke up 7 hours later to faint piano keys. I took in the soft melody, not recognizing it but enjoying it for a second before I forced myself to sit up and rub my eyes, realizing how dry my skin was from crying. It was definitely a sad song made up of only four chords and a fitting way to start the day as I remember the person who is most likely playing it.
I didn't want to face him, my head feeling too mushed to deal with anything else other than work. It was a weird situation to realize, the man I fell in love with and broke my heart is playing piano after I took him in when he was drunk. He tells me he officially breaks up with Heather after realizing he loves me.
He loves me?
No he doesn't. He should still love her, should be trying to get back to her now that I'm out of the picture. But he hasn't been trying too for the past month, focused on me this whole time. But why?
I snapped myself out of those thoughts quickly, knowing how terrible the following ones would be. I didn't want to think about it anymore, wanting to forget and move on. And as I quietly open my door and peaked out onto my apartment, I see his mess of curls sat on my keyboard with the blanket wrapped around him. He was considerate enough to lower the volume at least.
I took a deep breath and walked out quietly, leaning against the door frame as I continue to listen. "Part of the album, has some of your lyrics in it." He says when he notices my presence.
"Hmm. You told me that you've postponed it." I crossed my arms as he finishes the song with a long note. I see him nod, now looking down at his hands on his lap before adjusting the blanket to fully encase him.
"Yeah I did. It didn't feel right, putting something out there that I should be proud of, but you not being there to be happy with. You not wanting too in there first place, when you put your heart and soul into it, all because of me."
I frown, looking away from him when his intense eyes met mine. "It's too early Harry..."
"You told me it wasn't a good time last night too, so when is?" He huffs and I roll my eyes.
"I don't know after I have my fucking coffee?" I scoffed, uncrossing my arms and heading towards the kitchen. I hear him sigh, not saying anything else as I prepare a cup for myself, already annoyed and stressed out. I felt him staring at me while I avoided making eye contact, rubbing my temples.
"I'm sorry if I was trouble." He says, still sat down on the keyboard with the blanket wrapped around him.
"You're sorry for a lot of things." I sighed, pouring coffee into my cup.
"I am. But I don't know how to really apologize to you when you won't even let me talk to you."
I placed my cup down, suddenly forgetting about my coffee and finally looked at him. "Well what do you expect Harry? After everything you think I'm just going to trust you again? I told you I was done, I wanted to walk out of your life."
"But you picked me up. You still care, that still has to means something." He's frustrated now, desperate even and it only frustrates me more.
"Ah yes, decent morality to not leave an A list celebrity drunk in room full of strangers. That really dumb of you to do by the way, without any bodygaurds- what were you thinking?" I said, noticing how he was fiddling with the pearls that hung around his neck.
"The past month has been hell for me and all I wanted to do was see you. I feel so fucking guilty and sad and it's eating me up because I know I don't deserve any sort of reassurance from you. But at the same time, I so badly just want you back and I'm sorry for how selfish and arrogant I am." He was crying and I soften a little because of it. He tries holding it in, looking down as he quickly wipes away the tears that fall. I don't bother hiding mine anymore, having gotten used to it by now and I was tired of it.
"I've been in pain since December. Four months that you put me through so can blame me when I just want it to stop? I am so exhausted because no matter how much I throw myself into work, all I can think about is you and loving you."
"But I love you too, shouldn't that be enough to try again?" It should of been and he knows. Maybe if he realized it sooner, during his birthday, things would be different.
"You've proven that it's not." I say disappointingly, willing myself to walk over and sat down next to him, looking ahead at my piano in front of me. "I don't know what to do anymore Harry. Why can't you let me have this? Let me move on."
"Cause you and I both know we can't leave each other, too emotionally attached. I need you in my life bubs, everything sucks when you're not in it." I laugh a little at that, because it was true in a fucked up way.
"That's so unfair, why did you have to hurt me?" I hesitantly lay my head on his shoulder before he droops the other end of the blanket around me.
"I know most of my relationships don't last. Deep down I've always loved you but I couldn't let myself fall for you because I didn't want to ruin us. The thought of us breaking up and never seeing each other again just terrified me because I never wanted to lose you, ever. But I fucked up and managed to do so anyways, and I hate myself every day as much as you do." He starts playing the song again as he speaks, but it plays it down a key and slower.
"I don't hate you, can't bring myself too, but you shouldn't of been afraid to talk to me. You know who I am, we would of worked through it no matter what." He nods, followed by only the sounds of the piano melody.
"I'm in love with you." I hear him say softly after a little while out of the blue. It catches me off guard, finding it so foreign to hear those words come from him.
I let out a soft self deprecating chuckle. "No you don't. You care about me, but you don't love me. Probably saying this out of guilt or spur of the moment type thing and I can understand that, but you love Heather. She's good for you, perfect even."
"But I fell in love with you. She's not you." His brows are furrowed together as he frowns.
"Yeah, I'm not her." The small glint of my smile quickly fades and he notices it.
"What I did during my speech was very shitty. Gemma pointed it out to me right away and it's one of the biggest things I ever regret doing." He stops playing when he sees me deep in thought, slowly taking my hand to test the waters. "But I need you to understand what I said was true, that you are such an important person to me. You are beautiful, and kind, patience, and just so fucking good to me, love. I want to cherish you because it's what you deserve and I will deal with as much rejection for you to forgive me and give me another chance. It's worth every heartbreak if it means I get to love you again."
I find myself in an intimate situation, looking into his eyes at such a close proximity, our faces only inches away from each other. I was pleading to him with my eyes, begging him not to hurt me again while the look on his face was one I used to be familiar with. He was frozen while the fear that it would only just happen again held me back from moving. His eyes fluttered down to my lips, as if asking for permission and my head was refusing it. But every other part of me wanted to feel those lips again. I looked down at his, my hand taking hold of his and placing it on my chest to where my heart is before he made the move to finally press our lips together in a small kiss.
I wanted to sob because it felt right. I felt the butterflies again and the complete state of satisfaction. This time was gentle as well, but Harry put so much love into the kiss, cupping my cheek with his other hand when he feels how fast my heart was beating.
It only took a second more before I slowly pulled away, still tightly holding his hand against my heart as he could sense my doubt. "It's going to take some time okay? Probably a long time but you caused me a lot of heartbreak. But I never stopped loving you H, as much as I didn't want too anymore." I said seriously, and his eyes lits up with hope. Holding back his smile as much as he could while he nods because he heard that little nickname again.
"I'll give you as much time and space as you need, thank you. I love you so much bubs." He pulls me into a hug, nuzzling his face into my neck and I feel instantly calmer because of it. I rest my head on his shoulder while he mumbles sweet words into my skin.
"Promise I'll be good to you."
A/N: :o it’s complete. I finished it yay! I’m so proud with how this series came out and I genuinely hope you guys do as well. I’ve started my semester and it’s going to be hectic so writing will take longer to come out, but there will be future stories that I’m really looking forward to writing and sharing :)
taglist: @big-galaxy-chaos​
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seasaltmemories · 3 years
Rating: PG
Summary: In which Anthy threads together her fears and her desires
If there’s one thing Anthy didn’t expect about the outside world, it was the amount of paperwork required to do anything.  Ohtori had been a land powered by desires and secrets.  While Akio had typed at his computer a few hours each day, it was always the pointed look or sly remark that truly set things into motion.
However, it seemed here the most equivalent force was bureaucracy.  Every time she wanted to do something or go somewhere, it seemed like their was a new form gating off the rest of her path.
“Oh, immunization records!”  Utena leaned over Anthy’s shoulder. “I forgot if we’re traveling overseas, they’ll want that.”
On instinct, magic buzzed at Anthy’s fingers tips. Although it was much more difficult to cast outside of Ohtori, she had managed to pull it off under select circumstances.  A birth certificate there, an id here, flashes of proof she existed.  However before she could try and weave any spells, Utena grasped her hand.
“Leave this to me.  In the long run, it will be easier if we do it the normal way.”
Reluctantly, Anthy handed the laptop to Utena.  “If you say so.”
Three days later, Utena led Anthy to a small clinic about fifteen minutes away from their apartment.  In short time, they were led into an examination room, where a middle-aged nurse attended to them.  
“You’re here for your Hepatitis A and B vaccine?”
“Mmhm!” Utena hummed.  She might have said more, but Anthy quickly lost interest in the conversation.  Instead her attention was drawn to the needles laid out on a nearby tray.
She didn’t know how long she stared at the it.  The only noticeable passage of time was the whoosh of air that followed Utena returning to her seat beside Anthy.
“Your turn.”  The nurse pointed at Anthy.
The Rose Bride rose and followed without complaint.
“Do you want one in each arm, each leg, or a mix of the two?”  The nurse asked as Anthy settled in front of her.
“Whatever you think best,”  She answered blankly.  Her gaze was still focused on the tray.
The nurse grumbled something to herself but otherwise went to work.  Carefully she balanced the shot in one hand while gripping Anthy’s left arm with the other.
“You need to relax.  It’s difficult to find a vein if you’re all tensed up.”
“I’m doing my best,”  Anthy responded with clipped politeness.
“I just don’t want to poke you more times than necessary.”
“Well, there’s no avoiding that, is there?”  Her voice grew steely.  Somewhere faraway, Anthy agreed with the Rose Bride that this was the right tone to take.  She had tasted this same fear many times before. “There’s no other option.”  Blades swam before her eyes.  There was no use running.  Trembling saved no one.  The best you could to do was lie back and accept your fate.
“Give me a moment with her.”  Warm hands encircled her own, and suddenly Utena was dragging her outside into the hallway.  Once the two of them were alone, blue eyes set upon her.  “Are you alright?”
Considering there were still in public, her first instinct was to perform, to lie and keep everything smooth and functioning.  But memories of a dark balcony came back to her.  Ever since that night, she had promised herself she wouldn’t like to Utena.
“No,”  Anthy breathed for the first time since she saw the needles.  “But there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“Well I should of!”  Utena groaned.  “I should have known you’d have bad memories of this.”
“Should have’s don’t fix anything either,”  Anthy said with venom this time.  “We all have our limits.  The only thing we can do is try our best to navigate around them.”
“So let’s do that.”  Utena put a hand on her hip.  “If its really too much, then we don’t have to go to Paris.”
Anthy blinked, remembering all the documentation she had done up until now.  Somewhere in the hustle and bustle she had forgotten their initial plan.
“There are a lot of other ways to spend a honeymoon.  I want to make sure we do something you want to do.”
Anthy closed her eyes and tried to steady her heartbeat.  Desire was something that could be hard for her to tap into.  Yet when she tried to imagine a different trip, something smaller and safer, a sharp pain split her chest in two.
“I want this.”  She decided.  “I want to try.”
Utena gave that smile of hers, the kind that always melted Anthy down to the bone.  “One last time.  Anything I can do to help?”
Anthy thought long and hard, doing her best to take Utena seriously.
“Could you hold my hand.”  It felt silly saying the request out loud, but Anthy forced her tongue to keep moving all the same.  “It might help me be less tense.”
“Of course I can!”
This time, when she sat down for the shot, Anthy did her best to ignore the nurse’s judgmental glance or the thin needles.  As the fear built up she tried to look ahead to a shining future she wanted with all her heart.
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mrsgiovanna · 4 years
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Don Giorno x Fem! Reader
This story has been steeping in my head ever since @abbabycchio created this prompt, I hope I did this justice 😅.
No warnings, just fluff 😍💭🐞💜
Word count: 1508
The ambience in the grand ballroom was delightfully festive- soft light dancing about the glittering crystal chandeliers, the happy chattering of the partygoers mingling with the clinking of glasses and the music in the background, and the delicious scent of Giorno’s expensive cologne overtook your senses as he gracefully spun you around on the dance floor.
“Wow, you’ve gotten really good at this, everyone is practically staring at you,”
“Well practice makes perfect, we’ve been to enough of these events as it is. Come, let’s give them a show,”
Before you knew it, Giorno spun you around and caught you in a low dip, his face mere millimeters away from your own. Feeling every pair of eyes on you both, he smirked and brought you back to your original position just as the song had ended, earning many impressed murmurs from the other attendees.
“After all these years you still get flustered? I told you, I’d never drop you or let you fall,” said Giorno, through the laughs he was trying to suppress. You knew the real reason for your skittishness, but you wouldn’t dare let him know.
You had known Giorno ever since you were assigned to his elite guard when he had taken over Passione a few years ago. Your stand ability was very useful
 you were able to disarm an attacker in under 10 seconds, and if the situation became really dire, you could dismember them in a minute, without so much as a hair left behind. In short your ability was terrifying. But Giorno seemed fascinated by it, you were a walking contradiction, so soft and bubbly on the outside, but something dark and menacing had to be lurking in your soul for such a stand to manifest. So he had reassigned you himself and slowly started to understand the nuances of your ability.
You excused yourself for a moment to go to the ladies room to freshen up your makeup, you were utterly exhausted, but when Giorno asked you go with him, you couldn’t refuse. Despite knowing that Giorno’s ability made him virtually untouchable and the fact that both Mista and Fugo were there as well, you still felt more at ease knowing that you were there to personally protect him.
When you rejoined the party you found Giorno nursing a drink on his own, so you took the seat next to him.
“What’s the matter? Why are you sitting here brooding on your own?” you ask, playfully mimicking the expression on his face.
“Is that really how I look? I’m fine though,” explained Giorno. He was just about to continue the conversation when you had let a small yawn escape your lips.
“Gosh, I’m sorry Giorno, what were you going to say?” you say, trying to coax the comment out of him.
“You’re exhausted, we should leave, come on, the car should be waiting for us,” said Giorno with a snap of his fingers, signaling the concierge to ready things for your exit.
“No, no, don’t worry about me, I’m fine, nothing a little caffeine can’t take care of. Besides, we still have to wait for Fugo and Mista, they haven’t emerged from that office yet,” you argued. All protests proved useless though, as Giorno sighed dramatically before picking you up and heading to the exit.
“You know I hate having to repeat myself, you’re clearly tired, we can wait for those two at the villa, at least you’ll be a bit more comfortable there.” There was a bite in Giorno’s voice that told you not to argue with him. As he gently set you down on your feet, the car drove up to you both. The drive back to the villa was a quiet one, the young Don focusing his attention outside, while you looked at him, noting how he had matured in the few years since taking over Passione, the soft innocence in his face being replaced with a mature handsomeness. He’d also gotten a lot taller and broader, experiencing a growth spurt that took everyone, including himself, by surprise.
“Thanks for looking out for me, it’s sweet, I appreciate it,”
“You’d do the same for me, it’s only natural,” he replied, his attention still focused on the moving scenery outside the car.
“I know
 Are you angry? You’ve been like this since earlier on, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to upset you, I just didn’t want you to stop yourself from having fun on my account,” you apologized. Little did you know that Giorno was actually troubled by his own behaviour, and found it difficult to face you without his own face turning a rosy shade of pink.
“Don’t apologize, you did nothing wrong, I guess my lack of sleep is getting the better of me as well. I’m sorry,”
You finally arrived at the villa, and followed Giorno to one of the lounges. You threw yourself onto the comfortable couch and started to take off your heels, while he pulled off his bow tie and undid the top buttons of his shirt, sighing in relief.
“I’ll brew us some coffee, it seems like we both need it,” offered Giorno, which you accepted with a polite smile, while checking your phone for any communication from Mista or Fugo. You were concerned but also knew how powerful they both were so you decided to put your head down and relax for just a few moments.
Giorno walked in to find you huddled in one corner of the plush couch, the chill you felt evident in the goosebumps visible on your exposed skin. Getting a soft blanket and his laptop, he covered you so that you wouldn’t be cold any longer, and settled down next to you to work quietly while you slept, not wanting to disturb you, but also not wanting to leave you alone.
Every now and again, you would wriggle around and murmur something unintelligible, until you had somehow found yourself snuggled up to Giorno’s arm. Gazing at you affectionately, he decided to give in to his own exhaustion, put away his work and comfortably wrapped his arms around you. A content hum escaped his lips before he quickly fell asleep as well.
A few hours pass like that, with you blissfully unaware of what, or rather, who you were using as a comfortable pillow, until the room was bathed in ambient morning light. You wake up to a hand gently drawing circles on your arm, enjoying the gentle touch in your half woken state, until, a pang of panic set in when realized exactly where you were, you sprang upright, fully awake and aware of your situation.
“Buongiorno tesoro mio, did you sleep well?” asked Giorno, the slight smile he wore being evident in the lightness of his voice.
“Giorno, I’m so sorry, I feel mortified
 oh my God, you’re my boss
 just fire me please
 better still, I quit, so this will be my
” you rambled on, until Giorno cut you off as he also sat upright next to you.
 would you just calm down? While having you quit would work in my favor for what I’m about to ask you, I reject that
 resignation? If you could call it one
 either way, I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now
 so here goes-Would you like to have dinner with me? Maybe tonight? No mafia business or anything, just you and I, out on a date,”
You could feel your heart pounding in your ears, and you felt as if you’d forgotten how to breathe as hopeful green eyes searched your face for a positive answer. Building up the courage to look at him, your heart calmed down when you saw how earnestly he looked at you. The man in front of you wasn’t Don Giovanna, he was just a kind, handsome gentleman asking for your company
 he was just Giorno.
“I’d really like that Giorno, thank you for asking me,” you said with a softer voice than usual, trying to contain the bubbly feeling in your chest.
“Great, then that’s settled, I’ll pick you up at six,”
Just as you were about to speak, you hear a commotion coming from the direction of the front door, realizing it was Mista and Fugo returning.
“Wow, took you guys long enough, what happened? Are you guys okay?” you asked, relieved that they both returned safely.
“Yeah, we’re fine, just exhausted
 what are you even doing here?” replied Mista, speaking through a yawn.
You and Giorno exchanged a glance, smiling knowingly but chose rather to stay quiet. You were both saved from having to entertain any more questions from the complaints of Mista’s sex pistols.
“Alright, alright, you guys need some sleep and sustenance, I’ll make you guys some breakfast while you rest
“I’ll help you,” offered Giorno, wanting to spend more time with you.
And with that you both left the room, quietly enjoying each other’s company in that sweet domestic scenario, all the while thinking about what could transpire later on.
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