#so it's all been going out to eat and then today i made rice and lentils in the rice cooker and the electric pressure cooker
soufre-de-paris · 11 months
we have internet!! we switched isps and they did it in a fucing day. all this bc fucking NET couldn't get their shit together enough to figure out how to turn it back on
we did errands today and it's so fucking nice to be able to do all the errands (grocery, granel, farmer's stand, bakery) all on one city block and not need to fucking walk two kilometers to the only grocery store in the city that sells the butter i like
everything is just really nice here. the weather is perfect. the people are chill. the vibes are impeccable. you feel me?
in obra news, one window has screens yey (they're the same screens they used to have) the guy is coming saturday after next to install new screens for the other windows yeyyyy the wind is so nice i could cry, i don't know how a city lives without wind?
i'm still exhausted but sei lá it's just what it is baybeeeeee
i didn't get to play nearly any bg3 bc tasks and stress and sick and waking up at 5h and going to bed at 18h but here's some screenshots of my pretty liar-boy and his judgemental boyfriend anyway (featuring chest of the mundane my beloved srsly i love you so much chest of teh mundane)
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talesofesther · 8 months
what once was mine | ch 4
Loki x Reader
Series Summary: When watching what once was supposed to be the rest of his life, in an empty room in the TVA, Loki sees someone he can't recognize; a girl who's all tenderness and loose smiles, and most importantly, she was smiling at him.
A/N: Not sure if I'm completely happy with how this chapter came out, but I hope you still enjoy it.
Masterlist | Read ch 3 here
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Loki had watched through a checkered screen how you held onto his hand as if he were your whole world. He had watched the love in your eyes and the smile on your lips, all directed at him. And now, he watched as you, in flesh and bone right in front of him, walked away.
There was a foreign feeling consuming his heart the more you distanced yourself from him. It was akin to loss, but how could he lose something that wasn't even his?
He was about to make the mistake of going after you when Mobius finally returned from the storage room he had been talking to you in.
"What happened?" Loki asked with a hint of urgency, his brows furrowed.
Mobius took in a long breath and then let it go past his lips. "She said she wants nothing to do with you."
Loki's frown only deepened, his eyes shifting between Mobius and the place you had disappeared into. If anything, he looked slightly offended. "Why?"
"Well, it's pretty obvious that she watched her Loki die, right?" Mobius gestured around, sounding a little fed up with all of this. "So it's a delicate subject, give her time, don't get on her face, don't be obnoxious, and she'll likely come around and be willing to answer whatever it is you wanna ask."
Loki blinked at the words, chewing at the inside of his cheek. "I'm not obnoxious."
─── ·❆· ───
"Stop looking at me like a lost puppy," you grumbled with a scowl on your features, gripping tightly onto your food tray.
Loki, who stood right beside you, scoffed. "I am not. I'm looking at the rice you're standing right in front of."
You breathed in, slowly, holding yourself back from rolling your eyes. It's been three weeks since Mobius tried to reintroduce you two, and for the past two weeks, you've gained a new shadow. He doesn't talk much; or interacts much with you at all for that matter. But he's always there.
TVA's cafeteria was usually bustling with people this time of day, which was exactly why you always came by at least an hour earlier; but today you got caught up with work and there was no other option than to brave the crowds, otherwise, you'd stay without lunch.
When you'd picked up everything you wanted to eat, you turned around and surveyed the spacious room for any vacant tables. By the corner and near the railings that overlooked the city—or, what you would call a city here in the TVA, because to be honest, you still weren't sure what to name most of the things in this place—stood the only vacant table left, small and round, with two lonely chairs.
You closed your eyes and mumbled a curse under your breath. You made a beeline for the table, and you didn't have to look behind you to know that Loki was following your steps.
You settled into a chair and a few seconds later Loki made himself comfortable beside you. It was… strange, having him around. The racing of your heart every time he was near you was inevitable, but you were doing the impossible to dissociate any feelings from it. He was just another variant, that was it, nothing more. You just wished you knew what his obsession with you was all about, so what if he saw his would-be future with you? That was not yours or his life anymore.
"Your food is gonna get cold."
Loki's voice caught your attention, you glanced toward him with a frown, only now realizing that you'd been poking your food around with your fork for a while, lost in thought. For a heartbeat, you held his gaze, you allowed yourself to drown in those ever-familiar bright eyes that you'd missed so much. But before you could lose yourself in the ocean, you swam back up. This wasn't your Loki, no; you had to remind yourself of it, time and time again. For your own sake, you had to believe in that lie.
For the last couple of weeks that he'd been following you around, more and more you noticed the same glint in Loki's eyes, a mix between expectant and lost. You wondered if even he knew what exactly he wanted from you.
The only answer you gave to him was a low hum.
─── ·❆· ───
The days inside the TVA blend together easily, that was something you learned in your first few weeks here. In all fairness, it's what one would expect for a place out of time. Sometimes the day they captured you as just another variant felt like ages ago. Sometimes, it felt like just yesterday.
It had been difficult when you first arrived here, nearly unbearably so. In the blink of an eye, you had lost your entire life, everyone you still loved and held dear became unreachable. It was either starting a new life here, or ending your life altogether. For some reason, you still felt like living.
The TVA kept you busy then, enough for you to not succumb to panic. As days went by, it became easier; as time passed, or as Mobius would tell you, as time passed differently, you became almost numb to what you'd lost. Almost.
A sigh went past your lips as you ran your fingertips over the paper. Mobius usually had you go over each file reporting a possible new Loki variant. Finding patterns and creating connections they otherwise wouldn't have noticed. You tried not to dwell too much on the fact that you had to use your connection to the person you once loved as a form of work.
Your desk stood by the edge of the library, away from too much commotion, a cozy little space you'd given your own personal touch to over the time you'd been here. A few books here, a small cassette player there, a snack drawer, a sketchbook, a purple desk lamp; small things to remind yourself you were still human.
As much as you could, you made a new home here.
A shadow suddenly appeared over the paper in your hands, you straightened your posture on your chair before looking up.
Loki stood before you, in his dress shirt and dark jacket with the word variant on the back—you'd worn one of those too on your first days here, now that you recall. He held a fresh stack of papers in his hands that already had you internally groaning.
"Mobius sends his regards," Loki smirked as he dropped the papers on your desk.
"Great," you mumbled, sarcasm dripping from your words, "it's not like I wanted to sleep tonight anyway."
A beat passed and you could feel Loki's gaze still lingering on you. From the corner of your eyes you watched as his fingers nervously tapped the wood of your desk. You hated that you knew this habit of his oh so well.
"Maybe I could assist you." Loki pulled a chair from the empty table to your left, setting it on the edge of your desk so he could sit down. But before he did so, he said, "If you'd like."
He was giving you an out from spending time with him, even if that was clearly what he wanted. You nearly took it. Your lips hung open, ready to say something like; I work better alone, or go bother someone else. But your eyes suddenly had a faint burn behind them, your chest squeezing tight around your heart—the heart that still bled and missed him every day. "Knock yourself out," you found yourself saying, without looking up from your paperwork.
Loki sat down on his chair beside you, took a few of the papers in his hands, and for a good few minutes, the silence that lingered between you was, surprisingly, somewhat comfortable.
Stealing glances at you was inevitable. As Loki read the files in his hands, the words started to blur together, and he found his gaze drifting to you. He observed the way you'd frown slightly as you read over the lines, sometimes scoffing or mumbling something to yourself.
You were quite annoying, Loki had to agree with Mobius on that. Stubborn, closed off, and hard to read. If it were anyone else, Loki wouldn't even consider losing his time of day, but each time he saw you, his heart jumped and stumbled inside his chest, he grew short of breath, cold hands turning clammy. It was inevitable. His body acting against his will, as if his soul ached to touch yours.
He had to know why.
"May I ask," Loki began, hints of hesitance in his words.
Your eyebrow perked up a little, but you still refused to look at him.
Loki pursed his lips before speaking, "Mobius mentioned you've been here a while, that he found you could be useful. But he never went into detail." He let go of the papers in his hands, "how did you get here? Why didn't they prune you?"
You visibly tensed. Jaw setting tightly into place as you took in a short breath through your nose. For several moments, you kept quiet, eyes fixed on the same words in the file you held as you considered whether to humor him or not. You weren't sure why you answered, the words simply rolled off your tongue; a subconscious reaction to the sound of his voice.
"It was my fault, I tried to travel through time when I knew I shouldn't. They caught me pretty much immediately." You chuckled humorlessly, stealing a glance toward Loki only to find his eyes already focused on you. You nearly drowned again. "They kept me around because…" You hesitated, and then merely gestured to the scattered papers on your desk; "I know a lot about Lokis," you shrugged, "and they needed help with that."
A small frown came to Loki's features as he weighed your words. He twirled one of your pencils between his fingers. "Why would you travel through time if you knew you shouldn't?"
Immediately, Loki knew he'd touched a nerve. Your whole demeanor changed, it almost felt like a curtain had fallen over you and a whole new person sat beside him. What little you had began to open up, was back under lock and key.
You didn't raise your voice, you didn't lash out. You simply cleared your throat, turned away from him, and said; "I thought you wanted to stay to help me work. So either do that, or leave me be."
Loki's lips hovered, ready to retaliate with a quip of his own, but he bit back any words he might want to say. Give her time.
He nodded to no one in particular, and indeed went back to work.
Later at night, when the TVA was strangely quiet, and most people had already turned in for the night. Loki glanced beside him only to find you drifting into sleep; one hand holding your cheek and the other loosely holding a pencil that had scratched a weird, faint line into the file on your desk.
It felt unexpectedly intimate. Loki glanced from one side of the dim-lit library to the other, as if looking for a clue on what he should do.
Carefully, almost comically so, he took the pencil from your delicate hold and stacked the file you had with the small pile he'd created.
The desk lamp right beside you cast a faint glow over your features, shaping your cheekbones, nose, and lips. Loki couldn't help but notice, that the light also shaped a thin but rather deep scar running from your forehead to the beginning of your left eyebrow; from the look of it, it appeared to have been there for a while now.
Without giving himself too much room to overthink, Loki reached out and gave a single push to your shoulder. His fingers tingled from your warmth.
You stirred awake, gasping softly as soon as you opened your eyes. You blinked several times, willing your mind to focus back on reality.
"I suppose we're done," Loki told you, keeping his voice just an octave lower as he turned his gaze to the small stack of papers. "If you're quick, you can still grab a few hours of sleep before the new day starts."
"Right," you breathed, running a hand through your hair. Eyebrows still furrowed as you processed what was happening.
You tidied your desk in silence, and Loki put the chair he had borrowed back in its place. He turned to you then, half expecting you to simply turn around and walk away. You didn't, and maybe it was a trick of the light, or the fact that he could visibly notice your eyes dropping from tiredness, but your features were the softest he had ever seen them be. A quick glimpse of the girl he'd first seen from the life he was supposed to have.
Loki held his breath. He wasn't sure why, but he did.
"Thank you for the help," you gave him a tight-lipped smile, refusing to hold his gaze for more than a second, "see you around."
With that, you turned around and left. Loki's heartbeat kept the same rushed pace until he reached his own small bedroom.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Read ch 5 here
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
Loki’s taglist: @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @justaproudslytherpuff @justanotherkpopstanlol @chronicallybubbly @chaoticqueen33 @7minutes-tomidnight @uncle-eggy @oliviaewl @dd122004dd @tani725 @lokihaha34 @levanneisdumb @innebulae @mochminnie @mayemperess @alyeskathewave @buginktsworld @cremebruleequeen @wyvernthekriger @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @avengersfan25 @mischief2sarawr @yokolesbianism @arunabrak @athenasproverbs @h-l-vlovesvintage @princess-ofthe-pages @daisy-the-quake @talesofadragon @rainbowsocks @alexandra-001 @mary-jinx @stevenknightmarc @falconxsoldier @ladymercury8 @shirukitsune @ladymischief11 @starkzdaughter @navs-bhat @creat0r-cat @cinnamonbambii @anundyingfidelity @creationcitystreet-em @or-was-it-just-a-dream
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ickadori · 6 months
“Wow, that looks really good.”
“I’m not giving you any.”
“I don’t—I wasn’t going to ask for any! I was just paying you a compliment, Kento, geez.” You grumble, and he’d feel bad if he didn’t know this game play-by-play.
He’d eat at his desk, as always, and not even a second after his bento quietly clinked against the metallic desk you were wheeling your chair over to his cubicle, trying and failing to be quiet as the squeaky wheels gave you away. You’d hover for a few moments, ooh’ing and ahh’ing when he removed the lid, and then you’d throw out a compliment.
“That smells amazing, Kento!”
“God, you’re such an amazing cook! Did you, like, go to culinary school or something?”
“You should start a food blog or something, really. I think it’d really take off - I can set it up for you, actually!”
“Aw, you made a little face on the rice ball! I didn’t know you were artistic, Kento!”
And then a comedically timed stomach growl would sound, followed with a ‘I forgot my lunchbox on the counter again’ and a pleading look that could rival the beggars littering the corners - and Nanami was a nice enough man, so he’d usually split his bento in half, sometimes giving you a larger portion than his, but your begging was getting out of hand.
“I actually brought my own lunch today.” You proudly state, your hand thrusting forward to show off your lunch bag. It’s…childish, but with you being the youngest, and newest, hire in the office, he can’t say he’s all too surprised. “This is a new lunch bag, too, do you like it? I got it half off on clearance at the convenience store down the street. I had no idea they even sold them! It was hidden all the way in the back near the…”
You’re a chatterbox, and usually Nanami doesn’t like those, even goes out of his way to make himself scarce when the usual office gossips enter his vicinity, but he doesn’t mind you…too much.
“…what I brought today! I think you’re gonna be really jealous.” You snicker, and he’s forced to scoot his chair over as you plop your bag down on the desk next to his bento box and roll your chair forward. “But don’t worry, I’ll let you have some. It’s only fair, after all.” You practically rip the zipper in your haste to get it open, and the both of you blink at what’s found inside.
There’s a large thermos on its side, the contents that had been in it, a soup that did smell rather appetizing, floating around in the bottom of the bag. There’s a plastic ziplock bag in there as well that houses your crackers, although the hot soup had melted through the plastic and turned the crackers into a gooey mess. There’s a small container of chopped up fruit that wasn’t spared, the lid not having been shut correctly, and your plastic spoon is also a melted mess as well.
“…it said it was spill-proof.” You give him a pitiful look, and Nanami sighs through his nose as his knuckles rap against his desk.
“Did you put the top on right?”
“I thought I did.” You poke at the soup, yelping when you find out that it’s still hot, and you pop the singed digit into your mouth as you whine. “And I was so excited for you to taste it, too. It was my mom’s recipe.” You look dejected, sunny disposition nowhere to be found, and Nanami frowns at the restlessness that creeps up to settle in the pit of his stomach.
You close the lunchbox with a forlorn sigh, lips jutted out in a pout, and Nanami puts himself out there in a way that had grown foreign to him over the years.
“Do you have enough ingredients to make another batch?”
“Huh? Oh, uh, not at all. I kinda used up everything trying to make it taste right.” You flash him a sheepish smile. “This was the sixth batch I made—and it was really good, too!”
“If you’re not busy after work,” he feels a tad nervous, and his fingers itch to loosen the tie around his neck. “We could stop by the market and buy what you need. That way you could make it again tonight and just bring it in tomorrow.” A friendly, professional trip to the market, a small show of thanks for your failed attempt.
“Hm,” you tap your nails against his desk as you hum, and Nanami wonders for a second if he’s crossed some invisible boundary and will be called into HR in the morning. “I don’t think I trust myself with the thermos, to be completely honest. It would probably just end up spilled again…” Your eyes lock onto his as you smile, lashes batting and chair twirling back and forth. “How about you just come over to mine instead? That way you can get it nice, hot, and fresh? It’s best that way, y’know.”
Nanami wants to retreat, go back into his shell and keep the relationship professional, informal, safe, but then you’re twisting again, and your knee is brushing up against his, and he likes the contact a bit too much.
“Is it?” He questions.
“Mhm,” you nod. “I’ll even make sure to give you something sweet for dessert.”
“I’m not a big fan of sweets.”
“You will be after tonight.”
“Please email me your address at your earliest convenience.”
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doctorbunny · 2 months
More serious summary of the livestream
Unfortunately I can't provide a full translation because the entire time I was watching in autistic excitement like 😊🥰🤩 whilst my brain melted out my ears and didn't pick up on a lot
Luckily, I have a feeling someone will get around to translating this stream eventually since they finally had the BGM on a lower volume so everyone was audible the whole time Without further ado:
We started with introductions seating order is Yamanaka, Yurina (Es' VA), Minami (Amane's VA), Ryouta (Kazui's VA) and DECO (who dyed his hair blonde) They each have one of the 4th anniversary acrylic stands in front of them The actors have their characters but Yamanaka has Haruka and DECO has Muu
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Yamanaka admitted to being a Haruka oshi/fan
Then Minami talks about being a Fuuta fan (she calls him cool) and she's handed the Fuuta stand and she pushes the Fuuta and Amane stand next to each other (and jokes about their height difference then imitates Fuuta going zenbu zenbu zenbu!)
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But then Yurina sticks her Es stand in between them to separate them
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And then they move the Amane stand next to the Kazui one and everyone coos
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Before moving Amane and Fuuta back together in front of Minami Then they basically just lift all of the stands up on to the table and continue on
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They discuss their thoughts on the trial
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Looking at who got voted inno and guilty Minami is happy Amane got inno but has no idea how Mikoto wasn't guilty They note that the audience wasn't very happy with Kotoko for beating up the other prisoners Then they give some thoughts on the MVs from Daisuki to Deep cover They get most excited talking about Cat and Purge March Kazui says that he was able to put the right emotions into Cat because he recorded the voice drama first Yurina and Minami actually caused the microphone to peak with their excited shrieks at one point (ow)
They answer some audience submitted questions One question was answered along the lines of "Be prepared" One was submitted in English and they tried to but couldn't read it Then they got a question (in Japanese) from someone from 韓国/South Korea [side note: I feel like the south korean milgram fandom has gotten more prominent recently, its always been there but it feels bigger than ever and that's pretty cool]
After audience questions they made a few announcements Some things we already knew, the gratte cafe crossover, the Kotoko line stickers, Earbuds are still on sale (and they're making badges and stuff based on the earbud promo art) the 4th anniversary art/acrylici stands literally in front of them Then some new things: Minigram LINE stamps (everyone was especially pleased for the Kazui XP stamp) There's going to be a part 2 to the Karaoke collab (no details yet other than its coming)
They also announce this year's perk for annual members [the pain of being an annual member but living outside of Japan so you can't get these 😭] Blank lamenated cards of the prisoner's interrogations and a whiteboard pen so you can write your own interro questions and answers They bring out the cards for Kazui and Amane and do some examples
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"Do you like cake?" "I don't eat it."
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"What did you have for lunch today?" "Gyudon." [a beef and rice dish]
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Then Minami just writes "Toilet paper" in katakana and everyone laughs (Then she writes Toilet paper rap/lap/wrap and I'm not sure what she means)
Most exciting is script books for the Hallucenation liveshow (scripts of the voice dramas and songs) The live show uses condensed versions of the voice dramas but this is the first time we'll have official transcripts of key moments to help check translations with
Then they start saying that T2 was hellish, but T3 is going to go beyond hell: They're going to send everyone to Super Hell And at this point my brain fries and overloads on eeby deeby memes as they all go back and forth talking about Super Hell
They all start doing their outros/saying goodbye
Yurina talks about upcoming challenges we have as guards meanwhile Yamanaka ominously holds the Haruka stand up in frame
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Then that's basically it, not much going on because a lot of stuff (like Hallucenation, the plushes, earbuds) came out right before the 4th anniversary
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weebsinstash · 2 months
You know what I've been thinking about lately? Reader x yandere Japanese coworker who gives you inappropriately elaborate bento boxes
That sounds so ultra specific and you're like "well weeb what do you mean, INAPPROPRIATELY ELABORATE" and like I don't mean there's gold leaf and pearls in there or anything but
Say we have Izuku because he's actually specifically who I've had this idea for. I've been having ideas specifically for a Quirkless AU where you work at a company and you're a grown ass adult and he's like, freshly 20, 21, and he's already a significantly higher position in the company than you. I'm talking one day you start hearing of a new transfer and you're standing at the bus stop/train station whatever to go to work and there's some baby faced young man who is being a little too chatty and friendly with you and you're almost wondering if he's stalking you to work when you find out... He's the son of the president of the company or he's like a few positions below CEO 💀💀💀 you could be like 32 and you've worked here for 4 years and here's this, almost KID making like triple if not even more multiples of your entire year's salary
So you're frugal with your money, saving up for a house or something big, or just straight up in a position that isn't paid very well or, maybe you even have an eating disorder or have a diet where you skip meals, and one day Izuku is doing the thing where he's standing inappropriately behind you to look over the quality of your work on your current task when he hears your stomach grumble and asks if you've taken your lunch yet, and pressures you to go eat, oh "it's our obligation as a company to make sure you're taking your legally mandated breaks :) go take a break, you've worked hard today", and then he's being nosey as fuck about THAT too, snooping to find out what you're eating, maybe even taking his lunch at the same time to try and follow you to where you're eating
Either after finding out you straight up don't eat lunch, or you eat too little, or food that isn't very good for you, one day Izuku is very confidently setting a bento down in front of you, all smiles, so friendly, "I made this for you! I really hope you try some of it!"
I've heard Japanese people say things along the lines of "we don't say I love you but we will ask if you've eaten today" and how in a lot of cultures food is a love language (like how the Mystic Messenger boys would ask if you've eaten?). So. You go to open this lunchbox, having no idea what to expect. And it's. It's not just like, store-bought rice balls, he obviously COOKED THINGS. You open up your bento thinking it's just something easy and simple and it's something like THIS
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like. Appreciate the love language that is "cutting food into fun and cute shapes". The man hands you something that took WORK, DEDICATION, FOCUS. There is no point in all the detail besides to make it more enjoyable and he's giving it to YOU. He's handing you an ENGAGEMENT RING OF BENTO BOXES here. And this man is... your boss whom you spend absolutely 0 time outside of work with and you also resent his success 💀
I also see Japanese yandere, specifically in Japan, taking advantage of the Japanese culture of drinking after work. There's real pressure to go to certain company drinking parties, to know how to politely serve drinks to and obey your higher ups, how you'll be ostracized if you don't go when invited, so then you're being awkwardly pressured into situations with a yandere who is trying to make you slip up and let loose little personal details about yourself. So what's your favorite color? Aaa, mine too! I think you said something about growing up innn.... yeah, that was the name, thank you!" and just. Really boiling your frog, you know what I mean? You're getting more comfortable, not realizing the yandere is gradually increasing the amount of alcohol you're drinking and the intensity of their questions
"So, you said you were saving up for a house? Are you going to live there with your partner? Oh, you don't have anyone? Well, surely there was someone in the past, right? No? But... but you're so wonderful, that's so sad! I'm sure someone will come along and, help provide for you and help you settle down someday :) so, what kind of house were you thinking of buying--"
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joedirtymadre · 4 months
new to your blog and it's absolutely ADORABLE! :D may I please req a toge inumaki x reader fluff where toge/reader return after a looong day to their s/o and bask in their warmth? maybe turns into eventual smut? all upto you and absolutely fine if you don't want to, thank youu and ly!! :)
Thank you 🥹 AND YES I CAN (and I hope this one care out great!). Also I normally do (character x F reader) unless someone asks for something different. So keep that in mind when reading my stories 🥸
Bath Time?
“Hmm… he said he finished his assignment about an hour ago, so he should be here by now…” I trailed off as I set the table. I quickly finished setting the table and placing down the food, in hopes that he would arrive before it gets cold. “If he’s taking this long to get home, then it must’ve been a tough mission,” I sighed as I covered the meal to prevent it from getting too cold. “I should have a bath ready for him,” I said and headed to the bathroom to start a warm bath for him. As soon as I finished filling the bath with hot water I heard the front door open.
I walked out, and saw Toge removing his shoes and putting on his sandals. I walked up and he noticed my presence and faced me. “Hi honey,” I smiled. “Salmon,” he said and reached out for me. I slowly pulled him into a hug and I felt him relax as I rubbed his back. Rough day today?” I asked. “Bonito flakes…” he sighed. “I thought so… so I made you something tasty,” I said as I guided him to the dinner table. “Kelp? Salmon?” He questioned. “I thought some rice balls and katsudon with curry might make today a little better,” I said and uncovered the food. “Tuna mayo!” He said excitedly and quickly sat down. “Salmon, kelp, caviar,” he said softly and he placed his hands together and bowed his head lightly. Then he quickly began eating as if he hadn't eaten anything all day. “I guess they didn’t give you a break today huh?” I asked before taking a seat myself. “Mustard leaf,” he mumbled before taking another big bite. “I’m glad you like it, and I have a bath ready for you too. So finish up and get ready ok?” I asked. He nodded and we both finished up eating.
I began picking up the dishes, “Alright now go wash up before the bath,” I smiled. Toge grabbed my arm, almost making me lose balance of the dishes. “Toge?” I asked, confused. “Salmon,” Toge said as he removed the plates from my hands and set them in the sink. He then dragged me to the restroom. “T-Toge?” I stuttered as he shut the door. “Bonito flakes,” he said as he pointed to the both of us and then the bathtub. “Oh! Y-You want to take a bath together?” I blushed. “Tuna mayo,” he smiled, and began removing his clothing. I blushed at the sight of him, I don’t know why I still get so embarrassed. It’s not like I haven’t seen him naked before, but still… I slowly began removing my clothing as well. I covered my chest, feeling my face heat up. Hopefully, he thinks it’s from the steam, or else he’ll tease me about it. “Salmon,” he said as he turned on the shower head and moved me in front of him. The water rained down on us lightly, I then watched as he grabbed some body wash and lathered up his hands in soap. I squeaked when I suddenly felt his hands on my hips. I heard him chuckle and I bit my lip. I tried my best to keep calm, but his hands roamed around my body. I then felt one hand cup my left breast and the other right on my abdomen. “T-Toge…” I whispered as he began playing with my nipple. “Hmm?” I heard. “I-I think I’m clean enough. I think it’s y-your turn,” I said before grabbing some soap and lathering my hands. I turned around to face him and began to lather some soap on his chest. I slowly moved them lower and lower, before stopping. I was suddenly pushed into the wall behind me and felt a pair of strong yet soft lips overcome mine. I wrapped my hands around his neck, deepening the kiss. He then pulled away and went straight for my neck, sucking and nibbling all over. “Ah~! Toge!” I let out. After this I felt Toge attack my neck rougher, and felt his hands roam down to my legs pulling them up to where he’s now carrying me. After a few more minutes of making out I felt Toge begin to walk me out of the bathroom. “Toge?” I asked, confused. Before being suddenly thrown onto a soft flat surface.
I blushed as I realized that he took me to the bedroom. I watched as he stared down at me, panting, and letting his eyes roam around each inch of my body. “Doggy position,” he said, and my body quickly acted on its own and flipped over onto all fours. I blushed heavily from the lewd position I was in, all fours with my pussy spread out for him. I squeaked as I felt a thumb graze over my pussy lips. “Mm~” Toge let out and slowly entered 2 fingers. I gasped, and quickly bit my lip. Trying to hold on whatever sounds I’d make. Toge must’ve taken this as a challenge because he quickly increased the speed. I laid there on all fours gripping the sheets until my knuckles turned white trying to not let out any loud moans. “Salmon…” he said frustrated. “T-Toge… sl-slow down!” I gasped and tried to look back. He then slowly removed his fingers, giving me a moment to catch my breath. But a moment too little as I gasped from the large, hard cock that slipped inside. He quickly grabbed both my arms pulling them behind me. His cock filled up my insides perfectly, and without a second to adjust to the size difference Toge quickly began ramming into me. “Ah~ Ah~ To-!” I drooled as I finally gave up on controlling my moans. “Louder,” I heard, and my moans began filling the entire room. My mind was blank, all I could comprehend was the sounds of his thrusting and my moans. “Oge~ Toge~!” I cried out, with my face hitting the sheets. Suddenly Toge released my right arm and it fell to the side, I have no strength to move it. “Rub yourself,” I heard him say and my arm moved itself under me, straight to my clit. My eyes widened as I began rubbing my clit, “No~! Too much~!” I cried out, but my hand wouldn’t stop, and neither did Toge. This begging only made him fuck me harder, as I felt him lean over me even more. Making his cock fill my pussy up even deeper.
I felt the familiar burning sensation running through my body and knew what was coming. “Oge~! Slow do- Gon- cum~!” I gasped, but it was too late. I felt my body tremble as a wave of pleasure ran through me and I quickly bit into the sheets until it passed. My body finally relaxed and my arm dropped. I then realized… Toge’s still inside, and he’s still hard. “T-Toge?” I asked softly, and before I could turn I felt him slowly pull out before ramming back inside. I moaned loudly and fell back in the sheets. “Wait~! I-! I’m s-sensiti-!” I cut my self off as Toge begin fucking me even rougher. His sadistic side is coming out! My moans filled the room again as he continued pounding my pussy, I then felt him pull my body up slowly. With a hand on my hand to face him, he pulled me into a rough, but passionate kiss before thrusting again. I then felt his free hand snake down my body and began rubbing my sensitive clit. “Mm!” I moaned into his mouth. I trembled as I was at the mercy of this man. Oh god I love it. I felt his fingers rub my clit faster and faster, with his thrusts slowing down but still deep. “F-Fuck…” he groaned into the kiss. “Toge~ Cum inside me~” I said softly as I pulled away. I watched as he smirked and nodded. He leaned a little forward and continued thrusting, while rubbing my clit. I bit my lip, and suddenly heard, “Cum.” An electric shock ran through my body as I threw my head back towards Toge and felt as he bit onto my shoulder while he rammed one last hard and deep thrust into my sensitive pussy. We both took a minute to catch our breath before moving from our current position. “Salmon…” he said softly and kissed my shoulder that he bit. “Toge… bath now? Please?” I panted. “Tuna mayo,” he chuckled and slowly carried me back to the restroom to continue our bath.
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kcrossvine-art · 5 months
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hi birds of paradise and of prey! I sincerely hope your 2024 has been kind to you so far, and if it hasn't, I hope it starts being fucking nicer soon. We got eyes on it and are ready to take it out should it fail.
I'm coming to the end of my list here soon, so if anyone has ideas on what they'd like to see next, please do hit me up! Even if its just a piece of media with interesting food in it and not a specific dish you wanna see. My roommate got me a recipe book from that TikTok fantasy tavern guy, "recipes from the lucky gryphon"? So we could also take a shot at a few of those, although im not really familiar with his work. Regardless-
We will be making Stuffed Cabbage from Lord of the Rings Online today!
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes in to this Stuffed Cabbage?” YOU MIGHT ASKYou cant kinda put whatever you want for seasonings and even the meat filling. I used ground beef but pork and lamb are also stellar candidates.
Yellow onion
2 eggs
Ground beef
A head of cabbage
Red pepper flakes
Crushed tomato
Tomato sauce
AND, “what does this Stuffed Cabbage taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASKBa bawsa
Very, very filling wow
2 rolls filled me up for a meal and i made about 20-ish from one head of cabage
A bit plain tbh, the texture is great but I'd really double up on the seasonings
A blank canvas for you to impart your spice preferences onto
Reheating makes it taste almost identical to fresh
Would pair well with a hot sauce dip
could also go well with an artichoke dip
If you run out of room and need to layer the rolls, I'd try experimenting with pouring some of the crushed tomato and sauce inbetween the stacked rolls. Otherwise the ones at the bottom lack a lot of the tomato flavor. However it might make the bottoms on the rolls laying ontop soggy?
. Where rice called for, used long grain white rice
I've never blanched anything before. Theres not much western food that calls for it, meanwhile whenever my friend from malaysia shows a dish they ate, 9 times out of 10 the vegetables are blanched. Much easier process than the fancy name might suggest- boil water and dunk the thing in until its done. Whatever 'done' may be for the thing you are cooking.
Also for the ground beef (or whichever meat you use) you don't have to cook it beforehand, but in doing two tries at making these cabbage rolls i would recommend you at least season your meat before mixing it with everything else. The meat will cook to a safe temperature inside the cabbage rolls, i just prefer the taste and texture of it when cooked twice.
I give this recipe a meandering 7/10 (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) I want to review more horrible recipes, truly i do, so that the rating scale isnt always a 6 and above, but whenever i try something horrible its like "why the fuck would i put all the effort into making and sharing a review of this thing i Do Not Want others to eat????" yknow?? Would people be interested in roasting horrible recipes? 
1 yellow onion
6 cloves of garlic
2 eggs
2 lbs ground beef
1 1/2 cup cooked rice
1 large head of cabbage
28oz crushed tomato
14oz tomato sauce
Red pepper flakes
Saute garlic and onion in butter over medium heat until onions are caramelized. When done, remove from heat and let cool.
Season the beef to your liking with cumin, red pepper, and salt. Very, very lightly cook the beef in the same pan used for the garlic and onions. Cook until it starts to brown, but dont let it darken. 
Beat eggs thoroughly with oregano, thyme, salt, and pepper.
Add all of the above ingredients together in a bowl with (cooked!) rice. Mix thoroughly then cover and let rest in the fridge.
Core and blanche your cabbage in boiling water, peeling them off as they become limp.
Once you've separated all the leaves, cut off any thick stems that would prevent the leaf from folding.
Put roughly 2 tablespoons of meat filling into each leaf. Fold the sides of the leaf inwards and roll it up. Place each cabbage roll seam-down into a casserole dish.
If they don't all fit in one layer, its more than okay to stack. Try not to stack more than 2 layers though.
Once you've used all the cabbage, take your can of tomatos and pour them over the rolls. Mix some oregano into the tomato sauce and pour that over the rolls as well.
Bake uncovered in the oven at 350 for about 2 hours. Dont worry if a bit of tomato on top looks burnt.
IF REHEATING LEFTOVERS: Bake 10 cabbage rolls in the oven at 320 for about 40 minutes. Reduce time for less rolls.
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neoraso · 6 months
on your special day | pwb
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for @fleurlia angel ♡ i hope you had a wonderful birthday, sorry i'm late!
wonbin was an incredibly affectionate and attentive boyfriend who never let you doubt his love. he didn't always use words but you didn't mind, his actions spoke for themselves. it was your first birthday you got to spend with him and though you both didn't bring it up too often, you could tell it was definitely on his mind. he kept slipping it into conversation randomly in the weeks leading up to your day
"what did you do for your last birthday?"
"is there something you really want me to get you?"
"i'll take the day off for you..."
you promised you didn't want anything big, just to spend time with him. stroking your hair and giving you a kiss on the nose he replied, "don't worry i won't throw you a surprise party or anything. i don't want that either..." though you could tell there was more he wanted to say you left the topic alone, not wanting to pressure him.
and so, the day finally came. you woke up early, and to an empty bed to your dismay. laying in bed for a few minutes listening to soft movements coming from the kitchen, you finally willed yourself up out of bed.
shuffling down the hallway to the kitchen you come across a sight that leaves you pouting. wonbin, in a loose tank top and sweats. his long hair wavy and mussed up from sleeping. before you knew it, your feet were dragging you towards him. you placed a palm on his back letting him know you were there, he always said your footsteps were too quiet and would spook him. this time though, he just softly smiled while you stood on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
"good morning." he said.
"very good morning, getting to see my angel on my birthday." you replied. "how long have you been up?"
"only an hour before you, i wanted to get cooking. i asked my mom for the recipe... " he said sheepishly , looking down at the pot of seaweed soup.
"hm...it smells right and i trust you chef." you assured him with a playful salute.
he nudged you with his elbow, then signaled with his chin towards your table. "go sit, it'll be ready soon then you can give me an honest review."
"i don't want to leave you though?" you said looking up at him.
"you're making me nervous i'm gonna mess this up and then it's gonna be a bad omen for the rest of the year." he left a kiss on top of your head at this, making it more of an order than a suggestion. as usual, you obeyed, albeit reluctantly, plopping down on your seat. at least you had a better view of him from here, you sneakily snapped a few pictures of him, putting your phone face down as he brought your bowl and spoon . he left for a moment to bring your rice and sides, setting it in front of you. once he finally sat down he turned to you with such an adoring look it made you shy all of a sudden.
"eat up" he said, motioning to the bowl. you got right to it, not doubting his cooking abilities, and you were pleased as usual. "how is it?" he asked quietly, petting your hair and looking at you practically with stars in his eyes.
"oh wonbin...." you started and his face dropped.
"what? is it bad? i thought i followed all the directions she sent me." he went to grab your bowl from you but you stopped him with a laugh. "if you'd let me finish i was gonna say, it's delicious. i can really taste the love" you teased him. luckily, he responded favorably,
"good. i made sure to put extra of that." he said as he tucked your hair behind your ear and ran his fingers down your cheek.
you finished your meal and sat on the counter talking to him as he cleaned up the kitchen- a rare sight, but he whined he just wanted to do you right on your birthday...
you both ended up on the couch. you, in his lap and him, stroking the skin of your legs and pressing soft kisses to your temple.
"was there anything specific you wanted to do today? i made reservations at your favorite restaurant for dinner but we can cancel if you don't want to go ..." he started
"of course i want to go, i'll do anything if it's with you." you replied with a smile, grabbing his hand. he brought your fingers up to his mouth and kissed every single one before continuing.
"do you want your present now or later?"
you felt his earnestness from his eyes and tone and knew how excited (or nervous) he was to give it to you. so you end his suffering with a kiss to his cheek. "i'll take it now"
he tapped your leg so he could get up and came back almost too quickly holding a small box. sitting back down next to you on the couch and presented your gift on his open palms. taking the pink box from him, you undid the bow and opened the top revealing a glistening silver necklace with charm of both of your birthstones linked together.
"if you don't like it we can get something else, i just thought-" he started until you threw your arms around his neck.
"i love it so much bin. can you put it on me?" you said already twisting around and handing him the necklace. you picked up your hair while he clasped it around your neck and kissed the spot after.
"i just thought now you could have something that represents us both. i got a matching bracelet, but i didn't want to wear it yet and ruin the surprise..." he was rambling now so you stopped him with a hand on his wrist, making him look up at you. "i just want this day to be perfect for you. it's our first birthday together..."
you leaned in for a kiss but stopped just before his lips to whisper.
"and it won't be our last."
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aintnorainbows · 7 months
Good Days (On My Mind)
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jey uso x black! afab oc
word count: 783
Summary: Jey helps Julisa destress after another long day in the office.
Tags: oral (f receiving), domestic au sorta?
Warnings: mild swearing, smut
Jey was deeply invested in the round of Tekken he was playing, when he heard keys in the door and his girlfriend Julisa rushed into the house. If he couldn’t tell by the agitated look on her face, the way she threw her stuff to the side made it clear she was not in a good mood.
By the time he finished the round and told his friend Xavier he’d be back online later to play some more, Julisa had re-emerged from the bedroom, out of her expensive work clothes and into comfy house clothes.
Jey licked his lips at the sight of her in those form fitting black shorts and the white tank top with no bra. “Hey baby,” he greeted her, crossing from the living room to the kitchen to kiss her.
“Hey, babe.” she said, gloomily, reaching into the cabinets for pans so she could begin dinner.
“What’s wrong, something happen at the office today?” Jey pulled out a stool to sit at the kitchen island while she talked.
Julisa rolled her eyes, letting out a huff. “They testing me at that job so bad. I’m telling you I'm on the verge of quitting…” she began ranting. She went on and on about her managers, some ‘hatin ass bitch’ named Britt.
Jey was listening, he swore he was listening.
He just couldn’t help the way his eyes drifted down her body as she spoke. And when the ceiling fan sent a small breeze through the room, causing her nipples to harden in that tiny tank top… he got a little distracted.
“Damn that’s crazy,” he found himself saying, finally forcing his eyes away from the bit of her ass cheeks that peeked below her shorts when she turned around to stir the food.
He got up, slowly walking toward her a predatory gleam in his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. “I been telling you to quit that job tho. Yeen gotta work, I make enough money for the both of us,”
It was true, he came from a successful family construction business. He, his brother and his cousin were handed the business from their fathers and they kept things running smoothly. Money was no object and he told Julisa that all the time.
She sighed, turning around to look up at Jey and run her hands over his wife beater covered chest, “I know, I just like being independent. But, this stress is getting too much.”
He snuck a kiss onto her neck as his hands trailed down to caress her ass. “Let me destress you then,” he said in her ear in that low voice.
He lifted her up, sitting her on the counter, tugging at her shorts. “Jey quit, the food is gonna burn.”
“That’s fine,” he murmured, trailing kisses down her body. “That’s not what I wanna eat anyway,”
He pushed her legs apart, revealing the meal he really wanted to devour. He wasted no time running his tongue up her slit, slurping at the wetness that collected there.
His tongue danced over clit causing her to moan out loudly, “Fuuuck, J-“ his name was cut off with an even louder moan as he sucked the clit into his mouth.
She tried to shut her legs, squeezing around his head as the pleasure became too much for her, but Jey used his strong hands to force them apart, “Keep them legs open girl,” he chastised her, smacking her thigh with one hand.
He continued going to town on her pussy, licking her clit and tongue fucking her hole when he started to feel her breathing begin to shallow. “You gonna come for me?” he breathed, placing a kiss on her soaking pussy before continuing his work.
She nodded vigorously. Jey moaned, reaching a hand up to stick two fingers in her mouth. Her eyes rolled as she sucked them, “Good girl,” he said as she began grinding against his face as she came.
Almost on cue, the smoke detector started going off and the rice had began boiling over onto the stove. Jey rushed over to move everything over, laughing to himself.
“Told you we was gon burn the food.” Julisa complained once she caught her breath, tugging back on her shorts. “Your lil horny ass finna burn down the house cause you wanna eat pussy,”
Jey sucked his teeth, “And you wasn’t saying none of that when you was getting your pussy ate, little ungrateful ass.”
The two laughed, “Now go put on some clothes, so we can go pick up a pizza, I’m starving.” Jey said giving her a kiss and swatting at her backside as she walked away.
@harmshake @bebesobrielo @venusesworld @trc-punzel @unfriendly--blvck--hottie@2-muchsauce @romansnumberonegirl @ariieeesworld @heyitsnajabrinee @afterdarkprincess @southerngirl41
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gunwookies · 1 year
cute things zb1 does in a relationship
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pairing: zb1 x gn! reader genre: fluff! suggestive at hao's, lil angsty at taerae's warnings: slightly cringey word count: 3.5k notes: I tried to write every character based on my interpretation of the members! also for yujin's I assumed the reader goes to school since he does too.
he always makes sure that you are well fed!
jiwoong always asks you if you’ve eaten. just like he cares so much about his health, he cares so much about your health! when you’re stressed you often forget to eat so he’s the one that always makes sure your tummy is full! he lovesss to cook for you! when you come home from work tired, he knows that food is the way to your heart. so he always welcomes you home with a plate of rice or a bowl of soup ready to listen to you talk about your day. if you’re too tired he’ll even feed you because he finds you so cute.
you unlock your apartment door, trudging through. your nose is hit with the strong smell of garlic and chili oil. your eyes find their way towards the kitchen, where jiwoong’s back is facing you as he spoons some bibimbap into a porcelain bowl.
“you’re home?” jiwoong asks, his back still facing you as he finishes preparing the food. you smile to yourself as his voice gives you the comfort you’d been longing for all day. you drop your bags on the couch as you head towards the kitchen. you wrap your arms around jiwoong’s waist, snuggling your cheek into his back. you feel jiwoong slightly giggle and look up to see the cute crinkle of his eyes. “are you tired?” he asked, looking down at you over his shoulder.
 “mhm,” you affirmed. he turned around to face you, your arms still around his waist. his hands reached your face, fingers cupping your cheeks as he placed a small peck on your forehead. his fingers lightly caress your ears as he places his forehead against yours.
“how about you have some of this bibimbap i made you and then we can watch a movie and cuddle? yeah?” he whispers. you nodded enthusiastically before stealing a quick peck on his lips.
zhang hao:
constantly praises and compliments you
hao is your number one fan and he always wants you to remember that. he literally cannot go an hour without praising you. he’ll randomly stop you when you’re walking together down the street to just tell you how beautiful you look. as soon as you wake up next to him, hair all messy and face puffy, he doesn’t hesitate to tell you how attractive you are as he looks straight into your eyes. he loves seeing how shy you get at his words, but even more how you gain confidence when you are around him. he definitely feels pride from having such an amazing partner as you.
you wrapped a towel around your body as you stepped out of the shower. hao had booked a dinner reservation for the both of you as it was your three year anniversary. you were so excited as today was such a special day and you were ready to spend it with your boyfriend in such a romantic way. as you walked out of the bathroom, you saw hao leaning against the bedframe, scrolling on his phone. his gaze raised as he saw you from the corner of his eyes. a small smirk formed on his lips as his eyes were glued on your frame. he shoved his phone into his pocket as he walked towards you. you didn’t pay him any mind as you walked towards your closet, looking for something to wear. as you stood in front of your clothes, you felt hao’s arms snake around your waist. 
“you look so beautiful, right now,” he whispered, placing a small kiss on your neck. he continued to place kisses all across your neck and shoulders.
“come on, hao. i need to get dressed.”
“but you just look so gorgeous like this. i can’t believe i get to see this beauty with my own two eyes,” he whispers into your ear, before he places a kiss there. you turn around, hiding your blushing face into his neck. 
“we’re gonna be late.”
“ i think we should just stay home and do… other things,” he smiled innocently. and of course, you could only agree.
loves to spoil you
hanbin just loves to see you happy, especially when he’s the reason. and he’ll do anything to achieve that. he always notices the twinkle in your eyes when you see something you want. he doesn’t even think twice about buying it for you, because he just want to see you happy like that. you never even ask for anything but hanbin just always knows exactly what you want. even just going to the convenience store, he always brings something for you. even when you don’t ask for anything. more than anything, he loves giving you meaningful gifts. like how he once gifted you a weighted blanket because you complained that you weren’t sleeping well. 
you rushed down the stairs of your apartment, still in your pjs. hanbin had texted you that he was outside of your apartment. you were completely confused as you had just seen each other for breakfast this morning. but it was still an opportunity to see your favorite person, so you were delighted. as you walked outside in the windy cold, you noticed hanbin leaning against a tree. he broke into a sweet smile as his eyes met yours. you walked towards him and noticed his hands hidden behind his back. 
“hey, love,” he smiled as you reached him. you waddled in front of him, placing a peck on his lips. you noticed how his arms didn’t even reach to touch you as you kissed him. you looked down to see he was holding something in his hands. hanbin noticed your gaze and hesitantly stretched his arms towards you. flowers. he bought you a bouquet of flowers. you broke into a smile, noticing how they were your favorite flowers, camelia flowers. 
“what is this for?” you asked, as you grabbed the bouquet, placing it against your chest.
“i just saw them as i was walking home and i had to get them for you. pretty flowers for such a pretty person,” he said, smiling shyly, his ears growing red. you giggled, leaning into his embrace. 
“thank you, hanbinnie,” you muttered, kissing his cheek.
he loves taking pictures of you
matthew just loves admiring your beauty. anytime he can, he just takes out his phone and snaps a picture of you. he especially loves doing it in secret. whenever he wakes up before you in the morning, he loves to sneak pictures of you sleeping because you just look so peaceful and beautiful. he even has a picture album named after you where he just has pictures of you. whenever you guys go on dates he always makes sure to take a picture of you, wether it be from across the table or in front of a beautiful scenery. whenever you’re not with him, he’ll go through the photo album and smile at the beauty. 
you walked hand-in-hand with your boyfriend over a bridge that overlooked the han river. 
“aw, come on! i was not that awkward,” matthew whined as he recalled the day he confessed to you.
“matthew, you were stuttering and you couldn’t even look me in the eyes,” you giggled, leaning your head on his shoulder. it was true, you had never seen matthew look so nervous until that day three years ago. 
“okay, i definitely was nervous. but, you can’t blame me. i liked you so much that i probably wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if you rejected me.” you giggled, pinching his cheek. you settled back into comfortable silence as your eyes wandered around your surroundings.
“the river looks so beautiful with all the lights reflecting on it like that,” you noticed, stopping to stare. 
“it really does look beautiful. here, go stand there. let me take a picture,” mathew says, taking out his phone. you walked over towards the edge of the bridge, standing awkwardly in front. you didn’t really know what to do so you just threw up a peace sign as you always did. “come on, y/n. you can do better than that,” matthew says. “you should look at my instagram for inspo,” he grinned behind the camera. you giggled, before throwing your hands back into the peace signs. what you didn’t know is that matthew was able to capture that beautiful smile of yours. “you look so cute!” he praised as he looked at the pictures he took. 
takes care of you even when he’s mad at you
you’re taerae’s number one moodmaker. so when you fight, it really hurts him. because of that he tends to give you the silent treatment. if he tries to talk to you he knows he’ll break down into tears so he just waits for you to come up to him. but, you can be just as stubborn as him so this could mean whole days without talking. however, taerae feels responsible for taking care of you anyways, so he does so in small and quiet ways, like leaving you coffee in the morning when you wake up, throwing a blanket over you and turning the tv off when you fall asleep on the couch, or folding your laundry just the way you like it without asking, which usually cause you to give in and forgive him. 
you had locked yourself in your room for hours, silently crying in your bed as you replayed the scene over in your head. you had never fought so bad with taerae and it was all for nothing. it was stupid. you hated fighting with him. why’d he have to overwork himself so much? why couldn’t he just come home and rest with you? it wasn’t fair that his agency was taking your boyfriend away from you. but it was also his dream, and you couldn’t take that away from him. you just wanted to run into his arms and hug him and tell him everything was okay. but then the scenes of him yelling at you, eyebrows furrowed replayed in your head. you were too stubborn to forgive him so easily. suddenly, you heard a knock at the door. you jolted in your bed, standing up to head to the door. you hesitated before opening it, as you weren’t sure if you wanted to face taerae like this. however, you wiped your tears and opened the door. to your surprise, there was no one there. but you looked down and noticed a cup of tea on the floor.  as you picked it up, you noticed there was a note stuck to it. 
“i love you no matter what. i’m sorry - taerae”
he loves to make you nervous
ricky is such a naturally flirty guy, but only with you. so, he just loves doing little things that he knows will make your heart flutter. you’re usually pretty shy when it comes to physical affection, so ricky loves to catch you off-guard. he loves to see the way your breath hitches and your eyes panic when he does something risky. he doesn’t care if you’re alone or surrounded by people. but secretly, it affects ricky just as much as it does to you. he would never want you to know how fast his heart beats or how his hands shake, when he does these kinds of things.
“hahah loser! i’ve beaten you three times now,” you say as you stick out your tongue at your boyfriend. ricky pouted as he threw the game controller onto the bed. 
“it’s just because you’re distracting me!” he whined, throwing himself back on the bed. you shook your head in disbelief.
“what do you mean? i’m just playing mario kart fair and square! i haven’t even talked to you!” you mirrored ricky’s pout, crossing you arms against your chest. 
“yeah, well you’re so cute i can’t focus,” he mutters. your breath hitched just the slightest.
“ricky… th-this is just your way of sidetracking me so i’ll lose. guess what? it won’t work!” ricky chuckled, sitting back up as he gripped the game controller.
“we’ll see about that? if i win this next round, you owe me ice cream,” he proposed. 
“deal. you won’t win though,” you affirmed. this time you were completely determined to beat ricky, this was ice cream on the line. as the game started, your eyes were focused on the screen. you were pleased to realize you were beating ricky! though he was only two places behind you, you were sure that you could beat him. that was until an overwhelming force pushed your back into the bed. less than a second later, a pair of lips attacked yours. they moved swiftly against yours, his tongue lightly licking your lips. you could feel your heart beating a thousand miles per hour. without realizing it, you became completely captivated and forgot all about the game. but, ricky didn’t. just as quickly as he kissed you, he parted from you, getting back into the game. and before you knew it, he had won.
“RICKY!” you whined, lightly punching his bicep. 
“you were totally into it,” he smirked. “and you owe me ice cream.”
he’s literally attached to your hip
apart from being your boyfriend, gyuvin is your bestfriend. that’s why he wants to do absolutely everything with you. he also thinks you’re literally the cutest person on earth, so he tends to baby you. no matter what you’re doing, gyuvin either has an arm around you, his hand in yours, caressing your face, your hair. there is absolutely no scenario in which gyuvin isn’t touching you in some way. and you’ve become absolutely dependant on his touch, to the point where you’ve become just as needy for his touch. 
you were laying on the couch of your shared apartment, gyuvin’s head laying on your lap. your fingers played with his hair, gently ruffling it as your eyes stay stuck on the tv screen. suddenly, you felt a storm in your stomach. gyuvin turned his head to look at you, the corner of his lips pointing upwards. 
“are you hungry?” he asked, a cute downward smile on his lips. you nodded slowly, a shy smile on your lips. gyuvin then got up, sitting down next to you. 
“how about we go down to the convenience store and get some ramen and snacks?” he suggested, a mischievous smile on his lips. 
“you go. i don’t wanna get up,” you whined, leaning against his shoulder.
“come on! you know i can’t do anything without you. plus, you’ll have so much more fun with me than alone here with your tv,” he grinned, standing up in front of you.
“alright, kim kwaja. let’s go,” you sighed, giving him your hand to pull you up. 
you walked along the street, your arm locked in gyuvin’s. 
“i’m so cold,” you grumbled, snuggling into gyuvin’s chest. “i should’ve just stayed inside.” gyuvin giggled at how cute you looked, all grumpy and annoyed. he took your hands in his, warming them up with friction and placing a kiss on the back of your hands before putting them in his pocket. your cheeks heated up at the sweet act. 
“better?” his voice asked, lovingly.
“yeah,” you muttered, cheesing to yourself. 
“see. how can you live without me?” 
he gets jealous
gunwook’s biggest pride is you. so when he feels like that is being challenged, he tends to get a little irritated. however, he never makes it your problem because he understands that you’re such a charming person that it’s only natural for others to flirt with you. that doesn’t stop him from feeling a little jealous on the inside, though. he’s not usually a confrontational guy, gunwook is such a cutie, especially for you. but when he feels threatened, he tends to puff up his chest and pretend he’s all cool and mighty. you think its the cutest thing in the world. 
gunwook had taken you on a date to the amusement park. you’d been nagging gunwook for forever to go and he’d finally complied.  after going on all the rides you wanted to go to at least three times, you were both so tired. 
“how about we go get something to eat?” gunwook offered, squeezing your hand in his. you nodded enthusiastically. 
“how about we get some churros? ooh, and a milkshake?” you you asked, giving gunwook those puppy eyes that always worked on him. 
“yeah, yeah, alright. let’s go,” he said, melting completely. 
“ooh!” you gasped as you saw a couple wearing matching headbands. gunwook noticed the way your eyes lit up and immediately knew. 
“ok, you go get the food and i’ll go get us some cute headbands,” he said with a low chuckle. you giggled, thanking him with a kiss on the cheek before heading to get the food.  as you approached the food booth, you noticed a familiar face. your childhood friend, jungwon, was standing in line. as soon as he saw you, his eyes lit up.
“y/n!” he yelled, waving you over. “it’s been so long,” he said as he embraced you in a hug. as you got your food, you engaged in a long and enthusiastic conversation with him.
when gunwook arrived, wearing pink bunny ears and holding another pair in his hand, he didn’t like the view. he didn’t like the way jungwon was looking at you, or the way he kept touching your shoulder when he talked to you. he sped up walking to you and surprised you by wrapping his arm around your waist. 
“oh! hi, gunwook. this is jungwon,” you said, smiling. 
“hi. i’m her boyfriend, gunwook. nice to meet you,” he said with an unusually deep voice, placing the bunny ears on your head before shaking jungwon’s hand without cracking a smile.
“well, nice to meet you too! i'll get going y/n. it was nice to see you,” jungwon said, giving you a pat on the shoulder before walking away. you smiled at him, then turned towards gunwook. 
“you didn’t have to scare him off like that,” you scolded him.
“i just didn’t like the way he was looking at you,” he pouted, wrapping his arms around your waist and hiding his face in your neck. 
“you’re just the cutest, aren’t you?” you whisper.
he’s always blowing up your phone
yujin will literally relate anything he sees to you. because of that he’s always sending you pictures of things that remind him of you, or tiktoks, or memes that will make you laugh. he just sees you in every little thing and wants you to know. when you get home from school, you go straight to your phone to watch all the tiktoks yujin’s sent you and one by one respond to them. he’s also the type of boyfriend that would call you in the middle of a school day. he’d be obsessed with you.
you were able to sneak into the bathroom during math class, since you knew he wouldn’t notice you were gone. you quickly entered the bathroom stall in the far left, and rang your boyfriend. he immediately picked up.
“hi,” he said, all giggly. your cheeks warmed at the sound of his voice. 
“hey yujinnie,” you replied, warmly. “how’s your day been?” 
“i haven’t seen your face yet, so not that good,” he complained. you laughed lightly, but enough to make yujin smile. “it’s not fair that i don’t get to see you laugh with my own two eyes right now.”
“don’t be so whiny, yujin. here, i’ll turn on my camera,” you gave in. you turned on your camera, your smiling face being the first thing yujin saw. he gasped.
“what is this golden light that’s blinding my eyes? is it a goddess? an angel? oh wait it’s just y/n’s beauty” he announced dramatically. you chuckled, shaking your head.
“hey! now you turn on your camera!” you whined.
“alright, alright,” he complied. instantly, his face filled the screen. you gawked at how beautiful he look under the horrible bathroom lighting. his hair slightly fluffy, and a few strands falling over his eyes. he looked so cute it made you mad. 
“you’re alright,” you shrugged. 
“after i just compared you to a goddess? just ‘alright’?” he frowned jokingly.
“okay! i guess you’re pretty handsome,” you mutter. 
“i’ll take it!”
“sooo, do you wanna go to the movies after school? there’s this really good horror movie i wanna watch!” you suggested.
“sounds good, i’ll meet you there at three? maybe we can grab something to eat beforehand.”
“okay. i’ll see you later!” you said, sending him a kiss through the screen. he grabbed it in the air, holding it against his heart. 
“see you later, y/n.” you thought you saw a semblance of pink on his cheeks before the call ended.
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wannaeatramyeon · 8 months
Young!Samuel Seo with Young!Reader: Dinner Guest
G/N. Standalone but tied in to Leave Him Be. Next - doctors and patients
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Dinner time has changed.
"We're having dinner now?"
You peer at your mom from the doorway with round curious eyes. "Why?"
"It's nice to eat earlier," she explains, spooning freshly cooked rice into bowls.
"It just is."
"Because I said so. Can you please take this out?"
"Y/N!" Your mom scolds. Using your whole name which means there is no room for argument or any more questioning.
You close your mouth quickly.
"Now take this one to Samuel."  You're handed the largest portion, rice shaped into a nice mound over the top of the bowl, "and this one is yours."
Yours is smaller, which is fine by you. Rice is just ok. It's the dishes you really like. Your mom has gone all out today, made your favourites and more. She always seems to do that these days.
Dinner is now at 4:30pm instead of past 7pm. Which is too early by most people's standards, but your young mind doesn't care about most people.
Maybe you would mind more, especially with your stomach rumbling late at night. Except, whenever you pad into the kitchen to look for something to eat, your dad is always there to share a bowl of ramen with you.
"Don't tell mom," he says and your chest puffs as you giggle at the secret between the two of you.
You sometimes wonder if Samuel gets hungry late at night too, if he shares a midnight snack with his dad.
Dinner now interrupts your make believe games with Samuel, though neither of you care. At least Samuel doesn't anymore.
Quiet and headstrong at first, refusing to share a meal with you. Until you asked again and again. The special sort of "why why why" that frustrates your mom and adults and kids alike and he caved.
You like to think you're that convincing (or that annoying). Truth is the food smelt too good, looked too good.
Samuel has been topped up on snacks and potato chips and candy since you befriended him, but he couldn't remember the last time he had a full meal, never mind one home cooked and lovingly prepared by a parental figure.
(He's weak to you and your family's kindness. He doesn't have the walls and defences he would eventually build.)
Dinner now comes with distractions. Your dad brings over the latest delivery of comics for you and Samuel to flip through as you eat. Both shovelling rice and meat and banchan into your mouths with one eye on the page.
You tried that a few times when Samuel wasn't there. Ignoring conversation and questions at breakfast and getting told off by your parents. You cried and wailed yet they didn't give in.
You wish Samuel was around all the time.
Dinner now means shared laughter and banter. Sometimes Samuel snapping at you when you push him too far. Then easing up when you slip him an extra piece of beef or your chicken wing. Talking about anything and everything, in the way children do. Inquisitive and looking at the world with innocent eyes.
Samuel seems to know a lot more than you. Has a cynicism that seems at odds with his youth. Looks at you sometimes as if you're not the same age and he has been through a lot more.
You don't understand what that means. Not yet.
Most importantly-
(Though the implications don't register for you right now; you will recognise your parent's concern and care years later, understand the sort of childhood Samuel had.)
Dinner now gives enough time for Samuel to eat, and then go home earlier than the first time he spoke to you.
The first time you played together and he overstayed, when his eyes widened with panic and he returned to your family convenience store the next day with a fresh bruise.
You're used to Samuel with bruises. Accepted them as a part of him. Your mom and dad never did.
Your dinner time has changed, and there's now a regular guest.
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w2soneshots · 17 days
INside -Angry ginge
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Words: 0.9k+
Warnings: none.
Summary: you enter the inside house and quickly get along with a particularly attractive ginger boy.
a/n: hello loves! I’ve had so many people asking for more angry ginge fics so here’s a one off😉. Enjoy!!💓🫶🏼
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Today I'm going into a house with nine other people for a week. No connection with the outside world, no internet and with mostly strangers that I've never met. It's for the sidemen's new reality show. I haven't been told much about it so it will be quite a surprise.
The taxi dropped me off outside and I grabbed my suitcase from the boot. I pushed open the heavy door to reveal what looked like an airport security. I furrowed my brows. "The fuck is this?" I walked through the scanner then read the signs on the mirror. "Smile for the camera." I pulled a face then popped my suitcase onto the conveyor belt. Once I was finished I opened the door on the right.
The house was quiet when I made my way up the stairs. "Hello?!" I shouted out. I walked into the living room. "Hey!" Joe ran towards me. "Hi! I can't believe you're in here!" We shared a quick hug. I've known Joe for years. It was nice to know that someone I knew was in the house. Then another guy stepped forward. "Hello. I'm Morgan." He greeted me with a cute smile. I smiled back. "Hi, I'm y/n."
The next to arrive was Chloe (who I know since I was on her podcast), followed by everyone else. They all seemed nice but I could tell that there was a few people in it just for the money, which I understand but I want to make friends and just have some fun. We picked our beds. I ended up between Morgan and Manrika. We all sat down on the sofa to have a chat. After a little while Miniminter, Vik and KSI walked into the room. Everyone erupted in cheers and claps.
"Welcome to inside!" JJ started dramatically. "You will all be battling it out for a prize fund that starts out at one million pounds." Everyone clapped once again. "As you guys can see, there's not much in this house. That's because everything costs money." Vik said, putting on his best presenter voice. "No Vik no!" Joe joked. Simon began, "We're going to be opening the shop so you can buy whatever you want, but you're going to be paying for it through everyone's prize money." Vik went on to explain all about the shop, the daily challenges and food (we only get basic stuff unless we want to purchase it from the shop).
They left soon after and we continued to chat away. Until the tv screen lit up, reading 'the shop is now open'. Everyone raced downstairs. "Two grand for the pool balls?! You're taking the piss." Ginge stared at the board. "You have to pay for a shower? Are you fucking joking!" My eyes widened. I really didn't want to have cold showers every day.
After a long conversation about the shop and trying not to spend anything we all went upstairs. Then lunch arrived. It was freezing cold rice and chickpeas. I genuinely could not force myself to eat it, it was disgusting. Everyone went to eat their food then me and Ginge slipped away from the group to go downstairs. We giggled as we hurried into the shop. "I'm fucking starving." I ordered a packet of crisps and a fizzy drink. He ordered the same. We sat on the floor and ate in peace.
After the first night I slowly began to catch feelings for Morgan, and Chloe was quick to notice. "But do you find him attractive?" She asked me as we got ready. "I don't know. He's tall and he's cute." I replied, not making eye contact with her. "Oh you definitely like him!" She chuckled.
It started to become a running joke in the house. The way we looked at each other, our banter and the fact we always sat next to each other. Me and Ginge didn't talk about it directly but one day Specs was telling me about the conversation he had had with Morgan and it was very interesting. "He said that he would go on a date with you if he got the chance." "You're joking?" I was slightly surprised and I didn't want to look like a mug if Specs was just having me on. "No seriously. He likes you y/n."
Ginge left the next day and I actually missed him. It felt weird not having him around. I ended up getting into the final three before I left. I was really happy for Chloe and Manrika. I also saw Morgan again, we shared a quick hug then I gave him the rundown on what happened after he had left. We filmed tiktok's, took pictures and then said our goodbyes. I felt as though I had made some really good friends and made some interesting memories.
A few days after the final I got a call from Morgan. "Hey!" I answered in a cheerful voice. "Hi, I just wanted to ask if you were free anytime this week?" He got straight to the point and sounded slightly nervous. "Are you asking me out?" "Uh- well- yeah." He stumbled on his words. "So Specs wasn't joking." I thought out loud. "What?" "I'll explain on our date. You free Friday?" I asked. Unbeknownst to me a huge smile spread across his face. "Yeah I am." "Great see you then."
After I decided the call I quickly rang Chloe. "Babe, you'll never guess who just asked me out!" I began excitedly. "Who? Wait! Ginge?! No way!" She screeched down the phone.
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pholla-jm · 9 months
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Anxiety could be a fickle thing. You never wanted to offend anyone, even if it meant it was a huge inconvenience to you. Especially if someone was being nice to you. And as someone as nice as Sanji only made things worse.
When you first joined the crew, everyone was so nice to you. But not as nice as Sanji was. He made you feel different and over time you developed a little crush on him. Of course, you wanted to make yourself perfect for him.
So you started worrying about all the ‘what ifs’. What if my hair isn’t perfect today? Or what if he thinks my laugh is weird? What if something I said upset him? All these what ifs just made your anxiety worse.
So when Sanji placed a plate of fish in front of you, you felt conflicted. You didn’t want to offend Sanji by not eating it. But you were allergic to fish or any seafood for that matter. When your eyes glaze over the table, you notice that the table had an array of seafoods. The only thing that you would be able to eat is the rice.
“Is everything alright mon amour?” You hear Sanji ask causing you to jump a little. “Oh, yes. Everything just looks so good. Deciding what to eat first.” You pick up your chopsticks and picked up a piece of fish.
You nervously looked at the fish. Yes, it did look good. But you haven’t eaten fish in so long that you don’t know how your body was going to react to it.
The last time you ate fish was when you were a child. You were placed in the hospital for the rest of the day because of it. You looked over at Sanji who was happily putting together more plates. Seeing his happy face was all that you needed to build up the courage to put the fish into your mouth. You liked the flavor of it. It was good. As always. Sanji’s cooking is always the best.
There was no reaction when the fish slid down your throat. You took that as a good sign and continued to eat the fish in small portions.
Hopefully, you were able to eat fast so you can get out of there before any reactions set in. However, that was wishful thinking.
“Woah (y/n)! Your face is swollen like a blowfish.” You hear Luffy shout and then laugh.
You brought your hand up to your face and immediately noticed that it was in fact swollen. You were now starting to realize that you were losing feeling in your throat and your face.
“You idiot! Are you allergic to seafood?!” You hear Nami shout at you. “Ahh! I’ll be right back with some medicine!” You hear Chopper scream and scramble out the room.
“N-no. No… I’m fine” Your voice was quiet and hoarse as you tried to stand up from the table. You honestly weren’t sure if anyone heard you.
This situation was becoming more of a disaster. Something that you didn’t want to happen was everyone worrying about you.
You started to stumble towards the door. Hoping that you were able to make it to Chopper’s infirmary before you passed out. You only took two steps before someone picked you up bridal style. You squirmed a bit, trying to get out of this person’s hold, but it proved futile.
“Shh, just stay still (y/n). I’ll bring you to Chopper’s infirmary.” It was Sanji’s voice.
If you were completely conscious, you would be blushing. However, you were slowly starting to lose consciousness. Or maybe it was the fact that your eyes were slowly starting to swell shut. The sudden thought of Sanji seeing you like this filled you up with dread.
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It felt like hours until you were able to properly breathe and see again. Your whole body felt stiff, and you didn’t really want to move. But you knew that you had to. You take a deep breath, trying to find the strength to at least sit up.
“Ma douce” You hear Sanji speak causing your eyes to widen. Just how long has he been there. “… Sanji?” You whisper, your voice a bit hoarse.
“Oh thank goodness.” He whispers grabbing onto your hand. You squeeze his hand back in response.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were allergic to seafood?” Sanji asks and you look over to him. Your eyes widen seeing that his eyes were a bit red. A tell sign that he was crying.
You reach over, your other hand grabbing the same hand. “What’s wrong Sanji?” You whisper.
Sanji sighs and puts his head down, “I can’t believe that I hurt you.” Your eyebrows furrow at his words. “What do you mean? You could never hurt me. Why would you think that?” “I served you something that almost killed you.”
Your lips turned into a frown. You never meant for him to feel this way. “I’m so sorry Sanji.” “There’s nothing for you to be sorry about mon amour. It’s me who should be sorry. I hurt you.”
You shake your head, “no. I didn’t want to offend you in any way. You put so much work into your meals it would be rude for me not to try it.” Sanji let out a chuckle at your words, “you’re too nice for your own good (y/n). You know that?”
“You could never offend me. And you’re not a burden- never. Now are there any other food allergies I should know of?” He asks and you shake your head. “Perfect. I’ll go make you another plate. One that won’t kill you.”
You smile at his words as he stands up. Both of your hands falling from his own. You were already starting to miss the warmth that emitted from him.
You were a bit confused to why he started to lean down closer to your face. You couldn’t’ really move, afraid that you would do something wrong. Finally, his lips landed on your forehead.
There was a small smile on your face when he stood back up. This was something you didn’t expect, but it was a nice surprise. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He says. “Thank you, Sanji. You’re the best.” You say as he starts to walk out the room.
The door closed, the both of you trying your best to calm down your racing hearts.
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tangledinink · 1 year
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whoa, i wrote a thing. the first chapter of my tmnt "sorry, teenage mutant what now?" au is live on ao3, or can be read below the cut!!! complete with sketchy title card and dumb chapter title. do i have any real experience writing fics??? no!!! am i gonna do my best anyway!?!? yes i am!!!
“Did you drink all the milk AGAIN!? Dude!—"
“What?! You know I need an exact milk-to-rice-chex ratio in order to enjoy my breakfast, Leo!”
“Have any of you seen my dance bag? It’s not where I left it!”
“Why do you need it, anyway? Isn’t dance on Thursday?”
“Leo, today is Thursday.”
“What? No, it’s not. If it was Thursday, then my American Literature essay would be due, and I haven’t even started it yet, so there’s NO WAY—“
“If my toaster is destroyed, I will be making whichever child is responsible pay for the replacement!” The warning rang out over the general chaos of the morning.
“Oh shoot—“ Yoshi could hear the frantic scrabble of a belated attempt to rescue the burning pop tart, which Yoshi could smell from all the way in the living room. Parked in his reclining chair, the TV playing in front of him, he munched contentedly on his own breakfast which he had acquired earlier before his teenage sons descended upon the kitchen. He was not much of a ‘morning person,’ but it was a necessity if he was to eat in any sort of peace in the mornings.
This was a typical morning in the Hamato household.
Yoshi was used to it by now. The bickering, the bumbling, the hectic last-minute "wait I forgot something's--" it was all just a part of the routine. Sure, it had been a bit exhausting at times when they were all still children, and he had to scramble about like a madman each morning to ensure they had everything they needed to get where they were going. But at this point? He could more or less just ignore them and allow them to work things out by themselves, only occasionally needing to step in and offer a bit of guidance. He had always been a bit of a... Hands-off parent, for better or for worse, but he was fairly certain that he had finally found the rhythm of things over the past several years. Not that that made him a perfect parent by any means, there had certainly been plenty of occasions--
"APRIIIIILLLLLL O'NEIL!!!" The battle cry and hearty thud of his poor front door put a sudden end to his narration, and, though it happened near every day, he startled in response, just barely avoiding dropping his tea.
"April!" He bellowed from his chair, turning just enough to peer into the kitchen, where his honorary fifth child (as if he needed any more…) and next-door neighbor had just appeared. "How many times must I tell you?! If you break my door, I will--!"
"Aw, c'mon, Yosh, you know I gotta make a bold entrance at the start of the morning, or my mojo is gonna be off for the whole rest of the day! Besides, I haven't broken the door yet, and it's been how many years?"
“Bah! Haven't broken my door yet, maybe, but what about my bed frame? Or my printer? Or my third-favorite koi fish figurine?!"
"Oh, you wanna play that game now?" O'Neil countered, narrowing his eyes behind scarlet frames, crossing her arms across her chest and cocking one hip to the side. "Okay, then, how about my window? Or my mom's antique vase? Or my literal entire bathroom--"
"Okay! Okay, enough!" Yoshi spluttered with a dismissive wave of his hands. Dammit. The fact he was technically responsible for his sons’ occasional partaking in light property destruction was still, in his opinion, the most unfair and annoying part of parenting. "Fine! Break down the door for all I care! Burn the entire place to the ground! See if I do anything about it! Teenagers..." He muttered with a scowl, shaking his head and returning to his program, an exaggerated scowl on his face. The kids, to their credit, knew well enough by now not to take his rants and mumblings too seriously and quickly re-engaged themselves in whatever gossip and chatter they had previously been wrapped up in.
Yoshi smiled just the tiniest bit, listening with one ear as Donatello explained to a devastated Leonardo that it was, in fact, Thursday, bringing up evidence on his cell phone, and Raphael and April pulled Mikey's dance bag out from inside the oven, where he had forgotten it for the third time this past month.
This was not where he had imagined his life would take him when he was young. Not even close.
He would not trade these moments for anything at all.
By the time his television show was ending, he was just finishing off his tea and shoveling the rest of his bagel into his mouth. Game shows, he had found years ago, were an excellent means of timing routines, and he had it to a science by now. He pulled himself to his feet, stretching and cracking his back loud enough that his children yelled at him from the kitchen, before shuffling his way into the kitchen to begin the work of chasing the teenagers out the door.
"Alright, come on, shoo shoo! You are all going to miss the subway and be late!" He scolded, occasionally swatting at a stray child with his sleeves. "And do not forget anything, because I will not bring it to you!"
"Dad--" Leo began, his eyes blown up huge and pleading. "I don't feel well, I'm pretty sure I've got, like, a tummy bug, or something? Sooo, I should, like, probably stay home--"
"You are not skipping school just because you forgot to do an assignment." Yoshi immediately responded.
"What?! Noooo, Daddy, please, I'm really sick!"
"I was not born yesterday." He scoffed, shooting his son an unimpressed look. "And I have seen you do assignments in far less time! Besides, I'm sure April and your brothers would be happy to help."
A chorus of groans rang from around the table.
“Enough bellyaching! Come on, out of my house! Let's go, chop chop! Anyone who stays home today will be giving me a pedicure!”
That threat always worked. On cue, everyone fell into action. The boys gulped down any remaining breakfast still left uneaten, (whether it was theirs or not,) in between conversations, TikTok videos, and, in Leo's case, loud mourning about the day of the week. Donatello began to long process of buckling up the seventeen different straps on his chunky boots, Michaelangelo passed out lunches to each of his family members, narrating his culinary decisions as he went, and Raphael hurriedly tossed bowls, spoons, and plates into the dishwasher with clatters and clunks.
"I can't find my eyeliner pen-- Nardo, did you steal it? Did you go through my bag?! You DID, didn’t you!!! I am going to delete all of your Minecraft save files--"
"What?! I cannot believe you would make such an accusation, I would never stop to such petty thievery--"
"Mikey, hurry up and grab your skateboard if you're gonna--"
"OW, Dad, Donnie pulled my hair!"
"Oh, what are you, five?"
"HEY, both of you knock it off because Raph makes ya!”
"Wait, did we have a quiz in geometry today--? Because I did not study!!! Raph, this note had better be a joke--!"
After a few final moments of mayhem, Yoshi finally managed to get all five high schoolers out the door, closing the door firmly behind them with a loud sigh.
He loved his children. Truly, he did. But thank god for school.
Grumbling a bit to himself, he got to work straightening the remaining mess left behind. His sons were more than old enough to clean up after themselves and help out around the house, but that still didn't necessarily mean they did it particularly well. Maybe by their late twenties, they'd start to figure that out, if they were anything like their father. He swept up spare crumbs and wiped down the table, putting cereal boxes away in the pantry where they belonged and closing cabinet doors left open.
Truthfully, he had very little room to complain and he knew it. Compared to the first four years of parenthood, things were a breeze. Sure, there was still plenty of work to do, but aside from the occasional exhausting day or difficult conversation, he could practically just put things on autopilot by now. He could hardly imagine how his younger self used to get through each day.
Well, perhaps he could, because, if he was being completely honest, he didn't really "get through" most days back then as much as he was bodily dragged in and out of them. But he had realized long ago that lingering on his past shortcomings was not in anyone's best interest.
With school, extracurriculars, friends and neighbors, babysitters, and a shit-ton of parenting classes on his side now, in addition to the general concept of the passage of time, given that his children were no longer children and now teenagers, he had at his disposal something that he had not had even a scrap of for years before "the move."
Free time.
It had been nearly ten years since "the move." Ten years since he and his sons had donned these disguises and bodily forced their way back into society on the back of lies and forged paperwork. Or, well, he had forced his way back into society. His children were just along for the ride-- and new to it all.
Not that you would be able to tell now, he thought to himself, smiling ever so slightly. Ten years… They had lived this way for a long time now.
It had been so long… Some days, he nearly forgot that he was anything but a man.
"Donnie, here, it's your turn."
Donatello sighed loudly, pausing in whatever he was doing on his phone, (Scrolling through Twitter? Purchasing uranium off the dark web? They were equally likely,) but accepting the laptop shoved into his hands anyway.
"Why am I getting the impression that my turns are longer than everyone else's?" He questioned, his brows pinched with gentle annoyance as he glanced at the other four, all piled together on the subway. There wasn’t enough space for all of them, but even finding a couple of open seats was a near miracle this time of day, so they could make do. Stacking Mikey on Raph's shoulders and denying Leo a place to sit, seeing how it was his American Literature essay that they were taking turns writing, did the trick.
"Because you're the smart one," Leo said, his arms wrapped around the nearest subway pole, leaning so he could read over their shoulder. "This is the consequence of referring to yourself as a 'genius' all the time."
"I'm pretty sure I've always made it very clear that I'm a man of science, not literature." Donnie quipped in reply, even as he hunched over the screen, his fingers tick-tacking across the keys.
"Hey, I'm helping too! That whole third paragraph is mostly me." April protested, crossing her arms and slumping against Donnie, purposefully jostling them a bit in retaliation.
"Me too!" Mikey chirped from atop his brother's shoulders, slumped forward to avoid smacking his head on the roof. "I changed all the punctuation to fourteen-point font to make it longer!”
"Smart." Donnie hummed, not looking up, in such a tone that it wasn't quite clear if he meant it or not. Mikey beamed at the praise nonetheless, a bright grin lighting up his face as he crossed his arms over his brother's forehead.
"Look, it doesn't have to be good. It's just gotta be three pages before third period." Leo said. "I mean, Donnie could also always just hack into the school's gr—“
"Hey!" Raph barked. "We all agreed that that was for emergencies only!"
"Okay, okay, fine!" Leo sighed, a bit of sulkiness saturating his voice, holding his hands up in mock surrender. He reluctantly accepted the laptop when it was passed back over to him, propping up a knee to balance it on and hunching over to type.
"I thought Mikey set up that whole system with you. With the reminders and that agenda app and everything?" April questioned, glancing up at Leo curiously-- perhaps suspiciously.
"He did. I've just been..." He paused, hesitating in his words for just a second. "Busy."
"Oh no." April groaned.
"Not again." Donnie sighed.
"Who is it this time?" Raph asked, quirking a brow.
"What! I have noooo idea what you guys are talking about--"
"Okay, fine. Chase DeFerro." Leo muttered, his eyes immediately flicking to the side to avoid the inevitable reactions of his family.
"Chase DeFerro?"
"The same Chase DeFerro from five months ago?"
"Didn't you two have, like, a horrible break-up?"
"Didn't you block him on, like… Everything?"
"Didn't you say, and I quote, "If I ever have to even see that nasty bitch again in my entire life, it'll be too soon, and I swear to god I'll chop off--"
"Okay, okay! Hey, come on! That was five months ago. Things are, like, totalllyyyy different now!" Leo insisted.
“You said that about the last, like, three guys you’ve dated,” April said, unimpressed.
"Leo, have you ever stopped to consider that, perhaps, your need to constantly be in some kind of a relationship may have some kind of deeper connection to your own feelings of self-worth and the way that you assign value to--"
"Whoa there, Doctor Feelings! Chill! It's not that deep!" Leo scoffed, shooting Mikey an annoyed look. Ugh, he knew he shouldn't have brought it up. "Seriously. I'm just bored, okay? Quit trying to read into it."
"Bored?" Raph echoed, looking at the other with big eyes. "Leo, you can't treat love like it's a game like that! Come on!"
"It's not love, Raph, it's high school dating." Leo scoffed, giving a dismissive wave of his hand. “Anyway! Look, I'm only, like, fifty words short and then I'm home free. Who's got the next turn?"
"Fine." April sighed, rolling her eyes. “Only because your girl here writes a killer BS essay conclusion. But you owe me. Hand it over."
True to her word, the last-minute literature assignment was wrapped up shortly, and the remainder of the train ride was instead occupied by chatter and gossip, discussing upcoming tests and assignments in school, rumors circulating the hallways, and plans for weekends and far-off holidays. On the occasion it got too loud to hear each other properly, they’d sign to each other instead, and then switch back once it quieted down once more. The five scrambled their way off the subway when they arrived at their stop, making their way up the stairs and back to street level.
Leo inhaled deeply as he hopped up the final few stairs, his sneakers giving a satisfying thud on the concrete below them with each step. He had no complaints about the subway, (well, no more than the average person, anyway,) but there was always just something especially refreshing about getting to breathe fresh air after spending any amount of time underground. Even if the fresh air was New York City air. Call him crazy, but he'd never get tired of it.
The group began the final length of their journey, closing the three-block gap between the subway station and their high school-- most of them on foot, Mikey on his skateboard, though he was less skateboarding and more standing on his skateboard and hanging onto the back of Raph's shirt so his older brother would drag him along. Leo wondered absently if he could get away with that, too, before April's voice finally snapped him back into reality.
"You busy after school today?"
"Until six!" He replied, stretching his arms back to lace his fingers behind his head as they walked. "Dee and I have gymnastics."
“Next competition is tomorrow.” Donnie hummed, not looking up from his phone. "So we're getting in the extra hours."
"You know we've got a rep to uphold!" Leo sing-songed, his mouth stretching into a wide, smug grin. "Gotta keep that flawless record for the rest of the season."
It was very well known, to anyone who ran in such circles, that the Hamato Twins were all but sure to take the top two places in any gymnastics meet that they showed up to-- it was just a question of in what order they would do so. Of all the various sports that they participated in, gymnastics was just about the only one where it was truly a coin flip. The only other two extracurriculars they shared were swimming, where Donnie consistently took first place, and martial arts, where they both knew Leo was more likely to come out on top. But gymnastics? It was anybody's guess, and they flip-flopped from first to second just about every other event. For just a moment, Leo caught his twin's eye-- coz he knew he was thinking the exact same thing right now.
Coz he knew they both wanted to win.
Coz they both wanted to rub it in the other's face.
(Of course, they both also knew that the only reason they got to have this little song-and-dance to begin with was because Mikey was still in the age bracket below them. Wouldn't everyone be just so delighted to finally see the Hamato Twins usurped in the coming season... By another Hamato.)
“And Raph has work… Ugh! Y’all are too damn busy!” April huffed, leaning her head back and wrinkling up her nose.
“I’ve got a little bit of time.” Mikey chimed in, leaning over just enough to offer April a grin. “I don’t gotta be at dance until four. I was gonna go work on that mural I’ve got going up north. Wanna come?”
“Beats sitting at home doing homework.” April reasoned, giving a shrug. “I’m in!”
Leo smiled a tiny bit. Though he did, in fact, have complete confidence in his little brother’s ability to traverse the city safely, it was still kind of nice to know he’d be with someone else. If, for no other reason, then to know that Raph would now worry about Mikey at least 80% less during the coming evening.
“Alright,” Speaking of worrisome older brothers, Raph began his typical pre-school speech as they approached the front entrance. “No one be late. No one skip class.” Who, him? What was that pointed look for? He would never… Get caught more than once in a week. “And no one get in any trouble. Don’t do anything Raph wouldn’t do.”
“Yes sir!” The four of them barked in reply as they approached the entrance of their high school. Mostly, they were all just making fun of him. But Leo figured humoring him wouldn’t hurt, especially if it helped him chill a little bit. Raph had always taken his role as “the biggest brother” pretty seriously, ever since they were really little, though Leo wasn’t exactly sure why. He was always the one in charge whenever their dad wasn’t around, and Leo suspected he had a hard time ever completely dropping that mindset.
I mean, don’t get him wrong, Raph was just as capable of fucking around, goofing off, and getting into shit as the rest of them, for sure, he just sometimes wished he could… Relax a little. It wasn’t like anything bad was gonna happen, but Raph always kind of just had this air to him like he was expecting enemies to leap out from behind the corner and attack them at any moment. Like he always had to protect them all. Which Leo could get, sure, but, like… Wouldn’t it be kind of cool if someone did try to start some shit with them or something, just so that they could see the look on their face when they totally kicked their ass? Leo could only imagine it’d be pretty hilarious.
The five of them went their separate ways, parting with various promises to see each other at lunch, after school, at home, etc. April and Raph went one way, Mikey went another, and Leo and Donnie split off in a different direction still, heading towards the East Wing.
And as they cleared the corner, Leo whipped around to face Donnie, stabbing them in the side with a spare elbow. “Last one to homeroom gets second place at gymnastics tomorrow!” He declared, immediately taking off down the hall.
“Wha— Leo! This is unfair, I’m wearing platforms! You know I’m wearing platforms!” Donnie shrieked in protest, even as he broke into a run behind him.
Leo whooped in reply, throwing himself over the railing of the nearest staircase, knowing his twin brother was right on his tail.
“Come on! Harder!!! SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!” Raphael roared, pumping a fist in the air. “LET’S GO! GIVE IT TO ME!”
The gaggle of six-year-olds in the water in front of him, all clinging to the pool wall, giggled loudly in response to his over-the-top encouragement, kicking their legs even harder in a flurry of limbs and dousing him in chlorinated water.
“Whoa, whoa, okay! You gave it to me! I surrender!” Raph chuckled, holding his hands up to shield himself. “Alright, alright. Good job, team! You did great today. Okay, let’s wrap up—“
“Raph! RAPH!”
“Raph, we gotta do the ferry!” Penelope, the loudest of his students, insisted, her face all screwed up with determination. The other four children nodded along fervently. “We can’t get out until we do ferry!”
“Oh, RIGHT. Ferry. Sorry, Raph almost forgot!” He chuckled, thunking his own forehead with the butt of his palm, feigning forgetfulness, as if he hadn’t always intended to do their usual wrap-up game. Class ended with a game of “Ferry” every time, without fail, especially given that he touted it as the ‘reward’ that they had to work for each week by following directions and working hard. He shifted slightly in the water, turning his back on the kids still clinging to the wall. “Okay— hop aboard”
The five elementary schoolers squealed in delight, launching themselves off the pool wall to clamber over the teenager instead, climbing over his broad shoulders and hanging off of his arms. Raph gave a soft little ‘oof,’ at the impact, though it was mostly for show, snorting softly in amusement as Penelope all but climbed on top of his head. Reminded him of Mikey.
“Okay— GO!” She shouted once she was sure all her cohorts were fully boarded, the whole group buzzing with excitement despite the fact that they did this every week. Raph gave a soft hum of acknowledgment, slowly setting off on their lap around the pool. In the shallower end, where they started, he didn’t even really have to swim at all— He could just walk with his body lowered enough in the water to give the illusion of swimming. Or, more precisely, the illusion of ‘ferrying.’
“Welcome everybody to Penelope’s Ferry Ride. I’m Penelope, the tour girl. Over there’s the Empire State Building.” Penelope narrated happily from her perch, gesturing to the bleachers. “And over there is the Statue of Liberty.” The pool noodles. “And over there’s the Milky Way. And that’s the, uhhh, the Big Bridge…”
“Wait, how long’s this ferry ride? Raph didn’t sign up for no world tour!” Raph protested teasingly, to which Penelope sharply shushed him before continuing her narration. The other children bubbled with laughter at her increasingly ridiculous tourist attractions and descriptions. Reminded him of Leo and Donnie.
Raph chuckled softly to himself as he moved into the deeper end of the pool, transitioning into an easy breaststroke to keep them all afloat on their way. It was, admittedly, a bit more difficult to swim with five kids on his back than it was on his own, but Raph was a strong swimmer. This was no problem. Besides, it’s not like he was in a rush or anything.
Honestly? This was his favorite part of these lessons. No worrying about everyone paying attention or being involved. No worries about anyone wandering off when he had them all on top of him and undoubtedly accounted for. No stressing about remembering the lesson plan or rules… He could just swim. He knew it sounded dumb, but sometimes, with all the kids piled on top of him like this, he felt like some sort of big plodding swamp creature, floating lazily down the river with the world on his back.
He took his time about it, but he eventually made his full lap around the pool, coming to a stop by the stairs and gently chasing the kids off of his shoulders.
“Alright, come on, squirts. Ferry ride’s over.”
“Nooo!” Penelope whined, clinging to his head. “One more lap! PLEASEEE!”
“Hey, come on, you know the rules! If you don’t listen to Raph, you don’t get a ferry ride next week!” He warned, slowly peeling her off of his back. “Go on. Get outta here.” He insisted, though fondly, smiling a bit as she huffed and scowled… But she got out anyway, joining the rest of the kids running to their parents, all with towels in waiting arms, listening to the children excitedly chatter about what they learned today.
Raph smiled just the tiniest bit. He remembered when they had been that small, taking swim classes here. He, Donnie, and Leo had all been thrilled to take to the water, adoring each and every lesson.
They all loved it— Except Mikey. He recalled listening to his littlest brother scream bloody murder as their father attempted to coax him into the water, trying everything from reason to bribes to threats of consequences.
“You don’t need to like to swim, Michelangelo. But you need to be able to.” He remembered his father saying. “I need to be sure you will be safe if you ever end up in the water by yourself.”
If anyone asked, he’d tell ‘em that he took the job just to make some extra pocket money. But, at least a little bit, that was kinda why. He liked the idea of helping to keep people safe. Even if it was just teaching kids how to doggy paddle.
Doing all the small talk at the end of the lessons with the parents was definitely his least favorite part, however, and he always found himself kind of stammering and stuttering his way through it. After some short, “Oh, yeah, she’s doin’ great!” and “For sure, perfect behavior’s!” tossed at some parents, he was, thankfully, able to duck away into the office, his own towel flung over his shoulders to try to avoid tracking water everywhere.
“All done?” The office receptionist, Jessica, chirped in her usual friendly demeanor, glancing over at the other as he entered.
“Just about. I just gotta clean up as soon as the kids are all gone and we’ll be done.” He replied, ruffling his hair dry.
“Did you remind the parents that we’re closed next week?”
Raph froze.
“… Uhhhh…”
Jessica sighed a bit, glancing over her shoulder to give him a look. “I reminded you before the lesson started!”
“I know! I just— Raph forgot, okay? I can only hold so much stuff in my brain at one time before stuff just starts to fall out! I was thinkin’ about swimming stuff!” He defended. “‘Sides, it was your job to remind me to remind them! So obviously we both dropped the ball.” Jessica didn’t look quite convinced, but Raph was pretty sure his logic was solid. “Can’t we just, like, put up some flyers and send out an email and all that junk?”
Rolling her eyes, Jessica turned back to her computer and began to type. “Yeah, yeah… Can’t really do flyers, but I’m working on that email.”
“Why not? Just put a sign up on the door.”
Jessica looked over at him again, raising a brow. “You haven’t heard about the paper shortage?”
Raph blinked slowly.
“… The what.”
“Yeah! It’s a whole thing. I dunno, I guess there are, like… Paper thieves or whatever robbing all the paper stores and stuff in the city? We haven’t been able to get any new orders in for a few weeks now.” She explained.
“Paper thieves?” He echoed, incredulous. “And they... steal paper.”
“Yeah. They steal paper.”
“Who the heck steals paper?”
“I dunno! I just saw it on the news.” Jessica shrugged. “I guess the police are working on it or whatever.”
“I guess.” Raph said, shrugging a bit, though he still couldn’t help but find the whole thing a bit amusing. I mean, come on. Paper thieves? It was only paper. -------
"Dadddd!" Mikey called as he swung his way into the door, kicking his shoes off into the general direction of the pile where shoes were typically kept, tossing his duffle bag to the side. He'd come back for it later and put it away, he swears. "I'M HOMMMEEE!"
It had been a long day, in between school, painting, and dance practice, so it was almost nine by the time he got home, but he didn't really mind. He liked being busy! If he didn't have stuff to do, it was just, like, all the energy would build up and up and up in all his limbs and his body and his chest like something sticky and hot about to boil over, condensation gathering at the top of his skull, and then he just went kinda crazy. That makes sense, right? He was pretty sure his brothers were kinda like that, too, so he figured it was probably mostly normal. He sometimes wondered if that was why their dad let them sign up for so many after-school activities. The only downside was the limited time leftover to tackle homework and personal projects. Walls weren’t just gonna paint themselves, after all!
"What's for dinner?" He shouted across the house, shucking his backup off and beginning to unpack, collecting his various textbooks and notepads.
"Oh, since you were not home, Michelangelo, I have had no choice but to cook for our family--"
"But do not worry, my son, I am making the most delicious meal--"
"Boiled liver and onions! You boys' favorite! With chopped earthworms, yum yum yum!"
"DAD! You're not funny!" Mikey yelled, even though there was laughter in his voice. Their dad did this bit every time, and he hated how it was always kinda funny.
"Pizza is on the table." His father called back, and Mikey let out an excited cheer.
"YEAH BABY! That's what I was hoping you'd say!" He shouted, hopping up to his feet and beelining it to the kitchen. His brothers had clearly already done a round, based on the empty boxes and missing slices, but he knew they wouldn't dare leave him without his fair share. That's youngest child privilege. They knew damn well that he’d cry at them.
"How was school today, my son?" Dad always asked about school first and everything else second, every time.
"Id'was gooh'." Mikey mumbled, in between the pizza slice already hanging out of his mouth, piling several more slices onto his plate. "We're readin' th' O'ssey--"
"Orange, I cannot understand anything you are saying."
Mikey spit the half-chewed pizza slice back out onto the plate, which earned a really fun look from Dad, and he grinned.
"Sorry! We're reading the Odyssey in English class, which is fine, I guess, but it's kinda a lot to get through, so we're translating it to, like, real human words, annnndddd we gotta do a group project presentation thing, and I like all the people in the group project but you KNOOWWW how group projects are." He reported, rapid-fire, giving a dramatic sigh. "Oh! And I got my Algebra test back and I got! A seventy-nine!"
"Oh! Very good, Mikey. I am glad your studying paid off." His father replied with a small smile, and Mikey beamed. "And how was dance?"
"Awesome! I killed it, as per use'." Mikey said proudly, puffing out his chest a bit. "Miss Vega said that I just gotta tighten up my turns and I'll be all ready to destroy the competition next weekend!"
"Excellent. Good job, Orange." His dad said with a chuckle, patting Mikey's shoulder before making his way back into the living room, no doubt to reunite his butt with his beloved reclining chair and put on some TV series that no one else in the family appreciated. Mikey grabbed three more slices of pizza while his dad’s back was turned, and then scampered off, heading deeper into the apartment.
Considering they lived in New York City, they lived in a pretty spacious abode. Mikey couldn't remember a time in his life when there wasn't lots of room to stretch out and run and jump around. He remembered, back when he was really little, some of the hallways being big and long enough to even echo-- though he sometimes wondered if that had just been his imagination. Some of the stuff they would make up back then was pretty wild. Their dad had bought this big old brownstone apartment way back when they moved into Brooklyn, buying up the entire building so that they had all four floors, plus the basement, to themselves. Mikey recalled, vaguely, all the renovations that had gone into it when they first moved to New York, adjusting the fixer-upper into something where four very active children could be raised without feeling cramped. The building was tall and skinny, slotted neatly in with the rest of the city, and Mikey had always loved that. This meant it they had the perfect hallways for running back and forth through, and there was a surplus of staircases for him to slide down or jump over. The hardwood floors were perfect for both Tokyo Drifting and dance practice. They each had gotten their own rooms as they grew as well, with himself and Raph on the second floor, Leo and Donnie on the third, and their father taking the master bedroom on the ground level.
But the best bit was the basement. Lovingly dubbed "The Lair," their dad had designated it the hub for childhood shenanigans, (and now, teenage activity,) from the get-go, all but sacrificing the space to his sons from the moment they moved in. The house was technically his, sure, but the basement was theirs, like, for real for real. Arcade games and consoles lived down here, hooked up to the big TV on the wall and surrounded by beat-up beanbags. Raph's weight-lifting equipment was in that corner there, and Donnie's bigger, more mechanical projects were over there by the stairs, (with the yellow tape and the "do not touch" signs.") This big wide open space here with the mirrors on the walls and the punching bags mounted on the ceiling was perfect for both martial arts, acrobatics, and dance practice, depending on which kind of matting they laid out. And, best of all, the Lair was the one place in the house where their dad had reluctantly conceded that, yes, Mikey. You may paint on the walls.
The Lair was typically the best bet for finding any of his brothers, especially if they weren’t holed up in their rooms, and Mikey did think about heading down there, too… But, as very tempting as it was to hang out with brothers first and do math worksheets later was, he was pretty sure he could get through his homework in, like, thirty minutes, tops, and just get it all out of the way. Plus, this way, he didn't have to worry about anyone else making any grabs for his dinner.
With this in mind, he tromped his way up the stairs, nudging his sticker-adorned door open and dumping all his stuff on his desk, immediately shoving the previously-abandoned pizza slice back into his mouth again. He flipped open his textbooks, switched his speakers on to fill the space with some chill lofi beats to study to, and nudged his desk lamp awake as he settled in to get to work.
His workload had been pretty light recently, with way fewer teachers than usual handing out paper worksheets and questionnaires to bring home, so it didn't take him very long to get through all the assignments and readings. (Also, lowkey, it was times like these that he was, like, wow. Thank god for Adderall.) He was nearly done with the last of his work when he suddenly paused.
Dang. Artistic inspiration was truly a cruel but wondrous mistress. Okay, homework later. He scrambled for his phone, rewinding the song playing over the speakers. Ooh, yeah, okay-- That bass? Oh, hell yeah, this was really good! He could absolutely see the movement in his mind's eye-- he could picture the way the color swooped along with the beat and brightened along with the melody. Oh-- and what if he added some black outlines? What was the title of this song again...? Maybe he should look up the artist. He wondered if this would be better as a direct homage to the artist, (maybe the title up on a wall, in big curved block letters, yellows popping along the edges to pull it into the foreground, and that red in the center to sink it in--) or if this should be a more narrative piece. It made him think of that one movie that they watched two weekends ago-- with the spy and the watering can factory?! And this one line, about the lightning, he could just see the way he could paint a figure to answer that directly. Was it too ambitious to do a zig-zag line of action? Oh, but if he had the leg out like that...
He flipped the page of his notebook, his pencil skritching feverishly on the sheet as he moved to put these thumbnails into reality while they were still ticking through his mind in a slideshow. He paused only to command Spotify to play the song on repeat, his tongue stuck out of the corner of his mouth and his eyes narrowed. Ohmigosh, yes! This would be perfect. He couldn't believe he had never thought of this before. This song had been on his playlist for how long? He had just kind of been spacing out until now, but suddenly, he was so excited about this project.
And it would be the perfect excuse to use those metallic spray paints he's been hoarding! He practically vibrated with excitement, thumbing the paper with a grin. Oh, that would look amazing. Just a bold streak of shimmery color, bursting out from the composition, like an explosion, he could see it so clearly--
Half a thought later, the spiral-bound notebook in front of him burst into flames.
[ next ]
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
Hi it’s me again if you want a fic prompt! It’s warriors birthday and he didn’t tell the group and they find out some how… totally not time….
Hello!! Sorry this took so long everything has been a bit crazy lately 😭 But here you go!! (352 words):
Everyone had been… suspiciously kind to Warriors, all day long. Wind had stuck close to his side, not giving the captain a reason to go hunt him down, Twilight hadn’t poked fun of him for taking an additional fifteen minutes to do his makeup that morning, and even Legend’s typical jabs had been… kinder.
They were up to something, Warriors was sure of it, and his suspicion was just cemented when Wild handed him a plate of his favorite food for dinner that night, a dish he’d never told the champion about. A dish he’d never told ANY of them about because his ma used to make it for him when he was younger and he didn’t bring up his family around the others. A dish that only one of his current companions would even know existed because he’d made it for him as a kid when he’d gotten sick during the war.
Warriors immediately shot a look in Time’s direction, but his brother wouldn’t meet his eyes, he just sat there happily eating his food like it was a normal Tuesday. Unable to sit still with the confusion inside him, the captain got up and sat directly in front of Time.
“Nice evening we’re havin’,” Time greeted, smiling innocently.
“I never told Wild what my favorite rice dish was,” Warriors got straight to the point. “And as much as the champion knows, I know for fact he knows nothing of my village and its traditional foods, so he would not know how to make this unless someone told him.”
His brother hummed, continuing to eat dinner.
“Sprite,” he groaned. “What’s going on, did I miss something??”
“It’s yer birthday, dumbass,” Twilight snorted from nearby. “Ain’t we allowed to do nice things for ya?”
Warriors sat upright, blinking in shock.
“Don’t… don’t tell us you forgot your own birthday…” Legend stared at him.
“Um…” It wasn’t that he’d forgotten when his birthday was, more so he simply didn’t realize that day was TODAY. “No…? I knew exactly what day it was…”
“Uh huh,” the rancher rolled his eyes fondly. “Sure you did.”
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hsr-texts · 11 months
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find your cinderella
꒰‧₊˚✩彡‧꒱ ┊ ━━━━ chapter one
꒰⸝⸝₊ʚ♡ɞ ┊ streamer!reader x mystery hsr character ꒱
꒰⸝⸝₊ʚ♡ɞ ┊ otome event ꒱
꒰ ☰ WORD COUNT ┊780 ꒱
꒰ ☰ DESCRIPTION ┊ ━━ When you do an unboxing livestream for your subsribers, you find an invite to an exclusive event called the "Find Your Cinderella" masquerade gala where you are guaranteed to find your supposed true love, as a rather enthusiastic manager told you. ꒱
꒰ ☰ NOTES ┊omg sorry for the long wait!! i was taking care of my college admissions, exercising, and taking care of my aunt all at the same time!! ꒱
previously ┊masterlist
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You read the livechat so far. It seemed that the majority wanted you to go.
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It was understandable why. This all seemed to be so exciting for regular people who don’t get to go to these events. In your career as a streamer, most of your appeal to viewers came from how relatable you were. Of course, there was also your gaming content but most your subscribers seem to just be happy to watch you do fun stuff. And in their eyes, this event would be the most fun thing you’ll ever get to do.
Despite how strange this all seemed, it probably shouldn’t hurt to go, right? Sugo said that something good will come out of it no matter what happens. Plus, if you didn’t go, would you regret it? Would you later lie in bed late at night, thinking of what could’ve been? Would your curiosity ever stop bugging you about it?
Also 500,000 credits sounded real good for just going to a party and tolerating it.
You clasped your hands together. “Alright then! I’ll be attending the Find Your Cinderella Gala and see what it’s about!”
Your chat cheered for the decision.
You then noticed the time. 12 midnight.
“Aw man, sorry guys but it’s getting pretty late so I’ll be logging off now. I’ll see you guys next time!”
With one last farewell wave, you switched off the stream and checked the statistics. Wow, it seemed to be at an all time high. At least Sugo was right about one thing. It’d only be a matter of time until the news of this gala spread like wildfire.
You found a QR code on the back of the ticket so you scanned it with your phone. It led to a website for the FYC Gala.
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You clicked the “attending” button, leaning back on your seat. Seeing the dress code, you checked the package once again and saw that the outfit came with shoes, accessories, and a mask already. Huh, they really prepared everything for you. At least you wouldn’t have to spend extra money. Getting that limited edition LumiPro package already put a slight dent in your finances, after all.
It finished loading and you read the words: “Added to the guest list”
A yawn escaped your lips.
You got off the chair and went over your nightly routine before passing out in your bed.
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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep—
You pulled your hand away from your alarm and sat up, yawning. Taking a glance at your clock, you saw that it was 9am.
After a round of stretching, you got off your bed and made a beeline for the kitchen.
You decided to eat tocilog for breakfast so you started cooking rice, eggs, and tocino. A pleasant scent wafted through the kitchen as the meal was being cooked. You let out a delighted sigh, enjoying the smell of a good meal in the morning.
After the meal was finished cooking, you sat down at your dining table to eat it. You made a pleased noise as you ate, satisfied with how the meal came out.
You checked your phone and saw that you got a message from your editor, Cori.
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Huh? Your eyebrows furrowed so you sent a quick reply and did as asked, looking at online news.
“Streamer’s Unboxing Stream Gets Hijacked By LumiPro Event Organiser in Publicity Stunt”
You checked LumiTube and clips of your stream have been uploaded on there, rapidly gaining over a million views within 12 hours. Damn.
Taking a sip of your water, you leaned back with a contemplative expression on your face. What should you stream today?
With your current status as a streamer that recently became viral, you could take advantage of that and do a stream where you prepare for the FYC Gala by going to a salon and letting viewers watch you get your nails and hair done, then maybe also booking a makeup artist for before the gala, if needed.
But since there was still about two weeks until the gala, you figured there was no rush.
Besides that, you could do a gaming stream since you still need to complete Freya’s Gate 5.
As if a light bulb flickered above your head, your eyes lit up and you took your phone out, logging onto Trotter.
Tap. Tap. Taptaptap.
A series of typing noises came from your phone and you pressed post.
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This way, you can let your followers choose what you'll be doing today without having to do the heavy work of making a decision, truly a predicament for someone as indecisive as yourself.
And now you just wait for the results.
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