#so it’s like ahhahahahahaha this will be fun
they built a roundabout near my house and it’s like the only one here and they’ve put up a bunch of signs that say ROUNDABOUT so u remember that it is a roundabout bc it is a new creature that none of us have seen before and we need to be warned of it’s existence before we see it or we’ll start crying and sobbing about it anyway we’re betting on how many accidents there will be before the end of the month bc it is also right next to a school so there will be soooo much school traffic going through that thing and if there’s one thing i know it’s that parent pickupers are foolish and want to cause accidents on purpose
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hastings727 · 5 months
I desperately, desperately want to be normal. I dont speak for all neurodivergents but like. My thoughts have thoughts that have thoughts and they have thoughts. I have to blast music or have 3 different screens in front of me to blare out the NOISE of my intrusive thoughts banging me over the head with fucked up shit. DO YOU KNOW HOW FUN IT IS TO EXIST WITH THOUGHTS THAT ARE HORRIFYING? CONSTANTLY? AHHAHAHAHAHAHA it sucks. it sucks so much. My own brain tells me my friends hates me based off of extremely minor body language and changes in tone. And GUESS WHAT I HEAR?! "I secretly hate you and will never say it" with EVERY. FRIEND. I'VE KNOWN. EVER. There are friends I've known for 15 fucking years. That my brain tells me are lying to me. I don't know how I haven't substance abused yet. I dont drink much at all, I smoke weed once in a while. But god damn i'm RAW DOGGING mental illness brother and its not easy. Mental illness got HANDS brother I am getting beat tf down.
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definitely-not-karen · 5 months
I’m like still so in love with transformers idw despite its many many flaws. But like even though it is a soft reboot and a hood jumping on point, it still makes reference to the convoluted and frankly slightly boring storylines that took to get to that point where the comics split into robots in disguise and more than meets the eye.
Like Thundercracker’s story was super cool and sprinkled throughout. They actually did something with the fact he was described as not the most enthusiastic Decepticon in the 80s.
The human characters were fine I guess, Sunstreaker had a cool arc but like I mostly read everything that came before RID and MTMTE just so I really knew what was going on (and because Thundercracker’s story sounded really cool)
But like I had always assumed idw transformers was lightning in a bottle and they would never do anything like that again and while some parts of that hold true (a lot of my fav characters will never get as much focus as they did in IDW), the impact of idw is seen in a lot of things which is super cool.
Cyberverse having Tarn, Earthspark having not wicked evil Megatron, Earthspark having Whirl in general. Also even like Rescue bots and Cyberverse playing around with the concept of a post war Cybertron is really cool.
IDW transformers will always be like a really special thing to me and it’s definitely nostalgia coated now ahhahahahahaha. Nothing like Rose coloured goggles to glaze over the issues with the comic hahahahah. It’s perfect to me. Flaws and all. Even if describing certain storylines sounds like the series is doing kick flips across sharkticons.
A small part of me is sad that characters like First Aid, Thundercracker, Chromedome, Rewind, Ultra Magnus, Drift, Nautica, Velocity, Nightbeat, Swerve and so many others will probably never be utilized in that way again.
But also who knows, I haven’t read the new transformers comic yet, maybe they’ll get up to wacky shenanigans. But also I read idw transformers when it was completed so I was able to binge the entire series. I’m sure it was fun to read it as each issue came out but also I feel like the binge helped with pacing issues hahahahahah
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ticklyfluffstuff · 7 years
The Great Campbell War of 2017
Love this blog so figured I’d submit this. First time writing a fic, but I got really inspired by this blog’s war thread so tada!!
Cameron Campbell’s Camp Campbell was once a promising camp, the kids were happy and enthusiastic, and all seemed well….. That was ten years ago. The kids now were constantly angry and bored, the camp was in disarray and there was a few to many police shoot outs for a summer camp. David was getting fed up, why couldn’t he get the kids excited for anything. He needed something to boost the camp into it’s new golden age. But what could possibly get them to bond, to laugh and just enjoy the summer……. Oh that could work, that could definitely work.
The Some groans and side eyed glances were his only greeting, but this only got him more excited for the big reveal.
“Once you’re all done eating your super great meals meet me by the flag pole!”
He gave camp campbell’s signature salute before disappearing out the door once more, a few campers rolled their eyes. But Max was suspicious, he looked to Neil.
“What the hells got him so excited?” He asked before sipping his black coffee.
“What do you mean?” Neil replied giving Max a look
“ Yea …..what do….. you mean?” Nikki added shoveling scrambled eggs into her mouth.
“He is way to fucking happy this morning, and that’s even for him!” Max pointed out.
“You must be imagining things cuase that’s him every morning”.
“No way that David is way more happy then normal! I should know cuase it’s pissing me off more than usual.”
“Your always pissed off how can you get anymore?”
Max sighed and just got up with everyone else. He knew deep down he was right, there was something making David even happier if only he could figure it out, though it didn’t take long for as soon as the double doors opened they revealed a smiling David next to a large black chalk board, with a slot for each camper. The rest of the camp shared the same confused look that came over Max’s face as they tried to figure out what the hell was going on.
“Good Morning guys!! Now today Gwen’s gone but we can still have fun without her till she’s back!! Anyone wanna guess today’s fun activity?” David announced happily watching the campers faces.
“You are forcing us to redo the stupid camporee?” Neil postulated, only to see David Shake his head his smile getting more prominent, maybe max had the right idea earlier.
“Oh oh Platypus egg hunt?!?!” Nikki excitedly yelled only for David to again shake his head.
The rest of the campers tried guesses but each got it wrong, the campers getting more and more curious.
“You’ve finally snapped and are planning on killing us all?” Max threw out loosing interest.
“Nope we are going to be the first to start a brand new tradition here at camp campbell!” David finally announced. “The First annual Camp Campbell tickle war!”
Confusion changed to shock then to disbelief then back to confusion. Max’s eyes went wide as he realized David was totally serious. Other campers still hadn’t gotten over the confusion.
“I can see you’re all a little confused, but the rules are simple when you tickle a fellow camper you get a point, you get tickled you lose a point. Our esteemed quartermaster will be keeping score. I will be a referee of sorts and help get you guys more involved in this activity!”
“You cannot be serious!” Max yelled out. “Who the fuck would wanna praticipate in this shi……” Before max could even finish his sentence Nikki had Neil pinned and started attacking her friend/potential step brother. Neil caught off guard immediately started laughing as Nikki attacked his sides.
“I’M GUNNA AHAHA KILL YOU NIKKI!!!!” He called out in between laughs.
That’s what set the rest of the camp descended into anarchy. Nerris used a glitter charm to distract Harrison before getting his knees, the magician dropping and trying to stifle his laughter. Space Kid and Doplh wrestled a bit before space kid got the upper hand, reducing the artist to a giggly mess. Nurf and Erid made a truce with each other before going after preston and Scotty.
During the initial confusion and outbreak Max managed to drop his knitted double and sneak away, running into the woods and climbing high into a tree to stay out of sight.
From here he had a good vantage point into the developing chaos. Nerris was getting tickled by what he could assume was Harrison. Nikki was laughing maniacally but not from being tickled, she was going after anyone she could get her hands on. Space Kid proved the underdog as he went after Erid letting Preston escape long enough to help get Nerris. The laughing could probably be heard from The Flower Scouts camp!
“Max what are you doing up there? Don’t you wanna join the fun” Max’s felt his stomach clench as he heard David, looking down to see the smiling counselor below him.
“I’m not fucking doing this shit it’s fucking crazy, and you can’t make me camp man!” He protested holding the branch tight.
“Aww Max don’t be like that you might have fun!” David perked up, reaching up to pluck Max from the tree like an apple
“No I won’t! Now let me go you idiot!” Max protested twisting and squirming trying to get loose of David’s hands.
Max stopped moving and bit his lip when he felt David wiggle a finger in his side. A few more fingers lightly tickled at his side as Max tried his hardest to not laugh. His face contorting into a half smile as he tried to not give David the satisfaction of winning this battle.
“Come on max let’s turn that frown upside down!”
Max couldn’t help it and started giggling as the finger dug into his sides. He began squirming again and tried to push David’s hands away. His giggles turning to laughs as David’s tickling got closer to his belly, rising in tone as he got his belly button.
“There we go now we’re getting in the spirit!” David cheered as he finally saw Max smile and laugh.
“Fuhuhuhuhuuck you asshole ahhahahahahaha!”
His fingers danced up and down max’s sides, as max tried to get away, causing his sweatshirt to ride up just enough for David to go and tickle right on max’s belly, Max jumped before snorting as he laughed louder then before. His face turning red as he laughed and squirmed. David’s tickling traveled up towards max’s underarms causing the young man to squeal and clamp his arms down, trapping the wiggling digits where they were.
“AHAHHAHA STop It YOu motherFuhuhuhuhcker!!!” Max Protested.
“Language! Looks like you need a lesson huh Max?” David teased.
He managed to Free one hand to dig into max’s belly again. The attack to both spots driving Max insane. He almost couldn’t take much more before he finally broke free of David’s grip. He fell down the tall tree like man before being caught just in time and lowered gently to the ground.
Max curled up panting, giggling and trying to get rid of the phantom fingers. But he still had a small smile on his face.
“Now see wasn’t that fun? Don’t you wanna go join now?” David said excitedly.
“Fuck No!” Max protested, this time it seemed almost for show.
“ You know you just had to say stop right?” David pointed out, causing Max to blush a bit.
“Holy shit Max is ticklish to!!” Nikki declared for all to hear as she jumped out of the bushes.
Max jumped back in surprise at being caught before seeing everyone look at him. A few to many excited to hear this news.
“Kill Him!!!” Nikki Cried in a warrior’s call as the chase began.
David watched as the campers ran past him. Smiles and excitement this is what he had hoped to see today. He was so glad this plan had worked out. Then David heard Max’s laughter kick back up and he began to think that maybe this activity could last them the rest of the week at this rate.
There’s part one, if people like it i’ll add more parts! Feedback welcome!
OMG I LOVE THIS!! It’s honestly perfect!
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thecarelessmint · 6 years
Dear me
Hi me, it’s been a while.
I genuinely can’t believe I started this with the intention of it NOT becoming a shitpost but that was literally reference to JK’s ‘it’s been a while’, but regardless, it has.
It has been 390 days, so roughly a year and a month… a lot has changed.
I’m going to start with our usual ‘how am I?’ then go to where we left off last year and go on from there.
How am I? Well you see with everything that’s happened this year, I’m not so ok, and I’m sorry. We were close I know, we were happy, and the dissociation stopped but everything came tunneling back. So that’s how I am right now, I’ll explain more once I explain just what exactly happened this year.
Going to where we left off:
Funny thing, I went to Seattle again this year! I went alone this time, I’ll explain it in detail a bit later, but boy oh boy it was the same feeling, we were anxious most of the time kid sorry about that.
You’re still not good with people, in fact, I think you got worse hhh, except it’s for somewhat different reasons this time. A mix of being disattached and realizing that people are genuinely shit has made me realize that I need to stop allowing myself to be a welcome mat but if I’m being honest, it’s easier being a welcome mat than it is maintaining friendships at this point.
Let’s start on the year:
My last entry was August 15th 2017, it is currently September 9th 2018, lets dick sus.
You, started uni. You started university majoring in theatre production. It was hard.
The first month was footings, oh my god footings, I haven’t thought about that for a while. It was so jam packed, we were literally taught everything in one month and it just really showed you what the next two years would be like. God it was so much fun. Remember the first time we hung a source4, and now you’ve probably hung well over 100 lights.
September was hard, I couldn’t turn to the people I could turn to today so I was very much alone and used my spam instagram account (the super secret one) as an outlet. I remember continuously begging myself not to drop out on that account, and guess what, you didn’t.
Also hey, you don’t hate carpentry, actually you’re taking carpentry 2. Insane I know. Who would have guessed, 5ft me doing carpentry.
Serendipity dropped!! Oh boy, I remember crying for DAYS, Park Jimin I love you.
First Semester Classes:
English: A bitty dropped that class, 2 weeks in, yeah. Yup.
Footings: A solid 10/10, we went through hell but it was fun and we went to the bar for the first time afterwards. Genuinely a good time.
Drafting: Listen,, shit hit the fan, I’m pretty sure Clayton hates you, but we’re taking his year two class anyways so he’s stuck with me :)
Intro: Shit hit the fan part 2, this was all on you, you actual dumbass (ly)
Rigging: SHE WAS FUN, would definitely do again. The field trip to the opera was really fun too.
Audio: I somehow got an A in this class, and like, I’m not bad at audio but what the fuck?
Practicum: :((( Sister Act :((( My first show :( God there’s so much I can say about this. Thank you so much Sister Act. I owe you everything.
How on Earth do I sum all this up…
Footings ended, classes started regularly. You fell in love with all of the second years and fun fact, you’re still in love with them, god bless Mark. Melissa left :/, YOU WON THE RIGGING GAMES, YOU WON AND BROKE A RECORD, AND IT WAS AMAZING. You were a spotlight for sister act, headset was insane, bless Hunter. You became an addict to the bacanator at Wendys. You cut out 19 head pieces on a wardrobe call for sister act. Existential dates with Bruno at Denny’s because you were both far too stressed. You spent too much money because fuck freshman year right? You accidentally read a major character death. We went to Deadmenton with Tanika, Bella and Patty, it was really fun and Tanika kept screaming “Miss Keisha, Bitch, Bitch”. So much happened and this isn’t even a grain of salt in comparison.
So let’s talk about the big things. Mom told us to leave in September, and by November you were living with dad in a 2 bedroom apartment, 6 minutes from your school. It was hard, this was the first time I’d lived without my siblings, it, was hard.
Around that same time, you started going on twitter more, actually, you were put in a group chat. A lot came from that group chat, and I guess this is the perfect time to talk about the relationships in your life.
Siblings: You haven’t been as close to Pisona as you are now. Moving forced me to communicate with my siblings and that did bring us closer. I love my siblings and I would do anything for them, it’s unfortunate the situation that we’ve found ourselves in with our parents.
Bruno: I love Bruno, I love Bruno so fucking much. I would do anything for Bruno. I don’t know how to fully express just how much I love Bruno. I love you moonshine.
Danait: In all honesty, that’s my Taehyung. I see us as partners for life, I don’t know what I would do without her and sure there are times when I want to let everything go, but she’s here, and she’s home.
Patty & Tanika: My kids! The gc moved to Line bc twitter was stressing us out, and its all jokes and screaming about life from there.
Q: I love Q, but it’s really hard, but it’ll be ok.
Dead Friendships:
Erika, Blakeish, Yadiel, Literally just everyone else and everyone from high school lmao.
New Relationships:
Jocelyn: Oh jeez, how the fuck do I do this. You know that group chat we joined, well you also happened to meet the love of your life in said group chat. Yup. Her name is Jocelyn, and she’s perfect, and she’s too good for you but you’re not one to decide that, and maybe you think about her a little too much, and maybe you fuck up, a lot, but you really like her.
Eyerusalem: So you didn’t just join one group chat, you joined multiple, you even made some yourself, and in one that you made, you met Yoongi. I can’t really explain what that means but you know what I mean because well, you’re me, and hope that you’re still friends with her when you read this a year from now, but I also know that It’s literally not possible for you to stop speaking to her because as far as we’re fucking considered, namgi shall rise and we are soulmates.
Fun fact, you only made two new friends. Everyone else is a classmate that although you like, you can’t really talk to or further your relationship with. There’s Caitlan but fuck Caitlan :)
This is long and it just keeps fucking going but there’s just so fucking much that happened this last year god, I haven’t even gotten half way through it all fuck.
Ok so: You didn’t finish any of the shows you said you would. You finished your first year without any electives so now you’re cramming. Also your parents are now living under the same roof because dad fucked up his arm so yes you moved back in with mom. YOU DATED A BOY, for like a week, it was awful, but you don’t hate him anymore. YOUR PERIOD CAME BACK, you were in Seattle when it happened, it was,, a lot, lots of blood, lots of mess, but it was gone for a year so it makes sense.
You fully delved into your sexuality, you aren’t exactly ace haha hahaha haahahahahaha ahhahahahahaha I FUCKIGN KNOW  I FUCKING KNOW OK, THATS WHO WE WERE, LISTEN IM SHOCKED TOO, but miss jocelyn over there single handedly changed everything, also you’re kinky as fuck, who would have fucking guessed, blame jocey.
Seattle wasn’t the worst, we went to the ocean a lot, and we only touched her once because we aren’t greedy and frankly I got too overwhelmed.
You have like 7 biases, deal with it. Your Japanese got better lmao, you tell me how.
I’m saying it here and now, but we’re joining the circus.
This is the best I can do for now because quite frankly, this year was too much to put into words and I knew it would be hard but I didn’t realize just how fucking hard. But anyways, you love bangtan a lot, and as hard as u try they really are the only group you can keep up with, im sorry stray kids im still trying, exo flew out the picture, i literally only care about pcy, bbh and ksoo/yixing lmaoooooooo NYWAYS
GN (it’s 1PM)
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