#so im a herbivore
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we're playing dst again (of course i'm playing as Wortox)
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catmemey · 7 months
lmfao there's someone trying to pass off a regular ass animal skull on marketplace as a "dinosaur skeleton"
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benetnvsch · 1 year
if I had a nickel every time I watched an anime where a character voiced by Patrick Seitz blows up a character voiced by Griffin Puatu I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice-
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1o1percentmilk · 1 year
giys did u know i love goats so much
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sugaroto · 2 years
How come in movies like Zootopia and Beastars the herbivores are ruling the world?
Like in both, herbivores were the good ones while the carnivores were suspicious and dangerous and nobody liked them and they were shown to face this like racism or something
(* it's been a few years since I watched Zootopia so I may be wrong bc I just remembered Bunny also had a problem with getting a job for being a bunny but this may be cause she was small)
Anyways as I was saying-
So, you mean to tell me for like thousands of years the carnivores were out there being kings eating anyone they liked till one day herbivores were like "Nah me want more equality papa" and the carnivores were like "Yeh sure don't worry bro imma stop eating you for the greater good"?
Like imagine there's the Lion King and his dinner, a pig, is like "Hey your majesty I think you shouldn't eat me I have a family"
Do you think Lion king in the 1600' was like "oh nawr you're right" or did he have a laugh while he ate?
I mean... how the fuck did herbivores took the upper hand? Did they create weapons (cause it always seem that the carnivores are strong enough to no need ones, while herbivores do) did they have a secret society #how_to_take_down_the_king #herbivores_lives_matter ?
How many world wars were there???
And how did they won?
And did they instead of equality chose revenge and made the carnivores live in "You're born bad society"?
Because like, in Beastars they were like "ooh the predators 😱 dangerous we can't trust them" (I mean yeah ok someone was eaten at the school- can't really blame them for being sus)
But like what do the carnivores eat? If they can't eat herbivores and not eating meat makes them sick or something (at least in Beastars it was a little more explained, there was even a night market and all, Zootopia was more family friendly)
Do they just expect people to die? So they can eat them?
Have the scientists created artificial meat?
Is there a farm In which they grow Humans?
(Also where the fuck were the humans in both?)
(Humans no existy)
Ok I confused myself now
But I think what I'm trying to say is..
The history they're teaching at their school is very hard and a lot fuck
Yeah I just realized I wrote this whole thing instead of studying history and I ended up with that 🙃
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ayzscream · 3 months
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gemharvest · 6 months
I have absolutely no beef (lol) with vegans but sometimes I still think about this person who I got in an argument with who was genuinely trying to convince people that humans are herbivores... Hello..
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fr-thrice · 11 months
hello fellow pixel creatures enjoyers. i just got the evolution simulation game Bibites and im obsessed. Bibites is bugs.
i gave each gen0 bibite a name to see whose lineage was successful. i started with basic bibites, most of which did their damndest but didnt thrive. but then there was the Sapphires, who stayed steady at about 20 and peaked at 40 of them. at first i was annoyed that they outcompeted everyone. but then once their gen0 died, they never recovered, and now I miss them. the Sapphires have a bad habit of eating their own babies cuz they have no avoidant behavior. now im trying "Easy Herbivore" starters and theyre better at not dying.
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cloudcountry · 2 months
Hi, I was wondering if you could do a Malleus, Jamil, Leona, Vil, and Idia x Fem Reader, where A mix-up with Valentine's Day gifts leads to Reader receiving a gift meant for the character in question, and the confusion might lead to an unexpected confession?
SUMMARY: you get a gift that was meant for the student you like, and the contents spur you to action.
COMMENTS: so usually its them getting jealous of you being courted but i decided hey its YOUR turn to be jealous. good luck!!
im a firm believer that anyone who says getting jealous when youre not dating is weird is the weird one. like obviously you'd be upset, you wanted to be with them and you're not. of course you feel bad. it's okay to feel bad??? like thats literally so normal. you dont have to be like "oh ofc im happy for them!!" like you can BE SAD. its okay.
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You stare blankly at the box of chocolate in your hands, the gift crammed into your desk haphazardly. At first, you thought it was for you—that’s what anyone would assume, right? Except...the note on top of it is not addressed to you, but rather, the guy you like. It makes you wonder if this is some joke, or if one of his friends wanted you to deliver it for him. You pick at the heart sticker sealing the note shut and peel it open, taking a peak of the contents.
Your eyes wide and your heart lurches in your chest, panic and annoyance roaring like red hot flames as you read what sounds like a genuine confession of love. Someone had their eyes on him? How did you never notice?
Was it weird to get jealous? I mean, he’s not even dating you yet...you don’t even know if he feels the same way. You can’t deny it doesn’t feel good that there’s another student trying to woo him, though. You’ve been so scared up until this point, so nervous about what he might think, but the clock is ticking. You’ve got to tell him before it’s too late.
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Leona cracks open a single eye when you softly knock on his door and enter, shutting the door behind you. With the look on your face, you’ve got something very serious to tell him.
“Woah there, herbivore. You look like someone died.” he yawns, flopping on his side as his tail flicks lazily behind him, “What’s got your face all twisted up?”
His eyes dart to the heart shaped box in your hand and his ears twitch. You look apprehensive—his smirk only grows when he realizes you’ve brought him an offering. How sweet.
“I like you. Romantically.” you blurt.
The second you say it you think about how many other ways you could have said that exact thing and sounded way smoother.
“Yeah, I figured as much. So you came to confess? I feel the same.” Leona yawns again, feeling a bit mischievous as he turns him back on you and yanks the covers over his head, “Well, goodnight then.”
“What...What the fuck, Leona?” you sputter, and he starts laughing harder than he’s ever laughed before.
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Jamil wasn’t expecting to receive anything today. You can tell he wasn’t, because the second you walk into Scarabia his eyes go wide when he sees the chocolates and note. You don’t hand it to him though, and that makes him pause.
“Did something happen?” he asks softly, searching your face for an answer as you stare him down.
“I like you.” you blurt, and Jamil’s ears start to ring.
I like you...?
“What?” he clears his throat, shifting on his feet, “Sorry, did I hear you right?”
“Yeah. Yeah you did.” you reply immediately, as if there’s no room for doubt whatsoever.
“Oh.” he says, thinking a million thoughts at once and simultaneously nothing at all.
“Well? How do you feel about me?” you ask, and your voice shakes like you’re scared.
Jamil doesn’t know why you believe there’s room for doubt.
“I feel the same.”
And he smiles.
It's obvious that his words are awkward and reserved, but you know he doesn’t mean it in a bad way.
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Vil’s pretty brow furrows in concern when he sees how upset you look, your whole body wound tight like you’ve never been so tormented in your life. You poor thing...you look so stressed out. He whisks you into his arms and into his room, where he sits you in front of his vanity and insists you tell him what’s wrong.
“These were on my desk.” you tell him, handing him the gift, “I can’t stand the thought of someone else confessing to you first. I wanted to tell you before it was too late.”
Vil reads the note in silence. He admits it's sweet, but it reads more like fanmail than an actual confession. He places it on the vanity and looks back at you, a tender look in his eyes.
“My dove...I love how bold you are.” he takes your hands in his, and goosebumps shoot up your arms at his gentle, perfect touch, “But you had nothing to worry about. I am yours.”
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“I’m sorry, what!? Some extroverted rando wanted to confess their feelings to me!?” Idia shrieks, face twisting into a confused scowl, “Is that some kind of joke?”
You furrow your brow, a scowl of your own on your face as he jumps to the conclusion that it’s a joke.
“You’re really attractive Idia, you know that right? You’re handsome and smart and kind too!” you snap, feeling personally insulted by his assumption, “Don’t assume it’s a joke! I’m taking this very seriously!”
You toss the chocolates on his bed and hand him the note, crossing your arms over your chest. Idia reads through it but he doesn’t seem happy, his scowl planted firmly on his face.
“I don’t believe it.” he huffs, bringing his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them, the note crushed in his fist, “Someone’s planning a prank on me.”
“Idia Shroud!” you kneel in front of him, placing your hands on his.
You don’t miss the way his hair flares pink.
“I’ll let you know that I like you very much! And I’m not joking with you one bit! I have never been more serious in my life!” you huff, squeezing his hands as you stare straight into his eyes, “So stop acting like anyone who loves you is foolish!”
Idia opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water, the pink flames creeping up into the roots of his hair.
That’s enough of an answer for today.
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“Child of Man...you mean another confessed their affections for me?” Malleus grumbles.
He’d looked so excited when you walked in with a gift in your arms, but the second he learned it wasn’t from you his eyes narrowed and his lips pulled into a pout. Was it raining outside now...?
“Yeah, that’s exactly what I mean. But...if I’m being honest, I don’t like it.” you huff, placing the gift on his desk, “I want you to be mine, and I want to be yours in return. Someone else having you doesn’t sit right with me.”
Oh, suddenly it’s sunny out. Huh. Wonder why that happened.
You slowly turn to look at Malleus.
 Sure enough, his lips are pulled into a bright smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he reaches for you.
“I’d be your everything if you’d let me” he croons, tucking you into his chest.
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TAGLISTS -> leona's napping buddies . . . @loser-jpg @vivigoesinsane @dove-da-birb
-> jamil's jewels . . . @vivigoesinsane @identity-theft-101 @dove-da-birb
-> vil's spudlings . . . @cookiesandbiscuits @vivigoesinsane @dove-da-birb
-> idia's player twos . . . @vivigoesinsane @identity-theft-101 @dove-da-birb
-> malleus's most trusted . . . @vivigoesinsane @identity-theft-101 @rosalianel @dove-da-birb
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
he lives in you
Characters: Leona, Floyd, Jamil, Lilia
Synopsis: You shared a night of passion with your lover before you left for the other side of the mirror, but fate's cruel hands strike once again as you realise you have to raise his child alone in your original world. Thankfully, your child is incredibly drawn to magic, and they opened a portal...?
Tags: slight angst, fluffy end because im a sap, fem reader, reader gives birth to a child, reunions, bot proofread
Word count: 2.4k+
Notes: uh i was practicing Japanese and researching Japanese names before writing this, so all my name ideas ended up in japanese? if it makes you uncomfortable, you can imagine that reader is japanese hehe
right in time for mother's day, so here's to a celebration of the motherly figures in our lives, blood related or not, for being there for us<3
Part 2✧Part 3✧Part 4✧Masterlist
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A few months passed as you settled back into your routine at home. Eventually, with the noticeable changes in your body, it dawned on you that you were with child—his child, your lover from the other side of the mirror whom you could no longer reach.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turn into months. You had adapted to the trials and tribulations of parenthood. Juggling the responsibilities of work, childcare, and household chores was no easy feat, but you found solace in the small moments of your child's growth and development.
Your child was a true joy to behold, a mirror image of their father in many ways, and you often see the ghost of your past lover in them. Having inherited his magic, your child experimented with their powers, leaving you to support them with what limited knowledge of magic that remained from your NRC days.
On one such experiment, your environment started to shift as a wave of magical energy engulfed you. When you opened your eyes again, he was there, right in front of you—
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Hina (日来) with 日 meaning "sun, day" and 来 meaning "coming, future"
Leona reminded you of a shining sun that radiated warmth and light in your life, of how the it would surely shine again no matter how dark the night seemed, and so you named your daughter after that image
your daughter has the clearest emerald eyes and flowing dark brown locks that you often braided in a similar style to her father's
she's very energetic, always curious and asking questions, eager to learn more about the world around her
she's an obedient child, although she's eager to seek your affection and may whine a bit when things don't go her way
if there was one thing that was similar to the Leona you knew, it's that she's extremely clingy and constantly seeks physical affection, hugging your legs and asking for you to carry them any chance she has
and also the fact that she enjoyed her naps a bit too much
her lion ears are a bit of an issue in our world, but you often hide them with hoods, clever hair styling, or simply saying it's a costume
when you told her about the brilliant man her father is, she grew really excited about the possibility of meeting him, and started playing around with magic more to be like the intelligent mage he is
and then it happened, just an ordinary afternoon practicing magic had the two of you transported back to twisted wonderland, face to face to Leona
somehow, he had grown even more handsome in the years you hadn't seen him, but instead of his lazy smile, he looked confident and powerful, like the leader he was always meant to be
A sudden gust of magic swept through the air behind him as he raised his staff in response, only to immediately drop it in shock as your figure came into sight, and beside you, a small child that he had never seen before.
"Herbivore..." he whispered.
Without a second thought, Leona rushed towards you, his heart beating wildly in his chest. He felt a lump forming in his throat as he reached out to embrace you tightly.
"This better not be a dream," he murmured into the crook of your neck as he inhaled your scent. "It's really you."
after a tearful reunion and introduction, Leona quickly excuses himself from his duties with a quick meeting with Falena, and helps you and Hina settle into the palace
since you left, Leona's been working hard to do what he can do as per your promise with him
he's now in charge of foreign affairs and on better terms with his brother after much needed communication
he showers you in affection, he's even clingier than before that it almost starts a rivalry with your daughter
he puts in a lot of effort to spend time with Hina, learning her likes and dislikes and bonding over magic
uncle jack and ruggie are always fun to be around and play with her
though it wasn't his fault, leona feels guilty you had to bare the responsibility on your own for so long, and he puts in a lot of effort to make amends for any mistakes work to build a strong relationship with you two
he has a family now, and you're damn sure he'll protect it with his life
Leona looked down at Hina, feeling a sense of pride and wonder at the little girl standing before him. "Hey there," he said, his voice gentle. "Nice to meet ya, kiddo."
Hina stared at him, her eyes searching his face. "Are you my dad?" she asked, her voice small and uncertain.
Leona's heart ached at the question, knowing that he had missed so much of her life. "Yeah, I'm your dad," he said, reaching out to take her hand.
Hina looked at him for a moment before a smile spread across her face. "Can you show me magic?" she asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement.
Leona felt a sense of joy at her words, feeling a connection with her that he had never felt before. "Of course I can," he said, standing up and taking her hand. "What do you wanna see?"
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Sakura (桜) meaning "cherry blossoms"
your daughter has sleek teal hair that reminds you of the sea, a single strand of dark hair, and mismatched eyes in the same manner as Floyd
Floyd had lovingly given you the nickname "Shrimpy", and it only felt right for your daughter to be named Sakura, after the tiny sakura-shrimp
she's incredibly mischievous and there's not a moment of silence with her, she's spontaneous and playful and you've got your hands full
though she is very considerate of you and will listen to your words, she's uncontrollable when she's bored and in need of a spark of interest
she's also a squeezer, much like her father, and hugs you every time she sees you or anyone she likes, and you're thankful her strength hasn't developed too much yet
she enjoys biting you, albeit gently, and you find your arms littered with bite marks, but it's her unique way of showing affection
her eel form won't show unless she's been in the water for too long (thankfully), and she enjoys squeezing you in her eel form even more
ever so curious, she's asked about her father many times, and you've told her how carefree and easygoing her father is, and that he'd love her the moment she saw her
which leads you to her magic actually teleporting you to him, her spontaneous idea having manifested itself, and you found in a dimly lit room similar to the Mostro Lounge
Floyd looked matured, his hair sleeked back and his features sharpened, though his wry smile that you loved had stayed the same
Floyd's eyes widened with shock and disbelief, and his steps quickened as he rushes towards you, his long arms outstretched in a gesture of longing. As he got closer, he noticed the beautiful and curious-looking child standing close to you.
"Shrimpy?" he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "No way... It's really you!"
Floyd pulled you close, holding you tightly as if he never wanted to let go. "I missed ya so much, I wish I hadn't let ya go," he said, his voice choked with emotion as tears threatened to spill. "You're not allowed to leave again, okay?"
Floyd is so ecstatic he can't stand still, once he's calmed down a bit, be immediately carries Sakura and drags you to Jade and Azul
Azul and Jade are pleasantly surprised at your return, and it's a warm welcome back
the two of them are glad Floyd won't be moping any time soon
the trio have now expanded into a franchise and divulged into many businesses, though Floyd largely acts as Azul's right-hand man
Now that you're back, he refuses to be apart from you, always holding onto you tightly and afraid you might disappear just like how suddenly you appeared
he does get mood swings where he's upset or angry, not at you though, just at how unfair things were and how he couldn't be there for you
he's a good eel who does everything to make sure you and Sakura are happy and comfortable, often cooking meals for you two
he's so curious about Sakura and enjoys playing with her and lifting her high up in the air
don't worry, he's extremely careful, this precious gem is why you got back to him!
Jade is the best uncle and Sakura wants to marry him??? (honestly same)
poor Azul is getting pranked by the daughter- father duo, though Sakura does comfort him afterwards with squeezes and kissss
Floyd looked down at Sakura, and he saw her staring back at him with wide, curious eyes in the opposite colours of his eyes. Though she resembled him physically, there was an air about her that was so distinctly his Shrimpy.
"Heya," Floyd said, trying to sound friendly. "I'm your dad."
Sakura giggled and reached out to him, her tiny hands grasping at his hands. Floyd froze, not sure what to do, letting her yand his hand forward. But then, she opened her mouth and bit down on finger.
"Hey!" Floyd cried, pulling back in surprise.
Sakura just laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Floyd couldn't help but laugh too, despite the pain in his finger.
"Yer a feisty one, aren't ya, Sakura-shrimpy?" he teased, grinning down at her as he ruffled her hair. "You know," he whispered, "you can't just go around biting people like that. But I like your style."
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Isami (功己) 功 meaning "achievement, credit, honour, merits" and 己 meaning "self, serpent, snake."
your son has smooth ebony locks and sharp grey eyes that make him look slightly intimidating
Jamil had shown you how much he valued his achievements over his social status, so you chose a name the could embody him
he's a quiet child who's always attentive and careful
he's rather shy in front of other people, but when it's you he'll soak up all of your affection and stare at you with longing eyes seeking praise
he's a cute helper at home too! he always volunteers to help you with chores and cook in the kitchen, though you're careful he's not close to anything sharp or dangerous
he does have an inherent fear of bugs, something he's inherited from Jamil, but thankfully you've taught him to be less destructive than his father
do expect screams and for him to be crying as a little fly chases him around though
he's incredibly smart and talented at magic, easily grasping the concepts of magic you can only teach him theoretically
when you told him about his father, you've told him about the diligent man that his father is, and how would let his guard down around those he treasured
he had listened quietly without much of a change in his expression, but you could tell there was a bubbling excitement building up in his eyes
and no long after that, he managed to teleport the two of you to a warm, airy room of marble walls
Jamil's features had sharpened, he seemed more openly confident and comfortable with himself
Jamil's heart skipped a beat as he saw you. It had been five years since he bid your farewell at the mirror chamber and lost you forever. And yet here you were standing here in front of him with a child in tow, a child who resembled him so much.
"It can't be..." he murmurs.
Without hesitation, Jamil dropped all the papers and rushed towards you, his heart pounding furiously. His eyes locked with yours, and in that moment, time seemed to stand still. He could see the love and longing still shining in your eyes, and he knew deep down that he had never stopped loving you.
Jamil couldn't stop the tears that began streaming down his face. "I've missed you so much," he said, his voice raspy. "Letting you go is the worst decision I've ever made." He reached out and pulling you into a tight embrace, his arms shaking with emotions.
he's a bit overwhelmed but still so thankful you're back in his life
Kalim barges in at this time and exclaims in surprise at your return and ??? OMG JAMIL YOU HAVE A SON?!!
Jamil has half a mind to dissuade him from holding a banquet immediately to welcome you back, and instead take things slow to not overwhelm you or Isami
asks Kalim for some privacy and the second he's away, he melts into your embrace
he hasn't felt so at ease in so long
if he wakes up in the morning and you're not right there beside him, he's panicking and searching all over the place for some confirmation you're still here
he's very curious about Isami and asks him all sorts of questions to piece together his development and personality
they definitely have a rivalry over who's braver over bugs but it just ends up with the two hugging you for safety
he's a bit awkward with how careful he is with his emotions, so it takes Isami some time to fully trust him
but trust me, Jamil will go above and beyond for his family and there's no way Isami will have to endure what Jamil did in his childhood
Jamil's eyes widened in surprise and wonder. He couldn't believe that they had created a life together. He knelt down to the Isami' eye level and looked into his eyes. "Hello there," he said, his voice gentle and warm. "What's your name?"
Isami starred back at him, his eyes wide with distrust and caution before he buried his face in your legs. Jamil chuckled softly. "It's okay," he comforted. "You don't have to be shy around me. I'm your dad."
Isami looked up at him again, this time with a mix of curiosity and wonder. "Daddy?" they said, testing the word out.
Jamil smiled warmly as nodded, his heart swelling with love and joy. "Yes, daddy," he parroted. "And I promise I'm never going to leave you or your mommy again."
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Yuri (百合) meaning "lily"
Lilia's name always reminded you for lily flowers, and what better name for your daughter to embody him?
your daughter has straight raven hair with some of the hair flipping upwards resembling two horns, angular fae ears, and bright crimson eyes
she's always up for pranks and mischief, it's rare to see her without a smile
she loves exploring places, if you keep your eyes off her for one second, she's letting her curiosity take her to whatever she wants
if you're serious and stern though, she will listen to you, she wouldn't dare make her mother upset!
she's friendly with everyone and isn't shy to say hi to neighbors or absolute strangers
she's not overly affectionate, but she definitely enjoys hugs and kisses from you
she has an odd habit of taking stray animals back home in an attempt to adopt them, so you have little adventures with her trying to find an owner
do not let her in the kitchen
she has surely inherited her father's cooking abilities, somehow, she can render even a piece of toast beyond human consumption
magic comes as second nature to her, and she's always standing on ceilings
gosh her eyes absolutely sparkled when you told her about the teasing and mischievous fae that is her father
and soon, the portal opened and you found yourself in a gothic castle lit up by green candles
He's a lot taller, his hair longer and reaching his waist, and more enchanting than ever
Lilia stood in shock as your family figure come into sight. In all his years of living, he had never been so utterly stunned. After all these years, you had finally returned to him.
"Beastie..." Lilia gasped, his voice catching in his throat.
With a surge of energy, Lilia broke free from the trance-like state and hurried towards you, his hair streaming behind him like a dark flag as he enveloped you tightly in his embrace. "After all these years, you've truly come back to me?"
Carefully, Lilia held you at arm's length, studying your matured features, etching them into his memory like a cherished work of art. His eyes traced the lines and contours of your face, memorizing every detail that time had etched upon you.
"My, how you've grown," Lilia murmured, a mix of pride and wistfulness coloring his words. "The years have shaped you into a remarkable individual."
it's family reunion time!!!
he immediately drags you to the throne room where malleus, silver and sebek are
malleus is now king with two incredibly reliable bodyguards, and Lilia's his most trusted advisor
malleus is so glad his dear human friend is back, silver is satisfied that his father will have someone to be with, and sebek is screaming about Yuri, though she enjoys his loudness
for a while, Lilia is extremely affectionate, trying to make up for all the years that had gone by
when you're sleeping together at night, he hugs you tightly and it's difficult to leave his embrace
he definitely tries to cook for you two, going on and on about how the two of you need to stay healthy and need lots of nutrients
you always volunteer your portion for Yuri, and she'll gladly eat whatever her father has cooked for her
silver is an older brother often on babysitting duty, and Yuri loves watching him spar with sebek and also wants to learn
Sebek is quite fond of Yuri, and he sees his half-fae self in her
Lilia is always trying to fun with Yuri, bouncing her high up in the air and teaching her to hang upside down and swing around
plans so many family vacations, he can't wait to be exploring places with his two darlings
"Is she... ours?" Lilia asked. At your nod, he reached out to caress Yuri's cheek, his touch gentle as if he were touching fragile porcelain.
"Well, I'll be damned," Lilia chuckled, his voice cracking with emotion. "I never thought I'd be a father again. But I'm glad to meet you, little one. What's your name?"
Yuri giggled and and beamed at his touch. "My name's Yuri," she said, her voice sweet as honey.
"Yuri," Lilia repeated, his heart swelling with emotion. "What a beautiful name for my beautiful girl," he reached up to fondle her hair. "You know, Yuri," Lilia said, his voice growing serious. "I may not have been there for you when you were born, but I promise I'll always be here for you from now on. No matter what happens, I'm your father, and I'll always love you darling."
Part 2✧Part 3✧Part 4✧Masterlist
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thoutisashark · 6 months
Accidental Courtship :3
Accidental courtship
ft: Savanaclaw, Octavinella
cw: possible minor spelling errors (blame the dyslexia), established relationship, swearing, implied fem reader
Penguins have this adorable courtship ritual where the male gives the female a smooth pebble, if the female is impressed by the pebble she accepts the gift and mates with the male
I know that jade, Floyd, and Azul aren't penguins, but i thought it would be so cute if their s/o gave them a pebble and basically proposed but not knowing what it meant.
And for the beast-men (Leona, Jack, Ruggie) i thought it would be cute if there was a special beast-men way of courtship, I couldn't think of anything though, but then i remembered that for a lot of mammals (and animals in general) grooming is a form of bonding, so what if licking was a form of courtship?!?!
Leona: he awoke from his nap when he felt a pair of hands running through his hair, he sniffed the air, realizing it was just his s/o he closed his eyes once again, surrendering to the comforting feeling of your hands, he hated to admit it but he loved when you played with his hair, it was something he looked forward to and expected. what he didn't expect however was the sudden wet feeling that graced his cheek his eyes shot open and his head snapped in your direction
"so soon? at least wait till we graduate"
your so confused, he realizes that you probably dont know what you just did
"for beast-men, your lick was you asking me to marry you you dumb herbivore"
he wont admit it but his heart was pounding in his chest
Jack: he had finished his classes for the day and was walking around the campus grounds, when he spotted you his tail started to wag a bit, he attempted to stop, annoyed that he was giving away how he felt. he walked over to you, he wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you closer to him you smiled up at him, kissing his cheek, he smiled at you and walked with you to the ramshackle dorm, you guys sat in the guest room you had been working on you had been pretty bored all day and wanted to do something to make you laugh, why not lick your boyfriend see what his silly reaction would be, little did you know the implications behind this supposedly innocent action. as soon as your tongue brushed his cheek he was off to sofa and staring at you in shock, he moved so fast that your tongue was still hanging out of you mouth
"i-im not ready"
his voice was shaky and his tail was wagging at a super sonic spread
"i mean you need to meet my parents and my siblings, and i dont have any money, i mean were still in high school, marriage is a very large leap"
you were so fucking confused Marriage? when you asked what he was talking about he looked at you confused
"you licked me... you want to marry me...right?"
you blushed and told him that in your world its just a weird thing to do. he sighed in
"so no marriage then, good, i love you but im not ready for that yet... try again in a few years"
he winked, his tail giving away his feelings
Ruggie: you had gotten some powdered donuts from Sam's store earlier and you were super excited to eat them, you rushed to your dorm hoping to avoid the food thief you called a boyfriend but it was useless, he could probly smell them from 3 miles away, he saw you running smelt the sweet scent of donuts and took off after you, he caught up quickly, snatching the box from you hands
"watcha got here shihihi"
he held the box out of your reach and took a donut out, he quickly shoved it into his mouth as you pouted, you loved him to death but god was he annoying sometimes you noticed how he had gotten some of the powdered sugar on his nose and an idea of revenge sprung into your mind, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to you
"you gonna kiss me~" he teased you, he wrapped an arm around you resting a hand on the small of your back while his other held the donut box.
you licked his nose, he tensed up, his eyes widened and he stumbled back almost falling over
"i-i dont- i mean-" he turned around, he grabbed his ears and pressed them down, trying to calm himself down, he had never felt so flustered before, but could you blame him? his s/o just asked for his hand in marriage "i accept but... so soon?"
you looked at him confused, he took a moment, realizing that what is a marriage proposal for beast-men might not be the same for humans, but everyone was aware of the tradition, then it clicked, you weren't from here, you had no idea what you had just done. his blush was still there, and to be honest he was dissipated, he licked you cheek "that is a proposal for marriage" he admits, looking away embarrassed, he shoved the donut box back into your hands and quickly walked away mumbling a quick "i love you" his tail was small, but it was wagging as he zoomed away from you.
Octavinelle (penguin esc courtship)
Floyd: he hated working at the cafe, it was so boring, why would he work when he could be with his little shrimpy? he found you outside of the ramshackle dorm, you were on your hands and knees digging round a pile of rocks
"shrimpy~" he lifted you up and hugged you from behind "what are you doing?"
he asked, examining the rocks you held in your hands, you didn't answer, instead you picked on of the rocks you had and handed it to him, it was smooth, and had a faint blue undertone to it, he squealed and snatched it out of your hand, he wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you till you felt like you were about to burst, he kissed you passionately before skipping off to tell his brother and Azul, you just stood there, confused as to why your boyfriend was so happy about the rock you gave him, i mean sure it was cool but was it that exciting for him? a couple hours later there was a knock on the door to the ramshackle dorm, you opened the door and say Floyd standing there frowning slightly
"do you know what a rock means"
you shook your head and you swear it looked like he was about to cry
"so you weren't asking me to marry you?"
you shook your head again, now understanding why he was so upset, you hugged him and kissed his cheek promising him to marry him one day, as soon as he heard that he was happy again, hugging and squeezing you all night long.
Jade: he was observing the mushroom he was growing, they had a strange mutation that he hadn't seen before and was eager to study, he was writing down the differences and comparing them to known mutations when suddenly you burst into his room clenching something in your hand, he turned to you smiling at you, he closed his mushroom guide and walked over to you, kissing your forehead and ruffling your hair, you hold out your hand and show a small smooth rock to him, he blushed, hugging you tightly
"are you aware of what your asking me?" he asked, his voice shacking lightly as he hugged you tighter, part of him wished you meant what mer-people mean when they give rocks, but he knows you arent used to the tradtions and culture in this world
he pulled away slightly and when he saw your confused face he smiled sadly "in merfolk culture you asked me to marry you" he chuckled as you blushed "i want to be the one to give you the rock dear" he mumbled into your hair he pulled away caressing your face before picking you up and taking you to the couch to cuddle.
Azul: he was in his office doing paper work and for the cafe, he was stressed, his hand was starting to cramp from the amout of writing he had been doing. the door to his office opened and you entered, his eyes lit up as he say you, your presence always made him feel better.
"hello my love"
he smiled at you softly, he open his arms for a hug and you wasted no time crawling into his lap and hugging him tightly, he kissed your shoulder, you reached into your pocket and handed him a pretty rock you had found earlier, his faced flushed with a blush
"m-my love? i- i mean y-yes ill marry you, but at least meat my family first, do you have a venue in mind? a dress? i can help you look- wait your not proposing? oh... you dont know do you"
as disappointed as he was that he wasn't going to marry you he chuckled and laughed
"my beloved your little rock was a proposal of marriage"
he smirked at you, watching as you face as you realized what you had done, he kissed you shoulder and cheek again
"just know love.... i will say yes, i will always say yes to you"
a couple days later when you walk into his office you she the rock you gave him on the shelf behind his desk, it was in a glass container, when you asked Azul all he said was
"its special to me, i wish to keep it forever"
End notes:
i had no idea what to do for leona and i think its pretty obvious, but i had fun writing this! its my first time writing for twst characters and i think i did ok... i hope
I am accepting requests :)
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reallyromealone · 10 months
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Wonderland gifts
Leona kingscholar x male reader
Reader is a bunny, fluff, cute
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(name) was hiding.
Well... He had been secretly leaving wonderland courting gifts for Leona and the other man had caught him, judging by the look he wasn't happy with the bunnies secret courting.
He knew Leona wasn't a fan of herbivores like (name) but he couldn't help it! He was so cool and handsome! God was he in over his head? God, he was stupid to think he would want him!
(Name) wanted to cry as he talked himself out of it.
For the past six weeks Leona had been finding strange gifts for him, tiny cakes and nonsense poems and tea flavors that were strange combinations to say the least. "What the..." He lifted a tiny bottle that said "drink me" he wasn't going to but he was going to figure out what the potion was-- well he was getting Ruggie to do it as he couldn't be bothered to do it himself.
"Luck potion?" The small gold potion sparked under the lights in the dorm "super hard to make apparently, whoever made it for you must have taken forever to get the ingredients~" Ruggie said with a sing song voice and Leona looked at the bottle with a bored expression.
Little trinkets and oddities made their way to Leona, the lion had yet to see just whom it was who left him these gifts but each one was more personal than the last, weird gifts but they were nice none the less.
"A pillow?" He mumbled as he looked at the note "an enchanted pillow that is always cool and never lumpy" oddly specific but the admirer took into consideration of his naps instead of chastising him.
Then he saw it.
Heartslabyuls little white rabbit putting a pocket watch on his desk.
"It's you" Leona said passively as he stalked towards the bunny who looked *stressed* to say the least "I-im sorry!" He yelped before bolting, surprisingly fast though Leona should have expected it from a bunny.
He was cute he wouldn't lie.
Now to find the bunny.
(Name) was anxious as he fiddled with his pocket watch, hiding in his burrow as he did his homewor-- well he tried at least, god he felt like such an idiot! Leona looked so annoyed at him!
The entire Heartslabyul dorm noticed the bunnies down mood, having barely left his room to eat-- hell Ace tried luring him out with carrot cake and nothing!
(Name) tried his best to keep his head down but that was hard when the entire savanaclaw dorm was practically hunting you down.
God was Leona really that annoyed?!
"There you are" (name) turned to get pinned against the wall, panic flooding him "courting me only to run off?" Leona teased as he leaned close "are herbaceous little things like yourself always so skittish?"
"I-I apologize... I was to nervous to give them to you face to face..."
"My... How should I punish a herbivore like you, little bunny " Leonas had a cocky grin on his face as he got close enough to his lips nearly touching the poor rabbits who in all this poofed into rabbit form, causing Leona to laugh "you're coming with me little bunny, punishment is napping with me"
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quimichi · 11 months
do you still do twisted wonderland requests? if so can i request self aware dorm leaders being called "good boy"??
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Dorm Leaders x Creator!Reader
Riddle - Off with your head!
"Do you enjoy your tea?"
"Mm. The tea is most delicious, Yuu. " Riddle speaks with the utmost sincerity, his words sweet and grateful. Even though his tea cup has long been empty since he finished it, he holds it in his hand, his gaze fixed on it lovingly. He looks up at you, his head still bowed in worship, adoration. He smiles, his eyes warm and bright, all of his adoration and fondness directed towards you.
"Im glad my good boy likes his tea" you smile warmly at him before sipping at your own tea again. Riddle's smile widens, and he bows his head further.
Your good boy.
He looks up at you, his worship and fondness directed towards you, and he speaks, his voice soft and low.
"Thank you, Yuu. I adore you, you know?"
"I adore you, Riddle" his face flushes as he sits before you. He bows his head and lowers his gaze like he always does at your touch, but, with his skin now slightly red, he smiles softly to himself.
He shifts slightly. This feels so safe here.
"As long as you adore me, Your Grace… I am complete." At least one person treats him right in his life, unlike HIS MOTHER.
Leona - The king, huh…?
"Enjyoing your nap?" "Huh?" Leona glances around. He was indeed enjoying a peaceful nap before the sudden voice. Leona is often sleeping when you see him, but that is partly because he spends most of his time in your room. He sleeps there more than anywhere else.
He stretches, his limbs feeling heavy as he wakes up. He yawns, and nods his head as he responds. "Oh, yes. I was." "Did my good boy at least sleep well?"
"Yes," he says immediately, a flush spreading over his cheeks. He hates how much emotional control you had gained over him in the past month's. And damn you for calling him that…"I did."
He is embarrassed to admit that his night had been pleasant and pleasant dreams had come to visit him while he slept. His dreams are often full of your voice, your face, and sometimes even your touch.
These thoughts send his heart into overdrive in an instant. Fuck you for making him falling for you. You damn herbivore.
He is utterly enraptured by you. There's a strange glint in his eyes, an intensity that burns deep into his soul. Need, greed, want.
"Hm," he nods slowly, the only word he can manage before turning around in your bed and going back to sleep.
Azul - How poor and unfortunate you are
Azul's eyes flicker with uncertainty, but he would never hesitate to obey your instructions. Come closer to you…its simple, yet so hard. "Yes," he whispers, and he rises to come to you. His feet are swift and silent as he crosses the space separating you, his eyes ever vigilant for your every command.
"Sit with me" you said gentle. Despite whatever doubts Azul may have had moments before, they are quickly forgotten as soon as you command him to sit. Without another word, he lowers himself to sit beside you in obedience. His lips curve into a small smile as he gazes at you, happy to be near you.
Luckily Jade and Floyd aren't around, if they would, he already would've been teased into the ground.
"Youre my good boy aren't you Azul~?" with your hand on his cheek, your hot breath on his ear, who is he to say disagree. Once again, Azul flinches at your approval, but he can't disagree. "Of course, Yuu" he answers in a soft voice.
He smiles at you, and you can almost swear he's a child in his demeanor. He is utterly and completely devoted to you. Your approval is like the sun in the sky to him.
"I'm your good boy."
Kalim - Sing, dance!
"You seem tired" your soft voice lurrs him to you, he wants nothing more to lay in your arms now. "Yes," Kalim mumbles before trailing off. He blinks as if the idea hadn't occurred to him before. That party maybe was…a little to much
Yet, the moment the thought comes to him, it is the only feeling that consumes him; he is consumed with the weariness of his day.
Kalim's eyelids close, as if he has only now realized that he should have been sleeping this whole time, and he leans forward to rest his head on your lap.
"I… wish to sleep," he whispers, "with you…"
"My good boy can finally sleep now" At your command, kalims's eyes flutter closed, and he allows himself to settle into a much-needed sleep.
The only sound he emits from that point onward is a low, contented hum as he falls into the deep, peaceful slumber that you have granted him. After all his favorite pillows will always be your thighs. You wouldnt mind sitting there all night just for him to rest comfortably, although Jamil would lecture you both the next morning.
But Kalim couldn't care less, as he falls asleep with the lovliest words ever said to him echoing in his mind, good boy
Vil - Every rose has its thorn. But isn't that part of their charm?
"Rough day?" Of course he had a rough day, once again Neige seems to be better fkmor everyine else again. He didn't get the model job he so long waited for "Yes," Vil replies, gracefully dropping in front of his mirror. There is a tension to his tone, as if there is something he wants to say but cannot bring himself to admit. He looks up at you, his gaze sharp and piercing as if trying to gauge some kind of mood.
He gently removes his make up before he speaks again "I cannot… I mean…"
"I," Vil tries again. He bites his lip, and his gaze flicks back to his thighs. His fists are clenched, and he fights back the urge to punch something, anything, to let out the frustration.
His voice is barely above a whisper, but you can hear him. If only he could articulate what needs to be said. If only he did not choke on his words, as if something is caught in his throat.
"How long," he rasps, "until I'm worthy enough for everyone?"
You careful went over to him and hug his back while looking into his eyes trough the morror, "My good boy, youre more than enough for me.." Vil sighs, the sound of release escaping his lips. He can feel his chest loosen along with the tension that he'd been holding onto, and the anxiety that had been building up seems to melt away with the hug.
Nobody in this world is as perfect as you.
Idia - Dun-da-da-da-dun! Level up!
"Are you busy right now?" Idias eyes flick up from the computer screen, startled as he hears your voice. He doesn't dare to speak unless he is spoken to, he feels like if he'd start the conversation instead odf you it'll turn out horrible.
His expression is one filled with worry; worried that you find him inadequate, worried that he'll fail you. The weight of all his worries is starting to become too much for him to handle, and it shows on his face. "I uhm…was just fighting the last boss on this quest"
"Would you mind if i watch?" Idia looks up at you, eyes wide.
He can barely breathe, such is his joy at the possibility of spending time with you. He nods, a soft smile breaking out on his face. He seems so different than the introverted person everyone knows him — he's softer, happier, and more at ease now that he's with you. "Whoa, my good boy is so goof at this" you mumbled to yourself, but you also made sure he heard you. He deserves the praise after all
Idia's eyes fill with shook, but they spark with joy when you praise him. His smile only broadens, to outstanders it may look, manic.
The way you're soft voice was calling him that had his heart pounding for you for eternity.
Malleus - You aren't afraid of me. But I'm starting to become afraid…of losing you.
"Did you enjoy this walk?" "M-Yes, indeed…" Malleus mumbles, his body nearly melting at your touch of your hands touching. The soft sound of his voice is almost enough to make you forget that you've already reached Ramshackle. For a moment, he seems almost… bashful. When he speaks, he glances down at you with soft, adoring eyes.
It takes you a moment to realize that his cheeks are still flushed pink- it's rare to see such a reaction from Malleus. In fact, you've never seen him look quite so… flustered.
"Im glad my good boy enjoyed himself"
"You… you think I'm your good boy?" Malleus murmurs softly, staring down at you from beneath his eyelashes. His voice is almost a purr in its softness. "You want… you want me to stay with you forever?"
Malleus is trembling in your hold, but it has nothing to do with his anger or anything, its excitement. He cannot muster the energy or strength to do anything but stare down at you, breath hitching. Your question has turned his thoughts to mush. His mind is elsewhere entirely-- but with you nearby, he isn't opposed to staying as close as he can.
"Marry me…" he breathes.
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temiizpalace · 27 days
Hello! I was wondering (if I'm doing this right) if I could request for the fighting event?
Could I request number 4 (TAKE MY JACKET, I INSIST.) with Leona Kingscholar "fighting" (maybe a hint for that?) with Jack Howl who offers Yuu a jacket without even being asked for one?
Thank you!
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CHARACTERS: jack howl vs. leona kingscholar
WARNINGS: no determined end couple, jealousy
NOTES: first event request done, yay! regular posts will still be uploaded but my main focus will be on event requests! tysm for participating!
reader is g/n, reader is yuu
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night raven college was experiencing some of its lowest temperatures all year.
around this time, the weather usually begins to drop from scorching hot summers to calm and crisp autumns. however, this year seemed to differ. harsh winds blew past you and grim as you walked by the great seven, feeling as if they were mocking you for being without a jacket on this fatefully cold day.
“myah.. i don’t like it. feels like they’re makin fun of us.” grim grumbles, burying himself in his paws to maintain some form of warmth. he nestled on your shoulder, leaning against your cheek to also try and keep you warm. “tell me about it..” you sigh, rubbing your shivering arms.
“hey, herbivore,” a familiarly lazy voice rings, poking the back of your head. leona? what in the world is he doing out in the cold? “what’re you doin without a jacket? you goin for a new style or are ya just that scatterbrained?” he teases, flicking your forehead lightly with a raised brow. “ow! im not scatterbrained, i simply forgot.” you grunt in retaliation, holding your forehead to prevent him from flicking you again.
“anyways, what are you doing out here? savanaclaw is warm all year, i expected you to stay there til lunch.” you interrogate him, poking a finger to his chest. that’s when you noticed, he’s covering up for once. more accurately, he’s wearing a coat. unexpected for someone like him to be wearing long sleeves, even in cold weather.
“takin a stroll. got a problem with it?” he shrugs, lying through the skin of his teeth. he actually came to visit you, but by the time he had gotten to ramshackle you were already gone. “no, just doesn’t seem like you.” you grin, chuckling slightly at his silent reaction. leona turned away, eyes averting to the ground.
“tch.” he grunts, following you silently. grim looks to leona, who wasn’t as snarky as he typically was. ruggie could preach for that. leona watches as you shiver, each step you took the only thing keeping you from frostbite. he contemplated on offering his coat, but his pride fails to allow him. he stole glances at you every once in a while, but never spoke.
that was, until you all heard footsteps chasing after you. “[MC]! grim!” you all look up to see jack already a few feet away with his uniform coat in hand. “jack?!” you all collectively shout, not expecting him to see him out here. but then again, he is a jock. a good run perhaps? “housewarden? what are you doing out here?” jack asks, a bit shocked to see his housewarden awake at this hour.
“walkin. gotta problem, frosh?” leona growls, jack immediately holding his tongue for further comments. “no, housewarden. anyway, [MC], take my coat. you’ll freeze out here without one.” jack insists, already draping the coat over you. “ah! jack, it’s freezing out here. keep your coat, are you crazy?” you sigh, trying to take it off and hand it back to him. unfortunately, your strength differs greatly as he manages to keep it on you with ease.
“nothin a run can’t fix.” he laughs, his fangs showing as he smiled. it was quite charming. “awh, that’s so kind of you, jack. thank you.” you smile in return, wrapping yourself in the jacket further. while you and jack bantered back and forth as you walked towards your class. leona on the other hand, was not a fan of this exchange in the slightest. is he getting shown up by his own junior? how unacceptable.
your laughter was like music to his ears.. why’d it have to be for another man? and jack of all people? “jack,” he grunts, suddenly interjecting between you two. “your shiverin. take your coat back.” he scoffs, taking his coat off of your shoulders and tossing it back to him. “..huh?” he raises his brow, barely catching his coat on time. you, grim, and jack all exchanged looks with each other, taken aback by leona’s sudden consideration.
“leona? what are you—” he wraps his coat around you, draping it over your shoulders and buttoning it up with ease. “practically brand new. hardly wore it.” leona huffs, throwing jack a smug look. the wolf beast man took notice of it, shocked at his housewarden’s pettiness. “wow.. thanks leona! that’s sweet of you.” you smile, not finding anything suspicious with his actions.
“whatever, nothin special. just lookin out for my underclassmen.” he grins, ruffling your hair before shooting another smug look at jack. “keep your coat to yourself now, jack. i wouldn’t want ya freezing on me either.” he pats his shoulder before waving and walking off towards the botanical gardens.
“somethin’ seems off with leona today.” grim states bluntly, crossing his arms as he stared at the back of the lion beastman. “..yeah. a little.” jack adds, looking back at those smug glares he received from his own upperclassman. “really? i think he’s being a gentlemen for once.” you chuckle, adjusting the collar. a lion marks their scent as a way of courting their mate, common knowledge for beastmen.
the coat you wore practically reeked of leona definitely worn more than once. that scent was the only thing filling his nostrils, not to mention his enhanced sense of smell. wolves are not all that different, marking their territory and sticking by their mates side til they die. this was no act of kindness.
this was a warning from leona to jack, a simple sign from animal to animal. back off.
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A/N: with the amount of leona requests i got, it’s gonna be like leona’s fighting off the entire school 😭😭🙏🙏
date published: 8/24/24
© temiizpalace — do not copy, steal, or put my work into ai. thank you!
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zeenelly · 9 months
House wardens walk in on you changing
Tw: slightly NSFW, established relationships, scaring in some parts, Suggestive content. You are refused to mc and no pronouns mostly
Riddle rosehearts
Riddle was coming to tell you that it was time for you to help him set up the unbirthday party for tonight. Yes he does tell others to do it, but he felt like spending time with you.
"MC-" he spoke as he opened the door. His face immediately flushed as red as his hair upon seeing your half naked body.
"I-im sorry!" He quickly leaves, slamming the door shut behind him and holding his face. He mumbled to himself about being an idiot. He completely forgot to knock! Though it would be a lie if he didn't think you were attractive in less clothing.
"Snap out of it, Riddle! Dont have those dirty thoughts about your lover! It's improper as house-warden!" He was blushing more and quickly walked away. Soon, you came out to see him sitting in the garden. You smiled and walked over and nudged him lovingly.
"Hey its alright it's not the first time you saw me like that riddle~"
All Riddle did was blush brightly. He was in for a teasing from his lover.
Leona kingscholar
Leona let out a loud yawn sitting up from the bed he and you shared. He looked beside him but you weren't there which was strange. He gets up and streched out.
"Herbivore?" He looked around and saw the closet was closed. He walked over and opened it. You were putting on one of his shirts. Leona blushed and snatched you up.
You tell him to put you down and your voice falls on deaf ears.
"Herbivore you can hide from me! I know you inside and out. So why are you so afraid of changing in front of me. It's not like someone else is gonna see it"
You huffed and rolled your eyes as leona put his hands on your thighs.
"And as punishment for hiding, I'm gonna cuddle you until the sun goes down!"
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul was signing contracts with students despite you not liking it. Azul had wondered where you had gone as you volunteered to work as a waitress at the mostro lounge.he quickly got up after telling his client he would be right back.
"Hey MC, the tables are-" he spoke as he walked into his room where you most likely were. When he looked, he froze, blushing. He was at a loss for words seeing your upper body fully exposed. He wanted to crawl into his octopus pot and die.
You smiled at him and put on your shirt uniform (if your a girl you also put on a strapless bra). You walked over and kissed azul on the nose and walked out to help jade with waiting tables.
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim was wander the halls of ramshackle when he walked into your room without knocking.
"Hey MC Jamil wants to know what you want for lunch!" Kalim smiled happily not noticing you were half naked
You spoke out and told him what you wanted as you slipped your cargo pants on.
"Okay we will be at scarabia! And nice legs too MC!" and with that kalim left without saying another word.
You sat for a moment and giggled at how innocent and pure kalim is. Your so lucky to love someone like him
Vil Schoenheit
You being the lover of the most "beautiful" man ever he always was there to watch you change. He wanted to make sure your in a beautiful outfit when your with him.
"MC! You look amazing like that!" He yells whenever you put something of his on
You were used to him watching you strip your clothes and putting new ones on, as he never really done anything. He was really good at keeping his hands to himself. He always asked if he could touch you.
You smiled and did a small spin showing off the dress/tuxedo he made for you. How lucky you are to have the most handsome man in the world make beautiful clothing for you
Idia shroud
(His is a bit different)
One of the few times when idia leaves his room is when he needs to get his hoodie back from you. He knocked on the ramshackle dorms main door, and you opened it. You were wearing idias hoodie and no pants. The tips of his flaming hair turned pink, and you brought him inside.
You had cut idia off with a kiss and smiles. You like to tease idia when you could. He was red in the face. Of course, he looked away, embarrassed at the fact you had kissed him without warning. He was an Otaku! Not a romantic person.
"M-mc maybe you should put some pants o-on. I can see your underwear (panties if female)" you blushed and smiled before hugging him without a care in the world. You trusted idia. After all he was to afraid to even kiss you
Malleus Draconia
He knocked on your door and opened it. Of course you were still putting on your shirt but you didn't mind.
"Child of man, what would you like to eat for lunch?" He asked a small blush on his face. You answered [fav food] and he nods.
"Okay I'll let lilia know so he can start cooking it"
You quickly stopped malleus and said we could just order takeout. You really did not feel like getting sick again from lilias cooking.
"But child of man don't you love lilias cooking?"
You lied and told him you did but decided to just order fast food. Malleus nods slowly and looked at your phone
"Take out from where?"
And you handed him your phone to choose. Oh how this fae loved you deerly enough to play for everything if you would let him
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hemipenal-system · 8 days
so im thinking about human/alien interactions again. so humans very much do not live in the way we evolved to live anymore, and there was probably an interaction at some point where a human and an alien were becoming drinking buddies and the conversation went
herbivorous alien: so how did you domesticate your planet's canids? can't they eat you?
human: technically it's only one species of them, and yeah they absolutely can, but you know how it is. we're pack predators, they're pack predators, so-
alien: wait you're fucking pack predators? you... hunt? in teams??
human: well, not anymore, really, but we used to, way back when
alien: how-
human: remind me to take you to a football game sometime
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