#so if ur shitting yourself over realism - go write a strongly worded letter to activision or smth and stop being a dweeb in the tags
bl00dhoundsfang · 2 years
lol some of you mfs are so fuckin silly.
i scroll through the könig tag and associated COD tags and just gotta roll my eyes at people who make smug posts like
“ooOo well ACKSHULLY he would be a SHIT PERSON and a RIGHT WING CHUD”
“ohoho well military ppl irl are DANGEROUS and TRAUMATIZED, why are you talking about him like he’s ur smol anxious boi”
“könig literally STABS PPL, ur INFANTALIZING HIM and people with ANXIETY”
“OH WELL MOST OF YOU PROBABLY DONT KNOW THIS BUT [proceeds to state a history/military fact that most people know like it’s obscure information]”
like holy shit, who cares?? that’s why fiction exists, dummy: to make stuff up, to dramatize, to romanticize. we all have very surface level knowledge of these characters because that’s all there is. the rest of it is just people having fun filling in the blanks, and everyone’s interpretation is their own. it might not be the same as yours and that’s ok, but to make obnoxious posts like some kind of intellectual superior is some bullshit bruh. we’re all just fantasizing about little army men made of pixels, HUMBLE YOURSELF. you’re boring and insufferable and i hope you step in wet dog shit and don’t realize it until you’re stuck in traffic.
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