#so if anyone has seen these recently and has ideas pls share
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do you see my vision
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desperate-gay · 1 year
can i request you write a leah fic based on the song constellations by jade lemac
Leah Williamson x fem!reader
SMUT 18+
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Leah Williamson has a reputation for sleeping around. People use more harsh terms to describe her, but that feels wrong since you know her. Well, you don’t know her; you play alongside her for the England national team and Arsenal. Once in a while, you both have a conversation, but nothing too deep.
Although, recently, the blonde has been approaching you more and more. Whether it was on the pitch during training, in the locker room, or even at team get-togethers.
You’d think she’d want to get to know more about you before flirting with you constantly, but hey, she’s got that reputation for a reason. She sees what she wants, and she goes for what she wants, and most of the time, she gets what she wants.
Now, of course, you find Leah attractive; anyone with eyes should. That doesn’t mean you’re just going to bend over for her. You never liked the idea of having one-night stands with one of your teammates and going back to training the next day like nothing happened. You also never liked the idea of sleeping around with anyone. It’s exhausting to invite someone into your bed just so they can fuck you and leave the same night.
You have always wanted a meaningful, loving relationship. Sure, you had your fair share in the past, but those obviously all ended up in the dump. None of which made you feel exhilarated. And the fact that the player on the team now wants to get into your pants is quite annoying.
Keira and Lucy always warn Leah to stay away from you. You’re the sunshine of the group that never fails to make someone smile. They didn’t want her to take that spark away from you. Alessia and Ella always glare at the defender’s attempts to flirt with you. You three are considered the gigglers of the lionesses. You guys are usually never seen without one another unless you are with your favorite person in the whole world, Esme Morgan.
If you aren’t with Tooney or Lessi, you are most definitely with the smiley gal. The two of you have the brightest smiles and most infectious laughs ever. Both are the kindest beings anyone could meet on this earth, plus, to mention, you two basically grew up together.
So when Esme found out what was happening, her usual chippy personality turned bitter. She knows Leah’s intentions, and she doesn’t want that anywhere near you. People may call her particularly protective over you, but she just doesn’t want to see you hurt is all.
When you noticed her attitude switch whenever the flirtatious blonde approached you, you assured her there was nothing to worry about.
Practice has just ended, so everyone is getting changed in the locker room. You are pulling your shirt over your head when you hear someone approaching you.
“You looked quite fit out there, darling.”
You whip around and see the one person who has enough confidence to say something like that with no hesitation.
“Thank you.” You say, looking down bashfully, never really knowing how to take compliments. The taller girl notices the red that starts to appear at the tip of your ears and smirks to herself.
She places her right hand on your hip before leaning in close to your ear. “You always look fit, my dear.” She whispers before moving your body to the side to walk past you. Your eyes follow her path with your mouth slightly open.
Ella, Alessia, Lucy, and Esme all watch the interaction happen with clenched jaws and piercing eyes. Keira doesn’t have the heart to be angry at her best friend, but she does sigh and look down to continue packing her kit. Leah can feel multiple eyes trailing her, but she doesn’t let it bother her. Overall, it’s your choice what happens between you two, not theirs.
Once you’re done with changing, Esme offers you a ride home so she can hang out and steal your ice cream. You, of course, accept her offer, wanting to spend more time with your best friend. When you get into her car, you plug in your phone to the aux cord and play your guy’s playlist in the background.
“Besides stealing all of my food, what do you plan on doing when we get to my home?”
She hums as a sign she’s trying to think of an answer. “I’m not sure yet; I haven’t gotten that far.” You scoff at her teasing smile and quickly return it.
As you pull into the parking space in front of your loft, you notice a man standing on concrete with a bouquet of multiple different flowers, looking confused. You and Esme step out of the car, and you make your way towards the stranger.
“Excuse me, sir. Do you need help with anything?” The young man gives a clumsy smile and nods his head.
“You don’t by chance know a ughh, Y/n Y/l/n around here, do you?”
"Umm, that, ironically, would be me.” Your face scrunches up in confusion, while Esme’s does the same. The man gently hands you the flowers, saying someone sent them to you.
“You just have to sign here, please, to let the company know you’ve received your flowers in perfect condition.” He exaggerates as you fake solute, asking the blonde next to you to hold the flowers. You sign the paper and say a quick goodbye before moving up a few steps to your front door to unlock it.
“Who in the world sent flowers to you?” She teases, taking her shoes off and handing you the flowers. You place your nose right over the flowers to smell them.
“Your guess is as good as mine.” All you do is shrug your shoulders before moving around to look for a vase. You set the flowers in the center of the table and go to join Esme on the sofa. She grabs the remote and puts on Modern Family. You look over and notice a sour expression on her face. Reaching over, you poke her cheek to make her look over at you. “What’s up, Ez?”
“I bet I know who sent the flowers.” She grumbles with her arms crossed, still looking at the television. After thinking about it briefly, you finally understand who she’s referring to. She wouldn’t have that familiar scowl for just anybody.
“Hey, even if it was her, there’s no need to worry about anything. She sleeps around, and that’s something I don’t like, remember?” She turns her head towards you and has a semi-sad expression.
“I just don’t want to see you get hurt. I see the way you blush around her.” Her voice is soft, along with her facial features. You reach over and grab her hand to squeeze it.
“I know you don’t, and I love that about you. Yes, I find Leah attractive, but she doesn’t want anything serious, and I’m not putting myself in that situation.” Esme nods in understanding, and you both turn your attention back to the show in comfortable silence.
“Did you see the gift I sent you?”
You’re on the pitch stretching before training starts when Leah comes over to you. You sigh and stand up to turn towards her. "Yes, I did; they were beautiful, but I’m still trying to figure out why I got them.”
“Because a beautiful girl deserves beautiful things.” She smiles without breaking eye contact. You playfully roll your eyes at her and bend down to touch your toes.
“I bet you say that to all the girls.”
It’s silent for a minute before the taller girl blurts, “Go on a date with me tonight.”
You quickly straighten your posture and give her all your attention. Your eyebrows furrowed at the demand. “Pardon?”
“Let me take you out tonight. I know just the place.” She notices your hesitation, so she places a hand on your waist. “C’mon, dinner and maybe some sex?”
You scoff at her forward statement and start to walk away. “No.”
“Fine, just sex.” She follows after you. No one is near you two, so no one can hear what’s happening. You stop and turn around.
“How about just dinner?”
“Then no.”
You move to continue to walk away before her hand reaches out to grip your wrist. “Okay, okay. Just dinner.”
It turns out you and Leah only live about two blocks from one another, so when it’s time to pick you up, she decides to walk over. The place she has made reservations for is right across the street from your place. Leah let you know beforehand that the place you’ll be eating at isn’t too fancy, so just dress casually.
You’re finishing up the last minor touches on your makeup when you hear a knock at your door. Quickly, you grab your purse, phone, and keys and rush to open the door. Leah looks over, smiling, and offers you her hand to take once you lock the door. She’s wearing a white dress shirt along with tan baggy jeans, while you wear black leggings with a light blue tank top.
The date overall goes great. When you get seated, Leah being the gentlewoman she is, pulls out your seat for you and pushes you in. You both get to know each other better and laugh at the random stories you tell each other.
Your arm is hooked on Leah’s as you both laugh and walk towards your home. You stop right before you reach your stairs and look at her with a smile. “I had a lot of fun tonight, thank you.” The keys dangle in your hand, and then Leah reaches and steals them for you.
“Let me help you with your flowers.” She smiles smugly, keeping the keys behind her shoulder.
“No, we just met tonight.”
“We have known each other for years. We play for the same teams.” Your faces are close together as you giggle.
“We might play together, but that doesn’t mean we know each other. Tonight was our first step in actually getting to know one another.”
“C’mon.” She leans even closer, trying to tempt you. Your eyes wander at her face before you pull back slightly.
“You can’t come up.” You say with all the willpower you have left. She sure knows how to get a girl to swoon. “You have to woo me first.”
You dramatically flip your hair, making the taller girl laugh at your antics. Her laughter dies down, and she places her hand on the small of your back to pull you closer. “I can definitely woo you if you let me up.”
You laugh again and press your hands to her chest. “I don’t want this to be a one-night thing.” You whisper while looking her in the eyes. Pecking her cheek, you take quick action to grab your keys and run up the stairs. Once you unlock your door, you turn your attention to the starstruck girl. “Goodnight, Leah.”
Surprisingly, Leah asks you on a second date the day after. Esme doesn’t like the sound of it, but she can’t control what you do, so she just accepts it.
Once again, Leah picks you up from your house, and you both walk to the unknown destination of your date. She said it’s about a 20-minute walk before getting you. On arrival, you see a bright neon sign saying arcade.
“You didn’t.” You excitedly say and smile at the blonde.
“Are you ready to get your butt beat?”
Through the date, you both challenge each other in multiple games like air hockey, racing games, etc. So when it comes down to your tiebreaker, Leah challenges you in one last game of basketball. You both put the tokens in and press the button to play against each other and once the buzzer tells you to go, you both start making shots left and right. Leah looks over and grabs one of your basketballs to palm it and hold it in the air.
“Hey! That’s cheating!” You look at the score and see she has a few more points than you. The taller girl smirks as you try to reach for the ball that's in her hand. With her other free hand, she pushes against your back to pull you closer to her, and she leans down, pressing her lips against yours. You’re shocked at the quick action, but you stop trying for the ball that’s above your head and wrap your arms around her neck.
You pull away when the whistle signals the game is done. Both of your guy’s eyes remain on the other’s lips, still a little hazed from the kiss.
“I win.” She whispers, making you wonder if she's talking about the game or you.
The next date is a simple stroll downtown, visiting all the little stores. Your hands stay interlocked while walking up and down the streets.
In one of the buildings you go into, you see a photo booth and beg Leah to go with you. After a few seconds of you pleading, she finally says yes and lets you drag her to the curtain-covered box. The first photo you take is just one of you guys smiling at the camera. The second one is both of you sticking your tongues out and crossing your eyes. The third is a little blurry because of the two of you laughing and moving to hunch over. Then the fourth and final photo contains both of you gazing at each other with loving looks in your eyes. Soon after the last photo is taken, you both lean in for a feverish kiss.
You grab the photo strip from the outside of the booth and smile at the photos. You start to complain that there’s only one strip, but she insists you take it, knowing you want it the most.
After an hour or two more of exploring the town, she walks you up your stairs to your front door. Your hands softly grab the back of her neck and pull her in for a sweet kiss. When you pull away, she chases after your lips with a whine, causing you to giggle. You place one final peck on her lips and whisper, “Goodnight, Leah.”
Looking in the mirror, you put on your earrings and step back to look at your dress. It’s a scarlet red dress that hugs your body just right. The back of it cuts low to the lower part of your back, and the front shows the perfect amount of cleavage. The necklace that hangs from your neck fits perfectly with it. Smoothing out the fabric, you hear the familiar rhythm of the knock on your door.
Leah stands there in all her glory in a gray, sleeveless pantsuit. The outfit shows off her toned arms and collarbones perfectly. You let out a breath you don’t know you’re holding, and take her awaiting hand. She presses a kiss to your fingertips and says, “You look beautiful, sweetheart.”
You blush at the name and also compliment her back. She walks you towards an unfamiliar car and opens the passenger door for you.
“I figured we should drive this time. I’m sure it won’t be comfortable walking in those shoes.” She points at your short heels. It makes you realize that for all of your dates, you always walked to your destination. You smile at her consideration for your comfort and get in the car. While she drives, she places her hand on your knee and rubs her thumb up and down.
When she pulls up to the fancy restaurant, she rushes to your side of the car and opens the door for you, holding her other hand out for you to grab to help you get out. Walking in, you hear soft orchestral music playing through the building, along with people’s conversations merging and the echoing of silverware clinking together. It wasn’t loud; it was quite relaxing. Leah and you approach the podium with a girl standing behind it with a smile on her face. Leah’s hand stays at the small of your back to guide you and also just to feel you.
“Hello, what can I help you with tonight?” The host asks in a sweet tone.
“Hi, I made a reservation.”
“Sure! Under what name would that be?” The girl taps on the touch screen in front of her to check for the name.
“Leah Williamson.” The blonde nods softly at the host.
“Great! Now if you’d like to follow me, I’ll show you to your seats.” Leah smiles and keeps her hand on your back as you follow the girl. She pulls out your chair for you, just like she did on your first date. “The waiter will be here to take your orders shortly.” The host smiles at the two of you and makes her way back to the front.
You both ordered your desired dishes along with some dessert to share. You’re both laughing when a random girl comes over and places her hand on Leah’s shoulder, making you frown at the action. The blonde turns over and sees a semi-familiar face.
“Hey Leah, I haven’t seen you since that crazy night at the club.” The random girl continues to rub one of her hands up and down Leah’s shoulder as if you weren’t there. Leah just politely smiles and greets her. The girl tries to continue a conversation when you pick up two of your empty dishes and hand them to her.
“Thank you so much; the food was amazing.” Leah turns her head at you with a smile as the random girl gives you a strange look, but walks away with the dishes anyway. You grab your glass of wine and slowly sip it while staring at the walking figure, but you’re interrupted by the laughter coming from across the table.
“What was that?” She chuckles, and you give her a knowing look. She shakes her head with a soft smile displayed on her lips.
Once Leah pulls up to the sidewalk of your home, she walks you up to your door and pulls you in for a kiss. It’s not very long, but she backs away and places a kiss on your knuckles. The blonde moves down one stair and turns to walk away, but gets stopped by your hand continuing to grip hers. Her eyes meet yours as you nod your head towards the house.
“Why don’t you come in for a drink? Their wine wasn’t all that good.” Leah nods her head and smiles while you drag her inside.
You both were already tipsy from the restaurant, so adding more alcohol to your systems is like adding fuel to a fire. Hands are roaming each other’s bodies whenever you can, and you both feel just as fuzzy-headed. Music plays on your surround system around the house while both of you find comfortable positions across from each other on the couch, and Leah leans over and brushes a string of hair behind your ear.
“You look absolutely stunnin’ right now. Cheeks all rosy, hair a little messy. So beautiful.” She whispers toward the end because she’s too busy leaning in. Her lips lightly brush against yours, allowing you to pull away if needed. You maneuver yourself forward, pressing your lips together with more force, which makes the blonde smile slightly. Hands fall to your waist and start to pull you in even closer.
“You’re really good at that.” You breathlessly whisper, keeping your hands on her shoulders as she keeps hers on your hips. Your eyes flutter close when the defender moves her nose to touch yours, teasing her lips at the side of your mouth.
“I know I am.” That cocky personality comes back stronger than ever, so before you can scold her, she slams her lips back on yours and glides her tongue into your mouth, causing you to gasp, which allows her to push her tongue even further. She bites down on your bottom lip and pulls it, tugging it toward her before letting it go with a pop. You kiss down her jawline, eventually even further to her neck. Her hands find a place on your ass and guide you to start rocking your hips a little, encouraging you to keep sucking at her sweet spot.
She abruptly stands up with her hands remaining in their initial place, holding you up with her with your legs wrapped around her waist. “Where’s your bedroom?” She asks, breath ghosting of your face.
“Down the hall, last door on the right.”
You attach your lips back to hers as she blindly makes her way to your bedroom, trying not to crash into anything. Once she steps foot into the room, her foot kicks your door closed, and she pins you against it. The music can still be heard from the speakers, making the mood even hotter. The taste of wine can still be found in both of your mouths as you make out against the wooden door.
“How are you so good-looking all the time?” Leah mutters, moving over to your bed and placing you on the soft sheets.
“How are you so good-looking all the time?” You counter back, sitting up so you're face-to-face with the other girl. Her finger slips under one of the straps of your dress, slowly pulling it down while peppering kisses down your shoulder. She repeats the action on the opposite side and drags your dress down your body, still trailing kisses along with it. Once it’s off, she throws it somewhere on the floor and takes quick action to unclip your strapless bra. “It’s unfair that you’re still dressed and I’m not.”
“Well, you’re the one who’s about to get fucked into this mattress.” She rasps, plunging her lips to your neck to start sucking and biting at the flesh. Your hips buck into hers when she finds the perfect spot and nibbles on it. Her hands make work of your breasts, making you jump at the cold feeling of her rings on your warmed-up skin.
Finally, her fingers make it to the waistband of your pants, and she pulls them down as her lips kiss right above the fabric as it’s getting dragged away. Your breath hitches in anticipation as she flings the fabric to meet your dress on the floor.
“Let me take this off, at least.” Your fingers fiddle with the buttons on her top and begin to undo them. Her eyes gaze at yours as you look up at her.
“You look so good under me, baby.” Her voice lowers almost to the point where you can’t hear her. She shrugs off her top and steps out of her pants, so she is only in her underwear. The palms of her hands meet the inner of your thighs, spreading them so she can get a better look. “You’re soaking wet. Did I do this to you?”
You nod your head with a whine, wanting the blonde to do something to relieve your needs.
“Words, doll.”
“Yes, yes, you did this to me, and I need you to do something about it. Please.”
She chuckles at your desperation and kisses your stomach, then your thighs, and finally the place you need her the most. Her tongue draws a line up your slit before sucking on your clit. Your hips buck subconsciously, but Leah puts an end to it when her hands reach your waist and force you down onto the bed. You bite your lip so you don’t make a sound. This makes the blonde stop and raise her head.
“Don’t bite your lip. I want to hear exactly how I make you feel.” She states seductively, returning to her position, lapping up your arousal, and sucking on your bud. The sound of your moans bouncing off the walls, along with music from the living room, sparks the girl up more. Your hand digs into her hair, and your hips start to rock against her face when she moves faster, allowing the buildup in the pit of your stomach to get bigger. Your moans become more frequent and a little louder, showing Leah that you’re close. She pulls away for a split second to whisper, “Cum for me, doll.”
Your back arches further and further off the bed the closer you get; eventually, the coil snaps, making your body shutter and muscles tense, allowing your body to return to its first resting position. Leah’s tongue slowly continues to place soft licks, helping you get all the way through your orgasm. Your hand makes its way to her cheek and urges her to move up by you. Her chin glistens in your arousal, and she drags her thumb over it to wipe it off, then places her thumb in her mouth.
“You taste so sweet.” Your arms wrap around her neck to pull her down and kiss her. As her tongue makes its way into your mouth, you can taste the mixture of alcohol and you.
Right away, her fingertips drag down your stomach and then down to your heat. Testing the waters, she rubs her fingers over your clit which causes your legs to twitch since you’re still a little sensitive.
“Are you going to continue being my good girl?”
Her smirk widens at your obedience, and as a reward, her fingers dip into your dripping hole, making you gasp at the sensation. Without warning, she plunges two digits into you, chuckling at your whimpers and moans. Her lips make their way back to yours, swallowing all of your little noises.
After a minute or two, her fingers brush against your g-spot and her lips start sucking on your pulse point, leaving a hickey. Your moans grow louder at the repeating strokes that hit your spot perfectly. Compared to your orgasm, this one feels way more intense.
“I can feel you tighten around my fingers, darling. You’re already gonna cum again?”
This time you can’t respond; you’re too breathless, and the whines spilling out of your mouth constantly don’t give you any time to answer her. Your vision becomes spotty, and you feel wetness covering the insides of your thighs. Your orgasm crashes over you but lasts longer than anyone you’ve ever had.
Without your knowledge, Leah pulls away and looks at you with her jaw hanging open. When you finally come down from your high, you meet her gaze with a questioning look. A smug smile takes over her features, which makes you even more confused.
“You soaked the sheets and my arm, doll.”
Your eyes trail down, and you see a big wet patch on the mattress and the blonde's arm soaked. Feeling embarrassed, you cover your face with your hands and fall back against the pillows with a groan. Leah wipes her arm against the sheet you will definitely be washing later.
Leah lays beside you and grabs your wrists to move them from your face. She leans over and pecks your forehead, your chin, both of your cheeks, your nose, and then finally, your lips. Her eyes light up when she sees you smile at her gesture. You’re both lying together for a few minutes before Leah stands up and grabs her shirt.
“What are you doing?” You sit up with your arms holding you.
“Uhh, I’ve got a couple of errands to run in the morning, so I’ve gotta get home.” Her fingers work at one of the buttons of her shirt, and she keeps her head down.
You sigh before saying, “I know you have a reputation for sleeping around, and I know it’s a mess, but you don’t need to hide. You can let me in. So you can either get into bed at the count of three or you can walk out that door and never talk to me again.”
Her fingers stop buttoning up her shirt, and she finally looks at you.
Still in the same spot.
Only moves one step forward.
“One.” You pull your comforter down, patting the spot she was previously in. She quickly takes her top off and lays down next to you. You turn to your side so Leah can wrap her arms around you. Her nose nuzzles into your neck, and she hears you mumble, “I knew you had a soft side.”
The taller girl realizes she enjoys having a body next to her, especially one she’s grown to really like, but then it hits her. She’s never done this. This isn’t who she is. Multiple thoughts race through her head while you sleep soundly right next to her. She slowly removes her arms, making sure you don’t stir, which, luckily for her, you don’t. Quickly, she stands up, gets dressed, and rushes out the door.
The sun peeks through the curtains, waking you up. You smile and turn around, only to be met with empty sheets. Sitting up, you look on the ground and see all of Leah’s clothes missing.
The feeling of embarrassment floods your veins as you pull your blanket up to cover your chest. You feel stupid that you actually believed Leah would fall for you. You feel used, as if she just took you on those dates just to have sex with you. And you feel ashamed. Ashamed, you didn’t listen to any of the warnings thrown your way by your best friends.
Tears begin to trail down your cheeks before you even realize it. I guess you’re just not lovable for the Leah Williamson.
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nereidprinc3ss · 21 days
Hey I know this sounds stupid but knowing that mgg is only into white girls makes me sad lol and recently it’s all I’ve been thinking about while reading Spencer fanfics 😭
Okok someone said something abt him only dating skinny girls earlier in my inbox so let me say a few things abt this
1. He is just a man. You are superior to him and you do not need his validation
2. Realistically you will never be able to prove that he would NOT be into you if you ever met because you probably won’t so you should tell yourself he would until proven otherwise
3. He has said before one of his crushes is claire huxtable AND to the other person also he at one point said he likes curvier women and just because he’s only publicly dated mostly a specific type of girl that does not mean he’s never privately dated people who look different than that
4. People tend to have this idea that we know all of his relationships but the ones we HAVE seen are only a fraction of the ones he has had. Celebrities are a lot better at keeping relationships under wraps than we are led to believe. He has had gfs that he didn’t want anyone to know about so we never knew about them, as have most celebrities. He has dated people we have never seen and we have no idea what they look like!!
5. If he actually were exclusively attracted to or exclusively dated white women or stick thin women that would make him a freak who does not deserve your time or attention or energy! Normal ppl do not exclusively date one physical “type” that is some Patrick Bateman shit. But I doubt that’s the case w him anyway! And one more time you’ll never actually have to find out so don’t worry abt it too much you are a bad bitch and you could pull anyone u wanted
Anyway I don’t wanna sound crazy and I don’t wanna promote craziness so guys pls do not base your self esteem on this random ass man and what u perceive him to be attracted to he is unemployed and irrelevant to your life and his hairline is receding mwah u r perfect
Additionally Spencer reid is not mgg and does not share his taste in women he is fake and can be however u want him to be his type in women is whatever u look like bc he’s fake
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alatismeni-theitsa · 9 months
I recently came across a book called Wrath Goddess Sing and while I have nothing against the original premise (showing Achilles as a trans woman) despite how that would not really have worked in those times, it's actually so weird how the author decided to magically turn Achilles into a "real woman" whose beliefs around womanhood center on the ability to give birth and be a mother, which is just insane if you consider that the author is also trans (by making Achilles a bio woman, she's literally erasing what the premise was about and then claiming that it happened either because the Gods knew she wanted it *so much* or because she wanted it "enough" to make it happen which invalidates all other trans folks in the story because they suddenly don't want it "enough"). Apart from that, there are constant homophobic, transphobic and incredibly racist remarks throuought the book which is why it's so weird to see it praised by so many.
Also, the author used the term "kallai" to refer to trans people in Skyros and now some fans of hers are using it to speak of themselves, despite it being plural and despite it not making sense in the way they're using it. F.e. "I'm a kallai/good morning Kallai", which is just peak US centrism (and like the author literally claimed that the female version of "Achilles" was "Achileas" - why don't they do research?).
What I often explain to foreigners when they throw tantrums about people (often Greeks 😄) telling them something is wrong, is that we are not unreasonable. I think most Greeks would just go "hm!" at the thought of someone exploring the thought of a trans Achilles, and we would all realize the problem with this book would actually be the historical/language/societal inaccuracies. Like the cringe I feel when I read the "I'm a kallai/good morning Kallai".
As far the female version of the Achilleas go, we know this to be Achillea ("Αχίλλεια" ), not Achilleas. The author perhaps found a woman named Achilleas ("Αχιλλειάς" / "Αχιλλειάδα"; ) somewhere? But I haven't read or seen that name in any Greek text. Grammatically it also feels "off" to me, (having been exposed to enough ancient Greek grammar) but if someone has found it, pls tell us.
For the lack of research... I don't care how progressive you say are. If you are not doing any research on the culture and language of the people you're writing and you're still making a profit, and no one in the industry cares to check you, that's a form of privilege and you're engaging in harmful - and very much not progressive - behaviors.
And because I had a few discussions with other Greeks and non-Greeks on this let me share something here.
A reaction from Greeks and other people would also be "but Achilles was not trans...?" and yes, that's a normal reaction and it's not linked to American conservatism, sorry to burst the US neoliberal bubble.
While the author has the right to write what she wants, it's still a fact that we don't have any evidence of Achilles being anything but cis. If anything he was the most macho male man out there according to Greek standards and very much happy with his predicament. And when this figure is popular and, well, your ethnic hero, you just want to ask about that. Not in a "I don't want this book to exist" way but you want to ask why did it have to be Achilles, and why a historically cis person.
I'm not saying all this to imply that the author shouldn't write this. Anyone can write whatever they want, and I don't think exploring this scenario is harmful to anyone. But it's fair to assume the author went "I want a trans Achilles no matter what!" And because the ends clearly justified the means here, the character of Achilles and all the themes of the initial story were thrown out the window - which is also not the best thing to do when writing well-known figures and stories from other cultures.
Sure, the premise of "what if Achilles liked being a woman?" is an interesting idea and, if written well, I would read it. However when a writer does all the above it's clear to most people that they just make a far-fetched play-pretend out of myths that cannot be changed - bc they are already written and we preserve them for the last 2.000 years.
Then, you have the... odd (for lack of a better word) tropes. For this specific trans writer the tropes worked and good for her. At the same time I can see why other trans women might have an issue with the transformation into a "real woman". From what I hear, there are trans women who'd like this transformation and others who don't find it validating. And ofc there's always the issue of why Achilles got her wish and what the other trans women did "wrong" to not get it.
With all the paragraphs above I also want to raise an extra issue. Why take a completely cis person and make them trans, instead of writing the story of a historically trans person or creating a new trans character? (if history doesn't have any) Relying on an established cis figure for trans representation can be a bit icky.
"Apart from that, there are constant homophobic, transphobic and incredibly racist remarks throuought the book which is why it's so weird to see it praised by so many." That's also unfortunate 😩 I won't read the book but if you have passages and stuff to demonstrate this point, let me know
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totallysora · 6 months
okok so I’ve seen some stuff abt denton/katherine recently n I wanna say my opinion 🥰 I don’t think any of this is gonna be offensive or anything, but if u do get offended pls don’t like,,,get mad n yell at me just tell me why/explain why it was offensive n I’ll totally fix it!
OK SO 😻 I absolutely adore kath, like honestly she’s amazing, and although definitely not one of my favourites (nothing against her btw but my love for all lf the newsboys is crazy so anyone who isn’t them is automatically lower down 😭) and I’m glad she’s a character we were introduced to! I know we got sarah in 92sies, but realistically I do think katherine fits in with the story sm better, not only keeping the idea of a love interest for jack but also actually giving us a female character that actually plays a big part plot wise, and (no offence to sarah 😭) is actually important to the story n has character
When I first watched newsies I didn’t rlly like katherine (but to be completely honest it’s just cuz it was her getting to be with Jeremy Jordan not me 😔💔) but when I was able to get over the fact that she was living my dream, she grew on me for sure! She’s so silly n Kara plays her so well! Also, the fact that we at least get one female character who actually works with the newsies is awesome considering yk,,female newsies existed 😻 (gonna be totally honest Ik nothing abt the actual strike 😕)
That being said, I still think Dentons existence should at least be acknowledged yk 😭❓ Take writing fanfics for example, I’m aware most people write abt the musical, meaning denton isn’t actually in it, which I totally get! Whilst I do like denton, I (as well as most people probably) prefer katherine, but I still definitely enjoy reading or watching stuff abt him, as I can still appreciate that he was the original reporter character, and some people prefer the movie or have only watched the movie, meaning they may like him more as that’s what they’re used to! I absolutely understand liking denton, however saying that katherine is sub par, and saying the fact she is a woman is historically inaccurate is ridiculous 💀 (and that’s saying smth coming from me, considering I know absolutely nothing abt the actual strike n even I know thats wrong 😭) Katherine is a great character, and she doesn’t have to be your favourite to see that! So anyone hating on her or just straight up being an asshole by saying some completely inaccurate and frankly pretty fucking offensive stuff, pls kindly fuck off 🥰 Katherine absolutely does not have to be your favourite character, and you don’t have to prefer her over denton, you just need to be able to share ur opinion without being a dick and not talk absolutely bs!
Thanks for reading my kinda confusing (Idk if it made sense) opinion if u got to the end 😋🫶
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mintytrifecta · 1 year
Okay. Okay. So. I’ve seen you tag so many posts with code name:Lenore and for the longest time I thought it was a piece of media I just happened to not have heard of, but somewhat recently I remembering you saying it was your original project and jfjddkdkdk okay pls do not feel pressured to answer if you don’t feel like it or anything but if you would like to share I’m asking, I’m asking SO LOUDLY about it cuz the little context clues I think I have picked up the vibes make it sound SO NEAT so yeah if you would like to share anything about it I would love to hear :3
SO Codename: Lenore is a hypothetical novel I'm developing!!! Right now I'm just in like the plot development and worldbuilding stage so the story isn't fully concrete ^^; HOWEVER I DO HAVE SOME LORE >:DDD AND ITS GOING UNDER THE READ MORE CAUSE I HAVE. A LOT. SSNSGHND
Lenore is a robot built of embossed brass that's long been oxidized who wakes up in an unknown era in an unknown, tiny spaceship with only one universal truth present in her head.
She has a mission to find and record every folktale she can, before time runs out.
She doesn't know why, or how, or where this idea came from, nor does she know why time is running, but she knows she has to do it.
It's lonely, at first. Every planet she visits locally in her crumbling ship seems... empty. Devoid of any life. She spends who knows how long going to whatever area of a planet seems the least in ruins and tries to grab whatever she can but there's not much. There's barely one full legend anywhere and everything she finds she has to fill the blanks in. Although, a lot of them do seem to have the running theme of light in them. Light and grief and storms and anguish and so much pain with no real explanation.
It's only after she finds this pattern that Lenore notices the space around her is just as desolate as the planets she visits. Barely any starlight around and what little does show up is red and flicker. Finding this out, Lenore goes to a nearby star to investigate, one that barely has any shine to it.
As soon as she gets close enough it explodes and sends her unconscious and flying back who knows how far.
Next thing she knows Lenore wakes up on an unfamiliar ship with three people staring at her waiting for her to wake up.
Lenore is, understandably wigged out.
But they smile at her anyway and introduce themselves as the Lightspeeds!! A group of Star Hunters and Speedship racers who've been tracking the stars in this piece of space.
The "leader" of their group is the speedship racing pilot herself and head of navigation is Mairin!! Hothead, spirited and quick to make friends but prone to impulse. She welcomes Lenore to their ship with open arms, exclaiming how relieved she is Lenore is alright.
The engineer and head Mairin's partner lurking off to the corner is Khyun. He's closed off and cool but not neccesarily snappy. He's the one who got Lenore back up and running, claiming that they're lucky he likes history as much as he does, or else he wouldn't have recognized any of how Lenore's systems work.
Lastly, the botanist and head of oxygen and survival resources is Elise. She smiles, claiming she's the one who found Lenore's ship careening out at insane speeds and got everyone to help rescue her.
They explain that as Star Hunters, their mission is to find, record and track live stars and ghosts in the universe so that anyone else who's ship-born knows where's safe to stay for a while and what volatile spaces to avoid.
Speedship racers are a bit of a niche sport/subculture for Star Hunters. They compete in laps around stars of different sizes to see who has the fastest and smoothest ship and he winner gets to claim the biggest star found for their Star Hunter team and put it on the map under their name. To enter a speedship race you have to fill a certain quota of living stars found around a specific area and chart them under the name of your team. In this case, the Lightspeeds.
After a bit of talking they strike a deal with her. Lenore gets to help them find stars and work during their races and in return they help her search for folklore on any system-stars they come across.
A while passes and Lenore's officially a member of the Lightspeeds and she's building up a considerable portfolio of folklore. They haven't stopped though, with the theme of grief and stars, which is kind of suspicous to Lenore. They've traveled pretty far from where she was originally at and she gets that similair themes can occur in different cultures, but this is way too often to be mere coincidence.
Then it hits.
The stars are dying. They're dissapearing faster and faster than they can keep track of. The universe is collapsing in on itself with barely any time to preserve everything that's still here.
Lenore and the rest of the Lightspeeds have their work cut out for them.
That's the synopsis and a little bit of the plot I guess gshsnsn I've got more but if I kept going this would be too long so uuuh I'll leave it at this:
In the story there's a lot of themes and allegories to ghosts. Pretty much everyone in the story is haunting or is haunted in one way or another, narratively or not. With all the stars dying, their light still remains, all the planets are gone but stories they've made get to live on, Lenore is a robot, built and decorated with a story so personal to a society long, long gone. Isn't that a ghost?
Well yeah there's metaphorical ghosts but there are also literal ones >:))
See, sometimes when a dying star sends out a solar flare or explodes in a supernova, it'll reach people living on nearby planets. Caught in that light, they die, but their bodies last second absorb that light and essentially become it. Living afterimages of the people they were made out of pure light. They keep "living" for ages after, holding onto themselves as much as possible, but it doesn't always last.
If you're made of light, it's easy to forget what it was like when you were more then that. It's easy to lose memory. Lose shape.
As time goes on it's harder and harder to keep a solid form and idea of who you are. As this happens, as you slowly fade, your light... shifts. Less solid, blue glows become yellow. Slightly transparent and with some strange shifts of appearance, sure, but you're still fine. The real danger starts when you begin to shift red.
Closer to red means closer to dead. You begin to become transparent, unable to be seen under harsh colored lights. Your memory isn't what it used to be and now that you can barely see yourself its hard to hold shape.
Thank goodness none of our cast is that right :)) Thank goodness nobody in the Lightspeeds is hiding this in any kind of shift from yellow to red right :)))))) We certaintly wouldn't want our resident botanist to be hiding something like that from their friends right :))))))) Wouldn't want our resident folklorist android being an amnesiac of one, her creator, stuck in a metal shell with no way of knowing what she really looked like and who she was before she was :))))))))) Wouldn't want a group hellbent on desperate survival and worship of gravity and black holes to force people into becoming those to praise the gravity of a singularity and turn into light as a way to live as one with a decaying universe :)))))))))))))))
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magpiefngrl · 10 months
omg pls share your thoughts on rule of wolves!!!! i loved the first one of the duology and think the second wasn’t as good
ah excellent, time to rant!! hehe
Craft-wise, this book is brimming with plot. There are too many events and plot elements taking place that the narration tries to cram everything in without giving some important scenes time to breathe. This flattens everything--trivial and significant events, both get a small number of pages so nothing stands out. Way too many perspectives, just a convoluted story.
Secondly, chapters are either internal monologue or fast paced dialogue, and it gets tiresome. Also, everyone has the same snarky type of humour, which also gets tiresome. And is bad characterisation.
Thirdly, and here people might disagree but this is me, I hated the relentless decency from everyone. Bardugo's first trilogy featured the Speshul Girl with magic powers who goes to the magic academy and all the girls hated her and were jealous and nasty towards her. So she compensated now by having them ALL be lovey-dovey with each other. Not just female friends, but also couples. They never bicker, or argue, or snap at each other, even under very stressful circumstances. I've seen A LOT of similar character relationships recently, mostly from US authors, and it frustrates the hell out of me, because it's just not realistic in any way. (if anyone comes at me, saying that "oh you're asking for realism in a story with magic" I'll bite you. Real human emotions aren't reserved only for stories set in the real world ffs.)
I don't know if you get what I mean, but this kind of writing feels very flat to me. They're all pals. Everyone cares for each other and hugs them. Even the Darkling is decent, and he's like the big baddie.
I get bored of guns, and I hate fantasy stories with guns.
A bit spoilery: They're preparing for war, creating rockets or whatever, and the good guys are wringing their hands "oh these will kill so many innocents!". What did you think war was? Perhaps people who have no idea what it means for their nation to have faced actual invasion and mass murder in the last century or two, can stop writing about war? Just a thought.
In short, I disliked the lack of nuance, the flat characterisation, the crammed plot. What did you think? Why didn't you like it?
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allthingsfook · 1 year
Hi!! could I have a ship pls :)
i’m 5’5 with auburn hair & blue eyes
I am a bit of a home body. I enjoy spending time with friends, but doing simple things. im not into going to bars/ clubs. I more enjoy using quality time to watch movies/ thrifting/ get a quiet dinner/ go shopping/ drive around. I really enjoy being outdoors whether that’s at a beach or in the woods. I really love live music.
Going to concerts has always been a huge part of my life and I plan to do it as much as I can. it’s just as important to me as the idea of traveling. i’ve done a lot of traveling so far and plan to see as much places as possible in the future! I’m not huge into tourist locations, I enjoy the more quiet and unknown parts of the world.
I am a very passionate person. I take my relationships and interests very seriously. if anyone I love has been hurt I try to be there to help and defend them. same goes for things I enjoy. I will defend it against anyone that tries to tear it down. I could go on and on about things that mean a lot to me.
thank you in advance <3
Heyyyyy! I’m finally getting to your ship on this fine Friday evening while I’m at my sister-in-laws bachelorette party 😂😂
I ship you with….
I think Josh is the homebody of the boys, even with how bubbly he is. He often retreats from the camera, which makes me believe he lives in the moment. Documenting his every movement is extremely shallow in his eyes, and he’d rather spend all his time doting after you 💕 Due to the nature of touring and —well— just being a musician, Josh values his time at home. And that means staying home! I know he recently said that he doesn’t spend a lot of time in his home and it’s rather a pit stop on his way to somewhere new. After strengthening your relationship, Josh would quickly learn that home is a feeling, not a place. If he feels that with you, which he so would, he’d go wherever you wanted him to; something tells me that is just spending time together at home. And I don’t believe for a second that he fears domestication…. I think he’s longing for it. Be his home ❤️
On the other hand, traveling for leisure is something Josh would love. He’s so obsessed with learning about the world, so I could easily see you guys flying all over for weeks on end; learning new languages, trying new food, meeting great people, and most of all— spending time together. Although you are not one for going out, I think you’d be game for going to a small, local place to catch an up and coming artist perform. Josh and the boys would keep their ears open for just the opportunities. You’d all share laughs and enjoy the music, but don’t think you’ll escape into the night without some fans coming to awe over the boys. True that’s something you’d have to deal with, but Josh would be the most supportive and reassuring partner. He’d give you sweet praises and attention after the fact. After so long, it wouldn’t even bother you.
Your generosity, kindness, and compassion are huge things Josh would fall for. Much like you, Josh is so thoughtful and loving toward his intimate circle. I’m sure you’ve seen all the thoughtful and caring gifts he’s given to his vocal coach, the special bonds he shares with his parents, and most notably the love he has for Daniel. If that’s how he treats his family, imagine how sweet he would be with you! He might not always physically be at your side or there to buy you flowers in Valentine’s Day, but the cosmic bond that the two of you would share would overthrow all of that. From across the country or globe, his love would be felt.
I hope you enjoyed the heartfelt ship. Josh is such a special person and it’s an honor to witness and be part of GVFs prime. All of them are insanely beautiful inside and out!!!
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mochikeiji · 3 years
Gojo Satoru
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↠ Pairing: Gojou Satoru x F!Reader
↠ Warning: bby gojo having heavy thoughts and sadness after everything. (pls hug) angst to fluff.
↠ a/n: ironically, his name is the title for this xD also thank you so much for the love from my recent works o(^▽^)o♡ have my love too!
↬ Word Count: 1.9k
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Everyone has their beginnings. While some were blessed to start out life with good fortune and the right path, there were some who struggled through their way in living. For Gojo? He didn't really care. Not when he was already being worshipped for being born in this world, not when as a child he had barely lifted a finger before his life was already planned out for him. It was as if he was simply taking the red carpet to luxury. He already has everything. Truly, he claimed, he was indeed the honored one.
He wasn't one to be wary of his own feelings. What was there to be thought about if he doesn't know what are these stuff running through his head? Not that he should give a single mind to it. 
But as he sat down at the tub of his bathroom— tweezers between his fingers, one at a time he plucks out the small shards of glass that had dug themselves onto his skin from the previous mission he was sent on solo, he started to wonder why he was staring blankly at the crimson liquid trailing down his damaged skin. Why did he felt so empty?
Maybe if Shoko were around to patch him up, he would've have had someone to pester for the day. Maybe he wouldn't have gone home to the lonesome apartment he owns, hissing at the pain from each shard taken out of his body.
That was strange. He never experienced that. Not even when he's in battle with the strongest forms of curses. No matter how many gashes of wounds he's collected, they always heal themselves quickly. It was unfamiliar that it began to frustrate him. He doesn't like it. Not one bit. It hurts. It hurts so much, yet why was there still something making his heart clench?
Loneliness. Abandonment. Broken.
Gojo was a fool for losing the only person that has come close to understanding him. If only he understood what Geto was going through; if he knew what the hell were all those troubles and emotions were maybe he would've still had his only best friend here with him. But no. It slowly came crashing down on Gojo's eyes that though he was the honored one,
He was the lost one.
A broken soul being held by strings as he was only guided to follow along the path that was planned out for him, but never what he planned for himself.
Why was he remembering all of these now? It had been years after the downfall. He should've moved on from it, be the usual cherry top, annoying idiot he was to his students and colleagues. God, he hates this. Falling, falling, falling.
Only the weak fall
Was a statement drilled into his system right from the start. The never ending worship that has earned him the title of being the "strongest" was what he kept pursuing. Believing.
Was the Gojo Satoru at his weakest point?
"Fuck." the unusually large shard of glass falls on the tiled floor, removed from the left side of his chest. Near to the scar that trails from the base of his throat and down to his navel; the reminder of why he shouldn't be left vulnerable at any cost. The hideous flaw that will forever be marked on his body, the one he desperately hides behind those prideful remarks and grinning faces. It saddens him, it hurts him, it angers him. It makes himself lose his own sanity.
The stinging started to kick in on his chest, no longer can he tell if it was from the wound or the clenching of his heart. He was strong, he was suppose and always will be strong. "Why?" the tub cracks from his grip. His free hand coming up to his eyes, eyes that people loved enough to fall in a trance— enemies crumbling and begging for mercy upon them.
Gojo felt ashamed.
Shameful. He grits his teeth hard when the small trickle of the uncharacteristic tear falls from the heavenly eye. It falls down to the porcelain surface, mixing with the trail of blood that was slowly draining down, "Why?" he finally looks down at the fatal wound, attempting to stop the bleeding with his bare hands pushing his chest. The blood smearing all over his upper body, shading the past scar that it made it look like it was there again.
Gojo speaks a little louder, sweating profusely as the dam inside him broke. Like an endless waterfall it was the tears fall. It made him sick. This was all not him. This wasn't the known shaman in the jujutsu world. This wasn't the boy raised from the family of the strongest. This wasn't the strongest.
This wasn't any of him.
"Make it stop."
Then who was he?
"Please, make it stop."
Entire body freezing. It was the first time he felt fear rushing through his veins; the fear of being seen like this. It wasn't because he didn't trust you. Good gracious, you were the last and only person Gojo ever holds onto after the years being glued together by faith and his attempts of flirting. No, he didn't want you to see this unknown person that was sitting in the bathroom of your shared apartment. Right, he forgot he was living with you.
Huh, he forgot. You were there.
There knelt down to his level, wide eyes meeting the now visible broken ones that was glossy with tears. With careful movements you raised an arm to eye level, pleading silently for permission to touch him. And for the time, Gojo was actually wary. He's faced a lot in the years spent as a sorcerer, as the strongest. Never the weakest. So when your lips curled into the same smile you'd give him during your moments of vulnerability. The cute, little curve you give when you couldn't help but just admire him or when you're about to utter out his 3 favorite words, he finds himself leaning forward to rest his cheek against the warmth of your palm. He allows the pestering tears to fall omly to be caught with your thumbs, shooing them away from his features.
"Let's get you cleaned up."
When your hand pulls away for a short moment, Gojo silently whines at the lost of contact. The tightness in his chest coming back. The feeling of abandonment crosses his head for a second before you placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, holding up the tweezers he had dropped a while ago, "I'm here now."
I'm here now
That was his line. His line for when there was someone in need of help. The line that shimmers hope on the darkest moments of anyone's life. The line of the strongest. The ones who were only truly honored of saying.
Hope. It had a different form today. One that was right in front of him, plucking out every leftover shard on his body with gentleness he never got to witness as a child. The soft cooes and from time to time kisses on his scalp made his senses more focused on there rather than the stinging sensations running through his skin. Exactly how people react when there is hope.
And where there is hope,
"I love you, Satoru."
There is love.
Warm water from the shower cap started pouring down to his tensed muscles, washing out the combined dirt and blood away from him, cleansing his own form of curses that has shaken up his being. When did you finish patching him up? And why wasn't it as painful as it was when he did it?
He watches you move the small container that reeked of the scent of his blood and that inflicted his injuries far from his sight. Immediately, Gojo felt empty once more and was about to call you when you came back holding fresh towels on your hands. "Do you want me to join you?" he couldn't say yes faster than ever, almost as if he was relieved when you offered.
When you had finally stripped yourself off of your clothes and settled in between his long legs, there was nothing but the sound of the shower on echoing in the room with the two of you just staring back to one another.
Too good to be true, you were.
Gojo wanted to speak. Wanted to tell you how thankful he is that you were here to pull him away. To save his life, but all he could do was stare back into the void that of before. He sees the way your hands map around his torso in attempt to rinse him completely. Coming in contact with the old and new scar, softly tracing them as you felt his eyes wonder to yours. There was no sign of disappointment nor a hint of harm or disgust. Only something he never understood that it made him sob unexpectedly, startling you that left you pulling him into your embrace which he latches his face onto your neck and arms surrounding your body whole.
He cries.
All the frustration of not knowing whatever was happening, the mistakes he wishes to correct and the past he hoped to save along with the title he swore to maintain. It all falls on the smaller body he treasures in his arms at this very moment. He clutches, he palms, he roams. Whatever he can do just so he can fully grasp the idea that someone was there. You were there, and he wasn't alone anymore.
"I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough."
It would shock the world and break the hearts of many to hear these very words uttered from the mouth of the honored one. And Gojo wishes that everyone could hear it. That it would somehow reach the skies to wherever his best friend was too. To you, the person he loved the most. He was sorry that he wasn't the Gojo Satoru in your eyes.
"No, Toru. No." you push him back gently only to pull him in for a soft kiss, "I don't need you to always be the strongest. Let alone apologize for being vulnerable." he listens as he nuzzles against the palms meeting his face. The ones that held him together when he was falling apart.
His lips wobbled a bit when you land kisses on his scars, "These may not have been the good ones in your life, but these do not make you for who you are, Satoru." he hums in content when you rub down to his chest soothingly, the feeling that you has him yearning for more. Needing for more, "It's okay to be lost, and it's okay to be weak. But it'll never define you."
"I need you to be just you."
You pull him down, letting him cry all his heart out to your naked chest. He let's you have your way to him. The emotions, words, and treatment. All so unfamiliar. And he finds himself wanting. Needing more.
All his life he thought he had it all.
But never in his life has he lived it.
"What am I, (Y/n)?"
Cooing softly as the small of his voice. Like the child who never got to experience what love was. The child raised to already has to burden such responsibilities and stand. Gojo can feel himself breathe in relief as he whispers an "i love you" with a small kiss on your skin when you uttered out the words that has set his locked up self free. Free from the strings that's been taking over. The cage he was kept from all of his living.
The curse of his gift
And being honored of what he truly deserves.
"You're Gojo Satoru."
Just Gojo Satoru.
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© all content belongs to mochikeiji. Please do not repost or copy, ありがとうございました!! (=^・^=)
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roscgcld · 3 years
The thought of Gojo realizing that you are not with him just because of his money, popularity, or even just being a hook up is so sweet.
he realized that you aren't using him for money when you didn't want him to spoil you and pay for everything.
and I think Gojo fell even harder because you love him from what he is and not what he has.
Also this is my apology for making that sad nanami imagine :)
And pls - Gojo is going to be so clueless lmao. Because he had promised himself that he is never going to get married to anyone. He didn't want to fall in love and have something as frustrating as commitment since he cannot even figure out when is the next time he is going to come home to spend the night in his own bed.
But there was just something about you - sweet little you who does not mind waking up in the middle of the night to him coming home; always keeping his usually quiet and dark home full of life and sound no matter how long he is away. Someone who had no idea of his status before your 'arrangement', and didn't change even after you've seen it all.
Even though he was the one who suggests you two not make anything official; he was also the one who gave you the keys to his home, the first person he calls the moment he returns to Japan from an overseas trip, the first person he wants to see after a long day in a mission. You had told him from the beginning that you'll leave the cards in his hands - you are happy with things as they are now, but you know that he was doing what was best for the both of you. So as long as you are happy, you see no reason to change anything.
Yet when Nanami pointed out that he might be falling for you, he was genuinely scared. The usual confidence and arrogance that just radiates him on the daily instantly melt away whenever he is around you; because now he is constantly reminded that he now has a big, fat crush on you. Poor dude will just awkwardly try to nudge you so you can bring up how awkward he has been recently.
He had first assumed that you stayed around was because of cash - but when you had almost assaulted him in broad daylight for buying you an expensive birthday gift, he quickly learned that it was definitely not because of the money. He had then assumed you stayed because of his status as a Gojo, but you never really brought it up ever since you found out the importance of his name the first few times you two met each other? So he quickly tossed that idea out of the window. He had assumed you stayed for the sex, but that didn't add up either because you two don't only fuck?
You do things like cook for him when he whines for your cooking, help him with his chores and makes sure he has clean clothes to wear all the time, share random memes or parts of your day with him when he is away, and even willing to do things like go out for a late-night snack run with on the random or even drive over to his whenever he doesn't want to be alone.
You really didn't have to go that extra mile, but you do it anyways.
And honestly, this idiot literally took weeks to really gather his wits to make things official. For you, who Nanami had contacted to tell in advance of his idiotic senpai is trying to court you, you just smile and gave him all the time he needed to confess and make things official with you.
Because you can wait - I mean, you've been waiting for a few months now. Another few weeks is not going to hurt you. Especially since this is the first time you've seen the confident and ‘all mighty’ Gojo Satoru acting so awkwardly around you. Like a middle school kid trying to confess to his crush.
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kuroos-babie · 4 years
Falling in Love with a Single Mom HCs
Sakusa x fem!Reader | Kita x fem!Reader | Tendō x fem!Reader
[ Headcanons/MiniFics ]
a/n: once again,,, i love these hcs so much but i feel like omi was kinda ooc im so sorry (╥﹏╥) i hope u like these still!! i really enjoyed writing these, pls do tell me what you think (~ ̄³ ̄)~
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❀ he's been watching you for a while now— his team's manager
❀ everyone knew you've recently became a new mom— as well as how your child's dad went MIA a few weeks after you gave birth, left a note breaking things off with you and saying he wasn't ready to be a dad
❀ you usually had your mom or a relative take care of your baby while you went to work, but this time no one was available so you had to bring your son with you
❀ standing by the corner of the crowded cafeteria, he kept on glancing at you obviously struggling to pacify your baby
❀ he didn't like the piercing cries of the child in your arms so he decided to help you, or so he convinced himself
❀ in reality, he couldn't take seeing you so panicked anymore— it agitates him so much
❀ he was trying to remember what komori taught him about babies as he walked over to where you stood
"have you tried feeding it?" he asked nonchalantly, standing a good foot away from you as he tried to peer over your shoulder
"him" you replied, exhaustion and frustration dripping from your tone, "and yeah, i just did"
you sighed
"give me"
it wasn't everyday that sakusa offered help so you jumped at the opportunity, supporting your child's neck and back as sakusa took him, doing the same
❀ he laid the baby on his chest, gently tapping at his back
❀ after a few moments he let out a small burp the baby not sakusa skdka
❀ he handed your child back to you, now silently chewing on his hand, saying he "just needed to burp"
❀ your face felt hot, embarrassed that you had no idea
❀ sakusa just placed a hand on your head and smiled behind his mask before leaving, he knows you needed all the help you can get right now and he, albeit wordlessly, made sure you're aware that he's willing to provide that help
❀ since then he regularly drops by your apartment and helps you clean and take care of your baby saying he's just making sure there weren't any germs near the kid
❀ lets you take naps as he watch your kid— but not before taking a bath, he has spare clothes in your closet
❀ the team notices how he's always over at your place
"omi-kun you're always over at y/n's, might as well move in with her"
"if she wants me to, i don't see any problem with it" he said so casually it made you whip your head to his direction
"do you... want to?" he looked away from you without an answer, avoiding your eyes, "omi-kun do you want to move in with us?"
"i said, if you wanted to" he replied, still avoiding your gaze and cheeks tinted red
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❀ you met him at the wet market; well, your daughter did
❀ you noticed her run off while you were buying ingredients for your lunch and stocking up your fridge, quickly trying to catch up to her
❀ she was giddily running around, little 3 year old legs not taking her too far before bumping into a stranger's leg
❀ falling to her bum, your daughter looked up to see brown eyes looking down at her
"i'm sorry, are you alright?"
he helped the child up, holding her steady as he dusted off her bottom
by the time you caught up with the both of them, he already had your daughter in his arms, asking her where her mom was with a smile
"there she is!" she said with a giggle
"baby, what did i tell you about running off on your own?" you scolded her with a tired smile as kita handed her over to you, thanking him kindly
❀ after that encounter, he started to notice you more and more; in the wet market, around the neighbourhood, and in the topics of local grannies
❀ you moved in recently, shortly after your daughter's dad bailed out on the both of you, leaving you to raise her alone; or so he's heard
❀ he would always give you a soft smile and an acknowledging nod whenever you two see each other
❀ it wasn't until his grandmother asked him to bring over some vegetables to your house that he had the chance to have an actual conversation with you
"gran wanted you to have this"
"oh thank you very much", you beamed at him while taking the basket, "do you maybe want to come inside? i'll prepare some tea"
he was about to decline the offer, but the joyful look on your child's face the moment she sees kita convinced him to do otherwise
❀ the two of you talked over tea and snacks while your daughter sat on his lap, playing with his large hand
❀ you couldn't help but smile at the both of them, your daughter never one to be this playful with others, kita didn't seem too bothered either
❀ time passed and kita needed to go back home, much to your daughter's dismay
❀ he didn't want to upset your kid too much so it was decided he'll come back soon to play with her
❀ it became a regular thing for kita to stop by your house on his way home from the fields— spending time with you and your daughter slowly becoming routine
❀ he adored your child's little giggles and the way she insisted having him wear the flower crown she made, glancing at you to see you laughing at the sight had him imagining what life would've been like with the two of you
❀ till he realized he was already living that life— looking forward to seeing you both after a hard day of work at the fields, being greeted by warm smiles and a hug, eating dinner together and sharing laughter
❀ it seems like granny wouldn't have to wait too long for a grandchild
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❀ he noticed your 2 year old boy looking—staring, at him from across the restaurant he was having lunch at
❀ so of course he decided to make faces in an attempt to make him laugh
❀ he wiggled his eyebrows at the toddler, waving his hands and cooing— though he wasn't sure if the baby even hears him
❀ the boy decided that tendō pulling at his ears and sticking his tongue out was a winner, letting out a short giggle
❀ you had your back to tendō so you were surprised to see your child laughing when you looked up from your meal
❀ turning around to see tendō making the silliest face, you couldn't help but laugh as well, your son finding it absolutely hilarious and is squealing in delight
❀ tendō's face heated up in embarrassment from being caught but he laughed along nonetheless, shaking his head as you waved your son's tiny hands at him and mouthing 'hello'
❀ he thought you two were adorable so he decided to come up to your table
"you babysitting your nephew? or is that your baby brother?"
you chuckled at him, "he's my son"
the redhead's brain buffered for a few moments, "i should get going then, don't wanna offend someone" he laughed awkwardly, hand scratching at his nape
"oh no, it's fine. you're not offending anyone" his eyebrows raised at your reply's implication, "mind taking a seat? my baby seem to like you"
"your baby has great taste" tendō smirked as he slid to the seat opposite yours
"so it seems" you said with a tone that sent a blush straight to his cheeks
❀ the afternoon ended with your number saved on tendō's phone under the name cute baby('s) momma🥺
❀ he texts and calls All The Time; asking how your kid is doing and wanting to see the both of you
❀ after a while of talking and going out, you asked him if he wanted to come over to your place for a visit and he was simply ✨ecstatic✨
❀ spent the whole afternoon crawling around your living room chasing your son, squeals and giggles echoing throughout your house
❀ you've never seen your son be this comfortable with anyone that isn't you and you're just grateful that tendō adores your child as much as your child adores him
❀ when tendō walked up to you— your son in his arms, sleeping soundly on his shoulder, you offered to take the child but he refused and opted to pull you close with his free hand
❀ he leaned against the kitchen counter, both you and your son in his arms as you asked him in a whisper, "can you stay?"
❀ understanding what you meant was more than staying for the night, he answered with a definite "for as long as you want to, of course" before pressing a kiss on your temple
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taglist: @churochuu @bakarinnie @faithieeee @strawberriimilkshake @paulazockt @pattys-got-cakes @hidden-otaku-stuff @haikyuubabie @shou-kunn @your-local-abyss @stcrryskies
✨send me an ask to be added/removed!✨
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martynsimp69 · 2 years
helloooo, the spopera has me in a choke hold, so would you mind sharing your favourite detail of the story or world or overall *waves hand vaguely* AU thingamybob :D
(fully take this as an invitation to go nuts, i love rants)
HELLO TUMBLR USER VICTORIANTREECAT i am so sorry it took me over a month to reply to this it is because i am forgetful </3 pls know that we love and cherish your asks every time they come in 
i’ve had doc on the brain recently so!! Doc Thoughts 4 You. these are a bit rough and all over the place forgive me ashdkfhdjdhs
if you ask the folks at a certain lonely, backwater interplanetary hub, they’ll say the fellow who docks his solo ship and buys out the spare parts shop roughly once a year must be a recluse; some kooky old bastard who lives alone in the voids of deep space. probably has a self-sustaining mothership anchored to some asteroid out there, with how little he visits — it’s not like there’s any habitable planets nearby. only the real regulars can claim to have seen him, and the stories vary wildly: 8ft tall, no, 13ft! face and teeth made of metal, and a prosthetic eye that he can pop out and set off like a drone to fly around the hub, observing passerby with a piercing red glow. horns that can ram through the reinforced walls of a ship. a voice like the distant rumble of a burning star. massive, deadly claws and the stench of dirt and explosives, rocket fuel and redstone.
if you somehow ask the people he used to know before, they’d tell you he was insane. crazy ideas about hyperloop drives and shadow teleportation tech and mind control. a mad doctor, eventually run off into a self-imposed exile with a modified freighter ship. the last time anyone saw him, he was setting off to ransack a former human mining colony — deeply illegal, mind you. the species humans bring with them into their colonies are almost always highly invasive, and the mining site was set to be eradicated for having too many foreign livestock remaining on the hollowed-out planet. most assume that was the end for him: wiped out with the rest of the life on the old colony, in some mad, ill-fated quest to grab some illegal flora or fauna for whatever esoteric purposes. 
if you ask doc himself, sitting on the porch of a scrap-metal shack on the purportedly-uninhabitable dwarf planet Hr-MT-77, he will tell you quite proudly that he is a goat farmer.
you politely don’t mention the modified pitchfork that can channel lightning from stormy skies, or the massive, towering array of antennas and satellite dishes that scramble all navigational signals that come anywhere near this sector of space. you don’t mention the acres of lush green farmland on a dwarf planet that’s never managed to sustain life on its own. there’s a baby goat chewing on your pant leg, wearing a little goat-shirt clumsily sewn together out of what seems to be the singed remains of a lab coat. later, doc quite casually tells the story of how he challenged a living planet and won and lost his arm for it afterwards, and you find that you wholeheartedly believe him.  
now it’s time for the fun fact round:
doc’s prosthetic eye is VERY high tech. it allows him to see in more colors than the average knallan, who see mostly in varying shades of green. it also functions, as mentioned above, as a drone (basically like his freecam in minecraft), where he can detach it and send it buzzing around and take in a live video feed from it, audio included! while it’s out and about doc is unable to hear or see anything going on around his body, unaware of much other than physical touch.
doc's current situation is that he lives alone on a fuck-off mudball of a dwarf planet that barely exists on any official documentation. he's the only person there, as of now, and only a few people know about it. he can send and receive normal signals through his scrambling array, so he can pick up on interplanetary radio/tv broadcasts if he feels like it.
i don’t remember how much of general knallan (doc’s species) physiology we’ve shared with the public already but i’ll go over it again just in case. knallans are Big, furry dudes with six limbs — two powerful rear legs, two upper arms, and then a set of limbs in the middle that can function as arms or legs depending on need/mood/etc. when quad, doc is about ~8ft tall, and when standing up on his hind legs he’s roughly ~10ft tall. 
knallans, as a very last-resort defense mechanism, have natural pockets of explosive glands that can be activated at will to create concentrated explosions in specific parts of their bodies. it’s rough, but survivable. altho given that they live in a setting with sci-fi tech and FTL travel, the need to employ this has gone down drastically so most modern knallans never have to. 
knallan fur is oddly plant-like and very suited to camouflage in their environments, which they can adapt to slowly over time. during the rainy season on Hr-MT-77, doc’s coat gets dark and lush, while during the dry season it pales and grows coarser. sick knallans even look a bit like they’re “wilting.”
still doc-themed but to the left i just think it’s SO important for u to know that baby knallans move kinda like this. just imagine a fluffy, three-foot long, six-limbed green weasel with nubby little horns and a stumpy little puff of tail and big clumsy paws and oversized, floppy goat ears that they haven’t quite grown into yet. that’s a baby knallan. (also according to @echotunes the word for a baby knallan would be “knällchen” which is just DELIGHTFUL to me)
anyways yes thank u so much I Care Him he loves being big and scary and intimidating and then throwing people off by playing silly about it like what?? me? the guy who did crimes against the laws of physics and basic engineering concepts?? whaaat no i’m just a simple goat farmer lol (he is clearly not a simple goat farmer you are not fooled and he knows you are not fooled and he’s grinning ear to ear about it)
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asssikawa · 3 years
pretty boy swag
i was just in a silly goofy mood, dont take it seriously pls;; gojo x gn! reader
summary: gojo being a pick me boy for you
AU where curses don’t exist; tw underaged smoking and drinking courtesy of shoko. art by @reiouta
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you didn’t know how much longer you could tolerate the menace to society; satoru gojo. as of the passing recent months, he started actually acknowledging your existence after months of hanging around his acquaintances. you weren’t sure if you missed that he walked past you as if you were thin air, constantly bumping shoulders with him or gojo actually pestering you in the name of “wanting to get closer.”
walking down the empty halls of your school, you had memorized each route gojo and his group walked down… just to avoid them. an all too familiar voice followed by a song boomed in the empty hallways; dread immediately rose in you, as you attempted to pick up speed to lose track of the white haired teen. “pretty boy coming through,” he said in a sing-a-long voice, his eyes landing on your distant figure. “(name)!” he called out, making you flinch. slowly, you turned your head, a forced smile burning the sides of your mouth.
“hey gojo,” you squeaked out; you wished you could beat yourself up for sounding so meek. on gojo’s sides, two others peered out, the more tolerable ones from the group; suguru getou and shoko ieiri. a sigh of relief left your mouth upon seeing the two. getou’s usual content expression morphed into one of a sly fox.
“now gojo, it’s not nice to scare the underclassmen. you should know better,” getou said, followed up by shoko’s sarcastic tsk tsk of disappointment.
“right? what would poor utahime think about you bothering her best friend?” shoko said. she wore gojo’s sunglasses, adjusting them every now and then when they slid down her high nose bridge.
you take it back. they were just as bad as him.
gojo’s mouth opened to say something, but the bell cut him off. saved by the bell; quite literally. “get to class,” he said instead, another smirk splitting his face.
“i plan to,” you deadpanned, before hastily rushing to your first period, math. never have you wanted to be in math class so bad until gojo popped into your life. hell, you weren’t even good at math.
why had he started tormenting you out of all people? there was nothing particularly extraordinary about you; maybe it was the fact you were close to utahime? or nanami and haibara?
lost in your thoughts and endless possibilities, you had missed the bell ringing until the bubbly boy peered over your desk. his doe-like eyes scanned your dazed out face. “(name)? earth to (name)?” haibara said, waving his hand in front of your face. the taller blond man sighed, watching you finally snap out of your thoughts.
“you don’t even have any of the notes written, (name), that isn’t good for the quiz tomorrow,” nanami said, pulling out his composition book, before beckoning you to take the notebook.
“kenny,” you started.
“i’ll take that notebook right back if you call me that again.”
“you are godsent,” you said, batting your eyelashes his way. a hearty laugh emitted from haibara, his bright smile nearly lit up nanami’s mood once more.
“what’s got you thinking so hard?” haibara asked, draping his body over the seat while watching you pack up.
“surely if you’re thinking, it’s never good,” nanami muttered, earning an offended ‘hey’ from you. pressing your cheek against your balled fist, letting out a small hum. do you tell them or not?
“it’s just that, you know how gojo had never acknowledged me before? he’s been non stop pestering me these days and i’m thinking to myself; why? he couldn’t possibly like utahime and trying to get information out of me, she hates his guts!” you exclaimed, adjusting the bag over your shoulders. the duo glanced at each other, focusing back on you.
“(name), have you considered that he may like you? you know? have a crush?” haibara said, scratching the back of his head. you stayed silent for a while, pondering on the idea of gojo liking you.
“that’s a joke right,”
“why are you so pessimistic about people actually taking interest in you, romantically?” nanami asked, leaning against the desk.
“no romantic attention from anyone my entire life,” you said, standing from your seat.
“how lonely,” haibara responded.
the last few periods went by quicker than expected. the ring of the bell pulled you out of your thoughts, turning away from the window. it was surprisingly beautiful for this time of year; the skies were blue, soft fluffy clouds passed every now and then. the occasional gust of wind rattled windows of your class as your teacher paused his lecture. you preferred the gloomy weather, but seeing the clear skies was nice. packing up your materials and standing, you peered out the door, widening your eyes. down the hall was your trio of haibara, nanami and utahime… speaking to the other trio. utahime’s raven hair was tied in a low ponytail, a vague look of annoyance washed over on her face as gojo spoke, her expression softened every time shoko had interjected the conversation. you always wondered why the two aren’t dating yet. nanami’s eyes landed on your figure, his fingers pointed downwards towards the steps, in hopes gojo hadn’t seen you yet.
unfortunately for the both of you, he had caught notice of nanami’s subtle hand motions and followed his eyes towards you. “wow, it’s (name)! we were just waiting on you!” gojo said, his sunglasses shifted downwards, revealing his icicle blue eyes. utahime turned towards you, mouthing an ‘i am so sorry.’ reluctantly, your feet dragged along the halls, it felt as if weights were tied around your ankles. eventually, you made it towards the group; gojo’s long arm draped around your shoulders. your heart raced at the sudden gesture, heat raising to your face. “wouldn’t we be so cute together? look how big my hand is compared to theirs!” he exclaimed, his hand engulfed in yours.
“nah, you guys wouldn’t, sorry he’s so annoying, (name). no wonder why getou gets more hoes than you,” shoko said, pulling out a single cigarette and a lighter from her bag. her auburn eyes met yours, “want one?”
“shoko! how many times do i have to say not to smoke? and (name) is young too!” utahime sighed, earning a small ‘sorry’ from the girl. the black haired teen peered over at you, another sly expression settling over his face.
“say, satoru; let me compare hands with (name) too, i want to see something,”
“you can compare from afar,” gojo responded, pulling you closer to his side. a chesire cat grin split shoko’s face, slinging her arm over your body as well.
“cmon satoru, sharing is caring~” her body smelt of husky tobacco, traces of pinewood on her uniform. her breath smelt like strawberry bubblegum; her glossed lips came closer to your ear, “play along,” she whispered, her brunette strands brushing against your cheek. a snore followed by a scoff came from gojo’s scrunched up expression.
“don’t you have a bottle of vodka you should be downing? besides (name) doesn’t like girls like you,” he said, sticking out his tongue.
“well, why don’t we ask (name), what do you say?”
“don’t put them on the spot like that; seriously, you guys, you’re third years for pete’s sake,” utahime swatted shoko’s arm off your body whilst poking gojo’s side, making him squeal as he let go of you. a frown replaced his usual cocky expression.
“geez utahime, i didn’t take you as the jealous type- ouch, what was that for?” gojo exclaimed, the water bottle bouncing off his head. he rubbed his head. you stared at haibara’s sympathetic expression, still processing everything that happened within a matter of minutes.
just what the fuck was going on?
weeks had passed since that incident and things had become fairly normal again. your grades were flourishing, with the help of haibara and nanami. the three of you have been hanging out more often; utahime and shoko finally started dating. the two of them occasionally tagged along with your trio. gojo has finally stopped pestering you; you should be happy, no? you had convinced yourself that you didn’t miss the attention from the white haired teen. everything you did felt empty without his presence.
you had memorized each hallway gojo and his group walked down, passing through them; in hopes he would stop you, calling your name in his usual whiny voice. you didn’t hear his favorite song; no more him bringing you close with his lanky arms. subconsciously, you brought your hand close to your shoulders, feeling the ghost of gojo’s touch. “(name)? what are you doing here? more like, why are you standing there?” a feminine voice called out. you turned, seeing shoko standing down the hall, her bag slugged over her shoulder, a lit cigarette dangled from the corner of her lips.
“shoko,” her name left your lips in a hushed whisper. “why are you here?” she quirked her lip to the side, pursing her pink lips.
“i’m heading to see menace 1 and menace 2, now, answer my question. you hardly come around these parts,” shoko said, leaning against the wall.
“can i come with you?”
“huh… ah, you miss gojo?” overwhelming amounts of embarrassment washed over your expression; you could already sense your face radiating in heat.
“whatever! i just want to check up on him, that’s all.”
walking down the road, you and shoko conversed, her short auburn tresses blowing in the wind. the roads and sidewalks were painted orange as the sun nestled under the skyline.
“i thought you stopped smoking?” you asked, as shoko tossed the finished cigarette on the sidewalk, stomping on it.
“i’m trying for utahime, but it gets hard when i’m stressed, you know? especially with dumb and dumber,” she said, pulling out a silver flask.
“what? do you want a sip?”
sitting at the park, getou and gojo awaited shoko’s arrival. squinting his eyes at the distance, getou spotted two figures walking towards them. “looks like shoko has company,” getou mentioned, looking back at his taller companion. a frustrated groan left gojo; his glasses slipping down his face.
“good god, if she brings utahime again,” he responded, extending his arms on the bench, his legs spread out. a sly smirk twitched onto getou’s face.
“hey shoko and (name)!” getou exclaimed, waving. gojo’s half-lidded eyes shot open at your name, adjusting his sunglasses. his lanky body rose from the bench, straightening out his sluggish position. he cleared his throat, crossing his legs over each other. upon seeing getou and shoko greet one another, your eyes drifted off to the white haired male sitting in the background, avoiding eye contact with you. a crestfallen expression washed over your face, shuffling over to gojo.
“hey, gojo,” you said softly, sitting across from him. he let out a hum of acknowledgement before looking down at the painted bench. “why have you been avoiding me?”
“why have i been avoiding you? i don’t know (name), maybe just maybe, it’s because i don’t want to bother you with my advances, y’know? could be a contributor i guess, i don’t know, it’s a mystery,” gojo responded, traces of sarcasm in his usual bright voice. he was quite literally a child, huh? your mind recoiled, a frown twitching onto your face. is this who you really want to date?
“listen, i know, and i’m sorry; i just miss you a lot, okay? i like you by my side,” you muttered the last part to yourself. unfortunately for you, gojo had heard every single bit of it.
“huh? what did you say?” he teased, resting his hand on top of yours. his glasses slide down his nose, revealing his ice blue eyes. “you like me, eh?”
“don’t push it.”
the winter semester rolled by rather quickly. walking into the heated building, you removed your outside shoes and scarf. after preparing yourself for the long day, you walked down the hallway, spotting your group down the hallway. peering over the group, gojo waved at you with a big smile, his cheeks and nose tip flushed red from the cold. “babe!” he said, walking over to you with opened arms. heat rose to your face, as he wrapped his arms around you, peppering your face with small kisses. his cold fingers cupped your feverish skin. “my own personal heater,” he said.
“hey, get a room, you two,” shoko said, pulling out an unlit cigarette. utahime frowned at her, as shoko mumbled a small sorry before putting away the cigarette.
“i know miss locking lips isn’t talking,” gojo sneered back. “guys look at how cute (name) is compared to me! their hands are so small!” he gushed, pressing your warm hands against his.
if it were you four months ago, you’d rip away your hand in disgust, however, a warm smile split your face, holding onto his long slender fingers.
“look they are even holding onto me,” gojo said, as the bell rang. everyone shuffled around to their respective classes as you and your group stayed at the end of the hall. with a smirk, his white eyelashes fluttered under his sunglasses. they slowly went down his nose bridge, exposing his beautiful eyes once more. “get to class.”
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ethanharli · 4 years
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Requested: On Tumblr; May I ask for a Giyuu x male!Reader smut? Perhaps the reader being a little rough with Giyuu please?
Pairing(s): Giyuu Tomioka x Top Male Reader.
Warning(s): NSFW/SMUT, Bottom Tomioka, Energetic reader, Choking, Slight dirty talk and degradation, Hair pulling, ✨ Aftercare. ✨
DNI; if you use she/her pronouns.
A/n- I'm such a slut for this man smh
I couldn't help but smile brightly when I saw Tomioka a little ways away from me, we were assigned a mission a couple of days ago to a quiet town in the east, where a demon has been taking young drunks and since I got here a day or so before him I made sure to look around and get familiar with the area. So I gently tapped my index and middle fingers together as we approached each other, seeing the slightest of smiles tug at his lips once he saw me, "[Y/n], you burned Wisteria incense?" He asked, now looking up at me with his usual stoic expression and all I could do is let out a small 'Mm-hm!' With a quick nod and a wide grin, not being able to speak much due to my damaged vocal cords. So taking a step closer I leaned down besides his ear not noticing the sudden stillness of his body as I spoke, "Should give us a bit more time to search around" My now deep and raspy voice wasn't something I had gotten used to yet, and it didn't help that I couldn't speak any louder then a whisper. However I did catch the small hitch in his breath, causing me to frown a bit as I pulled away and looked at him, his face was flushed and his lips were slightly parted, his gaze was fixated on the ground and I could finally see just how still he was standing.
It was only when I pressed the back of my hand to his forehead that he finally looked back up at me with slightly widened eyes. "You're warm, maybe you're sick?" My throat slowly started to itch again and I had to resist the urge to scratch at the scar along my throat. It was quiet concerning though, Tomioka has been getting warm like this a lot recently, I've tried to ask others about it to but they would just give me a knowing smile and tell me everything's alright, but that didn't stop me from worrying. I'm pretty sure it started around the time I was at the butterfly estate since Shinobu was helping me with my throat and damaged vocal cords. "Maybe you should sit this one out, I don't want you getting hurt" The worry in my tone was clear, but Tomioka simply took my hand in his and leaned up to place a gentle kiss on my cheek before pulling away, "I'm fine [Y/n], now let's go look around."
Stubborn bastard.
I couldn't help but sigh and follow after him, not wanting him to get lost since he's only just arrived. So while it was still light out I showed him all the important places where the demon might be hiding or might target next, taking an occasional look around at all the Wisteria incense I put out to see how much longer we had left and finally talking with some of the residence here, which luckily didn't end to badly since Tomioka had to do most of the talking. Nevertheless we eventually came up with a plan, "So we're going to tail a drunk?" I asked, looking at Tomioka with a slightly disapproving glare, not really wanting to use a towns-person as bait and I could tell that Tomioka new what I was thinking when he rested his hand on my shoulder, looking up at me with those beautiful dark blue eyes that practically own me at this point. "I won't let them get hurt, I promise" Even though he sounded confident I still held my doubts, but with a heavy sigh I traced the back my fingers along his jawline, pulling him in for a sweet but gentle kiss, "You're lucky I love you cause if it were anyone else I'd probably strangle them for even suggesting this idea."
I could practically feel the way my heart fluttered at his sudden chuckle, the sound of it so foreign since he rarely ever shows emotions, and I couldn't help but pull him back for another quick kiss, before heading off to my station, "Stay safe." It was the only thing I could hope for as I stood at the back of the bar, I was thankful that there was only one due to it being a small town but that didn't make the situation any less dangerous. The incense finally wore off as the stars danced across the midnight sky, while I sat myself down on the roof, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious or even just someone leaving and so far everything seemed alright, until a shadow flickered from the corner of my eye.
In one swift movement I drew my blade and slashed it at the demon who managed to jump out of the way just in time, now standing from my seated position I narrowed my eyes at the ugly bastard, "So you're the one that's been eating all these people?" I asked calmly, trying to raise my voice a little higher so I could be heard, and I couldn't help but raise a brow in confusion from the way she suddenly swayed, a deep blush now coating her grayish complexion. "It's a pity your a Demon slayer, with a voice like that I'd love to have you in my bed" I couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable about her suggestive tone and lustful gaze, but something in the back of my mind nagged at me. So trying to brush it off I rushed at her, dodging any hit she sent my way while she managed to dodge my attacks as well, "Sorry lady but I already got a lover, and I don't plan on letting you live tonight." Her smirk only seemed to grow at my words, as I closed in on her, hoping she wouldn't notice the way I was backing her into a corner, "Then they must be real slut for you hm? Wanting nothing more than to get off to deep voice of yours-"
Blood splattered onto my cheek and clothes as I cut off her head, "Demon or not, no one talks about my lover that way" I sneered slowly feeling my anger subside as I watched her burn away. Though I couldn't deny the fact that her words got me thinking, and eventually led me to connecting the dots about Tomioka's recent actions. So when the male appeared beside me with worried eyes I couldn't help but smile and nod my head before sheathing my blade, I also convinced him to stay the night with me since we've been away from one another for so long, and maybe for the fact that I wanted to figure something out.
I didn't bother to dry my hair as I walked into our shared room, spotting Tomioka sitting on his futon with a book in hand, gently flipping through the pages as I made my way over to him, "[Y/n]?" Ignoring the call of my name I happily moved myself between his legs while pushing him onto his back so that I could rest my head on his abdomen. "It's been so long.. Since we've last seen each other" I mumbled softly, wrapping my arm around his waist so that I could hold him closer against me, while my other hand slipped under his robe and gently traced small circles along his skin, smiling when I heard a sigh of content slip past his lips. However I couldn't help but trail my hand up higher as I lifted myself onto my knees, looking down into Tomioka's slightly widened eyes with a small smirk tugging at my lips.
"And it's been even longer.. Since I heard those pretty moans of yours" I could feel the way his body shivered under my fingertips and it only caused my smirk to grow as I attached my lips to the base of his neck, dragging my teeth and tongue along his pale skin, not wanting to leave a single place untouched while my hands opened up his robe. Gently tracing my fingers along his toned abdomen and pushing my thumbs against his hardened nipples, as I bit into his shoulder, drinking in the way he moaned my name with a choked gasp. "[Y-Y/n].." The way my name rolled off his tongue nearly caused me to growl as I captured his lips with my own, dragging my tongue along his lower lip before I took it between my teeth, giving it a soft tug. While my hands traveled down to his pants, slowly pressing my fingers under the band as I pushed my tongue past his parted lips, slowly losing myself to the taste of him as he pressed his hips against my own.
"Now now baby, there's no need to rush" I whispered against his lips as I slipped off his pants, noticing the fact he wasn't wearing any undergarments and the way his cock slowly started to leak pre-cum. "Already? I barley even touched you" The teasing tone of my voice forced a whimper past his throat as I wrapped my fingers around his cock, pressing my thumb against the slit and smearing his pre-cum around it before licking it off my fingers. "[Y-Y/n] please" I couldn't help but drag my tongue along my upper lip before leaning down to kiss along his jawline, threading my fingers through his soft black hair. Tightening my grip I yanked his head back, "Ah-!" His sudden moan caused my heart to thump and my core to tighten, reminding me of the uncomfortable erection in my pants while starring into those beautiful dark blue eyes of his.
"Now be a good boy and suck" I growled, pressing my fingers to his slightly parted lips as he wrapped his hands around my wrist and wrapped his tongue around my middle finger, skillfully coating my fingers in his saliva and I couldn't help but press the pad of my finger against the back of his tongue, hearing him gag a bit as he stuck out his tongue and looked up at me with a hazy gaze. "Absolutely stunning" I breathed out, instantly moving my hand so I could capture his lips with my own, feeling our noses slightly bump against each others as I took his lower lip between my teeth and trailed my hand down to his entrance, carefully circling my finger around the rim. "Are you ready?" I asked, looking into his eyes for a brief moment, waiting for his consent, "Yes- Please hurry.." He whimpered out as I nodded, slowly pushing my finger in so I wouldn't hurt him.
His soft moans and gasps caused a slow heat to rise to my face as I pushed in another finger, moving them in a scissoring motion to make sure he's stretched out enough to ensure I wouldn't hurt him, "Hah! F-Fuck, [Y/n] pl-please just fuck me!" I couldn't deny his pleading tone and immediately went to pull off my clothes, throwing them off into some other part of the room as Tomioka wrapped his legs around my hips, causing my cock to rub against his entrance. A low whimper slipped past his lips while I hooked one hand behind his knee, pushing his leg towards his chest as I positioned myself at his entrance, looking into his eyes for a brief moment before slowly pushing it. "Ngh- Hah!" The sound of his moans and the way his walls quickly tightened around me caused a low gutteral goan to rip past my throat, and I couldn't help but bring my hand up to wrap around his throat, as I've done many times before, watching as his pale skin turned a deeper shade of red as he wrapped his hands around my wrist.
"Damn, such a slut for me aren't you?" I smirked, fully pushing myself into him as I dug my fingers into the sides of his neck, making sure not to press against his throat as I began to rock my hips, searching for that one spot that always had him trembling beneath me, "Hah- Ah, [Y/n]!" Ah, there it is. Loosening my grip on his neck I pounded into him, aiming for his prostate as his moans and whimpers echoed throughout the room, my name rolling off his tongue like a prayer, causing my core tighten from the sound and the addicting way his walls tightened around me with each thrust. "Fuck.. You feel so good baby" I practically growled out the words through panted breaths, leaning down to press sloppy open mouth kisses along his shoulder as he desperately tightened his grip on my hips, "I'm, I'm going to-" His body began to tremble under me as he looked up at me with hazy eyes and a silent plead. "Go ahead baby, cum for me" Digging his nails into my wrist he came on his lower stomach as I quickly came after him, heavy pants slipping past both our parted lips as I pressed a gentle kiss against the newly formed bruise on his neck before reaching for the towel I was supposed to use to dry my hair an hour ago.
"Giyuu, are you okay?" I asked while cleaning us both off, noticing the way he was practically half-asleep already. "Yeah, just a bit sore.. But it was worth it" Not wanting to embarrass him I merely nodded my head, pretending I didn't hear that last bit as I laid down beside him, pulling the cover over our bare bodies. However I couldn't help but smile as he snuggled against my chest while I gently traced small circles on his hip.
"I love you.."
"I love you too Giyuu."
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
From Jimin: To the hyungs Jungkook is just my little brother...
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I have no idea what that says. But if this is what he said, then definitely it leaves room for interpretation because it's an incomplete statement. You don't need to know the nuances of the language to understand that that statement is a sentence fragment that expresses an incomplete thought on the surface of it.
The omission of a second clause implies the opposite of what was said in the first. It's as simple as that.
The question anyone would ask upon hearing that is, so... he's more? Or, so he's not your little brother?
Makes sense...
But I've seen other translations such as, to the hyungs JK is like my little brother and in other instance, Jk is our little brother etc.
Makes you wonder if these interpretations took the context of the conversation into consideration or even why Jimin would make such a statement in the first place in their attempts to provide nuance.
"SUGA: Jungkook is good at everything
J-hope: Jungkook always surprises us. he changed his style recently!
Jimin: The hyungs all think he's like my actual little brother.
V: Jungkook is good at keeping his focus
JK: Everything about Jungkook is pretty!"
It's Jungkook from the members' lens.
When you interpret Jimin's bit within this context then it's more likely he is trying to highlight his dynamic with Jungkook more than anything, mainly to the effect that Jungkook is perhaps obedient, likeable, sweet, puppy etc.
Comparing Jungkook to his actual little brother is a compliment and perhaps has a much deeper meaning than mere friendships in my opinion. It shows just how close, more than co workers they are, how more than friends they are, how really close they are.
I don't know why shippers shy away from comparisons to family bond when in fact the bond of family is the greatest bond one could ever have.
BTS do have a habit of liking their bond to that of family- and they love to show that bond off.
It's interesting seeing Jikook through the lens of the members when most times the bond of those two are invalidated, watered down and downplayed.
Everyone would have us believe Jikook are sworn enemies from rival states. So however you wanna interpret what he said, there's value in taking things at face value. You don't need to do too too much with it to try to get its meaning across because then that would be analysis and analysis are always subjective and subject to our own confirmation biases.
To the hyungs, he's like my little brother, he is just my little brother, he's like our little brother- all have the same sentiment if taken from the perspective of that whatever JM said was intended as a compliment to Jungkook.
Perhaps Jungkook treats JM just like a younger brother would a Hyung- given the culture of respect between hyung/dongsaengs, given the way hyungs are expected to take care of their dongsaengs, given the emphasis BTS places on their bond, honorifics culture...
Perhaps he means, Jungkook treats me in such a way you'd think he were my actual younger brother- a theme which to me is in line with that whole Jimin treats me better than my own brother does or the numerous times he's compared him to his own brother or something along those lines.
They love eachother very much. Whether that is platonic or romantic is up for debate but I don't think after this anyone can invalidate their bond or gaslight is into thinking those two aren't close at all.
If the members see them as this close then it really puts an end to this whole Jungkook is uncomfortable with Jimin nonsense.
The busan bros, the busans, the sun and moon duo, the exceptionally close pair, the hyungs all think Jungkook is like my actual little brother etc
They all have a similar vibe to me.
I guess what I'm saying is, I don't care much about the nuances of the language in this context or in any context to be honest as the intention behind the text is pretty obvious💀
To me he is either providing the hyungs' perspective to affirm his dynamic with Jungkook or to affirm all that he's been saying of his dynamic with JK which is that JK is like a little brother to him just as he repeated in Festa.
To highlight and affirm their bond or to compliment Jungkook like the other's were in this instance.
This is the diagram some Karny drew to explain the nuances of the text.
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And here I thought I was extra chilee.
I'm not mad at this. Love when a moment brings out the delulu in yall's eyes😭🤣🤣
I don't know why we are hung on Jimin's words out of all the statements that were made trying to dissect and over analyse it.
On one hand I feel some people are over sensationalizing while others are just plain invalidating Jikook's bonds- especially over something Jimin of all people would say.
He slick slick. I'll give him that. And he loves him some double entendres. But he's also usually the one to use dictum that makes it easier for his words and meaning to be translated- if they get translated. So it's fascinating to see the confusion his words are creating out in these streets. It really ain't that deep if you ask me chilee.
Alas, we are all adults and we all have different perspectives on these things. I'd say, find a source you trust based on their track record and stick with it. Do your own analysis or seek out others' perspectives on it. This is mine and how I take it- regardless of what any Karmy says😊
My delusions are mine and mine alone. No disrespect to Karmy. In fact, yall great people doing great holding it down for the gays🤭
Also disclaimer, I'm not a translator and any translation used here isn't mine.
In conclusion,
Hyuna screws her dongsaeng and Rain fucks his Noona. Dead that whole Jikook womb mates shit before I lay my paws on ya.
Please pls Jikook is louder than this🙄
Jeonlous counts. Keep your wokeness yo yourself please. You must be in the wrong industry if you think you have to live by a code of ethic in these ship streets.
There is no ethical nor moderate consumption of ships under shipping. There is nothing like ethical or moderate shipping for the holier than thou shippers in the back.
We all ghetto ma'am. You might as well go all out😴
My favorite line from their song though is when Hyuna sings, "I'm finna tell my father about us and pledge eternity to you. You have to be careful always though, there are lots of pretty girls out there. We have to tell the world, I can't share you with another girl."
Eventually they told the world🤭
Their careers suffered but they did it anyway.
Please no nondelusional, fake woke, moderate shipper person should tell it to me when I talk about Jungkook's frustration to come out with their relationship and come act like it's illogical hence implausible for him to want to come out etc😒
I like my delulu perspective better😌
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sirsirgirl · 2 years
hiiii!!!! I can see that you're a Tasir fan (and I also really like him), but can you pls tell us something about Sonnaught? I feel like we don’t get enough spoilers about him!!! Thanks!!!
Hiiii!!! Wow, tough question. I’ve tried to refrain from commenting on Sonnaught, I know he’s one of the most popular MCs, especially for webtoon-only readers and those who are not up to date with the novel (btw we're on chapter 613 right now). I have to admit I was sure he was the ML early on in the webtoon. Surprisingly, however, he’s not been so relevant in the story up until now. That’s probably the reason why you haven’t seen enough content about him, but ofc there's some (this will contain spoilers):
1. Sonnaught is Lord's knight in this life. And Latil is the present Lord. Remember when he said he wanted to stay by Her Majesty's side? Well, that wasn’t a coincidence. You have to know that for each Lord there has to be a Knight; a knight is a person vampire who's born to protect Lord and remains by his/her side. Carlein was Domis' knight. Girgol was Arital's knight. And, in this life, Sonnaught is Latil's knight.
2. Sonnaught wasn’t born a vampire. He grew up as a normal human being, but progressively turned into one. This is why Latil never imagined that he was a vampire; she even remembered his warmth. She also says his skin isn’t as cold as Carlein and Girgol's; probably because they’re older than him.
3. Sonnaught wants Latil to be awaken, but he doesn’t want her to suffer. There are two main reasons why he wishes Latil to be awaken. First, the stronger Latil gets, the stronger he gets. Because the Knight's mission is to protect Lord, when the Lord awakens, the knight's power also does. So, part of the reason why he’s expecting her awakening is that he wants to be stronger and, thus, be more helpful to her. The second reason is that he wants to share a special bond with Latil. In chapter 277, when Latil explained to him and Carlein that she wasn’t planning to awake, Sonnaught felt disappointed, because he knew that Lord and knight's bond strengthened after the awakening, and he liked the idea of them being bound together by 'fate'. But he also mentioned that he didn’t want her to go through a painful experience in order to be awaken (in case you don’t know, for Lord to be awaken, someone he/she loves must die).
4. Sonnaught had a fake fiancé. Her name is Agasha (or Agatha, idk how it will be translated). In order to avoid questions about his 'single status', he got engaged with her. Don't worry, they both know it’s fake, and they were planning to call it quits soon. Latil also knew it was a fake engagement, but that didn’t stop her from following stalking them when they had their first 'date'. This fake engagement was what made Latil realized she had feelings for him. Btw, IMO Agasha was a actually a lovely girl, and there were times when I totally felt some tension between her and Sonnaught. She was completely fine knowing that Sonnaught was in love with another woman (she immediately knew it was Latil), and she never made any drama whatsoever.
5. Sonnaught knows Latil doesn’t really love him (or anyone). Thanks to Agasha's questions, we now know what Sonnaught thinks about his relationship with Latil. According to him, when Latil is really in love with someone she doesn’t have eyes for anyone else but that person, that's why he knows that Latil isn’t really in love with anyone right now. He even described his relationship with her as an 'affectionate friendship'.
6. Sonnaught did ask Latil to enter her harem. If my memory doesn’t betray me, this happened soon after they shared their first kissed. He had regretted his decision of not becoming a concubine before (chapter 449), when he was jealous about Ranamun. However, Latil rejected his proposal, because she thought it was 'too soon' (she had recently brought two new concubines to the harem, Meradim and Girgol).
7. Sonnaught and Carlein knew how Latil's father had died. But they hide it from her because they were afraid that the pain would triggered her awakening. They did everything they could to stop her from discovering the truth, Sonnaught even hurt Tasir's arm when he found out that he was investigating the Emperor's death (Chapter 432). Yet, they couldn't, and in the end, Tasir told Latil the truth. Latil was shocked but she understood they did it because they thought they were protecting her, so she forgave them.
8. Sonnaught is jealous of all of Latil's consorts, but Tasir is the one he’s the most jealous of. If you're webtoon-only or if you skipped the first chapters of the novel, you might have missed this, but Tasir was the first consort he was truly jealous of because, even when Tasir was the condor who had the least romantic contact with Latil, he was the closest to her. Remember how Sonnaught thought that consorts could never be as close to Latil as him and, thus, he decided to remain as his Royal guard? Well, Tasir made him realized he was wrong. Now this insecurity remains. In chapter 580, we even have a scene where Sonnaught is feeling flustered for not being helpful enough to Latil, and we can see how he was paying attention to Meradim's praises to Tasir. He has reflected about Tasir being the closest person to Latil in other chapters too.
9. He has kissed Latil twice now. Their last kiss was in chapter 608. In case you’re wondering, it was Latil who kissed him first (I’m referring to their second kiss).
10. He might share a 'common mission' with Ranamun. According to the chairman, he and Ranamun's most important mission is yet to come. Even Sonnaught is wondering what mission could the Adversary and Lord's knight share in common.
Okay, these are some of the things we know about Sonnaught so far.
I'm not personally rooting for him romantically, although, as I said before, I thought he was the ML during the first Webtoon chapters. But I have to say that the Webtoon can be misleading about a lot of stuff, so I would totally recommend you to read the novel from the beginning. Anyways, even though I don’t like him as a romantic interest (I’m not a big fan of MCs who are completely devoted to the protagonist), I do see potential in him if he were to have a dark twist in his personality. It would be interesting to see the dark side of his 'blind devotion' to Latil. Will he be willing to do 'terrible' things for love? Will his ambition of gaining strength overcome his fears for Latil's awakening? Would he be willing to kill someone to induce that awakening? I would like to know. Ofc, this is just my opinion.
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