#so i'm reaping what i've sown
nitr09-productions · 2 years
Gotta be in a play tomorrow for drama class 😡
I don't know how I'm going to take it seriously at the part where I have to eat a tictac and pretend it's drugs.
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sparklingsora · 5 months
Are you planning on rewriting any of the Hazbin Hotel songs for the Veeswap AU?
i actually have already! i've written veeswap lyrics for ready for this, here they are:
[Vox] Have you ever wanted something that was so clear in your mind That you could taste it? [Susan] You mean like human flesh? [Vox] Eh, sort of? It's a feeling like a rumbling in your gut That you could finally be faced with A billion needy faces I guess what I mean to say is For the first time in my life I might have to be ready for this Ready to be the one who's leading from the front Gotta come into my own Gotta reap what I have sown Gotta take charge and defend my hellish home And although I kinda feel unsteady Now I need to be ready for this [Vox] Have you ever felt like you're willing to die To save the people of your city? [Susan] By die, do you mean use my teeth to rip flesh apart? [Vox] That's a start! 'Cause right now we need a leader And it seems to me that destiny has picked me To be that, if you'll permit me So who's with me? [Vox] Wouldn't it be super to see more of Hell? Join up now if you like travel Come on boys, hop in the saddle! Lot of sights to see en route to my hotel Not to mention the camaraderie Yes siree, you'll form life-changing friendships And become a tight-knit crew [Alastor] And feast on all the angels you can eat [Vox] That too! [Cannibals] (WOOO FREE FOOD) It's time now to act They're on the attack When they move to strike We will fight, biting back We'll follow your lead We're eager to feed We'll sharpen our teeth for the heavenly feast From this moment on, you can count on us To be resolute and ravenous Our appetites are whet and we're set to seize the day So I say, oh hey, come join the flesh buffet [Vox] Okay, can we save the bloodlust for the fight? [Rosie] Oh, don't be put off by their snarling That's enthusiasm, darling! [Vox] I just hope they’ll channel that excitement right… [Rosie] Oh Vox, don’t worry ‘bout a thing Keep singing! [Vox & Rosie] We're super duper grateful to have you join the fray! [Cannibals] We can't wait to taste an angel's wings! [Vox] Okay! For the first time in my life Maybe I can be ready for this I can be the marshal leading the parade I can come into my own And I think I've always known My destiny could never be postponed When Heaven brings the battle here I must appear like I'm ready for this [Rosie] They’re dancing along! They’re singing his song! [Alastor] Surprised? Why, I knew he could do it all along [Rosie & Alastor] With just some glitz and flair, they’re under his spell Truly, his charisma has no parallel [Alastor] He’s found his resolve, it’s a treat to see [Rosie] True, my friend! [Rosie & Alastor] In the end, he’ll lead us to victory! [Cannibals, Rosie & Alastor] For the first time in our lives We know that we are ready for this [Rosie] We'll show Heaven a fight they won't forget! [Cannibals, Rosie & Alastor] It is time to take a stand [Vox] It is time to lend a hand! [Cannibals] Huzzah! [Vox] Against the angels and their deadly threat [Cannibals, Rosie & Alastor] We cannot take it anymore The time has come to go to war Prepare to fight, we're ready for this [Vox] I really hope that I'm ready for this
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futurechancer · 22 days
genesis girl lyrics :3
eyes on me since the day i was born
yet not a soul to care
they always told me i would be a star
i think that's unfair
far from the binary in more ways than one
feeling like shit as my praise is sung
maybe the watched pot never boils
or learns how not to fall and spoil
tell me gently
what i'm made of
ichor? charcoal?
organs unknown?
when my body's not my body
who's is it then?
take my hand
forget to test
each update
made for betterment
when my mind is not my mind
will you know my intent?
i wanna make a mockery
of love made unattainable
i wanna tear myself apart
for something inexplainable
if they'd explain the inexplainable...
you learn to abide by imaginary laws
you learn to try and fix imaginary flaws
but how much fixing til the you you show
is no longer the you you know?
and where does that you go?
mannequin-like yet manic
hardly learned to be diplomatic
is it just psychosomatic?
sorry if i'm just dramatic
is being abnormal heinous?
should i have known how to fake it?
in the limelight it's sedated
all my fear and all my hatred
i wanna make a mockery
of all the ways i'm left alone
it's not prose nor poetry
i'm reaping what i've sown
i wanna tear it out of me
that part of me that you so loathe
but then again, that part of me is me
it's no use i suppose
i guess i'm on my own
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radioactivewisdom · 3 months
I'm sorry if this kind of message is upsetting or annoying, feel free to ignore it if it is, but I'm just so frustrated and tired of trying to go on and pretending it will be okay. Everyday I feel so exhausted and sick of having to put on a mask to get through the day, being at work and interacting with people even minimally drains every single ounce of energy from me and it doesn't even pay enough for me to move out of my mother's house. I'm already starting to deal with health problems from not taking care of my body, and I feel like nothing I do amounts to any change in my life. I hate excuses so I'm not trying to make excuses, I know I'm only reaping what I've sown for myself. But I don't know if I can actually change it at this point or be able to have the kind of life I want to have. Maybe if I had gotten myself together earlier, but I already threw away so much time and didn't take advantage of the privileges I was given. I find some comfort in the things I read in this circle about being happy alone, purity, etc. but I struggle to fully throw myself into it because most of it involves spirituality and I just don't believe in some of the core concepts. A lot of it makes sense to me if I think of it as a metaphor for what goes on in the world and not in a literal sense. Like karma, because for the most part I do believe people get what they deserve, but I also think random people do suffer from the mass depravity of others for no reason. It's true the world is exactly the way people want it to be and there's no other way it could have been unless people had wanted something different. Things like murder, rape, pedophilia etc exist because people think there being a next generation is worth these things existing, which is the karma itself if makes sense. I don't believe in some things, like reincarnation for example, in a literal sense. I struggle to believe that children are born into abuse bc of something they did in a past life. I can understand karma for adults because how we choose to react to the environment we were born into is within our control and we will keep suffering until we decide to face reality and choose peace. But children don't have control over their lives and I think children only suffer for their parents' karma. I don't know if it makes me a bad person but I really only feel bad for the things that happened to people as children because that's the one time they didn't choose to suffer. I think most children will grow up to be evil but I don't think it's the fault of their parents or the trauma. I think most humans are just inherently predators and were always going to be the way they are, and of course in a world full of predators plenty of them are going to be victims of each other. The logic most people have is that being a victim makes you less of a predator so they cling to the ways they have been victimized as a shield. It sounds bleak but if there's a point to life I think it's to realize that life is hell and to not create a new being to experience it. It frustrates me that you can't be honest about it and can't say anything about the world being hell and nature being hell and PEOPLE being hell without people getting defensive and acting like you're the crazy one. They expect you to look at all of the selfish, manipulative assholes of the world and to "love everyone," see the good in them and forgive them even though they don't deserve it, to look at all their filth and call it love. I feel like such a negative and hateful person sometimes but almost everything in the world is negative and worthy of hate. You have to look at it all and be willing to pretend it's good or you're the hateful one.
Not annoying or upsetting at all. I think expressing emotions, even anger and frustration is important. You should never try to force yourself to feel a certain way if it’s not genuine. I was actually angry for some time, and festered in it. It was really important on my journey of self improvement. Life can be disappointing, and initially recognizing the filth presented to us, can be demoralizing.
Starting small could potentially help you. I dove in and wanted to completely change my life overnight. This obviously didn’t happen, and made it seem like an impossible task. You have to give yourself grace and practice patience. You’ve built up a lifetime of thoughts and experiences, that is going to take time to change. I started by doing one positive thing for myself each day. It sounds cliche and obvious, but if you look around, even little things slip past us. I also encourage you to get to the bottom of your emotions, especially frustration.
You shouldn’t have to pretend. Although I’m able to think positively about my own life, I know that this world is a terrible place. I agree that not bringing another person here is the “purpose” for those of us with this mindset. I find great joy in that, knowing that I’m smart enough to see through the illusion and make a meaningful choice not to contribute because of it. Don’t let the mass delusion of faux positivity get to you, those people know what they’re saying is bullshit deep down. The ability to be honest with yourself and acknowledge reality is a gift, and at the very least will help keep yourself safe.
I encourage you to take your time. Which you have plenty of. Don’t let the idea that you’ve wasted too much of it stop you. I sat with my negative feelings for awhile before coming out on the other side. I was able to comfort myself with the fact that I was smart enough to wake up eventually. Some people never do, and that’s what motivated me the most. I see others everyday who are almost at the end of their lives, and still soaking up filth.
You’re already extremely self aware and shouldn’t waste that. You need to spend more time with yourself, and find ways to grow self esteem. The relationship you have with yourself will influence how you move through the world. I sincerely mean it when I say that your words resonated with me, and I can tell how intelligent you are. You have a perceptive mind, many don’t get that, you shouldn’t let it go to waste. Maybe even finding a medium in which you can express yourself, even the less positive aspects, can help you. Writing has been therapeutic for me for that reason. Journaling as well, sharing your insights, even if just for yourself :)
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inspirationalucky · 4 days
Disney Princess Villain Songs
[ PART 1 / 2 ] a collection of sentence prompts / rp memes inspired by lydia the bard's disney princess villain songs. please don't add more prompts/memes to this list, definitely change pronouns, names, etc. as necessary for the situation! part two.
Tale as Old as Time (Belle's Villain Song)
"It's your final page."
"You see in this world, we're merely players."
"The truth is I'm the beauty, you're the beast"
"You thought we're a match. Sweetheart, I am far smarter than that"
"There is no one living that can challenge me"
"You're unworthy."
"What a genius plan! Truly, did you think this through?"
"I let you all believe I would go quietly while I sat and planned my hand"
"I have not spent my life reading books, my hours studying, to be some desperate prince's lonely wife"
"Wanna lock me away? Well, by all means, have your fun with that"
"I will be the author of my life"
"You're all idiots for thinking that you'd really make it out of this alive"
"You are nothing but a monster to me"
"You're not worth my pity"
"Not even one of you is a rival to what I can do"
"Don't you get it? This is my design"
"I've made all my moves"
Journey to the Past (Anastasia's Villain Song)
"Your new queen is speaking"
"A new age is finally here"
"Yes, the rumor's true!"
"Bow down now or live in fear"
"Starting now you finish last"
"You stole my family and my past"
"There's a debt that's owed. Justice to deliver."
"You'll be forced to right this wrong"
"This ghost's been here all along"
"Thought I'd found them, but then, how was I to know?"
"It's a lie, they just abandon you and go"
"I will never be complete until I find you"
"Now you understand!"
"You're the special few blessed to join my table"
"You're my brand new family now"
"Justice will be mine, I'll have vengeance for my past"
Almost There (Tiana's Villain Song)
"[ Tia! ] What have you done?"
"[ Tia ], you need to snap out of it!"
"I remember when you told me all our dreams are coming true"
"Dreams like that? They don't come for free."
"Didn't think I'd have to stand and see just what you'd turn into"
"She doesn't care who gets hurt on the way, 'cause she's almost there"
"Oh, [ Lottie ]. You're not thinking about the big picture!"
"If there's one thing Daddy taught me, it's that hard work don't get you by"
"You gotta be willing to play bad and give the cards a try"
'If a few folks get hurt on the way, well, maybe they should've learned to play"
"I'm collecting, and debts are due"
"I haven't worked this hard to stop right now!"
"You're scaring me!"
"Don't you see? There's nothing we can't do when it's just me and you."
"Do this and you'll lose me! Or don't you care?"
"Babe, if you're against it, I don't want you here!"
This Wish (Asha's Villain Song)
"You're so far from what I'd thought you'd be"
"You've taken one step too far, and hurt the ones I swore to defend"
"Well, I want my life to finally mean something"
"They say we're made of stars, but a star's more dangerous than they seem"
"If a darker path is what will free us finally, let me be the first to walk that line"
"My whole life I idolized you!"
"I followed your rules, did what I had to do"
"It seems about time you paid for your abuse"
"Shouldn't have dared to try and cross me."
"If I can be powerful, then I can provide everything we need"
"You see, I've been weak before. I won't be that anymore."
"I'd give anything to stop history repeating"
"I didn't want any of this to happen"
"You'll suffer for your crimes!"
How Far I'll Go (Moana's Villain Song)
"I had been the perfect daughter long as I can remember."
"But you laughed and you shoved me away!"
"When you push you'll soon find out how far I'll go."
"We could have fixed this so, so long ago."
"Now reap what you've sown"
"You've brought about all of our demise"
"You've spread fear to all of those around you"
"I could save them all. I could stop this curse."
"But you shut me out, you abandoned me!"
"I once thought that I had a loving father"
"Now you'll pay for all the lives that you've broken"
"You'll watch your people drown"
"All these useless and meaningless deaths? They're on your head"
"I take no pride in seeing them die"
"You won't find a savior in me, I guarantee"
I'll Make A Man Outta You (Mulan's Villain Song)
"The least we could do is give them a warning."
"I feel we could use a pep talk before leaving"
"Once you find his weakness, we are sure to win"
"This man's debts are finally due"
"Boy, was I a fool for trusting you!"
"Now, look what you've made me do! See what you've turned me into!"
"It let me know that my true calling was to see you dead."
"Most of you won't make it, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"
"We've sacrificed too much to turn back now"
"They've been in charge too long."
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professorspork · 7 months
FLESH and ICE (but we all know the answer to ICE)
21. FLESH - Which OC would you most like to look like?
The OCs I traffic in these days tend to be dnd characters y'all have not met, and I tend to go uh pretty all out with my dnd characters and not necessarily in a wish fulfillment way.
I guess it would be pretty cool to be a zebra centaur tho (their name is tentatively Rowan and they're my backup if my current campaign character dies lol)
27. ICE - Are you cruel to your characters?
My stance on this has long been "I'm just telling the truth here, it's not my fault her life sucks" and like-- I think this is the correct attitude to take! like lbr if Blake Belladonna (or Quinn Fabray or idk the Tenth Doctor or any of the other characters I've given a particularly hard time) is your favorite character, you're not looking for fluff-- you're drawn to them because the circumstances of their lives are extraordinary and difficult and evoke pathos, and diamonds are forged under extreme pressure.
to me, "cruelty" implies a level of like, arbitrary malice that simply isn't present. I'm not doing it just because it hurts or to kick them while they're down. I'm doing it because their actions have consequences and they're reaping what they've sown and and it's cathartic to watch them struggle through difficulty and pain and overcome it.
I could talk about this forever and I'm very curious for other people's thoughts on this so hmu if you have a take
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inf1nyxw0rlds · 5 months
pspspspsps 4 the infinite asks: 3, 18 n 26 :eyes:
oooo ALRIGHT here goes !!
3. what's your favourite part of his design? why?
honestly a fucking difficult question but i'm reaping what i've sown. it's very close between mask and hair – the mask is so iconic in it's shape, i love the asymmetry and the attention to detail in that the right side is blacked out, likely because he doesn't need to see. it's crisp, it's edgy, it's a moment and a vibe and i love it. sure, if you wanna draw it at funky angles it could be a nuisance, but because it's shapes are so distinct u CAN break it down. and use references baby!
his hair i love because i'm just a sucker for guys – or, in his case, guy who is not a Man but is a boy in a dog way – with long hair. let them have it. please. it suits him so well and you can style it in a lot of different ways even besides the iconic locs !!
18. how do you feel about shadow killing squad jackal? do you headcanon otherwise?
okay this topic is one that i've seen a LOT of differing views on, and i definitely understand the divide on it because shadow's character in general is one that can never really be agreed upon among fans. my own take isn't one i've shared here yet so here it is – i think it depends on circumstance.
i can see it going either way depending on how things actually went down. rather than just asking why would shadow kill squad jackal, i like to ask why wouldn't he? both questions make you think about it from a different angle, i think. i can see him not caring either way; they're willing allies of eggman, but they're not a big deal. they're insignificant, whether that means their lives are unimportant, or not worth the energy to take. i don't think he would do it with outright malicious intent, though he is still an asshole.
i veer more toward he wouldn't, because he doesn't really give a shit and it isn't worth the energy. knocking them unconscious suffices just fine and they don't seem to be as dangerous as villains he's faced in the past. at the same time, i understand how his indifference could go the other way. he's also impulsive, and trained to take out anything in his way – it could be instinctual. my opinion of shadow is that he's neither killing enthusiastic or opposed. he deals with things case by case. he's not a monster, but not against doing what has to be done.
these are incidents from different sources, so take it with a grain of salt, but he extended an offer to metal sonic in archie to turn over a new leaf, though in cases like eggman and tinker, eggman shows much less, if any, promise of potential change, and that's where the line gets drawn.
shadow doesn't know anything about squad jackal and why they're allied with him, but on the basis of just working with eggman, would that be enough? i don't think so personally but, that's just me. again, i see it being more instinctual, a means of completing his mission, if he did. tunnel vision sort of deal, you know?
what happens in my fic, however, is complicated. that's all i'll say on the matter :)
26. what does his self-care look like?
it doesn't. okay jokes aside, i think he's always had a rough time looking after himself, between mental illness and being on the road for years fighting for his survival. he cares about his appearance a lot, but at the same time, it's hard for him to manage it and this really applies after losing his team.
he likes baths over showers, though, and if he had the option he would probably like one with candles, just allowing himself to lay there for a bit. he cares a lot about his hair and it has high priority. comfy clothes on a bad day, music appropriate to his energy levels, cookies and a blanket. he tends to take space and just withdraw to reenergise if he can. i also headcanon him letting his emotions out through art, writing, and being very elaborate and often brutal BUT that's post-war
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patternwelded-quill · 8 months
Out of Context Line Tag
I've gotten like 3 OOC line tags today, lol. So, @somethingclevermahogony and @roach-pizza, you now reap what you've sown!
I curse, and so do my characters, so anyone iffy on profanity I'd stop *right here.*
From my first written MS, Irae. Because this is quintessentially Relarial:
"I'm only blind in one eye, you stupid fuck."
Now, something from Malekah, from my sci-fi Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove:
"I was freer in prison. On the surface, it looks great to be born an aristocrat, right?" she asked.
And lastly, let's go with another Relarial quote from her second book:
“Shapla’s golden-fucking-asshole,” she whispered.
Since the two of you tagged me, I won't tag you again... although it's tempting for you, C, since you hit me twice, lol. Let's start w/ @ladytamris @illarian-rambling and @the-octic-scribe
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dionysus-is-my-dude · 9 months
It has been SO long since I last held a formal ritual. I showered and cleansed, created my sacred space, and almost forgot my pendulum board and tarot cards. I called for Hecate, who's been reaching out to me for the past several days. I read a prayer for her that I wrote, and offered her my cauldron, a copper pendulum, and "moon" incense that I lit for the ritual.
Anyway, I asked Hecate to communicate with me through the cards. A simple past, present, future spread with her advice. The Past came up as the Ten of Cups reversed, meaning I haven't reaped what I've sown in the past and haven't fully appreciated what I've had. The Present was the Four of Wands reversed, meaning I'm currently vulnerable and need to ensure I'm protected, mind, body, and spirit. And the Future was the King of Swords, which, I'll be real, the court cards give me trouble (I didn't bring my book of keywords), but with some help from Hecate, I gained that it meant that if I actually put in the work to work from home doing things I actually enjoy, I'll eventually find that myself with that outcome.
As I gazed into the fire of a lit candle and meditated, I got the impression that Hecate will guide my way towards the life I want, but I must also provide my own light, my own torch to bear. When I asked if she wanted to me to get back into witchcraft, I didn't get a very strong response, but I did get the feeling that she wants me to explore what MY craft is. I have candles, herbs, crystals, tarot cards, and pendulums, but truly, what is MY craft? My specialty?
For the past year, I've felt more drawn to divination, particularly tarot and oracle cards. The pendulums haven't been that responsive to me, so I feel I might move away from that kind of divination. I just love the cards. I have several beautiful decks, and I spent several weeks this year studying and writing down meanings and keywords and everything. I'd love to look more into tarot and the cards' symbology, including the astrological symbols associated with certain cards. Astrology has long since fallen out of my favor, since my teen years. But perhaps it's time to get back into it. It could draw me closer to Hecate, given that she's a goddess of astrology. I'll see what I can find out.
I hope you all have a good night. Blessed be.
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(49/75) A Double Standard - Frances Ellen Watkins
Do you blame me that I loved him?
If when standing all alone
I cried for bread a careless world
Pressed to my lips a stone.
Do you blame me that I loved him,
That my heart beat glad and free,
When he told me in the sweetest tones
He loved but only me?
Can you blame me that I did not see
Beneath his burning kiss
The serpent's wiles, nor even hear
The deadly adder hiss?
Can you blame me that my heart grew cold
The tempted, tempter turned;
When he was feted and caressed
And I was coldly spurned?
Would you blame him, when you draw from me
Your dainty robes aside,
If he with gilded baits should claim
Your fairest as his bride?
Would you blame the world if it should press
On him a civic crown;
And see me struggling in the depth
Then harshly press me down?
Crime has no sex and yet to-day
I wear the brand of shame;
Whilst he amid the gay and proud
Still bears an honored name.
Can you blame me if I've learned to think
Your hate of vice a sham,
When you so coldly crushed me down
And then excused the man?
Would you blame me if to-morrow
The coroner should say,
A wretched girl, outcast, forlorn,
Has thrown her life away?
Yes, blame me for my downward course,
But oh! remember well,
Within your homes you press the hand
That led me down to hell.
I'm glad God's ways are not our ways
He does not see as man;
Within His love I know there's room
For those whom others ban.
I think before His great white throne,
His throne of spotless light,
That whited sepulchres shall wear
The hue of endless night.
That I who fell, and he who sinned,
Shall reap as we have sown;
That each the burden of his loss
Must bear and bear alone.
No golden weights can turn the scale
Of justice in His sight;
And what is wrong in woman's life
In man's cannot be right.
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lennjamin-o7 · 8 months
Lenn oh my god I just had the most instant karma like ever
So I was giggling at Cribbed and STH and the fact that both were meant to be like 3 chapters, right. Just kinda laughing at how silly that is because your post reminded me.
Immediately, and I mean like 30 mins later, I realise that I'm gonna have to add another chap to my henchman AU fic for pacing. The kicker? That fic was meant to be 3 chapters in the beginning as well.
My head is in my hands. I've reaped what I've sown. I just had to come here and tell you because of how instant and silly it was
Tumblr media
Woe! Extra chapter be upon you!!! Lololol 💚💚💚💚💚
Fic can never be 3 chapters! For some reason lololololol I love that for you (and for me! More tasty fic for me!)
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ggstargetedlife · 8 months
It's funny. Often I'm told via V2K I'm only given the same energy I give to everyone involved. I'm told it's my "karma." ROTFL! All of my enemies try to portray me in vain as a "Negative Nancy" even though I only ever defend myself. Never do I start mess with anyone. So for two straight days now I've done nothing but completely ignore them all--even the V2K. Not responding in the slightest, not even mentally to all the negativity thrown my way and abuses done to my body. So using the "logic" in their own "rules," should not they be calming down with the directed energy weapons and incessant smack talk and indirect provocation tactics? 🤣😂 I find it absolutely hilarious because they have consistently proven they are the world's biggest flip floppers. They never stand on business. The only thing they stand for is sheer negativity, proving they themselves are the Negative Nancies lol. They always want to try and play as God in my life, so why do they never return the positivity I put out? I always show them up, proving their true intentions. I'm putting them on blast because once again I've showed the truth of their ruse. They're not giving any of us T.I.'s a "taste of our own medicine," they're not returning the energy we give them. All they're doing is showing they can't even keep their word. Had it been me being a flip flopper I would never hear the end of it from any of them. They do it and make a national sport out of it, making a complete joke and humiliation out of themselves because while they're still going out of their way to try and provoke me, I'm sitting calm, cute and classy laughing at them all and especially laughing at the government. It's been over 5 years and still they've accomplished nothing but proven themselves to be complete dumb asses who stand on nothing but drama, negativity and bs, while I've elevated to a completely different, higher level than them. I never believe a word they say anymore because their actions always contradict their words, not to mention the V2K switches up so much I'm beginning to think the Programmer behind the technology has the IQ of a 5 year old 🤣 Like come on, find a strategy that actually works, I'm making y'all look real bad at this point, embarrassing the hell out of all of 'em so easily I don't even have to open my mouth 🤣 They still get pissed off trying to piss me off. That's how I know it's almost over. Their time is done, they've got nothing left to hit me with. All they do is keep me laughing. Best feeling in the world! When it's their turn to reap what they've sown, they gon' get their asses whooped BAD. Just like they don't keep it fair, God ain't gon' be fair with them and I'm gon sit back laughing and enjoying the shitshow 🤣😂
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calmwaterstarot · 9 months
I know several people who are closely connected to him. It's not just one connection. I trust my friends; they have no reason to lie. // You don't know him personally but yet you're here talking shit and saying horrible things about him?? What the fuck? You need to seek help! Fucking loser! Of all the things to waste your 30s on sitting up here telling lies on someone and just being horrid to them for no reason. You are an unhinged bitch and you Will absolutely reap what you've sown.
Oh, no! Here comes the Chris Evans dick-sucking squad! I'm trembling. 🤣
Look, I'm close enough to know what he's really like. I wouldn't want to be any closer. Nobody in their right mind would get anywhere near that guy. He's a dark energy, just like his fake wife. Two toxic peas in a narcissistic pod. How cute.
Also, who said I'm wasting my 30's? My 30's have been great. Do you have the same energy for a man in his 40's hitting up 20-somethings on IG like it's Tinder? It's hilarious you're trying to criticize me for making accurate talking points, while you're making the unhinged assumptions about me and what my life is like. Hypocrite. You might want to take your own advice and shut the fuck up. I won't reap anything because nothing's been sown. lol People talk shit about dumbasses like Chris who fuck up their life because we're glad it's not us. He puts himself out there to be judged and he deserves it after the way he's treated his fans.
You need some serious help if you think standing up for Chris gets you some sort of award in life. It doesn't. You just look like the biggest fucking loser to ever exist. Ironically, that sounds about right for Chris' stans.
And I bet you'll come back to my blog to see if I've responded, then send me another message, calling me all sorts of names because you fail to see how hypocritical you truly are. Some of y'all are so predictable, it's pathetic. But thank you for being my #1 fan, since you care so damn much! 🥹😘
Merry Christmas! 🎅🎄
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cookinguptales · 2 years
hi! can i have a serious reading with uhhh deck 6? 🍓🍓
Sure can!
I'm glad you requested it, too. The Insect Tarot is one of my favorites. The artwork is just so unique and visually arresting.
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You know, it's funny. I kind of talk to the decks a little bit sometimes when I do this. It's a little superstitious and a little silly and a little "blorbo from my bookshelf"y but I do like to do it. And as I was shuffling this deck, I was like, "y'know, I'm familiar with this person, I know they've gone through some rough stuff recently, let's give them something nice, maybe?"
And I drew the King of Pentacles and went oh! very nice!
And I drew the Eight of Wands and went! yes!! nice!!
And then I drew the Ten of Swords and I was like. hm.
So anyway.
The King of Pentacles, as I've noted before (and huh, feels like we're getting a lot of repeats this time?) is a card that's usually the culmination of long, hard work. You've put in the time and now you're reaping the rewards. This is typically an indication of financial reward, but not necessarily. This can be a work project, a creative endeavor, something personal -- the point here is that all that effort is coming together and you're getting to reap what you've sown. It's a card of success, and a success that's hard-earned.
Next, we have the Eight of Wands. This is a card of movement. Imagine a river that's all stopped up with debris, and then that debris is cleaned out and the river is free to rush as much as it wants. That's sort of the vibe this card has. A struggle has been surmounted, and now there's a sense of freedom. This card also goes with literal physical movement, like traveling or moving, but tonight I feel that it's mainly a metaphorical thing. You are now able to spread your wings and fly, so to speak.
But then... hm. Then we have the Ten of Swords. This is another repeat offender, and one that I was hoping not to see again. This is a card of calamity. It speaks to pain and betrayal and something bad. That said, it's also one of those darkest before dawn cards, at times, and perhaps that's what's going on here.
See, I would usually expect to see these cards in the opposite order. The Eight of Wands is usually a progress card; it indicates that something bad has happened, but now good things have happened. The King of Pentacles is usually a card about culmination. It's not usually one to have at the beginning.
But in this order... hmm. I think perhaps it's best to take them all as happening at the same time rather than a progression. Bad things have happened, but they're over now. This is the side of the Ten of Swords that indicates that there has been a betrayal of sorts, either from someone else or within you, but that this thing can no longer hurt you. There's a sense of finality to this card. The calamity has come, but it has also ended. Things can only go up from here.
So a great boon has come to you, a reward for your efforts, and now there is a sense of freedom. You've been hurt and might still be hurting, but there is an end in sight. It's not quite a reading that indicates a new dawn, but... it's crepuscular, shall we say. Things are just starting to get light.
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roman-cup · 1 year
Ein is the only character I have an actual playlist for, just because I relate every upbeat-but-threatening song to him (though there are a few on the list that don't fit that descriptor, so maybe it is just regular brainrot.) Anyway, I didn't want to drop that many on you, so I picked the one I thought was most obscure: Wicked by Crusher.
(Whoops, sorry, I'm a rambler. You don't have to read all that.)
Whao thats such a good song- also I love hearing people ramble so no issues
ok so Ein! This song definitely gives me his vibes, I kinda wanna draw something of him based on this now-
Once again I havent seen Mystreet so when it comes to Eins role in that series, is a bit lost on me,I only know him PDHs2 but I read his biography on the wiki to have a better thoughts on this! Didn't know he died!
The lyrics that really make me think of him are
"Just take mе as I am
A memoryso vivid... And savor all the parts you can Cuz no one mourns the wicked!"
"Here lies our dearly beloved Who suffered a lack of common sense"
" Tend to the ends I loosened over time And put out the bridges I set on fireThat's right, it's gonna take a while To clean up the mess I left behindThis is the part where the real work starts The real work starts Where I reap what I've sown, and own up And pay what I owe"
I don't know if Ein ever expressed gulit for what he did, and I highly doubt he ever did, but this song makes me think about, him like reflecting him his life after death, that kinda thing? A mix of sorrow and anger over everything.
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reyes-is-dead · 2 years
[it's been a very, very long time since I've written for any fandom, never mind Overwatch, so I wanted to repost here something I drabbled in Discord for a near and dear friend of mine.
And saying that I feel the need to preface it with a little OOC blurb as I'll be using tags for this drabble and quite frankly I'm too old and tired for the usual discourse that comes with the bullshit of a small, insignificant niche of gatekeeping jackals that yip and yap over every little mote of annoyance they snatch out of context. So to all those mangey jackals, kindly fuck off, block me and continue to circle your drain of ugly hatred and loathing elsewhere, thanks.
I withdrew from Overwatch well before all the bad shit that went down with Blizzard, Activision. I do not and will never condone the heinous and disgusting actions that were finally brought to light, and I will always support victims and witnesses to come forth and speak up and report the injustices that have been wrought upon them.
With that being said, I left the fandom long before Jesse was retcon'd and Cole overwrote the lore. I don't care who the IRL person was, nor do I care to know anything about the person that they are, insofar as they reap the consequences their actions have sown. Justice will be served. But Jesse McCree will always be Overwatch's BAMF gunslinger outlaw, and will never be any sort of IRL reflection for me. Jesse McCree will always be Gabriel Reyes' right hand man in Blackwatch and not some easily forgotten "who is this guy? he did what now? IRL? fuck that guy he doesn't deserve any sort of spotlight".
My Jesse McCree will always be my Reaper's.
I won't name swap.
I'll be keeping Jesse McCree for myself and my writing, reclaiming and claiming the name that just fits the character. There is no other Jesse McCree than Overwatch's, Blackwatch's, Deadlock's Jesse BAMF McCree.
Here's the drabble: ]
Same shit, different year. Just numbers on someone's calendar, an agenda to weasel out and squash. It's not like he'd been ignorant of the date or the significance or the value of making appearances, it's just…
Distracted, determined, focused. Factors that play in measuring how fleeting time really does fly by. That and he'd wanted to just avoid people at all costs this year. Especially after the heat Blackwatch brought the whole organization. Moreso than usual at least.
A quick glance to his watch and a twinge in the pit of his gut that may or may not have been some sort of guilt has him sucking it up and making his way to where everything's cheery, merry, and bright. Maybe he'll be able to snag a bottle of something on the way back to his pile of bureaucracy and bullshit.
A habitual sweep of the festivities runs a headcount of the Usual Suspects milling about, noting who's missing but shrugs it off with mental nonchalance. He does his best to nod and grin that lopsided smarminess of his when greeted, passing through with handshakes and back slaps, quick hugs an pecks to the cheeks of those closest to him.
Artfully avoiding a certain someone while building up the New Years alibi.
Seconds tick by and there's no time left, nowhere to slink off to, he's caught in every sense of the word.
Their eyes meet and the off-tone vocalized Countdown from Ten is drowned out by that cheeky grin and glint in the younger man's eyes. His own reflects the same whorl and melange of threatening emotions, sentiments unspoken in their world of shadows. And there might just be a crinkle of crows feet upturned in something more than smirking amusement, even if his stern and tired features remain masked.
But nothing matters anymore when midnight strikes, taking whatever fight or flight his brain screams at him to engage in.
Yanked, an arm settles around the outlaw's waist, a rough hand comes up to card fingers through thick unkempt hair and scruff, and in his reciprocated kiss he tastes whiskey and ash, sour and sweet and smoky.
Same shit, different year.
But at least he's not alone now.
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