#so i'm pretty sure there are tons of grammar mistakes in there
Hi. How are you? I'd like to ask you something, an opinion so to speak. Feel free to not engage if I am being inconvenient. It's just you seem really really fond of Sergio. You mentioned you're married and you display a very mature approach towards all subjects. I'm 37 and can't talk much about him with my friends. They look at me like I'm the second season of The Last of Us yet to be shot😅 The thing is I like Pilar a lot. I see many differences between her and Sergio but this is healthy and, besides, I believe they coincide in the real important life values. Otherwise they would not be raising 4 happy children together. However, she seems completely disconnected from his family. It seems to be getting worse. I think he doesn't give 2 fucks, pardon my language, keeps going strong between the 2 of them, but it sure must be a source of tension. Do you have any thoughts on that, any understanding of what the reasons are? I remember Mirian being glued to Pilar, all of them going fishing on sales in Madrid. And since he decided to make their union official in the church the relations derailed. When they released the clip, there is Pilar coming down the aisle, Sergio was crying and Paqui was looking at her as if she were going to commit murder... Idk. I just needed to vent after Alex's bday. Idk if it is possible for you to answer privately. Don't want to bring drama to your page which is hyped, good humored and full of easter eggs - La Cibeles tattoo was a killer ♥️ I let out a little uhuuu and came here to check if you had already seen it 😅 Have a great week.
Hi 😊 I'm gonna try to answer this somewhat coherently, but i can't promise anything 😉
So first of all, i'm gonna say i'm in a somewhat similar situation with my mother-in-law or family-in-law for that matter. She's a perfecty nice woman, i just don't have anything in common with her, like our personalities and our outlook on life are so different, that honestly i don't think she really knows what to do with me or how to talk to me (and we've known each other for almost 20 years). It's just what happens sometimes and granted my husband isn't nearly as close to his family as Sergio is, but at some point you find a way that works for everyone and it's really not that much of an issue. It's a bit sad maybe, but some families just aren't that close.
As for Pilar's relationship with Sergio's family. I agree, it doesn't seem to be all that close, but i don't think there's any bad blood between them either. They do spend most holidays together, they went to Paris for New Year's and so on.
i actually think there are two reasons why it might seem lately that they don't get along anymore.
One, Pilar is generally very aware of how she presents herself on social media. Most of her posts are for her career and even the more candid ones are usually from photo shoots or are staged in a way to portrait her in a certain image. I'm mean it's what social media is for when you're basically an influencer. But if she's in Sevilla with Sergio (and his family) she probably doesn't want to get dressed up and put on a full face of make-up, so sometimes i feel like she deliberately steps out of the pictures and videos to keep her privacy (if that makes sense).
And they've never been a couple who did everything together. They've always been pretty independent with their own circle of friends and their own hobbies and i guess it wasn't that much of a problem when they were still in Madrid and Pilar had all her friends and family close (I remember Sergio saying once how envious he was of her that she still had all her old friends around), but now that they're living in Paris, with their jobs and the kids, they only have so much time left for their friends and families, so i guess it's easier sometimes to just spend their days off separately with their own circle of people.
And i totally agree on the values part. They definitely seem very similiar in how they want to live their lifes and how they want to raise their family and in my opinion that's way more important for a healthy relationship than sharing the same hobbies or tastes. You're gonna have to agree on the big things and at least from the outside it looks like they do.
Anyway, i hope this makes at least some sense 😊
I hope you have a great day too and thank you for enjoying my blog 😘
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daisybianca · 11 months
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pairing: sebastian vettel x femalereader
summary: it's totally forbidden. he's older and your childhood and eternal crush, but there's more to that. his best friend--and your dad--is Michael Schumacher. one day, you're sick and stuck in your bed with a fever. he pays you a visit, and then the fever becomes even more brutal. HERE'S PART TWO.
warnings: sexual activities, jealousy, cursing words
(a/n): it's late at night, and I just wrote this, and I'm really, really sleepy. there might be multiple mistakes, grammar, and spelling, but HEY. the tension is still there! <3
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IT HAD BEEN almost five days since everyone got informed that you were down with the flu. Michael Schumacher's beloved daughter was a concern about pretty much everyone in the paddock. Every single person cared deeply about you and Mick. Everybody knew that.
You got quite a few messages and texts from the drivers and team members in the past few days. You answered with polite, brief responses and made sure everyone knew you were just fine with the necessary drugs and medicine prescriptions.
The truth was that you had been feeling okay since a couple of days ago, but chose not to tell anyone. Rest on a bed all day was cool.
Opening your phone, you entered Instagram and wrote a brief thank you text to Daniel Ricciardo, who wished you a fast recovery. Scrolling through the app, you detected a post on your insta feed that was referring to Sebastian Vettell.
Oh, he was tour childhood crush.
Everybody freaking knew that.
You remembered that in an interview a few years ago with your father, a reporter had asked you whether or not you'd like to race for a F1 team and become a driver in the future. You response was fast and was definitely written in history. It almost immediately went viral, and people still talked about it on social media, leading to multiple fans shipping you and the famous world champion.
"No, I don't think I'm going to be a racing driver. But I'll marry one anyway, so it doesn't really matter." The spot played like a old cassette in your mind. A wide grin formed on your father's face and the reporter returned to you and lowered the microphone to reach your tiny height. You were barely 12 years old at that time.
"Who are you referring to? Lewis Hamilton? Do you like him, huh? British, humorous, handsome! He's totally so charming!"
"No, no, no, no!" Your father, Michael, bent over and picked you up in his strong arms. "I'm pretty sure the husband she's talking about is Vettell." He laughed again and you were so confused at the cameras and microphones and tons of people around you.
You were absolutely serious about craving to marry that man. He was something truly angelic to you, even though your innocent 12-year-old mind couldn't fathom how a real marriage worked.
"Oh, I get it! Blondes are better anyway!" The red-head reporter yelled and thanked you for the interview, before moving to the next driver.
You also remembered clearly the very first time you learned about Sebastian dating some girl.
A few of your dad's friends were gathered at your house, along with Sebastian. They talked about some weird strategies you couldn't analyze and had a great time together, but suddenly a question was fired at Sebastian, gaining your full attention.
"Seb, what's up with that blonde you've been going out with since last month?" A guy asked, and your gaze darkened. No one really noticed you eyeing the men behind the kitchen table. But that's what you wanted anyway.
"Who? Hannah? Oh, she seems okay, I guess." He took a sip from his bottle of beer and went on, his eyes lingering around the room. "She's hot, supportive and... not really smart but I don't mind, it's not like I'm going to marry her anyway."
They all laughed at Sebastian's words and you waited until most of the guys moved outside, near the pool in order to prepare the barbecue.
Approaching Sebastian, his eyes automatically landed up on you as he smiled.
"Hey, there, little one!" Sebastian greeted. You hated it when he called you little one. You were 17 at that time. In puberty and almost in adulthood.
"Don't call me that, Seb! I'm not 10 anymore!" You laughed and you got on your knees in front him, next to the couch.
He bent over and applied a peck on your forehead, just like he always adored to do. It was one of his special ways to show his platonic affection to you.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart." He smiled and got up, walking to the kitchen. He came back a few moments later and handed you an orange juice.
"I'd prefer the beer you're holding, thank you very much." You pushed the plastic carton of juice away and got up to grab the beer from Seb's hands. He tossed it away immediately.
"Your father would kill me, love."
Oh, love.
What a word to hear from his beautiful, full lips.
You bite your lips. Hard.
Your female hormones had been raging since a couple of years ago due to puberty. And Sebastian Vettel was so not helping with that.
You formed a fake sad face, and he sat to the couch again.
You'd love to sit in his lap right now. You used to do that when you were a little. You would wrap your hands around his neck... and stare at his baby blue eyes forever.
If the desire to sit in Seb's lap was a drug, you were totally and undoubtedly a drug addict.
But you couldn't do it now. Sebastian wouldn't let something like that happen.
A few moments later, you were sat beside him on the couch, drinking enormous sips from the juice Seb had offered you.
"It's tasty." You told him after you caught his gaze upon you.
"Um... I guess so."
You blinked a couple of times.
"Soooo... you have a girlfriend?" Your voice was steadier than you thought it'd come out.
"I don't know." He thought for a second. "It's complicated."
You automatically dragged the thin material of your cozy dress lower on your thighs when you caught his eyes traveling their for a tiny, brief moment.
"Are you in love with her?" You asked without hesitating and ignoring the previous incident.
"In love?" He repeated. "Jesus, no. I don’t think I've ever been in love before."
You didn't know if the scorching burning in your chest was a good thing. You were glad he hadn't been in love with anyone before, but simultaneously you weren't.
"Have you?" Sebastian's question caught you off guard.
"Who? Me?" Yes, you wanted to yell at him. But didn't. "No. I'm almost 17 and barely had any experiences in my love life."
"That's not certainly a bad thing." He mumbled, drinking from his beer, his lips almost immediately absorbing the liquid.
Germans loved beers. Sebastian Vettel was no exception to that rule.
"What? Having zero experiences in that area?" You asked.
It wasn't like you hadn't been kissed before. You had. Twice. By two different boys. But nothing compared to the love life other teenagers had the chance of experiencing at your age.
"Yes. It's a good thing, to say at least." His eyes were so threatening. Like there was a hidden meaning behind them.
But maybe it was just something your mind created due to the fact that... this man... oh, Gosh... you had never desired anything or anyone like him.
"Why?" You looked at him and his gaze found yours.
"You should wait for the right one." He smiled simply.
You looked at him and wanted to say that he was all you wanted. But you fucking couldn't. And that was drowning your feelings for him in deep, dark oceans.
"The heart wants what it wants." You pronounced, and Seb didn't quite get your words.
He didn't want to anyway. He knew damn well that your feelings about him were intense since you were a little kid.
The obsessed, recless, lovesick teen. That's what you thought Seb would describe you as. Little did you know he had the exact opposite opinion of you.
Seb was your frustration.
He thought you were like a daughter to him at that time. Little did he know you'd do anything to keep your promise in the future.
Bottled-up feelings. Intense feelings, unexplained issues. He caused that to you. All of it. And he didn't even know.
You were almost 19 now.
Age was by your side and the age gap between you and Seb wasn't that intense. Only 11 years. You had met multiple couples before with even bigger age difference and they lived with it in happiness and with pride.
Closing your eyes, you inhaled a big breath.
You felt greedy, insatiable.
Seb continued being pretty much the number one reason why you still had a good opinion of the masculine sex but you were careful and avoided showing it to everyone anymore. Paparazzi and the media always tended to make things even bigger.
It was just a few minutes before noon when a knock on the door sounded like a thunderous lightning in your sensitive ears. You hadn't communicated with a singe soul in a couple of days because you wouldn't risk infecting anyone else with the virus, even though you already feeling extremely better.
Beforing bothering to hear you climbing out of the bed, a familiar figure of a male swung the door open and closed it sat afterwards, swaying the keys in his hands.
"Seb?" Your voice was weak as you got out of the coziness of your bed and approached the door. "How the hell do you have my keys?"
The German man turned to you and gestured to be sat on the bed once again, as if you were so fragile and threatened to break just because of a silly virus. Sebastian was so dramatic. But you didn't. complain as you gained your soft spot on the mattress again because his white button-up shirt blurt your thoughts and your vision. He had rolled the light fabric on his wrists, highlighting even more his rough hands.
"I asked Mick to lend them to me so I could pass by here and check up on my favorite girl."
His words buzzed in your ears.
What did he just say?
He used to call you random nicknames, some of them cute and others... kind of silly, but 'my favorite girl'?
That was too much for your complicated mind to analyze.
Sebastian sat down opposite of you.
As he faced you and said absolutely nothings, his state felt scorching. Like a burning flame, attempting to read your thoughts, which were too hard to be hidden between the curtains of your eyelashes.
You had always known he could read you like an open book. And you always hated that exceptional ability of his.
Sometimes, he could unearth thoughts in you that no one else could. Not even your father, nor your brother, and sometimes not even you...
"How are you feeling, (y/n)?" His soft smile faded, blue, intense eyes focused on you, eyeing you from head to toes as if he could detect any physical pain just by observing your body.
"How do I look?" You fired back, without hesitation.
You didn't mean to sound flirtatious at all. But... oh, well, the look on Sebastian's face read something entirely different...
You were kind of mad at him that he chose to pass by your apartment without calling or messaging you first. You tried to make him gather that without saying it, but your tone didn't come out the way that you wanted it to.
"If you ask me, you don't look ill at all." Sebastian crossed his arms, his veins popping out of the white fabric. "You look... I don't know..." He gave in, eyes traveling everywhere in the room but you.
You felt a warm wave of air coming your way from the opened windows, so you chose to unzip your thin cardigan a little bit more. Your grey sweatpants were too hot for you at the moment, but the idea of changing into something more loose didn't occur to you earlier.
"Sebastian, I look like a fucking sloth that's been eating leafy greens, rice and pasta for five days in a row!" You laughed but the blond man didn't seem to be amused by your humorous comment. When you faced his cold state, your expression transformed into something more serious. "Why didn't you call before visiting?"
"The answer is too simple and you're too smart to even ask." He shrugged, annoyed. "Because I know you wouldn't let me come."
You hadn't seen Sebastian like that never before. He seemed... different. He always used to laugh with you, enjoy some movies, play video games or boarding games with you for fun...
But now...
He looked so changed and you can't understand why.
"Why wouldn't I let you come, Seb?"
He took a deep, deep breath before answering. "Because you're just as stubborn as me. I wouldn't let you come and visit me while I'm sick either. Even though you--"
Your phone buzzed with a notification on the nightstand, causing Seb's speech to come to a hault.
Another notification popped up and the screen illuminated once again.
One more and then another one...
You stretched your whole body and grabbed your device. Glancing at the screen, you read five unanswered messages from Lando.
This guy tries to catch up with you always when the time isn't right.
Sebastian got up from the chair near your desk. "Who is it?" He asked, trying to keep the coolness in his tone.
"A friend."
"Is it Norris?" Seb snapped.
You instantly looked up from your screen. "How the hell do you know Norris texts me?"
Sebastian smirked and took a seat close to you on the bed. But he was still too far. You needed him closer to make you forget about your frustration with him.
"A spend three quarters of my day with your brother."
"Oh, Mick, you're such a traitor." You muttered to yourself as you shoved your phone under the sheets.
"He just cares about you. We all do." Seb seemed to hesitated for his upcoming words. "You'll always be our best girl."
Fuck. It felt like he tried so hard to hide his thoughts.
But they say that the eyes are the window to your soul.
"Seb, are you flirting with me?" You shot, keeping your voice calm and steady.
"You want me to stop?" His answer was instant, causing your entire body and face to redden.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You'd been waiting for this moment almost 20 years and now... that it was finally happening, you didn't know what to do.
"No," you muttered. "But I expected you to do something more than that. You were always the brave one, remember?"
Whatever it took to fulfill your eternal dream.
Seb stood up and did something you never expected him to do. Even though every part of you craved this moment to come in many dreams.
He kneeled in front you.
His blue eyes were the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. "Seb, what are you--"
"Open your legs for me, love." He murmured, looking up at you with his fingers genrly pressing on your bare thigh.
You felt your cheeks redden. Again.
It felt insane how instant your body's reaction was to his words and touch. As if it had a mind of its own.
Seb's voice forced you back to reality when you realized you stared at him speechless. "I won't repeat myself."
You shivered and opened up your legs for him, welcoming his warm and long fingers.
"You won't kiss me?" Your voice was barely audible.
"I'm not going to make it that easy for you, babe."
"W-what do you mean?"
A smirk appeared. "I suppose you'll have to beg for it."
Part 2.
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mobbu-min · 2 years
☆ Pretty Boy ☆
(ft. the vice housewardens)
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requested by anon: the pretty boy hcs were so cuteee 😭💕 would you be able to do those for the vice leaders as well?
@crienosaur and @donuelle
a/n: i feel like this is all over the place, but i really enjoyed lilia's part. imma try to get the first years part out soon. also idk for the longest time i thought that jade and floyds last name was tweel and honestly idk where i got that from :/
characters: trey clover, ruggie bucchi, jade leech, jamil viper, rook hunt, ortho shroud (platonic) and lilia vanrouge
!tw! insecurities, grammar mistakes im too lazy to fix again
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Trey Clover <3
⋆ a deep chuckle came from Trey's chest. He may look unaffected but judging by the way his shaky hands cover his rosy cheeks tells a different story.
⋆ He's used to people thinking not much of him tbh. Trey knows he's considered attractive, he has a nice face, a nice body and a nice personality.
⋆ Nice, that's all he is. That's all he's ever been told. Not once has he ever looked at himself and thought pretty. Not a single time
⋆ But the way you sighed it out had him second guessing himself. Had him looking in the mirror and noticing a ton of things about himself he's never seen before.
⋆ Has his eyelashes always been so long? Lips so full and soft? Cheeks flushed a soft peach hue and kissed by the particles of the sun?
⋆ Trey, like many others, doesn't understand how you got to this conclusion at first. But maybe, for once, he'll be fine with being called something other than nice. 
⋆ Trey will happily settle for pretty.
"Hey there, Prefect! Hope I'm not interrupting anything but I've made too many sweets for the next Unbirthday Party, so I was wondering if you'll take them off my hand…Hmm? Ehehe, I didn't even plan it! I guess I accidentally made your favorite again."
(he did it on purpose fyi)
Ruggie Bucchi <3
⋆ You have a weird taste, Ruggie thinks to himself, staring at you with a rosy blush, his tail wagging behind him, But I am the cutest. 
⋆ Ruggie is in heaven. Him, pretty? He sure is. The prettiest to pretty. Ruggie’s another one that wants to rub it in everyone’s face. 
⋆ But he’s also intimidated by the possible meaning behind it. Does that mean you like him too? Ah! He’s getting excited just by thinking about it! But wait? Does that mean he’ll have to pay for stuff? Can’t you just-wait, nevermind, you’re equally as broke as him. 
⋆ Maybe you  won’t mind working shifts at Monstro Lounge together as bonding time? Perhaps? Please?
⋆ Ruggie balances on a thin line of screaming his lungs out and melting on the spot. Ruggie knows his appearance is…less to be desired by the vast majority. So for you to call him pretty so unabashedly, boy is he going to get that tattooed on his forehead.
⋆ But beware, he will bring it up in conversation. You are not spared from his teasing.
“Don’t give me that look. Doesn’t the pretty boy get the last bite~? Shishishi, I sure do love that look~”
Jade Leech <3
⋆ Confident, smug and annoying af. 
⋆ That’s the effect it had on Jade. You really shouldn’t have said his name, because this boy (eel? mereel?) will show his face the moment you say it. A stupidly scary smile on his stupidly pretty face. Scaring the living daylights out of you and everyone else nearby. 
⋆ Whisking you away like the gentleman he is. 
⋆ Really it’s just him taking you because you're too frozen in shock to do anything about it. 
⋆ Does he confess?
⋆ Kinda.
⋆ He takes you to the Monstro Lounge and gives you a free meal he cooked himself. So it’s really up in the air. 
⋆ Jade has never felt more pleased. Sure the scared look Azuls client gives him is nice. Or the feeling of finding extremely rare mushroom species is amazing. But being called pretty by the one and only Ramshackle prefect is another feeling entirely. 
⋆ Not only is it from someone he finds deeply amusing and pretty themselves. But he knows for a fact plenty of people are going to be incredibly jealous over this.
⋆ Ah, if only you knew the affects you had on them and most importantly, Jade.
“Please enjoy. I know that look and you have nothing to fear. There’s no cost to this meal… Oh dear, well, if you are not convinced, then how about this offer? (whispering softly) If you don’t enjoy this meal, I’ll personally take you out. Just you and me.”
Jamil Viper <3
⋆ Please tell him Kalim set you up? Or Azul, or anyone!
⋆ Jamil doesn’t think he’ll be able to handle it if you were joking. You really need to take other people's feelings into consideration, Prefect. Don't you know it’s rude to pla- huh? You meant it?
⋆ Cue, Jamil hiding in his hood. 
⋆ This has never happened before. Well it happened once, but he had to reject her because she would be a distraction to his job, but let’s not talk about that. 
⋆ And Jamil is so used to not being seen. So, for you to excitedly shout how pretty he was without shame or hesitation, made him gasp in shock. Pretty, you think he’s pretty. 
⋆ Jamil would have just brushed it off (he’s lying, he wouldn’t) thinking that you were merely thinking of his outward appearance. Something he does take care of, but you just have to be full of surprises. 
⋆ Of course you decided to recount all the times he’s helped you, or made you food, or walked you back to your dorm, or- yeah you get the gist. You had no shame in saying despite all his flaws, Jamil has the best personality. That he’s pretty in the inside, as well as the out. 
⋆ Jamil had to sit down to recollect his emotions. Pretty outside and in. You saw him as pretty all round. You saw him. You recognize Jamil. 
⋆ Great Sevens, Jamil really fighting back his inner demons (crying, he’s fighting back crying) 
⋆ But that feeling immediately burst into a thousand fireworks simultaneously bursting in his chest. Igniting his body in warmth like the setting sun in the Scalding Sands. Like the curry his mother made for him whenever he felt ill. Jamil has never felt more at peace than he did now. 
⋆ All because of a simple six letter word uttered by you.
“Oh, you have something in your hair. Here let me get it for you…Hmm? He, are you ill? Your face is quite warm, Prefect. My hand feels like ice compared to your cheeks…Haha, my apologies, Prefect. I just think you look quite pretty, all flustered.”
Rook Hunt <3
⋆ Rook is swooning with joy! The prettiest person in his world thinks he’s pretty as well! (he ignored the part where you said weird after)
⋆ He is already down bad for you, so for you to call him pretty??? This man cannot contain himself. He’s truly fighting his inner demons.
⋆ Rook is incredibly quick to act on his feelings. Knowing him, Rook has already broken into your room layed roses all over your bed, lit scented candles and has some really over the top music playing in the background. 
⋆ It's sweet if you overlook the fact that he broke in. He truly is the most romantic person out of all NCR.
⋆ Makes you call him your ‘pretty boy’ and won’t respond to any other nickname.
"Ah! My pretty trickster! What did I say about calling me by my name? …Ah! How wonderful! I will never get over my name coming from your darling lips!”
Ortho Shroud <3
⋆ You think his brother is pretty! And him too!?!
⋆ Ortho’s over the moon! His favorite person (beside his brother) thinks he’s pretty! He already thinks of you like a big sibling, so Ortho's bouncing off the wall at your praise. It’s so cute, that he immediately zooms to you and hugs you so tightly. Exclaiming that he thinks you're pretty too!
⋆ He’s literally the sweetest! Please call him pretty again, Ortho will just explode in excitement. 
⋆ But don’t think you're safe. Just because Ortho sees you as a big sibling, doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want it to actually happen. And what did you happen to say right before you called him pretty?
⋆ Yeah, you called his big brother pretty and you want to know something more? Well, his big brother has a crush on you, so do you want to know what role Orthos immediately takes on? 
⋆ Yeah, wingman. A pretty good one at that. 
⋆ You and Idia will know no peace. 
“Your heartbeat increased when you saw big brother right now! Is it because you said he was pretty? Hehe, don’t worry he thinks you're pretty too! But, you still think I’m the prettiest right? Yay! You’re the best!”
Lilia Vanrouge <3
⋆ Pleasantly surprised. A small pretty smile graced his lips and he placed a finger to his lips. Humming deep in thought. So you thought he was pretty? How intriguing. You’re truly full of surprises aren’t you?
⋆ Lilia actually finds it cute. Endearing really. Because who would have thought that you, a person from another world, would find him the prettiest person you’ve ever seen. He feels smug and overjoyed at the same time.
⋆ Like Rook, Lilia wasted no time in tracking you down and telling you he thinks you're really pretty too. He doesn’t want to risk you being taken by another. Nu-uh, no way!
⋆ Lilia has a…way with words. It’s kinda creepy, kinda concerning, but overall incredibly sweet! His little bat friends (children?) flutter around you, bringing you fresh fruit and flowers. They like you just as much as they like Lilia.
⋆ Afterall, you’ve made Lilia so happy, how couldn’t they?
“Kehehe, you’re truly full of surprises! I simply can’t get enough! But…(whispers) please do only refer to me as that my dear. Don't want anyone else taking what’s mine~”
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perfectlovevn · 5 months
(i'm so sorry, i'm not sure if you accept reviews or not so feel free to ignore this)
Helloo!! I'm brazilian and i'm still learning english so forgive me for any grammar mistakes. I've gotten all endings (i guess- please let me know if i missed anything!) so here's my review of Perfect Love! ♥
I loved this game sooo much! I never played an visual novel with a mean main character and it was just amazing. The trope of ''us'' being the actual villains is very interesting and it made the game super unique! It's also pretty obvious the amount of effort and hard work that's in the game, I was impressed by the quality of it all.
The music and sound effects are pretty good, I loved it all! The artstyle is very pleasing to look at and the black/white/grey contrast with Milo's blue/red eyes are such a nice touch too. I also loved the amount of easter eggs (you couldn't imagine the face I made when I named myself 'Ren') and secret endings/scenes.
Fortunately, when I first played, I knew nothing about the game nor about Milo (which I believe made the experience better since everything turned out to be surprising) and the endings were really good. Through the gameplay, I've encontered one grammar mistake (which I forgot to screenshot it, sorry) and one sprite glitch but nothing that made me annoyed.
After finishing the 8 main endings, I decided it was time to look a little bit on the official Tumblr's page of the VN and that's when I decided to test out all of the easter eggs and that's when I discovered the secret scenes.
So, to summary it all: absolutely 10/10! I can't remember the last time I had so much fun playing a game and being so invested in unlocking all of it's content! I was flabbergasted when I lost all of my endings heh
Please let me know if I missed anything- I'd be more than happy to clear the game entirely.
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Hello there! I love reviews. On my other blog I always write recommendations/reviews for other vns, so I'm always open to seeing what people like and dislike about the game. I hope you don't mind that I'm just gonna mash these two asks into one ask.
Thank you! I also think that a lot of vns don't always focus on being the bad guy in the story and those that do I usually enjoy quite a lot! I'm glad you like the quality of it, it was a lot of fighting renpy and it's UI because I have a one sided rivalry with the base renpy UI. I tried to make it look good though I think I maybe should have attempted to redraw some of the sprites for Milo (for like the third time).
For the art style itself, I actually did it in black and white because it was originally for the 2023 yanjam and I wanted to make a style that wouldn't be extremely tiring for me, and I really like lineart so I made everything in black and white (and also because I'm lazy, I say as I animate half of my assets). The red and blue really make it pop at the end since it's one of the few time color is used in the game. I love when people put easter eggs in their game and I know of a lot of yandere vns so I wanted to put in a ton! I'll probably put in even more in the update when I get all of the extra stories done because putting easter eggs like that is very fun.
Having no knowledge of a game is always a good way to be surprised about the premise and I think it definitely was something good in your case too! For the grammer/ sprite errors if you do ever play or remember what they were, please let me know. I'll try to fix it in the next update if possible.
It's always so nice seeing that people like my game though! I tried my hardest to make it a worthwhile experience and considering it's (technically) my first game, it really makes me happy to see that people really like it! Hopefully it doesn't have too much of the first game amatureness that tends to come (nothing wrong with it, but I hopefully have showcased I kind of know what I'm doing, I say, sweating profusely) .
Yup! That is all of the scenes in the game so far. At least that you can access. If you look inside of the code, I actually have two scenes that I put in there. One of them is pretty much a test scene featuring the character from the next game I'm making, and the other is a special scene where you go to Milo's apartment. You can't access those in the main game, but you can play them if you edit the code a bit.
Basically (for those who don't know), all you have to do is put "jump" and then the name of the label afterwards (so for instance if the label is "rabbit" you would put "jump rabbit") after label start in the code. The two scenes that are not accessable in the game are the last two scenes in the script.rpy file just to make it easier for you. (I put a note that says like "#I'm very dedicated to my craft I say as I disect Milo and then beat him with a stick" because I'm sorry Milo, you deserve better)
But yes, thank you for taking your time and writing your long review! I love it so much.
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nobodysdaydreams · 5 months
Doug Eiffel is hilarious and deserves his own series of radio shows
(Or my reaction to Wolf359's three untitled mini episodes!)
Welcome back dear readers! I wish I could react to more full length episodes, but life in terms of health and work load has not been kind to me (yep. I'm sick again). Fortunately, I was informed that these mini episodes can be listened to at any time and they are fairly short, so I'm gonna give it a shot! (If I was misinformed and am about to have a ton of plot spoiled for me, I apologize in advance!)
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Mini Episode: Adventure of a Lifetime
Ohhhh... a field trip into the mysterious rooms!
...this might not work out for you Doug, but I hope you find something useful.
Huh. Empty rooms. ...why do I get the feeling they aren't all empty?
Different shade of grey paint? Doug have you never played a video game? I mean, I haven't either, but even I know what that means.
Great, now he's locked in.
"I'm hungry, I didn't have breakfast, It's been five hours." WHY AM I DOUG 😂
Doug yeah the grey spot sounds pretty bad.
"Did you try pushing?" Hilbert is so done with him.
19 minutes? I'm not sure if that's funny because Doug is dramatic, or spooking because these rooms actually mess with time perception.
"You never mention this to anyone and I won't ask you what you're doing on this part of the station" Doug you really oughta be asking though.
Oh. That was it? Huh. Very short. I wonder what the next one has in store...
Mini Episode: Step One
Ah! More Doug! Why IS he going outside?
Hey, Doug. Do not speak badly about the commander. Trust me, the day will come when you realize Minkowski is the best commander you could ever have.
He stole her diary? Oh Doug...
"If this tape shows up in my murder trial, you'll know why I made this recording"
Imagine if Cutter tried to use this audio to frame Minkowski for Doug's death (he would. He'd drop it off at her husband's office like "sorry about your wife becoming a murderer. Apparently a disgruntled employee took her diary and she snapped").
Poor Doug. Scrambling to solve a mess he created in a very unsafe way because he can't ask for help or else he'll get caught? Why is he so dang relatable. Someone get this man to a doctor. He needs Adderall. And his daughter back.
"I have the perfect plan" oh dear. Doug, those words never go well for me either.
"Doug was great, I need to lighten up a lot" 😂
"She somehow saw through my forgery" oh poor Doug.
Are these episodes just Doug getting himself into situations? Because that's hilarious and wonderful.
Mini Episode: Space Rage
"Badass McAwesome" Is that Doug doing a southern accent? I love his radio shows.
Is he talking about Minkowski? Is he broadcasting that through the ship?
"Our God given American right to free speech and funny jokes!" Amen Doug 🫡
Oh my gosh he's talking to himself 😂.
"I'm stuck in this crappy job searching for alien life for 14 hours a day" "we've all certainly been there" I can't, please 😂😂😂
"There's this script you're supposed to broadcast" "sound like command trying to keep you down"
"I've been reciting every Simpson's treehouse of horror episode from memory" / "That's the way Abe Lincoln would have wanted it."
I love this. I love patriot cowboy Doug. 🤠 You can't be taking his freedoms!
"Fighting the good fight" aksjkfjsdlf;kj
Oh who is the sponsor this time? Oh Dr. Hilbert's seaweed coffee. "It's the only thing we have. It's the only thing we have."
"You're live. Let freedom ring!" Doug is the best honestly.
Oh dear.
"Okay you're taking me alive. That's all the time we have for today folks!"
Doug is iconic.
These were great. Short, but great. Maybe I'll try to listen to the Mission Mishap ones a few at a time so that I can still give you reactions, even if I don't have the time or health to give you the full length reactions you deserve dear readers. But don't worry. As soon as I have time, I will react to the rest of the series. Thanks for reading!
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 4 months
There's something boggling my mind: brace yourself this is gonna be long.
Brad Pitt another A-list and Hollywood celebrity like Chris apparently is dating his manager 26 years younger than him! I checked and he's 60 years old and his current woman 26 years old just like Abba. So what is boggling my mind is that, why Chris got backlash for it when the age gap between he and Abba is just 16 basically half of the age gap between Brad and his current partner but NO ONE is saying nothing about them. He's still has million of fans loving (yes loving him!) and supporting him, even the general public is interested in him despite this weird relationship. Why?¿?¿ it makes no sense tbh whatever conclusion we come up with.
Honestly I can accept age gaps until 17 let's say roughly 20 but only if they're both consensual adults. I think 26 years difference even if Brad's woman is an adult is too much given that he's 60 years old. However they're just dating for now.
Another famous hw couple Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Hilarie Burton have 16 years age difference and no one is saying nothing bad but rooting for them together (same). Yes she's 41 and he's 57 but let's not forget they dated/married pretty young and EVERYONE in a age gap relationship will reach that. Same thing you know?
Another famous hw couple Rosie Whiteley and Jason Statham - 20 years of age difference but his fans never left and they do love and support him like before even his woman is well liked by his fans and he showed her off multiple times.
There are plenty of other famous hw couples (most married) with even bigger age gaps but I see no one complaining even if the man shows up at every event with his woman and viceversa and fans are literally happy for them.
Now, I know Chris and Abba are PR but why for him dating/marrying younger is a "problem" when the age gap between them is not even 20 while other hw couples (in love forreal) with even bigger age gaps live their lives normally and fans are more happier than ever with their fave being happy with their women ??
This makes me think that the age gap is just an excuse (mainly cause she's a fcking adult wether you like it or not) because it's clear to me after I mentioned all those couples and no one bothering them but being supportive instead, some fans do not want to admit her not nice personality aka racism aka trolling aka disrespecting towards Chris in general so they use the age gap excuse.
If the woman wasn't racist, a porn enthusiast, a troll, a clout chaser, disrespectful towards journalists I surely had no issue with her being Chris's partner and I'm more older than her and I look younger than my age just like Abba.
That's it. Sorry for my long ass vent, Mod ❤️ but I want to clarify this is not aimed at you but those who have a problem with it and they better grow up. Also sorry if I made grammar mistakes as English is not my first language.
I'm team Chris 🙌💙
I braced myself, An🫶n and I'm glad I did.
Exactly! It's honestly easier to use the most basic shallow reasons, because if we use the real reasons, it'd be a long ass Convo with a ton of back and forth, wherein, you're not even sure you can change a person's mind by the end of it.
So, yeah. Not a problem for the other couples, because in a way, they aren't problematic. Meanwhile Albitch... Has a long trail of red flags to follow her around 😆
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Don't worry about it! This was a good read. And definitely insightful, and sometimes we really do gotta get it off our chests.
And I understood you perfectly ☺️
Welcome to the Team!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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peachypinkygloss · 1 year
tips to write for people whose first language it's not english? sorry if i just confused you but i think I read somewhere that english it's not your first language and I'm trying to get into writing again, but in english.
If it wasn't you, sorry you can ignore this. Haha.
love you and your fics🩷
don't worry! yes, it was written on my navigation before, but I removed it because I thought it didn't fit :') I don't know your level in English, so excuse me if you already know/do the tips I'll give you 🥲 but I consider them really helpful! they are just under the cut 💕
Proofread your works and use google docs to correct your grammar mistakes. I always copy/paste my fics in google docs to check if my phrasings and wordings are correct. You could use grammarly, I think it does even a better job (i'm personally too embarrassed to put in my smut lmao).
Use synonyms and adjectives! It's refreshing to not always read the same words or expressions. Be sure to stay close to the original meaning of the word and to not use words you're not familiar with. Sometimes it won't mean the same in your language versus in English.
Expand your vocabulary by reading books or even fics in English. Google words you don't know even if you understand the context. It happened to me to use words I've seen in similar context, but it didn't mean at all what I thought. Don't rely too much on fanfics because even though there are great authors, some don't really follow grammar rules (even with English as their first language), so you could get fooled. 😅
Practice! a lot, lot, lot... At first, it really isn't as natural as in your native language (it still feels unnatural sometimes 😳), but the more you write and read, the more it's easier and smoother. Don't compare yourself too much to others and remember to go at your own rhythm.
I don't think I have more tips like these, at least those are the ones I'm thinking of right now. Honestly, it won't be perfect in the beginning (my writing was awful back then), so really, the key is to practice. Google translate is a good friend of mine, don't be scared to use it as well 😁 If you already have a basis in your native language, it's awesome. Even though you're using completely different words, it's still the same process.
I won't lie, your level in English influences your writing a lot, too. I suppose yours is pretty good since you speak really well, but in case, you can always watch YouTube videos, there are a tons explaining grammar rules.
I think this is all!? If you need help on anything or have questions, don't hesitate to send me an ask or even a dm. I'm always there to help 🫶🏻 Thank you for reading my works, baby, love u too 💋 xox
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relaxxattack · 1 year
I saw you're taking system asks or something and I already have a ton of info abt systems (from you and my friends) but I have some really dumb ones so uh here they are
Since my friend the fruit bakery system (prty sure that's still the name) has other alters fronting most of the time and types with them in the chat is it like. Keyboard spam if multiple people try typing at once. Like how does that work
If another alter tries to front do they basically just kick you out or do you still co-front
I can't think of more rn but are there any dumb things you have to deal with? Just random things that may be a little annoying?
Also I hope you and everyone else is doing good
One more question though that is not system related can you tell me to read homestuck. I've been meaning too since literally December 2021 and whenever someone tells me to do something I feel like I NEED to do it even if they don't even talk to me
That's all thanks I'm not rereading this so if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes sorry
- someone’s message usually has to take priority, but it can be annoying if multiple people are talking
- it depends on what they’re doing. if someone pops up because they notice pinterest and they want to scroll for project ideas, that wouldn’t kick me out, but if my cohost wants to talk to his boyfriend that would. depends how private it is. also with our being median it’s a much more smooth/gradual switch, so it’s not usually super jarring necessarily
- SCHEDULING. everyone has different things they want to do and different places they want to go and different friends they want to talk to and it’s almost impossible to manage 😭 imagine you only got to have part of your day to live your own life because the rest of the day has been divided up equally so everyone gets to talk to their own friends. normally you’d just talk to your own friends without much issue! (and we’re super bad at diving it evenly as well. some people get way more time to do what they want than others)
- also, clothing. it sucks to be so unsure about clothing because everyone wants something different but also you don’t want to ruin your progress with correct gendering with family members or whatever… it’s a whole thing
- everyone’s doing pretty neutral today, been kind of a rest day since we’re off work :] nothing bad
- reading homestuck was extraordinarily fun for me! but to be honest you mostly get out of it what you bring to the table, so unless you’re already excited about specific aspects, it might be a drag. personally i love it obviously and would recommend
thank you for the ask! have a great day!
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fanfic-inator795 · 7 months
OKAY SO- this is really random and VERY cringe but screw it, it's funny to me in retrospect so let's get cringe.
I just watched one of those reddit answer compilation vids with the topic being "Your First Writing Mistake". Whiiiich got me thinking about my first writing mistake as well as my first fanfics.
So, thinking it over, I'm pretty sure that my first 'mistake' of sorts (outside the typical grammar and pacing mistakes of a writing newbie) was trying to insert angst into a series where it didn't really work or fit. And yeah, I get that's fairly common (especially for young writers) but I think I did it in a pretty 'unique' way, lol.
I was either in 8th or 9th grade (so in other words, prime teenage angst/edginess phase) when the CN show "Chowder" came out. I loved its silliness and the bond that the characters had with each other, but I also wished that it could be more "serious" and "dramatic" given how often the characters were in danger. (Because even back then, lil' Andrea's favorite genres were hurt/comfort and family fluff)
I had also started reading the "One Last Wish" series at that time (which, for those who don't know, is a series about kids with serious and/or terminal illnesses who get sent $100,000 checks by some unknown person). You guys can see where this is going.
My first fanfic was about Chowder getting some sort of disease (I think it was Malaria, I remember hearing about it on one of the shows my mom watched at the time) and getting treatment for it (based on VERY surface level research) plus dealing with the previous mentioned $100,000 check. I also ended up writing an EEnE/One Last Wish fic with Double D getting lung cancer. (I really did like those books, and I had also been inspired by another fanfic writer who was doing the same thing with early/mid 2000s Disney Channel cartoons).
Later on, I wrote fics about Chowder and the gang being on their world's version of the Titanic (was briefly obsessed with that movie as a kid) as well as a hurt/comfort aftermath fic based on that one episode where Chowder gets possessed by a ghost turkey. You know, that ep that was specifically meant to be a silly Exorcist parody? Yeah, I looked at that and was all "but what if it was taken seriously?"
Super cringe to look back on now, but I'm pretty sure a lot of kids shared similar feelings about the show given that (from what I remember, given those fics are looooong gone) they were fairly popular on FF.net. One person even made a book cover of sorts for the Chowder/One Last Wish fic, which I remember being incredibly touched by.
Also for what it's worth, not ALL my old Chowder fics were angsty or involved death/characters nearly dying - I had tons of Chowder/Panini fics (which, oof, that ship aged poorly) as well as a Pokemon AU and a Chowder/Total Drama crossover fic, among others.
But yeah, as much as I laugh and wonder what younger me was thinking, I guess there are worse ways to express yourself during your angst phase than taking a silly cartoon and writing it to be more drama than comedy.
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sw1mmingfoolz · 2 years
How did you become fluent in Korean and how long did it take you? Just wondering because I've been studying on and off for almost 2 years and all I can do is read Hangul 😅😅
Hello there!! Honestly I feel this ask so hard and I will try my best not to rant (it is a long answer regardless though, apologies!) but I'm gonna preface this by saying:
DO NOT believe people who tell you Korean is easy.
This goes especially if your native tongue is English. Sure, learning Hangul is easy, and a lot of basic words are easy too, but Korean and English are basically complete opposites, and believing this will quickly cause you to become disheartened. The grammar is entirely different, verb conjugation can take a while to perfect, particle use is incredibly hard to get right because for Koreans it is more of an instinct than something learned and, maybe hardest of all, when self studying is can be hard to sound natural.
The biggest mistake people make is trying to 1:1 translate between English and Korean, which doesn't work because they're so different. For example you don't tend to use pronouns often in Korean like you do in English; using Papago (or, god forbid, Google translate) will often bring up words like 당신 (don't use this word in conversation like, ever hahaha) and 너 (only use this with close friends and people younger than you) or 그녀는/그는 (which are more written grammar and kinda rude to say unless talking about someone younger) instead of teaching you to use a person's name and social title, and this is one of many issues that result from that kind of 1:1 learning. So in theory it's rather easy to learn but you'll sound stilted and textbook-y.
So, in saying that, I want you to know Korean is a pretty big task if you want to speak it well. If you're happy enough with just basic enough Korean TTMIK videos have you covered pretty much (and if you wanna become fluent they really have you covered, as their in depth grammar videos, IYAGI and their cultural/Q&A videos are really helpful when dealing with what I mentioned above!).
I've been learning on and off for the last 8 years now, with the last roughly 4 spent seriously learning and honestly my speaking still kinda sucks because I only really started speaking frequently this year in person with a Korean friend. My reading, writing and listening are all way better than my speaking but I'm getting there with the latter! My main advice is to not neglect any of the four; if you can get a Korean friend to practise with that's incredible as they're easily able to tell you "no one really says that" or something (although don't just get a friend for the sake of bettering your Korean lol), but even if not I used to just narrate everything I was doing to myself, sit and create fake scenarios and act them out, or even talk to my dog (who doesn't seem to know Korean sadly 😤). For listening there's tons of practice on YouTube and Korean kid's cartoons (there's a lot of Korean dubbed Peppa Pig on YT that I've watched plenty of haha). For grammar I honestly recommend you properly learn English (or your native tongue's) grammar as I realised a lot of my struggles with Korean grammar was not knowing grammatical terminology due to English grammar being completely second nature to me. Immersion is more important than sitting down every day to write a bunch of random stuff you won't immerse for an hour; podcasts and even songs are good for learning on the go and flashcards are IMMENSELY helpful for particles and vocabulary! The Korean subreddit is also IMO a very underrated tool as very specific questions are answered on there :)
But my main advice? Just be nice to yourself. Not only is it hard to learn but a huge mistake we as language learners tend to make is wanting perfection immediately. To be crippled with fear so much you don't even speak is a death wish upon your learning. I still struggle with this, but meeting Hyunju helped a lot because she made me realise her English grammar sometimes isn't the best, or she'll sometimes use the wrong word or not know the right word, but I always understand her anyway and it's the same with my Korean. Speak as much as you can, crave the knowledge, watch and listen to as much Korean stuff as possible and you'll pick up words and grammar patterns without noticing, and don't give up.
Sometimes you may feel a little overwhelmed, for it is a lot to learn, by which point you should absolutely step away and just take a break. I think Felix once expressed this as well when he was asked about learning Korean but like, it's an entire language, it's a lot to take in, and sometimes it can really feel like too much. By then it is best to take a breather or you can quickly unravel your passion or want to study at all. It isn't a race, people learn at different speeds, and it does tend to take multiple years to be proficient!
Best of luck to you, and you (or anyone!) can always feel free to message if you need any specific help or a conversation buddy :) 응원하고 있어요~
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lokescurse · 3 years
Hello I hope you're feeling better soon and please a - z for naoya and the nsfw alphabet hehe I'm greedy for Naoya content. Sending love and hugs
Thank you~❤️I'm doing okay, still recovering but I was well enough to finish this. I hope the wait was worth it! Some of these letters were already answered for other people, so I'll be linking back to the posts where I put them. Otherwise, here you are, a full alphabet for our favourite little menace of the Zenin clan:
These are gn!Reader friendly!
As one could expect, MDNI, thank you!~ Specific warnings under the cut.
C/D1/K/W1 & B/D2/J/N/W2
Warnings: Mentions of cum, katoptronophilia, limited aftercare, oral sex (both receiving), rough sex, mocking, degradation, humiliation, praise, choking, implied unprotected sex, creampies/cumming inside, detailed descriptions of uncircumcised dick, semi-public sex, quickies, exhibitionism, descriptions of pubic hair, use of toys, sexting, dick pics, overstimulation, dumbification, multiple orgasms, and orgasm denial. Also if there are grammar and spelling mistakes, I’m sorry but I didn’t have the energy to proof read this a million times lol.
A = Aftercare: Aftercare with Naoya is...minimalistic, really. If he’s awake enough after sex, he’ll probably want to wash off with you so that you don’t have to worry about yourself or your bed sheets in the morning, though. This can be a shower or a bath and he doesn’t really have a preference, so if you just want a quick rinse that’s fine & if you’d like to put some scented bath salts in the tub and just soak for a bit, that also works. He’s not really picky during this time (in fact, Post-orgasm Naoya is probably the most agreeable version of him lmao). Anything more than this is a bit of a toss-up, however. He’s probably just gonna want to go straight to bed or he’ll have to even skip the wash, adjust himself, and head off to whatever he has next on his daily agenda. But, if he does get to stay in bed for the night, expect him to also use whatever power he has to sleep in with you the next day.
D = Dirty secret: This is one that even a very beloved partner would have significant difficulty wrangling out of him.....but Naoya really doesn’t mind the idea of wearing lingerie, even if it’s a bit more on the feminine side. He has a great figure and he knows it. What’s more is that he loves all kinds of accessories that accentuate his naturally pretty features. So it should come as no surprise to learn that Naoya has definitely tried on a few things in front of his mirror, and somewhere deep in his computer are the selfies he took while wearing the pieces he liked most. He’s especially partial to black garments with lace trim and lots of straps & garters. Perhaps even more than the lingerie itself, he loves thinking of all the praise and compliments he’ll receive for wearing it. So his partner had better be prepared to absolutely drown him in heartfelt flattery if this is a thing they’d like to see more of in the future.
E = Experience: Naoya isn't very experienced, in my opinion. I do think that he'd be willing to have a few one-night-stands here and there just to get out some of the frustration that he can't relieve himself, but that doesn't mean he was all that well-educated on what to do. He's not innocent by any means, but being with him means being willing to understand that he'll need some actual practice to be exceptional at anything in the bedroom. His one strength is that he does have some natural talent with his tongue and fingers, though, if you get my drift. It's a learning curve, but he'll get there. F = Favorite position: I’m of the mind that Naoya enjoys the butterfly, cowgirl, classic missionary, and spooning positions best. Ultimately, these are all positions that either 1) let him see his partner’s face & body, 2) let him press his skin directly against theirs, or 3) both. A position that allows Naoya to choose between getting up close and sensual or leaning back and enjoying the view is going to land on his favourites every time. All four of these also allow him to have good control over the pace to some extent or another (which we’ll establish later as being fairly important to him). Even cowgirl gives him the option to steady his partner’s hips and push into them at his desired speed from below. An honourable mention here is doggy style, but he tends to only like it while him and his partner are facing a mirror. Like I said, he likes to be able to see everything.
G = Goofy: Naoya doesn't tend to be goofy during the act, per se, but he does enjoy bringing his normal scoundrel attitude into the bedroom with him. He's the mocking, sarcastic, and teasing sort. At times, it can also just be him playing coy in an attempt to get his partner to admit to/beg for something they want done to them. He's the kind to hear his partner say "please..." and ask "please, what?" even though he knows full well what it is they're looking for. Playful, to say the least. We’ll get more into this when we get to U.
H = Hair: While the idea of Naoya also bleaching his pubes is...interesting to me, I do think that he keeps them the natural black colour they are. As far as the cut goes, I’d say he’s very well groomed. He keeps it well-shaped and tame down there, sometimes he might even shave it completely if he’s going to be too busy to see to it properly for a while. He does also take into account what his partner likes, though, as he wants to make sure he’s as attractive to them as he can be in every possible way. Tell him what you like and, if it suits him, he’ll do his best.
I = Intimacy: Let’s face it, Naoya’s not the romantic type. While he can be tender, it’s rare that there’s a time with Naoya that isn’t punctuated by roughness or mockery to some extent or another. But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t something deeper to it at all. More accurately, Naoya’s roughness is largely due to his enthusiasm to be wrapped up with his partner in the first place. Obviously, his nigh insatiable appetite is also to blame, but it’s not the only contributor to his eagerness. When Naoya desires someone, he desires them wholly, and he seeks no one else. So while his partner probably shouldn’t expect a soft/romantic lovemaking session unless it’s their birthday or some such occasion, they should know that everything Naoya does is specifically, and only for them. It has its own inherent romance to it, even if it’s not always clear.
L = Location: There a few different locations that Naoya loves to get tangled up in. His own bed, the estate sauna, the training mats in the dojo - they're all great and he'll almost never say no to them. But there's one place that Naoya absolutely loves to defile with his partner more than any other:
His father's bed.
It's risky and he knows well that it's not always an option, but if there's ever a moment in which his partner is game and Naobito is busy elsewhere, Naoya will practically sprint there. The whole way he's biting his lip at the thought and loosening his clothes to prevent lost time. He can't help but to love the high that comes over him when he and his partner have their way in the Very Important Private Room Only for the Head of the Zenin Clan. It serves as both a reminder of his own personal motivations, as well as just a giant "Fuck You" to his father in general. The best of both worlds. M = Motivation: Naoya isn’t a difficult man to turn on, as he’s practically always at the ready. You can pretty much just vaguely allude to the concept of sex and his brows (and something else) will begin to perk up. However, I do think there are a few little things that will get him particularly entranced with his s/o. One of them is low-cut or revealing clothing. Parade yourself with confidence or tease him with a suggestive outfit and he’s already ravishing you with his eyes at every possible moment. Naoya loves beauty and ostentation, so if his partner takes the time to pick out clothes that really highlight all their best curves & features, you can bet that Naoya isn’t going to be able to keep his hands to himself. For male/masc partner’s especially, I think he also loves shows of strength. Naoya can’t help but stare when he sees taught muscle flexing, or be impressed by how easily his partner can lift heavy objects that he can’t (as I’m writing this, I’m thinking maybe maybe maybe Naoya might just have a bit of a size kink, too eheh). Finally, something that works for all kinds of s/os is that Naoya absolutely loves having his neck touched - it’s probably his most sensitive, non-erogenous body part. If the person he’s involved with at the time comes up behind him while he’s sitting on a couch or at his desk, gently grazes their fingers along the side of his neck, and whispers something suggestive in his ear, Naoya’s all but putty in their hands.
O = Oral: Oh, Naoya, Naoya, Naoya. When isn’t this man wagging his tongue? Honestly, even he knows that he really ought to put it to better use sometimes. And so he does, but you almost hate to admit that he’s so damn good at it. As one could imagine, it’s filled with a ton of teasing, though. There’s plenty of him blowing lightly on the excited skin, lots of kitten licks and soft kisses, and of course it wouldn’t be sex with Naoya without a heavy dose of “use your words” and other taunts. Ultimately, there’s not much Naoya Zenin loves more than really taking his time between his partner’s thighs and watching as they completely come unraveled beneath his diligent tongue. It’s so good to him, that he’s often caught moaning around his partner’s sex, sending pleasant vibrations all along the flesh there & enhancing the experience further. Sometimes, even, he can’t bring himself to stop after his s/o’s release finishes coating his lips, and he’ll continue to press his tongue against them until they’re jolting from overstimulation. Even then he might not stop without a safeword. Asking Naoya for oral really is a gamble in that way. There’s no telling whether he’ll leave his partner at a comfortable satisfied, or catapult them thoroughly into mindless and exhausted.
Naoya prefers to give and, honestly, if he had to choose the method to his climax, he’d just choose sex over oral if he had the time. That being said, Naoya was made for multiple orgasms. So if there’s only enough time for oral, expect for him to try and make use of every possible second. Therefore, his partner should probably make sure they rest their jaw afterwards.
P = Pace: Generally speaking, Naoya prefers the act to have a more rapid pace. As one can expect from someone with a speed-based technique, Naoya has a great capacity to keep things moving quickly. The bedroom is no exception. Even in moments where the scene is more sensual, he can’t help but raise the pace as time goes on. There’s something about the extra friction and the desperation it fills him with that makes the sex all the more passionate in his eyes. Just him and his partner, recklessly chasing their highs together. Mmm.~ ♡
Q = Quickie: Naoya loves quickies, for the most part. He kind of has to, seeing as he has to always be somewhere for some reason or another. His partner can probably expect at least one each week in-between blocks of missions, meetings, and other monotony. Sometimes it's the only kind of sex there is, which is mostly fine for him....but he does sometimes long for the more calm, slow moments when he can really take his time. A balance between the two, is really what he craves. R = Risk: Naoya is very willing to experiment and take risks, as I'm sure you've probably guessed by this point. He's down to try almost anything once, and some of his favourite acts are ones done in places where it would be easy to be caught. The things he likes are also pretty varied, and he doesn't mind going from soft to harsh or anywhere in between. Ultimately a pretty exciting partner once he starts getting the hang of things. S = Stamina: I’ve talked about this before in separate posts, but I think it’s fair to say that Naoya likely has pretty good stamina. I don’t necessarily like when other people just say that every character they write for can go multiple rounds all night because that’s not always realistic. But, since Naoya so very specifically has a speed-based ability and we know how important strength, performance, and training were to the Zenin...I don’t think it’s unfair to say in this case that, yes, Naoya can probably go for quite some time. I’m also of the mind that he cums quickly, but is not easily overstimulated, leading him to be able to hit multiple orgasms without getting too overwhelmed or tired. Ergo, this man can and will keep you up way past your bedtime if you ask nicely. ♡
T = Toys: I like to think that Naoya is pretty open to the possibility of using toys. After all, they can very easily result in a heightened experience for both him and his partner. He’d especially love using things like vibrators, clamps, and plugs because of how readily they can bring his s/o over the edge and deep into overstimulation. And since he’s someone who also likes to cum multiple times in any given session, I can definitely see them as being useful to him, too. Ultimately, I think this is a “you name it and I’ll try it,” sort of subject for Naoya. He’ll give anything a go at least once.
U = Unfair: Oh, are you kidding? I think we’ve established by now that teasing may as well be Naoya’s own, distinct love language. It’s impossible for him to refrain from denying, teasing, and openly mocking his s/o during any stage of sex. For him, it’s an integral part of the fun. He loves to make his partner beg, to mock their whimpering, to intentionally “miss” any of their sweet spots, and to give only the slightest of touches against the skin for far too long. Bringing his partner to the brink and sinking them down over and over again - having them completely at his mercy...oh yeah, he positively adores it all.
V = Volume: I think this is where I differ the most from a lot of other people who write for him, because I absolutely think that Naoya is shameless enough to fully moan whenever the mood strikes him. No hushed grunting or strangled noises with this man. He will just let it all out exactly as he feels it. After all, Naoya’s not a person to conceal his emotions as is. Why would he bother to hide what a good time he’s having? Plus, if you’ve been around my posts long enough, you know full well that I think he would also really enjoy trying to embarrass his partner by repeating their own sounds back to them when they get particularly amusing. So, really, there’s no way I would have ever told you that this man is quiet, of all things. Lmao.
W = Wild card: Naoya loves to lock his partner in place, especially when he’s close to cumming. This can sometimes be in the form of choking, but other times it’s just him pressing closer against them or wrapping an arm across the chest/sternum to anchor them to him. It’s quite the display, really. A hand or arm will come up to curl around his s/o’s body, his pace will quicken, and his breathing grows ragged. He has almost no mind left for dirty talk and simply moans readily into his partner’s ear as he reaches his peak inside them. The whole time, he’s holding them firmly in place and making sure they take every drop of his seed.
X = X-ray: He’s beauty, he’s grace. Naoya’s overall body is lean, fit, and sculpted. His musculature is more on the subtle end, but each gentle slope and rounded hill is wrapped so perfectly in smooth, even skin. His ass is especially noteworthy, as it is that somewhat square shape with divots in the sides that one can expect from a very fit build, but also with enough mass there to give the actual cheeks that lovely & grab-able bubble-like quality. Truly, it’s an enticing thing that any good partner would be loathe not to appreciate. Rotating the man a bit, let’s talk about what he’s workin’ with, you know what I’m sayin’? 👀 Naoya’s a proud member of the Pretty Cock Squad, in my opinion. It’s not particularly large or small, sitting at about a comfortable 6-6.5 inches. He is uncircumcised and almost religiously clean. His foreskin is about the same colour as the rest of him, but with a red, blushing quality to it. It’s also very smooth & soft to the touch. There are no veins visible, save for a single prominent, raised one along the underside that looks almost like a seam turned out. The head underneath is cutely rounded, very pink, and super sensitive - which is largely why he cums so fast. Overall, it’s a member to be proud of, and he’ll certainly take any opportunity he can to show it off to his partner. Hopefully they like dick pics during sexting!
Y = Yearning: Oh, boy. This man is horny 24/7, babe. It’s honestly a wonder that Naoya isn’t trying to chase his high every moment of every day. If he isn’t engaging in a sexual act himself, he’s probably thinking of the kinds he’d like to be involved in later, or ones he’ll think about with more clarity when he has a moment alone. So any time a partner even jokes about getting intimate, Naoya will be there actively hoping that they mean what they say deep down because he’s already thinking about just how he’d like to do it tonight.
Z = Zzz: Conked out immediately. Naoya can last quite a while, but no matter how high your stamina is, there comes a point where you need to stop for a bit. It's actually because Naoya is able to exert so much energy during the act that he needs sleep so badly after. Don't be surprised if you roll over to snuggle up to him sometimes only to hear him softly snoring away. Just make sure you wake him up at some point so he can brush his teeth!
Okay! With that all being said and done, I’m gonna tag you ( @depechemoth ) as well just to make sure you get it since sometimes tumblr doesn’t tell people when their asks get answered anymore + I spent a lot of time on this so I don’t want you to miss it!
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etherealcutefairy · 2 years
Sugawara x fem!reader
Warnings: There is a little age difference, she is from a first-year, and Suga we all know is a senior, is more like a platonic crush. (there probably would be some grammar mistakes, but I promise I’m trying my best, hope is clear and that you enjoy it!! )
Y/n is friends with Hinata so she hangs out with the Karasuno volleyball team a lot. Kiyoko is her role model even though y/n is quite (VERY) loud.
1,294 words
Entering high school was something y/n had clear will imply tons of changes, new adventures, and friendships. What she didn’t expect was getting her heartbeat race by those kind eyes from that third-year guy with silver hair.
She wasn’t officially on the volleyball team, but she hang out there a lot and cheer them so loud that they started considering her a part of the team because as Daichi says, she is an enthusiastic crown after all.
Kiyoko instructed her to learn a few things, and she started helping, they made a good team, Kiyoko was quiet, organized, and knew pretty well the sport, on the other hand, y/n was a bit messy, loud, and enthusiastic. They were the perfect match discipline and encouragement.
At first, it was odd for the boys to receive such a loud motivation, but they truly appreciate it, and they couldn’t complain.
The beginning of the tournament was close, so the guys were working extra hard, and Kiyoko planned something out for them, and make you swear you weren’t going to spill the details, you kept your word and keep it as a secret.
So when the day comes you were naturally anxious and excited, prepare a hidden camera for treasure this moment forever since you didn’t want to miss any little detail of their reaction.
They were so caught off guard that their faces were truly poems and of course, your eyes stay a bit longer admiring that senpai with kind eyes, Sugawara, he always seems so calm and serene that seeming him like that took you off guard and light pink blush appear on your cheeks, wishing silently you could make him smile like that, it was a different smile… and when Kiyoko spoke your eyes waded in surprise, the way they all were looking at her, the way Suga - senpai was looking at her, got you stunned.
Does he have feelings for her? It would be obvious, she was beautiful, mature, and had the charm in her mystery, you weren’t jealous but deep inside you wished that someday he look at you like that…
The next day, you approach Kiyoko who was still a bit blushed, when you brought the topic up, she looks adorable, god she was so perfect.
— Hey… Kiyoko - senpai
— Oh, hey y/n- chan is everything okay? You seem weirdly quiet today
— Oh? Me? Quiet? No, no never and I'm okay, just was wondering, you know if you could teach me to be, to be more… like you!
That caught her off guard, just when she thought you were going back to your normal mood
— more… like me?
She asked a bit confused
— Yeah, you know… the guys on the team think of you in a special way
— They treasure your support as well
She says as she finally connected dots of what was going on, but y/n just felt her checks heat and ran away mumbling that she was late for class.
Little did she know a certain senpai was watching all, not understanding quite well the situation but deciding to not make it a big deal, maybe it was a girl thing?
Later that day, during practice every single one of the Karasuno volleyball team notices the changes.
— Is everything alright y/n - Chan?
Takeda sensei asked as he sits next to her, who was organizing the water bottles in complete silence, she nods and gift him a small smile.
— Are you sure about that?
He insisted, worry that something was going on with her since her behavior was being so out of character, y/n sights and in a low voice as she was sharing a secret, mumble
— I’m trying to act more mature… for my senpais notice I can be a serious girl as well
A soft smile appears on Takeda's sensei face and felt complete relief, so this was what it was all about, y/n trying to act more like Kiyoko for Sugawara to notice her, the innocence of the first love...
— You know… they care deeply about you, they all see you as a girl
He says while he stands up more relaxed knowing that she was okay
When the practice ended she was quick in giving away all water bottles and staring cleaning for going straight home, the only one who knew what happend to her was Hinata, who was quick to be interrogated by everyone which end up in him being nervous and running away straight to the bathroom.
— Well, what is up with those two?
Tanaka senpai asked
— Clearly the only brain cell they share die
Tsukki says with a little smirk on his face
— Tsukishima
Daichi call him out with a severe tone
Meanwhile they all try to figure the two of you, and the gym turn out to be a complete chaos, Suga follows Hinata to found him outside the bathroom
— Are y/n and you okey?
He asked with his common calming tone
— Oh Suga-senpai didn’t saw you there… we are fantastic I don’t know what are you talking about!!
He exclaims speaking rapid
— Is there something that is bothering you? You know you can tell us anything right?
He looks a bit doubtful but he just says
— Is not a big deal… really but I swear to y/n I wasn’t going to tell anything even though I told her it was not a brilliant idea she’s great just the way she is…
That’s when everything click on Suga’s head and softly nodd, so this was what it was all about…
— I see so I guess I should talk directly to her, come on, back to the gym, we gotta help
The next day, as you arrived to your classroom Suga was already waiting there for you, when you saw him you felt how your heartbeat increased
— good morning y/n - Chan, can we talk?
He asked with his sweet smile and kind eyes looking straight into yours
— of course Suga senpai
He helps you to put your stuff in your place and took your hand to guide you to the school backyard to where he helped Hinata train that first week
— Why do you want to be more like Shimizu ? I don’t understand
You instantly blush in embarrassment, how did he figure it out?! Did Hinata told him? No of course he didn’t he wouldn’t do that to you and you were pretty sure Kiyoko senpai didn’t share any details of your make over with them? So how did he?!?
— I hear you talking to Shimizu, no one told me
— Oh… I see
— Why are you trying to change who you are? We love the way you are
Y/n took a deep breathe before mumble her answer
— Is just that… I saw how you all look at her… she is charming, lovely and pretty much perfect… I… I just wanted to be like her
Suga let out a little sight looking at her with a smile
— You know y/n Chan? You are charming in your own special way, is splendid, and I’m pretty sure the rest of the team agree with me when I say you are lovely and cute
He said with a smile and a bit blush, making y/n’s heart to race, the bell sound before she could said something back
— oh, I think is time to go, come on, I walk you to your classroom I don’t want to get you in any trouble
After that, y/n was pretty sure she was hopelessly in love with that perfect guy with kind eyes and silver hair, and she came back to her true being, after all, that’s how she like to be, and felt more than excited when Suga told her he likes the way she is.
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garbagepile · 2 years
Just noticed something about mermaid tales, that's like pretty clever
Stuff is the opposite of mcd a lot of the time
Let me explain;
-most mief'wa/werewolves\non humans are the humans there
-most humans are the sea creatures
-Travis lived in too much freedom in MCD, I think??, like alone on an island with no parental figure to care for him, instead a father that tries to unalive him. Being forced to grow up too fast. In mermaid tales he is too restricted, a restricted prince with no freedom. He complains to his guard about babying him too much and that he can make his own choices.
-Ivy's thing in mcd is having no loyalty at all, after 17 years she is just casually working against the people that she previously worked under with no shame. In mermaid tales she has small screentime, but in that screentime all we see her do is being loyal to king Eric and following all his orders.
-in mcd Ivan sapped Lucinda's magicks and using them for evil purposes if I'm correct, completely betraying her and what she stands for, using her. In mermaid tales he still is antagonistic but it is because he -loves- Lucinda, he is so fed up with how she was taken from him he is obsessing over that moment. Desperately trying to get her back no matter how many people tell him he's wrong. In one word he doesn't care and is just using her, the other he cares too much.
-in mcd Lucinda's whole thing is laothing the evil witch steriotype, and proving she isn't like taht and that witches can be good. In mermaid tales she is the villain.
-in mcd is Garroth a guard and Amber a thief; in mermaid tales is Amber a guard and Garroth a pirate-> sea thief
-Amber is not that into rules and very bubbly in mcd, and too much of a nice pushover to actually be let in the thieves group thingy, in mermaid tales she follows rules very strictly. Too much so, very overbearing and convinced that stuff like holding hands is scandalous.
-idk how to briefly explain Garroth's they just are very different, mermaid tales Garroth is such a jerk ajsnisbs-
-Garroth also kinda betrayed the main party in both the s1 finales. But his motivations were completely different-> being manipulated and convinced they did not actually care for/trust him/jealousy? vs money.
-Teony wasn't in mcd but in mystreet she is very smart and thoughtful and seems to think before doing and in mermaid tales she is very brave but kinda does before she thinks.
-not sure abt Zane, perhaps it's that he holds absolutely no power in mermaid tales, he is just the sidekick of the villain. He cannot actually harm you nor does he hold the power to make others do so in mermaid tales, unlike mcd were he is very dangerous but tons of power of others.
Now for the others I'm not that sure aboit the others [and lazy] but ya get my point[I think]. It has now kinda been [kinda] established as like a pattern.
I am sure abt Aphmau however, she seems almost completely the same as mcd rebirth. And it works so well, it's so clever. It really highlights the change in everyone else's personalities, with the huge difference between how like mcd rebirth Garroth deals with the situation vs mermaid tales Garroth. Perhaps it's that she's tall now or something and that the opposite part. I have seen a post talking about their rewrite discussing mermaid tales tallmau, might search for that post once I post this one sjnshss
My sincerest apologies in advance if I said something wierd; I possibly made a grammar mistake wich my autocorrect made into something wierd. And just apologies for my grammar mistakes, and abt how long it is hahah- thank you so much for reading.
Have a lovely day:))
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itoshit · 3 years
Everyone was connected with headsets as we navigated into the building. Gun shots quickly reached my ear but strangely enough, I haven't met anybody yet. My knife and my gun in my hand, I was on guard, ready to shoot. A door opened quickly behind me, and turning around, I saw her. Natalie. She hasn't realised I was here yet so i kept silent, ready jump on her. Looking behind her frantically, she sighted and finally, walked ahead, right on me. Head connecting with my chest, she raised her eyes, and I could see it. The fear. Smirking at her, I just gave her enough time to do a 180°. Giving her the impression of being able to escape, I waited. But soon after I took a fistful of her hair, and forcefully banged her head against the nearest wall. I didn't care anymore, I was mad.
Please I-
Shut. Up.
Pinning her against the wall, arm choking her, I approached my face and observed the blood running from her nose. Pouting, I patted her cheek.
Did I hit too hard? My bad baby.
Hearing some loud noise from my headset, I listened attentively.
Manjiro? We found your girl. Our sniper shot the fucker right in time, he was ready to blow her brains out. The guys are gathering now, where are you?
Hiding my relief from Natalie, I answered quickly.
Will come later. Take care of her.
Don't do anything stupid yeah?
Taking the headset off and tossing it away, I smiled smugly.
You're gonna come with me Nat. Have some surprises for you.
Dragging her by the hair to the empty room she came from, I pulled my gun out and pointed it at her.
Sit on the ground
Leaving her no room for discussion, i watched her kneeling.
You wanna know where you fucked up? I'm gonna explain it to you briefly. Your father died months ago, his body was found in Tokyo's Bay. Well, more like parts of his body. Then...
Tapping the tip of the gun on my chin, feigning reflexion, I snapped my fingers.
Then you assumed I would fall for your trap, giving me Vee. That would have been convenient for you yeah? I'm sure you didn't even know I would come that early. Lemme tell you something sweetheart, I want Venus. And not only for her body. What you failed to acknowledge is the fact that I could get attached. Unfortunately for you, it happened. So now, what I'm gonna do, is bring you back. Vee will decide what to do with you, you were one of her best friends after all, weren't you?
Why didn't you... didn't you tell me for my father...?
We were going to, but only after destroying Yamaguchi-gumi. If you would have waited a bit more, you could have had opportunities to buy yourself a dignity. I was gonna play nice, not telling you the state we found your father in. But no. You were so impatient.
Crouching at her level, I tugged at her hair harshly, making her head go backwards.
You're lucky Vee is still alive. I would have feed you to my dogs if she wasn't. Stand up.
Hearing her sobs made me want to throw up. Now she was playing the victim?
Stop crying, you're the one who took all the bad decisions. Don't make me laugh with your acting.
Pressing the knife on her throat and restraining her wrists, I exited the room. Directing myself to the exterior, I was cut by rapid footsteps behind me. Throwing Natalie on the ground violently, I drew my gun from my holster, turning off the safety.
I was wondering when you would show yourself, Yami.
Eyes focused on him, I pressed the gun on his forehead. Raising his hands in abandon, Yami smiled at me.
Oi oi oi Sano! You should relax. Why couldn't we-
I knew it. It was expected. Bending his arm and hitting my hand with his elbow, Yami picked up my gun in the air. But before he could aim at me, I took my knife and stabbing if strongly in his palm, I took his head and kicked him with my knee. Blood staining my black pants, I smirked at him.
Don't fuck with Bonten, traitor.
Shooting him in both of his knees, I slammed my foot on his face, surely breaking his nose in the process. Hitting him until making him faint, I was panting, a maniac smile on my face. I was enjoying the cracking noises and the whimpers. Red splashing all over my body, I stopped when I assured he was out.
Turning back to Natalie, I dragged her by her hair, ready to finish it. After a long walk in the dark hallways, I eventually found the exit. Opening the door, I was met with my men, Dante and his subordinates.
Sanzu, go find Yami. He's laying somewhere in the corridor. You'll deal with the interrogation.
No one commented on my physical state. I assumed I had blood all over my body and face. My hands were all red so I figured it was the same for the rest.
Now, where's Venus?
I was so slow I couldn't find the right words so I might have made grammar mistakes with verbs and stuff 😭 how are you today ?♡
i’m good, actually have to go out later tonight so I have to get ready for that but how are you?? and ps you’re fine!!! this was so good!!
My eyes were shut tight, not wanting to stare my certain death in the face. I waited for it, breath held and head foggy.
Say goodnight! Koda laughed madly, then there was a bang so loud it rattled my head. Something thick and viscous splattered around my face, making me feel dirty as it dried on my skin. My hearing went in and out, ringing in loud blares. Is this what death was?
Clearly it wasn’t, because the next thing I felt was being untied. I slowly peeled my eyes open to a a heterochromatic man with a scar across his face, gazing at me with equal worry and relief. My heart raced. Mikey’s men were here.
…alright? His voice came in and out as I tried to regain my senses. Venus, are you with me?
I let out a loud groan that must’ve pleased him. The second I was free I was hoisted into his arms, carried out to where the rest of them were. In and out of it, I saw many unfamiliar faces, but they all more or less exuded the same amount of power. The same authority. Bonten executives, perhaps.
Where’s the medic? My savior gruffly asked. Perhaps they pointed, because I didn’t hear an answer, lightly bouncing around in his arm with every brisk step he took. He lowered me on a table that was metal and cold; I shivered the moment my skin made contact with it. The doctors immediately got to work on me, combing through my hair and shouting things like concussion and head injury from the car accident.
But something was happening to me that I couldn’t quite speak on. All I knew was that I was cold, freezing even, but I could also feel the sweat soaking through my clothes. My head was dizzy. My body felt like it weighed tons.
A doctor noticed my state, and went to patch up my thigh, thinking the wound was responsible for it. I could barely feel as they patched it up, but I sent what I hoped was a grateful smile toward them. Then I heard them talking again, speaking about how my condition wasn’t stabilizing.
It doesn’t make any sense, we cut off the blood loss, one said. Other than her head and minor scratches on her face, she’s without injury. She should be showing signs of bettering.
The other one questioned the person who took me out of the room. What was in that room? Any gas? liquids?
Nothing but the corpse, a gun he didn’t get to use, Venus and the knife in her thigh.
I could hear the frown in the doctor’s voice. She was in that torture room for atleast two hours and they only used a knife? That’s absurd why would they… shit. Poison. Check if the dagger is poisoned!
There was silence, a pretty bad one I supposed. The doctors started spewing orders rapidly. Get Mikey! Quick!
Mikey? I raised my head at the name, smiling loopy. I like Mikey, I muttered mindlessly. I could barely see now, black dots swimming in my vision. I waved a hand toward where I think scarface was, pulling him down to meet my lips. Tell Mikey, t-tell him that I—
I’m glad to have met him. I can’t wait to see him. I-
My body fell limp right before I could finish the thought.
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Dream in a Dream (One shot)
Tumblr media
pairing : jeno x reader
reason: because it's jeno's birthday 🥺💚
warnings: please forgive me for any errors that you might meet along the way. i did not proofread this and just wrote this because it's jeno's birthday ㅠㅠ don't get mad at me for my lack of vocabulary or my grammar mistakes ㅠㅠ
✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩
"Are you going to the coffeeshop again?" Your bestfriend asked whilst you were checking your reflection in her vanity mirror.
"Yeri, stop saying "again", it's not like i always go there." You reapplied your lipstick to finish your light make-up look.
"Yn, you basically go there every fucking day just to check out the barista for the last 2 months, who are you even kidding?" Yeri rolled his eyes at the embarrassment that is her bestfriend, yes, you.
"Geez, chill down, Susan. It's not like i have nothing else to do. I mean, it's not my fault that my body needs caffeine every single day." Of course that's just your shitty reasoning which Yeri catches without blinking.
"Bitch, don't even give me that same lame excuse. Just say you're a simp and go." Yeri is tired of you simping around this barista for the last two months without doing anything about it.
"I AM NOT SIMPING OVER HIM! I'm just admiring art." You sighed dreamily as you remember the handsome barista who takes your order and makes them with those beautiful hands.
"Yn, you're not admiring art, you're a creep! I told you to say hi and introduce yourself and not just order coffee and sit on the farthest corner oogling at the poor guy." You rolled your eyes at the stupid suggestion of your bestfriend. How could she even think of you introducing yourself to that beautiful boy? You can't even function well when he give you that beautiful smile that makes his eyes formed the shape of a crescent moon.
"Just do it. It's been two months, Yn. Two months of me listening to your simp words of how beautiful his smile is, or how his eyes would go minute when he smiles, or how he looks like that meme of a smiling dog, or how his arms looks so wonderful in his uniform as he "skillfully" make your order with those "beautiful hands"--", your bestfriend's flow of words was put on a halt as you covered her mouth as she protested.
"STOP. I know, okay? I'm pathetic. I can't help it. He's beautiful, like really beautiful. I'm pretty sure Ten only hired him because he will make his cafe famous. I mean, he's not wrong. Ever since he started working in there, Dream in a Dream got more customers, teenage customers." That's basically the reason why you were not able to find confidence in properly introducing yourself, not when there are tons of pretty girls gawking over him on a daily basis.
"Yn, you are fucking beautiful, plus your personality is fucking wonderful. If he doesn't like you by now after the countless times you sashayed your ass in there, he's dumb and he's not worth your attention." Yeri put and emphasis on the words she has spoken just so it can be etched in your mind.
"Damn, hype woman, chill. But thanks Yeri, I mean I have developed this huge ass crush and I'm scared that when I make a move the illusion will break and he's nothing like I imagined him to be." Of course that's just part of your worries, because the main one is still related to how you're not confident enough.
"Are you boo boo the fool, Yn? Of course you wouldn't know about that if you won't talk to him. You'll just end up putting more and more illusion in your head if you continue on lurking around instead of speaking to him. The worst case scenario is he will decline you because he has a girlfriend, though it will suck more if he declines your invite and yet he's single, like bitch, he just plainly doesn't like you."
"See this is why I'm not sure if you're my bestfriend! You hype me and then you bring me down!" You sat beside your bestfriend on her bed as the other just continued lying down.
"I'm just giving your the possible scenarios that would happen if you ask him out or just talk to him after his shift. Or maybe just ask him if he's single, so you can stop simping and wasting your time."
"He's worth my time." You heard Yeri fake-gagged at your response.
"Simp culture." You smacked her ass playfully before you stood up and walked towards the door to signal your departure. But before you left you looked back at your bestfriend and she's looking at you warily.
"Fine, maybe I'll say something more to him later, aside from my order."
"You better be, or I'm revoking your bestfriend benefits."
The walk towards Dream in a Dream was stressful since you kept on weighing Yeri's advice. Can you really dare to speak to the beautiful barista?
Even before arriving to the counter, you already saw him looking like some shining, shimmering, splendid prince who got sent by the King to work in a cafe for his humility training or something.
And like some coming age movie, he slowly looked up from the cash register and your eyes locked and he smiled at you, fucking smiled at you. Can i have that smile forever? You can only dream.
"Hi Yn, how are you?"
"Hi Jeno, I'm fine, I guess. Thanks for asking. How are you?" You felt your stomach did a some tumbling stunt as you heard your name rolled down his tongue perfectly.
"Better now that my favorite customer is here." Damn, those beautiful eye blinding smile again. You've seen it countless of times and you still can't get over it. Why are you like this?
"Liar." You smiled shyly at the boy you are obviously fucking whipped for.
"Can you two stop flirting in front of my salad?" The little moment was now gone, fucking Ten and his single ass being all bitter. He's basically just seating on his owner's table not so far away from the counter, yet he still noticed.
"Damn Boss, stop interrupting. You're making me miss my shot." Jeno just smiled at you apologetically but you on the other side is obviously on some trance. What the hell?? What does he mean by missing his shot? Jeno, shoot your shot! I'll be yours way before you could ask me out! You're obviously being delusional again, but who cares? A girl can dream.
"I don't care if you flirt all you want. Just not in front of my salad, and not when you're working. We have customers, Jeno." Ten's obviously just playing around, not that you and Jeno will notice. The owner obviously noticed your admiration for his 2 month old barista, you've been a constant customer since then, never missing a day and always visits on Jeno's shift.
"Got it boss. Sorry about that, Yn. My boss and his boyfriend had some fight, so he's being too sensitive." Jeno said to you in a fake whisper. He's too close, you thought.
"That's fine, Jeno. You don't have to excuse his annoying ass. Anyways, I'll take the same order." You smiled and gave your card to the boy to pay. But Jeno waved his hand instead.
"Don't pay. This is my treat." He again smiled sheepishly, he should really stop doing that. You've already have this huge crush on him, no need to get it bigger.
"Ten will kill you. Let me pay please."
"What he doesn't know won't kill him." He winked at you like his eyes is not already small from his smile.
"Are you sure? Because it's really fine, Jeno. You don't owe me anything."
"Believe me, I do. So just say yes, please?" Damn, Jeno, if this was him asking your hand in marriage you would say yes without stuttering. But you thought, a coffee would be a good start. And what does he mean by he believes he owes you something?
"Fine, Jeno. But just this time." You brought back your card back to your sling bag and Jeno mayhaps that said something like "yippee" or "yeheey", you really don't know, he was too cute for you to stay sane.
You were mindlessly sipping your drink whilst looking at the people outside outside Dream when Jeno started walking towards your seat, you did not notice him though, at least not until he spoke.
"Yn?" Your daydreaming was put to an end when you heard Jeno's voice calling your name.
"Oh, hey, Jeno." You smiled ever so shyly, just like you always do when he's the one you're talking.
"Oh, hey... so I was wondering... my shift will be over in like 30 mins. Do you mind, uh, going out with me? Like just walk around the park and maybe have some dinner?" The boy scratched his ear just like he does when he's feeling shy and/or awkward.
You look at him like he just said some foreign language you haven't had the honour to learn. What did he just say? Go out? Park? Dinner?
"Earth to Yn?" Jeno spoke softly like he's talking to something small and fragile, which obviously at this point, are the words best to describe you.
"What did you just say?" You replied in almost like a whisper; but Jeno is looking at you closely so he was still able to hear what you said and that's when Ten walked by.
"He's asking you out on a date, idiot. Isn't that what you wanted?" Ten laughed as he made his way back to his table.
You swore to the heavens, that you will be snitching Ten to his father about all his shenanigans. He's like the worst cousin in the world, i mean not really, but he sort of is, right now.
"I swear to God, he's like the worst cousin." You sighed, exasperated.
"He loves you though, he always talk good things about you behind your back."
"Oh, does he now?" You raised your eyebrow for emphasis and Jeno smiled shyly in return.
"Yes, he does. I may have indulge him because I like hearing things about you."
"Oh." That was the lamest reply you have given ever since your birth. STOP EMBARRASSING YOURSELF, YN!
"Before my confidence ran out, what do you think about my invitation?"
"Oh... Yeah, s-sure. As long as you don't bite." Maybe at least now now.
"I won't. Unless you asked me too." He winked, fucking cassanova knows what he's doing. You can feel the heat creeping up your cheeks.
"I'll see you in 30 mins then?"
"Yeah, sure, Jen." Jen? Who gave you permission to give him nicknames? Get a grip of yourself, yn!
30 minutes later, Jeno came back. Now with his casual clothes, still looking some dashing model from a magazine.
"Ready to go?"
"You bet."
Whilst you were both about to go out the door, Ten shouted something that made you winced.
"Jeno, you can take a day off tomorrow. Sorry for making you work on your birthday, bud." Ten smiled apologetically but Jeno just smiled like the good boy that he is.
"No worries, boss. Thanks for the day off! We'll get going now. Let's go, Yn."
"Oh, yeah. Just give me a minute. I'll catch up to you. I remember I have to say something to Ten, a message from my Mom." Jeno eyed you curiously but he let it passed and told you he'll just wait outside.
You walked back to the counter and saw your cousin with sitting casually with his feet up on his table.
"Hey, Ten. Can you give me that cupcake? And maybe some candle."
Ten gave out a laugh before standing up amd getting what you ordered.
"You're fucking whipped, Cous. Be fast though, you're not the only customer eyeing him."
"Shut up. I'm trying, okay? Yeri is already on my back. Stop yourself from hopping in."
"Well, you always need a very hard push. Don't pay me for now." Ten put the cupcake in a small box with Dream in a Dream logo. You put the box carefully in your sling bag and borrowed Ten's lighter with a promise of returning it tomorrow.
When you walked out of Dream in a Dream, you saw Jeno casually leaning on his motorcycle. He has a motorcycle? Damn, he looks hotter. What the hell, yn?
"Hey, right here." Jeno waved his hand as if you'll never catch him in a sea of people. But you always do, he has that presence, at least that's the case in your eyes.
"Are we riding that?" Jeno laughed at your expression.
"Yes we will be riding this. Don't worry yn, I'm not a reckless driver." He winked. STOP WINKING, JENO.
"I still have a lot of dreams, so that's good to hear. Let's go?" Jeno nodded and gave you a helmet before putting his. Does this mean I can hug him? You felt your cheeks grow hot again with that thought.
You indeed end up hugging him during the ride to the park; since he also advised for you to hold tight. It was not a hard instruction, and definitely not against your own judgment.
Jeno found an empty bench near the children's playground and you both sat in there silent for a few minutes before you heard him clear his throat.
"Thank you for coming with me, Yn. It means a lot to me. I'm almost technically a stranger, but you still came with me." You looked at him and maybe it's the light playing tricks on his handsome face but you could've sworn his cheeks is a little red.
"No worries, Jeno. You're not really that of a stranger. Ten knows you. I've known you for like 2 months. So that's hardly a stranger." You gave him a genuine smile, happy that Jeno invited you, or it would've been you embarrassing yourself to invite him.
"2 months, 3 days, 15 hrs, and 2 minutes."
"That's the exact time I've gotten to know you." Jeno looked down, embarrassed at how he remembers clearly the time you first entered Dream in a Dream, like you're some fantasy brought to his reality.
"Oh... wow, that's quite precise." Your eyes where everywhere but on him.
"Yeah, you could say that. I almost messed up your order and would've been fired if Renjun wasn't there to help me out." Jeno smiled remembering his friend who now take an early shift.
You find your courage to be honest now that Jeno is being honest. What could go wrong, right?
"Don't worry, Jen. I messed up too. I ended up ordering Matcha Latte when I hate that drink with all my heart."
"You do? So that's why you never ordered that drink again. I remember extending my shift that day to practice how to make it perfectly though."
"You did? You're so silly." You laughed at Jeno not because he's being silly, but because he is looking like some cute puppy doing something silly, you still find yourself liking him even more.
"Yeah, people do crazy things when they're in love." It slipped Jeno's mouth before he could stop it. It felt like it was the most natural thing to say. But after looking at your shocked expression he almost feel his heart sinking. But then you smiled and hope trampled the fear as fast as it could even crawl further.
"I guess they do. So you love me, then?"
Jeno hummed before answering.
"I guess you could say that."
You raised your eyebrow.
"So you're not sure?"
Jeno sighed before looking at you straight in the eyes, with the most serious look you have seen on him.
"I love you, Yn. I'm not just sure if it's the first thing I should say after mustering up to talk to you the first time."
"Jeno, can you close your eyes?"
"Can you close your eyes? Please?"
Jeno felt weird by the sudden request. The boy thought what if you'd run away after his sudden confession? He thought he can't blame you if you do that, he was being stupid for confessing on day 1.
"I won't run away." You said as if being able to read Jeno's thoughts. He sighed but proceeded on closing his eyes.
You immediately took out the box you've carefully arranged in your bag and lit the candle using your stupid (yet somehow still helpful) cousin's lighter.
"Jeno, you can open your eyes now." You felt the excitement in your voice, it was weird being able to hear it. But you didn't care, who cares if you're going too fast? You can get to know about each other after today.
Jeno saw your smile first before his eyes dropped on the red velvet cupcake you are holding with a candle on top of it. He find himself smiling, not just because of the effort you've exerted, but because of how beautiful you look.
"Happy birthday, Jeno. Before you make a wish, I have a fun fact for you... Did you know that I have been going to Dream in a Dream every single day for the past 2 months, 3 days, 15 hrs, and 20 mins now because I fell in love with the newly hired barista?"
Jeno laughed hard, like that kind of laugh a boy gives out which sound anything but soft. He has head thrown backwards due to laughing and you just stared at him, dumbfounded yet still in love.
"So to simplify that fun fact, you love me?"
"You could say that. Now make a wish before the wind blows your candle out."
Jeno moved closer and closed his eyes.
He doesn't have a wish anymore, he's got one already answered. He's got you. But he still finds himself wishing, because humans are after all selfish creatures.
Please, please, make this work. I love her, please make her love me more in the future.
Then Jeno opened his eyes and blow his candle. You smiled at each other like some giddy teenagers even if Jeno just turned 20, which means he's a young adult now.
"Do you mind saying it again?"
"Saying what, Jen?"
"I love that nickname by the way. Tell me how you feel about this barista."
"Demanding but fine, since it's your birthday. I love you, Lee Jeno."
"Damn, that feels good to hear. I might be asking you to say those 8 letters in the next coming minutes. But for now, let me tell you that I love you too, Yn."
He gave you a kiss on the forehead and a tight hug. It was perfect.
Two months ago a dream was born in Dream in a Dream. Two month later on the day Jeno was born, it became a reality. Now you'll find yourself celebrating two special events every April 23rd; Jeno's birthday and the birthday you now both share, hopefully for a long time.
- end -
✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩
an: that's all. it's short i guess but i really wanted to write some one shot, so thank God it's jeno's birthday and i have an excuse. hope you enjoy it! - 고양이 🐈
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LEE JENO! EVEN IF YOU ARE NOW A 20 YEAR OLD ADULT, YOU ARE STILL A BABY TO ME 💚 (i'm same age with the nct pig liners 😉) love you, baby!
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revasserium · 4 years
Hi I'm that criticism anon. Okay, your writing is amazing. The detail and attention you put into your work is admirable. However, I am no writing expert, but I feel like you misuse your commas quite often. For example, when you described Sugawara's kisses, you said, "he kisses you to shut you up, because you were rambling on about something or other and it was just a little too cute, and maybe he was just a little too turned on..." The comma isn't necessary after up, and this is a run on (1/2)
... a run on sentence. As a reader, it can confuse what you're point is. I've noticed run-on sentences in other works as well. I'd say to limit the amount of comma use. I know it can be a hard habit to break, but I know you can do it. Like I said before, your writing is one of my favorites, but I can't help but notice some bad habits. Thank you and I hope I wasn't too harsh (2/2)
u are correct anon! i do indeed misuse commas QUITE often. and to varying degrees for various reasons. it is something of a bad habit haha. but i am very aware of it and most of the times, i choose to ignore it for the sake of i guess pace? i’m not negating ur critique!! i do really appreciate it :D and i do think it’s something i need to work on u__u it’s just most of the times when i write for this blog, i just write whatever comes to mind and throw it up because weLL. its a fun lil excuse to write some stuff that’s not my actual writing job u__u 
but ur absolutely right haha -- i do also use run-ons a whole ton! i like to write in stream of consciousness format a lot, so the commas usually just indicate pauses in the rhythm of the sentence -- so like that suga sentence you brought up. in my head it reads as “he kisses you to shut you up (breath) because you were rambling on about something or other and it was just a little too cute (breath) and maybe he was just a little turn on...” i mean, i think periods would probably work too, but commas are just a softer kind of break for me. hence, my habit of just TOSSING them into a paragraph like dried tomatoes in a cobb salad. 
yeah, it can be quite confusing and sometimes i’ll go back after rereading something and be like. okay idk where the fuck this sentence started so lets rephrase. 
i think if i just did what i wanted, most of the time, it would just be one MASSIVE run-on sentence with like. a fuckton of commas and NO periods. that's what my writing looks like before i parse it out into understandable little chunks lmao. but!! as i said, it’s just like. one of those things that im pretty actively lazy about >.
there’s a very strange kind of dichotomy in writing wherein like, mistakes are made either on purpose or not. and it becomes the debate of style vs objective “good”ness, which is a whole other monster all on its own. but i think for this, it’s just something that i’ve chosen to do very actively. for the most part, i try to make sure that the thought is conveyed how it needs to be, to be understood the way i’d like it to be understood, and sometimes, a bit of confusion is the end goal. bc i like it when form reinforces meaning and all that fun sparknotes jazz. 
i’m very passionate about grammar and stuff, so i can nerd out a bit about that sometimes. but rest assured that i have received ur critiques haha
i shall endeavor to pay more attention to the run-ons and commas, but! i also think it’s one of the things that i like about my own lazy writing. 
you’ve got a good eye anon!
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