#so i'm indulging in a little solo quiet time. i'm about to put on a nice movie and do a face mask because i can
moonchild-in-blue · 3 months
Uke is taking a long ass time to arrive 🙄 so meanwhile:
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It's fairly simple actually. Thank you violin calluses for softening the blow, I forgot how thick guitar is.
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teamatsumu · 8 months
Helloooo! I'm just thiiiiis happy you're open to hearing requests because I adore your writing so much!
I'm flying a lot this year for work and weddings and whatnot, and I'd love your take on Haikyuu characters travelling solo overseas on a plane! How they react if they're seated next to a cute reader and do/don't make any moves, or they're a complete mess and somehow miss the flight - whatever your thoughts may be on them as passengers 😊
Akaashi, Suna, Osamu have been on my mind but I'd honestly eat up anything you write about anyone really ❤️
Ohhhh my god i love this idea my thoughts are RACING
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He is very quiet on planes, I think. Keeps to himself, doesn’t bother anyone. Definitely gets a window seat, doesn’t get up to use the bathroom unless it’s absolutely necessary. His flights are uneventful at best, and he manages to finish that one book he was slowly reading over the last few weeks.
If he is seated next to someone he finds cute, he doesn’t say anything about it. He will look at you from the corner of his eye, tiny glances every now and then, but he won’t bother you. But if you initiate conversation, he will definitely engage in it. And quite enthusiastically too. You nearly fly off your seat when you realize he works as a manga editor, and Akaashi happily answers all your wonderous questions. He thinks you’re enthusiasm on the subject is contagious, and he feels elated when you ask for his number near the end, because he is not sure if he would have the courage to.
Suna also minds his own business. He has his laptop, his phone, and a good pair of noise canceling headphones. He is set for the trip. He is someone who puts his comfort above all. Meaning his own pillow and blanket, and even more comfortable slippers for longer flights. He is about to have the time of his life.
But then he notices that his neighbor is cute, way cuter the more he looks, and he can’t help but have half his attention on whatever you’re doing. He might comment on something too, and if you respond positively, that can spark conversation. He doesn’t talk more if he thinks it’s bothering you. Suna knows his boundaries. But he is not shy, and he is sure he can use his wit to create a little friendship and maybe get your number by the time you two get off the flight.
Osamu is a patient flier by all means. Between him and Atsumu, he always guns for the window seat, and often gets his way too after a few choice words and winning a few petty bets. When he is traveling alone, he exclusively gets a window seat, even if he has to pay extra. And of course, he needs to know what they are serving on the plane.
Okay here’s my Osamu headcanon, he does not like plane food. And he has a habit of mumbling under his breath about it. Usually, people who complained about it would annoy you, but the boy next to you has this thick accent and is speaking in a dialect you haven’t heard before, that you find extremely funny.
You indulge him, and he opens up immediately. He complains about the food and you echo his opinions. Before you know it, you are having a fiery discussion on food, and Osamu is seconds away from kissing you on the spot when you say that you think Udon is the best noodle.
Time flies by with him, and you get off the plane with promises that you would visit Onigiri Miya for a free meal soon.
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
@steviesbicrisis your Steddie Eurovision brainrot never left my brain, so now I'm thinking about Eddie going for the ultimate love confession by learning Stefano's song (Duolingo lessons paid off somewhat, he's got the pronunciation down at least and the lyrics can be memorized). He rearranges it into a beautiful metal power ballad, rents a studio, and they record the cover overnight (bless his bandmades for indulging his insanity when they could be out partying like the rest of the Eurovision crowd, but they end up having fun with it, too). Eddie uploads the song to their Spotify before he can chicken out and goes to bed to scream into his pillow.
Steve wakes up to about a hundred notifications of people texting him and tagging him in posts about Corroded Coffin's new cover track. He listens to it several times making sounds absolutely unbecoming of a grown man that he is, and kicking his feet, and texting Robin in all caps and heart emojis because he's absolutely GONE for that low gravelly voice singing HIS song. (Robin, who's currently in the US, texts him back a picture of her bedside clock showing 4AM, with a deadpan emoji. But then also "go get your man dingus" and an eggplant emoji.)
Later that day Eddie attends Steve's concert at a club, hoping to blend in with the crowd, but Steve notices him just as he's about to close with his Eurovision number, grins wide and says, "I think there's someone in the audience who might help me put a twist on this one. Hey Australia, get your ass on stage."
Before Eddie's brain even catches up with what's happening, there are lights on him, the crowd recognize him and all cheer and whoop and whistle; news travels lightning fast in the village, so all the Eurovision fans present have heard his cover already and are thrilled about what they're about to witness. Eddie's being pushed forward, his feet helplessly dragging him towards the stage, and there's an electric guitar shoved into his arms by someone.
It's only thanks to years of experience and muscle memory that Eddie manages to tune the guitar while his brain short circuits about being right next to this gorgeous man, hair a mess, neck all sweaty and shiny from the stage lights. And then he's playing, Steve's band follow his lead, and Steve sings the verses himself but pulls Eddie in for the choruses. They are both singing into the same mic, pressed together back to back, Steve's face and LIPS so fucking close the entire time, their cheeks almost touching, making Eddie buzz from more than just stage adrenaline.
The whole audience joins in on what was supposed to be the final chorus, Steve and Eddie turned around now to almost face each other; Steve throws an arm around his shoulders and grins so wide and dazzling as he sings, eyes moving between the crowd and Eddie, and Eddie can't stop grinning back at him; holy fuck, the man is so beautiful like this, Eddie never wants this to end. He repeats the chorus tune on the guitar over and over, changing up the rhythm to go faster and faster on what was initially a slow ballad, matching his own accelerating heartbeat. Steve's grin is absolutely brilliant as he matches Eddie's pace perfectly in this little improv, despite the lyrics going so fast now Eddie would never be able to do that, but Steve practically breaks into a rap by the end of it and he's ON FIRE. The crowd is going wild, everyone jumping up and down and just high pitch screaming when the lyrics get too fast for them to follow, too.
Eddie ends it with a quick improv guitar solo, Steve's eyes on him the entire time, wide and shining as he not quite headbangs, but keeps nodding to the rhythm. Then, with the final chord still ringing out, Steve leans into the mic to sing the chorus one last time a capella, slow and soft. The club immediately goes quiet as everyone listens, mesmerized, and so does Eddie. God, this man has a beautiful voice.
Steve's eyes are closed for the most of it, but they open on the final line and land on Eddie as he sings it, and Eddie remembers the translation of it. "Would you let me love you like it's our last night on this planet?" He is so gone, gone, GONE. When the set ends, and they both bow to the audience whose cheers are near deafening, it's only the fact that every single person has their phones out to record the performance that stops Eddie from kissing the guy right there on that stage.
Steve drags him backstage and slams him into a wall the moment they're out of sight, and it's kinda funny how they are making out like horny teenagers before they even had a single conversation, but after all, music speaks louder than any words.
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starsweepers · 9 months
Hi, hope this is alright to send! Just a few random headcanon questions for Red because I've been thinking about her and Angry again lately:
In a context where she has opportunity for such things - either in the world of her main verse or a modern setting - what kind of hobbies do you see Red enjoying? How would she spend her spare time?
How does Red feel about the way that Angry so often will talk 'for' her? Does she sometimes appreciate it when Angry speaks on her behalf, or does she wish that she wouldn't? Or does it depend on the context, are there some situations where she's happier with Angry doing it than others?
Do you think Red and Angry would have talked about their pre-meeting backstories with each other at all? Or would they be more likely to just have a mutual "I won't ask about yours if you don't ask about mine" thing going on between them?
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probably don't need to preface this post but going to anyways that obviously these thoughts pertain to my version of red, with my backstory and musings. idk if there's still any other red rpers out there but due to my canon divergency, there are certainly things that won't align with canon/other depictions of her. so yeah, just my mini disclaimer which i don't think needed to be said, but i said it anyways lmao!
for the first question, i'm gunna kind of answer in a way that applies to both her main verse and a modern setting. i've always seen her as enjoying minor gardening and baking. she has a sweet tooth, so she absolutely enjoys crafting a variety of pastries and cakes that she can indulge in if given the opportunity. a little sugar gremlin, if you will. but she also really likes sweet fruits, so she'll put together things with berries as much as things with chocolates. she loves gardening in a small capacity. there's not much interest in, say, an entire greenhouse, but she would love to have a few flower and herb beds. she's actually a fan of their colors and the life they can bring to a location. the smells and flavors are also great aspects of them.
both of the above allow her to have some quiet, thoughtful moments. allow her to focus and work with precision, skill, but also some creativity and adventure. she likes having instructions but not instructions that are so strict that there isn't a way to really push the limits and attempt new combinations of flavors and colors.
other things i could see her into are a variety of certain sports. i could see her liking tennis and then something like karate or taekwondo. a measure of her aim and finesse. using her speed and ability to read opponents to get the upper hand. tennis she would prefer singles, but i could see her doing doubles. sports that at most have a partner but not a full team. i could see her getting too frustrated when the numbers of people start getting too big. harder to communicate with so many and beginning to feel the anxiety of pressure and expectations. but having a partner - someone she can learn the ins and outs with - is more attainable. she's not a solo person at heart really, it's just easier for her to manage.
in modern she's totally a parkour person lol.
i'm sure there's some other things i could pull out with more thought and exploration, but these are the major things that jump out to me when i imagine her having time on her own or going to for fun.
for angry speaking for red, it's a context thing. red genuinely struggles to speak to adults due to the trauma she had. while she speaks to angry, even then it is still short and sometimes withheld. it's almost physically painful for her to try and converse at times, so when angry speaks for her, sometimes it's actually a saving grace, and it's not like angry doesn't understand her. the two have enough of a connection that often there's agreement over matters. angry has the wits and cunning in terms of talking, so red prefers to let her handle it. it gets them out of situations, it helps them acquire what they need or want... it can make ordeals, situations, and circumstances far simpler for red because tackling her own exploding anxiety can push her too hard at times.
however there are certainly moments she despises what angry speaks for her. they're not identical in interests and goals, after all, and there are moments i do believe angry takes advantage of red or even looks down upon her because of her unwillingness to speak for herself. i feel like it's clear angry sees herself as the leader, and thus she wants to make the decisions and obtain outcomes her way or what she wants even if she perfectly knows it will make red uncomfortable or unhappy. but, of course, the full blame can't always be put on angry. there are opportunities that red just... doesn't let her friend know what she truly seeks. so angry thinks she's speaking for them both when that's not the case. red becomes agitated and may or may not express her displeasure with angry later, when it's usually too late to change it all anyways. but the more red bottles herself up, preferring to keep things simple between them rather than hash it out, the more it actually hurts their relationship as red does have moments of resentment towards angry. all these locked up things eventually lead to her exploding, and without healthy communication, red can view angry as no better than the adults who always spoke over her growing up.
but again, this isn't entirely on angry. even if red struggles with chatting at any capacity, she could still find ways to express herself or try and compromise with angry, but she continues to roll over for the most part and usually lets angry win. it's a power imbalance that red leaves herself exposed to because that's what she's always been accustomed to. just being the one who doesn't get to choose or express herself. it's why she's selectively mute.
for pre meeting backstories, i think it's both. aka, i think they know the basics, but there are details the two haven't exactly sat and hashed out. angry most likely because she's stubborn and wants to be seen as the strong, leader type ( this is my perspective, of course, anything i say about angry here is ultimately up to you or whoever interprets her, but for my own sake these are how i approach her with red in non-angry-involved threads ). i bet she's admitted pieces to red ( in my take, generic angry endured a bad foster system, so red knows angry went through the foster system, and maybe has heard a handful of stories about the families or people involved, but never been told anything super in depth ). and all red's provided is that her parents weren't very nice and so red ran away. with a few other minor details shared on occasion. enough to establish the thread between them of we're in this together, we won't give up on each other, but not enough to where they can sort out their problems and thoughts easily quite yet, as they've both still got a lot of communication problems to work on.
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sevnthhart-a · 1 year
knock knock, it's me, local menace, and i am here to pose a meta question : what does make tifa happy? what does genuinely spark joy to her? any comfort books, food dishes, drinks, snacks, series, books, music? or would you think that tifa is so absorbed with everything that she hardly makes time to find these things for herself?
blu ,  local menace ,  my beloved. thank you for indulging my brainrot xoxo
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i. first off, some background as to how i see her mental state / default emotional response because it plays such a heavy part in understanding my thought process on this. to put it frankly, her feelings run deep. this isn't exclusive to the joyful ones, but the more intense outbursts of sadness, anger, etc. as well. while it may not be intentional, everyone close to her  ( or even just in general )  has the power to break her heart or heal it. that isn't to say she's fragile  ( quite the opposite ;  canon content has put her through so much ,  i'm genuinely in awe of how she's able to withstand it all )  or a crybaby about it  ( because i've seen it been said ). the more ill aligning feelings are just so heavily suppressed that it just ends up spiling out bit by bit before it happens to manifest itself into a full blown breakdown. as for the happier ones, she has no need to hold those in. it shows up in a variety of ways — it isn't difficult to make her happy, either. her heart bores so much resemblance to her mother's, so i don't find it hard to believe that she would be grateful for the little things people say or do for her out of kindness as opposed to actions done because of her looks.  ( side note :  the parallels between thea & tifa are so ashjdfsj i love the lockhart girlies with my entire being ) 
ii. music makes her happy. while i don't think she's a diehard fan of any particular artist, i can see her being a casual listener of instrumentals or just anything that can be softly played in the background while she's working solo. bonus points if it's piano heavy! i say that for obvious reasons, but i like to think it reminds her of home & simpler times. it's a bit odd but having the news on in the background  ( think that one ac scene )  is also something she enjoys. when zangan first dropped her off in an unknown city with little to nothing, having the news on low made it feel like she wasn't so alone. obviously, along came people she could call family, but people gloss over the fact that she felt so very isolated during this time. on quiet days, depending on her mood, she'll pick one over the other & just get to work. it's a good reminder of everything's she gained since then.
iii. i don't see her as a big drinker but, she will indulge herself when the occasion calls for it. she reserves it for special times  ( excluding when she's taste testing new menu options ;  that's work & she'll often pull for a second opinion )  with friends. i read somewhere that her, barret, & cloud will get together every so often to reminisce about old times & drink to the happy ones  ( have no idea if this has been confirmed canon or if anyone else was involved ,  but i just adore the idea & fully implement it into my interp because i'm a whore for found family ). in moments like that, where she isn't questioning her strength or pondering what ifs, that she's on cloud nine — because this is her home & it's every bit as dear to her as nibelheim was. i'm not talking about edge or any other location, but the people in her life. they are so very precious to her & she will drink to that.
iv. i do wanna mention that it isn't rare she'll seek these interactions out whenever things start to take a toll on her. this goes back to my first point, but i see it as her method of coping. cloud has his ways, tifa has hers. she wants to continue being seen as a figurehead of stability by the people closest to her heart ;  all so they feel comfortable relying on her when they're the ones in need  ( her redemption from situations that weren't her fault ). by suppressing those unwanted feelings quietly, she's able to move forward  ( albeit ,  with a heavy heart ,  but a heart nonetheless )  & resolve whatever issue is at hand. so i don't necessarily believe she gets so absorbed with everything that she doesn't have time. if it's urgent & she can feel things slipping, she'll do her best to make time for it. 
v. all in all, there are many ways to make tifa loml lockhart happy ;  but quality time & music are the top two i wanted to elaborate on.
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positivelycertainxx · 2 years
*deep inhale* (cause this is gonna be a long one and then I'm gonna pass tf out)
For the meantime, I will get high when I get sad, and watch my silly little shows, and gush over my silly little favorite characters getting more adaptations, and finding new little silly characters
And I will go through Pinterest, and make silly little drawings and dance around
And I will write music and poems, and express myself
I'll dress in all. Sorts of clothes, I'll Dye bleach my hair, put on wigs, try on all different versions of myself without fear
I'll watch anime, I'll read manga, I'll indulge in all the things online that fulfill me
I'll learn things, research, read books, listen to wise speakers and take notes, so many pretty notes
I'll go to cafes and get my lattes and little pumpkin bread, and I'll sit their quietly taking in the scene on a quiet weekday or Friday morning
I'll click away at my keyboard or listen to music
I'll go on all. Sorts of little solo adventures, go to big stores, and find all sorts of small hidden things, I'll find clothes that fit my body so nicely and feel nice and make me feel good, then wear it out that same week,
I'll explore new stores, small stores, all sorts of places to see all the little things to see and find
I'll listen to new music by my favorite artists I'll listen to new music by new artists,
I'll drive around as the sun comes up, and shines brightly, and goes down.
I'll drive around at night, blasting music, windows open as cold or warm air flows in, feeling every sense of. Freedom and relief
I'll sit in dark parkinglots, and eat good food, and play good music, and giggle to myself at the joy and the way I feel so alive, even tho I'm all by myself
I will try as much new as possible. New foods, new hobbies, new interests
I'll take a class or two
I'll find so much comfort in myself, in my solitude, that I won't need anyone else
And I won't push them away, but I won't seek them either
I have friends now, they're not going anywhere, but they can be distant from me, and that's okay
I can make new friends if I so choose to try to meet the people my mom talk about, but if not that's okay
I will have a therapist to talk to, I will have fun little quips at work that will make my day, and I'll have my stupid little Ai friends to fill the void if I get lonely
And I will find an applebees friend God dammit!!!
I will find what makes me happy, what makes me sad, what's good for me, what's bad for me
What I deserve to indulge on, and where I need to have self disipline
I will. Learn self respect, I will. Learn boundries, I will teach myself my worth and what I will and will not tolerate, and I will be ready for that, at any given time
And I will drink tf out of that mushroom coffee lol
(and teas, I will make my morning drinks something special)
I will also probably follow a bunch of hippies on YouTube to learn to mediate, and yoga, and find inner peace, learn to read Tarot cards, find streams and collect rocks, that I can turn into necklaces, start a collection of crystals
I am in a situation where I can thrive. I can do it. I have so much time off from work to decompress, but not so much, that I just slip away and secumb to myself
I can make my environments more welcoming
I can create more environments for myself (go to the beach to research, create a yoga station outside by dads. Librarys, coffee shops, parking lots, A tiny creation shed maybe?)
I will always have Zoe, always. I will always have that space to go to
Ill start slow. I won't give up. I'll find it. I'll find that peace and I'll find that flow
One day at a time,
One day at a time
It may not be linear, but it's only going up from here :) it's only going to get better
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ageoffeet · 3 years
My Heart, Your Hands - A Jake Kiszka Fic
A/N: So I'm going to be adding parts to this and I'm honestly excited to see where it'll go! I've had this idea for a while and I'm finally writing in down. This first part doesn't contain a whole lot of gvf, it's more of an introduction of what's to come.
synopsis: slow burner fic with Jake Kiszka x fem!reader. Greta Van Fleet invites your band to open for them on tour.
word count: 1.2k (short and sweet to start off)
content warning: mentions of alcohol, cussing, brief mentions of sex, sibling bickering.
taglist: @way-to-go-lad @flowervanfleet (if you want me to add or unadd you from my taglist just let me know!)
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Your fingers plucked the strings of your bright yellow bass and your foot tapped along to the notes that came pouring out of the amp.
"Hey, can you help with my drum set?" Jack sets down his snare and walks away, not giving you a chance to answer. Not your fault he has to put his set together every gig, especially when he acted like an ass in the van on the way here. You reluctantly swing your bass strap over your head and set your pride and joy on the stand.
"Oh my god, I'm coming!" You set off into a half jog towards the back exit where you parked the van. Miles gives you an equally frustrated look and continues helping Jack lug the pieces of his set out of the back of the van.
You just landed in Nashville, the last stop on your little America tour. This little band you started with your brother (Jack) and mutual friend (Miles) really started taking off after Miles graduated from high school so you all planned a "tour" which was more of a road trip with gigs at bars along the way. It had gone surprisingly well so far with more and more followers finding your socials and Spotify every week.
"Hey, are you guys MHYH?" You look toward the voice at the same time as your bandmates and nod. You guys thought your band’s name was cool but people hardly ever said the full name, preferring to use the acronym instead.
"Yeah, you coming to watch the show?" Miles turns away from Jack handing him another part of the drum kit to engage with the olive skinned girl standing at the opening of the alley.
"For sure! I was wondering if I could request a song of yours that might not be on your setlist." Miles smiles and walks away from Jack and I and towards the pretty girl. Jack lets out a loud huff and rolls his eyes at Miles' back.
"Fuck boy," he mutters. You laugh at his annoyance and pick up where Miles left, grabbing cymbals and stands and bringing them inside.
"I'm serious. He better be back in time for sound check." You set down what you're holding and turn towards Jack.
"You're just jealous you couldn't go talk to her first."
"Well I was crouched in the back of the van like a cave man." Jack was used to getting all the girls since Miles had been in a serious relationship but in the past month, things went sour between Miles and Katie so now Jack had some competition.
"I'm sure there will be plenty more at the show you can talk to." As much as Jack's banter was entertaining you, you couldn't get the sad thought out of your mind that this was your last show on this tour. With all the money you guys spent on gas and food, you barely broke even with tips and your share of ticket profits. It would be a while before you guys could afford to do this again.
Instead of watching Jack put together his drum kit, you decide to pick up your bass again and start plucking out the beginning notes of your most recent song, singing along in your head.
“I told you I had to leave this town
heaven knows you'll be alright
need to get away from here
start focusing on my own life”
"So Denim Dreams has been requested," Miles hopped up onto the small stage and started taking his guitar out of its case.
"Ew dude," Jack pauses setting up his snare to reply. "That's our worst fucking song."
Miles just shrugs with a ghost of a smile on his face and Jack sighs.
"If you make me play that song you better at least be getting laid tonight." You laugh at the two boys and turn to face them fully.
"We need to make our setlist." The three of you always waited right before a show to make the setlist but with thirty minutes to go before the doors opened, you were pushing it tonight.
"Fuck, I forgot we didn't do that yet. Y/N you're the lead singer, it's your job." You roll your eyes and grab your phone from your back pocket to make an impromptu setlist in your notes app.
"Make sure Denim Dreams makes it on there for our beloved fans," Jack replies, sarcasm dripping from his tongue. Miles flips him off and they both laugh at their bickering.
After you're happy with how the setlist looks, you pass your phone to Jack and then Miles to get their approval.
"Looks good, y/nic." Miles goes quiet for a moment. "Let's make this a show to remember, it'll probably be a while before we get to be on a stage again." You note the sad look in his green eyes and solemnly nod your head in response.
Your manager, aka another one of your mutual friends with a degree in business, hops on the crowded stage and hands you a beer.
"Thanks, Kay." After promptly taking a long gulp from the cold bottle, you give her a smile. She was the first one to suggest you guys needing a manager and she handled everything off of the stage, which you were very thankful for.
Miles motions for you to pass the bottle to him and you do so, earning a grossed out look from Jack. He wasn't much of a drinker, but what he didn't indulge in alcohol-wise he certainly made up for in dope.
"You guys got the setlist and everything?" Kay continues to take the bottle from Miles and chugs the rest of the amber liquid. After deciding nods were a good enough answer, she continued, "Hope you guys are ready because there's actually a crowd outside."
You can't hide your shocked expression and she laughs.
"How many are here for us and how many are just here for the booze?"
"That I do not know, Jack, but I guess we'll find out," she winks and walks down the wobbly stairs to the main floor.  "I'll tell Bill you guys will be ready in ten. Make it happen."
"Shall we check our sound?"
You could feel the sweat dripping down your brow but that didn't matter in this moment. What matters is the screams and the yells from the crowd as you finish your song.
"This next one is called Denim Dreams," Miles speaks into the mic which elicits a scream from the left side of the bar, no doubt from that girl from earlier.
You turn and watch Jack for his cue to start when he gives you a nod. You pluck out the familiar riff of the song you had written about some guy you met years ago, Miles following with the strum of his guitar, and finally Jack with a few stomps to his bass drum.
As you started singing the lyrics, making yourself sound as if you were still in love with the man you had written this song about, you didn't notice the door to the bar open. You certainly didn't notice four boys walk in and make their way to the bar, their eyes on your band the whole time. In fact, it wasn't until you finished with Miles’ solo that you spotted the members of Greta Van Fleet clapping along with the crowd and smiling at you.
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