#so i was like 'oh man i hope those 3 notes roll in soon' and i hit 10 notes before i realized. i could just stop now
le-velo-pour-dru · 1 year
It's so comforting to realize that since the self-imposed rules I put upon myself are completely made up, I can change them to make myself more comfortable. I forget about that all the time X'3
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fayes-fics · 6 months
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader
Summary: An artist meet-cute in the park.
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Warnings: none... this is the fluffiest of fluff
Word Count: 1.2k
Authors Note: Anon request fill (see HERE) about Benedict and an artist having a meet-cute in the park. Unbetaed. I hope you enjoy this, Nonny, and sorry it has taken so many months! <3
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A wooden toy hoop whooshing inches from your knee interrupts your quiet refuge amid the flower gardens of Regents Park, breaking your intense concentration on your drawing and almost dropping your charcoal.
Seconds later, a pretty young girl of maybe eleven years old comes running after the errant object, her plaited hair bouncing, her blush pink dress swishing around her knees as she calls out an apology to you and retrieves the hoop from the nearby bush.
“What are you doing?” she asks, her face a picture of impish inquisition as she wanders back to your bench.
“I am drawing,” you smile benevolently; something about her mischievous spirit reminds you of your nieces.
“What are you drawing?” her grin somehow infectious.
“You see those roses there?” you point with your charcoal to a nearby white alba maxima rose bush, stems almost bowing under the weight of the heavily ruffled peach-tipped petals. “Those are in peak bloom, and I am attempting to capture them, their ephemeral beauty...”
“Are you any good?” 
You chuckle at her youthful bluntness, but just as you are tilting your work towards her, you are interrupted by a man rounding into this same quiet corner. 
“Hyacinth! Please refrain from injuring and bother…” his refined voice begins to chastise but suddenly grinds to a halt mid-sentence as soon as he catches sight of you.
But he is not the only one who has lost the power of speech. 
Something vaults hard in your stomach like you are plunging down an invisible chasm. He is handsome in a way you have never seen before in your twenty years on this earth: tall, with a strong jaw and a dandyish colourful outfit that fits him very well. 
There are a few moments where all you do is stare at each other, lips parted, before he appears to shake himself a fraction and bows his head in polite greeting.
“Where are my manners? I would like to apologise for my little sister almost causing you injury, Miss. The fault is entirely mine; I should not have let her play quite so spiritedly in a public park. I-I hope you are not injured?”
“N-Not at all; the hoop merely brushed my skirt. I am more than fine,” you assure hurriedly. “Mr….?”
“Bridgerton,” he offers, nodding to you in a more formal greeting.
You would know that name anywhere—one of the most esteemed families of the Ton. You instantly know he is not the Viscount, having seen him at society events, so you surmise this must be one of his younger brothers. Before you can offer your name, however, he speaks again. 
“You draw?” 
“Oh.. yes, yes… I-I do,” you stumble, a little taken aback by his question, even as you feel his sister’s gaze volleying between the two of you with a bemused expression.
“I draw too,” he explains, placing a hand over his sternum, the sunlight catching upon a signet ring on his little finger. 
“Oh…” you seem inordinately pleased to share such a hobby with this virtual stranger.
“I also know well that charcoal fingers are an occupational hazard..” he adds cordially as he catches you attempting to wipe the dark smears upon your hands with a rag. “May I see your work? If it is not too impudent of me to ask,” he adds modestly.
“I-I am not very good…” you fret, looking down at the partial image you see on your sketch pad. “Tis merely a pastime I use to escape…”
“Believe me, Miss…?”
“Believe me, Miss y/l/n, it is very much the case for me too - being that I am one of eight. Including such trouble-makers as this one,” he rolls his eyes affectionately as he signals to Hyacinth, who seems to be rapidly losing interest, distractedly spinning the hoop she holds. “Escaping is almost a full-time hobby for me…” 
You cannot help but giggle at his droll humour, and he seems delighted, his face lighting up as you hide a mild blush behind the back of your hand.
“May I?” his ask is so soft you cannot do anything but acquiesce.
“‘Tis just a small vignette…” you excuse meekly as you hand over your sketchpad, suddenly so nervous to hear his opinion. You have never shared your drawings with anyone before, but something about his affable demeanour makes you bold enough to do so.
He is quiet for some time. It feels like an age, even though it is likely only a matter of seconds, but still long enough that butterflies start to roil in your stomach.
“I did say it is just a hobby…” you titter nervously, looking away.
“It is beautiful…” he exhales quietly, tone filled with admiration as your eyes ping back to him.
Your heart flutters as he extols the virtues of your work, effusively admiring your use of shading to capture shadows and the lines you have used to denote the multitudinous layers of petals, his gracious hand gesturing over the picture as he speaks.
“You flatter me entirely too much, Mr Bridgerton…” you demure, even as you feel yourself blooming under his praise, just like the flower you have painstakingly attempted to capture. A warmth in your chest that seems to radiate out to glow all over.
“I assure you I do not,” he smiles, handing you back your sketch pad.
“Benedict,” Hyacinth whines, stamping her little boot on the grass, “you said we would play…”
“I do not wish to interrupt your family time,” you placate, pleased you have learned his first name.
“Hyacinth, I am sure Eloise said something about sandwiches; you want lunch, do you not?” Benedict responds, raising a pointed brow.
“Well, yes, but…”
“Run along then,” he pulls an exasperated face at her that again has you giggling, making a shooing gesture with his hands.
She sighs but departs with a dramatic flounce.
“Sadly, I must also depart; a family picnic indeed awaits. But if I may be so bold, I would very much like for us to meet again. If you would be amendable? With a chaperone, of course,” he adds hurriedly, keen to be gentlemanly. “I think perhaps we would have much to speak of… around art. And perhaps we could… draw together? Here?”
His proposal, so sweet and straightforward, has you rendered speechless again, heart leaping at the very thought.
“I…I would like that very much,” your honest confession out of your mouth before you can swallow it.
“As would I,” his response instant, his face beaming. “Would you be here, perchance, Thursday afternoon around this same time?”
“I would…” The hitch of excitement in your own voice unmistakable.
“Excellent!” his hazy blue eyes seem to dance in the sunlight as he respectfully tilts his head again. “I am so looking forward to it, Miss y/l/n…” are his parting words before he takes his leave.
“As am I, Mr Bridgerton…” you murmur belatedly, the words shared only with the fragrant roses surrounding you, swaying gently in the afternoon breeze.
Your stare lingers where he stood long after he has left, an excited buzz over your skin at the thought you have met a kindred, artistic spirit. And one so very handsome, too.
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actiniumwrites · 1 year
hiii ! I saw that your requests were open :) could I request a scenario with scaramouche and xiao. Where their lover is a super cheerful person, but someone makes fun of them and they get super protective. p.s I really like your writings ^^
synopsis: how they defend you, their cheerful lover, after hearing other people talk bad about you
characters: scaramouche, xiao x gn!reader (separately)
warnings: fluff, a pinch of angst, hurt/comfort, insults, physical violence (not toward reader), swearing, insecurity, xiao may be a little ooc
notes: thank you so much for the request, anon! these are a little short, but i did enjoy writing this. i also tried my hardest to capture the reader as very cheerful, but it was a little difficult to do without it being overbearingly cheerful, so i hope it turned out okay. and i’m very happy you enjoy my writing, it means so much to me <3
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A trip around Sumeru City was not what Scaramouche had planned to do that day when he offered to spend time together — of course, he couldn’t admit that what he really wanted was to go on a proper date, but he settled for this nonetheless. As long as you’re happy, he thought.
All day you had been pulling him around to various little shops and sights around the city. Even though many of them had existed for many years, you felt as though they were hidden gems amongst all of Teyvat. And with both of you originally being from Inazuma, neither of you had really had the chance to experience all of Sumeru together.
Scaramouche didn’t mind it to be honest — you dragging him around, to be specific. As soon as he saw that stupid big smile on your face, any ounce of resentment for his inability to communicate what he wants drained from his body. Naturally, he still put on the mask of boredom, but with you being your excited self bouncing around the city, you hadn’t even noticed. So he dropped the act, and just let himself live for once.
Just before the sun was about to set and conclude the day’s fun, your hand quickly grabbed his as you dragged him over to a flower shop. When you had first arrived in Sumeru, the very first thing you ever took notice of was all the different plants and flowers. And ever since, you’ve tried to get flowers or other little plants whenever you can.
Scaramouche picked up his pace to match yours, although still dragging a bit behind, his hand held on tight to yours. But as soon as you arrived at the front of the shop, your hand moved to the flowers and away from him. Quietly, he moved to the side and watched as you admired the flowers.
“Wow, these are so beautiful! Did you grow them yourself?” you excitedly asked the man at the shop. There were an array of bright and colorful flowers in front of you, each one carefully tied among others to create stunning bouquets.
The man, who appeared to be the shop owner, furrowed his brows and gave you a light scoff, “Pfft, of course I did.”
To that, Scaramouche snapped his eyes over at the man who hadn’t seemed to pay him any mind. His arms crossed over one another as he eyed the man, not pleased with his attitude, but not saying anything just yet. As Nahida had taught him, he can’t just go around accusing everyone of having malicious intent. So for once, he would wait and see, maybe give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he was just having a bad day or something or didn’t mean to come across like that.
“Oh, Archons. Those vases are just as beautiful as the flowers. I saw some really pretty ones at another shop, but these are even better! You really have a good eye, sir!”
The man rolled his eyes and ignored your comment. Meanwhile, Scaramouche sent him a subtle glare from the other side of you. The guy was giving him a bad feeling that he just couldn’t seem to shake.
After a few more minutes of you pointing and beaming at different bouquets and individual flowers of all different kinds, compliments pouring out of you left and right, the man finally snapped.
“Would you just shut up already? I’ve had it up to here with how much you talk. You are so annoying, I mean my god, I get it! I have nice flowers and I’m a talented gardner, just pick some and go!” he yelled out, flaring his arms around the air.
“Screw what Nahida said,” Scaramouche grumbled.
In a split second, you were behind your boyfriend and his arm was held tightly onto the shop owner’s, “Are you done? Cause let me tell you, you have to be a real piece of shit to yell at someone who’s just excited about flowers.”
“Let me go, damn it!” He tried yanking back his arm, desperately trying to pull Scaramouche’s off of him. If only he had known he was messing with an ex-harbinger and a being created by a God.
Scaramouche spoke in a dangerously low tone, “You don’t get to talk to them like that, you hear me? Do it again, and I’ll ruin your fucking life.”
The man backed up quickly, hitting the side of his shop and falling backward. A few people stopped to snicker at him, but Scaramouche paid no mind. His hand slipped into yours and he eagerly pulled you away from the chaos.
He gagged and wiped the hand that grabbed the man against his shirt as the two of you walked to a quiet area, “People like that disgust me.”
You nodded quietly and sat down on the bench he had brought you to. His eyes filled concern for a brief moment before he blinked it away. Sighing, his hand squeezed yours and he nervously gulped, unprepared for situations that involved any form of comfort, “Are you…are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you spoke softly, not quite meaning it, “Thanks for sticking up for me back there.”
Gently, he pulled you into him, “Don’t listen to people like that, you hear me? The only annoying one out of the two of you was that ugly piece of shit. So don’t go all sad on me, okay? I mean it.”
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“Hello, my love!” you loudly called out at The Inn, happily marching in to greet him on the upper floor. A few people on the deck below looked up quickly, startled by your bold introduction.
Xiao nodded at you, a small blush on his cheeks and small, “Hi.” Even after nearly a year of dating, you still managed to fluster him.
Your arm looped around his, pulling him closer to you. You sent him a bright smile and tilted your head toward his, “Are you ready for our lunch date?”
Xiao nodded and moved your hand off his arm and down to his hand where he softly clasped his fingers around your own.
When you arrived at Liyue Harbor, the two of you began walking to your favorite restaurant. It was really nice with all the outdoor seating that allowed the both of you to enjoy the fresh breeze from the ocean while you ate. It also allowed Xiao to be more comfortable instead of being cramped up inside some restaurant with a bunch of people he was unfamiliar with.
If Xiao was being honest, the restaurant itself still was not something he particularly enjoyed. Not because he disliked the service or the other people who ate there, but because he wasn’t a huge fan of their food being an adeptus and all. However, you raved about it all the time and got super happy whenever you got the chance to go, especially if it was with him. Xiao could never bring himself to say he didn’t enjoy it when it made you so happy.
“So, have you done anything super interesting lately?” you excitedly asked your boyfriend, eagerly awaiting his weekly stories.
“Not really. I went to the Chasm recently, but I was unable to find what I was seeking,” he answered and nodded at you, “What about you?”
“I went to this really cute tea shop the other day with Yun Jin! You know, my friend from the opera we saw last year? They had the cutest cups and the tea was so good. We should go together some day!”
Xiao smiled ever so slightly as you spoke, not even focused on the food on his plate, but instead entirely focused on you, “That sounds nice.”
You went back and forth for around thirty more minutes, updating each other on the week, laughing about silly jokes you heard from Hu Tao, and talking about some future plans. Xiao had barely touched his food, but you hadn’t noticed with how caught up with him you were.
Nor had you noticed the snickering behind you.
“Oh my god, is that the Yaksha?”
“I think it is!”
“Woah he’s kinda hot, what’s he doing with a person like that?”
“I know right!”
It was hard for Xiao not to hear them, and he really wished he hadn’t. Of course he wanted to defend his relationship, but he always hated how people seemed to stare at the two of you.
Polar opposites.
To be clear, you were not the one that made him feel insecure, but rather the thoughts in his head. Xiao already had such a hard time believing someone like you could even like someone like him. You were so happy and cheerful and brought the best out in him. Xiao didn’t feel like he deserved you at all, not when he is the way he is.
Insecurity and all, it didn’t stop him from glaring past your shoulder. The more they talked, the worse he heard about you. It was like all they could talk about was your personality and how much it seemed like you didn’t deserve him. How you “couldn’t seem to shut up,” or “wipe the smile off your face.” Or that you “probably had to pay him to date someone like you.”
Xiao was already seething, but what set him off the most was when one of them made a comment about wanting to physically hurt you to take your smile away.
“Xiao?” You shot up out of your seat when he suddenly teleported away from you. When you turned around, you found him at the table behind you.
His hands were grabbing a guy by his shirt collar, holding him up into the air until he began to choke, “Shut your mouth before I shut it for you.”
The guy rapidly nodded up and down. Meanwhile, the two girls at the same table were gawking at the scene in front of them until one of them began yelling for Xiao to put the guy down.
“Stop it! You’re hurting him!” She screamed out.
“You said you wanted to hurt my partner. I am only returning the favor,” he said calmly before slamming the guy to the floor and walking to the girls behind him, “leave before I do something worse.”
Your jaw dropped as you watched the scene play out in front of you. Within seconds, the three of them had scrambled away. Xiao walked back over calmly and sat down. You were still stood up in your seat, confused at what had just occurred, “What the hell was that!”
“They were not saying nice things about you.”
Your eyes widened. You were happy he had defended you, but concerned for the consequences that could follow, “You can’t just go beating up random people like that, you could get in trouble!”
“That does not concern me. Any one that says anything bad about you does not deserve to be in your presence.”
“Xiao…” your voice softened, unable to think of anything to say. You knew he was protective, but it was rare for you to see that side of him up close and in person.
His hand gestured to the table, “Now please sit. I would like to hear more about your week.”
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ghostie-luvs · 1 year
Yandere! Jock (part two) <3
Part One!! Part three!!!
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ who later, after several days of planning, staring up at the ceiling and laying in his bed awake, seemed pumped up, excited for the day as he left for school, in high hopes of seeing you.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ when he arrived to school, he immediately caught your figure, and rushed to make his way to you, only to deflate when he saw you busy with that same guy from those days before.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ who only chuckled softly to himself, and confidently strode up to you, anyway, completely ignoring the guy you were talking to, even shoving him out of the way as he stood in front of you now.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ who rolled his eyes once you started scolding him for shoving that poor sweet guy away, the guy shuffling away. Were you blind or just delusional? Hah, that’s rich coming from him, The man was obviously drooling over you, in what way was he such a poor and sweet guy?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ who couldn’t call himself better and he knew it, having stayed up every single night, practically stalking you on all your socials, even giggling softly to himself when you posted such pretty pictures of yourself hanging out, noting your favorite places in the back of his mind.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ who sighed when you confronted him and found out he had been talking to the guy behind your back, threatening and maybe even bullying him.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ who got tired of your scolding and managed to shut you up, as he grinned at you, offering a sort of deal.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ who managed to get you to agree to the deal, which really, was a date. If you had agreed to give him a chance and go on this date with him, he’d stop bothering the guy.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ who after you agreed, bid you goodbye and a promise of seeing you later for the date, feeling giddy inside as he smirked to himself, walking along the halls. Now his plan was in motion.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ who later, the date being agreed to be at his own place, invited you into his humble abode, the place clean and even set up for a romantic setting, just for you.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ who actually, was a surprising amazingly cook, having cooked you two a nice meal, offering you a glass of water as he decided to put on a movie for the both of you.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ who, as time passes, smiling softly to himself as he sees you drifting off on his own couch, the movie still playing, eyeing the finished glass of water next to your finished plate of food. Ah, it worked, didn’t it?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ who laughed a little as he saw your confused face, waking up tied to his bed, who honestly was aroused when tying you up while you were unconscious, but he would never admit that, and cooed softly, tracing your jaw and the duct tape that was placed over your mouth.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ who only smiled more as he sees you struggle against the restraints, only shushing you and telling you to be quiet, not wanting the neighbors to hear you.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ who promises to treat you so well, like how you should be if you just stay quiet and be a good doll for him, seeing your incredulous face at him telling you all about how you’re finally his.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ “awh, don’t worry, doll…no one will get in our way now, you’re all mine.~”
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a/n: was this too long? Oh well,, but here is part two!! I’ve been a little busy, exam week :( I hope you all enjoyed and reblogs and more are appreciated <3 Thank you for reading and there will be more characters coming up soon !
more of my works :)
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ts1m1kas · 3 months
Original Ask: jamal is y/n’s brother's best friend and they hate each other, but they are forced to share a hotel room on a vocation and they constantly fight and tease each other, but in the end they start to like the other one<3<3 make it as long as you can thank youuu💖💖 (anonymous)
Word Count: 1.4k words
(author's note: bit of a longer one, hope you all enjoy 🫶)
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It was a well-known fact that Y/N L/N and Jamal Musiala hated each other. Forced to be in close proximity their whole lives due to Jamal and her brother’s friendship didn’t help ease Y/N’s hatred for the older boy either.
Something happened along the line that ended the old friendship the pair used to have. Nobody knew what happened, all they knew was that Jamal and Y/N were not on good terms.
The L/N’s had arranged a family holiday and Y/N couldn’t have been more excited. However, her excitement dimmed considerably when she found out her parents had allowed her brother to invite Jamal.
“I just don’t understand why he has to come. It’s a family holiday, not an invite whoever you want holiday.”
YB/N sighed, “You’re so dramatic, Jamal hasn’t even done anything wrong. I don’t see why you think he shouldn't come.”
“Of course, you’d say that.” She replied, rolling her eyes at her brother.
The days before the holiday soon passed and before Y/N knew it, Jamal was standing on their doorstep with his suitcase and a backpack on his back.
“Suppose you better come in then,” Y/N mumbled, opening the door wider and stepping to the side to let him in.
“Thanks,” Jamal replied curtly, avoiding any extra interaction with the girl standing in front of him.
Jamal regretted many things in life, one of those being how he ended his friendship with Y/N. Having known the girl all his life, he should’ve known that sooner or later, his feelings for Y/N would become harder and harder to hide. Jamal had never seen someone more beautiful, kind, sweet, and funny than Y/N, and he couldn’t take it anymore.
He blew up on her and ended their friendship coldly. As he walked away from her in that moment and heard her sobs, he could only imagine the pained look on her face and the tear streaks that adorned her cheeks.
To this day, Jamal regretted it. He wished he could take it all back and just tell Y/N how he felt. Now, when he dragged his suitcase through the front door of her family home and she wouldn’t even look at him, he felt more regret than ever.
“Jamal, how are you, man?” YB/N said, coming down the stairs.
“Not bad mate, how are you?”
“I’m alright, leave your case down there, my dad will sort it.”
Jamal pushed his suitcase against the wall and followed YB/N up the stairs. Y/N’s eyes followed him as he walked away. She wouldn’t admit it, but part of her missed how close she and Jamal used to be.
She missed how he would care for her, drive her places, and wander around any shop she wanted to go to just to see her smile. Y/N also wouldn’t admit she was secretly excited for Jamal to join them on holiday.
The airport process went by fairly quickly, and before Y/N knew it, she was sat on the plane, staring out of the window. She was so zoned out that she didn’t hear someone sit next to her. She also failed to realise that the person was none other than Jamal Musiala.
“Oh, it's you.”
“Brilliant observation,” Jamal replied dryly.
“Okay, no need to be so rude,” Y/N replied.
The pair ignored each other for the remainder of the flight, an awkward silence lingering in the air.
The flight was long and uncomfortable, and Y/N breathed a sigh of relief when she finally stepped off. The family headed through security, collected their suitcases, and were then picked up by their taxi to the hotel.
The hotel was by the beach with grand columns and marble floors. As she walked in through the revolving doors, Y/N’s eyes widened at the sheer grandeur of the interior. She could feel Jamal’s presence behind her as well as hear him and her brother whispering together.
Y/N was pulled away from her admiring when her mother called her name, “Y/N, my darling, come here please.”
Y/N moved over to where her parents stood, noticing that they both exchanged a look.
“Is everything okay? What’s going on?”
“Well, and we know you won’t like this, but you and Jamal will have to share a room.”
“What? Why? That’s not fair! Why can’t YB/N share with him?”
“Because they can’t be trusted when they’re sharing a room. YB/N has agreed to sleep in our room, so you’ll have to share with Jamal.”
Y/N nodded and sighed, “Fine.”
Once they had all received their room keys, Y/N moved over to the lift, followed by Jamal and her family. All squeezed into the confined space of the lift, Y/N realised that she wasn’t too repulsed at the idea of sharing a room with Jamal.
The group exited the lift and made their way down the long corridors. Pulling the key out of his pocket, Jamal unlocked the door to his and Y/N's hotel room.
He pushed open the door and pulled his suitcase in. Y/N followed behind him, closing the door behind her.
“Can I have the bed next to the window?” She asked quietly.
“Yeah, whatever you want,” Jamal responded.
She walked over to the bed, placed her backpack on top of it, and hoisted her suitcase up as well.
Unzipping it, she grabbed some coathangers and started to hang her clothes up and put her shoes in the bottom of the wardrobe.
“Would you like me to hang your things up as well?”
“You don't have to, I'm not incapable.”
“That's not- I meant- I was just trying to be nice!” Y/N stuttered out, suddenly feeling embarrassed.
Jamal rolled his eyes, “Whatever.”
Grabbing her makeup bag, Y/N went into the bathroom, eager to avoid any further confrontation with Jamal.
Her ideas of making amends with Jamal and forgiving him for what he did all those years ago were slowly fading from her mind. She had never felt more stupid in her life.
Jamal felt like a complete and utter idiot. He didn't know what was wrong with him. The whole reason he had accepted YB/N's invite to the holiday was to make amends with Y/N and finally tell her how he felt.
Now, he'd only made things worse.
Mustering up all the courage he possibly could, he dragged himself over to the bathroom and knocked softly on the door.
“What do you want, Jamal?” She replied coldly, not interested in talking to him.
“Can we talk?”
Y/N was caught off guard. The quiet tone of his voice sounded almost apologetic, something she had never heard from Jamal before.
She unlocked the door and stepped out of the bathroom.
“Sure, we can talk.”
The pair moved over to the small sofa in the corner of their room. Y/N sat down, looking at her hands, avoiding Jamal’s gaze.
“I don't really know what to say apart from, I'm so sorry. For everything. Ever since I ended our friendship, I've regretted it more than anything. All these years where I've been so mean and disrespectful, it was to cover up how I really felt.”
Y/N's head snapped up, “Jamal-”
“No, let me finish. Please. I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember. And instead of just telling you, I pushed you away. It wasn't right, and I know it. I'm just so sorry for all the pain I caused.”
Y/N sat in silence. She didn't know what to say.
“Y/N? Are you okay?”
Y/N looked Jamal dead in the eyes, leaned in and kissed him.
Jamal was taken aback at first but quickly moved his hand to rest on Y/N's waist.
Their lips moved in sync, all those years of mutual pining poured into one kiss.
“You have no idea how long I've waited to do that. I love you too, you big idiot.”
Jamal laughed, “I really made things difficult didn't I?”
“Yeah, definitely. Next time you have some huge feelings, just tell me. Instead of cutting me off for years. It's much easier,” Y/N replied, laughing back at him.
Jamal moved closer to Y/N on the sofa and wrapped his arm around her. They sat in silence for a while before Jamal spoke up again,
“Is it too late to take you up on your offer of hanging my clothes up?”
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starryriize · 7 months
jellyfish melody | leehan
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— ✧ • ˳೫˚ part of my valentine event!
೫ pairing: uni bf! leehan and med-student gf! reader
೫ summary: in which your boyfriend arranges a dinner at the local zoo
೫ genre/word count: fluff, rlly cute ngl !! 555 words!
೫ author's note: hehe i giggled while writing this and honestly, cute idea...took me awhile to write abt it tho. i've never been to an aquarium restaurant so i'm not sure if the fish is next to you? either way, i hope you guys enjoy <3 ilysm 🫶🏼
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7:30 pm -
"You must like them." Gesturing towards the sparkly fish that you'd been staring at, "That's the electric blue acara. It's known for its vibrant blue that glints in the sun." He explains calmly, eyes sparkling as he twirls his fork around the pasta aimlessly. As soon as your class ended, he texted you that he'd come pick you up and take you for dinner.
So, here you were, at your local zoo's aquarium, having dinner with your boyfriend. If there was one thing that you loved about your boyfriend, it was how precious he got when explaining anything related to fish. But what you maybe loved more was him, and how attentive he was to you.
"And that's the nemo one, I know you like that one." You smile, staring at the fish that he pointed at, and intently listening to every word he said. Letting out a quiet giggle, you add, "If I was a fish, which one would I be?" He turns back to you, eyes searching you in curiosity. God, you were just as weird as he was. He giggles before letting out a fit of laughter. "Which...hahaha...that's cute, love. You'd be the lopsided, klutzy one!!" You put your fork down, mid-chew, in fake anger. "LOPSIDED? Excuse me, sir." You roll your eyes, playfully pointing to the blue, oddball-looking fish, “Then you’re the…oh! the weird blue one!” He laughs, thinking about how cute you are, and how he's probably the luckiest man in the world to have you.
Without thinking, he blurts out, "I love you." You swallow your sip of water, putting it down as you reply, "I know, and I love you." A small smile graces your face, eyes sparkling under the dim restaurant lights. Reaching your arm across the table, you softly take his hand. He laces your fingers between his own, bringing your hand to his face to press a light kiss on your knuckles. "Tonight was really amazing, Hannie." When those words fall from your lips, you truly do mean it. It wasn't just the delicious food or the ambiance of the place; you loved how your boyfriend always knew what made you happy.
He grins, overjoyed that you liked the little thing he'd planned. Leehan knew that you would end up forgetting about Valentine's Day; most likely caught up in studying for medical school. So, he took it upon himself to treat you to a little something. "Ah, anything for my sunshine. Shall we, love?" He grins, getting up from his seat, and offering his arm for you to take. "Yes. We shall." You happily get up, taking his arm in yours, grinning up at him.
The sound of laughter could be heard from your table in the corner of the restaurant, as you both gathered your coats while discussing the various types of fish. You guys had talked about everything, from the emotionless eyes to acting like fish, making "bloop, bloop" noises at each other. A perfect date, or perhaps...a perfect date after Valentine's Day. It was times like these that you both loved the most. In every universe, you knew that you would somehow find each other and that Leehan would always be your favorite oddball. And little do you know, he knows that you're his favorite weirdo too.
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merowkittie · 10 months
Art Therapist!Reader x Task Force 141
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Summary: Today we’ll get to look at the first client, John Price.
Notes: I should comment that I’m not sure if I want this to go in a platonic route or a romantic way so we’ll see from here. Might make the readers decide. <3
I hope i capture all of the boys good, because I’m still fairly new writing for the cod men.. sorry if they’re very ooc </3
Oh boy.. writing this took a minute and I’m so not impressed with this one but trust.. this will get better :)
Do reblog, like, and comment to lmk what you think about this!
Thank you, sweets! 🎀
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Part One. Client One: John Price.
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The clack of your heels were heard through the halls as you smiled brightly, excited to get to know one of your new clients.
You had two sheets on a clipboard in your arms, a notepad in the other and a tote bag in your left arm.
You had some things you’d like to discuss with him, comforts, favorite snacks and tea. These are important you know! You always got the jitters when you had a new client.
Walking into your small office you sat your bag down on the side of your chair, and placed the clipboard and notepad neatly on your desk.
A sigh left your mouth and you rolled your neck around, trying to crack it and find relief.
“Mm.. ok, where to start..?” You mumbled to yourself as you looked at your bag and nodded.
Starting to unload everything you put your thermal cup filled with peppermint tea on your desk, a sketchbook, coloring book, and coloring pencils neatly into a pile.
Next you pressed the button on your work phone to hear all of your new voice mails and put lights on, in the dimly lit room.
You had two lamps that brightened the room with a nice yellow hue and a flower lamp on your desk that shined a pink light.
“Ms. Kate left a voice message, it says, ‘Good morning, you said 9:30 but we’ll be there a bit earlier than that. He’s adamant about being early to things. John is a very— He’s a man that likes to stay on the move you know? Keep that in mind. He likes his hands full. Anyways, see you around 9:20– 25. Thank you, Again.’ —”
You laughed at her comment, knowing well you like to have your hands full too and can’t stay doing nothing for too long.
The time on your clock stated 9:15, so they’d be here soon. There wasn’t much else you needed to set up in your cozy office but you decided to fluff out the pillows on the couch across from your desk and prep your notes.
Finally, after you killed some time drawing in your sketchbook you heard a knock on your door. There was quiet chatter.
“Come in please!” You called out, closing your sketchbook and looking up towards the door.
In walked in who you assumed was Kate Laswell and behind her was a handsome gruff looking man. He was very well built, a nice beard and mustache and he looked around the same age as the woman. He also had a nice ass but you shook your head away from those thoughts.
Standing up your walked around your desk and grinned widely, you stated your name and then, “It’s a pleasure to meet the both of you. I’m very excited for todays session if you couldn’t tell..”
“Nothing wrong with that. I’m hoping this goes smoothly.” The man, who you’re sure is John, smiles at you and nods approvingly.
“Yes, you won’t give her a hard time right?” Kate jokes and he shakes his head and raises his eyebrows.
“She should be worried about Soap. That man is a twat sometimes.” You chuckled along with him and waved your hand dismissing that.
You pointed to the couch and asked them to have a seat so you could talk to them about basics first and grabbed your notepad and a pen, sitting in your chair.
“Before we start, I want to re-introduce myself. My name is y/n, and I’ve been doing art therapy for three years. I have a degree in arts and a degree in counseling/therapy.” You waved your hands around as you talked.
Kate and John nodded at your words as you spoke and they seemed pretty impressed with what you said.
“Kate Laswell, John Price. It’s nice to meet someone enthusiastic like you.”
You smiled at the comment and then let the two settle in on the couch. Tapping your fingers in your desk you spoke again.
“Ok so, I’m sure you may have questions that you wanted to ask personally! Some worries and concerns?” You tilted your head to the side and smiled, “Or would you like me to give you a brief explanation on what I strive to achieve with art therapy?”
“It’s be nice if you explained it better.. I feel like this is too childish for a man like me.” John commented.
“Mhm, I understand what you mean. A lot of people believe that but it’s all about what works for YOU. Art is a form of expression that anyone can use. Why not incorporate that into helping others and finding yourself too, Hm?” You aided.
It was a bit silent in the room after what you said. John nodded his head, his arms crossed over his chest and pursed his lips, turning to face Kate.
“I like you. Hopefully the boys will too. God knows we need this type of energy with the line of work we’re involved in.” Kate sighs, “I’ll take my leave, and be back around.. 10:30?”
“Yes! 10:30 or you can come around 10:25. Either works for me, If it works for you,” You got up and extended your hand, “Thank you, by the way. I live my life as optimistic as possible and like to bring that into the workplace.”
Kate nods and shakes your hand. Her hold is firm and strong, she’s a kind woman.
“John, play nice.” She said, facing the older man, before leaving and giving you a smile.
After she left you looked at Price and clapped your hands together.
“Well, now I have some personal questions for you. These are about boundaries but I hope you do know we might have to cross them once in a while ok?” You sat on top of your desk this time moving your notepad and pen onto your lap.
John folded his hands on his lap and looked at you in your eyes. It was silent for a moment yet again, though you didn’t mind. If he needed time to formulate his words you’d give him all the time in the world.
He opened his mouth then closed it, with a huff he said, “There’s not many boundaries I have, I’m sure you’re supposed to start slow when doing these sessions, yea?” you nodded, “So I believe you won’t be asking too much about me yet, so when the time comes.. I’ll be somewhat of an open book.”
He smiled at you slightly, tight lipped and tapped his fingers against his knuckles.
You took a breath in, then let it out. Humming at his words you write down on your note pad:
‘Price. Little to no boundaries at all. Open book maybe by the third sesh.’
His eyes watch your fingers as you’re writing, he’s a bit tense, not really knowing what to do. He can already imagine Simon being worse than he is right now.
“Ok so! I do have a question that Ms.Kate didn’t really specify, and I forgot to ask. Is there a problem that’s bugging any of you? Or is this just to maintain a good mind set— or close to an ok mind set?” You put your hands out, trying to elaborate in a more understanding way, “For example, keeping your anger in check, having an outlet to let out heavy emotional burdens.. those types of things?”
John ran his fingers through his beard and tapped his foot on the ground, thinking on what you said. He didn’t exactly have any thing bugging him, he’s been working in the military for well around 18+ years and that’ll get you used to the atrocities you see.
“I’m pretty sure Kate had the latter in mind when doing these sessions. I know I don’t have much bugging me, I’m about ready to retire sometimes,” he joked with a laugh, “It’d be nice to have an outlet from what we do every now and then.”
You laughed with him and nodded your head. His words resonated well with you. Anyone knew that working in the military/army would drain you. Could leave you mentally unwell after years.
So you strived to understand and learn each and every one of these men. To hopefully be able to aid them in different, helpful ways.
“Well, im glad you think so! Now, I actually have something I want you to do today. It’s very simple.”
Pulling out a coloring book and some color pencils, you held them out in front of you, “So, we won’t be doing anything too big— yet! I have a coloring book here that goes based off of mood. It’s also a journal. I want you to write in this everyday, starting today, ok?”
John raised his brows at you and you raised yours back. He scratched his beard and looked down at the coloring book with different mood faces on it. He took a copy of one book and a pack of coloring pencils you offered after.
You opened up the book to the first page and pointed to the happy face. Underneath the face were lines and a quote that asks you why you were feeling the emotion you were feeling.
“Currently I’m feeling happy, I’ll take a yellow pencil and color that face in.” You explained simply, “I’m feeling this way because I’ve had my favorite tea, my cat cuddled with me this morning, and I’m looking forward to my new clients.”
Once you finished you turned the book around and showed John. “That’s all you have to do. Nothing too long, but if you prefer to do that I don’t mind. Just don’t give me a word or two. I want one to three sentences.”
You watched as he began to do what you did. He colored in the neutral face with a brown colored pencil and underneath he wrote two sentences explaining why he felt that way.
For the rest of your session you introduced yourself more and had him give you tid bits about his life and line of work. In your mind you wanted to have this space be as personal but comfortable as possible.
You talked a bit about your life as well, giving him insight into your day to day life and how your other sessions go sometimes without disclosing private information about your other clients.
Soon enough the time came to when he had to leave and your session ended.
As Kate waited by the door, you put your hand out towards John, “I hope to see that book filled out. If anything is bothering you after today, write it down and we can go over it, yea?” He nodded his head shaking your hand, and let out a gruff ‘yes’.
He left with that and you were alone in your office thinking over this mornings events. It was slow paced and simple. You didn’t like unpacking a lot of information on the first day. Over time they’d get more comfortable and the art part of this would help them express how they felt without speaking. Actions are always far bigger than words.
You cracked your knuckles and went back to your chair, looking through your schedule planner, tomorrow you’d have a man by the name of Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley.
Huh, what a name.
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Tag list: @speckledemerald @mxtokko
If you want to be notified when more parts of this series comes out please lmk and I will add you to the tag list <3
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xsister-serpent · 4 months
Earbuds & Intrigue- Part 3
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Summary: Goth!Reader is a supporter of a spicy audio content creator CraftedClassic on Patreon. Her routine office job takes an unexpected turn when she discovers that her new wealthy CEO is none other than CraftedClassic, the infamous spicy audio creator she admires. Kylo's username is: CraftedClassic and Goth!Reader username is DeathMajesty.
Warning: 18+ MDNI, cursing, spicy audio, sexually explicit,
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Your mind was still returning to that discovery you had made. There was no way, no way you could get fired from it. At least that’s what you reassured yourself. Thankfully the desk on the opposite end of Kylo’s office was empty. You immediately set up there and clocked in. You placed on your headphones switching to darkwave radio and began your daily tasks. Soon enough that discovery named Kylo was walking through the door. You figured causal wasn’t in his dictionary as he wore a fitted turtle neck and black slacks. He always looked so well put together it made you wonder if he ever owned a pair of jeans. 
 Your eyes went back to work as that queasiness entered into your system. You prayed to any Gods that would care to listen to let this day go smoothly and you would go unnoticed. But alas...Gods loved their pettiness.
“Hey,” Spoke Kylo in a smooth dark voice that made your toes curl. 
 Your eyes snapped up at him as he leaned against your cubical wall. It didn’t help either that he looked..very very good with that black turtle neck.
“Morning,” You cleared your throat trying to push back those audios you had listened to countless times you were alone.
“Rey told me you guys were looking for a new apartment?” He questioned as he folded his arms.
“Yeah that’s the plan, her dad’s gonna drive us around on Saturday to see what’s available,” You answered.
 Internally you were so grateful this conversation focused on your friend than him awkwardly liking those old photos on your social. 
“Rey wanted me to tag along with your little endeavor. I- I hope you don’t mind,” He shyly admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck, “I just didn’t want it to be awkward since I’m the CEO or whatever. Whatever happens outside of work will stay out of work.”
 You couldn’t help but feel a slight tightness in your chest as you saw his shyness towards you. It was begrudgingly cute. Before you could speak he added on.
“I don’t want you to feel like you gotta be a different person ‘cause I’m a CEO more or less,” Kylo added quickly, “I’m strictly there for my cousin, no- that sounds insensitive. I mean, I can be there for you too, but not in a weird stalker way??-” 
A slight laugh escaped your lips as you saw Kylo trying to gather his thoughts in front of you, “I get it Kylo. It won’t be weird, you’re her family.”
Kylo let out a sigh of relief, “Great. Cool! I’m glad we got that out of the way. Have you met her dad?”
“Yeah here and there,” You spoke, suddenly a call came in from the company phone, “Excuse me for a second.”
 Kylo nodded as you greeted the caller. There was an older man’s voice on the other line. 
“Oh hi, I think I got my son’s extension wrong,” the man spoke with a nervous laugh.
“That’s alright, what’s your son’s name?” I asked looking at the phone screen.
“Ben,” he answered, “Ben Solo.”
Your eyebrow rose slightly as you glanced around the office. Kylo picked up on your confusion and quietly mouthed, “Who?”
Your shoulders shrug, “Ben Solo is that the name sir??”
 Kylo’s face slowly dropped as he stopped leaning on the cubicle wall. Immediately his aura changed causing you to be a little apprehensive. Immediately he wrote on a sticky note: Ask whose calling.
Kylo began folding his arms as his brows furrowed. He looks disappointed, you thought to yourself. 
“Whose calling?” You asked the older man on the other line.
“It’s uh…Han Solo his father,” the older man reluctantly answered.
“Han Solo,” I repeated loudly enough for Kylo.
 Kylo rolled his jaw and nodded pointing to his office.
“I’ll direct him to you now bare with me for a few minutes,” you replied as Kylo briskly made his way to his office.
“Great thanks,” the older man spoke before placing him on hold.
Kylo entered his office and shut the door behind him. Although you didn’t know all of the family drama through Rey, you had heard that last name a few times. But, you couldn’t entirely remember her mentioning anyone by the name of Ben. 
You reminded yourself to ask Rey when you got back to the apartment. The next few hours dragged on. Kylo every once in and while entered and exited his office as you kept to your far corner cubicle away from everyone else. Before he left the building he paused near the doorway on his phone. He was typing out something and suddenly your phone vibrated in your cardigan. 
 You turned your back to the doorway and pulled out your phone. Your heart dropped to your stomach as you saw it was from CraftedClassic tagging your username.
CraftedClassic: I can’t wait to give you an early release of my new audio, I hope this strikes your fantasy @DeathMajesty and other loyal followers. 
As if your heart rate couldn’t go any higher you saw the title of the new audio. 
Come Into My Office. CEO fantasy.
 You swiped the notification away as your stomach dropped. Kylo was still hanging by the doorway and his eyes were glued to his phone along with a smirk. 
He had no idea..no fucking clue…
 Kylo walked outside as a food delivery person came towards the door. Your eyes went back to your phone and messaged him back.
DeathMajesty: Can’t wait <3
 You heard a chime and as discreetly as you could manage you glanced at him quickly. A proud smirk came on his face as he returned to his office making you feel butterflies in your stomach.
“No fucking clue,” you muttered with a chuckle going back to your work. 
 The hours dragged on once more and soon enough it had reached your 8 hours. Let’s be honest 15 minutes before you could clock out you were mentally over today. You gathered your things and began to clean your desk. You softly played your music aloud as it was just you in the corner with no one else around you.
 You hummed to Bauhaus as you scrolled through your Tumblr feed your brain already in weekend mode. You saw a few employees leave waving bye to you as you did the same. A sudden movement caught your eye as Kylo exited out of his office. 
“Can you come into my office?” He asked you as he looked at his phone before looking at you.
 Wonderful choice of play on words, you thought to yourself as you paused your music. As you walked by him you could smell his cologne of mahogany and soft musk causing a slight warm feeling in the pool of your stomach. You entered the office while Kylo followed behind you. You wonder if he used this layout in his audio. 
“You can take a seat if you want,” he offered as he sat on the edge of his desk folding his arms. 
 You quickly glanced at his arms seeing how chiseled they were along with a slight veins, “I’m alright with standing..”
“Has Rey told you about Han??” He questioned as he slightly leaned on one foot then the other.
 You shrugged, “I’ve heard his name tossed around from her and Luke but that’s about it. Why?”
Kylo let out a small breath, “That’s one way of putting it I guess. Okay, family lore time since you’re already familiar with names. Han Solo is my dad, I changed my name when I got older. Long story short, Ben is me.”
 There was something deeper there, you could tell by his reluctance to speak further on it. And you weren’t one to press on it.
“Alright, that’s cool with me,” you answered nonchalantly.
“If Han ever does call back, I am not here,” he stated.
“You got it.”
 You were relieved a bit that he didn’t have that oversharing like Rey. It was alright because it was Rey, your best friend, but with Kylo. You weren’t entirely sure about him.
“I can see why Rey likes you, you’re easy to talk to,” Kylo admired, “I’m curious..what else has she told you about me?”
 A subtle grin came on his face making your stomach flutter. You went over to the chair in front of him, and for a second you could’ve sworn you heard him hold his breath.
“You want the good or bad?” You offered as you placed a palm under your chin.   He seemed a bit taken back by your stance now. 
“Bad of course,” he smoothly talked as he watched you with that cute smirk.
 Your mind went to that title for that hot audio. Desperately you pushed that thought back into the dark space in your mind. 
“The Christmas party, the family reunion, and something about someone’s party, I think Poe’s birthday party?” You listed as Kylo’s face dropped once more as a pink came on his cheeks.
“My God…” he whispered in disbelief as he pinched the bridge of his nose, “So she spilled to you of all my drunk endeavors.”
“Basically,” you laughed with a shrug, “You guys are like the Kardashians in my book, everything I know about you guys I know against my will.”
 Kylo seemed to beam when you laughed, “You have no idea Y/N. I’m surprised how we managed to last this long.”
You both shared a slight pause. Although he had a commanding aura around him this side was different. It was..fairly attractive along with that relaxed grin.
Before he could say something your alarm rang off in your phone. 
“I should probably clock out,” You muttered tapping your screen as you got up from the chair.
“Oh, yeah,” He cleared his throat, “I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”
 You paused in your steps as you remembered that he was tagging along with you and Rey. 
“Right, tomorrow,” You acknowledged as you went out of his office, “Have a good night Kylo.”
“Goodnight Y/N,” He spoke gazing at your form. 
At home, you sat in front of your laptop with your mouse hovering over the link to Kylo’s newest audio. 
Come Into My Office. CEO fantasy
A pool of anxiety was swelling in your stomach as your hand slightly became sweaty. Before, you used to be so excited to hear what CraftedClassic had created..but now..
Now you knew the voice. You knew the face. 
With a deep breath, you clicked it. 
A/N: I finally got around to fixing this chapter up. I figured why not add some more tension, more accidental gazes from across the room. I hope you guys enjoy it! 🖤🖤
Tagging: @novausstuff @1dk-anym0r3 @b0xerdancer
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teaberrii · 11 months
Bed & Breakfast
After ending a five-year relationship, you pour all your energy into work. Your latest assignment? Staying at a popular bed-and-breakfast to gather information. It should be a piece of cake... If only the owner isn't the man you scolded on the street.
Jing Yuan/You
Cross-posted on Ao3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
Chapter 1: Let's Start Fresh
“Wow! Who’re those for?”
“Those look expensive. Damn.”
“So romantic!”
You’ve just put your phone into your bag when you walk up to the revolving doors. As soon as you step into the company building, a young woman calls you. She’s standing upright with her hands in front of her. Like all the others working the reception desk, her light purple blouse, dark waistcoat vest, and skirt are free of wrinkles. When you walk up to her, she hands you the large bouquet that’s been grabbing everyone’s attention.
“These came in for you this morning!”
“...Me?” When she glances from the bouquet to you, you force a little smile. She’s probably wondering why you haven’t taken them. “Who are they from?”
“Didn’t say… but”—she points to the card tucked securely in the ribbon holding the bouquet together—”maybe you’ll find out.”
If it’s who you think it’s from, you really don’t want to take it, especially because you have to parade it through your department. You almost sigh in annoyance. Maybe this is what he, your boyfriend of five years today, is after. You won’t be surprised.
You reluctantly take the bouquet from her and head towards the elevators. While waiting along with everyone else, someone comes beside you.
“Oh my.” You recognize that voice anywhere. “What a great way to start the day.” Maybe you should take them off my hands. While that’s what you want to say, instead, you glance at Sampo, your colleague, who asks, “What’s the occasion?”
The elevator doors open, and people flock in. You and Sampo end up standing next to each other. “A celebration,” you say sarcastically.
Sampo looks down and smiles. “Ah… Celebrating an early win?”
You almost roll your eyes. You’ve been working with Sampo for the past two years, and if there’s one thing you’ve learned about him is that the man sees everything as a competition. He jumps at the opportunity to stand out, something you’ve been doing as well. So, it doesn’t come as a surprise that you and he are “competing” for this next big assignment.
“I guess we’ll see, won’t we?”
The elevator doors open. While Sampo is kind enough to push past the crowd, you still have to pay extra attention so your bouquet won’t end up smacking into people.
As soon as you arrive in your small office, you walk over to the garbage can. You open it but hesitate to drop the bouquet inside. Eventually, you put it on your desk just as you hear your phone ding with a notification.
When you open it, you frown. It’s your boyfriend who tagged you in a photo of the bouquet on his social media: Happy fifth anniversary, love. I hope you enjoy your office gift &lt;;3. The comments below annoy you even more.
So lucky!
They look expensive…
Then, you get a call from the person who you ironically don’t want to hear from.
“Did you enjoy your anniversary gift?”
You put a hand on your hip as you turn. Then, upon seeing some younger colleagues whispering amongst themselves and subtly—but failing—peeking into your office, you walk over and lower the blinds.
“...You really didn’t have to,” you say. “You know I don’t like—”
A loud sigh. "It's our five-year anniversary. Does that not mean anything?"
You frown at the flowers. “You could’ve just given them to me privately instead of—”
“Oh, so now it’s my fault for wanting to surprise you?”
“What? I”—you look at the time—”I have a meeting.”
Before your boyfriend can say anything else, you hang up. Then, you pick up your laptop and the flowers, and before you walk out, you drop the bouquet into the trash.
When you arrive at your manager’s office, she looks up and smiles. “Mornin’. News travels fast. Everyone’s been talking about seeing you walk in with a large bouquet.”
“Yeah, well… I was quite surprised myself.”
A soft knock comes at the door, and Sampo walks in. “I’m not late, am I?”
“You’re right on time.” Just as Sampo comes up beside you, Kafka says, “The Xianzhou Star Rail Hotel Project has officially kicked off, and…” She looks at you. “...I want you to head down there to do some market research for our business plan that we’ll present to our stakeholders.”
Sampo looks from you and back to Kafka. Then, without thinking, he asks, “Wait… You’re asking her to go?”
Kafka gives him a look. “I have an assignment for you as well, Sampo. Don’t worry.”
Kafka looks at you. “Are you willing to go?”
Without question, you answer, “Of course!”
“It’s not a vacation now,” she jokingly adds. “But, it wouldn’t hurt to also enjoy some scenic views while you’re there. Xianzhou is a beautiful place from what I’ve seen.”
You can't argue there. Xianzhou is a cozy, developed island, that soared to be the number one destination for a holiday resort getaway. With picturesque views of mountains and oceans, hiking trails, national parks, and various tourist attractions, it's no surprise that the company wants to capitalize on this immediately.
“You’re free to go,” Kafka says. Then, she looks at Sampo. “Now, let me tell you about your assignment.”
Sampo’s shoulders fall, and you have to keep yourself from smiling.
When you get back to your office, you almost fist pump the air when your phone buzzes with a message telling you that the birthday cake you ordered is ready for pickup. While today is your fifth anniversary with your boyfriend, it’s also your best friend’s birthday. And, this year, you opt to spend time with her. So, you reserved a table at one of the fanciest restaurants in the city to celebrate. But the unpleasant memory of breaking the news to your boyfriend still leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
“You’re spending our fifth anniversary with Herta?” he asked.
“We’ve spent the last four anniversaries together,” you said, drying your hair with a towel. You draped it around your neck and looked at him. “What’s wrong with spending it on another weekend instead?”
He frowned as you walked past him to grab a drink from the fridge. “We haven't been spending a lot of time together. Isn’t that a little weird to you?”
No, it wasn’t, but it was because you knew the reason why. You put your drink on the counter. “...Well, I'd rather not spend money on eating out and going to movies all the time. We could be doing something a little more valuable with our time."
You remembered feeling the butterflies and seeing your new relationship through rose-coloured lenses. It was a wonderful feeling that made you feel on cloud nine. But, it wasn’t until you entered the third year of your relationship that you began focusing more on work and hobbies.
You tried to get him involved, but it was obvious that he wasn’t interested in your new, productive hobbies. He’d still rather be playing games, watching movies, going to exotic places, and eating out. You were tired of entertaining him, and when you didn’t bother hiding it anymore, that was when he started complaining.
“...I want us to relax when we’re together.” He walked up to you, but you crossed your arms and looked away. “Look, we tried… but why can’t we just go back to when we first started?”
“Can you just respect my decision?” you asked. “I’ve already made plans with her.”
“Oh, so now you won’t even discuss things with me anymore?”
“What? No, I—"
"You know what? Forget it." Then, he picked up his keys and left your apartment.
Your eyes wander to the bouquet in the garbage can, and your heart almost soars at the thought of leaving the city. Perhaps this is also a sign, and you jokingly think that you need something more direct than that.
It’s nearly time for lunch when you close your laptop and head out of the office to grab food. You also use the extra time to pick up Herta’s birthday cake. With a warm drink in your hand, the cake in the other, you push open the bakery door, walk outside, and—
Your cup flies out of your hand. The cake flies through the air. You reach for the ribbon that holds it together but it’s just out of your reach, and you watch it land with a solid thud on the ground. It's in smithereens… like your heart.
“My cake!”
“Oh, my God!” A girl who looks like she’s in high school almost falls but stumbles her way back up.
You’re on your feet when you see a tall man running up to you. 
Suddenly, you feel someone grab you from behind. “C-Could you help me?”
“...Hey.” You turn and see the man up close. His gold-coloured eyes look almost predatory as he stares at you and the girl behind you. His long, white hair is tied into a ponytail. He doesn’t look the slightest out of breath as he takes a step toward the girl behind you. But, you quickly stop him. He shoots you a look. “...Who are you?”
“I should be asking you that question,” you answer. You glance at the teenager behind you. Then, you shoot him a dirty look. “A man chasing a young girl in broad daylight?”
“You have the wrong idea,” he says. “She’s”—he tries to walk around you, but you stop him again. He sighs and puts a hand on his hip—”she’s my cousin.”
“No! I… I’m not!” The girl grabs your arms and lowers her head as if using you as a shield.
“I don’t have time for this,” the man says through gritted teeth, and he reaches for her.
“She clearly doesn’t want to go with you,” you snap, slapping his hand away.
“Lady, as I said, you have the wrong idea.” You hear the girl quietly thank you from behind before running off. “...Hey!” Before the man can give chase, you block his path. He frowns. “Do you think you’re being a good civilian right now? You don’t know anything.” He sighs in frustration and is about to walk around you when you easily grab his phone out of his pocket. He turns. “...What are you doing?”
You scoff. “You’ll be lucky if she doesn’t go to the police. Now. why don’t you be a good civilian and pay for the damage you’ve done?” You point to the spoiled cake on the ground. “And then I’ll give you back your phone.”
“Are you serious?”
“Does it look like I’m joking?”
He puts a hand on his hip and notices the freshly spilled drink. “Do you want me to buy you a drink as well?”
You cross your arms and nod toward the bakery. “...Go.”
Looking a little defeated, he turns and walks into the bakery just as you glance at your watch. Great. Now, you’re going to be late.
The bell chimes once he opens the door. As soon as the woman at the counter sees him, her face brightens. “Jing Yuan! What brings you to the city?”
Upon hearing her name, the teenager looked up from her phone. She put her phone in her pocket as Jing Yuan sat next to her.
"...Uncle told me you haven’t been home,” he said.
"Because I don't want to go home," she muttered. Then, she faced him. "Can I come to stay with you? Please? Xianzhou will definitely take my mind off things."
“You know you’re always welcome. But, shouldn’t you be preparing for your college entrance exams?”
“...It’s because I’m preparing for them that I need to get away from home.” She sighed loudly and leaned back. “They still don’t support my decision.”
Jing Yuan raised a brow. “...Of going abroad for university?”
She stood angrily. “They’re so annoying! Why can’t they just let me make my own decisions?”
“What reason did you give them?” When she looked at her feet, Jing Yuan had his answer. “Are you still seeing that guy?”
“He has a name, you know.”
Jing Yuan sighed. “What other reason did you give them besides you'll be going to the same university as him?”
“It’s a good school!” She spun around. “If I get in, I bet I’ll be making a heck of a lot more than you are and your little bed and breakfast business.” When she failed to get a reaction out of him, she quickly sat. “...I can dream.”
“They’re not against you going. It’s why you’re going that they’re concerned about.” Before she could retaliate, Jing Yuan continued, “What do you want to study? Do you have a plan?”
Then, Jing Yuan kindly said her name. “You have your whole life ahead of you. Don't waste it on a boy.”
She stood again. “They didn’t need to be so harsh about it,” she muttered.
“They’re just worried about you.”
“...I still don’t wanna go home.”
Then, she began walking away, but Jing Yuan caught up to her. “Where are you going?”
Shrugging off his hand, she said, “I just wanna be alone.”
“At least tell me where you’re going.”
“So you can report back to Mom and Dad? No thanks.”
Jing Yuan knew his much younger cousin had always been… independent. But, she was really testing his patience. He firmly grabbed her arm, startling her.
“...You’re coming home.”
Jing Yuan turned for just a second but he felt a sharp pain on his arm that forced him to loosen his grip. His cousin jumped at the opportunity and made a run for it.
“I’m taking care of some personal matters and visiting a few friends,” Jing Yuan says, walking up to the counter.  “...I need a birthday cake.” Just then, another worker comes out with a freshly baked cake. “I’ll take that one.”
When Jing Yuan walks out, he sees you staring at your phone.
“Your cake,” he says, and you quickly look up.
You take it from him and give back his phone. “...That was fast.” As soon as Jing Yuan takes his phone from you, you say, “But, may I remind you your actions can be criminal.”
Jing Yuan’s phone dings with a message just as he says, “I’d rather not explain.”
He turns, but just before he walks off, you say, “Wait.” Jing Yuan turns with a frown. You walk up to him and pat his shoulder. “The spoiled one is yours now. Let’s keep the streets tidy, shall we?”
Then, you walk past him, and he quietly scoffs as his phone goes off. As soon as he answers it, he hears, “Boss! Guess what!”
“You sound like you just won the lottery, Pom.”
“Well”—a chuckle—”close enough, I suppose. I’m happy to say that we’re completely booked for the over the next few months! I just received our last reservation a few minutes ago.”
Jing Yuan smiles. “Why’re you so happy? It means more work.”
“Yeah, but we get more money.”
Jing Yuan sighs, looks around at the mess, and mutters, “Too bad money can’t make all of your problems disappear.”
“What’s wrong?”
Jing Yuan picks up your styrofoam cup and tosses it into the trash. “I’ll tell you about it later.”
That evening, you and Herta are celebrating her birthday with champagne and a five-star meal. She’s all smiles when you tell her about the flying birthday cake incident earlier today.
“Wait… So, like, my very expensive birthday cake was picked out by a random man who’s kind of hot?”
You frown at how she twisted your words. “He was chasing a girl who looked like she was in high school.”
Herta shrugs. “Kids lie all the time to get out of trouble. Might’ve been a misunderstanding.” She finishes the rest of her champagne. “Anyway, my birthday aside, we also have to celebrate you beating Sampo.”
“It wasn’t a competition!”
“So, you say, but I see that smile. Just admit that you’re happy that you got the big important assignment instead of him.”
You pour your friend more champagne. “All right, fine. I’m damn happy that I got it.” Then, you click your glasses together.
“That’s more like it!” After taking a long sip, you set your glass down. Herta does the same and says, “So, tell me more about it. You’re going to Xianzhou, right?”
You nod. “Kafka already booked me a place to stay.”
When you got back to the office later that day, Kafka had called you in. Then, she told you she booked you a room at The Knights Bed and Breakfast, the hottest and trendiest place to stay in Xianzhou. You did some research and discovered that they were receiving raving reviews and were featured in many holiday destinations from big publications. And, when you checked out their website, they didn't disappoint. You'd almost forgotten you were going for work and not for vacation.
“She managed to get the last spot,” you continue.
"Ooh, it's like you're infiltrating the enemy," Herta jokes, "while getting a mini, free vacation." A waiter comes by, and you wave him down for another bottle of champagne.  "How're things with the boyfriend?" A small chuckle. "He must be upset at me for stealing you today."
“...He’ll get over it.”
“...Is everything okay?”
After telling her about the little fight over the phone in your office today, you ask, “Is it selfish of me to say that I don’t think he sees where I’m coming from?”
Herta sighs softly. “A good surprise only works if it’s a wanted surprise…” Then, she goes quiet and looks down as if mulling something. When she looks at you again, she says, “...So, you don’t think you’ll marry him?”
“Marriage?” you ask incredulously. “No way!” That’s when you notice Herta slightly fidgeting, and you narrow your eyes. “...Why do you ask?”
“Er… well…” Herta sighs as if defeated. “The truth is, he came to talk to me last weekend… And he’s thinking of asking you to marry him.”
Your heart freezes over. Then, picking up your glass, you say, “Well, that’s not going to happen. Not when things are definitely not what they used to be.”
A waiter walks past your table to the bar where a tall man with a fair complexion has a half-empty beer in front of him. He's scrolling through his phone when he sees a diamond ring around a finger.
Wishing both of you happiness!
Jing Yuan shouldn’t be surprised to see congratulatory messages on his ex-wife’s remarriage on his social media. They still have mutual friends. But the little he’s heard about her relationship, he can’t ignore the hunch that this marriage isn’t as simple as it should be. But it’s none of his business, and he has no interest in hearing more either. Unless, of course, it involves his son.
When he feels someone swing his arm around his shoulder, he turns and sees Luocha, one of his best friends.
“Up for another drink?” he asks. Jing Yuan puts his phone away just as Luocha calls for a refill. “So, please tell me more about this woman who scolded you in public today.”
“...You’re not going to let this go, are you?”
Luocha smiles. “It sounds like something straight out of a movie. Maybe your rowdy cousin’s secretly a matchmaker.”
Jing Yuan sighs. “Let’s stop talking about this.”
“Still… if she’s really like what you described”—Luocha gently nudges him—“she’s just your type.”
Just then, Blade joins them at the bar.
“Look who finally decided to show up,” Luocha says, putting his bottle down after a good drink. “Where’d you head off to, Mr. Popular?”
Blade gives him a deadpan look, and then waves the bartender over for a drink. Jing Yuan notices three girls looking disapprovingly at Blade in the far corner of the room. He doesn’t need to guess that Blade very obviously turned them down.
“We were just talking about you,” Luocha says cheekily.
“Were you?” Blade asks. “Is it about you paying for drinks this time, Doctor?”
“Oh, but if you insist.”
The men turn around, and Jing Yuan nearly drops his beer upon seeing you. You, however, don’t look as surprised to see him.
“Friends of yours?” Luocha asks, looking from Blade to you and your friend.
“I’m his co-worker,” your friend answers. “Name’s Herta.” Then, she glances at you and then at Jing Yuan. “And… apparently these two also know each other.”
Then, before Luocha can stop himself, he says, “Wait… Jing Yuan knows women?”
“...He sure does, considering he chased one today,” you mutter.
Jing Yuan gives you a look. “Still on my case about that, are you?”
Luocha looks from you to Jing Yuan and back to you. “Wait… She was the woman you were talking about? The hot-headed, stubborn woman who wouldn’t let you catch a break?” Jing Yuan almost hit his friend.
“Hot-headed, huh?” You’re frowning now with your arms crossed.
Blade, though amused, shows no sign of it on his face. Instead, he says, “...I heard it was your birthday, Herta.”
“That’s right. Wow. Don’t tell me Professor Blade is really wishing lil ‘ol me a happy birthday.”
Blade nods towards an empty table. “Stick around, and maybe I will.”
You and Jing Yuan meet eyes, but before you look away, he says, “Looks like you’re getting that drink after all.”
Suddenly, you hear someone say your name.
You freeze when you see your boyfriend walk up to you. Herta looks just as surprised.
“...What… What are you doing here?” you finally ask.
Your boyfriend shoots the three men a look before turning to you. "I wanted to surprise you and Herta… but… What are you doing?”
“Today is our anniversary,” your boyfriend interrupts. “I get that you want to celebrate with Herta, but it’s obvious you drank and now you’re flirting with other men?” He attempts to grab your hand, but you quickly move out of his reach.
“I wasn’t flirting,” you sternly say. “I’m here with Herta, and—”
“Then, what’s this?”
“It really isn’t what it looks like,” Herta says. “These are my co-worker’s friends, and we just came over to say hi.”
You briefly close your eyes and take a small, subtle breath just as Luocha says, "It's true."
Then, you hear your boyfriend say desperately, “Can you just please come home?”
You’re aware of the stares you’re attracting. Some people are looking at you like you’re the bad guy, adding to the exhaustion you already feel. Your boyfriend takes your hand, and you let him. But then, you look him in the eyes, pull your hand back, and say, “...I’m going home. But not with you.”
And then you walk away.
Jing Yuan watches you turn the corner just as Herta and your boyfriend hurry after you.
“What was that?” Luocha finally asks when the three of you are out of sight.
“...Something we shouldn’t have seen, no doubt,” Blade adds flatly.
Then, Jing Yuan calls for another beer.
“...Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” Herta asks as you’re now a short distance away from the restaurant.
“I’ll be fine,” you reassure. “Drive safe.”
“I’ll take her back,” your boyfriend says.
“All right.” Herta walks a few steps but turns back. “Text me when you’re home.”
You nod, give her a small wave, and she walks off.
You’re about to call for a taxi when your boyfriend suddenly grabs your arm and spins you to face him.
“...Care to explain what that was all about?”
You put your hands in your pockets. “What was what all about?”
“You’re going home but not with me?”
“What’s wrong with that statement?”
Your boyfriend exhales sharply. “Did I do something to upset you? What’s wrong with you?”
“...Did you talk to Herta last week… about wanting to get married?”
“Is that what’s causing the attitude problem here?” Your boyfriend puts a hand in his pocket. “Look, I know you told me before that you aren’t ready for marriage and you didn’t want to get married. But”—his shoulders fall—“we’ve been together for five years. Didn’t your opinion change?”
Where is this going?
“No,” you say flatly. “I’m still not ready, and I don’t know if I ever will be. It’s not something I’m thinking about.”
“Because it’s not a priority to you, is that it?”
You frown. “Because I want to live the way I want. And right now, marriage is not something I want. But it looks like it’s a big deal for you.”
"We've known each other since high school. We pretty much grew up together. What we have… It's what most people dream about! Do you remember when I made you breakfast in bed? Took you to the ocean to see the stars? Booked an expensive hotel so we could relax on our days off? Is this about me not doing well enough?"
“...I remember,” you say calmly. “I remember all of those things. You made me breakfast in bed when I was sick, but you wanted to get that perfect selfie of me eating and share it with all of our friends… including my mom. We went to see the stars… stayed at an expensive hotel… You made sure to share our moments with our closest friends. At first, I didn’t think much about it, but everything that you do for me… Why does it have to be under the eyes of other people?”
“I… I don’t understand where you’re coming from. I just want to show people how much I love you.”
“...You love me?”
“Of course I do!”
You force a little smile. “Do you know what I like to do after a long day at work? What I do when I’m feeling down?”
“You always come home so late these days! You used to game a lot. But now…” He looks a little lost. “...Now, you just…” A sigh. “See? This is what I miss. We used to have so much fun together.” Then, after a small pause, he says, “I miss the old you.”
Anyone can see it in your eyes. The look of giving up. Letting go.
“...And I want her to come back.”
That is the final straw.
“This isn’t going to work anymore.” A small pause. “...We should break up.”
“Break up?” he almost shouts. “Why? Just because I couldn’t answer some measly question? We’ve been together for five years! You’re just going to throw that all away?”
“What’s the point of continuing something that isn’t going to work?”
“I’ll do better,” he pleads. “I promise. Just give me another chance. I’ll listen this time.”
“Just like how you said you would a few months back?”
You sigh. “Stop wasting your time on me. We aren’t good for each other.” You turn around and wave for a taxi. One drives by, ignoring you, but there’s another one waiting at a red light that you pray will stop for you.
The light turns green and the taxi drives toward you.
“...So, that’s it? After five fucking years together, you’re just going to leave?”
Just before it comes to a full stop, you turn to him and say, “The life you want. The life I want. The people who we’ve become… They don’t work anymore.”
You open the door, but before you close it, your ex stops it with his hand. “Everyone’s going to hate you,” he says bitterly. “After everything that I’ve done for you, it’s me who’s going to get the last laugh.”
You glare at him and force the door closed.
You’re still reeling what had just happened when the driver asks where you’re going. So, you tell him your apartment address, and he drives off.
Just as he passes the restaurant, you see Herta’s co-worker and his two friends. You and Jing Yuan meet eyes, and you face forward, hoping that your exhaustion isn’t written all over your face. But, it is, and he notices. Then, he sees your boyfriend with his hands in his hair with an angry and frustrated look.
“Jing Yuan!” Jing Yuan turns and sees Luocha and Blade at the side of the road with a parked taxi. “You coming?”
As your taxi weaves through the city, it passes by the street where you and your ex had your first kiss and first date. You see your past selves in an embrace but withering away… When you blink, they’ve vanished.
You welcome the silence of your apartment when you open the door. You’re slipping off your coat when you see an old pair of shoes your ex left behind. You walk towards your bathroom but suddenly stop. Then, instead of taking a shower like you’re planning, you immediately grab an empty cardboard box and start filling it with everything you can find that belongs to your ex.
You’re just about finished when you grab your phone to write him a text when you’ll leave his stuff with a mutual friend. You see he’s typing something, but before you can see what it is, you block his number. Then, with a final sigh, you put the box aside, turn on your TV speakers, and up the volume on the jazz before heading into the bathroom for a nice, hot shower.
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21
End notes:
Aaaand it's finally here!
I had a lot of fun writing this, and I'm super excited for the Bermuda Triangle trio that is Blade, Luocha, and Jing Yuan XD No one can survive their deadly charms.
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @lxry-chxn @seirenspinel
153 notes · View notes
kyojurismo · 1 year
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★ — spider-man!bakugo part 2 !
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character : katsuki bakugo
tags : spider-man!au, fem!reader, 2.9k words (yeah i got carried away), this is a continuation of a series of hc i posted a while ago, bit of angst, injuries, mention of getting shot, kissing, happy ending i guess? both r & katsuki are 18 by the way, half proofread so don’t look at it too closely.
part one
notes : hi guys !! okay so i finally finished writing it, i was way better in my mind but i wanted to post it anyway since spider-man!bkg is bringing me loads of comfort — idk if i’ll post more about him, for now that’s all i guess >_< so anyway, i hope you’ll enjoy it. plus, i take this opportunity to thank you those who showed love for the part 1, it means the world to me <3
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“katsuki!” you rushed to his side as he finished putting some books into his locker. he turned his head to look at you. “what is it?” he tried to hide his nervousness, the look on your face seemed that of someone who discovered something big. “i know who’s behind spider-man!” you said excitedly, but not that loud to let the whole school hear you.
bakugo’s heart skipped a beat and he had to fight for his expression to remain calm. “ah? r-really?” he chuckled as he closed his locker, gulping down. “tell me everything.”
“it’s a student. i wasn’t too sure about this before, but i watched a couple of videos and he had a backpack with a pin from our school! isn’t it cool?” you explained while walking beside him. bakugo sighed in relief in his mind, grateful you had no real information about spider-man.
wait… a backpack?
he was grateful you didn’t seem to notice but he mentally noted that he must change backpack as soon as possible.
“you don’t seem so interested in spider-man, huh? you don’t like him?” you then looked at his face, noticing that he seemed rather distracted. “no no! uh, i just… i’m not a big fan of superheroes, y’know? i trust the police and the government,” he explained offering a small smile before looking away. “hm.” you seemed to be thinking too much about his answer so he changed subject. “today at 4? mine or your place?” he pulled your attention over homework. “i live closer to school, so…” you shrugged and he nodded, before you two entered your classroom.
“welcome, katsuki!” your mother greeted your friend with a huge smile, happy to see him. he seemed to be liked by your mother a bit too much in your opinion. “hello,” he smiled timidly. you grabbed his hand and pulled you with him towards your room. “keep the door open a little bit!” your father shouted from the living room. you rolled your eyes and stepped into your room, followed by an amused katsuki.
“i’m not a kid anymore, for god’s sake,” you murmured and closed the door anyway. katsuki sat by your desk, as usual, and followed you moving around the room before grabbing your notebooks. “alright, can you help me with this math exercise before we start with biology?” you pleaded, showing him the reason behind your distress. “yeah, sure. it’s nothing too impossible,” he comforted you with a smile.
after hours of studying your mother came and offered katsuki to stay for dinner but he politely refused, saying that his mother was waiting for him as his father was out of town for a couple of weeks due to work. “oh, you don’t have to add more. i totally understand! maybe next time, okay?” you hid your face behind your palms in embarrassment as she left.
“she’s sweet,” he commented, chuckling at your status. you groaned in response and hit his chest playfully. “just with you,” you said and watched him pack his things.
a couple of pins attached to his backpack caught your attention, resembling a bunch of superheroes and a group band. you remembered katsuki told you that he wasn’t too fond of superheroes, so it confused you a bit.
“hey, ‘tsuki… what do you think about that superhero who helped spider-man last week?” you try to sound casual, playing with your pen. “uh, he was cool,” he answered while shrugging. “i saw him on the news, i don’t know if he actually is,” he was quick to add, laughing. he gulped down and finished to put his books away when you threw your pen at him and he caught it without even turning around.
you gasped and quickly got up to your feet as katsuki groaned and turned to meet your face, your hands covering your lips as you tried to process what just happened.
“l-listen…” he tried to think of something to justify his reflexes but you were quick to start throwing small objects at him, to see him do that again.
“why aren’t you catching them? you’re doing it on purpose?” you tilted your head to the side, your tone showing a bit of annoyance. “no, it’s just that the way you’re throwing them is not gonna hurt me so… fuck,” he groaned and sat down at the edge of your bed. “forget it, please. it’s just a thing my father taught me, it doesn’t mean anything,” he lied straight to your face.
did he not trust you enough?
“you’re spider-man, right? it-it just makes sense! god i’m so stupid!” you started pacing around the room, connecting the dots. “when you got hurt, that one time you came here… the next day you couldn’t play basket because you said you fell or something. it was because the wound would open up right? and when you showed up with a big bruise under your eye, it was because of that criminal hitting you with… whatever that thing was,” you spoke fast, your hands shaking slightly as you kept explaining all the things that gave him away — they didn’t, actually. you caught him just because he stopped the point of your pen from hitting his nape a bit too hard.
“[y/n], take a deep breath and sit down for a moment, hm?” he moved closer and grabbed your hands making you sit down on the bed. “you’re spider-man,” you squeaked, covering your mouth once again. “spider-man kissed me, so you kissed me…” you added and katsuki sighed at the memory, regretting it not because he didn’t like it but because it was extremely dumb for him to do something like that.
“you idiot!” you then hit his chest, for real now. he looked at you in confusion. “what was that for?” he asked, stopping you from hitting him again. “you nerdy coward! why would you kiss me as spider-man?” you asked in an angry tone.
katsuki let go of your hands and simply shook his head before going to grab his backpack and reaching the door. you swiftly reached him and planted yourself against the door so he wouldn’t open it. “you can’t just walk away as if it’s nothing, you know? why didn’t you tell me? we grew so close since the last year… don’t you trust me?” you didn’t seem angry in that moment, you seemed… hurt?
he took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling for a moment before glancing at you, his hand timidly took yours and his thumb started caressing your palm. “it’s not exactly something you shout when entering a room, y’know… plus, no one knows it.”
you were the only one?
“be serious,” you gasped, not expecting to be the only one to know his secret. “i am!” he swore, not breaking eye contact not even for a second. “oh ‘tsuki…” your eyes filled with tears as you suddenly hugged him, holding him tightly. he looked confused as you held him, his eyes staring at the door in silence. “it must have been so hard… but now you have me! i’ll help you, like a sidekick or something!” you smiled enthusiastically at him. katsuki’s face darkened at your statement and pushed you away as gently as he could in that moment, you frowned.
“help me,” he spat, walking to your window instead. “you can’t help me without getting involved or worse, killed. i can’t allow it, so forget about your silly discovery,” he shook his head, his voice was firm as he said all that. you tried to move closer to him but he turned and glared at you with a cold look, you froze in place at that. “forget about it. i think it’s better if i distance myself from you.”
those were his last words and they hurt you deeply. you could only watch him exit your room through your window and swing away, leaving you standing there in silence.
for the following month, katsuki kept his word. he barely waved at you in class, you didn’t meet up to study anymore. he became something similar to a stranger. your friends noticed how you two became distant and you shrugged it off with a simple ‘we had a fight and he never apologised so i don’t wanna be friends with someone like him.’
your own words hurt. katsuki heard them too, but he thought it was for the best so he was okay with what you told your friends.
this whole situation worked until spider-man was attacked by a strong group of criminals and got shot. you heard the news about how he helped capturing them but no one heard about what happened to spider-man after that. what scared you even more was that he was missing school, something that was unusual for someone like him.
after three days you decided to go to his house, using the notes from the lessons he missed as an excuse.
you rang the doorbell and waited patiently, an anxious feeling biting at your heart. when the door opened you noticed that you were actually holding your breath. “hello!” katsuki’s mom, mitsuki, offered you a warm smile. “h-hello, i um… i brought the notes from the lessons katsuki missed in the past days,” you explained, gripping your bag tightly.
“oh, thank you! come inside,” mitsuki nodded and let you enter inside. you followed her and quietly glanced around, it was the second time you visited his house after all. “i can make you some tea?” she asked while entering the kitchen, glancing at you. “uh, no. no, thanks. i’m fine,” you shook your head before smiling politely. she nodded and sighed, losing herself in her thoughts for a moment. “katsuki is upstairs, first door on the right” she turned and smiled at you. “got it,” you thanked her and reached the stairs.
now you could feel your heart racing in your chest, wondering how could you initiate an actual conversation with him. you bit your lips and knocked on his door, waiting to hear his voice. “i told you i’m not hungry!” he shouted from the other side, making you realise he didn’t know you were there. you sighed and decided to open the door anyway.
he was sitting by his desk, his headphones were covering his ears. you closed the door and slowly reached him, jumping when he suddenly turned ready to shout to get out of his room. he was about to say something before deciding to keep his mouth shut as he took the headphones off.
you noticed the bandage on his right temple and the bruise on his cheek, his rest of his body seemed alright but you were sure he was hiding other bruises and minor injuries. you felt a sense of relief fill your chest, as you realised he was alright after all.
“t-tsuki, i…” you glanced at the floor and gripped your bag nervously, trying to find the right words. “i uh… well,” you bit your lips before simply pulling out the extra notes you took for him and putting them on his desk. his eyes followed your actions before he glanced up at your face, your eyes not meeting his.
“i-i’m glad you’re okay, i just came here to make sure… so i’m leaving, alright,” you spoke after a couple of moments of silence, turning around and walking towards the door. before you could open it, his hand planted itself on its surface and his shadow towered over you. you gulped down and held the doorknob nervously.
the silence was suffocating, you felt more and more anxious as you didn’t know his intentions.
“say something!” you finally snapped, shutting your eyes closed. “thanks for the notes,” was all he said, his deep voice making you shiver. “not about that,” you turned to look at his face, visibly upset. katsuki tilted his head to the side, looking at you in a way that made you feel small. “what do you want me to say then?” he asked, his voice was low now.
“y-you got shot, katsuki!” you screamed as low as you could, not wanting his mother to hear. “you could have died a-and all you can say is thanks?!” your eyes started filling with tears, making it hard for you to keep eye contact. katsuki felt his heart clench at the sight, knowing that he was the reason you were feeling like that.
“but i’m not, so it’s fine,” he shrugged, sighing. “don’t look down on me, i know what i’m doing,” he then added, clenching his fist. “oh? then explain this!” you pointed at his head and he caught your wrist before you could even touch him, making you flinch. “i got distracted, it happens you know?” he said while gritting his teeth.
you shook your head and turned around, trying to open the door. “you’re so self-centred you don’t even acknowledge the feelings of those around you,” you muttered coldly and were about to walk out before he grabbed your arm and made you turn around, surprising you. katsuki cupped your cheeks and pulled you in for a kiss.
it took you a couple of moments to reciprocate it, your hands grabbing hold of his shoulders as you closed your eyes. katsuki pulled you even closer as he moved one of his hand down to your waist, pulling you inside his room and closing the door. your back was pushed against it as he kept kissing you with more desperation now, his hands holding you more firmly. you had to push him away to catch some air, your cheeks warmed up now as he looked at you.
you were the one being silence now and he started to grow nervous as you simply rested your hands on his shoulders. “oi, say something, dammit.”
“it was definitely better than the first one,” you murmured before chuckling. katsuki rolled his eyes before kissing your forehead, his warm hands caressing your cheeks. “i missed you. keeping you away was the hardest shit i’ve ever done in my life,” he confessed and pulled you to his chest, resting his chin on your head. you silently cried into his t-shirt, holding him even tighter. “i’m so sorry.”
“don’t push me away again,” you pleaded, sniffing. he smiled and held you even tighter. “how can i push my little sidekick away?” he chuckled and you gasped, pulling away to meet his eyes. “sidekick?” your face lit up and katsuki was quick to pull you back to reality. “my sidekick that keeps her butt at home and stays in contact with me,” he clarified, making you pout like a little girl. “that’s not a real sidekick, ‘tsuki.”
“i gotta make sure you’re not getting hurt,” his voice was dead serious, he was promising to protect you. “hm. ‘kay,” you nodded before kissing his bruised cheek softly.
“i’m dating spider-man,” you jumped a little while smiling happily as you reached his desk. katsuki chuckled at your reaction and smiled while looking at you, his eyes shining.
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tags : [ since multiple ppl were interested in reading more, i thought it would be okay to tag you guys in the second part… if you want to be removed just lemme know !! ] @doumadono @reyathens @ohwhale-exo @its-claude-time @nikoruropesu @selfindulgenthoe @sigmaswaist @archer-fb
173 notes · View notes
bottomlouisficfest · 11 months
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We hope you’ve enjoyed the fics from weeks 5-6 of the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2023! Every two weeks, we’re compiling all of the fics from that period into one roundup post so they’re easy to find for anyone looking to catch up on fics they missed. Enjoy these amazing fics and give them the love they deserve!
splash me across the silver screen
A fic by pleasinglouis on AO3 | @pleasing-louis on Tumblr | @pleasing_louis on Twitter
23k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry shrugged. “Maybe you just need to get even more outside your comfort zone. Maybe we need to try something a bit more… adventurous?” Curiosity successfully piqued, Louis tilted his head and toyed with the fringe dangling from his lace shrug. “Like what?" “We, uhm—maybe we try filming you in more compromising positions,” Harry suggested carefully. He kept his tone low and even as he studied Louis’ expression, hands skating over his curves soothingly. If Louis didn’t know any better he might have thought that Harry was talking about filming him naked. But that couldn’t be right—could it? “Like porn?” Or Louis is a struggling actor who gets nervous when he's being filmed and Harry comes up with a plan to help him relax when the cameras are rolling.
Spiders Don't Fly But Gods Do
A fic by SunshineBoy742 on AO3
7k | Mature | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis Tomlinson is an underpaid photojournalist in NYC. He leads a pretty average life, getting shots of town heroes, dodging flirtatious remarks from old coworkers and being the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. But what happens when a sex god comes to crash in his apartment?
i've got something to confess, i keep you in my pocket to use
A fic by babylwt on AO3 | @finelineangie on Twitter
17k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
"You made Harry Styles practically swoon over you, admit you’re beautiful to basically the world, he asked for your number and you said no. Like, you have to be joking.” Bella tsks as she sits up straight, grabbing Louis’ computer off his lap and putting it off to the side. Louis moves to reach for it, sighing in defeat as he leans back against his pillows. “You know how it goes with those sports guys. They’re just after having a good time before they have to go to the next city and play another game and find another person to swoon.” Louis explains. “It just wouldn’t have worked and I’m too busy right now.” Louis shrugs. “Too busy to fuck Harry Styles?” Bella asks with a raised brow. “Yes, even too busy to fuck Harry Styles.” Or Prompt 251: Harry is a hockey player and he's in the middle of a press conference when Louis, a journalist, asks him a question. Harry sees him ans says something like "oh my god, he's so beautiful" to his teammate and only realized his mic was on when the pretty boy blushes and the room breaks in a laugh
The Knothead Neighbor
A fic by Kbbean on AO3 | @Kristen09924842 on Twitter
8k | Mature | Tumblr post | Twitter post
This was my prompt: Prompt 3: Neighbors AU, preferably ABO! Harry works evenings/nights (maybe like a surgeon something that requires him to be gone for long hours) and has a cat. The cat has a little kitty door at the back so that it can explore and such. Louis just moved next door and the cat seems to always end up at his door. Eventually, Louis lets the cat in, as he’s new and he’s feeling quite lonely. They become fast friends, so much so that the cat prefers to stay with Louis rather than go home. Harry gets concerned that the cat starts to stay out all day/night so he eventually leaves a note attached to the cat’s collar with its name and phone number. Louis texts him telling him he’s his neighbor and not to worry, the cat just likes to hang with him as it might be lonely. Harry gets pissed that this stranger is stealing his cat so he goes to confront Louis and tell him to stop stealing his cat. Of course, as soon as he sees Louis, he falls in love with him and the rest is history. (If ABO could be cute that both Harry and Louis like to cuddle with the cat because it holds the other’s scent)
I found an angel so divine
A fic by april_iris on AO3 | @april_kmm on Twitter
31k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Arishem should have abducted a human instead, to fiddle with their memory. Would have been more effective.” Thena, who had been staring into space for a few minutes, looked up. “Why don’t we just bring a human with us?” Everyone turned to stare at her. “What?” she retorted sternly. “Why not introduce him directly to a human being, so he can see how special the human race is?” Pip, who had dozed off against a wall with his pint still in hand, woke up with a start, while Druig tried to make sense of Thena’s words. “Not a bad idea, but what human being could be worthy enough to represent the rest of humanity?” Angel. Eros thought. “Louis!” Pip shouted. Or Eros/Harry is a dreamboat with singular powers who loves love more than anything and longs to feel it one day, and Louis is the kind human who shows him the way.
always had that heart of mine
A fic by localopa on AO3 | @voulezloux on Tumblr
8k | Mature | Tumblr post | Twitter post
louis is nesting, though he won’t admit to it. between being ill, the stress of uni, and near drops, the only thing keeping him afloat is harry’s scent. the fact they don’t get along is neither here nor there
you know it ain't fiction, just a natural fact
A fic by anditsonlyforthebrave on AO3 | @HARRYSC1NEMA on Twitter
13k | Not Rated | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Look, Lou” Harry whispers, “I can’t do it, and as much as I like having dinner with you, and hanging out, I think we should just do it without the tutoring part because I am not smart enough for school.” “That’s bullshit,” Louis answers quickly, “what do you like?” he asks, “I mean, other than football and asking me stuff about my family. There must be something else you’re good at.” “I play football and fuck, Louis. That’s it.” Louis definitely doesn’t flinch at that. He does not. --- Harry is the golden boy of the college football's team, Louis is their professors' golden student and they definitely don't have anything in common. Falling in love would be dumb.
The Bluest war and peace
A fic by Hazzaslittle28 on AO3 | @hazzaslittle28 on Tumblr | @Hazzaslittle28 on Twitter
27k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
For centuries the Black Haven pack had a tradition where the first born omegas and alphas were to be introduced to each other. The pups were barely ten, dressed in their finest clothings and made to look presentable. That's when he first saw his ruins and he knew that he was never going to be the same.
could start a cult
A fic by nouies on AO3 | @nouies on Tumblr | @_nouies on Twitter
9k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
He lowers down the top that Louis is wearing, successfully unclasping his nursing bra as well, letting Louis’ tits bounce at the sudden movement. Harry massages both breasts to stimulate the milk flow, and he can feel his cock hardening inside his pants. or...Harry can’t get enough of Louis’ breast milk.
Deleted Scenes
A fic by Stria (Asia117) on AO3 | @nooradeservedbetter on Tumblr | @Striaaaaaaaaa on Twitter
34k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Do you trust me?” asks Louis in a whisper, mouth pressed on the crown of Harry’s head. His voice has that raw quality to it that Harry has only heard a few times, and he takes a deep breath. “I do,” he responds, and he could add something to keep up the charade, tell Louis that of course he does, he’s here for him, to support him, but he doesn’t really feel like doing anything. He’s going away in a very short while, after all. He can’t find the strength to keep up the farce. “I told you everything would be alright,” says Louis. “I told you we will be alright. Do you trust me on this?” Harry hesitates. He feels Louis’ arms tighten around him, and he brings one of his hands over Louis’. He doesn’t want to lie, he doesn’t. Agent Harry Styles was injured on the job a few months back, and gets roped in one last mission before he can retire prematurely: playing house with Louis, a widower who has amnesia. The assignment seems simple at the beginning, but soon enough Harry's twisted in a web of his own making, and can't get out anymore.
Remember to give these fics kudos and comments, and spread their fic posts!
All roundups will be linked here:
Weeks 1-2 Roundup
Weeks 3-4 Roundup
Weeks 5-6 Roundup
Weeks 7-8 Roundup
Weeks 9-10 Roundup
Week 11 Roundup
42 notes · View notes
2chopsticks2eyes · 2 years
What You Deserve: Part 2
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This is part 2 of a three part series, please be sure to start from part one!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Fem Reader
Themes: Smut, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: All parts are ~67k | AO3
Warnings: Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, mentions of non-con, PTSD, Anxiety, Alcohol, Cussing, Come Eating, Oral Sex, Hand Jobs, Vaginal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Loss of Virginity, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, References to Drugs, Drug Dealing, Alternate Universe - College/University, Eating Disorders, Childhood Trauma, Vaginal Sex, Protected Sex, Unprotected Sex
Summary: After unfortunate circumstances, you pack up and move to Korea with your best friend Bang Chan to attend college. After falling into Chan's group of friends he had established, you find yourself getting a little too close to the mild tempered and snarky Lee Minho.
Author's Note: I am probably spoiling the whole story with the warnings, but I like to be safe. I originally was only on AO3, but I wanted to link platforms with Tumblr and Twitter too. Hope you enjoy!
Part Two: Discoveries
“Is everything okay with you and Channie-hyung?” You whipped your head around at Felix. You were currently sitting in the passenger seat of his beat up old Toyota Corolla. Chan had left before everyone else to help set up so Felix had offered to drive you to Seungmin’s for the party.
“Of course Lix, why do you ask?” You tried to not actively show how pissed off you were, but you suppose your other flatmate had picked up on the cold atmosphere between you and your best friend.
“It’s just… I don’t know, you two are usually laughing and talking twenty-four-seven and I feel like you two are intentionally avoiding each other now…” You looked at the sweet boy’s face and he seemed genuinely concerned. The boy’s got a goddamn heart of gold.
You breathed a deep sigh and looked forward to the road again. “Yeah, everything will be fine, Lix. We just… we got in a stupid ass fight and I don’t think either of us are ready to hash it out just yet.”
“Oh…” He sounded disappointed as he nodded his head in understanding. “Well, I’m sure you two will work things out fairly quickly! I’ve never seen a pair of friends quite as close as you two are, maybe Minho and Jisung, but none other!” Ugh. Why did he have to bring up Minho? It’s not as if your airhead mind wasn’t already being plagued by the man constantly. The LAST thing you needed was to add fuel to the fire. The fire that may or may not have been burning in your pants. Constantly.
“Thanks, Lixie. That’s sweet of you to say.” You raised your hand and gave him a small pat on his shaggy blonde head as he answered with a squinty smile.
The two of you rolled up and you braced yourself to face Chan as Felix knocked on the expensive apartment building’s door. You two heard a loud ‘COME IN!’ from none other than the ever-yelling Seo Changbin and the two of you tentatively stepped inside.
You stepped out of your shoes in the fancy entryway and rounded the corner on the right to fully enter the apartment. “TA-DAAA!” You stopped in your tracks as soon as you were faced with Jisung and Minho with their arms spread out in presentation of their surprise. And, boy, was it one HELL of a surprise.
Both of them were sporting brand new silky, midnight blueish-black hair. DAMN THOSE TWO FOR WRECKING YOUR HEART! You felt your stomach fall out of your ass and you were cursing them in all languages under the sun. “Holy SHIT.” You didn’t even give two flying fucks that you let that one slip.
“You like it?” Jisung was lightly bouncing, making his fresh new hair floof out in the process. He looked exponentially hopeful of your approval and looked stupid adorable with his cheeky smile.
“Fuck yeah I do!” You walked up to the two boys who smiled at you in suspension of your words. “Damn, you two are looking FINE AS HELL!” You shamelessly brought each of your hands up to their heads to run through their silky locks, to which they allowed with pleasure.
“Good, ‘cause I’d hate to have to redo it if you didn’t.” Minho winked at you and you silently kicked yourself for your dumbass swooning. You had desperately tried to avoid eye contact, but how could you when he looked like a whole fucking SNACK? With his stupid new hair color with his stupid black ripped jeans that hug his stupidly thick thighs deliciously and his stupid plain black t-shirt that would look boring on literally anyone but him, topping it off with that stupid fucking leather jacket that fits him perfectly.
“Psh, I highly doubt my opinion would convince you to go through another color treatment.”
“True, but it’s the thought that counts.” Cheeky bastard.
“Wait, is this why you skipped class?” You wouldn’t put it past him, he’s a fucking god at dancing so he can afford to miss a class or two.
He shrugged. “The world may never know.” He gave another breathtaking wink and you fumed at the damned tease.
You couldn’t help but glance over at Chan who was staring daggers at your interaction with the boys from his position next to Seungmin in the kitchen. You knew it was petty, it really was, but you couldn’t help it. You turned to stand in between the boys and looped your arms through each of theirs tightly. “C’mon, my two favorite blueberries, let’s get trashed!”
- - - - - - - - - -
Everyone sat in a circle around the large coffee table in the living room with their various drinks of liquor, cocktails, beer, et cetera. Chan was on the opposite side from where you were on the couch sandwiched between Jisung and Minho.
“Why can’t I be blueberry number one?” Said a very disgruntled Lee Minho from your left.
“Because she obviously likes me more!” Jisung said from your right, leaning over you to poke his tongue out at his best friend.
You chuckled at the quokka. “It’s because his cute little cheekies are so round and cute like a blueberry. I just want to grab him and squish them!” You took his alcohol flushed face in your hands by his cheeks and smooshed them accordingly, to which he promptly decided to close his eyes and pucker his lips out as you laughed at him.
“Yah! Back off, Han Jisung!” Minho shoved Jisung away from you as the quokka giggled. You felt your ears heat up as you imagined it to be over possessiveness of you. Even though it was stupid... No, IT IS stupid. End of story.
“What? It’s not as if she’s taken hyuuuung.” Jisung taunted his fellow blueberry, who just glowered right back at him.
“No, it’s because she’s just like one of us. One of the guys. Stop harassing her, Hanji.” Chan spoke up from across the table with a dead serious glare. You heard the laughter beside you go quiet and you could feel your anger rise again.
You threw your arm around Jisung’s shoulder. “Cool it, Chan. It’s all for shits and giggles, right Ji?” You could feel Jisung tense under Chan’s menacing eyes.
“Heh, yeah, just all for fun hyung…” He chuckled nervously and you reclaimed your arm from his warmth.
Everyone in the room went silent as you and Chan were having a damned Mexican stand off in the middle of the living room. You abruptly decided to chug your double bourbon and coke in one go and stood rigidly. “Whatever, I’m getting more to drink.”
Once you were in the privacy of the kitchen, you could hear low mumbling coming from the other room. Damnit, Chan! Why are you being like this? I mean... you, yourself, weren’t necessarily helping the situation, but it’s not as if you were intentionally dragging the rest of the group into it!
You refilled the glass of melted ice and you stiffened as you heard footsteps approach from behind you. “Hey…” You physically relaxed. You turned around and presented your most convincing smile to Seungmin.
“Hey, sorry about all of that. Oh! I forgot to tell you congrats buddy! I really like your new place, you must be loaded as hell. How much do you pay for this shit?” He looked utterly unconvinced.
“I appreciate your interest, but you know that’s not what I want to talk about right now.”
You sighed and hung your head. “I know I know, sorry Seungmin. I know we shouldn’t bring our drama into your party… I’m willing to ignore our petty quarrel for tonight if he is, but I really don’t think this is something he and I can solve in just one night.”
He nodded in understanding. “Okay Kiyomi, I appreciate it. I’ll talk to Chan-hyung too. Don’t be too long, okay?”
“Kay…” You gave him a meek grin as he exited the room again, exhaling in defeat once he was gone. Why tonight, of all nights, is it when we fight like this? It’s not like you two were strangers to disagreements and petty tiffs, even so, they were very few and far between so when they happened, it felt ten times worse.
Just as you finished making your drink, you turned to go back to the living room. However, lo and behold, the bane of your existence, Lee Minho crashed right into you as you rounded the corner. Bourbon and coke drenched  the both of you, on display for everyone to see, the darkened drink fully soaked through your white t-shirt. You looked down in horror as your bra became more and more visible through the dampening cloth. Lord, kill me now.
“Aw fuck, Kiyomi, I’m so sorry! Are y–” You flushed in embarrassment as you saw Minho look down at your current situation and you threw your arms over your chest to cover yourself. Minho was quick to turn and face away, but he didn’t cut and run like you had expected. Instead, he slightly spread his arms, fanning out his leather jacket and stepping to the side so that you were out of view from the group. “Where’s your overnight bag?” He said over his shoulder.
“By the front door…” You squeaked out from your mortified state of being.
“Walk behind me over to the guest room and you can shower in the ensuite and change clothes. I’ll leave your bag just inside the door.” He said it to you, but loud enough so everyone would know to piss off and keep it velvet.
“I’ll clean up!” Jeongin jumped up on his feet and you handed the empty glass to Minho for him to pass on to the maknae. The two of you shimmied over and you muttered a small ‘thank you’ as you closed the door behind you. You melted on the other side of the door and buried your face in your hands. You were reminded that, yes, you’re just like one of the guys, however you ARE still a female. Some things you just can’t mutually brush off. You weren’t exactly proud of your lithe body and now the whole group got a good glimpse of it along with your undergarments. 
You groaned in frustration as you stomped off to the shower.
- - - - - - - - - -
Your heart swelled with warmth as you stepped back into the room - your towel wrapped firmly around you - and saw your bag right where Minho said he would put it. It also appeared that he had closed the door and locked it behind him for good measure. He had always been attractive to you, but the act of respect he showed you earlier made him all the more desirable. You were SO far beyond suppressing your fucked up affection for this man.
You shimmied into your mint colored silk pajamas, A cute, collared button-up with matching shorts that actually complimented your slim figure. Not to make an impression or anything. Definitely not… You took a deep breath and mentally convinced yourself to not be awkward when you returned to the party.
As you opened the door, you were relieved to see all of the boys chatting amongst themselves. Changbin and Minho were yelling at each other and being rowdy like usual. You reclaimed your seat in between the blueberries and Felix cooed at you. “Aww your pj’s are so cute, Kiyomi! I’m jelly!”
“Well Chan bought them so go ahead and thank him.” You offered a small smile to your bestie and you felt a bit of weight lift from your shoulders as he returned it. You lightly shoved Minho’s elbow, pulling him from his zoned out state that was focused on your silk nightwear. You mentally patted yourself on the back. “Yah! You’re the one who wasted my drink, go get me a new one!”
He gaped at you in mock offense. “As you command your highness!” You smiled at him with triumphant smugness as he stood from his seat to play bartender.
“Okay!” Seungmin stood up in front of the group. “Before everyone gets shitfaced, we need to go over sleeping arrangements. There are three bedrooms, all with California kings so we can fit three on each, we just need to figure out who’s sleeping with who.”
Chan looked at you warily. “Are you sure it’s a good idea for Kiyomi to sleep with two of us?” Minho returned and silently passed your mixed drink to you which you accepted with an exaggerated bow.
“What’s the big deal, Chan? You and I would sleep together most nights when I stayed at your place growing up. Or would you rather me sleep on the couch?” You knew that would strike a nerve, but you needed to make your point clear. 
“No–” Minho and Chan eerily said in tandem, making them awkwardly glance at one another.
Chan added, “Absolutely not.”
“You're not sleeping on any damn couch.” Minho’s face was stern and it got you super heated to see him be so serious. The group looked confused at their outburst. 
You looped your arms around the two boys on each side of you. “If that's the case, I’ll just cuddle up with my adorable blueberries!” You swiveled your head back and forth like an oscillating fan at the two and watched as they both suppressed their endeared smiles. And you may or may not have minded the idea snuggling up to Minho in the sheets…
“Fine, do whatever you want…” Chan crossed his arms and sighed. At least he was backing off a bit. Maybe?
“We’ve decided to play ring of fire like old times, I’ve already translated and explained the rules to everyone. You cool with that?” Chan sounded surprisingly calm in contrast to his earlier demeanor. You’re grateful that he is trying to be civil for the party. Even if you know you two will be at each other’s throats when you return home.
“Hell yeah I’m cool with that! I feel like I’m back in high school, hiding out in your parent’s shed.” Chan huffed a suppressed chuckle.
"Yeah, and I had to nurse your wasted ass back to consciousness." A wide smile spread across your face at the memory. You were abruptly startled as Minho grabbed the drink you’re sipping on and took a swig of it for himself.
“What a rebellious little mouse. I never would have guessed.” You scoffed at him and snatched the iced beverage back from his hands.
“Well there’s a lot of things you don’t know, kitty cat.” That’s the understatement of the century. You petulantly poked your tongue out and he returned it in kind. Bad idea, I don’t need to see his tongue right now. What is wrong with my BRAIN?!
“Yah! Let’s get this show on the road, everyone!” Changbin fucking screamed from his place on the other side of Minho. Everyone covered their ears instinctively, Hyunjin - the drama queen - writhed around as if he was bleeding out.
“Hyuuuung, I’m right next to you! For the love of god, shut the fuck up!” Jeongin collapsed against Chan on his left with his fingers in his ear sockets. Minho joined the yelling with a ‘yah!’ of his own, making you crash into Jisung in an attempt to escape the noise, earning a laugh from the quokka.
Once Chan and Felix situated the game together and plopped a large beer can in the center, the boys were itching to begin. And to be honest, you were too, many fun times flooded your memory as you peered down at the game, filling your brain with pure bitter-sweet nostalgia.
Several rounds passed and you ended up being picked as Jisung’s ‘mate’ when he drew an 8, making you have to join him every time he was forced to take a drink. Which was a SHIT TON apparently with how horrible he was at this game. People had several varieties of drinks in their hands so the ‘pot’ on the side of the ring was filled with an absolutely repulsive concoction by the time the fourth King was drawn by none other than the little baby bread. He swore to the heavens that he would never play this game again as he gagged copiously.
With each Jack that was drawn came worse and worse rules. First, everyone simply had to say something nice to the person on their left any time they had to drink - courtesy of sweet Felix.
Jisung drank a lot so you were basically showered with exaggerated compliments. However this meant you also had to drink, showering Minho with little sassy remarks like ‘I guess you are tolerable’ and ‘you dance pretty good for a man with acrimony tendencies’. He was constantly sour back at you but you could tell it was all in good fun. You quite enjoyed playing with him. Uhm... well maybe not like that... Even though you wouldn't exactly mind that either... Oh god, don’t be dirty minded stupid brain.
Second Jack was to completely speak in third person, if you didn’t you had to take a straight shot of Jäger. A few got caught on that one, but not as many as you had expected.
Thirdly, nasty ass Minho decided you needed to literally lick the bottom of Jisung’s foot if you didn’t end every one of your sentences with ‘I am Minho’s bitch’. And, let me tell you, everyone avoided that penalty like the damn plague. Much to Minho’s dismay, everyone escaped that fate.
And lastly, the final Jack to be drawn landed in the almighty Hwang Hyunjin’s greedy hands. Everyone hunkered in suspense as he conjured up the final rule with an evil grin.
“Okay I’m ready!” He sat up straight with pride written across his angelic face. “Any time you cuss…” You can already predict everyone to fail. “…you have to kiss the person on your right. With. Tongue.”
Jaws dropped across the room. “Damn, babe. You’re ruthless.” Felix said with a hungry smile from Hyunjin’s left.
“And you love me for it. Now pay up.”
“Hell yeah I do.” Felix harshly grabbed his boyfriend’s face and smashed their mouths together in a passionate kiss. The room was equally filled with either cooing at the couple or sounds of disgust. “You do realize that Ji is probably going to have to swap spit with me, right?” Felix realized this as he pulled away.
Hyunjin just shrugged his shoulders. “Collateral damage I guess.”
“Hyunjin, you’re the devil incarnate. You know the majority of us curse like sailors.” Hyunlix just cackled at the Chan’s devastated reaction.
Meanwhile, you were legitimately having an internal melt down due to the fact that, against all odds, you could end up not only making out with one, but both of your blueberry boys. If Minho cusses, you might as well die on the spot.
“Piglet, if you mutter a single goddamned word, I will throw you in a legitimate meat grinder.” Minho was seething at Changbin sitting on his left who looked like his soul just evacuated from his body. He nodded in compliance without another word.
The game moved on and the air was thick with tension, most everyone had resorted to silence, save for Felix who just wanted to suck Hyunjin’s face off.
When Jisung failed the category game again, you groaned in frustration at having to take another drink with your ‘mate’. “Ughhh, what the actual fuck Jisung?! I swear, you're doing it on purpose just to spite me!” Everyone gasped and gawked at you. Your peculiar expression portrayed your pure confusion to the men. What the hell happened? Oh… Ohhh fuck.
Your eyes were as wide as saucers as you stared down at your lap in disbelief. You refused to make eye contact with both Minho nor Chan as you turned to face Jisung’s cheeky grin.
“Hyunjin, I would like to worship you for this glorious moment in my lifetime. I have truly been blessed.” He bowed to the tall man as deep as he could manage in his seated position to which the action was returned. When he turned back to you he gave you a soft look.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ve been told I’m an excellent kisser.” You saw his eyes float down to your lips eagerly. It’s not like you hated the idea of kissing Jisung, he was incredibly handsome and his lips definitely looked kissable as fuck, but he was just the cute little quokka you have come to know and love. Your mouth craved a different set of lips...
“Jisung…” You were flabbergasted as Minho and Chan spoke up at the same time again, both with same murderous expressions. You at least knew why Chan was being an ass, but Minho? It was beyond puzzling as to what was going on in his mind. Don’t even think about it…
“Oh come on you two, stop babying her! It’s just a game!” Seungmin was obviously thoroughly enjoying the show from his spot between Hyunjin and Chan.
You chuckled, a little more relaxed from the puppy’s lightheartedness. “Okay you feisty quokka, get over here…” He was already sitting fairly close to you, but he scootched closer nonetheless. It’s just a kiss, no need to make it weird, right?
You made the first move as you placed your palms on his chubby cheeks and pulled him in close. You felt his hands respectfully gently rest high up on your waist as your lips lightly touched.
“We need to see tongue, you scaredy cats!” Right. That. You initiated the task - reminded by a fairly tipsy Jeongin - by slipping your tongue out to meet his.
He wasn’t lying when he said he was a good kisser. Not too slobbery and not too stiff, a proper, sensual kiss. If this were... someone else... you would want to kiss them for days on end. The only problem was the fact that there were no sparks. No stirring feeling in your gut that indicated you really wanted it. Nothing like your most recent kiss…
You felt a broad hand wrap around your forearm as you were being yanked backward. “Okay! That’s enough! We get it! Task done. Move on.” Minho announced a bit too loudly as he released his vice grip on your arm.
“I am officially the luckiest man in the room!” You laughed at Jisung's proclamation when his hands lifted in the air. You couldn’t help but glance in Minho’s direction as Jisung reiterated his happiness. He was glowering down at you with fire and hunger in his eyes like you had never seen before and you felt heat zap up your spine and reddening your face. Welcome back butterflies.
“I beg to fucking differ!” You watched as Felix dived on top of Hyunjin to execute his ‘penalty’.
You heard Changbin clear his throat. “Well then… that was hot as h—“ you heard him pause and shrink away from Minho in terror as he caught his own curse. “-hhhhades! Y-yeah. Hades. *Ahem*” You could almost visibly see him mentally seal off his speech from then on.
“Are we going to continue the game or not?” Chan was visibly fuming, glaring daggers across the table as Jisung feared for his life.
“Cut it out Daddy Bang Chan, it’s just a game.” Felix rolled his eyes and took his turn. 
As the game went on, of course Jisung ended up cussing. Everyone hollered as Jisung and Felix got down to business, except for of course Hyunjin who just grimaced and turned away.
“You asked for it, hyung!” Jeongin pointed out to the disgruntled ferret, already sloshed from the nasty concoction earlier.
The tab on the beer can in the middle of the circle got progressively closer to popping the seal as the previously drawn cards filled the space underneath where everyone had slipped them to fit. Everyone held their breaths as the next person after the next entered their card carefully, praying they wouldn’t hear the telling *tsss* that indicated the seal had been broken.
Minho tactfully drew from the circle, making sure not to break the ring of cards. “Four is for whores! Drink up, whore!” An extremely wasted Felix pointed at you from the other side of Jisung. You loopily giggled as you gulped down the fifth glass of your watered down alcohol from the ice that has melted. You had an extreme lack of judgment as you leaned your dizzy body to rest against Minho’s shoulder. You immediately noticed how he tensed up.
“Fuck it.” Your brain glitched over Minho's cursed words and you peered out at the group of bewildered faces. Minho then decided to unceremoniously shove his card under the tab of the can - with no small amount of force - and promptly popped the seal, indicating the end of the game.
Your mind was in overdrive as you watched him fulfill his duty of chugging the whole can in one go and crunching the empty aluminum container once it was empty. Without warning, his warm hands cupped the sides of your jaw and angled your head up to meet his.
Your body was on fire. His eyes were ravenous and you could feel yourself drown in them as he pulled you closer, lungs refusing to cooperate. When his lips touched yours, everyone in the room disappeared, leaving only the two of you sitting blissfully in the universe. Your lips intertwined freely and your tongues explored each other’s mouths.
He tasted like shitty beer and liquor, but you had never tasted anything more addicting. You could feel your fingers involuntarily glide through his dark locks of silky hair and his thumbs caress where they were placed on your cheeks. Holy fucking hell please don’t let this be a dream.
Your euphoria was abruptly stolen from your grasp as you felt the warm hands and lips leave your skin hastily. Your drunken mind made you want to cry from the loss.
When you opened your droopy eyes, you jolted to your feet - making you stumble gloriously - when you saw that Chan had yanked Minho away and was holding him up by his shirt collar. “What the FUCK, Minho?! The game was over! You didn’t have to force yourself on her like that you piece of shit!” Minho’s face was completely devoid of emotion as his friend cursed at him.
“CHAN!” With all of your intoxicated might, you shoved your best friend away from Minho. “He didn’t force shit on me and you know it!”
The rest of the room had also jumped to their feet and were ready to intervene if things got ugly. “Hyung, it was just a part of the game…” The sweet maknae tried to insert a voice of reason.
“In his defense, Chan-hyung, he technically broke the rule before the game was officially over.” Jisung hid behind Changbin as he tried to protect his best friend.
You and Chan glared daggers at each other while the room fell silent. “Whatever, Y/N. You don’t want me to care anymore? Fine. Here’s me not giving a damn.” With that, Chan stormed out of the room and shrugged on his coat, slamming the front door behind him as he left the apartment. He barely ever uses your given name.
You don’t know when it had happened, but tears were cascading down your face in buckets. You hid your face in your hands to shield your ugly-ass crying face from your friends.
You felt the warm arms of the man at your back wrap around your front in a tight hug. “I’m s-so *hiccup* sorry Min…” You refused to reveal your face from your safe space in your palms as you choked on your sobs.
“Shhh, it’s okay, I’m not hurt. It’s my own dumbass fault anyway.” He chuckled. You know he was just trying to cheer you up, but it just made you sob more.
You could hear shuffling throughout the room and you could feel another pair of arms wrap around you. You were almost positive that it was Felix from the lithe frame of the body. Then you felt another, then another. You were afraid to look up and see just how many of your friends were trying to comfort you.
“You know he’s just trying to protect you, noona. You know that right?” You weakly nodded your head and assumed Seungmin could see it from wherever he was at.
Once you felt the sobs that were wrecking your body subside, you lifted your head from your hands and saw all seven of the boys crowding around you. You were exponentially emotional from the situation and you felt extremely undeserving. Chan was the reason you were here with them. Hell, Chan was the reason you were even still alive, really.
“I need to make this right…” You started stumbling towards the door.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Changbin had a hold on your wrist. “It’s the middle of the night and your fucking plastered, NO WAY are we going to let you go chase him around when it’s dark out and you’re as boiled as an owl!” He pulled you back to the group as Jisung and Minho bracketed you on each side and threw their arms over your shoulders.
“Let’s get to bed, Kiyomi. You can talk to Channie-hyung in the morning.” Jisung smiled at you brightly and you returned it with a weak grin.
“Okay…” You took one last look at the front door and worried about your best friend. He had been drinking too...
After everyone bid good night to each other, you quickly texted Chan.
Let me know when u get home, kay?
We can talk in the morning but I really do love u Channie…
G’night pup.
You tense in anticipation when you receive a text almost immediately after.
I’m home
It takes a minute longer but then you see another message appear.
I love u too, sis…
Get some sleep, sweet dreams
You could almost cry in relief when you felt that your relationship wasn’t completely in shambles. How could it be? You two were family. Always would be.
The three of you crashed onto the California king bed together in the room with the ensuite. Jisung on your right side and Minho on your left. It felt weird, almost wrong , to be laying in bed with two incredibly attractive men. But to you, they weren’t really labeled strictly as the opposite sex, they were so much more to you.
The two boys hugged you on each side, squishing you into a sandwich and squeezed a strangled giggle out of your mouth. When they relaxed their grip, you couldn’t control the words that fell out of your gob. The phrase being all-too-common coming from your mouth. “I don’t deserve you guys…”
“Stop saying nonsense.” Minho cupped his hand over your mouth while Jisung tickled your sides. 
“Ack! Okay! Okay!” You cackled at the feeling. You brought your hands up to rest on both of the arms that were wrapped around your tummy and you sighed in content as you closed your eyes.
- - - - - - - - - -
You slowly regained consciousness as you felt a rustling in the bed next to you. As you turned your head, you saw the warmth of Minho leave the bundle of blankets that incased the three of you. Just as he was about to leave, your arm moved on its own to grab onto his wrist.
“Please don’t leave…” Your half asleep slur made him smile and sit back down.
He patted your head that most likely looked like a rat’s nest. “I’m not, little mouse, don’t worry. I’m just going to get some water.” His words were hardly above a whisper.
“Oh…” You reluctantly released his wrist and he briefly rested his hand on the back of yours. “...well…I want some too, then.”
“As you wish. I’ll be right back.” Not even a witty quip back?
It took a couple minutes, but he eventually creeped back in the room quietly, not wanting to disturb the sleeping quokka. The water was nice and cold and soothed the stinging acid left behind by the liquor. He crawled back in bed next to you as you sipped on the refreshing liquid. When you handed it back to him, he took a few large gulps for himself and sat the glass down on the nightstand.
The two of you naturally faced each other with Jisung at your back. You and Minho laid there and stared into each other’s sparkling eyes. For some reason it didn’t feel awkward. It felt sweet and intimate as if unspoken words were lingering in the air between the two of you.
Your mind wandered back to when he broke the rule in the game. It was beyond obvious to everyone of the risks and tension of the penalty. ‘Fuck it.’ Fuck it, he said. There’s no way that was an accident. Well, you know what, you agreed with him. Fuck it, there was no point in holding back now.
Faster than you intended, you scooted closer to him in bed and grabbed his head with both hands, fingers running through his silky hair yet again. You didn’t think you’d ever be able to get over his beautiful mane. No matter what color. Your eyes moved from his blown out eyes down to his plush lips. The expression on his face was equal parts of surprise and anticipation.
This moment. This is what you’d been longing for. You pressed your lips to his and he eagerly returned the kiss, snaking his arm underneath you so he could wrap both hands securely around your waist. The kiss stayed slow and controlled, the both of you simply enjoying the relief of each other’s touch. Fucking finally.
You were only mildly aware of the sleeping quokka behind you, but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Right then, it was only you and Minho, and he was way more intoxicating than anything you had drank that night.
There was a growing ball of heat that consumed your core and you felt like it was best to break the kiss before you lost all sense of proper judgement. You backed away with one last chaste kiss and stared into his eyes once more, heavy breathing emitting from both of your chests. You couldn’t control the huge smile that made your cheeks ache in a happiness that spread across your face.
He returned it in kind. “I kind of like you, little mouse. I think I’ll keep you.” You scoffed at his whispered words, but the annoyance wasn’t able to reach your face as the smile still consumed the space.
“Wow, what a smooth talker. Oh how it makes me swoon.” He chuckled and it seemed - no matter how hard he tried to suppress it - he couldn’t shake his own smile either. You watched his face get nearer and saw as his vision focus on your lips. You prepared for another heavenly kiss, but you suddenly felt yourself being pulled away.
Jisung had apparently rolled over and decided he wanted to cuddle in his sleep. His arm was pulling you in by your waist and his face was buried in the crook of your neck, lightly snoring like a baby pug. You and Minho shared a perplexed expression and when your eyes met, the two of you bursted out in giggles that wrecked your bodies.
The whole bed was shaking from the both of your guys’ hysteria. It was a damn miracle that Jisung didn’t wake up. That boy slept like the dead.
After several moments of smiles and light pecks, you and Minho fell back asleep with fingers intertwined.
- - - - - - - - - -
Boop. Boop.
You wrinkled your nose in irritation.
You groaned at the pokes you felt across your face, disturbing your sweet dreamland of pancakes and bacon. You could almost smell the delicious scent from the vivid images your mind had conjured up.
“Kiyooomi… wakey-wakey…” You smiled at the warm, deep voice of Felix on the other side of your slumbering eyelids. Without much thought behind it, you reached out to the void in front of you until your hands found the small arms of the boy and you pulled him down for suffocating cuddles. “Haha! Kiyomi, you faker!”
He wrapped his arms around you to return the embrace. “Ten more minutes, Lixie. I feel like I just woke up from my deathbed.” You snuggled into his chest and felt the dark clouds return to your consciousness.
“GOOOOD MORNING, SUNSHINES!” Your eyes flew open to the sight of a flying quokka landing a full lunge onto yours and Felix’s balled up forms. You groaned loudly as he joined in the cuddle party. “Wake up lady! Changbin-hyung and Minho-hyung are making breakfast for our sorry, hungover asses.”
You quickly sat up and realized that that smell wasn’t from your dream as your body floated on its own to follow the delicious scent. “Holy fuck. Why didn’t you say so Lix? I’m starving.”
The small blonde shrugged and followed you out. “I was enjoying the cuddles.”
You could feel the smile overflow your face as you stepped into the kitchen and saw the two boys hard at work. Just like your dream had envisioned, a fluffy stack of pancakes and a simmering pile of bacon made their appearances to the side of the work space. You squeezed in between the two men that were diligently working together by the stove and threw your arms over both of them.
“You guys are my goddamn guardian angels. I thought I was going to die.”
“That's a shame. If you died, we could have had sausage and bacon.” You shoved Minho’s chuckling frame to the side.
“I take it back. You–” You pointed at Minho. “-asshole, are a whole damn slice of devil’s food cake.” You shot an exaggerated set of piercing eyes in his direction.
“Is that so? How do I taste?” The man looked like a predator stalking his prey as he scooted back over close to you. You felt your whole face light up in flames and butterflies stir in your gut as you stepped away from his tempting smile. You taste how a motherfucking dose of black tar heroin does to a drug addict. You moved to the other side of Changbin, out of sight from your personal demon.
“Can you two stop dicking around? You’re going to mess up the perfection of my flapjacks.” Changbin whined with an over-concentrated look on his face as he poured another circular form on the skillet.
“Hyung, let’s be real, it was ruined as soon as you took over the task.” Felix said from his spot by the sink, washing his hands.
“Yah! Do you not want any Yongbokkie?!” 
“Sorry Binnie-hyung! Love yooou!” Felix hugged Changbin around the neck briefly and you followed the ball of sunshine to help as he scurried away to set the table.
- - - - - - - - - -
“Lix, don’t worry about driving me back home. I’m going to get a head start so I can talk to Channie, okay?” You had finished your breakfast - barely making a dent before you felt like you were going to burst - and were walking out of the kitchen after you cleaned your dishes. You didn’t eat an extraordinary amount, but you felt more full than you had in weeks. To say the least, Minho was not happy with the amount of leftovers you slid off onto Changbin’s plate.
You informed the other of your plan when you passed the Aussie in the dining room as you headed back to the room to collect your things. “You sure?” His words were muffled with the amount of food stuffed in his freckled cheeks and you nodded with a confident smile on your face.
“I’ll help you get your things together.” Minho stood from the table and followed close behind you as you stepped into the room. 
Once you were safely inside, you froze in your tracks when you heard Minho shut the door behind him. You slowly turned around to face him with an apprehensive expression, heart thumping in your chest as you waited for his next move. But as you looked at his face - where you had expected to find amorous fires emitting from his eyes with a confidence that only Lee Minho could exude - instead, there was a somewhat insecure longing. You had never seen such a look on him, but damn him to hell for looking so freaking beautiful no matter what expression he held.
“Y/N…” He took a hesitant step towards you. “You know that I like you… right?”
You had never seen him so unsure of himself. He always held a confident and intimidating attitude that melted you to the spot, so this reaction was quite startling. You wanted to take away anything that could possibly make him feel anything less than the force of nature he was.
You smirked up at him to stride over to where he was standing, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Unless you kiss everyone like that, I would say I’ve had an inkling.” You could feel him physically relax under your touch and finally felt his muscular hands slither around your waist.
“I wouldn’t necessarily say quite like that, but my cats definitely get plenty of my smooches.” His wink and blinding smile had returned to his face and you could feel it carry over to your own. You felt magnetized to him as your arms subconsciously pulled him down for a reassuring kiss. It sure as hell felt real now. Now that neither of you were drunk or half asleep, the both of you moved like it had always been that way.
The arms that wrapped around you made you feel even tinier than you already were with the way they almost doubled over around you. The warm pressure of his lips made you sigh in pleasure and you found yourself reaching up on the points of your toes to get closer to him. The tongue that snaked out to meet with yours tasted like butter and maple syrup and you drank in the pure bliss the taste brought to you.
You lightly gasped as he pulled your body flush to his and you felt your skin set aflame when his fingers glided up and down your back through the thin material of your top. The skin on the back of his neck felt like lava and you skimmed your fingers underneath the collar to try and feel of more of the satin flesh. You were visibly keening when you felt his fingers find the bottom hem of your silk shirt to do the same.
“Hyung, can you help me w–” You almost screamed when you heard none other than Han Jisung step into the room, but your voice couldn’t express more than a squeak. Minho looked indubitably pissed when you jumped backwards and he whipped around menacingly to face his best friend.
Jisung quickly stepped inside and shut the door behind him. “Ji, wait, it wasn’t w–”
“Well well well! It’s about damn time you made a fucking move, hyung!” Jisung crossed his arms and rolled his eyes at Minho while your brain short circuited. “I was prepared to tell her MYSELF if you kept your gob shut any longer.”
You stared at the pair, completely lost. “W-what?” You looked at Minho expectantly.
He meekly turned back to you as he scratched the back of his neck. “I may have *ahem* mentioned once or twice that I kind of have a thing for you…” He chuckled nervously. So… this wasn’t a new thing for him? He’s had these feelings for a while now? Holy shit…
“He only told me, though. I’m pretty sure everyone else is completely oblivious. Even though I'm not sure how they could be when he looks at you the way he does.” Blueberry #1 just stood there with a smug look on his face when Minho turned his attention back to him.
The feline took a step toward the quokka with malice. “YEAH, which is why that bullshit you pulled last night with your filthy lips was NOT FUNNY.” 
Jisung put his hands up in defense. “Hey, I’m not the one that cussed, she was! Besides, how else was I going to pressure you to get the fuck on with it?”
You stood flabbergasted as you watched the boys bicker. Minho rolled his eyes. “Well you definitely seemed a bit overeager to get your hands on her…” You had then decided that Minho's pouting was now one of your favorite things to witness.
“Can you blame me though? I haven’t gotten any action in AGES and she’s actually a fucking goddess with those lips!” Jisung threw you a sly wink, making you blush furiously.
Blueberry #2 came back to you and wrapped an arm around your waist. “Yeah, I know. So get your own, Sungie! And give us some goddamn privacy while you’re at it.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” He traipsed over to the door and started to step out before turning back. “But, Kiyomi, if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me.” He flashed yet another crooked grin and winked at you once more.
You couldn’t help but giggle when Minho threw a pillow directly at Jisung’s face, the latter closing the door before it could meet its mark. You heard the fading sound of laughter from the quokka on the other side as he walked away.
You felt an overwhelming sense of giddiness consume you. You gently walked up to the man still glaring at the closed door and placed a hand on his shoulder, guiding him to turn around and face you. “Hey Min?”
As he turned around, his face softened. He brought his left hand up to cup your cheek. “What’s up, my little mouse?” You blushed and look down with a smile on your face, suddenly feeling shy under his intense gaze. “Oh? What’s this? The girl that was sucking on my tonsils a few minutes ago is feeling shy?”
Damn him, he’s not wrong… You harshly punched him in the shoulder. “It’s not like you were any better! Anyway, as much as I would love to bicker over swapping spit, Chan is probably waiting for me…” You turned to collect your things and you felt a strong hand pull you back.
He abruptly spun you around to roughly grab your waist and - in contrast to his hands - he gently pressed his lips to yours. He sensually moved his mouth against you, not quite chaste, but also not quite open-mouthed. “When will I see you next?” He breathed against your lips.
You felt dizzy from his proximity and ethereal face. “I... I don’t know… it depends on how my talk with Channie goes. I’ll text you, but I might not see you until class on Monday.” He pulled back with reluctance.
“Okay, well… I hope everything goes okay. I know he loves you unconditionally and he means well, so I hope you two go easy on each other.” 
You smirked at his comment. “Wow, I think that’s the softest, most heartfelt thing I’ve ever heard you say!” You grabbed his shoulders and turned him left to right as if you were inspecting him. “Is my cat broken?”
He dramatically rolled his eyes at you and suddenly you could see a scheming glint pass over his eyes. You trembled when he stepped closer to you with a bone-chilling smile. He leaned down to whisper in your ear, his lips grazing your lobe. “Would you rather I be rough, little mouse?” His hands landed on your hips and he pulled you flush to him with force. God, I’m a weak, weak woman. You felt like a horny teenager all over again when you found warmth starting to swim through your core, right down to your groin.
You pushed him back in an attempt to avoid the temptation with the whole group just on the other side of the door. “You're the devil, Min. We don’t need the whole friend group to hear you getting ‘rough’.” You tried to glare at him, but you were pretty sure you just looked like a stubborn child.
Where you expected to find more teasing, you found the opposite. “Oh…” He awkwardly dropped his gaze and you wondered if you had said something wrong. “So you don’t want them to know?”
Your heart broke when you saw his downcast face. “It’s not that I don’t want them to know that I’m yours! I'm just not quite ready for Chan to murder you…”
He nodded in understanding, then his face grew that cocky, crooked smile once again. “Sooo, you’re mine?” He bit his bottom lip and all you wanted to do was bite it for him.
“Don’t get cocky, Minnie. You’re still on a tight leash, babe.” What the fuck? The word just instinctively fell out of your mouth and you were mortified at how upfront you were being.
He stepped closer to you again with that darkness in his eyes and regained purchase on your waist. “Babe, huh? I like that, say it again.” He licked his lips and bit it again in anticipation.
You weren’t sure where your sudden confidence came from, but you leaned in close to his ear in preparation to whisper. “I have to leave, baaabe .” You quickly pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek and skipped off to gather your belongings, leaving a blushing statue behind.
- - - - - - - - - -
You took a deep breath as you stood in front of your apartment door. Patience, Y/N. Patience and understanding. Nerves wrecked your body as you opened the door to enter your living room.
You immediately spotted your best friend pacing in front of the kitchen and your heart instantly dropped. He looked awful. His hair was disheveled and there were bags under his eyes as if he hadn’t slept all night. He has insomnia, so you were usually used to this, but he looked way worse than other sleepless nights.
Once your eyes locked, you broke down. You ran up to his anxious form and wrapped your arms around his neck. Tears streamed down your face as he squeezed your waist in a tight hug. “I- I’m so s-sorry Channie. I love you so much and I don’t want us to fight anymore… you deserve someone better than me as a shit friend…”
He squeezed you tighter, leaving you slightly breathless. “Kiyomi, I wouldn’t trade you for anything or anyone on this god forsaken planet. You mean the world to me.” He pulled back and wiped your alligator tears away with his thumbs and laid a small peck on your forehead. “Let’s gather our bearings and veg out to chill for a bit before we work things out, yeah?”
You meekly nodded but refused to let go of his neck. He chuckled at your clinginess and picked you up to lay you on the couch. “I’ll go get snacks, you still want pretzels and chocolate?” You eagerly nodded your head and offered a small smile. No one could ever know you better than Chan.
- - - - - - - - - -
“I- I just don’t think that you need to worry about me 24/7, Channie. I love that you care so much, but I’ve protected myself over these past years that you’ve been gone, haven’t I?”
He hung his head low and nodded. The anime and snacks that had previously been helping to avoid the difficult conversation were completely ignored as the two of you tried to reconcile.
“I suppose that is true. But mom and dad moved you here so I can protect you, love you, and give you a better life. I don’t want to risk you getting a heartbreak or worse from someone who doesn’t love you unconditionally…”
Your face morphed into a sad smile. “Channie, you know that love doesn’t present itself right off the bat, right? If I don’t even get to try, is that really living life to the fullest? I want YOU to date. I want YOU to have a special intimacy with someone. I want YOU to have someone so you don’t feel lonely anymore. I’m not sure if what you have with that one girl is serious, but I have the same fears for you. I don’t want you to get hurt. But even if you do, that is part of the risk of finding someone better.” 
He chuckled under his breath. “It’s times like these where you show that you really are the noona and not the little sis that I treat you like…”
No shit. You smiled at him with the kind of love a mother would give to her child. “So will you tone it down?”
“...I will... try… but please - for the love of god - don’t choose one of our friends. I absolutely love them, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable thinking about any of them…” He shivered in disgust. “...doing… things to you.”
You froze, limbs going stiff and face dropping to a frown. Luckily he was focused on snacking and not your reaction. The ‘things’ that you were wanting to do to Minho flashed through your mind and you knew for sure that Chan would murder him if he ever found out.
You sat there in silence and sadness, but Chan leaned over and hugged you warmly. “I am glad we had this talk, Y/N. I felt awful that we were at odds. I love you so much.” You briefly relaxed and hugged him back.
“I love you too, Channie.” You stared over his shoulder blankly while wrapped in his arms. Now you knew you really had to hide the fact that you and Minho were a thing. A thing? I mean what are we really? You couldn’t help but ponder to yourself, ruminating over the fact that there may or may not be something concrete between the two of you, but you didn’t know what to call it.
When the two of you were ready for bed, you agreed to snuggle that night. The way that you were used to doing growing up when his insomnia was at its worst. He always said it helped him sleep and you definitely felt like he needed the assistance that night.
He laid a kiss on your head as he took over the position of big spoon. “Night, Kiyomi. Love you.”
“Nighty night Channie.” You stared into the darkness and battled with your own thoughts. How am I ever going to tell Chan about Minho?
Needless to say, you didn’t get much sleep that night.
- - - - - - - - - -
R u and Chan-hyung all good?
Little Mouse🐭😘:
Thankfully, yes 🙌🏼 
But, um…
Kinda have bad news too…
😳 Uh oh
At least ur still breathing
I assume
But do tell
Little Mouse🐭😘:
U free tomorrow?
I don’t have to work tomorrow since it’s a Sunday
Hmm 🤔 I’ll have to check my schedule
But I think I can fit u in 😉
Little Mouse🐭😘:
Wow. I’m so touched 🙄
I’m spending a lot of the day w/ Chan
U know, reconciliation and shit
So I’ll probs be there around 7pm
Cool? 👍🏼
I’ll be waiting 😘
You were nervous and excited that morning. Nervous to tell Minho the uncomfortable news, but excited to spend the day with your best friend and your… ‘Man? Lover?’... whatever Minho was to you - that night.
The day with Chan was spent going to Lotte World. You had never been to an amusement park and Chan was as giddy as a school girl to get to show you around. You had decided that you love roller coasters. The thrill of it gave you tingles in your nerves that made you feel like you were flying. Much like the feeling of riding the motorcycle with Minho.
Chan went all out in giving you the full experience. You were not sure how he possibly could have wracked up that kind of money from his ordinary fitness trainer job, but he sure spoiled you nonetheless. Popcorn, cotton candy, ginormous soft pretzels, hot dogs, and ice cream. That’s not including all of the random carnival games where he won you a mountain of plushies. The most impressive was when he won you a cat stuffed animal that was as tall as a fully grown man when he hammered the high striker.
You couldn’t believe the sights and sounds of laughter and fun that filled the air. You felt like a kid again and Chan was with you through all of it. You looked over at your self proclaimed brother and laughed as he fumbled with all of the plushies. When you reached Felix’s car - that you guys borrowed - and he sat down all of the fluffy toys, you hugged him tightly with a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you, Channie. You are the greatest man I’ve ever met. You take care of me so well.” He hugged you back impossibly tighter.
“Love you, big sis. You deserve all of the happiness in the world.” You smile and your heart swelled with your love for this man. 
When you got home, you helped him dump all of the plushies onto your bed. You weren’t sure if you should tell him that you were going to Minho’s. Chan was already uneasy with the two of your guys’ relationship and you didn’t want to stoke the fire.
“Hey, Chan. I have some friends that are needing tutoring in calculus tonight and I was going to go help them at one of their house’s.” You felt slightly guilty for the lie, but you knew the risk of telling him the truth.
He gave you a flabbergasted face. “Kiyomi, you absolutely suck at calculus.” He looked so confused and his face twisted extremely crooked. 
Shit, he’s right. I should have picked a different class. You thought you could play it off, but it didn’t even sound convincing to you. “Yeah, tell me about it. I told them that too, but they insisted.”
He slowly nodded his head. “Okay well, be careful and let me know when you get there and let me know when you are headed back, okay?”
You chuckled at his fatherly instincts. “Yes, sir!” You raised your hand to your forehead and sarcastically saluted him, earning a small scoff.
Before you left, you snuck a tiny kitten plushie with you out of the door.
- - - - - - - - - -
You texted Chan to notify of your arrival as you stood outside of Minho’s apartment door. You didn’t know why your nerves were going haywire. You had already stayed there before. Maybe it was because you two weren’t together before? Were you two together? Anyway, let’s get on with it.
Your knuckles rapped on the door panel and almost instantly you see the ethereal being that was Lee Minho standing on the other side of the threshold. All you could muster was a breathless “Hi” as you stepped into his entryway. Once he closed the door behind you, he wrapped his arms around your waist against you in a back hug as you took off your shoes.
“Well hello, little mouse. Fancy meeting you here.” You turned around in his arms to face his smoldering eyes.
“I figured it was a nice spot to chill.” He smirked at you and you could see him lean in for a kiss.
You decided that you wanted him to earn it. Before he could touch down on your lips, you pulled the plushie out from behind you and held it to his face. He looked shocked as he leaned back, unhooking his arms from you. He almost looked hurt from the obtrusion of his advances.
“What the hell is that?” 
“It’s you!” You smiled triumphantly as you held the cat up to his face. “I got it for you! That way you have a little mini Minho to keep you company.”
“Awww” He pinched your cheek. “What a sweet little mouse.” You pierced your lips together and swatted his hand away.
“Well then, I guess if you don’t want it, I can always give it to Ji…” You pulled it away but he snatched it from you quickly and walked away with a grumble. As you followed him, you see that he had placed it on the center of the island in his kitchen.
“There, now I get to see it every morning when I eat breakfast.” He turned around and smiled mockingly down at you. You felt giddy with the way he looked at you, feeling as if you were lucky to even be in the same presence as this man, let alone having intimate encounters with him. You turned around to hide your blushing smile and walked over to plop down on the couch. Not even a second after, the man sat down next to you with his legs crossed, fully facing you. “So what’s the news? No more brownies before bedtime? He needs to walk you home from school?”
His smirk earned an unamused expression from you. “Wow, you’re a true comedian, you know that?”
He simply shrugged. “Maybe I should change jobs.”
The seriousness of this man is severely limited. “I think you’re better at dancing.” You patronizingly patted his shoulder. “No, but Chan and I have restored harmony, which was the biggest relief I’ve ever felt before in my life…” He nodded, but you looked at him hesitantly. “...and he’s okay with me seeing people…” Minho’s face lit up like a damned Christmas tree and your heart sank. “...but… he said he doesn’t want it to be anyone from our circle…”
You deflated when you had to witness his face drop. “W-what? Why?”
You sighed in frustration. “The fuck if I know. Something about him not wanting any of you guys doing ‘things’ to me.” You raised your eyes to the ceiling and then dropped your face into your hands.
“So, is that it? We can’t see each other?” You whipped your head up to look at his frustrated face and you were sure you looked like a terrified puppy as you grabbed onto the hand that was resting on his lap.
“W-well, not necessarily… we just might need to… I dunno, keep it on the down low?”
He held your hand in return. “Well… as much as I would hate to keep you a secret… I suppose it’s better than nothing.” You two sat in comfortable silence for a moment and Minho seemed to be contemplating something. You couldn’t keep your eyes away from his beautiful face, fearing that he was considering that it might not be worth the trouble. That is until he looked up at you with a smirk on his face. “Sooo…” He leaned in a little closer from his spot next to you. “Care to elaborate on the ‘things’ Chan-hyung was worried about?”
You felt the blood rush to your face and nervousness swirl around in your gut. You definitely never anticipated this is where the conversation was going to go, but, hell, no complaints from your end. “Care to take a guess?” You feigned your confidence when, in reality, you felt like you were going to pass out from anxiousness.
“I might have a few things in mind…” He whispered against your lips, suddenly right in front of your face. You felt your resolve crumble as he pressed his lips to yours. A teeny tiny sliver of your subconscious whispered to you that you were betraying Chan, but it was nothing compared to the burning hot desire you were currently feeling.
You basically jumped him as you threw your arms around his neck, making him chuckle as he almost fell back against the arm of the couch from your impact. You wasted no time in coaxing him to let you explore his mouth, which he did so eagerly. You’d never tasted anything more addicting than Minho, hinting at a bit of dark chocolate and citrus.
Your upper body leaned against him, while your lower body remained respectfully seated on the couch. You ran your hands through his hair and under the hem of the collar of his shirt while one of his hands claimed purchase around your waist and the other was rubbing up and down your thigh. And my god did it feel heavenly. He repositioned his crossed legs to halfway sit on the sofa proper while his left leg folded underneath him to lean in closer.
His tongue was extremely experienced and you were sure you were currently soaking in your panties from the intensity of the situation. You decided to take matters into your own hands as you pulled him down on top of you, slotting him in between your legs. You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth when you felt the effect you had on him through his tightening pants.
“God, you’re so sexy.” He whispered as his lips moved to nip at your ear. Your body moved on its own as you grinded up against him, seeking the sweet friction from his body. The sound of heavy panting filled the room and the hands that were currently on your hips slipped down to grab underneath your thighs, lifting them slightly so he could press even closer to you.
You whimpered as he grinded down on you with his mouth sucking on your pulse. You wrapped your legs around him and pulled him impossibly close. You almost felt desperate for more of his touch. You were new to this but all your instincts could think about was feeling him all over.
While your legs were wrapped around him, one of his hands moved from your thigh up to the hem of your shirt, teasing with it to silently ask permission. “Minho, if you don’t touch me right now I think I will actually combust.” You felt his smile against your neck and he roughly grabbed your shirt, leaning back to shuck it off your body.
You slightly felt embarrassed as he intensely looked down at your body, running his hands over your sides and protruding ribs. You could've sworn for half a second you saw a sad smile cross his features, but then he licked his bottom lip as he slid his hands to cup over your bra. You silently praised Felix for the black, lace bra he provided you with. “You're so goddamned beautiful, Y/N…”
You didn’t expect it when he laid himself on top of you again, switching his movements against your lips to a slow, intimate kiss. Your body melted on the spot and decidedly resolved yourself to allow this man to do whatever the fuck he wanted to do to you. Your heart was pounding as you two gently moved your tongues together in a delicate dance, his hands massaging your breasts all the while.
You arched your back as he wrapped his arms around you to allow him to remove your bra, much more controlled than the last time you two fooled around on this couch. He wasted no time in throwing the lacy fabric to the side and running his palms across your bare breasts. No man had ever touched you under your clothes (not welcomed hands anyway) and you felt as if you were hyperventilating.
He flicked his thumbs over your sensitive, pink buds and you couldn’t sustain the squeak that escaped your mouth. “Hmmm, I like to hear my little mouse make those sweet noises.” You were sure your whole body was flushed as he moved his open-mouthed kisses down your chest. You felt another wave of pleasure pulse through your groin as he took your nipple into his mouth and sucked  hard .
You whined as he moved from one nipple to the other as to not neglect the other from his abuse. All you could do was lay there in suspense as he continued the journey of his lips down to your navel, the absence of his hard erection making you whine. “Oh, god, Minnie…” He thumbed at your clit through your jeans and you immediately took matters into your own hands. “Bedroom, now.”
With that, he swiftly lifted you from the couch (Damn, he’s strong) and shuffled to the bedroom to gently lay you down on the bed, quickly pulling off his shirt like a damn porn star and making his dark hair fluff from the friction. You giggled as he pounced on you and peppered kisses all over your face, eventually landing his lips on yours. It was hungry this time, pressing into your mouth furiously.
His hand snaked down to your navel and eventually popped open the button on your jeans. You were almost scared of what was to come, not knowing what to expect with another person’s hands on you. Well… hands that you actually wanted on you. However, this fear was quelled as he reached in and massaged your clit over your panties. Your eyes fluttered closed and you threw your head back with a loud moan, running your hands over his soft, toned chest in an attempt to gain purchase on something to ground yourself.
His mouth moved back down to flick his tongue over your nipples. “You’re so soft, baby.” He gently nibbled the swollen bud and you almost drew blood as you bit your lip. You lifted your hips as he peeled off your skinny jeans and he propped himself up on his knees between your legs. His eyes refused to leave yours as he slid his hands up the inside of your thighs. You were visibly quivering and you were embarrassed of the effect he had on you. 
He smiled down fondly at you. “Don’t be afraid, darling.” He moved one of his hands to caress your cheek. “I’ll take excellent care of you.”
You were speechless as you just nodded at him. He returned to your aching sex and lowered his body to kiss your inner thigh. “Holy fuck…” You breathed in a whimpered tone. You were immediately praising yourself for keeping yourself neatly groomed down there every day. You could feel his cheeky grin on your skin as he slid his tongue further up your thigh. His face hovered over the black lace that matched your bra and he stared directly into your soul with fire in his eyes. Never breaking eye contact, he closed his wet mouth over your clit through your panties and you felt like you died and went to heaven.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and your body couldn’t help but squirm from the delicious new sensation. He grabbed your hips to keep you still and your already soaked panties got even wetter as his saliva seeped through the fabric he was sucking on. Surely - with how you were bugging out like a teenager - he knew that you’d never done this before, right?
Your breathing picked up to hyperventilation mode as he thumbed at the hem of your panties. His mouth left your bliss button and you huffed in frustration. He chuckled and raised his body back up to whisper in your ear, grinding his bulge down on you all the while. “Calm down, little mouse. I don’t want you passing out before I’ve even started.” He pecked an open-mouthed kiss under your ear and sat back up to continue his previous ministrations.
He looked hesitant as he looped his index fingers through your panties, looking in your eyes for approval. “Please…” you whispered. And that's all he needed to swiftly slide your panties off your legs. You were completely naked and vulnerable in front of this man, but you didn’t feel scared of being touched. Not like last time…
He plunged down in between your legs and latched his mouth onto your bare, sensitive pearl, swirling his tongue around and making you whimper like a puppy. Grabbing onto your wiggling hips again, his mouth closed over your clit, he sucked hard . And goddamn was he a fucking god at this. You never thought anything could feel this good.
That was until his mouth moved down. Your knuckles were completely white as they gripped onto the sheets. He had traveled his tongue down to the base of your folds and licked up between them, ending the journey with a flick of your clit. You couldn’t hold back the cry that breached your lips. His tongue then plunged in between your slick lips and ate you out as if it were his last meal.
Your hands instinctively laced through his silky blue locks and lightly tugged on them, not pulling him away, but more to coax him for more. He received the memo and quickly looped his arms underneath your legs, using his pure strength to lift your pelvis to gain a better angle. “Fuck… shit… Oh god, Min! – ah!” One of his arms released your leg and guided his middle finger to join his tongue inside you. You could almost cry from the pleasure he was giving you.
You grinded down on him and he finally relented the attack with his mouth. He kept his finger inside you, slowly probing in and out as he moved back up to hover over you. “You taste so delicious, little mouse. So fucking good for me.” You desperately pulled him down for a kiss, tongues wrestling and you tasted yourself on his lips.
You whined into his mouth when you felt his index finger slide in next to the one already torturing you. You threw your head back, disconnecting your lips, when you felt him curl his fingers up and press against your sweet bundle of nerves that threw you into pure ecstasy.
He quickened his pace and you thrashed your body around, whining from the extreme intensity. He grabbed your arm with his unoccupied hand and pinned it to your side to lessen your movement. He latched his tongue to your clit again and it was too much to handle. “M-Minnie! I– I…” You felt waves crash over you as you released the tightness in your core, soaking the man’s face and sheets in the process.
“There we go, darling…” He left a sweet kiss on your inner thigh as he sat up to assess the damage. You closed your legs in shame, embarrassed of the mess you made. He looked up into your eyes with a sweet smile, putting his hands on your knees in the process, spreading them again. “Oh baby. That is so fucking HOT, you drive me crazy, baby.”
You felt your core heating up again, unable to get enough of this unreal human. You lunged up at him and tugged on his belt, slipping it out of his loops and undoing his jeans, loosening the tightness from his erection. Your eyes bulged out of your head when he pulled his pants down, displaying the ginormous tent in his boxers. The shakiness returned to your body tenfold.
You were terrified of your inexperience, afraid that you would humiliate yourself. You scooted closer to the edge of the bed and put your hands on his hips, eyes never moving from his painful looking erection. He stood there patiently, awaiting your next move. You hesitated for a moment, but ultimately decided he deserved to know. “I– I’ve never done this before… you might need to help me…”
You could feel him tense up under your hands and you looked up at his face in apprehension. “Wait... are you a virgin?” You lowered your hands to your lap and looked down at them with a red face.
“Oh… O-oh shit!” He stepped away from you in a rush and pulled his pants back on at light speed.
You felt your heart sink and your head fill with desperation and doubt. “Min?” 
He scratched the back of his neck once his pants were fully on. “Y/N… I… I don’t know if I can do that…”
You felt the tell-tale signs of your stupid angry tears prick at your eyes. “You can't do what exactly?” You tried to control yourself, but your statement came off as extremely pissy.
He frustratingly ran his hand through his hair. “That’s… that’s a special kind of thing, Y/N… I can’t–”
“It’s so special that your dick won’t work?” You cut him off as you stood up and crossed your arms over your chest, feeling humiliated and exposed in your bare state. You began to pull up your soiled panties and jeans to at least feel a little bit of security. 
“That’s not it, babe–”
“You’re afraid to steal my ‘virtue’ or what the fuck ever? Well, news flash, I’ve lost that in about every other category.” You realized you were yelling now, staring daggers into him.
His scowl didn’t make you feel any better. “You don’t get it, Y/N. That kind of thing is not something that–”
Why the fuck did everyone judge your lack of ‘experience’? I’m not a goddamned child. You interrupted him again, not wanting to hear anymore. “Save it, Minho. You sound just like Chan! I thought you…” You cursed yourself for the unexpected tear that rolled down your cheek. You saw his face fall, but you were determined to stand your ground. “...I thought you wanted me…” You looked down at the ground and closed your eyes, your face twisted in anger. You didn’t want to face him anymore in you humiliated state. “But whatever, forget it. At this point, I’ll just stay a virgin forever. Or maybe I should just find someone with the balls to actually fuck me!”
You knew you didn’t mean it, but the rage that blinded you didn’t care. All you wanted to do was escape. And that’s exactly what you did. You marched into the living room to reattach your bra and pull your shirt over your head, immediately heading for the door with Minho close behind.
“Babe, please don’t leave…” He tried to grab your hand as you put your shoes on, but you yanked it out of his grasp.
“Don’t ‘babe’ me! Just…” The tears were streaming down your face and the woman you thought was strong, ended up to be just an emotional bitch baby. Just like you had been ever since you had stepped foot into this god forsaken country. “...just…” You gasped for air through your sobs, not knowing what to say in your anger. “...just fuck off, Minho…” You hastily turned and slammed the door in his face.
You skipped the classes you specifically shared with Minho on Monday and Tuesday, picking up an extra shift at work on Monday evening to drown your thoughts.
- - - - - - - - - -
You were balled up in your blankets as Chan walked in to bring you another plate of food on Tuesday, switching it out with the previous uneaten one in its place. “Kiyomi… please eat… I know you are feeling sick, but you aren’t eating enough on any given day already. I’m worried about you, hun.”
You stuffed your face into your pillow and mumbled back to him. “I’m sorry, Channie… I’ll try…” You knew you wouldn’t, but at least you could give him hope.
He caressed your hair with his face downturned in worry. “Okay, sweetheart. I’m praying for you to get better soon.” You smiled into your pillow and felt the black fog of sleep engulf you as he caressed his fingers through your hair. Chan is all I’ll ever need to make me happy, even if that means I’ll never have a real relationship with someone... These were the last thoughts that ran through your head as you drifted off into dreamland.
- - - - - - - - - -
You slowly regained consciousness and smiled again as you felt fingers still carding its way through your hair. You opened your eyes to look up at your best friend and almost jumped out of your skin when you saw another man. You had apparently jumped to the other side of the bed as you sat face to face with the man of your desires and heartache.
There was a moment of silence where the two of you searched each other's eyes, looking for some sort of explanation. “What the fuck are you doing here, Min?”
He looked down at his fiddling hands. “Um… tutoring? It is Tuesday, right?”
You scoffed and images of his rejection on Sunday ran through your mind. “Did I get lost in translation the other night? I specifically remember telling you to fuck off. Obviously you didn’t understand that included your company on tutoring days.” You crossed your arms and refused to look him in the eye.
“Y/N, please let me explain.”
“I think it’s crystal clear, Min. You are too much of a pussy to take my virginity. A concept that means nothing to me, by the way. Especially with the way I almost lost it last time…” You felt the prickling in your eyes of your potential tear ducts acting up and you tightly closed your eyes to hold them back.
“It’s not that it’s–” You peeked over at him sitting on your bed when he cut himself off mid sentence. “What do you mean ‘the way you almost lost it’?”
You kicked yourself for letting that slip. “Nothing, forget it.” You crossed your arms and faced away from him. He probably wouldn’t give a fuck anyway.
You felt a gentle hand rest on your knee and you almost broke down. “I know I might not be the most serious person in most situations, but please know that you can talk to me… I… I really like you, Y/N… the thought of you finding someone else to do that to you… it drives me crazy.”
You faced him and you were sure he could see your glossed over eyes that threatened to spill over. You hesitated, but after a moment of silence your hand naturally gravitated to hold the hand that was on your knee, intertwining your fingers and feeling his strong hand squeeze yours. You hadn’t realized how much you had missed touching him only in the span of a couple days.
“I… I didn’t really mean it, Min. I was just angry… I’d rather just forget about it…”
His face was downcast and his eyes were zoned out on your intertwined hands. “I feel like I know nothing about you, Kiyomi… I wish you wouldn’t hide from me…”
You looked up to the ceiling in an attempt to avoid your tears from falling. “It’s not that I want to hide from you, Minnie… I just have an ugly past. You wouldn’t look at me the same. Chan is the only one who helped me through it and the only one who has never judged me.” You looked down with a sad smile.
“Y/N…” You dared to look him in the eyes. “I want to be with you. I want to call you mine and have the honor to be called yours. I want to scream from the rooftops of how lucky I am to have you with me. I want to take you on dates and cuddle you when you’re sad. I don’t want to…” He looked down, considering the weight of his words. “...I don’t want to just fuck you, Kiyomi… I want to make love to you… but only when that time comes. You deserve your first time to be the best experience possible. Because you deserve to be happy, Y/N.” 
You didn’t know when you had started crying, but you only realized when he wiped away a stray tear from your cheek. “I’m not blind, little mouse. I know you have had some sort of shit happen to you… I can see it…” He freed his hand from your grasp so he could take both sides of your face in his hands, kissing your forehead gently. “If you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to. But I would really like to know what’s going through your pretty little head when you fret over these things.”
He wanted to be with you, not only as a lover or a friend, but something far more intimate. You almost couldn’t process all of the words that were thrown at you, but as you cleared your mind of the fog of anger it once held, you found pure affection took its place. He was right, if you wanted this man, really wanted him (and you did) he deserved to know the truth.
- - - - - - - - - -
You looked down at the scrap of paper that had small lettering with shit handwriting of an address on it and looked up at the faded numbered door of a seedy motel, hoping the address was correct so you could get the fuck on with it. You briefly felt down to your boot, ensuring that your switchblade was secure inside your tight sock. 
The late autumn wind whipped around you and through your hair, causing you to shiver and grow goosebumps up your bare arms. Your jacket, admittedly the only jacket you had, had been ruined when your mom dropped the embers of a couple lit cigarettes and an ashtray on it, burning through the material. You should have at least worn long sleeves, but there was no point in ruminating on it now. The best thing you could do now was to get this over and done with.
You rapped on the door with your knuckle systematically and saw the blinds of the window next to you part slightly, inspecting who the visitor was. You rolled your eyes as the figure left. Do they seriously have to be so sketchy about it? As you waited for the man to open the door, you heard muffled voices on the other side of the teal, paint chipped door.
Once the door opened, you were quickly ushered to enter the room. “Ah, nice to see you again, Y/N! How are mom and pop?” The overweight man sitting next to a crappy table in the corner of the room shined a yellow, toothy grin at you. The two men who ushered you in the door retreated to resume their places on opposite corners of the room, one lighting the foul stench of a cigarette, the other scrolling through his phone.
“Can we please skip the pleasantries? I have school in the morning and I’d rather not chit chat.” You tossed the McDonald’s paper sack down on the bed, one of the lackeys grabbing it to inspect the contents. You watched as the man poked his pinky finger in the white substance and smeared it on the inner side of his lip, smacking his tongue to distinguish the taste.
“That’s it, boss. A full kilo.” You outstretched your palm to receive the roll of money that was sitting on the table next to a full syringe and a line of cocaine. Of course they aren’t satisfied with just one. The man stood up from his place next to the table and stepped towards you, making your fight or flight instincts flare up.
“Do you really have to leave so early? The night is young, little girl! At least stay for a drink.” He held up his lowball glass of brown liquor, making the contents slosh and the ice clink against the edges of it's containment. Your face twisted into one of disgust at his proposition.
“I’m good, thanks. Just give me the money and I’ll be out of your hair.” He huffed as he turned to grab the wad of cash, presenting it to you. As you went to claim it from him, he pulled it back.
“I think you could earn a little extra, kitten.” He licked his chapped lips and looked you up and down.
“Thanks but no thanks.” You tried to reach for it again, but he pulled it back further, making you lean closer to him. You stood back to your previous position and huffed. “Don, seriously? I don’t have time for this shit. Can you please just pay me so I can go?” You held out your hand expectantly once again.
Finally, he dropped the bundle into your hand and you grasped it firmly. You started to walk away, but when you turned around, your fear froze you on the spot as you watched one of the useless assholes pulling the chain over the lock on the door. 
There had been a couple of deals before where the recipient tried to hold you back, but they were easy enough to handle. Because you were a young, skinny girl, many thought you were a scared baby lamb. They were wrong.
You turned around with a blistering glare. “Don, what the fuck?! Let me out of here! You got your fix, you don’t need me anymore.”
“Oh, on the contrary, love. I think you have far better uses.” With that, the two men grabbed each of your arms, pulling you over to the bed and pinning you to it on each side. You cursed yourself for not watching your own back. The one that was smoking held up his cigarette to your neck and pressed the embers deep into your skin, making you scream in pain. The searing white pain fogged your eyes and fuzzed your mind.
When you regained composure, horror filled your veins as the fat man started unbuckling his belt and pulled down his pants and underwear in one go, showing his erect dick underneath bundles of fat. Sick motherfucking piece of cow shit.
Without even a second thought, your self defense instincts kicked in and you twisted your body in the men's firm grasps and wrapped your legs around the neck of the man on your left, making him relinquish his grasp on you as he tried to pry your thighs from his throat, choking and gargling on his spit all the while. You didn’t have much time before the other two men reacted, the larger of the two tripping over the pants around his legs and falling to the ground (fucking dumbass). And the man holding your other arm refused to loosen his grasp as you clung onto the other’s neck with your thighs for dear life.
The other man tried to pull you away, pulling your arm and twisting. You heard a pop and a grind in your shoulder followed by another yelp from your mouth from the pain, but you used the advantage of now having a free hand to punch his throat with all the strength you had in you. The man’s eyes bulged out of his head as he grabbed his throat with both hands, most likely having his esophagus collapsed. With both of your hands now free, you lunged over the bed to chase your escape, grabbing the money off the floor in the process and popping your shoulder back into its socket.
Both lackeys were clinging onto their throats in attempts to regain oxygen and the hefty man was rolling around on the floor, suddenly grabbing your ankle and pulling you backwards. Your body moved on its own as you reached down into your boot and flicked open the blade. You pulled back with a swift move and plunged the knife down. You heard a high pitched scream as you saw the sharp metal pierce straight through the middle of his hand, going all the way through and ripping through the tendons and veins there.
The hand that had held you captive retracted at light speed as he cradled it in his chest, whimpering like a baby. When you turned around, your terrified fingers trembled as you stumbled to slide the chain out from the lock with one arm, the other loosely hanging at your side. The pain in your shoulder would have to wait to be assessed at another time, because all the adrenaline worked towards one goal. Getting the FUCK out of there.
Luckily, you finally got out of the door just in time as you could hear Don yell ‘go get the bitch’ to his lackeys. You didn’t even hesitate to redirect your normal route to the bus stop, instead opting to round the corner of the motel and sprint through the back alleys of the area to sprint 3 miles to Chan’s.
- - - - - - - - - -
You sat in the dimly lit shed - and personal hang out spot - in Chan’s backyard and inspected your bruised knuckles from smashing that guy’s throat in. You felt yourself beyond lucky to make it out of there with only a few minor injuries. Your fingers fiddled with the loose strings on the bean bag’s covering that you sat on in the semi-decorated shed, making it seem a bit more homey.
Finally, Chan’s scowled face returned with a first aid kit and frozen peas in each of his hands, tucking one under the other arm to lock the latch of the door behind him. “You should just come inside so we can properly wash it.” He handed you the two bags of peas, one to place on your throbbing hand, and the other on your shoulder. 
He helped you as you flung a makeshift sling around your neck and secured it under your fucked up arm. He then opened the first aid kit on the small end table in between you and the other bean bag he sat in. 
“And let your parents see me in this state? No fucking way.” You winced as he pressed an alcohol swab against the ringed burn on your neck. The furious look on your best friend’s face refused to let up.
“I’m going to call the cops.” He didn’t look you in the eyes as he muttered the words.
You pulled away from his helping hands and glared at him. “Like hell you are! I wouldn’t have come to you if I were looking to get hunted down by drug dealers for narking. I’d just go home and suck it the fuck up.”
He just returned your glare and grabbed the back of your neck forcefully, continuing his aid with his other hand while he held you still. “You can’t keep doing this to yourself, Kiyomi…” He turned to grab the antibacterial ointment. “You’re…” You felt a pang in your chest as you saw his eyes water. “You’re going to get yourself killed…”
You took the bruised hand of your uninjured arm and raised it to his face. “That won’t happen, Channie. I’ve survived so far, yeah?” You dipped your head over to try and catch his fallen gaze. “Besides, I can’t leave my little pup to fend for himself.” You pinched the cheek where your hand was laid and he attempted to suppress his smile as he pulled away from your grasp.
A small chuckle escaped his lips as he lifted the swab of cream to your neck. He stayed silent though as he finished bandaging you. After he closed the kit, he patted your knee. “All done, sweetheart. Let’s go to bed, kay?”
You shook your head as you stood up. “No can do, love. I gotta get back home with this money before my dad has an aneurysm.”
“Would that be so bad?” He muttered bitterly. You panned over to him with an unamused face. “I can’t believe you keep going back to that shithole! Can’t you just come live with us?”
You scoffed and dropped your eyes to the ground. “Yeah, if you want them to come find me and harm not only me, but you and your entire family as well. It’s already been risky enough trying to keep you a secret from them…”
You felt his arms wrap around you and you buried your face in his shoulder. “I hate this, Y/N. I just want you to finally be free… safe.”
You deflated before you pulled back from him, trying to put on the most unaffected face you could muster. “Don’t worry about me, Channie. I’ve made it this far. I’ll be able to protect myself until I can save enough money to move out after graduation.” You offered him a sweet smile, which he halfheartedly returned. “Now, I have to get back before it gets too late. I don’t want them to come searching for me. You placed a peck on his cheek and showed yourself out of your tiny safe haven.
- - - - - - - - - -
You felt your skull crack against the cheap, hard linoleum flooring in the kitchen as your dad stood over you, your mom burning down the embers of a cigarette furiously in anxiety and talking on the phone a few feet away on the couch. “How THE FUCK could you lose us Don, one of our best buyers?!” You felt the breath leave your lungs as he landed a harsh kick against your ribcage.
You didn’t cry, you couldn’t. Your mind retreated elsewhere while your body laid there and awaited the end. “All for what?! Your stupid fucking pride?! If one of our buyers wants something, you do it, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!” Another kick.
“I know Don, we are taking care of the problem, just hear me out–” You faintly heard your mother trying to reason with the monster on the other side of the phone.
“If you can’t keep up with a stupid, fucking simple task, what good are you?!” A punch to the face this time, blinding your vision as you curled in on yourself on the ground. “You’re only taking up space here, so you’d better start pulling your goddamned weight!”
The anger that was boiling inside you released in a small snap. “He tried to fucking rape me dad! What was I supposed to do?!” He punched the side of your jaw, making you spit out a tooth and taste a disgusting flow of iron flowing from its place.
“If someone wants you to spread your legs, you tell them to pay up and then say WELCOME TO FUCKING POUND TOWN! Hell, it’s more revenue and a better use of your useless cunt anyway!” 
Your mother had ended her call and shouted over her shoulder. “He won’t fucking get over it! We lost him!” She slammed the bedroom door.
Your father’s face couldn’t get any more red. One, two, three more punches. You could feel the ring on his fingers denting and gashing into the bone and flesh on your face. You saw more and more blood build on his fist each time he pulled back. You could hardly believe it was coming from your body due to the amount of pain nearing the sense of numbness.
It was almost as if your soul had left your body, leaving nothing but a bloodied stick figure in its wake. Pain and acceptance was a dichotomy that was slowly blurring lines. Somehow, you were numb to the point of acceptance, but you were hyper aware of the feeling of every centimeter of your body. Your toes were scrunched up where they laid on the cheap linoleum. Your hands were balled in fists on your abdomen, attempting to protect your damaged ribcage, completely ignoring the pain that was already wrecking your shoulder. Your back was hunched into a ball like a fucking abused dog. And your face… you could feel the disfigurement increasing with every swing of his fist.
Once he stopped, heaving from his anger and effort, he spat down on your bloody and bruised body. “Find somewhere else to sleep tonight, bitch. I want you out of my sight.” With that, he turned and slammed his bedroom door behind him.
You laid there for a good ten minutes, uncontrollably shaking as you failed to get up. You were sure that one of your ribs was broken and you knew your nose was broken. When you finally came to, you limped your way over to the bathroom and examined yourself in the mirror.
The sight was grizzly, the entire left side of your face was flushed and swollen. You had a black eye that was swollen shut and cuts all over your cheek, jaw, and brow bones. The worst coming from your high cheek bone where you could feel the indentation underneath the skin into the hard surface of bone under the heavy flow of blood. 
Blood gushed out of your nose and you decided to bite the bullet. Picking up a nasty ass washrag from the floor, you shoved it in your mouth and bit down on it. With no small amount of hesitation, you counted to yourself. One, two, THREE . You heard a loud crunch as you snapped your nose back into place, blood gushing all the more into the washrag and sink as you removed the soiled cloth from your mouth.
You decided to bring the rag with you to hold up to your bleeding nose as you grabbed your rucksack and headed out of the apartment and into the brisk autumn weather. You definitely didn’t want to be present if your father had caught you still hanging around. It was about three in the morning when you had finally limped all the way to Chan’s house. You really didn’t want to call upon him twice in the same night, so you snuck around to the backyard and pulled a small key out of one of the pockets in your pack.
You snuck into the shed and locked it behind you, finally collapsing on the rug that adorned the decorated space. You laid there for no more than a minute before your vision turned to black.
- - - - - - - - - -
“OH MY FUCKING GOD, Y/N!!!” You awakened from your haze, sore and out of breath with the taste of blood still lingering on your tongue. Your vision was blurry at first when you opened your eyes, but eventually Chan came into view, on the ground next to you and tears streaming down his face. Your heart broke at the sight of your friend hurting. You tried to sit up to comfort him, but the pain racking from your ribs threw you back down with a thud and a whimper. He reached out towards you, but pulled back as if you were going to break if he touched you. “No no no, Y/N, why?! Why??? ”
You turned your head and tried to smile at him to quell his worries, but the smile only met half your face as the other half is still too fucked up. “Hey baby Channie…” Your voice sounded gurgled and rugged coming from your mouth. Funny, you wanted to ease his concern, but you probably just made it worse with how you sounded. You chuckled from the irony, making you cough up blood.
He reached toward you with tremored hands and a shaky breath. “I’ll take care of you, baby girl... I– I’ll fix this… I’ll fix this…” He sobbed into your hand he was holding and pulled out his phone with the other. You already knew what was going to happen. He was going to call the hospital - or worse, the police - and you would be utterly fucked if anyone found out. You weakly put your hand over his phone, making him look back at you with his blurry eyes.
“Channie… it’s okay… I’m okay, really.” You attempted a smile again.
“Bull fucking shit, Y/N! I LITERALLY THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!” He instantly regretted his words when you flinched from his anger. The tears refused to subside from his eyes as he gently caressed the less harmed side of your face with his fingertips. “I looked everywhere for you, sweetheart…”
You were utterly confused. “What do you mean, how long have I been out?”
He sobbed. “It’s fucking Wednesday, Kiyomi! I haven’t seen or heard from you since Sunday night!” You felt like you were hit by a truck with this news. You desperately tried to raise yourself from the floor, clenching your teeth through the pain. You felt as if you had face-planted down a flight of stairs while fighting a hangover. Your head rang and the world spinned on a top.
“Holy fuck, my parents are going to think I bounced on them. Fuck!” You fumbled around to get up from the ground, struggling to breathe, but Chan firmly held you down.
“NO.” Chan looked murderous when you looked up at him in frustration.
“Chan. You don’t get it. It’s one thing to be kicked out for a night or two, but the last time I stayed out longer than that, mom had locked me in the bathroom with nothing to eat for two days. I have to leave.”
“I DON’T GIVE A FUCK! Tell your dad or who the fuck ever that you are staying away, at least until you’re healed. I– I–” The sobs plummeted out of his body and you gritted your teeth as you sat up to hold him. “Please. Please, Y/N! Don’t go back. I can’t lose you…” He wrapped his arms tighter and you cried out from the pain that shot through your diaphragm and shoulder.
You instinctively clutched your sternum and doubled over, eventually falling backwards again against the ground, knocking the wind out of you. His eyes looked horrified as he gently placed his hands on your arms. “Kiyomi, w-what–?” He grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it up without warning. You weren’t necessarily uncomfortable with it, you trusted him more than anything in this world. But you were afraid of what he would find underneath.
Sure enough, Black and blue bruises were blotched all over your exposed, protruding rib cage, an angry red surrounding it all. The man had fire in his eyes, shaking from ferociousness and most likely homicidal thoughts. “Fuck this, I’m taking you to the hospital.” He wrapped his arms around you, one under your back and the other underneath your knees, carrying you like a baby toward the shed door.
You screamed out in pain and the only indicative response that he was hurting to hear you like that was the slight hesitation in his step and the agony on his face. “CHAN PUT ME DOWN!”
“NO!” He yelled back through his tears.
That made him freeze in his tracks. “W-what?” He looked down at your balled up form with saucers for eyes. “Y-you don’t mean that…”
“If you expose me, you won’t ever see or hear from me again. There is no way I could keep you and your family safe with ties like that to link my life back to you.” You were killing yourself to say the words, but your face remained fierce. Well, as fierce as it could be in its debauched state.
He turned back and gently laid you flat against the carpet again. You breathed a sigh of relief, wincing from the action momentarily. “Thank you Channie. I’ll… I’ll call mom and tell her that I need to lay low until I heal so the school doesn’t get suspicious. That I’ll find somewhere to stay out of their hair in the meantime… That should pass as a fair excuse, at least in mom’s eyes. Do you think your folks will notice if I hole up in your room? I’d stay out here, but at least your room has an ensuite bathroom I can hide in.”
He reluctantly nodded and pulled your phone from your backpack, hesitantly handing it to you. “Call her, I’m going to go make sure the coast is clear.”
- - - - - - - - - -
There were really too many tales to recount, each one worse than the next, so you decided on one of the more sordid stories, only briefly describing other smaller encounters. You had figured that if Minho really wanted to know, you might as well get the worst out of the way. You finished your trip down memory lane by telling Minho the reason why you were here. The reason you ever moved in the first place.
That night with your father. The week with Chan’s family. The move that saved your goddamned life.
You had figured he would be disgusted with you. Terrified or awestruck. You knew you would be if you were in his shoes. But all you could do was sit there in silence, refusing to look up and find out what the expression on his face had morphed into. The silence was deafening and the air crackled with preemptive lightning you knew was bound to come. 
But it never did. Why the fuck isn’t he saying anything? You spared a look at his hands and you saw his knuckles were completely white with a murderous grip. You slowly raised your gaze to try and read his eyes, consequences be damned. What you saw made a chill run down your spine.
His jaw was clenched and trembling, his nostrils flared, face red as his eyes were screwed shut. You could only speculate as to why he would be so mad. You supposed it wasn’t too far off that it was because you hid this from him, making him think you were a person you really weren’t. Chan was a pure golden hearted angel, never judging you or making you feel inferior - but realistically - you knew you couldn’t expect that from everyone. No matter how much it hurt to admit it…
You stood from the bed, wanting to be anywhere but there. Always running from your fucked up past. But you abruptly felt yourself being pulled back by the wrist, falling flat back down on the unmade bed with a thud. You felt the warm presence of the man of your desires wrap you in a tight hug, laying down next to your confused body in an unyielding embrace.
You felt all of your worries and machinations wash away as you pulled him indescribably closer, grateful for allowing you to burrow into him. You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything, nor could he, so the two of you just laid there with your bodies intertwined and his consolatory hand ran up and down your back.
You eventually puffed out a shaky breath and looked up from where you were buried in his chest to look at his face. He stared back down at you with an expression that was part adoration and part agony. One of the arms that were wrapped around your back was pulled to your face, his fingers gliding over your forehead and behind your ear to brush a stray hair out of the way. His hand found its resting place on your cheek and the fingers of the hand on your back swirled around in soothing circles.
You looked into his glossy eyes and couldn’t control the natural force that pulled your lips to his. His thumb brushed over the permanent indentation in your cheek bone as your lips whispered and melded over each other. The moment was more intimate and loving than anything you had ever experienced.
He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. “Y/N… H-how… w-why…?” You could tell he was at a loss for words and you shushed him with a chaste kiss.
“Min, it’s over now. I’m here and I’m fine. Chan saved me…” You offered him a small smile but he was remiss to return it.
“Well I can definitely say that a lot of the things I’ve been worried about have been made painfully clear now. How could you keep going back? You were literally on the brink of death, Y/N.” He stuffed his face in the crook of your neck. “I don’t even want to think of what those sick fucks would have done to you. I’ll fucking kill them.” He growled into your shoulder and you tried to calm him with your own ministrations on his back.
“It’s okay. Shhh… I’m sorry I kept it from you, Minnie. I was afraid…” He looked back up at you in confusion. “...afraid you would be disgusted with me. With the things I’ve done.” You refused to meet his eyes at your confession.
You felt his soft hand dip under your chin and lift it up to meet his eyes. “Oh, little mouse. Never think of yourself as anything less than extraordinary. You are the most strong, brave, and badass woman I’ve ever met. I think I’m starting to fall for you more and more by the second.”
Fall for me? As in love? That’s preposterous, there is no way anyone could feel that way about you knowing the things you’ve done. You were surprised enough that he didn’t run for the hills. You never could have even imagined ending up with someone who wasn’t already a pothead let alone anyone at all. You always considered Chan the only man in your life that miraculously loved you unconditionally, even if it wasn’t romantic.
He looked down at you as if he was seeing you for the first time. “So beautiful…” His hand smoothed over the curve of your waist and his eyes traced your body. He leaned in and breathed against your neck, the hot puffs stealing the air from your lungs. “So powerful for such a small little mouse.” The smell of him filled your nose with ginseng, sandalwood, and citrus and you got chills from the delicious aroma.
As his hand traveled down your body - over your waist, hip, ass - he stopped at the back of your thigh, lifting it to drag over his own hips. “Minnie…”
You’d never experienced this much desire in your entire life. Honestly, with your experience with sexual encounters, you thought you wouldn’t be interested at all. Meeting Minho completely reversed any of those thoughts and enhanced your libido tenfold. Surprisingly enough to you, you wanted nothing more in life right now than to jump this man’s bones.
You felt a wet kiss touch down on the base of your jaw and you loudly sighed in desire. You closed your eyes and felt hot waves of arousal spread over your body and through your veins, making electric shocks shoot to your nerve endings. Just a single touch from Minho was enough to thrill you into wanting and make you throw all caution to the wind.
You made your intentions very clear as you pulled your groin closer to his. Well, as much as you could in the awkward angle you two were in - facing each other on your sides. He responded in kind, grabbing your ass and pulling you flush to him.
He lightly suckled on your pulse and you threw your head back in bliss, allowing him more access. You slipped out a tiny whimper when he lightly bit the flesh on your neck, immediately soothing it with his delectable tongue. You could feel his hardening length tighten his pants as you pressed into him, making you giddy that he was just as worked up as you were. 
The haze of ecstasy momentarily cleared when a pressing thought crossed your mind. “Wh-where’s Chan?” It was only but a whisper, but you knew he had heard you, stopping his sinful actions to briefly respond.
“Gone.” He moved back to your mouth, planting a sensual kiss before whispering against your lips. “Said he’d be out late…” He licked up into your mouth and you clenched your thighs around him, feeling your shorts soak with your arousal.
You took matters into your own hands and straddled your personal, beautiful incubus. You paused to look down at his gorgeous form. His iconic look of dark ripped jeans, a black v-neck t-shirt, and that same damned sexy leather jacket. You wanted it all gone.
He seemed to be appreciating you as well as his hands ran up and down your thighs that bracketed his hips. Your hands lightly crawled up his clothed chest and parked on the collar of his jacket, gripping it firmly. You leaned forward and planted a small kiss on his cheek before whispering. “Minnie… I want you…”
The groan that left his throat was low and controlled. He involuntarily grinded his hips up, making you gasp at the friction. “Oh baby…” He closed his eyes. “You’re making this so difficult for me…” His hands traveled to grope your ass and grinded you forward.
“Ngh *gasp*… Well… if you aren’t ready… can I at least take care of you?” You said between movements, breathing heavily. You scooted back slightly and splayed your hand over his rock hard bulge to encourage him. “I want… I want to taste you…” His eyes were about to pop out of his head at your bold statement. You feigned confidence.
He was breathing just about as heavily as you were and you continued to stare into each other's souls. His face looked pained in conflict as he fluttered his eyes shut from your touch. “God, Kiyomi… you’re unreal… ” He opened his eyes and searched your own for any uncertainty. He would find none, you were hungry for him and you wanted to do anything that would show him that. You decided to be a bit more daring and deftly popped open the button of his pants.
He smirked at you with that confident smile that you hadn’t realized you missed until he graced you with it. “Well you seem to have already made the decision for both of us, eager little mouse.” You bit your lip seductively, egging him on as you steadily lowered his zipper. His eyes burned in anticipation and flit between your eyes and your wandering hands. “Are you sure you want this?” His face still had that teasing demeanor, but you could hear the genuine hesitation and indecision in his voice.
You paused the exploration of your hands to gently place them on his shoulders, kissing him with a slow, passionate tenderness that you hoped would ease his doubts. When you released his lips, you whispered. “I’ve never been more sure in my life. I want all I can get from you Lee Minho.” That was all it took.
His movement was swift as he sat the two of you into a sitting position with his legs swinging over the edge - you still straddling him - making you dizzy as his lips latched onto your cleavage just above the dip in your shirt. You used this opportunity to slide off his jacket and his hands slid up under the hem of your shirt to unceremoniously yank it over your head, freeing your braless chest and lithe frame.
For half a second, it seemed like he was looking at your figure in a new light, now having known the knowledge of your previous child neglect and linking it to your current self neglect. Although you were starting to fill out gradually with proper meals, you were still severely underweight. But after that second of contemplation, he gently kissed your belly, just above your navel. His hands ran up your sides slowly as he continued kissing your torso. When his hands traveled up to take purchase of your breasts, he softly flicked his thumbs softly over your perky nipples and - at the same time - laid a sensual kiss against your visible rib cage.
You sighed in pleasure at his pure affection and pulled back momentarily to peel off his shirt, your hands returning to run through his silky mane. You rolled your hips forward to seek out the sweet friction from his erection and he squeezed your breasts harder before releasing. His mouth replaced them to latch on to one of your nipples and, with his free hands, he blindly fumbled around for your pillow and threw it down on the floor at his feet.
You knew what your next task was, so you pressed a sweet kiss on top of his head and removed yourself from his lap, slinking down onto your knees in front of him and running your hands over his magnificent clothed thighs with desire penetrating him through your eyes. Your hands slid up his legs to the hem of his jeans, feeling each and every groove in the rough fabric, and you looped your fingers underneath them and his boxers. He awaited your next move, letting you set the pace.
When you tugged on them, he lifted his hips to assist you as you gradually pulled down the offending piece of fabric. Once they were finally thrown to the side, your gaze was blown wide at his bare tumescence. There was no fucking way you could fit all of it, but you’d definitely try like hell. You were surprised with yourself when you realized your mouth was literally watering at the sight.
“Min, porn can only teach me so much. I’ll probably need your help…” 
“Oh?” He smirked. “I wonder what type of porn my cute little mouse likes.” His condescending tone lit a fire in you. He leaned down to catch your gaze and whisper. “I bet it’s not so innocent, is it, darling?” His crooked smile challenged you and you wanted to do nothing more than gain the upper hand and wipe that smirk off of his face.
You unexpectedly reached forward and ran the palm of your hand up the length of his dick, applying the delicious pressure that you knew would make him weak. “Maybe you should stop stalling and find out for yourself how innocent I really am.” He shuddered and his eyes closed fleetingly, making you proud of the effect you had on him.
That was until he returned to that exigent glower. His admonitory hand raised to leisurely smooth his thumb over your lower lip. “I’ll never know until I see these pretty lips wrapped around my cock.” Your jaw dropped and it was your turn to quiver this time, making him sit back in triumph as your face lit up to an alarming shade of red. Damn him and his stupid ability to make me completely muddled with just a few words.
You absentmindedly licked the spot where his thumb grazed you and tentatively wrapped your hand around his length, your small fingers not able to fully wrap around the full width. He guided you with his hand covering your own, indicating the pressure and movements you were to execute. His dick felt like fire in your hand and it made your head spin to think about how it would feel inside of you.
The veins were prominent and you couldn’t understand why that turned you on so much. The level of arousal was apparent with how much precum he was leaking onto your hand and you felt your confidence skyrocket.
He was patient and alit with desire, but once you got the hang of it, he released you and let you continue your ministrations on your own. You could tell he was enjoying it by the way his breathing picked up and his eyes fluttered.
Again, continuing at your own pace, you placed a small kitten lick to the underside of his head, making him gasp at the abrupt sensation. The precum didn't taste awful like you had imagined, just a bit bitter.
Satisfied with his reaction, you tried to pull out some of the skills you had learned from your recent searches. Pulling away your thumb from your grasp, you completely flattened your tongue, making it wide enough to run from the base to the tip of him, flicking your tongue up at the end of his sensitive slit. You followed it up by wrapping your lips around the very tip of his sensitive head with tentative suckling.
A groan fell out of his mouth as he sighed and his fingers gravitated to intertwine through your long tresses. “Oh baby… fuck, you’re doing so good…” Your heart swelled with pride and you took in a bit more. “...just wrap your lips over your teeth and do what you feel is right. I trust you, baby girl.” You felt a fluttering in your chest and you realized that you wouldn’t rather be anywhere but here, sucking the life out of this man’s dick. 
You followed his instructions, sinking down further and trying to mimic the pressure you had used with your hand. As you had previously assumed - far before he was fully sheathed - the tip hit the back of your throat making you accidentally gag and pull off. You looked up at him with a pout. “I can’t fit it all…” You wanted to cry with frustration. All you wanted was to please him, which wasn’t characteristic of you at all. You were ashamed of yourself and hated the thought of him not being satisfied with you.
He cooed at your frustration and pinched your cheek. “That's okay my little mouse. Just do however much you’re comfortable with.” He grabbed your previously used hand and placed it on the base of his length. “This can do the rest, yeah?” His smile was one of adoration and your already flushed cheeks reddened even further as you meekly nodded to him.
You returned your mouth to him and his hands continued to lace through your hair. Once you were fully choked again, the hands on the back of your head gently guided you up and down, making you hum in appreciation. As your hand had worked the rest of him, you stared up at his face. Your shorts soaked even further when you saw that he had freed one of his hands from your hair so he could lean back on it on the bed, throwing his head back in pleasure and huffing from the euphoric feeling through his raw, bitten lips.
The precum that was oozing from the tip started tasting acidic and salty, but the underlying sweetness made up for the uncomfortable sting. The hum you vibrated against him earned you a strained croak from the depths of his throat and your pride returned to you.
You decided to redouble your efforts and quickened your pace with abandon, wanting to hear more beautiful noises from him. You tried with all of your effort to swallow down his ridiculous length and not gag, but it wasn’t an easy feat. You could tell he was struggling, but he was very well controlled when it came to vocalization. You didn’t want that.
You let your mouth take the reins and you swirled your tongue around him and flicked the slit on the underside like a lollipop, letting your saliva drool out of your mouth and down his shaft. That is what did it for him. His low groan almost sounded like a growl and the hand in your hair gave delicious little tugs. “Fuck, Kiyomi… baby *ngh* so fucking good… shit.” You hummed in appreciation and you could feel his dick twitch. Your slobber was dripping down your chin and it was messy as hell, but that turned you on even further.
His gut was palpitating and you could tell he was getting close. You made eye contact with him as your free hand slid down your body to tuck underneath your shorts and make circular motions on your sensitive clit. His eyes blew open wide and you groaned at the sensation you were granting yourself, the vibration on his dick was making him come undone. “I– I’m c– cumming…” He grunted out as he tried to pull you away by your hair, but you always knew one thing - the hottest thing a person can do is swallow. So you remained firm in your actions, speeding up and sucking harder. “Y/N–!”
You felt a thick, warm liquid collide with your throat and blend in with your saliva. You stroked him a few more times to milk out the rest and then slid off of him altogether with a loud *pop*. The taste was definitely more prominent, but with the tangy substance still sloshing around on your tongue, you made sure Minho saw it as you cleaned the rest of his tip with your dripping tongue, punctuating your action with a loud ‘gulp’ at the end.
It took a moment for him to regain a modicum of composure, but when he did, he spoke with a heavy breath. ”I now have no doubt in my mind, you are indubitably a motherfucking goddess.” He fell back against the sheets and you raised from the floor to follow him, draping one leg over his own and wrapping your arms around his neck.
You were just happy that you could make him feel good. It was a goddamned miracle that he didn’t bounce out on you as soon as he heard your story. So if that meant that you would just have to take care of your own aching pussy once he left, it was well worth it.
You looked up at his resting face and his beauty never failed to take your breath away. His sharp jawbone perfectly framed his gorgeous high cheekbones and the straight slope of his nose was as if it was carved from stone. His huge, beautiful eyes were closed and his long eyelashes fanned over his cheeks like black waves.
You could've stayed there forever, just basking in the pure ethereal beauty of Minho. You took in a large inhale of his musk and earthy scent and snuggled closer to him. His bare skin felt like velvet under your touch and you took a moment to appreciate his milk and honey skin.
You raised your hand and - once again - tangled your fingers through his silky midnight hair, lightly running the tips of your fingernails over his scalp, making him hum in gratitude. Your eyes finally landed on his delicious lips. His overbite was insanely adorable, but the plumpness and slope of his lips were sexy as hell. The heavy, hot breaths he puffed out of them turned you on even more.
You found yourself licking your lips and figured you could indulge yourself just a bit more of him. While his eyes were still closed and he was still trying to catch his breath, you latched your lips onto his briefly and sweetly before ghosting down against his skin on your way to continue your open-mouthed kisses on his jaw.
He was addicting, the light sheen of perspiration on his skin gave you a salty-sweet taste that made you want to lick him all over. Your tongue traveled further to fleetingly suckle and nip on his ear. The sound he made as he sighed out made your wet shorts even more drenched. 
You gripped his hair a bit harder as the other hand ran over his pecs and lightly defined abs. You started devouring him. Sucking hard against his neck, pulse point, collarbone, chest, anything that could elicit more of his sweet noises.
The arm that was wrapped around your waist underneath you snuck its way over the back of your shorts to gingerly kneed at your ass. His other hand raised up to travel his fingertips over your breast, tweaking the swollen nip periodically. His head craned back further into the bed to give you more access to mark him up and the hand that was exploring your breasts traveled further down.
His single index finger slid far too slowly down the center of your abdomen and dipped into your navel before traveling further. Your breath hitched against him when you could feel him teasing with the edge of your shorts. “Please Minnie…” You whined against his neck and you could see his dick twitch. Damn, does this man not have a refractory period?  
He gained a mocking tone of voice. “Well, since you asked nicely…” You breathed heavily in anticipation as he dipped his hand down the front of your shorts before he chuckled. “Tsk tsk, no panties? Maybe my little mouse isn’t so innocent. So naughty for me.” Blood ran to your face making it bright red and you never thought you would like dirty talk, but coming from his mouth it lit you on fire. His finger dove further down into your wet shorts and found your aching pearl. You cried out as he stimulated it with figure eight movements. “Is this what you wanted, baby girl?”
You frantically nodded your head in the crook of his neck, relenting your attack on his skin in response to his sinful activities. You’d been stimulated by him before and you could now confidently say that he was a pro at this. You were breathing against him rapidly as his finger teased at your labia. He dragged his finger through the center, but not quite inside you, ending his journey with a light flick of your clit.
“Damnit Minho! Stop winding me up!” You roughly bit his shoulder and he growled at the sensation. Before you knew it, he had pushed you over on your back and hovered over you.
“I’d like to see you make me. What can a mouse even do when faced with a tiger?” His evil grin made you glare in sexual frustration.
You looked down at his now fully erect cock and your hand flew to its base, making him choke on his words. You leaned up to whisper in his ear. “If you ever want your dick in me, whether it’s now or later, you’d better stop being a fucking tease.” 
You released his erection and he regained his senses. He climbed off of you in a rush and grabbed your ankles, roughly pulling you to the edge of the bed and got on his knees where you had been positioned just moments before. Your breath escaped you at light speed and excitement flowed through you like a babbling brook. He grabbed onto your soaking sleep shorts and quickly yanked them off of you (almost tearing them even).
“You asked for this, you damned bratty rat.” He growled. He immediately plunged two fingers inside of you and dove his face right in, devouring anything he could get his mouth on. His tongue joined the two fingers that were already relentlessly pumping in and out of you, making you whine at the stretch.
“Fuck–!” You watched his concentrated face as he probed you with his tongue while his nose stimulated your clit. He then moved up to your clit, sucking on it hard and looked into your eyes with an eyebrow raised as if he were taunting you. You had never felt so malleable.
Without warning, he added a third finger into you alongside the others that were abusing you. You belted out a high pitched yell and thanked god that both of your roommates were gone for the night.
“Is this what you wanted, frisky baby? For me to fuck you with my fingers?” He pulled off with your juices running down his face.
“Fuck– ngh! – I want– ah! – you to fuck me with your *gasp* dick!” His fingers were teasing across your g-spot and you were losing your composure quickly.
“All in due time, princess.” He curled his fingers up to abuse you right in the spot that made you scream. He leaned down to continue to lick up into you and flicked your sensitive bead when you felt the painful buildup in your core start to increase.
“Ah! Min please! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD don’t stop!” You saw stars burst and your vision went black for a half a second. You felt your release explode and soak your lovers hand and face, making the experience all the more euphoric. You would never let this man go if he could make you orgasm that hard just by eating you out. Your whole body was limp and you felt numb, only able to see him .
He raised up from his knees and licked his fingers clean while seductively staring at you. You would be swimming in your shorts from the sight if you were still wearing them. He then wiped his face with the back of his hand and walked into your bathroom. Moments later he returned with a damp cloth and started cleaning you. Can this man be any more fucking perfect? He threw the rag into the laundry bin and pulled his boxers on. Once he climbed back on the bed and hovered over you, that stupid ass smirk returned to his face. “Any other requests, my sweet mouse?”
Everything faded away as you looked up at him. You couldn’t believe that this man wanted you at all. It took everything in you not to cry from disbelief. You felt as if this were some sick trick, someone spending money to make this feel real just to eventually rip the rug out from underneath you and send you plummeting into darkness again. You wanted this to be real. You wanted Minho.
You grabbed his face and pulled him down so his lips could meet yours. It was slow and intimate, a drastic change from the earlier hunger. When you pulled back, you were inches from his face and staring deep into his two black pools for eyes. “Be my boyfriend.”
His smile was enormous and you had never seen anything more beautiful. He wrapped you in his arms and rolled the two of you over so you were flat on top of him with his hands tightly squeezing you in a hug. You dug your face into the crook of his neck to inhale more of his earthy and musky scent. “Fucking finally.” 
You looked up at him with an unamused face. “I assume that’s a yes?” He laughed at you.
“Yes, I suppose I will keep you around.” You giggled as you smiled at him and, again, he was all you could see, the brightest light smiling at you. He usually kept a confident or indifferent composure, but this was a completely different side of Minho you had never witnessed.
“Fucking finally…” You mocked and repeated his earlier statement and he squeezed you tight while rolling around on the bed. You protested but he continued rolling you around like a ragdoll. You suddenly realized that you were still completely naked. “Min!” You laughed as he winded up squishing you with his strong body flat on top of yours.
“Mousebed, 5 stars.” He snuggled up on top of your neck.
You squeaked out. “Min… I can’t breathe!”
“Don’t act like you don’t like it.” He kissed your neck gently.
“I’m gonna die.”
A dramatic sigh escaped his lungs and he reluctantly rolled over to lay next to you. “I would threaten you more, but I can’t hurt my new girlfriend just yet.”
“Just yet? What the hell is that supposed to mean?” You sat up and looked down at him incredulously.
He formed an evil grin. “Pain and pleasure are just two sides of the same coin, little mouse.” He grazed his hand over your thigh and your heart dropped out of your ass. Holy hell this man is going to be the death of me. Your thighs squeezed together as your pussy started to ache from excitement. And of course the bastard's eye catched it. “Excited are we?”
You pushed yourself off the bed and glared at him. “No! I was just contemplating whether to punch your stupid smug face or not!” He sat up on the bed and watched your naked body saunter off to start the shower.
“Even though you might be the most badass girl I’ve ever met–” He said it loud enough for you to hear. Without realizing he came up behind you, he wrapped his arms around you after shucking off his boxers and the two of you entered the shower as he whispered in your ear. “But I can still make you weak underneath me, baby girl.”
Your heart palpitated as he trailed open mouthed kisses down the side of your neck. “No marks, Min…” You breathed out your words in a desperate tone.
He hummed in response. “Hmm… It doesn’t seem quite fair that you marked me all over my neck, but I can’t claim you with mine.” He bit your earlobe, still swaying you back and forth with his arms around you from behind as the hot water cascaded down your bodies.
You twisted around in his arms and grabbed his shoulders, pushing him away at arm's length. He still had a cocky smirk on his face. “You want Chan to question me? Have me tell him that I’m fooling around with some other guy? You know he would want to meet the mystery man.” His smile dissipated into a scowl.
“Fuck no, I don’t want our circle thinking your fucking anyone but me.” He crossed his arms and looked like an annoyed teenager.
“Okay well, one: you refuse to fuck me. And two: the guys don’t and won’t know we’re together anyway.” He rolled his eyes and zoned out on the wall with his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. You put your hands on his cheeks and turned his head to face you. “What is it, Min?”
He grabbed your hands and pulled them off his face. “Do we seriously have to keep it a secret? It really is stupid.” His arms returned to their crossed position. “Do you not want people to know?” His voice was accusatory.
You glowered at him. “Min. Are you serious right now? Chan made his intentions blatantly clear. I don’t want my boyfriend to end up being a smear on the carpet, it would never be able to get that stain out!” That earned a repressed smile out of him and your annoyance slightly decreased. “You know I am more than proud to officially be yours… I… I just need time to change his mind…”
He tensed his jaw, closed his eyes, and let out a big sigh. “Okay…” 
- - - - - - - - - -
It had been a few weeks and you and Minho had been so busy with school and work, you only got to see each other in classes. Even your tutoring days were postponed due to constant work.
When you did find a break in your schedule, you had taken the chance to find a good doctor. She was able to get you set up with an IUD for good birth control. That is… if Minho was ever ready.
You couldn’t do much fooling around at the moment anyway with all of the work you had to do. The spring season made everyone want to get out and enjoy the air. Causing more people stop by the café and more work for you.
You didn’t mind work, you actually loved your job at the coffee shop, but it also meant less Minho time. You finally started taking orders when your boss was satisfied with your Korean speech and Hangul writing.
One day during work, the boss man came to check up on things. You actually really liked him, he was patient and funny. A really chill guy. So you decided you would try your luck at a suggestion for the business.
“Good afternoon Mr. Choi! How’s your day been?” He sighed and slumped into the back room office chair.
“About as well it can be with a full day of paying bills.” He cracked his neck and looked half asleep.
“Wow, my favorite days! Don’t you have a secretary or a manager that helps you with that?”
“Psh, I fucking wish. No, I’m alone in this fight.” He leaned forward in his seat. “So what’s up girly? You needed to talk to me?”
You caught yourself nervously fiddling with your fingers and pulled them to your sides. “Yes, sir! First off, have you heard of that lounge down the road? Eunsincheo?”
“Yeah! Pretty cool little place they’ve got there. Seems really chill.” He suddenly looked more lively and you regained your confidence.
“Yeah! It’s a really nice place! My roommate actually works there—“
“Oh yeah, that muscley guy that comes to see you all the time?” 
“Yeah! That’s Chan. Well, I go there a lot to see him and their coffee is… for lack of a better word, it’s complete shit.” He absolutely cackled at that and you chuckled to yourself. “Well, my point is, I was wondering if you had ever considered collaborating or creating a sister store? Both of our businesses are small and local and I feel like it would have a positive impact on not only our revenue, but also on theirs.”
He was nodding to himself in contemplation with furrowed brows. “Is this something you have discussed with their management?”
“No, sir. I didn’t want to get ahead of myself until I spoke to you first.” He seemed to appreciate that answer.
He suddenly swiveled to face the office desktop and pulled the agenda up on the screen. “How about this, you write up a plan and an outline of all the expenses and steps needed to take. I will email you a summary of our current budget and you can calculate what our potential revenue would be. If you can get that information to me by next month and it looks doable, I will let you handle the entire project.”
You almost couldn’t believe it. You were sure he would at least give you the stereotypical ‘let me think about it’ and then never mention it again. This was better than anything you could’ve asked for. You deeply bowed. “Yes, sir! Thank you so much!” You enthusiastically shook his hand. “I will work on that right away! You won’t regret this, sir.”
He laughed at your eagerness. “Well, it’s not a done deal yet, Y/N. It all depends on the budget.” He stood up and shook your hand again. “I look forward to see what you will prepare.”
You were almost jumping with joy. You couldn’t wait to tell Chan. Hell, if you got to be in charge of it, you could probably get to work at Eunsincheo with Chan, Changbin, and Jisung! Every day in this country kept getting better and better. The next time you decided to pay your dues to your Bang ‘parents’, you would have to let them know, once again, how grateful you were to them.
Click here for Part Three
2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
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happilyhertale · 2 years
Finding the courage – Tom Bennett x female!reader, Part 2
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Summary: You spent a sheltered childhood in Brighton. Until the time when your father died. Your mother is overwhelmed with the role of caring mother, which eventually leads you to leave home and seek happiness elsewhere. But you have not in the least anticipated what or who awaits you in your new adopted home.
Pairing: Tom Bennett x fem!reader
Warnings: In some parts Smut as well as Violence. There will be an extra warning for the respective parts.
Author’s note: Hey you (:
This short Tom Bennett story is based on the request that was sent to me.
The story takes place before the first season of World on fire. I hope you will enjoy the story! English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Word count: 2.2k
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Other stories of mine
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You have slept amazingly well. When you open your eyes, the sun is shining through the window. The torn curtain only slightly blocks the sun's rays. You slowly sit up on the sofa. You don't want to waste too much time and go to your backpack. You gather your toothbrush and toothpaste and head for the stream. You don't want to know how clean the water really is near a factory.
After you have freshened up a bit, you go back to the cottage and pack up your things. With your backpack on your back and a roll in your hand, you set off for the city centre. After all, you want to find a job today. You pass the factory again, but this time there are no flyers being handed out. As you continue walking, you pass a market place. You dream a little and look at the small shops. Just as you spot the sign "Help wanted" in the window of a small clothing shop, you are jolted out of your thoughts. As you were about to enter the shop, you are handed a leaflet.
You look up a little startled and see the older man from yesterday.
He smiles warmly at you, but still he looks a little uncertain. The smile does not reach his eyes and his deep wrinkles reveal that he must have already experienced a lot of suffering.
"Here, young lady... An alternative to war"
"Oh?" escapes you as you take the flyer.
"Is there a war coming?"
The man is not used to anyone even accepting his leaflet, let alone starting a conversation. It seems as if he has to think about his next words.
"Well... it seems so. Germany keeps arming and as soon as Germany decides to arm... Well, nothing good has ever come out of it. The last time they rearmed, it plunged the whole of Europe into a terrible war..."
You nod in agreement, "So you're a pacifist?"
"Yea... There are plenty of other ways than fighting wars! No innocent people have to die... No country must let its people die in and through war... No mothers would have to say goodbye to their sons forever... I witnessed the last great war, it's not worth it," he almost whispers the last part of the sentence.
You smile at him, "That's probably true... but I have the feeling that when it comes to negotiations, be it about whether or why wars should be waged, it is predominantly men who are involved in these talks. It seems there is no other way than to indulge in pure testosterone intoxication and let it degenerate into pure violence."
His eyes almost sparkle at your statement, "So you think there might be less conflict if women were involved in such negotiations?"
You shrug your shoulders slightly, "Well, it's at least a possibility. Women are not out to prove their strength through murder and manslaughter. We like to use words. Because sometimes it shows a lot more strength to talk, maybe admit mistakes and maybe even take a step back."
He nods at you animatedly, "Those are really interesting lines of thought ,...?"
You smile, "Y/n Parrington."
He smiles too, "I am very pleased to meet you, Miss Parrington. My name is Douglas Bennett." He holds out his large hand to you and you shake it. His hand is quite rough, unlike your soft hands.
Your conversation is getting out of hand. Mr Bennett has stopped handing out his leaflets and you are now sitting on a bench talking animatedly. He is pleasant to talk to, even if he sometimes contradicts you. But he never loses his politeness and tries to develop your thoughts.
When suddenly you notice that the sun is setting.
"Oh shit!" you say and Mr. Bennett looks at you a little startled.
"I completely forgot about the time! I was going to look for a job today. Well, that's not going to happen today."
You stand up and turn to Mr. Bennett, "It's been a pleasure Mr Bennett," but as you hold out your hand to him he makes no move to accept this farewell. He only now notices that you have a fully packed backpack with you.
"Don't you have a job here?"
You shake your head slightly.
"Do you have anywhere to eat?"
"Well... I would buy a little something to eat..."
He shakes his head, "No way! Come to my house. There you can eat something"
Now you look at him a little startled. Suddenly you remember how he left with the young lady yesterday. Is he now trying the same trick on you?
He laughs as he notices your worried look, "Sorry! Don't worry, my daughter and son will be there too. But I would be happy if you would eat with us today."
You are reassured that it is probably not a trick on his part, but you still hesitate. On the other hand, it would be a warm house and a warm meal, so you agree.
You continue your conversation on the way. When you enter the house, you are alone.
Mr. Bennett leads you through the small hallway into the kitchen. You wonder a little whether it was right to go with him as the front door opens, "Hey Dad! It's me! Sorry I'm late!"
The pretty lady from yesterday enters the hallway and comes into the kitchen.
"Oh hello?", now she stands in front of you smiling.
"Hey, I'm y/n Parrington," you extend your hand to her.
"Hey, I'm Lois Bennett," and she gently shakes your hand.
Mr. Bennett sits down at the kitchen table and starts reading a newspaper
"And Tom brought you...?", she looks around briefly, as if looking for someone.
You look at her in irritation.
"No. Don't be silly. We chatted a bit in the marketplace today and lost track of time. And then I offered her to have dinner with us", you hear Mr. Bennett suddenly say.
Lois nods, "So you're a pacifist and not another conquest of my brother," she winks at you.
You blush slightly, "Yeah something like that I am."
As Mr. Bennett interjects, "Lois, please behave… Do you actually know where Tom is?"
She shrugs, "Well, he'll probably be at his favourite pub."
Douglas looks back down at his newspaper and shakes his head slightly.
"Will you help me cook?" Lois asks you with a smile.
You nod happily at her, "I'd love to"
When you start peeling the potatoes, you get curious, "So Tom is your brother?"
She smiles, " Yea... He can be a bit... Difficult? But he is actually a kind-hearted person."
You smile at her.
You talk animatedly while you prepare the food, and that is something you have rarely experienced before. You meet two people in one day who are so nice and helpful and with whom you have a lot of animated conversation. You eat together and the conversations and laughter never let up. You simply feel good. For the first time in a long time, you just feel good.
After dinner, Mr. Bennett wants to show Lois something on the first floor.
Meanwhile, you make yourself useful and start doing the dishes. When the two come back downstairs, Lois sees that most of the washing up has already been done.
"Oooh y/n! You're a darling! You didn't have to do that!"
But you nod, "Yes I do! You're so nice to me and invited me to dinner... the least I can do is wash up."
Lois smiles at you, "Actually, that's not a bad idea..."
You look at her questioningly.
"Dad told me that you're going to get a job today... maybe you could help me around the house instead?"
Mr. Bennett nods slightly, "Actually, it's not such a bad idea. Then you would have less stress with the household."
You look at them both, "I don't even know what to say to that..."
"How about a yes?", Lois smiles at you.
As Mr. Bennett speaks up again, "But I won't be able to pay you much... But you can always eat with us!"
"No way! You don't have to pay me anything! That I can be here and eat with you, that's quite enough," you almost laugh with joy.
In the evening you are on your way back to the industrial area when you pass a pub.
Loud music and laughter permeate the street and you immediately feel reminded of your old job. You smile slightly and suddenly feel like having a beer.
You slowly enter the pub. You make your way through the dancing people and are walking towards the bar when you spot it. You order a beer, sit down on a bar stool and watch the hustle and bustle of the pub. There is good music playing and the more beer you drink, the more your leg bobs to the rhythm of the music.
Some people dance to the music, and that just fits in with the exuberant mood in the pub. Suddenly you notice a man next to you staring at you. He has medium-length brown hair that could do with a wash. He is not bad looking, but something about him gives you an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach.
"Hey, pretty mouse! How about... you and me? Do you want to dance?" he almost shouts to drown out the music.
"Mmhm, no… but thanks for the tempting offer anyway"
He smiles at you, "Oh come on... There's no harm in rubbing our hips together a bit."
"I think I'll pass."
"Then not," he grunts and continues walking.
You look after him and shake your head.
As you finish your beer, you want to go to the toilet before you leave.
After you have been to the toilet, you look in the mirror again and smile. Today was simply a beautiful day. You run your fingers through your hair again and leave the toilet.
But when you come out, the man is suddenly standing in front of you.
"Hey, beautiful... Is it a coincidence that we meet again?", a cloud of beer is breathed towards you.
"Well, if you were just going to the toilet, I don't think so. Excuse me please"
You want to push past him, but he leans his arm against the wall and blocks your way.
"Oh, sweetheart... Why are you like this? We could have some fun..."
"I don't want to have fun with you. "
He tries to brush the strand of hair from your face, but you turn your head away.
"Hey! Peter! I don't think the girl wants to feel your little worm today!"
Your gaze falls on the man who is suddenly standing behind the disgusting guy. Steel-blue eyes stare back at you and his blond hair looks seductively soft. Almost relaxed, he takes a drag from his cigarette.
"Yo Bennett... what do you want?", the guy doesn't even turn his head towards your saviour.
"That you leave the girl alone", provocatively, he blows his cigarette smoke at Peter as he turns his head in his direction.
You don't catch much of the conversation as you have to concentrate hard on breathing normally. The blue eyes have somehow captivated you.
Peter sighs, "Well, nothing seems to be going on with her anyway. You can try your luck."
You look after him, startled, as he finally walks away.
The two guys look into each other's eyes for a moment, but the unpleasant guy just keeps walking.
And then the blue eyes fall on you again. You were not aware that you were holding your breath, so you exhale deeply. You clear your throat and you adjust your dress and walk towards your saviour, "Mhmm, I guess I should thank you."
He smiles at you and you feel yourself suddenly getting warm. The warmth spreads pleasantly through your body and reaches its peak on your cheeks. It's either you or the beer you drank that he has such an effect on you.
"No problem, love," he replies, still smiling.
You can't help but return the smile. You nod at him and want to walk past him.
"Ey... Do you want me to take you home?"
But you shake your head, "No, that's alright, I don't live far from here".
You smile at him again and he just nods. He looks after you as you leave the pub.
Tom stands there for a while. He doesn't know what the feeling is inside him, but when you entered the pub, all he saw was you. Everything else was no longer visible to him. The way you cautiously entered the pub, looking around almost shyly, taking it all in with your big eyes. Your long hair braided into a pigtail that fell over your shoulders and your light dress that clung perfectly to your body. He could not take his eyes off you. But at the same time, he didn't dare talk to you. Usually he is never shy when it comes to talk to a woman, but somehow he was afraid that he might embarrass himself. For whatever reason...
Even though he has not yet exchanged a real sentence with you and does not know your name, he knows that he has to see you again.
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skatermusic · 7 months
Liquid Gold
"Eli? You almost ready, hon?" Marshmallow asked, putting the finishing touches on their red panda outfit.
"Almost, babe!" A muffled voice called from the bedroom in Eli's apartment.
Marshmallow sat on Eli's couch while they waited. They might as well make themselves comfortable. They had just enough time to wish a sick Nimh a speedy recovery before Eli emerged from the bathroom.
Marshmallow's jaw dropped. Holy crap did Eli look good. His eyeliner was sharp enough to cut a diamond, he wore a beautiful rainbow ball gown with flowers all over it that definitely cost 3 pay cheques from his department store job, and a pair of glass slippers with butterflies on them that would've made Cinderella jealous. Eli held his mask in one diamond manicured hand and a clutch with his makeup, a compact, his phone, wallet, and keys in the other.
Eli giggled and thanked Marshmallow for their unspoken compliment by showering them in hot pink lipstick kisses. A ping from Eli's phone caught his attention. As soon as he checked it, Eli bent down and scooped Marshmallow up bridal style. "Our chariot awaits, Prinx* Charming!"
Eli was definitely up to something, Marshmallow thought, as their date somehow ran down the stairs to the lobby in those heels. Their rainbow princess** loved being fashionably late for things, so the fact that he was ready so soon was suspicious. Maybe he had a surprise for them?
Marshmallow and Eli gossiped in the Uber the whole ride to the ball. As soon as the couple arrived, Eli gave his date another kiss, then left. Where had he gone? Before they could follow him, a server offered them some champagne, which they accepted. Normally, they would order a whiskey on the rocks, but it would do for now. An hour into the night, an announcement was made:
"Esteemed guests, welcome to the Enchanted Woods Ball, a celebration that commemorates our wildlife! Starting off tonight's entertainment with 'Liquid Gold,' please welcome Elijah Kawase!"
Was this the surprise Eli had planned? Marshmallow rolled their eyes good-naturedly as soon as the curtains opened. Classic Eli. Of course, he started off his performance by posing seductively on the piano. They opened their phone and began recording.
Eli gave his love a flirtatious wink, showing off his rainbow eyeshadow, then began to sing. "Born in this town, but been here and there, the "road less travelled" kinda guy, but though the waters stay fast and, oh, so free I ain't never seen mouths this dry."
A man helped Eli off the piano and into a chair. "Yet the common man will find his fix whether morphine or creosole, but there's one sure way to get 'em ossified-you gotta dig up that liquid gold!" Marshmallow wasn't surprised when the crowd joined in almost immediately. ("Dig it up, dig it up!")
Eli started to dance. "Time's a wastin', friend, can't spare a minute!"
("Chasin' after that liquid gold!")
"Take a big inhale o' those St. Lou' spirits!"
Marshmallow swiped a text from Kelby away as they filmed, making a mental note to check it later.
("We'd rather get it than ever get old!")
"You can speak easy, chums, it'll be all right!"
("Chasin' after that liquid gold!")
Marshmallow had never pegged (that phrasing would have gotten a giggle out of Eli) this crowd to be the kind to like electro-swing, yet the ones that weren't also filming were dancing. They guessed Eli had that effect on people.
"So take a swig for your courage and we'll own tonight!"
("We'd rather get it than ever get old!")
Was Kelby okay, Marshmallow wondered? The athlete had a big game today. They hoped he won.
"..........so it's up to us to find the entertainment to keep ourselves brave and bold! And what better way to show our gallantry than to dig for that liquid gold?"
("Dig it up, dig it up!")
"I said time's a wastin' cousin, can't spare a minute!"
("Chasin' after that liquid gold!")
"Feel the vibes in the air o' those St Lou spirits!"
("We'd rather get it than ever get old!")
"You can speak easy chums, we'll keep out of sight!"
("Chasin' after that liquid gold!")
"So take a swig for your courage and we'll own tonight!"
("We'd rather get it than ever get old!")
Though Eli spoke this part, walking across the stage as if it were his runway, the audience was still singing "Dig it up, dig it up!" in between: "Now the extravagance and show of this sordid affair will nary spoil the ambiance of the Mississippi air. And if thine eyes shall fall and rest on the scene, then pay no mind friend, merely greasing the machine!"
"Here we go." The words slipped out of Marshmallow's mouth before they could stop themselves. Eli had already struck oil with his captive audience, but sometimes he just didn't know when to stop drilling. It was one of the things Marshmallow loved about him, but it didn't always work out in their cotton candy queen's favour.
"I've had run-ins with rumrunners and rubes, but it's never bothered me none, just a normal afternoon. So if you're keen to listen, here's an offer I'll propose; let me work and I'll provide you with a touch o' that gold!"
Eli went right back to singing: "Time's a wastin' friend, can't spare a minute!"
("Chasin' after that liquid gold!")
"And there's no sweeter smell than those St. Lou spirits!"
("We'd rather get it than ever get old!")
"We're speaking easy friends, we're on a bootlegger's flight!"
("Chasin' after that liquid gold!")
"We'll take a swig for our courage and we'll own tonight!"
("We'd rather get it than ever get old!")
"Encore!" Eli called, then laughed.
"So take a swig for your courage and we'll own tonight, we're gonna dig up that liquid gold!" Eli ended his song with a pose, followed by a curtsey. The applause that followed was so ravenous it almost drowned out Eli's flattered giggles. Marshmallow climbed up onto the stage. Eli dropped the microphone, fell to his knees and scooped them up. The curtains dropped to give the couple their privacy as they shared a kiss.
"Hon, that was amazing, but really, the piano?" Marshmallow asked, referring to how Eli had begun his performance.
Eli smirked. "C'mon, sugarbear. Did you really expect any less from me?"
Marshmallow shook their head. "Nope."
Eli's performance was so well-liked that he drank for free for the rest of the night. Marshmallow wouldn't have been surprised if the video they posted went viral. Once Eli began saying things he should really be telling his therapist between sips of his third strawberry daiquiri, Marshmallow knew it was time to cut him off.
Eli napped in the Uber, using Marshmallow's shoulder as a pillow. Once his apartment building drew near, Marshmallow gently woke Eli. "We're almost there, Sleeping Beauty."
As soon as they were inside Eli's apartment, the cotton candy queen gave his lover a kiss. "Thanks for an amazing night, sugar bear." He made a bee-line for the bathroom to scrub his makeup off and perform the rest of his night routine.
Though the time on Marshmallow's phone read 2:35 am, they weren't tired in the least. Working quite literally around the clock had done that to them.
As soon as Eli emerged from the bathroom, Marshmallow gave him a good night kiss "Sweet dreams, hon. You can go to bed if you want. I'm not tired yet."
But Eli wasn't taking no for an answer. For the second time that night, Marshmallow found themself in Eli's arms. Eli put both of their phones on charge, then found something comfortable for Marshmallow to change into. Marshmallow changed, brushed their teeth, and then slipped into bed with Eli, the former pegasus using Marshmallow's chest as a pillow. The couple shared a kiss, then went to sleep.
*Prinx is a gender-neutral equivalent to Prince/ss.
**Eli is confirmed to be genderfluid.
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year
making this a series ig (spoilers, mostly minor, idk well just have to ROLL WITH IT AND SEE)
episode is starting from zero, episode 1 (quick note: i love how excited everyone is aty the beggining for this camoain, so heartwarming) "'for all you audio listeners your about to hear what a man catching on fire sounds like' 'and also a house catching on fire'" "so its like 3 belts? yeah" "this character sucks not enough belts" ok chip hasnt been described and hes already drawn blood "how much trouble does this woman have keeping her pants up holy shit" "anything that looks valueable, take it" "whats a barrel" instant love with this campaine from here "ill carry this" "ok" "but w h y" “this is the fastest I've ever committed arson in a campaign” "ok as soon as we light this ill let them know so they die an honorable death" "but the barrel is terrified of fire" "so this is a barrel" "lets blow up this popcicle place" hes trying guys "grab a barrel as well i need to study" "in you multitude of belts" when did i forget jay had so many and got bullied for it "i hope she didnt find any more belts in there" ok but whenever i hear marshal jon being described the dopamine just floods out "oh! that wasnt the bathroom!" "no it was not, it was the room where we got the explosives" "WHAT ARE YOU GRABBING THE EXPLOSIVES FOR" "to blow up your ship" bro i loved how gill interacted with people before what an idiot /pos "gill make a-dont make anything you told the truth" gotta love grizzly doing a save "and jay you go to kick this man in the back of the knee and you do you realise that his calf muscles are literally built like boulders" "i want to put my hand on his shoulder" and so it begins the convincing! yes gill go!! "hang on let me see that...big j" "JON, ITS YOUR CHOIIIIIIIIIIIIIISE" "as the door is blown off-" "did somebody fart?" ah yes gill you lit the explosive that makes people fart" "BACHOW!" please dont stop this man from making random noises its great "is your skin always wet or is it dry?" GRIZZ ASKING THE REAL QUESTIONS!! "you are to learn a lesson from the moisture master!" remember when gill made his title canon now, its 6 seconds to 20 minutes in "THOSE PIRATES!" man knowing him now its kinda strange to hear him hunting them down "i just occasonally grab people and im like 'you can be better'" cant believe gill went from telling people to be better to just immedately trying to solve their problems (like not even 2 episodes later if im remembering right) "excellent jay you are a fog frog" "im gonna steal somebody's hat then run out the door" jay stealing chips job now "im passing the barrel out the window" i remember when hed just be a problem for any stealth kind of movements "MY FRIEND SAID HE DOESNT WANT YOU TO HAVE AN ADVANTAGE" "there is still time" ITS STARTING WOW "you get the sense this guy cannot see very well" i forgot he had sight problems "YOU BLEW A HOLE IN OUR TOWER" "and you blew a hole in my heart" ACCIDENTAL FORESHADOWING AND A GREAT MOMENT FOR SHIPPERS?? HOW MUCH IS CHARLIE FEEDING US WITH GILLION TIDESTRIDER!?!!? (spoiler: a lot) "can i make a persuasion check?" "sure" if charlie never said this we would never have the future pirate jon, IF HE NEVER GOT A 16 THINK WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED "you cant tell if i cry a single tear or if im usually that moist" the fact that he is can make for an angsty hc that nobody really would notice gill crying "jon didnt make it" oh this better not be another accidental foreshadow "you see, a pink frogtupus" everyone being excited for the preztal reveal was also all of us huh dont lie! "i look like a big flounder" fanartists canon gill description /j "god damn it big j" friendly reminder that (from what ive seen) marshal jon is the only character gill gave a nickname, and he had met him like 20+ minutes ago "YA BOY GILL ABOUTA BE FRIED" "ima just grab them both and jump" ngl i cant put my finger on it but calmer gillion probs the chaos control thats needed because of him being feral "jon this is for you" *proceeds to get an 8* (would have been epic if he suceeded that charisma tho) "jon, the power is- eyeh" "i look over wistfully (?) 'but w h y?'"
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justleisha-deniyor · 2 years
congratulations on 300 followers, lovely! ❤ your content is amazing and i hope more people get to see more of it!! may i get a match up with either the villainess is a marionette or the way to save the female lead's older brother ( only the males )?
i'm the sweetest girl to be around as noted by my friends and family. always giving out genuine compliments and being quite affectionate, specifically to those closest to me. a good listener as well especially with the good advice that comes with it. been told that my patience is a blessing, especially with younger kids and babies. i do fuss over a lot of people but i just want my loved ones to take care of themselves. i can occasionally be witty unknowingly and i do have my dark humor. i'm not very good at taking care of myself but i am trying. very lazy which contrasts with my perfectionist side of me. since i'm usually tired, you'll find me in bed more often than you think either sleeping, on my phone, or reading a book. stormy days are my favorite type of weather which does surprise a lot of people.
not sure if you want my appearance, but i shall give! i stand at the height of five feet two inches so not very tall. i'm a light skinned desi girl who gets tanned very easily but i love that. i have long dark brown hair which i like to play around with and light brown eyes that almost look the color of gold when facing the sun.
i hope this helps! congrats on 300 followers again!! ❤
Thank you for your compliments love! Oh and thanks for participating it means so much to me <3
(Please run to me as soon as you get bored of these characters)
I pair you with Raphael Kedrey from The Villainess Is A Marionette!
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You would actually have a pretty good relationship with Rezef too, but Rezef- uh? He's a bit of an insufferable man.
First of all, Raphael believes that God made you for him and he will say that meeting you was the best thing he's ever done in his life.
Raphael is a loyal and sweet lover. He really likes someone to take care of him! You could swear you have dog ears with you, just like when you're with Cayena.
He doesn't care what his mother thinks, and to be honest, he is deaf to anyone around him who says bad words about your relationship.
Raphael is hungry for touch because he hates when anyone else touches him, and as long as you let him, he strokes your hair that he loves the color, lays it in his lap and loves you at every opportunity.
Yes, she hasn't touched someone in a long time and now her love language is physical, she believes that the kind of love shown in the physical way is the best aspect of showing love.
A tough and cold knight on the face of it, this man is a cinnamon roll for you.
I pair you with Jeremy Agriche of The Way To Save The Female Lead's Older Brother!
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Baby Jeremy- This is my personal opinion of course but I think Jeremy would follow his girlfriend like baby ducks.
Unlike Dion, who is always busy, Jeremy has quite a bit of free time. He's also less bloodthirsty than Jeremy Dion, so I'm pairing you with Jeremy, not Dion. The person I matched with isn't Cassis because Jeremy needs you more. :<
Just like Raphael, Jeremy would fall in love with your lovely aura. You are beautiful, sweet, kind.. Who will she fall in love with if she will not fall in love with you?
Now- Agriches have a bit of sidekick in their nature. It's also true that Jeremy is a neglected child, so he threatens anyone who comes between you in your relationship.
This was one of the reasons he was with his older sister Roxana and took over the Duchy of Agriche. He could not make her suffer by marrying his lover under his father's captivity.
When you develop a very close relationship with Jeremy, he will show you his vulnerable side and also trust you blindly.
You are the only one in your heart of both island men <3
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