#so i just keep logging on to post a legolas hot take and then leaving
astriiformes · 2 months
It's probably due to a combination of the movies being very action-heavy and people in fandom liking their favorite characters to be exceptional somehow, but I think it's so funny when fics make reference to Legolas being one of the best warriors in Mirkwood, because he absolutely is not. There are elves in Mirkwood who have been fighting the Shadow longer than he's been alive. They are definitely better at it than he is.
Like, are his skills probably very impressive? Absolutely. Mirkwood has been under assault for pretty much his whole life, and even by a low estimate of his age, that's centuries longer than any mortal. But he has to be pretty average by elven standards, just by virtue of his relative youth.
Let him be average (for an elf, at least). It's fine.
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