#so i hit refresh and i just got a login screen instead
troglobite · 1 year
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raisonroux · 3 years
OTAS: Ch. 6
Going Down
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Jim, the terrified elevator mechanic, busies himself on his data pad, desperate to try and convince the impatient Kylo that he was actively working to fix the elevator (despite there being nothing he could do). His heart sinks as he watches the coordinates of the elevator move past the current location to a commander’s floor above; those floors always taking priority over the common floors. With the six minutes up, Kylo reaches a gloved hand for the man's shoulder.
Just then the lift returns and the door opens to Lieutenant Mitaka flanked by two stormtroopers. Mitaka, Kylo hates Mitaka, the sniveling lackey of General Hux. Kylo clenches his jaw at the unwelcome annoyance and enters the crowded car.
“Commander Ren,” nods the Lieutenant, his tone firm as if speaking to a peer - obviously trying to show leadership in the presence of the two troopers.
Kylo ignores the empty greeting and motions to the panel to press his floor, but sees it is already lit. “Hmm. You are going to R6?” He immediately regrets the question, as it opens the door to further conversation.
“Yes, Sir," says the Lieutenant, eager to show his productivity to the apathetic Commander. "The troopers on that floor have failed to update their status. It is most likely a delay in the Comm System, but it is protocol for an officer to check and maintain order.”
Ruminating on this new information, Kylo knows it is not a comm delay… it is the rogue stormtrooper. It has to be. The more he considers the actions of the trooper, making fools of both he and the Order, the more uneasy he becomes. He shifts his stance and tries to push the agitation of a potential force sensitive trooper out of his mind, instead focusing on the task at hand - the Pilot.
The elevator door opens on R6 to reveal another solitary stormtrooper in Kylo’s path. Except this one is flailing on the ground, moaning as he humps inappropriately against the floor. The two men behind Lieutenant Mitaka snort loudly as they attempt to hold in a laugh.
A visibly startled Mitaka blinks in confusion, then lets out a shaky command, “FN-1165, stand and explain yourself.” Despite the order, the thrashing resumes.
Incensed, Kylo turns toward Lieutenant Mitaka and the stormtroopers, “Are all you little shits defective?!”
Attempting to regain the appearance of control, Mitaka quickly motions to the troopers at his side. “Get him up!” NOW!"
Kylo huffs. Choosing not to wait, he uses his long legs to step over the gyrating body. Before he completes the stride, he stops short to smash his heel into the troopers outstretched hand. Expecting a howl of suffering, Kylo looks down to see that the man appears to be impervious to the pain, solely fixated on his invisible pleasure. Jaw clenched in anger, he twists his weight deeper into the cracking bones; but still no reaction. At the faint sound of a gulp, Kylo looks up and is relieved to see a frightened Mitaka, quaking in fear. Lowering his helmet to the edge of the man's forehead, Kylo makes one final comment, “Take control of your fucking men or these won't be the only bones I break today.” The terror in Mitaka's eyes satisfies Kylo and he turns to leave. His thick black boots march onward with determination down to the cell, as the sound of armor hitting the steel floor echoes throughout the hallway.
Just before entering the interrogation room, Kylo steadies himself - reconnecting with his innermost darkness, only to hear the rustling of armor to his back right. Perturbed with the constant interruptions, he pivots just in time to see two other languid troopers attempting to rise to attention. Kylo growls furiously and uses the Force to jerk one trooper to him. “Enough of these antics! I want answers!” The trapped trooper tries to nod in compliance but is unsuccessful against the hold of the Force.
Not waiting for a reply, Kylo continues, “I want to see all security footage of this cell and hall!”
“Y y y… Yes. Yes, sir.” Regaining his faculties at the release of the hold, the guard fumbles with his data pad and types furiously. He pauses and his shoulders drop before looking up, “There is no video sir. An order was placed to cease recording.”
“Who put in the order?” Kylo’s deep voice speaks slowly as he twists the hand by his hip. The guard feels an invisible strength circling his throat, and gulps.
“WHO PUT IN THE ORDER?!” Kylo asks again as his free hand latches to his sabor. The other trooper takes a step backward.
The frozen trooper stumbles over his words. “It’s… it's… mmm my… my login code, but I…I… I don’t remember-” before he can finish his admission, Kylo tightens his fist and thrusts out his arm; the unforgiving Force propelling the strangled man into a nearby wall, already dead before impact. Hearing a gasp, Kylo turns his attentions to the other guard.
“Tell your General to get his ass down here! His inability to lead is turning the Finalizer into a circus and I AM NOT AMUSED.” Kylo hisses. He takes a step forward as a door to the cell opens. Right away his brain fogs with the oddest sensation. Even odder is the prisoner, asleep on the table, a contented smile glued to his face. This would typically annoy the Commander, like everything else about this day, but his emotions stay steadfast in a satisfied, almost sensual, calm.
“Wake, now.” Kylo orders coolly as he wields the force to jostle the prisoner’s head to attention. “I had no idea we had the best pilot in the Resistance on board… Comfortable?” The comment is meant to be a jeer, but observing the prisoner’s sated state, it appears to be true.
“I’ve been better,” admits Poe shrugging his shoulders, still hazy from his euphoric high.
“I’m impressed,” Kylo continues as he saunters toward the trapped man as an enigmatic heat fills his torso. An urge to touch Poe's chiseled cheek makes his fingers twitch. Clenching his fist, he fights the compulsion. “No one has been able to get it out of you… what you did with the map.”
“You might want to rethink your technique,” Poe smirks. He closes his eyes and takes in a full breath, losing himself in a thought, “The uh… Lady interrogator.” He sighs out, gently shaking his head, ”Hoo… yeah. I would have given her anything, and given it to her good.” He chuckles through his nose before focusing back on Kylo, “You on the other hand… aren’t really my type. But by the look of those tight pants, it seems I’m yours.”
“ENOUGH!” An embarrassed Kylo silences the smug pilot. Without another word, he hovers his palm over Poe’s mind, untangling and unearthing images from his brain. The first image he pulls loose is a memory from minutes earlier. It is one of arousal and pleasure, and Kylo finds it too enticing to ignore. However the memory is blurry and the face of the initiator, a woman, isn’t clear. Only her mewls are heard.
“This has to be a dream,” Kylo reasons to himself, “but it looks too real.” Tantalizing goosebumps dance across Kylo’s sensitive skin. Suddenly the quiet room fills with a hedonistic sigh, his own - at once alerting him to his mental voyeurism. Kylo scolds himself for lingering too long on this diversion, as tempting as it might be. With a groan forming in his chest, he clears his throat and digs deeper until the image of a droid in the desert is made clear.
After reading the same paragraph four times, Rose throws her book to the floor. “Agh! Where the kriff is she?!” With every distraction failing, she opts to visit the refresher. Trying her best to keep a positive mood, like her best friend, she encourages herself, “Everything is okay. Y/N will be back at any moment.” Grabbing her robe, she repeats the affirmations to herself all the way to the refresher room.
However upon her return, her hopeful smile fades when she sees a still empty bedroom. Dejected, she flings herself onto her bed, only to feel a buzzing against her chest. Scrambling the bedding out of the way, she pulls out her data pad, alerting her to a message. Eyes closed, she prays it is you as her fingers open the screen. Unfortunately it isn't Y/N. It is a work notification from her manager, “Emergency Call - Please report to the machine space of vertical transport 101A for an internal investigation.”
“Shit!” Rose's mind races. This is bad. This is very very bad. An internal investigation could point to her, and she knows she has to reach the assignment first to name another cause and sway suspicion. Zipping up her plain gray jumpsuit, she shoves her wet hair into a hat, and runs to the incident.
At the scene, her eyes widen to see the other Portside Lift tech already working. “Damn it, I’m too late.” She takes a deep breath before greeting her peer, “Hey Jim. What’s the situation?”
“Thank Kriff you’re here,” he motions down to the data pad screen to share his findings. “I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s a forced reboot flagged from the Electromechanical interlock, but all of the inner parts report back as stable. I’ve tried running different test scenarios virtually, but nothing is coming up. It looks like one of us will have to board the car ceiling to manually inspect.” His eyes slowly look up to stare at Rose. “So?”
“You want me to do it?! Why not a droid?” Rose asks nervously. Due to the advanced technology of the self-diagnostic computer systems and the aid of droid techs, Rose never had to enter a hoistway. Even in the apprentice program, manual checks of this nature were only discussed theoretically.
“One is already in the pit, checking for anything out of the ordinary. The other was crushed, remember? Hasn’t been replaced yet.”
Rose recalls seeing the gnarled pieces of the recovered droid on top your worktable after it got twisted into the rails. She shudders before pointing her finger at Jim, “Why not you?”
“Hell no! I had to babysit Commander Ren on Common Deck C2 for nearly a half hour. That’s way more dangerous than the hoistway. It’s your turn,” declares Jim, holding out a flimsy harness to his partner.
“This is pointless… I already know the origin of the error,” Rose lets slip as she throws her exasperated arms in the air, refusing the harness.
“You do? How?” questions Jim, eyes narrowing.
Rose bites her lip, knowing if she says anymore she will implicate herself. She tries to think of an excuse, any excuse to explain the reboot, but nothing comes out of her mouth.
“Just as I thought, you don’t know either.” Smug in his assertion, he ends up throwing the harness at Rose.
Rose catches the belt against her chest. “Uh. Fine.” As she buckles herself in, cursing under her breath with each motion, Jim calls the car to their floor.
“You’re chariot awaits,” he teases. Rose glares at him, she’s in no mood for jokes.
“I need a boost,” she huffs. Jim helps her through the hatch door of the car ceiling. Looking beyond the sling, her heart quickens as she takes in the seemingly endless vertical shaft downward. She gulps. As she steadies her feet on the roof of the car she calls down nervously, “Jim! Make sure the car is halted! I’m not dying because you forgot to click a button.”
“No can do. We have orders to keep it in service while we fix the issue. But don’t worry, I’ve kept the speed locked at 2 MGLTs.”
Rose drops back down to her knees and grips the edge of the open hatch, “WHAT?! You can’t be serious?!” she yells to her unconcerned partner, nose down in the data pad - oblivious to her distress.
Finally looking up he gives her a cocky grin and laughs, “What’s that? You want me to make it faster? Okay…”
“Just lock the damn car, Jim!” Rose’s terrified yelp echoes throughout the expanse.
But he only shakes his head, “Sorry. Superior officers are using this system. Direct orders not to halt service.”
“Fuck you and fuck orders,” Rose grits her teeth.
“Now that is no way to speak to the man holding the controls. Seriously, calm down. It’s going to be fine. I doubt you’ll even be up there long enough to-,” he pauses and all teasing stops. The elevator dings. “Oh… um… it’s been called to R6.”
“Kriff no! Pause it! I’m coming down, we will finish this later,” she says, cautiously lowering a leg through the hatch door. But it is too late, the doors begin to close.
“STOP!” warns Jim through remaining sliver of the doorway, “…it’s too dangerous! Just hang on!” The door shuts and the mechanism next to her begins to click ominously. With the rumble of motion, Rose quickly closes the rustling hatch door and lays flat against the car ceiling, careful to avoid any moving parts. In an instant, she attaches her harness to a corner hook and wraps her arms protectively about her head.
“This can’t get any worse,” she cries to herself. After a few minutes pass, the car comes to a stop, and she lets out a sigh of relief. She decides to ride back to her floor in the safety of the car. But before she can unhook her tether, in walks two reasons to stay put.
After a successful, and strangely gratifying search through the prisoners brain, Kylo at last has what he is looking for. With this step of mission complete, he calls the elevator - ready to end this day once and for all. With the elevator slower than normal, a now present General Hux has time to wrap up his conversation with Lieutenant Mitaka and makes his way next to the Commander. Kylo sneers under his helmet.
“Have you finally taken control of your men? Or does a real leader need to set them in line?” mocks Kylo as the lift door opens. Simultaneously both men take a step inside, shoulders colliding, refusing to be second to the other. As the elevator moves, Kylo looks about the cabin, sensing something out of place, but sees nothing.
“Lieutenant Mitaka is convinced it is a gas leak, no doubt from one of your many destructive outbursts,” states Hux, his face frozen in disdain. “And you? Did you finally retrieve the information that we all have been waiting for? Or are you too busy whining about troopers?”
Kylo ignores the slight, “It’s in a droid. A BB Unit.”
“Well then,” General Hux smirks, “If it’s on Jakku, we shall soon have it.”
“I leave that to you.” The cabin goes quiet as the two men stand silently in their hatred. A minute passes before Kylo continues, “And Hux, I want FN-2102 found and detained. I need to have a word with her.”
Above the car, Rose hears the name of the trooper and her mind instantly flashes to the moment she placed the helmet on your head. She scoots closer to the small perforated metal window into the cabin just in time to see the General pull out a portable Comm Link System.
“Status needed on FN-2102,” states Hux into the microphone.
“Yes, sir,” replies a voice through the speaker. “FN-2102 is currently in the med bay unconscious. Unlikely to wake, Sir.”
General Hux motions to Kylo before answering. “Commander Ren requests the trooper be detained.”
“She is immobilized, Sir. Both legs have been broken. Should we continue with customary protocol?”
“Not yet. Since Commander Ren has taken an interest, wait for removal until he gives word.” Hux turns off the comm link and turns to Kylo, “My gift to you.”
As the harrowing words rise up to unknown hitchhiker above, Rose clutches her face and tries to hold in a scream. Despite her mouth staying shut, her watery eyes watch as Kylo’s helmet snaps to the attention of the hatch. Their eyes meet through the tiny holes of the metal gate and Rose gasps. Startled, General Hux looks up to see what has caught the Commander’s attention.
“You!” Scolds the General, “Get down here and explain yourself.”
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were-cheetah-stiles · 7 years
The College Years - Sophomore Year (Chapter 29) - Stiles Stilinski
Author: @were-cheetah-stiles​
Title: “The Babylonian Allegory”
Characters: Stiles Stilinski & Reader/OFC
Summary: Y/n and Stiles begin figuring out more about their new foe, and what brought it to Beacon Hills.
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Chapter Twenty-Nine - Chapter Thirty
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Stiles woke as his nurse came in for pre-dinner rounds to check his vitals. He glanced down and saw his y/h/c haired girlfriend asleep on top of her notebooks on the edge of his bed. He motioned down to his nurse to pass him her laptop, and he tried to open it and adjust it in a way that was not painful for it to rest on his lap. He was researching for about an hour when she finally roused from her nap.
"I drooled on my notebook." You said groggily as you dragged your hand across your face and lifted your head. Stiles laughed and picked up your notebook, wiping it across the blanket on the bed. "How long have I been asleep for?" You asked.
"I don't know, but I've been up for about an hour so.."
"Did you find anything?" You asked, looking at your computer and books, wondering how he managed to get them from under you while you slept.
"Not much since everything is in an ancient language that I can't read, but... uh... let me see your notebook?" You handed Stiles your Ancient Mesopotamia notebook, opened to the page about the rabisu. "You wrote 'salt repels'... like, salt is their version of mountain ash?"
"Yea, I guess.. I can call Scott and tell him to salt people's doors along with painting the lamassus. Maybe rock-salt bullets for your Dad and the other deputies?" You spoke hoarsely as you regained full consciousness from your deep sleep.
"But like... any salt? Like, is kosher salt gonna do the trick?" Stiles asked.
"Shit... I don't know. Probably not, considering the Ancient Mesopotamian civilization came well before the Jews did, so Kosher salt would make no sense." You explained through a yawn.
"I love that you know more about antiquity when you’re half asleep then I’ll ever know even if I stayed awake studying for weeks.” Stiles rubbed his hand against your arm, and you smiled sleepily at his compliment. “What would make sense then?" Stiles directed the conversation back to the salt and your notebook, prodding you for more information.
"Okay, uh, Mesopotamia is the Fertile Crescent.. so like modern day Iraq, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel.. that area... and they all got their salt from like...” You stalled, snapping your fingers in the air trying to recall what you had learned in class about trade around the Middle East during the Bronze Age. “Oh shit, does it say in my notebook? I know we covered the trade of salt as a commodity in class." Stiles began flipping through your notes, as you got up to pace while you thought out loud. "NO I REMEMBER!" You shouted. "It came from the sea, so like the Mediterranean or the Persian Gulf."
"So probably pure, unoxidized sea salt?" Stiles asked. You nodded and began composing a text message to Scott. Stiles continued flipping through your notes. "You scribbled something in the margin, what does that say?"
You hit send on your text to Scott and walked over to the bed to lean over Stiles' shoulder. "Umm... summoned? I think, maybe. I don't remember why I wrote that though. I don't usually write that messy, so it must've been an afterthought or something he mentioned before class ended or something."
"Do they need to be summoned? Is this another kanima thing, because that really sucked." Stiles thought back unhappily to the time when Jackson terrorized Beacon Hills as a kanima.
"I don't know, google it." You watched as Stiles typed away on your computer, contorting his face in frustration as his search came up fruitless.
"There is nothing about this thing... how is there nothing?! If there's nothing, then how can someone summon it?" Stiles asked, aggravated.
"There's probably something in a book about Ancient Babylon or something that's not on the internet. Here, give me my computer, I'm gonna email my professor and ask him. I think he has videos of his lectures, and we can see what he said instead of just reading my notes." You began typing on your computer.
Stiles jiggled his foot lightly for about thirty seconds and then looked up at you. "Has he answered you yet?" Stiles asked, trying to lean in to peek at your computer.
"....I haven't even sent the email yet, Stiles." You smiled and shook your head, quietly laughing to yourself over how absurd and impatient your boyfriend could be.
Stiles sat in bed, flipping through your books and trying to scratch under his cast with your pen. "Anything? Anything at all?" He asked as he bit at his thumbnail.
"OH MY GOD. No. I've been sitting here hitting refresh for like twenty minutes and there is.... his reply. Thank god." You replied.
Stiles ripped the laptop from in front of you and you threw your hands up in exasperation. "It's loading, it's loading..... why won't this file load faster?!" Stiles tapped his finger against the area next to your trackpad on your MacBook Pro; impatient and fidgety. He just wanted to crack this case before you left him to go out and enchant all of the lamassu's that the Pack were going to paint around town that night. 
The video file loaded and Stiles hit play. "Is... is that what Professor Simon looks like? He's handsome... like, really handsome... is this why you loved his class so much?" You stared at Stiles with your eyes wide open, and an 'are you kidding me?' look on your face. "No... nope, of course that's not why you took his class... I'm just gonna shut up now."
"We have got to get you out of this hospital soon because you are totally losing it." You said as you shook your head at him, and reached over to your computer to turn up the volume.
"The Rabisu have to be summoned though. However, and unfortunately for those who didn't know, they were known to generally turn on their master, which became their first kill. The most famous account of this comes from one of the nine clay tablets that describe the myth of the Rabisu. In the story, a royal scribe had fallen in love with a Babylonian princess, but because of his commoner status, he could not marry her. The scribe summoned the rabisu to kill the King and the princess' suitor so that he could be with her. But the rabisu turned on the scribe, killing him brutally, and getting a taste of bloodlust, it went on to kill the entire royal family, including the princess... Now really, this is all just an allegory about the frustrations over the lack of social mobility in the Babylonian Emp-.... Yes, you have a question, Sam?" Professor Simon called on a student off camera in the video playing on your computer.
"Dr. Simon, did the tablet say anything about how they stopped the rabisu, or did it just stop after killing the royal family?" The student asked.
"Yea, so the tablet does go on to explain that a priest from the temple came up with a ritual and a spell that killed the creature, and that then the rabisu disappeared into a cloud of firey ash, never to be seen again.... until the next idiot summoned it, I'm sure. Which actually is a good segue into our next topic in Mesopotamian mythology: spells and incantations and the procedures of the temple."
Stiles hit the space bar on your computer, pausing the video, and looked up at you. "So someone did summon these things... who the fuck would do that?.... holy shit... Did Isaac bring over the stuff from the murder board?" Stiles asked you, frantically looking around his hospital bed.
"Um, no, he just brought my books and laptop, why?"
"It doesn't matter, I have my Dad's login information for the Sheriff's database." Stiles said as he began typing slowly on the computer. He scrolled through the case files in the database. "Oh come on, where is it... where is it.... Yes, this one." Stiles flooded your computer screen with crime scene photos of the man that the Sheriff's department had found in his home dead because his heart had been ripped out of his chest.
"Oh, well that's graphic..." You said, pinching the bridge of your nose and wincing at the images on your laptop.
"There was something that was bothering me about this. That's why I left it on the murder board. Parrish said that all of his wounds were the same as the other victims, except that this guy had his heart ripped out."
"And he was found inside..." You reminded Stiles.
"Does that matter though if he's the one that summoned them? If I was summoning ancient evil demons to kill people, I wouldn't do it in my backyard where people could see and hear me, I would do it in the privacy of my own home." Stiles stared up at you, trying to convince you that he was right.
"Does the report say why they found the body? Did the neighbors report a smell or something?" You asked.
Stiles scrolled, reading the report quickly. "No, his parents came home from vacation in Europe and found him...." Stiles sighed and pursed his lips.
"Who was it?" You asked.
Stiles scrolled back up to the top of the report and read the victims name. His face went white. "Oh my god... I know this kid..."
28 <- -> 30
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Episode Choose Your Story Guide
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Will you and the other liars be able to uncover the mysterious "a" as she threatens to blackmail you? But unfortunately, this also has weaknesses. Because there are some authors who do not continue the story so the story that has been played does not end in the end. Download the latest apk version of episode mod, a simulation game for android. This mod includes unlimited money & gold. Download yours now! Episode enables you to live your tales with love, romance, journey, and drama. Wouldn't or not it's superb if you have been a personality in your favorite story? The stories are nicely presented as a movie. It helps the game's features become more realistic and attractive. Hands waving, flirting smiles or youthful dances are vividly expressed. Overall, episode - choose your story is a perfect storytelling game. Games are an exciting part of the applications we use on our phones. However, not all games share equal popularity. Due to the graphics and game features, some games are more popular than others. If you are an android user, you would check the ratings of the gaming app before downloading it. Personally, we're bigger fans of the web browser based creation system, which lets you work from the comfort of your computer to make your story. That can be done by visiting the website, and clicking on the "create a story" option in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Once that's done, you'll need to login with facebook or google. Once you have logged in, the creation system will launch, and you can get started making your very own stories in episode - choose your story. Participating in the community of the game is also an effective way to know which stories are popular. Your story may be read by thousands of other players. Therefore, you can create a truly fascinating story your way. You should remember that the lines in the story need to be short, with enough content, as well as no grammatical errors. Current, episode - choose your story only uses english. So, you need to know a little bit about english to be able to create interesting stories. ~ episode is a really great game. It has many stories in it that you could really enjoy reading, i've read about romance, adventures, and many more.. and honestly it's not just a game that you could read stories, and find out the endings, main ideas, or whatsoever. It also helps you to refresh your mind, and learn lots of new things in most of the stories. Thank you episode! ❤️ keep up all the good work. Its been so many years that i've grown with this game. They can pretty much write their story and put it out to the world immediately." That's a huge incentive to get people started and see what they can come up with. "they start because they love writing and they want to get their stories out there," she says, much like the rise of fanfiction. But author-designers are not simply motivated by a desire for fame and feedback--there's money to be made from successful stories on episode. Phillipps cited a number of examples of success stories. She regularly works on how best to improve the scripting tools, how she and episode can help the community write better, as well as liaising with the player experience teams. "[at launch] we wanted to make sure our tools would be turned on for our community [at the same time]," she notes. "having a platform for a community of writers has always been our vision. We think so many writers and creators in general are out there." The thinking was to be able to give them a place to tell their story. If stories contain objectionable or offensive content, we may not be able to feature or promote them. We are on the lookout for stories that are appropriate for readers ages 13 or older. Promotes or depicts excessive violence or assault, including but not limited to sexual assault, murder, and torture against humans or animals; any hate speech or content that promotes hatred or discrimination against individuals or groups, on the basis of race, ethnic or national origin, religion, marital status, disability, gender, age, or sexual orientation; portrays adult themes, including pornographic content, nudity, or prostitution; slanders or libels a person or third party; advertises for outside products or services, including but not limited to website links, reviews, and promotional language; excessive promotion of the use of firearms, explosives, and ammunition; and excessive promotion of a political agenda. A fascinating aspect of Episode Choose Your Story mod is, each story comes with multiple endings! During the conversations with other characters, the player needs to choose between 2 different replies, where each reply steers the story in a different direction. One can play the story all over, choosing alternate replies to discover all of the intriguing endings! There are thousands of amazing narratives to choose from. If you are someone with a creative bent of mind, well, you can create your own story too! Working in a vegas casino & you meet a handsome stranger. When you find out he has some shady connections, you get pulled into the drama of a lifetime! New episodes of college-ish! To get your crush to notice you, you enroll in college... while you're still in high school. What will happen next?! And new story coming soon from community author, sophie alice! Why me? You move in with the most popular boy from school, will it be a disaster or will you fall for the badboy? Is there any way to have them pick their own name or is that just wih the episode team as well? Creating your own character is possible but only for the ink style. Go to the chapter you are writing on and select "scripts" on the right side. There should be something like "ink female avatar" or "ink male avatar". Click on that and it will appear in the story. The code to putting in the story is in the guides. Due to the graphics and game features, some games are more popular than others. If you are an android user, you would check the ratings of the gaming app before downloading it. You would also read the reviews of other users and see how well the developers have responded to the criticism. Episode Choose Your Story mod for android and ios is an interactive game that lives up to its name. Read further to know more about the game. Get unlimited Gems and unlimited Passes on your game account.
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lady-mug · 7 years
Hakuouki PSA: Sano Hen Streaming!
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Hi again friends! I’m pretty talkative lately ;) But I’ve got wonderful news! Musical Hakuouki: Harada Sanosuke Hen will be streaming on GYAO! on Sunday, 4/30 at 22:00 JST. It’s a “delay” stream, meaning it is not quite a livestream of the performance, but is starting slightly after. And! If that time doesn’t work for you, there will be an encore of the stream from the afternoon of 5/7 until 5/10 at 13:00 (all JST, can be played anytime in that window). 
Cost for the ticket to stream is 2500 yen. For the delayed streaming, tickets are available for purchase now until 22:30 on the day of the performance. I cannot express how lucky we are they they are doing this. With so many shows simply doing a live viewing in theaters across Japan, it was very, very nice of them to decide to do it this way instead. 
So how about showing our gratitude and giving it a watch? I know the DVDs are wildly expensive, but this could be more doable for some, if you can. 
There is one caveat though. To beat their region blocks, it takes a lot of steps. I won’t sugar coat it: you have to basically force your support upon them. But it can be done, and I want to help you! So I made this guide, measuring out step by step all you need to do to enjoy Sano Hen. So here we go:
So here is the link to the ticket page. Before you do anything, you have to make sure you can watch the video right? We need to get the VPN working (and unfortunately Hola won’t cut it, I tried). They provide a test video at the bottom of the page to see if it will play the show: 
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This video needs to play. If you try to do it without the VPN nothing happens. Which brings us to...
Step One: Getting the VPN
I’m sorry Mac people, I’m afraid all I can do is say what I’ve done for the Windows people. The VPN I use when Hola fails (the big guns) is called SoftEther VPN Client. It lets your internet piggyback on someone’s server in whatever country you need to “be” in. Download the VPN from here. You need to download the one with the VPN Client Gate Plugin, as it will enable you to access the Public VPN Relay Servers. I’m sorry I downloaded mine awhile ago, so I can’t screenshot install, but this shows install screencaps. However, do not follow beyond their step 11, and do not download the VPN from that page - they have you setting up your own VPN, and we want the public ones. 
So once downloaded, it looks sort of like their step 10, or this: 
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Minus the VPN Client adapter at the bottom. When you double click the Relay Servers, it will prompt you to make a Client Adapter. It needs to be Enabled to function (right click it and click enabled if it’s not when you first make one).
So every time you want to use this, it is a bit of luck of the draw as to what servers are available. Double click the Relay Servers again:
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And you’ll see what is currently available. Happily, there’s usually a bunch for Japan:
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Here’s the part where you need to play around a bit. Of course you want one with a high line speed, but if there are a lot of sessions it might not be fast anyways. Sometimes when you select one, it just doesn’t connect. So make your selection, and select Connect to the VPN Server:
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Agree (of course please don’t do this if you aren’t allowed)
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Say OK
You’ll know it works when it assigns you an IP address (just now, to emphasize my point, I had to pick 3 or 4 to get one.)
Now, go back and refresh that page with the video on it. If it plays, then we’re in business! Also, of course if you have some other VPN that works, excellent! As long as that video plays, that’s what you need.(For an extra check, here is a YowaPedal interview that is free to watch, so this video should work on your VPN as well.) It is now okay for you to buy the ticket. But in order to do that, you need two things: A Yahoo ID and WebMoney.
Step Two: Making a Yahoo ID
(You don’t need to be on VPN for this part) So you’ll notice on the Sano Hen page this blue box:
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We’re dealing with the two on the right side. If you have a Yahoo Japan login, great! Hit the dark blue button and login. If you don’t, hit the button I highlighted to make one. It kills me to link to this, but this video does a very good job explaining how to make one. (It kills me because as you’ll notice immediately, the creator is a stereotypical male otaku -.-) But it helps. I noticed (as I remake one to follow along) it asks me for this, which is not in the video:
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They sent an email to the non-yahoo Japan email you entered that contains a code on the very top. Input this code, then click the yellow button.
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Done! Now go back to the Sano page (you don’t need to be on VPN to buy the ticket). 
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You’ll see the login button has turned into a pink 購入する button. Now we need codes for the money, and we can get the ticket!
Step Three: Getting Webmoney
You need 2500 yen in WebMoney to get a ticket. PlayAsia has Webmoney cards, but they are only in 2000 and 5000. Japan Codes has some, but they’re a bit expensive. I ended up using this place called Apartment 507 to get mine. I paid using AmazonPay (they linked to my Amazon and I paid by my Amazon account methods). They did sent an email telling me they sent me a text with a link to verify my account, and an hour later they emailed me codes to pay with. So whatever means you use, you need to get these codes.
Step Four: Buying the actual Ticket
Finally! We are good to buy tickets. Click that pink button. 
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Select WebMoney and hit the orange button.
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Input your code, and hit the yellow button. If you have two codes (they sent me a 1000 and a 2000 code), after you input one it will prompt you for the other. [I’m sorry I didn’t take these screenshots while buying mine, so I can’t show you want the confirmation and completion page looks like.] 
Once that’s done, if you go back to the Sano Hen page:
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It says your ticket has been purchased, and to look forward to the performance!
As I said in the beginning, I know this is a lot of steps. But if someone wanted to give it a shot, I wanted to help you have a chance. I hope this guide is helpful for those who are able to support, but please be aware I won’t be able to help much more than this (not being able to see your screen and all that). 
Anyway, what I’m saying in this whole thing is, if you can, thank you for supporting the stream!!
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lindajohnsonn · 5 years
A short Binance review, to learn how to trade altcoins in a market
Binance review – Find out what is Binance and see if it’s a good exchange to get the best results!
Do you want to know how to trade on Binance? Watch our latest video for a short Binance review and learn how to use this exchange in a market!
Binance review – a simple, but effective guide for trading
Hello, and welcome to Diary of a Trader and thank you for watching this video. This is in a series of videos on the introduction to Bitcoin and how to trade other cryptocurrencies. And in this video, we’re going to go over how to use and buy and trade altcoins in a market. And one of the first things people ask is, “Okay, I buy some Bitcoin, but I want to buy some other altcoins. How do you do that?” Because there’s basically two kinds of exchanges.
You’ve already seen the video where we’ve gone over Coinbase, where you can deposit your Dollars or your Euros and you can get Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin or Bitcoin Cash. Well, then, the question is what do you do after that? Well, then you have to find another exchange that deals predominantly with altcoins and for this video, we’ll be using binance.com and that is just www.binance.com. And here you’ll see that they have a large number of coins that you can trade. If you’re familiar with the Forex markets where you have things like the EUR/USD, so that’s the Euro/Dollar pair, you’re going to see a lot of this. So there’s different markets for a lot of these coins. So, BNB is Binance Coin, that is their own cryptocurrency that you can trade other altcoins against, there’s the Bitcoin Market itself, where you trade other altcoins against the performance of Bitcoin, there’s the Ethereum Market and then there’s USDT, this is Tether.
And so, Tether is what’s called a stable coin. A Tether is a cryptocurrency, but it is tied to the US Dollar. So, one Tether equals $1. So if you want to trade just dollars against a cryptocurrency, then the Tether is what you use. But you’ll notice, though, that Tether is reserved only for a few cryptocurrencies, even though there are significant volume traded in them, whereas in Bitcoin there’s hundreds of coins that you can trade.
Now, if you remember watching in the Coinbase video, we have to create an account. You have to do the same thing here, okay? Even though this is not based in the US, this is actually based in Malta. Binance was originally in China and then, when China cracked down on cryptocurrency trading, they decided they were going to leave and then they went to Japan and then, when Japan had some issues, I mean, they’re better now, but then Binance left Japan, they went to the little island of Malta.
Now, the same thing applies, so there’s that thing called the KYC, “Know your customer”. You have to do that here too. So, if we want to trade here, we basically go through the same process that we did to register in Coinbase. We just go to Register, and we type in an email, password and if somebody referred you, you can do that and then you just click, “I agree” and then you register. Then you’ll always have to do this little thing here. You always have to do this little slide thing. You have to do it pretty fast, you have to get it in, otherwise, they will not let you in.
Now, you’re going to get an email. So I need to go to my email. I want to pull that up on another screen here. And so, when you get your email, it’ll ask you to verify the email, we just click that and then it’ll open up another tab for us, that it’s been activated. We just click on Login and we do this stuff again. All right, there we go. And then, we’ll be able to get into our account.
Now, one of the things you’ll notice is, telling us that we have a lot of things we need to be aware of. So don’t send funds to anybody you don’t know, never tell your password or your TFA, the two-factor authentication and so forth. And we want to make sure that we check all of these. Now, we’re into our account. And this is where you should do this. So, you’ll have to download an app and it’s just the same as we’ve done on Coinbase where you’ll get a Google authentication code and we’re just going to hit skip for now, because if you’ve done that on Coinbase, then you already have it. And then, we’re basically into our basic account information. So, we’ve only got our first level of authorization and just like on Coinbase, we’re going to have to do a Submit Verification Documents because if we don’t we are severely limited to how much we can take out or put into Binance. And, in order to do that, of course, we have to do our SMS authorization, but then after you’ve done that, you’re good to go. And I’m just going to log into my own Binance account very quickly.
All right. Now, I’ve logged into my account, we can see that I’m on the basic screen here, that on the Exchange, if you hover over that, you’ll see Basic and Advanced. And so the Basic will just look like this. There’s not a lot to it. Basic buy and sell interface here. And then, on the Advanced, you will get a pretty more detailed look at your order history, the orders that you have opened, the current bids and offers or the buys and sells, bid asks, whatever you want to call it. You can select the coin you want to trade and you can see the chart for it here. There’s a few indicators that you can apply here as well. But, ultimately, the first question that you’re probably asking is, “Well, how do I get to trade money here? How do I trade coins? How do I trade currencies?” Well, to do that, we have to go through the process of sending cryptocurrencies from our Coinbase account to our Binance account and we’re going to go do that right now.
And so, I’m going to go to Coinbase and I’m going to look for the coin that I want to send and for this, we’re going to use Litecoin. I bought some Litecoin for the purposes of this video and we can see my balance here, I have about 11.5 Litecoin. Now, I need to go to Accounts and I need to find my Litecoin wallet and here’s where I can send and receive Litecoin. Of course, we’re going to hit send and it’s going to tell me to input an address. This is just like an email address, but I need to figure out what the address is to send it. And now, what we want to do is, we want to go to balances, I want to find Litecoins, I’ll just type in LTC and then I want to click “Deposit”, because I want to send it to Binance. And when I click that Deposit, it’s going to bring up the address that I need to send it to, and that is that funky code right there. All I need to do is just single-click that “Copy address” and it’s going to copy it to my clipboard. And then, that just goes right onto the address line. If we go back to Coinbase, right-click there, paste and I select the amount that I want to send and hit “Continue”, do my Two-Factor Authentication and I’m done. And now, all I have to do is, I just wait for it to show up. Now, if we look at the bottom right-hand corner of this video, we can see that it is 4:50 p.m. And let’s see how long it takes to get all of my Litecoin from Coinbase.
And through the marvels of video editing, we have fast-forwarded in time, 10 minutes, and we can see that there are three out of four confirmations yet. We are looking at where this could be at, also we can look at the Blockchain transactions as well and see what transactions are happening. How many other Litecoin transactions have been happening? We can see mine, below there, at 11.43. And what I can also do is, I can also go over to Coinbase and Coinbase will also notify me how many confirmations have been completed. And had to refresh that there, and now it says I have four. So that means that I actually have the cryptocurrency of Litecoin in my wallet on Binance.
And we can also see the other balances that I have, but now we need to get into, “How do you trade this? How can I sell my Litecoin and trade it to buy something else?” And to do that, we’re going to go over to The Exchange part here. And so, if you remember where to go on the exchange, we’re going to find the Litecoin- Tether pair and I want to sell some of it. So, I have 11.43 and let’s say I want to sell half and I want to sell it right away. So I’m going to sell it at the Market. The market means that the transaction is going to happen immediately when you hit sell. If something’s limited, that means you’re going to wait for it to be at a certain price, but Market means you’re just going to take the order at whatever the price is currently trading. It tells me that I have sold it for that much and I have that much Tether. Now, I want to take the Tether I have and I want to buy some ADA or Cardano, and I just put in how much I want and hit the “Buy” button. Not too fast, otherwise, it doesn’t update that fast. But now, instead, I’ve sold my Litecoin, I’ve turned it into Tether and I’ve taken my Tether now and I’ve bought Cardano.
So, this concludes our video over Binance and how to send cryptocurrencies from one account to the other. I hope you found this video helpful and that it is a benefit to you and I look forward to talking with you in our future videos. Have a great day!
The post A short Binance review, to learn how to trade altcoins in a market appeared first on The Diary of a Trader.
A short Binance review, to learn how to trade altcoins in a market posted first on http://thediaryofatrader.com/
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aubreytownsend · 5 years
A short Binance review, to learn how to trade altcoins in a market
Binance review – Find out what is Binance and see if it’s a good exchange to get the best results!
Do you want to know how to trade on Binance? Watch our latest video for a short Binance review and learn how to use this exchange in a market!
Binance review – a simple, but effective guide for trading
Hello, and welcome to Diary of a Trader and thank you for watching this video. This is in a series of videos on the introduction to Bitcoin and how to trade other cryptocurrencies. And in this video, we’re going to go over how to use and buy and trade altcoins in a market. And one of the first things people ask is, “Okay, I buy some Bitcoin, but I want to buy some other altcoins. How do you do that?” Because there’s basically two kinds of exchanges.
You’ve already seen the video where we’ve gone over Coinbase, where you can deposit your Dollars or your Euros and you can get Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin or Bitcoin Cash. Well, then, the question is what do you do after that? Well, then you have to find another exchange that deals predominantly with altcoins and for this video, we’ll be using binance.com and that is just www.binance.com. And here you’ll see that they have a large number of coins that you can trade. If you’re familiar with the Forex markets where you have things like the EUR/USD, so that’s the Euro/Dollar pair, you’re going to see a lot of this. So there’s different markets for a lot of these coins. So, BNB is Binance Coin, that is their own cryptocurrency that you can trade other altcoins against, there’s the Bitcoin Market itself, where you trade other altcoins against the performance of Bitcoin, there’s the Ethereum Market and then there’s USDT, this is Tether.
And so, Tether is what’s called a stable coin. A Tether is a cryptocurrency, but it is tied to the US Dollar. So, one Tether equals $1. So if you want to trade just dollars against a cryptocurrency, then the Tether is what you use. But you’ll notice, though, that Tether is reserved only for a few cryptocurrencies, even though there are significant volume traded in them, whereas in Bitcoin there’s hundreds of coins that you can trade.
Now, if you remember watching in the Coinbase video, we have to create an account. You have to do the same thing here, okay? Even though this is not based in the US, this is actually based in Malta. Binance was originally in China and then, when China cracked down on cryptocurrency trading, they decided they were going to leave and then they went to Japan and then, when Japan had some issues, I mean, they’re better now, but then Binance left Japan, they went to the little island of Malta.
Now, the same thing applies, so there’s that thing called the KYC, “Know your customer”. You have to do that here too. So, if we want to trade here, we basically go through the same process that we did to register in Coinbase. We just go to Register, and we type in an email, password and if somebody referred you, you can do that and then you just click, “I agree” and then you register. Then you’ll always have to do this little thing here. You always have to do this little slide thing. You have to do it pretty fast, you have to get it in, otherwise, they will not let you in.
Now, you’re going to get an email. So I need to go to my email. I want to pull that up on another screen here. And so, when you get your email, it’ll ask you to verify the email, we just click that and then it’ll open up another tab for us, that it’s been activated. We just click on Login and we do this stuff again. All right, there we go. And then, we’ll be able to get into our account.
Now, one of the things you’ll notice is, telling us that we have a lot of things we need to be aware of. So don’t send funds to anybody you don’t know, never tell your password or your TFA, the two-factor authentication and so forth. And we want to make sure that we check all of these. Now, we’re into our account. And this is where you should do this. So, you’ll have to download an app and it’s just the same as we’ve done on Coinbase where you’ll get a Google authentication code and we’re just going to hit skip for now, because if you’ve done that on Coinbase, then you already have it. And then, we’re basically into our basic account information. So, we’ve only got our first level of authorization and just like on Coinbase, we’re going to have to do a Submit Verification Documents because if we don’t we are severely limited to how much we can take out or put into Binance. And, in order to do that, of course, we have to do our SMS authorization, but then after you’ve done that, you’re good to go. And I’m just going to log into my own Binance account very quickly.
All right. Now, I’ve logged into my account, we can see that I’m on the basic screen here, that on the Exchange, if you hover over that, you’ll see Basic and Advanced. And so the Basic will just look like this. There’s not a lot to it. Basic buy and sell interface here. And then, on the Advanced, you will get a pretty more detailed look at your order history, the orders that you have opened, the current bids and offers or the buys and sells, bid asks, whatever you want to call it. You can select the coin you want to trade and you can see the chart for it here. There’s a few indicators that you can apply here as well. But, ultimately, the first question that you’re probably asking is, “Well, how do I get to trade money here? How do I trade coins? How do I trade currencies?” Well, to do that, we have to go through the process of sending cryptocurrencies from our Coinbase account to our Binance account and we’re going to go do that right now.
And so, I’m going to go to Coinbase and I’m going to look for the coin that I want to send and for this, we’re going to use Litecoin. I bought some Litecoin for the purposes of this video and we can see my balance here, I have about 11.5 Litecoin. Now, I need to go to Accounts and I need to find my Litecoin wallet and here’s where I can send and receive Litecoin. Of course, we’re going to hit send and it’s going to tell me to input an address. This is just like an email address, but I need to figure out what the address is to send it. And now, what we want to do is, we want to go to balances, I want to find Litecoins, I’ll just type in LTC and then I want to click “Deposit”, because I want to send it to Binance. And when I click that Deposit, it’s going to bring up the address that I need to send it to, and that is that funky code right there. All I need to do is just single-click that “Copy address” and it’s going to copy it to my clipboard. And then, that just goes right onto the address line. If we go back to Coinbase, right-click there, paste and I select the amount that I want to send and hit “Continue”, do my Two-Factor Authentication and I’m done. And now, all I have to do is, I just wait for it to show up. Now, if we look at the bottom right-hand corner of this video, we can see that it is 4:50 p.m. And let’s see how long it takes to get all of my Litecoin from Coinbase.
And through the marvels of video editing, we have fast-forwarded in time, 10 minutes, and we can see that there are three out of four confirmations yet. We are looking at where this could be at, also we can look at the Blockchain transactions as well and see what transactions are happening. How many other Litecoin transactions have been happening? We can see mine, below there, at 11.43. And what I can also do is, I can also go over to Coinbase and Coinbase will also notify me how many confirmations have been completed. And had to refresh that there, and now it says I have four. So that means that I actually have the cryptocurrency of Litecoin in my wallet on Binance.
And we can also see the other balances that I have, but now we need to get into, “How do you trade this? How can I sell my Litecoin and trade it to buy something else?” And to do that, we’re going to go over to The Exchange part here. And so, if you remember where to go on the exchange, we’re going to find the Litecoin- Tether pair and I want to sell some of it. So, I have 11.43 and let’s say I want to sell half and I want to sell it right away. So I’m going to sell it at the Market. The market means that the transaction is going to happen immediately when you hit sell. If something’s limited, that means you’re going to wait for it to be at a certain price, but Market means you’re just going to take the order at whatever the price is currently trading. It tells me that I have sold it for that much and I have that much Tether. Now, I want to take the Tether I have and I want to buy some ADA or Cardano, and I just put in how much I want and hit the “Buy” button. Not too fast, otherwise, it doesn’t update that fast. But now, instead, I’ve sold my Litecoin, I’ve turned it into Tether and I’ve taken my Tether now and I’ve bought Cardano.
So, this concludes our video over Binance and how to send cryptocurrencies from one account to the other. I hope you found this video helpful and that it is a benefit to you and I look forward to talking with you in our future videos. Have a great day!
The post A short Binance review, to learn how to trade altcoins in a market appeared first on The Diary of a Trader.
A short Binance review, to learn how to trade altcoins in a market published first on http://thediaryofatrader.com/
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thediaryofatrader · 5 years
A short Binance review, to learn how to trade altcoins in a market
Binance review – Find out what is Binance and see if it’s a good exchange to get the best results!
Do you want to know how to trade on Binance? Watch our latest video for a short Binance review and learn how to use this exchange in a market!
Binance review – a simple, but effective guide for trading
Hello, and welcome to Diary of a Trader and thank you for watching this video. This is in a series of videos on the introduction to Bitcoin and how to trade other cryptocurrencies. And in this video, we’re going to go over how to use and buy and trade altcoins in a market. And one of the first things people ask is, “Okay, I buy some Bitcoin, but I want to buy some other altcoins. How do you do that?” Because there’s basically two kinds of exchanges.
You’ve already seen the video where we’ve gone over Coinbase, where you can deposit your Dollars or your Euros and you can get Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin or Bitcoin Cash. Well, then, the question is what do you do after that? Well, then you have to find another exchange that deals predominantly with altcoins and for this video, we’ll be using binance.com and that is just www.binance.com. And here you’ll see that they have a large number of coins that you can trade. If you’re familiar with the Forex markets where you have things like the EUR/USD, so that’s the Euro/Dollar pair, you’re going to see a lot of this. So there’s different markets for a lot of these coins. So, BNB is Binance Coin, that is their own cryptocurrency that you can trade other altcoins against, there’s the Bitcoin Market itself, where you trade other altcoins against the performance of Bitcoin, there’s the Ethereum Market and then there’s USDT, this is Tether.
And so, Tether is what’s called a stable coin. A Tether is a cryptocurrency, but it is tied to the US Dollar. So, one Tether equals $1. So if you want to trade just dollars against a cryptocurrency, then the Tether is what you use. But you’ll notice, though, that Tether is reserved only for a few cryptocurrencies, even though there are significant volume traded in them, whereas in Bitcoin there’s hundreds of coins that you can trade.
Now, if you remember watching in the Coinbase video, we have to create an account. You have to do the same thing here, okay? Even though this is not based in the US, this is actually based in Malta. Binance was originally in China and then, when China cracked down on cryptocurrency trading, they decided they were going to leave and then they went to Japan and then, when Japan had some issues, I mean, they’re better now, but then Binance left Japan, they went to the little island of Malta.
Now, the same thing applies, so there’s that thing called the KYC, “Know your customer”. You have to do that here too. So, if we want to trade here, we basically go through the same process that we did to register in Coinbase. We just go to Register, and we type in an email, password and if somebody referred you, you can do that and then you just click, “I agree” and then you register. Then you’ll always have to do this little thing here. You always have to do this little slide thing. You have to do it pretty fast, you have to get it in, otherwise, they will not let you in.
Now, you’re going to get an email. So I need to go to my email. I want to pull that up on another screen here. And so, when you get your email, it’ll ask you to verify the email, we just click that and then it’ll open up another tab for us, that it’s been activated. We just click on Login and we do this stuff again. All right, there we go. And then, we’ll be able to get into our account.
Now, one of the things you’ll notice is, telling us that we have a lot of things we need to be aware of. So don’t send funds to anybody you don’t know, never tell your password or your TFA, the two-factor authentication and so forth. And we want to make sure that we check all of these. Now, we’re into our account. And this is where you should do this. So, you’ll have to download an app and it’s just the same as we’ve done on Coinbase where you’ll get a Google authentication code and we’re just going to hit skip for now, because if you’ve done that on Coinbase, then you already have it. And then, we’re basically into our basic account information. So, we’ve only got our first level of authorization and just like on Coinbase, we’re going to have to do a Submit Verification Documents because if we don’t we are severely limited to how much we can take out or put into Binance. And, in order to do that, of course, we have to do our SMS authorization, but then after you’ve done that, you’re good to go. And I’m just going to log into my own Binance account very quickly.
All right. Now, I’ve logged into my account, we can see that I’m on the basic screen here, that on the Exchange, if you hover over that, you’ll see Basic and Advanced. And so the Basic will just look like this. There’s not a lot to it. Basic buy and sell interface here. And then, on the Advanced, you will get a pretty more detailed look at your order history, the orders that you have opened, the current bids and offers or the buys and sells, bid asks, whatever you want to call it. You can select the coin you want to trade and you can see the chart for it here. There’s a few indicators that you can apply here as well. But, ultimately, the first question that you’re probably asking is, “Well, how do I get to trade money here? How do I trade coins? How do I trade currencies?” Well, to do that, we have to go through the process of sending cryptocurrencies from our Coinbase account to our Binance account and we’re going to go do that right now.
And so, I’m going to go to Coinbase and I’m going to look for the coin that I want to send and for this, we’re going to use Litecoin. I bought some Litecoin for the purposes of this video and we can see my balance here, I have about 11.5 Litecoin. Now, I need to go to Accounts and I need to find my Litecoin wallet and here’s where I can send and receive Litecoin. Of course, we’re going to hit send and it’s going to tell me to input an address. This is just like an email address, but I need to figure out what the address is to send it. And now, what we want to do is, we want to go to balances, I want to find Litecoins, I’ll just type in LTC and then I want to click “Deposit”, because I want to send it to Binance. And when I click that Deposit, it’s going to bring up the address that I need to send it to, and that is that funky code right there. All I need to do is just single-click that “Copy address” and it’s going to copy it to my clipboard. And then, that just goes right onto the address line. If we go back to Coinbase, right-click there, paste and I select the amount that I want to send and hit “Continue”, do my Two-Factor Authentication and I’m done. And now, all I have to do is, I just wait for it to show up. Now, if we look at the bottom right-hand corner of this video, we can see that it is 4:50 p.m. And let’s see how long it takes to get all of my Litecoin from Coinbase.
And through the marvels of video editing, we have fast-forwarded in time, 10 minutes, and we can see that there are three out of four confirmations yet. We are looking at where this could be at, also we can look at the Blockchain transactions as well and see what transactions are happening. How many other Litecoin transactions have been happening? We can see mine, below there, at 11.43. And what I can also do is, I can also go over to Coinbase and Coinbase will also notify me how many confirmations have been completed. And had to refresh that there, and now it says I have four. So that means that I actually have the cryptocurrency of Litecoin in my wallet on Binance.
And we can also see the other balances that I have, but now we need to get into, “How do you trade this? How can I sell my Litecoin and trade it to buy something else?” And to do that, we’re going to go over to The Exchange part here. And so, if you remember where to go on the exchange, we’re going to find the Litecoin- Tether pair and I want to sell some of it. So, I have 11.43 and let’s say I want to sell half and I want to sell it right away. So I’m going to sell it at the Market. The market means that the transaction is going to happen immediately when you hit sell. If something’s limited, that means you’re going to wait for it to be at a certain price, but Market means you’re just going to take the order at whatever the price is currently trading. It tells me that I have sold it for that much and I have that much Tether. Now, I want to take the Tether I have and I want to buy some ADA or Cardano, and I just put in how much I want and hit the “Buy” button. Not too fast, otherwise, it doesn’t update that fast. But now, instead, I’ve sold my Litecoin, I’ve turned it into Tether and I’ve taken my Tether now and I’ve bought Cardano.
So, this concludes our video over Binance and how to send cryptocurrencies from one account to the other. I hope you found this video helpful and that it is a benefit to you and I look forward to talking with you in our future videos. Have a great day!
The post A short Binance review, to learn how to trade altcoins in a market appeared first on The Diary of a Trader.
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siliconwebx · 6 years
Keyy: A Detailed Overview & Review
WordPress is everywhere. We’re closing in on being a full one-third of the internet, and that’s amazing. But with that ubiquity comes a number of problems, one of the primary being security. WordPress gets hit hard by hackers and spambots and all sorts of malcontents. Recently, brute-force attacks on new WordPress installations have risen exponentially, and as the CMS grows, the attempts at hijacking it will only grow, too. Enter, Keyy.
Keyy is a two-factor authentication (2FA) app/plugin that does its best to do away with the annoying aspects of other 2FA methods: usernames, passwords, and authentication tokens. Keyy boasts that it can do away with all of that by using RSA public-key encryption — from your phone.
Can You Really Login from Your Phone? How?
That’s what you’re thinking, right? How is this even possible? Well, it works very similarly to how you connect your Netflix or Hulu account to your Roku or PS4. Using public-key encryption (the same kind that your websites are secured with via SSL), the plugin and the app you download communicate directly with one another, not using usernames and passwords, but authentication hashes that either appear as a “Keyy Wave” or QR Code.
How It Works, In Practice
Getting set up with Keyy is actually pretty simple. You head over to the app store of your choice (I’m an Android guy, so that’s what these shots are of) and download the Keyy app. It’s free, so don’t worry. There is a premium upgrade I’ll touch on later, though.
Once that’s done, open the app, and you will be greeted by the simplest sign-up process that I have ever seen. Just an email field. I mean, after all, why would an app that wants to do away with usernames and passwords want you to sign up with a username and password?
When that’s submitted, you get the handy-dandy verification email asking you to click a link to prove that you’re you. That’s standard. After that, you create a 4-digit pin number. That’s going to be one way you log into the app (the other being your fingerprint or other biometric data, depending on your phone).
When you validate your email and set up your pin, you can log into the Keyy website, and you’re presented with your Keyy Wave. Just scan the screen with the app to get access to your Keyy account.
The App Itself
The first time you open up the app, it’s empty. But it prompts you to add your first site. To do that, however, you need to have installed the Keyy WordPress plugin on your site. That part isn’t terribly well documented or messaged at all in the app. I just knew you had to do it. There is a “How to use Keyy” menu item, but it takes you to the external FAQ that is again, not terribly easily navigated.
It’s only a couple of clicks, though, and no setup other than activating the plugin has to be done. You get a new menu item called Keyy Login that has the QR code you need to link the app to your WordPress site.
The moment you wave that app in front of the screen, and it catches a glimpse of that code, your page refreshes. Your password is no more, and instead you’re ready to login with…the future!
But…Does It Work?
Of course the first thing I did was log out of my account to see what my login screen looks like now. I was not disappointed.
And since I had LastPass keeping my username/password fields ready, I figured I’d hit the big blue button and see exactly what Keyy would do if a login attempt with valid credentials was made without it.
Good. It locked me out. So I opened up the Keyy app, and it authenticated my fingerprint immediately, and I was able to see the site I had just registered with a Scan to Login button immediately present.
And when I pressed it, I barely got the Keyy Wave inside the brackets before I was brought to my WP dashboard (the same happened with the QR code). It was pretty fancy, and went very smoothly.
Contingency Plans
The app works, and it’s great. But apps fail. Or we lose our phones. Our nieces and nephews accidentally delete apps. Whatever. So let’s say that we have the worst happen and now we have to get back into our WP installs. Never fear. As long as you’ve backed up your private key, you’re good. RSA encryption is a double-edged sword in this case. Because of how the encryption keys work, you’re incredibly safe from anyone unauthorized getting access. As long as you have the private key that unlocks your site (which is held in your app).
Encryption: Private and Public Keys
There is just one combination of characters that can unlock the site. When you linked your site, two strings of characters were created, a public key and a private key. They probably look something like this, which is the 256-bit encrypted version of the password ElegantThemesDivi1337!?
EnCt23d17eb3962c35a3b9b681fd2ee764b5f5f49df5b3d17eb3962c35a3b9b6 81fd2bRvzmeU/KwNQuaot+1oDcZxlp3/K+i/1Ns+yplDFw6u/Lc2AnA==IwEmS
A little bit harder to break, right? Now, the public key string like this is what your Keyy Wave and QR Code hold. It’s open to the public. It’s basically a jigsaw puzzle piece waiting for its partner. Anyone can see this one. It’s public. It’s basically meant to be shared. Which is why you can have it safely on the login page of your site.
Because there is only one way to get into it. The other string of characters — your private key. That’s in your app. When you scan the code or wave, the two strings are matched up, and if you have the correct private key, you’re in. Congrats. Without it…good luck breaking the code.
So you need to make sure that you never lose the private key. Luckily, Keyy tells you to back it up the very first time you log into the app after connecting a site.
Since my phone runs Android, I clicked the button, and the private key saved to my phone’s SD card as a .json file. Afterward, I just uploaded it to Google Drive.  I got a notification when it was downloaded, too. On iOS (I presume) you have the option of iCloud, OneDrive, or Google Drive, etc.
I can now restore the app at any point with that file. If I were using Keyy for my main login across all my sites, I would probably store the private key not only on my phone’s drive, but also a USB drive and Dropbox, too.
Premium Plans
On the free plan of Keyy, you get enough for normal users and small businesses. You get 5 installs and users. You’ll get some ads here and there. But if you choose to buy one of the premium plans, you get a few added features.
And while all of them are pretty handy to have and probably worth the upgrade in all honesty — if this is going to be how you secure your sites — the two that are the most important are Stealth Mode and the Multi-Factor Login Options.
Regarding stealth mode, you may just not want your public key being too public. While it’s still perfectly safe to do so, there are lots of baddies out there on the web, and they’ll try to hack their way into your system. If you have a premium Keyy account, you can make sure only you and yours have access to the QR code or Keyy Wave.
And for the login options, you can also require the password in addition to the Keyy app. Things like that. You just get more control over what you can do with your site, which I don’t see as a bad thing.
Plus you get more sites and users for those sites who can use Keyy, depending on your upgrade tier. That may or may not apply to you. But if you run a big team, it’s a consideration for sure.
Final Thoughts
I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I dug into looking at Keyy. When I saw the animation on their homepage that depicted a phone just waving by a monitor and logging in, I was skeptical. I hate keeping NFC turned on, my main PC doesn’t even support NFC, and I was thinking to myself…how does this work with NFC anyway? (It doesn’t. NFC had nothing to do with it, but that was the only way I could see a wave working.)
But I was wrong. All it really does take is a wave in front of your monitor to log in. Keyy has the fastest code recognition of any app I’ve ever used. I wish other apps would license whatever they’ve done because it make code scanning downright pleasant to use instead of “eh, it works well enough.”
If I ran a site that needed 2FA, I’d definitely be looking at Keyy. It may not be the solution for everyone, but there’s enough here already to show that the foundation they’ve laid in version 1 (and yes, this is still version 1) is strong enough for them to build an even more solid product in the future.
Besides, using an app sure beats clicking on never-ending grids of cars, storefronts, and street signs.
What method of two-factor authentication do you use for your sites?
Article featured image by Titima Ongkantong / shutterstock.com
The post Keyy: A Detailed Overview & Review appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.
from Elegant Themes Blog https://ift.tt/2s1ywhu via SiliconWebDesign
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dorothydelgadillo · 7 years
How We Build Company Culture as a Remote Team
Skillcrush is a completely distributed company, meaning that we have no central office and are located all over the world, spanning languages, continents, and timezones. With the exception of a few clusters (several of us live in New York City and we have a bustling Florida contingent), most of rarely see each other IRL—if ever. The entirety of the Skillcrush team has never physically been in one place together, leaving us to guess at each other’s heights. Instead, we do everything digitally, from meetings over Google Hangouts to daily chatter on Hipchat.
You might think that working in your house or coworking space—far away from your coworkers—is lonely. In fact, we recently talked about fighting isolation as a remote team on the first episode of our podcast, Hit Refresh. In the episode, our producer Haele commented that most of our institutional solutions for building culture on the team fall to me, our Director of Operations.
I’m embarrassed to admit that the thought had never really occurred to me. At least. . . not really. There are times where I feel like the team mom—the one who makes sure everyone gets a gif party on their birthday—but, honestly, I think that has less to do with my job and more to do with my personality. So the episode got me thinking about culture-building and how it really has to be a team effort instead of a top-down initiative instituted by managers or executives.
I often encounter skepticism from people who assume we couldn’t possibly know each other the way co-located teams do, and that a bland company culture must be the price we pay for flexibility. But we are anything but boring! In fact, in a recent anonymous survey, the five words most used by our team to describe our culture were fun, friendly, empowering, supportive, and welcoming.
On a day-to-day basis, we make a point to talk about (and celebrate!) things other than work, and to let team members take the lead on team-building activities. We chat about our weekends, our kids, and our lives just like any other coworkers. We have real friendships over our computer screens—both in one-on-one chats and in group settings.
Just as critical to our daily interactions are the special events and clubs we make happen to foster our company culture and relationships. Here’s a look at some of the things you might recognize from your own office, just moved online.
Baby Showers
Ain’t no Skillcrush baby shower complete without swag for the little ones! We use iron-ons to make onesies for the newborn and t-shirts for any older siblings.
We’re experiencing a bit of a baby boom here at Skillcrush and could not be more excited about it. A sampling of responses to a recent baby announcement in our team chat include: “OMG WE HAZ BABY!!!,” “he’s so cute i’m DYING,” “STAP IT RIGHT NOW HE IS PERFECT,” and “omg get that baby in a skillcrush onesie omg omg.”
To give us an outlet for our excitement and, you know, support the new parents and all that, we started hosting baby showers to send folks off on parental leave with lots of fanfare.
Here’s how it works: We schedule a video call that works for as many team members as possible, and one team member is designated as the host. The host finds a local bakery to deliver treats to the parent-to-be the day of the shower, sends a few gifts, and plans a simple game for the guests to play. Valerie, our Customer Support Specialist, was a recent host and she had us submit baby pictures that she turned into a funny guessing game.
We watch the parent open their goodies, we chat about the baby, and those of us who are parents share encouraging words. It’s a casual, easy way to support new parents and celebrate as a team, and it’s one of my favorite Skillcrush traditions.
Happy Hours
We can’t take departing team members out for a drink on their last day of work, but we can throw them a remote “happy hour” to wish them well before they go.
These thirty-minute Google Hangouts turn a sad thing—saying goodbye to a teammate—into a celebration, so we throw them for departing team members whenever possible. The whole team is invited and everyone is encouraged to bring “whatever drink or snack makes you happy, given your personal preferences and/or time zone.” There’s no agenda, just casual chit chat about the team member’s next adventure.
I often tell our students, “once a Skillcrusher, always a Skillcrusher,” because we don’t disappear when they’re done with their coursework. Once they’re in our community, they’re in it, and I truly believe this extends to our team, too. Happy Hours are our way of reminding them that leaving doesn’t actually mean saying goodbye and that they’re stuck with us forever.
Book Clubs
We started the first Skillcrush Book Club almost three years ago and, while that one never made it beyond book one, at least three others are alive and well.
Our oldest club is no ordinary book club—it’s “Superhero Instructor Training” for the folks on our Class Management and Curriculum teams, and it started as a way to discuss books we felt would help us better support students. Topics have since ranged from mentorship and online learning to feminist fight clubs.
The Marketing team, on the other hand, uses their book club to read everything from work-related books to young adult romance novels. (I’m told the latter was an accident but who knows with that group.)
And then there’s Reading Death Match, a book club only in the loosest sense of the term. This cross-team group of hellions start new books at random intervals and compete in a “winner take all” challenge to see who can finish first. There is no discussion of the actual book, just a chat room where participants regularly update each other on their progress, taunt, tease, and liberally use exclamation points. 
Despite the chat room topic (which simply reads, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”), we keep it pretty civil . . . most of the time.
Movie Nights
A Skillcrush movie night in which we broke with tradition and watched Spy instead of a musical.
Since movie nights are a larger time commitment, and one of the few events hosted outside of “working hours,” we do them more sparingly—but that makes them all the more special!
If you’re wondering exactly how we manage to watch movies together from thousands of miles away, let me introduce you to a tool called Rabbit. It’s similar to a Google Hangouts, except you can login into a number of streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc.) and stream a movie in the main window. This allows a group to watch the same movie simultaneously, while still being able to see a film strip of everyone below, and chat with everyone in the call.
We watched Pitch Perfect for our first movie night, after our “ballot box” was illegally stuffed. (Ahem, you know who you are.) It turns out that remote movie nights are extra fun when you can see your coworkers singing and dancing along to the movie. Thankfully, everyone comes with their very own mute button! #sorrynotsorry
Holiday Gifts
One of our company values is lifelong learning and we’re always looking for ways to support team members in this. (We even have an Educational Stipend that allows us to get financial support for learning anything we want!) But before we had that, we had an Instructor who suggested we let team members pick their choice of book as a holiday gift.
Three years later, the Instructor has since moved on to a super awesome job, but the tradition she started lives on. Every December, I make a short Google Form and team members submit a book, mailing address, and their preference for an ebook or physical copy. Then we use Amazon Prime to play Santa!
It usually ends up being an equal split of work-related and totally unrelated books. This year, our Director of Curriculum Chelsea submitted a link to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, along with the comment, “YEAH, YOU READ THAT RIGHT.” (You do you, Chelsea.)
Ann: Lead Dev Instructor, long-distance pancake sender, and part-time Lambchop.
As remote workers, we can’t swing by a coworker’s desk with an extra cup of coffee when we see them having a rough day, but we can find other ways to be there for them in good times and in bad.
Recently, a pregnant team member had a rough couple of weeks. The hits just kept on coming and she made a joke in HipChat that she could really use a drink. An amateur mixologist on the team volunteered to surprise her with a homemade mocktail kit! And when I broke my foot and ran out of caffeine, Ann, our Lead Web Development Instructor pulled up GrubHub from her home outside of Montreal and had a local restaurant deliver pancakes and coffee to my Chicago apartment. To this day, it’s one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me.
And while those are more elaborate examples, we’ve found small gestures go a long way too—things like giving another coworker a well-deserved shout out during an all-team meeting, or using your kid’s puppet to brighten a coworker’s day.
The Class Management team celebrating Halloween during their daily check-in.
Of course, remote work isn’t all friendship bracelets and Amazon Prime packages. As our CEO, Adda Birnir, put it on our podcast, “We didn’t find utopia. We found a really good thing, but it’s imperfect.”
There aren’t a lot of established best practices for remote teams, and we can’t always find people with experience solving the problems we’re trying to solve. That means lots of trial and error, and sometimes those errors are rough.
But good company culture isn’t just about giving gifts and throwing parties. It’s about actually being “fun, empowering, friendly, supportive, and welcoming” (all day, every day), and course-correcting when someone points out an action or behavior that isn’t inline with those values.
And those are things we can all do—no matter how much distance there is between me and me coworker’s desk. So when folks express doubt that we can really match an in-person culture, I say: Anything you can do, we can do remotely.
from Web Developers World https://skillcrush.com/2018/03/01/build-work-culture-remote-team/
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