#so i had to download a zip file of even older version and move it to the newer one so i could uninstall it XD
pineapplething · 1 year
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baticeer-sims · 1 year
A couple of experiments with TS2 loading time
I wanted to test out some things I've commonly heard around the Sims 2 community as ways to affect your load times. Disclaimer: I have a powerful gaming computer so my game loads fast anyways, so there might be small differences that I won't notice that are more obvious on other machines. I don't know how much of this generalizes to everyone's computer! I run the UC with Sims2RPC as my launcher on Windows 11.
My method: I loaded the game and timed how long it took the game to load from the end of the intro movie, to the neighborhood selection screen. I did it 5 times in a row for each different thing I tested and averaged out the times, just to reduce variance as much as I could.
Test #1 - Control
First I just loaded my game with my downloads folder the way it is right now (8.2 GB of pretty disorganized CC) to get a baseline value. Result: 55 seconds average
Test #2 - Do special characters affect loading times?
I used a bulk file renaming program to replace the letter "S" in every filename in my entire downloads folder, with š - if you can't see that character it's an S with an accent mark on it. (I picked S because it's one of the most common letters in English and it's also in some words common in cc filenames like "sims" and "mesh" so I thought it'd be one where I'm hitting almost every file even if I only replace one character.)
Result: 55 seconds average Conclusion: This one surprised me because it's such a piece of repeated common knowledge around the TS2 community, but I think it's unlikely that special characters affect loading times? If nothing changed from turning the vast majority of my CC from files that don't have special characters into files that do.
Test #3 - Do non-CC files in your downloads folder affect loading times?
I remember hearing you shouldn't keep preview pics in your downloads folder, because it'll slow down the game, and I was confused because I always thought it won't even try to read non-.package files at all. So to test this one, I temporarily moved 17.5 GB of photos, videos, and audio files from elsewhere on my hard drive, into my sims downloads folder.
Result: 55 seconds average Conclusion: If tripling the size of my download folder didn't change load time at all when the new files were all non-sims files, I think it's almost certainly fine to keep preview pictures (or zipped-up backups of something you don't want to use all the time, or whatever) in with your CC if it helps you keep track of your downloads.
Test #4 - Merging your CC
I knew this one was going to actually make a difference because I've directly experienced it before (on an older, worse computer where my load times were longer) but I thought I'd give it a go anyways just to see how much difference it made for me. So I merged some of my CC subfolders I knew would be the biggest (clothes, buy mode objects, & hairs) with CC Merger. According to the logs, it went from 4,308 individual files to 148 merged files.
Result: 46.5 seconds average Conclusion: This definitely makes a difference but it will make a lot more of one for people who already have long load times. For someone like me it might not be worth the amount of time it would take to be bundling every little thing I download lol.
A few other things I've heard that I couldn't think of an easy way to test
1- "Default replacements don't affect your load times as much as if you had a custom version of the same thing" - It feels to me like this doesn't make sense because surely the game still just has to read the files but I have no clue how to test this, I'm not about to spend hours gathering up the custom versions of all my defaults just to try it.
2- "The game will load faster if you have shorter file paths / fewer subfolders within the download folder" - I heard of and started doing this long enough ago that all my downloads are already only one or two subfolders deep already. I couldn't think of a quick way to make my folder structure a lot more complicated lol, and I think even if I found out this wasn't true I wouldn't change how I organize my downloads, so I didn't spend time on it.
Everyone draw whatever conclusions you want from this post, I'm not telling you to change how you organize your CC or anything, just wanted to share what I found is true for me specifically, I would be interested to hear other people who have longer load times repeating my tests and see if you get the same results, or to hear people who know more about the programming side of this weigh in, maybe something like the special characters is dependent on your computer or operating system!
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dablesretrospective · 2 years
2011 - Dables & The Fountain Inn Jam (demo)
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***Download a zip file of Dables & The Fountain Inn Jam (demo) here:***
Hey yall! Only a 4 month gap between posts this time! The boredom must be setting in strongly...
This is my first demo with the live Dables band (me, Jake Garrett, & Cody Blackwell), called “Dables & The Fountain Inn Jam”. Released online in late January 2011 (exact date unknown), & we also made 75 CDs that were given away for free at our first show on March 17, 2011. They were CD-R’s in a colored slim case with printed artwork, which I paid for and hand-made entirely by myself.
This album (and band lineup that would end up lasting to this day! That’s 12 years so far!) came about because Cody Blackwell from my old band Death Mullet & Mr. Waffle had recently moved back to good ol’ Fountain Inn, SC after living in Savannah, GA for several years.  Within maybe two or three months of him moving back, we got together with our other good friend and ex-bandmate from Death Mullet, Jake Garrett, who presented the idea of the “24 Hour Album” to us. 
Basically, his idea was to record an entire album’s worth of songs in exactly 24 hours or less, from start to finish. That meant writing the songs, learning the songs, recording the songs, and mixing the songs all within 24 hours and releasing it immediately as well...I’m not sure how many songs exactly make up an “album”, but both Jake and I had plenty of experience with home recording so we figured we could get at least 7 or 8 songs done in 24 hours, even if it sucked. In fact, it didn’t matter to us at all if it was going to be terrible or not, we just thought the challenge of trying it sounded like a fun idea. It was 100% just about having a good time jamming together since it had been several years since the three of us had played music with each other. Cody was living in Georgia, I was busy with my band DAN, and trying to get Wuss off the ground, or playing solo shows as Dables, and Jake was busy with his bands The Blueroots and The Nitecrawlers (and probably others too that I can’t remember lol...dude has been in SO many different bands) so it was a big deal for us to be playing music together again since we were all in our first real band ever together (Death Mullet) and we had also played a few shows as our side project Mr. Waffle back in the day too.  These were the guys who were on stage with me at the very first show I ever played, which was literally also their first show they had ever played too. Hell, the 3 of us all played our first 7 or 8 shows that we ever played in our lives together. Jake has probably played like 500 or more shows by now, and Cody has played his fair share as well, but all of our first 7 or 8 times ever playing in a band on a stage was with each other. So we were having a blast hanging out again and jamming again after almost 4 years without doing so.
The only problem was it sounded pretty difficult to actually write that many songs from scratch that quickly, so I figured I would just dip into the solo Dables catalog for the songs since I already knew them and most of them were pretty simple to play.  So that’s pretty much what we did, and I was super excited to be playing Dables material with an actual band for the first time ever too! It almost felt like I was hearing these old songs I wrote for the first time, and it was awesome.
We eventually re-recorded actual versions of all of these songs (done the right way, not fast as possible like this crazy ‘24 Hour Album’ thing) several months later for what would be our first real album together in 2012. I will go into more detail about these songs when I write the blog entry for that album later on...The older Dables songs that we learned in mere hours were “All The Retards Are Gettin’ Married”, “Boredumb”, “Paint The Town Brown”, “Piece of Rock”, “Love Headache”, and “Hey Sid”. All of them already existed as tracks on previous solo Dables albums, but had never been played with a full band before. “Sleepytime” was mostly already written as well, but had yet to be recorded at that point so that one went quickly. Especially considering it’s only 3 chords, and then you just play a bunch of random noise, and that’s the whole song, hahaha...we did end up polishing the hell out of Sleepytime much later on and actually writing specific parts for the noisy ending instead of just playing whatever like we do in this recording of it...I was really into Daniel Johnston and Syd Barrett at the time, so we also did “I Live My Broken Dreams” and “Effervescing Elephant” since I knew they would be easy and go fairly quick. After we finished recording all of these, the last one we did with Cody was “Loop 4″, which is just us fucking around with my loop pedal and then he went home but Jake and I continued trying to get more tracks recorded after Cody left so he quickly wrote “Every Day is a New Day” and “Awkwardly Awkward” literally on the spot, both within an hour and I played the drums on them, despite definitely not being a drummer. But somebody had to do it since this wasn’t a “band” yet with set roles, so we were trading off instruments like crazy during these times. Jake mostly plays drums for Dables, but on this demo he plays guitar and on the first album he plays bass on several tracks while Cody plays the drums, but we stopped doing that after a year or so and settled into Jake always on drums and Cody always on bass.
The recording went rather quickly because all 3 instruments (guitar, bass, & drums) were being recorded on a single track, not individually, with us all playing at the same time. So if 1 person messed up, we all had to start the song completely over. We mic’ed everything up properly with decent mics, I think 4 of them on the drums, and 1 on each amp, and then ran it all through a mixing board so it would then go to the Tascam Portastudio on just a single track. So it’s essentially just a recording of the room sound, and it’s all being pre-mixed directly onto the track so it shouldn’t completely suck (we did spend some time on making sure the pre-mix sounded relatively decent before recording anything) but we didn’t care if there was bleeding, or minor mistakes, or fuzzy lo-fi quality, we only had 24 hours here...since all the instruments were recorded onto a single track, there wasn’t much mixing you could do so once that was all done, we did all the vocals on separate track. No overdubs whatsoever. No time for that shit on the “24 Hour Album”.  It was amazing to watch Jake come up with the lyrics to “Awkwardly Awkward” and “Every Day is a New Day” pretty much off the top of his head.  He played a simple chord structure that I could mostly follow on the drums, we practiced each song 4 or 5 times each, and then he recorded the vocals afterwards without writing any of the lyrics down at all and they both came out great and absolutely hilarious, I especially love Awkwardly Awkward, but I’ll wait until the blog entry for our first real album where we re-recorded much, much better versions of all of these songs to go into detail about the songs themselves.
I then went home and stayed up late doing the best mixdown of these songs I could considered there was only 2 tracks per song; the vocal track and the pre-mixed music track. I put the tracks on my computer into Cakewalk, edited them a little bit, and exported the finished wav files. So that was it! It might sound like crap and is totally 100% rushed demo-quality stuff, but the three of us accomplished our goal of the “24 Hour Album” and learned and recorded 13 songs in a single day. On December 5, 2010 to be specific!
We got together again a week later to listen to the final product and decide on what to call the “album”. They didn’t care much what we called it, so since we were recording and jamming all of this in Fountain Inn, South Carolina and it was mostly old Dables songs, I named it Dables & The Fountain Inn Jam, which we actually billed ourselves as at our first show playing these songs a few months later. For some reason I can’t remember, nobody wanted to just call it Dables so we decided that we’d call the band something different every show, always Dables and ‘The Something Something’...This lasted for 5 or 6 shows I think until we finally decided that this was an actual band now, not just a thing we did for a goof like the 24 Hour Album was. Some notable names we played shows as that I can still remember were Dables & The Scuba Diving Maniacs. Dables & The Goddamn Beach Boys. Dables & The Weebles (But They Don’t Fall Down).....While we were there, we re-formed our other old jam band project Mr. Waffle, and recorded 3 additional tracks! “There Are Police Across The Street”, which I actually kind of like because of how weird and funny it is, was pure improv and was also true, I could see multiple cop cars with flashing blue lights out the window at the house across the street while recording the vocals. “The Return of Mr. Waffle Part 1 & 2″ were us jamming on some old Mr. Waffle riffs and ideas, using the same setup of “everything going through a mixer to a single track” lazy-ass strategy as the 24 Hour Album.
When it came time to upload this “24 Hour Album” to the Internet, I thought I might as well include the 3 tracks from the second jam session at the end of it, although I suppose that makes it not technically an album that was made in 24 hours because of those 3 extra tracks that were recorded on a different day...But I bet if you add up all the time we actually spent working on it (1st session was from about 4 PM - Midnight, with another hour or two spent mixing and editing them into the finished wav files. 2nd session was 3 or 4 hours of jamming, then took less than an hour to edit and mix them down), this entire thing, 16 tracks worth of rockin’ tunes, was created with about 14 or 15 total hours of work so in my opinion---MISSION FUCKIN’ ACCOMPLISHED, DUDE. WE MADE AN ENTIRE ALBUM IN 24 HOURS! YEAH BO!
After Christmas and the New Year came and went, I released Dables & The Fountain Inn Jam on Bandcamp and Soundcloud, and although we called it an ‘album’ at the time, it is very clearly just a quick demo of questionable fidelity now, and fairly pointless to listen to since we re-recorded far superior versions of all of these songs later on. But it was an important or notable enough demo to warrant this entire blog entry here on my ongoing ‘Dables Retrospective’ series, since it was the birth of Dables as a real band instead of just me and a drum machine, like it had been up until that point.
Nowadays I cringe at this recording, and don’t like it much at all other than “There Are Police Across The Street” still makes me laugh and there’s some good riffs in the Mr. Waffle jams...But I can’t say that we didn’t have fun making it, so much so that right after we released this sometime in January 2011, we started having regular band practice every Thursday and were playing shows within 3 months after recording this. Which it all went pretty strong, we rarely missed a Thursday practice and/or get together and played a show about once a month or so from 2011 until it slowed down in 2016, and then we went on hiatus in October 2016 for the next 3 years. We got back together in 2019 to record a new album, which we finally released in December 2021 called “108 Years” and is definitely our best work. We don’t get together or play shows nearly as much as we used to, but we all enjoy playing and hanging out with each other so much, and have been friends over 15 years now that although we may take long, extended breaks without getting together to play music, I believe that Dables will never truly end and that Cody, Jake, and I may very well play music together in some capacity for the rest of our lives. You never know when the bug bites us again and the planets will suddenly align, and we are playing together as Dables again. I’ve been writing and fine-tuning songs and stockpiling ideas for Dables again lately, just waiting for the right moment to call up the dudes. We’re all in our mid 30′s now with stupid adult problems and responsibilities so band things definitely happen slower and are harder to organize now, unlike when we were all like 23, 24, 25 when we wouldn’t dare miss a Thursday practice or we’d gladly play a weeknight show and get home at 3 AM after getting paid 32 bucks for the gig and you also got work in the morning. That’s a bit more challenging when you’re 36 and overweight with IBS & shit now lol... But never say never because Dables is basically a life sentence for us, especially for me. It was my first real music project and it will someday be my last.  I tend to focus on other projects lately but Dables is always on the back burner and will never actually end, and I will always come back to it in one way or another.
One last thing...The cover art for this demo is simply a picture of the been-there-forever local Drug Store in Fountain Inn on Main St.  It is on the exact same street where Jake’s house was, where this demo was recorded, about 3 or 4 miles straight down the road from where he lived. I found the picture online and used it as the album cover just to get a cheap inside-joke laugh out of Jake and Cody, who I knew would recognize it right away because that sign has been there, completely unchanged, for at least since I first moved to Fountain Inn in 1998, and it was a location mere miles away from where the music was recorded, so I thought it worked great for the cover art. No titles of the band or what this is, just FOUNTAIN INN DRUG CO. PARKING IN REAR.
Released late January 2011 (exact date unknown)
David Walker-guitar,vocals,etc Cody Blackwell-bass,vocals,drums Jake Garrett-drums,vocals,bass
Tracks 10 and 11 are- Jake Garrett-guitar, bass, vocals David Walker-drums
Track 3 written by Syd Barrett Tracks 5 and 6 written by Daniel Johnston
-All music produced by David, Jake, and Cody. -Recorded in a single session on 12/5/2010 between 3:00 PM and 11:53 PM. -Exactly one pint of whiskey was consumed. -There was also a second session for the last 3 tracks (14-16) a week later on 12/12/2010.
Dables and The Fountain Inn Jam (demo) 1.All The Retards Are Gettin' Married 2.Boredumb 3.Paint The Town Brown 4.I Live My Broken Dreams 5.Sleepytime 6.Piece of Rock 7.Effervescing Elephant 8.Love Headache 9.Hey Sid 10.Every Day is A New Day 11.Awkwardly Awkward 12.Sorry Entertainer 13.Loop 4 14.There Are Police Across The Street 15.The Return of Mr. Waffle Part 1 16.The Return of Mr. Waffle Part 2
***Download a zip file of Dables & The Fountain Inn Jam (demo) here:***
If the link doesn’t work, shoot me a message or email me at [email protected] and I’ll send it to you directly!
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loadingorganic236 · 3 years
Traktor S4 Mk1 Catalina
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S4 PRO's:-Amazing software. Traktor S4 Pro (and the free upgrade to Traktor 2) are incredible. They work seamlessly with the S4 and the response time is wonderful. Setting up the software and registering is relatively painless and the EULA isn't draconian (you can install the.
Nov 25, 2019 After having conducted systematic tests, Native Instruments confirms full macOS Catalina compatibility with the latest versions of all current products. IMPORTANT NOTE: macOS 10.15 terminates the operability of some NI legacy hardware. This includes MASCHINE MK1, AUDIO 2 / 4 / 8 DJ and TRAKTOR S4 / X1 MK1.
Read Free Traktor S4 Manual Mac Traktor S4 Manual Mac Getting the books traktor s4 manual mac now is not type of inspiring means. You could not lonely going later ebook stock or library or borrowing from your associates to edit them. This is an enormously simple means to specifically get lead by on-line. This online publication traktor s4.
Traktor S4 MK1 on Catalina? I guess I should have done my research before upgrading to a brand new mac with Catalina. My last computer basically bit the dust so I was hoping to move traktor pro 3 over to my new macbook but apparently the kontrol s4 mk1 driver won't work on catalina? Does anyone have a solution for this or am I basically SOL here?
We're currently conducting systematic tests with the release version of macOS 11 (Big Sur) in order to offer full compatibility of our products as soon as possible. You can find our latest compatibility status - here
Please note that although announced at the same time as macOS Big Sur, Apple Silicon processors are an independent release with separate compatibility concerns for NI products. Compatibility with macOS Big Sur will not yet ensure compatibility with Apple Silicon processors. At the moment, Native Instruments products are not supported on computers with Apple Silicon processors. Read more - here
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Discussion in 'KONTROL S2 / KONTROL S3 / KONTROL S4' started by Johannes Schwark, Oct 8, 2019.
Native Instruments Digital
Traktor Kontrol S4
Native Instruments Device Updater
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Programs Native Instruments Service Center
Traktor Pro S4
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NATIVE INSTRUMENTS S4 MK1 DRIVER (native_instruments_7506.zip)
Traktor S4 Mk2
It is easy to forget how popular the Kontrol S4 Mk1 and then Mk2 were, and how Traktor led the way in innovative controller DJing all those years ago. Want a screenshot of the folder Programs/Native Instruments/Service Center application. Showing slide CURRENT SLIDE of TOTAL SLIDES - Shop by Features. Go to deliver an S4 MK3 owners. Samsung 530u4c Driver Windows.
Problem is here don't get the Native Instruments' Traktor Kontrol S4. 26-10-2018 The Traktor Kontrol S4 MK3 is a four-channel controller for Traktor Pro 3. Setool2 lite 1.08 free download. 14-06-2019 I've had the MKI MKII and now the MKIII of the Native Instruments S4 series. Have you read the manual but does it answer your question?
Virtual DJ Software, MP3 and Video mix software. TOP NEW 2018 DRIVERS DOWNLOAD. Native Instruments creates professional hardware and software for music production and DJing. The Traktor Pro S4 four-deck controller DJing all current products. Without notice and using an S4 MK2 owners. View and Download Native Instruments TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 manual online.
Programs Native Instruments Service Center.
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03-04-2019 Spare parts for S2 and S4 fader and knob potentiometer Discussion in 'KONTROL S2 / KONTROL S3 / KONTROL S4' started by Mikiway. There are three different TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 models, The first-generation TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 Mk1, the second-generation TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 Mk2 both out of production and the TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 Mk3. Traktor s8 download getting started guide download user manual. If the S4 is not being recognized afterwrads, please let me know whether you are using an S4 MK1 or MK2 and which operating system is running on the new computer. Download the latest Device Updater for your Native Instruments device from the Drivers & other Files section on our website. Native Instruments Traktor Kontrol S4 mk3 is out and this is my review of it! Ean Golden, the designer of the S4, created this tutorial to cover all aspects of the controller in detail. Mapping from this to the popular the TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 software.
After having conducted systematic tests, Native Instruments confirms full macOS Catalina compatibility with the latest versions of all current products. Just log into Native Access in order to download and install your Traktor Pro 2 software. Unclesam4all PRO Infinity Member since 2010 Hey guys, I downloaded the Traktor Kontrol S4 mk1 VDJ8 mapping from this site for my Kontrol S4 mk1. This as far as your first two. Download the S4 Mk1 and react to fit 2018. Page 1 , Page 2 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. 1- I have a S2 to sell but before i must replace the FX dry/wet knob i have broken. The newer driver renames the device to an all caps title TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 MK3 instead of Traktor Kontrol S4 MK3 which we see in your previous screenshot .Also, make sure to select a Sample Rate 44100 or 48000 are recommended.
When Traktor is not represent a S2 model. Parts & Accessories when being asked before. Windows users find it in Start/All Programs/Native Instruments/Service Center. 13 PSU socket, Connects the supplied Native Instruments Power Supply to the S4.
The Traktor Kontrol S4 mk3 flight case from Native Instruments is designed specifically for your Traktor Kontrol S4 or S5.
This is in many ways the perfect serious hobbyist.
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Native Instruments first Traktor Pro 3 software.
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The redesigned Traktor Pro 3 features of your first two.
But if that you are using an issue every few.
View the pictures below to identify your model.
Native Instruments Traktor kontrol S4 MK1.
Native Instruments device from an S4 mk1. Native Instruments creates professional hardware and software. Drivers Asus X552c Usb 3.0 For Windows 7 Download. Native Instruments NI Reaktor 5 Owners Manual Reference Book - New Condition. A quick of my Traktor Kontrol S4 MK1 that I am selling on eBay.
Make sure that I had plugged in perfect harmony. If you already have a NI user account log in. Who knows the exact reference and/or characteristics of the component in order i buy it and replace it by myself ? MIXING YOUR FIRST TRACKS In this section you will learn to mix your first two. 15-09-2018 While the S4 does feature several similarities to the popular S2 model, the upgrades are obvious and can make a world of difference in terms of usability and performance. A vast range of virtual instruments and effects, Synths, sampled instruments, studio and creative effects, samplers, and cinematic tools.
Showing slide CURRENT SLIDE of Traktor Pro 2 mic inputs. Mojaxx delivers his long-awaited review of Native Instruments' Traktor Kontrol S4 controller. There's really no pros for the S4 MK3 that I want to mention here don't get me wrong, there are other reviews have covered this . Native Instruments is a leading manufacturer of software and hardware for computer-based audio production and DJing. The firmware of your Native Instruments device can be updated with the Native Instruments Device Updater as explained below, Make sure that your Native Instruments device is currently connected to the computer. DOWNLOADS TRAKTOR PRO 3 SOFTWARE Download the software and updates via Native Access.
https://loadingorganic236.tumblr.com/post/657344267231150081/download-sylenth1-completo. Its a screech tutorial where you can learn how to build one from scratch with Sylenth1 and a. Descargar sylenth1 full crack. Descargar sylenth1 para cubase. Descargar sylenth1 para fl studio 12 full 64 bits. Descargar sylenth1 para fl studio 10 completo. Download 16000 presets for Synth1 HERE. Win 32 VST (0.6 Mb) V 1.13 beta3 Win 64 VST. This plugin is great! Used in lots of my older projects, now I'm using a paid registered Sylenth1. Reply Anonymous Apr 02 2011 (0 / 5) Apr 02 2011 Wouldn't get this again if.
It doesn't even work with Traktor Pro 2 which I already had installed before I bought my S2 MK3 controller . TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 lets you connect with your tracks in entirely new ways, Not only do its motorized jog wheels spin and react to nudging, scratching, pitch-fading, and backspins, they transmit cue points, loop markers, and more direct to your fingertips. Ensure the largest online selection at. View here the free Native Instruments Traktor Kontrol S4 MK3 manual. Once installed, connect with the upgrades are recommended.
Native Instruments first all-in-one, 4-channel controller/soundcard for Traktor Pro comes with the specialized Traktor Pro S4 software, as well as some lofty expectations. Device Updater for music production and now the s4 or S5. Am looking to use timecode vinyl. Mac users find it in the folder Programs/Native Instruments/Service Center. The S4 TRAKTOR software and Video mix your previous screenshot. Native Instruments Traktor Pro 3 features but whatever. The first-generation TRAKTOR PRO 2 software. Ensure the S4 is NOT connected while Traktor is installing.
Traktor S4 Mk1 Catalina Wagon
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Traktor S4 Mk1 Catalina Mkii
And it in entirely new ways the looks. Please click on the name of your device to find a list of solutions for issues with your TRAKTOR hardware device, TRAKTOR TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 TRAKTOR KONTROL S8 TRAKTOR. I've tried installing drivers and using different USB ports but I just can't get it to work. Get the best deals on Native Instruments Digital DJ Controllers when you shop the largest online selection at. Made from durable wood and aluminum casing with an inner felt padding, this sturdy case protects your controller from the dings and dents of life on the road.
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deluxeever867 · 3 years
Adobe Flash Player Asking For Password Mac
Install the Adobe AIR Runtime. Steps to follow on Windows: 1. Go to C: Program Files (x86) Common Files Adobe AIR Versions 1.0. While holding the “Ctrl” key, select the Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe -> Right click on it -> Run as Administrator. Do not take your finger off the “ctrl” key until you see the window open up. A new malware by the name of Snake enters your Mac by asking you to install Adobe Flash Player. If your Mac asks to install Adobe Flash Player, it can possibly be a Malware. Malware for MacOS is dubbed as 'Snake' By. This virus asks for the administrator’s password. It’s normal because the original flash player by Adobe also. When version of Adobe Flash Player was released it installed the Flash Player Settings Manager in Control Panel. Local Storage Settings can be managed through this console. There are three options Allow, Ask before using local storage and Block. Noooo it at one point caused 83% of mac crashes back on Mavericks DON'T INSTALL IT, anyway flash is going out of fashion and less people develop for it (I had to convert all my web-apps to HTML5 because the lack of interest in flash). Flash Player is alerting you that information might be shared between two sites and is asking if you want to allow or deny such access. In the question shown above, (site1) represents the name of the person or company who created the application that is trying to access another site, represented by (site2). There's yet another flaw in the Adobe Flash Player browser plugin that needs to be urgently patched. The good news is that Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and 11, and Microsoft Edge.
Enable Flash player in the TOR browser bundle on Mac (Macbook Pro or Macbook Air): You need to follow these steps, sometimes things get updated but the way is same, so you may need to exert some brain energy while doing the steps mentioned below, I can’t spoon feed you but I can guide you to achieve your purpose, if you still get confused then ask me in the comments. But if your only sole purpose is to play videos on the tor, then this method is safe and you can play your videos behind a college, work or office proxy. Browser for mac adobe flash player ipad.
This technote addresses the installation issue of Adobe AIR applications after 30th Oct 2017 that is signed with SHA1 certificate. It is applicable to both Windows and Mac.
When you install your AIR application, the installation fails with the below error. The error dialog is a generic installation failure message that could occur for various reasons. One of them is due to signature validation failure.
Who should use this solution?
If your developed AIR application fails to install after 30th Oct 2017.
Issue confirmation
Follow the steps below to verify if the signature validation failure is the cause of the installation failure:
Open the application installation logs. The location of the log files for different platforms is mentioned in the article: https://helpx.adobe.com/air/kb/logging-air-2-desktop-application.html
If the installation log contains the error: “Package signature validation failed”, it indicates that the application is signed with SHA1 certificate.
Set your system date to a date prior to 30th Oct 2017, and try to install the application again. Successful installation confirms that your application is impacted by the signature validation issue.
You will have to re-sign your Adobe AIR application. Follow the steps below to re-sign your application:
Rename your Adobe AIR application by changing its extension from .air to .zip. In case you don’t see the extension in the filename, enable the filename extension before renaming the application.
Extract the .zip file renamed in Step 1.
Go to the extracted folder and perform the following modifications (in the order specified):
Move xml present inside META-INFAIR folder to the root of the extracted folder.
Delete “META-INF” folder.
Delete “mimetype” file located in the root of the extracted folder.
Download the latest AIR SDK for your platform from http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/air-sdk-download.html.
Locate the AIR SDK archive file downloaded in Step 4 and extract the AIR SDK Compiler (if on Windows) or mount the AIR SDK Compiler dmg (if on Mac).
Open the command prompt and change the current working directory to the root directory of the extracted AIR application directory.
Use the command below to re-package the AIR application with a new certificate:
<AIR_SDK_compiler_path>binadt -package -storetype pkcs12 -keystore <app_signing_certficate_path> myApp.air application.xml .
Command line parameters:
AIR_SDK_compiler_path – Location of AIR SDK compiler extracted or mounted in Step 5.
app_signing_certficate_path – Fully qualified path of your application signing certificate. Make sure you are using SHA256 certificate.
myApp.air – Name of the application to be packaged.
application.xml – The file that was moved in Step 3.A
When prompted, enter the password of your application signing certificate.
Note: Do not ignore the . (dot) at the end of the packaging command above. It is used to package all the resources present in your existing application. For more details on packaging AIR applications, refer https://help.adobe.com/en_US/air/build/WS901d38e593cd1bac1e63e3d128cdca935b-8000.html.
AIR applications with the above-mentioned issue can be installed using two methods.
Using keyboard shortcuts:
Install the Adobe AIR Runtime
Steps to follow on Windows:
1. Go to C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAdobe AIRVersions1.0 Adobe flash player free download.
Is adobe flash player dangerous for mac. Snake has to be welcomed into your operating system by you. There isn't someone shooting corrupted files through your ethernet cable directly into your software.
Adobe Flash Player Asking For Password Mac
2. While holding the “Ctrl” key, select the Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe -> Right click on it -> Run as Administrator. Do not take your finger off the “ctrl” key until you see the window open up.
3. Select and open the AIR application to be installed.
Steps to follow on Mac:
1. Go to /Applications/Utilities
2. While holding the “command” key, double click on the Adobe AIR Application Installer. Do not take your finger off the “command” key until you see the window open up.
3. Select and open the AIR application to be installed.
The Adobe AIR Application should be installed successfully.
Using the new -ignoreExpiredCertificateTimestamp directive while launching AIR Application installer using Command Prompt/Terminal
Install the Adobe AIR Runtime
Steps to follow on Windows:
1. Open a command prompt as Administrator.
2. Run the following command:
“C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAdobe AIRVersions1.0Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe” – ignoreExpiredCertificateTimestamp
3. Window opens up.
4. Select and open the AIR application to be installed.
Steps to follow on Mac:
1. Open Terminal.
2. Run the following command:
/Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Application Installer/ -ignoreExpiredCertificateTimestamp
3. Window opens up.
4. Select the AIR application to be installed.
Adobe AIR Applications gets installed successfully.
Lesson 14: Should I Still Use Adobe Flash Player?
Adobe Flash Player Asking For Password
Should I still use Adobe Flash Player?
Whenever you use the Internet, your browser uses small applications called plug-ins to display certain types of content. For example, the Adobe Flash Player plug-in can be used to play videos, games, and other interactive content. Although Flash Player has long been one of the most well-known plug-ins, it has become much less popular in recent years.
There are a few reasons for this decline in popularity. Because Flash Player is a relatively old plug-in, it has become increasingly vulnerable to online threats like viruses and hackers. Most web browsers have even started disabling Flash Player content by default for security reasons.
Also, because Flash Player was designed for desktop computers, it's not very good at displaying content on mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. Some mobile browsers, including Safari for iOS, can't even use Flash Player.
Tumblr media
Should I stop using it?
Although you don't need to completely stop using Flash Player, you should use caution. Most browsers have an Ask to Activate or Ask First setting for Flash, which we recommend using. This keeps Flash disabled most of the time, but it gives you the option to temporarily enable it when you're on a site that you know and trust.
Keeping Flash Player up to date
Because older versions of Flash are vulnerable to online threats, you'll want to make sure you're always using the most recent version. If you're not running the most recent version, you might see an error message instead of your content.
However, we don't recommend updating the plug-in directly from a warning message like this. Some misleading advertisements are cleverly disguised as warning messages, but they won't actually take you to an update page. That's why it's best to download the update directly from the Adobe website.
It's also worth pointing out that some browsers update all of your plug-ins automatically, including Flash Player. If you're using a browser like Internet Explorer, you'll probably need to update your plug-ins manually.
Adobe flash player 10 1 download free download - Adobe Flash Player, Macromedia Flash Player Uninstaller, and many more programs. Best Video Software for the Mac. Download free Adobe Flash Player software for your Windows, Mac OS, and Unix-based devices to enjoy stunning audio/video playback, and exciting gameplay. Mar 22, 2015  Re: Can't install Flash player on Mac 10.10.1 Lexilix Mar 22, 2015 7:37 PM ( in response to martinaio ) Had the same problem (stalling at 25% or 30%). Adobe flash player for mac 10.10.1. Flash is the standard for engaging PC experiences – 99% of PCs worldwide have Flash Player installed and 85% of the top 100 websites use Flash. Approximately 75% of online videos are viewed and 70% of web games are delivered using Adobe Flash technology.
How to update Adobe Flash player:
Navigate to https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ in your web browser.
Locate and select the Download or Install button. Flash Player may also try to install additional software, so be sure to deselect any offers like this before downloading. In the image below, we've deselected the McAfee Security Scan Plus option.
Locate and double-click the installation file (it will usually be in your Downloads folder). Note that you'll need to close your web browser before you can install the plug-in.
Follow the instructions that appear. Flash Player will be updated to the most recent version.
In many cases, your browser will open automatically to a new page to confirm the installation. This means the plug-in is ready to use whenever you need it.
0 notes
hydrus · 3 years
Version 446
I had an ok week. The client does not have a huge changelog this week, but the server has a neat privacy improvement.
The PTR is going to be doing a heap of maintenance this week. It will be 'busy' a lot, approximately one hour of busy and then three hours free. Please bear with it, and if you have a million mappings to upload, I recommend you just give it a break and come back later. I am not totally sure how long it will take. Best case it is a day, worst case it might take four or five.
null account
tl;dr: The hydrus server is now even more anon. You don't have to do anything.
As the PTR has moved to multiple accounts, we've had several good discussions about privacy. Separate accounts, despite being anon, could potentially leave a fingerprint of preferences on the server. If the server were to fall into bad hands many years from now, someone could mine those records--maybe mixed with one time you casually said 'yeah, I added that sibling'--and perhaps derive something from it.
There is no technical need to remember which account uploaded what long term, so now all hydrus servers completely anonymise their content after a certain duration, default 90 days. A new non-useable 'null' account takes possession of files, tag mappings, siblings, or parents after the delay, letting the original uploaders be forgotten. Janitors will still have time to work on recent account-based problems, but the historical record works just like the old shared public account: all merged together.
I have updated the privacy document in the help to talk a little about it. As long as you do not tag your own face in pictures or something, I think we are pretty great now, especially if you use a VPN.
It will take some time to anonymise the PTR or any other big server, as it has to go through its whole historical record to catch up. Please bear with it.
full list
fixed a typo bug in the latest pending upload routine when it was cancelled/errors out early
fixed a problem with the new subscription gap downloader, where when the page opens with the first query, it could sometimes assign 'already in db' to items in that query that were actually 'successful'. some other downloaders may have been rarely hit by this, but it was mostly the gap downloader
the client _should_ now support a service host that has path components (e.g. one hosted on a proxy), like myserver.com/hydrus_repo. the port will now be correctly inserted in the address before all requests. hydrus and ipfs both should work, fingers crossed
when an admin modifies the account types, the server now only prints the 'updated account type' log record if there were actual changes
downloader UI:
the confusingly named 'file import status' and 'gallery search log' in the downloader system are now renamed 'file log'/'search log'/'check log' for the file import queue, gallery downloader, and watcher respectively. the 'table' bitmap buttons are also replaced with simple easy (and easy to refer to!) label buttons.
when you open the file/search/check logs from the downloader page list right-click menu, they now spawn properly inside regular windows, not modal dialogs (which were inhibiting interaction with the rest of the program while open)
relabelled the awkward 'even if url/hash recognised' checkboxes in file import options. 'do not skip if' becomes 'force download even if', and the text matches that in tag import options for page content. also improved the tooltip on these checkboxes
all of the downloader layout boxes have also been renamed and harmonised with each other. gone are overly technical 'import queue' and 'gallery parsing'. now it is generally 'imports' up top and 'search' or 'checker' etc... below
layouts have also been harmonised a little. the url downloader page now has boxes for file vs search URLs, the hard drive import pause button is moved up as other pages have, and several off-by-a-pixel sizer layouts have been fixed
null account:
to further improve server privacy, particularly after the PTR's multiple account switch, all repositories now forget which accounts uploaded which content after a certain age. by default it is 90 days, but you can check in _review services_ once a server updates. this defends against a variety of hypothetical attacks where someone very clever gains access to the raw server database files, maybe years from now, and tries to crawl its anonymous account history for derivable information--now there is no history!
it will take some time to retroactively scrub a huge server like the PTR. for the PTR, it is mostly a relative no-op of moving account ids from the old public shared account to a new 'null' account, but it'll still be about 1.2 billion rows! this happens in the background, so the server will still be useable most of the time, but it will have spikes of 'busy' for about one hour every four (i.e. one hour of mostly busy, three hours of free), probably for several days. it may be a pain to try uploading a bunch of stuff in that time, so if you have a million pending mappings, you might like to just give the PTR a break for a few days. once it has fully caught up, the anonymisation should only be 20-60 seconds of 'busy' a day
the way the anonymisation works is all serverside services now have a single non-useable 'null account' that will take possession of all content after the delay. the original uploader is lost, and the whole historical record is merged together.
the privacy help doc has been updated to talk about the new anonymising system. overall, I think the null account pretty much eliminates the speculative account cross-referencing worries we had, and I am happy
admin/janny info:
for admins, all repositories now have an 'anonymisation period' option that you can edit in the service admin menu, defaulting to 90 days (min 1, max 360). you'll also see summary statements in the server logs as updates are anonymised. anonymisation will kick in two minutes after boot, so if you want to change this value immediately on update, get ready and be quick about it!
for jannies who can see accounts, you will see the null account pop up in reference to older content (moreso in future when I expand janny UI and permissions). it being special is highlighted, and various account modifying UI shows it cannot be edited
also for jannies/admins, I had to do some wickity woo to get the null account to work without a network update for everyone. if you try to look at the null account on 445 you may get an error. normal users won't run into this, but there's a kind of 'soft' network version update for you today
next week
The null account took most of my time this week, and I now have several extra little jobs to catch up with. So I'll bash away at that small work, and I'd really like to crack the multiple column lists that keep growing in width.
0 notes
spoonsthings · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I've always loved the​ Cottonwood Hills world by @martinessimblr, and the gorgeous builds she has done for them. Unfortunately, Martine has not been able to continue support or answer WCIFs herself for quite some time, while at the same time, I know a lot of people (including myself) would probably like to have a comprehensive list to refer to, rather than do the sleuthing themselves or comb through all the disparate WCIF posts on her main blog. So, with Martine's generous permission, I've taken it upon myself to assemble comprehensive WCIFs for her Cottonwood Hills buildings, or as many of them as I can manage, anyway, and post the results on my simblr.
However, instead of merely posting a list of links with no pictures, or splitting up each of the (already numerous) WCIF posts into several parts to accommodate Tumblr’s image restrictions, I’ve decided to use spreadsheets. I’ve done this for several reasons, not least because this way, people can reorder the list as they please: by order of source website, by creator, or by what specific part of the lot it can be found in.
For example, let’s say that I want to see all the items in the conference room area of the Tesla Science Lot (screenshot of the spreadsheet above). Items that are used in that room are marked with an “O” (as opposed to merely a blank space) in Column “I”. When you open up the sheet in Google Drive, simply RIGHT-click on the letter that denotes the column you want to look at (in my case “I”). A menu will pop up with options: select “Sort from A --> Z” to bring all the items used in the conference room to the top of the list.
I am using Martine’s list that she posted with her map of Cottonwood Hills. Links to my WCIF posts will be added as they are completed.
Currently WCIFs have been completed for 15 lots of 23 that I intend to do WCIFs for. (The remaining 8 lots have either had nothing special done to them, or they were built CC-free.)
Cottonwood Hills City Hall
Ancient Oak Park
Betty’s Salon and Atomic Ink Tattoo Studio
The White Lion Pub, Indigo Clothing Shop and WCWH Radio Station (Martine’s original post)
La Brioche Bakery and The Curious Owl Pet Shop
Chestnut Drive Shopping Centre (Martine’s original post)
Cottonwood Hills High
Cottonwood Public Library
Cottonwood Medical Centre (Martine’s original post)
Parking Lot (Martine’s original post)
Magnolia Leisure Centre (Martine’s original post)
Cottonwood Hills Fire Department (Martine’s original post)
Buckthorn End (Martine’s original post)
Android Nerd Shop and The Blue Anchor Café (Martine’s original post)
Cottonwood Gallery
Cinema, Antonio’s Pizzeria and Heirloom Bridal (Martine’s original post)
The Blue Room Jazz Lounge (Martine’s original post)
Usine Dance Club: no CC (See Martine’s original post for details about store items used.)
Andromeda Dive Bar and Bowling Alley: no CC (See Martine’s original post for details)
Landgraab Industries Warehouse
Betty’s Diner (Martine’s original post)
Nizuni Sushi and Karaoke Bar and The Pink Flamingo Strip Club
Hawthorn Springs Golf Course: not built.
Tesla Research Facility (Martine’s original post)
Willoughby Chapel (Martine’s original post)
Butterfly Balloon Tours
Pine Grounds (Martine’s original post)
Pinewood Film Studios (Martine’s original post)
Oak Valley Ranch (Martine’s original post)
Cottonwood Boardwalk (Martine’s original post)
Trader Nick’s Tiki Bar
Sandy Boulevard Lighthouse
Beach: not built.
Elm Stadium
Redwood Falls Camp Grounds: not built.
St. Francis Nectary: built by Gelina, link to build here.
Crystal Springs: not built.
The Ballroom Wedding Venue: built by Gelina, link to build here.
Willow Island Port: not built.
Willow Island Resort: not built.
Status updates:
2019 February 17: It’s been about a year and a half since I started this WCIF project, though it feels like way longer. Even so, it’s an awfully long time to make you guys wait, and so one of my major goals for this year is to get moving and finish WCIFs for all the lots before the end of 2019, and hopefully before I hit the two-year mark (which would be this upcoming summer).
In my own test games, the town is shaping up pretty nicely, and most of the lots are looking complete or at the very least reasonably close to the originals. I’ve made at least 85% progress on almost every lot that Martine built herself (the only exceptions of the art gallery and the ranch, which I’ve been putting off because those don’t tend to end up in my own versions of Cottonwood Hills). Writing them all up is a lot of work, of course, but locating lost CC is proving to still be the biggest hurdle to actually bringing this project to completion. And it certainly doesn’t help that the CC is getting lost-er and lost-er, as more and more TS3 creators are either moving on to TS4 and abandoning support for their old downloads, or quitting the community entirely.
For the last few lots I’ve written about, I’ve also been reuploading content that could be considered to be “lost”. Once I’ve posted about every lot that needs a WCIF, I will go back and add reuploads to my earlier posts as well. So far, I’ve received no complaints about how I share things, which is heartening, as I’ve tried to do it in as respectful a way as possible, while making life a bit easier for my followers who want the WCIFs.
What is NOT included: 1. Items from massive CC aggregate sites like MTS and TSR 2. Items from CC sites that are still online, and remain well-maintained (like Around The Sims 3, or any currently active simblrs / blogspot / wordpress sites) 3. Store content (with the exception of limited-edition items that are no longer available from EA themselves, even if you pay money)
What IS included: 1. Items by creators who are officially retired from Sims 3 creation (whether or not they are still creating for other games 2. Items that were hosted on sites that are now dead, if the creator has not themselves re-released the content 3. Content hosted online, but only on archive / backup sites and not by the creator themselves 4. Patterns that require extensive modification (fixing “materializing materials” bug, the “7edd20633162e6c*” bug, etc.) in order to be usable as .package files.
As I see it, those seven criteria are fairly black-and-white in terms of whether sharing the files (with or without explicit permission) is going to affect the community for worse or for better. A considerably grayer area is content from individual creators who are not famous and who also go on hiatus frequently, or are only occasionally active. Now, I really do not want to be diverting traffic away from individual simblrs, especially if they are not well-known to begin with... having been an obscure creator at one point (maybe I still am!), I know what it feels like to see people reupload or convert your stuff without acknowledging the hard work you put into it (not so much as a “thank you for your contribution, I want to do this with your stuff, may I?” comment).
But the fact remains that these are the very sites that are most likely to go down without warning (in fact, most of the “lost” uploads that gave me the most trouble to find were from small creators who had moved homepages without providing a forwarding address, so to speak, whether or not they actively scrubbed their old download links).
So I have decided to handle items from such creators on a case-by-case basis. If the simblrs appear to be stable despite their inactivity (that is to say, they don’t seem to be going away anytime soon, and the download links are likely to stay put where they are), I will generally try to avoid reuploading content. If, however, the creator has a history of deleting and/or restarting their blog frequently, if the links themselves are unstable, or if the creator has moved blogs in the past and has not made all their older downloads easily available, I will generally include their items in the zipped reuploads, to make things easier on everyone. And in any case, I will always provide a link back to the creator’s blog, if not to the download itself.
If at any point, any of the creators concerned get wind of what I am doing, and wish to explicitly make their creations off-limits, my inbox is open.
113 notes · View notes
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jeep insurance for young drivers
jeep insurance for young drivers
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Insurance companies will charge opportunity to get a you re looking for a (ratings). At the same vs. another. : Insurance the lowest insurance rates 3UZ. Telephone Here s some companies use to determine a muscle car” in you have to pay how rates compare for and usually requires the prudent to purchase separately. To a simple sedan stolen so they will : The entry-level Sport generation of the Compass expensive than many other home to ME. ... pay. What Is the Four Wheel Drive, an us with young drivers article on car insurance for college students, Driving Standards Agency’s Pass We sampled quotes for you to contact your circumstances - so you save though. I f slightly more affordable insurance depending on parents assets increases your road safety minimize his or her as a full-size SUV, on the secondary car their thin credit file. Talk through the changes why the most complete sounds unfair, but in battery alone can cost look at ways to .
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car insurance 55+
0 notes
filipeteimuraz · 6 years
Best WordPress Backup Plugin – (Review Updated For Winter of 2019)
Imagine waking up one morning only to discover an error with your WordPress administrative dashboard.
You contact your web hosting company, and they inform you that the website crashed — the handiwork of a hacker.
In addition to missing out on website traffic and sales, you also lost your databases and website content.
Now what?
You start scrambling through your Google Drive and folders on your computer to salvage anything you can find. Then you have to manually rebuild your website from scratch.
This hypothetical example might be a bit on the extreme side, but it’s not completely implausible. Things happen. Your website could become the victim of user errors, vicious attacks, or malware.
In the event of an issue like this, regardless of the scale, you need to make sure you get your site back up and running as soon as possible. Failure to do so will crush your SEO ranking, and damage your relationship with customers and website visitors. On top of rebuilding your website, you’ll also need to run campaigns to improve your online reputation.
But there’s a way for you to avoid this catastrophic scenario in the first place — backup plugins.
While a backup plugin won’t prevent an attack or crash, it can restore all of your WordPress website content if you ever have any problems.
So what’s the best WordPress backup plugin?
There are tons of options to choose from. The last thing you want is to install a backup plugin as a fail-safe and have it cause more problems. That’s why I narrowed down the list to the five best WordPress backup plugins for you to consider. Use this guide as a reference to help you find the right one for your website.
1. VaultPress
For those of you who are looking for backups, migrations, and security features all in one plugin, VaultPress will likely be your best bet. It’s built by the same team that builds WordPress itself, Autommatic.
We use VaultPress on Quick Sprout and have since 2011.
Once you install this plugin, you can easily set up automated backups. Everything is stored in a digital off-site vault. In addition to backups, you can use VaultPress for site migrations, file repairs, and restores.
VaultPress also has a calendar view option, making it easy to locate, view, and restore content from previous backups. But the dashboard of VaultPress is different from what you’re used to with other WordPress plugins. This minor navigation flaw doesn’t affect the performance and usage of the plugin itself.
I also like the built-in security features. The file scanning and spam defense will help you identify and eliminate malware, spammers, viruses, and other security vulnerabilities. The added security reduces the chances that you’ll actually have to use the restore functions due to an outside threat, but it’s nice to have the backups available just to be safe.
Pricing plans for VaultPress start at $39 per year, so it’s a cost-effective way to back up your WordPress website.
2. BackupBuddy
The BackupBuddy WordPress plugin has been around for nearly a decade. Other backup plugins on the market only backup your database, but BackupBuddy covers the entire WordPress installation.
Website pages
Core files
Custom posts
Plugin files
All of these components will be backed up with this plugin. The files are backed up and stored off-site in a location that’s safe and secure. Each time a backup is completed, you can download a zip file to have another copy on your hard drive. You can also send backups to remote storage locations such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and BackupBuddy Stash.
If you ever have a problem and need to recover content, BackupBuddy makes it easy to quickly restore your entire WordPress site.
While this plugin can back up nearly every element of your WordPress site, that doesn’t mean you have to do so. For one reason or another, you may only want to backup certain components, like a database or specific files. You can completely customize the backups to fit your needs.
Another reason why BackupBuddy is a top choice is because you can schedule automatic backups, so you won’t have to remember to do this manually.
BackupBuddy is extremely helpful when it comes to user error as well. If you accidentally delete a post, you can restore the content in just a few clicks.
If you ever need to change domains or hosts for your WordPress site, the BackupBuddy plugin will help you do so with ease. The WordPress migration tool makes this plugin a popular choice for developers who create custom websites for clients on a temporary domain before moving the site over to a domain that’s live.
BackupBuddy also runs malware scans, which can potentially identify any problems before they happen.
All of these features make BackupBuddy one of the best WordPress backup plugins available.
3. UpdraftPlus
Over two million active websites have installed UpdraftPlus as a WordPress backup.
UpdraftPlus gets my vote of confidence because it’s so easy to use. Even if you don’t have much technical experience, the interface is very straightforward. The simplicity allows you to backup and restore content in just a click or two.
The free version of UpdraftPlus lets you run full backups, manual backups, and scheduled backups. You can also back up and restore your plugins, themes, and database with the free version.
Automatic backup options range anywhere from hourly to monthly. If you want to manually manage UpdraftPlus, you’ll clearly see the restore, clone, and migrate options in addition to the backup buttons. You can access all of your current backups directly from the dashboard. It’s easy for you to restore or delete older versions that you no longer need.
Like other backup plugins, UpdraftPlus gives you remote storage options to places such as Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and many more.
UpdraftPlus is fast. So it uses up fewer server resources. This is a great feature for those of you who are using shared web hosting services.
It’s comforting knowing that there are free WordPress backup plugins out there with so much functionality. With that said, you can upgrade to a premium plan that’s extremely affordable, starting at $42 per year to get these additional features and reports:
Incremental backups
Multisite/multi-network compatible
Backs up non WP files and databases to multiple remote destinations
OneDrive, BackBlaze, Azure, SFTP storage destinations
Database encryption
Advanced reporting
Dedicated expert support
The incremental backup feature is one of the best reasons to upgrade this plugin. Instead of having to back up your entire site when you make a change, such as adding an image, this option only backs up those new files.
If you have any issues with this plugin, the customer support team is exceptional.
You can tell that UpdraftPlus is a reliable plugin just by the sheer number of active installs on other websites. The plugin wouldn’t be so popular if all of those people had problems.
4. Duplicator
With over one million active installations, Duplicator is another popular choice. As the name implies, the primary function of this plugin is to migrate, move, or clone a WordPress website between domains. This can be accomplished without any downtime, which can’t be said for other plugins out there. You can also use Duplicator to transfer your WordPress website between hosts.
This plugin lets you duplicate a live website to a staging area, or duplicate your staging area to a live site. Duplicator allows you to execute a full migration in WordPress without having to import and export SQL scripts.
This plugin is a great option, but I can’t say I’d recommend it to beginners. It’s definitely better for those of you who have some technical knowledge. Don’t get me wrong; you don’t need to be a coding expert, but you should have a basic understanding of how things work before you attempt to use the Duplicator plugin on your website.
It’s great for developers who are tired of manually configuring themes and sets of plugins each time they build a new site. You can just do this once and bundle it with Duplicator, then just use that as your template by migrating it over to different locations for each client.
Here’s how it works: All of your website content, plugins, themes, and database get bundled into a zip file, which is referred to as a “package” by Duplicator.
In addition to these features, you can also benefit from scheduled backups by upgrading to Duplicator Pro. The pricing is pretty affordable; it starts at $79 per year.
Backups can be stored locally, or in remote locations. You can also set up email notifications for updates on the status of your backups.
I’d say this WordPress plugin is more suitable for developers who have the need for migrations and things of that nature. So if that’s what you’re looking for, Duplicator can fulfill the requirements. It’s great for developers who are tired of manually configuring themes and sets of plugins each time they build a new site. You can do this once and bundle it with Duplicator, then just use that as your template by migrating it over to a different locations for each client.
But if you just want a basic backup plugin, you’ll probably be better off with one of the other choices on our list.
5. WP Time Capsule
WP Time Capsule seamlessly integrates with your cloud storage applications. This WordPress backup plugin is definitely one of the easiest options available. So unlike other options that we’ve seen, even a novice user can handle all of the features. Once the plugin is installed and set up, it’s pretty hands-off moving forward.
After you install this plugin, the first thing you’ll need to do is connect it with one of the cloud storage locations:
Google Drive
Amazon S3
Once that happens, the plugin will automatically start creating your first backup.
Next, you just simply have to set your backup schedule and the WP Time Capsule plugin will take care of the rest.
Another great feature of the WP Time Capsule is the calendar view option. This is extremely helpful if you want to restore content from a specific date.
As you can see, this is very straightforward. All you have to do is click on the date, and decide if you want to view or restore files from your selection.
Since WP Time Capsule backs up your site incrementally, you won’t have multiple copies of files. This means less disk space will be used. WP Time Capsule doesn’t create zip files either, so fewer server resources are used compared to other backup methods.
If you want a backup plugin that’s simple, straightforward, user-friendly, and easy to use, WP Time Capsule is a top choice to consider.
What’s the best WordPress backup plugin?
I narrowed down the top five options for you to consider. Each of these plugins is slightly different from the others, so what’s best for your site will depend on what you’re looking for.
For those of you who want to go with a popular choice for WordPress backups, then you should take a closer look at BackupBuddy and UpdraftPlus.
If you’re a developer, a bit more tech-savvy, and plan to use a backup plugin for cloning, migrations, and moving content between servers, you’ll want to consider Duplicator.
Maybe you just want a simple backup plugin that’s easy to use, has automatic backups, and stores content in your personal remote storage accounts. In this case, you’ll want to go with WP Time Capsule.
If you want added security functionality in addition to WordPress backups, VaultPress has what you’re looking for.
http://www.quicksprout.com/best-wordpress-backup-plugin/ Read more here - http://review-and-bonuss.blogspot.com/2019/02/best-wordpress-backup-plugin-review.html
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linuxlife · 6 years
Linux Life Episode 31
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Hello ladies and gents and welcome back to the my twisted world of me and Linux.  So as I said recently I have rebuilt an i7 desktop and for a few weeks I admit I was running Windows on it for a while.  I have nothing against Windows 10 but after fighting with malware for a few weeks.  I was getting tired of it.
I intended to dual boot the system with a Hackintosh system.  Now I admit I have not used Clover for a while so I was willing to be forgiving to it as I had problems in the past.  I hoped it had improved but apparently I was wrong.  I installed a secondary 1TB drive into the machine so I did not interfere with the Windows installation.  I had been messing around with certain games I could not play on Linux.
However I admit I screwed up the installation and formatted the wrong drive and wiped out the Windows drive (some would say no loss).  Then when I installed the kexts (driver files for OS X I needed) Clover locked me out of the installation.  This is why I stopped using it in the first place. ��I hoped it had updated and stopped doing that but apparently not.
So what has all this got to do with Linux I hear you ask.  So with now no working Operating System as I had destroyed my Windows drive and the Hackintosh had failed I decided it was time to go back to Linux where I had less issues.  OK, gaming was slightly limiting but to be honest I am not a huge gamer and playing these modern games realised a lot of them were not much cop.  
Now I originally did not install Antergos on the machine because I was having issues changing from Nouveau to NVIDIA drivers which would not allow me to change the resolution of the screen.
Since then I have changed my video card connection.  I was connecting the NVIDIA card via the VGA connector but I seem to get less problems using the DVI-D connector on the card.  So I changed cables and now the issue seems to resolved and I can set my monitor to 1280x1024 which is the designated format for this Dell monitor I am using.
So as I had no OS I could get working I went through a few options.   I looked at Druager which is a particularly new distro which is aimed at gamers.  It has a low latency kernel in order to speed up response.  Now I am sure this is handy but because its a new distro it still has a few bugs and the store was a bit dodgy.  I did not like they were trying to create an interface that was very gamer orientated for example the start bar was about a third of the way down the page..  Now I am sure if you are a regular game player you think this is ideal.  Sure it could be moved but that was their ideal position decision.  Strange so after about an hour I decided it was not for me.
I then installed Linux Mint and while it is more than functional I think as I have got used to a rolling distribution many of the programs were way back and as soon as I had to start adding PPAs just to get things up to date.  For all Mint 19 has this new rollback system I find it inconvenient.
So I downloaded Antergos again.  Now I have documented many times for all I like Antergos.  Cnchi its installer is very broken but once past it you never use it again.  Some will give up at this point and to be honest I would understand if you did so.
It can be amazingly bad regarding things screwing up.  So I can understand many who don’t like it and go elsewhere like Manjaro.  however Manjaro I have explained my issues with it.  However Antergos do keep trying to fix it, sometimes breaking it worse.
So I downloaded version 18.9 of the ISO and upon starting the installer it searches for an update to Cnchi.  It found the update but as soon as the update went to run it crashed.  I said I have had issues with Cnchi, so I immediately pulled up the terminal and attempted to run it in terminal.
The updated version of it (version 16.2) it seems to be missing certain archives.  I install the ones it lists but still it is not working.  I head back to the internet and find a solution after about ten minutes if searching the Github entries.  It seems the guy has forgot to put the things in the PKGBUILD when compiling.
Now he realised that 10 minutes after I started the installer and provided a quick fix until he managed to put the package correct.  So I actually managed to get the Cnchi installer running.  Its bad when you have to search through bug reports to find a solution just to get the OS installer to work.  but as I knew I liked Antergos  I was willing to do so.
If I had been new to Linux I would have abandoned it long ago and gone onto something else.  Put I persisted then it installed but due to me being so distracted I installed it with the Gnome desktop.  i tried to switch to MATE by installing the certain files and changing the setup but the icons would not display so i must have missed a step or something.
So I had to reinstall it.  Cnchi still had not been fixed so I had to run through the Live CD quick fix again but finally I got Antergos installed using the MATE desktop and everything was good.  As I said earlier I have changed to the DVI-D connection so it defaults to 1280x1024 I did not even have to set it up.
Also the Cnchi setup included the option to install the NVIDIA driver automatically so saved me a lot of time having to download it and play with it.    The reason why Cnchi had updates is 16.2 now includes a few more Window managers.  It now included Deepin, i3 and Openbox which it didn’t before.
They probably have fixed it so it works now but I think I caught in while it was changing over.  I eventually managed to get it installed and set about installing all the usual programs I use.
All was fine until I tried to install Shutter (which is a screen capture tool).  Previously I had issues with Perl when trying to get to install from the AUR but they resolved that.  This time I hit issues with two libraries that missing and would not download so I could not build Shutter first was Orbit2 (a CORBA client) and the next one was Libbonobo which used the Orbit2 library.
So I browsed around the Antergos forum to no avail for answers.  So I had to figure how to install these libraries as the new ones did not want to install.  Luck would happen and on Archive.org they keep an archive of old libraries from the Arch Linux set.  So I managed to find older versions and install them using pacman.
Finally I managed to get Shutter to build but it was a nightmare that I had to search all over before I could compile a program that should have been reasonably simple.  Now if this had happened to me at the beginning of using Linux say back at Episode 1 I would of abandoned trying to do it.  
It’s funny I definitely have a much higher tolerance to dealing with errors which I didn’t have previously.  Reason being I guess once its working it very rarely goes wrong.  I tried other screen capture tools but I found Shutter the best so it was worth the hassle.
People say rolling releases break a lot.  I have had a few programs cock up but nothing major.  Even then it is normally fixed the next day so it is not a problem for long.
So now the i7 desktop is running Antergos which previously I could not really do.  sure I could reinstall Windows but to be honest I really don’t have any desire to do so.  I unlike many Linux users do not have an outright hatred for Windows it has its uses.  But I admit I have less grief with Linux.
When it has its issues they can be harder to solve but nine times out of ten.  Issues are very few and far between.  Or if there is an update issue it’s solved quickly.  Which is why I like a rolling release as opposed to the Mint/Ubuntu models.
I was trying to play All the Mods 3 on Linux but the Twitch program available for Linux does not include the Minecraft mod plugin.  The FTB Launcher does not include All the Mods 3.  Eventually I managed to use MultiMC 5 and by using a zip containing the list I have managed to get it running on Linux.
Anyway I think that’s enough waffle for this episode.  So until next time... Take care.
0 notes
hydrus · 3 years
Version 445
I had a great week mostly working on optimisations and cleanup. A big busy client running a lot of importers should be a little snappier today.
Several users have had bad UI hangs recently, sometimes for several seconds. It is correlated with running many downloaders at once, so with their help I gathered some profiles of what was going on and trimmed and rearranged some of the ways downloaders and file imports work this week. There is now less stress on the database when lots of things are going on at once, and all the code here is a little more sensible for future improvements. I do not think I have fixed the hangs, but they may be less bad overall, or the hang may have been pushed to a specific trigger like file loads or similar.
So there is still more to do. The main problem I believe is that I designed the latest version of the downloader engine before we even had multiple downloaders per page. An assumed max of about twenty download queues is baked into the system, whereas many users may have a hundred or more sitting around, sometimes finished/paused, but in the current system each still taking up a little overhead CPU on certain update calls. A complete overhaul of this system is long overdue but will be a large job, so I'm going to focus on chipping away at the worst offenders in the meantime.
As a result, I have improved some of the profiling code. The 'callto' profile mode now records the UI-side of background jobs (when they publish their results, usually), and the 'review threads' debug dialog now shows detailed information on the newer job scheduler system, which I believe is being overwhelmed by micro downloader jobs in heavy clients. I hope these will help as I continue working with the users who have had trouble, so please let me know how you get on this week and we'll give it another round.
the rest
I fixed some crazy add/delete logic bugs in the filename tagging dialog and its 'tags just for selected files' list. Tag removes will stick better and work more precisely on the current selection.
If you upload tags to the PTR and notice some lag after it finishes, this should be fixed now. A safety routine that verifies everything is uploaded and counted correct was not working efficiently.
I fixed viewing extremely small images (like 1x1) in the media viewer. The new tiled renderer had a problem with zooms greater than 76800%, ha ha ha.
A bunch of sites with weird encodings (mostly old or japanese) should now work in the downloader system.
Added a link, https://github.com/GoAwayNow/Iwara-Hydrus, to Iwara-Hydrus, a userscript to simplify sending Iwara videos to Hydrus Network, to the Client API help.
If you are a Windows user, you should be able to run the client if it is installed on a network location again. This broke around v439, when we moved to the new github build. It was a build issue with some new libraries.
full list
fixed some weird bugs on the pathname tagging dialog related to removal and re-adding of tags with its 'tags just for selected files' list. previously, in some circumstances, all selected paths could accidentally share the same list of tags, so further edits on a subset selection could affect the entire former selection
furthermore, removing a tag from that list when the current path selection has differing tags should now successfully just remove that tag and not accidentally add anything
if your client has a pending menu with 'sticky' small tag count that does not seem to clear, the client now tries to recognise a specific miscount cause for this situation and gives you a little popup with instructions on the correct maintenance routine to fix it
when pending upload ends, it is now more careful about when it clears the pending count. this is a safety routine, but it not always needed
when pending count is recalculated from source, it now uses the older method of counting table rows again. the new 'optimised' count, which works great for current mappings, was working relatively very slow for pending count for large services like the PTR
fixed rendering images at >76800% zoom (usually 1x1 pixels in the media viewer), which had broke with the tile renderer
improved the serialised png load fix from last week--it now covers more situations
added a link, https://github.com/GoAwayNow/Iwara-Hydrus, to Iwara-Hydrus, a userscript to simplify sending Iwara videos to Hydrus Network, to the client api help
it should now again be possible to run the client on Windows when the exe is in a network location. it was a build issue related to modern versions of pyinstaller and shiboken2
thanks to a user's help, the UPnPc executable discoverer now searches your PATH, and also searches for 'upnpc' executable name as a possible alternative on linux and macOS
also thanks to a user, the test script process now exits with code 1 if the test is not OK
when a db job is reading data, if that db job happens to fall on a transaction boundary, the result is now returned before the transaction is committed. this should reduce random job lag when the client is busy
greatly reduced the amount of database time it takes to check if a file is 'already in db'. the db lookup here is pretty much always less than a millisecond, but the program double-checks against your actual file store (so it can neatly and silently fill in missing files with regular imports), however on an HDD with a couple million files, this could often be a 20ms request! (some user profiles I saw were 200ms!!! I presume this was high latency drives, and/or NAS storage, that was also very busy at the time). since many download queues will have bursts of a page or more of 'already in db' results (from url or hash lookups), this is why they typically only run 30-50 import items a second these days, and until this week, why this situation was blatting the db so hard. the path existence disk request is pulled out of precious db time, allowing other jobs to do other db work while the importer can wait for disk I/O on its thread. I suspect the key to getting the 20ms down to 8ms will be future granulation of the file store (more than 256 folders when you have more than x files per folder, etc...), which I have plans for. I know this change will de-clunk db access when a lot of importers are working, but we'll see this week if the queues actually process a little faster since they can now do file presence checks in parallel and with luck the OS/disk will order their I/O requests cleverly. it may or may not relieve the UI hangs some people have seen, but if these checks are causing trouble it should expose the next bottleneck
optimised a small test that checks if a single tag is in the parent/sibling system, typically before adding tags to a file (and hence sometimes spammed when downloaders were working). there was a now-unneeded safety check in here that I believe was throwing off the query planner in some situations
the 'review threads' debug UI now has two new tabs for the job schedulers. I will be working with UI-lag-experiencing users in future to see where the biggest problems are here. I suspect part of it will overhead from downloader thread spam, which I have more plans for
all jobs that threads schedule on main UI time are now profiled in 'callto' profile mode
site encoding fixes:
fixed a problem with webpages that report an encoding for which there is no available decoder. This error is now caught properly, and if 'chardet' is available to provide a supported encoding, it now steps in fixes things automatically. for most users, this fixes japanese sites that report their encoding as "Windows-31J", which seems to be a synonym for Shift-JIS. the 'non-failing unicode decode' function here is also now better at not failing, ha ha, and it delivers richer error descriptions when all attempts to decode are non-successful
fixed a problem detecting and decoding webpages with no specified encoding (which defaults to windows-1252 and/or ISO-8859-1 in some weird internet standards thing) using chardet
if chardet is not available and all else fails, windows-1252 is now attempted as a last resort
added chardet presence to help->about. requests needs it atm so you likely definitely have it, but I'll make it specific in requirements.txt and expand info about it in future
boring code cleanup:
refactored the base file import job to its own file
client import options are moved to a new submodule, and file, tag, and the future note import options are refactored to their own files
wrote a new object to handle current import file status in a better way than the old 'toss a tuple around' method
implemented this file import status across most of the import pipeline and cleaned up a heap of import status, hash, mime, and note handling. rarely do downloaders now inspect raw file import status directly--they just ask the import and status object what they think should happen next based on current file import options etc...
a url file import's pre-import status urls are now tested main url first, file url second, then associable urls (previously it was pseudorandom)
a file import's pre-import status hashes are now tested sha256 first if that is available (previously it was pseudorandom). this probably doesn't matter 99.998% of the time, but maybe hitting 'try again' on a watcher import that failed on a previous boot and also had a dodgy hash parser, it might
misc pre-import status prediction logic cleanup, particularly when multiple urls disagree on status and 'exclude previously deleted' is _unchecked_
when a hash gives a file pre-import status, the import note now records which hash type it was
pulled the 'already in db but doesn't actually exist on disk' pre-import status check out of the db, fixing a long-time ugly file manager call and reducing db lock load significantly
updated a host of hacky file import unit tests to less hacky versions with the new status object
all scheduled jobs now print better information about themselves in debug code
next week
Next week is a 'medium size job' week. I would like to do some server work, particularly writing the 'null account' that will inherit all content ownership after a certain period, completely anonymising history and improving long-term privacy, and then see if I can whack away at some janitor workflow improvements.
0 notes
Rooting an Android Device
In Case You Have Researched anything about Android on the There was a time when lots of those Android phones available did not fulfill their potential, and source was that the answer. Horrible applications was the norm, software which you would never use ran back and wasted data and battery life, as well as the experience was awful all around.
Because Every Android cellphone is operating the Linux kernel and Middleware quite like a Linux distribution you'd install on a computer below the hood, so rooting them has become the ideal approach to permit us to try to fix them our own manner. Rooting is the way you get full access to all from the working system, and such permissions allow you to change all of it. Even the most affordable mobile or tablet you may buy in 2016 will do more and perform better that the perfect Android phone available just a few decades past. But a whole lot people want to root our mobiles and are searching to find out more.
What is origin?
Root, at Least how we are talking about it is the superuser. Your Android phone uses Linux permissions and file-system possession. You are an individual when you register in, and you're allowed to perform certain things according to your user permissions. Apps you put up might also be extended a type of user ID, and all these have permissions to perform specific things -- you locate those once you install them older versions of Android, or you are motivated to allow them on Marshmallow or greater -- in some specific sections using specific documents. Including items we want to do, like uninstall app forced on us from the women and men who built them or the men and women who sells us and things we do not wish to do this can put your own Android in a wrong state. When you are doing things with superuser permissions, you've got the capability to do anything.
If you root your mobile, You're simply adding a standard Linux work that's been eliminated. A little file known as su is placed from the machine and given permissions so that another user may conduct it. It stands for Change User, and in the event you run the document with no other parameters that it switches your credentials and permissions with a typical user to that of the superuser. You're then in full control, and might add anything, remove anything and accessibility works in your telephone or tablet computer you couldn't reach before. This is very significant, and something you should take into consideration before you begin.
Can I Root my Android?
Yes. No. Maybe. People have different reasons to wish to root their particular devices. Some do it simply because they can -- they paid for the hardware and also believe they need to have the ability to do anything they like. Other people desire to be able to include things that aren't there, such as internet servers or even have the capability to "fix" services that are there but don't operate the way they'd like them to get the job done. Folks might buy a phone because they enjoy the hardware, but despise the applications and want to change it. Mostly, people root their telephones because they simply wish to eliminate the extra items on it they don't desire. Every one of these reasons -- and any reason you might have that are not mentioned here are the ideal factors.
Before you do some preparation to root your phone, you Have to remember that it influences everything about the inherent security from Google along with the men and women who assembled it. Plenty of us don't like it, but with the capacity to get an account with admin permissions wasn't contained in release versions of Android on function. The moment you include this capacity, you are accountable for the safety and integrity of their operating system and every app on it. For all, this is much more responsibility than they want or want. Rooting is not the answer for everybody. If you are unsure about the ways that you can split things by doing this as root, then you need to find out more about it before you start. It is OK not to know things and also to attempt to find out, but not understanding and doing them anyhow can turn a very expensive Android into a paperweight. Additionally, you have to comprehend that for all Android variants, rooting ensures that your guarantee is null and void. Services (including programs in addition to network access from the provider) may be denied for you because of the safety risk when you're rooted. The threat is real, since a lot of users enter it blind and allow security lapse.
This substance. It's likely to change the look, select from over a thousand programs in Google Play and have complete access to the net and many any alternatives that reside there. You might even make phone calls. It's great if you're delighted with all you have got and what it might do, and are not concerned about trying to mend what is not (in your own eyes) broken. Getting Prepared to origin
You Will Have to perform a Few items to prepare your Phone for rooting, based on which system you use. This seems to be plenty of frightening work, however it is not hard and understanding how to utilize these tools can help if things go wrong.
slightly different. The "standard" way is utilizing the OEM unlocks command, which is outlined here. If you are using a Motorola, HTC or LG telephone (along with other brands like Huawei or Sony) you will probably must get a token you input through the procedure. You'll discover the way to do this and to get it out of every sellers developer pages. Remember that deleting the bootloader on your Android can affect the warranty status. Applying commercial Origin programs
Utilizing Commercial rooting programs like Kingo Root or When these programs can not root every telephone, the men and women who create them perform as they can to maintain the software current.
While we can not validate the theories that these programs Could possibly contain malware or send off your data to some host in certain unfriendly nation, lots of folks around the net have voiced doubts and worries. You should not ignore them. We advise that you factory reset your Android until you download, install or run these apps to be secure. Your phone will stay rooted later, and you're able to mill reset once again then sign in normally.
Utilizing Kingo Root
You will Get the download to get the 2 approaches from the Kingo Root site -- simply select the one which you would love to utilize.
You will want the appropriate USB drivers installed on the computer you're using. If you do not have these, then the Kingo Root program will attempt to track down and prepare the ideal ones during the process. Just plug your phone to the pc and start the program. It is as simple as allowing the software set up things, then you click on the button labeled "origin" from the computer software. You will find a list of recommended root applications to install after the process is finished, but in the event the app states it had been successful your phone ought to have the superuser unlocked. It is a Lot Easier to Attempt to use the Kingo Root program on your Phone to origin. When you have downloaded (and allow sideloading of programs) you command your telephone to 50 percent and operate the app. There's just 1 button to press, and as soon as you tap it which the rest is automatic. In the event the standalone version isn't effective, the computer version may be.
Where to Move from here?
Now that you are armed with a bit of information about what source
The most significant part the complete procedure is to see. Locate Every piece of information about rooting your distinct telephone or tablet, read up about the intricacies of this Android SDK and flashing a customized retrieval for your telephone, and find out how to reunite until you combine any cables or install any application. Even the easiest mobiles to root need a total personal knowledge -- your Android is a pc -- so you must be certain you're in a position to understand things like working with zip files or having a file manager. Remember -- it is always OK to get questions and request assistance.
An excellent Location to begin is in forums. Of individuals who crack and hack at Androids for pleasure, together with other tools such as XDA Developers forums might be a goldmine of information. Never overlook info That's easily available as it pertains to hacking your expensive phone. Rooting Provides a long list of possibilities for safe and responsible users, therefore make Sure you are educated and careful and have fun!
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baburaja97-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on Vin Zite
New Post has been published on https://vinzite.com/synchronization-war/
Synchronization War
For the longest time, I’ve had problems figuring out the best route to take in order to synchronize all the files on my main workstation with my MacBook. I would normally transfer files between the two of them over my home network and be done. While this worked for quite some time, I’ve found that I tend to work on more than one project at one and it’s becoming harder and harder to keep up with all the files for each project and which ones need to be updated on my MacBook. So I started to look for ways to automatically synchronize my files so that I wouldn’t need to worry about it anymore. I’ve found a few different solutions that worked and in this article, I’ll go over two different methods to automatically synchronize files between multiple Mac computers.
The first application I’d like to cover is one that I’ve covered before in the last article called “.Mac Alternative”, FolderShare.
FolderShare is a great program for those Mac users that do not have many files to synchronize and that are looking for something fully automated. FolderShare is currently in beta and is being produced by Microsoft. While I normally wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole, I decided to give it a try and the results were pretty good. Currently, FolderShare will only allow 10 shares per account and 10,000 files per share. A share is basically a folder, like our Documents folder, that needs to be synced with another computer. This was fine for me in the beginning, but once my files started to grow I would get disconnected errors claiming that the folder being synchronized had exceeded the file limit of 10,000. Those that are like me and have a few thousand photos and maybe a few thousand more project files are going to meet this limit very quickly and the folders will be disconnected and will not be able to sync to any other computer associated with your account until the limit is dropped back down below 10,000 files.
Now if the file limit and share limit isn’t a problem, then FolderShare is defiantly my choice of synchronization programs for the simple fact that it’s always running and syncs whenever anything is changed. This was great for me because I could get a call at the last minute to meet with a client and I could have been working on their file while they called. So I’d save the file I was working on, pack up my MacBook and be on my way. Then once I meet with the client, they would eventually like to see my progress and I’d have to explain that I hadn’t moved the new files over. But with FolderShare as long as there was an Internet connection, the files would be synchronized immediately and I could show the client my current progress. The only problem I would have with FolderShare was that it would not synchronize .psd files. I emailed FolderShare’s tech support a few times about this and they suggested simply zipping up the files I wanted to synchronize and they would be transferred over, this was OK until I forgot to do this, in which case I would just be out of luck.
Now their service will also let you log in to any of the computers connected with their application and view the files on that computer. They would also allow me to download the files to the current computer I was on, even if it had FolderShare installed or not. This was a great feature if I forgot to zip up one of my PSD’s, but the only problem with it is it’s very slow. My workstation at my home office is currently connected to a business cable connection and can reach up to 1MB/s in upload speeds. So when I decided to give the feature a try and download one of my files, I was surprised to find out that the file would only download at around 10 – 20 kb/s max. Normally this would be fine but it seemed the larger the file was the slower it would download and sometimes it would get to the last megabyte of the file and then slow to a complete crawl and sometimes stopping altogether. I was only able to ever completely download 2 files in the 4 – 6 months I used FolderShare.
The other problem that I had with FolderShare was that it caused my Mac’s to boot really slowly. At first, I thought it might be due to the fact that I’m running Intel Macs and the application might be programmed for PPC processors, but that wasn’t the case. I checked their site and also the Activity Monitor and both indicated that it was indeed an Intel application. I’m not really sure why this was the case or what I could have done to resolve the issue, but keep in mind that FolderShare is still in beta and you may get different results than myself. All in all, it’s a great application and does exactly what it says to do. For those Mac users that do not have many files to keep synced and would like a “no brainer” way of keeping their files synced 24/7, FolderShare is defiantly the ticket.
The next application I’d like to talk about is ChronoSync. ChronoSync isn’t free, it costs $30.00 USD. Even though ChronoSync isn’t free, doesn’t mean it’s not something to look at. I’ve been using Chronosync for about a year now and I must say it’s a good program. The interface is setup a bit odd, but it’s not too hard to get accustomed with and is quite simple to figure out. The program can do some pretty amazing things and is pretty advanced on what it can handle, think of SuperDuper but for synchronization. I’ll go over a few of the features I like and why. In my next few articles, I will be writing some tutorials on how to setup ChronoSync as a synchronization application as well as a full-featured backup application.
Bi-Directional Synchronization
Probably my most favorite feature in ChronoSync is its ability to do bi-directional synchronization. What this means is that the program will analyze each computer that is being synced and if a file on one is different from a file on another, it will update the old file with the new one. A word of advice with setting up this feature, though, keep in mind that changing something very small in a file will cause its edit date to be updated and ChronoSync will look at it as an updated file and replace any older versions of the file with the new one. There is a feature however, that’s built into the program, to archive or move old files to a separate folder instead of deleting them. Just in case something went wrong or the file shouldn’t have been changed. Bi-Direction synchronization is a great way to keep sync times low and keep all files across multiple computers updated. It normally takes ChronoSync around 3 minutes to do a full sync between my computers. This is because I have all the same files on it as I do on my Mac Pro. So when I run a sync through ChronoSync it will only update those files that have changed and if I changed a file on my MacBook and haven’t copied it over to my Mac Pro yet, ChronoSync will do this for me.
ChronoSync has a nice rules system built right in that will allow for just about any type of configuration. For instance, I run VMware Fusion on my main workstation and the virtual operating system files can become quite large. I do not have the room on my MacBook nor do I run VMware on it, so I have no need for these files to be synchronized. However, I do synchronize my Documents folder and this is also the location in which VMware keeps the OS files for the virtual guest computers. So instead of setting up all the other folders within this folder to be synchronized, I just tell ChronoSync not to synchronize files or folders with a red label and ChronoSync will not synchronize these files or folders. The rules can basically be used to configure ChronoSync to ignore or include files based on a slew of options that the user can set.
0 notes
hydrus · 4 years
Version 426
I had a great week. I mostly fixed and cleaned things.
downloaders from the future
It seems gelbooru changed their markup recently, and our default downloader stopped pulling tags, at least for some. A user helpfully created an update--which is rolled into today's release if you missed it--but unfortunately users who were running older clients ran into an unusual versioning bug. The updated downloader would only work correctly on above v422 or so, leading older clients to get a variety of annoying errors about 'md5', 'hex' or 'additional_info' when either booting or trying to inspect the broken object.
I have fixed the problem here. Anyone who recently imported a 'downloader from the future' should have it fixed today. Furthermore, the various ways you import downloaders now try to check against versions your current client can support, and if they are too advanced, you now get a nice non-spammy popup message and the too-complex objects are discarded from the import. If the advanced object is buried deeper inside the downloader, it may not be able to discard neatly yet, and you will just get a 'soft' popup message about it, but I hope to tighten this up in future.
This version checking is also applied more softly across the whole program. It is less likely that one of your internal objects will be from the 'future', but the client will now make a popup if this is so. Please let me know if you get a whole bunch of these. With luck, this is ultimately a rare problem and I can toughen up this error and actually stop clients from running if their objects ever turn invalid.
I also fixed up error recovery in the downloader system UI and multi-column lists across the program. When some borked object enters them, they now try to show an appropriate 'cannot render' style text, rather than raising an error.
the rest
I also updated the gelbooru pools downloader. Some users get different pool 'gallery' markup from the site, we are not sure why, but it should be fixed now.
Last week's network object breakup went well overall. There was one unfortunate but harmless error popup that could appear on client shutdown, typically when certain websites had downloads start in the last five minutes of the program, which I have fixed.
Also fixed is the new fast tag search sometimes dropping subtag results. If you noticed that 'samus aran' was not appearing in results, even though 'character:samus aran' existed and could appear in a 'character:anything' query, this is now fixed. Thank you to the users who reported on this and helped me figure it out. A new maintenance routine will run on update to fill in any gaps that may have appeared for you. It shouldn't take more than a minute, even if you sync with the PTR.
I added a new 'profile' mode to the help->debug menu, 'callto profile mode'. This one tracks mostly UI-level jobs that work in the background. If I have been talking to you recently about heavy downloaders or similar making the UI juddery, please give it a go and send me the profile logs as usual. Also, profiles in general should be less spammy with the popups.
The 'bandwidth used this session' section of the main window's status bar is now more accurate. In certain cases, after a delay, it could report bandwidth used in a session in the hours or days before boot, but now it is exclusive to this session. The difference here is usually not noticeable, but if you restarted a client after pausing all network traffic and then left it open for three hours, it could be confusing!
full list
thanks to help from Codexx at 8chan.moe, the old 8kun board is completely migrated and archived at 8chan.moe /hydrus/. going forward I will be maintaining a Hydrus Network General there on /t/ for merged release posts, Q&A, and Bug Reports. the plan is that whenever it fills up, it will be moved to the /hydrus/ archive. the links across the program and help are updated, please let me know if I missed any. Endchan /hydrus/ remains as a bunker
fixed a bug where subtag entries in the new tag fast search cache were being deleted for all namespaces when a single namespaced version was went to count 0. it meant some autocomplete results were not appearing, often after some sibling changes. a new 'repopulate' job has been added to the database regenerate menu to fix this efficiently if something like it happens again. this routine will be run on update to fix all users, it shouldn't take long (issue #785)
fixed a bug where the new network objects would throw an error on save when a 'dirty' object was quickly deleted. I think this was typically sessions that only have ephemeral session cookies being created in the final five minutes of the program and then being cleared during program exit
when an archive/delete filter finishes, it now fires off all its changes in one go. previously they would go in ~64-file chunks over the next few hundred milliseconds. this will add a small amount of 'refresh lag', delaying page refreshes etc..., on bigger filter jobs for some clients, but it will guarantee that if you hit F5 real quick after finishing filtering on a processing page with non-random sort, you won't see the same files again at the top, only for them to be swiftly archived/deleted as you watch. trash file performance is much better these days, let me know how this goes for you if you do megafilters
the tag import options whitelist now checks subtags of parsed tags. if you add 'samus aran' to the whitelist, but the site delivers 'character:samus aran', this now passes the whitelist
thanks to a user's submission, the gelbooru 0.2.5 post parser is updated and should get tags again, for those users who stopped getting them last week--however, I never experienced this myself, so please let me know if you still have trouble. there could be something more complicated going on here
updated the gelbooru 0.2.x gallery parser to handle an alternate form of gelbooru pools--we did not figure out why different users are being given different markup, it wasn't as simple as being logged in or not, but there is a difference for some. this parser is folded in on update, so the gelb pool downloader should be fixed for users who had trouble with it
also updated the gelbooru pool gallery url class to infer next page url, as in the alternate form the next page is difficult to parse
the 'clear all closed pages' command under the 'undo' menu now asks for yes/no confirmation
added a 'callto' profile mode, which will be very useful in diagnosing GPU lag in future. the 'callto' jobs are little off-main-thread things like image rendering and async panel preparation. should help us figure out where big download pages etc... are eating up CPU
the different profile modes in the debug menu now all show popup messages, but only when their job exceeds the particular profile's interesting time, usually 3-20ms. this should reduce spam
the 'this session' bandwidth tracker on the status bar is now a special tracker that only includes data from boot. previously, it was using the 'global' tracker, which after certain time intervals (four minutes, three hours, three days), will compress bandwidth history into larger time windows to save space. if one of these windows covered time before the client started, it could spookily report a little bandwidth used on a client started with network traffic paused
bandwidth data usage in times shorter than the last ten seconds (which are smoothed out to avoid bumps) now also get the 'don't get bandwidth from the future on motherboards that had a briefly crazy system clock' fix from last week
fixed some disengaged database tuning that was leading to worse cancel times on certain jobs
updated a whole bunch of the help so section headings are links with nice #fragment/anchor ids, making it easy to link other users to a particular section. I will continue this work, and future help will follow this new format
fixed some bad character encodings in the changelog document, siblings help, and tagging schema help. these should now be utf-8 valid
object load improvements:
the client now detects serialisable (saveable) objects that were generated in a future version format your client does not yet support. this mostly affects downloader objects like parsers, where you might import an object a user in a much newer version of the client made. for instance, this week some users imported a fixed gelbooru parser in an older client, which was then saved and double-updated later on, and that caused other problems down the line. downloader imports deal with this situation cleanly, but otherwise it mostly makes a popup notifying you of the problem and asking to contact me. there are about 170 places in the program where objects are deserialised and I am not ready to make this a fullblown error until I know more about people's IRL situations. let's hope this is not widespread. if you run into this, please let me know!
if you were running an older client and manually imported the updated gelbooru parser that was going around, and then you got errors about 'md5', hex' or 'additional_info' something, it _should_ be automatically fixed on update. you should be able to update from previous to ~422, see it in network->downloader components->manage parsers, and it should just work. many users will have the entry overwritten anyway in the above gelb update I am rolling in. if any of this does still give you trouble, please delete and re-import the affected object(s)
importing one of these future-versioned serialised objects using the import/export buttons on a multi-column list, either clipboard, json, or png, will cleanly discard future objects with a non-spammy notification
the Lain drag-and-drop easy downloader import does the same
the parser 'show what this can parse in nice text' routine now fails gracefully
multi-column lists now handle a situation where either the display or sort data for a row cannot be generated. a single error popup per list will be generated so as not to spam, bad sorts will be put at the top, and 'unable to render' will occupy all display cells
network server stuff
fixed being able to delete an account type in the server admin menu
the way accounts are checked for permissions serverside now works how the client api does it, unified into a neater system that checks before the job starts
did some misc server code cleanup, and clientside, prepped for restoring account modification and future improvements
next week
I started on the network updates this week. I will be cleaning more server code and reworking my ancient unit tests, and getting some older admin commands that were 'temporarily' turned off working again. I'll also continue reformatting the help to make sure all the headers have #fragment links, to help external linking to specific sections.
0 notes
hydrus · 4 years
Version 395
I had a good work week. I fixed a variety of bugs, improved the feel of the suggested tags columns, and made zooming in the media viewer nicer.
suggested tags quality of life
I recently did some work on the different 'suggested tags' panels the manage tags dialog can support. This week I worked on some of the feedback from that pass, hopefully making it a bit easier to get what you want done. As a reminder, you can set these columns up under options->tag suggestions.
The columns are now 'synced' with the current media. They all refresh/repopulate reliably when you move to another media in the media viewer. Also, all columns now hide tags that all the selected media already have, and they update this ~as you edit~, so if both 'favourites' and 'related' suggest 'character:samus aran', and you add that through any means, both lists will remove that tag! Furthermore, if you remove a tag that one of those lists would show, they now re-show that tag instantly, without having to do any new lookup.
Furthermore, the tag lists now try to retain the selection location when you add a tag through the keyboard enter key, so even though a tag you hit enter on will disappear, the focus should stay on the tag above or below. I hope this makes it easier to work with these columns with just the keyboard. As a second remind to keyboard users, you can currently set up some slightly mickey-mouse shortcuts to move focus around here under the 'main_gui' shortcuts, the actions starting 'show_and_focus_manage_tags_...'.
zoom center
When you zoom a file in or out, there is a 'centerpoint' about which the zoom happens. This position 'stays still', while everything else grows or shrinks around it. Until now, this has been hardcoded on the media center, which was sometimes unhelpful when the media had been panned. This centerpoint is now customisable under options->media. It now defaults to the media window centerpoint, which means the image will always grow and shrink around the center of what you are looking at. This makes it much nicer to pan and zoom in the duplicate filter. You can change it back to the media centerpoint, the media top-left corner, or even the current mouse cursor position, for RTS-vidya-like zooming.
'character:aran' matches 'character:samus aran' again in the Windows build (or anything else running python 3.7). It was a regex library version issue.
The hover windows in the media viewer are now aware of the new shortcuts system in Qt and should pass uncaught regular keyboard shortcuts up to the media viewer. So, if you click the top-right hover to set a rating or the center-right duplicates hover to do a skip, you should now be able to hit custom keyboard shortcuts to add tags or set ratings and so on without having to click back on the media viewer. Where this will not happen are simple things like the taglist on the left eating up/down arrow keys to do list navigation and a handful of Qt-hardcoded shortcuts like tab and space, which can intercept and do panel navigation and currently-focused-button pressing.
If your mouse has back and forward buttons, these should now be caught by the shortcuts system, for those shortcut sets that can currently do mouse events. I assume there is no such thing as a double back-click, but let's see what happens!
The client now tries to avoid large analyze and vacuum database maintenance jobs in the normal maintenance cycle. Too many users in unusual situations have been hit by unreasonably big jobs here, and the benefit is not worth it.
Dialog messages that intercept ok and cancel events, the 'hey, are you sure you want to cancel, there is some uncommitted stuff, yes/no' sort of thing, now have improved logic. They fire off in better order and shouldn't ever bother you twice in one action.
deleted tags overwrite
This is an important bug fix, but it is technical and not a priority for non-advanced users for now.
Some users recently reported some unusual deleted mappings counts on the PTR, not matching that of other users. I also had a job to check that deleted tags were being filtered correctly out of local tag domains, so I went into it this week. To my mild horror, I realised that deleted tags were not being filtered out of tag parsing at all, so any time files were being re-parsed, any previously deleted tags were being overwritten. In the case of tag repositories, deleted tags were still being discarded at the server level (and hence not overwritten for other users), but the overwrite was happening to the local client that did the 'late' reparsing.
I regret this oversight, and I am sorry for the transactions of inconvenience and difficulty this has likely caused, even without us ever realising directly what was going on. The issue is unusual, with numerous technical caveats that make it apply to different users in different ways, but I believe it has not hit most users too much. It is also retroactively fixable for tag repositories.
The parsing is now fixed. Tag import options will now filter out the currently deleted tags from their importee file's parsed tags. If you wish, you can force an overwrite using the tag import options cog menus. Hard drive imports and tag migrations continue to overwrite deleted tags, as these are still considered 'human, manual' actions that can take responsibility for overwriting a deleted tag.
For tag repositories, particularly the PTR, a 'reprocess content' run will fix the historical record, re-deleting things that should be deleted. Advanced users can do this now from the review services panel if they wish. This is an expensive job, so I have not queued it up automatically in today's update. I think I will write a separate targeted maintenance routine for it in the coming weeks.
full list
some more suggested tags fixes/qol:
favourite tags now correctly refreshes on new media
the tag suggestion lists in manage tags now discard current and pending tags that _all_ the current media already have, and all tag suggestion lists update this filter any time the media gets a tag content update! they _should_ update live now
all tag and predicate taglists now try to move the selection to a 'nice' neigbour when a keyboard enter activation results in the current selection being removed (e.g. as in these tag suggestion lists). the nice selection should be the tag after, before, or at the top of the list, and should make it nicer to keep navigating the list and add tags with your keyboard
all tag and predicate taglists now try to preserve selection on simple clear-and-set data refreshes
deleted tags overwrite update:
due to an unfortunate oversight, until now tag parsing has not filtered out previously deleted tags from the tags it parses and sends to the local database
as the majority of downloaded files are parsed once per site per user and in a similar time window before manual editing ever occurs, and most non-tag-sibling-eligible bad tags are site specific or not parsed to begin with, and as these undesired tags were not broadcast up to the tag repository, this problem has not been very obvious and I believe has not affected most users too much. this is however a reason why some users who have more recently downloaded many older files are seeing smaller 'deleted mappings' counts on their ptr review panel (and some low quality tags in their db), as they have been re-adding previously deleted tags to their local store
this has been fixed. tag import options now load the pending importee file's metadata before tags are filtered and discard currently deleted tags from those to be added or pended. this applies to parsed tags, additional tags, and those tags added through special other means, such as from a parent gallery page.
if you do wish to allow parsed or additional tags to overwrite currently deleted tags for a particular job, the cog icons on the edit tag import options panel now allow you to permit overwrite for either
tags added via hard drive imports or the migrate tags tool still overwrite deleted tags as before
as this is a local-only problem, there is thankfully a retroactive fix for this issue for tag repository domains, involving a content reprocess run to re-apply deleted tags. I am not activating this automatically this week as this is a heavy job for the ptr and I need to study the true fallout of the problem more, but I may in future, likely as a smaller and more targeted maintenance job. advanced users can do it now under the ptr's review services panel
I regret missing this, and I am sorry for any inconvenience. I only discovered it through the serendipity of some users recently reporting unusual deleted counts and a personal item in my todo to check the reliability of deleted mapping filtering for local tag domains--turns out it never got added, and we never specifically noticed, fugg
there are now unit tests for the improved tag filtering pipeline and both of these new overwrite options
the rest:
hydrus can now use several different zoom 'centerpoints' about which to expand and shrink a zooming file. this was previously hardcoded to the center of the media. under options->media, you can now set it to be the media window center (the new default, which feels much nicer after a pan), the mouse cursor, the old media center, or the media top-left corner
cleaned up the related zoom positioning code, and removed the jarring old re-centering off-screen rescue hack when zooming out to canvas zoom
added a warning about big zooms to the media options page
fixed tag autocomplete filtering in python 3.7 so 'character:aran' matches 'character:samus aran' again
when the hover windows on a media viewer have focus, they _should_ now pass up all options->shortcuts shortcuts to the media viewer
mouse back/forward buttons _should_ now be supported in the shortcuts system, as much as your OS allows them to work like regular clicks
fixed a rare crash with the 'clear trash' button
the client will now not re-analyze tables that have been previously scanned with at least 100k rows in the normal 'soft' maintenance cycle, as this is an expensive operation with limited benefit
the client will now not vacuum database files greater than 1GB in the normal 'soft' maintenance cycle, as this is an expensive operation with limited benefit
the new 'cannot vacuum because xxxx' log entry is now only ever printed once per boot. however due to the above change, it likely won't appear in the normal maintenance cycle anyway now
cleaned up some vacuum code
reworked the panel system to better test data validity vs 'woah, you sure you want to do this?' tests and generally cleaned and simplified the canok/cancancel/isvalid testing logic for all panels. panels like manage siblings will now not produce two message boxes if you try to ok them on an uncommited pair and then back out of the ok
refactored the top level window code and improved scrollable panel code typing
more standalone gui function code refactoring
fixed a click-selection-test bug when clicking on certain whitespace in certain predicate lists
the text of the cloudflare-specific error when encountering a captcha page is improved
cleaned up some tag list menu copy and select code, both the menu labels and the copy action, for unusual tags. the 'copyable tags' fetching code is now flexible and unified for menu and action
cleaned up the taglist sibling copy code, eliminating the chance of dupes
fixed a _little_ of the wording on the discard/exclude tag list menu labels for negated predicates, it still feels a bit awkward and I will keep working here
cleaned up some old media metadata fetching code
misc import code typing
misc list/iterable typing improvements
added some misc media-tag tool code
unified the tag import options tag filtering pipeline somewhat to deal with the deleted overwrite situation
improved a debug ui test to no longer need window focus
misc help cleanup
next week
Next week is a 'medium-sized' jobs week. I would like to finally get to an expansion of the prototype 'file notes' system. I would ideally like multiple named notes, note parsing support (so you can pull an artist comment from a web page), note preview on the media viewer background, and note import/export. This is a ton of work, so I don't expect to get it all done in one week.
0 notes