#so i fell and cracked my nose on the first bar and hit my head on the second
avocado-frog · 4 months
Month old writing share game
Thanks for the tag from @elsie-writes i procrastinated hard on this one but I think that the rules are just to share a bit of writing. So here's a little chunk from something I just wrote:
One time, a few years back, when Logan was nineteen, Lily was twelve, Jaxon was just about eleven, and Dylan was eight, they went to the park. He took them to the park to distract them, sometimes, but he didn't remember the specific reason that time around. Dylan had wandered off a little while after helping Logan pack sandwiches at home- after Lily and Jaxon already left- to go to the garden. Two older men, fifties or sixties, one in blue overalls and the other in a plain, grey shirt were teaching them how to use a rake. A woman a bit younger, dirty blonde hair in a bun behind her head, had a pocket of seeds for Dylan to plant. Logan sat on the bench to watch them, a bit warily. But they seemed friendly enough. Jaxon, usually, would run off to go find people to play with. He was sociable, he liked making friends, but even that day, as sunny as it was, it was still too early for kids his age to start coming over. Mostly, it was the parents of toddlers who wanted their kids to run off some energy. Sometimes, the toddlers would try and get him to play, too, and Jaxon obliged every time, but he seemed content with just his sister today. He didn't have any interest in gardening with Dylan. Lily was by the monkey bars, standing on top of the black platform underneath them. Jaxon sat on the ground, digging a hole in the bark with his hands. Lily jumped up to grab the bars, but she was getting tall enough that she didn't need to jump as high now. Once she had a grip on the yellow metal, she pulled herself up to sit on the top. She sat there for a while, talking to Jaxon about something Logan couldn't hear at the distance he was, and given his attention was split between them and Dylan.  Lily had swung her legs over the bars and leaned down in between the gaps to hang upside down, and of course Jaxon wanted to try.  He jumped up, just like Lily did, grabbed onto the bars, and it should've been a forewarning when his hand slipped before he regained his hold. He jumped up to sit on the top bars, and then his leg got caught in between, and he fell backwards trying to untangle himself.  He had picked the bar closest to the platform. Hanging upside down, right above the edge of the black platform, with his leg stuck in between the bars. He must not have been really thinking past getting his leg unstuck. Logan heard a woah, are you okay, that caught his attention just as he managed to free himself. And then he fell. And hit his head on the edge of the platform and hit it again as the rest of him landed in the bark. Jaxon hadn't even cried, which was astonishing to Logan, who had shot up like a rocket and rushed over to check on him. Because Logan would've cried hard if he hit his head like that. Twice. Lily had scrambled down to see if he was okay, too, but Jaxon only sat in the bark, moved to sit with his legs outstretched, one hand making a circle in the wood bits, blinking like he was confused. There was a steady stream of blood gushing from his nose, too. His eyes weren't quite uneven yet, but Logan didn't think for a second that Jaxon got away without a concussion. He instructed Lily to go watch Dylan, tell them where he went, while he took their brother home to check on him. Jaxon blinked again. Logan grabbed him by the arm, dragged him to his feet, and dragged him home, having to hold his own sleeve against his nose because Jaxon wasn't doing it himself.
Open tag since this is a month and a half old sorry lmao
#the ages at the beginning are mostly meant for me to keep track of The Timeline#also this is unedited so if there's any weird sentence structure i'm fixing it tomorrow so don't point it out. anyways storytime with isaac#one time when i was in the third grade. about eight or nine years old. i was on the monkey bars at my school#so we had two playgrounds for recess. one was for kindergarten to second grade the other was from third to fifth graders#the third to fifth graders one was bigger. the other one was smaller#so i was on the smaller one with this girl i knew named verity and she was trying to show me how to hang upside down#but i was too big for them so when i tried my leg got caught between the bars#and there were these two bars that were kind of like step ladders to reach. if you were a little kid who needed help reaching. which i wasn#so i fell and cracked my nose on the first bar and hit my head on the second#the kid verity was FREAKING out. crying screaming etc#she ran to go get the teacher and i have this vivid memory of being like really dizzy and just staring at the bark and not moving#because it didn't hurt as bad as verity thought it did + i think i was confused and trying to piece together. why that just happened to me#the nurses made me go home and i had the sickest black eye and a concussion while i got to sit in the back of my mom's office#with a minion's ice pack#it hurt like a motherFUCKER after like two hours though#giving characters things that happened to me as a kid is a good fun time#also i shouldnt have been hanging out with verity. bestie once dug a hole in the grass and burrowed herself a hole to escape the school#via dent in the fence. like a fuckin woodland creature bro#rambles in the tags#writeblr#wip: rosemary
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Yuu can do it!
Part 28
Kuroki woke to Enma mumbling in his sleep. He did that a lot. Today, Kuroki caught the words ‘stop her…!’ which… meant it was probably a nightmare.
He glanced at the time. It was about ten minutes before Enma usually went running…
Yeah, no need to debate then. He reached over Ito and smacked Enma in the arm.
The boy shrieked and fell out of bed, hitting the ground in a series of loud thuds, and (worst of all) dragging the blankets with him.
Ito and Grim slept on. Must be nice to be a deep sleeper.
Kuroki leaned over Ito to peer at Enma, who was glaring at the ceiling for the second time that week. He really had something against it, apparently.
“You good?”
Enma sighed and looked over. “You know – and I’m just spitballing here – but you could just poke me or, I don’t know, say my name and see if that wakes me up?”
“I mean, yeah, but that’s less fun.”
Enma groaned and sat up. After a few moments of deliberation, he cracked a half smile. “Thanks for waking me up.”
He shrugged. “It was an excuse to hit you.”
“Of course it was,” Enma teased, reaching up and ruffling Kuroki’s hair.
Which was just evil, like bedhead wasn’t embarrassing enough. But also…
“It was!”
“I’m not lying!”
“Of course not.”
“Don’t look at me all knowingly when you know nothing!”
Classes that day were… interesting. News had spread fast throughout the dorms, mostly because Ace couldn’t keep his mouth shut about how he was ‘totally going to end the tyrant's reign of terror’ to save his life, and now everyone in Heartslabyul and Ramshackle couldn’t seem to sit still.
Even Enma had struggled to listen to the teachers that day, which should illustrate just how infectious the school’s excitement was.
Apparently, no one had challenged the Heartlabyul Dorm Head since Riddle won during his first week of school.
Yeah, no, no one cared to look away from the clocks on the wall the entire day.
(Outside of Kuroki, who had taken it upon himself to handle bets. Someone had to.)
Kuroki has been abandoned by his friends.
Enma had wanted to change into ‘something more fitting for the occasion’, whatever that meant, and Ito had tagged along to help him, and Grim was ‘coaching’ Ace and Deuce in how to throw a punch like a meter away and there was really nothing stopping him from joining either group…
But all of that was irrelevant. Kuroki has been abandoned. He is very sad.
Until Enma and Ito came back, and suddenly all traces of depression were forcibly ejected from his body, because:
“Enma what the fuck are you wearing?!” Kuroki choked out, trying not to laugh.
The other three spun around, like sharks smelling blood in the water (or, rather, like teens sensing a chance to make fun of someone), and Kuroki no longer felt bad about laughing because everyone else was, too. Even Ito was coughing into their hand to muffle laughter.
Enma was wearing… well, Kuroki wasn’t really sure, to be honest. A long, somewhat kimono-like outfit but with thicker fabric and a helmet of sorts, though the front looked like a sideways jail cell.
They couldn’t really see Enma’s face through the bars, but Kuroki was pretty sure the boy was blushing when he said, “It’s cultural! Where I’m from, swordsmen wear this when facing each other in battle!”
Ace snorted. “Okay, then why don’t Ito and Kuroki know it?”
“I lived in a different area than Kuroki and Enma,” Ito explained. And then they turned their face away to sneeze into their arm.
(Enma dug around in his bag for his handkerchief, and they sent a tiny smile his way as they lifted it to their nose delicately.)
In the meantime, though, Ace and Deuce looked at Kuroki. Who could only shrug. “Do I look like a sports guy to you?”
Ace and Deuce accepted that answer very quickly. Almost insultingly so.
Kuroki narrowed his eyes at them.
Deuce hesitated for just a moment before turning to smile at Enma. “If it would be okay with you, may I wear your helmet?”
For just a second, Enma lifted a hand to his heart, as if touched. And then he seemed to realize that he was doing it, because he tried to play off the movement as him just hesitating to take off the helmet. He wasn’t able to hide the blush or tiny smile on his face though, so he just looked away from them as Deuce slipped the helmet over his own head.
Luckily for Enma, he would be given the free reign to blush without too much teasing, because Crowley chose that exact moment to divebomb into the clearing.
He smiled at all of the unfortunate first years that he had just spooked. “Everyone ready? How about you two get to your positions?”
Crowley did not receive an answer.
But, apparently, there hadn’t been much of a choice to begin with, because he grabbed Deuce and Ace by the arms and dragged their still-stunned bodies toward the center.
The Yuus and Grim didn’t hesitate to follow after, though Grim was much faster, immediately running over to the spray-painted line in the grass that marked how close spectators could be. The Yuus took their time, but not entirely by choice. Ito… was hacking up a lung into Enma’s handkerchief. Enma looped an arm around them, taking most of their weight to help them get there. Enma and Kuroki spared each other looks of concern.
They weren’t the only ones who weren’t having the best time, though. Cater and Trey stood by Riddle, talking to each other in hushed tones, their foreheads wrinkled with worry.
Cater, hesitantly, lifted a hand. “Riddle, what about today’s afternoon tea?”
“You know that the rules stipulate that I take my tea every day at 16:00 sharp.”
“Yeah… but it’s past 15:30… maybe we should call this whole thing off…?”
“I won’t be late,” Riddle scoffed.
“He thinks he’s already won!” Ace said, his knuckles white where he gripped his pen.
Deuce scowled. “He’s barely even looking at us.”
“Rosehearts-kun, their collars, please?” Crowley cut in before the two could forgo their wands in favor of an all-out brawl.
Riddle waved his pen lazily, and Ace and Deuce’s collars disappeared instantly. They both sagged in relief.
“Finally,” groaned Ace, shaking out his hands like one would a limb that had been numb for a while.
Deuce sighed, smiling faintly, tipping his head back as far as it could go now that he had the ability to do so freely again. “Much better.”
“Enjoy your moment of freedom,” Riddle taunted.
“Okay, I may have done something to try and give Ace and Deuce an advantage, and I kind of fucked up, but you guys have to promise you won’t get mad,” Ito whispered hurriedly.
“What did you do?” Kuroki said, a sinking feeling settling into his gut.
“Promise,” Ito said, almost begging.
Crowley held up a seemingly normal mirror. “Once this mirror shatters upon the ground, the duel begins!”
Kuroki and Enma glanced at each other, before nodding, however warily.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Grim said, and it was hard to tell whether he was talking about what was going on with Ito or the duel.
“Greatgreatgreat,” Ito mumbled, mostly to themself, slowly removing their hand from their shirt.
A hedgehog tumbled out, rolling down the slight ramp they’d made with their leg, into the grass.
Aw, cute, Kuroki thought absently.
And then he looked up at Ito, everything hitting him at once.
Ito was allergic to hedgehogs. They’d been holding one against their bare skin since they’d gotten back from helping Enma with his clothes, at the very least.
And he understood what Ito’s plan was, he did, it was a good one, Riddle would definitely freak out over the presumed rule being broken when he saw the hedgehog was out and it might just throw him off enough for Ace and Deuce to get a shot in…
However. The duel was suddenly the last thing on his mind.
“I meant to let out the flamingos, but I couldn’t find —.”
Every head in the clearing turned their way.
Crowley jolted in surprise at the sudden outburst. The mirror slipped from his fingers and clattered to the ground, but no one paid it any mind.
Enma started dragging Ito away from the tiny ball of cuteness and murder. “GET AWAY FROM IT! YOU'RE ALLERGIC!”
“A hedgehog?!” Riddle yelped the moment his eyes landed on the pink little guy, his eyes wide.
Trey frowned a little, but there was real panic hidden in his eyes. Still, he tried to stay calm, keeping his voice as even as possible as he said: “You’re allergic?”
Cater didn’t bother with a facade, hissing curses under his breath. He knelt to scoop up the little guy to help get it away, scanning the grass all the while for any more ‘escapees’.
“Oh dear!” Crowley said, his hands covering his mouth, terrified.
It was then that Ace finally realized that the Headmaster’s hands were empty and therefore the mirror had shattered, and that technically the duel had started, and quickly nudged Deuce.
The pair shot a cauldron Riddle’s way.
Riddle nearly got blown over, but he noticed the frankly gigantic thing heading his way at the last possible moment and sent it off-course with a gust of wind of his own. Within a second, he had waved his wand, and Ace and Deuce were collared once again.
“FUCK,” said Ace, almost falling over with the force of the spell.
“To use your own friend’s allergic reaction…” Riddle hissed. “Just how terribly did your parents raise you?”
Deuce paused where he had been heading over to check on Ito, and then whipped around.
He slammed his fist into Riddle’s jaw, sending the small boy backward a couple of steps. Riddle looked at him with wide eyes.
“Do not talk shit about my mom,” Deuce hissed.
Riddle, however stunned, still managed to look smug. “If you don’t want me to say such things then, perhaps, you shouldn’t prove me right.”
The redhead jerked in surprise, hand frozen where it cradled the bruise blooming on his jaw. “Wh… what?”
“I can’t take this anymore! Forget Riddle, forget the duel, forget all this shit! I’m done!”
“You two…!” Riddle said, his head jerking from Deuce to Ace and back again.
“Kids are not extensions of their parents! If Deuce and I are shitty, then that’s on us! And if you are shitty then that’s on you!”
“What are you even…?”
“Yeah, you had the helicopter mom of helicopter moms, okay? But you are not her! Can’t you think for yourself?! You call yourself the ‘red sovereign’? You’re a baby that’s good at magic!”
Riddle scowled, the tip of his pen glowing a deep red. He pointed it at Ace and Deuce. “Shut up shutupshutUP! My mother was right, and that means I am right, too!”
“Riddle…” Trey said quietly.
He looked around for help, catching Kuroki’s eyes for just a moment to send a pleading look, but Kuroki neither disagreed with Ace and Deuce enough to stop them nor was he currently interested in leaving Ito’s side.
Cater had magically swapped Ito’s clothes for the suit he’d made again, trying to minimize the amount of hedgehog residue still touching them, but it wasn’t enough. A duplicate ran off, looking for a box of hand wipes in hopes that they could at least prevent things from getting worse.
Enma didn’t even look over at Trey. “Can you lift your arms above your head? It should open up your chest and let you breathe better,” he said.
Ito shook their head rapidly, practically smothering their own mouth with the handkerchief. “Not – not my chest. It’s –.” They wheezed, their free hand clutching their throat. “I can’t… what’s the word?” Tears formed in the corners of their eyes. “Mierda. Mierdamierdamierda.”
“That’s okay, Ito-chan,” Cater said, trying for a smile. “Just concentrate on trying to breathe, okay?”
Trey swallowed thickly, realizing he was very much not going to get any help. “How about we all just calm down?”
“Yes,” said Crowley, pinprick eyes concentrated on Riddle’s wand, his lips tight with worry. “The duel is over, and the challengers are disqualified on account of their physical violence. If you fire off that wand, you will be written up for breaking school rules!”
Riddle hesitated on the last sentence.
And then an egg slammed itself into the side of Riddle’s head, spilling yolk down his cheek.
The boy whipped around, his face reddening in anger once again. “Who threw that?!”
There was a moment of hesitation.
Egg Guy stepped up. “I did.”
“No, it was me,” Lackey said, pressing a hand to his chest.
And then everyone was stepping forward, claiming that it was them that had thrown the egg.
“Are you going to punish all of us?” Lackey said, smirking.
Riddle looked at everyone with wide eyes, and in that moment it became obvious that it was sinking in how much people in his dorm hated him.
But then he laughed, a high, almost maniacal sound. “You think you’re fed up? I’m the one that’s fed up with all of you! No matter how strict I am, no matter how many heads I remove, you all insist on breaking the rules! Clearly, none of you value your heads, so I will be taking them from you!”
Everyone’s eyes widened as they realized that Riddle actually could and would punish all of them. People started rushing backward, trying to get away, and yet…
Collar after collar snapped over their necks. A few people raised their wands, trying to at least have a fighting chance, but Riddle was so much stronger.
“Ha! See! None of you can stand up to me! My adherence to rules was correct!”
“Rosehearts-kun! Cease this improper behavior at once!”
“Riddle!” Trey pleaded. “Stop, please!”
Ace, however, laughed. “What did you say to Deuce? ‘If you don’t want me to say such things then, perhaps, you shouldn’t prove me right’? I call you a baby, and now you’re throwing a temper tantrum!”
“YOU TAKE THAT BACK!” Riddle screeched. A tree nearby lifted from the ground, roots and all, and the leaves rustled as they were forced into a finely tuned point. “RETRACT THAT STATEMENT OR I WILL SKEWER YOU WHERE YOU STAND!”
Kuroki shot to his feet. Okay, they’d definitely let this get out of hand. In their defense, their usual common sense and local person with empathy’s lips were currently turning a horrible shade of blue.
Their heads swung back and forth, not sure whether they should stay and help Ito further or go and try to talk Riddle down, too. God, there were two of them, but neither of them wanted to move from their current spots helping Ito. Why couldn’t they just be in two places at once?!
Ace, for a moment, seemed to regret everything, eyeing the tree. But then he shot Riddle a smile. “Do it. Prove me right,” he dared.
Riddle’s nostrils flared. He pointed at Ace, and the tree shot his way.
Cater cried out as the tree slammed into him, branches slicing through him like butter.
Kuroki’s head whipped around to where Cater had just been, and was surprised to find him still there, holding his chest and breathing deeply.
The duplicate, piece by piece, shot back to Cater, leaving the bloodied tree to fall to the ground limply.
Ace stared at the blood pooled at his feet. The box of wipes laying there, red staining the pale blue packaging and smiling bears on the cover. He looked at Riddle. “You… you actually tried to kill me!”
Riddle, however, turned his attention onto the real Cater. The boy was propped up against a nearby tree, breathing hard, a hand on his chest where his alternate self had been run through.
“You, too, Cater?” Riddle said. “And here I thought you, at least, understood… but no matter! I will have to take your head, too!”
But, when Riddle lifted his wand to do just that, nothing but playing cards came out. 
And the collars around the necks of the Heartlabyul students dissolved into confetti.
“WHAT?!” Riddle screeched. He lifted his pen again, trying repeatedly to collar them all again, but to no avail.
It clicked.
He whipped around, looking at Trey with glassy eyes. His voice was strangely quiet when he asked, “That’s your magic, isn’t it?”
Trey swallowed thickly. And then he nodded. “My magic can overwrite characteristics for a short time. So, I turned ‘your magic’ into ‘my magic’.”
“No… even you?” Riddle asked, his voice breaking on the last word. “Even you, who knows how much I sacrificed for this?”
“Riddle, please,” Trey begged. “Just listen to us.”
“But you…” Riddle lifted a hand to his head, as if he were feeling faint. “You were raised by such lenient parents. But your magic, it’s stronger than mine. That… that means… she didn’t have to… was it all for nothing?”
Riddle finally broke down crying.
But his tears were tainted a horrible, inky black as they spilled down his face.
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markedprey · 6 months
             @bloodybcrbie asked: " hold still. let me take care of you."                           inbox prompts : always accepting.
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             It was instinct, that knee jerk reaction when it came to being hurt. That desire to recoil, to flinch away from any touch- always assuming the worst. To think he had been this way for so many years, tending to his own wounds, he’d forgotten what it was like to be loved at all. Then here she came, seemingly out of the blue one day, so unsuspecting, up until the body she tried to hide gave her away. Now to think this sick twisted game they played was something they didn’t have to do alone. Whoever she wanted, wherever she wanted, he would see to it that her little playthings were rightfully disposed of. When the men would get too out of hand at the bar, it was always he who would step in. When a victim would try to run, rest assured he was there to keep them in their place. 
             Yet all it took was a single slip up, a makeshift weapon or a swinging fist, and it would be enough for him to take it into his own hands. Usually it was the men, too drunk to have logic or reason, nor take no for an answer when she wouldn’t put up with their advances. Fights that he’d spill into the street, a back alley, riled up by flying fists and his hands around someone's throat. Every once in a while they’d get a hit in, a particularly rough right hook coming in contact with his face, a loud crack resonating through the empty back alleys as he’d take it upon himself to brandish a knife and finish the pathetic drunk off. The body would be disposed of later, but all that mattered was getting her home safe that night.
             It’s how he ended up at her place, the corpse tucked away in the back of his truck for now. His shirt lingered with specks of blood, that which fell from his nose, past his lips, having dripped down his chin, a bloody nose and a split lip from where contact was made. Thankfully, it was the worst of it, and truth be told he’d forgotten about it for the most part. Alcohol and adrenaline still buzzed in his veins, and it wasn’t until she tried to help did he flinch as a well manicured nail reached up to touch the tender spot on his bottom lip. 
             He hadn’t realized just how bad it hurt, not until she was keen on helping him out. Attempting to see the damage done, when he’d been so accustomed to dealing with it on his own. Truthfully it was the last thing on his mind, her being the first priority. Taken off guard by her tenderness, his brow knit tightly with the internal struggle of trying to push away a loving hand, knowing there was no maliciousness, that she was genuine about the concern she held for him. Why, he would simply exhale, slowly through his nose as she’d try and examine him like a child that fell and bumped their head. He’d never had a lover so keen on helping, her full lips set to a focused purse as she turned to grab cloth from the sink to help. How he could imagine her as a housewife, that tender love and care, with the way she’d try and clean away the blood. He couldn’t help but smile, feeling the wound tear at the gesture, but hardly cared as she’d press the cloth harder to his bleeding skin, half muffling him as he tried to talk out the other side of his mouth.
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             “What would I do without you sweetheart…” Hands moved to her waist, playing sliding around to her lower back to pull her in close, half tempted to kiss her with a copper mouth, teeth stained with his own blood as he chuckled. “ Y’know, one of these days I’ll get you a ring, mark my words…”
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arctic-fiction · 2 years
Chapter 9: New Beginnings
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✨Masterlist✨ Summary: The eleventh hour is upon our heros Rating: Teen Warnings: violence, religion Wordcount: 2953
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The dungeons were in a far off corner of the citadel I had never been to, hidden behind the Guardian training grounds and the armoury. Little sunlight passed through the cracked and moss covered stonework. The bars on my cell had rusted over the years. I laid on my back and watched a spider spin a new web in the corner. 
"I don't know why you're down here, buddy," I mumbled, “I don’t even have anything to share.”
I sighed and stared at my hand, balling it into a fist. The still fresh cuts on my fingers stung. My throat was as dry as the dust covered floor, and a deep pain had made its home in my stomach. Sleep evaded me, and dreams even more. Only echoes of Aurel’s words played in my mind. “In your anger and grief, you have lashed out to the world around you, but never deciding what part you can play in her creation.”“Creation.” I rolled my eyes. “Seems like all I can create are problems.” “Shut up back there,” A Guardian said. I looked through the bars but saw no one. I sat up against the cool metal and closed my eyes. I tried to swallow and push the dryness away. I’d do anything for just a drop of water.
Something dripped onto my cheek and my eyes shot open. I touched my cheek, and watched a single drop roll down my fingertip. Where did that come from? Did I…?
I quickly formed a bowl with my hands and pictured it overflowing with water in my head. Droplets formed, faster and faster, until the water trickled over my fingers down my legs. I brought my hands to my face and lapped up as much as I could, until my stomach hurt. My thoughts were a whirlwind, ideas passing through them faster than I could comprehend, until my growling stomach pulled me back to earth. Could this work again? I held out my hand and imagined an apple, perfectly red and sweet, and watched the dust particles in the air merge and morph, before a round red apple laid between my fingers. I tentatively took a bite. Its sweet flavour made my mouth water. I ate it all, until nothing remained but the stem and the seeds. I dug one out and buried it under the dust.
“Grow,” I whispered. Within seconds, two verdant green leaves popped up from its place. My eyes went wide and my mouth slack. I focused on it and watched it climb up in front of my eyes. 
Blood dripped onto one of the leaves, and dark spots encroached on my vision. I touched my nose and saw blood coat my fingertips. I flopped back onto my back, suddenly hit with a deep exhaustion. The kind you feel in your bones. My eyelids were heavy, and I fell into a deep slumber.
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A thundering commotion startled me awake. Several Guardians struggled to subdue the man they’re holding down. Dried blood caked his tan skin. His black hair was stuck to his face. He elbowed the Guardian behind him and shook him off. He bolted towards my cell and clung to the bars.
“Karah,” I grasped his hands, “You shouldn’t have come.” “I couldn’t let them take you.” A Guardian dragged him back by his hair. I pressed myself against the metal bars and reached through. “Don’t hurt him.” A spear tip was thrusted between the bars. “Get back, filth.”
 “Well, isn’t this a touching scene?” The icy voice of the High Priestess cut through the air and halted the scuffle. She sauntered further into the dungeons, Vanna closely behind her. Bile rose in my throat at the sight of her. She stood like a statue, with perfectly pulled back hair and a polished cuirass. 
“I told you it was only a matter of time.” Her gaze shifted from me to Karah. “After all, this isn’t the first time we danced this dance, is it Karah?” She snapped her fingers, and Karah was dragged up to his feet. He towered over her, and yet felt so small. He glared at her and spat in her face. She slapped him across his face. Karah’s laugh reverberated through the room, and he threw his head back. The High Priestess’s scowl deepened. “What’s so funny?” “Your high and mighty attitude. But I assume that comes with the job title. Remember when we just had Priests, Caelina?” “Don’t you dare call me that.” “Why? Reminds you too much of your humanity? Now that I think about it, you were an apprentice Timekeeper, not an Acolyte. I wonder what sort of deal you cut to get where you are now.” The High Priestess pulled a dagger from her robes and pressed it against Karah’s throat. Karah didn’t flinch, and instead looked down at her with a smile on his face. I was frozen in place and the Guardians had let go of him in the fray. “You will regret every word from your filthy mouth.” “Or what? You’ll kill me? How has that worked out for you so far?” She glanced over at me, and a wicked grin creeped over her face. “Trust me, you’ll be begging for the sweet release of death.” She slashed his cheek before turning on her heel and leaving.
“Out. Now.” Vanna said. “But-” A Guardian started “That’s an order.” “Yes, commander.” And they all scampered off. After the last one left, she let out a big sigh. Karah touched his cheek and watched the blood trickle down his fingers. A faint silver light emitted from his fingertips and mended the cut. Vanna unlocked my cell door. I pushed past her, into Karah's arms. Loud sobs wrecked through my body. He shushed me, softly rubbing my back and kissing my hair. “He loved me,” “I know.” “I should’ve loved him in the same way.” “That’s not your burden to bear.”
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Vanna said. I turned to her and narrowed my eyes. “Why are you still here?” “It’s alright, Light-bearer,” Karah said. “No, it’s not. I bet those Scouts knew where to find us even without me alerting them. She’s the reason you’re here right now. She’s the reason Skye is dead.” “Hey!” Karah grabbed my arm. “I asked her to bring me to you.” “My men are taking over the night's watch. They'll make sure there's a half an hour gap we can use to slip out. Tesni is waiting for us at the trapdoor in the old bell tower.” “No.” “What?” “No.” I repeated more firmly. “Light-Bearer please reconsider...” Karah started. “It’s Nova, and I’m done running. We run, they come after us, people get hurt. Over and over again, each time with more violence and bloodshed.” “You’ll die.” “So? At least I won’t be a coward.” I plopped down to the ground and crossed my arms. Vanna sighed. “At least go back into your cell to make it look convincing to the guards. I’ll see you tonight in case you change your mind.” And she walked off.
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I couldn’t sleep. Vanna had come by just after the sun had set, but I refused her offer again. Cold had crept into the dungeons and wrapped its icy fingers around me. I could see my breath in the thin threads of moonlight. I rolled over and peered into the darkness. Karah was sitting on his knees, hands outstretched, and his head turned up, basking in the moonlight. His lips moved fervently, only stopping ever so often as if he was eagerly waiting for an answer. Distant whispers filled the room, too far away to be understood. 
I got up. The rusted lock broke open with ease. The voices became louder as I got closer to Karah. I took his hand in mine. His fingers were icy. A thin layer of sweat coated his skin, reflecting the light and making him glow. 
“Karah,” I nudged him. No response. I brushed his hair out of his face and gasped. The deep green from his eyes had disappeared. Instead, milky white irises starred up to the sky, unblinking and unmoving. I stood up and scooted back. He grabbed me and pulled me flush against him. "Do you hear them?" He rasped. "Hear what?" He didn't respond and held me tighter. I couldn't breathe. "Karah, I don't under-" "Sssshhh, listen." The whispers were deafening, morphing into pleas and cries. "I knew them all." Tears fell from his eyes, onto my face. "I failed them all." I stayed silent, brushing my fingers through his hair. His wings wrapped around us. "You can't let your past drag you up into the sky. I need you here, on the ground." He blinked slowly, and the green in his eyes returned. "Welcome back," I smiled. "I…you should rest." He wiped the tears from his face. He let go and his wings unfurled. "Do you want me to stay?" He hesitated before nodding. He gently reclined back. I settled against his chest. "You'll make it up to them. I really believe that you will." I whispered.
He hummed. The whispers faded away and the dull drum of his heartbeat lulled me into a deep sleep.
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The door of the dungeon slammed open. Guardians dragged us up to our feet by our hair. My arms got cuffed behind me and a collar with heavy chains was put around my neck. Someone else bound my hands behind me. Karah struggled against them. A Guardian kicked him in the back of the knee, and he collapsed to the ground. Vanna pushed me forward. “I’d start praying if I were you. This is the end of the line.”
I nodded. I kept my head high and steadfast. Never letting anyone see a shred of fear as I walked through the halls. Inside, a deep pit of despair settled into my stomach. I walked to my death with no plan, no help, and no prayers on my lips. I wasn’t going to beg for someone to save me. If this was the end, I would face it with dignity.
The midday sun painted a rainbow of colours on the white marble floor of the Sanctum. The images of the stars and the gods brought me little comfort. The altar had been cleared out to make room for a pyre. I got shoved down to my knees onto the marble steps. A third figure was already kneeling in chains. My heart sank, and I glanced over to Vanna. Her lip was quivering ever so slightly, and tears were forming in her eyes. They found Tesni last night. I strained against the collar to reach her, to comfort her in our last moments, but I was yanked back. The High Priestess stood at the top of the steps, gloating. She cleared her throat and addressed the crowd:
 “When I was a child, I was granted a vision. And in that dream, I saw a man with broken wings, covered with smoke and blood among the rotting corpses, smiling. I woke up crying, not understanding the images that were shown to me. It was not until years later that I realised it was a warning for what was about to pass.” 
“A foul plague swept through our lands, laying waste to those I held dear. And from the ashes rose a man. The plague ceased and many hailed him as a divine saviour, but I knew his true nature. I warned the elders, but his corruption had spread too far. His betrayal burnt our old home to ashes. Few of us made it out unharmed. When the fires died down, we found a young girl, unharmed and crying. She said that a man in her head was talking to her, and I knew he had survived.” She paused and looked down at us with a venomous glint in her eyes. 
“For centuries I have carelessly let the dark one fester deep amongst us like an infected wound. In turn, he has once again corrupted those we loved. Even the one we placed our hopes of protection on. It is high time we start with a clean slate.” 
They dragged Karah up the steps. I screamed against the gag and struggled against the bindings. Someone kicked me in the head. My face smashed into the stone, and the metallic taste of blood seeped into my mouth. A fire built in my chest, burning with a heat I had never known, as I watched through hooded eyes how Karah was bound to the stake. He had squeezed his eyes closed, and his lips were moving with the same feverish pace from last night. A Sunfire dagger was drawn, kindling was lit, and the pyre set ablaze.
And I shattered completely. 
I let out a blood-curdling scream. The bindings turned into dust. I watched as my body rose from the steps, moving on its own volition. The High Priestess stared at me with a terror stricken expression. With a flick of my wrist, Karah was released from the pyre, and slumped down to the floor. He heaved and coughed, unable to lift himself up. Every fibre in me screamed to turn around and help him. Instead, I stalked forward, fixated on the High Priestess like an animal on its prey. She was shivering and seemed to shrink before my eyes.
"Coward!" I felt my lips moving but the voice was not my own. It was warped and distant. She flinched. "I-" “Silence! I will not tolerate your insolent yammering for another second. You have woven a web of lies to beguile my flock, propped yourself up as the hero of the narrative, and spat in the faces of the divines you claim to venerate. You have maimed and killed every child that could threaten your crumbling throne. All for a mere taste of power.” “I took what I was owed!” She bit back. “You were owed nothing. You come from nothing. You bring forth nothing. You save nothing. Now, you shall be erased. Completely."
My arm swept up and the windows shattered. Shards of multicoloured glass cut through the air. The crowd of young Acolytes watched in horror as they swirled faster and faster into a dome. The wind whipped around me. From the corner of my eye, I could see Karah shielding himself. Small cuts littered his skins and drops of blood streaked on the shards. The High Priestess had fallen onto her back. In her wide eyes I saw my own reflection. A rage beyond my wildest nightmares was cut across my face, and my blood ran cold. I hesitated. The force within me grew impatient. I struck down with a balled fist and the glass followed suit. It contorted into a point and swept down. The High Priestess curled her wings around herself.
But nothing came. She peeked over her wings. All the glass was suspended in mid-air, inches from her face. “What are you doing?” Karah yelled. “Do it!” “I will not be the executioner today,” I panted. As I unfurled my fist the shards turned into sand, and gently blew away in the breeze. She dashed forward, drawing a hidden blade. I swatted it out her hand, clanking on the ground, and grabbed her throat. “Don’t mistake my mercy for cowardice.” I squeezed harder and leaned in close. “I could still end it all within a heartbeat.” I let her go. She opened her mouth for a rebuttal, but Karah snuck up behind her. He clasped his hand around her throat, and a bright flash erupted from it. “You talk too much,” he said. She opened her mouth again, but no sound came.
“Now then, I think you have some talking to do.” He motioned with his head to the crowd still observing us. I hesitated. “Oh, don’t get cold feet now.” "I don't know what to say to these people,” I said. “Just trust your instincts. It’ll be fine.”
I shuffled to the edge of the podium and looked over the room. A few of the Acolytes started bowing. I waved them off. "Don’t... don't do that." I sat down on the steps and gazed at my bruised and dirty feet as I searched for words to say.
"Can we all just take a minute to breathe? Because I am exhausted." A small chime of laughter sounded from within the crowd. "But aren't we all? Tired from walking on eggshells our entire lives. From the fear of sticking a toe out of line so that we don't end up there?" I pointed behind me at the stake. "And it really seems all pointless now, doesn't it? I was taught to sit up there, be quiet, and play my part in her charade. Caught up in pointless rituals to ward off a bogeyman who didn't exist. So, now what? I'm not a leader. I'm definitely not a prophet or a holy woman. I don't know if I'll ever be. But I do know we need a real clean slate. We- I can't keep living in the same halls that were built on a foundation of broken promises and innocent deaths." 
I stood up. I raised my arms high above my head, and slowly brought them down again. Bowing deeper and deeper until the tip of my nose grazed the cold marble floor. Oohs and Aahs filled the Sanctum. Slowly, all the stonework turned to dust and danced away in the gentle breeze. The soft grass tickled against my nose and the sunlight wrapped around me like a warm embrace. Flowers sprouted up around me.
"It's time you start bearing your own light again."
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leviathanspain · 2 years
hi i saw you were looking for matt ideas
maybe reader is sick and like has fever and she doesn't want to but matt insists she go home with him so he can watch over her and in the middle of the night she wakes up and matt is gone so she panics
3:23 am
matt murdock x reader
synopsis: matt can’t help but being a saint
the bottle hit the floor with a clatter, the tray falling out from your hands and landing at the feet of a really good lawyer.
“y/n.” matt looked in your direction as your sneeze attack finally ended. “that’s it-“ he stepped back to the bar counter, “josie! send y/n home! she’s a walking hazard.” matt didn’t seem to have such a playful manner as he told the bar owner.
you shook your head, “matt! no- josie, please let me stay-“ josie waved a hand, “you gotta go. sorry hun.”
you looked at matt who was raising his eyebrows in concern, you walked past him, muttering words along the lines of bitchy jerk- but matt merely smiled a thanks to josie and followed you.
you swung the door open of the bar, stepping out into the freezing winter night in new york. matt was hot on your feet, but you kept walking, footfalls fast as you hugged yourself for warmth. you held in the urge to cough, the cold affecting you more harshly now. “y/n! stop.” matt yelled after you, but you refused to stop.
matt ran up next to you and grabbed your arm, “don’t make a blind man run.” he joked and you rolled your eyes, “come on, matty..” you pleaded. you sniffled and let your head hit his chest with a soft pad, sniffling as you shivered, “i don’t need you to worry about me.”
matt nodded, “i know. but, after the things we’ve been through, i think i’m entitled to take care of you.” he referenced the times he’d drop by your apartment with cuts and bruises, and you never once asked him why. he liked that about you, he liked that you cared but never involved yourself.
“come on, i can make a mean cup of hot chocolate.” he pulled you along.
“after you.” matt held the door open to his apartment while you shuffled inside. you walked over to his bedroom, kicking your shoes off and tucking yourself in the sheets, you let out a moan at how comfortable the bed felt.
matt chuckled as he walked into the room, his suit jacket was nowhere to be found and his tie was hanging loosely now, “if i knew you moaned like that for my bed, cant imagine what else can make you moan like that..”
you rolled your eyes, “i kiss you a few times and all of a sudden-“ you cut yourself off as you sneezed again, a fit of six or seven continuous sneezes as matt stood there staring at you.
“tissue?” he offered and you nodded, watching him grab a box from out of his nightstand.
you blew your nose and felt embarrassed, “i- i don’t want you to see me like this matty- im disgusting!” you felt insecure watching such an attractive man take care of you when you felt like a walking disease.
“hey-“ matt chided, “don’t say that. i don’t care that you’re sick. i want to take care of you.” matt reached down to feel your temperature, “jeez, you have a fever.” he pulled back and bit his lip as he thought.
he paused and gave an affirmative nod, he walked over to his dresser, grabbing the first pair of shirt and shorts he could find and threw them onto the bed, “get changed, i’ll make you a cup of hot chocolate and find some aspirin, and then it’s lights out for you.”
“for me?!” you exclaimed, scoffing, “you sound like my mother, murdock.”
matt cracked a smile, but it fell as he got serious, “do it. or else.”
you raised your eyebrows, and paused, “you know, sometimes i make facial expressions that i expect you to make fun of but i forget you can’t see.” you stifled a laugh and matt gave a fake gasp. “you’ll pay for that.”
a few minutes later, matt was bringing your cup back to the bedroom but he heard your snoring as he finished pouring the cup. he looked over at his trunk and thought.
you woke up with a pounding headache. you looked over to find matt no where in sight. his side of the bed was unslept in and you looked over at the clock, matt should’ve been in bed by now. you got up and shuffled into the cold apartment, matt wasn’t on the couch either.
you felt panic rise in your throat as you saw the abandoned cups of chocolate. “matty?” you called out and silence met your response.
you felt your heart pounding in your head, “matty?” you called out again, and you ran back to the bed, trying to find your phone desperately.
“y/n.” you heard a voice call you from the living room. you turned to see a masked figure in the living room.
“matt?” you questioned and the figure took off the mask, revealing a nervous matt murdock underneath.
“oh my god.” you walked to him and he looked at you, and you paused, before throwing your arms around him, sniffling, you kissed him deeply, “don’t do that to me again, matty. don’t scare me like that.” you sounded so scared it broke matt’s heart. he grabbed you, “i’m sorry.”
“so you really don’t care that i run around in a devil suit and save the people of hell’s kitchen?” matt asked as he held you close to his chest in bed. you shook your head, “i’ve always kinda known. i just wanted to wait until you told me.” you answered, “also sorry for kissing you, you’re probably gonna be sick tomorrow or something.”
matt nodded, “more time to spend with you then.” he kissed your forehead and you snuggled deeper into his side.
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slytherbun · 3 years
pairing: jay halstead x reader
summary: you find yourself in some trouble while clearing a location with your partner jay.
word count: 2.8k
tags: @specialagentsoftie @fighterkimburgess @everythingaddictxx
note: different kind of pd fic then i'm used to but hope y'all like it! ☺
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"we're eight minutes out. don't go in yet." voight said into the mic but you and jay had already entered a second too late.
jay's been your partner for almost a year now. the one he had before you was a blonde named hailey that took a position from the fbi.
when you first met him it was about a month after the previous detective left and you could tell he was obviously still in denial. you gave him space and only input your opinion about cases you worked on with intelligence.
it took about three weeks until he actually said anything besides the occasional comment. and he knew deep down that you weren't trying to replace her. but since you were together a lot during the week—jay couldn't help but make his own conclusion about you.
he started to open up more when he looked past the stubbornness after concluding that you were a decent person. for a moment there, you could have sworn he was having an out of body experience with how nice he started treating you.
jay started to invite you out to drinks on a periodic basis. he wanted to explore the possibilities of having you as his permanent partner. one night after a couple of drinks, jay was in a good mood and showed you a picture of his old partner.
the two of them were standing in front of their new work truck with bright smiles on their faces. he talked about her a lot after that night as a way of meeting you half-way. and by the end of that month—it was as if you physically knew her and who she was as a person.
the both of you hit it off pretty well and became friends. even as far as, having drinks every tuesday and thursday after work at molly's—the firefighter owned bar.
jay mumbled a curse at the order voight gave but it was already too late. "get behind me." he spoke in a hushed whisper. not wanting to argue in that particular moment you did as told.
detective halstead had his gun raised and in a firm grip around his fingers before stepping further into the house. you followed his position and warily stepped more into the creaky house.
luckily the both of you had vests already on and around your chests. the material easily gave you a visual view of his arm muscles around the freckles splayed across his biceps.
right away you spotted the cans of spray paint sitting on the concrete living room floors. crude words were traced along the four walls and you couldn't help but scrunch your nose at the horrid smell.
it only had you raising your pistol higher.
while you glanced around to survey the room closely, you couldn't help but notice the gang symbols that you were familiar with. due to the cpd database you knew at least three different affiliations drawn over the wood boarded windows.
the overused drug house looked like something out of a horror movie.
"clear." he grunted between paced cautious breaths and you continued to walk behind his careful steps around the garbage to venture into the main hallway of the house.
jay stopped at the entryway and you turned back around to double check the area once again while he scanned the front view where you and he needed to go.
both sides of the hallway were clear but he made sure his gun was raised and followed every inch of the hallway space that he inspected.
you felt a tap on your waist and turned back around to see jay was still facing forward. he probably hadn't noticed the spot he touched of your body but it still sent shivers down your spine with the intimacy of it.
but you pushed away the anxiousness to check and see what was bothering jay. the only thought you should be having right now is how to get out of the dangerous position.
the hallway was full of open and vulnerable space. a clear point of range that could be taken advantage of to take either you or jay out at any time.
jay was concerned for you. he couldn't help the anxious feeling that he had in the pit of his stomach. the unknowingness ahead in the crack house irked him greatly that he couldn’t predict what was about to happen.
the walls of the hallway smelled highly metallic and if that hadn't given it away, the walls were filled with fresh blood splatter. you gulped at the sight of the bright red handprints going down the length of the hall and glanced at jay from the corner of your eye with an eyebrow raised.
he sighed and nodded his head while pointing his gun to the left to signal the continuance of moving on. you bit the bottom of your lip and tipped your head to let him know you were ready to go.
turning your body in a three hundred sixty angle, you watched his back and felt the hairs on the back of your neck lift up in a static gesture. you could also feel goosebumps all over your arms and you just wanted to hurry up and get out of there.
it was truly the most awful scene you've ever been to. with everything you had—you kept yourself together and calm. your lips were in a straight line the whole time.
you should have known with the uneasy feeling that things were going wrong within a split second. and you were right because after jay turned just slightly he felt a gun being pressed against his forehead.
“put your guns down or else i’m going to blow his head off.” an angered voice said into the echoey hall.
not believing what was happening, you turned your body to survey the area and another man came into your view and held his gun higher. “‘tsk tsk’ miss. hand me that gun or else we’re going to have problems.” jay sighed from behind you and you rolled your eyes.
“i’m not putting down shit until you tell me your demands.” you said maybe a little too cockily but it was protocol.
voight had told the team plenty of times to stall and not give up your gun at first. in hopes that the other’s would show up and it would become a better outcome if you just continued talking to the person who was a threat.
a third one appeared and now you were officially outnumbered but you were still hoping they were dumber than they looked. the one that was pressing a firearm to your partner’s temple spit out, “listen lady. you either put your weapon down or else his brain matter will be just another body that was paved across the walls of this house.”
you tried to calculate in your head quickly if you should take the risk of surrendering. voight said they were eight minutes out. and if you’ve been in the house for almost four minutes now.
that was half the time left until they were going to show but then those few precious minutes would be enough time for literally anything.
sometimes you hated being a part of the police force. how could you ever know the correct answer and outcome within a split second of your life? could anybody be capable of that? whatever choice you decided to take would be the outcome.
you knew you wouldn’t be able to live without jay as your partner and in your life. and his blood would be on your hands if you didn’t surrender now. a shaky breath fell past your lips when you clicked the safety back on and handed it to one of them.
of course they used your gun against you and headbutted you with it. little black spots were in your vision before it completely knocked you out. you just hoped the intelligence team would be able to find you and jay.
it would be your fault and you’d feel guilty until your last breath if they didn’t.
you weren’t sure how much time had passed but a hard slap against your cheek woke you up. a blood trail still continued to trickle down your forehead and you winced at the feeling of an awful beating in your eardrums. “wake up sleeping bitch.”
you tried to speak but instead you coughed at the buildup in your throat. not being able to help yourself, in a snarky tone you replied. “i thought it was sleeping beauty?” that earned you another slap that ensured fingerprints across your cheek but you weren’t feeling any regret about it.
“now shut up and answer my next question.” he inputted before you could interrupt again. you looked at him with a devious grin and he rolled his eyes in annoyance. “what were you looking for in that house?”
when you leaned forward, you realized the reason why you couldn’t move was because your arms were tied behind your back. but nonetheless you leaned forward encroaching in his space enough to feel his breath span out against your red cheek.
“as if i’d tell you.” your defiance had him pushing your head back forcefully so you hit the concrete behind you, feeling as if a baseball bat hit your skull.
he smirked at your uncomfort. “perhaps a little visit with your boyfriend will help you come to understand that i don’t mess around. if you don’t give me an answer—my boys won’t hesitate to put a bullet straight through his head.” your only reply was a silent one.
spitting blood onto his shoes and he cursed before grinning again. “yeah that’s what i thought.” turning his head towards the door, he yelled. “bring the pretty boy in!”
your shoulders immediately dropped when they entered the room. the other two men from earlier were dragging jay into the room and disposed of his body roughly on the ground in front of you. if it weren’t for his chest rising up and down faintly then you would have thought he was dead.
both of his eyes were already swollen and you knew he would have two black eyes for weeks, dried blood dripped down his face and you didn’t even want to look at the rest of his body. despite the fact he was wearing clothes, you knew he had many internal problems that would need only the care a hospital could provide.
“j-jay?” you stuttered at the sight of him.
he kept blacking out and struggled to stay awake. jay had been counting his breaths to make sure he had enough air circulating through his body. cracked ribs were no joke and he could only groan to let his favorite person know that he was still holding on.
“you think beating people is the only answer? violence?” you glanced around the room and glared at the three with a venomous look. they shared similar smiles hearing how hoarse your voice was.
“i hope my team finds you all and you rot!” the two that brought jay in walked away and the one that talked to you a few moments ago stood and looked down at you. saying one more thing before walking out the door and shutting it. “and i hope next time i come in here—you’ll feel more generous and tell me what you were up to. if you don’t then our pretty boy here will die as promised.”
as soon as he left the room, you started rubbing your arms up and down the wall in hopes that the binds around your wrists would break off. “y/n.” jay mumbled. you didn’t even notice he had turned his face and you shushed him. “don’t open your eyes jay. it’ll be okay, i promise.”
he tried again. “y-y/n. i need to t-tell you something.” jay’s lip was busted and bruised. he hissed at the pain. “you don’t need to tell me anything. we’re getting out of here, detective halstead.” you stated with confidence and continued to run your hands up and down despite the sting of your wrists.
jay had a feeling earlier this morning that something bad would happen. his gut had told him something and he wished he hadn’t ignored it. but he can’t always follow everything, especially when they didn’t even have their case yet. but of course after finding out the hard way, this case was bad.
he knew it and it still put you in harm's way but jay had to tell you how he felt just in case it did go the way he was hoping it wouldn’t. “i don’t care if i need to keep my strength right now. listen to me please.” he pleaded and you finally stopped, turning to glance at his face.
jay was squinting and the visual of his state had your stomach churning.
“y/n i haven’t been completely honest with you and i need to tell you this. i’ve wanted to for a while now, but i just couldn’t find the right moment to.” it was getting to the point where you were desperately trying to keep together. and now that he wanted to confess a deep secret that he’s held close to his chest, the whole thing just had you hysterical.
jay frowned when you started laughing. he tried to scoot closer but the pain he felt was significant. it was just one of those situations where it wasn’t an appropriate response but you couldn’t help yourself either.
he noticed the tears falling down your cheeks while watching you quiet down. a reaction like this didn’t surprise your partner so he didn’t blame your outburst in the least. “i’m s-sorry. i’m sorry.” you muttered and tilted your head to both sides.
you looked back over to jay after successfully wiping more than half of the tears on your sleeve. and for a moment he just gazed into your eyes with his blue ones. a look that you couldn’t decipher nor describe appeared across his face but he seemed to snap out of whatever he was thinking.
jay cleared his throat and continued with what he was about to say earlier. “it’s okay y/n. but i need you to know that i don’t blame you in the slightest for what went down in that house. i would have done the same exact thing because i love you.”
it was like time stopped and you couldn’t speak even if you wanted to. after all of that time you spent with jay. him wanting nothing to do with you, then becoming your acquaintance, somewhat of a real friend and he loved you?
“you really love me?” you questioned. not being able to believe what was coming out of his mouth. you wondered if the three men drugged him and he was high or delusional. a grunt came out his mouth at the current aching pain he felt all over his body.
“yes y/n, i love you so much. if i could, i’d be over there right now and giving you a hug. then i’d lean down and give you a kiss that i’ve been wanting to give you for months now.”
that honesty from him had you laughing, “months? me too. i’ve wanted to kiss you for almost the whole year that i’ve known you.” you replied with the same amount of honesty he had given you.
“yeah, y/n. it’s probably going to be a year soon but i meant what i said. i really do love you and i’m sorry we’re in the situation that we’re in now. i wish i could protect you from this.” before you could reply the two of you heard gunshots outside of the room. “shit! i hope that’s them.” you mumbled and jay nodded as best as he could.
the door banged open and hit the wall. you almost peed your pants with how happy you were to see kevin and adam surveying the room. “clear!” kevin announced and then walked over to you and jay. adam spoke into the radio, “5021 ida. we have officers down and need two ambos rolled to our location.”
after kevin ripped the binds from your wrists, you crawled over to jay even though your arms were killing you. another tear fell down your cheek when you got up and close to him. he looked awful but now that the two of you were safe, he could begin to heal soon enough. “jay.” he made a ‘hmm’ sound due to the exhaustion he was feeling.
“i love you too.” you finally said and he smiled. you leaned down to brush your lips against his carefully. “after all of this is done. i’m going to give you a proper one.”
you winked and he grinned and responded while the medics rolled in. “we have plenty of time in the world now.”
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ ʀɪɢʜᴛ _____________________
ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ’s!ʙᴇsᴛ!ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ!ʙᴜᴄᴋʏ ʙᴀʀɴᴇs ᴀᴜ
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: You and Buck have always been close growing up but you two soon learn that the line that separates friendly and flirting is a lot thinner than you think.
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: fluff, slight angst bc u got a shit bf, big bro vibes from bucky, smut duh [18+ minors dni (slight praise but also slight degradation, marking, belly bulge, squirting, fem!rec oral, unprotected sex, plz be safe irl, slight choking, pet names: darling&princess, i think that’s it lmk plz)]
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ’s ɴᴏᴛᴇs: hey assholes i'm back for the time being lol. I have a few ideas and fics I'm currently writing right now so do not fret.
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You knew this was a horrible idea. 
It’s Saturday night and you and your boyfriend were back in another night club after being kicked out from one just hours before. Daniel had gotten too drunk, as he always does, causing you to kindly ask the bartender to cut him off. Daniel didn’t take that too lightly resulting in a gnarly swing at the poor guy just doing his job. 
Security threw you out and Daniel called an Uber to go where you thought was going to be your apartment but twenty minutes later you pulled up to another club practically on the other side of town. You yelled at Daniel but he pushed aside stumbling inside for yet even more drinks and mistakes waiting for him inside. 
You sat at the bar simply drinking some water and snacking on some peanuts keeping your eye on your garbage boyfriend. You're constantly checking the time on your phone, annoyed with every passing minute. It was 2 am and you just wanted to go home and sleep. You were even debating texting your brother Steve hoping you could just crash at his place not too far from where you were but it would be incredibly irresponsible to just leave Daniel in the state he’s in. 
So you waited and waited and waited. Your eyelids felt heavy and your energy was just completely drained. You were basically a zombie. It wasn’t until a guy approached your half asleep body that you felt a sense of alert. Daniel was shit-faced so you were practically defenseless. 
“Hey,” the guy shouted over the music.
“Sorry, I’m not interested. My boyfriend’s-” you quickly said, only to be cut off.
“Don’t worry. I’m not gonna hit on you. I’ve got a boyfriend of my own,” he chuckled, making you breathe out in relief. 
“Sorry,” you cringed at yourself. 
“It’s alright; but uh, I hate to be the one to tell you this. You might want to check with your boyfriend,” he said sympathetically. 
You pushed your way through the crowd scanning every face in search of Daniel. What did he do? Is he hurt? Did he get in trouble again? Is he getting arrested? Where is he-
“Daniel?” you said eyes tearing up a bit. 
His arms were wrapped around another girl’s waist as he kissed her the way he kissed you. She practically moaned as their tongues slobbered disgustingly with each other. Their hips grinding against each other proactively as if you weren’t even there. Sadness turned to anger, and anger turned to rage, gripping Daniel’s short hairs and pulling his head away from whoever this girl was. 
“What the fuck?” the girl complained, her eyes completely bloodshot. 
“Did he tell you that he was here with his girlfriend tonight?” you're sad with gritted teeth. Daniel stumbled around still unable to register what the hell was happening. 
“Oh my god, you forreal?” she said.
“Who fucking cares? She’s a prude anyway. I got more action with you than I did her in the past, what, six months?” Daniel slurred. 
“You know what, you’re a fucking prick, dude. She deserves so much better than you; I bet your dick is small anyway,” the girl said.
“Fuck you too bitch,” Daniel spit. 
“I can’t believe you,” you said. 
“Oh, whoop-dee-doo, big fucking surprise. Babe, you’re a prude. Can’t you see it? I don’t know why I’m wasting my time with you anymore,” he practically puked out the words without any second thought. 
“Fine, then I hope you enjoy the rest of your night, you fucking asshole,” you stormed away holding in the tears; he wasn’t worth it. 
Almost three am and you just dumped your cheating lowlife boyfriend on the other side of town. Steve wasn’t answering his phone and you even wanna be near the club anymore. Walking speedily staring at your screen desperate to call an Uber home, you bumped harshly into a hard chest falling to the ground on your bum. 
“Fucking hell, I’m so sorry, darling,” the man said helping you up by your elbows.
“It’s ok. I wasn’t looking- Bucky?” 
“Oh, hey kid. What are you doing? It’s like three in the morning and you don’t live anywhere near here,” Bucky said, crossing his arms. 
“Daniel got himself kicked from the one by our apartment and Ubered here instead.”
“So where’s Daniel?” Bucky scowled; he’s always hated that guy, so did Steve.
“Probably fucking some other chick in the bathroom,” your voice cracked. 
“It’s nothing; I just want to go home,” you cried.
“Hey, it’s ok; it’s ok. Do you wanna crash at me and Steve’s? He’s gone for the weekend with Peggy; you can stay in his room at least for the night,” Bucky offered; so that’s why Steve’s not answering his phone. 
“I don’t wanna intrude on your night. I can just call an Uber, it’s fine.”
“No, it’s not. Steve’ll kill me if he found out I left his baby sis alone in the streets of New York at three in the morning. It’s not a problem, we were just bar hopping and I stopped drinking ages ago.”
“Are you sure, Buck?”
“Of course,” he smiled warmly at you. 
“Hey, Nat!”
“What’s up?” a beautiful redhead approached you both.
“Gonna head home ; don’t do anything stupid,” he chuckled. 
“You too,” she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, “Catch you Monday?” 
“You’re stupid. I’ll see ya,” Bucky laughed before grabbing your hand and headed towards his apartment. 
“Thanks again, Buck. For letting me stay here tonight,” you said once you entered his apartment. 
It had been a while since you hung out at your brother’s apartment but nothing’s changed. Typical men and their inability to change even a throw pillow. You set your small bag on the couch before Bucky led you to Steve’s room. There were pictures of you and him posing at Steve’s graduation; and later your own. Pictures of Steve and Bucky at a theme park, during a bar-be-que for Steve’s birthday. So many memories that Steve held onto in his room. 
“Time really flies doesn’t it?” Bucky said, slightly startling you.
“Sorry,” he chuckled.
“No, you’re fine. But you’re right. Feels all these pictures were taken yesterday,” you reminisced. 
“I got you some clothes if you need to change; I’ll give you privacy,” Bucky said, slipping from the room briskly. 
You sat on the bed frustrated with everything. Your body was so drained from being up so early in the night, to the fight with Daniel. The past couple months with him were so awful. He was just so mean to you all the time and you didn’t know what you did wrong. Where did it go wrong? When did things shift?
"Is everything ok, darling?" Bucky asked quietly, knocking on the door when you hadn't come out after a while.
"What did I do wrong? I thought he loved me," you choked out. 
Bucky sighed as he walked over to the bed sitting beside you before engulfing you in a warm hug. You cried into his shoulder and Bucky couldn't help the anger that bubbled inside him for your excuse of a boyfriend Daniel. He never got along with the guy and now he finally has a reason to knock his teeth in.
"You didn't do anything, I know it. That prick wouldn't know love if it hit him in the face. It's his loss. You deserve so much better than that asshole. Look at me, you're so beautiful and funny and fucking adorable; any guy who can't see how perfect you are, is a dense piece of shit." 
"James," you whispered. 
His words made your heart skip and your stomach flutter. But Bucky’s always had that effect on you. Even growing up. You weren’t going to sit there and pretend that hearing his words hadn't had a deeper effect than they would’ve coming from Daniel. Sometimes you wondered what being with Bucky would be like. You’re not the first to admit how handsome Bucky was and growing up you did have quite the crush on your brother’s best friend.  
You don't know what it was, whether it was the alcohol still swimming through your veins, or just feeling so vulnerable being in Bucky's arms but you wanted him badly. You needed him, needed to feel something again. And you knew he could give it to you. You pressed your lips to his and in an instant his hands dropped to your hips pulling you impossibly close against his body. Your hands went to the back of his head as you kissed him messily. Your noses bumped and teeth clashed but it was the best kiss you’ve ever had. 
“Fuck, your brother’s gonna kill me,” Bucky mumbled, almost to himself, as he slowly laid you down on your back.
Bucky’s hands trailed up your thighs, squeezing the soft flesh every now and then as he continued kissing you passionately. Your own hands couldn’t help but tug at his shirt desperately. When he did so, your breath was completely taken away. It had been years since you’d seen Bucky without a shirt. 
Not only had he been quite skinny just like your brother back then, but not long after leaving for college with Steve he was in a bike accident that left him with ghastly scars and burns along his left arm and shoulder. Since then, it’s fair to say Bucky never really ever took his shirt off. It had taken years just for him to remove the glove he’d always wear to cover the scars on his hand.
“You’ve gotten so strong, James,” you grinned, reaching out to brush the flexed muscles running down his front. 
He simply stared at you with an anticipating and anxious expression on his face, waiting for you to state the obvious. When you didn’t, when you pulled his head down to kiss him once again, he almost cried. Bucky hadn’t been with a woman in so long, afraid of this very moment. He knew at that moment, there was no one quite like you. 
Bucky fell in love. 
“Let me take care of you, darling. You’ve been so good to me,” Bucky whispered huskily in your ear as he trailed his hand under your own shirt brushing his fingertips along the underside of your breast.
His lips pressed softly against your hot skin along your neck before standing up between your legs at the end of the bed. He pulled your shirt off then played cheekily with the straps of your bra that you still had on. You smiled back at him with the same playful stare, reaching behind you to unclasp the material. 
You could see the way Bucky’s eyes darken and his pupils widened as he stared in awe at your naked chest. Your skin bursted into chills under his hungry gaze even though you felt like you were burning up. Bucky leaned forward kissing down the valley of your breasts, nipping once in a while playfully before laying you back down. He shimmied you out of your bottoms easily, kneeling on the ground leaving you completely bare before him. 
“You are absolutely stunning, princess,” Bucky whispered, running his hands up your thighs slowly. 
“Bucky, please. I need you,” you whimpered. 
“Don’t worry, darling. I promise I’m gonna take good care of you,” he smirked devilishly. 
He pushed your knees open, eyeing the arousal that glistened between your thighs. He brought his fingers up to you slowly rubbing your slick around before finally pushing a thick and long finger past your folds. Your body shuddered solely at the foreign but pleasurable feeling, already moaning softly. 
Bucky’s cock strained through pants upon hearing your beautiful moans; they were like music to his ears. He couldn’t help the way his hips would buck into the mattress in a desperate attempt to relieve some pain from his erection. Soon after he pulled his fingers from you slowly only to thrust them further in you, curling his fingers just right. 
He brought his mouth down to you, wrapping his lips around your clit sucking harshly. You gasped and your back arched, overwhelmed with pleasure Bucky was giving you with just his mouth and fingers. All the times that you’d given yourself to your ex, he had never made you feel this good before, feel this full; let alone with his fingers. Bucky was taking his time with you solely for your own pleasure and it made your heart swoon. 
Your legs trapped Bucky’s head between your thighs, squeezing as he continued to eat you out like a starved man. Your hands went to his hair pulling on his dark locks causing Bucky to moan deeply against you. You were so close to a release; your legs shaking violently and your stomach tightening. 
“Come on, princess. Want you to come all over my face. Can you do that for me, darling?”
“Be a good girl and make a mess,” Bucky teased.
His fingers moved faster as he swirled his tongue around and over your clit just as quickly. You were becoming overwhelmed and that coil bursted in the pit of your stomach. You pushed Bucky’s face from you, shrieking with pure pleasure; Bucky’s kept the rapid pace with fingers as you fell over the edge.
“Fucking hell, that was so hot, princess,” Bucky said standing up; his fingers, arm, his chest was covered in your arousal. 
“Did I do that?” your voice trembled. 
“Because of me,” Bucky winked playfully.
“I didn’t know I could do that,” you let your head fall back on the bed as you briefly caught your breath.
Bucky grabbed his shirt that he discarded not long ago and quickly wiped his chest and arm before discarding his pants and boxers. He nearly moaned at the feeling when he finally freed his dick from the restraining garments. His hand instantly wrapped around the base before pumping himself a few times. 
You brought yourself onto your elbows momentarily ogling at the sight of Bucky completely bare before you. Your mouth practically watered at the sight. Bucky crawled over you kissing you deeply and messily; but perfectly. He pulled away and you both had goofy smiles on your faces before bursting into a fit of giggles, Bucky’s head burying into the crook of your neck.
“You’re so goddamn adorable, princess,” Bucky’s voice was muffled. 
“Bucky,” you whined. 
You couldn’t resist squirming underneath the burly man. Although, you’ve just had what was probably the best orgasm you’ve ever had, you wanted more. You needed more; you needed Bucky. 
“I got you, darling. I got you.” 
Bucky wanted to tease you more, make you beg, but he was just as desperate to feel you as you were. He propped himself up on his elbows kissing you one last time before reaching between your bodies and lining his dick with your entrance. Both you and Bucky moaned simultaneously as he stretched you out; curses spilling from his lips as incoherent moans fell from yours. 
“So fucking tight, princess. Squeezing my cock just right, aren’t ya?” he whispered.
“Fuck, I feel so full,” you whimpered.
Bucky began to slowly move his hips in and out of you deliciously. He quickly picked up the pace, jetting his hips rapidly making your moans louder. Bucky sat up on his knees and gripped your waist surely to leave bruises in your wake. This new angle surprised you and you couldn’t help the squeals and moans that left your mouth. You chanted Bucky's name like a prayer; as if it was the only word you knew. 
Bucky watched you carefully, your face contorting with pure euphoric pleasure. He couldn’t help notice the small bump in your lower belly and without a second thought, he grabbed your hands pressing them firmly over your tummy. 
“You feel how deep I am, darling? Fucking poking through,” Bucky grunted. 
“Shit! Oh, it feels so good,” you moaned. 
“That’s right, no one’s ever gonna fuck you this good again. This pussy’s mine now,” Bucky growled. 
He took one of his hands and wrapped it around your throat squeezing the sides gently but firm at the same time. Your eyes rolled back and you moaned even louder, confident that the neighbors were sure to complain in the morning. Feeling Bucky’s hand around your neck was so exhilarating; you and Daniel had never ever experimented with anything beyond a pair of handcuffs, and that particular night went horribly. 
You like being choked by Bucky. 
“Fucking slut; you like this, don’t ya?” he came down to whisper huskily against your lips. 
“Mh-hm,” you moaned with a devilish grin, your bottom lip resting between your teeth before your eyes rolled back again. 
“Such a fucking beauty you are.”
Bucky hips snapped in and out and he knew it wouldn’t be long until he needed to release.
“God, I’m close, princess,” he growled. 
His hand moved to rest on the back of your neck to pull you up so you straddled his thighs and your chest was flushed against his. Your sensitive and hardened nipples brushed against his slightly sweaty skin causing you to shudder in pleasure. Bucky’s lips attached themselves to your skin along your collar bones sucking harshly leaving purple marks all along.
Your legs shook once again as they did before and soon enough with an arched back and shout of Bucky’s name you came all over his cock. Overwhelmed with your sex, Bucky bit harshly on your shoulder in a poor attempt to muffled the loud groans and moans he elicited. Feeling your velvety walls squeeze tightly around him pushed him over the edge, coating your walls with hot ribbons on cum. 
He fell forward almost crushing you but you were too tired to complain. Bucky continued to pepper soft kisses all over your skin whispering how good you were to him, how beautiful you looked. Just absolutely showering with compliments. You felt him slowly getting off you, probably afraid he was crushing you, but you didn’t want him to leave just yet. 
“Don’t,” you whispered, wrapping your arms tightly around his body. 
“I don’t want to crush you, darling.”
“You’re not.”
Bucky chuckled before settling completely above you, careful not to make you uncomfortable. Hardly any time went by when he felt the even and soft puffs of air hitting his skin, sure that you had fallen asleep. He picked himself up and with major guilt for his best friend, picked you up from the bed and walked you to his own room. 
After he was sure you stayed sound asleep, Bucky grabbed a clean pair of boxers and hurried himself to Steve’s room again. He collected all the discarded clothes and the dirty sheets and tossed them in the washing machine to clean right away. 
He hadn’t meant to fuck his best friend’s little sister, let alone in his own room, on his own bed, but it all happened so fast. 
He went back to his room letting the clothes do it’s thing, and quickly grabbed his phone. He messaged Steve, telling him that when he got back for his weekend with Peggy, he really needed to talk to him. 
Tonight made Bucky realize how much he loved you. Growing up, you two had always been close. But he doesn’t know when he stopped being friendly and instead began flirting. Bucky wanted to be with you; he knew it now more than ever. 
Bucky watched your gorgeous sleeping form on his bed. He smiled to himself before opening the window; the sun already rising and those beautiful golden rays seeped through the glass window, making you look angelic. He crawled into bed cuddling flushed against your naked body. He chuckled softly when you realized he’d returned, wiggling even further into his arms. 
“I love you, Bucky,” you mumbled. 
“I love you, too, darling.”
And he really, and truly did love you. As did you love him. 
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
Bucky Barnes Taglist:
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wicked-mind · 3 years
Last Love
Summary: Based on the quote “He may be your first love but I intend to be your last” by Klaus Mikaelson.
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: Descriptions of domestic abuse, swearing.
Note: I wrote this in an hour after a sudden spurt of inspiration. Any mistakes are my own due to the fact it is two in the morning lol. As always, any likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated. I love that shit (:
Part Two Here
All Writings Masterlist
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You were on your way to class when you felt a grip on your upper arm, pulling you into a janitor closet and shutting the door behind you. Your blinked your eyes a few times to adjust to the darkness before seeing the muscular, dark haired man in front of you with a cocky grin that seemed to be permanently on his lips anytime you saw him, “Bucky! What the hell? Class starts in like thirty seconds, I can’t be late again!.” You whined out at him. It was your sophomore year in college and the teacher in the class you had happened to be an asshole of a professor with a god complex and he had humiliated you in front of the whole class the first time you were late.
Bucky grinned down at you, taking a step closer and placing one hand on the shelf behind you beside your head, leaning closer until he could smell your sweet perfume, “I miss you, doll. That boyfriend of yours has been taking up all your time leaving none for me.” He purred out to you before checking the watch on his wrist, “Nine-oh-one. You’re late. Might as well hang out in here with me.”
You had known Bucky since high school and somehow even ended up at the same college which he always claimed was a ‘happy accident’ or ‘fate.’ You didn’t know why, but he was infatuated with you. He was always cornering you against lockers or pulling you into empty rooms to slip out some sly line that always made your heart beat a little too fast and always managed to make you blush. You pulled your notebooks tighter to your chest as he leaned closer, forgetting how to breathe for a moment in his presence. You always felt something for Bucky, and he knew it, but the fact he couldn’t keep himself out of trouble was something that had always held you back from being with him, “I’m sorry we haven’t been able to spend as much time together as we used to, Buck… It’s just Charlie doesn’t really like you very much and I have a lot of studying to do.” Charlie had been your boyfriend for almost a year and he was so unbelievably sweet to you. He treated you like a princess and always gave you the warmest hugs and softest kisses. Well, almost the warmest hugs and softest kisses... There’s only been one other person that had Charlie beat and he was cornering you in a janitor closet.
Bucky chuckles a little at your excuse, shaking his head before resuming to stare into your eyes, “Oh, Y/N. My perfect little Y/N.” He said, lifting his other hand to gently run his knuckles along your cheek causing a shiver to run up your spine, “Do you love him?”
You pondered his question for a moment, slightly lost in those gorgeous blue eyes of his before nodding slowly, “I do, Buck. I really do love him.” You squeaked out. Bucky always made you nervous and your legs feel numb.
Bucky’s grin turned into a sweet smile towards you. He moved his hand that was stroking your cheek to lean on the shelf behind you as well, trapping you against the shelf now with both his arms. He leans his face closer until you could feel his warm, minty breath against your face and his lips were almost brushing against yours, “That’s fine, sweetheart.” He whispers out to you, staring into your eyes with his mischievous blue ones, “He may be your first love, but I intend to be your last. I’ll wait for you forever, doll.”
It had been a year since you graduated with your bachelors degree and also a year since you had seen or talked to Bucky due to Charlie. You had moved in with him right after graduating and that was when it seemed like his personality took a complete 180. He no longer left sweet kisses on your skin or gave you those warm hugs that made you melt. Instead those once sweet touches you craved had turned into violent ones you flinched away from. Charlie drank too much and that was when he was at his worst. He would lose his temper over what seemed small to you but was the end of the world to him. But you felt trapped. You had tried to leave once but he came home from the bar before you managed to slip out the door. He punished you for that, leaving you a shaking mess on the floor in the bathroom with a broken nose and bruises on your ribs.
It was the holiday season and Charlie had told you to decorate the house for a Christmas party he would be hosting tomorrow. You spent your whole day setting up a tree and decorating it as perfect as you could before moving onto decorating the rest of the house. You hung up the stockings on the fireplace and decorated the mantle with little nutcrackers your grandmother had passed down to you before she passed away. Once you were proud of the decorating of the house, you waited and waited for Charlie to get back from wherever he had went, assuming he went to the bar. You stripped out of your clothing and put on some comfy pajama pants and a tank top before pulling your robe over your body. You went to make some tea and sat on the couch, waiting for Charlie to return.
You tried to keep yourself awake on the couch, but slipped off into sleep sitting up with a blanket on your lap and the tv playing some late night television show. You were startled away with a crack, your eyes opening to see Charlie knocking off the nutcrackers from the fireplace and stepping on them one by one, “Charlie, what are you doing?!” You said, launching off the couch and trying to snag one of the unharmed nutcrackers.
Charlie immediately turned his gaze on you, gripping your wrist roughly before you could grab one of the nutcrackers, “What did I tell you?” He growled out, his eyes glossed over and his breath stunk of alcohol as he spoke to you.
“Honey… I decorated… I’m sorry if you don’t like it just… Just tell me what you were thinking and I’ll fix it…” You breathed out, trying your best to put on a smile to calm him. The grasp he had on your wrist tightened, causing you to wince, “C’mon, honey… let’s just go to bed and I’ll fix it all tomorrow before the party, I promise.”
Charlie shook his head at you, making light clicking noises with his tongue, “Oh baby… Why can’t you just get things right the first time?” He mumbled out to you before a harsh slap came across your cheek, making tears fall from your eyes as you whimpered for him to please stop, “You make it so hard to love you.” He said, moving his hand from your wrist to your cheeks, squeezing them harshly before shoving you back hard enough to make you run into the Christmas tree, knocking it over with a loud crash beside you on the floor.
You looked over to see him approaching you with that look in his eyes that you knew so well. He wasn’t going to stop and this wasn’t over. You scrambled to your feet, making a run for the bathroom to lock yourself inside but as you were shutting the door Charlie kicked it open, causing you to fly back against the counter and wince at the pain that shot up your arm when it hit the edge of the hard counter. You sunk to the ground, holding your hands up towards him as if to tell Charlie that you had been defeated, sobbing, “Charlie I’m so sorry… I’m so-“ Charlie cut off your sentence by landing a punch to your cheek before gripping onto your hair and pulling you up to meet his eye line, “You say your sorry every time and yet here we are again. You’re so disappointing and worthless.” He growled out, throwing you by the hair towards the tub which you stumbled over and fell into, bringing the shower curtain and rod toppling down on top of you. He was on you in seconds, slapping you again with the back of his hand where his college football ring managed to open up a large cut on your lip. He gripped the collar of your robe, pulling your face close to his, “I can’t even stand the sight of you.” He growled out before pushing you back into the bathtub. He stood up straight, placing a hand on his hip while the other ran through his hair slowly as he let out a deep sigh, “I’m going out. I expect this all to be cleaned up and when I get back you better be waiting for me in bed.”
You watched him exit the bathroom door with a slam, staying still with tears running down your cheeks until you heard the slam of the front door indicating Charlie had left again. You let out a loud sob, looking around the bathroom. You felt hopeless, worthless… lost. You needed to get out of here, get away from him. You pulled yourself out of the bathtub, wincing slightly when you got to your feet and noticed a large bruise forming on your thigh which you assumed was from when Charlie threw you into the tub. You forced yourself to look in the mirror at the injuries on your face- a nasty split lip, a cut on your forehead from when you were thrown into the tree and landed on the floor, and a bruise already forming on your cheek where he had punched and slapped you. You shook your head at yourself, wondering how you ended up here. Wondering what you had done to make Charlie turn into a monster.
You stepped out of the bathroom slowly on shaking legs, wincing at the pain in your arm and leg as you made your way to the bedroom, still sobbing. You saw your phone sitting on the dresser and the only thing that could pass through your mind is that you needed safety. You needed someone to help you. You needed Bucky. You grabbed you phone and prayed that his number was still the same, clicking his number and holding the phone to your ear.
“Hey, doll.” His voice was still like velvet, rolling off his tongue in a flirty matter and you just knew he had that crooked grin planted on his lips, “Been a while, how you been pretty girl?” You opened your mouth to speak but only a small sob came out of your mouth which made his tone change instantly to worry, “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself so you could form words, “Bucky… I need you… I need help…”
You could hear him fumbling around, assuming he was pulling himself out of bed and throwing on clothes, “I’m on the way, just text me the address. I got you, darlin’.”
You breathed out an ‘okay’ before hanging up the phone, sending him a message of your address and slumped onto the floor of your bedroom, gripping the phone for dear life as if it was your only life line. Then you broke. Wailing and crying at the trauma you had endured for over a year and you couldn’t help but feel like Bucky wouldn’t be able to do anything to help you.
You heard the front door open and you fell silent, your body tensing as you wondered if Charlie had returned. You held your breath, hoping that you could just make yourself invisible if you were silent and still enough. Then you heard footsteps coming towards the bedroom in a rush and you looked up to see Bucky standing in the doorway of the bedroom.
Bucky broke just about every traffic law he could on his way over to your house, letting himself in and scanning the rooms for any sign of you. His brow furrowed when he saw the tree knocked over with broken ornaments and nutcrackers on the floor, wondering what had happened. Then he walked into the bedroom and saw you there on the floor, beaten with tears rolling down your cheeks and gripping your phone, “Oh doll, no.” He whispered out, walking over and kneeling down on his knees in front of you. He lifted your chin up and looked at the wounds to your face, “What happened, sweetheart?” His angel, his perfect little Y/N was there in front o him broken and it was breaking his heart.
You could see the anger in his eyes but his tone was nothing but soft and filled with concern. His touch was gentle which was an immediate relief to you, having not been touched gently for so long. You whimpered slightly and closed your eyes, shaking your head, “Bucky… Please… Just get me out of here…” You sobbed out.
Bucky gently ran his finger tips over your cheek, nodding towards you, “I got you, sweetheart. Do you have a bag anywhere?” He asks and you nodded, pointing over to the closet. He stood up and went to the closet, pulling out a suitcase and placing it open on the bed. Bucky came back over to you, kneeling down and taking your hands gently to help you stand, “What do you need?”
“Just… Just some clothes… I don’t know.” You mumble out to him, your body still shaking and you gripped onto him, worried you’d fall.
Bucky nodded, keeping one hand in yours and moving the other around your waist and helped you to sit on the bed, “You just sit here, I’ll get your stuff.” He told you with a small smile before going back into the closet. He grabbed as many of your clothes he could from the closet, quickly shoving them into the suitcase as you stared at a wall still shaking. Once Bucky was done in the closet, he looked around the room for anything else you may need. He went through the bedside draws, grabbing out your journal and throwing it into the suitcase as well as your phone charger. Then he went to the dresser and opened the drawers, pulling out anything that looked like it was yours such as bras, underwear, and some jewelry. Once he had the suitcase full he turned to look at you, tilting your head up to look at him with his fingers on your chin, “Is there anything else you need, sweetheart?” He asks softly and when you shook your head no, he zipped up the suitcase and lifted it by the handle with one hand and outstretched his other towards you.
You shakily take his hand, letting him pull you up from the bed and help you out of the bedroom headed straight for the front door. You pause when you see all the Christmas decorations ruined, releasing his hand and walking over to grab the only nutcracker that hadn’t been broken by Charlie. You pulled it into your chest before going back to Bucky’s side where he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and led you out of that terrible house and into the safety of his black truck.
Bucky kept his hand in yours for the whole drive, cranking the heat so you weren’t shivering as you were still in your pajamas and robe. He would glance over at you every so often to just see you staring at your bare feet and would give your hand a small squeeze as if trying to ground you. Once he got you back to his house, Bucky helped you through the front door where you were immediately met with familiar faces sitting on the couch watching a football game and drinking beer.
“Oh my god, Y/N?” Steve asked, standing up and walking over to you immediately, looking down at you with a horrified look on his face, “What happened?”
You looked up at Steve and tired to manage the best smile you could, “Hi, Stevie.” You say softly then notice Sam was right behind him and you half smiled towards him before looking back down at the floor, still clutching the nutcracker in your hands.
Bucky noted how uncomfortable you looked, not wanting to talk about what had happened yet, “I’m gonna get her upstairs guys, I’m sure we will have time to catch up later.” He said, giving Steve and Sam a look before leading you upstairs to his bedroom. He set the suitcase down on the floor and watched as you immediately sat at the edge of his bed, staring at the nutcracker in your hands. Bucky moved to sit next to you on the bed, rubbing your back softly, “Y/N, sweetheart, can you tell me what happened? Did Charlie do this to you?”
You kept your eyes on the nutcracker in your hands. At least Charlie didn’t get to your favorite one and you were able to bring it with you. He had red circles on his face for rosy cheeks and a long white beard with blue clothes painted on him and a matching blue hat. Tears hadn’t stopped falling from your eyes since Charlie left, “He just… changed, Buck..” You started, your voice barely above a whisper, “After I moved in with him, he changed. He started drinking a lot more… and then all this…” You lifted a hand to gesture to your wounded face, “All this just… happened. He was upset about how I decorated for Christmas…”
Bucky felt more rage than he had ever felt in his life for what you had been through, “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” He whispers to you, keeping his voice leveled as he didn’t want you to know how angry he was, “What can I do?”
You looked up into his eyes, scanning his face before looking back down at the nutcracker in your hands, “Can… can you just hold me until I fall asleep?” You ask softly, “I still don’t feel… safe.” Bucky had always made you feel safe even though he was quite the trouble maker. You wished you would’ve just given into your feelings for him then maybe none of this would’ve happened to you. And the way he looked at you… fuck, all those feelings you had for him just came flooding back in like you haven’t seen him for years.
Bucky smiles and nods, “Of course, doll. It’d be my honor.” He told you, “You’re always safe with me, sweetheart. But before we go to bed, why don’t we get you cleaned up?” When you nodded, he stood and left the room coming back with a frozen bag of vegetables, a damp wash cloth, and some rubbing alcohol. He cleaned your wounds on your face, making you hold the frozen vegetables to your cheek to help reduce swelling. Once you were all cleaned up to the best of his capability, Bucky helped you change into some clean pajamas since the ones you had on were slightly torn with spots of blood from your own wounds. It also gave Bucky a chance to assess the large bruise forming on your upper thigh. Once you were all changed, he got into bed with you, tucking the covers over your shoulders.
You stared at Bucky who was staring back at you with a small smile, gently stroking his fingertips along your arm to comfort you. After a few minutes of silence, you decided to speak, “I’m sorry, Bucky.” You whisper to him, “For not talking to you… He made me stop.”
Bucky smiled and shushed you, “It’s okay, doll. You’re here now. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
You nod slightly and scooted a little closer to him, leaning your head on his chest though it made you wince at the touch but you didn’t back away, feeling safe and comfortable as he had always made you feel, “You’ve always been my person… Thank you.”
Bucky moved his hand to stroke through your hair softly before kissing your forehead gently, “And I always will be.”
Bucky helped you through a lot over the next six months. At first, you’d flinch whenever anybody made a sudden more towards you or something loud startled you. Bucky was always there right beside you though, taking your hand and leaving kisses along your knuckles to calm you down and let you know it was going to be okay. You stayed in his room, he had made room in his closet and drawers for all your clothes. You slept next to him in his bed everynight, feeling safe in his arms. Charlie had been calling your phone incessantly and one day after sixteen nasty text messages and an awful voicemail, Bucky left with Sam while you stayed in the house with Steve watching cartoons. After that day, Charlie never bothered you again and although you were worried about what Sam and Bucky had done to him, you were grateful to finally be able to move on with your life.
After Charlie had been taken care of, Bucky and you quickly got back into the groove of your friendship. He would flirt with you nonstop, always wrapping an arm around your waist or shoulder and leaving soft kisses on your forehead and nose. He even helped you with your nightmares, pulling you close and waking you up to whisper sweet and comforting things into your ear until you fell asleep again. Bucky grounded you, made you feel special. He was slowly making up for all the things Charlie had done to you, showing you how special you are and all the love you deserved.
You were curled up next to him in his bed, staring at his sleeping face as his arms were wrapped around you. He looked so beautiful laying there asleep that it made a small smile form onto your lips. You’d been kicking yourself the last few weeks mentally for not just giving into him years ago, wondering what your life would’ve been like if you just said yes when he asked you out everyday in high school. You bit your lip gently before whispering, “Bucky?”
“Hmm?” Bucky hummed out to you, keeping his eyes closed but a small smile formed on his lips at your voice.
You studied his features, nervous for your next words, “Did you mean what you said years ago? About being my last love?” You ask softly.
Bucky opened one eye to look over at you when you asked the question, his smile widening and he pulled you closer into his arms and kissed your nose gently, “Of course, doll. Why?”
You smile softly to him, watching him now open both eyes to stare at you curiously, “Because I… I love you. I always have and I’m sorry I wasted so much time not being with you.”
Bucky’s smile turned into that crooked grin that you swear was crafted by god himself, “You mean that, sweetheart?” He purred out to you, “You love me?”
You nodded slowly, “I do. And not just for saving me but everything you’ve always done for me. You’ve always treated me like I was important, worthy of love.”
Bucky shifted in the bed, rolling on top of you and staring down at you lovingly, “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to say those words, sweetheart.” He said down to you before lowering his face closer to yours, his lips brushing against your jaw softly making you let out a jagged breath at his touch, “Because I have always loved you. And I always will love you. We are meant to be, baby. Just took a little longer for us to get here.” He whispered out against your skin before his lips met yours, kissing you deeply while he brought a palm up to your cheek.
You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach at his words, thinking it didn’t get better than this. But then he kissed you and it was like fire danced across your skin. Your hands went up to tangle in his dark hair, pulling him deeper into the kiss. You couldn’t remember the last time you had been kissed so affectionately, felt so loved. You kept kissing him, not wanting to waste anymore time without feeling his love. You were finally his and he was yours.
Taglist: @buckypops @stcrryslibrary @bibliophilewednesday
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biggest-stupidhead · 3 years
AN: Despite my ever-growing pile of WIP I have added yet another piece. I’ve been thinking about this one for a while now and it seems appropriate seeing that the new season of aot dropped. So enjoy some college AU to ease the pain :) 
Summary: A single night out effects your entire semester. 
Word Count: 3.1K 
Warnings: mentions of vomit, alcohol, let me know if I missed anything 
Everything from last night was a blur, you remembered meeting at Eren’s apartment for a pregame, then you kind of recalled the walk to the bar. But once you had stepped foot inside of the bar, everything was foggy. You vaguely recalled ordering shots of fireball, and then a round of Moscow Mules. Just the thought of the drinks made your stomach ache. But that was about it, however, your night hadn’t ended when you blacked out. It was early in the morning and you had found yourself back in your bed with your wastebasket in close proximity. 
Your nose wrinkled when you saw the vomit in the trash, instead, you swung your legs over the side of the bed. Your feet did not meet the ground as you expected, felt something warm and fleshy beneath the soles of your feet. You yelped in shock, but it was much worse for Connie who had fallen asleep at the side of your bed. He sat up as soon as your feet left his torso and buried his face in the trash can to dry heave. 
“Oh, Connie I’m so sorry.” You knelt beside him, rubbing circles on his back sleepily as he coughed. You took a moment to inspect the state of your room, turned out you hadn’t slept in your bed alone, Jean was passed out pressed up against the wall. Connie was obviously on your floor, and Sasha was snoring loudly on your beanbag next to your mini-fridge with a bottle of vodka in the crook of her arm. 
“I don’t remember anything from last night.” You ran a hand down the length of your jaw and Connie spat into the trash before turning to face you. His face was covered in sharpie, a poorly drawn monocle and mustache scribbled onto his features. You snorted and grabbed his face with your free hand, he groaned and fell backward, his head hitting the wooden floor loudly. 
“Connie.” You wheezed as you laughed at his misfortune. 
“How are you going to get this off? We have class in like-” You turned and blindly felt for your phone on your cluttered nightstand. Your eyes widened when you saw that it was already 8:30 in the morning. 
“Your first class starts in like an hour man.” You patted the side of his face trying to wake him up but he was already snoring again. You abandoned the cause and instead turned your focus to Jean, leaning over your bed and shaking his leg. 
“Wake up.” You hissed and Jean rolled over, cracking an eye open to look at you. 
“I never slept, you twitched all night long.” He moaned, throwing his arm over his face. You crossed the room and pulled your blinds open, the pale morning light flooding your crowded room.  
“Sorry.” You didn’t really feel bad, he could’ve slept next to Connie or Sasha if it really bothered him. 
“Connie’s supposed to be in his psych class in like an hour.” You told him and Jean sighed again, this time finally sitting up, his foot swinging down from the bed and gently knocking against Connie’s hip. Poor guy couldn’t catch a break this morning, he sat up and you imagined that if he had any hair it would be sticking out in odd angles. 
“I’m up, Jesus.” Connie looked awful as he drags himself to his feet with Jean’s help. Now the real challenge would be waking up Sasha. You watched as Jean guided Connie to your bathroom down the hall, the two of them still swaying on their feet. The first thing you did was take the vodka from her, then you opened your fridge and pulled out a bag of shredded cheese. As soon as the plastic crinkled beneath your fingertips Sasha sat up, even though her eyes were only half-open. You peeled the bag open and her eyes finally opened the rest of the way, you handed her the bag and she sunk her fist inside of it, bringing a handful of cheese to her lips. 
“Good morning Sash.” You greeted, shutting your fridge and then your bedroom door so you could change out of the clothes you wore out the night previously. Sasha was chowing down messily on the cheese as you shimmied out of your jeans, you knew you were sloshed when you slept in jeans. Then you pulled on a nicer pair of loose-fitting jeans and threw a zip-up jacket on over the bralette you had worn in place of a shirt. 
“I’m telling you, last night was so worth it,” Sasha said around a mouthful of cheese. 
“I can’t remember jack.” You muttered, zipping up your jacket just enough to cover the top of your breasts. 
“I ain’t surprised, you were stumbling around five minutes after we walked in” Sasha snickered, placing the bag of cheese aside. 
“Maybe you can fill me in later over dinner?” You asked as you scrambled to gather your supplies for your first class. 
“If you’re buying,” Sasha said as she stood up and brushed some cheese off of her stomach. 
“I know you’re on the meal plan Sasha, you basically have thirteen meals a week with your plan, that's six more than mine.” You said with a roll of your eyes as you grabbed your keys off of your desk and slung your bag over your shoulder. 
“Oh boo,” Sasha yelled after you as you made your way to your bathroom. Connie was sitting in the tub with his underwear on, and Jean sitting on the toilet with his head in his hands. You quickly scrubbed the old makeup off of your face and pulled your hair off of your face. You sighed in defeat when the annoying strands fell back against your skin. 
“Hurry it up Connie, I need one too,” Jean whined as Connie half-heartedly scrubbed his scalp with your shampoo. His face was still covered in sharpie, but it was beginning to fade thanks to your face wash. 
“You better not use all of my conditioners on your bald head.” You warned and Connie cracked his eye open despite the soap running down his temple. He stuck his tongue out and pulled the curtain shut.
“Make sure you leave some for me at least!” Jean said, tugging the shower curtain open again, Connie let out a high-pitched screech and pretended to clutch his pearls. 
“I don’t have time for this.” You grumbled as you made your way through the apartment, stopping to grab bottled water from the fridge. Then you were out the door, it was late August and already the day was heating up. You regretted the jacket and wished that you had thrown on a t-shirt instead. You were lucky you had woken up when you had, giving you just enough time to walk to your class. If you hadn’t you most certainly would have been late, and from what you recalled in the syllabus this professor was particularly strict. 
You checked your phone and saw that you had about twenty minutes to get to the Liberal Arts building, which was plenty of time. You could probably even swing by the cafe and pick up a coffee. This lifted your mood and put a little pep in your step, you hurried to the Starbucks that was in the campus center, relieved to find that the line was short. You ordered your coffee and went on your merry way, sipping your drink as you walked. By the time you made it to the Liberal Arts building, you had five minutes left before class was set to start. 
Your favorite thing about these classes was their size, typically being capped at about thirty students. You weren’t super-shy or anything, but it made it easier to participate in comparison to a lecture hall. You picked a seat right in the middle of the room, next to a blonde that was vaguely familiar to you. She didn’t turn to acknowledge you so you said nothing yet, instead, you began to pull out your laptop and open up a document for notes. 
Your coffee was almost gone at this point, the professor had yet to show up, the desk in the front of the room vacant. A few more students trickled into the room before the clock struck nine. Once the little hand hit nine the door was slammed shut, causing the students to fall silent and turn to see who had entered. 
You presumed that it was the professor, or maybe the TA? He looked young, pale ivory skin with dark hair styled into a neat undercut. He wore a pair of slacks and a dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his forearms. You swallowed thickly as you watched him stalk down the narrow aisle between seats, a file tucked neatly under his arm. 
“No food or drink in class.” He said as he passed your seat, pointing a finger at your nearly empty cup. 
“It’s empty.” It was a white lie, you wouldn’t have lied if you had known he was going to pick up the cup and twirl the little liquid left in the bottom around. 
“Doesn’t feel empty to me.” He said, continuing his walk with your coffee in tow. You consciously had to close your mouth, cheeks heating up with embarrassment. The blonde to your right was staring at you now, in fact, everyone was. You tugged at the collar of your jacket, feeling extra warm with the extra eyes on you. The professor dropped your cup into the trash can by his desk and that was that. You were out five bucks on a coffee you didn’t get to finish and you were thoroughly embarrassed. 
As the room calmed down, the professor was scribbling his name onto the whiteboard in the front of the room. You busied yourself with opening multiple tabs on your computer for no particular reason other than to distract yourself from your embarrassment. 
“My name is Dr. Ackerman, I am the head of the philosophy department here, today we’ll be going over the syllabus.” He said as he put the cap back on his marker, turning to face the class, his eyes were narrow and slate grey. They seemed to still be locked on you and you had a bad feeling he was the type to hold grudges. 
“Lights please.” He pointed to someone in the back of the room, a moment later the lights went out, Dr. Ackerman logged into the desktop and powered on the projector. You brought your pen to your lips as you watched him pull up the syllabus for your class. 
“First thing’s first, here is my contact information. I’m assuming you brats can read, we’re going to briefly cover the syllabus, which you will be quizzed on.” He scrolled down, briefly covering the main points of the syllabus such as the grading system, projects, and classroom conduct. Your ears burned when he addressed the no food and drink policy, which apparently he is exceptionally strict about. 
“Read this in detail later, your quiz will be twenty questions.” He said, closing the window and moving to access his presentation for the lecture. 
“Will the quiz be open note?” A student to your left asked and you clenched your jaw, fearing the answer, the syllabus was lengthy and you hated reading them. 
“No, no notes.” Dr. Ackerman said, leaving his computer with the clicker in his hand. You heard girls giggling in the back, you strained to hear them, and when you did finally make out what they were saying you nearly gagged. 
“-look at those veins!” One of them swooned. 
“I bet he has veins on his-” You swallowed thickly and hoped for their sake that they shut up. 
“Chapter 1,” Dr. Ackerman began, and you splayed your fingers out across your keyboard, readying yourself to take notes. The rest of the class went by slowly, you could barely focus on the material, still hung up on the coffee from earlier. Something else was bothering you though, Dr. Ackerman was eerily familiar. At first, you thought it was because you saw his picture on his canvas page, but now you were looking at the page, and there were absolutely no pictures. You were wracking your brain, trying to recall how you knew him. But you kept coming up empty, and by the end of the class, you had no answers. 
Dr. Ackerman ended his presentation and dismissed the class, telling everyone to check the canvas and complete the first assignment and quiz. You sat in your seat, lingering as the others filed out of the room. You stood up and slung your bag over your shoulder, watching as the last student left the classroom. Dr. Ackerman was preparing for his next class already, opening the next class’s canvas and taking a moment to sip from his water bottle. 
“What?” He said as you stood by your desk, hand planted on the desk to ground yourself. 
“I wanted to apologize about…the coffee.” You gauged his reaction, and you were surprised to see what appeared to be a glimmer of amusement flash across his features. 
“The coffee?” He asked, and you cringed. Maybe it wasn’t as big of a deal you had thought it to be. 
“Y-Yeah from earlier.” You took a few steps forward and Dr. Ackerman arched a brow. 
“Oh, that.” He waved his hand dismissively and rounded the desk to lean against the front of it. 
“I just feel bad, and I wasn’t trying to break the rules-” 
“I get it (Y/n), just get out of here.” He flicked his wrist towards the exit. His use of your name nearly went clear over your head but just as you opened your mouth to thank him for his lecture his words finally processed in your brain. 
“Wait, you know my name?” Your eyes widened and Dr. Ackerman scoffed. 
“I do.” That was all he said, you were creeped out now. You wondered if you had him last year? No, you would remember him, he was very attractive. 
“O-Oh, well thanks again. I’ll see you on Wednesday.” You left before he could say anything else, making a beeline straight for the door. You needed some comfort after that class, so you opened your phone and shot a quick text to your roomies. 
Just had the weirdest class in my life. 
What happened? 
Probably not as shitty as the class I just had. 
Guys come homeeee im bored and hungry. 
Actually, can someone go grocery shopping? 
Sasha, I’m having a crisis here.
At least pretend to care :/
Get on with it already. 
My professor took my coffee and tossed it in the trash. 
So embarrassing. 
He also knew my name?? 
Like what? 
Wait a second it’s coming to me now
What? What is? 
It’s too much to text, just come back to the apartment. 
You pocketed your phone and focused your energy on walking after that text. You made the ten-minute walk into a seven-minute trek, entering your small on-campus housing and taking the stairs two at a time to get to your apartment. When you finally got your key card to scan and unlock your door you all but tumbled into the kitchen. 
Sasha was already eating an egg sandwich, sriracha sauce dribbling down her chin. Jean was sipping on coffee, his hair still wet from his shower. You dropped your bag and dropped into one of the chairs at the small table in the middle of your cramped table. 
“So what do you know?” You asked, you had a sinking feeling that it had something to do with your drunken adventure the previous night. 
“Well, I was pretty drunk too. But not nearly as bad as you.” Jean said with a chuckle, placing his cup down to give you all of his attention. 
“So, when you said you were going go vom, I took you to the men’s room.” Jean continued and you felt the blood drain from your face. 
“Ok….” You prompted him to get to the point. 
“So you were throwing up in one of the stalls, Connie was standing at the door. That was when Sasha found us.” Jean continued with his eyes closed, clearly trying to recall the events correctly. 
“Yeah, you were in a bad way (Y/n).” Sasha added and you groaned, planting your face in your palms. 
“Anyway, you were throwing up and Connie was blocking the door when some guy wouldn’t give up. He really wanted in.” Jean continued and you had a bad feeling that you knew who was on the other side of the door. 
“Connie was too drunk to really guard the door, so this guy comes busting in, sees you and me on the floor. Says something about it being the men’s room, then he did his business.” Jean shrugged almost like it wasn’t that big of a deal. But now that he was telling you these things it seemed to jog your memory, of your head in a toilet bowl as your friends yelled behind you. It was still blurry, but you remembered lifting your head and catching a glimpse of the man as he walked to the sink. 
“I only know it was him because I had his class last year. He’s a real hard ass, and he definitely remembered me.” Jean laughed at your misfortune as you ran your hands down the sides of your face. 
“This is just my luck.” You laughed humorlessly as Jean cringed in sympathy. 
“I mean, he was in the bar too. So I feel like he can’t judge you that much.” Jean tried to comfort you, and honestly what he was saying made sense, but it didn’t spare you the embarrassment. 
“Can’t do anything about it now right?” Sasha said around a mouthful of her sandwich. 
“Right.” You agreed, memories slowly seemed to be trickling back to you. You recalled the walk to the bar, ordering shots, even pieces of your trip to the bathroom. 
“Oh wait until I show you the video of you dancing on the pool table!” Sasha exclaimed, reaching into her pocket to fish out her phone. You whimpered and laid your head on the table, staring off into space as Jean and Sasha chuckled over the video. You hoped that this would pass, that Dr. Ackerman would forget about this and you could have a regular semester. 
Of course things weren’t so simple. 
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infernal-fire · 3 years
TAU (1/2)
Summary: Steve Rogers traps you inside his mansion. Your only means of escape? The naïve A.I., Bucky, that is designed to kill you if you ever step out of line. 
Pairings: Dark!CEO!Steve x reader, A.I!Bucky x reader, Bucky x reader
This is part of a series of works (not interconnected). I highly suggest you read the description of the series master list to better understand the premise of this story. 
Warnings: swearing, kidnapping, mention of sedative, technical Lima syndrome, psychological abuse, violence, blood, character deaths, injuries, mention of depression, suicide & poverty
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The chair was on the brink of collapsing, yet Martha folded her arms and leaned back into it anyway. You internally grimaced, waiting for her to fall flat on her ass or give you the bad news. It had to be bad news. You had done this enough times to know that she periodically bounced her right leg only when there was bad news. These days, that was often. 
You huffed once, loud enough for her to hear, hoping to hint that you were hanging by the threads of your patience. She took the hint, finally throwing open the drawer in front of you with excessive force. Pens rolled and a notebook slid towards her amid the force. Again, another piece of furniture that was ready to give in. For someone as stingy as her, you aren’t surprised that it hasn’t been replaced - just wondering why she’s treating it like it won’t disintegrate any second now. 
Martha’s plump fingers slapped a couple of bills onto the table, her seedy eyes challenging you to pluck them from under her hand. You wrestled the bills out of from under her palm and diligently counted them, only to shake your head defeatedly. 
“That’s it?” you snarled.
“Steal better shit next time,” she replied, shrugging. 
You slowly sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, refusing to open your eyes and face her.
“I really need the money.” 
When you open your eyes again, it’s because you hear the roll of her weathered chair. Now standing full height, the middle-aged woman shook her head softly, a hint of a smirk playing out on her lips. 
“Like I said; steal better shit.” She turned to leave before facing you again. “You could always come and work with our girls.”
She glanced through the door that was cracked open, eyes resting on the table situated in the corner of the adjacent room. Around it, a group of girls set down cards while pushing poker chips around. 
“Sell my body? I’d rather die,” you scoffed. 
“Suit yourself. Now, get out.”
“Was planning to.” You flipped her the bird, knowing that she was watching you leave.
“Real classy,” she called after you. “You gotta come back here for your next week’s dinner, you whore!”
“That’s all you,” you smiled at her before slamming the door closed on your way out. Oh, the satisfaction of pissing someone off; unparalleled. 
Placing your measly wage into a makeshift purse, you made your way back home. You hugged your frame tightly, keeping your head down and pacing through the dilapidated neighbourhood. 
Once upon a time, when you were new to the shadier areas of town, you affirmed to yourself every day that this situation was temporary. The hope for a better job, better apartment and better tomorrow kept you going for a long time. Deep down though, you knew it wasn’t temporary, and now you were being proven right every day. What was keeping you going these days? Multiple times, you delayed the contemplation of that question, knowing that if you thought about it… well, it’s better to not go there. 
You were careful to double-check the lock on your door and windows when you stepped into the cramped shower. Today, you thanked God for hot water, even though you were sure he didn’t exist. Mind empty like a brand new chalkboard, you shuffled around your one-room housing and put together something edible to appease the churning stomach.
Your ear perked up at what sounded like the creaking of the fourth floorboard from your bed. You locked the door. You were sure of it. 
Still, you peeked over the short dividing wall that hid the view of your bed from the kitchen. Nothing. You shook your head at your paranoia and turned back to get to the less-than-appetizing meal waiting for you. 
Steve jammed the needle into your neck, expecting you to fall back into his arms. Instead, your forehead hits the edge of your counter and you slump onto the floor. Your eyes shutting down and head throbbing, you reach out to feel your attacker and touch Steve with saucy fingers. He groans in annoyance as he picks up your whimpering form. 
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Thump, thump, thump.
The nightclubs you frequent were full of snobby, rich kids who didn’t know the value of wealth. You stole to survive. They could survive without their wristwatch for one night. 
Thump, thump, thump.
Music turned the speakers inside out, deafening those closest to it, but the youth are resilient to damage in any form. For you, though, it was too loud; too much. It wasn’t uncommon of you to walk away from the scene with a pounding head. 
Thump, thump, thump.
The inside of your head resembled the thumping of club speakers. Jaw slack and eyes foggy, you tried to rub your temples. But your arms wouldn’t move. 
Sitting up the best you could, you looked down at your hands to see them bound by zip ties, sitting on your lap. It was joke-worthy how your captor thought they could bind you with zip ties, of all things. He would have to do better than this. 
You tugged on the end of the tie using teeth and tightened it some more before huddling your knees up to your chest. Bringing your hands down as hard as you can against your kneecap, you awaited the snapping sound of the zip tie. Nothing came. You look at your hands again, realizing that they were still bound.
“Don’t do that,” a voice piped up from the dark corner of the room. Startled, you look to the source of the voice but no light fell in that direction. For the first time, you took in your surroundings: half of the room was divided by a set of bars. The other side had large machinery with wires running towards the jail section. As you trailed your eyes across the wires, you noticed a closed door. 
At least you knew it was possible to escape now. 
Quickly turning to the place the voice came from, you scooted backwards some more and anticipated the arrival of your captor. 
A woman crawled forward slowly with bounded legs and arms like yours. 
Seeing that it was just another prisoner, you tightened the strap of your zip tie again and tried breaking it one more time. It snapped. Rubbing your wrists where they were bound, you got straight to undoing the bind on your legs. Beside you, the girl moved closer and repeatedly begged you not to free yourself. 
“Shut up, Brit,” you mumbled, referring to her accent.
The bind on your legs gave away and you stood up and stretched. Tentatively stalking around the cell, you noticed the toilet and sink. Why would he have those amenities in here if you were tied up anyway? When you went to touch the bars separating the room, the girl cried out again. 
“Stop! Don’t!” 
You rolled your eyes and touched it anyway. Electricity surged through you and you yelped, pulling back immediately. 
“Could’ve told me it was an electric gate,” you snapped. 
“Don’t try to escape.” 
You looked at her incredulously. “And sit here like ducks, waiting for him to kill us?”
“Someone will find us!” she pleaded. 
“Look at me! Look at you! No one is looking for us. The police won’t blink twice if people like us are gone. And he knows that.” You eyed the door that was inside your cell and looked to the other one outside the bars. 
“Do you want me to remove your binds or not?”
The girl sheepishly looked down before sticking her arms out for you. 
“My name is Peggy,” she offered as she stood up. She held your arm for support when blood rushed to her head. You shot her a withering look in response and she took her hand off. 
“I don’t think we can leave. He can probably hurt us with these implants.” Peggy pulled her hair to one side and showed you the nape of her neck. A glowing red triangle shone from under her skin. 
Your eyes widened, immediately reached for the back of your head. You felt around and touched the area that stung a little when you touched it. You compulsively hissed, realizing that your implant was fresh and the skin around it had not healed yet. 
“Has he done anything to you using the implant?” you held and shook Peggy’s shoulders while you questioned. 
“No, no, but he said it collects brain data and that it was connected to my spinal column, so I shouldn’t try anything.”
“He spoke to you?”
“Once. It’s Steve Rogers, the inventor guy on the cover of all the Forbes magazines.”
“Brain data,” you silently repeated as you look to the other side of the cell again. 
“I have an idea. Rip your clothes like this,” you demonstrated.
Using the rags ripped off from both of your prisoner uniforms, the pair of you created a long rope-like contraption with a loop on the end. You stuck your hand through the gaps in the cell and tried to fling the loop to a nook in the machinery. Failing hurt, your arm accidentally brushing against the metal once or twice before the loop finally caught onto a crevice. 
“That’s the wrong part,” your fellow inmate breathed.
“Yeah, but that’ll work too.” You pulled as hard as you could and a section of the machine broke off, sparks flying from the source. It crackled and caught on fire. 
Peggy was pulling the cell door open, grunting as she tried her best. It gave way and you both looked at each other briefly before dashing out of the room. The jail room went up in flames behind you. Peggy looked over her shoulder, but you yanked her arm, signalling her to keep running. 
You flew up stairs and through doors, finally making your way into a clearing. Peggy rushed to what seemed to be the entrance door and frantically banged on it. 
“That’s not gonna work!” you rushed to the door and inspected the lock. On the right side, there was a screen that displayed a handprint. 
Do not try to escape. Only Steven can leave the premises. 
“What?” you whispered. The new voice was coming from all around you, seemingly through fixtures in the ceiling and walls, but you couldn’t be sure. The situation was tense and you were scared the whole house was going to burn down.
Before you could catch her, Peggy planted her hand on the screen which scanned and turned red. Suddenly, all the lights emanated red, accompanying a booming alarm that blared through the house. 
In the distance, what you assumed was a statuesque décor piece, came to life. It reminded you of the spiders from the Maze Runner. A motorized killing machine. It stalked towards Peggy and you with pincers appearing from its side. 
Screaming, Peggy ran. So did you, but you weren’t sure if you were screaming. You couldn’t hear through the noise your friend was making on top of the deafening alarm. 
The spider machine stuck out its knife-like hands, trying to stab you. As you ran into another room, you frantically searched for an exit. Right now, your priority was to survive this thing.
You pulled open a cupboard in what appeared to be the study and instructed Peggy to climb in. The monster was coming. There wasn’t much time to hide. 
You shut the closet door and hid behind a lounging chair in the corner. 
The machine came in and scanned the room, looking for your heat signatures. It could see Peggy.
The cupboard door flung open and Peggy shrieked, crawling out of it in attempts to move out of the line of attack. She took 4 steps on her knees and looked straight into your eyes. 
You screamed when she was dragged back towards the machine. You couldn’t save her anymore. You mobilized and ran back to the living room area, not even turning back to address blood that splattered across your back. It wasn’t in your best interest to find out how she was killed. 
Frozen in fear, you look to your right to see the entrance door open. There stood your captor, staring at the machine that was now hovering over you. 
“Stop,” he muttered and set down his briefcase. 
Aries retracted its pincers, making its way back to the little pedestal it was perched on before. It powered down just as the CEO stepped into the house and glared at you.
For a split second, the doors were open, and you considered tackling past him. 
“Don’t even think about it.”
You collapsed onto the floor where you were already lying down. Getting out was going to be a lot harder than you anticipated. 
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Your hands were bound again, but this time, behind you. You were seated on a pedestal like the one Aries was on, except this one had an ugly glass décor piece that extended to the ceiling. You tugged on the bonds, hoping for some leeway, but Rogers had learned his lesson. 
You shook your head side to side, trying to get pieces of hair and blood off your face. Eventually, you had to give up, slumping into the post your arms were tied to. 
“You cost me 7 million dollars worth of tech,” Steve’s voice sounded from another room. 
“If you let me go, I swear on my life I won’t tell anyone. They won’t believe me anyway.” 
He appeared in front of you and placed both hands on either side of your thighs. 
“Things will work out for you, if you just… shut up.” 
You exhaled and turned your face to the right, hoping he’d stop invading your personal space. 
“Just… please, untie me.”
He stood back and considered your request before rounding the side of the pedestal and untying you. 
Yes, Steve.
“Activate Aries if she moves a single inch from her spot.” He eyed you at the end of his command and sauntered away to god-knows-where. 
You hoped it wouldn’t be pushing your luck to stand up and stretch, so you did. You mentally considered the various stretches you did as a child, during gymnastics. It had been years since you recalled those, so you did them to the best of your ability. It’s funny how life works. One day you were among a row of girls, learning how to do a cartwheel and before you know it, you’re in a psycho’s mansion as a lab experiment. 
About 30 feet away from this pedestal was Aries.  
Cautiously, you took a few steps away from your place. No reaction from Aries. That meant ‘Bucky’ and Aries weren’t the same thing. You could also deduce from Steve’s command, Bucky was capable of conversing.
Do not take another step forward, Subject 10. I have been told to inflict pain if you move from your position.
You took another step anyway, wondering how much you could test the limits of this A.I. 
Do not take another step forward, Subject 10. I have been told to inflict pain if you move from your position. 
You considered making a run for it but reconsidered. Aries would activate in less than 5 seconds and Steve was still in the house somewhere. You needed to play this better. Besides, you didn’t even have an exit point. 
You went back to your pedestal and sat down, drawing patterns on the ground with your feet. It would help to know the time or date. A part of you wondered if anyone was looking for you, but you yourself had answered that question long ago. No one looks for people like you or me. 
It could’ve been hours or minutes, but finally, Steve called you into a different room. You observed your environment as you stalked towards the kitchen area where the inventor was seated. 
“Sit,” he motioned at the chair that was on the other end of the table. 
As soon as you sat, tiny robots flew to your seat and placed food in front of you. It was some sort of soup with a side of bread, the only utensil he gave you being a spoon. Smart bastard. 
You wanted to hold off on the food; you really did. But you didn’t even get to eat the sandwich that you were putting together before the kidnapping. So you began devouring the meal, ignoring his pointed stare at your lack of table manners. It was only when you were halfway through the meal did you realize that the food may be drugged. Too late now.
“You killed my only other test subject and rendered her data useless.”
“I didn’t kill her.”
Steve dropped his steak knife and fork, shooting daggers into your eyes.
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” he began. Clasping his hands together, he leaned forward, supporting his weight on his elbows. You could tell by the way he talked that he was used to getting what he wanted. He relished in it.
“Every day, for the next two weeks, I’m going to leave for work. And every day, you’re going to complete the puzzles and tasks that Bucky tells you to do.”
“And if I don’t?”
“It won’t take me more than 10 minutes to kill you, clean up the mess and dispose of your body.”
“If you could kill me, you probably would’ve. I know you considered it,” you remarked, leaning back into your chair and folding your arms.
“Now, why would I waste a perfectly good test subject?” It was his turn to mimic your body language. 
“If you want me to do what you need me to do, I need three things,” you announced. 
“It’s funny how you think you have any leverage in this situation.”
You kept your face stoic, trying to prove that you were serious about the negotiations. If he didn’t allow you these requests, you would never escape. 
“Okay, go on,” he said, clearly amused. 
“I need clothes. Regular clothes, not prisoner uniforms. I need to shower. And I need proper food, like what you’re eating.”
“That’s quite the list.” he laughed. Abruptly, his features turned serious. “I hope you know that you don’t hold any cards against me right now, and if I allow any of those things, it’s out of the kindness of my heart.”
It was your turn to laugh. “The kindness of your heart,” you wheezed between laughs. “Sure, okay. Yeah.”
He swallowed the last piece of his meal and gestured towards the sofas. 
“Bucky will be guarding you throughout the night. Don’t think of trying anything.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you beamed at his sour expression right before leaving the table.
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hangovercurse · 4 years
Don’t Be Sorry
In which Y/N’s past catches up to her... and Colson
Reader x Colson Baker
Warnings: Abuse (Graphic), cursing, violence.
A/N: Seriously, it gets detailed. If you are uncomfortable with domestic abuse/ violence then this is not the fic for you. If you are a victim of abuse, there are resources available for you. The National Domestic Violence Support Hotline is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). 
Word Count: 2352
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“To good music and good friends” Colson shouted over the noise of the crowd. The group raised their glasses in a toast before downing the shot. “Now let’s fuckin party!” 
It was your first time out in a while. You liked to pretend it was because you were too busy. I have a job outside of writing music with you, you would always remind the older boy. But truthfully, you weren’t as attached to the party scene as your friends and did whatever you could to avoid them. 
But when Colson asked, well begged, you to go out with them to celebrate finishing Hotel Diablo you couldn’t say no. Colson’s face when you said yes almost made you excited. Almost.
But now on the crowded rooftop of a club you’d never been to in an outfit that was all too tight and all too short, you wished you’d made up an excuse to stay home. Luckily your friends made you forget your unease. 
“Y/N, watch me drink both of these beers in 10 seconds!” Rook shouted, holding two bottles in his hands. You laughed, shaking your head slightly at his antics and pulling out your phone to time him. 
“Ok, go.” You said as he brought the bottles up to his mouth, chugging both in an astounding 9.75 seconds. “Dude that’s insane.” You showed him the timer and he cheered, dragging you to the bar. 
“I’m getting you a drink, whaddyu want?” Rook asked as he waved down the bartender. “Rum and coke?” He questioned, knowing your order by heart at this point.
“How’d you guess.” You asked with a smile on your face. 
“It’s a talent.” Rook laughed, arms flailing as he bowed dramatically. 
The pair of you got your drinks and returned to your group in the middle of the dance floor. When you got back Slim dramatically held out his hand for you to dance with him, and you guys jumped around to the music. 
The drink in your veins made you a little more comfortable. it wasn’t enough to get you into any trouble, just enough to loosen you up for a good time. As the group laughed at AJ’s terrible dance moves, you felt a chill come over the room. 
As the rest of your friends smiled and laughed, you looked around the dance floor, trying to find anything, or anyone, out of place. Unfortunately for you, you were much shorter than the men around you, so you couldn’t see much. 
Colson noticed you weren’t really with the group, and he followed your gaze around the room, leaning in close to you. “Everything ok?” He asked.
“Yeah, I just have this weird feeling.” 
He laughed, “drink too much?” 
You gave him a pointed look and then chuckled to signify you were joking. “No, I just, I don’t know how to explain it. I just have a bad feeling about something.” 
“Ok, well just don’t leave my side. I’ll keep you safe.” He winked at you and you rolled your eyes, but you appreciated the sincerity in his statement. 
Colson and you had been friends for years, but after your last relationship ended... roughly (to put it nicely), he let you stay at his place for a while until you got back on your feet. Since then you’d gotten closer to the tattooed man and come to trust him implicitly. 
You refocused on your friends, watching Pete and Baze racing pints of beers, with Baze winning (for obvious reasons). You laughed as Pete hung his head in shame. He scrunched his nose at you. “I don’t see you chugging anything.” 
This only made you laugh harder, “I don’t think what you were doing is considered “chugging.”” You made air quotes as he put on a mock hurt expression. 
“Y/N’s up next!” Slim shouted and your eyes went wide. 
“Oh hell no, man. I leave that shit up to you guys.” You smiled as he shook his head profusely. 
“Nope, you gotta do it. Rook’s already getting the beer.”
You hung your head, knowing there was no arguing with Slim. “Fine, but I’m gonna lose and then I’m gonna be mad. So if I’m mad, its your fault.” You shook your head as the boys howled. 
Rook came back with two beers in his hand, handing you one. “I’ll give you a head start.” Slim smiled.
“Fuck no, man.” You said before bringing the beer to your lips, chugging the drink. Slim was taken off guard and ended up starting a few seconds after you, which was all the advantage you needed. 
You raised your hands in victory as AJ picked you up in celebration, the boys cheering for you as Slim hung his head. Once you landed back on your feet, Rook threw his arm around your shoulders, “Y/N is the fuckin bomb.” 
You loved this feeling, you loved being surrounded by your friends who loved you. You giggled as he leaned into you, making you stumble under his weight. 
“Oh look, Y/Ns surrounded by all her little man-whores.” His voice sobered you up instantly and made every bone in your body tense up. You looked up to Colson for support, but he was already focused on the man behind you. 
“Not even gonna look at me, damn. You’re really that much of a bitch, huh? Not even gonna say hi?” His voice was like poison in your veins. Every word he spoke reminded you of the last time you saw him. You subconsciously reached up to your neck, rubbing your throat.
“Get the fuck away from her dude.” Colson said shortly. You tried to catch his eye. You wanted to beg him not to make a scene, to just take your hand and leave. But it was too late for that. 
“And who the fuck are you?” Jason, your ex-boyfriend, moved towards Colson and into your view. You flashed back to the night in his living room, his back facing you just like it was now, before he turned around and-
Luckily, Rook’s hand squeezing your shoulder pulled you from your thoughts. You turned to look at him, his head cocked and his eyes questioning. You simply shook your head at him. You looked back to Colson who was seething. You caught Pete’s eye behind him and mouthed, we need to leave.
Pete nodded, grabbing Colson’s arm lightly, but the blond only shook off his friends grasp. 
“Hey, there’s this really cool music store down the street that’s still open, we should go check it out.” AJ said, his eyes trained on you. Thank god for AJ.
“Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.” Pete said, “Colson let’s go check it out.” 
You could see Jason’s face change when he figured out who the blond man was. “Yeah, Colson, why don’t you take your bitch and get out of here.”
“Don’t fucking call her that.” Colson moved closer to him and your eyes widened in fear. 
“What? A bitch? That’s what she is, a slutty fucking bitch.” With every word, Jason moved closer to your friend until the two men were almost touching. Tears stung your eyes as you flashed back again. 
“You stupid fucking whore. Who the fuck do you think you are? Fucking around with some asshole rapper! Did you forget you fucking belong to me?”
His words still rang in your mind. You could feel your body begin to shut down, your lungs gasping for breath just like they had that day. 
You were brought back to reality by the screams of protest as Colson pushed your ex-boyfriend away from him, causing Jason’s fist to make contact with Colson’s jaw. 
“You think you can get away with making me look like an idiot? I’m your fucking boyfriend, not him.”
Jason’s fist made contact with your left cheek and your knees failed to hold you up. The man caught you before you hit the ground, leaning forward to pin you against the wall behind you. 
“Y/N, c’mon, let’s go.” Rook’s arm fell to the small of your back as he escorted you through the crowd, Slim following you. You made your way down the stairs, the two boys helping to support your weight. 
“I’m gonna make you remember who you belong to.” 
Jason pinned your arms above your head as he pressed you further into the wall. His free hand made its way up your chest to your throat. His soft grasp turned into a squeeze around your neck. 
“Jason please-”
You tried to talk, but few words could come out. You struggled for air as his eyes grew darker and darker. 
“You think you can go and fuck around with whoever you want, don’t you?”
You shook your head, but he continued.
“You’re a goddamn slut, and you need to learn your lesson.” 
Your vision began to blur.
“Y/N, you okay?” You came back to reality to find yourself in the alley between the club and the neighboring building. Slim was standing in front of you, Rook to your side as you leaned against the wall behind you. 
You shook your head in response and he let out a sigh. Suddenly the door slammed open and you flinched at the noise. 
“I’m gonna fucking kill him.”
“I’m gonna fucking kill you.”
You kneed Jason as a last resort before you lost consciousness, and now you were running through the house. You ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind you and pulling your phone from your pocket, not even noticing the new crack in the screen. You searched for the first name you could think of.
“Colson, take a breath, man!” AJ yelled as he followed the tall blond man outside. 
Colson was pacing a few feet away from you as you tried to focus on breathing, your hand subconsciously reaching for your neck again, as if you were trying to pry his invisible hand off of you. 
Pete moved in front of you, taking in your state of fear. Other than Colson, Pete was the only one who had any idea about your ex. He didn’t know the whole story, only that it ended violently. 
“Hey, you okay?” He asked, keeping his distance as he leaned against the other wall across from you. 
You sniffled and wiped your face, nodding quickly as you realized most of your friends- save for Baze and Colson- were watching you. “Sorry guys- he’s just an ex. He’s kind of an asshole.” 
“Really kid? We couldn’t tell.” AJ tried to joke, and you cracked a small smile, trying to convince them you were ok. 
Your breathing started to slow, and you felt yourself coming down from your panicked state, until you caught Colson’s fist making contact with the wall of the club.  
“Open this fucking door bitch!”
Jason’s fists beat against the door- the only thing standing between you and him.
“He’s gonna kill me Cols. I’m so scared.”
Your sobs rang through the phone as the banging intensified. 
“He can’t save you now, bitch! Not such a big man now, are ya? Colson!”
“Colson!” Baze berated the blond man, who recoiled in pain. “Get your shit together, bro.” He said, quieter.
Colson looked up at his friend and then past him to meet your eyes. His blue orbs softened at the tears in yours. “I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He whispered, walking over to you. 
He leaned forward against the wall you already occupied, his arms above your head as his head drooped down to watch you. You looked up at him, your hand reaching up to touch his face where Jason had made contact. 
He flinched when your skin met his, causing you to jerk your hand back, afraid he would yell at you for hurting him. 
“It’s okay, I was just surprised is all.” He whispered before grabbing your hand and bringing it back up to his chin. You ran your fingers over the forming bruise lightly, another tear falling from your eyes. 
“I’m so sorry.” You whispered. “I didn’t think he’d- I didn’t know...” You trailed off, looking down and dropping your hand from Colson’s face. 
“Hey, hey, hey.” He moved one hand to gently tilt your face up, leaning down to be closer to you, “Look at me. This was not your fault. Okay? You don’t need to be sorry for anything, babe. You did nothing wrong.” 
“I just- if I hadn’t called you that night-”
“You wouldn’t be here. Y/N if you hadn’t called me you could’ve been seriously hurt. He could’ve killed you.” 
You took a shaky breath in, sniffling. Colson sniffled too. “Y/N, this is nothing, okay? I would take a thousand more punches like this if it means that douchebag never comes near you again. I mean it. Don’t blame yourself for this, okay?” You nod, reaching your arms up to wrap around his neck as you bury your head into his shoulder, your nose pressed against his neck. 
His arms wrapped around you and you could hear his sniffles in your ear as his lips pressed against your hair. “Thank you.” You mumble into his neck, pressing your lips against the hot skin. 
“Hey! Get the fuck out of here! This isn’t some fucking party you can photograph. Fuck off with your cameras!” Pete yelled, causing you to release Colson and look towards the commotion. You briefly see a figure in the distance before a white flash blinds you. 
“Fuckin paps.” Colson whispered, his arms still wrapped around your waist. 
“Let’s get outta here, guys.” Slim says, leading everyone back into the club to leave through the back door. Colson interlocked your hand with his as you stepped into the building, keeping you as close to him as possible as you squeezed your way through the crowd. 
Once you loaded yourselves into the van, you leaned your head on Colson’s shoulder, your hands still interlocked. “Can I stay at yours tonight?” You asked in a whisper. Colson simply pressed a kiss to your forehead, his hand leaving yours to wrap around you and pull you closer to him.  
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
No Going Back
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader 
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Request : good morning. i wanna request number 8.  “Maybe you should just leave now.” angst/fighting dialogue. to be correct it is for billy russo right?
A/N: yes it's my Billy boy :') he a lil soft in this though but also an asshole lmaooo not gonna lie, this one had me swept up in the emotion. It hit quite close to home and now I'm sad :') 
Warnings: cursing, angst, sadness and heartbreak. Billy fucked up big time lol
Your hands were shaking as you slammed the door to your apartment. Tears stained your cheeks and you kicked your heels off before storming to your bedroom, grabbing a duffel bag and starting to pack his things that he'd left around. Heartbroken didn't even cover it. 
You knew this would happen, it's why you fought against it for so long. But you were stupid and ended falling for his bullshit and now you were a mess. 
You and Billy had been together officially for 7 months. You'd met a year ago at a bar and hit it off, but when he tried to take you home you'd denied him. That apparently piqued his interest even more. He'd always be at the bar every Friday when you went and it was always easy to just be yourself around him. You didn't take him up on his offer and he would offer every time. He never made it a secret that he wanted you. 
But as the months drew on, you both got to know each other more and it became a sort of friendship. You had to admit you felt something when you looked forward to seeing him. He'd asked you once why you were so against it and you'd been pretty blunt with him. You knew of his reputation and you weren't into it. You didn't do one night stands or casual sex. You wanted a relationship, someone to settle down with. You wanted something real. You told him you didn't think he was capable of that and he'd break your heart. 
Five months into knowing each other and he'd switched from just wanting to fuck you to wanting to actually date you and you'd still put up a fight. But as your feelings for him grew, he wore you down. The moment you agreed to that date, which he'd been over the moon about, everything changed. 
It had been so easy to be with him. He treated you like a queen, was more affectionate than you'd have thought, and you enjoyed each other's company. He was busy with Anvil a lot so you didn't see him every day but he'd call if he couldn't see you or send you sweet texts. He swore to you up and down that he'd never hurt you, never do what you'd thought he would do when you turned him down all those times. 
You'd see the looks women gave him when you went out together or were at an event as his date and sometimes you'd feel insecure. But he only had eyes for you it seemed and it reassured you. It lulled you into a false sense of security that he'd actually changed. That he actually cared about you. 
But you were wrong. So very fucking wrong and now you were paying for it. You'd been having dinner with a friend you hadn't seen in a while when it happened. Your eyes finding Billy across the restaurant. He was sat with a pretty blonde, very up close and intimate as they whispered god knows what to each other. You'd felt your heart crack but tried to deny it. It was just flirting, nothing more. But then… he'd leaned in and kissed her. 
You'd shot out of your seat so fast the chair fell over and ran out of the place like someone had lit a fire up your ass. And you knew he'd seen you because you heard him shouting your name as you jumped into a cab and left. 
You hated yourself for being surprised at what he'd done. You'd told him this was exactly how it would go but he'd swore to you. And you allowed yourself to buy into his bullshit because you loved him. 
Most of his things packed, you padded over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine, pouring a large glass. You swigged it in one and felt the warmth bloom in your chest. It did little to ease the hopeless sorrow that consumed you though. 
There was a rough knock at your door and you heard Billy call your name loudly. You tensed, heart breaking all over again as the tears seemed to be never ending. You didn't want to talk to him, to even look at him. But this was it. You couldn't stay with him, not now. You'd never be able to trust him again. You knew you had to tell him it was done so you could lick your wounds and heal from the pain. 
"Y/N, please… open the door," Billy begged from the other side. You walked over, unlocking it but not opening it as you stormed back off to your bedroom. You knew he'd let himself in. You heard his heavy footsteps entering as you shoved another of his shirts in the bag, one you liked to sleep with.
"Can we talk?" He asked hesitantly. 
"No," you bit out, eyes snapping to him. His face fell when he saw you crying and he took a tentative step into the room.
"Please, Y/N, let me explain," he frowned. You laughed but it held no joy. Only a deep rooted pain that was latched onto your soul. 
"Explain? Really? What, you gonna say you tripped and your mouth landed on hers?! I saw it with my own eyes, Billy! You don't need to explain anything!" You roared, pure pain lacing your words.
He clenched his jaw as he shook his head, eyes glassy as he stared at you. 
"I'm-I'm sorry," he started softly,  reaching out to grab your arm but you smacked it away harshly. He looked like a kicked puppy and you hated it. He didn't get to be upset about this. 
"How long have you been fucking her then?" You asked snidely as you grabbed the duffel bag, holding it in a death grip. 
"I haven't fucked her," he muttered quietly. You snorted deprecatingly and he bit down on his lower lip.
"Yet?" You asked knowingly. His guilty glance to the floor told you everything you needed to know. 
"How long, Billy? How long have you been cheating on me?" You asked, your voice wavered but your gaze had nothing but fire in it and he shifted where he stood. He couldn't look at you. 
"A month. It was always one night, I never went back to someone," he frowned. Pain clawed its way through your chest and you threw the bag at him hard. He caught it but stumbled a little and he looked at you forlornly. 
"Well, I guess that makes it better then, right?" You asked coldly and he flinched. 
You stormed past him back to the kitchen area and he followed quickly. 
"Please listen to me, Y/N. I need to make this right," he pleaded desperately. You whirled around to face him, face flushed and tear stained and you felt like you wanted to scream. 
"Why? Why did you just decide after 6 months together to do this to me? You promised me, Billy! I knew this would happen but you fought for this! For us! Why?! Just so you could break my heart?!" You bellowed, a mix of anger and utter despair in your tone. 
His lower lip quivered and he bit down on it, staring at the floor.
"I never wanted to hurt you. I swear, I didn't. I just…" his voice cracked as his teary eyes landed on you. 
"Maybe you should just leave now," you uttered. Your whole body was trembling and you felt sick. You couldn't stand to look at him. He stepped closer to you, dropping the bag on the floor but you took a step back. It would be far too easy to fall for his bullshit again and if he touched you, you didn't think you'd be able to get him to leave. 
It felt like pure pain ripped through your chest, the weight of the world crashing down around you. You slumped onto a dining chair as a raw sob clawed its way out. Billy was kneeling in front of you in seconds, his own cheeks now damp as he cupped your cheeks. You moved your head from his grip and shook your head. 
"I loved you, you know that?" You whispered brokenly though your tears. You'd never outright said it, mostly in fear of his reaction. But it had all gone to shit anyway. His lip trembled again, scrunching his nose up a little as he shook his head. He looked utterly devastated and it made you angry so you continued.
"I loved you with everything I had. I trusted you with my life. I ripped out my own beating heart and willingly gave it to you because you swore to me you wouldn't do this. You just took it and stomped all over it. How could you do this to me?" Your last words were strained as the tears flowed freely.
"Please let me fix this," he begged helplessly. He was crying openly now, not trying to hide it as he gazed at you from the floor. 
"You can't fix it. I'll never be able to trust you again. It's not just the sex, Billy! You've been lying to me for a month. All those business meetings or times you were away? And you just… you'd come back to me with a smile and tell me sweet words. Looked me in the fucking eye and not feel guilty," you choked out. He shook his head vigorously, hands clasping yours so tight you couldn't pull them away.
"You've got no idea how guilty I felt. It's been eatin' me up from the inside out," he lamented.
"Why would you…? What was it? You just got bored of me? Decided you didn't want me anymore? You should have just ended this because it would hurt less than this," you wept pitifully. He shook his head, clutching your hands tighter.
"Don't… Don't say that, I do want you. I know I don't deserve you, I know I'm an asshole. And… and maybe I shoulda left it alone when you told me this would happen, but I was selfish and I-I couldn't. You were never like the others. I knew that from the moment we met. But then… then things were gettin' serious and I just… I freaked out and went back to my default 'cause I didn't know how to…'' he cried, screwing his face up as he hung his head. 
You sobbed as you stood, his hands falling away and you moved to lean against the table as he stood. 
"It would be bad enough if I'd just got with you in the first place and you did this. But I wanted to avoid this. I tried so hard but you kept on at it. And it hurts so much more because you promised me you wouldn't do this and I believed you. I thought you'd changed, that you…" you ran a hand through your hair, tugging on it as the tears wouldn't stop.
He stepped to you, grasping your face in both hands and you couldn't bring yourself to fight it despite the pain it brought you. His endless eyes were all consuming, his cheeks wet from his own tears.
"Please… please, Y/N, don't do this. Let me make it right," he begged tearfully. 
"Without trust, we have nothing. Everytime you're on your phone I'd wonder if you were talking to another woman. When you're out I'd be paranoid about who you were with. I can't live like that, Billy. I can't live my life in… in an anxious, jealous haze. That's not a relationship," you whispered. 
He made a pained noise and it squeezed your heart so hard you thought it might implode. 
"I was never good enough for you. I knew that. But I wanted… I wanted to try and be-be a good man… for you. And I fucked up so bad and I just…" his words trailed off into a hopeless sob and you squeezed your eyes shut. You wished there was a way to fix this but there wasn't. You wouldn't be in one of those relationships without trust. Checking your partner's phone and always checking in. It would break you.
"You need to leave, Billy," your words were a mere breath and his hands on your face tightened for a moment before they fell to his sides. He looked completely broken and you were sure you looked the same. He opened his mouth before promptly closing it, his jaw ticking as he moved away and pushed the heels of his palms to his eyes. 
You wrapped your arms around yourself like it would protect you from the pain and glared at the floor. You could still feel his gaze burning into you. You glanced at him as he grabbed the bag and slung it over his shoulder. You had to fight the urge to grab onto him as he walked to your door. You felt like you were dying. 
He grabbed the handle but stopped, not looking at you as his body tensed.
"I want you to know… I love you too," his pained words felt like a punch to the gut and you covered your mouth with a hand but it did little to stop the noise that left your lips. He looked over his shoulder at you, still holding the door handle.
"I know that… right now you probably don't believe me, but I do. And I'm sorry. I-I never wanted you to get hurt. You deserve so much better," he muttered despondently. With that, he opened the door and slipped out of your apartment. Of your life. 
You fell to the floor as heaving sobs left your chest. It would have been easier if he came here being an asshole. Cold and emotionless like you knew he could be at times. But seeing him, his emotions so raw and on display, it cut you deeper than any knife could. And you believed him. You knew him well enough to believe that he fell in love with you and freaked out. You knew it would happen which is why you'd turned him down at the start. You believed he never wanted to hurt you. And you wished you could forgive him. You saw how much it hurt him too but you couldn't. You couldn't get over the betrayal and you didn't think you ever could. 
He'd sabotaged what you both had because of his inability to deal with what he felt and the bitter knowledge that if he'd just accepted it, how different your future would be with him, it left a sour taste in your mouth. Billy had opened up to you a lot in your time together about his past and you knew how much it had messed him up. You knew it left him struggling with emotions and relationships and you felt for him. For the lost boy who'd never felt love and didn't know how to cope with it. But nothing could erase the heartbreak. The hurt that he'd given you. Because even if you'd one day be able to forgive him, you'd never be able to forget.
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marvelmaniac2000 · 3 years
Shang Chi x Reader Scenario #1 Part 2 Of 2 (Imagines)
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Storyline: Shang Chi knows you are a very attractive person and men are always admiring you. Even though you don’t pay any mind to it at all, sometimes it can become overbearing. Luckily your best friend is there to stray away unwanted advances.
(By the way, in this short story the relationship is mutual, but Shang Chi has always been in love with you. Also he’s super protective of you and gets jealous a lot.)
Characters: Shang Chi x reader
Subject warning: jealousy angst, mild violence, alcohol use
(Sorry in advance for any incorrect spelling or grammar) I'm trying to improve my proof reading skills.
“Get your fucking hands off me!” the man thrusted his other arm forward attempting to throw a punch. Shang Chi caught his fist with his hand and counter reacted with a powerful face punch. The poor sorry excuse of a man falls to the ground with a bloody nose.
He stomped the sole of his foot onto the man’s hand, making him ache in pain.
“ I’m going to give you mercy, but next time I see you around disrespecting women I will break every single bone in your hand”
“I think he got your point, we need to leave now” you quickly got up from your chair and pushed Shang Chi to get going. You glimpse at the man again and see him lying on the ground holding his busted nose. One part of you didn’t appreciate the attention Shang Chi draws in from sticking up for you, but nevertheless the satisfaction of seeing the person get their karma was the best part.
After departing from the bar to escape anyone from calling authorities, you guys settle in at your apartment that was close by.
“Sorry for ruining our outing again” he said reluctantly.
“It’s ok I appreciate it, sometimes I wish men weren’t such animals” you furrowed your brows. You removed your earrings and tossed them on your kitchen counter. Making your way to the fridge and take two wine coolers out since you guys didn’t get a chance to drink at the bar.
Shang Chi strolled around the living room and gazed at the outside balcony that you never use.
A sense of nostalgia hit Shang Chi remembering the moment he fell in love with you.
“Hey let’s sit out here” he cracked the sliding door open.
You didn’t really care and followed suit and met him outside. You handed him his drink and sat next to him on your cheap patio sofa you bought. The night sky was smoothly calm and the air was crisp. You watch the stars align enjoying the presence of a quiet city. Shang Chi casually stretched his arm out on top of the patio sofa but across the side you were sitting on. You leaned your head against his arm.
“You know not all men are animals?” he said.
“Yeah I know I just don’t have time to date and ninety percent of guys our age only want that one thing so if I have to be forty years old with cats then so be yet. I’m totally fine with that.” Shang Chi chuckled and shook his head.
“(Y/N) you are the most loving, and hard working girl I know. If the right guy doesn’t see that then he doesn’t deserve you. At first I thought I only loved you on a friendship level but I’ve come to realize you mean more to me than just a friend. I just never asked you out because I thought I was out of your league”
You hung onto every word he said and couldn’t help but realize you have friend zoned Shang Chi this whole time. But only from assumptions.
“I figured you always had girls in your back pocket because you are the whole package. You’re every girl’s dream so I figured you didn’t need a girlfriend, you had options which meant I threw that possibility of you out of my head a long time ago” you said disheartened.
You look into Shang Chi’s warm eyes that reflected the same emotions as yours.
“When I came here, I didn’t know anyone. I already felt alone, but that changed the day I meant you. You are the light that helped me out of the tunnel, and if something were to happen to you, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself anymore. I have already made too many mistakes.” Shang Chi tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
This man will climb any mountain and beat any human being that will stand in your way. You couldn’t help feeling the instant attraction you suppressed years ago.
“Shang Chi I love you,” you confessed. He instantly kissed your lips and felt sparks fly between your heartbeat. You broke the kiss and admired the moonlight displaying his handsome face.
You caress his chisel cheek and smirked, “Well since we are official now that means more dates. So can you at least show me those killer moves you do? Where did you even learn that stuff?” You jokingly ask.
“That’s a story for another time” he smiled and rubbed his necklace.
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bokugaos · 4 years
piece by piece.
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pairing: kuroo x reader
length: 3.1k
tags — sex work/prostitution, semi-public sex, oral sex, alley blow jobs, rough sex, creampie, violence, abuse/assault, jealousy, possessiveness, angst.
summary: The first time Kuroo fucks you is your first ever. The second time he fucks you is also the last time.
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The first time is in a dirty alley behind the bar, Kuroo’s pants around his ankles and you are fumbling awkwardly down to your knees.
He’s drunk and angry, too pissed off at the world to care who’s sucking him off in the dingy shadows beside the garbage bins. It’s not a bad blowjob by far—certainly not the worst he’s ever had—mouth warm and tight as he grips your hair and shoves his thick cock down your throat. You gag a little until your pretty eyes start to water, though you don’t try to pull away; you just let Kuroo fuck your mouth until he comes with a grunt, and swallows every drop before wiping your lips absently with a delicate hand.
Kuroo doesn’t look up as he tucks himself back into his jeans, though he can hear you get off your knees and lean against the wall with a sigh. The orgasm has taken the edge off his simmering rage, but he’s still drunk as fuck and anxious to get home and crawl into his lumpy bed. He digs into his jeans for twenty bucks and hands it to you without a word, and is surprised when you stuff it into your pocket and then grabs his arm before he can walk away.
“Do you…want me to do that for you again some time?” you ask, and look up at him with wide, hopeful eyes like he is the fucking Santa Claus. “I can meet you here? Or at your place?”
The words are on the tip of his tongue as he shrugs your hand off with a sigh; that he’s not picky about who sucks his cock and pretty much any mouth will do. Instead, he looks at your earnest face and the slightly desperate expression you’re trying to hide and finds himself saying the last fucking thing he ever expected.
“Yeah, here. Same time tomorrow.”
He doesn’t even learn your name until the fifth time you suck him off, still panting slightly after taking the load down your throat with a pleased smile.
“My name’s y/n,” you say, staring up at him through those lashes like you’re expecting a fucking pat on the head. He has no idea how he’s supposed to respond so he says nothing, shoving the money at you with a grunt before walking away.
He doesn’t need to know your name or what you do when he’s not around. And he does not spend any time wondering where you stay or why you’re out on the streets in the first place.
It’s none of his fucking business.
The first time Kuroo fucks you is also your first time ever, though he has no clue he’s dealing with a virgin until the deed is done.
You’re in his bed, and on your hands and knees, face pressed into the mattress and your hands clenched so tightly on the sheets. If he had bothered to, he might have guessed at the lack of experience; would have known from the wild look in your eyes and the nervous gnawing of those plush lips as you strip hastily and crawl onto the bed.
Instead, he’s too distracted by the show of your skin and his own painful erection to do much more than a perfunctory prep before he’s pushing in. you keen, high and wounded and clench down, and it takes every bit of his willpower not to just shove his cock all the way in and start thrusting his hips. As it is, he barely gives you a few moments to get used to being filled, before he starts hammering that pretty hole like his life fucking depends on it.
You groan, back arching against every thrust, sounding pinched and breathless every time he sinks in and bottoms out with a forceful grunt. You feel damn good around his swollen prick, and he finds that he can’t get enough of the way your skin bruises under his rough and calloused fingertips. It drives him wild when you grit your teeth and try so hard not to whine, which only tips Kuroo to haul his hips back and fuck you even harder.
He’s so pent-up that it doesn’t take long before he’s on the edge, and then he’s dragging you up onto your knees and spurting hard, biting down on a bare neck as he comes and comes inside that tight flesh. When he finishes he pulls out slowly, almost gently, though it still makes you cry out like you’re being punched in the gut.
“You okay?” he asks, as you just lay there on the bed, head cradled in your arms as you stare blankly at the far wall. “Did you come?”
“No,” you say, so quietly he can barely hear you. “I didn’t think I would the first time. Maybe once I’m used to it, and it doesn’t hurt.”
Kuroo stiffens, and slowly climbs off the bed. “What the fuck? What do you mean first time?”
You turn to look up at him and shrug, though your eyes are red and a little wet. “Everyone has a first time, right? This was mine.”
He pushes the bills into your hand hesitantly and leaves you on the bed.
He doesn’t see you again for a month.
Kuroo finds you there the week after, in the alley behind the same bar, in your usual spot at the usual time. But it’s obvious that you’re not waiting for him tonight, because you’re on your knees again in the shadows, sucking some other man’s dick like you were born for it.
His first impulse is to turn around and leave, to get away from the vivid image of your lips wrapped around someone else’s dick, licking and swallowing like you’re eating a goddamn ice cream. It’s followed by a second impulse to grab the guy and break his fucking nose, the rage welling up fast and violent when you start choking on the cock that’s being unceremoniously rammed down your throat.
Instead Kuroo just stands there and watches, frozen as the man in the cheap grey suit shoots his load inside your mouth with a satisfied grunt. You barely have time to swallow before you’re being hauled onto your feet and kissed within an inch of your life, roughly and messily like the guy is trying to inhale you. Kuroo is practically seeing red with the way he’s manhandling you like so much meat, grabbing and sucking and bruising you like his measly twenty bucks gives him the right to touch every inch of your body.
“What the fuck are you looking at?” the guy yells, when he finally notices Kuroo looming just a few feet away. “You her pimp? Or her next client?”
“I’m not—”
“Don’t mind him, he’s nobody.” You interrupt, and Kuroo can’t disagree, even if the words stick in his craw like so much bile.
The tone of your words manages to surprise Kuroo, if not the invitation; he knows full well that you can’t possibly live off of the measly few dollars you make off of Kuroo alone. No, it’s the way you sound when he makes the offer—all fake happiness and a sultry smile, knowing exactly which strings to pull to get a man’s groin to pay attention.
There’s none of the vulnerability and shy air that you usually carry when you’re dealing with Kuroo, and it makes him feel nauseous, like he doesn’t know which version of you is the real one.
He watches as you follow the cheap suit guy to his small green car parked just a few feet away, ignoring Kuroo as you climb into the passenger seat. He continues to watch as the man grabs you by the back of your neck and crushes his lips to yours, like he wants to take you right there, spread your legs wide and fuck you on the fake leather seats. He watches until the car tears out of its spot and disappears down the road, leaving him standing in the alley alone, his mind filled with images of you on your knees.
Kuroo doesn’t sleep at all that night.
Four days later you show up at his apartment unannounced, sporting a split lip and red marks over your arms, and finger shaped bruises around his neck.
Kuroo lets you in without a word.
You flop tiredly onto the couch, pulling your legs to your chest with a sigh as he heads into the kitchen to fix you some food. When he returns, you take the plate and cup of coffee with a grateful nod and a quirk of your cracked and not quite bleeding lips.
“Really? Coffee? Do I look like I need coffee?”
Kuroo snorts. “Just do me a favor and tell me who that guy is.”
“It’s fine, I don’t really know him anyway,” you shrug, and start to wolf down the meal like it’s the first food you’ve had in days. Which is both a relief and a sting to his heart, because you don’t know that much about him as well, and neither does he.
So he doesn’t ask for any further details, and you don’t offer, though he does ask you to stay the night and sleep on the couch. He tries not to think too much about the relief that flashes briefly across your face, or what he wants to do to the guy who put his hands on you and made you look this way.
You are not on the couch when Kuroo gets up the next morning, and he tells himself that it’s just as well.
“Are you in some kind of trouble?”
He doesn’t know why he asks the question; has received no indication from you that any inquiry into your affairs is either wanted or appreciated. But since you showed up at his place last week ago, bruised and obviously in distress, he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about what happened, and when—not if—it might happen again.
You arch an eyebrow at him and frown. “Why do you think I’m in trouble?”
Kuroo shrugs. “You’re not at your usual spot anymore, behind that bar. I thought…maybe you’re avoiding the guy that hit you.”
The smile that blooms across your face is wholly unexpected, those eyes bright with amusement and something that looks a little too much like softness.
“Yes, but it’s fine. I moved to a different spot and I don’t think he’s going to come looking for me anyway. Not after what I did to him.”
You are grinning now, practically begging Kuroo with the barely contained glee on your face to ask for details. “Alright, I’ll bite. What’d you do?”
You shrug, swallowing a mouthful of your food before you answer, “I waited until he fell asleep and took nude photos of him in his bed. Then I texted them to as many people as I could find on his contacts.”
“You did what—?” he starts, and then, “I’m quite pleasantly surprised. He’s such a good guy.”
“Right?” You say with a laugh, and then your expression changes, smoothing out into a mask of carefreeness that he doesn’t quite buy. “I left after that. But not before cleaning his wallet.”
“You can stay here, if you want,” Kuroo says to you the next morning, his arms around your waist as you lay together in his bed. “Just…I don’t know where you live but if you need a place to go you can crash here.”
You turn in his arms until you’re facing him, your face graced with a shy smile and asks, “Can I suck your cock in exchange for rent?”
“No! It’s not…I don’t mean you have to give me any…fuck,” Kuroo swears, as you tilt your head to the side in realization. “You don’t have to do anything for me.”
“Yeah,” You agree, “same goes for you.”
It takes Kuroo almost an entire week before he realizes that you have taken him up on his offer to stay, your comings and goings unpredictable and your actions often completely unexpected. There are days when you don’t leave the apartment at all; where you spend hours cleaning the living room and wiping furniture, or doing all his laundry. Other times you will disappear for an entire day and night, and return stinking of alcohol and covered in other people’s seed and sweat. Those nights, he watches as you limp into the bathroom and quietly locks the door, and spends hours in the shower, long after the water turns icy cold.
He never asks, but he never says no either, when you climb on him on the couch and unbuckles his pants with quick and steady hands. It’s not just lust that makes it so good when you lick him sloppily from root to tip; it’s also the shame bubbling just under his skin, watching you swallow him down with those perfect cock sucking lips. Kuroo can’t stop staring at your swollen mouth sliding up and down his cock; can’t stop bucking his hips and fucking your throat, relishing the noises you make when he shoots his entire load in your sinful mouth with a groan.
You always lick your lips after you suck his cock, like it’s the best damn thing you’ve ever tasted.
And you only smile afterwards when you do it for him.
One day, you come home in the middle of the afternoon on a Saturday, carrying shopping bags that you dump unceremoniously onto the floor. You’re wearing a brand new outfit that looks more expensive than what he makes in a week, gleaming bracelets adorning your wrists and a diamond necklace sparkling on your neck. Gone are your loose worn t-shirts and baggy, low-rise jeans; you look like a model in one of those designer catalogues, or the A-list celebrities going to get coffee in sunny L.A.
Kuroo hates it.
He hates it, because of how right you look in your expensive new outfit; like these are the clothes you’re meant to be wearing.
Like you belong in them all the time, and in a world far, far away from him.
He makes you take all your fancy jewelries off, and then fucks you roughly with two fingers until you come all over his couch.
You still show up at the apartment smelling like sex, with bite marks on your collarbone and your lips swollen from kisses.
But you also come home with bags and bags of groceries too, and make sure to stock the fridge full of his favorite beer.
He tells himself that he appreciates your thoughtfulness, and isn’t at all jealous of whoever the hell it is that’s giving you what he needs.
Giving you everything you deserve and could never get from a guy like him.
The second time he fucks you is also the last time.
You ask him to go out for dinner one night, to a place with neatly folded cloth napkins and dimly lit candles on the table, and you order the most expensive dish on the menu. You spend the evening devouring a mountain of food and making fun of the pretentious staff, and Kuroo pretends he’s perfectly fine with the fact that some rich asshole he doesn’t know is paying for this good time.
But he bites back the festering resentment and gives you a genuine smile, because he’s never seen you so damned happy and relaxed, laughing and smiling as you make your way back to Kuroo’s apartment. He lets you lead him into the bedroom and shut the door behind them, and grins into the toe curling kiss that follows as you move to the bed.
This time, when he’s got you naked on your hands and knees, he takes care to be gentle and thorough, spreading your legs wide and working you open. He slips his tongue and licks your wetness all over, and tastes every bit of that pretty cunt while you clutch the sheets and writhe and moan.
“Tetsurou,” you pant, as he slides in slowly, inch by excruciating inch. “F-feels so good! Oh, please, please fuck me, god I want to feel you, please..!”
“I’m gonna fuck you so good,” he says, groaning as you arch your back and clench around him. “Gonna make you scream my name.”
And he does, relishing every sound he can wring out of you as he sinks to the root, and every breathless sigh as he starts rocking his hips. Every stroke makes him want to push harder and thrust deeper, as he watches his cock disappear over and over inside that pretty pink hole.
He fucks you for what feels like hours that night, stopping whenever he gets too close to wring every ounce of pleasure possible from your sweat soaked bodies. He fucks you on your knees and then flips you over onto your back, and drives himself inside you like he wants to own him; be the one to break you apart and put you back together again.
“Is it good like this? When he fucks you?” Kuroo snarls, throwing your legs over his shoulders and sinking even deeper. “Do you tell them that you want them so bad? Beg them to ruin you too?”
You don’t answer, spurting all over yourself as he keeps drilling you into the bed. He follows a few rough strokes later with a groan, fingers biting deep into soft flesh, every part of him howling with possessive fury as he paints your tight walls with his come.
“No,” you whisper, much later, with Kuroo’s arms wrapped around you and his nose pressed against your neck. “It’s not like this at all.”
The space beside him is empty by the time he wakes the next morning, and there’s a neatly folded note on the nightstand.
He ignores it until he can’t anymore, and then crumples it in his fist and tosses it into the garbage can.
He’s always known that this is how it would end.
Still, he wishes he knew more than just your first name, or how your smile—the real one, soft and genuine—was the best thing he’d ever fucking seen.
He doesn’t see you again for a long time; days and months and years until there’s nothing left but a memory of you and a dull, aching hole in his chest.
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warrior-angel · 3 years
Blood shot
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Summary: Someone who knows the lie will also Know the truth. Sam doesn't wanna watch you destroy yourself so you find another way to change his mind but is it really his mind you're changing?
Author: @warrior-angel
Word Count: 3K
Character: Sam Winchester X Reader, little bit of Dean. Alex (OMC)
Warnings: 18+ Smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it guys) Blood!, Age gap ( Reader is 19, Sam is about 36) choking, fluff, language.
Note: I have never written smut and I have no clue how to work with warnings, so please bare with me.
➳ All mistakes are my own!
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The first time it happened you were drunk, the guy was right there and he was overing telling you it would make you feel good and in that moment you just wanted to forget your day so you said yes, you drank it. The rush of it lasted for days and the next weekend you were back at the same bar asking for another hit. A shot every week turned into every day and you couldn't go without The rush, the blood pumping through your veins, it all made you feel stronger than you ever thought was possible.
You never thought you would lose yourself to an addiction but here you were. It's a Friday night and you are standing in the back alley of a bar having sneaked away from your dad and your uncle so you could meet your friend who was once again late. You didn't like admitting it but these Friday night meet ups scared you, your dad or your uncle could come looking for you and they couldn't know, nobody could know because even though it felt good you knew it was wrong.
It took for what  felt like hours before you finally saw a shadow walking into your direction. He lifted his face and you signed with relief seeing Alex his face, the bastard was smiling from ear to ear while you were panicking over getting caught
“Hey there princess,” 
“You're late” you tell him annoyed by it taking so long, you hadn't had your shot  yet and you were starting to get on edge.
“Someone is cranky, you should take a shot. I heard it's calming.” he says trying to be funny which you didn't appreciate.
you reached in your pocket and took out the flask and held it out to him.
He nodded his head  and took out his pocket knife before lifting up his sleeve and cutting into the flesh. You followed every action carefully, focusing on the crimson red drops that fell to the ground. “Don't worry sweetheart there's more than enough” he tells you, holding his arm out towards the flask which you opened as fast as you could.
you let the drops fall, licking your lips as your eyes take in every drop until the flask is completely filled to the brim.
Once it's full he pulls back, rubbing the soreness from the cut away and showing the wound was almost completely healed.
“Thanks,” you mumble, closing the flask.
“You know what” he says, making your eyes turn up to him. “i’m late and i’m in a good mood, i'll let you take shot if you want” 
“what?” you asked, taken back by his words, you hadn't taken a shot straight from the source since the first time he offered months ago.
“You look like you could use it,”
“I want to believe me i just don't" you tell him hesitant "nevermind” 
“you don't trust me?” he asks and you raise an eyebrow. “you know what they say, don't trust your demons.” he flashes his black eyes and you shake your head.
“Very funny Alex, you know that if i wanted to i could kill you, or maybe torture suits you better you seem to like it bloody,”
he takes a step closer to you, the pocket knife in his hand and his eyes growing darker.
“don't tease me sweetheart,” he says, sending you a wink before handing you the knife. 
“Why don't you take a shot from the best vein,” he tells you, using his free hand he reaches for the collar of his shirt and pushes it aside showing the big veins on his neck. you lick your lips and look into his eyes. Taking the knife from his hand you lift it to make a small cut,  letting the blood trickle down as you stuff the knife back into his pocket.
“Do your worst princess,” you lean forward, licking up the line of blood that was rolling down before settling over the open wound taking in every little drop that he's giving you.
“Y/n?” The back door of the club opens and you push Alex away, licking your lips to catch any of the leftover blood before looking your uncle straight in the eyes.
Alex gives you a quick goodbye before putting on his hood and running as far away from you and your uncle as he can, leaving you to deal with the awkward situation.
“So this is why you leave me and your dad every Friday night, you’ve got a secret boyfriend?”
“What? No, he isn't my boyfriend. we were just.” you look up at him trying to figure out what to say but coming up blank. You turn your eyes  towards the ground and stuff your hands in your pockets cursing underneath your breath when you hear your ring collide with the metal of the flask.
“got something to show me?” Sam asks and you shake your head. Before he can say anything the back door opens again and your dad comes out looking over the two of you. “Great, you found her, ready to go home?” he asks and you nod “yep, lets go” you walk past him straight towards the Impala thankful that your dad walked out before sam could get ahold of the flask.
The second your dad drove into the bunker's garage and cut the engine you were out giving both your uncle and your dad a quick goodnight before rushing towards your bedroom. 
closing the door you let yourself drop against the wood while you try to calm down the pounding in your chest. You had gotten too close to getting caught and you didn't like it. the high from the blood had faded and you were on edge again making your head spin.
You shook off your jacket and threw it on the bed, sitting yourself down beside it and taking out the flask. If you took one little shot just to calm the pounding in your head you would be good, you might not even need another shot tomorrow. Twisting open the lid you set your lips on the rim and swallow the thick liquid.
A loud knock on your door made your eyes snap up. you lick your lips trying to get rid of the evidence while closing the flask. The second you twist it closed and you lift your head your uncle's eyes are on you, This time you knew you were screwed.
“I can explain!” you tell him not knowing what else to say. “You know I was younger once, right? i didn't wait until twenty one to drink either.” he tells you making a nervous smile escape. he thought you were drinking alcohol.
He walks over and sits down beside you making our heart beat rise again.
“You know you can talk to me right?” 
“i-i know” you stutter making him smile. 
“You got lipstick all over your chin.” he tells you, making your eyes widen, you didn't wear any makeup.
Sam reches up and you back away  “don't!” you tell him but he’s already wiping making the stain on your chin worse.
he leans back looking at the crimson red on his fingers and then back up at you.
“is that blood?” he asks looking into your eyes but you stay quiet. he looks towards the flask before setting his eyes back on you and you can see he already knows what's going on.
“what's inside the flask Y/n”
“Please, let me explain.” you say underneath your breath. 
He stands up from the bed and shakes his head, Running his hand through his hair trying to make sense of the situation.
  “you're drinking demon blood?”  you dare to look into his eyes seeing the disappointment and the rage that is stuck in them.
“Please dont tell dad,” you beg and his jaw clenches. “I know it's bad, I do,” you tell him as you stand up from the bed. “It makes me feel stronger, it helps me focus. I need it Uncle Sam, please.”
“No, you don't,” he tells you,  “This feeling, that rush, it's not worth it.” 
You shake your head, your mind spinning not knowing what else to do than begging hoping he will change his mind. “i can help you y/n, let me help you” he begs and you shake your head even more.
“I have been better than i've ever been, please uncle Sam you know  what it's like right, the rush, that feeling?” you ask, begging him to understand the situation. “I know it's wrong, I know I shouldn't want it but it feels so good.”
“and what about when that rush ends huh? what about when you don't have anything left and your body is begging for more, how does that feel?” Sam asks, looking at you.
 “I have it under control,” you tell him knowing that if you run out you can call Alex for a refill. “yeah?" He asks, stepping closer to you "tell me how's the headache going, the nose bleeds or how do you deal with your heightened senses?”
“How did you..”
“I’ve been there Y/n, i know what you're going through”
“Than do it with me” you say it before you can think about it.
“What? No!” he says, stepping away from you again. “You know how it works, you know what to do about the fire that runs through your body, you know what to do about the tension.”
He's pacing back and forth behind your bed, his eyes going to the flask on the bed and you can see he’s thinking about it. You just have to point him in the right direction, if you can't change his mind you just have to come up with something else, and sex always sales.
“You told me that you always felt guilty for being with a demon, you don't have to with me.” you say reaching for the flask on the bed.
“Don’t!” he warns.
“Tell me that you never think about and I'll drop it.” he looks up at you and you can see his wall is cracking, you just had to find the right way to break it.
“Alex told me the sex is great after you drank the blood, is that true?” his eyes turn away from you and you know you got him right where you want .
“It is, isn't it?.” you push the flask in your pocket and take another step closer,  You were blind, he was hot so you coundt help but feel a fire in you're stomach at the idea of fucking him while high on blood.
 You slowly lift one of your  hands and let your fingers  brush over your skin. Closing your eyes you bite your lip as you let your fingers brush the soft skin from your neck down the fally of your breast stopping at the low cut of your shirt and opening your eyes to see Sam's  are already on you, his eyes darkened and his breathing heavier. “Do you like that uncle Sam, the idea of fucking me while were both high on blood?” you step past him and lock your door before turning around, Sam his eyes still on your body.
 “The things you could do to me. I’ve thought about it you know, my uncle fucking my little pussy, Shit i’m getting wet just thinking about it”
Sam closes his eyes and for a few seconds you think you might have gone too far but when he opens them again his pupils are almost completely black and before you could about what's happening you were shoved against the door, your back hitting the hardwood with a tud taking the breath away from your lungs. 
“You think you can seduce me into letting you destroy yourself?” he asks “You’re desperate for that rush right, you want that feeling?” you nod your head hoping he will let you have another shot but instead he leans down “let your uncle show you how to get that,”
Within seconds he pulls your body flush against his and you can feel how hard he is through the layers of clothes sending a shiver down your spine.
He reaches down until his hand is in your pocket and he's taking out the flask.
“You trust me baby?” You swallow the lump in your throat not knowing what he wants you to do but you nod anyway.
He throws the flask onto the chair beside your door before attacking your lips with his own. 
your fingers tuck at the strands of hair making his grip on your hips tighten as you swallow his groans.
His body is flush against yours and you feel your entire body heat up as his hands  move back from your hips towards you ass squeezing the flesh in his big hands.
His lips moved from your own down to nip at your jaw before moving to your neck, pressing kisses into your skin, arm wet sweeps of tongue moving over your skin until his teeth sank into that perfect spot just below your ear making sure to leave a mark that you somehow had to explain to your dad in the morning.
He pulled his lips away from you but stayed close. He swallowed and let out deep breaths, his eyes roaming your body before setting his eyes back on yours and for the first time in your live you didn't see think of him as big uncle Sammy who would protect you, You wanted him to destroy you for everybody else and show you all the things he could do with his hands and his mouth. 
He bit your lower lip, making you gasp  and taking that opportunity to slip his tongue over yours. Hands go down to the hem of your shirt and the second you both pull apart for air he’s taking the fabric off your body.
His lips crashing back into yours as he hoists you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as your arms wrap around his neck. Turning around he walked you towards the edge of the bed before dropping you both down on it, you landed on your back with a soft grunt, bouncing a few times. He leaned on his arm, his fingers going into your hair and slightly pulling on the strands. “Sam,” you gasp not knowing what you're asking for.
A wide grin spreads on his face before he's claiming your lips again and moving his hand to your back to unclasp your bra, taking it off and throwing it somewhere in your room. he slowly lowers his mouth, placing a few kisses on your jaw and going down to your neck creating a path of wet kisses down your body until he reaches your breasts. he sucks on your nipple rolling it between his teeth making you arch your back “oh, shit...” You moan only making Sam's grin wider as he makes his way down your body stopping at the top of your jeans.
“Such a fucking tease,” You breath out making his grin widden even more. “Aren't we greedy,”
“You promised me a rush, right now you only make me want to take another shot,” You say trying to look at how far you can push him, truth was you could care less for the metal flask that was across the room, Sam was giving you something much better but you still wanted to see what would happen if you tipped him over the edge.
He presses himself hard against your clothed cunt, making a desperate moan escape your lips. “What do you really want, Y/N?” He whispered against your lips. You fist your hands in his shirt wanting to get rid of the fabric and letting a groan leave your mouth when he doesn't let you. “Use your words baby”
“ i want these damn clothes of,” He smiled innocently, but you could tell he liked having you wrapped around his finger.  he pulled away from you sitting back on his knees and stripped of his shirt exposing his toned chest and you couldn't stop yourself from reaching out and letting yours hands roam over his body.
He reaches for the hem of your own  jeans and pulls them down swiftly, throwing them on the ground next to your bed before taking his place between your legs kissing his way down towards your covered heat that was dripping from the excitement he was giving you. 
His hands move easily over your skin until his fingers dig into your panties. instead of pulling them down he tugs on fabric until it tears. Your eyes are stuck, his face taking in the way he licks his lips at the sight of your pussy.
pushing his hair away from his face. He looks up at you with his hazel eyes locking on your before leaning in.
“S—Sam...” For the first time you feel the rush that the blood usually gives you, that feeling coursing through your veins and not because you're high on blood but because of him. The feeling of his tongue on you makes you forget every single shot you had taken in the last few months. 
Your back arches as you let out a breathy moan. He pushes you back with his hands until you’re laying  flat on the bed. Using one of his free hands he slowly pushes a finger into you, drawing a loud gasp from deep inside you. You feel your climax building, sweat breaking out over your entire body but right before you tip over he pulls away making you wine at the loss of touch.
he moves back up kissing you fiercely as he grinded his hard covered cock against you 
“Y/N, Dammit…”” he growled, tangling his fingers in your hair. “You feel how hard you make me?
At the sounds of his words you boldy moved your hand down to his Jeans making quick work of opening it and letting your hand sneak under the waistband of his boxers, wrapping your hand around his hard cock. He pushed his head into your neck, groaning into your skin as you worked your hands on him,
"I’ve you keep doing that, I won't be able to stop." he warns giving you the opportunity to back away if you wanted 
 “Then don't.”
That's all it takes him before he’s moving to strip away the last items of clothes. When he pulled down his boxers, you couldn’t stop a gasp from escaping seeing how long, thick, and  hard he was and he smiled when he caught you staring, he slowly made his way back over you keeping the teasing going only making you want him more.
“What do you want?” Sam asked, “I’ll do whatever you want..” he told you hesitantly knowing that there was still the risk that you would ask him to get high on blood with you. “All you have to do is ask…”
You hesitated for a moment, unsure what to say but knowing that you craved him more than you did the blood.
“I want you Sam,” you breathed out and you could see his eyes darken “i want you to fuck me hard”
he runs his hands up your legs giving you a sense of security before he pushes all the way in, a sweet mixture of pain and pleasure escaping your lips as his big cock stretched you out and made you feel fuller than you had ever felt. 
 “Fuck, you’re tight.” he groaned, keeping a slow pace
“Don't hold back Sam,” .
“I-i can’t i will absolutely ruin you,”
“Do it,” you moan, wanting him to give you everything he has, “Ruin me uncle Sam, make me yours.”
He pulled back and slammed forward again, knocking the wind out of your lungs, thrusting hard and picking up the pace until he was fucking into you like a wild animal.
loud grunts leave his mouth and you reach out trying to hold onto him. taking both of your hands in one of his own he holds them over your head as his other arm wraps around your throat giving you the biggest rush you had ever felt.
"Fuck, Sam!" you cry out throwing your  head back, eyes closing shut. 
"Is this what you want?" He asks thrusting harder, his cock hitting that perfect spot inside of you “Me using you,''  He says trusting harder only making you moan loader “Fuck baby, you dont deserve this, not after the shit you pulled.” he says coming to an abrubt stop making you wine at the loss. "You shouldn't be given a good time"
“I don’t care if I deserve it or not.” you grunt, placing youre hands over his own  tightening the grib he has on your throat cutting of more of youre air “Fuck me Sammy.”
His hips snap rapidly into you fluids dripping all over your thighs as he loses control, taking you however he wants. You're pussy clenching around his cock, making an animalistic growl come from deep within him. 
“Oh, fuck…” his hand moved away from youre throat his hips snapping into you as he was desperatly trying to reach his own high. He was pushing harder and fucking you into the matrass as he led out the most amazing dirty and loud sounds making her own high come rushing in faster than she had ever thought possible.
“Sam. fuck, Sam i’m gonna cum,”
“Let go for me. Come for me baby. do it” you're whole body tenses up as your orgasm washes over youre, black dots covering your vision as Sam kept pounding into you like there was no tomorrow 
there was no other thing for you to do than surrender yourself complete to him as he fucked you harder than anybody has ever done. “Fuck! Sam please come inside me.”
you start begging for it, completely letting go of your pride as you want nothing more than him to give all he’s got. “Please Uncle Sam!”
“Oh, Baby….Fuck.. Y/n,” With a last groan his thrusts turned sloppier as he buried himself deep inside of you. placing a chaste kiss on your lips he pulls out and lets his body drop on the bed next to you. 
“Fuck.” you whispers taking in all that just happened, his arms touching yours pulling you out of your thoughts to look at him.
“Are you alright?” he asks and you shake your head slowly, eyes being stuck on the ceiling. “I just seduced my uncle into fucking me after trying to get him to drink demon blood,” you mumble, taking in all the shitty things you had done.
“Baby, I wanted this, I have wanted it for a long time.” your eyes snap back towards him "What does that mean,” you whisper not knowing what to think or what to do.
“It means that I don't regret this happening" You couldn’t help the smile that spread  across your face. His arm folded out and you cuddled into his side laying your head on his chest listening to the steady beat of his heart.
“I don't want the blood anymore,” you tell him honestly and he moves a little below you making you look up at him “i liked the rush it gave me, the rush you just gave me.” 
Smoothing your hand over his chest you lay your head back down smiling at the feeling of being close to Sam.
“I love you,” you mumble, the arm Sam had wrapped around you tightens as the other one comes up to move the hair from your face as he leans down enough to place a small kiss on your forehead. “I love you too baby."
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joaquinwhorres · 4 years
Treacherous Waters (Leonard McCoy x Reader)
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SUMMARY ››››› After finals at Starfleet Academy all of the cadets flock to local bars in search of a good time. Which is exactly where you meet Leonard McCoy. And you are more than willing to show him a good time with the understanding that come Saturday morning he'll be gone, and you'll never see him again. Which is exactly what happens...until five years later your starship has a massive failure and the only ship around to save you is the Enterprise.
WORD COUNT ››››› 3,072
WARNINGS ››››› Drinking and mentions of sexy times. 
A/N ››››› Sooooo originally this was just supposed to be a “dancing in a bar with Leonard McCoy” fic but then I got an idea and well, it’s this. 
Prefer OC’s? Read it on AO3.
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Finals Week at Starfleet Academy was a glorious occasion.
Or perhaps, more accurately, the Friday evening after Finals Week at Starfleet Academy was a glorious occasion. Because the Friday night of Finals Week was when the beautiful, young, pent up cadets flooded the local bars in desperate search for some unbridled fun.
Which Y/N was more than happy to provide
"Kirk's here," Kiesh hissed, her fingers digging into Y/N's arm in her excitement. Y/N flinched, and Kiesh released her quickly, but was too distracted to mutter an apology, her gaze fixated on the near mythical figure of San Francisco nightlife.
The tales that followed Jim Kirk were outlandish and obscene and wholly captivating.
There was the story of his birth aboard the USS Kelvin minutes before his father saved the lives of everyone who'd been aboard the ship.
There was the story of how he'd earned his spot in the Academy by taking on three security Lieutenants in a fist fight and walking away with no more than a bloody nose.
And of course there were the stories of his romantic conquests. Although romantic was probably not the right word for it. Carnal, sensual, lustful, and erotic all seemed a bit more descriptive of what transpired between Jim Kirk and the girls of San Francisco.
And like any mythical figure, these tales were enough to warn off a good number of girls from falling into his sheets...while prompting others to search for him to either worship or conquer themselves.
Kiesh fell firmly in the later category. She was no Kirk acolyte, but he had become a point of fixation for her because he was what no other man had been to her--unattainable.
Y/N scanned the crowd for the golden haired casanova, but the bar was too packed. It was an ocean of voices and species and color, all flowing to the electric undercurrent that ran throughout the bar. Y/N's eyes caught on the blood red uniforms of cadets too eager to indulge their youth to waste any time by going home and changing clothes.
Two palms pressed into either side of Y/N's face as her roommate turned her attention away from the cadets, past groups of people wearing the colorful and patterned designs native to their home planet, and to the end of the neon purple bar. There, just visible between the bodies of two friends having a chugging contest, was Jim Kirk with his head thrown back laughing.
"He's gorgeous," Y/N murmured. She'd figured he had to be, but it was one thing to hear about Adonis and another thing completely to see him in person. Kiesh's hands fell from Y/N's head, allowing the other girl to turn back to her. "I'll see you tomorrow then?"
"I might not make it to breakfast." A coy smile curled Kiesh's lips up as she started off through the crowd, disappearing amongst the crowd.
Y/N followed her progress, watching the other girl choose a space at the bar directly in Kirk's line of sight, sliding into the chair and tossing her long purple hair over one shoulder to reveal the expanse of skin from her neck to her chest, and then below the crop top.
And then she waited.
Watching Kiesh work was a sight to behold. Each trap was delicately set, carefully tailored to the man she'd picked on that given night. She planned each movement--the way she walked, the angle of her body against the bar, the look she painted on her face--to snag men like a siren, luring them into her dangerous waters.
As much as she wanted to see this play out, Y/N had other more important things to accomplish.  Like finding her own catch for the night. And she wasn't going to do that by standing in one spot all night.
If Kiesh was a siren, then Y/N was a shark, moving constantly throughout the room in search of the perfect prey. She weaved in and out of small groups, eyes scanning the members therein. There were groups of friends laughing together, cadets challenging each other to drinking games, girls who like her and Kiesh came with one purpose in mind, and others who came to have a good time by themselves, cadets be damned.
But it wasn't until her fourth slow, methodical lap that she saw him. Or rather, she saw Kirk slap him on the back with a large grin before making his way over to where Kiesh leaned on her elbows. More than the broadness of his shoulders, the tussle of dark hair, and the deep red color of his uniform, it was the scowl he was shooting at Kirk's back that caught her attention and drew her across the bar to him as if smelling blood in the water.
"You look like a man who doesn't dance," Y/N said, folding her arms on the back of what was once Kirk's chair. It took him almost three seconds to realize that she was talking to him, and when he did, he lifted his eyebrows--the look an interesting combination of amusement and apprehension.
"Well, that's a first," he remarked. There was just a trace of an accent under his words that Y/N couldn't quite place.
"I highly doubt I'm the first person to notice," Y/N said, rocking on the balls of her feet. "Unless of course I'm wrong, and you're constantly barraged with requests to hit the dance floor."
He exhaled a laugh, the sound sailing past his lips, and into the glass he lifted up to his mouth. "You're not wrong," he said, taking a sip of his liquor and then placing it back down on the bar in front of him.
"Didn't think so. I rarely am."
He gave her a cautious look out of the corner of his eye as if still unsure where this conversation was going and why she was talking to him. As if people chatted up strangers in bars just to pass the time.
"So, since you don't dance, that begs the obvious question…what's a man like you doing in a place like this?"
He cracked a smile then, slowly tilting his head to look at her, really look at her, for the first time. "Shouldn't I be asking you that question?"
"Only if you subscribe to archaic 20th century gender norms," Y/N shrugged, smiling back at him. "Besides," she leaned closer, tipping her head towards his conspiratorially, and he shifted closer as well. "I don't think it's much of a mystery for me. I mean, look at our clothes."
His eyes wandered down to her deep V halter before seeming to realize he was still in his reds. "Fair point," he conceded, pulling back a little to take another sip of his drink.
"A friend dragged me out," he admitted, eyes sliding back over to her. She raised both of her eyebrows as if she was surprised and didn't see Kirk abandoning him just five minutes ago.
"And left you to fend for yourself in a dive like this?" She shook her head as if scandalized by the idea. "You need better friends."
The cadet snorted and nodded his head. "You've got that right."
"Well, you're very lucky I found you before another girl did," Y/N said, a smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth.
"That so?"
She nodded. "They may try to take advantage of you in such a defenseless state. All alone by the bar nursing a...what is that, whiskey?"
"Bourbon, actually." His eyes sparkled with an intoxicating warmth similar to the liquor he was drinking.
Y/N rolled her eyes lightly. "Same thing."
"Only technically."
"Technicalities are everything," she grinned. "Anyway, I'm willing to offer my protective services as a long time San Francisco resident to navigate these treacherous waters."
"You're from here?" he asked, genuine curiosity overtaking his features for the first time in their conversation. Y/N's smile turned a bit strained, but she nodded.
"Not quite. But I've been here for fifteen years. Just haven't figured out how to drop the accent," she shrugged.
"So are you from England then?" he asked, and she nodded.
"Next round's on me if you can guess where."
"Lon…" he started, and a grin grew across Y/N's face before he switched course. "Birmingham?"
She shook her head. "London."
"You tricked me," he accused lightly, his brow furrowing slightly but into more of mock offense and surprise at her cunning than anything else.
"You're highly suggestible," she shook her head, fighting to keep a smile down. "Which brings me back to the fact that you absolutely cannot remain alone in this bar tonight. It's far too dangerous for you."
"Guess I'll have to take you up on that offer then, darlin'." His smile was more subtle--apparently the fight to keep it off his face was going better for him.
"Y/N," she corrected, lifting her hand to offer it to him.
The man took it, his fingers surprisingly soft for a cadet. "Leonard," he answered.
Y/N let her hand linger in his, not pulling back until his grip loosened and his fingers trailed against hers to go back around his glass. She leaned her elbow on the back of the chair, placing her chin on top of her hand. "So Leonard," she asked. "Are you going to buy me a drink or am I working for free?"
He smirked, lifting a hand to call the bartender over as Y/N slid into the seat next to him, leaning her arms against the smooth chrome bar. The Tellarite bartender made his way over, and Leonard looked at Y/N.
"Well are you going to order or sit there staring at each other?" the bartender snapped. Leonard shot him a dirty look, and Y/N snorted.
"I'll have a Samarian Sunset on his tab," she ordered, pointing a finger at Leonard, and the man grunted. Leonard still looked rather displeased with the exchange but ordered himself another bourbon. The bartender walked away grumbling, and even Leonard looked rather grumpy.
"You know that's just his way of greeting right?" Y/N asked, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "Tellarites consider it polite to attempt to start an argument when meeting someone. If he wasn't mildly insulting I would have been majorly insulted."
"And I thought you were kidding about being a guide."
"I would never," Y/N said with mock indignation, placing a hand over her heart. "Leonard, I take my promise to you very seriously. I will be at your side all night."
"All night?" he repeated, raising an eyebrow with a smirk.
"All night," Y/N repeated with a nod, keeping her eyes locked on Leonard. He met her gaze with an intensity that made her stomach twist with delight.  And of course it was right then that bartender reappeared.
He placed a martini glass full of clear liquid in front of Y/N, and a rocks glass with amber liquor in front of Leonard before making a derisive noise in his throat and walking away. Leonard didn't seem to mind as much this time.
"Cheers," Y/N said, reaching forward with her glass, and Leonard clinked his against hers, lifting it to his lips. She watched intently as she swirled her own drink so that a luminescent gold wisp spiraled out, turning the clear liquor the color of a burning sun. He pulled the glass from his lips, and she returned her attention to her own drink, taking a slow sip before placing it back down on the bar.
"So, Leonard," Y/N let the name roll off her tongue teasingly. "Tell me about yourself. Where are you from? What are you studying?"
"I'm a medical student," he said, setting his own glass down. "And I'm from Georgia."
"Ooh, a doctor and a southern gentleman," Y/N teased, shimmying her shoulders. "My mother would be so proud of me."
"Who said I'm a gentleman?" he asked with raised eyebrows, leaning closer to her. Y/N's mouth fell open slightly before she caught herself, stopping her body from melting completely right there in the seat.
"Don't threaten me with a good time, Leonard," she quipped, taking a sip of her drink.
"If you didn't want a good time then why did you come over here?" he asked, and Y/N grinned at him.
"Because you look like a man who doesn't dance."
"Well darlin," Leonard started, his eyes sparkling with the slightest bit of mischief and a look on his face that was enough to make something delicious twist in the pit of Y/N's stomach. "The night's still young."
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The night grew in both the amount of time passed and the amount of drinks finished. It was hard to state exactly how much of either had slipped away from the two of them as their glasses had been cleared a few times, but the world was just a bit lighter and hazier at the edges than was usual and the crowd slightly thinner than it had been when Y/N entered.
"Well, darlin'," Leonard's accent had grown heavier with the liquor, words dripping like molasses from his lips. "I should be gettin' back before curfew."
Y/N exhaled, the sound somewhere between a laugh and a sigh. "Leonard," she said slowly, dragging out the word. Her own accent adding a richness to her words that had been precise and sharp earlier in the evening. "I thought I made it quite clear that I wasn't leaving your side all night, so you can't go running off to the dorms on me now."
"Need me to walk you home?" he asked, pausing from putting on his coat to settle the tab.
"Such a southern gentleman," the words rolled like waves from her, her voice rising and falling as he lifted an eyebrow at the screen he was signing. "Yes, I require an accompaniment home," she mocked. "And then I need you to pick a side you want me on for the next part of our night: top or bottom."
Leonard's eyes darkened, pupils blown wide before grabbing her hand and leaving the bar behind.
The cab ride to her apartment was...restrained. The two of them sat shoulder to shoulder in the backseat, eyes focused ahead through the windshield. Even as Y/N's hand drifted from her own lap into his, venturing up his thigh, both of them remained focused on the passing San Francisco streets. Leonard's hand came on top of her own. "Just wait, darlin'," he said, his words dripping with the richness of molasses as he folded his hand around hers.
"It's not polite to make a lady wait," Y/N quipped, shooting him a look out of the corner of her eye.
He snorted but made no attempt at a retort, instead patiently holding her hand until the cab stopped. Y/N opened her door, dragging Leonard by the hand and towards her apartment building.
The ride on the elevator was just as restrained as the cab drive, only instead of the beautiful lights of downtown, the pair stared at their distorted reflection in the sleek chrome doors.
There was a hum in the elevator though. Inaudible, but she could feel it singing across her skin, radiating from each part of her body that touched Leonard's. She bit her lip, and could feel Leonard look down at her. She allowed her gaze to slide over to him, drifting up to his face, meeting his eyes, already dark and boring into hers.
He opened his mouth to say something, but the doors slid open, pulling their attention away from each other and out of the elevator.
The pair walked down the hallway, stopping outside of her door so she could punch in the code. It took two tries for her to get it before the door clicked and she pushed it open, revealing her dark apartment. Y/N ventured in first, turning to invite Leonard in, but she'd barely opened her mouth before her face was in his hands, and he was walking her back into the wall.
The light switch jammed into her shoulder blade, and she felt a bit off balance, but his lips moved over hers with such a ferocity, it pushed everything else from her mind. Instead, all she could focus on was the feeling of his lips against hers, the taste of the sharp tang of alcohol he'd been drinking all evening. He invaded her senses, making it impossible to think of anything other than pulling him closer to her.
Y/N wound her fingers into his hair, urging him nearer to her, which he did, stepping forward, and moving a hand from her face to her waist, pulling her flush against him. His other hand wandered down to her chest as his lips began a journey down the curve of her neck. "I don't usually do this type of thing," he murmured against her skin.
"Go home with--ah--a strange woman from the--fu--the bar?" Y/N panted, pushing her hips into his for a taste of the friction she needed.
He pulled himself away from her collarbone to look up at her with hooded eyes. "Exactly."
"You're missing out," Y/N grinned, chest heaving. "Now take off your clothes so I can prove it to you."
The rest of the evening passed in a blur of bare skin and desperate sounds and more pleasure than Y/N had gotten out of a night out in a while.
It almost made her sad to see him go in the morning. Almost.
But him leaving was always a part of her plan for Saturday morning. Whether it was before or after breakfast, he would walk out of her apartment, never to be seen again. Instead, he'd fade into a memory of lips trailing against skin, fingers tangling in hair, bed frame rattling into the wall.
At least that's what was supposed to happen.
She wasn't supposed to see him again.
And she especially wasn't supposed to see him in a starship's transporter room, rushing towards her as she pressed her hand into Kiesh's side, desperate to keep the blood inside of her friend's body and not spilling out onto the transporter pad. He wasn't supposed to be there. And neither was she.
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