#so i dont like anyone suggesting msfw stuff for them
redrum-alice · 11 months
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So me and @creogips discussed about how Wren would react to catching CJ smoking (I shared to Creo that its a nasty habit of hers at a young age due to exposure from her foster family, unaware that she'll mimick them. They ultimately decided to quit any unhealthy habit in the house for her sake.)
Wren immediately swats the cigarette off her hand and tells her he doesnt like a seatmate who smells like nicotine during lab class. So he offered her a chewing gum.
Wren has a hatred to smoking and drinking bc of his late father, so he hates to see his crush a friend going through a same path
...the second pic is him making an excuse for them to talk one on one at the highest point in their city lmao
Art credit: 1st and 3rd pic - @creogips
2nd pic is by me
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