#so i could update the fic now and disappoint everyone or wait a few more weeks
hannibard · 2 months
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trulybetty · 1 year
Sunday Week In Review on a Monday
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How is everyone doing? Did we make it through the last week? Those who got a long weekend I hope it was a good one! Yesterday was a clusterfuck and I had the mother of all naps - the type where you wake up and don't know where you are let alone what day of the week it is lol.
So here is Sunday's Week in Review, on a Monday edition! 💕
Truly Betty Updates This Week…
Strings IV
First Sentence Game
Fics I Enjoyed This Week…
A Girl Walks Into a Bookstore (Ezra) by @oonajaeadira
While I’m still undecided if I truly enjoy Prospect, I absolutely do love a good Ezra fanfic and this one doesn’t disappoint. It started as a late-night read last Sunday when I was the only one awake and once I started I couldn’t stop. It also seems to have popped up for a lot of other readers as I’ve seen it all over my dash since. @oonajaeadira master list is a joy to go through on Sundays at the moment. 
Until Now, Until You | Chapter 1 (Javier Peña) by @wildemaven
This was all the right levels of sexy and spicy and leaving you wanting more and I can’t wait to see how this plays out when the two run into one another again!
Leave off Your Wanderings (Joel Miller) by @oonajaeadira
This series is a total balm to my TLOU2 feels - this is the ending Joel deserved (and in my mind the official sequel to TLOU) and in the third instalment the autumn vibes are warm and cozy, and the build-up between Joel and Songbird is soft in all the right places. This whole series is a warm gentle hug and the writing is so good - definitely check this one out.
Hungry Hearts | Atlantic City (Joel Miller) by @atinylittlepain
I’m sad that this series is nearing its end, but that means I get to go back and read it again. Between flashbacks of young Joel with baby Sarah we’ve got Cherry and Joel reconciling in present day and never knew mini-vans could be so sexy, so check it out!
The Layover | Epilogue (Frankie Morales) by @goodwithcheese
This finale was bittersweet - it has been such a pleasure to follow this story, so much so that it was a highlight of my week. The story wraps up in a way that is perfect for reader x Frankie with them both on pace with one another. It’s done so perfectly that I read it more than once. I will be revisiting this story for sure.
Late Night Texts | Epilogue (Javier Peña) by @mvtthewmurdvck
Another fantastic story that came to a close this week *sigh*, this was just  the perfect ending. This story is a delicious rom com romp and I know will hold up to multiple reads. I don’t want to give anything away if you’ve not read it, but it’s a delight.
The Window (Dave York) by @wildemaven
This was a delight to read and Heidi crafts a great story of longing from a distance that has a soft ending that is all enveloping and lends itself to multiple reads. 
Bush Pilot (Frankie Morales) by @legendary-pink-dot
Oh boy, this one *fans self* this one was something else. Frankie taking you to see the sunrise but makes you see stars instead in the back of his truck. Oomph, all kinds of good spicy smut here that lends itself to a second read… or three ;) 
sam and diane, eat your heart out (Marcus Pike) by @chronically-ghosted
I could easily be biased as this was written based on the prompts I sent Taylor - however, Taylor blew it out of the park with our boy Marcus! This was spicy in all the right places and honestly, I would love to see more of these two. This is a take on Marcus Pike x Reader that I haven’t seen before and it will be on my perma reread list that is for sure! Also, peep the Cheers reference, *squee*
IRL | Part 2 (Javi Gutierrez)  by @grogusmum
I’ve had a hard time finding some good Javi G. fanfics, but this one here is so good in its characterization. The story of Javi meeting Reader for the first time since meeting online, is incredibly sweet and I had been waiting in anticipation for this second chapter since I finished the first. It’s also one of the few plus sized reader fanfics that nails it without going over the top and making the character a stereotype. I have this bookmarked to go back and re-read this week, because that ending has been living rent free in my head all week.
Private Dick (Tim Rockford) by @wardenparker
Speaking of plus size reader interpretations - this was one of the few that really resonated with me. I haven’t come across many Tim Rockford fanfics (if you have any others, please send them my way) - but this felt like a perfect interpretation - great at reading situations, until they’re too close to him, but he’s in a process of redeeming himself through his relationship with Reader.
Fics I’m Looking Forward to Reading…
My TBR List is still a work in progress, will share it when it’s done 💕
Light Me Up (Benny Miller) by @musings-of-a-rose
Thanks to Jess and Heidi I seem to be straying into Benny territory this week and have been recommended this story to dip my toe further in. I mean the opening premise alone is enough to have me excited to get stuck in!
Double Dealings (Javier Peña & Ezra) by @julesonrecord & @stardustandskycrystals
1920’s, New Orleans and the potential of two Pedro characters? I cannot wait to get stuck into this one this week over my morning coffee this week!
Posts I Enjoyed This Week…
@shirks-all-responsibilities reminding me of my grumpy Joel (Pedro) header for the mobile layout of my blog. Now has me thinking about making a seasonal one now! September is Halloween Eve of course! 🎃
@wildemaven’s early morning thot post that just took on a life of it’s own 🥵
@rhool’s live blog of the pilot of the Pedro show that never was ‘The Sixth Gun’ entertained me while I had a tame evening watching something Mr. Truly wanted to watch while sipping on a non-alcoholic beer lol.
Things I’ve Enjoyed This Week…
The long weekend - didn’t do anything, no one slept through the night, but there’s something satisfying waking up on a Monday and knowing you don’t have to work.
Saturday’s interactions and posts were a delight to go through and helped my Saturday working go by so much quicker and made for a more enjoyable day.
This Week’s Song…
This recommendation came from @gnpwdrnwhiskey who told me it was Dieter x Bryony coded and it totally is. I’ve listened to this on repeat and I’m dying to revisit these two again, and have something up my sleeve 🎃
Hope everyone has a great week this week and Monday is treating you well! 💕 xx
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fandomwave · 4 months
TCOAAL UPDATE 6 LETS GOOO You know the drill don't give yourself hives
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I have been rolling this around for a few days now and again, absolute blind shot in the dark is to say that this is probably him about to confess to Ashley that he and Julie are dating. I cannot WAIT to get more context, if Andy is worried about her reaction to him dating, if he's feeling conflicted internally and unsure as to why that feeling is there. There is so little available to know what this could fully mean but I am thrilled to learn more AND THEN THE GOT DAMN VID 1) nice to know we have confirmation that his biting his knuckle is a nervous tick 2) MOM NAME! That'll make fic writing easier lmao 3) God there is SO much to unpack here We kinda always knew that Renee suspected Andrew of having some sort of inappropriate attachment to Ashley. This is something she hints at a few times in chapter 2 and more so when you reject the olive branch. Renee keeps dropping points in parent of the year it's almost comical. I am genuinely interested to see what the game has in store for her and if we do get a little more empathetic to her situation as playing her, given that we clearly have a round to do so. Also the fact she was looking for condoms is.. Good lord this lady will die before she gets therapy for her kids... I LOVE seeing the fact that we get confirmation that Andrew is able to lie on the fly. It's again implied but the fact he was able to make up, some bullshit about a show she's never seen. That's some fascinating skill knowing A) It's a show she doesn't watch B) Because of which he CAN just make up whatever because she can't confirm he's lying C) Creativity to weave a fib about a show he's probably also never seen. We know he can do poetry on the fly so making up a plot about a show must be as easy as breathing. The sheer fact Renee has Andrew labeled as Disappointment and Ashley as Embarrassment is incredible too. Fantastic work. A fun little showcase of her relation to them both honestly.
All of this is just causing me to vibrate in place in anticipation. I'll admit TCOAAL is fun in terms of it's world, but rotating each character around and really picking them apart? That's why I can't shut the fuck up about this game. Everyone is so INTERESTING even if they are the worst people alive. I am THRILLED about the idea of getting to know their mother better as a means to understand the foundation they come from. Like the idea Andrew is labeled Disappointment is so telling. She clearly had higher hopes for him, clearly was content to pin those to him and when he fell short of, lets be honest, of those probably unrealistic expectations. > She did basically ask him to raise an entire human as a child himself. > I hate that I have to say this but in the 90s having a college degree meant you eared the good money. Andrew going to college would imply that he would make enough cash to at least be a source of pride in the family given that the implied economic situation of Renee and her husband is that neither of them are college educated.
Andrew still being at home, still clinging to Ashley (literally), still ruined his life with whatever happened to Nina, it's easy to see how she feels like he's the biggest letdown. A bright spot in the family squandered. Ashley being labeled Embarrassment is no surprise. She already clearly harbored some ill will towards her even as a baby, and with how much of a fucking handful Leyley is, it seems like that trend continued well on past infancy. Then her being out of school, I can only assume without a job (or at the very least one that can't pay for her own apartment) and worse now, potentially in an fucking relationship with her brother is... Yeah I can see the tagline pretty easily got applied. Now again, that's because it seems like this woman is critically allergic to Getting Her Kids Help, but what ifs and what coulds need not apply, we're lookin at what we got :D ANYWAYS OK IM DONE NOW BYE I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A GOOD ONE!
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Literal Perfection Chapter 5
What's this??? AN UPDATE????
that's right folks I'm back on my bullshit, enjoy this short Hunter based chapter while I prepare for chapter 6, which takes place at the same time as this one ;)))
Hunter wasn't stupid.
Okay, maybe he was a little stupid, but he wasn't stupid enough to not see that Darius was definitely into his new assistant.
And, honestly? Hunter didn't blame him; they're nice, funny, hardworking, competent and actually seems to care about their job, which is a huge improvement from Darius' last assistant.
However, despite how painfully obvious it was that he liked them, Darius had yet to ask his assistant out. So Hunter decided to take things into his own hands.
So he made a plan, and by the Titan was it gonna work.... hopefully.
But he couldn't set the plan into action by himself, no, he needed back up and he knew just who to call.
"I'll be back later today, Hunter", Darius called from the front door as he left for work, "Don't blow anything up, don't set anything on fire, no flying in the house, just, don't be an idiot whilst I'm gone, okay?"
"I've got it!", the ex golden guard yelled back.
The sound of the door shutting echoed through the empty cottage and Hunter waited a few moments before he was sure that Darius was gone and grabbed his scroll.
It was time to begin phase 1; planning.
Emerald Entrails
Hunter: uRget!!!!!!! Come 2 mY H0sE.... Tell n0one T0p secret!!!!
It took the emerald entrails, Luz and Amity twenty minutes to get to the cottage, a bit too long for Hunter's liking but he could make it work.
"Alright", Hunter said as the group sat down in the sitting room, "I have gathered you all here today to embark on a mission of great importance, this is a mission of life or death, are you willing to help me with this?"
A chorus of 'yes!'s, some more excited than others, rang out.
"Awesome! You're mission is this", Hunter pulled a white board covered in paper over and dramatically ripped off a piece of paper off the board revealing the plan. A picture of you was stuck in the middle, "This", Hunter continued, "is Darius' new assistant." He pointed at you.
"Now, Darius likes his assistant and I mean likes them as more than his assistant."
"Wait!" Luz yelled, standing up excitedly, "Is our mission to play matchmaker with Darius and his assistant?!"
Hunter snapped his fingers at her, "Exactly! The plan is simple; 1. we slowly get Darius to start giving them gifts, something they like, small things at first, then they'll get bigger as it goes, 2. We get them as close as possible, that way they'll associate eachother with good things, like animals, and finally 3. Romance."
Everyone bar Amity cheered as Amity raised her hand, "Sorry just feel like I should point out that Darius' assistant is my auncle."
"Thats even better!" Gus exclaimed, "That way you can convince them to ask out Darius!"
Amity thought for a moment and then shrugged, "sure, what's the worse that could happen?"
~time skip because fuck you this is my fic~
The next day the plan was set into motion.
It began with Hunter lying on his dad's bed watching as he picked out a cloak.
"You know, I think your assistant would like that cloak, the purple one."
Darius held up the aforementioned cloak and hummed in thought, "Do you think so? Well I never where it anyone, I'm sure it would look good on them."
Amity had also made some progress on her half.
"You know, you and Headwitch Darius would make a really cute couple."
You sputtered indignantly for a few seconds, a light blush in your cheeks, "Really? Well, I don't know, maybe."
After a few more weeks of this, the group met up at the entrance of Hexside, Hunter and Amity sighed in disappointment.
"I'm gonna guess the plan didn't work?", Viney asked, watching as the two sunk to the ground.
"Yeah, I don't think it did." Amity groaned, her attempts to convince you of how cute you and Darius would be together didn't seem to go anywhere, just you laughing or waving her off.
"I'm honestly starting to think that Darius never liked them like that to begin with." Hunter sighed dejectedly, running a hand through his hair.
"Well at least you tried? I mean it could've gone worse." Willow supplied sitting next to her friends, the rest of the group nodded in agreement and Hunter and Amity couldn't help but agree.
"Yeah, they could've ended up hating eachother, I think its better they stayed friends", Gus said and hopped down the steps, "Well I gotta go now, see you all tomorrow!"
They all broke off one by one until Hunter and Amity remained, Hunter walking to the Abominations Coven and Amity to Blight Manor.
"I feel like this could've worked!", Amity muttered, "I mean they definitely seemed in love? Maybe we didn't try hard enough?"
Hunter shook his head, "No, I think Gus is right, if we pushed them too hard then they might have ended up hating eachother, it's best if they stay as friends."
The two walked in silence until Amity, split and began walking a different direction.
Hunter spent the rest of his walk to the Coven lost in his thoughts, he looked over his supposedly foolproof plan again in his mind. He reached the Abominations Coven still in his thoughts and walked to his dad's office.
He walked into the office without knocking and stopped dead in his tracks.
"Oh sweet Titan!"
"Hunter! Get out!"
The door was slammed shut with a blob of abomination as Hunter stood there with a look of horror on his face.
He wordlessly took his scroll out of this pockets and sat down on the floor.
He opened the groupchat and started typing.
Emerald Entrails
Hunter: The plan worked
Hunter: I have seen things I will never be able to unsee.
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unrelated but how do you as a writer like REALLY get in ur element and focus, because im pretty sure i have adhd and it makes it hard to focus and everything i try besides classical music (sometimes) doesnt work
and my second question how do you get people to view your work/participate in it, i've been writing for 3 years in the fandom and a few people notice, and i know im supposed 2 be writing just for myself and i am, but i wanted it to kind of be a whole family thing like everyone being excited for updates and its a whole thing... idk if maybe no one cares anymore or no one really knows me
anyways sorry for my REALLY long winded ask, tysm if you read it
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also here's this larry gif for you're troubles
all the love, louiscarrotsxoxo
thank you for reaching out and asking me this! I'm going to try my hardest to answer the best that I can (I thought I'd answer it before I left so I could help <3)
Getting focused and into the element
So I have ADHD as well and I know that getting focused can be tricky. Things that I do/have to help keep me focused are:
Writing Sprints - I sprint in Discord Servers with my friends and we all keep each other motivated and encourage each other
Discord Servers - So I'm in some really wonderful servers where we're all happy to cheer each other on writing wise (I'm going to link them in another part)
Inspiration- So, for most of my fics, I have a playlist that suits the theme and I try my hardest to make moodboards for them to get the feel of the fic. I'll also plan dialogue or even the layouts of flats/houses so I feel inspired to write about them.
I asked some friends in my Discord Server for help as well and this was their responss:
@chai-hat-tea said:
I don’t know about others, but usually having a deadline freaks me out enough to make me wanna complete my fic, even if it’s on the day of posting. And for that, I join fic fests. How that also helps me is because I also tend to tell myself that I owe it to the mod to complete the fic or else they’ll feel disappointed (and not tell me), so for their sake I need to complete fics. Joining fic fests also helps in the viewership of your fic, so once you have participated in a few fests, you might find it easier to build a somewhat decent enough crowd that enjoy your writing and want to read your stories. So once that happens, you can plan a long chaptered fic and then post chapters as and when you’re done and ready. So then you can guilt trip yourself by saying that now you have those people who are waiting for your story and you delaying is just making them wait longer and feel more disappointed lol
@loveislarryislove added:
Yeah I think a lot of it is building community, to pump you up or keep you accountable or help circulate things etc.
Getting people to view your work/participate in it
The first thing I'd like to say here is that you shouldn't define your work by statistics/interactions (a bit like what you said). Having said that, there are a few ways to try and increase your circle:
Make mutuals - There are some amazing people on this site who go out of their way to support each other. Try and get to know new people and interact with them.
Join Discord Servers - The servers I am currently in are amazing servers. My two main ones are @1d-library (ran by @larrysballetslippers and @larry-hiatus ) and @new-writers-discord (ran by me, @red-pandaaa @larrysballetslippers @hellolovers13 @babyhoneyheslt and @rockstarlwt28 ). 1D Library is a place for readers and writers to hangout, discuss fics, writing or day to day life. The New Writers Discord is a recent Discord server where we have New Writers, Writers and Mentors who write all types of stories (fics, original works, etc.). We have sprinting parties, workshops and are always there to help if need be.
Tagging Systems - this post contains all the tracked 1D tags where certain accounts will reblog posts with those tags. This is extremely useful for people who make things in the fandom.
Have fun - Try and enjoy yourself in the process. Interact with new people and make friends, create things for yourself as well as others.
I really hope this helps! I am not going to be online after today, but if you do have any more questions, feel free to email me on [email protected].
(and I love that gif 💕)
Ash <3
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moonlight-prose · 2 years
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a/n: me updating a fic a few days after the first part was posted?? who is she? i have no fucking clue where this inspiration is coming from, but i am glad it's decided to stick around. i figure this series will only go up to four or five parts, so hopefully i can churn out the rest soon. this part is not beta read or edited fully so there will most likely be mistakes.
reblogs, comments, and feedback is always welcome!!
i don't have taglists anymore, but i do have a library blog.
summary: a bad day at training leads you and bradley to possibly reconcile your differences.
word count: 4.8k+
pairing: bradley "rooster" bradshaw x fem!reader (callsign panther)
warnings: not explicit, cussing, alcohol consumption, angst, death, ptsd, nightmares, talk of panic attacks, some fluff, two stubborn people.
previous chapter | next chapter
The whiskey was like a cool wet towel soothing your achingly hot skin as you sat alone at the bar. Penny saw the state you were in when you walked through the doors at midnight; your hands shaking and body on edge. So, she slid a bottle towards you—already half empty—and tossed you the keys to lock up. She’d been around long enough to know the hell pilots were put through when it came to missions. Shit, she’d seen you go through worse.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed since you got there, but you did know you were about three glasses away from finishing that bottle of whiskey. Training today finally made you realize what kind of shit you got yourself into and instead of complaining, you sucked it up and drowned what sorrow you had left in a bottle. Halfway through flying, you could feel the oncoming of a panic attack tinge the edges of your senses as you navigated the path set.
Memories of the mission with Hunter starting to flood your mind; Bradley’s words layered on top.
Part of you didn’t want to admit it, but…he was right. There’s a reason Hunter wasn’t alive today and it was because you weren’t as good of a pilot as you hoped to be. There’s also a reason you now fly alone—refusing to take anyone’s life in your hands except your own. You knew if Bradley was the one flying that plane Hunter would have made it home alive. You wouldn’t have had to attend a funeral for your WSO where you held no answers to what happened—held no more tears to cry for the man who’d been your best friend.
You swallowed the bitter alcohol, relishing in the numbness that followed. Eventually you would have to go home, pass out, and do it all over again, but for right now you gave yourself the few hours you had left to actually feel something.
The door swung open with a slight creak, echoing in the empty bar, and you half hoped it was Phoenix coming to find you. At least she’d tell you to get a hold of yourself—to stop letting this kind of shit get to you. But much to your disappointment and shit luck, Bradley Bradshaw waltzed in, his gaze landing on you hunched over the bar—tears tracking down your cheeks. Fuck, you wished he would just turn around and leave without any questions about why you were here. You wished he’d give you this night; no fighting, just silence.
Much to your surprise, he didn’t say anything.
He simply took the stool next to you, reached behind the bar, grabbed an empty glass, and poured himself a drink.
You wondered how long he’d go before laying into you. Five seconds? Five minutes? Really you didn’t give a shit. Everyone saw the way you fumbled today. How if you were in the real mission, you would have died quickly, without even a chance to rectify your mistake.
That’s what brought you to this point. Trying to forget images of Hunter, of holding his body to you as you waited for someone to come and find you. If you had one extra fucking second, you would have both made it out alive. If you had been given a choice—you’d be the one buried six feet under, not him. Although just thinking that made your stomach lurch, because while you wanted to admit you didn’t actually believe it…you did.
Bradley glanced at you, taking in the way your eyes drooped as you stared into nothingness—reliving the most traumatic day of your life. He’d seen pilots go through grief; he’d even lost some friends himself, but seeing you this way. He wanted to strip your body of all the pain you endured and bear it himself; except that’s not how life came to be—that’s not how you two came to be.
You sighed, sipping on your drink as Hunter’s shouts echoed in your mind for the millionth time. No day went by where you didn’t relive that memory; where you were able to escape your past.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly, startling you out of your reel of memories.
“What?” You cringed at the way your words slurred.
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry,” he repeated himself without hesitation, his hand resting on your wrist—his brown eyes filled with so much sorrow that it made your heart twist in your chest.
“Why are you sorry?” Another tear fell and you wiped it away just like all the rest.
He glanced at his empty glass, letting out a breath of air. “What I said before. It was fucked up and I crossed the line.” He shook his head, turning back to you. “Shit, I didn’t cross the line, I jumped over it and I shouldn’t have.”
Maybe you had a bit too much to drink, but you found yourself grinning sadly, swirling the alcohol in your glass. “You don’t have to apologize for something you got right.”
The glass was snatched from your hand, slammed on the bar as he leaned in so close you could smell the engine fuel on his uniform mixed with another scent you recognized as just him filling your senses. Anger flashed across his face and you prepared yourself for another argument filled with hatred. You steeled your expression, trying to ignore the pain in your chest, but what you didn’t know was that anger wasn’t for you. No, it was directed at himself, because he could finally see what his words drove you to—what he caused by continuing this feud.
“That’s bullshit,” he said lowly. His brown eyes were so captivating you wanted to drown in them. “I was an asshole for saying it, but I didn’t believe it was true. Not for a second.”
“But it is true,” you whispered. “It’s my fault he didn’t come home; my fault he…died.” You choked out the word, no longer fighting the tears. What was the point?
His hands cupped your face, turning you to face him fully and see the pain in his eyes. Was it fucked up to want to take that pain away? Or were you so far gone you could barely even comprehend what was happening? You wanted to say it was the latter, but deep down you knew the truth. The hatred you held between each other wouldn’t fade so easily. Not after everything you’d gone through to get here; not after you left him without a second thought.
“It’s not your fault,” he said, bringing you even closer—-the bottle now forgotten about. “I don’t want to hear you saying that again. It’s not your fault, kitten. None of it is.”
You wondered if he was referring to that night, but you thought better than to ask. Even in your inebriated state you knew what would start an obvious fight and what wouldn’t. Better to wait until you were sober enough to even attempt to ask that question. So, you stayed quiet, letting him brush the tears from your cheeks and hold you close—the hatred now set aside for something else. It allowed your mind to wander briefly as he leaned his forehead against yours.
Was this what you ran from? Him caring about you?
“How long have you been here?” he asked, still so close you could feel the warmth of his body.
“A few hours.” The alcohol had made everything dizzy and you knew by the time morning came you’d be nursing a strong hangover.
He sighed, pulling away and getting up. You figured he was done for the night, ready to go home. Which is why you were once again surprised to see him walk behind the bar and start tidying things up—grabbing a rag and cleaning up the spot where your glass had left a ring. You would have done it eventually, knowing how much Penny hated cleaning up a mess in the morning. But he took on the job without question. He couldn’t bear the weight of your pain, but he could shoulder what responsibility you had.
“Where’s the keys?” he asked, coming back around to you.
Fumbling, you dug them out of your jacket pocket, tossing them to him as he reached over and pulled you up slowly. Your stomach churned; the alcohol now hitting its low point of the night. Sure you numbed the pain, but now you would reap the consequences of doing so. Groaning, you leaned heavily against him as he led you to the door step by step—going so slow that you were sure it would take you hours to even get there.
“Why…” You reached for the doorway, leaning to the side and catching his panicked expression in your peripheral vision. “Why are you helping me?”
He didn’t respond, simply opting to push the hair out of your face and check if you were capable of moving again. Normally you’d have been able to walk out of this bar just fine, but after your panic attack from earlier, you were far from okay. The others had watched you jump out of the plane and sprint until you found a bathroom. It wasn’t a pretty sight, but the mission parameters were too similar to that fateful flight. Everything rushed back before you could stop it and you fumbled—nearly causing your own death.
Bradley came back after having locked the doors, helping you stumble to his car even though yours sat in the parking lot.
“I can drive home,” you said, wincing when you fell against the passenger side door.
He scoffed, standing there and waiting until you were fully inside. “I wouldn’t even trust you to walk home, kitten. Let alone drive.”
“But I need my car.”
“Then I’ll come back for it.”
The engine started and he began a slow drive back to your place. “Why would you do that?” you asked softly, your eyes shut.
You didn’t see him look at you, barely even felt him take your hand in his, because you were fading quickly. Exhaustion was settling into you so deep that you were sure you wouldn’t make it home before you passed out entirely. But you fought against it—forcing your eyes open to watch him as he drove.
There were times in your life where you knew Bradley Bradshaw was beautiful. Moments that ingrained themselves into your mind so deep you didn’t even know they were there until they came back. Sitting there, staring at his side profile as he took the streets to your rinky dinky apartment, was one of those moments. The street lights flashed across his face—showing glimpses of him in full illumination and you knew if you were a painter…you’d want to paint him.
The hatred blinded you for so long that it almost made this sight bittersweet.
“I ran from this,” you mumbled, catching his attention. “Out of all the things I could have been afraid of…” He parked the car, turning his brown eyes on you entirely. “...love had to be the biggest one.”
Silence filled the car as he watched you—practically analyzed you. Only you didn’t stick around for long. Shifting, you swung up his car door, managing to get out yourself and nearly fall onto the sidewalk while doing so. Fuck, you wouldn’t even be able to get out of bed tomorrow. How the hell were you supposed to fly an F-18?
“Wait,” he said, reaching down and slinging your arm over his shoulder. “I’ve got you.”
“I’m okay,” you slurred, feeling your head begin to pound.
Again he didn’t respond, simply helped you up the steps to the second floor and reached for the keys that were shoved in your other pocket. You couldn’t believe he remembered where you used to live, but there he was. Helping you despite the feud, despite his anger towards you for leaving him behind. You knew you loved him. You loved him when you graduated. You loved him when you left and you still knew that there was no doubt in your mind…you loved him now too.
The both of you stumbled towards your small bedroom, the cramped space barely big enough for Bradley’s tall frame. Still he managed to get you into the bed.
“I don’t—” His face tinged red, as he realized that you were still in your uniform—your jacket the only thing covering it. “I don’t know what you usually wear…to uh…bed.”
“A t-shirt,” you mumbled, yanking off your jacket and reaching for your uniform. “Why? Are you offering yours?”
If at all possible, he turned an even darker shade of red—his eyes scarcely able to meet yours. “You want it?”
You smiled, getting up slowly and reaching for the hem of your shirt. “I’ll trade you Bradshaw. Mine for yours.”
“What—” His eyes went wide when you stripped off your shirt, reaching to yank off the bottom of your flight suit next. “Whoa!” He spun around. “I—ha—I don’t think I should see you like that yet kitten.”
“Why not? You’ve seen it before.”
“That was different.”
“How so?”
He cursed, tilting his head up to the ceiling. “Because I had different…intentions then.”
“Ahh,” you drawled, scooting under the covers. “You mean you intended to fuck me then. You can say it, you know.”
“How is it even drunk you’re still infuriating?” he asked, his shoulders dropping as he exhaled at the sight of you in bed.
“It’s a talent,” you sighed.
You half expected him to bolt the second you got settled, but he remained—lingering by your bed. Strangely enough it didn’t feel weird to have him there. If you had your way, you’d ask him to join you. To hold you in case the nightmares returned, but you couldn’t keep your eyes open long enough to ask him. Eventually, he left. Shutting the bedroom door gently behind him and leaving you to fight another battle entirely.
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“Smoke in the air! Smoke in the air!” Hunter’s voice filled your mind, the panic palpable in his words. Shit, you could practically taste it. A vile mixture of your terror mixed with his.
“I see it!” You went left, hoping to get them off your tail, but they were a stubborn bastard.
“Dodge right! We can lose them that way.”
“I can’t! There’s another one!”
You turned, seeing the plane that would be right on your nose if you went right and dread filled your veins as you realized…you were about to be cornered. There was nowhere to go and the others had fallen behind. If you only had gotten here a second earlier, then you could have flown over them, but they spotted you right as you shot out from the mission parameters.
“There’s another missile Panther!”
Your eyes darted to the left, seeing smoke in the air as they launched yet another missile. “Flares!” you shouted, dodging even further left and cutting them off. “I can’t outrun them. I’m going to get a bit lower, enough for you to eject.”
“No.” His words were barked through the radio. “I’m not leaving you here to die.”
“There’s no other option!” Dropping altitude, you knew the planes would follow, but there wouldn’t be enough time for you to fly fast enough away if Hunter didn’t pull that chord. “Either you eject now or we both die!”
“Then you’re coming with me dammit!”
Your breathing picked up, your heart beating so fast you could hear it in your eardrums. “No. I’m going to lead them away.”
“That’s not how this works. You go with me or I go with you Panther. You’d say the exact same in my position.”
They were right on your ass, no doubt aiming to shoot you out of the damn sky. “Shit!” you shouted. “Alright. On my signal.”
Counting the seconds in your head, you waited until the last second, knowing that just ejecting would cause the plane to go right underneath you. If you couldn’t lead them away, you could distract them for a bit longer. Your heart stopped in your chest as the altitude dropped to the exact number you needed and you barely heard yourself give the signal. The blood was rushing in your ears so loud it sounded like the ocean, but you did hear a scream.
Yanking your parachute, you felt relief go through you as you saw Hunter’s go up as well. You hoped, shit you begged the universe, that things would go alright. That you’d make it out of this hell alive together. Just as expected, the plane flew over your heads as you both headed towards the trees and out of its sight. 
Your feet landed on the ground, the crunch of leaves under your feet echoing off the trees around you.
“Hunter!” you called out, yanking the helmet off your head. “Man, where are you?”
Silence was the only thing you could hear. The reasoning began there. You were too far away from each other for him to hear you. Maybe he was busy trying to unlatch his chute. Millions of things could be happening to where you received no response no matter how many times you called his name. That had to be it, but that same dread from before began to fill your body the longer you walked.
Until you stopped.
He was laying there, on the ground, his chute still connected and blood pouring onto the ground. His eyes were closed. You couldn’t tell if you screamed or if you stayed silent, but you rushed over to him all the same; pulling his helmet off and seeing blood streak along your bare hands. No, no, no. This wasn’t happening. You breathed heavily, gathering him in your arms and calling his name so loud birds flew off the trees. But to no avail…he never woke up.
“Hunter you can’t—” A sob broke your words. “Please! Just wake up. Wake up Hunter. Just—” You pressed your cheek against his head. “Just wake up.”
Someone shook you causing your eyes to fly open, your breaths coming out in gasps as the memory faded to the back of your mind. It had been awhile since you relived it so vividly, but the training from earlier brought back too many familiar emotions. So much so that your brain regressed to where it used to be. Back in the dark pit of nightmares.
“Hey. Hey, look at me.” Their hands cupped your face and the bed dipped down as they sat. “You’re okay. It was just a dream.”
Focusing on your breaths, it hit you suddenly that Bradley was the one sitting there. His hair was tousled like he’d fallen asleep already and he only wore his jeans, but he was there. He hadn’t left you after all. Before you could stop yourself, you wrapped your arms around his neck, dragging him closer and burying your face against his shoulder. He made no move to stop you; which you silently thanked him for. The nightmare was still present in the back of your mind and you knew how long it would take for it to fade. The adrenaline flooding your veins would keep you awake to combat the fear of falling asleep again.
Hunter’s voice continued to scream in your head, the sight of him dead still vivid in your mind, and you felt the tears start to fall once more. It seemed that no matter how much you begged, no matter how many times you grieved, the pain never truly stopped. Bradley’s arms went around your waist, pulling you so close you were practically in his lap, but you didn’t bother to pull away. Not when he was rubbing a soothing hand down your back and holding you like he’d never get to again.
“Why did you stay?” you asked.
He pressed his nose to your neck, tightening his hold on you ever so slightly. “Because I promised not to leave you.”
The breath hitched in your throat. A different memory altogether emerged in your mind and suddenly you were back there at the bar that night. Listening to him promise you things you’d never heard a man promise before. You wanted so badly to believe them, but the residual fear of love kept you from doing so. He may have sworn to you that he’d stay, that he would remain with you till the end, but you didn’t. 
Looking back on it now you realized…you should have.
“I’m sorry,” you said, running your fingers through the hair at the base of his neck—biting back your smile at how he shivered slightly from your touch.
He grinned. “What do you have to be sorry for?”
“For leaving.”
He didn’t give you a response, but you felt it in the way his arms tightened around you even more. His face dug into the side of your neck as he breathed out—sending chills down your spine. There was only so much time allotted to you before the truth finally came out; before he figured out how much you cared for him. Except you could feel the unease in your body—the fear once again rearing its ugly head. Once this mission was over, you’d have no way of knowing what would happen—where you’d end up next.
Or even where he would go.
Perhaps that’s what kept you from telling him. You knew back then just as you knew now.
The love you two had would eventually end in the worst kind of heartbreak. You didn’t know which one of you would bear the grief of losing the other, but you did know each mission came with its dangers. There would never be a guarantee that you’d make it home safely every time.
Eventually, he shifted, joining you in the bed and keeping you close as you attempted to fall back to sleep. Usually when the nightmares set in you gave in and got up for the day, but one look at the clock you kept on your nightstand and you knew you’d have to get at least a few more hours in. You didn’t know what came next in training, but if Maverick was anything like they said he was, training would no doubt be brutal.
Bradley brushed a hand down your back, bringing your eyes back to him.
“What was he like?”
“What was who like?” Sleep deprivation had caused your brain to stop working.
Your heart twisted. Nobody had asked you about him since the funeral; everyone avoided the topic altogether to save you from the heartache. Yet they never seemed to realize that the only way to keep the memory of your friend alive was through talking about him. Through the stories that you shared. Without that…you only remembered him through the pain of that day—the nightmares consoling you when no one else would.
“He was…a good man.” Shutting your eyes you could still see Hunter’s blue eyes shining with life. “He loved to play football. Had a dog and a girlfriend back home that he kept saying he wanted to marry. I remember one night we were stationed at a base near this small town and he…” You laughed, feeling him wipe away a stray tear. “He convinced me to get a tattoo with him.”
“What of?” he asked, smiling at the way you lit up talking about Hunter.
“A paper airplane.” You lifted your wrist, showing him the small black outline of something Hunter had picked out way back when. On the day you first met him, he had folded the mission report into a paper airplane, tossing it towards the table you were sitting at. You knew from then on, he’d be the one you would fly with.
Bradley pressed his lips against the small tattoo; the soft sensation causing your heart to beat rapidly in your chest.
“He would have liked you,” you whispered, brushing away the hair that hung in front of his eyes. “He kinda reminded me of you at first.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Does that mean you two tried to kill each other all the time?”
“No.” You laughed, never having felt this light before. “Well…not all the time.”
“Good.” He moved closer until his nose was mere centimeters away from yours—his breath hitting your chin. “Cause that’s only something you and I share.”
The possibility of him attempting to take your breath away with those words was slim, but nonetheless it still happened. Something you and I share. A part of you knew that fighting with him was the only way he would remain in your life, but you didn’t think that he shared the same thought. You watched his eyes close, his breaths starting to even out. He would be asleep before you and that gave your mind time to wander.
Had he simply kept the feud going until the very last moment because he believed you didn’t want him in your life any other way?
It was a ridiculous idea to even entertain, but…some part of you knew it was the truth. Both of you were so afraid of losing one another that you chose the most volatile way to tighten your grasp, lest one of you slip free. Fighting, arguing, ripping each other to shreds. It wasn’t healthy. Shit, it was hardly even a relationship. But it was something that you and him counted on at the end of the day.
You sunk into the warmth of his skin pressed against yours, pushing away everything else, because you didn’t want to think about it anymore. He was here with you and that was the only thing that mattered tonight.
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The first thing you noticed was you were sleeping in an empty bed; the side where Bradley had stayed now was cold from the morning air. You knew he’d been there—seeing the rumpled way your blankets lay. Except you also knew he left before you had a chance to wake up. Your head pounded with the beginnings of a brutal hangover, but you managed to stumble your way to the kitchen—turning on the shitty coffee machine—before it fully formed.
Sunlight streamed through your living room windows, giving the apartment a comforting warmth that hadn’t been there before. Morning had always been your favorite time of the day.
“What the fuck was I thinking?” you mumbled, running a hand down your face, still groggy from sleep.
Flashes of what happened last night were shoved into the forefront of your mind as you fought against the nausea. Bradley helping you home, staying with you, and ultimately being your source of comfort for the night. You weren’t sure if you should feel embarrassed that you got wasted in front of him, or thankful that he chose to stay. Either way one thing was clear. You owed him for doing it.
Right on time, your alarm blared from the other room, letting you know that you had to be on base soon. You barely had enough time to shower and find your uniform before you were rushing out the door. Since you left your car behind, you’d have to get a cab which would only take you longer. You had no doubt Maverick would make you do extra push ups today after the catastrophe yesterday. That is…if you showed up late. Yanking on your boots, you stumbled to a stop at the sight of your car parked out front—a piece of paper attached to it with Bradley’s scribbled handwriting.
    You can thank me by washing your damn car, kitten.
    —Lieutenant Bradshaw
“It’s not that bad,” you mumbled, staring at the slightly dirty blue car. Although he might have had a point. You could see the windshield had spots of dirt here and there.
Turning on the engine, a Bruce Springsteen song played on the radio. You knew the stations loved him here given it being Fightertown, but this particular tune was coming from the small tape you had stowed in your glove compartment. Badlands continued to blast and you realized…Bradley had gone through your car and put this tape in on purpose. Why? You had no clue, but you didn’t mind the shift in how you treated one another.
Maybe this was him letting you know he was ready to turn over a new leaf. Sure, it would take to go back to what you shared that night, but at least you were ready to try.
No matter where it may lead you.
Rolling down your window, you heard the echo of the f-18 engines in the distance as you got closer and closer to the base. Your sunglasses were propped on your nose and you turned up the song, driving towards the usual spot—the ocean visible in the distance. If there’s one thing you would take away from this mission, from seeing Bradley again, it was that after all this time…you finally got a second chance.
Even if nothing came from it—the second chance was enough.
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Kinktober Day 31: Wild Card
Wild card: somnophilia
Comandante Veracruz x fem!reader
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: smut, sex while one is asleep (consensual), oral (f receiving), multiple orgasms, overstim
Notes: Wrapping up kinktober with my asshole husband Veracruz and some good old somnophilia! I’ve been so excited to share this one!! And the idea came to me so quickly too lol. Thank you to everyone who read and reblogged my fics for this event! I hope y’all have enjoyed the month as much as I have, and I think it’s very appropriate for me to finish with V here!
If you’d like to stay up to date on when I post, feel free to also follow my update blog and turn on post notifications @flightlessangelwings-updates​
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“I think that would be really hot, V.”
Your words echoed in the comandante’s head as he watched you sleep. It was weeks ago that you told him that you would enjoy it if he woke you up with sex, and he hadn’t acted on it yet. That first morning after you confessed to him, Veracruz savored the look of disappointment on your face when he didn’t immediately follow through with it. But it was the game he played with you, and you knew better than to bring it up.
Veracruz waited until he was sure you wouldn’t expect it to finally act, and now that he watched how delicious you looked asleep next to him, he couldn’t wait anymore. It made it easy for him that you were already nude after he thoroughly ravished you the night before. His eyes darkened with lust as he slowly pulled the sheet off your body and he swallowed hard as his eyes scanned your figure.
A deep sigh escaped your lips, but you stayed sound asleep and completely unaware of Veracruz’s plan. He moved carefully and purposefully so as to not wake you, like a panther about to pounce on his prey. The comandante shifted his weight down and slowly lifted one of your legs before he settled before you. He couldn’t help the low growl that he let out when he saw the marks on your inner thighs from the night before.
Veracruz leaned forward and hovered his lips over your pussy, and he felt the heat radiate from your body. He didn’t touch you too much since he didn’t want to wake you just yet, and just teased your pussy with his tongue at first. His touches were soft and light, just barely enough that you would have felt it had you been awake. You squirmed in your sleep under his teasing tongue, but you didn’t wake up, and Veracruz grinned wickedly into you.
Slowly, Veracruz licked up and down your folds, still conscious to keep his touches light for now. You let out soft whimpers as he teased you with his tongue in your sleep. He rolled your clit around a few times before he gently sucked at it, which made you moan louder in response. The comandante trailed his tongue down to your entrance and pushed into you. He groaned when he tasted a mix of your and his juices and he grabbed onto your hips harder.
You were so wet already, and you hadn’t even realized what the comandante was doing yet. It only fueled him on more, and Veracruz licked his way back up your folds to your clit. This time, he didn’t care about waking you and he sucked at the sensitive bundle of nerves hard. His hands moved to your thighs as he pinned them open and caressed your pussy with his tongue. It was a true test of wills for the comandante to be this soft, but he knew the prize at the end was well worth the self control.
With his rougher touches, you teetered between sleep and wake. You felt like your head was in a fog as your body reacted to Veracruz before your mind could. All you registered in your head was how good you felt, but you weren’t sure why. You moaned before you knew why as you blinked awake and you lost yourself to whatever was happening to you. As your moans got louder and louder, Veracruz knew you were waking up, and that was when he unleashed himself fully onto you.
Veracruz sucked hard at your clit, determined to make you fall apart at his touch before you fully woke up. He pushed your legs down onto the mattress when you tried to close them, and the more force he used on your legs, the harder he ate you out. When you let out a cry, he knew you were close, and Veracruz darted his tongue along your clit even harder.
Before you knew it, you felt the familiar tingle of your climax, and your hands locked onto Veracruz’s hair before your eyes fully opened. With a loud scream, you felt yourself cum before you felt like you were even back in your body. You gushed into his mouth as he lapped at your pussy, and he growled as you tugged harshly at his scalp.
But even as you rode out your orgasm from your sleep on his face, Veracruz didn’t stop. He kept you pinned to the bed as he continued to lavish you with his tongue until your legs shook again. He smirked in satisfaction as you moaned his name and came again in no time and again he greedily swallowed your juices. It wasn’t until you whimpered that he finally broke away from your cunt, and he looked down at you as his chin glistened with your climaxes.
Your eyes were still closed, but you breathed heavily. Veracruz watched with desire in his eyes as your chest rose and fell and your pussy dripped onto the sheets. Sleep still had a hand on you, even after two orgasms, and the comandante took full advantage of that. He pounced forward and covered your body with his own as he lined himself up at your entrance.
Again, Veracruz started slowly as he pushed into you and he savored all the noises you made that you weren’t even fully aware of. It wasn’t until he was fully inside you that your eyes shot open and your mind finally caught up to you. Just as you opened your mouth, Veracruz took your lips with his own in a heated kiss as he started to rock in and out of you.
You wrapped your arms around him as you woke up to this pleasurable and pleasant surprise. You moaned into his mouth as you felt him growl against you and it didn’t take long for Veracruz to pick up his pace.
Veracruz broke away from the kiss and sat up a bit to watch the faces you made while he fucked you awake. Your eyes were glazed over and your mouth hung open as moans and cries spilled out. His hands made their way back to your hips and the comandante held you tightly as he thrust into you harder.
“V…” you cried out as you gripped onto the sheets. You thought you might fly off the bed if you didn’t hold onto something.
“You like that, cariño?” he asked in a low rumble as he let all his inhibitions go.
“Yes… V…. please…” you didn’t even know what you begged for, you just knew you needed more… needed him.
Veracruz was more than happy to oblige as he thrust in and out of you with abandon. He leaned forward again and the moment his chest touched yours, your arms wrapped around him. You held onto your comandante for dear life as you surrendered yourself to him, like you had done so many times before and would gladly do again. Your head spun as you felt another climax quickly approach.
You moaned loudly as your entire body tensed around Veracruz, and he knew that you wouldn’t last much longer. But he didn’t slow down, and he dug his fingers into your body as he held you just as tightly as you held him. Sweat lined his brow and his hair fell flat in front of him as he pounded into you, but he didn’t care. He was too caught up in the moment to care about anything other than your body under and around him.
“Cum, cariño,” he groaned through a clenched jaw as the bed rocked back and forth with the ferocity of his movements.
With a loud scream, your head fell back and you came hard on his cock. Your body trembled with the might of your climax, and your throat felt scratchy with how loud you were. But none of that mattered as you fell apart at your comandante’s touch. The whole time, he never let up his pace, and Veracruz continued to fuck you through the aftershocks of your powerful orgasm until he felt himself lose control. Heat rose throughout his entire body as Veracruz’s mouth dropped open with his climax. With a low groan of your name, he spilled himself into you and sweat dripped onto your face as he thrust into you until he physically couldn’t hold himself up anymore.
Heavy breaths filled the room from both of you and Veracruz laid on top of you. You sniffled as you didn’t even realize tears fell from your eyes during all this, but you were more than satiated. You ran your hands along his back as you comforted him silently. Veracruz said nothing about the action, but you felt a soft kiss on the side of your head: his brief show of affection after he fucked you.
“How was that, cariño?” he asked in a low and teasing tone as he pushed himself up and slowly pulled out of you. Both of you hissed at the feeling, but Veracruz quickly pulled you in close to him as he allowed you to rest on his chest.
You felt how hard his heart pounded, but you didn’t comment on it, “Thank you, V,” was all you said in a soft whisper as you kissed his chest. 
Veracruz didn’t reply verbally; he only gave your body a single squeeze. But you knew what he meant with the action. Even though it was early morning, the both of you were spent already and it didn’t take you long to fall back asleep. The comandante stayed awake and listened to your heavy breaths for some time before sleep finally took him as well. His last thought before he drifted off was how good an idea this was, and how he would reward you for it again later.
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kookies2000 · 2 years
Finally done with 80% of my newest Owl House fan fic "Dream Among Destiny and Stars" I'm finally gonna update the first chapter either today or tomorrow. Just need to edit and write one more scene. But because I'm super excited and can't hold it in any longer! I'm gonna release this scene from the first chapter. It became a favorite of mine.
"Everyone gather around!" They all heard Raine announce. They held up a bouquet of flowers and announced "According to human culture, whoever catches this bouquet of flowers will have the best luck in love…."
Faster than Luz can blink, Hunter was gone and in the group of people. Raine turned their back to the group and waited a few seconds. Eda had her phone out, ready to record. The group consists of students from Hexside and Vee. All of them had determined faces.
"Ready?" Raine was unaware of the tragedy that was about to happen. The moment they threw the flowers, roars of voices filled the room followed by crashing sounds. They didn't even want to turn around to see what was happening. All they needed to see was Eda happily recording the event. Crash after crash, scream after scream, the moment lasted much longer than Raine anticipated.
"Grimwalker! You'll pay!" Bochas voice roared in anger. Raine gulped down when they noticed the room lit up from a fire ball. More screams followed.
"Put it out! Put it out!" Marry screamed as loud as she could. Sounds of clothes slamming against her could be heard.
"Puddles no!" Vineys cried out. Puddles was screeching so loud it nearly blew out the eardrums of anyone in a mile radius.
"Don't eat it!" Edric yelled. Raine squirmed from the sound of kids trying to force open the mouth of a Griffin.
"It's mine!" Boscha laughed before the sound of her being tackled was heard.
"I deserve it!" Skara cried out.
"You're already dating Viney! Let me have this!" Borcha angrily cried out. The two girls screamed, the sound of dresses ripping and hair ties snapping was all Raine could hear. Until another screech from Puddle filled the air. More lights lit up the room. Illusions sparked blue here and there. Fire illuminated red everywhere. The sound of potions being shattered open were followed by a bright yellow light. Raine didn't need to turn around, they could see it in the shadows.
"No!" Edmira sounded horrified. With the help of a red light, Rain saw Puddle's shadow throwing the flowers in the air.
"It's mine!" Amity somehow joined the squabble. Raine could hear multiple footsteps running away and out of the room. From a good distance, they heard nothing but the sound of footsteps running in circles. At long last, it stopped. The sound of chaos finally stopped and the lights dimmed down. Raine let out their breath that they didn't even know they were holding in. The group of kids sounded disappointed as a small splash was heard.
"Well, that's that." Gus sighed in disappointment. Only a few seconds passed until it was interrupted by running sounds. A loud splash caused the whole group to gasp loudly.
"OH MY TITAN!" The whole group screamed in terror.
"HUNTER!" The sound of a mortified Willow was enough to make Raine turn around. Everyone gathered outside and looked down at the ocean.
Super excited to upload this!!! Can't wait!!!
Summery of my story: Luz had it all. Friends, family and magic. She wouldn't ask for anything else, she couldn't. And now she had kids on the way! It was a dream come true, but even dreams turn to nightmares. For ten years she hasn't seen her friends or even her own wife. And she wanted nothing more than to reunite with them.
Ships: Luz and Amity. Raine and Eda. Hunter and Willow ( the one with the most angst). Gus and Mat. Happy Pride Month as well!!!
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ye0ncore · 3 years
it’ll always be you - yang jungwon
hello loves! i’ve really been missing writing so here i am trying to get more fics up for you guys. i have school, work and a sport to juggle so updates may be a lil slow but just bear with me lol. also, this fic took way too long to get together, my tumblr is fucking high. anyways, love you guys <33
>> pairing: jungwon x female reader
>> synopsis: you and jungwon have always been best friends. and that’s all you saw each other as. or so you thought. that was until you got an outside perspective.
>> rating and genre: pg, fluff
>> warnings: kissing scene, a few curse words,
>> word count: 1834
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“so y/n, is there any special boy in your life right now,” your new friend daeji asked, a mischievous smile on her face. you giggled and shook your head at the question, the smile staying on your face. you had only met daeji a few days ago but you already loved her. she was a transfer student from another district and the both of you had gotten very close, very quickly.
both of you are still in the process of getting to know each other, hence why the question was asked in the first place. “what?! how is there not, i’ve never seen anyone as pretty as you. is there anyone you’re into, though,” she continued, making you smile once more at her kindness.
“no there’s not,” you confirmed, making her slump in her seat. you laughed once more, and as if on cue, jungwon walked up. daeji perked up at someone of the opposite gender walking up to you, a small smirk on her face. you had mentioned jungwon once, but only as a close friend. she had never actually met him, and she was not disappointed. you’re pretty, he’s pretty so why weren’t you dating?
“hey y/n,” he said, his eyes bright and his smile wide. you greeted him back and motioned for him to sit down, which he immediately did. he set his backpack down and his eyes landed on daeji. “who’s this, y/n?”
“oh, jungwon, this is daeji. she’s a transfer student and one of my new friends. daeji, this is jungwon, my closest friend at this school,” you said with a smile, it widening when you turned to jungwon. daeji smiled and waved, and glanced at you, noticing how close you and jungwon were sitting. ‘there’s no way they aren’t dating,’ she thought.
the three of you sat there for a while, speaking about anything that came to your heads. that was until jungwon had to go and meet up with jay. apparently they were partners for a project and needed to work on it. “alright, it was really nice to meet you, daeji. bye y/n,” he said, leaning down to give you a hug. you two hugged the same way you always did, your arms around his neck, his arms wrapping around your waist. he gave you a small smile before rushing off to find jay, leaving daeji awestruck.
you looked at her and laughed at the shocked look on her face. “what,” you asked, still giggling.
she looked at you like you were insane. “y/n who the fuck is that, and why aren’t you dating him?” now it was your turn to give her a weird look.
“jungwon? no no we’re not like that. he’s my best friend,” you assured her, but she clearly didn’t believe you. which was understandable.
“best friend my ass, y/n. you’re in love with each other and i can see it! the way you looked at each other… holy shit i’ve only ever seen that in movies.” did he really look at you like that? “and you look at him the same way! a few other guys have come up and talked to you within the past few days and you didn’t look at them anywhere near the same way you looked at jungwon.”
“i told you daeji, he’s my best friend. we’re not like that,” you said once more, but that doesn’t mean the thought didn’t creep into your brain. all she did was laugh and call you crazy once more, saying her final goodbyes to you for the day. you made your way home and you couldn’t help the fact that what daeji said was stuck in your head.
she had a point. you and jungwon were always close. you had been best friends since you were little, so he always had a special place in your heart. did jungwon really look at you the way she said he did? and did you look at him the same? you tried to shake off the thought. there’s no way it would work. but you still felt that little bit of hope.
the next day at school, you met up with jungwon like you always did. every morning, without fail, you and him always met up by your car so you could walk into the school together. when he walked up to you, you took notice of the way he looked. really took notice. he was wearing a black and white striped sweater, and black sweatpants, his hair a perfect mess atop his head. your breath got caught in your throat. he looked amazing. how have you never noticed this before?
oh who are you kidding. of course you noticed. you always noticed, you just never wanted to admit it. he walked up to you, a big smile on his face. you greeted each other the same way you always did, a hug and a small ‘hello.’ except, this hug was different. you hugged the same type of way, but it just felt different. he lightly squeezed you, making you laugh and the only thing going through your head was how badly you didn’t want to let go.
unfortunately, he did let go, and led the both of you into the school. you two walked in with huge smiles on your faces, daeji giving you two a smirk when she saw you. you walked up to daeji, jungwon glued to your side, daeji immediately taking notice. ‘the only people who don’t know how they feel about each other is each other, this is just sad,’ was exactly what was going through daeji’s head.
so when the first bell rang and you went off to your class, hugging jungwon goodbye, she decided she needed to do something. after you walked off, jungwon continued to watch you for a moment, not turning back until daeji pretended to clear her throat. after she did, he whipped his head back to her, acting like nothing had happened. all she did was give him a knowing look, and he visibly deflated. “why are you looking at me like that,” he asked, still playing dumb.
daeji simply scoffed. “you like her.” jungwon froze in his spot, immediately tried to deny it. “don’t even try to give me the whole ‘she’s my best friend’ thing, i hear it enough from her when she tries to deny her feelings for you.” jungwon’s heart dropped to the floor, as did his jaw. did he hear her right?
“i’m sorry, one more time. what???” daeji laughed at his reaction.
“you both are so oblivious. everyone can see the feelings you both have for each other, except the two of you,” she explained, jungwon still looking like a deer in headlights. he simply couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
daeji was right. jungwon had developed feelings for you a very long time ago. he had seen you at your best, when you turned 16 and got your drivers license. and he had seen you at your worst, when your first boyfriend broke your heart. he stuck with you through all of it because he loved you and he never wanted to be without you. did you really feel the same?
“go find her, jungwon. i’m tired of seeing the both of you pine after each other. even if i’ve only known you for a day.” jungwon only nodded, running in the direction you left in, frantically searching around to find you. then he remembered exactly where you would be. the art room. that was the class you had just gone too, and he knew the teacher. they were cool with each other and you and the teacher were also very close.
he rushed to the art room as fast as his feet would carry him, the only thing on his mind being you. when he finally arrived he pulled the door open and his eyes immediately locked with yours. you smiled softly at the sight of him, stopped what you were doing and walked up to him. “hey. what are you doing here, aren’t you supposed to be in chemistry,” you asked, your tone soft and playful.
“uh….yeah i am supposed to be in chemistry… mrs. fleming might kill me, but there’s something i need to tell you, and i don’t know how much longer i was going to be able to wait,” he explained, his nerves building every second. you simply nodded, grabbed his hand and pulled you into the empty hallway. the small touch sent waves of electricity through you, bringing a wide smile to the both of your faces. if only you two knew what was about to go down.
“alright, here goes nothing. i was just talking to daeji and she called me out for staring at you…” his tone was soft and comforting, calming your nerves immediately. but as soon as the words left his mouth about daeji, you knew she had said something.
‘great, now he knows. he’s just gonna tell me he doesn’t see me like that. oh god let’s just get the rejection over with,’ was the only thing spinning through your mind. your mind didn’t even process that he said he got caught staring at you.
he seemed to notice your hesitation, but he knew he had to get this out in the open. “y/n i know this may be overwhelming and a lot to take in but i really need you to know how i feel.” he took a deep breath, and relaxed when you took his hand in yours.
“you can tell me anything, jungwon.” your calming voice was enough to give him the confidence to finally get the words out.
“alright so… y/n i really really really fucking like you. you’ve been there for me through absolutely everything and you’re genuinely the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen. you make me so damn happy and i’m so thankful to have you in my life. whether that’s you as my friend or something more. i just wanted -”
you cut off his rambling by pressing your lips against his. you supposed he wasn’t expecting it because it took him a second to respond, but eventually he was kissing you back. one hand found it’s way to your waist and the other cupped your cheek. both of your arms were wrapped around his neck, pulling the both of you closer to one another. the kiss was soft and passionate, making it clear the both of you had been wanting this for a while.
when you finally pulled away, both of you were breathing heavier, but there were wide smiles on your faces. his hands stayed on your waist as he pulled you into a hug, you nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. “the feeling is mutual, jungwon.” you felt like you could hear him smile, him pulling you even closer if that even possible. “it’s always been you. it’ll always be you.”
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catxsnow · 3 years
Request: Okay some anons were simping over kon now I wanna simp~ y/n is an archer on the teen Titans , and she tends to be shy and on the reserved side, so when kon flirts she just dismisses him every time, until another guy ( superhero or civilian, you choose ) gets flirty and he gets made protective/jealous.
Warning: fluff 
A/N: I’m slowly running out of already written fics and my motivation has not come back yet. This hiatus may be lasting longer than I thought. 
Word Count: 2.3k
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There was nothing wrong with a little bit of flirting within the team. It kept the bond of teammates close and always kept everyone on their toes. The dynamic on the Teen Titans was always one of ups and downs. There was such an entanglement of potential relationships that everyone got confused as to what was going on.
Most of that confusion stemmed from Conner Kent, Superboy as the team knew him as. His temporary relationship with Cassie had surprised everyone. He flirted with nearly everyone on the team, Tim, Kori, you. Kon's endless flirting began the day Oliver dropped you off at the Titans Tower and left you there for good.
Kon was frustrating in the sense that his flirtation with you was nonstop. From the moment you woke up to the moment you went back to sleep, it seemed that his only mission was to get you flustered. It didn't seem that he knew that you were bothered by his comments.
Tim always scolded Kon for his behaviour. After Cassie, it was clear that relationships among teammates was dangerous. Not to mention that it was pretty obvious of your blatant ignorance of his attempts. He continued to try nonetheless - one day you would crack for him, one day.
"Good morning, sweetheart." Kon was never an early riser. At the farm, he always got up early for chores, so at the tower he took every chance to sleep in. When he started to learn that you got up early, so did he. There was always the tired look in her eyes that he admired.
Kon found you down at the range. Though your skills were nowhere near Oliver, or even Roy, you put up a good fight just as much as everyone else on this team. The early hours were always dedicated to practice, and unfortunately, Kon figured that out pretty quickly.
You were so concentrated on the shot, you hadn't heard Kon's heavy footsteps join you. The shot went askew, completely missing the target. Your body tensed with frustration at him.
"Whoops, sorry babe. Didn't realize my good looks distracted you so much," Kon grinned. You refused to show him his words got you flustered. Instead, you grabbed another arrow. Babe. It slipped so smoothly off his tongue that it forced a chill down your spine.
"It's fine, Superboy," you assured him - though you were still angered at him for screwing around with your training once again. Kon leaned against the rack that held your bows. His arms rested on the top, head on his hands. His curls were still a mess from his sleep last night.
You felt your arm shake for a split second. His eyes watching your every move, waiting for you to make the perfect shot just as you always did. There was a lot of pressure on you with his gaze. You took a breath before releasing the arrow, watching as it hit dead center of the target. It was easy, hitting a non-moving target like this. Kon was the one making it difficult.
"Superboy?" He cocked an eyebrow. "We aren't on a mission babe, you can call me Kon you know. I'd prefer it." Of course he would, he loved the sound of his name passing your lips. It was almost angelic. "You know-"
"(Y/N), Conner," Tim's head popped into the training room before Kon could tell you what he wanted. His chest fell with a disappointed sigh. "Nightwing and Flash are here."
"Is there something wrong?" You asked. They rarely showed up out of the blue without there being a reason. Usually, that reason meant that people were in trouble and lives were at stake. Tim relieved your stress with a simple shake of his head. He gestured for the both of you to follow him. Kon stuck his hand out for you to hand over the bow so he could hang it up on the rack he leaned on.
A small smile cracked as your hand brushed against his. It was cheesy, ridiculously so, but his touch was so warm and inviting even if it was just for a brief second. Kon placed the bow down and followed you and Tim out of the room. Just as Robin said, his older brother and his friend were with the others in the meeting room.
Wally's presence always lightened the room. There was something about the smile that resided on him that managed to put everyone in a good mood. It always amplified whenever Dick was at his side. The two were a dynamic pair, and when they did stop by the tower without underlying business, it was always a good time.
There were a few times that you had been alone in the tower. Tim back to Gotham, Kon and Cassie to their own homes as well. It left you and Bart with no one but yourselves to keep each other company. In those times, Wally would sometimes make an appearance. The speedsters would train but by the end of the night you would all be piling high with snacks.
As you entered the room, Wally waved at you and that smile that everyone looked forward to was released. Before you could wave back, a heavy arm was thrown across your shoulder. Kon was at your side. It wasn't the first time he had completely invaded your bubble and it surely wouldn't be the last.
"Flash, Nightwing," he greeted. You could feel the heat crawling up your neck with Kon's side pressed against yours. Hopefully, he, nor any of your other teammates, noticed your state. It was beyond annoying that he could get you like this. "What's the visit for this time? Scolding us for saving the day again?"
He dropped his arm from your shoulders but remained close to you. Kryptonians must have ran warm because you could still feel the lingering heat of his body against you.
"JL wanted an update, figured we could stop in," Wally answered. He sped over to your side and placed a hand over your ear so no one else could hear. "And Boy Wonder over there is in trouble with the Bats." Clearly, Kon heard what the speedster had to say and let out a laugh. What could Tim have done to get himself in trouble?
"Doesn't explain why you came," you joked. Wally had mimicked Kon's arm-over-the-shoulder.
"Wanted to come see you, of course," Wally grinned. His arm suddenly locked around your neck and his knuckles rubbed into your head. You struggled to pull him off you. Finally, you had managed to hook his ankle and make him fall flat on his back. "Look at that, you're making me lose my breath."
The laughter among teammates emitted from everyone besides Kon. He had an annoyed look on his face from the interaction between you and Wally, though he said nothing about it. Wally sped back up, a slight tinge of pink to his cheeks after the interaction.
Kon watched in frustration as Wally dragged you into the kitchen, likely to find himself a snack or two. Your laughs always put a bit of joy in him, but now? Hearing you laugh because of Wally? Each sound was like a knife to the heart. Pure jealously ran through him - why was it that he could never make you laugh like that?
"Calm down, Kon," Tim stood by his side. It was clear to anyone, even when they weren't raised by the great Batman, that Kon was incredibly jealous of Wally. It was only Tim that decided to speak up. "There's nothing between them. No need to be jealous."
"I'm not," Kon snapped. His reaction was enough to prove that he was in fact jealous. He let out a huff of air before walking away from his best friend. Unfortunately, the further he got from Tim, the closer he got to you and Wally just to hear the sound of your laughter once more. His chest tightened with anger.
It wasn't at Wally, nor you. It was at himself for not being able to get you out of your comfort zone as the speedster could. Since joining this team it seemed he was the only one that you remained shy and nervous around. What was wrong with him to make you feel that way?
What was wrong with him that made you not want to spend time with him?
"There you are."
Kon disappeared shortly after you left with Wally (and eventually Bart who couldn't stay away at the smell of food). Tim was with Dick all afternoon and Cassie spent her time training with Kori. Kon was nowhere to be found, and you couldn't figure out why he felt the need to leave his friends.
You searched the whole building for him, starting down at the training grounds and working your way all the way up to the roof of the buildings. He was sitting on the edge, legs dangling as the last rays of the sun fell from the sky.
Kon folded into himself: shoulders hunched, head hung low. He perked up at the sound of your voice - even more so when he saw that you were alone. You sat next to him and matched his sitting position.
"Were you up here all day?" You asked. Kon nodded, though he remained silent. It wasn't like him to skip out on a pickup line or make some sort of comment. In fact, it wasn't like him to just disappear the whole day either. He looked upset about something. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Kon was a horrible liar. You raised your eyebrows at him, indicating that you knew he was lying through his teeth. He sighed, leaning back so his palms pressed into the rough roofing. The golden rays illuminated him, creating an aura around him that made him seem godly. You wanted to reach out to him, but contained yourself.
The sunset was beautiful enough as it was, but to add Kon's beauty on top of that? Your heart was beating so fast you were sure that Kon's super hearing had him concerned.
"You don't have to lie around me, you know," You nudged his side. Kon sighed once more. He didn't want to tell you the truth, but he felt terrible for lying and making you worry. You were quick to notice a pink tinge on his cheeks. It was a turn of events, usually you were the one flustered around him. The hue looked pleasant on him.
"I'm sorry," he suddenly apologized, "I... Well, I guess..." Kon fumbled over his words. The pink on his cheeks grew brighter, even as he tried to hide it from you. There was never a day you thought you would get to see the great Superboy flushed like this. He was always the confident one. "Fuck."
Kon's hand grasped your cheeks. His split moment of hesitance made you realize exactly what he was about to do. Whether it be frozen in fear or excitement, you didn't try to move. The closer he got the harder your heartbeat until the point as if it felt like you were going to burst. The moment Kon's lips were on yours it felt as if it stopped altogether.
His kiss was soft, hesitant - nothing like the facade he always had up. Kon was delicate with you, as if he was worried he was going to break you with just a touch. Your lips moved against his with far more confidence than you had ever shown him before. You didn't realize how badly you craved for his taste until the moment you had it.
He pulled away only for a second, waiting to see if you were wanting him to quit completely. With no sign of regret, Kon pulled you in for a rushed kiss. His lips needy against yours, making up for the lost time that he wasted months on. It was only when his lungs felt like they were going to combust did he give you space.
"I-" His palm remained against the curve of your neck and jaw, thumb swiping against your cheekbone. "I was jealous today, of Wally. I've never heard you laugh so hard when you're with him and I wanted that. I'm sorry."
"You have no reason to be sorry, Superboy," you assured him. He couldn't stop his feelings, just as you couldn't deny them anymore. "I-I'm sorry I was always so distant with you. I... I guess I was too scared to admit my feelings for you."
Kon was ready to spill his heart out to you. He knew that once he started gushing about how much he adored you, he wouldn't be able to stop. Instead, he leaned into you again, smiling into your kiss with pure excitement.
His legs that dangled off the edge pushed against the siding of the building and pulling you along with him. A strangled scream ripped from your throat as the two of you free fell in the darkening sky. Kon's arm wrapped around your waist and he held you flush against his body.
Your head was buried into the crook of his neck until realizing that you were no longer falling but floating. The grip on his shirt loosened and you looked up to appreciate the new view he gave you.
Kon brushed his lips against yours once more, just to grab your attention. "Don't worry babe, I've got you. There's no need to worry whenever you're with me."
Taglist:  @pricetagofficial @mora-miserium  @babymango-writes  @redrobin-yumm  @simp-is-what-i-am  @catsofsmoke  @subtleappreciation  @officiallydarkgeek @spiitfiires  @pinkdiamond1016  @childish-kiwi  @givetimdrakeacoffee  @gunnedrobin   @local-fandom-trashcan  @bikoncon​  @foenixphire
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sparklingsad · 3 years
title: solace in solitude (one shot)
characters: baji x fem!reader, chifuyu, mentions of kazutora, mikey, draken, and mitsuya
prompt: You have always found solace in solitude, but how can one person change everything that you've ever known?
genre: fluff, angst
warning: contains spoiler from the manga, don't read you are still emotionally unwell because of the latest tokyo rev episode (21). take care of your mental health you guys <33
p.s: it's a bit long :')) but please read through the end :)
a/n: Hello everyone! I'm feeling a bit sappy today because of the latest tokyo rev episode :')) let's all suffer together shall we? I was actually working on the part 4 of my series fic but I accidentally deleted the whole thing, and got annoyed, so here I am now with a one shot for you guys. Sorry this is angsty baji again, but this prompt has been on my mind ever since I made it past chap 67 on the manga of tokyo rev. I also saw @tomanjxro reblogged @lila-skies prompt-ish so it pushed me to write something of a version that I have thought of way back. I hope this does not disappoint <3
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If someone would ask you how you found most of the good things in your life, you could probably say you found them when you were alone.
You met your decade-long best friend while waiting for your parents to pick you up in elementary school when you mistakenly added 2 hours to your original dismissal time. You have found the cutest little pup that became your pet when you got lost looking for your friend's house. Your family's favorite diner is the restaurant where you stayed until they have found you after getting separated from them at the mall -- your family ate at the place to celebrate finding you after a couple of hours.
With this, you have never thought that being alone is a pity. In fact, you let yourself immerse in the bliss that solitude brings you as you grow older.
Just like one of those days, you were once again alone. Doing library duties was hated by a lot of the students in your school. Organizing books, attending to return cards, updating the library database -- these are all boring tasks that no one wants to take so most of those who are assigned on library work leaves without hesitation after the 3:30 pm mark hits the clock. Meanwhile you, you partially stay to finish all the work and selfishly enjoy the serenity of an empty library.
Or so you thought.
When it is about 4 pm, a bunch of seniors dropped by their overdue books into the library and of course, it is your responsibility to return them to their proper bookcases.
You pulled out the book trolley and started loading all of the books that have been returned and trudged your way onto the furthest part of the library where science books like zoology are meant to be placed.
Just as when the silence is almost deafening due to the decreasing number of people, you heard pieces of paper being torn accompanied by small grunts.
Curious to what could have been staying in this part of the library, you tried to peek from behind a huge bookcase only to see a guy with slicked-back hair gelled to perfection, a low ponytail, and a definitely intimidating big pair of glasses.
I didn't know someone this serious exists in this school, you thought.
Scared that you might disturb his peace as he intensely scribbles words on his paper, you try to cough to get his attention.
"Um, I'm sorry to disturb your study session but I have to place these books back into this bookcase beside you," you tried to explain to him.
He did not even flinch a bit when you suddenly spoke. Instead, he gave you a polite nod (too formal if you were to say) and continued writing into his notebook.
With his actions, your curiosity just grew more of this student that is new into your eyes. While trying to put back the encyclopedias and journals into to bookcase, you can't help but steal a few glances at what he was writing.
"Um, I'm sorry but I think you have missed a few letters here," you interrupted him.
"rendevou", you pointed out.
"It should have been 'rendezvous'," you corrected him.
"Oh, is that so," he shoved his head towards the notebook and narrowed his eyes to the one you pointed out.
He flashed you a smile so wide that you forgot that it's almost 5 hours past midday.
"Y-yeah." and you let out a small smile.
You were caught by surprise at how nice he is, compared to the demeanor that his whole look is emanating.
To brush off the seemingly surprising interaction, you tried to move to the further bookcases and continue your duties, but he suddenly calls to you.
"Hey, uh,"
His gaze is switching between you and his paper.
"Can ya please help me with this one too?" he politely asks, his head almost as low as a bow.
"O-oh, yeah sure."
You slowly walked towards him.
"What'd ya think of this one?" he immediately asked after you stood beside him.
You looked closely into it. 'clandestine' it says
"I think you did this one just fine!" you said proudly.
"Woah. Really? Wow I'm really learning, aren't I? Thanks!"
Right after helping him, you proceeded to finish your duties. You wanted to be home by 6 to do all the homework you have.
Just as you left his side he looked at you and offered you a hand.
"Hey, I think I can help ya with that," and there it is again, the smile he gave you earlier, and you gave him a small 'thanks'.
As you both busy yourselves sorting out the remaining books on the trolley, you suddenly remembered something vital that you forgot.
Oh, I haven't asked his name yet.
"Say--," you started as you place each book neatly in between the others.
"I haven't asked your name yet," and you gave him a look.
He looks a bit surprised by the sudden asking so you took the prerogative to move the conversation,
"Oh, sorry. It was rude of me to ask yours when I haven't said mine. I'm y/n, l/n. Nice to meet you!" you handed over your hands to him and he reached for it.
"Baji?" you repeated.
"Keisuke Baji"
"Oh, it's Baji then."
"Nah. Keisuke is fine."
"Well, let me tweak it up a bit if you are that generous," you flashed him a smile.
"Kei it is then!"
Not after a while of organizing the books, both of you finished the school bell ring. It is already the 5 o'clock mark.
"Oh seems like that's me for today," Baji said as he started to pick up his own things from the table near the bookcase.
"Thanks for helping me today, y/n! It was nice meeting ya!" Then without another word he left and ran towards the library door.
Just like that, he was gone and silence is all there was with you.
At that moment you realized that company isn't that bad at all.
For the following days, you tried to find out who Keisuke Baji is. And as if lady luck is on your side, you saw him in Class 3 the other day when you've handed out the class president the flyers for the upcoming school festival. He even gave you a small wave from across the classroom that wasn't gone unnoticed by his classmates.
Your cheeks were dusted with rose from this small gesture because you had not expected that he would take notice of you so far as giving a warm gesture like that. Aside from this, there are a bunch of eyes staring at you that made you uncomfortable because of the attention.
That similar day, you're on your library duties like always sorting here and there when you came across him again in the same spot.
"Oh Ke--" you turn to a halt when you saw that he is not alone.
A blonde guy with a piercing on his left ear is also sitting beside him as they scribble down words onto their paper.
"O-oh, sorry I didn't notice," you apologize immediately as they both turn their heads to you.
"Oh wait, y/n!" he called you and you felt a tug on your cardigan.
You turned to him but you were taken aback at how close his face is to yours. You can feel your heart drumming against your chest as you are looking at his face from this distance.
Just what is this feeling?
"Hey y/n, ya okay?" he called your attention noticing you suddenly took a pause.
"Ah yeah I am. I'm sorry for disturbing your study session here," you removed your glasses and start to wipe them to brush off your embarrassing action.
"It's all cool y/n! No need to worry," he reassured you with a smile.
"This guy here's my best friend! Matsuno Chifuyu from class 2," he dragged his friend in front of you and presented him proudly like a work of his.
"O-oh, Chifuyu. Nice to meet you, I'm y/n l/n from class 5!" you said back.
"Class 5.." Chifuyu looked up,
"Oohhh, you must be one hell of a smartass if you're taking advanced classes y/n-chan," he amusingly said.
"Well, I guess I'm just pretty earnest in studying that's all, " you humbly said.
"Say, you wanna grab some peyoung yakisoba? All of this math's making my head hurt,"
"I'm definitely in Baji-san!!" Chifuyu exclaimed
"Oi Chifuyu, I'm not talking to you. Of course we'll split it, you dumbass." he scoffed
"I'm talking to y/n," and then he proceeds to look at you.
Without hesitation, you immediately agreed as if you have always been sure of what to answer.
"That's it then, let's get going!" he grabbed you by the hand and proceeded to a nearby konbini outside the school.
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When your yakisoba's had been thoroughly cooked, you all sat down in a small stall inside the place, but before you started eating Baji removed his glasses and his ponytail.
You stopped your eating and looked at him a bit longer than you're supposed to.
"Uh, y/n? Is everything alright?" he said as he slurped the noodles.
"Ah, yeah!" you said surprised to his sudden asking.
"I was just surprised about--" and you gestured to his face and his hair as if you're incapable of using words to explain the situation.
"Oh, this?" he asked.
"That's what you get for pretending to be a poindexter Baji-san," Chifuyu said as he reaches for the yakisoba from Baji's hands.
"Poindexter?" you asked, confused.
"Yeah, I thought he was a poindexter when I saw him back in middle school, turns out he doesn't wanna make his momma cry for getting held back again so he decided to go to school with that getup," Chifuyu trailed off as he gulped down his snack.
"Oi Chifuyu that's enough! I've been trying my hardest 'kay?" he said unamused and his arms crossed.
"Though I think I look better when I look smart don't I?" he said with a playful and conceited tone.
"Oh, actually if you're more comfortable looking like this would it help if I say I like your hair down better?" you smiled at him, the brightest and most genuine you had ever given.
He almost choked on his yakisoba with your sudden comment, he clears his throat and looked down so his raven locks can hide the obvious embarrassment on his face as you made him fluster
"Yeah, yeah. I guess so," he said back and things fell a bit silent as you all focused on eating.
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The following days got you more excited. Actually, you're getting more company lately than you originally have, and it seems to brighten up your mood for the day. You enjoyed being with Baji and having a little study session in the library and after that, he would help you with your duties. There are other times that you spend some time on the school rooftop and play with the stray cats that seemed to be his friends. Chifuyu sometimes drops by and hand over some yakisoba that you all enjoy as the day comes to an end. There is even a time that Baji walked you home because you got too immersed in teaching him English that it was almost 6 by the time that you left school. You refused his offer, but he insisted on sending you home.
"Thanks for walking me home, Kei! I hope you do well on the exam tomorrow!"
"That's nothing. I have the best teacher don't I?" and he flashed that signature grin, with the sharp canines and all, but he did not look intimidating --not even a bit. He has a smile so bright it could put the sun and the moon to shame, and you loved every second of it.
"A'right, I'm gonna go now! Get some rest y/n!" and he ruffled your hair like a small child.
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So when Baji's nowhere to be found around the campus, and neither is Chifuyu to ask where Baji is, you can't help but feel a little glum inside.
This wasn't like you anyway --constantly looking for people to be with. But you can't lie to yourself when you feel that your days are emptier without that poindexter in the library.
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After a week or so, you've been starting to get used to the silence that you once have cherished. Doing your daily duties in school without bumping into Baji had just been the usual.
Going on your usual routine, you're here again in this godforsaken library.
Since when did you learn to curse this place anyway?
Moving towards the end of it, you can't help but remember the happy times you've had in here with Baji and felt a slight pang in your heart, though it didn't appear on your face. So when you took a right turn after the last bookshelf and saw someone -- black long wavy locks, falling off the back of the chair as he leans his head into it --your face turned brighter.
"Kei!" you exclaimed happily as you trot towards him leaving the trolley behind.
"Yo, y/n. I didn't notice ya there," he said plainly.
"Oh it's fine. You should've called me if you're going to be here, Kei!" you enthusiastically said.
"Ah, it's fine. I'm not here to study anyway," he did not even try to lie about his situation.
"Oh, is that so," you said in a low voice.
"Yeah. A lot of things have been going in my mind lately. I just thought this place is quiet enough," he continued to explain.
"And yeah, sorry for being missing for a few weeks," he muttered an apology that sounded sincere but his mind was clearly not there.
"Yeah, it's alright," worry traced in your voice now.
"It's just my friends," he continued without batting an eye at you
"They're my treasure, and yet I don't know how to help them. I tried all that I could but I can't help, I feel like this is my endgame,"
You don't know how to respond to what he said, and you also don't know what's going on. So you just let him continue talking about these conundrums and his friends.
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The silence surrounding you both has been broken by the sudden ring on Baji's phone.
"Oh, Kazutora"
"I'll be there."
After the exchange of a few words, he put down his phone and picked up his jacket.
"Yeah, I guess I gotta go now." he slowly stood up from his chair and tucked it underneath the table.
"Take care Kei!" a line that you obviously tried so hard to mask with enthusiasm.
As he is starting to head back to the entrance, he suddenly jogged back to you and peeked through the bookshelf.
"Hey y/n!" he called
"Think you can compile some notes for me before the finals arrive? Don't wanna make my mom cry again," he said with a pout.
"Oh, yeah sure!" you said surprised at how his demeanor has changed.
"That's set then!" and he trailed off,
"Oh and one more thing!" Baji said running back.
"Hm? What is it this time?" you asked him with your head titled.
"I'll take ya out for some peyoung after finals! My treat! See ya!"
And just like he was gone,
but he sure did leave a huge smile on your face.
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After that moment with Baji in the library, you haven't seen him for 4 days now and he seems like he has been missing classes lately. It's less than a week before finals start, so by this time you have already compiled everything that you needed to review.
By all honesty, you worked hard and fast to finish this reviewer because you wanted Baji to immediately have it so you have a reason to see him.
God, how much you missed just being in his presence.
And on another note, he dropped some charm from his jacket the last time you saw him in the library, and it seemed to be important. So you kept it and wanted to surprise him when you give it back.
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When classes ended and you left your room, you caught a glimpse of Chifuyu who was passing by the school. You tried to run after him and call his name but he doesn't seem to notice you as your distance is just far.
You decided that you'd just follow him until he stops and ask where Baji is so you can hand over the reviewer and the charm.
You followed Chifuyu for quite a time and your legs are already about to give out, and then he suddenly stops.
Your vision is a bit hazy since you're so exhausted from all the running and almost out of breath, but you managed to reach him by the back.
"Chifuyu--" you said while gasping for air.
"O-oh, y/n!" he was surprised at your sudden appearance.
"I've been chasing you for the last 30 minutes. How can you walk that fast? You a robot or something?"
"Oh, yeah anyway where's Baji?" you finally asked.
"He--" Chifuyu started.
Then suddenly he was cut off by someone
"Baji? You know Baji?" someone behind Chifuyu said.
"Oh Mikey--" Chifuyu tried to explain. But before he can finish his words you interject.
"Mikey?" you said.
"You're the Invincible Mikey?" you further probed.
"Oh, Draken too... Mitsuya...," you said while scanning their faces.
"You guys haven't changed much, didn't you? Except your hair got all longer just like Baji," and you let out a small laugh.
"You looked all adorable in that commemorative picture of yours,"
"Wait, how do you know us?" Mikey asked you.
"Oh well, about a few days ago Baji told me about you guys and showed me this," you tried to fish something out of your breast pocket.
"Here!" you exclaimed excitedly.
Mikey snatched the charm in your hand and opened it only to see their commemorative picture for founding Toman.
"He kinda dropped that before he left and I wasn't able to see him since so yeah.." you explained.
"So he's had it with him all this time.." Mikey said, voice solemn.
"Hmm, I guess so? Kei's always referred to you guys as his treasures," you flashed a smile at Mikey.
"Oh, where is Baji anyway? And why are we all standing he--"
Then you scanned your surroundings for the first time, only for a stone grave to appear when you faced right.
'Baji Family Grave' it spells.
Just there and then your enthusiastic demeanor was superseded by a horrified look, your voice is shaking but you tried to clear your voice.
"Oh, did someone from Kei's family passed away?" you were looking at them for affirmation but no one dared to meet your gaze. They are all looking down.
"That's the reason why he hadn't shown up in school yet right?"
"Right Chifuyu?" you asked again.
But when no one answered you, your tears already formed streams into your cheeks. Everything else faded as you looked down on the grave, filled with flowers, incense, and a half-eaten peyoung by its foot.
You sat there, in front of the grave, clutching onto the reviewers on your chest that you've made for him. You can only stare and say your prayers as much as you can, but nothing can bring him back.
And at that moment, once again, your world is turning into silence.
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If someone would ask you how you found most of the good things in your life, you could probably say you found them when you were alone.
You met your decade-long bestfriend sitting by an empty waiting shed. You got the kindest, most adorable pup you have by wandering off the streets looking for your friend's home. You've found a homey diner that brings good memories because you were once lost, then found.
After all, you would not have met Baji and had all the good times with him if not for the afternoon that you were alone attending to your library duties.
But as others have said,
All good things must come to an end.
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a/n: Woah thank you for making it this far and supporting my fic <3 I am always grateful for you guys for reading through my work :')) I'm sending love and hugs to all of you out there you bawled your eyes for baji :'))
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Could we please have a prequel to the praise kink fic? Because i really want to know why were Sirius and Remus not together and what did Remus send him. I really need context
I was hoping somebody would ask for this!! The aforementioned fic is here for any curious souls (18+ please) and SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for spicy texts (not exactly nudes), and smutty feelings with nothing explicit
The bus went over a bump and Sirius winced as his shins knocked against the back of the seat in front of him, connecting with the metal brace inside. “Fuck.”
“You sure you don’t want to switch?” James asked next to him. Sirius glanced down at the veritable wall of gear and empty snack bags between them, then back to James in disbelief. He shrugged, then set his headphones back over his ears. “Worth a shot.”
“Merde,” Sirius hissed as a pothole nearly took off his kneecap. He gritted his teeth and readjusted, drawing his legs closer to his chest. I want to be home, he thought, allowing himself an internal moment to whine.
He checked his phone—not even ten in the morning. It was a Saturday, so Remus would probably just be rolling out of bed, still sleepy and soft with his hair sticking up like a disgruntled cat’s. Sirius sighed heavily and stared out the window at the small town rolling past in the distance; there was little he wouldn’t give to be back with him instead of on the way to a full week of conferences.
“Why did we have to win the Cup?” he grumbled.
James lifted one side of his headphones. “What?”
It wasn’t like they had had much time to themselves before that, either—Sirius’ schedule was packed with interviews that felt more like interrogations, and Remus had been running the PT department mostly by himself while Moody took a well-deserved vacation. They were dead on their feet every night, worked to the bone with little energy left to do more than cuddle and fall asleep. Still, Sirius was grateful for every second of it.
He waited ten more minutes before giving in.
New Message To: Re
Bonjour mon loup <3
There was no immediate response, which made sense, though he was a little bit disappointed. Sirius closed his eyes and tried to make himself relax; it would be at least another six hours before they arrived at their destination, and the bad weather gathering overhead didn’t bode well for quick travel.
His phone buzzed gently and he scrambled to answer. Don’t be Reg, don’t be Reg, don’t be Reg—
New Message From: Re
Morning love!
Thanks for the bagels <3
“Fuck yes,” Sirius said under his breath. The bagels had been a last-minute decision as he crept through the house in the early hours of the morning after carefully detaching himself from Remus with a final half-asleep farewell kiss. There was no guarantee he would remember breakfast with everything going on, so Sirius figured it was a safe bet to toast them and leave them on the countertop before heading out.
Message To: Re
Pas de problem
Sleep well?
Message From: Re
Missed you :(
Sirius rested his temple against the cold window with a soft sound. He hated leaving at different times, but that was just how their life worked at the moment.
Message To: Re
Missed you too <3
Three small dots appeared for a long moment before vanishing without a trace just as his heart rate began picking up. Where’d you go? he almost wondered aloud. Something bumped his arm and James raised a quizzical brow. “Loops,” Sirius said by way of explanation.
“I figured. He okay?”
“I think so? He just…disappeared on me.” Sirius was well-aware of how plaintive he sounded—James’ teasing smile was completely unnecessary.
“Aw, Cap,” he laughed, reaching over to mess with his beanie until Sirius slapped his hand away. “It’s alright, buddy, it’s just a couple days.”
Sirius jammed his hat back on his head and flicked James on the unprotected bit of his ear, making him yelp. “Fuck off, I know you’ll be a mess as soon as Lily FaceTimes with my godson.”
“He has a name, you know.”
“Sorry. You’ll be a mess as soon as she FaceTimes with Pocket Pots, who happens to be my godson.”
James rolled his eyes. “I regret giving you that title.”
“Nah, you don’t.”
As if on cue, his phone lit up again; Sirius ignored James’ snickering as he quickly unlocked it.
New Message From: Re
When will you be at the hotel?
“That’s it?” he muttered.
Message To: Re
That was a lot of typing for one sentence
6-7 hrs, if the weather holds
Message From: Re
Sorry lmao Reg came in for a bit
Just curious :) Keep me updated?
Message To: Re
Will do <3
Tell Reg he needs to wash his sheets. It’s been over a month.
A small thumbs-up emoji was his only answer, and he tried not to be too bummed. Remus liked having things to do; sitting there and texting Sirius while he slowly got further and further away was probably not his preferred way to spend a morning. With a sigh that was likely a bit too dramatic for the situation he was in, Sirius faced the window once more and buckled in for a long ride.
He chatted off and on with the others when they stopped for lunch, but everyone was exhausted from the combination of a packed week and an early morning. Even Talker stayed fairly quiet, and James kept his headphones on for most of the trip.
Sirius finally succumbed to his tiredness and put some music on, then dozed for an hour or three while they traveled through yet another field. A few halfhearted calls of “cows” made their way around the bus, though nobody seemed particularly enthused about being packed in with double the gear due to a broken storage compartment. Donuts and gas station coffee could only do so much.
“Just crossed the state border,” Arthur called from the front of the bus as Sirius tried to ignore the cramping in his thighs. Three hours. Just three more.
His music was interrupted by a soft jingle alert and he pulled his phone out, hoping against hope that Regulus hadn’t caused a fire anywhere. It was unlikely given the…well, everything about him, but with Sirius’ luck it could happen.
New Message From: Re
How far?
Message To: Re
About 3 hrs. Ran into some detours
Good day?
Remus remained silent on the other end and Sirius frowned. That was rather rude, and highly unusual. Between the two of them, Remus was the one who kept conversations going past the initial question to be answered.
Message From: Re
Attachment: 1 Image
Love you! Call me when you get there : )
Sirius opened the attachment and almost threw his phone in utter shock. Skin. Bare skin everywhere, its smooth edges broken up only by tight black fabric that may as well have been painted onto the curve of Remus’ ass. “Oh my god,” he whimpered, voice barely audible even to his own ears. It had been taken in their bedroom mirror; Remus looked over his shoulder, and Sirius caught the corner of a devious smirk on his lips. “Oh, you fucker.”
Message From: Re
Thoughts? They’re cozy
Message To: Re
Did you miss the part where I said three (3) hours
Message From: Re
Second one is a guessing game and u get a prize if u get it right : )
The second photograph was more zoomed-in than the first and Sirius wracked his brain, running through his mental catalogue of Remus’ body to figure out the answer. It did absolutely nothing to calm the situation in his pants.
He had no idea what the promised prize was, but anticipation made his hands shake slightly as he carefully scanned the picture. The shadows caught it at an odd angle—it wasn’t the steady slopes of his face or neck, nor was it the strong curve of a shoulder. Not enough freckles, either, he thought.
A lightbulb lit in the back of his mind.
Message To: Re
Right hip
Another thought connected half a second later.
Holy fuck you took them off
Is that my prize?
Remus Lupin I swear to god
Message From: Re
Christ you’re impatient, I was gone for like 2 mins
He chanced a look toward Pots, whose head lolled to the side as he snored.
Message To: Re
Hey quick question why are you like this
It’s a good thing Pots is out cold bc this bus is too small to hide anything
Message From: Re
Haha sux to be you
Sirius’ cheeks heated with a whole cocktail of different emotions as he furiously typed a response.
Message To: Re
‘Sux to be you’???
Are you 13 yrs old????
Message From: Re
Do you want your prize or not u horndog
Message To: Re
He took a deep breath through his nose and flexed his fingers.
Yes please
A simple smiley face—Sirius would never see those things the same—popped up, followed by an audio file. He triple-checked that his headphones were plugged in before tapping ‘play’ with an unsteady thumb.
His face went very, very hot before all the blood went straight to his groin and he closed his eyes, covering his mouth with his hand. Breathy sounds came through the heavy earphones, a little more crackly than they would be in-person; he heard Remus’ gasp catch in his throat and crossed his legs as best he could in the too-small seat, torn between thanking and cursing any higher power. He could practically see Remus’ face in his mind’s eye as the noises continued, intermixed with fragments of desperate words.
The file came to an end after what felt like the blink of an eye and a hundred years, and Sirius did not look away from the violently red seat cushion in front of him for a long moment as his brain came back online. He couldn’t remember the last time he was so turned on.
He took a few deep breaths, though it did nothing to erase the poorly-muffled whines that still rang between his ears like church bells. Sirius huffed and turned to grab his waterbottle out of his duffel, only to make direct eye contact with Finn across the aisle.
Sirius froze.
Finn grinned.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” he hissed, too low to wake James but just loud enough to carry over the four feet separating them. Finn’s smile widened. “Stop it. Stop it right now.”
“How’s Loops?”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“That good, huh?”
“O’Hara, I swear to god—”
“Oh, is Cap spilling secrets?” Kasey asked, poking his head over the back of the seat.
Finn opened his mouth, but the force of Sirius’ glare must have been enough to at least intimidate him a little, because he shook his head. The smug Cheshire grin remained. “Nah, just having a chat about our plans when we get home.”
Kasey groaned. “You’re a lucky man, O’Hara. Both your people get to come with you. Nat sent me a promise, like, twenty minutes ago and I can’t stop thinking about it. I won’t be available tonight from six to eight if anyone was wondering.”
“Did she really?” Finn looked back to Sirius, who bit the inside of his cheek and tried to keep his cool. Two and a half hours, and then he would be safe. Just two and a half more hours.
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filmflowersbangtan · 4 years
Dead of Night (preview)
pairing: gang member!jungkook x reader
genre: angst, fluff 
warnings: swearing | drug mention | gangs | in the full story, there will be violence, blood, fighting, threatening 
preview word count: 4k
you meet jungkook in a diner in the early morning where it’s just the two of you in the entire place. An interesting relationship ensues, and you find out he’s not who you thought he was. He’s a prominent member of the city’s most powerful gang, surrounded by danger and trouble. But you still want him.
author’s note: I sincerely apologize for being gone for so long and for not updating any of my fics. To everyone waiting on IMSWY pt. ii: I am so sorry for taking so long with it. It’s still in my WIPs, and I haven’t given up on it yet, but it is on the back burner right now since I have many other ideas bubbling up that I absolutely have to write or else they will probably internally set me aflame (lol). 
I will be deleting many of my fics soon. I will be keeping “Unbound,” “I Must Still Want You,” “Heartbreaker with a Heart of Gold,” and “Lonely Planets.” Everything else I will be deleting because I have no desire to finish working on them or I simply do not like them anymore and can’t see them going anywhere.
I also will probably not be writing anymore series. Everything will most likely be one shot because every time I start a series, I get too overwhelmed with the idea of updating parts and finishing them that I just end up postponing them for too long and leaving too many people who have been looking forward to them disappointed. I do want to say that I have been going through So Much since I last posted Lonely Planets pt. ii and IMSWY, but I am in a so so so much better place now. That’s why I’m even writing this story now.
This will be a oneshot. It will not be a series. It will be very long. I am almost finished with it, but I am posting this preview just to see if you all would like to continue reading it.
Thank you all. I appreciate all the feedback and the follows and the reblogs so, so much. The feedback and the reblogs of Heartbreaker with a Heart of Gold is what really motivated me to write this one. I hope you all enjoy it. 😊
Being alone was like an addiction. It was fulfilling and appealing and…well, lonely. 
Two in the morning diner stops during the weekdays had become routine. The place was completely empty save for a waitress and a cook and maybe a tired trucker. You tucked yourself in a booth in the back. The vinyl seats were cracked and uncomfortable, the lighting was stark and washed everything raw. But it was comforting. Sleep was evasive and your apartment was barely unpacked, boxes stacked haphazardly in the dining area and the mattress on the living room floor. It was your idea to move to this vast city far away from home. This city swallowed everything in its incessant noise. Nocturnal and teeming with cars and neon lights. It never rested and the two of you had that in common. You took solace in that. 
The air was thick with bacon grease and bitter black coffee. Every morning you had waffles and orange juice. The refills were free and the waffles were the exact same circumference as the plate underneath it. Time was stagnant here. The city pressed against the plate glass windows, but the reflections from inside barred its entry. If you looked out, you simply stared directly at yourself. Maybe there was some kind of metaphor in that. 
The night shift waitress, Bethany, set your plate of steaming waffles on the table as well as a glass syrup dispenser. She knew you by name and you thanked her for the food. She smiled sweetly and left you be. 
The door chimed, denoting the entry of another patron. You didn’t look up. Bethany greeted the person in her cheerful customer service voice. You knew she didn’t actually sound like that. Once, you glimpsed her smoking a cigarette by the dumpster at the back of the diner arguing with her boyfriend on her cell phone. She had a tired voice. You wondered if she was lonely, too.
As you ate, Bethany took the patron’s order. From where you sat, his voice was a mumble. “You got it!” Bethany said before breezing away.
You glanced up from your food at the patron. Hair dyed blond, dark brown at the roots. He had a gentle face and a mouth made for smiling or furtively suppressing them. Tattoos were stippled on his arm all the way down to his knuckles. He was staring down at his phone, his fingers were slender and embellished with many silver rings. He was impossibly handsome. A paragon of beauty. 
And he looked up. Right at you. Why was it at that moment you happened to notice him, he decided to notice you, too?
Your scalp prickled with hot embarrassment. You immediately averted your eyes back to your waffles. There was only a bite remaining. Good. You could finish, get your check, pay, and leave.
Boldly, you chanced another glimpse. He did, too. This time, a smile, broad and lovely, stretched across his face. It was endearing and intimate and you had never felt so seen. It was exhilarating. A small smile crept onto your mouth. You couldn’t help it. His smile was contagious. 
This was how the following hour went. Weighted glances and secret smiles from across the room. He received his food, and he picked up his plate and mug of coffee and…was he coming this way?
You watched him, eyes wide, as he sauntered over to your booth and set his items on your table. “May I sit?” he said. His voice was the perfect match to his face. Smooth, sonorous, soft. Crushed velvet. 
Jerkily, like you had never done it before, you nodded. He sat. “Hi,” he said.
“Hi,” you replied. 
“I’m Jungkook.”
You told him your name. He repeated it once, twice, thrice. Like he enjoyed the feel of it in his mouth, rolling it around like a piece of hard candy he didn’t want to dissolve on his tongue just yet. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He reached his hand over the table. You smiled and shook it. 
His plate was piled with pancakes and sausages and scrambled eggs. He dug in. In between bites, he asked, “So what brings you here at this time of night?” “I have trouble sleeping. And you?” Your chest was tight with the awkwardness of it all, but he appeared to be perfectly at ease. 
“I’m just a night owl. Or I’m a vampire.” He shrugged nonchalantly as he continued eating.
Surprisingly, laughter bubbled from you until you couldn’t help the giggles that shook you. How long had it been since you had a conversation with anyone? Your store had been a drought for the past month, only a couple of people coming in a day. You didn’t call home because your parents would ask how you’ve been, and that topic lit a fire in your skull. Bethany was just a waitress doing her job. And Nora was always busy. It was refreshing to have someone sit with you. Talk with you. Want to be near you. 
His eyes danced at the sound of your laughter. It was an innocuous expression, boyish in how pure it was. 
You covered your mouth with your hands to mask the laughter. And he gently grabbed your wrist and removed them. “I like your laugh.”
Butterflies unfurled their wings in your stomach and fluttered in a frantic cluster. He resumed his meal as if nothing happened. “So what do you do?”
You cleared your throat. “I own a used book and record store downtown. It’s small and kind of hidden from the street, but it’s there.” You chuckled nervously. You were proud of that store, but you might have to close it down soon and return to your hometown with your tail tucked in between your legs if the revenue continued as it did. 
His eyebrows shot up. “Wow. That’s super cool. I like records. Books, not so much. Where is it located?”
You told him the address. “By that bodega on the corner.”
“The one that sells the really good blue raspberry shaved ice?”
You snapped your fingers. “That’s the one.”
“I’ll definitely have to stop by.” 
This was how the next few hours went. Talking about everything and nothing. He had lived in the city his entire life, worked as a freelance artist, had an apartment not too far away. Plates had been swept away by Bethany long ago. Refills poured, drained, and poured again.
And then, “Do you maybe want to get out of here? Kick it at my place?” Jungkook asked. His expression was open and genuine. 
You didn’t know if that was a good idea. But talking to him was stimulating and you didn’t want it to end. 
He noticed your hesitation. “Turn you location on your phone, I’ll even give you my address so you can send it to your friends. Anything to make you feel comfortable.”
He was right. He didn’t live that far. It was barely past five o’ clock in the morning, the city was still awake, billboards alight. The buildings towered, dark against the predawn blue of the sky. The apartment building was modest and typical of the city. Clean and affordable but just expensive enough to be appealing to a specific demographic of college students and those with decent enough jobs. His apartment was on the third floor and was charming with brick walls and high ceilings. There was a bookshelf packed with vinyl records, even more in milk crates. A record player in pristine condition sat on an end table beside an armchair. 
“Welcome to my humble abode,” Jungkook said, shrugging off his jacket and hanging it on a hook beside the front door. 
“You said you liked records,” you replied, browsing his collection. 
“I did.”
“This isn’t liking records. This is a goddamn treasure trove.” You pushed your hair behind your ear, eager to move it from your face. “Bowie, Billie Holiday, Bob Dylan, Prince. You even have a rare version of Hendrix’s Electric Ladyland. With the naked women! This is incredible.” 
He laughed. “I see you are a woman of taste.” 
“If only my dad could see this. I’m afraid to touch anything.” 
“I’m sure you don’t have clumsy hands with records. Since you have a record store and all.”
You laughed. “I appreciate the trust.”
“So what would you like to listen to?”
You mulled it over, taking your time examining the sleeves of the records. Then you found one.
He smiled when you showed him the cover art. “Perfect.” 
Frank Ocean’s Blond. A modern classic. Perfect for the liminal hour of five AM. 
Jungkook slipped it from its sleeve, fingers on the slim rounded edges of the record. He carefully settled it on the turntable, placed the needle on the disc, and played the album. There was the classic crackle of vinyl, and then the first track emanated. It was a phantasm of sound, rich and ethereal. Light but weighted. The song was the deep blue of the sky before the sun decided to pull itself above the horizon and emblazon the sky with its myriad of colors. It was the perfect song for this liquid moment that felt like a dream. This beautiful stranger standing before you with his incredible collection. 
And then you were in Jungkook’s arms, slowly swaying to the music. You smiled up at him and him down at you. 
The album continued on in the living room, serenading to no one. You and Jungkook had moved to the bedroom, lounging on the bed. The horizon blushed peach, casting the room in half-light. You both lay on your backs, him with an arm slung casually behind his head, you with your hands folded delicately on your stomach. 
“Thank you for paying for my meal today,” you said to him meekly. 
He smiled. “Thank you for the great conversation. And having an amazing taste in music.” 
You laughed. “What made you come sit with me anyway?”
That was when he looked at you, his mouth still slung in a smile, but his eyes sincere. “Because you’re beautiful.”
Your cheeks went hot and you giggled nervously, covering it with your hands. He rolled over and carefully removed them, his eyes on yours. For a brief moment, time was still. Your breath caught in your throat. He was so close. His lips were so close. Your noses were just barely brushing. His voice was husky when he said, “I like your laugh.”
And then he kissed you. 
In the living room, Frank Ocean sang about nights and new beginnings. 
In the bedroom, you and Jungkook were breathless. Hands on thighs. Hands in hair. Teeth on collarbones. It was a innocent hunger, one that never got too peckish. He was careful with you, didn’t dare to remove your clothes. “I like you,” he breathed into your neck. You gasped at the sensation. 
You kissed until you both eventually succumbed to sleep, the morning sun pouring drowsy golden light across the room.
It was well into the afternoon when you woke to the sound of a shower running. The room was unfamiliar. Definitely not your barren apartment with the boxes strewn about the place. And you definitely weren’t on your living room mattress tangled amongst its waves of sheets. The bed you were in was the most comfortable you’ve ever experienced. Brick walls, plants, beautiful abstract canvas paintings leaning against the wall. Then you remembered. 
The diner. The vinyl collection. The sunrise. The kiss. 
He was in the shower and you were fully dressed and the night had to have been a dream. But it wasn’t. Reality settled back onto your shoulders in agonizing waves. You were hours late opening the store. But oh, you wanted to burrow into these soft, sweet-smelling sheets and dissolve into nothing. Eventually you got up. 
The door to the bathroom was open. You thought about telling him you were leaving, but instead, you drew your name and number into the mirror steam and went home to shower and change yourself.
An entire week went by and he never called. He didn’t return to the diner, either. It hurt. Every time you lay on your side, willing yourself to sleep, the phantom feeling of his hands and lips barreled you at such an unwelcome rush you would gasp. None of it was real. You had to keep telling yourself that. None of it was real. 
Life went back to normal. Jungkook was a fleeting daydream that sifted in and out of your thoughts. The store still barely got any customers, except for the same two or three crate diggers who visited like ghosts. And then Nora, your best friend, breezed through the door. She was a city girl through and through. Large sunglasses, the omnipresent iced coffee, the expensive wardrobe curated specifically for being in front of a camera. She was partly why you moved here. The two of you were from the same hometown, and she had escaped first to chase the tail of a fashion designer career. 
“Move here!” she had said during a phone call. “You’ll love it. You’re super hipster and this city eats that shit up! And you can open up that record and book store you always dreamed of.” 
She wasn’t wrong. You loved this city but this city seemed to not love you back. Now, she pushed her sunglasses up into her hair and set her iced coffee on the counter top before you. You were sitting behind the register, feet up and reading a book when she had come in. You looked up from the paperback in your hands. “And what have I done to deserve your presence, Your Highness?”
“Good morning, dork! We’re going to a party.”
You kicked your feet down. Slipped a bookmark in the book and closed it. And you simply said, “No.”
She blinked, her smile stiff. “Why not?” 
“You know I have to open this place every single morning. I can’t go to a party and get drunk and miss another opening.”
“Stop making this store your entire life.”
“It is my entire life.”
“Well, live another one. Just for one night.” She clasped her hands together and actually pouted. “Please.”
You sighed. “You don’t have anyone else to go with?”
She perked up and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Oh, I do. I just want you to go with me. I want you to have fun for once. All you’ve done since you been here was work.”
Every single dollar and penny from your savings went to this store. It was your lifelong dream. And Nora—lovely, naïve Nora—had never needed to work for anything a day in her life. She meant well. She was never intentionally ignorant. But that didn’t make it any less frustrating. 
She also didn’t know of your time with Jungkook. It was embarrassing that he never called. It angered you that he called you beautiful and said he liked you only for it all to be false. Thank goodness you didn’t have sex with him. 
“I’ll have fun once I’m a millionaire or something,” you said to Nora.
She huffed. “I can find you someone to cover the shop for the night. You won’t even have to pay them. Please just come with me.”
“No. What if they steal something.”
She stared at you flatly. “Do you really think any of my friends—my friends—would steal? Let alone steal any of this stuff? No offense.” 
“Why do you want me to go so badly?”
“I already said. Fun. You know, music, drinks, guys.” She sang the last word and accompanied it with a little shimmy. 
“I have plenty of music and I can buy my own drinks.”
She slammed her hand against the counter top, startling you. “Stop being fucking difficult and come have some fun with me.”
So, grudgingly, you went. Albeit late because you didn’t trust anyone else to close the shop for you, but you went nonetheless. Nora did your makeup. Just glitter eyeshadow and a little eyeliner because you insisted you didn’t want much. And she picked out your outfit—a black lace bra, a crop top cardigan, and a pair of white shorts. 
“Because I can’t dress myself?” you grumbled, sliding on the clothes. 
“Exactly that. You dress too…hipster-y. You need to be hot for tonight.” 
You hadn’t worn that bra since you dated Namjoon. He was pretentious and arrogant and such a city boy it made you lightheaded. You met when he waltzed into the store shortly after you moved here. He smiled at you and you practically melted. The books were what he came for. He bought a Russian classic novel and at checkout, he discussed with you the allegory of sharing fruit in literature. He was eloquent and intelligent and so damn gorgeous you fell for him in that same moment. He scribbled his number on the receipt and told you to keep it. 
The relationship lasted for four months. He suggested you move into his high rise apartment downtown with him. It was a modern edifice, all glass and steel and money. He was the wealthiest person you had ever met in your life. And, stupidly, you were in love. 
And then you saw his text messages with some unfairly beautiful girl he followed on social media about how good she looked in his bed . He said he was lonely, that you worked too much, what else was he supposed to do? Needless to say, you left him. And you hadn’t seen him since. 
Now, Nora said to you, “And don’t think about wearing those fucking platform boots.”
“Why not?” you said, frowning. “They’re cute.”
“They look ridiculous. Like those boots that one goth girl from that cartoon you like wore.” 
You grinned, mischievous. “That’s exactly why I bought them.”
To Nora’s dismay, you wore the fucking platform boots. 
The party was in an underground venue. It wasn’t all red wine and an elaborate excuse to brag about money, like the gatherings Namjoon liked, it was edgy. A live band played pop punk on a stage, the lights in the place were dim save for the spotlights and the white Christmas lights behind the bar. Greasy pizza and liquor and neon lights. You brushed elbows with someone smoking a joint, and you were pretty sure someone was doing coke in the bathroom. 
Nora pulled you to the bar where she ordered herself a cocktail and you a craft beer. She knew you so well. 
There were so many people here. You mentally kicked yourself for not bringing flyers for your store. 
And then you saw him. Nora was talking your ear off about how hot the frontman for the band was and you almost choked on your beer. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you spat.
Nora blinked rapidly. “What? What happened?”
“This is why you brought me here. You cunt.” You didn’t mean to call her that. It wasn’t a word worn with frequent use in your vocabulary. In fact, you hated the word. But it was deserved in this situation. 
Namjoon. He was standing near the stage with a craft beer of his own in his hand, bobbing his head to the music. He didn’t like places like this. They were tacky to him. He didn’t even listen to this genre of music. What the hell was he doing here? 
The girl standing next to him turned to him and smiled. She was wearing lipstick as red as murder and her bob was so black it reflected the lights with an envious luster. She had a septum piercing, the two silver balls glittering in the low light like two tiny stars. That’s when it clicked. He was here because of her. She was that unfairly beautiful girl in his text messages. Your skin felt incandescent. 
“He had to see how hot you are. I thought you would enjoy shoving that in his face.” Lovely, naïve Nora. You wanted to slap her. 
You stood from the bar stool and set your craft beer on the bar. “I’m leaving now.”
Her face was slack with regret. Before she could form an apology, you turned and walked away. 
You were a few moments from the door when you heard your name. It wasn’t Nora. You stopped and your breath hitched. Your turned slowly, preparing to see Namjoon with that girl by his side but instead—
His hair was black now and almost as shiny as that girl’s bob. It hung past his ears in gentle waves. He stood there in a baggy black shirt and jeans, his thumbs tucked into the front pockets. Silver bracelets draped from both wrists. In this lighting, he looked ethereal. Infernal. This couldn’t be the same man you shared a chimerical morning with. He looked like he had been created by the darkness of the city’s nights. 
Maybe it was just the hair. 
“Hi,” he said in the same way he did when he sat your table at the diner. It could’ve been mistaken as sheepishness, but his eyes were not meek. Besides the hair, you couldn’t figure out what was so different about him. 
Breathlessly, you said, “Hi.”
“You look nice.” 
Over his shoulder, you noticed Namjoon go to the bar. Nora scowled at him. He smiled amicably at her and his mouth moved, saying something. She froze, and her eyes immediately darted to you. Namjoon turned and saw you. And he started your way. 
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asked.
You should’ve ran out of the venue. There were a million other things you should’ve done, but instead you grabbed Jungkook and kissed him. 
Initially, he went rigid with shock, but he melted into the kiss. You felt him smile against your mouth. “Miss me that much?”
You pulled away. “I did not.” A glance over his shoulder and Namjoon was gone. You audibly exhaled. 
“What happened?” 
You ran a hand over your face. “Ex.”
“Ah,” he said. “Is that why you were leaving?”
“Yes. And now I’m going. Goodbye.” You whirled around, shoulders tense with embarrassment and headed for the stairs. 
“Wait.” He caught up to you on the stairs. “Can I go with?” There were small white string lights strung in the stairwell and the glow reflected in his eyes. They were so brown. 
“Don’t you have friends to be with?” Your phone buzzed in your back pocket with an incoming text message. Most likely your own friend dying to know who the guy you just kissed was. You ignored it. 
“They’ll be fine.” He grinned. 
“Okay,” you said, feeling yourself smile as well.
There was no destination, but you ended up at a park, sitting beside each other on a swing set. Your feet dragged in the wood chips as you pushed yourself back and forth slowly. He looked up at the night sky and sighed. “Do you want to know why I hadn’t called?”
You just looked at him. 
“This may sound like a corny excuse, but… I was afraid of what you would think of me.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
He hesitated before saying, “If we continued seeing each other, you would eventually find out that I’m not a freelance artist. I do paint, but that’s not what I do.”
You could feel your heartbeat gradually speeding its pace. “What do you do?” His eyes fell down to his hands. He turned them over, studying the lines in his palms. His hair slipped over his eyes. He was a portrait of affliction. “I’m a Lost Boy.”
You didn’t understand. He noticed your silence and looked up at you. “The Lost Boys. This city is practically run by them.” He corrected himself, “Ran by us.” He stopped, closed his eyes, and sighed. “I’m in a gang.”
Your voice was a whisper. “What?”  
He quickly added, “If you no longer want to associate with me, I understand. They’re—we’re—dangerous. I mean, even if you haven’t heard of us, you know us. The leather jackets, the vandalism, the fights. That venue is owned by us. The drugs at that event were supplied by us. That band playing is in our pockets. My apartment is paid by dirty money.” He laughed quietly to himself then, almost pityingly. 
The night air around you was thick with your own dread. “Is being around you dangerous?” You hadn’t meant for your voice to sound so small.
“I won’t hurt you, if that’s what you’re asking.” You could hear the unsaid “but” in his tone. 
“But what?” you prompted.
He chewed on his lip. A dimple in his left cheek appeared. “I won’t hurt you, but I can’t promise your safety. If you do decide to be around me.”
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
“the president and the troublemaker” (part 13) (chilumi fic)
“Lumine is the student council president and Childe is the school’s number one troublemaker. They cross paths more than they’d like. Especially when Childe finds out Lumine’s big secret. Highschool AU à la Kaichou wa Maid-sama.”
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 11] [part 12]
[Fic Masterlist] // [AO3 Link] // [Main AO3]
* * * 
im really sorry for the massive time between each update. i am truly in the struggle  * * * 
the president and the troublemaker (part 13)
“I’m a professional fighter,” Lumine said to Venti. 
Venti stared at her for a long second, before slowly raising one of his brows. “What are you talking about, LuLu?” 
She bit her lip. “You know, like the UFC. That’s my job. I’m a MMA fighter.” 
Again, Venti stared at her, then glanced between her and the unconscious men on the floor. 
Lumine braced herself for him to laugh, to ridicule her, or even shy away in fear—how terrifying it was that she was powerful enough to do all that and even more. He would be disappointed, a bright student like her getting involved with the activities of delinquents. 
“That’s…,” Venti started. Then, he went to Lumine, grabbing her hands, eyes bright. “So cool!”
Lumine looked at him, silent with shock. 
“Wow, I would have never guessed!” he went on. “But I should have known. You’ve always been so strong.” 
“So you’re not...disappointed?” she asked. 
“Of course not. I would never be disappointed in you,” he said, giving her a soft smile. 
Lumine’s eyes stung. From relief? From gratefulness? “Thank you, Venti.” 
His smile widened. “Just wait until everyone at school hears about this! They’re gonna think you’re so cool, and you’re gonna get so popular, and—”
Lumine pulled her hand away from his, a trembling panic overtaking her nerves. “Venti, no one can find out about this,” she blurted. 
His brows furrowed. “Why not? You should be proud of what you do.”
Lumine stood in silence, ruminating. Proud of what I do? 
Venti started reaching out towards her when there was an audible THUMP from the ground. 
Childe stood from where he had hit one of the men on the floor. “He was waking up,” he said after taking in Venti and Lumine’s worried looks. “We should leave now.” 
Lumine let her gaze linger on Venti—his brows furrowed from either confusion or frustration or both—before turning to Childe. 
“Yeah…let’s go back the way we came and try to backtrack,” she suggested. She and Childe started to make their way back.
Venti didn’t budge. “How does Childe know?” 
“What?” Lumine answered. 
“You said you don’t want anyone to know.” His teal green eyes narrowed, ever so slightly, at Childe. “So he’s an exception?” 
“He found out on his own,” Lumine said. Why is he doing this right now? We need to go—
“And I’m her coach,” Childe said, crossing his arms. There was the tiniest curve of a smile on his lips.
Venti let out a meek laugh. “He’s your coach? So do you spend a lot of time together?” 
She threw a glare at Childe. “Yes—Well, I don’t know. I guess.” She shook her head. “This isn’t the time to be talking about this. Let’s go.” She marched off without another word.
As she walked back the direction they came from, she heard the two boys footsteps behind her. She kept her pace up, however, not wanting to speak to either of them at the moment. Any time either of them entered her peripheral vision, she sped up away from them. Stupid boys and their stupid jealously. 
Eventually, after trying to navigate the twists and turns of the alleyways, the group had somehow ended up in a completely new location. 
Lumine first noticed when the scent of salty sea waves hit her nose. Then, was the shuddering of ocean waves lapping against the shore line, and the groaning of metal ships floating in the water.
“Looks like we’re at a dock,” Childe remarked. 
“How did we even get here?” Venti wondered. 
Lumine rubbed at her forehead. “How do we get out?”
The three of them stood silently, thinking, watching as a group of fishermen unloaded from a large docked ship, and funneled into a nearby building—tall and silvery sleek. 
Childe murmured something to himself before heading towards the building himself. “Follow me,” he said to Lumine and Venti. 
The two shared a questioning look, before following Childe forward. 
They all entered the building, finding themselves in a large lobby, business men and women scooting past. Childe instructed Venti and Lumine to wait in the corner as he went alone to approach the receptionist. 
Lumine watched curiously as the receptionist looked at Childe, a mix of wary and annoyance. Childe started saying something to the lady, his face lifted in confidence. The longer he went on, the receptionist’s expression shifted to disbelief, slowly picking up the telephone and making a call. 
The receptionist kept her eyes on Childe while talking on the phone, with Childe smiling right back at her. As the phone call went on, her face stretched into shock, eventually handing the phone right to Childe with wide eyes. 
Lumine furrowed her brows as Childe took the phone, turning away so she no longer saw his face. What in the world is he doing?
When he finished his conversation, Childe turned back to the receptionist, but kept hold on the phone. He gestured to Lumine, and after a nod from the receptionist, he waved her over. 
Lumine awkwardly walked up to the desk, ignoring Venti’s whispered questions behind her. Upon reaching Childe, he held out the phone to her. 
“All yours,” he said. There was something in his expression Lumine hadn’t quite seen before—a sheepishness of sorts, a humbled look that didn’t seem possible for him. 
She hesitantly took the phone, eyes looking to the receptionist who placed the receiver towards her with a smile—much different than her initial standoffish disposition. 
Lumine looked down at the keypad, her fingers already pressing the only number she could remember in the moment. The phone barely rang once before someone immediately picked up.
“Hello?” Aether’s panicked voice crackled on the other end. 
Lumine let out a shaky sigh of relief. “Aether, it’s me—”
“LUMINE!” he interrupted. “Are you okay? Where are you?” 
The slew of Aether’s worried questions bombarded her ear, and she almost laughed. “I’m fine,” she enunciated over his questioning. “I’m safe here with Childe. And Venti.”
“God, you two…,” Aether murmured. “Where are you?”
“Where are we?” Lumine repeated, looking up at the receptionist. The lady quickly pulled out a business card, the address of the building clearly printed; Lumine repeated the address to Aether. “We wound up here because I chased after some asshole who stole all our stuff.” 
There was shuffling on Aether’s end, and she heard him talking to someone in the background. The line crinkled as he returned to the phone. “Okay, I just told Miss Ninguang,” he said. “She wants to talk to you.” 
Lumine swallowed the lump in her throat. The school principal. Oh, I’m definitely in trouble… 
“Miss Lumine?” Ninguang asked. 
“Yes, hello, Miss Ninguang,” Lumine answered. “I am so sorry for the inconvenience; I—”
“Please, do not worry yourself,” Ninguang said, her voice reassuringly mellow. “I am just glad to hear you and your friends are safe.” A chuckle. “We were really quite besides ourselves at your disappearance.” 
Lumine nearly cried in relief. “We-We’re not in trouble?”
“Of course not,” the principal said. “We just want to make sure to get you back safely.” 
“Thank you. Thank you, Miss Ninguang.” 
There was a pause, and Lumine could imagine Ninguang’s small smile. “Now, for the safety of everyone, we’ll meet back up in the morning. For now, it would be best for everyone to rest for the night.”
The night? Lumine glanced out of the large office windows, and blinked at the darkened sky in disbelief. Have we really been lost that long?! 
“From the address Aether gave me, there should be an inn within walking distance from where the three of you are. Stay there for the night, and we will be there to pick you up in the morning.” 
“Stay in the inn for the night? Miss Ninguang, I’m so sorry, but all of our money was stolen—”
“Do not worry. We will call them and make the reservation for you. Please, just rest up. I am sure it has been a stressful day for you.” 
“Th-Thank you, Miss Ninguang.” 
“I trust you. Stay safe.” Then, the line clicked off. 
Lumine slowly handed the phone back to the receptionist, legs shaky from the relief flooding her body. Finally, the light at the end of the tunnel… 
“Well?” Childe asked. “What’s the plan?”
Lumine relayed the information about the nearby inn. 
“Will you be needing a car ride there, Mister Ajax?” the receptionist asked Childe. 
Lumine’s eyes flashed to him. Ajax?
“No, thank you,” he quickly said. “We’d better get going now.” He sauntered away from the desk.
Lumine jogged up to him. “Ajax?” she questioned. 
She saw his body lock up. “It’s nothing,” he said.
A scoff. “Obviously not. How did you—”
“What’s going on?” Venti asked, skipping over to them. He looked over at the receptionist desk. “What was that all about?”   
“We’ve got rooms at a nearby inn thanks to Lady Ninguang,” Childe said. “Let’s get there quickly before the night gets even darker.” He rushed out of the building. 
Venti shot Lumine a confused look. “Uh, what’s wrong with him?”
“Who knows?” Lumine muttered. 
Childe had always been very straightforward with her, rarely hiding any secrets. 
So why was he hiding something now?
* * *
The inn—Wangshu Inn—was a quaint wooden building lit up with glowing lanterns and paintings plastered along the walls. The lobby and outdoor restaurant had a few groups strewn about, a diverse grouping of travelers. Thankfully, Lumine, Childe, and Venti didn’t look too out of place. 
The three approached the lady at the front desk, a woman named Verr Goldet, with Lumine asking about their reservation. 
“Yes, we just received that phone call about your situation,” she said kindly. “We have the last two rooms ready for you.” 
“Oh,” Lumine uttered. She had assumed there would be three rooms, one for each of them. “I guess Venti and Childe can share a room—”
“I am not sharing a room with him,” Childe said. 
“Ehe, I wasn’t going to say anything, but I will not be sharing a room with the likes of him either,” Venti retorted. 
“Oh, I am so sorry,” Verr Goldet interrupted. “I didn’t realize there are three of you! The last two rooms are single bed only.” 
Lumine’s jaw barely had time to drop before Venti was pulling on her arm. “Let’s have a sleepover like when we were younger, LuLu! We can build forts, watch movies—”
Childe’s hand slid down Lumine’s arm, shoving’s Venti’s hands away. “The only way that’s happening is in your dreams, buddy.”
Lumine shrugged off both of the boys, leaning in towards Verr Goldet. “There are absolutely no other rooms available?” Any combination of the three of them would surely result in a dead body in the morning. 
Verr Goldet started typing away at her computer. “I’ll double check for you!” 
The sound of Childe and Venti hissing insults at each other made Lumine snap around. “Just. Go to the rooms. I will figure where I’m staying for the night. Alone,” she said definitively, pulling the two keys off the counter and holding them out in front of her. 
There was a pause as the two of them stared at the keys. Childe was the first to grab one. 
“Guess this is goodnight then,” he said. He pressed a swift kiss to Lumine’s forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning, Lumi.” Just as quickly, he left, disappearing into the elevator, leaving Lumine’s forehead (along with the rest of her face) to melt with boiling heat. 
Before she had time to process that, Venti’s cheeks puffed, and he planted a kiss on the side of Lumine’s face. “Goodnight, LuLu. If you still want to pig out on junk food, you know where to find me,” he said, jingling his room key. He quickly disappeared into the elevator as well.
Stupid boys. Stupid boys. Stupid boys. Lumine’s mind buzzed. And who was causing this sensation? 
“I am so sorry, ma’am,” Verr Goldet said, bringing Lumine back to reality. “On such short notice we truly gave you the last two rooms.” She clicked around on the computer a little more. “I can find another inn for you to stay at if you’d like.”
Lumine took a deep breath in. Her body was already feeling weighty with fatigue, and she didn’t want to complicate the situation even more. “No, that’s alright. I’ll just...stay in one of the rooms.” 
Verr Goldet nodded. “Which room would you like a key to?”
* * * 
Standing outside the door, Lumine suddenly felt a pang of anxiety burn in her gut. Was she really about to do this? Was it a completely idiotic choice of hers? It wasn’t too late: she could turn right back around and take Verr Goldet’s offer of staying at a separate inn. 
But it wasn’t like she could avoid this choice forever, lest the two boys kept fighting for eternity.
And this was the right choice. She knew it in her heart, no matter how much pain it would cause the other one. She cared for them both, deeply. But in different ways. One as a good friend, the other...something more. 
She started to push the key into the lock, but stopped herself as images of her walking in someone changing brought blood rushing to her head. 
She cleared her throat and knocked on the door instead. 
Seconds passed, and Lumine’s heartbeat picked up, just a bit. Was it anticipation? 
The door opened, and Childe stood there, fully clothed, thankfully. 
He stared at her in silence, as if in disbelief, not sure if she was really there. 
“Move,” was all Lumine could say, feeling heat creep up her spine.
He blinked, and stood to the side, still silent. Lumine stepped through the doorway, moving her way to the corner of the room, and plopping herself on the armchair. Wordlessly, she yanked a blanket from the bed, and wrapped herself in it, then closing her eyes. 
Maybe neither of them would speak. Maybe it would make the situation more bearable. Childe, please, don’t say anything—
“Take the bed,” he said, pulling the blanket off of her. “I’m not having you sleep in an armchair for the night.” 
She tried pulling the blanket back. “It’s fine. You take the bed.” 
A tsk. “Why are you always so difficult?” 
“I am not diff—”
Childe picked her up from the waist, tossing her on the bed. Then he tossed the blanket on top of her. “There. Just sleep now.” 
Her chest fluttered as her breath shortened under the blanket. “And you say I’m the difficult one,” she grumbled. She kept the blanket over her face for as long as she could, not wanting to make eye contact with Childe. 
After a while, she peeled it off for air, and couldn’t help but glance over to the armchair where Childe was sitting, eyes closed. It was obvious he was uncomfortable, his lanky legs crossed awkwardly, and his neck looking oddly stiff. 
Lumine let out a disgruntled groan, and turned on her side so her back was to Childe. “Sleep in the bed before you break your neck in your sleep,” she said. “Just...stay on your side.” 
A long pause. Lumine thought he had fallen asleep. 
“Are you sure about that, Lumi?” he asked. 
“Do it before I change my mind and make you sleep in the bathtub instead.” 
He chuckled lightly. The bed weighed down as he climbed on. Lumine glanced over her shoulder, finding Childe’s back turned to her. 
“I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to do, Lumi,” he said, as if sensing her eyes on his back. 
She quickly turned her head back, heat flushing into her cheeks. “Good. Because I’d beat you up.”
“I know you would.” 
They laid there in silence, in the dark for a while, backs to each other. 
Lumine couldn’t fall asleep. And she was sure Childe couldn’t either. 
“Why’d that lady call you Ajax?” Lumine asked quietly. 
“Curious about me? I’m flattered.” 
“Nevermind. Goodnight.” 
“It’s my birth name,” he said. “And that place is actually owned by my father.” 
Images of his luxurious mansion flashed in Lumine’s mind. 
“That entire dock, actually, is mostly his. He, uh, runs a very big fishing company. Very famous. Very rich.” 
“Oh,” was all Lumine could utter. That amount of wealth was something she could only dream about. “And you don’t tell anyone because...?”
“We all have our secrets, don’t we, Pres?” he reminded. “People are greedy. If anyone truly knew who I was, all I’d ever be used for is my money.” 
“That’s...very true,” she responded. How...sad. “Is there a reason why you’re not at some big fancy boarding school then?” 
Childe laughed. “Can you imagine me in that kind of environment? I’m not interested in that at all.” 
The bed shifted as Childe moved around. Lumine glanced over her shoulder again, finding Childe laying on his back, eyes open and staring at the ceiling.
“Besides,” he continued. “If I had gone to one of those schools, I wouldn’t have met you.”
Lumine turned onto her back as well. “You would’ve met me anyways,” she murmured. “You ran into me at the arena, remember?” 
“You think so?”
“Our paths would’ve crossed eventually...right?” 
A beat of silence. Fluttering of breaths. 
“Do you regret meeting me?” 
Something about his words, the way he said them, made Lumine’s entire body seize up. It was almost the quietest she had ever heard Childe speak, the tiniest tinge of fear, like his heart had hissed it out before he even really knew what he was saying. 
“No,” she answered, just as quiet, her heart responding to his. 
Another slight pause. Then a small exhale from Childe, breath lilting in a soft laugh. 
“You know. It’s been quite a lonely existence. Before you,” he said. 
Lumine looked over at him. His hand was resting on his chest—right where that huge scar was. 
It was rare to see him so vulnerable, and her to be just as such. Her past self wouldn’t have been able to fathom this happening with Childe of all people.
But just like she said, she didn’t regret it. 
He understood her, better than herself sometimes. And there wasn’t anyone in Childe’s life who came close to knowing who he really was. They both wore facades of sorts, but not around each other. Not anymore. 
Her hand started reaching out without thought. It was the right thing to do, to comfort him, to connect with him. 
Lumine’s hand sat atop Childe’s. “You’re not so lonely anymore, right?”
She felt his hand flex under hers, hesitant. Then, he relaxed, and his fingers intertwined with hers. “Of course not.” 
The warmth from their hold sparked something in her. The warmth of a promise she had made.
She finally turned onto her side, completely facing him. “Did I do it?” Her amber eyes met with his. “Did I save you?” 
He stared at her, gaze lost in gaze. He smiled, small, but real, genuine, from the heart. “Yes.” He brought her hand to his lips, lips brushing over her knuckles. “You saved me, Lumine.” 
She stared at him, wide-eyed with anticipation, heart beating in a frenzy. She swore her chest was going to burst. 
“I love you,” she said. 
Childe was frozen, speechless for once.
He’s surprised. He was never surprised. He was always so calm and collected. 
Should I have even said it? No, she had to. She was going to explode otherwise.
“Lumi, are you serious—”
“Yes, I’m serious. I can’t explain it; I just do and I know it sounds crazy, but you—”
He pulled her close and kissed her. 
He kissed her, and this time, she kissed him back. 
* * *
[part 14]
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whatifxwereyou · 3 years
The Oncoming Storm Part 15: Paper Castle
Liu Kang x Reader and Kung Lao x Reader (gonna do both, two paths!)
Happy Saturday, everyone! I hope you enjoy! There's a choice at the end of this (not the big choice) so vote if you want! If you don't, I'll just choose. No big deal. Thought it could be fun lol! SO, no extra update tomorrow since I will have to likely be writing. I'll try to have a double update soon! Much love. <3 I will try to update Mon/Wedn/Fri this week unless otherwise stated! New fic coming soon too.
Part 14 Part 16 Chapter Index
“Y/N?” Liu’s voice woke you and you shifted and whined. You didn’t want to get up. You were tired and comfortable for what felt like the first time in forever. “Y/N, you’re lying on my arm.” You opened one eye and found Liu laying on his side next to you. You rolled your head the opposite way and caught sight of his hand on the other side of you. “It’s dead.” He laughed in a sleepy, husky voice. Carefully, you shifted just enough to allow him to pull his arm free from beneath you. Then he rolled onto his stomach, staying close. He shook out his hand to try and regain feeling.
“Sorry about that.” You cleared your throat, your own voice still small and sleepy. He smiled, as if admiring that.
“No worries.” He yawned. “How did you sleep?”
“Like the dead.” You stretched your arms above your head and adjusted onto your back, folding your hands on your stomach. Liu’s shoulder was now bruised, as predicted, and looked sore. The scrape at the center of the bruise was now scabbed over. That was right. For a blissful moment you’d forgotten what had happened. You touched around the bruise, careful of how much pressure you put on him. Furrowing your brow, you allowed your hand to touch close to the scab and then further down his arm, tracing the lines where the bruise continued. You knew he didn’t want you to apologize, but you felt guilty so there was nothing for it. “Liu, I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing, Y/N. It doesn’t hurt. Just a bit stiff.” He watched your hand regardless. “Are you okay? You’re still pale.”
“I’m okay. The normal amount of sore that I’m pretty used to.” You yawned, covering your mouth as you did. Liu urged his hand to your cheek, a now familiar and comforting thing but he urged you to look toward him. Then he brushed his fingers up to your forehead and gave you a disapproving look. “Put that accusatory look away. I probably have a fever. It was way worse when I was a kid. This is manageable in comparison. I didn’t notice. I can deal with it, Liu.”
“That doesn’t make me feel much better, but I trust you.” He pulled his hand back. You smiled, proud. “We should get up. Eat. Then speak with Raiden.”
“…or, hear me out, we could just sleep more instead.”
He laughed and then stopped when he realized you were serious. “We’ve slept long enough. The sooner that we talk to Raiden, the sooner you can properly rest without worry.”
You lifted your head and peeked around him. The sky was still dark! There was the tiniest hint of color beyond the tops of the cliffs, just barely kissing the mountainside. “The sun isn’t up yet.”
“It will be at any minute. If we get up now, then we can watch the sunrise together before we grab some food.” He tempted and you considered his offer. It did sound nice to watch the sunrise together, if not a little romantic. “Come on, Y/N. I’m worried about you. The sooner we get you to Raiden, the better.” That was less romantic. You were tired of worrying him.
“I know, I know.” You sighed but relented. “I’m exhausted, is all.”
“That’s exactly what’s worrying me,” he whispered, leaning closer to you. He let his index and middle fingers brush carefully over your cheek. “I know that you don’t want me to worry about you but let me assure you, that you are worth worrying over.” You had to have been pale for him to worry so much. You took his hand and offered it a reassuring squeeze then let it go. He pushed your hair back from your face, taming a few renegade strands before resting his hand on the side of your neck, his arm draping over your shoulder to do so. Fingers gently traced beneath your ear, down your neck, across your shoulder before he grasped it and urged you to turn just toward him. The sheets shifted beneath you as he scooted closer. Your eyes followed his strong arm up to find that he was close enough to you now that if you spoke even a single word, your lips would brush just against his.
His eyes were half-lidded, and his lips were parted just slightly. Your face was red and hot, and you dared not breathe for fear that something would come along and ruin this tender moment. His grip on your shoulder tightened and his lips brushed slowly against yours; a ghost of something that you had longed for and had felt somehow forbidden. You closed your eyes and his lips pressed against yours, igniting sparks in your chest. You lifted your head just enough to meet him into that deeper kiss but as you parted your lips, there was a knock on the door.
Liu pulled back just enough at the sound, but his lips were still close to yours, close enough for you to ignore the sunrise in favor of kisses. Your hand had tangled into his hair without you realizing and there you sat, frozen and listening.
“Don’t answer it,” Liu whispered and the brush of his lips with each word practically drove you mad. You swallowed the lump in your throat but finally managed to breathe. If they went away, you would ignore it. If they knocked again, you would get up. It wasn’t like there was a lock on your door or anything.
There was another knock on the door and you sighed, leaning your head back against the pillow. Liu pulled back and rested his head on the pillow next to yours, pushing his hair back in clear frustration. It was nice to see that you weren’t the only one suffering.
Face still hot, practically burning, you fanned it before sitting up and draping your legs off the bed. You’d had to pull a good bit of yourself out from partially beneath Liu Kang. The cold floor felt good against your bare feet and you hung your head. It was pounding now that you weren’t resting it against something.
“If you don’t answer the door in thirty seconds then I’m coming in!” Chen’s voice yelled from the other side.
“Son of a…” You cursed beneath your breath and you could feel Liu’s eyes watching you as you hurried to the door. Without another word, you opened it and stepped into the hall before closing it very quickly behind you to keep Chen from looking inside.
Chen had her hands on her hips, her messy hair pulled back into a bun with a look of concern plastered on her round face. “Finally! You had me all worried.”
“I was sleeping, Chen.”
“I had the worst feeling last night that I couldn’t shake. I figured I’d check in on you before I headed downstairs. When you didn’t answer… I’ll admit I freaked myself out a little bit. Kung Lao is so reckless sometimes, who knew what trouble he would get you into!”
“I was just sleeping. It’s so early, Chen.” You protected the door behind you as though your life depended on it. Chen was not going to see inside your room, not if you could help it. “I didn’t hear you knock at first.” You lied and it sounded like a lie even. Thankfully, Chen didn’t seem to notice.
“You’re really pale today.” Chen urged you to tilt your head to the side and checked your pulse.
“I’m fine, stop it!” You swatted her hand away. “I had a vision last night but I’m okay. My pulse is just fine.”
“It was actually racing.”
“Because your knock scared me away.” You were a lying liar.
“Come sit down. I’ll make sure that you’re up to snuff then we can grab a bite to eat together.”
“I need a few minutes to get cleaned up. Not dressed for other humans right now.” You pointed to the door behind you as Chen tried to lead you across the hall to the bench against the wall. Then the door opened behind you and you yelped and nearly lost your balance. Liu Kang helped keep you from falling.
“Is everything okay?” He asked and then looked to Chen. Chen’s eyes were wide, and she looked as if she were about to burst at the seams with confetti. You tightened your lips, pretty sure that anything you said would not help you.
“Oh, yes, Liu Kang. I was just checking in on Y/N. Had a bad feeling and wanted to make sure it was just that.” Chen smiled brightly, but you could feel how delighted she was.
“That’s kind of you. While you do that, I’m going to grab a few things.” Liu spoke the last part quietly and just for you. “I’ll meet you back here when I’m ready.”
“Yeah, sounds good.” It took all of your energy to find a response though you thought it sounded quite strangled.
Liu Kang left you, and you watched him walk away, waiting for the inevitable that would come when he was out of sight. This was killing you. Sensory overload again. Liu Kang and then immediately Chen and you just wanted to flop on the floor and ask the universe why things happened with the timing in which they happened. When you finally turned back to Chen, Chen was staring at you expectantly, eyes sparkling with amusement.
“So, what the hell was that, Y/N?”
“I have to get changed.” You opened the door and tried to escape.
“No, no. You’re not getting out of this that easily. You can’t just avoid me. I’ll start yelling about stuff. Embarrassing stuff- you have no idea.”
“I’m not avoiding you and there’s nothing for me to get out of, Chen. I just need to get changed so I can be ready when he comes back.”
Chen followed you into the room and you sighed. “Like hell! Liu Kang just marched out of your room. Shirtless- I might add. And you are clearly still half asleep which can only mean one thing.”
“You continue to be the worst monk. Also, it can mean many things and it’s not the thing you’re thinking.”
“You’d be way less tense if it was the thing I’m thinking.” Chen sounded disappointed.
“He fell asleep here while we were studying last night.” You searched through the trunk at the foot of your bed for something to wear since you had sufficiently destroyed the tank top that you had so admired. Liu’s shirt and sash were still draped over the back of your desk chair, completely drenched in ink. The blood on the tear in the shirt made your stomach sink.
“I’m gathering evidence so I’m going to need you to be quiet, you liar.” Chen walked past you and gestured toward the bed that was a mess of tangled sheets. Her smile quickly faded when she spotted the ink staining the floor. Her joy was replaced by sadness. “Oh. You really did have a vision last night.”
You nodded and sat on the edge of the bed. You were exhausted and your head was still pounding. Chen sat next to you and offered you a gentle hug.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. He stayed to comfort me even though I hurt him. I scared him, I think. I’m tired today but I’m okay. I’m strong enough to shoulder whatever this is.”
“It’s okay for you to be upset too, Y/N.”
“I know that. I’m mostly just exhausted.” You dug again in the chest, pulling out one of the hanfu that you hadn’t worn yet. “And tired of traditional Chinese clothing. How do you survive without jeans?” You joked nervously. Even so, you would wear the hanfu. It was light and fluttery, so much more delicate a thing than you were.
“It’s also okay to stop joking for a second when you’re uncomfortable. You can seek shelter, you know…”
“Oh, no, please stop.” You furrowed your brow, knowing what was coming next since the smile had returned to Chen’s face.
“To seek shelter in the arms of a big, strong man.”
“Could you not?”
“Come on. He could have kept that shirt on! It’s just stained with ink!”
“You aren’t helping.”
“He knew what he was doing, Y/N. Have a bit of fun.”
“I attacked him, Chen! Does that count as fun?”
“…depends on how he handled it and if you’re into that or not!”
You laughed, your face burning. You smacked Chen’s arm. While Chen was teasing you, her expression had changed. She’d wanted to make you laugh despite all the bad that had happened. You were grateful to have made friends in Raiden’s Temple. “He held me. That was nice. And it’s also all that you get.”
“One day I’m going to get you drunk and you’re going to give me details that you’re too embarrassed to give sober.”
“That is such a specific and weird threat.” You closed the trunk after setting the hanfu to the side.
“Come by the infirmary later and we’ll run some tests. See if maybe we can find a better way to manage the side effects of this thing.”
“I will, but I have to use this time to get changed. I really do need to be ready when Liu comes back. We’re going to see Raiden this morning. He wants to try and make sense of what I’ve seen.”
“Oh, fun.” Chen made a face as though that were exactly the opposite of fun. You understood that. Raiden was intimidating, but you’d seen him enough times to know that he was also well-meaning. “I’ll see you later then. Promise me?”
“I promise. Liu will be delighted that I’m willingly going to the infirmary.” You hugged Chen once more and watched your friend leave. You sat, hand applying pressure over your left eye to dull the pounding in your head for a time. Then you sucked it up, got up, and got changed. It felt immediately too delicate and pretty. You missed jeans. Desperately. But for now, it was better than nothing. No sooner had you finished getting cleaned up and changed when there was a knock on the door. You opened it to find Liu Kang had returned and was in his familiar white and black gi. He had cleaned up in the meantime. There was no sign of ink or the bruises.
“Ready to go?”
You nodded and then you walked together through the halls of the temple. You stopped to grab a quick bite to eat and then went back up the stairs to meet with Raiden. You felt much better now that you were up and about a bit more without being teased. The further you were from the visions the more normal you felt. At least you could count on that!
When you arrived in the familiar chamber with the not-tesla-coils, ypi found both Raiden and Kung Lao waiting for you. “Liu Kang tells me that you’ve had another vision.” Raiden approached with his hands clasped together behind his back. Kung Lao offered you a smile in greeting.
“I did. It was really jumbled up.”
“If you could tell me what you recall. It’s important to hear it in your voice before I use my magic.”
You did just that. The mountains, the clouds, the creature that had hidden something there and then the temple in Japan, how you had nearly drowned in the blood red pond. Raiden listened raptly, but you could feel the eyes of your friends on you, worried. You felt smaller and smaller by the second, much more like that little girl who had been terrified to tell anyone what you’d seen because you would be looked at like you were crazy. But none of them looked at you like you were losing your mind. They listened with interest and understanding- and worry.
After you finished, Raiden paced before them. Kung Lao stepped next to you and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. “You did good.” He whispered reassuringly. You nodded your thanks. Liu Kang stood before Raiden, prayer beads wrapped around his hand, his other hand behind his back. He was avoiding eye contact with everyone.
“Come and sit, Y/N.” Raiden sat on a bench in the center of the room just before one of those white-electrical statues you kept meaning to ask about. You stepped away from Kung Lao, past Liu Kang, and sat on the bench where Raiden joined you. “If it’s alright with you then I will use my magic to see exactly what it is that you have seen.”
“…is that safe?”
“There have been many seers in my temple throughout the ages, but I have never had more difficulty interpreting visions than I have yours. I admit that I do not know how safe this is or not.”
You frowned and felt again like you were disappointing him. “I wish that things were clearer. That I could relay them better.”
“It is of no fault of yours, Y/N, but rather the shadow that hangs over you. If we can interpret your visions, then perhaps we can get to the root of it and you can be of more use.”
You nodded. Be of more use. That was a harsh way to put it. You were sure he meant well. Being a God, you supposed tact was unnecessary. “What if I attack you?”
“That is why I have asked Kung Lao and Liu Kang to join us. If something happens beyond my control, then they will be here to aid me and protect you.”
“Okay.” You caught Liu’s eyes on you, like he wanted to comfort you but when you looked up to him, he turned away. Kung Lao, on the other hand, smiled brightly nearby.
“You’ve got this. And if you don’t… we’ve got this.”
You nodded.
Raiden held his hand out to you, and you took it nervously.
As your hand met his, you faded into darkness. It was as though a curtain of mist had been draped over you. It was calm, dark, and silent. You saw nothing. You felt almost nothing. It was just… darkness and blissful quiet. It was the most at peace that you had been in ages. Like you were floating in a sea of nothing. There was no pain, no complicated feelings, no conflict of any kind.
Just darkness.
The crackling of lightning woke you and you snapped your eyes open. Your stomach jolted with the feeling of weightlessness, pain, and confusion. You were surrounded by a swirling vortex of ink, whipping around you like a tornado. And you were near the ceiling! The ink had formed a seat beneath you, raising you uncomfortably high. On either side of you there were snapping ink creatures, dripping, and snarling. They looked like dragons! They reminded you, in fact, of the very same dragon that Liu Kang had made that first day where you’d found your arcana and had tried to mimic him. They hissed and snapped at the air beyond the inky vortex.
The cloudy vortex of ink began to wear thin as you panicked. Through it, you could see a sphere of lightning and fire surrounding you and keeping the dragons at bay. They bit at the magic and were repelled. There were sparks and embers and a roar almost like the angry sea. Panic gripped you and your arcana melted suddenly into nothingness and you fell from your high seat near the ceiling with a yelp.
Kung Lao leapt through the fire and lightning, rolled, and then caught you before you hit the ground. You had braced yourself for the fall, breath held, ready to protect your head and your limbs. Safe in Kung Lao’s arms, you leaned your head back and gasped for breath. Your hands and feet were tingling and trembling. With a snap, the fire and lightning were gone but the air was thick with electricity and heat. Kung Lao carefully set you down on the floor, kneeling at your side. He checked your eyes, which was incredibly uncomfortable. You could see his lips moving but you couldn’t make out the words. There was a painful and overwhelming ringing in your ears. To you it seemed like they were moving in slow motion.
“Are you okay?” Kung Lao waved his hand in front of your face and it was as though the world was suddenly full speed and incredibly loud. Raiden’s voice was booming and the electrical buzzing from the hall beyond was nauseating. Kung Lao grasped your hands and turned your arms over, still searching you for what you could only guess. He looked impressed. “That was wild.”
“Do you remember any of that?” Liu Kang crouched next to you, breath heavy, arms covered in soot. You shook your head, struggling with words still. What had happened? What had your arcana done while you’d been floating in the blissful nothing?
“You spoke of artifacts of great power, Y/N. They were hidden in places that you saw in your visions. The creature that you spoke of was hidden from my sight. If we can get those artifacts then there is a chance that I could see further into their purpose and his intent.”
You tried to sit up and away from Kung Lao but your body was exhausted and there was nothing for it. Your head felt too heavy to hold up on its own so Kung Lao urged you to keep resting back against him. Liu Kang was checking you pulse and making sure that you hadn’t broken anything during your ordeal. You weren’t even covered in ink. What was your arcana doing?
“Artifacts? And you know where those places were?”
“You were talking in this really spooky voice,” Kung Lao whispered. “It was weird.”
“I was able to see what you had been shown and yet you spoke of it with clarity in a voice that was not at all your own.”
“You had an accent, like a weird accent.” Kung Lao whispered again and Raiden gave him a disapproving look.
“I…” You drifted off. You didn’t know what to say. The idea of something else controlling your body when you were unaware made you grossly uncomfortable. You shrunk against Kung Lao and Liu Kang offered your hand a comforting squeeze.
“The first artifact was hidden in the Huangshan mountains here in China. The other? Mount Osore in Japan. Both are ancient holy sites filled with many legends about the old world.” Raiden bowed his head as he towered over you. “I recognized them, though it seems that when this creature hid these things, it was long ago. You must go there Y/N and uncover what was left behind. While you are gone, I will commune with the elder Gods and see what can be learned about this affliction, this shadow.”
You had a thousand question again. Elder Gods? The shadow obscured itself from Raiden? What had your ink done? What was the voice you’d spoken in? Why had you been floating? How had you summoned dragons? Your head was swimming and you leaned it back on Kung Lao’s shoulder and gasped for breath. You were exhausted, it was a wonder you didn’t just pass out.
“You must go there, Y/N. Go and uncover the truth hidden from you.”
“She can’t go alone.” Liu Kang objected.
“She’s plenty strong, Lou.” Kung Lao assured him, which surprised you considering how miserably you had failed the day before in the fight pit.
“Liu Kang is right. Not because I do not trust her strength but simply because we do not know what awaits. We do not know if this is a trap. We do not know what your arcana will do if you are left alone. You will not go alone so that others may be protected from any harm you might do.”
Oh. That was new. Raiden was worried that you were going to hurt yourself or someone else if you had a vision while you were alone. You couldn’t blame him. You were afraid of that too. You’d beaten the hell out of Liu Kang without realizing and even now, he seemed exhausted from using his arcana combined with Raiden’s godly magic just to keep you subdued without hurting you.
“You will go to Mount Osore in Japan first. I think that it is significant that you go there during the Autumn Pilgrimage which is only a few days from now.”
“This is starting to sound fun.” Kung Lao smirked.
“Kung Lao, I assure you that this is very important.”
“Yeah, very important.” He nodded and you had to resist rolling your eyes at him.
“In the meantime, one of you can go to Huangshan and gather information. When Y/N is finished in Mount Osore then she will be escorted to Huangshan while the other returns to me with the artifact.”
“What if I don’t know what to do when I get there?”
“Trust your visions, Y/N. And trust yourself. It is important that you realize that whoever has clouded your sight has done so for a great reason. What you see is important. If this creature is responsible for the clouding of your gift, then the fact that you still saw him doing something he didn’t intend for me to see, then it is a true testament to your potential strength as a seer. We must find a way to remove this shadow. I feel that doing so will lead you to do great things.” Raiden spoke with far more confidence in you than he’d had the other day. He’d basically told you before that you were incapable of being of any help.
Now he was claiming that you could lead them to victory. “But if you fail then your life will end long before the next tournament.”
Your stomach dropped and you felt Liu Kang’s grip on your hand tighten. Kung Lao was staring at a point on the floor to the left of you, eyes wide.
“One of you will accompany Y/N to Mount Osore while the other goes to Huangshan.”
“You had me at Autumn Festival,” Kung Lao regained his confidence far quicker than Liu Kang had. Liu bowed his head respectfully and let go of your hand.
“I’ve been to Huangshan before. It’s beautiful and… a lot of ground to cover. But I will leave the choice up to Y/N. This is her journey so I think that it’s only fair that the choice is hers.” Liu Kang smiled but the worry behind his eyes overpowered any excitement that he may have felt at the idea of traveling to these ancient and holy wonders.
“In that case, Y/N, the choice is yours. Who will accompany you to Japan? And who will stay here in China?”
(Author’s note! Let me know who you want to go where- I have some stuff planned out but it’s all pretty vague for this part and I’ll adapt depending on the character. IF I had to recommend, I’d say that Kung Lao is suited for Japan and Liu Kang is suited for Huangshan! But, either will do! THIS IS NOT THE BIG CHOICE. This is just a fun little thing I added in. The big choice IS coming soon tho, I assure you.)
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wingsofanillyrian · 4 years
Lights Over Monaco: Chapter 1
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ITS HERE! I plan on updating this weekly/biweekly, based on how busy I am. Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list! 
Special thank you to my new F1 friend for inspiring this fic as well as being my beta reader, @acourtofcouture​ ! F1 fans out there, her fics are AMAZING
Chapter Masterlist
F1 Glossary
Nesta Archeron discovered Formula 1 when she was 9 years old. She woke before the sun one Sunday morning, quietly excited to have the television all to herself and watch whatever cartoons she wanted. But she couldn’t remember what channel they were on, instead flipping through the programs. She had almost given up when she stumbled across a race.
The moment she had seen the brightly colored open-wheeled cars flash across the screen, she paused. For whatever reason, the high pitched wasp-like scream of the twelve cylinder engines and the astonishing speed that the drivers were travelling enthralled young Nesta. She didn’t look away once for the rest of the race, or even for the post-race interviews and wrap up that most adults skipped. Something about it had her adrenaline pumping.
Nesta traded her dolls for matchbox cars, and when she grew older, picked up racing magazines instead of teen ones. Ever since that day, Formula 1 consumed her. No matter how the other kids or her two younger sisters teased her for it, her love for the sport never tarnished. 
She spent years getting up at 2 am to watch live races that were being held halfway around the world. Instead of going to her senior prom, Nesta stayed home and layed out her predictions for the season’s drivers and constructors championships. She didn’t know how to do anything half-ass. She poured her whole heart into the sport and devoted her life to it.
Nesta spent her 24th birthday working. It wasn’t like she could request the day off, not that it mattered. The racetrack at Monaco was exactly where she would have been anyway, working or not.
A press pass got her through the first security checkpoint. The team tents loomed ahead as she waited for personnel to cross the unstriped asphalt, inching her car carefully through the throngs of people. She rolled her window down, soaking in the sound of air tools and snippets of conversations. 
Street tracks like Monaco were her favorite. They required drivers to push themselves with plenty of technical corners and dramatic incidents. There was less room for error, as the tracks themselves were not as wide. Drivers had to know their limits and follow the racing line closely.
Race tracks were Nesta’s comfort zone. She knew each track on the calendar like the back of her hand. Every turn was permanently etched in her mind like words on a tombstone. Race weekends followed a set schedule, something that she could appreciate. Friday: practice laps. Saturday: more practice, followed by qualifying, where each driver got the chance to set the fastest lap and secure a spot in the starting line up for the main event on Sunday.
Before she had graduated college, Nesta had managed to fully entrench herself in the world of Formula 1. Securing an internship at ESPN her sophomore year, she had made herself indispensable to the crusty old man that had been the senior track side reporter for decades. She studied everything he did and the questions he asked each driver, noting what changes she would have made. Somehow, he came to admire her spirit and taught her the tricks of the trade.
When he retired the year after Nesta graduated, he went to the board of directors and personally recommended her to fill his spot. She waited two agonizing days for their decision. 
Using whatever means necessary, Nesta had clawed her way to the top and cemented her reputation as the most cutthroat reporter in the industry. Her goal had been for everyone in motorsport to know her name, and in only two years, she had done so. Better yet, she had caught the eye of one of the fastest drivers on the grid.
Her phone rang just as she pulled into the press parking area. She answered, not bothering to check the caller ID. “Hello?”
Tomas’ velvety voice thundered through the speakers of her Civic. “Hey baby. You here yet?”
“Just pulled in,” She replied, touching up her makeup in the rearview. 
“Right on time for a quickie. Meet me at my trailer in five.”
Tomas had already hung up before she had the chance to protest. Both their reputations hinged on their relationship staying secret. If the press caught wind that she was fucking a driver, her credibility would go out the window, and Tomas would be the laughing stock of the grid. So sneaking into his trailer wasn’t exactly the type of discreet she was aiming for.
Tomas Mandray had been racing for Red Bull for two years when she had scored her first exclusive interview with him. He had just been awarded pole position at the Spanish Grand Prix in Barcelona, and Nesta had sweet talked her way into the paddock. It had taken minutes for his charming blue eyes to enchant her. He had won that race, and taken her to bed straight after. 
The sex was great, but that’s all it ever was. Their relationship was purely based on the physical; nothing emotional on either end. They had agreed on that from the start. Just sex.
Unfortunately for Nesta, somewhere along the way it had become something more.
Sighing, she put on her oversized sunglasses and hid her tawny hair under a gauzy scarf. The fashion wouldn’t stand out at all amongst the celebrities that frequented the Monaco Grand Prix. Going over the top here was expected; Monaco was known for its money. Due to the lack of income tax, Monaco was a haven for white collar delinquents and royalty alike. Lamborghini’s and Ferrari’s were commonplace, and women wore rings that could set a jewel thief up for life. 
No one bothered her as she strode towards the pit checkpoint, flashing her press badge to get by. She fell into her usual cadence, exuding an air of importance and invincibility. Seemingly without realizing, people moved out of her way when they saw her coming. The navy, red, and yellow of the Redbull tent came into view, and Nesta inserted herself into the crowd of mechanics and VIPs to get past security. Press wasn’t allowed in the area until after the race.
Nesta broke away once inside, heading down a back corridor. She knew the layout by heart, having walked the path many times. The door at the end of the hall led outside to Tomas’ private trailer. She didn’t bother to knock before entering. Tomas would already be waiting for her.
He set down his phone as she entered. “Finally,” He said with a savage grin. “We only have a few minutes.”
Tomas left as soon as he finished, donning his jumpsuit without so much as a kiss goodbye. Utterly used to the behavior, Nesta straightened her clothes and again touched up her makeup before heading back out.
She was scheduled to conduct a pre-race interview with Cassian Valle in the Mercedes tent in twenty minutes. Redbull and Mercedes were at opposite ends of the pit, giving her plenty of time to think.
Truthfully, Nesta was dreading the interaction. Cassian was an arrogant ass. She couldn’t stand interviewing him; all he did was skirt around questions and try to flirt, which made it incredibly difficult to get any headline-worthy tidbits from him.
Azriel Sainz, Cassian’s teammate at Mercedes, was much more amiable. He was mostly forgettable and quiet, but always gave her something to work with and was sometimes downright pleasant to talk to. She could understand why the public loved him, but not why they were so enamored with Cassian. Sure, he was a three time world champion, and that earned him plenty of fans, but he was just so… dreadful.
She made it to the Mercedes pit just minutes before the scheduled time, immediately spotting her tense cameraman, Jacob. Slim built, he was average looking, nothing special. He was sweet though, if not a bit of a pushover.
“Where the hell have you been?” He hissed, chocolate brown eyes wide. “Valle is waiting.”
Nesta rolled her eyes, handing Jacob her sunglasses and the scarf. “I’m here now, aren’t I? Not my fault if he was early.” Nesta accepted her microphone and rolled her shoulders. “Let’s get this over with then.”
“Happy birthday by the way,” Jacob added. Yes, there was the pushover side shining through. 
Nesta threw a grin at him over her shoulder. “Thanks.”
Cassian’s back was to her as she approached, his white Mercedes jumpsuit half on, the arms of it cinched around his waist. The crisp gray shirt he wore left little to the imagination, hugging his sculpted form. Good; at least that would capture the attention of any women that might be watching. As would the deep brown curl that fell in his face when he turned to her.
“If it isn’t my very favorite reporter,” He crooned, a grin plastered on his face. “Took you long enough to get here. I also hear it’s your birthday.” Nesta glared at Jacob. He shrank under her steely look, an apology stumbling from his lips.
“I would give you a birthday kiss, but I think you’d knock me out if I offered.”
Nesta pointedly ignored him, “Let’s just get on with it,” She said, motioning to Jacob to start recording. Once he signaled he was ready, Nesta breathed deep, the sweet scent of high octane fuel assaulting her senses. It steadied her, and she slipped into her professional mask before turning to the camera.
“As we all know, the Monaco Grand Prix offers drivers a unique set of challenges. The two-mile street course has 19 technical corners with little room for error. It is in Monaco that we get to see who has what it takes to be a Formula 1 champion.” She turned to Cassian, gave him a professional smile and continued.
“Last year, you had a puncture at turn seven when you ran over some debris. Coupled with the fumble the pit crew had with not having your tires ready when you came into the pit, you finished a disappointing 12th place, winning you no points in the driver’s championship. Do you expect that this year will be better, or will you stick to your usual aggressive driving style?”
Cassian laughed, running a hand through his unbound curls. “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be changing anything. You can expect to see me on the podium, sweetheart. Most likely in first.”
Nesta grit her teeth. She couldn’t air that, and he knew it. “How about you answer the question without trying to piss me off?”
“It’s too easy,” Cassian said, that devilish grin returning. Nesta cut him a glare that simmered with violence. “Alright fine,” He relented, putting his hands up. “Go again.”
She repeated her question, and this time he answered, “I don’t really see any need to change my driving style, what happened last year was a fluke. I went wide on the turn and didn’t notice Vanserra's front wing until the last second and wasn’t able to change course.” Nesta nodded, encouraging him to go on. “I don't see myself making any mistakes like that this year. You can expect to see me on the podium, most likely in first.”
“Thank you for that Cassian. Good luck on the track today.”
“Thank you,” He said, waving at the camera. He paused before adding, “Though I won’t need luck.”
Nesta rolled her eyes and signaled for Jacob to cut the recording. At least that last bit could be edited out. “You are absolutely insufferable, you know that?”
Cassian shrugged, undoing the arms of his fire suit and slipping into them. “I do my best.” He winked at her before zipping up his suit, opening his mouth to say something else when the Mercedes team principal, Rhysand, barked at him to get his ass in gear. He gave Nesta a wordless salute before jogging off.
“I don’t know how you do it,” Jacob said, packing up his camera. “That guy has balls.”
“He’s a Formula 1 driver,” Nesta said simply, putting her sunglasses back on. “Of course he does.”
Nesta watched the 78 lap race from the press box, silently cheering Tomas on. Each time the pack of cars passed, the windows rattled, doing little to muffle the engine noise. She chatted with the others as necessary, keeping one eye on the tarmac below. Tomas had started from pole position, and held onto first place until the final 10 laps. He had attempted to lap an AlphaTauri driver when the driver had failed to yield, violating FIA regulations. The two had bumped tires in what was ruled a racing incident, but Nesta knew better. Tomas had lost his cool and nudged the other driver on purpose, nearly sending him into the wall. 
It was a bad call on Tomas’ part, as the comfortable four second lead he had held over second place shattered. Nesta swore under her breath as Cassian overtook Tomas, her heart dropping when the other Mercedes driver, Azriel, did the same. Tomas would not be happy about that. 
When the checkered flag waved, Cassian was first, Azriel second, and Tomas third.  The winners parked before the podium, anger radiating from Tomas as he tore his helmet off. Tamlin, the Redbull team principal, said something to Tomas that had his cheeks burning red. 
Nesta grabbed Jacob and headed for the press room. They had a half hour tops before the post-race interviews started, and Nesta had to make sure she was front row. Though it didn’t matter where she sat; she always made sure her questions were answered.
It was more so for Tomas. She wanted him to see her, to see the understanding on her face and know she supported him even when he didn't win.
They were first to the press room, and Nesta had ample time to prepare questions. She couldn’t question Tomas, or she risked uncapping his rage. Instead, she jotted down a question she knew would shift the focus from Tomas to the Mercedes drivers.
Reporters began filing in, vying for the perfect spot and debating the race results with one another. Nesta remained in her seat, determined to maintain her composure as her stomach churned. Tomas finally entered, jaw set as he took his place on the stage. Nesta tried to subtly catch his eye, but he pointedly avoided looking at her. 
Cassian and Azriel entered, laughing and congratulating each other. Nesta noted the slight change in Tomas’ posture, the only hint of the blood boiling beneath his skin. Cameras flashed, reporters shouted, but still Nesta remained seated. Cassian, at least, sought her out in the crowd, and flashed her an ‘I-told-you-so’ grin when he found her. Once the clamor had died down, Nesta stood. The room quieted further, the others having learned not to talk over her if they valued their jobs. Nesta had a knack for digging up dirt on anyone she pleased.
Her eyes were still locked on Cassian as the moderator indicated she could ask her question. 
“Azriel,” She started, turning to the dark haired man, “You were lucky you were able to take second in this race, after the incident in turn twelve on lap 27 when you sustained heavy damage to your front wing, thanks to the actions of your teammate. Does it ever get under your skin that Valle’s overly-aggressive driving threatens your own position in the championship?”
The room was silent. Tomas hid his grin behind a well-manicured hand. Cassian’s eyes narrowed, a muscle in his jaw fluttering. Good; she had hit a nerve. Azriel shrugged, crossing his arms. 
“It was a racing incident. Could have happened to anyone. I don’t think the blame lays entirely with Cassian; I could have given him more room on the corner.”
And that was that. Nesta didn’t ask any more questions, but she could feel Cassian glaring at her throughout. At the end of the interview, all three drivers thanked everyone before leaving.
As Nesta made her way back to her car, she texted Tomas.
You okay?
Her heart pounded as she waited for the reply. Her phone buzzed minutes later.
I’ll be home late. Party at the Redbull house.
Oh. Okay. See you later then.
“Happy birthday to me,” She muttered, stuffing the phone in her pocket.
Nesta wasn’t sure why his reply stung, but it cut deep. She had hoped that he would want to see her instead of going to another party and spend time with her on her birthday. Instead, he would probably stick his tongue down another woman’s throat like usual. She couldn’t really blame him. Their relationship had to remain secret and to do so, Tomas had to maintain his playboy aura. It wasn’t really cheating if she had agreed to it.
But if that were true, why did it hurt so fucking bad when he did?
Some of her tension eased when she finally spied her car in the lot. The Blue Bullet, she had nicknamed it, due to the strikingly bright paint. It was the first purchase she had made upon being promoted, and it had since become her pride and joy. She had chosen it because it set lap records left and right when it had hit the market a few years back, and she had craved speed her whole life. On city streets, this car was the closest she could get to experiencing Formula 1 without completely breaking the bank.
“How about you don’t ask stupid fucking questions next time your prettyboy loses?”
Nesta’s breath hitched. Your prettyboy. The accusation was clear. Her hand slipped from the door handle, turning towards the voice. If he knew… If he knew about her and Tomas, they were done for. She willed her voice into solid steel.
“Cassian. I would advise you to choose your next words wisely.”
He placed a hand on her Civic, getting in her face. “Racing means you have racing incidents. I don’t expect you to understand, seeing as you’ve never been behind the wheel of a real race car.” He sneered at her car, the insult striking home.
Fear faded, replaced by a rising wave of scarlett rage. Nesta’s gaze stuck to where his hand lay on the bright blue paint, utterly vexed by the infringement. She bared her teeth at him, rising to the challenge in Cassian’s flaming hazel eyes. 
“Get. Off.”
Cassian started at the command in her tone and obeyed. He opened his mouth, but she cut him off. “Understanding the nuances of Formula 1 is my job description. I asked about that incident because I knew it would piss you off. Looks like I was right huh?” Her temper was getting the better of her. “And by the way, would it kill you to give me a decent quote once in a while, instead of always trying to get in my pants?”
“I do not-”
“Oh go fuck yourself,” Nesta scoffed, yanking the door open. 
The corners of his mouth twitched upward as she slammed the car door. “I was already planning on it.”
Those parting words haunted her drive home, even as she took the long way in hopes of blowing off steam. She shifted through the gears, throwing the Civic around corners much faster than was probably safe. Nesta didn’t care; her head was a mess. At least he hadn’t mentioned anything more about Tomas. Maybe Cassian had just thought she had a crush, based on the way she had been looking at him during the conference. Gods, she couldn’t get Cassian out of her head. 
His grin followed her up the stairs to her apartment, where she snapped the curtains shut. She couldn’t bear to look out over the track any longer today. 
Those words echoed in her head as she brushed her teeth and crawled into bed alone. Swam through her thoughts of Tomas, as she struggled to keep her eyes open when the clock showed 1 am. As she finally gave in, they were her last thought. 
I was already planning on it. 
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