#so i actually come from a long line of White Women Who Dont Know How To Take Care Of Their Curls
snobgoblin · 1 year
my mom acting like she knows how to take care of my hair better than me... GIRL cmon now you don't even know how to take care of your hair I had to figure that shit out myself on youtube
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kindlingkeen · 5 months
i am so sorry for the long ask but i am always thinking about bruce’s line in detective comics #790 before the 🤢 victim blaming “he loved cars and girls and getting into fights… neapolitan ice cream and the color green… and most of all the thrill of being robin.” i have turned over every part of this line in my head for ages but here is one aspect
girls: pre crisis? during robin days he did have a gf for a bit named rena, essence and isabel in rhato, rose wilson, idk about red hood: the hill. but even with non romantic relationships he has sasha and duela and kori and artemis and talia (ignoring you know what) and the no longer canon natalia knight motherhood thing vs like roy and bizarro as the guys he hangs out with outside of bats and he even points it out “i feel closer to that big white lump of clay than, well, any guy ive ever known. yeah i knew roy and dick since i was young. but since ive been back? from the dead? hes the first guy friend ive made.” talking about bizarro in rhato and i dont put too much stock in rhato but he really does seem to consistently get along better with women. i dont fully think it is that he finds them less threatening cuz in task force z he was happy to hold his own against multiple bat boys but the second cass showed up he was like oh shit shes scary, plus like sheila is the reason he died and you would think that her betrayal would be a huge part of any ptsd or trust issues he no doubt has. but he also has that line after he and artemis kiss where he says something to the effect that it was a good kiss for a girl and that just… what do you mean by that jason? because you have spent the past lord knows how many issues (with the same writer) kissing isabel and looking back somewhat fondly on your time with essence and while readers can think you have very little chemistry with them the story being told is that all that was cool and good and within the norm for you. so like what does that line in your narration mean jason? if it isnt something you are into than why have you been going around kissing women in multiple instances jason?
Okay, so Jason’s line (“But it was nice. For a girl.” in reference to his kiss with Artemis) comes from Red Hood: Outlaw #41:
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Which is actually him remembering events that occurred in Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #25:
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Here, Jason asks Artemis what she thinks of their kiss, and Artemis says, “It was okay, for a boy.”
Honestly, my (somewhat boring) interpretation of the line in RHO #41 is that Jason is referring tongue in cheek back to Artemis’ quip in RHATO #25. I don’t think it was actually meant to be commentary on his sexuality.
That said, imo, Jason Todd doesn’t really seem like the kind of person who would feel the need to limit their sexuality to artificially constructed binary categories of gender … YMMV 😏
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likeadog · 1 year
the barbie movie like. ok so [spoilers and long paragraphs under the cut]
yeah it was really basic ideologically it didnt cover all the various intersections and theories of feminism but i think when people saw conservatives flipping their shit people expected it to be like, a manifesto. its a film, and more importantly, it's the Barbie Movie. i think expecting a gender and womens studies class from it would be silly, and while i get why people are disappointed in how much sympathy it lends to the men in the movie, i dont think like, once again, that was ever something to not expect?
furthermore on that point i think showing misogyny from a place of defining the self around a sense of loneliness by men isn't...far off. theres never an excuse for misogyny but thats rhetoric that radicalizes a lot of incels and shit i would rather that than they treat it like some mysterious miasma.
also, i think, once again while it was pretty basic in the ideas it presented... how often is it show that explicitly in broad-audience film? like stated directly to the audience in that manner? theres no flirting with the feminist theory in the movie; it says it outright, which is something a lot of films shy away from out of fear of alienating men once it becomes too "girl power"-y. im not usually for the use of a lot of buzzwords in film and discussion of issues but these buzzwords are never said with cheapness or to obfuscate. it could be heavyhanded at times, but that heavyhandedness wasnt ever really obnoxious? it walked the line of "haha silly" but still took its point seriously enough that you could appreciate the use of that heavyhandedness for comedic effect without being mocked
i also think the fact they just like "solve" the patriarchy in the barbie world isnt meant to imply that you can just fix the real world with a woman president or by being aware of misogyny. in fact a lot of the movie is dedicated to showing how the barbie world and real world are different. the conclusion of the movie is that barbie wants to become human, even though the human world is messy and unsolved and nothing like she assumed it was. she believed barbie had solved misogyny forever, which is a direct jab at the idea that any "one thing" or "girl power" movement can just suddenly whisk away the very power structures that created that sort of oppression.
its very much coming from a cis/heterosexual/white basis. they flirt with further intersection but dont commit, which im really not a fan of. my friends after the film were like "it was more homoerotic than i expected haha" and...yeah, it was, but it didnt do anything to address gayness or what that means in such a heavily gendered heterosexual society. you could read that subtext through allen and his thing.... but allen is a joke. his story is never resolved. hes one of the guys but he isnt, hes one of the girls but he isnt, he benefits not at all from "kendom" but conversely is not oppressed the way the barbies are and vice versa. he's just allen, and the only allen there is. when sasha and her mom want to go back to help barbie, the fact he just goes "God im never getting out of here" and thats just like, left was kinda. well. it was something for sure.
still. i know i just wrote like 200 words on the ideology of this movie but first and foremost its a pg13 comedy meant to be shown to broad audiences in theaters for money. its meant to be an enjoyable watch, and it is! its a gorgeous film, its funny, the songs are fine, and the way it makes its side comments arent distracting nor meanspirited. it knows when to take itself seriously, and i like that. i was actually expecting it to be a general audiences like, kids movie i was so fucking surprised when barbie said penis.
i also think saying the line at the end about the gynecologist is like "saying you need a vagina to be a real woman" is disingenuous honestly. one its meant to be a bit of a shock quip to get a giggle but two i think a lot of people who need gynecological care (which can include trans women) are afraid when it comes to that first visit and finally sitting down and talking about those areas because of the shame and lack of proper education. maybe its bc i grew up mormon but i dont think its meant to imply thats what MADE barbie a real woman or that its fundamental to being one.
once again it definitely isnt a perfect movie. i think the way the ken and barbie talk happened at the end was still a bit coddly and the scope of the ideology underneath the movie was, once again, still very much centered in white cishetero society and thought with only passing mentions of intersectionality that felt both shallow and (especially with the gayness and racial dynamics) occasionally like it was being turned into a joke
still all in all it was a pretty good movie. weird barbie #1. allen get behind me i will protect u
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solardick · 7 months
Happy BS day. Its valentines. I’m not allowed knowing love. Because god’s an asshole. And enjoys fucken with me. And it’s always ever going to be just me. And know that in dying. I dont care anymore. That stupid girl they always talking about is going to be there. Today, yay! My lung hurts. Smoke another ciggarette.
Wonder whys the dovstor arw going to say when i ask to be euthanized. Just send me a guy already so i can spend the rest of my short life being fucked. Like i have been since my first memory. And Since im never going to add anything to life. And for the first tome this year theres the semblance of winter. Its only ten degrees warmer than it should be today and not 20.
Oh and the girl is gone. Wonder who’s gonna replace her.
Yay for being punished all fucken day. Get the fuck out of my way.
And fuck tarot im done. All y’all fo id give me the oppositre of what i create and my intent. Fuck this rapist culture. Soend tbe rest of my short life gaming and hetting drunk. An dmy dragon image in now trash.
Not allowed being healthy others control my life. Wonder what having independance from malicious influences. Something id like to experiemce before i die. Ive never been. Maybe one day. Ill go. Lol.
I nailed it in that dragon image though. My perfect reflection. And the tower crumbles. Everytime.
Mmmnn i can feel it. Serpent. Its stirring. And after fetting hit in the face with a box. Fuck this. Im done. Fuck all of you. Go sit in the corner and wait.
Souffy, fuck off pls.
And… uh, maybe she realized she was in love with me. And could no longer stay. It was a nice two step dance we did though. Was fun. Bye luv. Maybe one day.
It’s always sexual. I have a very lovable image. I just be me. I always get fucked over. But circumstances won’t allow. Im locked down. Man. And they won’t leave me be. I left my family what eight years ago now. Haven’t had any peace pressence has always been there. … born in hell. I dint know what else to say.
Well you know what they say. Gotta poor your sexuality into something else. Like making love to god. Or jesus. Or blogging indiscriminately, unfiltered. It has to be raw. Or. Not at all. When uou have nothign good to say you sys nothing at all. Maybe in. Fairy tail ‘bout being saved by thee glorious father.
Maybe her boifriend, will show up and beat me up. Because she flirted to spite. Spite. Yeah, yeah. That word, works well. Think im being framed up again? Probably.
Hahah. Ugh. I mean. Im pretty celibate. So its usually from the opposing parties. Thats how it started. Even down near 6-8 yr’old. If its coming from women, its either a good desire that would play out right if present corcumstnaves werent treating me lije a marionnette or there wasn’t amole amounts of violent carnage preventing any act forward. Or its a dirty desire. And im turned off. And do the morally good thing. Ethically may be skitchy. The couple times it did. Treatment and marionnette and all that. Not in a healthy state of being. And thats beside the while line up of scripted ones. There to be serpents. Other people serpents. The white ones with the crow.
Where do you want me to step? Here?
Uh, ok. The added script. Strength from mother to the “king” the child as self. Mother to child. Leo. And death. A parental bond with mother. One showing trust and support. Missing piece to the script. My own, fuck her. Man. I cant do it. There’s nothing there. And for as long as im nothing but tred, i couldn’t afford to care even if i wanted to.
Now to see of i camt find something to watch that isnt predomiantly gay, or gradually drawn into being. Risky stuff. I live dangerously.
Like tomorrow war, where the threat is actually the russians. With there symbolic connection to man and the machine vs. Women and temptation. Gotta fight the good fight. It had monsters and russians in it. I should have known better. In godzilla it was what the Chinese? God sake. Gotta keep my uranus in sag occupied. Uh?
I soent what 20 years in a hole. Not being a part of the system. And then as soon as i do. “Covid”happens. Yeah, ok? Where the real world? I dont think ive met it yet.
Anyway. Crazy bs aside. Im grateful she left. Better pay, closer to home. Can’t go wrong. Even though she hurt me in two ways. Knowing that she wasn’t there to get in my way today. Was awesome. And the good feeling remains. The Dove and the Dragon. The dove, a portent to positive experience. This land is populates by too many crows though. The most dominate species here. Only in the spring and summer are they mostly chased away. Creating a loop of conditional experience. That of using the the functioning increases of solar energy to overcoming the negative association to growth. Its not at all different that the tv. Of fighting monsters and such. Except that there’s not an overlaying fabricated script over nature. And this function is towards the means of reproduction and establishing a suitable nesting home.
In high populated city zones, the natural is all but lacking. Amd the mass lives within a bubble of conditioning. Which cost millions of lives to make possible. While claiming peace on earth. Though millions of lives doesn’t seem so consequential considering the what now, eight billion?
Twisted metal does seem promising. Thanks justin.
No, it’s just sneaky. It hook punches you.
Well guess im goving up media. And going back to the wind.
Well y’all could give some hearts if your going to stock me anonymously. But no. Only the bad stuff.
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scentedchildnacho · 1 year
Creepy niggers of confederates wouldn't stop scare ing the line at st andrews by the sea so the food was not so good.....uhm I've been a christian my whole life and that is the security....i have strange abilities and desires for home food rations and it doesn't bother me much if they do an old farm wives trick on me......the men wont stop stealing my plates and helpings with large lines from concerts so that will hurt people not use to austerity......
They kept doing that creepy clowny joker stuff very muscle and intense and hyper active so if people won't calm down that will hurt....
So in need the scary creepy darkest nigger while he can speed bike like a pro and all muscled up....it's a nigger rapist and it steals its preys stuff to easier rape and kill me
They are kluvys and they go to creepy aa meetings there with scary euthanasia...symbols on themselves and the prostitutes are scary like she looks like ass but she is actually Muslim....
And she will kick you in the face if you don't learn no one wants to publicly strip
Then all night they were around everything I do....if I try to sleep there it wants to drink and smoke there and act glib mind if I smoke I'm a years long homeless lady with a heart condition people like you look like a burning apartment I can't get the door open of and I die of soot.....before feeling the sun burn but you can you can smoke harass kill steal from the poorest people round here is The Law and The Law of development has never cared about anyone's culture don't worry nobody thinks I actually exist....and people aren't killing you for suicide bombing awful disgusting reeking man...
People like me are known for calling smokes creepy bergan belsens at times a prior populace could have been relieved they dump even worse sicker stupider and more incapable of acclimation onto us...
Their creepy niggers of camps thats all I've seen the drug lord to be they will want all my stuff thinking it's prestige not passification and an over bearing mother and then he will let the old...... women etc beat it up when it's a man......
That appears the coincidental that creepy gold bike nigger kept threatening to hit me so he had to go watch my sleeping spot ....
I dont know who the drug lord is that does it to them but they are emigration and they are technology and they have lots of banking strategy to avoid the latin condition and that's they wouldn't stop living off a school till they can die like what they bitched
Gold bike nigger.....coming of age in mississippi people that uninhibited about hitting me raped and tried to murder it's family and it's wife sends it to whites to die of not getting it's special victim civil class action privilege ..
No I want them all to stalk around and steal off me.....i could get targeted for police raids and they just show up doing disgusting rapist nigger stuff and trying to hurt themselves so they can go be an organ donor ...
It can't control how it rides it's bike I'm not going to do anything about it it's satanic and will kill itself accidentally....no that is not a normal black issue that is a camp nigger it's a cannibal maybe serial rapist...its a serial killer.....nigger use to be said as a term for spying confederates they leave their bugs around as a message to victims like Nazis
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wizkiddx · 3 years
Not sure if you are taking request at all but if you do, do you mind writing something about Harry agreeing to be the birth photographer at the birth of his niece (tom and reader’s daughter) 🥺🤍
this was so interesting!! personally I am way too self conscious to have a photographer when I *eventually* have a kid aha, but I hope this is what u were looking for x x p.s. coming at my brand w the white hearts :)
tomholland x reader
summary: harry gets terrified by toms request about the birth of his child, but the reader smoothes it over
Having just had a round of golf with Harry, Tom invited him back to yours for a cuppa and a catch up too. After all the years of living and travelling with Harry by his side, Harry in particular was massively important to TOm. Especially since he’d moved in with you, Tom constantly made a super special effort to spend as much time with him as possible. Harry had a key and had no quam with letting himself in uninvited. Though since he had walked in at *the wrong time* a bit too frequently, and then the announcement of your pregnancy - he had cut down the unexpected visits.
“So, I actually wanted to ask you something.”
“This does not sound good” Harry furrowed his eyebrows together, looking suspiciously at his brother as he poured the kettle into the two matching ‘Brothers Trust’ mugs.
“Since when? I only ever ask you to do good things?”
“We both absolutely know that is not true.” Harry deadpanned, pointing to the palm of his right hand which carried a large scar. Scar in question had been sustained during one of Tom’s incredibly ‘good’ aka stupid ideas.
“Right fair… I’ll allow that.” He receeded, placing the two mugs onto the counter in front of Harry. All it took was one look at the pale brown colour for Harry to turn his nose up, shooting Tom a look as though he’d just murdered a puppy. The elder of the two sighed, knowing exactly what his brothers snobbiness was about.
“It’s not your fault your awful at this, some people just aren’t born with it.” With a sarky pat on the back Harry rounded the counter, pouring the freshly brewed but slightly too milky tea down the drain - before flicking the kettle on to make his own brew… properly this time.
Tom knew his brother well enough to know not to argue or protest, instead perching on the counter as he watched Harry work his ‘magic’.
“But seriously me and Y/n have been talking about the birth cos you know, it’s not too far away now.” This was true, you were now only 3 weeks from your due date - but going by the size of you, you were ready to pop. Quite literally, you didn't know how much longer you could last.
“I’d be concerned if you weren’t mate.”
“Well yeh and I basically um …  had the idea to get a photographer for the birth right? It’s quite an American thing but I don’t want to forget anything and I’m sure it’s gonna be magical.” In response, Harry slowly turned around, empty mug in hand and eyes fierce.
“Are you fucking stupid?!”
To be fair to Harry, that had pretty much been your reaction when Tom first suggested it - word for word. He’d got the idea from one of the crew he’d filmed his most recent projects with, the guy had been raving about how beautiful it was and once he’d shown the pictures to Tom - he had to agree. Eventually Tom had worn you down to it and actually the idea of being able to save the moment you met your kid for the first time didn’t sound too bad. You had firmly set the boundaries of no photos of your ‘labour face’ and absolutely nothing from the ‘other end of the bed.’
The worry for both of you, as it always was given Tom’s reputation, was privacy. Especially the birth of your child, having a stranger there had you straight refusing, even a friend seemed still a little invasive. It was only when Tom had remembered he had a brother (who you were also incredibly close to) who was handy with a camera. Even if he had no experience with this particular type of photography, Harry was a pretty safe pair of hands for a camera in any situation. God knows he’s had enough practice at it.
“No hear me out, Y/n agreed too-“
“Of course this was your idea! So she’s totally fine with me staring at her fanny through a camera lens?”
“Harry” That was a warning tone, which the frizzy haired boy chose to completely ignore.
“No I-I mean, you want me to stare at your finances bits? Isn’t that some sort of weird incsest?”
“Shut the fuck up about Y/n’s body. You OBVIOUSLY wouldn’t be taking photos of that end, more like when the baby gets handed to us you know?”
“When its covered in gunk that came out of Y/n?”
“I’m pretty sure they clean it-“
“Not properly!”
Thankfully perhaps, the conversation was interrupted by the kettle clicking off, the water coming to a boil. With a huff Harry turned round, pouring and then stirring the tea as Tom watched his back from a distance. Neither spoke till after Harry finished, returning the milk to the fridge and then leaning against the counter top.
“Look I get it if you dont want to but your the only one Y/n trusts to do it and it means a lot to me.”
“Y/n wants me to stare at her fanny?!”
“No calm down you div. But you are the only one she trusts to be in the room when our first child is born. Will you just think about it?”
Harry opened his mouth to reply, probably protest, but before he could the front door opened and you called through the house.
“Tom? I’m home!” And becasue the boy was whipped he instantly trotted to the front door giving you a peck on your lips. He murmured to you that Harry was there, his lips moving against yours and you nodded with a small smile. You knew, instantly, that Tom in all his idiocy hadn’t handled it well.
“Would you mind getting all the shopping from car? Pregnant and all, so I’m not allowed to lift a finger.” You cocked your head, laughing as he rolled his eyes with a nod.
“I’m excited for when you can't play that card.”
“But then I’ll be the women who pushed a baby out for you… the mother of your child.”  Winking, you then quickly moved through the house before he could protest, just knowing he was pulling a pouty face as he watched you sway away.
Once in the kitchen you saw Harry nursing his mug like it was the last drink on earth, hunched over it from where he was sitting on a stool on the breakfast bar.
“ You lose at golf?” Opening the conversation, Harry instantly shot his head up, looking slightly terrified to see you.
“Wha- no, no I didn’t actually.”
“Tom asked you huh?” He nodded, seemingly not wanting to commit with words. “I had exactly the same face when he first told me. It’s weird right?”
“Yeh no shit.”
“He’s really keen on it though, I mean he’s like an excited puppy about the whole birth.”
“But you want it too?”
“Sort of. What I do want is for him to be happy though. And I’m fairly certain he’s gonna be terrified throughout the whole birth while I won’t be in a position to help himl.”
“You’ll probably have other stuff on your mind to be fair.” You laughed, at that, nodding in agreement with him.
“Just a little. I did think though, who is a person who I can trust to look after him too during that... and even I draw a line at your dad… Look if you don't want to, I totally get it and I can’t promise that I won’t be screaming at you during if you do. But it would comfort me to know you were there, with or without the bloody camera.”
“Seriously?” Rather than exclaiming it, Harry whispered in shock, not expecting this sort of a revelation.
“Course H! You're my little brother too.”
“I might pass out.”
“So will your brother, at least he won’t be on his own then.”
“I’ll do it.”
“Thnakyouthankyouthankyou!” You squealed, running over to hug him from the back, arms round his shoulders as he squirmed on the stool.
It was at this point Tom walked back in after unloading the ridiculous amount of baby clothes shopping you had done. Big strong Tom had to take 2 trips up and down the stairs to the nursery. Of course, all it took was a few words from you and Harry was falling at your feat. He was hardly surprised. Annoyingly you seemed to have this power over all the Hollands. They never stood a chance.
It wasn’t till later than evening, long since Harry had left and the dishwasher had been put on after Tom had made a mess cooking you dinner. Only then did your phone ping with a text message from Sam.
Sam H
‘I dont know what you’ve done to Harry but I’m scared, he’s binge watching one born every minute.’
Immediately you cracked up, knowing that it was his nervous energy and need to ‘be prepared’. Tom, who was lying behind you on the sofa whilst his hands caressing your stomach, jerked his head up intrigued as the what the ‘ding’ was. You showed him and he snorted in laughter too, whilst nuzzling his nose into your neck.
“How did you bring him round by the way?”
“Oh you know, I’ve got all of you wrapped round my little finger when I want.”
“That you do… do you think I should be worried?”
“Nah your just all softies.” Laughing softly, you pulled his arms tighter around you, wiggling back into him a bit more.”
“You didn’t tell him about the godparent thing though?”
“Course not… we can give him a separate heart attack about that.”
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lesbobiwan · 3 years
Congrats on 100! 🥳 I was wondering if I could request #100 and Wolffe 💕
thank u so much for the request!!!
#100: "Call me selfish, but I don't ever want anyone else to touch you." + Wolffe
warnings: kinda public sex. you dont fuck in front of anyone but its kinda close, jealous sex, clothed sex, creampies
You could think of a million different things you'd rather be doing right now.
You'd rather clean the barrack bathrooms after the boys don't have the heart to turn down Plo's well-meaning attempt at cooking. You'd rather be dropped off on an abandoned planet and be told to find a way off. You'd rather be getting shot at by fucking Seppies.
But, no. You're here in this ridiculous dress for some party thrown in the name of the GAR's brave and selfless troopers.
What a load of shit.
As if any of those senators give a shit about any of these men aside from how a picture of them shaking hands will boost their approval ratings.
You know you were invited as a deliberate political move. As the only volunteer nat-born medic for the 104th, you make the war easier to look at.
Look, Senators will say while they point to you, we don't rely solely on the creation of clones who are made to fight and die for a war they have no choice in! We have regular people involved in the war too!
Again. What a load of shit.
It's sickening the way that these politicians will pretend to care about the well-being of the soldiers who fight and die for them when it will make them look good. These people, if you can even call them that, don't know what it's like on the front lines.
You can barely understand what it's like on the frontlines, but you see the aftermath. You see the shell-shocked shinies and the trembling hands of even the most veteran trooper after a battle gone wrong.
Politicians are a disease, you think to yourself, and the sooner you can get out of this ridiculous dress the better.
The only benefit to this is the free champagne and the way Wolffe acts as a deterrent to any smart Senator or politician that comes your way.
Dressed to impress in a sharp gray suit, Wolffe cuts an imposing figure next to you. The tight suit jacket makes his already broad shoulders look impossibly broader and the buttons of his dress shirt strain against the muscles of his chest.
Your dress seems to compliment Wolffe in every way. Your dress is mainly white, but the gray accents serve as a subtle call to Wolffe's suit. Claiming you as his, you like to think. The same designs etched into the cuffs and collar of Wolffe's suit jacket are present at the bottom of your dress, circling the hem before fading as you look higher up the dress.
You think you'd enjoy the night if it wasn't for the Senate's... everything. You may be in a war, but you enjoy looking and feeling pretty. You think you'd feel very pretty if the meaning of the night didn't make you feel sick to your stomach.
With the commander acting as your shadow for the night, you've had little trouble keeping pesky Senators looking for a quick fuck away from you.
At least... the smart ones.
"As I was saying, my father is one of the main beneficiaries of the GAR," the boy — and truly he isn't enough to call a man — prattles on in front of you, totally oblivious to your uninterested expression and the clone commander hovering over your shoulder. You think he might be a senatorial aide and his father might be the Senator?
You wonder if you should adjust the plunging neckline of the dress so that the hickey Wolffe left behind last night peeks into eyesight.
"And I tell him that he shouldn't waste our family money on this war. Honestly, there's no need for clones," he continues, eyes flickering to Wolffe before he turns back to you, "I mean, what could clones possibly provide that a real man can't?"
He leans towards you, and with his last few words he drags his knuckles lightly up your arm. A smile that he must think is charming slithers onto his face as he continues to caress your crawling skin.
"Better company, for one," you mumble into your champagne glass before you can cause a scene. You drain the rest of the drink before you say something stupid.
You don't think you muffle it well enough because Wolffe's shoulders shake in muffled laughter behind you.
"Would you like to dance?" The aide blurts out, and once caressing fingers turn into a greedy grabbing hand closing around your wrist.
Wolffe stiffens behind you, jolting against your back before stopping himself.
Your face morphs into one of distain before you can stop it, "Actually," you begin, yanking your wrist from a sweaty palm, "I promised Commander Wolffe my first dance," your smile is so obviously fake it's painful, but the aide doesn't seem to notice.
"Well, maybe after you're done with the trooper, we can —"
"It's Commander," Wolffe finally speaks up, and his gravely voice has goosebumps spreading across your skin.
"Excuse me?"
Wolffe's hand splays across the small of your back as he steps beside you, "I said, it's commander," he repeats, voice cold like stone. Fuck, it makes your thighs rub together beneath your dress.
The aide's nose scrunches up, "Yes, well, when you're done with the commander, maybe you'll come my way?"
What is it with men not taking a hint?
"No, I don't think so," Wolffe answers for you before the hand on your back shifts from just a grounding touch to a guiding one, and he's leading you away.
Your skin is alight with excitement. You look up at the commander, whose jaw in clenched in obvious irritation. It makes you feel guilty, but Wolffe looks extremely attractive when he's pissed.
"Wolffe, we just passed the dance floor," you whisper as he rushes you past the chunk of the room marked out for couples to hold each other close and sway to the music.
"I know," Wolffe says shortly, leading you to the nearest exit so fast that you nearly fall out of your impractical shoes.
He practically drags you out the door and into one of the hallways you know you aren't allowed to be in.
"Wolffe, where are we — Oh!"
The commander cages you against the wall, hands on either side of your head as his hips press flush to yours through your dress. You can feel the bulge of his cock even through the layers of your clothes.
He breathes in deep through his nose before he speaks, "You're mine, you know that, right?" he rocks his hips against you as he speaks, and you don't get the best friction through the poofiness of your dress, but it's his words that make your thighs clench.
"Yes," you whisper into the space between you, "only yours, Wolffe,"
And it's true. You are Wolffe's no matter the setting — battlefield or ballroom — and no matter the outfits — hard plastoid armor or dashing suits and dresses.
Wolffe stares down at you, breathing hard through his mouth, searching for something in your face before he leans down to crush your lips together.
He kisses you like he's fighting. It's vicious and he tugs your bottom lip between his teeth until you whine, and it's only then that he lets it go. "Call me selfish," he whispers in your ear before he flips you around so that your face is pressed flush with the wall, "but I don't ever want anyone else to touch you."
Wolffe's hands are desperate as he begins to wrench the layers of your dress up and up until it's all bunched up above your hips, leaving your lower half exposed to him.
He inhales sharply at the sight of the lingerie the women who helped you into the dress had given you.
You never know whose going to unwrap you by the end of the night, one of the women had whispered like a secret to you.
But that wasn't true. You knew exactly who was going to unwrap you.
"Fuck," Wolffe hisses, dragging one of his hands across the delicate lace that covers your ass. "You wear this just for me?"
You pant against the wall, hands scrambling for purchase as Wolffe leans down to bite the meat of your ass. "Shit!" you gasp, just a bit too loud for comfort.
Wolffe drags his teeth down the curve of your ass, nosing at the wet patch of your panties. "How long have you been this wet, pretty girl?" he demands, pressing the tips of his fingers against the wet lace over your clit.
Your hips jerk against him. It's exhilarating to thing that only one door and a left turn separates a room full of Senators and Very Important People from the two of you.
It's filthy what you're doing. You're sure if anyone were to see you — pressed face first into a wall with little regard for the makeup that was applied to you with more caution than one treats a bomb and your expensive dress hiked up around your waist to expose your soaking cunt, you'd single-handedly ruin all efforts to draw support for the GAR.
"Answer me," Wolffe spits out as he drags your panties down your ass to let them fall around your ankles. One broad hand swats at your ass, right over the pulsing bite mark he left behind.
"All night!" you sob into the wall, biting your hand to muffle the groans you want to let out. "As soon as I saw you in that suit!"
A part of you wishes Wolffe would turn you back around. You want to see him in that suit — want to watch his muscles bunch and flex beneath the delicate fabric.
Wolffe's huff of laughter blows a puff of hot air against your cunt, making you clench around nothing. "You like me in this suit, sweet thing?" He raises to his feet and you can hear his hands fumbling with his belt and zipper. "Well, I'm about to fuck you in it,"
You whimper into the back of your hand. Your own slick starts to drip down your leg. "Please."
The blunt head of Wolffe's cock presses against your entrance. Usually he would make you cum at least once before he fucks you just to get you ready for his girth, but in this moment you couldn't care less.
You want Wolffe to fuck you, and you want to feel the stretch. You want him to fuck the feeling of that grimy aide touching you out of your head.
"S'that what you want?" Wolffe breathes as he starts to slide in, "you want to forget that boy? Huh? You want to be fucked by a man?"
A keen catches in your throat as he sinks in halfway. Fuck, you feel like you're being split in half. His cock just keeps going and going in this position, and all you can do is take it.
You bite down hard into the back of your hand as Wolffe finally bottoms out, but Wolffe grabs your hair, fancy curls and accessories be damned, and pulls your mouth away from your hand.
"Don't you dare," he hisses as his hips set a deafening pace. "Don't you dare hide your noises from me. I want to hear you — I want them to hear you."
Your moan echoes through the hallway.
There's something feral in the way that Wolffe fucks you. With his suit still on, totally presentable besides the cock that's been pulled out of the fly, he's beautiful.
You, on the other hand, look filthy. Your eye makeup is smudged with the tears that Wolffe forces out of you, and you know your hair will be a lost cause by the end of this. Your dress is already wrinkling and your delicate stockings are ruined with the slick that drips down your legs from your cunt.
"Wolffe!" you cry out as pressure in your core tightens.
"'m gonna cum," Wolffe grunts, hips pistoning even faster.
He's ruining you, you think through the haze of pleasure. He's ruining you and you love it.
"Please," you sob, one of your hands leaving the wall to grab at his hips. You almost can't hold on due to the force and speed of his thrusts, but your fingers claw into the fabric of his jacket and you hold on for dear life as he brings you closer and closer to release.
"I think I'll come in this tight little cunt, what do you think?" Wolffe drags the blunt edge of his teeth along your neck and up your jawline, ending just under your ear, "Stuff you full of me, and send you back into that ballroom,"
You clench at the thought. Fuck, you want that so bad.
You're nearly incoherent with pleasure. You're just babbling in agreement to the filth that drips from Wolffe's mouth like the slick that drips from your cunt.
"You like that?" Wolffe asks even though he knows the answer, "You want me to send you in there smelling like sex and dripping my cum?"
One of his hands snake around to circle mercilessly around your clit. The pressure nearly has your knees give out.
"I think I'll keep your panties with me," Wolffe whispers in your ear, "so I'll drip out of that pretty cunt and down your thighs for the rest of the night."
The pressure in your core snaps and you cum around him with a wail.
Wolffe clamps a hand over your mouth as his thrusts turn more into grinds. His teeth sink into your neck as he finally spills inside you.
The feeling of his cum flooding your cunt has you clenching around him even more.
"Fuck," Wolffe hisses, fucking his cum into your spent cunt with an obscene squelch. "Fuck, you're so tight, pretty girl,"
You moan faintly, thighs trembling as he finally pulls out. A gush of his cum starts to drip out. You clench weakly, trying your best to keep it in.
Wolffe presses a kiss to the back of your neck, "Step out of your panties, sweet thing," he whispers into your skin, hands on your hips to steady you as you do what he asked.
You stand on coltish legs, wobbling in your heels with the aftermath of your orgasm, as Wolffe bends down to grab your ruined panties and stuff them in his pockets.
They ruin the line of his suit, and anyone who looks at him for more than half a second will know he's got something in his pocket that shouldn't be there, but you think no one will be looking at him when you're there.
Not with your hair a mess and mascara smeared just so around your eyes. Not when you reek of sex and sweat and there are bite marks littered across your skin. Not when your dress is so obviously wrinkled due to less-than-appropriate events.
Still, you walk back into the ballroom with your arm linked with Wolffe's and his cum sliding down your thigh and soaking into your stockings.
The senatorial aide doesn't bother you for the rest of the night, but that might have something to do with the clone commander flashing him a bit of lace from his jacket pocket.
When you get back to the barracks, Wolffe fucks you with those same ruined panties in your mouth to make sure none of the boys hear you two.
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vincememes · 3 years
banana fish starters
WARNINGS: IMPLIED SA, VIOLENCE MENT, DRUGS MENT spoiler warning .    to make it less long, the rest is under a cut.
feel free to adjust pronouns / names as needed !
❛   even if i did know something, what good would it do?  ❜  
❛   even a stupid street punk like me knows that  ❜  
❛   i envy you … being able to jump like that.  ❜  
❛   what could be more relaxing than three days away from these guys?  ❜  
❛   i wish i could hate you. i need someone to hate.  ❜  
❛   someone is dead. not that you’d give a damn one way or the other.  ❜  
❛   treating him like you’re giving the pope a bath isn’t going to help.  ❜  
❛   aren’t there any decent parents in this world?  ❜  
❛   that guy always regarded me as a human being with a real heart, not some sort of tool.  ❜  
❛   this little act of charity, you’re going to regret this.  ❜  
❛   i tried to forget.  ❜  
❛   stay with me... i won’t ask "forever". just for now.  ❜  
❛   well, i already know you’re a sick man.  ❜  
❛   ready to lose your life over a pizza?  ❜  
❛   my name... has become the signal for a massacre.  ❜  
❛   what on earth... have i become?  ❜  
❛   what do you think i am...? i’m a murderer... okay?  ❜  
❛   i told you before. i kill people.  ❜
❛   they paid the price for their decisions— that’s all.  ❜  
❛   what the hell do you know?!  ❜  
❛   let‘s say i am ‘exceptional’. the problem is, i never, ever, my whole life wanted to be.  ❜  
❛   you said i am not like ordinary people.  ❜  
❛   there’ve been countless times in my life when i thought i’d be better off dead.  ❜  
❛   that nothing could be worse than what was happening to me right then.  ❜  
❛   at times like that...death looks sweet and peaceful, and unbearably enticing.  ❜  
❛   war is always good business for those in power.  ❜  
❛   sorry to destroy your youthful innocence.  ❜  
❛   you have any idea what those guys made us do?  ❜  
❛   don’t tell me you still believe the pen is mightier than the sword.  ❜  
❛   if you ask me, the white house can go screw itself.  ❜  
❛   i wonder if i’m dying somewhere.  ❜  
❛   i wasn’t expecting the law to protect me.  ❜  
❛   i’ve ignored it all my life... i sure as hell don’t plan on hiding behind it now.  ❜  
❛   just keep them away from me— please!  ❜
❛   this town’s my backyard, remember?  ❜  
❛   sunrise and sunset are about the only times this junkyard of a city looks good.  ❜  
❛   even if i said no, you wouldn’t go back anyway.  ❜  
❛   if you went home i’d probably worry if something happened to you.  ❜  
❛   so it’s better you’re right here, where i can keep an eye on you  ❜  
❛   some people never change.  ❜  
❛   vulture got together with the viper. you make a great pair.  ❜  
❛   why now after all this time— does it have to be you, of all people...?  ❜  
❛   i don’t stand a chance. i’m dust against him.  ❜  
❛   over my dead body. if anybody hurts you... it’ll be over my dead body—  ❜  
❛   i don’t care who it is. i am not letting anybody hurt you.  ❜  
❛   do i scare you?  ❜  
❛   dont give me your stupid advice.  ❜  
❛   i’m happy, goddammit!    ❜  
❛   i know there’s at least one person in this world who cares about me. who doesn’t want anything from me.  ❜  
❛   do you have any idea what that’s like? i never did... not once in my entire life—until now.  ❜  
❛   and that’s worth more to me than anything else.  ❜  
❛   go back home! don’t look at me!  ❜  
❛   i don’t want you seeing me like this!  ❜  
❛   my hands are dirty with other people's blood.  ❜  
❛   i don't even know how many people i've killed.  ❜  
❛   i'm bad news.  ❜  
❛   i wish i could’ve been like you.  ❜  
❛   it’s just that… i always picture the worst-case scenario, that’s all.  ❜  
❛   guess it’s because i’m a coward.  ❜  
❛   i just can’t relax. it’s turned into a habit.  ❜  
❛   i was so scared i couldn’t speak, i couldn’t cry, and i screamed in my head, but... nothing came out.   ❜
❛   if i ever lose you too... i'll go crazy.  ❜  
❛   come back safely. i'll be waiting for you, forever.  ❜  
❛   if you feel responsible, the same goes for me.  ❜  
❛  my words might not mean anything now, but just remember one thing.  ❜  
❛   even if the world turns on you, i'll always be on your side.  ❜  
❛   humans can change their destiny.  ❜  
❛   if i'm going to die anyways, at least i'll die trying!  ❜  
❛   don't apologize. that's something for people like me to do.  ❜  
❛   i'd do anything for you.  ❜  
❛   i know we'll meet again, no matter how far apart we are.  ❜  
❛   you're the greatest friend i'll ever have.  ❜  
❛   you're not alone. i'm by your side. my soul is always with you.  ❜  
❛   you asked me over and over if you scared me. but i never feared you. not once.  ❜  
❛   i'm really glad i came here.  ❜  
❛   i met lots of people. and more than anything, i met you.  ❜  
❛   that’s when i decided. i would always believe in you, no matter what.  ❜  
❛   no matter what happened, he would always have at least one person...  ❜
❛   i am very worried because i haven’t seen you and i don’t know if you are okay.  ❜  
❛   but so what? we are friends. isn’t that enough? what else do we need?  ❜  
❛   actually, i always felt that you are hurt, much more than me - that your spirit is wounded.  ❜  
❛   i know you are much smarter than me, and bigger, and stronger - but even so.. i always wanted to protect you.  ❜  
❛   but what did i want to protect you from?  ❜  
❛    i think i wanted to protect you from your future.  ❜  
❛   because your fate was sweeping you away, like a flood.  ❜  
❛   but i’m not saying “goodbye” to you... because this isn’t goodbye.  ❜
❛   are you going off on your own again?  ❜
❛   somewhere far away.. without a word?  ❜
❛   i want to see you. i wish i was with you right now.  ❜ 
❛   a bloody history is inevitable when you are the one ruling.  ❜  
❛   what's wrong? you hated him, right? guess what? so do i.  ❜  
❛   no need to glare. i won't eat you up.  ❜  
❛   there's nothing you can do to help.  ❜  
❛   and what can you do to help?  ❜  
❛   you really irritate me.  ❜  
❛   you make people want to protect you or make them want to tear you apart and crush you.  ❜  
❛   so, what to do with you now.  ❜  
❛   i heard you tried to escape again. you have some spunk.  ❜  
❛   we have hired him, his target is your friend.  ❜  
❛   i have other things for you to do for me.  ❜  
❛   we still have two more scorpions.  ❜  
❛   i am a monster, too.  ❜  
❛   i'm not hearing any good news.  ❜  
❛   you become all tame when you’re around them.  ❜  
❛   you’ve degraded from a lone lynx to a content pet cat.  ❜  
❛   depending on your answer, i may not forgive you.  ❜
OTHER CHARACTERS (shorter, max, sing, shunichi, etc.)
❛   his face when he laughed was cute, and childlike, and totally angelic.  ❜  
❛   it's my problem too! if you go alone, you'll just be killed.  ❜  
❛   you'll die for nothing!  ❜  
❛   i won't let you go alone.  ❜  
❛   i'm sorry, but believe me when i say this: i'll die before i let them lay a finger on you.  ❜  
❛   i can't anymore. set me free. i'm in so much pain.  ❜
 ❛   we need to stay apart so at least one of us survives  ❜   
❛   if the former boss gets hit then it's the duty of the new boss to make the drop.  ❜   
❛   if we don't fight back now, we'll forever be expendable tools. ❜  
❛   you asked me to look after them.  ❜  
❛   yes, honey.    ❜  
❛   that’s for you to decide for yourself..  ❜  
❛   what’s wrong? you can’t punch me from that far back.  ❜  
❛   this will be the last time i give you a word of advice.  ❜  
❛   time is an ironic thing. for us, it means to age. but for people like him, it means to grow.  ❜  
❛   i love all women. they're beautiful and strong. like life itself.  ❜  
❛   it would only be making another one of us. ❜  
❛   one more wretched being, unloved and unloving, whose only sustenance is hatred and nihilism.  ❜  
❛   don’t fight your memories, cuz you’re never going to win.  ❜  
❛   i guess home isn’t something you want to remember if you ran away from it.  ❜  
❛   in one second i knew he could read everything on my mind.  ❜  
❛   i wondered when this boy had started to watch out for his soul, then i knew how much he had suffered.  ❜  
❛   you are the most beautiful and the most dangerous, of all the beasts i have ever known.  ❜  
❛   rather than hate and be triumphant, you chose to love and be destroyed.  ❜  
❛   i staked my life on that choice. please try to accept it.  ❜  
❛   one who does not love cannot be loved, either.  ❜  
❛   you at the very least knows what it is to love.  ❜  
❛   how can you expect someone who suffered so much to have any respect for authority? ❜  
❛   fine line between offender and victim it’s hard to know where to draw it.  ❜  
❛   there’s something about you that i just can’t hate.  ❜  
❛   'cause you’re hurt your soul’s bleeding-even now.  ❜  
❛   you’re just like me that way.  ❜
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billionairesitgirl · 4 years
Do you have any tips to help someone who keeps failing? I have been trying for several years now to get started and feeling more and more hopeless every year. I have attended $$$ events, lost weight, moved closer to major cities. Then of course COVID struck and made things worse. Is there something I can do that can help me gain an "in" or are certain things just not meant for some girls.
Yes i screamed it...  but that’s because thats the most important thing in succeeding.
Secondly Congrats on taking the steps and trying..... 
The following is also important 
1.) Have you asked your self why you keep failing?
Take a pen and paper and spend an entire day by yourself. Think, play things over in your head and Analyze.... This is probably the only time i truly suggested, over analyzing the crap out of your life, decisions, faliures and successes. 
(a) What mistakes, do you keep making? or What mistakes do you think you keep making. 
(b) what makes them mistakes 
(c) Would those actions have worked out better in something else or displayed to someone else 
(d) who and/or what would this action work on
2.) List your obstacles ... Every single one you could think of... 
Make 3 categories
 .....Obstacles you have gone through - What caused it? who caused it? (Regardless of who caused it... You owe some responsibility... so still own up to it... But remember BE KIND to yourself...) 
There is a fine line between being kind to yourself  and completely absolving yourself of any responsibility when owning up to the responsibility of things gone wrong
......Obstacles repeated - How do you NOT repeat this Again?
.......Obstacles Imagined and Obstacles that could still happen (based on different things, character flaws, finances, men’s personalities, race, looks, nature) Get as detailed as needed.  
Man plans and God unplans ... 
However, as humans we have ability to at least create contingencies... try to come up with possible contingency plan and POSSIBLE action on how to still not stand still when one of those obstacles appear... Basically figure out another way to scale through, wiggle through, swim through... whatever way (As long as there is life, health and will... there is a way.... After all people have clawed out of dungeous using only a stick or even their finger nails)
3.)  What have you tried that didnt work? or keeps failing... List it
4.) What ever #3 is that didnt work... What is the alternative that you haven’t tried. 
5.) Clearly you see this as an investment if you have lost weight, moved etc... What is missing in the picture? (I don’t know you, nor have I spent time with you or know your thinking process or views... So this is something even if you dont know what is missing... You have to sit and think... Sleep on it, give it time but remain introspective but be mindful to know when clarity presents itself. 
Being brutally Honest with yourself is the only way to know what is missing and where you are missing. 
Example: I met a gorgeous black girl A few months ago. From the get go, I knew she was hypergamous... The men also knew. But there was something missing and i couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Until we were all talking with the men present. 
She carried herself as a pretty girl, sweet and bubbly... But she made the mistake of trying to emulate the white woman’s countenance... So she could be doted on same as a white woman... I can’t explain this in detail.
But while it is good to emulate things noteworthy in other people... She lost her self and her own personal spark.  As a black woman... She avoided the pitfalls of a stereotypical black woman (quote on quote)... in the process, she mistakenly lost her goddess quality and blended in with the rest.  The men moved on from her. 
My Point is: WHAT IS MISSING... Are your run of the Mill? What is your core
6.) Standard - 
Do you have set standards? expectations of yourself and of the Men and of your surroundings?
Do you keep it? Do you up hold it or do you switch or lower it under pressure? 
Not to give too much information... I refused to live in the poor neighborhood when i moved off college campus. I lived in a condo and lived Smack in the center of the wealthy part of the city. I was not in this lifestyle then... But it was simply my standards... And even though it meant staying on campus longer till i got it... I did that.
Example 2: I have friends who do not care what hole they enter to get entertained (granted you can meet people anywhere)... But I am not the type that goes out very often... So why will i waste my few outings in some frat boys bar or club. So I go to high end places.
Example 3: I met a man who recently sold his company with upwards of $80 Million... I wasn’t told... I was aware of the process and listened to him through the proceess complain about delay in the closing and trying to avoid tax etc
He was deperate to meet me in person. As a matter of fact the day he closed. He flew me to his city (I went cause i was bored).  Long story Short... He is the type of man that got lucky... There isn’t much in terms of comparison... Thinks he knows everything, thinks himself black people’s savior and makes comments such as “If there were black women like you”...  Has some racists views he doesn’t think is racists... I met his friends... I liked one (But he just recently got remarried and was the smartest of the bunch). They had pissing games who had thr most rolex collection etc... He was crazy about me... Still is even without so much as a kiss and i spent a weekend there. (Had my own hotel room)
But, I knew while the money was there, he was generous and was crazy about me... It would drive me nuts being with him and interacting with his friends... My standard here is that I won’t deal with any man who so much as stresses me mentally especially as I am a black woman... I won’t take nonsense.
My Point is : What do you compromise on that you do? It is a long road being steadfast to your standard... But it has been worth it for me.
Do not use anyone’s standard... Create your own and work on keeping it... Men will despise you for it... But respect you all the same.... It is a weird placed to be.
7.) What type of events do you attend. When you attend events, go out etc... What do you do? How do you approach these events? Do you wing it? Do you plan it?  Are you fearless and confident or shy or just pleasant enough to exchange pleasantries alone? What vibe do you give off? 
How do you dress? Different styles can come across different ways... Some ooze Sexy, some ooze elegance with a hint of sexy, some basic, some regular, some say just another event person
8.) Closer to Major cities : what part of that do you live? Even if you are not in the center of things... Where do you go when you go out? How often to do go to wealthy areas, who do you interact with there? 
There is a plethora of questions who have to ask yourself.
With Covid I have met people (but then, I work for myself and have more freedom to move around and also take mini vacation in other cities) And I already have a network... So, I have a  leg up -  
But, I know girls here and people are also still meeting people.
What is stopping you? What avenues and methods have you tried? Have you thought outside the box? 
Hopeless? No... Wrong direction... As you fail you learn things that dont work so that should make you hopeful. 
Also, I am a big beliver in manifestation and law of attraction. Feeling hopless will only make things more hopless...It will attract more faliure...
Find ways to think more positively, ways to turn negative things into potentially positive things... In this case you do not have to be rational... Imagine everything negative happening has a positive... 
e.g  : A man cancelled on you = It wasn’t meant to be... It might have turned into a terrible situation for you... Thank God or the universe for saving you from whatever it is you arent aware of. 
eg : Covid happening : Time to make more money, invest. Brush yourself up, level up some more, learn new ways to meet this men and become more resilient so you come out fire when, the world isnt tupsy turvy
e.g : Getting older: Perfect, the more sure and certain you become in yourself, the more you actually find out what makes you stand apart, the more you find out who you are and realize that whatever amount a man was going to give you last year, you’ve outgrown it with age, maturity, acheivements etc.
You get the gist.... NEVER FEEL HOPELESS
You can feel sad... But not hopeless... Dust yourself up and try again...
Maybe one day i will take time out to share some of my own short comings and faliures... Cause i think we share the successes much more;  that people think there aren’t mistakes and faliures and short comings... I have had them, and I continue to work and fix them. 
The only thing is after my introspection... and brow beating myself and figuring it out...i don’t like to dwell on the faliures... I put my self to work updating myself. Besides I think sharing more good news brings more good news and vibes... But, there isn’t anyone that can claim to not have had obstacles and faliures.
Finally: My sister beleives everyone has a destiny... But everyone is also capable of changing theirs... 
With regards to your question...  About certain type of girls ...
The Answer is NO...
Some people might find it harder, or lack the resources and know how
But trying, pushing ones self, acquiring knowlegde and doing whatever it takes (of course within reason and comfines of morality ) Is what makes the difference.
As i write... I know women who took their entire savings to go to ST Barts for New Year...  (Would I? NO) But some would... My point is. 
You will go as far as you are capable of seeing yourself go.
So if you want a change in your pattern... You have to break the wheel... Try something new you haven’t tried yet... And a new approach. 
Question for you: “Gain an in?” Into what circle do you want an in? What type of man
#hypergamy, #datingtips #sugardatingtips #sugardatingadvice #levelup #levelupadvice #sugardatingtip #sugardating
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polandspringz · 3 years
I made the decision to watch all of the Case Files of Jeweler Richard in a day and I am ABSOLUTELY LOSING MY FUCKING MIND
(Technically I’ve watched up to episode 11 so I have 1 more episode left but am leaving it until tomorrow because it’s 1 AM right now- but I digress)
Spoilers for up to episode 10 of the anime, and apologies because I don’t know how to do read more on mobile so LONG POST:
Okay so FIRST OFF- On the cover this show isn’t explicit in that it has LGBTQ themes- it’s not labeled as such or with BL or Shounen Ai, the usual genre titles we see in anime. However, when I first tried to watch it a few months ago, within the opening minute I just knew (I just forgot to continue after that first minute until today). A lot of times with anime you can just tell things based on the art style or the dialogue, and if it doesn’t end up having those themes, then you get a situation like Balance: Unlimited where all of Twitter was tweeting “wait, it isn’t a BL???”
That being said, this series DOES have LGBTQ themes, one of the early side characters talks about how she doesn’t want to go through with her marriage because she realized she’s a lesbian or bisexual and is still in love with her old roommate. Another character expresses thoughts about romance and marriage in ways that I’m sure people who are asexual or a romantic can identify with. And this isn’t just with the side characters, oh no. The entire show is centered around the relationship of Richard and Seigi, and oh my god is it wild in how it is presented.
If you go on the wiki for this show, as my sister and I did, you’ll see a sentence along the lines of “Richard and Seigi frequently compliment each other’s beauty and say how much they like one another, to the point that everyone around them believes them to be in a relationship. However it’s unclear if their words are romantic or not.” And then if you go to their relationship page on the wiki, it just says Seigi is Richard’s boyfriend. So what’s the truth? (TLDR: the wiki is right. They’re definitely in love.)
Well the thing that had me rolling is that Seigi says he likes rich. A lot. Specifically throws around the “daisuki” line almost every episode. He says Richard is like a jewel, calls him beautiful and pretty. Richard picks him up in the rain after being dumped. They go alone to fancy restaurants for dinner almost every night. They flirt. It feels almost undeniable that what they’re saying is romantic, and that any kiss confirmation is unnecessary. There is a major plot line during all this though of Seigi trying to ask out his female college classmate however, and the result makes it sort of feel like Richard and Seigi are together but they’re in this open relationship with no labels so Richard just wants Seigi to have no regrets. The plot with the classmate really doesn’t do anything to their relationship. Richard and Seigi still are being as wild as ever.
And the reason I refer to this as being “wild” is partially because while watching my sister and I were riffing on the dialogue a little. For an anime, the show is very progressive in it’s ideas, Richard in episode 1 or 2 straight up calling Seigi out for something he said about a foreign customer and making him promise to not discriminate or judge anyone for their race, religion, sexual orientation, appearance, etc. (My sister literally joked “DONT BE RACIST” and then her jaw dropped when Richard said just that). There’s a multitude of moments in the first half of the show where Richard basically is just glaring at Seigi or telling him off later with a deadpanned expression for being xenophobic or just blunt about things that end up being rude to customers, and it’s because of how surprising it is that the show NEVER misses a moment to be like “YEAH ACTUALLY DON’T BE RUDE” that makes it hilarious. It feels almost unreal when everything you make a joke about happens two seconds afterwards.
Circling back to Richard and Seigi relationship though, early on I called on the idea that the show was going to have the trope of “he’s rich and from Europe so he’s illegitimate or something and he’s going to have to go back and Seigi will run after him in this big airport scene” and I basically got all that. Except that Richard and Seigi don’t meet up again until they’ve both been in England for a while and then we learn that Richard’s family are terrible people because a clause in their dead great grandfather’s inheritance made it so only Richard can inherit this 300 million pound Diamond but ONLY if he married a traditional English housewife. This clause is said to be VERY VERY strict in that it HAS to be an English housewife to the LETTER. And she must be TRADITIONAL. Of course, Richard is refusing to do this. So you’re watching them mess around in England for a bit, I got another cliche/trope I wanted when Seigi fell sick and Richard had to care for him in the hotel room, before the characters suddenly get a phone call and Richard’s cousin goes:
“Hey Seigi! Guess what? Turns out you qualify for the marriage clause! Despite being Asian, the will and the law consider a homosexual civil partnership equivalent to a heterosexual marriage, so you can be with Richard and then he get’s the Diamond! So I’ll see you at the safe where the Diamond will be at!”
(I’m paraphrasing the words obviously but the part about civil partnership was what I specifically remember being said, but forgive me for any errors, as my jaw was on the floor when the show threw that curveball at me).
In case you’re confused, I’m not saying this is bad at all. I’m just saying when watching this show, it feels UNBELIEVABLY HILARIOUS the way these things literally get thrown at the audience. Stuff you would never expect in an anime just punch you in the face repeatedly and I was so shocked from this “viable marriage candidate” twist that I did SENSE was coming (but thought of it more of as a joke, BECAUSE HOW THE HECK DID HE FIT THE CLAUSE OF A TRADITIONAL ENGLISH HOUSEWIFE) I had to pause the episode and rush to spit out the water I just drank before I choked. And if this wasn’t enough to kill me, we learn later on, that the reason this whole crazy clause happened in this dead man’s will was because he wanted to get back at the rest of Richard’s family because the man’s son was marrying a woman from Sri Lanka and LITERALLY SAID “THE WHITE SUPERMACISTS” WOULD HARASS HER so all of this chaos was to give the fortune to their side of the family and piss off the racists. I just cannot believe I’m hearing and seeing all this in a Japanese anime. There was even discussion of how Japan’s traditional gender roles restrict women, and it’s just like HOW IS THIS SHOW SO PROGRESSIVE??? It literally feels like I’m watching a paradox and it’s sad because it shouldn’t but it’s hilarious and enjoyable all the same.
Once again, and sort of a TLDR, The Case Files of Jeweler Richard is an incredible show. It’s an unintentionally hilarious ride that isn’t baiting because it feels like it’s definitely presenting Richard and Seigi’s relationship as romantic coded without needing a kiss or anything. It’s strangely progressive and open minded for Japanese media, seems meta at times, and has left me stunned in ten out of twelves episodes thus far that I’m so sad I didn’t watch it week to week to see the reactions of the fans live. I highly recommend this series if you’re looking for something to just get you to laugh or just a fun story involving two male leads with great chemistry.
Now, here’s a representation of me watching this show:
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non-binharry · 4 years
hello i dont want to come off as rude but can you give me a quick rundown of why harry is possibly trans? also is being genderfluid/nonbinary sit under the trans umbrella as well? i hope this isnt too uncomfortable to answer! thank you!
hi! you don’t come off as rude at all! and i’ll try my best to give you as much info as i can off the top of my head!
so, being trans means to identify as a gender other than the one assigned to you at birth. the white stripe in the trans flag actually includes all non-binary genders. there are both binary and non-binary trans people, so while both groups fall under the trans umbrella, non-binary identities (genderfluid, genderqueer, agender, etc.) sit under a small umbrella within the bigger one.
i obviously can’t say this without being clear that i don’t know every single person on tumblr dot com, but i haven’t come across a single person who believes harry is a binary trans woman (an amab who identifies exclusively as a woman). when we say harry is trans, we mean we think that harry has a non-binary gender, which is still considered trans, so we think he’s a non-binary trans person.
he’s spoken about gender, and about femininity/masculinity and his own personal relationship to this with more consideration than you can ever expect from a cis man.
“What’s fem­i­nine and what’s mas­cu­line…it’s like there are no lines any more.” - The Face
“I think ‘Lights Up’ came at the end of a long period of self-reflection, self-acceptance. Through the two years of making the record, I went through a lot of personal changes — I just had the conversations with myself that you don’t always have. And I just feel more comfortable being myself.” - Rolling Stone
“A part of it was having, like, a big moment of self-reflection. And self-acceptance. I think it’s a very free, and freeing, time. I think people are asking, ‘Why not?’ a lot more. Which excites me. It’s not just clothes where lines have been blurred, it’s going across so many things.” - The Guardian
“I think there’s so much masculinity in being vulnerable and allowing yourself to be feminine, and I’m very comfortable with that. Growing up you don’t even know what those things mean. You have this idea of what being masculine is and as you grow up and experience more of the world, you become more comfortable with who you are.” - i-D Magazine
“What women wear. What men wear. For me it’s not a question of that. If I see a nice shirt and get told, ‘But it’s for ladies.’ I think: ‘Okaaaay? Doesn’t make me want to wear it less though.’ I think the moment you feel more comfortable with yourself, it all becomes a lot easier.” - The Guardian
“I don’t think people are still looking for this gender differentiation. Even if the masculine and feminine exist, their limits are the subject of a game. We no longer need to be this or that. I think now, people are just trying to be good.” - L’Officiel
thematically speaking, fine line just screams gender. we know that harry puts a lot of thought into his image, into how he will be perceived. we also know that he loves a good callback, he loves weaving together an intricate narrative (eroda exists), and that he has never met a coincidence in his life. 
the cover of his album has the colors of the trans flag (he’s the white in the flag) while the photos inside have the colors of the non-binary flag (x), which came from a deliberate collaboration between harry and tim walker, a gay photographer who explores queer themes in his work. from the guardian interview:
“In terms of how I wanna dress, and what the album sleeve’s gonna be, I tend to make decisions in terms of collaborators I want to work with. I want things to look a certain way. Not because it makes me look gay, or it makes me look straight, or it makes me look bisexual, but because I think it looks cool. And more than that, I dunno, I just think sexuality’s something that’s fun. Honestly? I can’t say I’ve given it any more thought than that.”
(i’d like to emphasize that at this point, harry was becoming more guarded with his answers as the interviewer got more invasive about his sexuality, and flat out questioned if the album cover was a nod to the trans flag or if harry was just a straight dude sprinkling lgbtq crumbs)
he also sported pink+blue nails both during promo of the album and before, when he wasn’t working.
there are plenty of lyric analyses of she and fine line (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 +) though my favorite part about these songs is that in she, he alternates between his normal register and falsetto which happens when he switches between describing the man and woman, and he sings the entirety of fine line in falsetto (though it really hits different from the la one night only show)
he’s grown more comfortable with wearing things that lend well to his feminine expression, both for performances/appearances, and his personal life, like his vibrantly colored nails which he’s said he feels naked without now, or his pearl necklace (which he wore under a hoodie during christmas with his family), or his precious pink and lavender shoe strings.
there’s genuinely so many more examples like people close to him using female pronouns and neutral/fluid language to talk about harry, including the lovely harris reed who is genderfluid, or the fact that he can’t seem to shut up about childbirth, plus things i’ll refrain from mentioning because they discuss his body image meaning it’s more speculative than things that have been shown to the public so not necessarily evidence
oh! also he has a mermaid tattoo (which has a connection to the trans community in the UK) and when asked why he got it, he simply said “it’s because i’m a mermaid”
also also honorable mention to the fact that harry idolizes female artists and the fact that stevie nicks has taken him under her wing, which she has only done for budding female artists, and introduced him to the coven, which frankly, when has any man ever
so that’s some of the reasons why we think harry is trans. i’d also like to mention that the majority of us who are comfortable enough to have this conversation are trans ourselves, and we feel a personal connection to him and the signaling he’s done over the years, we see a bit (or a lot) of ourselves in his journey to self-discovery, or he’s made us realize our own identities just by being himself.
“boy or girl, whatever it decides” 💗
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hitoshisbabygirl · 4 years
Lambient Nights ~ K. Bakugou
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Author's Notes ♡: Hey guys, it’s me, ya girl and I’m back with another collab this week! I really loved this masquerade idea and I hope I tackled it in a modern way. It’s kinda all over the place but the smut was immaculate (ha sorta ).・゚゚・(/ω\)・゚゚・.! This is nice and heated, I liked making Bakugou his common aggressive self with a bit of tenderness so ʕ⊙ᴥ⊙ʔ. I hope I did a decent job with this wonderful idea , I tried to make a modern masquerade but I feel like I failed 😅 anyway I hope you enjoy reading this and much as I did writing it ~ bunny ❥
Warnings : NSFW!!! (◎_◎;)
Semi public sex, female oral, Big Dick Baku , Dom! Bakugou, name calling , Bakugou cursing as usual
Word count : About 2.2 k!
Paring(s) : Katsuki Bakugou x F! Reader
Enjoy ♡
Number 2 Hero GorundZero!
Youre invited to the annual Midnights Masquerade
Meet around the back at the Twili Castle
Have your masks and outfits ready
Make sure you bring a friend or that special one tonight ~
Madam Midnight
Bakugou lets out a deep sigh, setting the dark paper down on the counter as he let out a growl, sparking up his kitchen counter. “Damnit!” He yelled as he glared at the mocking note. With a huff, he picked up his phone, calling up some of his friends. “Shitty hair, did you get one of these things too?” Bakugou yelled as his red haired and laughing counterpart answered his question “Well hello to you too Bakubro! I did, I'm planning on inviting Mina , she said she always wanted to go to one of those Masquerade Balls, She'll probably leave me for the girls anyway! Why don't you bring that one girl.. What was her name, Er Cassy? Carie? Camie? Yeah Camie! Why dont bring her?” Kirishima rambled. “ Hell NO, she's been dating some guy from their old highschool, that big wind brute. They've been dating, and me and her were a fling a while ago , why they hell would you even say that?” Bakugou huffed as Kirishima laughed once again, stopping his yelling blonde friend. “How about [ ]?” Kirishima said as the blonde on the other side fell silent, making the red haired friend call out to him again, a grunt falling from his lips as Kirishima questioned him again. “Sooo…[ ] ? what about her?”Bakugou responded with an uncommonly quiet tone “She probably would, but not with me..” Kirishima stopped and tried to figure out why his usually confident friend was so self conscious “Why do you say that? She'd probably love to go with you!’ With a deeper sigh Bakugou continued , “Yeah She’d love to go to that shitty thing , but it's stupid.” Kirishima couldn't help but laugh at his friend's conflicted feelings. “Bakugou, ask her and tell me what she say and we'll see you guys tonight okay?” Kirishima sia dand before his explosive friend could argue anything with him he hung up, prepared to deal with the aftermath of his best friend.
[ ] hearing her phone ring from her bedroom , running from her bathroom up the stairs to the room,she saw the iconic “angry pomeranian” lighting up her screen. With a laugh she picked up the phone. “Well hello Katsuki, how are you today?” A grunt on the other line made her laugh harder as the blonde finally spoke. “What are you doing later?” He gruffed out as [. ] stopped, biting her lip as she thought about the context of his question. “Hmmmm nothing, I’m probably gonna cook later and just hang out with Mina. Why? Aww Katsuki are you finally going to admit you like me?” With a crash coming from the other line she heard Bakugou yell. “OW. HEY DUMBASS I DONT LIKE YOU WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE” with a howling laugh she calmed down and waited for the reason the angry blonde called her in the first place. “Sigh..well since you’re not doing shit, coming with me to this shitty masquerade party” [. ] squealed out as she hopped off her bed as he told her the details and who’s masquerade it was. “YOU of all people got an invite to Midnights’ Masquerade? Count me in! I’ll be your date!” With a sigh Bakugou agreed to pick her up at 8:00. As they hung up [. ] couldn’t help help the giddy feeling pooling up in her stomach as she got dressed quickly, heading to the store for her outfit for the night.
Promptly at 8:00 , Bakugou pulled up to her house, sighing as he looked at himself. All black everything, he hated the suit jacket Kirishima kept trying to give him so he decided to go with a vest and opt in a black button up instead of the white one the shop had. Looking down as he scrolled through his phone he heard a door shut as heels clicked down the driveway of the rather pretty house he was in front of. Looking up from his phone he saw one of the prettiest sights he’d even seen. Sure he’s seen his fair share of women of all types and ways of life but something clicked seeing [. ] come from her door. A long black low cutting dress framed her body as long curls fell down her back. She ran to his car and got in, dramatically falling against the seat. “Who knee dressing up took work” she said as she looked at the usually angry blonde beside her, that unusually head a unreadable face. “What?” [. ] said as Bakugou snapped out of his trance, grumbling as he stepped on the gas, headed to the mysterious mansion on the invite.
“Look at you mamas!” Mina called out to [. ] as she hugged her, the two laughing together as they took in their appearances. “Look at YOU, even with the mask on your adorable Mina! Where are the other girls at?” [. ] laughed as the pink girl took her hand. “The others are inside. We can let the brutes talk to eachother.” She said as she gestures to Kirishima and Bakugou, walking into the mansion. “This place is huge..it’s nice though” Kirishima started as he looked to Bakugou who was paying him no attention, watching the duo of girls walk into the main doors, vermilion eyes staring at the girl he came with. “ Yknow if you want you could catch up to her?” Kirishima suggested as the blonde let out a gruff. “Shut up. Let’s get this shitty night over with.” Bakugou said as Kirishima laughed, running to join his bestfriend. Throughout the night Bakugou joined his friends, the group of them talking about work, and watching their significant others wander and dance around the hall. While the others drained on about their life , Bakugou couldn’t help his rage boiling over as he watched [. ] roll her hips onto Mina , the two laughing and enjoying the night.
As he watched Mina go for a different girl to hit on, he saw a mystery man walk up and put his hands where minas were, letting her continue her actions. With pops of explosions coming from his hand he stomped to the girl, snatching her away from the guy as he took her to a nearby room, shutting and locking the door behind them. “Uh is there something wrong here Katsuki?” [. ] said with a slight slur as the older and towering blonde stepped to her.
“What the hell was that!? You let that extra put his dirty hands all over you, you’re here with me no one can touch you but me” He growled out as [. ] scoffed, stepping right back to him. “Like you care now Katsuki , I was with Mina not some random” She said as she tried to get past him. Grabbing her arm , Bakugou turned her back to him as he put her onto the bed in front of them. “Oh no sweetheart, there was a nobody touching you, and it seems you want me to let everyone know how much I actually care about you.” He started as she looked at him confused. “I’ve liked you since last year you dumbass..and now here we are with me admitting this stupid shit with you under me” Bakugou said as [. ] blinked , a slow grin coming to her lips. Unknowing to him , the incident he witnessed was planned out by her devious friend herself. Mina let it be known that she , Kirishima and everyone knew the hidden feelings he had for her, and giving him a little show should spark him and his feelings to be admitted. And they were right.
“Oh Suki..I’m glad you’re finally admitting it. Now shut up and make me yours”
And with that fateful sentence, Bakugou pinned her arms to the bed, kissing her lips quickly as she let out a gasp , wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. Deepening the kiss, Bakugou crawled over her, picking her legs up and wrapping them around his waist. Pulling away Bakugou smirked , pulling the dress up and off of her revealing the orange and black lingerie underneath. “Well damn baby, seems you wrapped my gift up already..you planned this shit didn’t you?” Bakugou snarled as [. ] bit her lip and giggled, opening her legs wider. “Why don’t you unwrap it” she said , revealing that the underwear had an opening through the crouch, revealing her glistening and puffy lips to the hot head. “Fuck…” Bakugou whispered as he pushed her legs up and opened. “Can I have a taste babygirl?” He said as his voice dropped octaves , causing a shiver to go down [. ]’s spine. Shaking her head for permission, Bakugou snapped his wrist, lighting the straps off of her underwear and pulling them off. “Hey!” She started as she was soon cut off from complaining when a warm mouth sucking at her clit. “F-fuck...Suki” she moaned out as Bakugou smirked, popping off her clit. “Shut up shitty woman , I’ll buy you as much shit as you want. Right now I wanna fuck you so the whole place know who you belong to..I want you fuck you silly yeah? So be quiet or I’ll make the after party even worse” And with that he continued, sucking her clit , soon putting a thick and warm finger inside, then another, rolling his tongue diligently again her nub as she whimpered and moaned out, pulling the blondes hair as she rocked her hips against his lips, Bakugou letting out a growl as she sped up his actions, doubling down on his actions as he felt [. ]’s hips jerk, her orgasam flooding her senses as she screamed out as it hit, her pussy gushing as her body fell down onto the bed. With a smirk Bakugou snapped up, pulling her clit up as he came from off of her. “Geez you made a mess slut...Ready for the main course?”
He laughed as he rubbed at his tent in his pants, a spot forming on his dress pants as he pulled his zipper and pants down, showing his throbbing and heavily length. “Well sheesh..I know you were packing but geez Suki...you’re gonna split me in half with something like that..” [. ] laughed nervously as Bakugous’ smirk widened “or I’ll give you a nice stretch. I promise, you’ll be nice and full..and I won’t hurt you okay?” He said as he leaned down to kiss her temple “only if you want it” he finished off with as [. ] smiled softly. “Of course I want it , I’m just surprised. At least your attitude matched what your packing” she laughed as he rolled his eyes, grabbing her hips and flipping her to her stomach as she gasped. “Don’t worry, I’ll treat you like the good little bitch you are” He said, pulling her closer as he smacked her clit with the head of his dick, grunting as he slid between her wet walls, moaning out as the girl underneath him whimpered, pushing her hips to meet his.
“Fuck yes..take this dick baby” Bakugou said as he started to push his hips against hers, spreading her ass as he watched him disappear between her legs, his pride growing as he heard her little noises and moans spurring him on to go faster and harder. As she threw her hips back to match his Bakugou reached down and rubbed her clit from behind, her walls closing tighter as she screamed out at the sudden simulation, her eyes rolling back as he smacked her ass and soon after reaching up to pull her hair back to him, her back against his chest as he continued to rub her clit, pumping into her as his other hand slid to her neck, keeping her against him.
“Take it pretty slut, let them know who’s doing this to you...you’re close, I can tell by how tight you keep getting..let it out baby..and I’ll make you feel even better once we get home” [. ]’s mouth dropped open as she moaned out, Bakugous name fumbling from her lips as he bit down on her neck , pushing her over the limit.
With a whine of Bakugous name she came, falling forward as she shook in oversimulation. As she clamped down on Bakugou it pushed himself over the edge as he came into her, grunting as she get even tighter “Fuck..you wanted me to come in you hun? Damn..to know my girl was such a little cumslut..I’ll have to remember that for later” He chuckled as he pulled out of her. “Let’s try to wrap this little party up..then I can give you the real show later..”
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jesuisgourde · 3 years
gay/queer references in Peter’s journals
Again, I have probably missed stuff due to going through pretty quickly and also due to having stared at this document for so long, everything has kind of blurred together.
Sometime close to the day that Carlos & I watched 'Love And Death on Long Island' (and afterwards paraded through the tea rooms of Picadilly) we both filled in application forms and were tres excited to be invited to the same group 'interview' - twas more like an audition though. I got the part. Carlos never. This did not bring any animosity - we both know that success for either of us is magnified a million times if it is shared by us both.
from 'A Diamond Guitar' by Truman Capote "Except that they did not combine their bodies or think to do so, though such things were not unknown at the (Prison), they were as lovers. Of the seasons, spring is the most shattering: stalks thrusting through the earth's winter-stiffened crust, young leaves cracking out on old left-to-die branches, the falling asleep wind cruising through all the newborn green. And with Mr Schaeffer it was the same, a breaking up, a flexing of muscles that had hardened. It was late January. The friends were sitting on the steps of the sheep house, each with a cigarette in his hand. A moon thin and yellow as a piece of lemon rind curved above them, and under its light, threads of ground frost glistened like silver snail trails. Tico Feo had been drawn into himself - silent as a robber waiting in the shadows."
Then a meet with Bounds Green's African prince outside whitechapel tube, rugged lookies at I in military attire & to a ruptured Albion rooms tidied in hours and now lids drawn heated on the eyes. A young looking fella has a crush on me.
Jackie/Camillia/Marie/Kate/Chris/V. churchill Jackie/Evelina/Jasmine/Sachi/Dalston/Sussie Sandra/Carlene/FP/Jay/Dalston/Kraut
There sat a young black man, perhaps in his early or middle twenties. He looked for all the world like the archetypal rude boy. Clean, cheap reebok, nike, adidas variously rolled, laced & zipped about his lean, spreadeagled body that hung loosely about the waiting room chair. Gold & tattoos adorned his person, and a blank animal look was attached to his clear face. He sat before me in a row of four empty chairs, staring at polished floor or the mundane television. A balding white man minced in & all perceptions were suddenly proven to be false as they embraced and snuggled up to each other, giggling & whispering & touching each others noses.... very much in love, fingers crossed for the blood tests.
[Image: an article from Gay Times of an interview with Peter. For some reason, the portrait included alongside the article is of Carl wearing a grey and black t-shirt.] Name? Peter Doherty Age? 22 Where are you? I'm on the motorway just north of Southampton. What kind of day are you having? (Vaguely) Erm... quite misty. Something's waiting around the corner, but there are no corners on the motorway, so we'll just have to wait and see what lies ahead. Maybe something will happen tonight.... What's this we hear about you once being a rent boy? Well, when times are hard, duty calls. How long ago was it? When I was 19, about three years ago. How do we know this isn't just a Shaun Ryder-type lie? 'Cause if it was, it would make me a complete scumbag and I'm not, and I'm not interested in that kind of pantomime. It wasn't a very happy time. I didn't really enjoy it. Why did you give it up? (grimly) Well, certain people disappeared... and anyway, ultimately I found myself no longer in such a vulnerable position anymore. Dawn broke, and I realised that it was a beautiful world after all. Have you done any other dodgy jobs? All of us in the band have tried to deal, but it's not good if you like the drugs too much. You just end up using them yourself! I once was a gravedigger. I used to do it with my mate in Willesden Green cemetery. We didn't actually do the digging, a machine did that, but we used to have to fill them in. It was pretty grim work. So are you gay then? Love is love, wherever it comes from. I'm not anything, really. I am a very sexual person but... I dunno, I believe in liberty... The Marquis de Sade has a lot to answer for... Do you get a lot of gay fans? Yeah - well, there's one guy in particular. He's very shy and he follows us around. He brings in letters and cards and stuff, but he's very quiet. I think John (the bassist) is the main pulling power in the band. Are you jealous about that? Nah! I've known him too long.
You know I'm alright i dont even care i like it when they stare & stare call me queer, dear oh dear a million things & what I wear He's real hard when he's with his mates but I'll saw him again & he was too late
Dear NME I'd have thought after the Gay Times piece, the interview with Rapture fanzine & our recent gig at the Slum Club everything would be clear. No it still remains to give a big hearty fuck off to all these twisted suburban types calling me a liar. Vulnerable young men & women all over the world find themselves victims of circumstance.
she was dressed in suit & tie & lightly etched-on moustache. 'I've always wanted to kiss a bird in the back of a taxi.' she says, running her hand up the fishnet ladders of my thigh. Stepping onto the front line in Bow puddles, elevators, buzzing doors,
[Image: the original page in the book has been preserved. Two paragraphs have been boxed off with biro. They read:] “...cast Richard Burton and Rex Harrison as bickering queer barbers and then much more uncompromisingly in William Friedkin's adaptation of The Boys in the Band (1970), which introduced some of the plainer four letter words in the English language to the screen for the first time. 'Who,' asks Cliff Gorman, in his brilliant portrayal of the most effeminate of the homosexual group as they gather for a soul-searching party, 'Who do you have to fuck to get a drink around here?' Other homosexual manifestations to occur in movies around this time included an elliptical but unmistakeable male fellatio scene in John Schlesinger's Midnight Cowboy (1969) when Jon Voight, as a broke and disillusioned Texas stud importunes in a New York cinema....”
[Image, top left: a blurry photo of John onstage, playing bass. Image, top right, sideways: a photo of the band onstage. Carl and John are on the left, sharing a mic. Peter is on the right, playing guitar and singing into his own mic. Image, centre left: a torn photo of Peter sitting in a chair, shirtless, playing guitar. Only his bottom half from the chest down is visible. Image, centre left: a torn photo of Peter sitting in a chair, shirtless, playing guitar. Only his top half from shoulders up is visible. Image, bottom left: a torn fragment of a photo. What looks like a denim-clad knee and a yellow carrier bag are visible. Image, bottom middle: a photo of someone's knee in torn jeans, taken from under a table. Image, bottom right: a torn photo of Carl in a black sleeveless shirt, posing with his fingers in his mouth.] [A paragraph from the original page of the book has been left exposed and boxed off with black biro. It reads:] “The Boys in the Band was displaced by an immeasurably more powerful portrayal of homosexual groups, Fortune and Men's Eyes (1971). Set in a Quebec prison, this disturbing, factually based drama vividly recounted the corrupted of a heterosexual convict trapped in a tough, potentially vicious homosexual society. In one horrifying scene, a weak, put-upon prisoner is gang-banged by his fellow inmates; in another, the 'hero' is blackmailed by his cellmate into accepting him as his lover for the duration...”
Like a cat on a hot tin roof Like a macho man in a roomful of poofs I have tried in my way to be free.
[Written in Peter's handwriting] Jerome... is that how it's spelt? [Written in someone else's handwriting] Yes it is [Written in Peter's handwriting] Can I read you something? [Written in someone else's handwriting] Yes please.....
I insist, new book of Albion, befuddled by drugs I may yes about 2 but I do not miss out entirely on the subtleties of the inhuman relation ships that are this the mainstay of my stay here in one bounce of a loaf. Boys are fooled into fooling with boys. [...]
More general references/some extra explanations:
“The boy looked at Johnny” is a line from Patti Smith's song “Horses,” part one of a three-part song called “Land.” In the song, a young man named Johnny is assaulted by another man in a locker room; he then mentally journeys to other fantastical lands and visions. A lot of people interpret it as being about gay sex, although some people interpret it as being about a stabbing.
Peter quotes and references Jean Genet's writing and works about Jean Genet many times. While Genet's works are nearly all about crime and prison (one of Peter's main interests and points of fascination), all of his works are very explicitly gay. The Thief's Journal is more about Genet's various lovers than it is about his criminal history. Our Lady Of The Flowers is about a drag queen and her criminal lovers, and is also extremely erotic.
(“Jerome” is Jerome Alexandre, vocalist of The Deadcuts, who was friends with Peter and Mark Keds.)
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hazydaaze · 3 years
i just read your article about kate and jo and i dont think i couldve put it better myself. ive been thinking it through and honestly come to the conclusion that jed just..isn't that great at writing women (or just somehow forgot for this season bc lindsay denton and even roz huntley were compelling female characters). if you look at every single female character this season, they were all kind of criminally underdeveloped- chloe served as no more than a plot device, as did farida, patty c came in all guns blazing and then..did nothing, and even jo's storyline fizzled out after her interview. kinda seems to me looking back that he often starts semi-emotional plots for kate (which lets be honest has always just been the one note plotline about her husband and son) and then abandons them to focus on some irrelevant aspect of steve's life instead. she arguably had the most interesting emotional storyline this season with her connection to jo, but seems like steve's painkillers were more emotional to jed!
I read this comment aloud to my girlfriend last night and we had a long, really interesting conversation about Jed Mercurio's treatment of female characters :) :) thank you so much for your words!
You are SO right. Jed creates compelling female characters, yet fails to arrest them emotionally in any way, so they float and then eventually sink under another unnecessary and pointless storyline. This happens to basically all of the female characters you mentioned, in some way or another - they just fade into the background. So much wasted potential gone, so under-utilised.
Chloe was an actual WOLF. A pure leader of the pack and a diamond. She was so motivated, so clinical, she always hit the mark and delivered the goods. She could've soared. They brought up this Christopher Thompson case which could've tackled institutionalised racism, and it didn't go anywhere. What was the significance of showing the case, revealing the faces of those 5 white boy thugs, if they were going to drop it straight after? It would’ve been pretty special to see Chloe step up and lead the way on this case, being one of the few black women on the show. She stood in perfect contrast to Steve this season - when he was hitting ignore on his emails from occupational health and looking HAGGARD trying to chat up Steph in Merseyside, Chloe single-handedly cracked a ten-year long case. And yet Jed had the audacity to include a scene of Steve and Kate at the pub clinking their pints like, "well done mate." FOR WHAT? IT WAS ALL CHLOE. YOU DID NOTHING.
Without being too controversial I have always found Steve's character to be overwhelmingly one-dimensional. We never get to see his emotions, really. He is canonically boring. I don't care if he has a bad back - if that is the extent of his storyline (which it basically was) and it doesn't lead to a big reveal in the Fourth Man case, why should I care? The female characters are all like bright spitting fireworks in comparison to him. He needs those jazzy waistcoats to spice him up, and even that doesn't really work. (Sorry to Steve fans.)
I also 100% agree about Farida Jatri. She served as a plot storyline only and then dropped her pronto. It would've been interesting to hear what her thoughts were about getting set up by Jo. What's she going on to do next? What was she referring to when she said 'you don't know what she's capable of?' What about all the other women that work in AC-12?
For queer women particularly, Jed clearly doesn’t know what to do with them. The palpable queer dynamic between Kate and Jo could not have been handled any worse. Not only did he disregard their goodbye + any connection HE HIMSELF had embedded into their storyline in the finale, he also tainted Kate’s character by insinuating that she was capable of manipulating Jo when she was clearly emotionally and physically vulnerable (at risk of being killed), and she was constantly dealing with past trauma. We see Kate act this way with Gates in series 1, but it hits differently this time, given that Jo is the show’s first guest star who is a lesbian, the implications have far more wide reaching impact on our representation - it’s cruel and it was so unnecessary. Honestly what was the point?
The fact that hurts the most about all of this is no one from the Line of Duty cast and crew is talking about why they did this. They don't even realise how wrong it is?
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itspufflehuff · 4 years
According to Plan - Bucky Barnes Imagine
Summary: You like Bucky and Bucky likes you. So whats the problem? The answer should be nothing but when Bucky tried to ask you out for Valentine’s Day things dont always go according to plan.
Thank you so much @not-another-fangirl​ for putting a request in! I always have fun writing out the ideas you all give me so please if you ever have anymore send them my way! 
Happy Valentines Day everyone! I hope you all have an amazing and safe day with your friends, family, and/or partners! This is one of three imagines I will be posting today.
Word Count: 3,143
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There was no doubt you and Bucky liked each other. Everyone could see the way he looked at you and you looked at him.
Well everyone except you two.
The moment Bucky saw you he thought you were the most beautiful person he'd ever seen. Then when he saw you fight for the first time it was like Cupid struck him. You were strong, beautiful, smart, and independent. The perfect girl for him.
You read all about the Howling Commandos and Bucky Barnes when you were in school. You saw his pictures and wondered why a man like that couldn't live in your time. Then to your surprise, a man like that was living in your time and it wasn't just any man, but Bucky Barnes himself. When you first met him you played it cool but inside you were screaming with excitement because the man you crushed on from the history books was standing right in front of you.
However despite the lingering looks, the partnering up on missions, and the touched shoulders every time you sat next to each other neither of you could see just how much you liked each other.
This would be your first Valentine's Day as an Avenger. You and all the other single Avengers were planning on spending it together as a group. What Bucky really wanted was to spend it with you alone, but he was too unsure of himself to pluck up the courage to ask you. That was until Steve talked some sense into him, "What is wrong with you?"
Bucky looked at his best friend confused, "Excuse me?"
"There is a beautiful girl a few rooms down who is clearly into you like you're into her, yet you still don't ask her out?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Bucky stuttered.
"Oh come on!" Steve threw his arms in the air, "Everyone can see the way you look at each other. You're clearly smitten. You should as her out for Valentine's Day."
"You really think so?" Bucky asked unsurely.
"Yes. You need to ask her out before someone else does."
So he set his plan into motion. Valentine's Day is less than 24 hours away so he'll make the most of the time he's got to ask you to be his Valentine and set up a date.
No pressure.
First up on his checklist: ask you out. As the day went on it turned out to be easier said than done. His first attempt was to send you some chocolates with a note attached. He walked to the nearest store selling boxes of chocolates and picked the biggest of the bunch. When he got back to his room he found some nice parchment paper in one of his drawers, ripped a piece off, and wrote, "Will you be my Valentine? -B" Using one of Tony's robotic helping hands he sent the chocolates to your room. He told the machine to come back to him once it was delivered so he could walk in and ask for your answer.
However, things did not go according to plan. Somehow there was some miscommunication and the chocolates got sent to Natasha's room. Upon reading the letter she assumed the 'B' stood for Bruce. Natasha happily visited him in his lab agreeing to go out with him. Bruce was very confused but decided not to ask questions, whatever happened got him a date so he didn't care!
"I hate technology," Bucky whispered to himself when he saw Natasha eating some of the chocolates on the common room couch.
His second attempt was to buy you flowers and ask you face to face, seeing as how that was the only trustworthy way to get it done. He put on his nicest shirt, making sure to save his fancy outfit for the big day, and went to the florist that happened to be a few streets away. He wasn't sure why but he was not expecting it to be so busy when he got there. Workers were running around to get orders, loading flowers into the back of trucks, and people were trying to cut in the line.
Bucky was ready to walk right out of there but then he thought about you. He sucked in a breath preparing for the chaos inside. The further he walked into the shop he saw the abundance of roses seemingly covering the whole shop. He didn't want to give you the same bouquet every other girl would be getting for Valentine's Day. You weren't like every other girl to him, you were special so he wanted to give you special flowers. The bouquet he picked out for you was yellow poppies with pink coral bells mixed in. He felt so proud of himself and was ready to ask you out.
Confidently Bucky walked back to the tower and straight to your door. He knocked three times and waited as he held the bouquet in his hands and swayed back and forth on his feet.  
When you opened the door you weren't expecting to see Bucky. The only time he went to your room was when he walked you back after training. "Bucky, hi." You smiled at him. Although you weren't expecting him you were glad to see him.
"Y/N, hi. Um, I got brought you some flowers." He said holding them out to you shyly. The moment he saw you all of his confidence flew out the window.
You were so distracted with being happy to see Bucky and excited that he brought you flowers you didn't pay attention to what kind of flowers he brought you. The only thing you noticed was they were yellow and pink. You took them flowers from him smiling as you felt your cheeks heat up, "Thank you Bucky you're so sweet."
"I was also hoping to ask you something."
"Yeah, sure. What is it?" You leaned against the frame of your door as you held the flowers close to you.
He was starting to get nervous and stumbled over his words, "Well you know tomorrow is Valentine's Day, so I was thinking, well hoping actually that maybe-" He didn't get to finish his sentence. When he looked up at you he noticed red blotches on your hands and neck that were definitely not there before. "Are you ok Y/N?" He looked to you concerned.
You were confused about what just happened, "Of course why?" You furrowed your eyebrows and tilted your head.
He took your hand and laid your palm flat against his, "Look."
Still confused you looked down at your hands finally seeing the rashes. You gasped as your eyes quickly turned to the flowers. "Poppies."
"Please don't tell me you're allergic?" He pleaded.
"Not deathly, I just break out into hives."
He took the flowers from you not wanting to cause any more damage, "I'm so sorry Y/N I didn't know."
"It's ok Bucky, really. But if you don't mind I'm going to shower and put some cream on to get rid of this." You rushed back into your room closing the door.
Disappointed, Bucky walked back to his room setting the flowers down on his desk. He threw himself into bed with a sigh trying to come up with attempt number three.
What would the old Bucky do? He thought himself.
He would just walk up to the girl, flash her a charming smile, and ask her. The old Bucky had no problem with the ladies and he radiated confidence. That's all he needed to do. Be confident. Ask her out. He spent about half an hour building his confidence and hyping himself up. When he was ready he held his head high and walked to his door.
As soon as he opened it he saw you standing there. Your hair was damp and the rashes were fading. You had your hand up ready to knock on the door instead, you were face to face with his chest. You lowered your hand, took a step back, and looked up at him, "Hi, again. I thought I'd stop by so we could finish that conversation we were having before." You smiled sweetly at him.
He chuckled, "Once again I am so sorry. But um," He felt himself growing nervous again so he took a breath in. Confidence. "Tomorrow is valentines day and I would love to take you out as my Valentine."
"Yes. You can pick me up at 7:00." You smiled then turned to walk away. As soon as you got back to your room you jumped in excitement as you silently squealed.
That night Bucky called around trying to make last-minute reservations until he finally found a restaurant with open tables at 7:00.
After such a stressful day Bucky needed to let off steam so he headed down to the gym. He didn't even realize how fast time went until two and a half hours later the sun was gone and he was sweating profusely.
He got back to his room and went straight for the bathroom to wash off the days' troubles. As he was getting dressed he looked over to his desk seeing the flowers he got you were gone. He just shrugged it off assuming one of Tony's robots threw it away. He spent the rest of his night planning for the next day and set out his outfit.
He tossed and turned all night too excited to finally be able to take you out.
Seven o clock came sooner than expected the next day. Bucky was dressed in his finest clothes, a white button-down long sleeve, a black vest, and black dress pants. Very 1940s fashion.
You wanted to surprise Bucky by wearing something similar to what would be worn in the '40s. You put on an army green dress that was belted around the waist and had a collar at the top. You paired that with tights, or pantyhose as some may call it, and t-strap heels.  You slept with curlers in your hair to get the authentic 1940's curl women had back then. You lightly brushed them out and pinned your hair to the sides.
When Bucky saw you he felt like his breath was taken away. In a way seeing you dressed like that made him feel like he was back in the old days. He was James 'Bucky' Barnes the man who loved to goof off with his best friend and live his life to the fullest, no Bucky who had a dark past and a metal arm to show for it.
He held his arm up for you to take, "Shall we?"
You smiled sweetly at him quickly putting a coat on before lacing your arm with his, "We shall."
Steve let Bucky borrow his motorcycle for the night seeing as how Bucky needed it more than him. Bucky was ready to have a romantic evening with you, that was until you got to the restaurant.
"I'm sorry sir but there is no reservation for a James Barnes." The hostess said.
"Are you sure? I called yesterday, Sydney helped me over the phone."
"Sydney? I'm sorry we don't have a Sydney here. If you don't mind me asking what number did you call? I may be able to help you find the right restaurant."
He pulled his phone out, reading the number back to her. She held back a smile as she spoke, "I am sorry sir, that is a California area code."
Bucky felt his neck heat up and his heart drop. Why can't anything go right? He thought for sure the night was ruined and he would have to find somewhere else to take you or just take you back home.
"Damn, I really hate technology," Bucky said to himself. You stood behind him trying to hold in a laugh at how adorable he looked. You knew he was already embarrassed, you didn't want to make it worse by laughing at him. Instead, you put a hand on Bucky's shoulder feeling the cool metal through his shirt. You moved your hand up to his skin so he could feel you behind him. He turned his head as you stepped forward to speak to the hostess. You leaned close to her so Bucky wouldn't hear you, "I'm not sure if you know but my boyfriend here is a man out of his time." You both giggled, "And clearly has not gotten used to the internet. Is there any way we can take out food instead of dining in?"
You pulled away with your eyebrows raised in question. She thought for a second before she smiled, "I'll see what I can do for you." With a quick wink, she walked into the restaurant.
Bucky wouldn't tell you this but your attempt at whispering failed as he could still hear what you said. He felt his heart flutter when you said 'boyfriend'. When the hostess left he acted like he didn't know what was happening,  "Where did she go?"
"Oh, she just had to grab something from inside." You acted casual.
She came back out about ten minutes later with two bags full of takeout containers, "For the lovely couple."
"Thank you so much!" You smiled at her as Bucky took the food. You were so glad you stashed some cash into the belt of your dress. Taking it out you tried to hand it to her but she waved her hands at you shaking her head. "Don't worry about it. Anything for our favorite heroes."
Thanking her again you and Bucky made your way back to the motorcycle. "Where are we going to eat this?" Bucky laughed.
"In my room duh." You said as if it were obvious.
"How will we take it? Were on a motorcycle."
In response, you opened up the seat of the bike pulling out the folded backpack. "How?" Was all Bucky managed to say.
"Steve always keeps a backpack in here. We just put the food in and I'll wear it."
When you got back to the Avengers tower you and Bucky walked in laughing. You still had the backpack full of food on as you both made your way to the kitchen to grab some plates and utensils.
"What're you two doing back so early?" Steve called out.
"Change in plans we're having a picnic in my room!" You called back.
Bucky held onto the plates with one hand and put the other on your lower back as he walked you to your room.
You walked in feeling giddy about having a picnic. You grabbed an extra blanket from your closet and set it out on the floor. As you did that Bucky looked around your room. His eyes landed on a clear block that stood on your bookshelf. What caught his attention about it was that inside the block looked to be the flowers he gave you yesterday. "Y/N? What's that?" He pointed to it.
Following his fingers, you stopped throwing pillows on the floor and blushed, "Oh. It's the flowers from yesterday. I figured you went through the trouble to get them and they're so beautiful I didn't want them to go to waste. I had Steve get them from your room and I poured resin all over them. This way I can have them and not break out in hives."
His heart warmed. He was glad you liked the flowers so much to keep them preserved in resin.
You sat on the floor first then Bucky followed a bit hesitant.
"I’m sorry, nothing has quite gone according to plan for me. I doubt you've ever had to save your past dates like you did tonight." Bucky joked.
"No," you laughed shaking your head, "but I never cared much for those dates like I do this one."
You started opening up the food containers, setting them up around the both of you to serve yourselves.
"Whoa, it looks like they gave us the house special," Bucky said impressed.
"Anything for their favorite heroes." You quoted the hostess with a playful smile.
"I'm no hero." Bucky shook his head looking down.
"You are to me." He looked up at you with surprise. Ever since he escaped Hydra he wasn't able to see himself as the nice charming man he was before. He liked hearing you call him a hero, even if he didn't believe it.
"So, why did you join S.H.I.E.L.D? Well up until they fell and you became an Avenger." Bucky asked curiously as he started eating.
You let out a small laugh, "Um, well it was actually because of you and Steve."
He tilted his head, "Huh?"
"My parents loved Captain America and his Howling Commandos. I grew up hearing about your heroism, and we learned about it in school too. You guys weren't just about fighting for your country. You were about fighting for people everywhere and doing what's right. Then I read about Agent Peggy Carter. She was the only woman there throughout it all. I wanted to be like all of you. I worked my way up into S.H.I.E.L.D and worked hard alongside Natasha."
"Incredible. You know we would've loved to have you in the Howling Commandos."
"Really?" You said a bit too excited. Bucky noticed this and chuckled, "Yes! You're a great fighter. You have so much heart, passion, and ambition. You probably would've kicked all our asses."
"You're just saying that." You laughed.
"No, I mean it!"
The both of you finished your meal with lots of talking and laughing in between. It was the best date you'd ever been on, even if it took a while to get there. By the end of the night, you were both sitting with your backs against the foot of your bed. Halfway through diner, you put on some jazz music to fill the air as you two talked and it was still playing as you two sat there soaking up the sound. You were so close your shoulders were touching. There was a pillow laying on your lap, on top of that you rested your hands. Your eyes were closed and your head was facing the ceiling. Bucky looked over at you and smiled at how peaceful you looked. He looked down at your hands. You were sitting to the left of him, the side where his metal arm was.  He wanted to hold your hand but was nervous. After debating about it in his mind he reached out and grabbed your hand. You didn't flinch, instead, you interlocked your fingers with his cold ones and smiled still with your eyes closed. Even though he couldn't feel your hand on his he smiled too.
You both sat there for a while hand in hand, eyes closed, enjoying the music and each other's presence. You were the one who finally broke the silence.
"Just kiss me already."
And so he did.
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Emp-ire “At Gunpoint.”
Sorry for posting so late. I wrote this yesterday, but have been kind of absentminded lately. I hope you enoy.
Adam woke up with a numb arm and a groan. He rolled onto his side, hearing the clatter of glass as he did, sitting up and slamming his head hard against the table above. He cursed, rubbing his head as he crawled out from under the table and stumbling to his feet. Quiet snoring over by the bar alerted him to another human’s presence and found Ramirez sprawled on top of the bar itself using a boot for a pillow. He looked up to find the bartender smirking at him from behind the bar.
He smiled rather sheepishly boots clattering over the floor as he walked over and unceremoniously turfed Ramirez onto the floor.
The other man yelped in surprise and flailed about for a second before looking up, “Adam!”
Adam looked around the room trying to find his hat, and surprisingly, found it sitting on top of a mounted ram’s head on the wall. He walked over and picked it up, placing it back on his head as Ramirez wobbled to his feet.
“You boys enjoy your night.”
Ramirez squinted at the light leaving in through the window, “That was…. One eventful night, drinking, debauchery and catching outlaws.” He slapped Adam on the shoulder, “What a good time.” A ‘small’ smile crossed Adam’s face, “Leave it to us to manage not to have a normal evening. Now come on, let's go find some horses.”
They found their houses in the stables just outside of town. The place was enough of a tourist trap that it was likely the horses were available to rent. He doubted they would just be allowing anyone to take one for a joyride though and stepped into the stable first with Ramirez walking behind him.
“Smells like horse in here.” Ramirez muttered
“Stop being such a Diva.” Adam said walking forward to where a farm hand was carting away a wheelbarrow of waste and the stable manager was standing patting one of the horses.
The smell of horses and fresh hay wafted over him and he had a sudden flash of his childhood.
His father’s voice echoing in his head.
“That’s it, not too tight on the reins, Adam. There you go.”
He shook himself and walked up to the man who turned, “Mornin’ the man greeted touching the brim of his hat, “What can I do for you.”
Adam motioned a finger at himself and Ramirez, “We were hoping to rent some horses,”
The man looked them up and don skeptically, “Do you boys know how to handle and take care of a horse?”
“I do, my friend there doesn’t… so he'd need something…. Gentle perhaps something you use to teach children.” 
Ramirez frowned, Adam smirked at him.
“Well guess we will have to see. I don’t just rent out my horses to anyone you know. Have to prove you can take care of them and treat em nice before i allow that.”
Adam nodded, “i’d question you a bit if you didn’t have that policy.”
“Well  I can suggest a few.” He turned to walk down the line, “For your friend there, he might want to take Buttercup, she's a sweet old girl, still has some spirit left in her but she's gentle and sure footed out of all the animals I had ever known. How about you sir, what’s your experience.” 
Adam shrugged, “Dad taught me to ride when I was a kid. I can gallup and stay on at a jump, know how to groom and take care of one, but I admit it's been a few years.”
The man nodded slowly and thoughtfully before walking to the end of the stable and patting a stall door, “This is Maroz, she’s a bit stubborn, but I think a man like you might be able to handle her.”
Adam walked over with Ramirez at his back to look at the horse, Stunning, white like a pearl, with thick legs but a long mane managing to look elegant and imperious at the same time.
“Wow, she's gorgeous.”
“Well go on, let her get a sniff at you.”
Adam walked up to the gate offering her the back of his hand fingers slightly curled inward, in an almost fist. She stuck her head forward sniffing at his hand, hot air blowing in great gusts over his skin.
After a moment she snorted and nosed at his hand allowing him to gently pat her along the velvety skin of her muzzle.
“Well hello gorgeous.” He said.
She tossed her head a bit.
The man nodded pleased and opened the gate, allowing Adam o take the rins and walk her onto the floor.
“A firm hand, thats good, a lot of people arent firm, but you have to be. You have to let them know you are in charge. It gives them a sense of security.”
He led Ramirez over to another stall where a silver horse stood tossing her head. She stopped as he approached and sniffed at him.”
He looked a bit nervous, “They are a lot bigger up close.”
Adam smirked, “Oh come on, they’re sweet.” he patted Maroz’s side and the horse tossed her head.
Adam left Ramirez with the stable owner for a moment as he went over to put a saddle on the white house throwing the leather over her back and tightening the girth-strap before adjusting the stirrups. 
The stable owner walked over to check his work and seemed pleased.
Go ahead and hop on take her for a ride around while I get your friend saddled up, and show him a few of the basics.
Adam nodded, throwing his foot up into the stirrup and then hauling his other leg over the back of the horse. She shuffled a bit, but once he had himself situated things started to become more familiar and he gently tapped the rains urging her forward into a slow walk.
Ramirez was still eying the horse like it was going to eat him, which made Adam smile a bit.
He walked her outside and urged her into a light trot ad then into a canter around th stables, his hips moving with her as her body rolled under him.
He lifted his face to the open air.
He had forgotten how much he enjoyed this.
Once that was done, he urged her into a gallup and she responded to him thundering over the desert ground sending up clouds of dust after the. He whooped in glee, leaning low over her neck before turning her around and pulling her to a stop before the doors of the barn.
Ramirez was there strategically trying to figure out how to haul himself into the saddle. He tried once, overbalanced and fell backward into the dirt in a puff of dust. The horse whinnied like it was laughing at him. Adam laughed, “Guess ice dancing doesn't exactly translate into horseback riding eh?”
“Shut up Adam, By the end of today this beast will be my bitch.”
Adam leaned against the pommel of the sadel with some skepticism. Ramirez tried again and ended up hopping away off balance.
He patted Maroz’s neck, “See girl, I did that and I only have one leg.”
“An ENHANCED prosthetic if I may remind you.” Ramirez said. The silver horse sat there with no end to her patient nature.”
Ramirez finally managed to haul himself into the saddle, and from there wasn’t too bad. He had a good sense of balance even at a trot and got the hang of it pretty quickly, walking and even trotting slowly around the small paddock.
The stable master urged Adam t jump the horse a few times, and he managed a few low fences before chickening out at something bigger and pulling the horse to a stop.
The man tapped his chin lightly, “Alright, I suppose you’re capable enough. I’m still gonna give you some instruction before you head out.”
Adam took the instruction very seriously, forcing Ramirez to sit down and listen as well. What they were about to do wasn’t going to be a picnic and they wanted to be as safe as possible while they did it.
After a while they had their extra clothing and bedrolls rolled up and packed on the horses.
They purchased a map and a compass and were waved off into the open country at a slow walk with the sun high overhead.
Adam held the reins gently in one hand, fist resting against his thigh.
“Showoff.” Ramirez mumbled almost white knuckling the reins off to his side.
“I can’t believe you are from Texas and don’t know how to ride a horse.”
“An ice skater from texas, a sexy almost Olympian from the city.”
Adam snorted and laughed, “You asked for this trip, you asked for this to happen.”
“I wanted us to dress up and go drinking, I didn’t think you were going to drag me out into the desert to go live on the land and…. I dont know skin alien rabbits or some shit.”
“We brought food quit being dramatic.”
Ramirez looked up at the sky, “Forgot my harmonica, guess I’m going to have to start singing.”
“Sing what?”
“I don’t know, country songs and shit.”
“What country songs do you know?”
He shrugged, “Plenty.”
“Like what.”
“There Is the, I love my truck song.”
Adam and the hose snorted at the same time.
“There is the, I lost my wife song, the I like drinking song, the I love country dirt song,and the I love lovin women in corn fields song.”
Adam choked and started to laugh, the sun beating down on them, “I would LOVE to hear your rendition of the love lovin a woman in a corn field song. And yes that is a challenge.”
Ramirez reached up to stroke his chin just a bit, “Hold on, gotta remember the lyrics.”
Adam waited grinning as his friends tared intently at the saddle before him.
“I….. Ah ha um…. Driving my girl down to the field…..er.”
“Go on…..” Adam reached down for his canteen and took a sip
“Getting all ready to uh…. Plow her field.”
He regretted pretty quickly taking that drink as sudden laughter caused him to spurt water out his nose like a broken faucet. He choked and gagged and gasped for air, howling with laughter to the point he was bent double on his horse silently shaking ad slapping his leg repeatedly with murth.
When he could finally speak he sat up and gasped, “You dumbass rymed field with field. You could have at least used yield or wield or healed or kneeled. Heavens above, now I KNOW why you’re a marine.”
Ramirez flipped him the bird, and Adam urged them into a light canter over the dirt. He kept an eye on the horses, making sure not to tire them out too much though he doubted the pase at which they were riding would actually have any adverse affect on them. He doubted Ramirez would be able to handle a full gallop any time soon but was happy to feel the wind rushing against his face and neck.
The air smelled alien, as alien planets tend to smell. It was hard to describe it, almost metallic, like he could taste it, and as the sun set the sky overhead grew purple. They said there was a higher concentration of oxygen on this planet which is what made the usually red to orange sunsets on a place like earth purple on a palace like this. It was pretty in a very strange way, casting an eerie light over the orange red desert as if they had been thrown into some strange space cowboy fantasy, which he supposed they had.
As soon as the sun met the horizon, Adam ordered them to a stop below one of the rock formations against the leeward side and set up camp. There was a pamphlet in the saddle bags that discussed local flora and fauna of the area, what was safe to burn, and what was safe to eat.
They had more than enough food to last them on their trip out to one of the settlements, so they didn’t worry about that as they sat down by the fire watching as the sun cast bright orange streaks of light access a purple sunset. 
Adam leaned back against his saddle watching the horses as they grazed quietly off to the side on strange bluish rock grass that was apparently pretty good for horses.
“Not half bad.” Adam muttered, taking a swig from his canteen.
Ramirez only grunted from where he leaned against his saddle using it as some sort of pillow with his hat drawn low over his eyes.
Adam reached a hand down to his belt, fingers brushing over the stolen knife.
What was he doing?
He had never stolen anything, not in his entire life.
Not even when the person desperately needed to be stolen from. He glanced down at the knife again. What had come over him in that moment? Were his thoughts of Sunny really so profound that he would think about becoming a thief just to impress her.
Was it…. Was it perhaps this whole atmosphere that made him so likely to steal.
The wild west, the final frontier, a place where the rules were fast and loose and finders meant keepers.
Off to his side Ramirez was breathing deeply probably asleep after a long day of riding.
Adam felt that, his legs hurt somewhat, and so he stretched them out, leaning back against the rock.
At least they didn’t have to worry about rattlesnakes or spiders. The biggest issue here were these sort of one eyed looking lizard things that had little spines on their skin that could cause a mild rash on people, though that was only on the people who happened to be allergic to them.
He closed his eyes trying not to think too much and certainly trying not to think of Sunny.
Wherever she was.
Likely alone.
Likely still mad at him.
He cursed himself for ruining their friendship which had taken so long to build. What they had come from before just go go back to square one so many years later. He took a deep breath and tried not to think, just tried to let himself sleep.
He woke to the disturbed nickering of the horses.
Anda cold gun barrel pressed to the back of his head.
He jolted upright reaching for his gun, but the barre pressed harder against the back of his skull, “I wouldn’t try that if i were you, Partner.” the words came out spitting and derisive, and Adam held his hands slowly in the air blinking against the light of their little campfire.
On the other side of the circle he could see another dark figure standing behind Ramirez's gun pointed at his head in a similar fashion to Adam.
Ramirez looked almost as groggy as he felt, and chanced a look at him across the fire.
“Don’t you boys even THINK about trying anything.”
Adam kept his hands where they were his voice calm, “I am sure….. This is all just some sort of misunderstanding.”
He winced as the gun barrel pressed harder against the back of his head.
“No misunderstanding about it ‘friend’ you’re being robbed, so you are going to sit there and shut up.”
“Go ahead, I’m not stopping you.” Adam said his hands surprisingly steady”
He watched as the men rifled through their things pulling out food ad ammunition only to shove them into their bags and keep rooting through.
One of them went rifling through Adam’s pockets and gumbelt while they had them sat on the rocks, Pulling out his handgun and the knife which had already been stolen. 
“Are we done now?” Adam asked probably not intending to have such an acerbic mouth, but finding the annoyance biting to the front of his thoughts against his will. And were out before he could stop them.
“Get insolent would you.”
A sharp pain exploded on the side of his head, and he went sprawling to the dirt, his hat rolling off towards the fire.
He groaned and crawled to his hands and knees spitting dirt and blood onto the ground.
Someone knelt in front of him, gripping his chin aggressively and forcing his head back to look up at them, “I-”The man paused and then frowned, “Do i know you…. You look familiar.”
Adam jerked his head away, “Guess I just got one of those faces.”
“No, no I know you from somewhere.”
Adam sighed, this was all playing out like some poorly written trope, and if he knew where this was going ---which he thought he did-- than it wasn’t going to end well.
“You been drinkin again Davis.”
“No I swear, take a look at him.”
There was a shuffling around the fire and Adam’s head was forced back again by a handful of hair as the group leader clomped over the dirt,spurs jangling as he did, coming to crouch before Adam with a contemplative expression. Unlike their encounter with the outlaw last night, this man was…. Well he was a lot more put together. He was clean shaven with a well tanned complexion and a velvety black hat only slightly coated by dust. He wore a red vest over a black shirt, and all the silver buckles that held him together shone in the darkness of the fire.
He scrutinized Adam for a very long time before.
“Well slap my ass and call me Nancy, if it isn’t Admiral Vir of the UNSC.” he spit into the dirt and the rest of the men around the fire moved in to circle around him.
Adam sighed, he knew he had been had.
“Figure that out all on your own '' He wondered staring the man in the face with barely concealed contempt.
Across the fire Ramirez was staring at him with a ‘what the fuck do you think you are doing.” Sort of expression.
The man laughed mirthlessly, “You’ve got a tongue on you, Admiral.” He glanced over at Ramirez, “And who is this, faithful dog or your lover.”
Adam sneered, “I could ask the same thing about you and all your….friends.”: He glanced around the campfire  at the group of armed men.
What the fuck was he doing/?
“You’re funny Admiral,” h looked around, “isn’t he funny boys.”
Around the fire, the group of men laughed with cold derision.
Their leader crouched down, and patted Adam slowly on the shoulder, “I am Happy to see you Admiral, very happy to see you.  I’m a big fan, loved your movie, though learning that you were in support of those alien fuckers put me off a bit, I have to admit.” He placed the barrel of his gun below Adam’s chin and tilted his head back slightly. “Almost didn’t recognize you without the eyepatch.” He tapped the side of Adam’s head with the gun barrel, “Freaky that thing is, referring to Adam’s eye.
Adam snered, “Then you’ll really find this freaky.” 
With a sharp whirr, the steel eye prosthetic jolted to life and flashed upward with a ferrel hiss. No one had time to react before the sharp thud of metal on flesh as his metallic shin drove itself hard into the fork of the man’s legs.
He achieved the desired effect as the man crumbled like a wet piece of tissue gagging and choking into the fetal position.
Adam was grabbed by the shoulders and pinned bodily to the ground, more than five weapons pointed at his face.
Just ahead the bandit leader lay on the ground mewling and gagging every so often.
It took him a good fifteen minutes to recover and when he finally staggered to his feet Adam more than expected to be shot. In a blur of motion the man pulled his gun and pointed it at Adam’s head a grimace still plastered over his face. His hand trembled with what must have been rage but he eventually lowered his weapon, “If you weren’t so valuable, I would shoot you where you stand.”
He glanced over at Ramirez awith a thoughtful expression, “Try anything like that again, and I kill your friend.”
That mande Adam Freeze, and he glanced over at Ramirez with wide eyes,
The man snarled, “Thought that would get your attention, but still…. I owe you.”
Adam probably should have seen the boot coming, but he only registered it at the last moment before blacking out completely.
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