#so hes a lil less giddy bout that but he is still going to be happy just give him like-- a week or so
aria0fgold · 4 months
caiowe propaganda be upon you!
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You would think that Cain would be leaning more on the "Telling anyone who will listen about their partner" metre, but no, it'd be Owen. They aren't even an established thing in canon but once you've read enough stories with him, he just brings up Cain every chance he can get.
Also this is what I wrote on, What are their good traits?
"It's hard to explain so just have this: Owen “Because, O Dashing Knight, I want to hollow you out. I want to lash you with my words— exhaust you— leave you slick with sweat against your body, so pale you look no different than a spectre, unable to move.” and Cain “Come battle, I would become your shield and I would die for you” Knightley." (both lines are from the magazine story!)
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vince-linder · 7 months
Something bout relationships
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Oh no, they are fighting. But they should be all happy, giddy husbands, right? Nah. No marriage or relationship is ever just happy. And this one isnt an exception at all. But dw, they still love eo. Lil writing wip towards the pic under the cut <3
"Johnny?" Vin set down his cup and stood up from the desk, just to sit down back next to his partner. "Mmh?", he looked up from his guitar to his husband, his brows furrowed in a questioning manner. Johnny was trying to finish this song, and usually Vince wouldnt interrupt him with not important stuff at times like this. Vince scooted a bit closer, hesistating to directly spit out what he was thinking for a while and needed to adress badly. "You know, we are kinda in a poly-ship with Ker and Vel, right?" A screeching sound from the guitar strings was the only sound for a moment between them. "What-" Vince took a deep breath and looked at his husband, playing around with the ring on his hand. A small smile formed on his lips as all the memories flooded him. "Come on Johnny. I dont mean it in any negative way, but-" "No. No fucking but. We are not in ANY relationship with them. At all.", Johnny stared at him angrily, like he just took the biggest punch in the guts.
After a moment of silence, Johnny stood up and paced through the living room. And Vince fully well knew to just let him ponder for a few minutes, give him room to let out all the anger and negative emotions. Still watching Johnnys ever step, seeing him attempt to say something a few times, just to close his mouth again before speaking. Finally he stopped in his movement and looked at Vince, less angry and more confused now, but still so full of energy. Vince almost smirked, but he knew to well that it would only enrage Johnny right now, but good god, was he cute like that.
"What do you mean with that even?", finally Johnny found his words, even in a kinda calm and collected manner. "Well. We spend much time together, either staying at our Mansion, or Kers. We slept together in one bed quite a few times. We have very casually Sex between the four of us. We go on Dates together, all four of us, just me and Vel or you and Ker. This feels quite a bit like dating-light, dont you think?" Vince watched him again, but this time dont gave him the room to say something against it, but stood up and placed his hands on Johnnys hips. He could feel the slight reaction, the minimal shock of Johnny, but he would not jump away form his husband. Not anymore. "I know you try to make us all believe that you dont like Vel-" "I do not like him, that is no make believe." "Mhm. Sure. Thats why the two of you cuddle together on the couch with Nibbles, watching goofy sitcoms? Or that the reason why you want him on your lap when nobody else is around? Or maybe-" "Stop it Vin! I am not into him, and I do not like him!", the anger was boiling in the rockerboy and now he pushed Vince from himself to start once more to pace through the room. "I am only doing this for your and Kers sake. Not for this homeless idiot. He is taking advantage of both of you, nothing more, nothing less." "No. Come on Johnny, you dont mean that." "I fully mean that V! How can you be so blind? He searched a sugardaddy and found two! Congrats."
"Johnny-", a sigh left Vince as he tried to calm his husband down again, carefully placing his hands without much pressure on Johnnys forearms. Johnny stopped and stared at Vince, the anger boiling in his gaze, his muscles twitching from the deep overstimulating emotions. "I know this is a tricky topic for you, and I know you still have your very personal problems with your sexuality besides everything me, but please. I know you dont mean it like this, J. It is a weird situation, I know that. I never thought that anything alike would happen, especially after all we been through. After all we tested with Ker and Billy. But things change, and I -" "Nothing changed on that part." Johnny crossed his arms and was fully pouting "Sure I enjoy the sex with Ker, he's a good lover. But thats all." "Mhm. Sure.", Vince shook his head amused by Johnnys antics "Thats why its always Vel on your cock, because you love Ker that much."
Anger, hatred, a nervous twitching that almost looked like he holded back to just punch him straight, all that played in Johnnys face and body for a few seconds, staring at Vince for this comment and his attitude. "That-that isn't true. Yall just cannot get enough of my cock, thats it."
Vince rolled his eyes, but he was used to Johnnys defensive stance towards anything about his sexuality. Of course, Johnny Silverhand wasnt gay or even bi. He was just slightly into one man, and that only because they shared a brain. Nothing more. He would never enjoy anything else. Vin let go of Johnnys arms and turned, heading to the window and staring outside for a moment. As always, the city was loud and agressive. Just like their situation right now, maybe it was again time for a trip through the badlands to detox from it all.
"V-", his voice was almost apoleptic, somewhat deeply hurt. This man was full of trauma he would never truely be done with. But Vin didnt turned. He didnt wanted it to be such a big fight to get Johnny to even admit he may enjoyed being around Vel and Ker much lately. But he should have seen it coming. The last time they tried something kinda poly, it escalated even quicker, and much more violently. He leaned his forehead against the window, the glass cooling his mind. "What do you wanna hear from me, Johnny? All I said is true. We both know this. But you are still not able to be true to yourself. You are still trying-" he stopped in his words as he felt Johnnys arms wrapping around him, and the head of the rockerboy being on his shoulder. "I know.", was all Johnny said before he just silently cuddled with Vince. Vince closed his eyes for a moment and leaned against the frame of his rockerboy husband, a silent laugh escaping him "You know, that you are an idiot?" "Mmh. And you are a dumbass. Thats why we fit together so well." Vince turned in his embrace, facing him with a cheeky grin. "So you really not gonna admit that you like Vel?" "Never gonna happen." "Cause you know, you gonna be alone here with him next weekend, right?" Johnny looked confused at him, trying to get why that should be the case. "He's not with Kerry?" "Nah. Kerry gonna be on this little Promo Party, in Pacifica. And I am on a big gig. Kids spending the weekend at Mamá Welles.", Vince smile grew, as he saw the realization in Johnnys face bloom. "So its just me and Vel." "Mhm" "I not gonna survive this."
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newsie-collective · 1 year
Lesley Jacobs 🥰
Another two parter! I love this lil guy!! He's such a skrunkly lil man
Quickfire Favorites
Food: “Taffy! I love taffy! ‘Speshully the salt ones!”
Color: “Green! No blue! !!!!! A mix o’ green an’ blue!!!”
Season: “Root beer!” after a confused look “We learned ‘bout Sassafras in school! And how it’s a season that gets turned to root beer!” more confused staring “You meant season like… like spring an’ summer, din’cha?”
Weather: “I like when it’s rainin’! Then we get to hang out with Cowboy at Miss Medda’s! We get to see him paintin’!”
Hobby: “Sword fightin’! I’s gettin’ real good! You wanna see?”
Animal: “Pigeons! They real smart! They can find their way from a hundred miles away!”
Memory: “Meetin’ Miss Medda! Cowboy brought us to her theater an’ we got to see the Bowery Beauties an’ see Miss Medda perform for the first time!”
Comfort Item: “My sword! It keeps me safe when I’s hawkin’!”
His birth name was Lior, but his parents Americanized it when they settled. 
They hadn’t lived in another country, they’d lived in a different state that was far more forgiving toward the Jewish community
Les doesn’t know where exactly his family lived before, he was born right before they moved, so he doesn’t remember it
He also doesn’t have room in his brain for things he doesn’t think is interesting
So he couldn’t tell you what city or state
He knows it was further inland than New York
Is very excited to live near the ocean
Is also filled with giddy terror at the thought of going anywhere near the ocean
Lior (changed to Lesley, and later shortened to Les) Miron Jacobs 
He’s baby
There’s not much else to say 😌
But I will anyway
Les Jacobs had a pretty good childhood. He was the youngest of three siblings, and was the baby of the family. He was doted on for most of his younger years. 
His family shielded and protected him from discrimination. They would take the brunt of any snide remarks sent their way, leaving Les oblivious to others’ hatred. For a while. 
With Davey as his big brother and Sarah as his big sister, he grew up with mega big brains. School, for the most part, came easy to him. He would tell his siblings what they were going to learn that week, and they’d show him how to do it. 
He got in trouble a lot for talking and fidgeting during class
It only got worse after the strike. 
Because he’d been out of school for so long he didn’t really remember how to sit still
Definitely has Gifted Kid Syndrome when he gets older. He tries so hard when he’s young, but after the strike and being around the newsies, school was kind of… boring. 
He cared less and less about schoolwork and more and more about hawking and being around the newsies. He wanted to learn less about school subjects and more about life.
Anything he wasn’t good at, he didn’t want to do. He wanted to be good at the things he did as soon as he tried them (Like hawking papes)
Les is neurodivergent 
I know everyone usually says ADHD, or something similar
But hear me out
Hyperlexia. More specifically Hyperlexia II.
There wasn’t a name for it back then, I think the name only came about less than a hundred years ago. 
Hyperlexia II occurs in children with autism. They are captivated by letters and words and numbers. 
He’s very good with dates, and loves learning new things. He loves spending time with Elmer and Davey. They can teach him math and reading, new words, new ways to see the world.
On that note, I believe Les has autism
Definitely has echolalia. He can and will repeat the phrases spoken by the people nearby. It happens most often with the newsies, which has gotten him into far more trouble than anything else
Says fuck at least once a day, just echoing Crutchie the newsies
Once they get settled back into a routine with the newsies, he refuses to let anything come between him and that routine (including, but not limited to: his mom finding out that the newsies smoked around him, Jack and Davey’s first and only fight, him asking his dad to teach him how to play poker so he could play the next time the newsies play)
Their routine, for anyone who was curious:
Davey wakes up with the first light of day. Les wakes as soon as his brother stirs
They both get up, and get ready. Socks first. Les can’t stand the feeling of the floor on his bare feet. He dresses up from there. Pants, shirt, suspenders, hat. 
Mama calls them for breakfast as soon as the sunlight touches the roof of the next building.
After breakfast, during the school year, they go to school, and during the summer they go to the Lodge.
Their shoes stay by the door. That’s the last thing he puts on before they leave. 
He stays out hawking for the same amount of time that he would’ve been in school
Afterward, they go to the theater to see Miss Medda.
Then, back to the Lodge to hang out with the newsies for a bit
The newsies fight over who gets to give him a piggyback ride
He picked Jack every time
Until he found out that Albert and Finch would run with him on their back
He picks Albert usually, because he’s easier to get on, but will pick Finch without too much fuss if Albert is busy
They get back home at dusk, doing homework by the light of the sun (or a candle once the sun had set)
Once finished with homework, they bathe, and get into bed
Has to repeatedly be told that there are certain things he can’t say certain places
He can’t speak what little Yiddish he knows in public, for fear of retaliation by the masses
He can’t say anything about the strike or the union, had to stop going to meetings and rallies because he would just talk and talk and talk to people, and would unknowingly jeopardize the entire operation
He can’t tell anyone about when he sees Davey and Jack huddled together on the fire escape, looking a little too close to be just friends
Looks up to Jack, and Jack does his best to be the role model he needed growing up. He doesn’t want Les selling papes, doesn’t want Les to be near their side of town (it’s dangerous, even with the newsies having his back), much less actually being a newsie and hawking.
“Davey said if I don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. So I’m not gonna say anything to you :) “ -Les
Alternatively: “Davey said if I don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. But Davey ain’t here and you’re a little BI-” -Les, right before Jack remembers that he prefers life
Is the bicon everyone wants Jack Kelly to be
Is a pastel boyo
Everyone expects him to be a neon guy, to complete the trifecta (Davey having an e-boy aesthetic is everything to me. Sarah is 10000% pastel princess (and def has an alt edge to it) but he’s def stolen at least 3 of Sarah’s sweaters, and tried on 4 of her skirts (has told no one) because he likes how flowy they are
Can and will fall asleep anywhere and everywhere
Is an absolute god at Clue(do). Davey and Katherine get so frustrated on game night because Les can look at the people around him, make one suggestion to get an idea of what everyone thinks, watch cards exchange hands, and make his final guess the next round.
He wins every single time
He’s terrifying when it comes to April Fools Day.
Like to the point that he isn’t allowed to pull pranks anymore
Not because anyone gets hurt
But because everyone else gets butthurt that they can’t outdo Les’s absolute EXTRAVAGANZA
Gets a lot of his self worth from others. He looks to the others for approval after he says or does anything, because if they don’t approve or think he’s doing a good job then how can he possibly think he’s doing a good job?
Says beep instead of excuse me
Trusts everyone
That being said, if someone wrecks that trust it’s next to impossible to earn it back
He can and will hold a grudge for ages
His longest streak has been six months
And it was because Sarah brought him regular taffy instead of salted taffy
He didn’t trust her to bring him candy until one day she showed up with several bags of saltwater taffy
Loves listening to the others talk about the things they like, and is really good at retaining that information
He has a vague idea of what he’s supposed to do as a good Jewish boy, but doesn’t always remember specifics
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A full, entire list of headcanons for a day with:
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1. ☼ waking up with him ☼6am-8am
i don’t know about y’all, but i like to headcanon that todoroki’s morning face is absolutely adorable 🥺
he doesn’t wake up like mr. perfect whenever you see him, but since it’s so early in the morning, his cheeks are just- so- squishyyyy
he looks like a fricken baby with the softest expressions ever
he stares at you and grins, still lying down and stretching his arms out
todoroki doesn’t look at his phone first thing in the morning, or even go to wash his face once he wakes up
the very first thing he does when he wakes up is to gently wrap his arms around your still body, as he kisses your scalp and holds you in the quiet of the morning
he likes to stare at your face, so calm and just so… at peace
he caresses his hand on your cheek before kissing your nose 🥺🥺
he wakes you up in such a gentle way that it’s just not even funny omfg-
i like to imagine that he opens up the curtains for gentle light first, and opens up the window for a cool wave of air
he takes your hand, “good morning, princess.”
“‘morning, my prince, but can we have like,, five more minutes-”
“i already know five minutes is the same thing as ten minutes for you. we should get up while we can.”
“alright, fine, but good morning to you too,”
his hair is ruffled in this ADORABLE WAY that makes my heART SIMPLY COMBUST
for breakfast, i LiKE tO tHiNK tHaT hE TakEs BaCon AnD sLapS iT oN hiMsELf-
i’m only like,, half-kidding, but uGH PLEASE GIVE HIM SOME SOBA AND LET HIM DO THE REST
man’s got everything handled, don’t worry ‘bout it 😌😌
for morning training, it starts as early as 7 in the morning
it’s nothing too intense, more of just him doing yoga
he literally looks like a fricken stick trying to bend and he’s just so awkward and flustured like ????
or either, man’s is SLAYING IT and hitting that tree pose, absolutely nailing the downward dog and killing it with the cobra
you laugh at him as he smiles, and expect him to do the,, lil,, lingering touches if y’all know what i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you had to buy multiple yoga mats because he ended up singeing them all on accident when he got flustered
and yes, his left side sets on fire when he’s flustered, and that is just the softest thing
2. ☏ [2/5] going to online school with him ☏ 8am-12pm, 2pm-4pm
todoroki makes sure that you focus, which is kinda a problem if you’re like me
…and you just don’t focus-
dw though, because if you ever zone out, man’s will be sure to be prepared because he can and will force you into getting focused again
he promises you a kith whenever you finish a class 🥺🥺❤️
“i love you, but i really don’t want to do this today.”
(honestly, i would like to headcanon that you probably do online school with rolling chairs, so you’re probably gonna be spinning whenever you get bored)
“and i love you, but here we are, my love. the day will be over before you know it,” he brings out the softest smile ever before cupping your face and pecking your nose
since todoroki has online class as well, he sits next to you to be able to hold your hand off-camera beCAUSE YAS
if you two ever get caught, his left side literally lights tf up
you thought man’s would be cool and collected the whole time, but NOPE HE’S JUST AS FLUSTURED AS YOU BABY
but you put it aside and say you were just petting your cat
todoroki also most definitely has some sort of fancy candle or a spray or whatever that he uses to stay focused
once or twice, he’ll most definitely spray way too much, so in one instance you had to go outside
in the backyard
and do your homework there as the wind blew all of your printed papers away
but anyways-
todoroki is on the top of his game to make sure that yOU STAY HYDRATED
he smiles at you whenever he sees that you’re stuck, and the way his eyebrows furrow in such a cute way just fricken asdfghjklkmnbvcxzaqwertyujhgcwjvhhviu
if you ever get burnt out, he plants a kiss on your forehead and holds you until you have to go to your next class, and gets you a wet towel to just feel better and *sparkles* fresher
oh and FIGHT ME, he most definitely opens up the doors and uses natural light rather than turning the lights on
if you ever feel frustrated or just feel too overhwhelmed, he takes your hand and asks you to breathe with him before pulling you into a hug
he would be such a good companion for online school, please keep him 🥺
3. ♨ lunch + study sessions with todoroki ♨ 12-1pm
hear me out, todoroki literally makes the best soba in the world
expect him to use his quirk and make it colder bc no one wants warm soba
especially todoroki 😠😠❤️❤️
while you’re taking a nap or you’re trying to catch up on your homework, man’s is making absolute magic in the kitchen
when he calls you into the kitchen to eat, everything is set in such an aesthetically pleasing way
“todo, you made this?”
he’ll grin and say quietly, “no, my love. someone attacked and came in and made this and left through the window.”
he’s such a dork sometimes we love that
you also take a lot of photos before you eat, and the way your eyes light up fills him with so much happiness
“how does it taste?”
“you’re making me sound like i’m on master chef or something, one second, i’m still taking the photo!”
but when you do eat it, every time, even when you might not like it– you compliment him
and he literally acts like a child in that time and i think that’s ADORABLE
as for the study sessions, he makes sure that you actually focus instead of wasting the hour you guys have together
and even if you don’t want to, he drags your butt from where you were procrastinating
“it’s out of love.”
“out of love? babe i was having such a nice nap, are you kidding me?”
todoroki just grins as he opens up the windows for ventilation to study
i like to headcanon that he honestly probably listens to classical music when he studies
he despises jazz
i should literally make a list of headcanons for class 1a and their music taste-
he sends you little texts whenever he sees you get bored and go on your phone
4. ☼ ☽ [4/5] showers with todoroki + cuddling ☾☼5-8pm
you had a long day at work, and you were just getting things ready and preparing to go to bed
tired and exhausted, your body trudged towards into the bath for a much needed shower
you rubbed your eyes, drained and exhausted as your eyes locked with todoroki’s
…wait, todoroki’s?
“ah! i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to, just-”
he peeks his head through the shower door, “no, i don’t mind it. care to join me?”
“i- wha?”
but come on, how could you reject something like this? you stepped into the shower before goin’ like “JEEZ WHY’S IT SO COLD????”
todoroki just stares at you, insanely confused, “…what do you mean?”
“you should at least raise the temperature a little, if that’s okay with you?”
being honest, todoroki genuinely forgot that cold showers weren’t a universal thing– it was only then that he realized, since the tea kettle incident, he’d almost by-default take cold showers
but he’d honestly do anything for you, so he raises the temperature as he holds you, his skin soft and the shower finally beginning to steam up a bit
todoroki uses the best shampoo smell in the entire world
just imagine the best scent in the entire world, but at first, you could only find a hint of it, and you thought that what you could smell was all you had
but then WABAM, one day an entire jackpot just shows up with everything
that’s what it feels like showering with todoroki
honestly, the man’s there whenever you need him
definitely loves to play with your hair in the shower, his hands are somehow so soft as he kisses your scalp
but shoto tries his best not to take too many peeks, and if he does he apologizes lmao
OH OH and he most definitely uses your lotion on one instance, so this one time when you saw him come out of the shower you’re just like,, “is that,, my lotion?”
he just stares and nods. “yeah.”
you laugh as you cup his face in your hands, “it smells good, i like it. but keep in mind i have to pay for that-”
he probably says it’s fine and uses endeavor’s credit card
even when you’re in the shower though and he sees your body for the first time, he flushes like crazy
what is this feeling??
he might see your stretch marks, he might see your scars, your acne, whatever it is you’re insecure about, but he gingerly and just so carefully kisses them all
“you’re… beautiful.”
for cuddling, he probably does the same thing– he holds your hand, and if he notices your scars, he kisses them and pulls you in closer to his chest
please kiss his scar btw, he might be kind of sensitive about it, but it definitely makes him feel less insecure about it
he might be honestly going on his phone and looking through the news, or he might be looking at cooking videos ngl-
*cough cough soba*
he caresses your cheek, expect him to not know how to act at first
but then he decides to try making the first move and spoons you
you make him so insanely happy
5. dating todoroki would include…
hate to break it to y’all’s, but man’s takes an eternity to ask you out
he probably went to the bakusquad for love advice
the poor bby is so confused, and at first, he’s convinced he has a disease
“i think… i’m allergic to y/n.”
(he’s still with the bakusquad,) “what do you mean?” denki honestly be tapping his pencil as he stares at todoroki
“whenever i go near them– i end up feeling weird, i suppose. i get nervous. i don’t know why though. i feel oddly giddy when i talk to them. should i get it checked out?”
at this point, mina and denki’s efforts to hide in laughs are in vain
when they actually burst out, they end up laughing so hard that they get tears in their eyes
todoroki is so confused, “???????”
sero def joins in with the drama, “i-” he stops to snort, “todoroki, have you ever heard of a crush?”
todoroki stands, dumbfounded for a solid minute before his ENTIRE left side just starts toasting
“i… i do like y/n. i like y/n. i like y/n. i like y/n.”
POOR BABY GOES CRAZY and repeats that statement for a solid minute yet again
he’s very confused and flustered at the same time
todoroki honestly tries asking the entire class what to do for his date, and everyone is saying something completely different:
“a movie theatre, kero.”
“an at-home dinner, maybe? you can save money-”
“study dates are very important.”
“✨ take her to the disco ✨“
“go to the amusement park!”
“maybe you two can just have a walk around town?”
“go to a strip clu-”
at the end of the day, todoroki’s left more confused than he ever was before, so he just decides to go for it all on his own
after a few more hours of contemplating his date and life choices, he decides how to ask you and where to take you
once he musters the courage, he asks you to meet him after class
you’re lowkey confused, but definitely giddy to be able to meet your crush again
at first, todoroki had this entire speech planned, but the moment he saw you, he stopped and forgot all of his words
“uh, do you want to eat food?”
took a while for you to realize what he was implying, and the way he was flushing and looking at the floor was just so soft and you nodded–
“you mean– go on a date?”
todoroki, still very much hiding his face, nods
“haha, i’d love to! where should we go?”
it takes him a while to compose himself again as he stares at you,
“would the ice skating rink be okay?”
so that day, that’s just what you did :DD
at first, todoroki’s kind of scared to hold your hand in case he ends up getting too caught up in himself
but eventually, you let him know that you don’t really mind as you head over to the rink
Elsa Todoroki for 2021™
man’s is a NATURAL
he be gliding everywhere, and you can see him for a split second, smiling as he skates around so fricken gracefully and i think that’s adorable
todoroki laughs into your ear as he pulls you in to help you balance
you two were skating normally, until you were suprised in the back of the rink as you fell over
“are you okay?”
“yeah, i’m good, don’t worry about it-!”
he pulls you up, his hands firm against yours
for a split second, you make eye contact for a few seconds too long
he finds himself lost in them, as he tightens the grip on your hands, your body still leaning against his arms as if you were in mid-salsa dance
he gazes into your eyes, before thinking: “this is the person. this is the person that i want to spend my whole life, an entire life with– they’re so strong, caring, kind… and there’s so much more to them than i thought.”
…before pressing his lips onto yours, and suddenly, everything stops
your mind is empty and blank, when you realize:
shoto todoroki is kissing you
and you were kissing him back.
you almost forget that breathing is a thing before you realize that you were nearly out of breath as todoroki pulled away before kissing you again, his hands cupping your face as you pulled closer against his chest
when you finish, you see that parts of his jacket were smoking after the kiss
literally smoking
“that was… that was… wow.”
todoroki laughs, “wow was right, a word i’d use.”
you’re about to talk again, when you hear screaming and cheering in the background
“LET’S!! GO!! Y/N!! AND!! TODO!! ROKI!!”
and yas– the entire bakusquad, willingly or unwillingly followed you there
even if it was a lot, todoroki’s happier than ever as he kisses you again
and all you could say?
that day the best day of your life.
thank you for making it this far, love!! this will be a continued series with bakugo + izuku coming up next, stay tuned :) to join my taglist for the next few characters, click here ^^ 
taglist: @cherry-cake-pies​, @xuxisushi-1​
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samthemarvelfan · 5 years
Goodbyes: Chapter Eight
Summary: Ella Monroe is the Avengers newest recruit, handpicked by Steve Rogers himself. Indebted to him for reasons unknown, Cap pairs her up with Bucky Barnes. He is tasked with training her to relearn and hone the skills that have long since rusted. Bucky is cold and distant, and Ella can’t seem to break through the wall he’s built up for decades. He sees something in her though, and it scares him to death. Has the fate of these two strangers been sealed? …or will they always be longing…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC, feat Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark
Warnings: ANGST, Bucky is a dick, mutual pining, self sabotage, slow burn, alcohol, flirting, swearing. I think that’s it!  Def not following a specific MCU canon or timeline.
A/N: I legit can’t believe the love from you all! Gosh my lil heart might burst! Please stick with me after this chapter and please don’t hate me! Patience is a virtue after all. Thank you for every comment, like, message and reblog. Love you endlessly. <3
Taglist: @iheartsebastianstan @jjlizz @stuckysbabe @sk493494 @lefoutoir @nickangel13 @marvelismysafezone @lilulo-12 @warmvanillafeels @heartofagamotto @ravenesque @pinknerdpanda (strikethrough means the tag didn’t work! I’m sorry!)  (strikethrough means the tag didn’t work! I’m sorry! Tags are OPEN!)
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Three fucking weeks.
At this point, you were almost positive you were losing your mind.
Everyone was still in Romania, and you hadn’t had any actual contact with the team. Sam occasionally gave you the smallest of updates, usual in the form of a message that said “we’re alive.”
Gotta love that detail.
Wanda had checked on you too, making sure you were eating, as you had a tendency to forget to when you were stressed.
What drove you mad more than anything was that you hadn’t heard from Bucky. Was it really all in your head? The two of you connecting finally, and then he just vanished without a word?
Sure, maybe you were being irrational and needy. He was working; risking his life for the greater good after all. That doesn’t make it hurt any less, though.
“Miss Monroe, you’re receiving a call.” FRIDAY’s voice announced.
You jumped off the couch and ran to comm beacon in the middle of the table.
“Hello?” You ask, hopeful.
“Hey, Punchline! Miss me?” Sam’s humorous tone asked.
You couldn’t even speak, the only sound escaping your lips was an almost sob of relief.
You hear Steve chuckle in the background. “I’ll take that as a yes, meet us on the roof in 5?”
“You bet.” You reply quickly.
You pull your gray, half-zip hoodie over your head as you jog to the elevator. “Flight deck.” You announce as you enter.
The doors close and you hear and feel the rumble of the Quinjet docking. “Finally.” You whisper to yourself.
You get to the roof and see the bay doors opening as the ramp drops. Steve is the first one out, followed swiftly by Sam.
“You guys look the shit.” You jest, running at Steve with open arms.
He wraps you in the tightest hug, “Missed you too, Ella.” He laughs.
“How ‘bout me?” Sam asks. You turn to him with a smile, and he embraced you too.
“Is everyone alright? Did you...did you guys...is it done?” You couldn’t really formulate a thought, your mind still wondering how the hell they survived.
Steve nodded. “Every ounce of data we could extract, we did. That base wasn’t even close to inactive. In fact, it was the hub for HYDRA’s new order.”
Your mouth dropped, “What?”
Sam spoke, “Don’t worry, there’s a debriefing tomorrow, we’ll let you know everything we know.”
Your eyes glance behind Steve and Sam. You see Wanda and Vision exit the plane, relieved that they’re okay. You were chewing on your bottom lip, feeling the impatience take hold of you.
Where the hell is he? You thought.
“Hey Ella, listen—“ Sam said, but you tuned him out, hearing more footsteps on the ramp.
There he was, Bucky, safe and—what?
He was holding someone. A woman. Carrying her like a parent does their child after they’ve fallen asleep in the car.
She was stunning. Milky skin with gorgeous red locks. You knew who this was without a doubt, recalling her photo from the file you’d read months ago. Natasha, the Black Widow.
She was smiling. He was smiling. A real, genuine, happy look graced his face as he walked towards you all.
“Barnes, you can put me down now.” She laughed.
He shook his head, “Not a chance, Kitten. Can’t have you runnin’ off on me again can we?”
She pushed some hair out of his face, “I’m not going anywhere this time. I found what I was looking for, and I don’t intend on letting it go.” She smirked her perfect lips at him, causing him to blush.
Bucky places her gently on her feet before looking at you. His eyes looked panicked as he took in the expression on your face.
“You must be Ella! Nice to meet you, I’m Nat. Steve’s told me so much about you.” She smiled, pulling you in for a hug.
Why didn’t Bucky tell you about me? You think begrudgingly.
A smile graced your face nonetheless as you return the hug. “Its an honor, you’re a legend.” You say in an attempt to control your tone. It was true, too. Natasha Romanoff was infamous in your line of work.
“Don’t boost her ego, Kid.” Tony says walking by you.
You smiled politely, eager to escape to your room. “Well you guys must be exhausted, I’ll let you—“
“Hell no. I need a drink and I need one now.” Sam said as he walked towards the door leading back inside.
“You think you get to drink alone, Wilson? I don’t believe that’s how this relationship works.” Tony said as he completed his retinal scan by the keypad.
“We’re gonna have a ‘hey look at that, none of us died’ dinner tonight. Pizza, beer, booze, music. 8 o’clock in the lounge.” Tony said disappearing inside.
You turned around to see Bucky whispering in Natasha’s ear, both laughing like giddy fucking schoolgirls.
Are they...does he...is she... you’re brain tried to think, but it couldn’t seem to complete a thought.
You wanted to punch him in that smug face of his. He didn’t even have the balls to say goodbye to you when he left, and now that he’s back he has the audacity to not say two words to you?
“I’m always down for pizza, how ‘bout you Ella?” Steve asked, swinging an arm around your shoulder and leading you back inside.
Bucky eyed Steve with a curious look, but you couldn’t help smiling at your friend, “Is that even a question, Steve? Pizza is a main food group in my opinion, you know that.”
He and Nat were swiftly on you heels. “You sure about that Els? You look exhausted, have you been sleeping?” Bucky asks from behind you.
You stop suddenly and turn on your heel. Is he serious? The first thing he says to you is basically ‘you look like shit’ and ‘please don’t come to this party’.
“Now that you mention it, Sergeant, I haven’t been sleeping. I was worried about my friends. Wondering when and if I’d see them again, I’d hate to leave thing left unsaid,”
You grab Steve’s and Sam’s hand in each of yours and lift them, “But it looks like everyone I care about made it back on one piece.”
You turn back around and head into the elevator with everyone.
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You stood in your room, fuming.
Is this really who you’ve become? This pathetic teenager pining after someone who will never be hers?
It sure seems that way.
Your stomach churns at the image of he and Nat...together.
An excessive groan leaves your lips as you flop on the bed, ready to let yourself wallow.
Your plans, however, are interrupted by a knock on your door. “What?!” You scream.
The door opens slowly, “I thought you’d have missed me?” Wanda says.
You shoot up, and smile like an idiot. “Of course I missed you, Wan. I’m so glad you’re back!” You embrace her.
The two of you had become quite close recently, and it was so nice to have a girl friend around again.
“Then why do I get the feeling I interrupted a wallowing session, hm?” She said slyly.
You raise an eyebrow at her, “Wan...” You scold.
“I know, I know—stay outta your head. But Ella, your thoughts are so loud I can barely hear my own!” She laughed.
You sigh and sit on the edge of your bed, Wanda joining you.
“I’m just mad. I’m mad at myself for acting like a love struck teenager, I’m mad at him for yoyo-ing me all the damn time. I’m just...”
“In love.” She finished your sentence.
You laugh aloud, “Wan, you have to know someone to love them. That big oaf of a man is too damn stubborn to let anyone in! Besides, I don’t think it’s me he wants.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?” She asked.
You stand heading to your closet, looking through clothes to wear for tonight.
“Nothing. Forget I mentioned it.”
Wanda’s footsteps followed you, “I know you say Bucky’s stubborn, but so are you, Ella.” She smiled softly, her nimble fingers landing on a black velvet dress.
“This one.” She says. The long sleeved, deep v dress was your absolute favorite, and also very fancy.
“Isn’t that a bit much?” You ask.
She raised her eyebrows at you. “Uh, have you met Tony? He says ‘pizza and beer’ but he means a gala... with less people.”
“Fine, but I swear to God if you don’t dress up too then I’m coming back here and putting on pajamas.” You hold your pinky out to her.
She hooks it with a smile, “Deal.”
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8 o’clock comes far too fast in your opinion.
You’d spent the last two hours in your bathroom doing your makeup and hair, and you look damn good.
The dress rested a bit below mid-thigh, and fit you perfectly. You make a mental not to thank Wanda later for forcing you into it.
“Breathe, Ella.” You say to yourself as the elevator carries you to the lounge floor.
Your black heels click through the corridor, the sound softening as your ears fill with classic rock from the end of the hall.
You slowly push the wooden door open, and spot everyone mingling. Maria Hill was there, as was Rhodey, and another man you’d never met before.
“Oh shoot! I didn’t know we had a supermodel living with us!” Sam shouts.
You laugh, “Oh shut up, you’ve clearly already been drinking.”
He shook his head, “So what? I still got eyes, don’t I?”
“You look beautiful.” Steve says cutting Sam off, placing a kiss on your cheek.
You blush, “Thank you, Steve. You boys clean up pretty nice too. I don’t think we’ve ever seen each other like this.”
Steve shakes his head, “Not exactly the suit I’m most comfortable in.” He took a sip of what you assume is scotch. “What are you drinkin’, sweetheart?” He asks.
“Honestly? Anything with vodka. Then I’ll have a shot or two.” You say, taking a seat at the high top table next to him.
“Coming right up, Sam why don’t you come with me fore you dig a deeper hole for yourself?”
You hear Sam grumbling as Steve drags him away, and you suddenly feel yourself being watched.
You scan the room, and spot him almost instantly. He’s standing with Nat, her back to you, leaning on the bar.
Bucky’s eyes, though glassy from the booze no doubt, had never been more focused.
His gaze roamed your body from your feet to your face. He licked his lips slowly, before capturing his bottom one in his teeth.
Shaking your head, you look away from him. “Don’t even think about it, buddy.” You mutter to yourself. You glance at him quickly one final time and see Nat waving her hand in front of his face.
Bucky’s trance seems to get broken and he falls back into conversation with her with ease.
“Moscow Mule? I think that’s what the bartender called it.” Steve says approaching you.
A light bulb suddenly goes off in your head.
“Steve? Can I ask for a favor?” You say, squeezing the lime into your drink
He nods, “Anything, what’s on your mind?”
You let out a large breath. “Okay, please don’t think I’m immature but I’ve been thoroughly pissed at your best pal over there,” you gesture with a nod of your head.
“and I’d really like to get him back for all the shit he’s put me through.”
Steve sips his drink again, as Sam places 3 shot of Jameson on the table. “What did you have in mind?”
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Bucky’s breathing stopped the moment he saw her. He didn’t think she could get anymore beautiful.
Turns out he was incredibly, outstandingly wrong.
He felt his heat racing and his blood pumping, drowning out whatever Nat was telling him about her plans for the evening.
Ella’s eyes were everything to him. They bared her soul and showed him her heart at the same time. He’d never been able to see a future for himself, until she fell into his life.
He worried about her constantly. Not being able to see her or talk to her or hear her voice for nearly 3 weeks drove him crazy. Then seeing her in the state she was in, so obviously sleep deprived and stressed. He hated himself for making her worry so much, and it was clear she wasn’t too happy with him when he got back this morning.
“Hello, Earth to Barnes? Did you hear me?” Nat said, waving her hand.
Bucky shook his head, “No sorry, what was that?”
Nat smiled slyly. “Mhm, your girls got you in a tizzy, that’s for sure.” She said, sipping her martini.
Bucky smiled shyly. “She’s not my girl, no matter how much I wish she was.”
Nat slapped his lapel, “So what the fuck are you doing fuck standing here with me?!”
“Ow! Okay, okay! Christ, shouldn’t you be fucking Banner in a utility closet or something?” He laughed stepping away from her.
“All in good time, Barnes. Now go get your girl.” She said spinning away from him.
Bucky’s eyes traveled to where she was standing, but she wasn’t there. Sam was in her spot, downing a shot Bucky was sure he’d regret in the morning.
He maneuvered around the groups of people, searching for her. The soft rock music playing poignantly through the speakers, he sees a few couples dancing.
He scoots around them and spots Steve.
Good for him. He thought happily to himself.
When Steve sways around with his partner, he sees its not a random guest he’s dancing with. Steve is dancing with a beautiful girl, a woman, Bucky’s girl.
Bucky wants to throw up and kick his ass all at once.
But then he sees Ella.
She’s smiling, and comfortable. She’s happy as she rests her head on Steve’s chest, and sways to the rhythm of the song.
The alcohol in his system doesn’t make these feelings any easier to handle. His vibranium fist clenching and unclenching.
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A whirring sound get both Steve and your attention. That’s when you see Bucky standing about 10 feet away from the two of you as he watches dance.
“Hey Buck, wh—“
“Shut the fuck up, Steve.” Bucky slurs.
Your eyes widen at the words he says to his friend. Bucky is visibly shaking, and obviously drunk—probably more so than you, and that’s saying something since Sam kept the shots coming.
“Bucky, stop.” You say before your mind can stop you.
He lets out a sarcastic laugh, “Not fucking him, huh?” He spat in anger as he pushed by you, leaving the lounge all together.
Steve looked to the door, then to you. Your eyes brimming with tears as you swallowed a sob.
He looks at you with a sad smile, and nods his head toward the door. “Go get him.”
Chapter Nine: Seen
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rcris123 · 5 years
It is the Christmas’ Eve! and I happen to be @sadieadler​ ‘s Secret Santa this howdy season for @rdrsecretsanta​!!! I hope you enjoy your gift I had a lot of fun writing this! It’s some John almost drowning whump and big brother Arthur. 
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They all knew why John didn’t swim; happened when he was 12 or 13: bucked off the horse and into a rapid; nearly drowned. Arthur may still be nibbling him for his inability, but that night he let John sleep next to him. Kid was shivering like he’d break apart any minute.
And just ‘bout the same happened now, some 15 years later.
Cougar, sprung from the bushes. They were just crossing the river. Searching for game. Krampus, John’s horse, bucked him off and ran across. He was just a moment too late shooting that cougar, John was swept by the current downstream.
“Don’t yell, Marston! You’ll only drown quicker!”
Arthur jumps right out of the saddle. His knees buckle under him by the force of the rapid.
He swims to John, or at least attempts to, ‘cause the current is insanely strong, feeling as if it does whatever it wants with his body. Muscles are already sore, stinging from strain and cold. It was still winter, dammit.
He catches John’s hand at last, fights to pull him under his arm so that he can try and keep that fool’s head above water. He seems half conscious already.
Reaching the shore was a struggle, and the shores nearest to them were steep and rocky. But he can’t swim with Marston like this to the other side. At least there wasn’t a waterfall yet.
“UP!” He pulls John out of the water first, then himself, his feet still swept away.
“Hey...” John looks at him half lidded, voice thick, soupy. He starts coughing violently.
Arthur pushes himself up so he can offer the other some back support while he coughs up the water. Strong pats between the shoulder-blades follow suit. It becomes violent and he could hear the dryness of that throat as each breath came with a wheeze.
“C’mon, don’t drown just yet-” Pats are gentler. Marston heaves, letting his head fall backwards for air. “That’s it. Breathe deep...”
No reply, not for a long time, just ragged breathing trying to even itself out.
“I... owe you my life.”
“At least 3 times over...”
“C’mon...” John coughs one last time, and falls on his back with a thud. And it’s the first time he gets to see the cliff-face they gotta climb to get outta there. Boadicea somehow found her way just above them, her head propping down to look at them. She was nickering concerned.
“Comin’ right up, girl.”
Arthur pulls himself up; muscles pop as they’re pulled into motion. The groan is mandatory at that point. He extends John a hand; man takes it and stumbles onto his feet, only to then lean heaving on the cliff-face.
“Now you think we can climb that?”
A puff, lips purse in thought.
“We can try to make our way back to the crossing...” Arthur muses, looking for it; it had to be upwards from where they were.
The river sloped gently downwards, not enough to create a waterfall but enough that you couldn’t climb it back up through the water -  he says that like they ain’t just got swept by it... A sigh. There didn’t seem to be any edge they could try and shimmy by or any ledge low enough that they could try and climb back up from.
A scratch of the beard. He whistles for Boadicea and she nickers pitifully as she’s unable to reach down to them. Another purse of lips, followed by another sigh.
John was wheezing there, wet and scared, as if this was it and he was to die here.
“It’s gonna be alright, John.” Arthur leaned in to pat the man’s shoulder. “Maybe I just need to get out of here and try fetchin’ a boat or something.”
John woke from his trance and grabbed the fabric of his shirt. He ain’t wanna be left alone... He gets that... It’ll probably be dark by the time he gets to return and then it’ll be cold and the man’ll end up freezing. That and who knows what other animal decides it’s a good idea to get a bite outta this fool.
He leans on the rock himself:
“Remember that time Person tried to teach you how to swim?”
“You screamed like a dying animal until Dutch got a hold of you, put you on count and took you out for a bit.”
“Can you believe he just rode out with me to preach about how we needed to stick together? I felt like shit.”
“And you returned with a bag full o’candy.”
“Dutch is good at parenting when he wants to!”
“Nah, you just always was a lil’ special, ain’t you, Marston?” Arthur chuckles only to be thrown of balance by a shove.
He keeps laughing, quietly. He’s always been his little brother...
A pat on the back:
“Gonna get us a boat.”
That inhale John took was sharp. “Get here quick, will ya!”
It was quite the feat getting across the rapid as he was, muscles sore and chest heavy from having dragged John out. Boadicea nickered even before he called for her. Legs up and the girl giddies to a gallop and somewhere in the back of his head he’s sure he heard John shriek after him to come back faster. It was going to be night, cold’s gonna come and even now Arthur’s feeling the wind bite through his wet clothes.
He ain’t thought that, being in the Grizzlies, finding a boat was like looking for a needle in a haystack. But he’s gotta get back to John somehow.
He goes as far as Berryville and somehow he gets to find a local with a canoe, but at this point he ain’t even knowing if this was the right river anymore and if it wasn’t how is he going to get that goddamn boat from he to whereever he left John. Luckily he still has a good memory and he remembers that rock-face
Not really how exactly to get back to it, and in the fading light it only got harder.
He somehow harnessed the canoe to drag behind Boadicea and he tried his best to track his steps back.
There was howls in the distance. His poor girl wasn’t fast, anything faster than a steady lope and she stumbled or got dragged behind. And finding a path that ain’t been run over by weeds, stumps, bushes or sharp rocks was a whole ‘nother discussion. He was almost certain he’ll find John frozen or eaten when he finally reaches the clifface.
He hears that hoarse neigh of Krampus; that stallion was most probably the ugliest beast he ever laid eyes on, possibly one of the flightiest too, but that was reason enough to stick with its rider. The moon was high on the sky already, barely shining ‘cause it was barely a waxing crescent. And there sure as shit were wolves nearby. Boadicea was getting nervous.
“C’mon girl, not far now.”
She nickered back.
At last the waterfall.
“HEY! SOMEONE OUT THERE!?” John shouts, panic stained in his voice.
“It’s me!” he hollers back.
He dismounts and tries his best to untie the canoe as quickly as possible:
“How’re you holdin’ up?!”
“Least you ain’t dead yet!” Arthur pushes the boat into the rapid and tries his best to jump in and paddle across without getting swept too far away.
“You think you’re funny?”
He doesn’t reply to that, sweating himself to row. He more or less crashes in the other side, propping himself in the paddle as he turns around to row back. John stiffly gets in after a moment’s hesitation but before Arthur can get to make a snide remark on that.
Muscles pop with each movement, it aches, yet with a heave Arthur pushes the boat out into the water again, and it’s swept away with force. It rocks. John grips the edges of the boat as it threatens to topple over. Movement’s quick; Arthur leans to steady the boat, anchoring the paddle in the riverbed as best he can, forcing the boat to drag along. He can’t look at John, instead arms move from side to side, rowing forward with all he’s got. But there’s little strength left and the canoe’s a man heavier now. Movement’s agonizingly slow and they’re slowly but surely getting turned starboard.
The river narrows downstream.
To John’s panic, felt in the way the boat rattles under their weight, Arthur decides to let the boat turn. The current sweeps them down; he keeps rowing sideways. The water’s carrying them with speed and fury.
Canoe crashes into the shore, the tail swaying downstream still.
He jumps off and lends John a hand; it’s grabbed with both arms as the man stands up, struggling, shaking.
He barely steadies when finally on the other side, clinging to Arthur like a scared animal, wet and cold and barely out of death’s grip. He can’t help patting John’s back rigorously, which brings him back to reality.
“It’s gonna be a’right, John.”
“Y-Yeah...” man huffs out. “I- Thank you, Arthur...” They let go of one another as Arthur calls for the horses. “And... I’m sorry... For all this.”
“I got you...”
“Thank you... Brother.”
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 6 years
Of Farms Fairs & Fame (Part 10)
He found her sitting by herself just on the outskirts of the fair where the music reached only faintly. Not that he expected her to have company. If anything she was probably trying to avoid Mai, Zuko, her father, and anyone else who would want to offer solace. He knew this and he almost felt bad intruding.
He didn’t know how to approach her, not when she was like this. In fact he couldn’t remember the last time he saw her sitting with her knees drawn up to her chest and a somber and withdrawn expression on her face. He noted that her guitar was wedged between her legs and her chest, so that she was practically slumped over it.
He didn’t know how to approach her so he didn’t.
Instead he retreated back onto the fairgrounds, where they were probably beginning to sample the cooking contest entries.
Azula carelessly plucked at the strings of her guitar. She had, had a perfectly good chance and she just went and let it go. A sudden urge to throw the guitar, to smash it until it splintered, overtook her. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the impulse to pass. She curled her fists into the grass and gritted her teeth. She could hear the incessant chirping of crickets interrupted only by the howl of a dog somewhere in town.
The urge didn’t want to pass so she mustered all of her self control and set her guitar down next to her. In that moment she hated herself. She couldn’t remember the last time she had choked up like that. She was almost certain that, that was the first time she had ever done so.
She heard a crunch behind her but she didn’t lift her head. If anyone was there, she’d let them approach her. But no one came to sit next to her. Not for a good long while. She sat there for an hour or so, looking at a glittering web of stars. She didn’t notice when Sokka dropped himself down next her until he said, “what happened up there?”
“I didn’t have a song prepared.”
“But y’all said…”
“I had one but I ain’t want to sing it.” She paused. “It weren’t that important anyways.”
“Ain’t important? It meant everythin’ to ya.”
“It can’t have been that important if I ran off the stage.” She muttered. “If I really wanted to be a singer so bad, I woulda done it… it ain’t that important.”
“Or maybe y’all went ‘n ran ‘cause it were the most important thing ‘n u wanted ta start it right.” Sokka countered.
“Now that ain’t make a whole lotta sense.” Azula rolled her eyes.
“Sure it does. Point is, it’s important to ya.”
It didn’t really matter if it was important to her. Whether it was or wasn’t, wouldn’t change that she had fled her own performance. She hadn’t even given herself a chance. She still couldn’t decide what would have been worse, doing as she had or standing on stage and breaking into tears in front of everyone because she could barely stomach talking about Ursa, much less singing about her. Somehow she thought that running was worse. At least if she went and cried, her voice would have been heard, there would have been power and emotion to the music. But, lord did she had the prospect of vulnerability.
“Hey, ya don’ need ta be sad. I went and got ya somethin’.”
“I ain’t want no more pie, Sokka. And I ain’t want ‘the popped corn’ neither.”
“This is better than food.” Sokka declared. She watched him reach into a little box, wondering how she hadn’t noticed that before.
“Sokka, what’s in there?” She asked upon seeing him pull out something wrapped in a bundle of blankets. Without answering he placed the bundle in her arms. She was about to hand it back when it wiggled. “Sokka…?”
“Unwrap it.”
Having enough hesitation for one night, Azula unfolds the blanket. “You didn’t.”
“I done did!” He replied proudly.
A little pink head peeked up at her. “It ain’t the same one.”
“Sure it is.” Sokka smiled. “You liked ‘im a lot ‘n I figered he might make ya feel better.”
Azula cradled the piglet at her bosom and looked over at Sokka. “How’d you get ‘im?”
“Ma ‘n Kat won. I used some a the prize money.”
“Sokka!” Azula scolded. “Wha’d I tell you ‘bout that?”
“Don’ worry ‘bout it. I tol’ you, we jus’ needed a lil’ extra cash to git the farm goin’ again. We got more then anuff now.” He promised. “So ya better enjoy yer piggy ‘cause he already likes ya.”
Azula rubbed her pointer on his teeny head and smiled. “He’s so small. I ain’t never see a pig so small.”
“Well then yer a good match fer each other. ‘Cause I ain’t never seen someone small as y’all.”
The half-glare, half-pout she shot him made him chuckle. But he didn’t say anything that wasn’t true. She always had been the shortest one in class. “What are ya gonna name ‘im?”
“I can name ‘im Aang, so Zuko can finally catch ‘im.”
“Are they still playin’ that game a tag?”
“I ain’t think they’ll ever stop. Not ‘til Zuko wins. So...they’ll be playin’ fer a good long time.” Azula replied.
A sense of accomplishment befell Sokka because she was joking and smiling again. He could tell that she still wasn’t entirely happy, but she wasn’t so withdrawn either. “How ‘bout ya name ‘im Runt.”
“That’s just ‘bout the most unoriginal thing I ever hear.” Azula rejected. “His name is gonna be Spade.”
“That’s a lil’ sinister don’ ya think?”
“‘Sactly. It’s ironic ‘cause he’s so small.”
Sokka cocked his head.
“It’s okay, you can laugh, it’s funny.”
“Y’all have a weird sense a humor, ‘Zula.”
“‘N you have a weird sense of literally everythin’ else.” Azula shrugged.
“That’s fine with me.” Sokka said. No sooner than the conversation dropped did the sorrow creep back onto Azula’s face. He had to keep her from thinking too much about it. He tried to recall how he consoled her when they were just kids.
Azula held Spade at eye level, watching him kick his teeny legs as though he’d be going somewhere. Watching the display, she could almost pretend like it was just a regular night. That TyLee wasn’t in the hospital and she still had time to prepare a song.  She lowered Spade back into her lap and wrapped him up in the blankets. She didn’t speak again until he was nestled in her lap and sleeping. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“Sure I did.” Sokka insisted, setting a hand between her shoulder blades. “Y’all helped my mom ‘n I so much. I just wanna do somethin’ nice fer ya.”
She was quiet for another heartbeat. “Jus’ you bein’ here is plenty anuff.” The way she’d spoken it left her wondering about the weight of her own words. Her belly fluttered, just what had she admitted? She sighed to herself, she was overthinking again. Of course him being there was enough, he was her closest friend.
But then he leaned in and wrapped his arms around he. Again, she found herself getting jittery. And for what? It wasn’t like he hadn’t done anything like that before. He’d hugged her a ton of times during their playdates. Hell, he’d kissed her in days when spreading cooties was a fear sweeping the third grade.
It was innocent.
But this time his embrace lingered.
Or maybe she was imagining it.  
She had to be, because he pulled away, just like normal.
“Promise me that yer gonna keep writin’ songs.”
“Of course, I’m gonna keep writin’.”
“‘N singin’ ‘em?”
“‘N singin’ ‘em.” Azula confirmed. She couldn’t stop herself even if she tried.
“Good, ‘cause it ain’t like y’all ta give up so quick.”
This whole fair business. It was embarrassing and it did hefty damage to her ego. But like hell she’d give up. Sokka was right, it wasn’t in her blood to do so. A break, however wouldn’t be so bad. She had come to conclude that she simply couldn’t force a good song onto the paper. No, she’d let the lyrics come to her.
“Thanks for all a this?” Azula stated softly.
He leaned in again and Azula opened her arms for another hug. And he followed through. He followed through, but with an addition. It took her a surprised but giddy look from Sokka for her to realize that it was she who kissed him. Albeit, the kiss was on his forehead, but it was a kiss.
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Varmints -5- [END]
“They ask me, Doc, what in tarnation was this all ‘bout? And what was I suppos’ta say? Nothing, that’s what. Ain’t no point in explainin’ to a dire bear that y’aint really intrudin’ in his territory, jus’ strollin’ by, no biggie. That’s how you turn your noggin’ into dire bear fodder."
“So what’d you tell ‘em then?”
Doc Norton’s eyes, thrice their size through the magnifying lenses in front of them, looked up from the mistletoe and the hands methodically plucking its leaves. They met the inquisitive gaze of Beth and lingered there for good while, apparently more interested in counting the myriad, occasionally bioluminescent scales dotting the young lass’ face like freckles, rather than giving her any manner of answer.
“Troll shamans.” The words tumbled out of his ‘stache like the laconic payoff to a grand train heist.
“No way!” The girl’s visage alighted like a starlit tapestry, bright blue light pouring forth from the millimeter-sized flakes sprinkled all across a pale gray mask of bewildered dissatisfaction. The sturdy wooden table creaked under the weight of her chin and arms sprawling suddenly dropping on its levigated surface, the noise melding almost seamlessly into Beth’s prolonged whine. Doc Norton felt for the poor kid - irritation, mostly. Her tiny fingers had latched onto the corners of his vision, pointy claw-like nails digging into the table right besides his own busy hands and the precious plant. Not quite close enough to disturb his work, at least; shame he couldn’t have said the same of the small pair of boots digging their tips into his shins in a series of lazy, and yet entirely too precise kicks.
“But you always say it was troll shamans, unca!”
“And it always works. Now stop kickin’ me ‘fore I go ahead and make salves out of that tail of yours, missy.”
She stopped, about three particularly more violent kicks later. The quiet sound of leaves being plucked was the sole one heard within the atelier for a dozen merciful seconds, at the ends of which Beth, her glowy pout held by her hands, decided that she’d had enough. The dull thump of her tail against the legs of her stool said as much; Doc Norton’s attempt to feign deafness fell flatter than the dish where he was collecting the mistletoe’s remains.
“‘Kay. You still ain’t told me what these ‘varmints’ are s’pposed to be.”
“And I reckon there ain’t a reason why I should.”
“There ain’t a reason why you shouldn’t, though!”
With a sharp snap, the mistletoe was left a mere tangle of naked stems, the last of its leaves dropped into the glass dish besides it. Doc Norton stared at the veiny pathways that the plant seemed to paint on the support panel where it had been laid, admiring the intricacy of their design, but mostly the fact that they couldn’t bother him about his reticence.
He set the magnifying glasses down, massaged his forehead and then his moustache. When he reopened his tired eyes, Beth was still where he’d left her, waiting for her childish curiosity to be thoroughly sated.
Narrowing his eyes, no, his entire face right down to the last follicle protruding from his upper lip did absolutely nothing to dim the bright determination of those young eyes, or the far more literal one painting her skin, for that matter.
It was troublesome, especially because Beth was right: none of the reason he had to keep quiet with ignorant, trigger-happy daredevils truly applied to this smart(ass) of a kid.
“A’right, a’right, fine. Guess y’aint completely wrong on that.”
The curve of Beth’s lips flipped upside down before she’d even started bouncing on her seat, triumphantly throwing her arms up and some locks of the humongous golden mass that was her hair along with them.
“Right, chill down a bit, you nag of a lizard.” grumbled Doc Norton as he sat up, and for all the cranky vibes dripping from his every word, a minuscule speck of something resembling anticipation seemed to seep through. It was the reluctant excitement that came with prying open the seal on a self-imposed taboo, the guilty pleasure of indulgence with nothing but regret at the end of the path it paved. The pharmacist resented the lightness with which he moved about his little realm of beaks, ampoules, vials and metal vats. Nostalgia coursed through him with a jolt that left behind bitter disgust and something akin to warmth, when he finally found what he was seeking; he retraced his steps with half a mind to do the same with his words and substitute them with a single nevermind. The sight of Beth’s dangling legs kicking a jolly rhythm into empty air, while her throat silently hummed its non-existent tune through lips sealed into a giddy smile, convinced him to do otherwise. He plopped back into his chair, setting down on the table the miniature model of the world that he’d plucked from one among the many shelves in his atelier.
“The thing about this crazy ol’ world of ours, y’ see, is that we do things differently, depending on which Layer one’s from. We think different. We live different. And, of course, we fight different. That’s how it be, when your planet’s a fractured mess of continents floating about atop and below one other.”
Beth nodded diligently, her eyes fixated on the pharmacist’s hand which, like a dragon oil salesman, danced about in front of the product he was expounding about, or at least its minute representation: two distinct sets of flat, curved shapes representing the land masses, floating into two distinct spherical orbits, two layers, with one containing the other. Or float the originals did anyway; the ones on the model were stuck like skewered wererat meat on rods that protruded from a compact mass at the very center of it all, metal bits and pieces chaotically assembled together into ball that constituted the core of this broken planet’s pale specter.
“Now, lass, show me you ain’t been loitering around for nothin’. What’re the three basic principles of pharmacy?”
Beth straightened on her seat, from the top of her head right down to the floppy end of her tail, so eager to answer she might have fallen from her seat, not at all helped by the considerable height between the soles of her boots and the floor smeared with numberless splotches of evaporated concoctions.
“Creation, tranf… traaan…” she began, trapped in a struggle with her forked tongue’s inability to deal with such a ridiculous combination of sounds. “Trannnngh! Transformation! And destruction. Them’s the three of ‘em, right?”
“Aye, looks like you got a good head on your shoulders. Pity ‘bout what’s inside it… guess you won’t be winnin’ the spelling bee anytime soon.”
Doc Norton almost regretted it when his knees started aching from the aftereffects of Offended Lizardite Hybrid Kicking Syndrome.
“Anyway. Creation, transformation…” He made sure to take his time pronouncing the word, letting each phoneme filter through his ‘stache with maximum accuracy and ludicrous amounts of mockery for an adult talking to the little girl shining angry hues of dark blue at him with her face.
“...And destruction. When you get down to it, that’s all pharmacy’s about.”
“But unca,” interrupted Beth, only slightly less miffed thanks to a sudden burst of curiosity, “don’t you always say that pharmacy is about knowin’ the world and how it works?”
“Aye, you smart lil’ lizard. That’s ‘cause the three principles are what the world’s built on. Take us folks here, in the Middle Layer.” He wriggled a finger into the large gap between two of the surface continents to poke at another beneath, shaped like the top view of a hat that had been stomped on repeatedly and with purpose. “No matter what the sheriffs and constables will want you thinkin’, it’s the wand that sets the law here. It be through the wands that money exchanges hands - the big money, mind you, not pocket change. Folks steal, pillage, buy and sell… shamans bring the dead up. Rich bastard dies, a poor sap inherits his fortune, only to get killed on the way back to his stable. That night, a merry band of wandmen are havin’ a jolly good time at the local waterin’ hole with their freshly stolen goods. Somebody trips into the wrong table, wands come out, chaos. One of the guys gets thrown off a window and runs away with his part, decides he’s had with this mess of a life, settles down, starts an activity, it’s successful, grows old on a neat little pile of savings… the cycle repeats, or maybe not, it don’t matter, ‘cause there’s a hundred other cycles like that going on around a continent or the other of this Layer of ours. Here, we’re all about transformation. Hell, even the dead ain’t let be here. Something’s always bound to begin right as another’s ended.”
“And that’s what makes it fun?”
“It’s what makes it a big damn mess, lass. Still, we got it good here, all things considered. Them sorry bastards on the Lower Layer, now...”
Doc Norton turned the model until he found a seam to stick his finger through and touch the sphere of collected metal standing in the middle, right atop the pedestal’s rod running through it.
“They got no time to spare for shenanigans like ours, not when they be sittin’ right atop the Core and making a livelihood out of it. The Lower Layer, y’see, is where creation happens. It is an ever growin’ sprawl, a parasite of steel and nickel and titanium. A machine that keeps on breakin’ on itself, one that you can’t just go and open to see what’s wrong, no, ‘cause by that time the technology’s grown obsolete, blueprints have evolved, techniques refined. On the corpses of empty, busted engines the size of a whole town they build a new, bigger, more efficient pumpin’ station that sends magma like blood through the veins of this beast that don’t know anymore what its true shape’s like. They got no time to look backwards in the Lower Layer, only forward. They’re runnin’ away, no more, no less. The moment they’ll stop creatin’, is when their world’ll collapse beneath them and catch up.”
“That sounds sad…”
“They don’t got time to be sad. They’re too busy hammerin’, breathin’ smoke like we do oxygen and orderin’ their golems around to care.”
That sounded even sadder to Beth. Doc Norton let her silently mull over the harsh conditions of Lower Layer dwellers - then, the half-lizardite raised her small hand to poke one of the smoothly-edged continents sitting at the top of the world’s ethereal structure.
“Then, unca, the Upper Layer’d be...”
“Destruction.” anticipated Doc Norton, and for all the effort he put into concealing it, Beth couldn’t miss the harsh flavor that he’d given this single word, nor the way he was looking at the Upper Layer’s reproduction. Like a wandman would have the corpse of a duel’s fresh victim.
“Is it bad up there?”
“That why you left?”
Beth and Doc Norton waited, not for one other but for themselves to find something suitable to say. The girl’s childish imagination nor the doctor’s wealth of knowledge couldn’t quite find anything of the sort, and so they simply let their eyes linger on the vision of this tiny little world’s attempt to represent their own.
As time passed, however, something odd happened: the size of Beth’s cheeks began to increase exponentially, accompanied by the unmistakable phenomenon known as pouting that all lasses were so thoroughly proficient at. An explosion wasn’t probable as much as a given inevitability, and it hit Doc Norton’s reverie with all the force of a major caliber fire spell.
“Nevermind that, unca! How’s about you tell me what this has to do with those varmint thingies already?”
The pharmacist nodded once, than again, more firmly, as he recollected his thoughts, smoothing them out like he was doing with a corner of his ‘stache.
“I was gettin’ to that, impatient lass. Y’see, varmints are these eensy teensy little clumps of concentrated bastardry, the kind of disruptive nonsense that them Upper Layer screwballs spend their time comin’ up with.”
“Okay, but what are they, unca?”
“Larvae. Sorta. They be smaller, not really alive per se, and lotsa more troublesome, since they feed on gold.”
“They… eat gold?”
“Aye, them little shits love themselves a fat shiny luncheon. And there’s gold aplenty up above, though the stuff they make with it… nothin’ on any other Layer compares. Complicated golden spellwork printed under the surfaces of machines the size of a mountain, phlogiston runnin’ through them like blood to power golden cannons which shoot aether able to pulverize a continent’s whole surface… books inked with gold, able to store knowledge in the language of patterns and release it directly into the reader’s mind… if phlogiston is the lifeblood of the Upper Layer, gold’s what lets it flow where it’s needed. You rid a city of that and you’ll have won yourself a war in no time.”
An awed woah was all which Beth could muster while holding onto her tail in an attempt to keep it from destroying her seat from all the excited swaying it felt like indulging into.
“Varmints are some of the foulest stuff made up there, no doubt. Just rain a bunch over a sea of corpses - and there ain’t ever a shortage of those, in the Upper layer - and soon you’ll have gotten yourself an army of livin’ anti-civilization bombs.”
“That sounds ugly… and evil..”
Doc Norton couldn’t have found better words to describe the Upper Layer and its idiosyncrasies.
“How’d they get on the Middle Layer, unca?”
“Good question. Guess someone made a miscalculation with wind trajectories, timin’, whatever and rained their death cargo at the wrong time. Could be that the stuff got shot off the edges of a continent before it could be properly deployed, too. The cause don’t matter to us Middle Layer folks, anyway, and the effect’s been cared and dealt with.”
“That’s true…”
Beth hopped off her stool, skipping a few paces away where a sizeable tub was sitting on the floor, and peeked over its contents. A distorted reflection arched its eyebrow back at her.
“...Though you got them varmints right here.”
“I sure do.”
“Didn’t you tell them folks at the farm that you’d like, get rid of them?”
“And that I did.”
“But you didn’t… uhm, eliminate completely with that concoction of yours?”
“And waste a perfectly good batch of useable varmints? I ain’t spittin’ on a free batch of gifts from our cretinous neighbors, silly lizard. The acid I made only served to dissolve the corpses I had them wandslingers toss into. It got no effect on varmints, resilient sons of squirmy bitches.”
Beth grimaced slightly at the pungent odor coming off from the clear liquid, at the bottom of which clumps of slimy, translucent filaments of worm-like substance swam into each other, or perhaps simply drifted, moved by the currents spread from the surface. Then, a thought occurred to her which gave her an incentive to look away from the tub and shove her clawed hands on the part of her dress’ long skirt where he hips were. Doc Norton was too busy twirling his moustache and looking at some portion of the world model to notice the tiny slits through which the half-lizard was looking at him.
“Say, unca… was spittin’ into the acid also a key component?”
“Nah. I just told ‘em for what us smart pharmacist call the ‘shit’ and the ‘giggles’.”
The surface of the liquid inside the tub rippled with the vibrations of an exasperated - and, towards the end, admittedly amused uncaaa…!
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justvibesbro · 7 years
A Captain & Her 1st Mate~
A/N: This fic is a spur-of-the-moment fic I felt like doing, so if you follow my other set of fics on my blogs, then note THAT THIS DOES NOT IN ANY MEANS RELATE TO THEM.  It’s just me being a trashy Huma shipper. <3
Word Count: 5,572.
Warnings: Angst. (Grab some Tissues.) /Slight Swearing./ Harry x Uma/ 
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Uma stepped out the doors of her fishy school, Serpent Prep. As she walked out, her face was greeted with the usual dreary look of the isle. The very same depressing hate-filled look she’d see everyday. Uma sighed in frustration as she took in the very scene. She, along with tons of others, got tired of seeing this 24/7. She was tired of being imprisoned at this hunk of rock, along with every other villain. This is what kept her going, the determination to somehow leave. That very determination was all she had left on the isle to keep her sanity tame.
Uma stood at the stump of her school watching some of her fellow villainous classmates flee. Each one of them either fighting, screaming, laughing manically, or crying. It was the same ole’ same ole’ for her eyes, though. Every second a new kid would run out doing one of the actions and Uma would watch them. All of them except a certain one that Uma didn’t see coming. As she was facing forward, she felt an individual bump into her from behind. Uma reacted quickly thinking the individual was trying to start a fight. She swiftly turned around and clenched her fists ready to fire a punch. Until she had saw that the person had been no one else but her first mate, Harry Hook who was polishing his fake hook.
“Ugh, Harry watch where you’re going!” Uma sighed dropping her fists.
“Aye, calm down, Uma, I was jus’ polishin’ me hook, no need to throw any hands.” Harry smirked.
Uma rolled her eyes and walked off leaving Harry at the stump. Harry cocked an eyebrow.
“ ‘old on!” Harry shouted walking towards to Uma. “What’s the ‘urry, huh? Ye usually stay to walk with me.”
Uma rolled her eyes again. “The big hurry? The big hurry is to get off this damn place, Harry, that’s the big hurry!” Uma sassed.
Harry grinned slightly. “Uma we will get outta this place soon, just give ‘er time.”
“Harry, I gave it all that valuable time I could possibly give! I’ve spent seventeen years growing up here hoping for a revelation! And all I got was nothing.” Uma frowned.
“Look, Uma, I know ye feel that way, I’ve feel that way, tons of us feel that way. Though, ye have to realize that our time will come, we will get outta this place and reign o’er bore-adon. In the meantime, ‘owever, it would be best that while we remain ‘ere, I say we rule it. Like ye said, yer the Queen of this town, correct?” Harry smirked.
Uma couldn’t help but smirk back at his spiel. He was right and she knew he was. Uma was truly thankful to have such a clever first mate on her crew to have her back and encourage her, even though she wouldn’t admit it. 
“You’re right,” Uma said grinning. “Our time is coming, and my reign will shine over all those bore-adon snobs! And I will take both the titles of Queen of the isle and bore-adon!”
“And..I s’ppose, I can take both titles of king, ye?” Harry smirked.
Uma giggled. “Hm, I’ll think about it,” she said pinching his cheek in a joking manner. 
The two left chuckling away and walking down the wretched streets of the isle away from the school. The chatted all throughout their walk until they reached a building towering over them. A giant sign read, “Ursula’s Fish and Chips.” Uma let out a sigh as she approached the building not wanting to start her shift. Harry patted Uma on her shoulder and gave her a grin to encourage her. Uma reciprocated the grin by giving one of her own and entered the building.
After clocking in, Uma tied her apron around her waist and went to work as a waitress. As she stepped out of her kitchen to serve the customers she only took notice to Harry sitting down at a table alone eyeing her. Uma smirked and walked towards him.
“Could ya quit looking me down, Hook? I’m not an item on the menu,” Uma chuckled.
“Hm, could’ve fooled me.” Harry joked.
Uma rolled her eyes and giggled. “So, what would you like to order, huh?” Uma asked raising her notepad and pen.
“Eh, I’m not feelin’ all that famished, could I jus’ have the waitress instead?” Harry flirted.
Uma laughed rather loudly at Harry’s flirt and Harry did as well. The two always loved to jab at each other subtle little flirts like that to kind of “spice” up their friendship sort to speak. However, despite being so flirtatious, the two never had any other relationship besides being just really good friends. That of which was rather odd since the two were so close. Both Harry and Uma were still laughing until an old pirate took notice of the laughter.
“Hey! Would you two love-birds quit your smooth-talk and hurry up with that order?! I’m starving over here!” The pirate shouted.
Harry’s quick temper took a toll on him and he rose up in a millisecond ready to claw the old pirate’s eye out for shouting at the both of them, most importantly Uma. Uma saw him rise and she immediately put a hand on his arm to calm him down. Harry saw the arm and he slowly sat back down still glaring hard at the pirate. 
“I’m on my way, hold on!” Uma angrily replied. “And don’t take no tone like that with me, I’m the co-owner of this place and I could just throw you out of here right now if I see fit, you don’t run nothing!”
Harry smiled like a dork at Uma’s sass. Uma turned back to face him.
“I’ll be back soon, gotta serve these idiots right quick.” Uma sighed.
Harry nodded still smiling hard as he watched her walk away. Moments passed as Uma kept taking orders and giving them. And Harry kept watching her do so as if she were some sort of goddess. A slight moment passed as the doors of the restaurant swung open revealing Gil and a female in his arms. The female was Sophie, the intern of the powerful sorcerer Yen Sid who stayed on the isle as a professor, and Gil’s newfound girlfriend. She was clothed in a red sorcerer’s robe and glasses. Her arm was wrapped around Gil’s waist and Gil’s was wrapped around her shoulders.
“Sorry, I came by so late, guys, I had to pick up Sophie.” Gil said.
“Yeah, and I was still finishing up some work for the sorcerer.” Sophie replied.
“Yeah, yeah, we don’t care ‘bout what ye two were doin’ “ Harry frowned.
Both Gil and Sophie scowled at Harry and sat down next to him at his table. Uma saw both of them and started heading towards the table with her notepad and pen.
“So, what would it be?” Uma sighed.
“Ooh, how about we order those delicious clams again, sound good babe?” Sophie asked. Gil nodded in response.
“Two orders of clam for me my clam” Gil requested smirking at Sophie.
Uma and Harry both groaned over those two. They were both happy Gil found some love on the rather love-less isle, though they could care less about the public affections the two shown. As Uma took the order Sophie took notice to Uma’s necklace, or rather, Uma’s mother’s necklace.
“Oh! You found Ursula’s necklace, huh?” Sophie asked.
“Yeah, it still works like a charm too.” Uma said toying with it.
“Heh, hopefully not too well, don’t want another sea disaster occurring again like it did when your mother had it.” Sophie joked trying to lighten the mood.
Uma just stood there and stared at her, not finding her joke funny what so ever. An awkward moment of silence passed and Sophie’s head started to sweat.
“U-Um, Uma? You know if you don’t mind could you just put those clams to go? I gotta hurry back to Yen Sid soon anyways.” Sophie asked trying to end the awkwardness.
“Geez, what’s the hurry, babe?” Gil asked.
“Uh, well, Yen Sid’s teaching me magic lessons soon. And if I’m lucky, he’ll give me my very own wand, like his!” Sophie replied.
The word, ‘wand’ struct hard into Uma and Harry’s heads and made their eyes shot open.
“Did ye say..wand?” Harry asked now tuning into the conversation.
“Um, yeah..why you ask..?” Sophie replied.
“Oh, no reason..” Harry said smirking at Uma who was smirking back at him.
Sophie looked at both of their faces in confusion and so did Gil. Uma went back into the kitchen to get Sophie’s order together. A moment passed and she came out a box in hand full of clams. After payment, Sophie left. Once the coast was clear, Harry shot up with a giddy grin etched on his face.
“Oh, Uma, do ye know what this means?!” Harry asked joyfully.
“Oh yes I do, who knew it would be this easy?” Uma replied.
“Who knew what would be easy..?” Gil asked.
Uma and Harry turned to him and each gave a slight smile.
“Who knew our escape would be this easy, lad.” Harry replied.
“Oh! We’re gonna escape? How?” Gil asked again.
“Through Yen Sid, of course.” Uma said, “With his magic we’ll rip a hole in the barrier and make our escape!”
Gil’s happy expression soon died down at Uma’s words.
“Oh..” he said, “do we have to do it that way, though?”
The other two frowned at Gil’s words.
“Yes we have to! Why do ye care?” Harry questioned.
“It’s just..Sophie and I started dating just recently, and..I really like her, if she sees me using her boss as an escape route, wouldn’t that be..wrong?” Gil asked.
The other two paused.
“No it wouldn’t, because if yer ‘lil girlfriend was just as smart as she lets on on, she’d know how the struggle o’ being a villain kid on the isle!” Harry said.
Gil still looked sad at thought of it, though.
Uma sighed. “Look, Gil, I know you love her and all, and you’re worried she’ll dump you if she were to find out, but, what if she didn’t?”
“…Didn’t what?” Gil questioned cocking an eyebrow.
“What if she didn’t find out, genius..” Uma frowned.
“Oh. Oh! Oh, yeah what if she didn’t find out?” Gil said a smile growing on his face at the thought.
Both Harry and Uma face palmed each other at how dimwitted their crew member could be sometimes.
“Look, mateys, all we need to do, is get passed both Sophie and Yen Sid and snatch that wand, then freedom shall be ours!” Harry shouted and both him and Uma cheered both hand in hand.
Gil didn’t however because another thought dawned on him.
“Wait, guys..” Gil started.
The cheering between other two stopped as they looked at Gil sighing heavily waiting for another dumb thing to come out of his mouth.
“If we’re gonna get passed both Sophie and Yen Sid..how exactly are we gonna get passed both Sophie and Yen Sid..?” Gil finished.
The other two paused as their eyes widen. The words that came out of Gil’s mouth weren’t dumb in the slightest, in fact it was the very opposite. How were they gonna accomplish this task? Harry groaned and laid his head down upon the table in frustration. Uma sat back and tried her hardest to brainstorm an idea. Nothing came to mind. She soon did the same as Harry and laid her head down in frustration. As she did, a clank of her necklace sounded as she went down. She gazed down at it and an idea shot in her head.
“I’ve got it!” Uma sprung up, “This! This necklace will help us, boys!”
Harry chuckled sitting up. “Sorry, Uma, but I don’t think a teensy pretty necklace would solve anything,” he said.
Uma grinned at him, “that’s where you’re wrong Harry, this little trinket helped my mother hypnotize Prince Eric, and won him over to her. All she had to do was sing a hypnotic song to have him in her grasp, and we all know I see pretty well, right?”
“Yup!” Gil replied.
“Like an angel,” Harry added.
“If I sing to Yen Sid, I could hypnotize him to simply hand the wand over!” Uma said.
“Okay, but what about Sophie?” Harry questioned.
“Hmm, aha! Gil you’re gonna pretend to take her on a date to distract her!” Uma ordered.
Gil sighed again, “ugh, do I have to? This just doesn’t seem right to have this whole, ‘fake love’ thing going on.”
Uma frowned. “Yeah? Well it also doesn’t seem right for us villain kids to be left imprisoned on this stupid island, while those snobs live a life of lavish and luxury, also! Life ain’t fair, Gil!” Uma shouted.
Gil sighed and nodded agreeing to the both the plan and Uma’s point.
“After I finish these last round of orders, our time will come, boys, we ride with the tide!” Uma decreed.
Harry cheered loudly at Uma’s decree. Gil just sat down still thinking about the plan. Time passed and Uma served her last customer. Harry and Gil remained seated at their table as Uma served the final order. After the last customer left, Uma closed the restaurant and gave a devious look at her crew members still seated.
“It’s time~” Uma sung in a cheery voice.
Harry chuckled and grinned hard at his captain. Gil continued to sit straight faced.
“Okay, like we planned earlier, Gil you go after Sophie, I go after Yen.” Uma ordered.
“Aye, but what do I do?” Harry asked still grinning.
“I guess you come with me,” Uma replied.
“Oh, captain, my captain, ye don’t need to make up an excuse fer me to join ye~” Harry winked.
Both of them giggled, and the three headed out the door to Yen Sid’s tower. Minutes passed, and they finally approached the tall tower. To their fortune, the three saw Sophie walking by.
“Ah, perfect,” Uma said, “Gil, you know what to do.”
Gil took a heavy sigh and walked towards Sophie.
“Uh, hey, Sophie..” Gil muttered.
“Oh! Hey, Gil!” Sophie smiled, “What brings you here?”
“I-I, wanted to take you on a d-date.” Gil replied.
Sophie paused, “Oh, okay then?” Sophie said giggling.
The two walked off hand in hand and Harry and Uma gave each other a grin and ran in the tower while Sophie was distracted. The interior of the tower was very dim and was only lit up by the candles that hung on the walls. One of the candles lit up what appeared to be a staircase. At the very top of the staircase, an elderly voice was heard humming. Smirks etched themselves on both Harry and Uma’s face and the two slowly crept up stairs. After what felt like hours of walking, they finally found the entrance of the sorcerer’s room. They took a slight peek and saw Yen Sid with his back turned.
“Ooh, ye know, how ‘bout I hook him instead? He surely won’t see it comin’.” Harry offered raising his sharp hook.
“No, Harry, let’s stick to this plan. Though if it fails, then be my guest.” Uma replied giving a sinister grin. She then placed a hand on her necklace. The necklace started to glow at her touch. Uma then started to sing a little tune. Harry watched as the melodic tune left Uma’s mouth. Despite not being the target of being hypnotized, Harry couldn’t help but be in a trance.    His mischievous smile faded and turned into an agape mouth that was in awe as he watched his captain do her work. With every octave, Harry slowly felt something.  Something he never thought he would feel. He was in love. Sure he made flirts and what not at her, but it was just innocent joking around. Now, however, it was for real, he was in love, and he couldn’t be more happier.
A golden magical wisp left Uma’s necklace and traveled to Yen Sid’s cranium. The wisp went into his ears and Yen stopped what he was doing and turned around eyes clouded in yellow. He was hypnotized, the task was done. Uma stopped her singing, and Harry got out of his trance. Uma got up and slowly walked to Yen. Yen’s face was straight and his eyes lit up yellow as Uma approached.
“Give me..your wand.” Uma commanded.
Yen slowly nodded and crept to a case on his bookshelf. He took a key and unlocked it revealing a glistening wand. Yen took the wand and walked towards Uma. Uma put our her hand and took the wand. Uma’s face lit up immediately. This was it. She won. She turned to Harry who was smiling just as hard as her.  Harry ran towards Uma and wrapped his arms around giving her a big bear hug.
“We did it, Harry, let’s do finish this once and for all!” she said walking towards a balcony that went outside of the tower.
Uma raised the wand and pointed it towards the barrier.
“Break it!” Uma shouted at the wand.
Silence. Nothing but silence occurred after. Uma and Harry grew confused at the wand’s incompetence. 
“Are ye kiddin’ me?! It doesn’t work?!” Harry asked approaching Uma.
“I have no idea! Ugh, this can’t happening! Not right now, please!” Uma shouted tears slowly accumulating in her eyes.
Harry took notice to the tears and walked slowly to her wrapping her arm around her shoulders to provide a little comfort.
“S-S-Spell..” Yen Sid started.
Uma and Harry turned to look at him.
“What?” Uma questioned.
“S-S-Spell..b-book..” Yen Sid finished pointed at thick book on his shelf.
“That’s it! We need a spell in order to work it!” Harry announced.
Harry then ran to the shelf grabbing the book and ran back to Uma. After a moment of page turning, Harry found a helpful page.
“Look! Look! This page ‘as a spell written by the old geezer specifically made for ripping the barrier! He must use it for when he makes to Bore-adon and back!” Harry exclaimed.
“Give it! Give it!” Uma asked with a grin.
Harry nodded and handed the book to her. Uma tried to figure out what the words read but it being night time at the time, it was obscured in the darkness. Harry saw Uma struggling and went in to help her.
“Wait, ‘ere bring it into the glow.” Harry said whispering in Uma’s ears as he was behind her. His hand grabbing hers that was gripping the book raising it towards the glow of the necklace; his other hand gripping around her waist and his head resting on her shoulder. Harry rested this position intending to just be helpful to Uma, though, he rather enjoyed it.  And Uma kind of enjoyed it too, she always enjoyed his company and help even if she wouldn’t admit it.
Uma gazed down at the words that were now illuminated.
Uma spoke, “Rise and live or die within, to this saying it shall begin. Set it free and make it fall, break this cursed barrier wall.”
The wand shook in her hands. Seconds later a giant beam of energy shot out and struck on the barrier. The barrier then started to tremble causing a slight earthquake all around. Eventually, the barrier slowly shattered revealing open waters straight to Auradon. Uma and Harry cheered loudly and Harry scooped Uma up and gave her a giant victory bear hug out of happiness. They won. It was their time.
Meanwhile with Gil and Sophie:
“So, where are you taking me, huh?” Sophie asked hand in her boyfriend’s.
“Uh, I-I don’t know.” Gil replied.
Sophie giggled, “wow, seriously, Gil?”
“U-Uh, hey! We could..go for a long walk around the isle!” Gil suggested.
“Hmm, fine, I see no harm in it.” Sophie replied.
The two walked around still hand in hand chatting nonstop for a little while. Eventually, the walk grew boring as they had no real destination for their supposed, “date.”
“So, um, no offence, but can I go back to the tower?” Sophie sighed.
“W-Why? You not enjoying our date?” Gil asked.
“Oh no, I am, but..I need to catch up on my magic studies if I’m gonna get my wand by the end of the night.” Sophie replied. She then started to head back to the tower.
Gil’s eyes shot open and he ran and grabbed her arm.
“Hold on! Hold on! No need to rush, heheh..” Gil said trying to stall for time.
“Um, okay? I guess I won’t rush back, then..?” Sophie replied confused, “Gil are you okay?”
Gil nodded as sweat droplets appeared on his forehead. “You just need to not be headed to the tower, now.”
“Why?” Sophie asked crossing her arms.
“It’s just..it’s just..um, I-I love you so much I don’t you want to me just yet..!” Gil lied.
Sophie’s eyes went wide and a smile grew on her face.
“Aww, okay then, cutie I won’t leave you just yet,” she said walking back to him.
Gil sighed in relief and put his hand back in hers and they both continued their walk. Their walk was cut short when a sound echoed across the isle. It was a sound of heavy impact.
“What the heck?” Sophie said covering her ears.
GIl knew what that sound meant and instead of turning his head to Sophie he looked at the tower. He saw what appeared to be two silhouettes on a balcony, one holding a flashing wand. He grinned at the sight.
“They did it.” he grinned.
“Who did what?” Sophie asked looking at Gil.
Sophie then looked in the direction of Gil and saw the tower. She squinted in her glasses and saw the two pirates standing on sorcerer’s balcony. Her mouth dropped at the sight of both Uma and Harry. She then turned to Gil who was still staring at the both of them grinning.
“You set me up!” she shouted at Gil, “This was all just a stupid set up!”
Gil stopped grinning, “I-I, don’t know what mean!” he answered lying to himself.
Tears grew in Sophie’s eyes and she ran off towards the tower. “Yeah, whatever! We’re done!”
Gil’s heart sunk and the same amount of tears fell out of his eyes as Sophie’s. He couldn’t try to defend himself, because she was right. He deliberately had set her up. All he could do was walk off after her to the tower and claim his soon to be victory, that of which. didn’t involve his love.
Meanwhile with Harry and Uma:
Harry and Uma continued to celebrate cheering and shouting not knowing that they attracting Sophie back. The two finally finished their celebrating and started to walk out. Harry placed the book back and Uma gripped the wand in her hands.
“Sayonara, you old geezer.” Uma said patting Yen’s back as she walked out with Harry.
The two almost were almost down the stairs until they were cut off by an exhausted Sophie.
“Stop..right..there..!” Sophie said panting hard between her words from her long run. Gil entered behind her.
“Too little too late, I’m afraid.” Uma grinned. “The wand is ours now, and your little boss or whatever, is under my control now.”
Sophie grew more angry one part from Gil’s betrayal and Uma hypnotizing her master. Sophie became furious and lunged at Uma reaching for the wand. Uma slightly screamed at the action and got tackled by Sophie her back down on the floor. Sophie latched on the wand and both girls tugged at hard at it. The wand soon escaped their grasps and flew onto the ground. Uma rose up quickly and started to run after it. Sophie did then same and stuck her foot out tripping Uma. Uma fell hard face forward to the ground. Unfortunately to her expense, shattering her necklace on impact. Uma saw this and became both angry and sad at the image. Harry quickly ran in to assist his captain, raising her up by her arm and dusted off the shattered pieces off her chest. Uma wanted to thank him, but her anger took a toll on him and she ran again after the wand, only to find that Sophie had it in her hands.
“Stop right there!” Sophie said aiming the wand at Uma’s head.
Uma panted hard, “Give me..that wand..” she said her voice cracking.
Sophie shook her head grinning. Harry then became angry at Sophie’s smug look to his captain and he slightly growled while gazing at Sophie. Uma heard the growl and turned to Harry. She saw the look on his face and grinned.
“Go..ahead..” Uma said granting him to do his work.
Harry ran straight for Sophie, hook in hand ready to swing. His hook swung hard almost hitting Sophie’s face, until something blocked it.
“NO!” Gil shouted holding Harry’s arm.
“What are ye doin’?!” Harry replied.
“Saving her!” Gil replied back, “I betrayed her and I need to make up for it.”
Sophie slightly grinned at Gil’s words.
“C’mon guys, just face facts we failed. I rather fail and stay here with her, than go over there and be lonely.” GIl added.
Harry and Uma frowned at his words. Sophie’s smile grew and she ran up and gave Gil a kiss wrapping her arms around his neck. Harry groaned at them both and rolled his eyes. Uma looked at Sophie’s tangled arms and saw one was still holding the wand, rather loosely as well. She then went right back for the kill and ran to the wand grabbing it straight from Sophie’s hands.
“Ahahaha! I’ll take this!” Uma said, “C’mon Harry, we’re outta here!”
The two ran out and approached the exit of the tower only to find it swing fast and close. Harry and Uma pulled at the door hoping for it to open, sadly, it did not.
“Why? Why? Why?!” Uma shouted. 
She then pointed the wand at the door. “Open, now,” she commanded.
“It shall not open for a miserable soul such as yourself..” a voice said coming up from the top of the tower.
“Cometh to me!” Yen Sid commanded, and the wand leaped from Uma’s hand to his.
“H-How?! How is he back to normal?!” Harry asked panicking.
Uma looked down at her chest. “ The necklace, it’s broken, and so is the spell..” she said her voice sounding soft and scared.
Yen Sid then grabbed his spell book and started to recite a spell to fix up the barrier. As the spell’s words left his mouth, Uma’s eye became more and more teary. Yen Sid finally finished his spell and unlocked the door.
“Leave at once and do not return!” Yen Sid commanded pushing them both out with his magic.
Harry sighed, “Well..that ‘appened, ‘uh?” Harry asked looking at Uma.
Uma didn’t reply, she didn’t want to reply. She had failed. She was a once again prisoner. All Uma did was get up and ran. She ran long and fast and didn’t look back tears falling out of her eyes like waterfalls. Little did she know Harry was right behind her the whole time. Eventually Uma’s legs got tired. She stopped running by an alley and just sat in the darkness to not be seen knees up to her face and face in her hands bawling out over her failure.
Harry heard the cries and found her sitting in the darkness. He sat down next to her and draped his arm around her shoulders. Her head fell on his shoulders still damp from her tears. Moments passed as Uma kept crying eventually she spoke.
“I lost..I lost, Harry.” Uma said red eye’d from her tears.
Harry sighed. “No, no ye didn’t.”
“Harry! Give it a rest! I lost, we lost. We failed..” Uma pouted.
“Well, it’s like they say, ye win some, ye lose some..” Harry replied.
“Well I’m tired of losing some,” Uma raised her voice getting up. “We deserve our victory! We deserve to get off of this wretched place, do we not!?”
Harry remained silent, deep in thought.
“Well?! Do we not, Harry?!” Uma repeated.
“We..don’t.” Harry finally spoke, making Uma cock an eyebrow.
“What do ya mean, we don’t?” Uma shouted.
Harry turned and saw the fury in Uma’s eyes, and sighed as he got up and walked out of the darkness of the alley into the moon’s dim light. “What I mean is, we literally sabotaged a happy relationship for our own selfish desires.”
Uma raised both of her brows and furrowed them back. “You mean Gil? Who cares about his little relationship? I wanted off of this isle and his little relationship was not gonna stand in my way! I’m the captain and I call the shots, don’t I?”
“Ye do, but ‘urting one of yer crew members was not the way! A real captain wouldn’t do that! A real captain would’ve tried to make a plan to work ‘round Gil’s relationship! A real captain would’ve actually applied sense in ‘er actions! Ye did none o’ that a while ago!” Harry exclaimed.
Uma looked at him for a good moment. Her head started to slowly nod in agreement to Harry. “You’re right..” Uma spoke tears forming once again. “Ugh! Damn it! I am just terrible at everything I do!”
“Oh, don’t say that, now..” Harry said slowly approaching his captain.
“Oh, but it’s the truth, I always try to act like I’m the boss and that I run everything here. How could I even call myself the Queen of this town when..all I’ve been was just the jester? I don’t deserve that title.” Uma pouted.
“Oh, but ye are a Queen. Yer a Queen to me.” Harry said gently wiping away her tears with hook.
Uma giggled, “Harry, stop,” she said grabbing his hook.
“Stop what? It’s the truth. Uma I always stood by yer side through thick and thin, even as a young lad. I always felt happy ‘round ye, I always felt happy in yer company.” Harry said in a soft sincere tone, hook still lightly stroking Uma’s cheek.
“What..What are you trying to say..?” Uma squinted slightly blushing.
Harry paused in a slight hesitation. “I guess, I’m just sayin’ that..” He paused again staring into Uma’s curious brown eyes. “I love you, Uma.”
Uma stood silent, her face stayed the same curious look. Silence lasted for a moment or two, before Harry sighed to himself. Harry’s not usually the one to feel embarrassed over anything, he always had confidence in every action he took. This however, was different. He had just admitted his feelings to his newfound crush. If Uma were to be disgusted at his confession he wouldn’t know what’d he do. Harry slowly took his hook off of Uma’s cheek expecting her to lash out at him. His expectation was wrong, very wrong. After he removed his hook he felt a strong grip on his arm from Uma. Harry looked at Uma and opened his mouth ready to speak some words only to find himself being cut off by Uma’s lips meeting his own.
The kiss only lasted for maybe a second or two before Uma broke it.
“I-I, love you too!” Uma said, her face growing red.
Harry grinned wide at her reciprocated confession but a thought came to his mind. “Wait, why do ye love me back? A moment ago ye were angry at me fer defending Gil and going against yer words..”
“Exactly!” Uma started. “I love that about you! You are never scared to voice your opinion to me regardless of the consequence! I know I never compliment you for it..and that’s my fault! I always felt that to be captain to you boys I couldn’t express those kind of feelings..” Uma said in a soft voice lowering her head.
Harry smirked and raised her head with his hook. “Oh come now, there’s no need fer to conceal that.��
Uma grinned, “Yeah, I see that now.” She then wrapped her arms around his neck and went in for a second kiss. This one lasting much longer and being much more passionate on both fronts. The two stood there locked in lips until a sound interrupted both of them.
“Aww!” Two voices sighed.
The two broke apart and gazed to find the voices. Both Gil and Sophie stood grinning like idiots staring at both of them. Immediately Harry and Uma broke apart and blushed giggling to themselves.
“Oh no, no, no, we already saw it and heard it. You two are sooo in love!” Sophie said crossing her arms.
“Yeah, I guess you two can’t make fun of me and Sophie now since you two are a thing now,” Gil stated. “Wait, you two are a thing now, right..?”
Uma giggled, “Yup, I guess we are, I the Queen of this town, have just kissed myself a King.”
“And yer ‘bout to do it again,” Harry smirked.
“Wait, wha-” Uma’s words got cut off as Harry took charge and went for a third kiss.
Both Gil and Sophie aww’d again at the two and laughed after. It was nice to see the two finally being a couple, and watching the blossoming love shared between a captain and her first mate.
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